Big Ben ppt介绍
the big bang theory生活大爆炸英文PPT介绍
Rajesh, Ph.D. – Rajesh, who originally comes from New Delhi, India, works as a particle astrophysicist at Caltech. He is very shy around women and is physically unable to talk to them unless he drinks alcohol. However, he has had much better luck with women as opposed to his overly confident best friend Howard. His parents are often seen via webcam. In three of them, he is the only one who don’t have a girlfriend.
Jim Parsons as Sheldon Cooper, Ph.D. – Originally from East Texas, he was a child prodigy, starting college at the age of 11, right after completing the fifth grade. As a theoretical physicist, he possesses a master's degree, two Ph.D.s, and an IQ of 187. He exhibits a strict adherence to routine; a lack of understanding of irony, sarcasm and humor; and a complete lack of humility. These characteristics are the main sources of his character's humor . It sounds crazy that a man like Sheldon should have a girlfriend
pptthe house of parliament & the big ben
• The clock has become a symbol for the United Kingdom and London, particularly in the visual media. • When a television or film-maker wishes to quickly convey to a non-UK audience a generic location in Britain, a popular way to do so is to show an image of Big Ben. • The sound of the clock chiming has also been used this way in audio media. • The Clock Tower is popular in popular culture. The structure has been shown in films .It has also been shown in various television shows.
The House of Lords is made up of the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal. The main function of the House of Lords is to bring the wide experience of its members into the process of lawmaking. In other words, the non-elected House is to act as a chamber of revision, complementing but not rivaling the elect House.
英国伦敦泰晤士河畔,4名专业清洁工2014年8月 18日从威斯敏斯特宫钟楼顶部沿着绳子慢慢下滑, 开始给大本钟“洗澡”。大本钟上次“洗澡”是 在2010年。
按照计划,整个“洗澡”工程需要5天。 这几名专业人士一天清洗大本钟的一个面,4面就 是4天,再加一天以防天气变化,毕竟在95.7米高 处作业有一定危险。 “洗澡”时,大本钟钟面上的指针不再运转,但 仍然计时,每15分钟响一次。因此,清洁人员必 须戴着耳塞,以免听力受损。 除清洗外,技术人员还会对大本钟进行摄影测量, 检查钟面的损坏程度。大本钟每个钟面都由312块
大本钟可用来说明光速和音速的分别。 如果一个人到了伦敦并站在钟楼下, 他会听到大本钟的钟声比那钟被敲响 时的时间慢约是六分之一秒(假定钟 在高55米之处)。可是如果把一个扩 音器放在钟附近并用无线电把钟声传 至很远的地方(像纽约市或香港般), 那地方会比那站在钟楼下的人更早听 到钟声。事实上,如果接收者把那钟 声发回给在地面的那观察者,无线电 传送那钟声会比那观察者听到真正钟 声时更快。(例如:纽约市距伦敦 5,562公里,而无线电会在0.018552秒 内把钟声传至纽约市;来回共需 0.037105秒,但原来的钟声却需 0.1616秒才能达到地面)
文化标志 独立电视新闻的“十时新闻报告”以一连串的大本钟钟声 作新闻预告的配乐作开始已很多年。大本钟的钟声今天仍 会用于所有独立电视新闻频道新闻快报的新闻预告,及威 斯敏斯特宫大本钟的钟面图(因独立电视新闻公司认为以 大本钟为主题过于“大伦敦主义”,因此于2009年11月2日 起,十时新闻报告取消由伦敦天际线飞往大本钟的新闻开 场电脑动画,亦减少大本钟的图案出现,但仍保留大本钟 的钟声音效)。从1923年12月31日开始,大本钟的钟响亦 可在于英国广播公司第四台的一些新闻布告(6时正、半晚 及星期天的晚上10时正)的一小时前及英国广播公司国际 广播部听到。钟声是经由长期设置在钟楼内而连接着广播 大楼的扩音器传送的。
The clock is famous for its reliability. This is due to the skill of its designer, the lawyer and amateur horologist [hə'rɔlədʒist] 钟表商;钟表专家Edmund Beckett Denison, later Lord
Big Ben is a focus of New Year celebrations in the United Kingdom, with radio and TV stations tuning to its chimes to welcome the start of the year. Big Ben can be used in the classroom to demonstrate ['demənstreit]论证,证明 the difference between the speed of light and the speed of sound. If a person visits London and stands at the bottom of the clock tower, they will hear the chimes of Big Ben approximately 1/6 of a second later than the bell being struck
The name Big Ben was first given to a 14.5 tonne (16 ton) hour bell .
