➢Action Movie
One of the famous Hollywood sciencefiction movies—— The Transformers
• 2007 "Transformers 1" released, and 2009 "Transformers 2" released. This two movies had created more than $1.5 billion in the global. Also we know the "Transformers 3" will show on July 1, 2011,with 3D technology.
The types of Hollywood science fiction movies
The Hollywood science fiction movies have a colorful and rich theme . It includes Science fiction adventure movie , Science fiction action movie, Science fiction disaster movie, and so on.
➢Disaster Film
Super Battleship
➢Adventure Film ➢Action Movie ➢Epic Film(史诗片) ➢Disaster Film ➢Thriller(惊悚片)
• Modern Era: In recent decks, science fiction films have continued to evolve and expand in scope, tapping more complex themes and ideas Films such as "Blade Runner" (1982), "The Matrix" (1999), and "Interstellar" (2014) have pushed the gene forward with their innovative visual effects and thought-provoking narratives
• "Frankenstein" (1931): Based on Mary Shelley's novel, this film by James Whale tells the story of a scientific who created a monster in his laboratory, only to have it turn on him and write havoc It explores themes of scientific responsibility and the nature of monostability
美国科幻电影发展史英文版介绍As one can conclude from the term science-fiction movie, these films have a background of an advanced, fictional technology that is normally set in the future. Most of these movies have in common that they expose their own vision of the future, with new technologies commonly being the most noticeable change in these hypothetical worlds. Besides visions about all kinds of scientific areas, the given context of this work concentrates particularly on computer interfaces.As a part of the seminar "Intelligent Spaces" approaches of mainstream science fiction motion pictures are extracted and analysed regarding their references in real-life human computer interaction (HCI) designs. Similarities to ongoing researches will be outlined - especially to those, which are presented by other talks of this seminar that have already taken place. To be able to draw comparisons to reality it is often necessary to view the ideas and visions of a movie on a relatively abstract level.At first some key factors that determine or influence the design of HCI in movies will be discussed. Starting from this viewpoint numerous examples from selected movies will be observed. Due to the limitation of the material that was at hand, we cannot claim to provide a complete overview of all movies, but the availableselection should suffice and allow a representative inspection of the movie scene.We will start with a review of movies that do not show any concepts at all or merely adapt common everyday techniques of that time. The second and main part introduces visionary interaction design, divided into different areas of interaction technologies, followed by a brief view at a couple of satiric movie scenes and the conclusions of this work in the end.。
直到1902年法国人梅里埃推出《月球旅行记》(Le Voyage dans la Lune),才标志着第一部真正意义上的科幻电影出现。
不过随着好莱坞制片厂制度的出现和发展,美国在科幻电影制作上奋起直追,生产了《科学怪人》(Frankenstein,1910)、《化身博士》(Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,1913)等影片,更值得一提的是于1916年生产的一部长达105分钟的《海底两万里》(20,000 Leagues Under the Sea),它开创了水下摄影的先河。
这一时期好莱坞科幻片代表作有《失落的世界》(The Lost World,1925)和《神秘岛》(The Mysterious Island,1929)等。
比如,这一时期出品了《科学怪人》(1931)、《科学怪人的新娘》(The Bride of Frankenstein,1935)和《科学怪人的儿子》(The Son of Frankenstein,1939),类似的还有《化身博士》系列和《飞侠哥顿》系列(Flash Gordon)。
What islike science fictions ? the best science Do you fiction film you have seen?
