


1.9 Be focused in your proposal
Presentations have time limits and you may not be able to present your entire paper. Narrowing it down to a manageable topic that fits the time frame will make it more likely for your proposal to be selected and for you to have a professional and effective presentation.
③ Time management — Finish and submit your application at least 24 - 48 hours before the deadline. Remember: stuff happens — computers crash; uploads take too long; the Internet goes out....
1.1 Be professional in correspondence
Mostly the submission of the proposal/abstract is done via e-mail. Remember to follow the e-mail etiquette rules and be professional in the correspondence. It may be helpful to include a short paragraph about your scholarly background and the reasons why you select to submit your research findings to this specific conference. It is also recommended to include a subject in the subject line, use an appropriate salutation and closing and so forth in the e-mail.

国际会议交流英语ppt博士会议Unit 2

国际会议交流英语ppt博士会议Unit 2
On behalf of the Ohio State University and the IEEE Computer Society, I am very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming '98 International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from August 25 to August 2nquiry
To get information about a conference, or to know what one particularly wants to know, the potential participant may write a letter for inquiry.
We should be very much obliged if you could kindly give us information on the deadline for the submission of abstracts, papers, and other written materials. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
(signature) printed name
2) Letters for Invitation
A letter inviting someone to attend a conference should be written with warmth and courtesy.



Make it absolutely clear when you move to
Use clear examples to illustrate your
Use visual aids to make your
presentation more interesting.
Paper session宣读论文
Poster session(oral session, poster session) Demonstration
Paper presentation—oral session
Question and answer period/session
Restate the purpose of your talk, and say that
you have achieved your aim: ‘I think you can now see that...’ ‘Our intention was ..., and it should now be clear that ...’ Thank the audience, and invite questions : ‘Thank you. Are there any questions?’
needs are better met.
First of all, think.......
Think about what you want to achieve:
do you want to inform your audience, inspire them to think about your topic, or convince them of a particular point of view?



Case Study
3D Geospatial Function Monitoring Model of Arc Dam Deformation Based on the Improvement of Temperature Component
Part1 Introduction
3D Geospatial Function Monitoring Model of Arc Dam Deformation Based on the Improvement of Temperature Component
And we expand it according to bivariate polynomial as follows:
bij f i (t)T j
i1 j1
Three types of components for f (t) are used to reflect the distribution of temperature
is not fixed and it increases obviously when the concrete is in the frozen state, which is
difficult to be depicted by the linear combination. Besides, only the influence of the
and the temperature component has the linear relationship with the temperature of
concrete. The temperature component is expressed as the linear combination of harmonic


Nodding and Shaking the head
Nodding typically indicates agreement or understanding, while Shaking the head Usually means disagreement or deny However, these cultures can have different means in different cultures
Reporting scope
Research papers and presentations on the latest developments and trends in 3-body language and non-verbal communie studies and practical applications of 3body language in various settings, such as business, education, and social interactions
Recommendations for future research and practical applications of 3-body language to
improve cross cultural communication
Discussions on the cultural, psychological, and social aspects of 3-body language and nonverbal communication
Common body language signals in international conferences



• 2)引言 • 点明主题: • ฀ Today I would like to talk to you about some of our work in the field of … • 1.[to give a talk on …]; 2.[to devote this talk to …] ; 3.[to present the results of …]; 4.[to • provide a brief overview of the major findings in this area. After that, I want to describe some of our recent results on ... ]; • 5.[to have an overview picture of our recent work on…].
• 2)引言 • 点明主题: • My topic today will deal with one of the most serious problems we are facing… • The paper I’m going to present today will describe some of the important aspects in this area. • It is my intention this afternoon to summarize some recent advances in …and what’s going on at …[in…].
• 2)引言 • 说明思路: • ฀ To give the analytical [numerical] results, we make the following assumptions [hypotheses] and use the methods [theorems] of… • ฀ The main procedure of experiments [computations, derivation, deduction…] could be described as follows.


• Mostly telephone communication happens between the conference organizers and the guests.
• Nowadays online applications such as WeChat, Skype or Facetime also suffice our needs of talking with others.
Reflections and Practice
1. Group work. Form a group of four to five, and discuss the following questions. 1) What behaviors are considered rude or unprofessional for a telephone conversation? 2) Are there any new manners we should pay attention to for new forms of telephone calls, such as Facetime or WeChat video talk? 3) Could you think of more rules in terms of telephone etiquette?
1) One speaker is supposed to give a speech at 10:00 a.m. next morning. Just the night before, the speaker is calling the organizing committee that he would like to change the title of his presentation. However, all the conference paper has been printed and handed out, and there is no time to rearrange everything.





