不仅要有好声音 主流排气系统品牌介绍
不仅要有好声音主流排气系统品牌介绍2012年11月19日09:20 来源:汽车之家类型:原创编辑:郭枫评论数(9)[汽车之家改装] 排气系统是车友改装爱车时最先接触的几个项目之一,不仅是为提升动力,而且更加动听的声音也可使爱车从“默默无闻”变得“一鸣惊人”,行驶在大街上可谓是“不见其车,先闻其声”。
●品牌:斯洛文尼亚Akrapovic(天蝎排气)官方网站:点击进入国内代理:点击进入说起排气系统品牌,首先就要提到Akrapovic,这个品牌的创始人是斯洛文尼亚摩托车赛车手Igor Akrapovic,他在赛场上打拼的时候,发现市场上很难买到称心如意的高品质排气系统,即使有技术、品质都过硬的产品,其价格也会让人望而却步。
于是,Igor Akrapovic 决定自己打造排气系统,以满足自己的需要。
在1990年,Akrapovic成立了“Skorpion in Scorpion”(意为:天蝎座)公司。
经过测试,川崎车队决定放弃原厂的排气系统而采用Akrapovic 产品,这使得Akrapovic的产品一炮而红。
同年,公司将早期使用的“Skorpion”名称改为与创办人Lgor Akrapovic姓氏相同的“Akrapovic”(在土耳其语中,Akrap意为蝎子),国内的朋友更喜欢将其称为:“天蝎排气”。
1. 更换消音器(排气管):消音器是控制引擎噪音的关键部件。
2. 换挡方式:一种常见的机车声浪操作方法是利用换挡时的气缸阻力来产生更大的引擎声浪。
3. 加速方式:另一种机车声浪操作方法是通过改变加速方式来增加引擎声浪。
4. 引擎调校:对于一些高性能摩托车,可通过调整引擎的点火时间、燃油喷射量等参数,来增加声浪。
5. 不要过度纠结声浪:尽管摩托车声浪可以带来乐趣和刺激,但在使用时也要考虑周围的环境和其他人的感受。
JBL GTO17T 汽车推音器说明书
THANK YOUfor purchasing a JBL ®GTO17T automotive tweeter. We’ve organized this manual to make your installation as simple and trouble-free as possible. Please read it thoroughly before proceeding. Remember to keep your sales receipt and this manual in a safe place so both are available for future reference.GRAND TOURING ®SERIESGTO17Ttweeter owner’s manualINSTALLATION WARNINGS AND TIPSABOUT THESE INSTRUCTIONSInstallation of automotive stereo components can require extensive experience with a variety of mechanical and electrical procedures. Although these instructions explain how to install JBL GTO17T tweeters in a general sense, they do not show the exact installation methods for your particular vehicle. If you feel you do not have the experience, do not attempt the installation yourself – instead, ask your authorized JBL car audio dealer about professional installation options.LOUD MUSIC AND HEARINGPlaying loud music in an automobile canpermanently damage your hearing, as wellas hinder your ability to hear traffic. Themaximum volume levels achievable withJBL speakers, combined with high poweramplification, may exceed safe levels forextended listening. We recommend usinglow volume levels when driving. JBLaccepts no liability for hearing loss, bodilyinjury or property damage as a result of useor misuse of this product.ABOUT THE FILTERPassive filter design involves precisecircuit design and component selection.Moreover, a well-designed filter circuitprovides an intended electrical response,when combined with the electrical proper-ties of the speaker, to provide a particularacoustic response. Each enclosed filter hasbeen optimized to provide a flat responsewhen used with a JBL GTO17T tweeter.Do not use another brand or type ofpassive crossover, or connect more thanone tweeter to a crossover. Doing so maydamage the tweeter.INSTALLATION TIPS•Always wear protective eyewear whenusing any tools.•Turn off all audio components and otherelectrical devices before you start.Disconnect the negative (–) lead fromyour vehicle’s battery.•Keep speakers in their package untilfinal installation. When moving a speaker,always rest it with the cone or domefacing up. Never use force to installany speaker.•Check clearances on both sides of aplanned mounting surface before drillingany holes or installing any screws.Remember that the screws can extendbehind the surface.•At the installation sites, locate and make anote of all fuel lines, hydraulic brake lines,vacuum lines and electrical wiring. Useextreme caution when cutting or drillingin and around these areas.•Before drilling or cutting holes, use autility knife to remove unwanted fabricor vinyl to keep material from snaggingin a drill bit or saw.•For door installations, check theclearance with the windows throughoutthe range of the window’s travel, andverify that a mounted speaker will notinterfere with the window crank orpower-window mechanism.•If mounting speakers elsewhere, checkfor clearance around rear-deck torsionbars, glove box or other structuralelements.•Do not mount speakers where they willget wet.ABOUT PLACEMENTFigures 1 through 3 show possible speakerplacements, with Figure 1 being moredesirable. We recommend using the kickpanel for mounting to obtain the beststaging and imaging in most vehicles.Figure 3.Mounting the woofer in the doorSPEAKER PLACEMENTSURFACE-MOUNTFLUSH-MOUNTFigure 5.Mounting the tweeter using the I-Mount ™(patent no. 5,859,917) flush-mounting kit.Figure 6.Aim the tweeter at the listening position by sliding the screw in the groove on the back of the tweeter cup and lock the tweeter in place using the small retaining screw. Rotate the entire assembly in the mounting surface and tighten the large hand nut.Figures 7A through 7D.The Starfish ™tweeter mount is intended to be used when the tweeter will be installed behind a factory grille (e.g., replacing the factory tweeter behind a door panel). The Starfish will allow you to mount the component tweeter directly to the panel itself or to the area behind the panel. The six mounting tabs can be removed easily to create a number of custom configurations.Note: Check screw clearance before installing. Use glue if clearance is an issue.Note: Not all possible mounting configurations are shown.Figure 7A.Surface-mounted behind grille panel.Figure 7B.Flush-mounted to surface behind grille panel.Figure 7C.Mounted to grille panel.Figure 7D.In-dash location (may require TWEETER INSTALLATIONSECURELY TIGHTEN THE LARGE HAND NUT.3ROTATE ENTIRE ASSEMBLYJBL Consumer Products250 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, NY 11797 USA 516.255.4JBL (4525) (USA only) ©2005 Harman International Industries, Incorporated. All rights reserved.JBL, Harman International and Grand Touring Series are trademarks of Harman International Industries, Incorporated, registered in the United States and/or other countries. I-Mount and Starfish are trademarks of Harman International Industries, Incorporated. Part No. GTO17TOM12/05SPECIFICATIONSGTO17T 1" TweeterPower Handling, RMS 50W*Power Handling, Peak 150W*Sensitivity (2.83V/1m)92dB Frequency Response 2.5kHz – 21kHz Impedance 2 Ohms Mounting Depth 3/4" (19mm)Cutout Diameter 1-7/8" (48mm)*With enclosed filterGENERAL CAREThe loudspeaker grilles may be cleaned with a damp cloth. Do not use any cleaners or solvents on the grilles or the speaker cones.A valid serial number is required for warranty coverage.Features, specifications and appearance are subject to change without notice.This product is designed for mobile applications and is not intended for connections to the mains.。
JBL Power Series自动汽车潜音器所有者手册说明书