Science fiction epic
• 它常常创造“由于科学技术的异 化而导致的独裁的混乱的非理想 社会”,未来成了一个“背景” , 而真正演出的是气势宏大的星际 战争和纵横捭阖的宇宙政治。如 《星球大战》系列(Star Wars), 还有《星际迷航》系列(Star Trek)。《黑客帝国》系列(The Matrix)则讲述了一个救世主通 过自我牺牲而使机器和人重归于 好的地下斗争的故事。《阿凡达》 则是一部将战争演给男人看,将 爱情演给女人看的科幻大片,由 著名导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆执导, 二十世纪福克斯出品,3D效果绝 对震撼。
the matrix
导演: 安迪· 沃卓斯基 / 拉娜· 沃卓 斯基 编剧: 安迪· 沃卓斯基 / 拉娜· 沃卓 斯基 主演: 基努· 李维斯 / 凯瑞-安· 莫 斯 / 劳伦斯· 菲什伯恩 / 雨果· 维 文 / 格洛丽亚· 福斯特 / 乔· 潘托 里亚诺 / Marcus Chong / Julian Arahanga / Matt
• 《时光倒流七十年》改编自美国20世纪伟大作家 Richard Matheson发表于1976年的小说《Bid Time Return》,男主角李察是一名成功的剧作 家, 某日造访一家旅馆时,看到女演员艾丝的照 片,她曾在1912年时待遇这家旅馆。李察被这张 照片深深吸引,无法自拔。他以自我催眠的方式, 回到了1912 年,终于找到了念念不忘的艾丝,两 人很快的坠入了情网。
• 英文原版 • “The man of my dreams has almost faded now. The one I have created in my mind. The sort of man each woman dreams of in the deepest and most secret reaches of her heart. I can almost see him now before me. What would I say to him,if he were really here? Forgive me,I have never known this feeling. I've lived without it all my life. Is it any wonder,then,that I failed to recognize you? You ---who brought it to me for the first time. Is there any way I can tell you how my life has changed? Any way at all to let you know what sweetness you have given me? There is so much to say. . . I can not find the words. Except for these --I love you! ” • “我遇见了我梦 中的情人。他是我一直朝思暮想的人。他总是出现在我梦 中最深处,是最隐秘的部分。我在现在几乎都可以亲眼看到他。如果他真的在 这里,我会对他说什么?请原 谅我,我从来没有过这种感觉。我一生都不曾有 过这种感觉。之后却又认不出他来,是你第一次给我带来这种感觉。有没有任 何方法可以让我告诉你,我的生命是如 何的有了改变?有没有任何方式可以让 我告诉你,你给我带来的甜蜜?我有好多话要说·· · 却找不到适当的话语。但除 了这些话之外--我爱你!
角色多样性:漫威电影 宇宙拥有众多独特的角 色每个角色都有自己的 背景和故事。
故事连贯性:漫威电影 宇宙的故事线紧密相连 形成了一个庞大的世界 观每个电影都是这个宇 宙的一部分。
角色发展:漫威电影宇 宙中的角色在不断地成 长和变化每个角色都有 自己的历程和心路历程。
故事深度:漫威电影宇 宙的故事线不仅有深度 而且情节丰富引人入胜 让观众充满期待。
单击输入目录标题 漫威电影宇宙概述 漫威电影宇宙的特色
发展历程:从《钢铁侠》到《复仇者联盟》系列不断扩展宇宙中 的角色和故事线
多元宇宙:通过《奇异博士》等电影引入多元宇宙的概念为后续 作品提供更多可能性
无限传奇:在《复仇者联盟》系列中漫威电影宇宙达到了巅峰为 观众呈现了震撼的视觉效果和感人至深的故事情节
《复仇者联盟》系 列
创新叙事方式:漫威电影宇宙通过构建共享宇宙的方式打破了传统电影叙事模式为 未来电影创作提供了新的思路。
拓展电影宇宙概念:漫威电影宇宙的成功使得电影产业开始思考宇宙概念的可能性 未来可能会有更多类似的作品出现。
成功商业模式:漫威电影宇宙的成功商业模式包括角色商品化、跨界合作等为 电影产业带来了巨大的商业价值成为未来电影产业发展的新方向。
Gone with the Wind
The Classical Lineshe Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it's the only thing that lasts.
The Early Hollywood films
1 The Birth and Development of Film 2 The “ Blooming Period of Silent Films” 3 The First Golden Period of Hollywood
In 1895, Lumiere brothers first time show the film by tickets, And this marks the birth of film, and the birth of cinema. This picture is the film Train Arrives at Station.
Waterloo Bridge
PART.2 Breakfast at Tiffany's
The Classical Lineshe
It’s better to look at the sky than live there.
• Hollywood science fiction had experienced, growth time ,mature time. ,golden prosperity and development time. • Since 1990,the Hollywood science fiction movies was exploring and developing with high-tech .
• • • • • •
In the World ,the first Science fiction film was "trip to the moon" , directed by Georges Méliès , on September 1st, 1902 in France .
Science fiction film
• Science fiction film is a film genre that
uses science fiction: speculative, science-based depictions of phenomena that are not necessarily accepted by mainstream science, such as extraterrestrial life forms, alien worlds, extrasensory perception, and time travel, often along with futuristic elements such as spacecraft, robots, or other technologies.
