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Sentence patterns 发出邀请
3. 我写信的目的是想邀请你参加我们的晚会。 I am writing to invite you to join in/ participate in/ take part in our party.
Sentence patterns 活动时间和地点
5. 新年音乐会将于本周六晚在音乐厅举行,大概持续两个小时。 The new year’s concert will be held in the music hall this
_S_a_t_u_r_d_a_y__e_v_e_n_in_g_,_w__h_ic_h__w_i_ll__la_s_t_(_fo_r_)_2__h_o_u_r_s_. _______________
There you’ll have a closer look at how we celebrate National Day. To express our best wishes to the 70th anniversary of PRC, we will sing the patriotic song “Me and My Country”. I believe that our wonderful performance will leave a deep impression on you.
Sentence patterns 表达感谢 7. 如果你能接受邀请我将感激不尽。 I would be grateful/ appreciate it if you could accept
_t_h_e_i_n_v_it_a_t_io_n_.____________________________________________ 表达期盼 8. 盼着您的回复/到来。
Paragraph2:Body 时间,地点,内容, 意义
Paragraph3:Conclusion 重申邀请/感谢/期盼回复或到来
Useful expressions
1. 邀请某人做某事
_i_n_v_it_e_s_b_._t_o__d_o_s_t_h_. _____
2. 学生会主席
(I am ) looking forward to your reply/coming. ________________________________________________________ 9.诚挚的希望您可以加入我们。 _I__si_n_c_e_r_el_y__h_o_p_e_t_h_a_t_y_o_u__c_a_n_j_o_in__u_s_.________________________
Let’s have a try
七十华诞生日,我校将于下周一在操场举行一场快闪活动。 请你代表同学们给我校国际教师Mr. Mckenna写一封电子邮 件,邀请他前往观看。邮件内容包括:
1.发出邀请 2. 具体时间地点 3. 活动内容和意义 注意:
1. 词数100左右 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
1.Work out the structure of an invitation letter. 2. Learn some expressions and sentence patterns used in an invitation letter. 3. Master the skills of writing an invitation letter.
Sentence patterns 介绍自己
1. 我是学生会主席李华。 I am Li Hua, chairman of the Students’ Union.
2. 我是邯郸一中学生李华。 I am Li Hua from Handan No.1 High School.
you to make a lecture on cultural differences between China and America. The lecture will be held in the lecture hall at 4:00 p.m. this Saturday
afternoon, which will last about two hours. We students show great interest in American culture, especially the campus life of American high school students. Besides, You can talk about some interesting American customs. I believe we will benefit a lot from the lecture. Only when we have a better undestanding of American culture can we avoid the misunderstanding in communication.
3. 代表全体同学
o_n_b_e_h_a_l_f_o_f_a_l_l _th__e_s_tu_d__en__ts
4. 在讲座/会议厅
5. 在操场上
活动意义 6. 我相信这次的展览会拓宽你的视野并且给你留下深刻的印象。
I believe it will broaden your horizons and make a deep __i_m_p__re_s_s_io_n__o_n__y_o_u_. ______________________________________
We would be grateful it if you could accept the invitation. Looking forward to your early reply.
Yours, Li Hua
The structure of an invitation letter
Paragraph1:IntroducBiblioteka Baiduion 自我介绍 & 写作目的
One possible version
Dear Mr Mckenna I am Li Hua, Chairman of the Students’ Union. On behalf of all the
students, I am writing to invite you to watch our flash show. The show will be held at 10 a.m. next Monday on the playground.
We would appreciate it if you could accept the invitation. Looking forward to your early reply.
Yours, Li Hua
(101 words)
4. 我代表全班同学写信邀请你观看我们的表演。 On behalf of our class, I am writing to invite you to
watch our performance. ________________________________________________________
6. 在本/下周一上午十点 _a_t _1_0_a_._m_._t_h_i_s/_n_e_x_t_M__o_n_d_ay
7. 接受某人的邀请
8. 期盼你的到来/答复 look__f_o_r_w_a_r_d__to__o_n_e_’s__co_m__i_n_g/reply
An Example
做一场关于中美文化差异的讲座。请给她写一封邮件,内容包 括:
1.邀请出席 2. 时间地点 3. 讲座内容(美国的文化、习俗等) 注意:
1. 词数100左右 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Nancy, I am Li Hua, chairman of the Students’ Union. I’m writing to invite