POWER SERIES Automotive Subwoofers Owner’s Manual P1020II P1020DThank you for purchasing a new JBL Power Series subwoofer. Subwoofer installation requires woodworking skills and some experience disassembling and reassembling automotive interiors. If you lack the tools or necessary skills, have your subwoofer installed by an authorized JBL dealer. Warning:Playing loud music inan automobile can permanently damage your hearing as well as hinder your ability to hear traffic. We recommend listening at low levels while driving. JBL accepts no liability for hearing loss, bodily injury or property damage resulting from use or misuse of this product.Power Series subwoofers areoptimized to perform best in small,sealed, vented and prefabricatedbandpass enclosures. Whileinfinite-baffle mounting ofPower Series subs is possible,power handling will be greatlycompromised because there’s noenclosed volume of air to preventthe speaker’s cone from movingpast its limit. For this reason, wedo not recommend infinite-bafflemounting for Power Seriessubwoofers.You should choose the enclosureyou will use based on the type ofmusic you listen to, how muchamplifier power you will use for thesubwoofer and how much spaceinside the vehicle you can devoteto a subwoofer enclosure.Because a sealed enclosureprovides the most control over thewoofer’s movement, a woofermounted in a sealed enclosure willhandle more power than a woofermounted in another enclosure type.Sealed enclosures provide moreaccurate sonic reproduction thanother enclosure types, so they arewell suited to all types of music.Sealed-enclosure constructionis straightforward and there aremany prefabricated sealedenclosures available. An optimumsealed enclosure is always smallerthan other types of enclosuresoptimized for a particular speaker,so they require the smallest amountof space inside the vehicle.Vented enclosures provide betterefficiency in the 40Hz–50Hz rangebut this efficiency comes at theexpense of sound in the lowestoctave (below 40Hz) and at theexpense of some control and powerhandling. If you are using a smallamplifier, a vented box will providemore bass output from less power.Vented enclosures are also wellsuited to a variety of music types.Because vented enclosures requirethe volume of the enclosure andthe size of the port to have aspecific relationship with thecharacteristics of the woofer, theenclosure must be built exactly tothe specifications provided. Whilethere are some prefabricatedvented boxes available, matching aprefabricated box to a particularwoofer is difficult. If you wish to usea vented enclosure, we stronglyrecommend having your authorizedJBL dealer build it or verify thatyour design is correct if you wishto build it yourself. An optimumvented enclosure is always largerthan the optimum sealed box forthe same woofer and will requiremore space inside the vehicle.Bandpass enclosures oftenprovide the most output availablefrom any amplifier and subwoofercombination at the expense ofsonic accuracy. If sheer SPL(sound-pressure level) is what youdesire most, choose a bandpassenclosure. Bandpass-enclosuredesign is very tricky and the aidof a computer and enclosuredesign-software is necessary. Ifyou are an experienced installeror have some woodworkingexperience, you may wish to buildthe enclosure described in theenclosure design sheet includedwith this woofer. Fortunately, thereare many prefabricated bandpassboxes available and they are alloptimized to extract the mostoutput possible from any woofer.Bandpass enclosures can be quitelarge and may require a lot of spaceinside your vehicle.02JBL Power Series subwoofers are available in two differentconfigurations: as a single 2-ohm voice coil or as dual 2-ohm voice coils. Depending on the amplifiers you are using, you may use either single-voice coil or dual-voice coil subwoofers in singles or multiples to maximize the power available from your amplifiers. To achieve the maximum amplifier output possible, you should design a speaker system that providesthe lowest impedance thatyour amplifier is rated to drive safely. When designing a subwoofer system, considerthe following rules:1. Don’t mix different subwoofer or enclosure types in the same system (use all single-coil woofers or all dual-coil woofers).2. You may connect the coils of adual-voice coil woofer in series,but we recommend that youavoid connecting separatewoofers in series. Because theamplifier-damping factor (theamplifier’s ability to controlthe motion of the woofer) isexpressed as a ratio of terminalimpedance (the sum of speakerimpedance, wire resistance andthe D.C. resistance of anycrossover coil connected to thewoofer) to amplifier-outputimpedance, connecting separatewoofers in series reduces thedamping factor of the amplifierto a value less than 1. This willresult in poor transient response.3. You must use both coils of adual-voice coil woofer connectedeither in series or in parallel.4. Most amplifiers deliver exactlythe same amount of powerbridged into a 4-ohm loadas they do running a 2-ohmstereo load.To design a subwoofer systemthat maximizes available amplifierpower, keep the following rulesin mind:1. The total system impedance ofwoofers in parallel = 1/(1/w1+1/w2+ 1/w3...), where w is thenominal impedance of thewoofer.2. The total system impedanceof voice coils (or woofers) inseries = w1+ w2+ w3...The diagrams below and at rightshow parallel and series speakerconnections.Figure 1. Parallel connectionFigure 2. Series connection03。
User 's manual使用手册前言感谢使用我公司的无损音乐播放器为了您能尽快熟悉操作本机,我们随机配备了内容详尽的用户手册,从中您可以获取有关产品的介绍、使用方法、系统设置以及安全注意事项等方面的知识。
如果您在产品使用过程中发现什么问题,请及时与我们联系,谢谢您的合作!目录一、使用之前前言 ........................................... . (1)1.产品特点............................ (3)2.附件 ................................... (4)3.产品安全信息 ......................... . (4)4.产品图示及功能 ..................... . (5)二、快捷操作1.开机 ........................................ (8)2.关机 ........................................ (8)3.锁定 ........................................ (8)4.复位....................................... (9)5.暂停......................................... .. (9)6.音乐文件选择 ......................... (9)7.上一曲、快退/下一曲、快进 (10)8.音量调节................................. .. (10)9.返回 ........................................ .... .11三、文件管理与播放1.删除文件................................. .. (11)2.歌曲分类................................. .. (11)3.文件浏览................................. .. (12)4.均衡器..................................... .. (12)5.我的最爱................................. .. (12)6.播放设置................................. .. (13)四、系统设置1.语言 .......................................... ..142.更新歌曲库............................... ..143.背光计时器............................... ..154.定时关机................................... ..155.信息 .......................................... .156.自动升级................................... .157.格式化设备............................... .158.出厂设置.................................... .16五、连接计算机1.与计算机进行连接 .................. (16)2.上传下载文件.......................... (16)3.与计算机断开连接 .................. (17)4.电池与充电.............................. (17)5.故障诊断.................................. (18)6.疑难解答.................................. (19)7.技术规格.................................. (20)第一章使用之前1.产品特点➢新一代高保真数字无损音乐播放器;➢高精密CNC铝合金外壳制造工艺;➢高清晰2.0寸真彩TFT彩屏显示,歌词显示功能;➢专业DSP音频解码IC+进口DAC双解码,有效还原真实场景;➢专业低噪声前级电压放大+后级高精准电流放大耳放,推力震撼;➢圆盘式编码器快速查找曲目功能,方便快捷;➢歌曲智能分类功能,可按专辑、艺术家、风格进行分类查找;➢专辑封面功能,断点记忆功能,能记忆开机音量或自定义音量;➢支持MP3、WMA、WAV、FLAC、APE、ACC、OGG、AIFF、DSD64等音乐格式,音质表现突出;➢支持CUE分轨解码功能;➢均衡器功能,分别有摇滚、流行、柔和、爵士、古典、电子乐多种场景音效;➢多任务操作系统,节能设置,自定义关机时间;➢多种播放模式:单曲重复、全部重复、随机播放;➢我的最爱,加入播放列表功能;➢线路输出功能,输出电平可音量同步、-6DB、0DB可选;➢音乐文件可在本机上删除,按键锁功能;➢可升级实现多种语言,支持本地固件升级;➢内置锂电池2.附件本产品包括以下主机及附件,购买时如有缺少,请与当地经销商联系。
得胜E20Voice Amplifier用户手册说明书
(0dB=1V/Pa, at 1KHz)
Note: The above data are measured by Takstar Laboratory which has the final interpretation right!
Dear Customer, Thank you for purchasing Takstar E20 Voice Amplifier. In order to better understand and use the product, please read this manual carefully. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact our local dealer.
