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1.---- I am leaving for America to attend a trade fair tomorrow.

---- ________. See you in a couple of weeks.

A.Congratulations B.All the best C.All the better D.All in all




考查情景交际用语。句意:——我明天要去美国参加一个交易会。——祝你一切顺利。几周后见。A. Congratulations恭喜;B. All the best一切顺利;C. All the better反而更好;D. All in all总而言之。结合句意故选B。

2.—Hey, do remember we are going to Mr. Black’s office tomorrow.

—Oh, I have almost forgotten, but_____.

A.not really B.never mind

C.no problem D.no doubt




考查习惯用语。A. not really不见得;B. never mind没关系;C. no problem没问题;D. no doubt毫无疑问。句意:—嘿,别忘了我们明天要去布莱克先生的办公室。—哦,我差点忘了,但是没问题。故C选项正确。

3.-Have you seen this film? It shows friendship, love and help.

-______I was deeply moved.

A.I'm the top dog B.It's my cup of tea

C.I have green fingers D.It's a piece of cake




考查情景对话。句意:---你看过这部电影吗?它显示了友谊、爱和帮助。----这是我喜欢的一类,我深深地感动了。A. I'm the top dog我是大人物;B. It's my cup of tea这是我喜欢的,符合我的胃口;C. I have green fingers我是园艺能手;D. It's a piece of cake小菜一碟,轻松的事。分析句子可知,本题后一句“我被打动了”,可知我喜欢,故选B。

4.If the boss is angry when he comes in, don't tell him about the customer's complaints. You'll just be _________.

A.killing the fatted calf

B.seeing the handwriting on the wall

C.hitting your own feet of clay

D.adding fuel to the fire




考查习语。A. killing the fatted calf热情款待;B. seeing the handwriting on the wall不祥之兆;hitting your own feet of clay自找麻烦;D. adding fuel to the fire火上浇油。句意:如果老板进来时很生气,你把顾客的投诉告诉他,这只会火上浇油。根据句意可知此处表示“火上浇油”,故D项正确。



本题中四个习语的意思为:A. killing the fatted calf热情款待;B. seeing the handwriting on the wall不祥之兆;hitting your own feet of clay自找麻烦;D. adding fuel to the fire火上浇油。


5.—I was going to skate on Sunday, but I can’t g o now.


A.What a pity B.No matter

C.I don’t mind D.Let’s make it at 7:30




考查情景交际。句意:——我本来打算星期天去滑冰,但是我现在不能去了。——多可惜啊! A. What a pity多可惜啊;B. No matter不介意,不要紧;C. I don’t mind我不介意;D. Let’s make it at 7:30让我们约定七点半吧。对某人不能做某事应表示“遗憾”,故A项正确。

6.The young man is very excellent. Now he is the ______ of a big company.

A.top dog B.cold fish

C.white elephant D.black sheep




考查习惯用语辨析。句意:这个年轻人非常优秀。现在他是一家大公司的总裁。A. top dog 头领; 有权势的人;B. cold fish态度冷冰冰的人;C. white elephant华而不实的东西;D. black sheep害群之马。由“excellent”可知,top dog“头领; 有权势的人”符合句意。故A选项正确。