The bell was never officially named, but the legend on it records that the commissioner [kə'miʃənə] 长官of works, Sir Benjamin Hall, was responsible for the order . 返回 Another theory is that the bell may have been named after heavyweight boxer Benjamin Caunt who was popular at the time.
series :The Big Bang Theory !You must have heard it, Cos I’ve told you just now. I have to say that it’s a new experience for lovers of old-fashioned sitcom. All kinds of scientific theories, high-tech,
Simon as Howard , – He works as an aerospace engineer. He is Jewish, and lives with his mother. Unlike Sheldon, Leonard, and Raj, Howard lacks a Ph.D. He defends this by pointing out that he has a master‘s degree in Engineering from MIT and the apparatus he designs are actually built and launched into space. he is wretched in appearance and randy however, he has shown limited success with other women. Eventually, he found his girlfriend, Bernadette , An amateur microbiologist.
liquid nitrogen frozen banana, laser to cook instant noodles will appear in the show, and we’ll share it with you right here and right now.
新概念英语第二册 Lesson 71 Big Ben
经过这个天文台的子午线 被确定为全球的时间和经 度计量的标准参考子午线, 也称为零度经线。
On the B.B.C. you can hear the clock when it is actually striking because microphones are connected to the clock tower.
Actually ['æ ktʃuəli] adv. 实际上;事实上 Strike [straɪk] vi. 打,打击;敲击 (动名词striking)
Be connected to 与…连接 Be connected with 与…有关 Microphones 麦克风,扩音器 Micro adj.微小的 Phone n. 耳机,听筒
钟楼高95米,钟直径9英尺,重13.5吨。 每15分钟响一次,每隔一小时报时一次。
Immense [ɪ'mens] adj. 巨大的
Accurate ['æ kjʊrət] adj. 精确的
Extremely [ɪk'strimli] adv. 非常,极其
大本钟装有麦克风,与英国广播公司(BBC)相连,因此每 当大钟报时,人们都能从BBC的广播中听到其铿锵有力 的声音.
大本钟(英语:Big Ben,或译作大笨钟)是伦敦威斯敏斯特宫北端 钟楼的大报时钟的昵称,也常代指该钟所在的钟楼 。
1837年维多利亚女王登基,1840年开始重建焚毁后的威斯敏斯特宫。 目前的这座97米高的钟楼是重建时建造的。大本钟于1859年被安装在 钟楼上,以建造工程的第一名监督官“本杰明”爵士的名字命名,叫 "BIG BEN"(大本钟)。
• 是世界上目前 最高的双子楼 和第四高的建 筑物。
13、Madrid palace (西班牙马德里 王宫)
• 在1734年的圣诞节 被烧毁的巴奔堡皇 家宫殿基础上, 1736年,菲里普五 世和王妃依沙贝尔 .德法尔内西奥计 划修建新的王宫, 意大利的建筑家谢 瓦拉和萨凯提、萨 巴蒂尼等在1764年 10月,修建完成了 现在的这座王宫。
1、The Great Wall
The Great Wall
• 12,700 meters • The Wall climbs up and down, twists
and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces--Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu--and two autonomous regions--Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together…
• 320m high, world's tallest building until 1930
• Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building in New York(纽约帝国 大厦), Tokyo Tower (东京电视塔) “the world's three famous buildings”
Significance of it
• designed as a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the United States gifts
She gave an accurate account of the accident.
她对故事做了准确的描述。 Is the station clock accurate?
Official 1)官方的 公务,公事 Official affairs [ ə‘feə]事情事物 Before he retired,Jeremy had been a government official. 在他退休之前,杰米一直是位政府官员。 对于总统的缺席,官方给出的原因是生病了。 The official reason given for the President's absence was sickness.
observatory n. 天文台 observe vt.看到,注意到,观察到 The police observed a man enter the bank. 警察注意到一个男人走进了银行
tower n. 塔
• When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard all over the world on the B.B.C. If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected. Big Ben takes its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for the making of the clock when the new Houses of Parliament were being built.
• British Museum was built in 1735.It is the oldest and the most magnificent scale comprehensive museum in the world.
Big Ben 大本钟
Big Ben is the famous London antique clock,which was built in 1895.It is one of the most famous Gothic architectures in the world
大本钟是英国伦敦著名古钟,建于1895年, 是世界上最著名的哥特式建筑之一。
The London Eye
The London Eye is located in the banks of the Thames River.It is also known as the Millennium Wheel(千禧之 轮).It is the fourth largest ferris wheel in the world.