E20 扩音器
适用于教学、导游、培训、促销等场ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ扩音
主机参数 • 频率响应:80Hz-18KHz • 额定功率:5W • 峰值功率:10W • 扬声器阻抗:4Ω • 工作电压:DC 3.5V-4.2V • 电池规格:3.7V/2000mAh • 充电电压:DC 5V/1.5A
E20 扩音器 Voice Amplifier
使用手册 User Manual
E20 扩音器
尊敬的用户: 感谢您选购得胜E20扩音器,为了您能够更好的了解使用本产品,建议您
在使用前仔细阅读本说明书。 若存在有疑问或者您有宝贵的建议,可通过拨打得胜官方服
Whelen SA315P полиция车声音器说明书
Multi-Port Speaker
The SA315P is a compact speaker designed to mount in many locations to deliver powerful traffic clearing capability.
Heavy-Duty Universal “L” Mounting Bracket
Heavy-Duty Universal/Swivel Bail Type Mounting Bracket
Chevy Express Van, 2006-2019
WARNING: This product may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information, visit /regulatory.
51 Winthrop Road Chester, Connecticut 06412-0684 (860) 526-9504 Whelen Engineering reserves the right to upgrade and improve products without notice. © 2019 Whelen Engineering Company, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Code No. 12049U - 11/07/2019
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碰觸 Map view 畫面按鈕即可退出分割檢視畫面。
Sound(聲音)功能表若要存取 Sound功能表,請按 TONE 控制鍵。
可以使用 Sound功能表來調整下列功能:■設定音調■調整喇叭■數位訊號處理(僅適用於 HarmanKardonⓇ 環繞音效系統)針對每種可用的音訊來源(收音機、CD等),可以儲存不同的設定。
設定音調若要調整音調,請使用 Sound 功能表:若要調整低音、高音和中音:■Treble:碰觸高音 (+) 或 (Ⓡ) 以變更等級。
■Middle(中音):碰觸中音 (+)或 (Ⓡ) 以變更等級。
■Bass:碰觸低音 (+) 或 (Ⓡ) 以變更等級。
調整喇叭若要調整喇叭平衡,請使用 Sound功能表:■Balance:碰觸並按住向左箭號按鈕即可增大左側喇叭的聲音,或按住向右箭號按鈕以增大右側喇叭的聲音。
EQ settings(等化)若要檢視 EQ 選項,請按 Sound 功能表中的 EQ settings螢幕按鈕。
收音機61■如果DAB 訊號太微弱,接收器無法接收到,則接收會完全中斷。
在 DAB 設定功能表中啟動 Auto ensemble linking 及/或 Auto linking DAB-FM 便可避免發生這種情形。
■連接 DAB 時,不會發生由附近頻率上的電台所造成的干擾(這是 AM 和 FM 接收的一個典型現象)。
■如果DAB 訊號受到自然障礙物或建築物反射,DAB 的接收品質會改善,而AM 或FM 接收在此類情況則會大大變弱。
■DAB 接收器目前還不支援 DAB+ 電臺的接收。
Wheelock AC 车音号器安装说明说明书
273 Branchport Ave.Long Branch, N.J. 07740 Thank you for using our products.(800) 631-2148INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSHORNSUse this product according to this instruction manual. Please keep this instruction manual for future reference.GENERAL:Wheelock offers a complete line of high performance AC horns. Wheelock's Horns are ideal for General Signaling Applications where high output, low current draw and dependability are of critical concern.All models provide rugged, vandal resistant construction with die cast housing to protect the horn mechanism. A full range of mounting options are provided for indoor and outdoor installations.CAUTIONS and WARNINGSFOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS, CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER APPLICATION, INSTALLATION AND/OR OPERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS.SPECIFICATIONS:Table 1: Ratings Per ULModel NumberRegulated Voltage (VRMS) Voltage Range (VRMS) Maximum RMS Current (AMPS) ReverberantdBAPer UL 464Mounting Options31T-115 120 96-132 0.160 87A,B,C,D,EOF 96-132 VOLTS. DO NOT APPLY 80% AND 110% OF THESE VOLTAGE VALUES FOR SYSTEM OPERATION.SOURCES’ RATED CAPACITY OR THE CURRENT RATINGS OF ANY FUSES ON THE CIRCUITS TO WHICH THESE APPLIANCES ARE WIRED. OVERLOADING POWER SOURCES OR EXCEEDING FUSE RATINGS COULD RESULT IN LOSS OF POWER AND FAILURE TO ALERT OCCUPANTS DURING AN EMERGENCY, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS.When calculating the total currents: Use Table 1 to determine the highest value of “RMS Current” for an individual horn (across the expected operating voltage range of the horn), then multiply these values by the total number of horns; be sure to add the currents for any other appliances, including audible signaling appliances, powered by the same source and include any required safety factors..WIRING DIAGRAM:Figure 1:Figure 2: Typical Wiring+-TO NEXT APPLIANCE OR RESISTOR (EOLR)APPLIANCE,ANEL (F ACP)END OF LINECopyright 2004 Wheelock, Inc. All rights reserved.The following figures show the maximum number of field wires (conductors) that can enter the backbox used with each mounting option. If these limits are exceeded, there may be insufficient space in the backbox to accommodate the field wires and stresses from the wires could damage the product.Although the limits shown for each mounting option comply with the National Electrical Code (NEC), Wheelock recommends use of the largest backbox option shown and the use of approved stranded field wires, whenever possible, to provide additional wiring room for easy installation and minimum stress on the product from wiring.MOUNTING PROCEDURES:I f sheathed multiconductor cable or 3/4" conduit fittings are used, check that installed product has sufficient clearance and wiring room prior to installing backboxes and conduit.1.For weather resistant installation, use outdoor mounting option (see Mounting Option B). Outdoor backbox must bemounted vertically with "TOP" as marked to allow any moisture or condensation to drain properly through drain holes on bottom of backbox.2.Operate only within specified voltage range for rated performance and endurance.3.All horns will operate on "coded systems" up to 3 on-off cycles per second.4.Anechoic dB ratings are for "free field" (anechoic) conditions. Such conditions are approximated in outdoor installations.Indoor installations provide greater dB because of reflected sound energy.5.For terminals with wire clamps, (2) leads #12-#22 American Wire Guage (AWG) wire per position are allowed. Stripleads approximately 3/8" for connection to terminals. Break wire run to provide electrical supervision.6.Select largest backbox shown in Mounting Options where possible, to provide additional wiring room for easy installation.7.Conduit entrance to backboxes should be selected to insure sufficient wiring clearance for installed equipment. Whenextension rings are required, conduit should enter through backbox, not extension ring. Use Steel City #53151/1-1/2" deep or #53171/2-1/8" deep extension rings or equal with same area cut out in back.8. Backboxes for all horns should be securely mounted. Looseness may degrade sound output.If these appliances are operated within 15 inches of a person's ear, they can produce a sound pressure level that exceeds the maximum 120dBA permitted by ADA and OSHA rules. Exposure to such sound levels can result in damage to a person's hearing.Check the installation instructions of the manufacturers of other equipment used in the system for any guidelines or restrictions on wiring and/or locating Notification Appliance Circuits (NAC) and notification appliances. Some system communication circuits and/or audio circuits, for example, may require special precautions to assure electrical noise immunity (e.g. audio crosstalk).ANY MATERIAL EXTRAPOLATED FROM THIS DOCUMENT OR FROM WHEELOCK MANUALS OR OTHER DOCUMENTS DESCRIBING THE PRODUCT FOR USE IN PROMOTIONAL OR ADVERTISING CLAIMS, OR