
文章希望大家喜欢!英文个人简历模板name: xxx gender: maleage: 22 date of birth: 1986-12-24marital status: single e-mail:mobile: 86-134****5484 dorm: 86-10-****7564educationXX.09-XX.07 beihang university electronic information engineering bachelormajor course: c language, analogical electronics, digital electronics, signal and system.info during the schoolXX-12 undertook the preliminary contest of the 1st tv skating competition in my college.XX-07 joined in micro freestyle inline-skating team as leader.XX-12 founded the inline-skating club in beihang university as the president. now it has 200 members.XX-11 won the first prize in flash designing competition in my department.internship experienceXX.01-XX.02 ,inc (beijing) beijing trained in client developing departmentXX.10-XX.12 novots technology ltd beijing database backup andmanagement from vpnXX.03-now sikangrui sporting goods beijing campus agent, sale per year>60000rmbit skillsskilled in windows xp and officeXX.language skillsfluent oral english; cet 4 certificate score: 511self-appraisal1. rational, be adept in planning and executing.2. honest, easy to communicate with, like doing things that is challenging.3. a lot of experience in club managing and campus activities.career objectivesin the following three years, my target is to be a first-rank person in my field.other infostrong suit: freestyle inline-skating.hobbies: literature and all kinds of sport games.英文个人简历模板xxxUniversity of Texas at Austin1 University Station - C2369Austin, TX 78712(512) 555-3454EDUCATIONBACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN MARKETING University of Texas, Austin, TX, May 2002College and Graduate School of BusinessMajor: Marketing; Minor: SpanishCumulative GPA: 3.8PROFESSIONAL SKILLSEntrepreneurial: Designed, published and promoted 35-page marketing Web site.Established, managed, and sold lawn service consisting of 20 clients.Founded and maintained car detailing service responsible for 25 clients.Professional Sales: Telemarketed as an order-taker for Longhorn Tire Supply, which involved learning and implementing sales presentation and conflict-resolution skills.Performed cold, door-to-door sales calls to obtain clientele for a deli delivery route and landscape service company.Solicited Austin business professionals for donations and sponsorships of UT Crew, Club Hispanic, and George Bush Hall events.Communications: Composed business news articles as an intern and authored editorial articles as a freelance columnist for the Texas Business Weekly.Drafted professional letters for the Texas Bureau for Compliance Monitoring and a financial assistance proposal for the Austin Rotary Club in an academic internship with the Migrant Farm Workers Association.Performed reading, writing, and speaking activities in Spanish while participating in a language immersion program in Costa Rica, a Latin American Studies trip in Guatemala, and a business internship program in Ecuador.Multicultural: Developed integrated marketing plan for sale of services to Latin American municipalities through internshipprogram in Ecuador.Participated in Spanish immersion p rogram in San José, Costa Rica, while living with a local family and attending a language school for one month.Interacted with Mayan Indians to observe their cultural norms and study their language for two weeks through a Latin American Studies trip to Guatemala.HONORSWhos Who Among Students in American UniversitiesNational Honor Society: 4 SemestersDeans List: 4 SemestersHonor Roll: 2 SemestersACTIVITIESResident Assistant, UT Department of Residential LifeGeneral Member, UT Alumni AssociationRower, UT Crew TeamNotesThe Cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) is the calculation of all grades received while an undergraduate or a graduate student at the university.。

优秀中英⽂个⼈简历对照模板(A4⼤⼩直接打印)李⼩⽟(⼥·24岁·硕⼠·中共党员)中国政法⼤学研究⽣院新1楼 (86-)151-1793-XXXX北京市海淀区西⼟城路25号(100088)XXXX@/doc/9875d9796e175f0e7cd184254b35eefdc9d31531.html求职意向教育背景2010.9~2013.6 中国政法⼤学·法学硕⼠(免试推荐)GPA:4.4/5◆专业排名:前5%;课程完成需阅读⼤量英⽂⽂献;较好的写作能⼒与功底2006.9~2010.7 ⼭东⼤学·法学学⼠GPA:4.5/5◆专业排名:前1%实践经历2012.3-2012.7 安联全球救援(中德安联集团⼦公司)法务合规部实习⽣◆常规:公司合同管理、涉诉案件管理(⾃主设计表格梳理)、运营风险报告。
2012.3-2012.9 中国劳动保障报社⽹络部编辑(志愿者)◆“案件播报”栏⽬的新闻编辑⼯作,半年来始终如⼀,采编新闻稿件⼀千三百余篇;◆致⼒于维护劳动者及企业的合法权益,策划邮递员劳动权益保障研讨会。
2010.9-2012.1 中国政法⼤学校史编委会记者◆适逢母校六⼗年校庆,负责校史系列丛书之六:法⼤精英(⽴法者),已出版;◆对法⼤参与⽴法的突出贡献者进⾏采访、整理稿件2010.9-2012.6 中国政法⼤学法学院研究⽣会⼲事—副主席◆策划、组织“巅峰职场”毕业⽣系列就业促进活动、毕业⽣物品送新⽣等迎新活动、“庆两蛋、迎新年”院⽂艺晚会等。
2009.3-2009.11 第七届“贸仲杯”国际商事模拟仲裁辩论赛队长兼主⼒队员◆法学三⼤赛事之⼀,全英⽂,组织队员讨论案例、搜集资料、撰写申诉书及答辩状;◆带队赴京参加⽐赛,参与全部共四场⽐赛,获“团队贡献奖”。