《变形金刚》 变Βιβλιοθήκη 金刚》 《初恋50次》《金刚》《终结者1234》《ET》《神奇四侠》 》《金刚》《终结者 金刚》《 》《神奇四侠》 神奇四侠 《星球大战》经典 星球大战》 《隔世情缘/穿越时空爱上你》 《触不到的恋人》 穿越时空爱上你》 触不到的恋人》 《回到中世纪》 回到中世纪》 《我是传奇》《时光机器》 我是传奇》《时光机器》 》《时光机器 《回到未来123》 《时空过客》《时间骇客》《十二点零一分》《 时空过客》《时间骇客》《十二点零一分》《 》《时间骇客》《十二点零一分 木头美人》《雷霆万钧》《记忆裂痕》 木头美人》《雷霆万钧》《记忆裂痕》 》《雷霆万钧》《记忆裂痕 黑洞频率》 《蝴蝶效应》1.2.3 《黑洞频率》 蝴蝶效应》 《土拨鼠日》《星际迷航》《心灵传输者》《重回十七岁》 土拨鼠日》《星际迷航》《心灵传输者》《重回十七岁》 》《星际迷航》《心灵传输者》《重回十七岁
• When said about science fictions , never can we ignore this movie ha!
Many of this kind of films is involved with force, but there are also other kinds Just like the
Science fiction film
»Science fiction film is a film genre that uses science fiction: speculative, sciencebased depictions of phenomena that are not necessarily accepted by
Iron Man
• This film is highly
• praised to be the • classic of classics • in most science fictions. • • Arnold Schwarzenegger • acted in thபைடு நூலகம்s film
• In the World ,the first Science • fiction film was • "trip to the moon" , • directed by Georges • Méliès , on September • 1st, 1902 in France .
I like the marvel superhero movie ,such as《Iron Man》《The Hulk 》《American captain 》《Avengers》.
ØAction Movie
One of the famous Hollywood sciencefiction movies—— The Transformers
• 2019 "Transformers 1" released, and 2009 "Transformers 2" released. This two movies had created more than $1.5 billion in the global. Also we know the "Transformers 3" will show on July 1, 2019,with 3D technology.
ØEpic Film(史诗片)
ØDisaster Film
2019 is an exciting American movie. It tells the story that everything on earth is destroyed in a disaster in the year 2019, only a small percentage of human beings survived. This is an excellent movie with a thrilling(令人震撼的) storyline(故事 情节). It tells us that we should protect the earth and the environment, as well as all creatures on earth. 2019 teaches me alot, I think everyone should go and see it. What a good movie it is!
美国电影发展历程英文The Development of American FilmThe history of American film stretches back over a century, and it has had a significant impact on global cinema. The development of the American film industry can be divided into several key periods, each marked by technological advances, artistic innovation, and changing cultural and social attitudes.The early years of American cinema, from the late 19th century to the early 1900s, were characterized by short, silent films. These films were often shown in nickelodeons, small storefront theaters that could seat hundreds of people. Thomas Edison and the American Mutoscope Company were two key players during this period, producing films such as "The Great Train Robbery" in 1903, which is considered one of the first narrative films.The 1920s saw the rise of Hollywood as the center of the American film industry. With its favorable weather and diverse scenery, Hollywood became an ideal location for film production. Major studios such as Universal and Warner Bros. were established during this time, and the introduction of synchronized sound in films with "The Jazz Singer" in 1927 revolutionized the industry. This period also gave birth to many iconic stars, including Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton, who are still recognized today.The 1930s and 1940s, commonly known as the Golden Age of Hollywood, saw the production of multiple classics that are still celebrated today. The introduction of color film and widescreen formats further enhanced the cinematic experience. Some of themost