FOR ANY OTHER USE, INCLUDING DESCRIPTION OF THE PRODUCT'S APPLICATION, OPERATION, INSTALLATION AND TESTING IS USED AT THE SOLE RISK OF THE USER AND WHEELOCK WILL NOT HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR SUCH USE.IMPORTANT: READ SEPARATE "GENERAL INFORMATION" SHEET FOR INFORMATION ON THE PLACEMENT, LIMITATIONS, INSTALLATION, FINAL CHECKOUT, AND PERIODIC TESTING OF NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES.Limited WarrantyWheelock products must be used within their published specifications and must be PROPERLY specified, applied, installed, operated, maintained and operationally tested in accordance with these instructions at the time of installation and at least twice a year or more often and in accordance with local, state and federal codes, regulations and laws. Specification, application, installation, operation, maintenance and testing must be performed by qualified personnel for proper operation in accordance with all of the latest National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Underwriters' Laboratories (UL), Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada (ULC), National Electrical Code (NEC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), local, state, county, province, district, federal and other applicable building and fire standards, guidelines, regulations, laws and codes including, but not limited to, all appendices and amendments and the requirements of the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). Wheelock products when properly specified, applied, installed, operated, maintained and operationally tested as provided above are warranted against mechanical and electrical defects for a period of three years from date of manufacture (as determined by date code). Correction of defects by repair or replacement shall be at Wheelock's sole discretion and shall constitute fulfillment of all obligations under this warranty. THE FOREGOING LIMITED WARRANTY SHALL IMMEDIATELY TERMINATE IN THE EVENT ANY PART NOT FURNISHED BY WHEELOCK IS INSTALLED IN THE PRODUCT. THE FOREGOING LIMITED WARRANTY SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDES ANY SOFTWARE REQUIRED FOR THE OPERATION OF OR INCLUDED IN A PRODUCT. WHEELOCK MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY OTHER KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WHETHER AS TO MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER MATTER.USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING WHETHER A PRODUCT IS SUITABLE FOR THE USER'S PURPOSES, OR WHETHER IT WILL ACHIEVE THE USER'S INTENDED RESULTS. THERE IS NO WARRANTY AGAINST DAMAGE RESULTING FROM MISAPPLICATION, IMPROPER SPECIFICATION, ABUSE, ACCIDENT OR OTHER OPERATING CONDITIONS BEYOND WHEELOCK'S CONTROL.SOME WHEELOCK PRODUCTS CONTAIN SOFTWARE. WITH RESPECT TO THOSE PRODUCTS, WHEELOCK DOES NOT WARRANTY THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE OR THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET ANY OTHER STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE, OR THAT THE FUNCTIONS OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET THE USER'S REQUIREMENTS. WHEELOCK SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DELAYS, BREAKDOWNS, INTERRUPTIONS, LOSS, DESTRUCTION, ALTERATION, OR OTHER PROBLEMS IN THE USE OF A PRODUCT ARISING OUT OF OR CAUSED BY THE SOFTWARE.THE LIABILITY OF WHEELOCK ARISING OUT OF THE SUPPLYING OF A PRODUCT, OR ITS USE, WHETHER ON WARRANTIES, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL NOT IN ANY CASE EXCEED THE COST OF CORRECTING DEFECTS AS STATED IN THE LIMITED WARRANTY AND UPON EXPIRATION OF THE WARRANTY PERIOD ALL SUCH LIABILITY SHALL TERMINATE. WHEELOCK IS NOT LIABLE FOR LABOR COSTS INCURRED IN REMOVAL, REINSTALLATION OR REPAIR OF THE PRODUCT BY ANYONE OTHER THAN WHEELOCK OR FOR DAMAGE OF ANY TYPE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF PROFIT OR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. THE FOREGOING SHALL CONSTITUTE THE SOLE REMEDY OF THE PURCHASER AND THE EXCLUSIVE LIABILITY OF WHEELOCK.IN NO CASE WILL WHEELOCK'S LIABILITY EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID FOR A PRODUCT.Limitation of LiabilityWHEELOCK'S LIABILITY ON ANY CLAIM OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE AND BREACH OF WARRANTY, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM, ARISING OUT OF, OR CONNECTED WITH THIS CONTRACT, OR FROM THE MANUFACTURE, SALE, DELIVERY, RESALE, REPAIR OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT COVERED BY THIS ORDER SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE PRICE APPLICABLE TO THE PRODUCT OR PART THEREOF WHICH GIVES RISE TO THE CLAIM. WHEELOCK'S LIABILITY ON ANY CLAIM OF ANY KIND SHALL CEASE IMMEDIATELY UPON THE INSTALLATION IN THE PRODUCT OF ANY PART NOT FURNISHED BY WHEELOCK. IN NO EVENT SHALL WHEELOCK BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM OF ANY KIND UNLESS IT IS PROVEN THAT OUR PRODUCT WAS A DIRECT CAUSE OF SUCH CLAIM. FURTHER, IN NO EVENT, INCLUDING IN THE CASE OF A CLAIM OF NEGLIGENCE, SHALL WHEELOCK BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE PRECEDING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO ALL PURCHASERS.3/04。
Milano 151 15inch内置雙分頻全鈺音塑器使用說明書说明书
感谢您购买 产品!请仔细阅读本手册,它将帮助你妥善设置并运行您的系统,使其发挥卓越的性能。
1. 请先阅读本说明。
2. 保留这些说明以供日后参照。
3. 注意所有警告信息。
4. 遵守各项操作指示。
5. 不要在雨水中或潮湿环境中使用本产品。
6. 不要将产品靠近热源安装,例如暖气管、加热器、火炉或其它能产生热量的装置(包括功放机 )。
7. 不要破坏极性或接地插头的安全性设置。
8. 保护好电源线和信号线,不要在上面踩踏或拧在一起(尤其是插头插座及穿出机体以外的部分 )。
9. 使用厂商规定及符合当地安全标准的附件。
12. 不要让物体或液体落入产品内——它们可能引起火灾或触电。
13. 请注意产品外罩上的相关安全标志。
. 仅与厂商指定或与电器一同售出的推车、架子、三脚架、支架或桌子一起使用。
whelen 警车号声器说明 说明书
Page 1©2011 Whelen Engineering Company Inc.Form No.14507 (061611)A u t o m o t i v e : S i r e n s /S w i t c h e sFor warranty information regarding this product, visit /warrantyDANGER! Sirens produce extremely loud emergency warning tones! Exposure to these tones without proper and adequate hearing protection, could cause ear damage and/or hearing loss! The Occupational Safety & Health Administration () provides information necessary to determine safe exposure times in Occupational Noise Exposure Section 1910.95. Until you have determined the safe exposure times for your specific application,operators and anyone else in the immediate vicinity should be required to wear an approved hearing protection device. Failure to follow this recommendation could cause hearing loss!•Proper installation of this product requires the installer to have a good understanding of automotive electronics, systems and procedures.•Whelen Engineering requires the use of waterproof butt splices and/or connectors if that connector could be exposed to moisture.•Any holes, either created or utilized by this product, should be made both air- and watertight using a sealant recommended by your vehicle manufacturer.