个人简历表格英文篇一:【免费】英文个人简历(表格版)篇二:英文版个人简历模板curriculumVitaename:******Gender:maleRace:HandateofBirth:may28,1977Politicalaffiliation:Partymemberaddress:internationalSchool,Xi’anJiaotongUniversity,Xi’an,Shaanxi,710038Telephone:**********(fixedtelephone)**********(cellphone)Hobbies:Education:20XX—20XXTaiyuanno.5SeniorSchool,ShanxiProvince20XX---20XXX i’anJiaotongUniversity,ShaanxiProvincemajor:appliedEnglish Language:chineseandEnglish(bothfluentinListening,speaking,readingandwriting) maincourses:intensiveReading,ExtensiveReading,SpokenEnglish,Englishlistening,Engl ishGrammar,Englishwriting,Translation awardsandScholarships:20XX“ExcellentLeaguemember”,JiaotongUniversity;(:个人简历表格英文)20XX“nationalinspirationalScholarship”,JiaotongUni versityotherTrain ing:Qualifications:ProfessionalExperience:20XXTutorforajuniormiddleschoolstudent;SellerofEnglishweekly20XXmemberofaideducationgroupatcollege篇三:史上最正宗英文个人简历resume范文模板第一种格式StanBeltzman572FirstStreet?Brooklyn,nY11215?s.beltzman@?718-555-4328 Education:PrincetonUniversity,Princeton,nJdegreeExpected:m.S.incommunications,June2005classRank:Top10percentEditorofcommunicationsJournalUniversityofwisconsin,madison,wiB.a.inPoliticalScience,may20XXdean’sListmarchingBandSectionLeaderworkHistory:BostonTheatreco.,Boston,maP.R.internship,June20XXtoSeptember20XX composedpressreleasesandpublicservice announcementspublicizingtheatreevents.oversaw productionofposters,flyers,andprograms.Soldsubscriptionsandadvertisings pace.otherExperience:citizensactionGroup,newYork,nYFieldmanager,June20XXtoSeptember20XX Promotedpublicawarenessofstatelegislativeprocess andissuesoftoxicwaste,utilitycontrol,andconsumerlegislation.demonstratedeffectivefund-raisingskills. Universityofwisconsin,madison,wiResidentassistant,officeofResidentialLifeSeptember20XXtoJune20XX administeredallaspectsofstudentaffairsanduniversity residencehalls,includingprogramplanning,discipline, andindividualgroupcounseling.directed achievementofstudentgoalsthroughguidanceof theresidencehallcouncil.implementedalluniversitypolicies.Universityofwisconsin,madison,wiStaffTrainingLecturer,august20XXtodecember20XXconductedworkshops forresidencehallstaffoncounseling,effectivecommunication,andconflictres olution.SpecialSkills:?Knowledgeofmicrosoftoffice,includingword,Excel, andPowerPoint?KnowledgeofSpanishandFrench?cPRcertified第二种格式?margaretweidlin?333marketStreet,apt.608SanFrancisco,ca94123maggie.weidlin@415-555-3526?JobSought?designerofcutting-edgewomen’sfashion?Education?Parkwoodcollegeofdesign,SanFrancisco,cam.a.inFashiondesign,June20XXnorthwesternUniversity,Evanston,iLB.a.inartHistory,1999?Employer?daviewear,inc.,SanFrancisco,ca assistantFashioncoordinator,20XX-Present ?Skillsandaccomplishments??Prepareclothingfordisplay?Evaluateandselectfabrics?designpatternsforfabric?coordinatewindowdisplays?References?SusandeGeorge,ownerdaviewear,inc.s.degeorge@415-555-5958,ext.332 alexRosenthal,instructor Parkwoodcollegeofdesignrosenthal@415-555-4900,ext.839 designportfolioavailableuponrequest第三种格式BridgettTerry444424thStreetLosangeles,ca90061B.Terry@213-555-3411 objectiveapositioninpersonneladministration.EducationHumanResourcesadministrationLorminoncollege,dallas,TXcertificateofcompletion,Summer20XX UniversityofcaliforniaatBerkeley,Berkeley,caBachelor'sdegreeinEconomics,1999HonorsPersonnelmanagementinstitutedean'saward,20XX StudentGovernmentSecretary,1998 GammaKappaPhiHonorarySociety,1998-1999 workExperiencewoodbine&co.,Losangeles,ca HumanResourcesassistant,2000-Present?Greetcurrentandprospectiveemployeesinthemainoffice.?Researchandevaluateapplications.?maintainemployeereferrals.?Fileperformanceappraisals.?Helpwritejobdescriptions.?Recorddataonvacations,sicktime,andleavesofabsence. computerExperience?EntiremicrosoftofficeSuite,includingwork,PowerPoint,access,。