revered films of this era include "Gone with the Wind" (1939) and "Casablanca" (1942). Additionally, Hollywood played an essential role in boosting morale during World War II, producing patriotic films that reflected the nation's spirit.In the 1950s, the rise of television posed a significant challenge to the film industry. To combat declining attendance, Hollywood responded with widescreen formats like Cinemascope and 3D, as well as epic spectacles such as "Ben-Hur" (1959). This period also saw the emergence of new genres, including science fiction and horror, with films like "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1956) and "Psycho" (1960).The 1970s witnessed a shift in American filmmaking, with the rise of independent cinema and the New Hollywood movement. Directors such as Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, and Francis Ford Coppola brought a level of artistic and narrative complexity that challenged traditional storytelling conventions. Films such as "Taxi Driver" (1976), "Jaws" (1975), and "The Godfather" (1972) captured the attention of both critics and audiences, earning critical acclaim and box office success.In recent decades, American cinema has continued to evolve and diversify. Hollywood has seen the emergence of blockbuster franchises and superhero films, as well as a growing focus on representation and inclusion, showcasing stories from underrepresented communities. Independent filmmaking has thrived, often pushing boundaries and exploring new narratives.In conclusion, the development of American film is a testament tothe innovative spirit, cultural influence, and global reach of the industry. From the early silent films to the present-day blockbusters, American cinema has continuously evolved, reflecting the changing tastes and values of audiences worldwide.。
American Film美国电影历史赏析 英文课课件
![American Film美国电影历史赏析 英文课课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b4d42ea143323968011c92b6.png)
美国有一个同巨大的财富和梦幻联系在一起的地方,这就是好莱 坞。它位于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市的西北部,是美国电影电视工 业的中心。好莱坞最初只是一片村庄,20世纪初,美国电影制作 中心由纽约逐渐移向阳光明媚的西海岸。1913年西席·地密尔在 好莱坞大规模的拍摄活动和派拉蒙公司建成第一个名副其实的摄 影棚,标志着电影城好莱坞的诞生。随后,好莱坞迅速成长为美 国和世界电影制片业的中心,它不再仅仅是一个地名,而成为美 国电影工业体系的代名词。这一工业体系的发展是建立在大制片 厂制和明星制基础上的。大制片厂制作为好莱坞电影独特的制作 方式,其特点是:发展大而全的垄断性企业,例如米高梅、华纳 兄弟等八大公司就大多是集制片、发行和放映于一体的大型垄断 企业;制片厂内部分工精细,强调集体合作,消解个人作用;实 行制片人专权制;突出演员作用,这便形成了所谓的明星制。直 到40年代好莱坞一直保持着世界最大的电影梦幻基地的地位。第 二次世界大战后好莱坞开始衰落,电视的兴起和反垄断法的实施 导致了大制片厂制度的解体。好莱坞在衰退中,顺应时代潮流发 展了电视制作。60年代末70年代初好莱坞电影业开始复兴。从80 年代中期直到今天,美国电影业又以其巨额的投资和高科技手段 的运用,使好莱坞重又恢复了世界影业霸主的地位。
国的电影组织或审查委员会推荐,且须加盖 英文字幕,送交学院外国片委员
千名美国影界权威人士组成的评审委员会,选出一部最佳 外国语片。该项奖
The colonists' expansion threatens the continued existence of the Na'vi, a race of humanoids indigenous to Pandora, as well as the moon's ecosystem. The film's title refers to the genetically engineered Na'vi bodies used by several human characters to interact with the natives of Pandora.
Now Cobb is being offered a chance at redemption. One last job could give him his life back but only if he can accomplish the impossibleinception.
Instead of the perfect heist, Cobb and his team of specialists have to pull off the reverse: their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one.
If they succeed, it could be the perfect crime. But no amount of careful planning or expertise can prepare the team for the dangerous enemy that seems to predict their every move. An enemy that only Cobb could have seen coming.