•Failure to use specified installation parts and/or hardware will void the product warranty.•If mounting this product requires drilling holes, the installer MUST be sure that no vehicle components or other vital parts could be damaged by the drilling process. Check both sides of the mounting surface before drilling begins. Also de-burr the holes and remove any metal shards or remnants. Install grommets into all wire passage holes.•If this manual states that this product may be mounted with suction cups, magnets, tape or Velcro®, clean the mounting surface with a 50/50 mix of isopropyl alcohol and water and dry thoroughly.•Do not install this product or route any wires in the deployment area of your air bag. Equipment mounted or located in the air bag deployment area will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag, or become a projectile that could cause serious personal injury or death. Refer to your vehicle owner’s manual for the air bag deployment area. The User/Installer assumes full responsibility to determine proper mounting location, based on providing ultimate safety to all passengers inside the vehicle.•For this product to operate at optimum efficiency, a good electrical connection to chassis ground must be made. The recommended procedure requires the product ground wire to be connected directly to the NEGATIVE (-) battery post (this does not include products that use cigar power cords).•If this product uses a remote device for activation or control, make sure that this device is located in an area that allows both the vehicle and the device to be operated safely in any driving condition.•It is recommended that these instructions be stored in a safe place and referred to when performing maintenance and/or reinstallation of this product.•FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE PRODUCT OR VEHICLE AND/OR SERIOUS INJURY TO YOU AND YOUR PASSENGERS!CAUTIONLoud siren noise can cause hearing damage and/or loss.Refer to OSHA Section 1910.95prior to putting ANY siren into service!Wear Protection!ACTIVATION OF THIS SIREN MAY DAMAGE UNPROTECTED EARS!Warnings to InstallersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices must be properly mounted and wired in order to be effective and safe. Read and follow all of Whelen’s written instructions when installing or using this device. Emergency vehicles are often operated under high speed stressful conditions which must be accounted for when installing all emergency warning devices. Controls should be placed within convenient reach of the operator so that they can operate the system without taking their eyes off the roadway. Emergency warning devices can require high electrical voltages and/or currents. Properly protect and use caution around live electrical connections.Grounding or shorting of electrical connections can cause high current arcing, which can cause personal injury and/or vehicle damage, including fire. Many electronic devices used in emergency vehicles can create or be affected by electromagnetic interference. Therefore, after installation of any electronic device it is necessary to test all electronic equipment simultaneously to insure that they operate free of interference from other components within the vehicle. Never power emergency warning equipment from the same circuit or share the same grounding circuit with radio communication equipment. All devices should be mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and securely fastened to vehicle elements of sufficient strength to withstand the forces applied to the device. Driver and/or passenger air bags (SRS) will affect the way equipment should be mounted. This device should be mounted by permanent installation and within the zones specified by the vehicle manufacturer, if any. Any device mounted in the deployment area of an air bag will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag and may damage or dislodge the device. Installer must be sure that this device, its mounting hardware and electrical supply wiring does not interfere with the air bag or the SRS wiring or sensors. Mounting the unit inside the vehicle by a method other than permanent installation is not recommended as unit may become dislodged during swerving; sudden braking or collision. Failure to follow instructions can result in personal injury. Whelen assumes no liability for any loss resulting from the use of this warning device. PROPER INSTALLATION COMBINED WITH OPERATOR TRAINING IN THE PROPER USE OF EMERGENCY WARNING DEVICES IS ESSENTIAL TO INSURE THE SAFETY OF EMERGENCY PERSONNEL AND THE PUBLIC.Warnings to UsersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices are intended to alert other operators and pedestrians to the presence and operation of emergency vehicles and personnel. However, the use of this or any other Whelen emergency warning device does not guarantee that you will have the right-of-way or that other drivers and pedestrians will properly heed an emergency warning signal. Never assume you have the right-of-way. It is your responsibility to proceed safely before entering an intersection, driving against traffic, responding at a high rate of speed, or walking on or around traffic lanes. Emergency vehicle warning devices should be tested on a daily basis to ensure that they operate properly. When in actual use, the operator must ensure that both visual and audible warnings are not blocked by vehicle components (i.e.: open trunks or compartment doors), people, vehicles, or other obstructions. It is the user’s responsibility to understand and obey all laws regarding emergency warning devices. The user should be familiar with all applicable laws and regulations prior to the use of any emergency vehicle warning device. Whelen’s audible warning devices are designed to project sound in a forward direction away from the vehicle occupants. However, because sustained periodic exposure to loud sounds can cause hearing loss, all audible warning devices should be installed and operated in accordance with the standards established by the National Fire Protection Association.Safety FirstThis document provides all the necessary information to allow your Whelen product to be properly and safely installed. Before beginning the installation and/or operation of your new product, the installation technician and operator must read this manual completely. Important information is contained herein that could prevent serious injury or damage.Installation Guide:Howler™ Siren Speaker Bracket2011 Dodge 450051 Winthrop RoadChester, Connecticut 06412-0684Phone: (860) 526-9504Internet: Sales e-mail: autosale@Customer Service e-mail: custserv@®ENGINEERING