总经理秘书英文简历表格_简历模板Job TargetTarget IndustryThe hope responds to a call for recruits profession scope Target jobThe hope responds to a call for recruits postTarget addressHope work area, urban scopeTarget salaryAnticipation wage level welfare demand,Discussing in person To hillock timeThe new post can in the long time assume the postWorking Experience1995/08—2002/02XXXIndustry: Apparel/Textiles/Leather GoodsAdministrative Department Admin Manager/Supervisor/Office Manager1995/08—1997/08 Clerk Administrative Dept.To distribute the government documents; sort out and file the company documents; recruit; receive the visitor.1997/09—2002/02 Vice officer. Officer in Administrative Dept, Secretary of General Manager1. To manage the central file, contact with the government;2. Familiar with the register of enterprise, register of label etc;3. Assist the General Manager to correspond with every department and receive the important visitor and customers.4. To compile ISO9000 procedure manual and quality manual, manage and internal audit (Got the Internal Auditor certificate)2002/07—Now Shanghai Web International Training Centre Study EnglishEducation/Training1991/09—1995/07Dalian Light Industry Institute Food Sciences Bachelor2001/03—2001/04China Quality Certification Centre For Import And Export CommoditiesISO9001:2000 standard internal auditor training2000/04—2000/04China Quality Certification Centre For Import And Export CommoditiesISO9002:1994 standard internal auditor trainingCertificate2001/04ISO9001:2000 standard internal auditor certificate1993/07CET4Self-appraisalOptimistic; Self-motivated; Strong responsibility; Good interpersonal and communication;Be able to work under great pressure; Team work spirit. Good computer skills in MS Window, MS Office.。

中英文简历模板范文一:个人概况:姓名:---- 籍贯:出生年月:19某某年某月--日健康状况:良好毕业院校: 某某大学专业:商务管理电子邮件: ----------联系电话: 手机:通信地址: 邮编:教育背景及主修课程:2022年某月---20某某年某月某某大学商学系人力资源管理、公关与礼仪、电子商务、管理学原理、数据库设计、管理信息系统、西方经济学旅游接待英语、导游英语、旅行社经营管理、旅游市场营销、旅游资源规划与开发、旅游财务管理、旅游文化学、旅游地理学、旅游心理学餐饮管理、前厅客房管理、酒吧与餐饮管理、客源国概况、饭店管理个人技能:顺利通过大学英语CET-6,能熟练的用英语进行对话获得剑桥商务英语中级证书(Business English Certificate),熟悉商务英语,能阅读商务文献,并具备一定的商务英语写作能力熟练掌握饭店接待英语、旅游英语计算机CCT证书,以优异成绩获得全国计算机信息高新技术考试证书,具备Windows环境下文字处理、图文混排以及表格操作能力,熟练掌握WORD、E某CEL、PPT获奖情况:二等、三等奖学金(年份)并获系三好学生(年份)获系称号(20某某)获校称号(20某某)实践情况:参与心理调研活动为公司作市场调研分析,获得好评通信地址:某某大学某某分校------- 邮编:联系方式: E-mail:Name (Se某: female Age:22)ObjectiveA responsible secretary /management position which will provide challenge and freedom where I can bring my initiative and creativity into full play.Education20某某.9-20某某.6 Depts. Business Graduate School of University, M.E.Academic preparation for management:Management: Principles of management, Organization theory, behavioral science. Communication: Business communication, Human resource management, Human relations.Marketing: Marketing theory, Sales management.Computer AbilitiesSkilled in use of Word, E某cel, PPT, Win98, InternetEnglish SkillsHave a good command of both spoken and written English Past CET-4, CET-6 Past Cambridge Business English Certificate Vantage, ability to write businessreportScholarships and Awards20某某/20某某 Second-class Scholarship for graduateThe best debater of the departmentThe best debater of the UniversityQualificationsGeneral business knowledge relating to managementHave a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common senseAbility to organize marketing campaigns and to supervise employees. Effectivecommunication abilities and public relations skills.通信地址:某某大学某某分校------- 邮编:联系方式: E-mail:二:于某某(男 31 岁)出生日期:1980-4-24 0:00:00 户籍地址:山东-青岛婚姻状况:未婚身高(cm):178自我评价本人诚实可靠,工作认真负责,有上进心,工作效率高,学习能力强,能较快融入到新环境当中,具团队精神。