London Br,located in Thams River,was founded in 1886.It is the symbol of London. • 伦敦桥位于泰晤士河 • 上,始建于1886年, 是伦敦的象征。
British Museum
• London,the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Europe's largest city, one of the world's two major center city, is one of the most prosperous global city.
大钟于1858年4月10日建成,是英国最大的钟。塔起码有320英尺高(约合 97.5米),分针有14英尺长(约合4.27米),大笨钟用人工发条,国会开会期间, 钟面会发出光芒,每隔一小时报时一次。 每年的夏季与冬天时间转换时会把钟停 止,进行零件的修补、交换,钟的调音等。
大本钟作为伦敦市的标志以及英国的象征,凡到伦敦观光的人,无不想到钟楼周围, 站在议会桥上欣赏伦敦这个独具一格的建筑。大本钟巨大而华丽,四个钟面的面积有两平 方米左右。大本钟从1859年就为伦敦城报时,至今将近一个半世纪,尽管这期间大本钟 曾两度裂开而重筹。现在大本钟的钟声仍然清晰、动听。
大笨钟有四个钟面,每个钟面直径达6.8米,面积有两平方米左右各由312块乳白 色玻璃镶嵌而成。 透过玻璃,2.75米长的时针和4.27米长的分针的轮廓隐约可见,这些 铜制的空心指针每件重达200磅。 大笨钟憨憨笨笨的造型,既古典又稳重,给人一种诚 实可信的踏实感。
大笨钟的心脏是钟室。钟室很小,粉刷得如同诊疗室一般洁净。 钟室内是一座十六 英尺高的复杂装置,包括齿轮、杠杆和滑轮。它几乎从未停止过运转。 唯一的一次机械 故障发生在1944年:该钟的钟摆弹簧需调换,因三年前下议院被炸时钟楼严重受震。
在英国,大本钟是人们庆祝新年的重点地方,收音机和电视都会播出它的钟声来迎 接新一年的开始。同样地,在阵亡将士纪念日,大本钟钟声的传出表示第11个月的第11 天的第11个小时及2分钟的默哀开始。
独立电视新闻的“十时新闻报告”以一连串的大本钟钟声作新闻预告的配乐作开始已 很多年。大本钟的钟声今天仍会用于所有独立电视新闻,新闻快报的新闻预告,及威斯敏 斯特宫大本钟的钟面图。从1923年12月31日开始,大本钟的钟响亦可在于英国广播公司 第四台的一些新闻布告(6时正、半晚及星期天的晚上10时正)的一小时前及英国广播公 司国际广播部听到。钟声是经由长期设置在钟楼内而连接着广播大楼的扩音器传送的。
maintenance [‘meintinəns] 维修
The Great Bell, first struck the hour on July 11, 1859, and has been interrupted only stop for maintenance and bad weather ever since. 本钟自1859年7月11日首次报时以来, 大本钟仅在维修或天气恶劣时才偶尔 暂停运转。
Mike McCann, Keeper of the Great Clock, said: "After 150 years, Big Ben still holds a special place in the hearts of Londoners and the world as a magnificent example of engineering and building genius." 守钟人迈克•麦卡恩说:“大本钟已经 150岁了,但它作为机械和建筑杰作的 典范,仍然在伦敦和世界人民心中占据 着特殊的地位。”
To mark the anniversary, the message "Happy Birthday Big Ben, 150 years, 1859 - 2009" will be projected on the tower.
为了纪念大本钟的生日,“大本钟150岁 生日。
major [‘meidӡə] 主要的
architect [‘ɑ:kitekt] 建筑师 parliament [‘pɑ:ləmənt] 议会
The 96-metre (315-foot) high tower which houses the clock was built as part of the rebuilding of the Houses of Parliament by architects Charles Barry and Augustus Putin following a major fire in 1843.
在1843年的一场大火之后,作为重建英国国会 大厦的一部分,建筑师查理斯•巴雷和奥古斯塔 斯•帕金共同设计了这座96米(合315英尺)高 的钟楼,而大本钟就在钟楼之上
守钟人迈克•麦卡恩说:“大本钟已经 150岁了,但它作为机械和建筑杰作的典 范,仍然在伦敦和世界人民心中占据着 特殊的地位。”
major [‘meidӡə] 主要的
பைடு நூலகம்
architect [‘ɑ:kitekt] 建筑师
parliament [‘pɑ:ləmənt] 议会
The 96-metre (315-foot) high tower which houses the clock was built as part of the rebuilding of the Houses of Parliament by architects Charles Barry and Augustus Putin
The origin of the name is thought to come from Sir Benjamin Hall, the First Commissioner of Works and Public Buildings, whose name is inscribed on the bell.