COMPANY INC.Page 25/16-18X 1-1/4BOLT(QTY 2)STRAP (QTY 2)5/16FLAT WASHER (QTY2)5/16-18ELASTIC STOP NUT (QTY 2)CLAMP MOUNTFig 1ABOTTOM OF SPEAKER5/16-18X 1-3/4BOLT (QTY 1)5/16FLAT WASHER (QTY1)SPACER (QTY 1)5/16-18ELASTIC STOP NUT (QTY 1)STRAP (QTY 2)TOP OF SPEAKERFig 1BCHANNELVENT HOLES MUST FACE BOTTOMSTRAPSlide speaker forward with strap located to rear of channel.Securing the siren speaker to the bracket:Main Bracket:Secure the clamp mount that you secured to the siren speaker in step 1, to the main bracket as shown in figure 2.Support Bracket:Extend the WHITE (positive) and BLACK (negative) speaker wires to your siren amplifier and refer to the amplifiers instructions for connections.IMPORTANT! READ THESE WARNINGS BEFORE CONTINUING!The Howler™ Supplemental Siren was designed for use in high-risk areas such as an intersection. It is not intended to be, nor should be operated as a replacement or alternative to the vehicle’s primary siren.The low-frequency tones of the Howler™ demonstrate significantly different audio characteristics as compared to those of a traditional higher-frequency siren. While the low-frequency tones are better able to penetrate other vehicles, thus alerting drivers to the presence of the responding emergency vehicle, these tones may also penetrate into the responding vehicle itself. This could potentially expose the operator to increased noise levels.To help eliminate overexposure, the Howler™ siren has been designed with a built-in timing circuit. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) () provides information necessary to determine safe exposure times in Noise and Hearing Conservation, Section 1910.95(Occupational Noise Exposure). Until you have determined the safe exposure times for your specific application, this siren should be configured for the minimum operating time and operators should be required to use an approved hearing protection device. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THIS RECOMMENDATION COULD CAUSE HEARING LOSS!。
REMUS【产品系列的介绍】REMUS是欧洲第一位的运动排气生产厂家,旗下有三大著名品牌:REMUS, SEBRING,L&W。
REMUS【产品主分四大类】1)CLASSIC LINE(标准系列)该系列产品对应车型最为全面,系列产品均符合欧盟的噪音法规,排气声浪低沉浑厚。
2)POWERSOUND LINE(调音系列)该系列产品采用了REMUS最新设计的FLAP(控制阀门)设计,手动调节控制阀门可以产生不同的排气声浪效果,同时,该系列首次采用了INTERCHANGABLE(可互换式)尾管设计,客户可以从多达8种以上的不同风格,不同设计的REMUS -POWERSOUND尾管中任意选择1支或多支,随意自行更换,以产生不同的视觉效果。
以欧洲GOLF IV 1.8T为例,标准REMUS排气可以提升3~5马力,而POWERSOUND在阀门全开时对动力的可以提升到惊人的10~12马力。
3)RACING LINE (赛车系列)针对不同的客户需求,REMUS同时提供了RACING LINE系列产品。
该系列产品的最大特点是一改REMUS 低沉浑厚的排气声浪效果。
在低转速时排气声浪较为低沉,但是进入高转速区间时,RACING LINE释放出一种接近于赛车效果的高频声浪,刺激并令人兴奋。
Fortémedia, SAM, ForteVoice, Fortémedia and SAM logos are trademarks of Fortémedia,, Inc.All other trademarks belong to their respective companies.Copyright © 2021 Fortémedia all rights reserved目录1. 简介 (14) (14) (14)1.3引脚配置〔LQFP〕 (15) (16) (19) (20)2. 功能描述 (22) (22)2.2串行EEPROM接口〔引脚15,16〕 (22)2.3 UART接口〔引脚12,13〕 (27)2.4 IIC兼容串行接口-SHI〔引脚23,24〕 (29)2.5数字语音数据接口〔引脚8,9,10,11〕 (31)2.5.1 PCM接口主从 (32)2.5.2 IIS接口 (34)2.6 ADC〔引脚39,40,41,42,43,44〕 (40)2.7 DAC〔引脚 1,3,47,48〕 (41) (42)2.9电STAP选项〔引脚17〕 (44)2.10静音控制和指示〔引脚20,21〕 (44)2.11扬声器音量控制〔引脚25,26〕 (45)2系统时钟输入和产生〔引脚27,28〕 (45)3旁路模式〔引脚14〕 (46)3.通过EEPROM,UART,SHI访问fm1288 (47) (48)通过实例访问EEPROM (49) (50)通过SHI访问 (51) (51)4. 电气和时序标准 (51) (52) (52) (53) (54) (56)5. 语音处理器性能细节 (59)6. 引脚定义细节 (60)7. 封装尺寸〔LQFP〕 (62)8. 订货信息 (63)附录 I:操作所需的外部元件 (64)参考 (66)状态信息本产品数据表的状态是产品信息。
汽車音響使用說明書2可適用的USB 裝置·USB 磁碟類欲知使用的USB 裝置 / USB 音樂播放器是否合乎USB 磁碟類的規格,請洽詢其製造商。
·相容於 USB 1.1/2.0/3.0*的標準·檔案系統為 FAT12/16/32·最大電流低於 0.5 A·建議容量小於 32 GB (1 個分割區域)* 使用USB3.0裝置時將會降速播放(無法以3.0的速度進行播放)註:本主機不支援iPod、iPhone 等Apple 裝置,但有支援Apple 裝置手機充電。
(0.5 A)注意不保證本主機與市售所有的USB 裝置(USB 隨身碟/USB 音樂播放器)皆可順利相容並播放使用,某些特殊規格或型號之USB 裝置在連接至本主機使用時也許會產生部份相容性之問題(例如:本主機不支援/無法順利播放…等情況),當有相容性問題發生時,請先與USB 裝置的製造商諮詢其產品相容性資訊。
閱讀說明書之前 2安全注意事項及緊急處理方法 3準備 4共通部分 5音頻設置 6收音機 7光碟(Disc)播放 8關於光碟 10USB(MP3/WMA)播放 11關於MP3/WMA 的說明 13USB 使用上注意事項 15限用物質及其化學符號 15故障排除 16 規格 193為了防止對使用者或旁人可能發生的危害及財產上的損失,我們把一些必須遵守的事項列表如下: 我們將忽視以上遵守事項時所產生的危害程度及損害程度,以下表作一區分。
第一次開啟電源1 將汽車的點火開關至於ACC或ON的位置。
SAMSON C.valve 中文操作指南特性简介(features):Samson c valve 话筒/ 乐器前置放大器使用最新电路设计技术,下面将简介一下它重要特性:•结合晶体管和电子管两套独立放大单元一种高质量话筒/ 乐器前置放大器。
•谐波泛音总量或“温暖度”可由saturation ( 饱和度) 旋钮控制。
•一种预设内置均衡器,由vocal EQ 按钮控制开关。
•带反相开关(phase )可调节输入信号相位。
•一种模仿VU 批示表可以容易监控输出电平。
•可为电容话筒提供48v 幻想电源。
只需按下前面板“ 48v ”按钮。
•S/PDIF 同轴数字输出,内置一高质量AD 转换芯片,可通过背面板莲花同轴接口为硬盘录音机等录音设备提供一种24bit 数码信号。
•通过前面板48/96k 按钮可选取同轴输出采样频率。
• 6 段LED 输入电平批示表显示输入电平增益。
•包括1/4 〞(6.3mm )插入输入接口可便利连接其她线性输入设备。
•平衡XLR 话筒输入和1/4 〞(6.3mm )乐器线路输入。
•特大号斜面橡胶脚垫可完美将samson c class 系列其她解决器堆叠在一起。
面板简介篇(layout ):前面板:1,INPUT GAIN -输入增益,旋转式旋钮,用于调节输入电平。
2. LOW FREQUENCY -低频选取旋钮,当激活低切功能时用以选取低切频段。
3. INPUT METER -6 段LED VU 电平批示表,显示输入增益变化量。
4. SATURATION -饱和度,用以调节电子管电路谐波泛音量,即温暖度。
5. PILOT LIGHT -电子管工作批示灯,当此灯完全点亮时,表达电子管电路已进入可使用状态。
6. VOLUME -控制总输出电平量。
车载 PDE-150-11中文版说明书
PDE-150-118-28V Intelligent Automotive ITX Power Supply安装指导在您安装PPL-ITX到您的汽车前,请用仔细阅读这份手册。
避免使用cigarette plug(点烟头)作为电的来源,通常这样的接触是不能确保传输高电流到你的PC上。
PDE-150-11是设计与广泛的主板一起使用的,除了Pentium-M Celeron和全能量的P4系统,还有VIA mini-ITX主板。
1.1PDE-150-11 Logic Diagram逻辑图表1.2 PDE-150-11 Connection diagram连接图表PDE-150-11, top view顶视图 1. 电源的输入接头J1电池+(un-switched电池,正极)J3点火(switched电池,正极。
2. 控制与设置J6通过遥控ON/OFF控制扩音器.左pin是信号,右pin是地(接地) J8连至主板ON/OFF开关J10用户跳线设置(1,2,3)J9连至外部ON/OFF开关(可选,J8与J9并联)3. 电源输出接头J2可选P4-12V电源J7 ITX电源20P标准接头(连至主板)J5连至LED(可选)电源运行模式:注意:如果HARDOFF被设置为”never”, 当电池电压低于11.2V超过1分钟时,为了防止“深放电“情况的出现,PPL-ITX会自动关闭。
同时尽量避免使用HARDOFF=Never运行模式,因为假设你长时间不使用汽车时这样会消耗光你汽车上电池的电能,建议使用模式1, 2, 和4。
墨西哥电子有限公司Yarden 8-CH(SPK-C831-KI)封闭顶吊扬声音器说明书
KRAMER ELECTRONICS LTD. USER MANUALMODEL:Yarden 8-CH (SPK-C831-KI) Closed-back Ceiling SpeakersP/N: 2900-300350 Rev 1This page is intentionally left blankContents1Introduction 1 2Getting Started 2 2.1Achieving the Best Performance 2 3Overview 3 4Your Yarden 8-CH Closed-back Ceiling Speakers 4 5Installing the Yarden 8-CH Closed-back Ceiling Speakers 6 5.1Choosing the Best Location 6 5.2Cutting the Ceiling Tile 6 5.3Mounting the Speakers 7 5.4Setting up an Array Installation 10 5.5Painting the Speaker 13 6Technical Specifications 14FiguresFigure 1: Yarden 8-CH in a Boardroom Setup 3 Figure 2: Yarden 8-CH Closed-back Ceiling Speaker 4 Figure 3: Yarden 8-CH Schematic Diagram 5 Figure 4: Mounting the Yarden 8-CH 8 Figure 5: Plugging and Securing the Cable 9 Figure 6: Tighten the Mounting Tabs 9 Figure 7: Adjust Tap Selector 10 Figure 8: Square Layout 11 Figure 9: Hexagonal Layout 11 Figure 10: Square Layout Parallel Wiring 12 Yarden 8-CH –Contents1 IntroductionWelcome to Kramer Electronics! Since 1981, Kramer Electronics has beenproviding a world of unique, creative, and affordable solutions to the vast range ofproblems that confront video, audio, presentation, and broadcasting professionalson a daily basis. In recent years, we