英文个人简历表格模板Personal InformationName: [Your Full Name]Address: [Your Full Address]Phone: [Your Phone Number]Email: [Your Email Address]Date of Birth: [Your Date of Birth]Nationality: [Your Nationality]Education[Year - Year] [Degree or Certification] in [Subject], [University or Institution], [Location]- Relevant coursework: [List any relevant coursework or projects]- Achievements: [List any academic achievements or awards]Work Experience[Month Year - Present] [Position], [Company Name], [Location]- Responsibilities: [List your main responsibilities and tasks]- Achievements: [List any achievements or milestones reached in your position][Month Year - Month Year] [Position], [Company Name], [Location]- Responsibilities: [List your main responsibilities and tasks]- Achievements: [List any achievements or milestones reached in your position]Skills- Languages: [List the languages you are proficient in]- Computer Skills: [List any software programs or technical skills you possess]- Other Skills: [List any other relevant skills, such as communication or leadership abilities]Certifications- [Certification Name], [Organization], [Year]Professional Memberships- [Organization Name], [Year Joined - Present]ReferencesAvailable upon request.*Note: This is just a template for an English personal resume form. Make sure to customize it with your own information before submitting it to potential employers. Good luck!。

下面小编给大家分享一些优秀英文简历表格,希望能够帮助大家,欢迎阅读!优秀英文简历表格1Fidel Michaels60 W. 12th Street,New York, NY 10011212-229-5193Title: MBA Finance with more than seven years of experience with handling of mutual funds and trading in primary market Career ObjectiveSeeking a challenging and rewarding position with a financial service company engaged in managing mutual funds and other investments.Skills SummaryCognizant with all laws, regulations, and standard operating procedures related to the financial worldExcellent integrity, interpersonal, and time management skillsFine team player, diplomacy, organization, professional management, and diplomacyCourse work, internship, and relevant training in financial managementComputer Skills: Basic, Lotus 1 2 3, WordPerfect, d-Base III Employment HighlightsFinance Manager with Secura Investments, New York, NYfrom 2001 till date, where the responsibilities involve: Making arrangements for medium and long term finance for new companies and those established companies seeking to expand or diversify their businessManaging the portfolios of retail clientsAdvising investor clients with mutual fundsAssistant Finance Manager with InvestMart Investments Inc., New York, NY from 1998 to 2001, where the responsibilities involved:Understanding the requirements of retail clients and advising them on the appropriate course of investment Managing the portfolios of retail as well as major client investorsSome experience with dealings of the secondary marketIntern Finance Manager with Major Finance Corporation, New York, NY during 1997 - 98 where I learned all the fundamentals of regulations and operations of stock market and the interpersonal skills needed to deal with investors Educational QualificationsBachelor in Business Administration from the New York University, NY in 1995Master in Business Administration from the New York University, NY in 1997Finance Course Work and Training:Corporation FinanceInvestment StrategiesStock Market Fundamentals优秀英文简历表格2Name:Gender:FemaleDate of Birth:August 23th,1970Martial Status:MarriedEmail:Phone:(8610) 6672-1234Address:No.29, Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing 10029, ChinaSTRENGTHLogistics expert in planning, purchasing and distribution.My special knowledge in logistics field covers logistics planning, logistics system development, warehousing, transportation, etc.Supplying chain management, investment project handling, ISO9000 certification, import and export business.based on long-term management experience, be able to lead a project team to settle any difficulties with efficient communication and sincere cooperation.WORK EXPERIENCE07/1999 - 12/2000 x ChinaLogistics ManagerMonitoring and improving national supply chain performance through designing, implementing and analyzing KPI (from totally new design to implementation throughout the company, including inventory turnover, backorder ratio, supply availability, sales forecast reliability, warehouse utilization and other related measurements.Taking a lead in countrywide inventory optimization project.Taking a lead in T&A products purchase, inventory, and distribution planning and logistics operations implementation.Cooperating with The Third Party Logistics Service provider to continuously improve the warehousing and transportefficiency.01/1998- 07/1999 x ShanghaiManager of LogisticsEstablished purchase, production and sales logistics processes based IT system.In charge of daily logistics operation.In charge of forwarders management and bonded warehousing management.Struggled in optimize the inventory on the supply chain.Cooperated with production dept. to made MRS and BOM.08/1993 - 01/1998 x Co. BeijingLogistics SupervisorIn charge of import contracts and orders management.In charge of bonded warehousing management.Supervised the performance of freight forwarders and carriers ba s e d o n c o s t , d e l i v e r y a n d s e r v i c e q u a l i t y . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 5 3 " > I n c h a r g e o f i n t e r n a t i o n a l a n d d o m e s t i c p u r c h a s i n g a n d t r a n s p o r t a t i o n . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 5 4 " > P r o c e s s e d a l l t h e c u s t o m s - o f f i c e - r e l a t e d i s s u e s . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = "1 5 5 " > E D U C A T I O N / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t :2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 5 6 " > 0 7 / 1 9 9 8 0 0 B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y x 0 0 M B A / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 5 7 " > 0 1 / 0 6 / 1 9 93 0 0 x T r a d e I n s t i t u t e 0 0 I n t e r n a t i o n a l T r a d e B a c h e l o r / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 5 8" > L A N G U A G E / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 5 9 " > B e a b l e t o c o m m u n i c a t e e f f i c i e n t l y w i t h c o l l e a g u e s a n d c u s t o m e r s i n f l u e n t E n g l i s h , w h a t e v e r i n W r i t t e n , S p o k e n , R e a d i n g o r L i s t e n i n g . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 6 0 " > C O M P U T E R / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 6 1 " > C o m p u t e r s o f t w a r e e x p e r t i n E x c e l a n d A c c e s s . F a m i l i a r w i t h s y s t e m s l i k e B P C S , S C A L A a n d r e l a t e d . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 6 2 " >。