如今,大本钟这个名字常用来指整个钟楼, 这里也是伦敦曝光率最高的景点之一,其实 最初这个昵称只是给钟本身起的名字。 据称,大本钟这个名字是由英国前任劳工和 建筑首席专员本杰明•霍尔爵士起的,他的名 字就刻在大本钟上。
genius [‘dӡi:njəs] 杰作;天才 magnificent [mæɡ‘nifisnt] 壮观
BIG BEN (英国大笨钟)
That’s my speech. Hope you like it. Thank you.
Li Fang
Introduction steps
•Structure •Pictures •The history •The origin of the nickname •The significance in popular culture •Awards •Big Ben Goes National
• It was announced on 9 April 2006 that a survey of 2000 people found that the tower was the most popular landmark in the UK.
Big Beng of Big Ben was first broadcast to the nation at midnight on New Year's Eve 1923 . • Big Ben's chime is still broadcast live today on BBC Radio 4.
Nickname • The nickname Big Ben is the subject of some debate. It may have been named after Sir Benjamin Hall, who oversaw(监 察) the installation (设施)of the Great bell.
The significance in popular culture
1.Big Ben is one of London's best-known landmarks. 2.The symbol of London 3.The clock Tower has appeared in many films. 4.The BBC began to broadcast the chimes(钟 声) in 1924 until now.
BIG BENThe Big Ben is located in the tower at the eastern end of the Houses of Parliament, Westminster, Greater London. It was designed by Edmund Beckett and Baron Grim Thorpe.The Big Ben is very famous throughout the world, but nobody really knows why it is called Big Ben. There are two hearsays about this. Some people say that it was named after Benjamin Caunt, a boxer, who was called Big Ben. More people believe it was called after Welshman, Sir Benjamin Hall. He was the commissioner o f the work at the time of its installation in 1859. A story was told that during a debate in the Commons on what to call the bell, Sir Benjamin was about to give his ideas when a M P who sat behind the front bench shouted, let’s call it Big Ben! Then this name came in to being.The bell hasn't gone through a smooth road since the beginning of its design. Because there was great disagreement ab out the design of the clock, it took fifteen years to build. In 1857, the bell was completed and tested on the ground, but a four-foot crack appeared and the bell had to be cast again. Finally, the clock started ticking on 31 May, 1859, and struck its first chime on 11, July. Then in September, the bell cracked again. It was silent for four years but was eventually tu rned a quarter of a revolution. In this way, the crack was not under the striking hammer. Crafts men made a square above the crack to stop it graving longer and it can still be seen today.The Big Ben is famous not only for its 13-ton weight, but also for its accuracy which is a result of its precise mechanism. Even one extra penny's weight on the balance will cause a gain of two fifths of a second in twenty four hours. Although there have been several problem, the bell is still stri king today. Its chimes can be heard all over the world on the B.B.C.。
牛津译林初中英语七年级下册Unit 1 Big Ben背景材料
BIG BENThe Big Ben is located in the tower at the eastern end of the Houses of Parliament, Westminster, Greater London. It was designed by EdmundBeckett and Baron Grim Thorpe.f the work at the time ofits installation in 1859. A storyP who sat behind the frontbench shou ted, let’s call it Big Ben! Then this name came into being.The bell hasn't gone through a smooth road since the beginningof its design. Because there was great disagreement about the design of the clock,it took fifteen years to build.In 1857, the bell andtested on the ground, but a four-foot crack appeared and the bell hadto be cast again. Finally, the clockstarted ticking on 31 May,1859, and struck its first chime on 11, July. Then in September, thebell cracked again. It was silent for four years but was eventuallytu rned a quarter of arevolution. In this way, the crack was not under the striking hammer.Crafts men made a squareabove the crack to stop it graving longer and it can still be seentoday.The Big Ben is famous not only for its 13-ton weight, but alsofor its accuracy which is aresult of its precise mechanism. Even one extra penny's weight on thebalance will cause a gain of two fifths of a second in twenty fourhours. Although there have been several problem, the bell is stillstri king today.Its chimes can be heard all over the world on the B.B.C.。