have redesigned and upgraded most of ourline, making the best even better!Our 1,000-plus different models now appear in 11 groups that are clearly definedby function: GROUP 1: Distribution Amplifiers; GROUP 2: Switchers and Routers;GROUP 3: Control Systems; GROUP 4: Format/Standards Converters; GROUP 5:Range Extenders and Repeaters; GROUP 6: Specialty AV Products; GROUP 7:Scan Converters and Scalers; GROUP 8: Cables and Connectors; GROUP 9:Room Connectivity; GROUP 10: Accessories and Rack Adapters and GROUP 11:Sierra Products.Congratulations on purchasing your Kramer Yarden 8-CH Closed-back CeilingSpeakers, which are ideal for the following typical applications:∙Hotel lobbies and conference rooms∙Boardrooms and meeting rooms∙Classrooms and lecture venuesYarden 8-CH is designed for indoor dry locations and is suitable foruse in air handling spaces (plenum spaces).Yarden 8-CH - Introduction 12 Getting StartedWe recommend that you:∙Unpack the equipment carefully and save the original box and packaging materials for possible future shipment∙Review the contents of this user manualGo to /support/product_downloads.aspto check for up-to-date user manuals, application programs, and to check iffirmware upgrades are available (where appropriate).2.1 Achieving the Best PerformanceTo achieve the best performance:∙Use only good quality connection cables (we recommend Kramer high-performance, high-resolution cables) to avoid interference, deterioration insignal quality due to poor matching, and elevated noise levels (oftenassociated with low quality cables)∙Do not secure the cables in tight bundles or roll the slack into tight coils∙Avoid interference from neighboring electrical appliances that may adversely influence signal quality∙Position your Kramer Speakers away from moisture, excessive sunlight and dustThis equipment is to be used only inside a building. It may only beconnected to other equipment that is installed inside a building.Do not open the housing of the speaker; doing so may reduce thequality of the sound.2 Yarden 8-CH - Getting Started3 OverviewThe Yarden 8-CH consists of a pair of high performance closed back speakerswith Kevlar(R) high power drivers that create a horn effect, provide a high soundpressure level (SPL) and can achieve increased power efficiency and high qualitysound.Mount your Yarden 8-CH speakers to the ceiling in one of two ways: either directlyonto the ceiling or, for added protection, secure the speakers safely, using ourceiling mounting kit that is provided free (see Section 5.3).The Yarden 8-CH speakers feature a multi-tappowertransformerforselecting8Ω(bypassing the transformer) or 70V/100V power settings that are suitable for anarray installation. Figure 1 shows an example of how the Yarden 8-CH can beinstalled in a boardroom setup:Figure 1: Yarden 8-CH in a Boardroom SetupYarden 8-CH - Overview 34 Your Yarden 8-CH Closed-back CeilingSpeakersFigure 2 defines the Yarden8-CH:Figure 2: Yarden 8-CH Closed-back Ceiling SpeakerThe following table defines the Yarden8-CH hardware items (per speaker pair) foreach model in the series:Two grilles (one shown) Cutout templateThis table defines the ceiling mounting kit items:support ringsone Two pairs of tile railsone of a pair shown4 Yarden 8-CH - Your Yarden 8-CH Closed-back Ceiling SpeakersEach Closed-back Ceiling speaker is supported by a C-ring and two tile rails. The tile rails prevent the speakers from falling if the tile itself comes out or falls apart, as their ends catch onto the T-grid. When mounting onto the ceiling tiles, use both supports. When mounting onto a sheetrock ceiling, the C-ring alone is used to reinforce the ceiling material.Be sure that the tiles can support the speaker. Smaller sized tiles orfiberglass-type tiles cannot support the weight of the speakers.When this is the case, the speakers will need additional support.Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of the Yarden 8-CH:Figure 3: Yarden 8-CH Schematic DiagramYarden 8-CH - Your Yarden 8-CH Closed-back Ceiling Speakers 55 Installing the Yarden 8-CH Closed-backCeiling SpeakersThis section explains how to install the Yarden 8-CH, that is:∙Choosing the best place to locate your speakers (see Section 5.1)∙Cutting the ceiling tile (see Section 5.2)∙Mounting the speakers (see Section 5.3)∙Setting up an array installation (see Section 5.4)∙Painting the speakers (see Section 5.5)5.1 Choosing the Best LocationIdeally, locate the speakers above the main listening area. Before doing so, besure that:∙The desired location is free of obstructions, such as electrical piping, AC ducts or water lines, and so on∙There is enough space behind the mounting surface for the speakers∙The rear side of the speaker is not blocked by wall studs or other objects 5.2 Cutting the Ceiling TileTo cut the ceiling tile, do the following:1. Remove the circle in the supplied template.Keep this template for later use as a mask, as you may want to paint the speakers (seeSection 5.5)2. Mark the opening in the correct location by tracing the hole in the template.3. Cut out the hole according to the template or with a circular cutter set to theappropriate cutout size.Initially, you can cut a smaller area inside the marked hole just to be sure that thespace above the speakers is clear6 Yarden 8-CH - Installing the Yarden 8-CH Closed-back Ceiling Speakers4. Routethewiringfromtheamplifiertothespeakers’cutoutholes,takingcarenot to place them next to electrical wires or at least at a distance of abouttwo feet from an AC line.Do not nail or staple the speaker wires.If you are mounting the speakers onto a ceiling tile, remove the ceiling tiles whereyou plan to install the speakers. Use the template to trace and then cutout thespeaker hole over an empty box.The closed-back ceiling speakers are supported by the ceiling mounting kit (twoC-rings and two pairs of tile rails; the tile rails prevent the speakers from falling ifthe tile itself comes out or falls apart, as their ends catch onto the T-grid). Whenmounting onto the ceiling tiles, use both supports.Be sure that the tiles can support the speaker. Smaller sized tiles orfiberglass-type tiles cannot support the weight of the speakers.When this is the case, the speakers will need additional support.When mounting onto a sheetrock ceiling, the C-ring alone is used to reinforce theceiling material.5.3 Mounting the SpeakersTo mount the Yarden 8-CH, do the following:1. Place the C-ringovertheholecutintheceilingtile(onthe“ceiling”side).Place it around the hole so that the tabs are located in parallel to the tileedges.Yarden 8-CH - Installing the Yarden 8-CH Closed-back Ceiling Speakers 7Figure 4: Mounting the Yarden 8-CH2. Place the tile rails on the tile and snap them into the two tabs on