(一)Name Check the bonus distribution scheme of each dept. and promote it.To analyze the salary for each dept., adjust the distribution way rationally, and promote the inner management of department continually.To take charge of the annual salary adjustment for employees, make scientific and invigorative salary adjustment for employees to accelerate their good performance in next year.To set up and perfect the KPI and performance appraisal system, make position appraisal and employee appraisal, improve the working capability for employees continually.To take charge of the annual performance appraisal; assist department manager to improve the performance of employees to reach the company requirement.To set up humanistic welfare system and supervise to carry it out, try best to promote the better relation between employees and leaders.To set up the rational and effective communication system to motivate and promote the better relation between employees and leaders.To be familiar with the relevant HR lawand policy, command its trend at any moment, make the HR system and employee handbook for company.To make HR positive management for employees; ensure each business and affairs to carry out steadily and smoothly.To conduct and push subordinates to work effectively.Report Directly to: General ManagerNumber of Subordinate:12007/07—2007/09Reell Precision Manufacturing Corporation Shanghai Office Industry: Computers, HardwareHuman Resources Department Human Resources Manager Which is a Representative Office of a USA manufacturing company. Reell is established in 1970 and has become the leading company in the "torque" design, solution application and manufacturing field.Responsibilities:Facilitate the implementation of HR policies and procedures throughout the company.Assist the VP of HR with the development of all aspects of the human resources function.Be responsible for coordinating social and recreational events forCompany.Develop, revise and implement policies and regulations manuals for the Company, including employee handbook.Develop, apply and interpret company policies and procedures to individuals and departments within the company to provide solutions to employee problems.Coordinate and participate in all hiring activities. Develop and utilize sources of potentialcandidates to fulfill company staffing needs. Prescreen candidates; develop participate in hiring decisions, conduct background and reference checks and make job offers.Design and implement growth and development content and processes of all new employees hired, ensuring all training and orientation classes are completed.Be responsible for Company Values and Skills Training, and other training activities/events with the VP of HR.Plan, develop, and administer the various employee benefit support services.Administrate commercial insurance and all other relative benefit programs.Review and monitor all benefits on a regular basis to recommend changes and/or improvements.Serve as a representative of the company for volunteer and community services.Prepare government reports and coordinates with company accountant in preparation of reports for relevant government agencies.Serve as the coworker responsible for development and maintenance of safety practices.Serve as the Advisor to the OfficeAdministrator.Report Directly to: HR VP Established an efficient HR frame for the Company.2005/05—2007/06Helkama Bica (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Industry: Telecom s conflict and labor disputations.Establish and improve Company regulations, compile/update the Employee Handbook, modify/correct the jobinstruction.Ensure efficient administrative support.Guide and support Team members.Report Directly to: General Manager Number of Subordinate:2Reason for Leaving: Spending more than 4 hours on going to and returning from work everyday because of company moving (from Jinqiao to Fengxian). Hoping to work in downtown and having enough time to care for my old fatherAchievements:Succeeded in recruiting technological engineers and managerial staffs for all departments and having built the regular operation procedures of most HR functions, such as recruiting, training, performance review, compensation Proficient in recruiting, training, CStrong abilities of implement, coordination and organization;Team work;5)familiar with labor law and HR rules.。