科幻电影简介英语作文50词英文回答:In the realm of science fiction, where imagination reigns supreme and technological advancements push the boundaries of possibility, a cinematic masterpiece emerges.A breathtaking fusion of science, innovation, philosophy, and human emotion, this film transports viewers to a realm where dreams and nightmares intertwine.At the heart of this extraordinary narrative lies a protagonist who embarks on an epic journey. Driven by a thirst for knowledge, a desire for adventure, or a yearning for redemption, they venture into uncharted territories, encountering both wonder and peril. Alongside a cast of enigmatic companions, they navigate treacherous landscapes, face formidable adversaries, and grapple with the profound implications of their discoveries.Through the lens of a visionary director, the filmexplores timeless themes of identity, purpose, and the indomitable spirit of humanity. It delves into the complexities of consciousness, the nature of reality, and the ethical dilemmas posed by scientific progress. With stunning visuals, thought-provoking dialogue, and an immersive soundscape, it invites viewers to question their own beliefs and ponder the trajectory of human existence.In an era marked by technological advancements that reshape our world, this film serves as a potent reminder of the transformative power of imagination. It inspires us to embrace the unknown, push the boundaries of our intellect, and strive for a future where science and humanity coexistin harmony.中文回答:在科幻电影的世界里,想象力至高无上,技术进步不断突破可能性的界限,一部电影杰作由此诞生。
The American Science Fiction Film 美国科幻电影
![The American Science Fiction Film 美国科幻电影](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fd5d90a4d1f34693daef3ec4.png)
Creating a precedent for underwaterture Period (1930--1940)
Bride of Frankenstein(1935)
the most important Creating a new era of horror film horror in the movie Gothic film history
The Booming Period 1960)
Perhaps the shadow of the Cold War shrouded(笼罩) in people's mind so that people's imagination strengthened,a number of good movies appeared in this period.
The Balance Period(1970--1980)
----Keeping balance between storyline and special effects It's important for Hollywood science fiction film to use special effects , but with the development of visual effect technology ,the tension between story and special effects had been strained. How to combine them together perfectly?
If Chinese films can lay emphasis on the themes and contents of stories,the logical constructions of storylines,they will be more popular and successful.
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美国科幻电影发展史英文版介绍As one can conclude from the term science-fiction movie, these films have a background of an advanced, fictional technology that is normally set in the future. Most of these movies have in common that they expose their own vision of the future, with new technologies commonly being the most noticeable change in these hypothetical worlds. Besides visions about all kinds of scientific areas, the given context of this work concentrates particularly on computer interfaces.As a part of the seminar "Intelligent Spaces" approaches of mainstream science fiction motion pictures are extracted and analysed regarding their references in real-life human computer interaction (HCI) designs. Similarities to ongoing researches will be outlined - especially to those, which are presented by other talks of this seminar that have already taken place. To be able to draw comparisons to reality it is often necessary to view the ideas and visions of a movie on a relatively abstract level.At first some key factors that determine or influence the design of HCI in movies will be discussed. Starting from this viewpoint numerous examples from selected movies will be observed. Due to the limitation of the material that was at hand, we cannot claim to provide a complete overview of all movies, but the available selection should suffice and allow a representative inspection of the movie scene.We will start with a review of movies that do not show any concepts at all or merely a dapt common everyday techniques of that time. The second and main part introduces visionary interaction design, divided into different areas of interaction technologies, followed by a brief view at a couple of satiric movie scenes and the conclusions of this work in the end.First, the 19th to in the 1920s, Hollywood sci-fi growth. 19 century, with the science fiction film of color film also almost and entertainment, was born in France, for example in 1895 "machine", the 1897 butcher "a 20th century surgeon", etc. But these movies, perhaps more like film technology in use of magic. Until 1902 French launched the trip to the moon meili ella record "(Le Voyage dans la Lune), just marked the first real sense of science fiction movie appear. In 1910, European countries, especially France and Britain, it seems that the filming of alien and future war theme befriends the lead on. But with Hollywood studios system's appearance and development, the United States in science fiction filmproduction, and produced on catching Frankenstein (Frankenstein, 1910, the incarnation Dr Jekyll and "(Dr. Mr. J, 1913) films Hyde, more remarkably in 1916 production of a minister of 105 minutes of the seabed 20,000 miles" (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea), it heralds the beginning of underwater photography. Arrived in the 1920s, the United States and Europe separate. Start sci-fi And Germany "Metropolis" (Metropolis, 1927) and