the C-ring.Align the rails so that the ends extend over the T-channel grid.3. Insert a screw through each tab on the C-ring to secure the rails.4. Connect the speaker wires to the appropriate connector terminals:▪PIN 1 and PIN 2 are connected internally and are positive (+)▪PIN 3 and PIN 4 are connected internally and are negative (-)Screw the hold-down screws on the connector until tight, using a smallscrewdriver.You can connect the speakers in the two following possible layouts:▪Wiring in parallel: connect the amplifier directly to each of thespeakers. When one input connector is removed, subsequentspeakers will remain connected (see Figure 3)▪Daisy-chaining: connect the wire pair (+ and -) of the speaker to the subsequent speaker + and -. When one input connector is removed,subsequent speakers will be disconnected (see Figure 3)5. Plug the connector into the socket in the terminal cup of the speaker (seeFigure 5).6. Run the wires through the opening in the input terminal cover and thenconnect to the speaker terminal block connector.8 Yarden 8-CH - Installing the Yarden 8-CH Closed-back Ceiling SpeakersYarden 8-CH - Installing the Yarden 8-CH Closed-back Ceiling Speakers 9Figure 5: Plugging and Securing the Cable7. Push the speaker into the ceiling hole until the front baffle rim is leveled withthe ceiling.8. Tighten the mounting tabs by turning the screw counter clockwise (seeFigure 6).Turning one quarter of a circle rotates the tab outwards; after that the screw is turned totighten the tabs to the rear side of the ceiling surfaceWhen tightening the mounting tabs, the tabs automatically turn outward,thus clamping the speaker to the wall from its rear side.Do not over-tighten the screws. It may cause damage to both the speakers and the surface.Figure 6: Tighten the Mounting Tabs9. If required, you can further secure the speaker by connecting the speakersupport ring to an independent secure anchor point.10. Adjust each speaker to the appropriate tap setting before installing the grille(see Figure 7).iFigure 7: Adjust Tap Selector11. Install the grilles to the speakers:▪Push the grille fastener into the hole in front of the baffle▪Press the grille into place until the front of the grille is flush with the rim of the baffle▪Check that the grille is securely seatedTo remove the grille, insert two bent paper clips into the holes in the igrille and carefully pull it down. Repeat this around the perimeter ofthe grille until it is completely removed.5.4 Setting up an Array InstallationWhen installing Yarden 8-CH in an array installation layout, you have to define thedistance between speakers as well as the layout pattern (square or hexagonal).The distance between speakers is set according tothespeakers’dispersionangle, the uniformity of the coverage desired and the budget.The coverage angle of the speaker determines the coverage area and the numberof speakers required in the array installation. Two patterns are usually used forarray installations, square (see Figure 8) or hexagonal (see Figure 9), dependingon the shape of the installation area. The speakers are positioned according totheir coverage area.10 Yarden 8-CH - Installing the Yarden 8-CH Closed-back Ceiling SpeakersYarden 8-CH - Installing the Yarden 8-CH Closed-back Ceiling Speakers 11Figure 8: Square LayoutFigure 9: Hexagonal LayoutYou can set the power on each speaker to get the desired power level in different installation areas.Figure 10shows an example of parallel wiring in a square array installation:Figure 10: Square Layout Parallel Wiring12 Yarden 8-CH - Installing the Yarden 8-CH Closed-back Ceiling Speakers5.5 Painting the SpeakerYou can paint the speakers before or after they are installed.When painting before installation:∙Clean the rim and grille with mineral spirits or other light solvent that is unlikely to damage the surface∙Spray with color by holding the spray can at an angle of 45︒When spraying the grille, take care not to clog the holes in the grilleas this will greatly reduce the sound quality of the speakers.When painting after installation:∙Use the circle that you cut out of the template as a paint mask∙After you finish painting, remove the paint maskYarden 8-CH - Installing the Yarden 8-CH Closed-back Ceiling Speakers 136 Technical Specifications14 Yarden 8-CH - Technical SpecificationsFor the latest information on our products and a list of Kramer distributors, visit our Web site where updates to this user manual may be found. We welcome your questions, comments, and feedback.Web site: E-mail: *****************P/N: 2900-300350 Rev: 1!SAFETY WARNING Disconnect the unit from the power supply before opening and servicing。
使用说明书ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
A区域:通用、大众、福特 丰田、现代、雪铁龙、宝 马,奥迪等多数车型。
2008年以后车型,只要汽 车具备OBD II接口,基本 都能识别本产品!
免责申明:此产品在使用 过程中极易激发肾上腺素 上升,建议在无人空旷场 所驾驶,以确保您的安全。 严禁在市区等人流车流 密集区域驾驶! 警告:如长时间不使用,请 拔出本产品,以免对汽车 蓄电池电量造成消耗!
和汽车音响FM频道对应,但 是音响没有接收到产品发出 的声音,请重新拔插本产品 并依次重复abc步骤。直到 连接成功。 附表:指示灯于FM对应关系, 灰色代表指示灯工作状态 为"亮"
1 2 3
频道 87.5 88.3 88.9 106.7 指示灯1 指示灯2 指示灯3 (红) (黄) (绿) 关 关 开 关 开 关 开 开 开 关 开 关 开 关 关 开 开 关
2.在发动机点火状态下, 将波箱挂入N档,拉上手 刹将本产品插入汽车 OBD接口。 3.打开汽车音响并切换到 FM收音机状态下,调节 音响音量至合适位置。 4 .将本产品和汽车FM频道 设为同一个频道,操作 如下: a.手动在默认的频道中 选择一个没有电台的频 道(设备固定频道6个, 详见下图,默认106.7 MHZ) b.按产品正面的切换按 键切换到对应FM收音机 频道 c.此时汽车音响会发出 发动机的轰鸣声 ,表示 本产品与汽车音响对接 成功。 d.如果设备FM指示频道
一.跑车音效模拟器(以下 简称本产品)产品外观图
二.产品使用 请按照如下步骤操作: 1.找到OBD接口位置。(右 舵车型请镜像对应)
B区域:本田、大众途安 进口雷克萨斯,现代等车 型。 C区域:东风雪铁龙、东 风标致等少量车型。 D区域:东风雪铁龙等少 量车型。 E区域:其他少量车型。 (大部分车型都在AB区, 如仍然找不到,请查看汽 车使用手册或者咨询汽车 维修技师,附常见OBD接 口外观)
1. 更换排气系统:更换为高性能的排气系统可以改变发动机的声音,让其更加浑厚激昂。
2. 安装电子调音器:一些车辆可安装电子调音器,通过控制器来调整发动机、排气和进气声音的音量和音调。
3. 安装运动汽车尾气喇叭:这种颇有争议的改装设备可通过声音模拟器产生各种音效,改变车辆的声音。
4. 更换空气滤清器:更换高性能的空气滤清器,可以改变进气声音,并在高转速时产生更浓厚的嗓音。
5. 安装音响装置:通过车载音响系统,可以播放引擎声音的录音,使车辆的声音更加动感。
6. 定期维护和保养:定期检查和保养发动机,保持其正常运行,可以确保发动机持续发出浑厚的声音。
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107.3 108
5.产品和汽车音响对接之后 在发动机空挡 ,拉手刹状 态下轻踩下油门同时调节 汽车音响至合适音量。
A区域:通用、大众、福特 丰田、现代、雪铁龙、宝 马,奥迪等多数车型。
2008年以后车型,只要汽 车具备OBD II接口,基本 都能识别本产品!
免责申明:此产品在使用 过程中极易激发肾上腺素 上升,建议在无人空旷场 所驾驶,以确保您的安全。 严禁在市区等人流车流 密集区域驾驶! 警告:如长时间不使用,请 拔出本产品,以免对汽车 蓄电池电量造成消耗!
一.跑车音效模拟器(以下 简称本产品)产品外观图
二.产品使用 请按照如下步骤操作: 1.找到OBD接口位置。(右 舵车型请镜像对应)
B区域:本田、大众途安 进口雷克萨斯,现代等车 型。 C区域:东风雪铁龙、东 风标致等少量车型。 D区域:东风雪铁龙等少 量车型。 E区域:其他少量车型。 (大部分车型都在AB区, 如仍然找不到,请查看汽 车使用手册或者咨询汽车 维修技师,附常见OBD接 口外观)
和汽车音响FM频道对应,但 是音响没有接收到产品发出 的声音,请重新拔插本产品 并依次重复abc步骤。直到 连接成功。 附表:指示灯于FM对应关系, 灰色代表指示灯工作状态 为"亮"
1 2 3
频道 87.5 88.3 88.9 106.7 指示灯1 指示灯2 指示灯3 (红) (黄) (绿) 关 关 开 关 开 关 开 开 开 关 开 关 开 关 关 开 开 关
Байду номын сангаас
2.在发动机点火状态下, 将波箱挂入N档,拉上手 刹将本产品插入汽车 OBD接口。 3.打开汽车音响并切换到 FM收音机状态下,调节 音响音量至合适位置。 4 .将本产品和汽车FM频道 设为同一个频道,操作 如下: a.手动在默认的频道中 选择一个没有电台的频 道(设备固定频道6个, 详见下图,默认106.7 MHZ) b.按产品正面的切换按 键切换到对应FM收音机 频道 c.此时汽车音响会发出 发动机的轰鸣声 ,表示 本产品与汽车音响对接 成功。 d.如果设备FM指示频道