附件五 (Name)Ph.DCurriculum Vitae, April 2009Finance Department Date of Birth: February 22,1959 University of Minnesota Citizenship: U.S.A.321-19 Avenue South SEX:Minneapolis Major:Professional Title:Office Telephone: E-mail:Mobile: School Website:Fax:ACADEMIC EXPERIENCEMinnesota Banking Industry Professor of Finance,Carlson School of Management,University of Minnesote,2002-presentAssociate Professor,Finance Department, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesote,1998-2002Visiting Scholar,Financial Markets Group,London School of Economics,December 1995-1996……OTHER EXPERIENCEConsultant,Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland,1996Research Analyst,CoreStates Financial Corp/Philadelphia National Bank, 1981-1983……….EDUCATIONThe Wharton School,University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,PAPh.D.,Finance,August 1990Ph.D.Thesis Title:Ph.D.Thesis Research was performed at:M.B.A.,Finance,Mar 1982Princeton University,Princeton,NJA.B., Mathematics,June 1980RESEARCH INTERESTSFinancial contracting, security design, and corporate finance.Structure and regulation of financial institutions.REFEREED JOURNAL ARTICLES“Risk Overhang and Market Behavior,” (with Anne ). Journal of Business74:4 (October 2001), 591-612.“Delegated Monitoring and Bank Structure in a Finite Economy.” Journal of Financial Intermediation, 4:2 (April 1995), 158-187.……WORKING PAPERS AND WORK IN PROGRESS“Risk Overhang and Loan Portfolio Decisions,” (with Robert and Anne ).May 2006.“When Do Institutional Investors Become Activists? Trading Incentivesand Shareholder Activism,” (with Chen Liu). September 2003.OTHER PUBLICATIONS“The Social Cost of Bank Capital,” (with Gary Gorton). Proceedings ofthe 32nd Annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, May1996, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.……COURSES TAUGHTMBA: Corporate Finance; Managing Financial Institutions.Non-Degree Executive Education: Financial Strategy.……TEACHING AWARDSTeaching commendations from Kellogg Dean's Office, every academic year 1991-1998.……SCHOOL SERVICEChair, Carlson Finance Department, 2008-Carlson Finance Department Recruiting Committee, 2006-2007……PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIESEditorial Activities:Associate Editor, Journal of Financial Intermediation, January 2002-present Associate Editor, Journal of Finance, March 2000-present……Association Service:Society for Financial Studies Nominating Committee, 2000……Conferences, 2005-presentProgram Committee and session chair, Western Finance AssociationMeetings, June 2008.Program Committee and session chair, Western Finance AssociationMeetings, June 2005.……Seminar Presentations, 2005-PresentAmerican University, November 2008Stanford University, May 2006……填写说明:1、模版中的红色字体为范例,仅供参考;2、该表格将提交申请访学学校,直接关系到申请人的录取,请如实详细填写。

以下是英语翻译表格英文简历模板,以供参考!英语翻译表格英文简历模板Name:Nationality:China(Mainland)CurrentPlace:LiwanHeight/Weight:165 cm55 kgMarital Status:SingleAge:27 yearsCareer Objective and Work experienceApplication type:01Preferred job title:Trade: merchandiser、Admin Specialist/Assistant:、English Translator:Working life:5Title:No titleJob type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a dayExpected salary:¥3,500¥5,000Preferred working place:GuangzhouWork Experience :Company's name:LE MONTE HK LTDBegin and end date: XX10XX12Enterprisenature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Trading/Imports ExportsJob Title:adminstrative assistantJob description: Major work is commodity(raw material,food)trade, purchase , go abroad to purchase ,inspection, process and reexports.The projects were responsible for 6,000 ton of whitesugar purchasing, processing,reexport; XX ton rice purchasing; 6, 000 tons of the brown sugar, reexportsReasons for leaving:Company's name:StopBandtenBegin and end date: XX08XX05Enterprisenature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Trading/Imports ExportsJob Title:adminstrative assistantJob description:1. in order to look for new factory and new material supplier ,we need to negotiate processing price , delivery date , payment terms, complaintment with supplier or factory directly.2. survey new factory , estimate factory’s capacity , find more infoReasons for leaving:Company's name:pealpal hk ltd Begin and end date: XX09XX08Enterprisenature:Sinoforeign joint venturesIndustry: Trading/Imports ExportsJob Title:merchandiserJob description:search digital products,and customers from alibaba and exhibition, provided export service, search supplier and products for customerReasons for leaving:Company's name: and end date: XX05XX06Enterprisenature:Private enterprisesIndustry:Trade/Consumption/Manufacturing/OperationJobTitle:export manager assistantJob description: part in some international exhibition(HK lighting exhibition, canton fair,GZ international fair etc.)serve foreign customer, price negotiations and decorate arrangements in the fair.Reasons for leaving:Educational BackgroundName of School:RadioTVUniversityHighest Degree:BachelorDate of Graduation:XX0301Name of Major 1:BusinessName of Major 2:EnghlishEducation experience:Start dateEnd dateEducationorganizationMajorsCertificateCertificateNoXX03XX03RadioTVUniversityBusiness EnglishBachelorLanguage AbilityForeign Language:EnglishLevel:excellentChineselevel:excellentCantonese Level:perfect 影响简历质量的因素有哪些简历在求职中所起到的作用非常大,在求职中能不能顺利的通过第一轮的筛选,就要看你简历写的怎么样。