other European science fiction, compared to Hollywood legend of paying more attention to science fiction plot, fast rhythm, breathtaking action and superb stunts. This period Hollywood sci-fi inclue The Lost World "(The World Lost, 1925) and The Mysterious Island (The Mysterious Island, 1929), etc. Second, the 1930s and 1940s, Hollywood sci-fi mature. Start from the 1930s Hollywood science fiction begin with terror, pessimistic preference and romantic colorific mad scientist theme, and began to shoot science fiction movie endless series. For example, this period produced Frankenstein (1931), The scientific weirdo Bride "(The Bride of Frankenstein, 1935) and science screwball Son" (The companies of Frankenstein, 1939), as are The embodiment "series and The xia dr Gordon" series (Flash Gordon). But "The Invisible Man" (The Invisible Man, 1933) and "King Kong" (King Kong, 1933) are masterpieces produced at that time, they continue to develop Hollywood movies in special use and plot arrangement's strengths, and has produced unique program. Arrived in The 1940s, due to The effects of world war ii, Hollywood science fiction in a immobilized but relatively stable state, in this decade is almost always a production befriends formerly, The theme of "following series", for instance, The stealth women "(The Invisible ', 1940)," The Invisible Man Returns "(The Invisible Man Returns, 1940) and" The Invisible Man Revenge record "(The Invisible Man 's Revenge, 1944). However, this also strengthened Hollywood befriends the narrative mode. In 1943, released on "Batman (The Batman), Japanese scientists become evil adversaries, Hollywood science fiction and war propaganda combine together, this also is this period characteristic. Third, the 1950s and 1960s: Hollywood befriends the boom. In the 1950s, perhaps is cold war shrouded in psychological fear shadows to strengthen people's imagination, Hollywood during this period produce a lot of science fiction bestseller, they often in an alien, monster or wars as the theme, also more dependent on the use of stunts. Such as The Day The Earth Stood Still "(The Earth Stood Still, / The 1951), The X radiation" (- 1953), The!, The monster 20,000 Fathoms "(The Beast - 20,000 Fathoms, 1953), The Martian Invasion" (Invaders - Mars, 1953), The alien War Earth "(The court allows of The Worlds, 1953), The stolen corpse invade" (Invasion of The Body Snatchers, 1956), The planets adventure "(Forbidden invest, 1956)," flies "(The Fly, 1958) and tells The nuclear War" (On The seashore ok, 1959), etc. The influence of cold war on Hollywood sci-fi continued in the 1960s, such as in 1968 moon record "(" space with the Countdown) u.s.-soviet arms race for the source of imagination. But it is in the 1960s, produced in the history of science fiction classic 2001: A Space Odyssey (2001: A receiverby Odyssey, 1968). The British and American films had both in the story line and ideological content or special effects are achieved considerable height. Four, 1970s and 1980s: Hollywood stunt and in science fiction story balance between the age. Special use for Hollywood science fiction character never to be significant, and with the visual effect technology development, the stunt and stories of the tension between gradually began to increase. What do will both perfectly combine? Many directors made their attempt. George Lucas (George Lucas) "THX1138" (THX1138, 1971) and Star Wars (1977), Star altogether, Woody Allen (Woody Allen's sport in the fool with science city "(Sleeper, 1973), Steven Spielberg (Steven Spielberg) Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Close Encounters of the Kind, 1977) and makkah Bradley Scott" aliens "(essential, 1979) is undoubtedly 1970s several successful examples. At the beginning of the 1980s and the 1980s, Hollywood sci-fi special effects for making brings undreamed-of magical experience, and at the same time these science fiction films and provide them a worthy of taste story. Such as George Lucas in 80 years and 83 launched baronial imposing manner of The Star Wars of The Empire Strikes Back, (Star altogether: The foundation trilogy "cross-face drivers) and The Star Wars of The Return of The jedi (Star altogether: pressing of The Jedy), Steven spielberg's smoldering" ET alien "(E.T. The Extra Terrestrial, 1982) -, James Cameron (James Cameron) of The Terminator (The Terminator, 1984), and Robert Zemeckis ze meters Keith (Robert)" Back to The Future "(Back to The Future, 1985), etc. Five, since 1990, Hollywood science fiction in high-tech exploring the way forward along with the computer technology, the application of Hollywood sci-fi started mass rely on computer synthesis images (CGI), and its play extremely, but at the same time ignores the story itself importance. After 1990s Hollywood in science fiction story fareed zakaria, visual effect is in the very great impact, the picture is more exquisite realistic. "Independence day", "Jurassic park" series, Star Wars prequel "first (Star altogether: Episode I - The Phantom through, 1999) and The second part (Star Episode II - STH altogether: of The Clones, 2002) films will cultivate right audience who expensive stunt big occasion even started commonplace to rise. When dizzying computer special effects on the screen tend to glut, Hollywood sci-fi also began to lose their orientation. With the progress of science and technology, Hollywood sci-fi began to explore new themes, such as cloning technology and intelligent robot on human society profound influence.。