3.国际会议演讲用语1)开场白招呼用语:◆Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen◆Mr. Chairman, distinguished colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen◆Prof. A, Ladies and Gentlemen◆Good morning, everyone◆Good afternoon, everyone感谢主席或自我介绍:◆Thank you very much, Professor ***, for your kind introduction.◆Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your gracious introduction.◆My name is ***, from ***. The title of my presentation is ***.◆I am *** from ***. The topic of my paper is (about) ***.社交辞令:◆I am delighted [honored, privileged, proud, happy, …] to be here (with you thismorning).◆I am honored to have the chance to address you on this special occasion.◆It’s a great pleasure for me to be here.◆I appreciate the opportunity to be here to attend this mini-symposium [session].勾画轮廓(显示提纲、目录):◆I am g oing to give this talk in four parts. First…, Second…, Third…, Finally…◆The outline of my talk is as follows.◆My presentation will be divided into the following three parts.◆I would like to divide my talk into three parts: 1)background of …; 2) recent resu ltsin my group; 3)conclusions.2)引言点明主题:◆My discussion today on *** will try to summarize its complex nature and to presentsome of our new findings.◆My point this morning will be to illustrate …◆My purpose today is to make a general comment on recent progress in study of …and to give some new results on...◆My topic today will deal with one of the most serious problems we are facing…◆The paper I’m going to present today will describe some of the important aspects inthis area.◆It is my intention this afternoon to summarize some recent a dvances in … andwhat’s going on at …[in…].2)引言阐释背景:◆The motivation of this work is like this.◆*** has found its wide application in various fields of science and technology.◆I think it would be best to start out by making some general comments on previouswork in this area.◆I would like to preface my remarks with a brief description of advances in…说明思路:◆The basic idea in our work can be elucidated as follows.◆Based on previous work, we developed a new technique [method, algorithm,experimental device, numerical model…] in [for]…◆To obtain meaningful results, we constructed [established, put forward] a physical[mathematical] model with…◆To give the analytical [numerical] results, we make the following assumptions[hypotheses] and use the methods [theorems] of…◆The main procedure of experiments [co mputations, derivation, deduction…] couldbe described as follows.简介结果:◆With the above-mentioned methods, we have the following new findings.◆Simulated results shows a fairly good agreement with experimental data.◆The numerical results verified the effectiveness of the presented model.3)论述展开论述:◆Now I will give the mathematical formulation of the studied problem.◆The sketch of the configuration is like this.◆The governing equations [boundary conditions, initial conditions,…] are…◆I’d like to give a brief description of the mathematical model we established.◆Now I will give a simple introduction to the experimental set-up.◆The system consists of three parts…◆Experiments were conducted at XXX.◆The main procedure of experiments is as follows.◆We have paid special attention to data processing…详细描述:◆Let me make two remarks in detail. First of all, I’d like to describe the experimental[theoretical, numerical…] methods. The second remark is its application to the studied problem.◆I’d like to go into some detail on this question.◆Let us consider some of these factors in more detail.◆We will discuss this matter in a little detail as we go on.◆Since this problem is very important to us. I’d like to spend some time describing itin greater detail.◆I’d like to discuss this issue at length.◆I’d like to address myself to the most important aspects of the treatment…简略描述:◆In the interest of time, [In the interest of brevity, For the sake of time, Because ofthe time limitation,…] I won’t go into details on this subject [I won’t enter into details on this topic].◆I don’t feel that I should spend too much time giving the detail of…◆I’d like to offer s short description of…◆I’d just like to go through these various issues rapidly.◆Due to the limitation of the schedule, I will consider these interesting points verybriefly.◆Let’s go over these points very quickly.◆Let me touch on this topic briefly.◆There is one more issue I’d like to touch upon.4)分析结果陈述(借助于图表、公式):◆Through the above analysis [simulation, experiment], we have the following results[findings].◆We show the simulation [numerical, theoretical, experimental] results in thefigures…[ lists…].◆We give the comparison between numerical and experimental results in Figure 1.◆The relation between A and B is presented here.◆With these figures, we exhibit the dependence of A on B.◆From this figure we can clearly see the effects of A on B.◆From the above deduction, we have the main theorem in this study.结果分析:◆From these figures, we can see that the obtained numerical results agree well with[are in good agreement with, accords with, are consistent with ]the experimental data.◆From these curves, we can conclude [reach the conclusion] that with increasing A, Bdecreases.◆From this figure we find some discrepancies between theory and experiments, whichmight come from…◆With these results, we witness the crucial role played by multiple scales.◆We have confirmed the tendency of the variation of A observed in previousexperiments.5)结论结论陈述:◆I would like to conclude with a few of remarks on this problem.◆Allow me to conclude by listing the following points.◆Let me conclude by making an observation concerning…◆In conclusion, I would like to indicate the following points.◆I would like to close by saying that…◆In closing, I would like to comment on the application of this theory.◆I would like to close my speech by a few words.◆Now, I’d like to sum up the results of this investigation.◆To summarize my talk, the presented model is realistic and effective in use.展望未来:◆Finally, I must say a few words about the perspective of the studied issue.◆XXX is still an open problem.◆The problem on XXX is needed to be solved in future study.◆The method presented here could be generalized to the case…6)示谢感谢听众:◆Thank you for your attention [endurance, patience,…].◆I want to thank you for your attention [endurance, patience,…].◆Once again I would like to thank you for the opportunity of talking to you on thesubject.回答问题积极的回答:◆ A good question. I’d be delighted to answer.◆I’d like to respond to that question briefly.◆Let me first reply rapidly to the first question.◆May I answer your second question first?◆In answer the second question, I would say that it is a good idea.◆The simplest answer to your question would be that we concluded based on theexperimental observations.◆Let me try to answer these questions one by one.◆I think I can answer this question simply.消极的回答:◆I (really, am afraid, just) don’t know.◆I’m sorry, but I don’t know.◆I don’t know exactly yet.◆I don’t know how to do that [enough about that, of any such studies].◆I don’t know about the availability of this matrial.◆I know very little about it.◆I’m not sure.◆I’m not sure of the answer [I can answer the ques tion, whether it is necessary, Iunderstand what you mean].◆I’m afraid I cannot answer your question.◆I’m afraid I cannot give you a precise answer.◆I can’t answer your question accurately right now.关于证据:◆I do have some evidence to support the mechanism. …◆I have sufficient data on this point.◆I can give you some quantitative evidence to explain this.◆I don’t have any data available to answer your question.◆I have no idea about it.。