英文个人简历表格模板个人信息姓名:[Your Name]性别:[Male/Female]出生日期:[Date of Birth]联系电话:[Phone Number]地址:[Home Address]国籍:[Nationality]教育背景[开始日期] [结束日期][学校名称][学位名称],[专业名称]主修课程:[List of major courses]学术成就:[List of academic achievements] [开始日期] [结束日期][学校名称][学位名称],[专业名称]主修课程:[List of major courses]学术成就:[List of academic achievements]工作经历[开始日期] [结束日期][公司名称][职位名称]职责:[List of responsibilities]成就:[List of achievements][开始日期] [结束日期][公司名称][职位名称]职责:[List of responsibilities]成就:[List of achievements]技能语言:[Language skills]计算机技能:[Computer skills]专业技能:[Professional skills]证书与奖项[证书名称],[颁发机构],[日期][奖项名称],[颁发机构],[日期]兴趣爱好[Hob 1][Hob 2][Hob 3]自我评价[简短的自我介绍,强调个人优势、职业目标等] [如有需要,列出相关人物或机构的联系方式]英文个人简历表格模板个人陈述教育背景[开始日期] [结束日期][学校名称][学位名称],[专业名称]主修课程:[List of major courses]学术成就:[List of academic achievements]实习经历:[描述实习经历和学到的技能][开始日期] [结束日期][学校名称][学位名称],[专业名称]主修课程:[List of major courses]学术成就:[List of academic achievements]实习经历:[描述实习经历和学到的技能]工作经历[开始日期] [结束日期][公司名称][职位名称]职责:[List of responsibilities]成就:[List of achievements]项目经验:[描述参与的项目和取得的成果] [开始日期] [结束日期][公司名称][职位名称]职责:[List of responsibilities]成就:[List of achievements]项目经验:[描述参与的项目和取得的成果]技能语言:[Language skills]计算机技能:[Computer skills]专业技能:[Professional skills]软技能:[Soft skills,如团队合作、沟通能力、领导力等]证书与奖项[证书名称],[颁发机构],[日期][奖项名称],[颁发机构],[日期][其他相关证书或奖项]兴趣爱好[Hob 1][Hob 2][Hob 3][Hob 4]自我评价在[您的职业]领域,我始终保持着对知识的渴望和对创新的追求。
简历模板 简历翻译成英文

简历翻译成英文底纯:良好毕业院校: **大学专业:商务管理电子邮件: ----------联系电话: 手机:通信地址: 邮编:刻育背景及主修课程:? 20__年x月---20__年x月**大学商学系? 人力资源管理、公关与礼仪、电子商务、管理学原理、数据库设计、管理信息系统、西方经济学? 旅游接待英语、导游英语、旅行社经营管理、旅游市场营销、旅游资源规划与开发、旅游财务管理、旅游文化学、旅游地理学、旅游心理学? 餐饮管理、前厅客房管理、酒吧与餐饮管理、客源国概况、饭店管理个人技能:? 顺利通过大学英语CET-6,能熟练的用英语进行对话? 获得剑桥商务英语中级证书(Business English Certificate),熟悉商务英语,能阅读商务文献,并具备一定的商务英语写作能力? 熟练掌握饭店接待英语、旅游英语? 计算机CCT证书,以优异成绩获得全国计算机信息高新技术考试证书,具备Windows环境下文字处理、图文混排以及表格操作能力,熟练掌握WORD、EXCEL、PPT获奖情况:? 二等、三等奖学金(年份)并获系三好学生(年份)? 获系******rdquo;称号(20__)? 获校******rdquo;称号(20__)实践情况:? 参与******************心理调研活动? 为*************公司作市场调研分析,获得好评通信地址:**大学**分校------- 邮编:********联系方式:**************** E-mail:Name (Sex: female Age:22)ObjectiveA responsible secretary /management position which will provide challenge and freedom where I can bring my initiative and creativity into full play.Education20__.9-20__.6 Depts. Business Graduate School of ******** University, M.E.Academic preparation for management:Management: Principles of management, Organization theory, behavioral science. munication: Business munication, Human resource management, Human relations.Marketing: Marketing theory, Sales management.puter AbilitiesSkilled in use of Word, Excel, PPT, Win98, InterEnglish Skills?? Have a good mand of both spoken and written English Past CET-4, CET-6 Past Cambridge Business English Certificate Vantage, ability to write businessreportScholarships and Awards? 20__/20__ Second-class Scholarship for graduate? The best debater of the department? The best debater of the UniversityQualifications? General business knowledge relating to management? Have a passion for the Inter, and an abundance of mon sense? Ability to organize marketing caigns and to supervise employees. Effectivemunication abilities and public relations skills.通信地址:**大学**分校------- 邮编:********联系方式:**************** E-mail:简历翻译成英文二:张某某北京市海淀区西三环北路二号北京外国语大学100号信箱100089电话:+86(10) 8881 0000 手机:+86(0)1381 000 0000 EMAIL:刻育背景20__年x月至今北京外国语大学国际商学院中国,北京将于20__年x月获经济学学士学位,国际经济与贸易专业;文学学士学位,英语专业;总体GPA 3.6/4.0; 主要课程包括:微积分93/100,公司财务98/100,管理学90/100,商务沟通94/100,国际贸易92/100 工作经历20__年x月至20__年x月20__年x月至20__年x月20__年x月瑞穗实业银行上海分行暑期实习生中国,上海●通过银行后台(资金后台,人民币业务科,汇出汇入科,进出口科)的轮岗了解商业银行的后台日常业务; ●在进出口部门学习、使用银行G-Base系统核对汇票以及信用证,每天完成超过200份单证的审核;●参加银行的内部培训,学习了银行的定期存款产品以及中国目前的外汇管制系统; ●对银行有关人民币业务的资料进行分析,整理和归类,为银行进一步开展人民币业务做准备。

