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工商管理英语 Business English
• 中文摘要:绩效管理作为企业的一项基础工作,在人力资源管理中具有极为重要的地位,
对企业和员工而言,均发挥着重要的作用。在现代企业中,绩效管理不但对企业具有诊断作 用、检测作用、导向作用、竞争作用等,还对企业中的个人具有激励作用、规范作用、发展 作用、控制作用、沟通作用等。本文就包头市浩瀚酒业公司绩效管理全过程进行存在的问题 做了一些粗浅的研究,并相应的提出了应对方法。

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Unit night Financial Management
Part A Part B Financial Management :Overview Financial Markets and Securities

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Unit ten Management Information Systems
Business English
工商管理英语 • The Structure of This Course

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Unit One Unit Two
Introduction to Business Macroeconomics
Part A Introduction to Business Part B Why Business is Important Part A Macroeconomics: Overview Part B The Economics of Global Competition
工商管理英语 Business English CASE 1
• 中文摘要:农民收入问题一直是农村发展的核心问题之一。在改革开放以后,农民收入有了很大提高。但是近些年,东镇村出现 了农民收入增长缓慢的局面。本文建立在对东镇村农民深入调查的基础上,采用访谈法、抽样调查法比较真实地了解了近五年东 镇村农民的收入情况、变化趋势和收入来源,发现了东镇村存在的问题及制约东镇村农民收入增长的制约因素。运用舒尔茨的人 力资本理论,采用规范分析法和实证分析法相结合的方法,结合东镇村实际提出了今后增加农民收入的建议对策
Part B International HumaHale Waihona Puke Baidu Resource Management
Business English

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Unit Six Marketing
Part A Marketing :Overview Part B Marketing Research: An Overview

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Unit Seven Consumer Behavior
Part A Consumer Behavior: Overview Part B Consumer behavior :Emerging Trends

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Unit Eight E-commerce
Part A E-commerce and Internet Marketing Part B Issues in E-commerce
Part A Management Information Systems Part B Trends in Management Information Systems
Unit 1 Introduction to Business 工商管理概论
• Teaching content
• • • • 1 The nature of business 2 The stakeholders of business 3 The functions of business 4 The form of business

Abstract Tomato planting is the leading industry of agricultural economy in QiLindian village,it is the main source of peasants to obtain income.But there are many problems of tomato planting in production and distribution .In production,farmers take the planting method is to use the folk traditional plastic house,farmers consciousness of technology is not strong and the labor productivity is low;In distribution,the degee of farmers organization is low , the transaction order of market is irregular and the commodity quarantine system is lack,all these factors restrict the development of tomato planting in QiLindian village.The article analysis the problems of tomato planting in production and distribution and put forward some suggestions to promote tomato planting develop in a better direction.
Abstract • Enterprise performance management as a basic work in human resources management has a very important role in the enterprise and employees. In modern enterprises, enterprise performance management not only has a diagnostic role, testing the role of guide, the role competition, but also on the individual enterprise stimulating, normative role, development role, controlling, and communication role. This is HaoHan Wine Company performance management problems in the whole process done some superficial research, and the corresponding proposed remedies.
工商管理英语 Business English
• 内蒙古农业大学经济管理学院 • 冯静蕾 • E-mail:nmgfjl@sina.com mail:
工商管理英语 Business English
• 内蒙古农业大学经济管理学院 Economic Management College Inner Mongolia Agricultural University • 工商管理: Business Management 工商管理: • 农林经济管理 农林经济管理:Economic Management of Agriculture and Forestry • 电子商务 电子商务:E-commerce • 物流 物流:logistics
• Teaching Objectives
• 1 To learn about the stakeholders and functions of business • 2 To understand the nature of business
Unit 1 Introduction to Business
Technical Terms
• • • • • • • • • • • Business administration System Organization Stakeholder Owner Creditor Employee Suppliers Customer Marketing Accounting Finance Information systems • • • • • • • • • • • • • 工商管理 系统 组织 受益人 所有人 债权人 雇员 供应商 顾客 市场营销 核算 财务 信息系统

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Unit Three Legal Environment of Business
Part A The Legal Environment of Business Part B Binding Arbitration: The New Path For Resolving Business Disputes

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Unit Four Strategic Management : Overview Part A Strategic Management : Overview Part B Strategic Management :A Competitive Strategy Framework Unit Five Human Resource Management Part A Human Resource Management
工商管理英语 Business English
中文摘要:西红柿产业是麒麟店村农业经济的主导产业,是农民获得经济收入的主要来源,但本 村西红柿在生产和流通环节仍然存在着许多问题。生产上采取的是民间传统暖棚的种植方法, 农户科技意识不强,且劳动生产率低下;流通中农户组织化程度低、市场交易秩序欠规范以 及商品检疫系统的缺乏等因素都制约了本村西红柿产业的发展。本文对麒麟店村西红柿产业 在生产及流通环节存在的问题进行了一一分析,并提出了一些促进西红柿产业更好发展的对 策建议。

Abstract Issue on farmers‘income is the key problem of rural development. After the reform and opening,farmers’ income has been improved a lot. But in recent years, the Dongzhen village appeared the situation of slow growth of farmers‘ farmers income.This article base on the practical situation of Dongzhen village.I use the method of questionnaire investigation and Sampling survey during the paper. Samples truly reflect the fundamental situation,trend and major source of farmers' income in Dongzhen village nearly five years.During the investigation,some problems and adverse factors that hinder augment of farmers' income in the Dongzhen village are discoverd.According to the practice of the Dongzhen village, I utilize the theory of human capital which has been raised,normative analysis and positive analysis ,propose some suggestions and strategies which improve farmers' income in the Dongzhen village.