to be constant, then …
• 用代词代 • 用缩略词代 “it”, “that”, “they” … DNA
Amending a Slip of the Tongue (修正口误)
• In the experiment I discovered a new way, well, I
How to Prepare Speech
1. Know your subject
2. Know your audience
3. Make a point 4. Prepare (PPT)
5. Practice
How to Prepare Speech
6. Stay calm
7. Eye contact
Techniques in Oral Presentation
1. Turning to a New Topic ( 启转话题 )
1) Ladies and Gentlemen, it would be very
interesting to take a look at this curve, which
tells us…
2) Well, may I say boldly? It is common…
3) The interesting thing in this experiment is that… 4) It is not an exaggeration to say… 5) Another important fact… 在连续表达中,往往会有许多需要转移话题、 转移重点、转移听众注意力的情况,运用这类语



In conclusion, I would like to point out the following aspects.
Let me conclude my talk with the following comments.
I’d like to leave you with the following conclusion.
Thanks for the chairman’s introduction.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to address this distinguished audience today.我非常荣幸Fra bibliotek能有此机会发言.
Thank you and good morning.
I would like to thank Dr. Huang for permitting me the privilege to speak to this audience.
Arouse interest
Don’t start your speech with a tedious introduction
Language expressions for expressing purpose
The purpose of my study is …
My purpose of the study is to …
The talk is designed for the purpose of…
Reflection and Practice



Part III
Reflection and practice
reflection and practice
Review the features of a good poster and decide whether the following two posters are good ones. If yes, what makes it/them effective? If not, how will you redesign it/them?
short and eye-catching including name, institutional affiliation and
acknowledgements logical organization
communicating message quickly and succinctly
emphasizing visual appearance 8

Part II
What makes a good poster?
How to make a scientific poster people want to stop at?
features of good posters
readable from more than one meter away
sample answer
The second poster is not an effective poster. If I am to redesign it, I would try to: Reduce the amount of text. Being crammed with texts makes the poster illegible from a distance and scares the readers away. Redesign the title. The title is too long and the words are too small to recognize. Improve visual appearance. Use bullets, numbering and headlines to convey information instead of text only.


Materials and Methods
Materials and Methods
Cytokine assessment by ELISA
Western blot
Cell isolation and culture
Statistical analysis
IFN-c-induced protein of 10-kDa (IP-10)/CXCL10
we studied the effects of α-toxin on Th1- and Th2related chemokines in macrophages from patients with AD and psoriasis where the intrinsic abnormal and different chemokines production profile is well defined.
Figure 3 Punch biopsies (3 mm) from healthy individuals were left either unstimulated (A) or stimulated with a-toxin (100 ng/ ml) (B) or IFN-c (100 ng/ml) (C) for 24 h at 37C. 5-lm paraffin sections were stained for CXCL10 along with appropriate isotype as well as CD68.
Low effect of a-toxin on CXCL10 induction (Th1-related chemokine) in macrophages from patients with AD