Fabrikam, Inc., Raleigh, NC
Language Consultant
Translated American-English external web site content to French.
Trey Research, Raleigh, NC
Regulate the use of IT assets.
Manage and work with members, and ability to communicate effectively with other department.
Technical Support Engineer
and graded all written work, including final exam papers.
Related Experience
Lucerne Publishing, Raleigh, NC
Provide as needed editorial support remotely, including developmental and copy editing of their internal online and printed documentation.
and administered all grades.
Teaching Assistant– to Professor Garth Fort in “Advanced Rhetoric.”
Collaborated on curriculum and exam development, met with students upon request,

【英文简历模板范文】英文简历模板三篇 [英文简历模板范文]Name: [Your Name]Address: [Your Address]Phone: [Your Phone Number]Email: [Your Email Address]Objective:A dedicated and hardworking individual seeking a challenging position in [industry/field] where I can utilize my skills and experience to contribute to the success of the company.Education:[Degree] in [Major], [University Name], [Graduation Year]Relevant coursework: [List relevant courses or projects]GPA: [Your GPA]Skills:Proficient in [List relevant skills such as Microsoft Office, programming languages, etc.]Excellent communication and interpersonal skills。
Strong problem-solving abilities。
Ability to work effectively in a team or independently。
Fluent in [Languages spoken]Experience:[Job Title], [Company Name], [Dates of Employment][Brief description of responsibilities and accomplishments][Job Title], [Company Name], [Dates of Employment][Brief description of responsibilities and accomplishments][Job Title], [Company Name], [Dates of Employment][Brief description of responsibilities and accomplishments]Certifications:[List any relevant certifications or training]Volunteer Experience:[Organization Name], [Dates of Volunteer Work][Brief description of volunteer work and accomplishments]References:Available upon request.This is a basic template that you can customize to fit your own experiences and qualifications. Remember to tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for and highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position. Good luck!。


Standard resumé template标准简历模板Note:Please complete section 1 and 2 in both English and Chinese and the
ADDRESS:3rd Floor, the Yejin Building,Tsinghua University,Haidian District,Beijing 100084, PRC 请将完成的简历及附件发送到:
appendix 1附件1:
Please note that your responses will be evaluated by a senior RICS member vetting team for assessment to proceed to final interview。
If successful your responses can be expanded and used in case studies put forward for final assessment interview.

英文个人简历模板表格个人信息•姓名: [Your Name]•手机: [Your Phone Number]•邮箱: [Your Email Address]•地址: [Your Address]教育背景•学位: [Degree Earned]•学校: [Name of University/College]•专业: [Your Major]•毕业时间: [Graduation Date]工作经历1.公司名称: [Company Name]–职位: [Your Position]–时间: [Start Date] - [End Date]–工作内容:•[Responsibility 1]•[Responsibility 2]•[Responsibility 3]2.公司名称: [Company Name]–职位: [Your Position]–时间: [Start Date] - [End Date]–工作内容:•[Responsibility 1]•[Responsibility 2]•[Responsibility 3]技能•编程语言: [List Programming Languages]•技能1: [Skill 1]•技能2: [Skill 2]项目经历1.项目名称: [Project Name]–时间: [Start Date] - [End Date]–描述: [Project Description]–责任:•[Your Responsibility 1]•[Your Responsibility 2]2.项目名称: [Project Name]–时间: [Start Date] - [End Date]–描述: [Project Description]–责任:•[Your Responsibility 1]•[Your Responsibility 2]证书•证书1: [Certificate 1]•证书2: [Certificate 2]兴趣爱好•[Interest 1]•[Interest 2]以上是英文个人简历的模板表格,希望对你有所帮助。

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年 龄:24岁 学 历:本科 健康状况:良好
姓 名:某某某 籍 贯:某某市 政治面貌:中共党员
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