Communication at International Conference
Part I. Presentation at international conference---continued
Before you close your presentation, pause for a while.
show you the last slide. 6. Finally, I am going to talk about….
• Closing your presentation
• 1. Thank you for your attention. • 2. Thank you for listening
Sorry, I don’t quite catch that. Could you please say it again?
If I understand you correctly, you are asking/saying that….
Pardon. I didn’t quite get the last point of your question
Perhaps we could….
I suppose that … but the fact is…
Sorry, I am not quite convinced that …. Perhaps, we need….
Yes. Any …could bring about…. But …. In case of … , the result could be
different. If I may say so, without…we can’t …. If I may ask…(对敏感问题)
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Microarray analysis revealed that CXCL10 was the most strongly upregulated gene in macrophages.
An increased expression was not observed for other chemokines. The mean ratio for all these chemokines was between 0.2 and 2 when comparing not stimulated with a-toxin-stimulated macrophages .
Cytokine assessment by ELISA
One Induction of IP10/CXCL10 by staphylococcal a-toxin in human macrophages Two a-Toxin-stimulated macrophages could induce the migration of human CD4+ T cells via CXCR3 Four Effect of a-toxin on MDC production (Th2-related chemokine) in macrophages from patients with chronic inflammatory skin diseases
flow cytometry Boyden chamber technique
Cell isolation and culture
healthy donors and patients with AD or psoriasis
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolateபைடு நூலகம் by Lymphoprep density-gradient centrifugation from healthy donors and from patients with AD and psoriasis
• the effects of a-toxin on human macrophages in patients with AD and psoriasis?
Present study
Recent studies demonstrated that infiltration of inflammatory cells into tissues is regulated by chemokines. Two main subfamilies, recently renamed chemokine (C-C motif) ligand (CCL) and chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand (CXCL) chemo-kines, have been distinguished . Several studies have suggested a crucial involvement of CCL chemokines in inflammation. Chemokines and their receptors are implicated in the development of symptoms of AD and psoriasis .CXCL10 plays a role in pathogenesis of psoriasis .
a-Toxin-stimulated macrophages could induce the migration of human CD4+ T cells via CXCR3
Both inhibitors(anti-IP-10 antibody&anti-CXCR3 antibody) abrogated the migration induced by a-toxin-treated macrophage supernatants . a-Toxin in cell culture medium without macrophages did not directly induce the migration of human CD4+ lymphocytes.
Materials and Methods
Materials and Methods Patients Cytokine assessment by ELISA Western blot
Cell isolation and culture
Statistical analysis
Three Low effect of a-toxin on CXCL10 induction (Th1related chemokine) in macrophages from patients with AD
Induction of IP-10/CXCL10 by staphylococcal a-toxin in human macrophages
keywords background present study purpose
• atopic dermatitis; (特应性皮炎) • chemokines; (趋化因子) • human macrophages; (人巨噬细胞) • IP-10/CXCL10; • MDC/CCL22; • psoriasis; (牛皮癣;银屑病) • Staphylococcus aureus; (金黄色葡萄球菌) • α -toxin.(α -毒素)
Figure 3 Punch biopsies (3 mm) from healthy individuals were left either unstimulated (A) or stimulated with a-toxin (100 ng/ ml) (B) or IFN-c (100 ng/ml) (C) for 24 h at 37C. 5-lm paraffin sections were stained for CXCL10 along with appropriate isotype as well as CD68.
•Patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) and psoriasis are frequently colonized with Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). one-third of them producing α -toxin, which is cor-related with the severity of eczema in AD. • Distinct expression of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand (配体CCL) and chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand (配体CXCL) chemokines has been documented in both diseases.
Chemotaxis assay
The chemotactic activity of supernatants from a-toxin stimulated macrophages on lymphocytes (CD4+ T cells) was determined using a Boyden chamber technique
Macrophages from patients with atopic dermatitis show a reduced CXCL10 expression in response to staphylococcal a-toxin.
Materials and Methods
IFN-c-induced protein of 10-kDa (IP10)/CXCL10 qRT–PCR or ELISA macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC)/CCL22
Cell surface markers’ expression and chemotaxis
Low effect of a-toxin on CXCL10 induction (Th1-related chemokine) in macrophages from patients with AD
a-toxin induced significantly lower levels of CXCL10 expression or secretion in patients with AD compared with healthy controls as well as psoriasis at all time points and doses tested.
Figure 4 Chemotactic activity of a-toxin-stimulated macrophages and inhibition of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand (CXCL)10-induced chemotaxis using a neutralizing anti-CXCL10 or anti-CXCR3 Ab.
Figure 1 Induction of chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand (CXCL)10 following a-toxin stimulation in human macrophages at the mRNA level.