做法: 1.将士多啤梨去蒂洗净。
用具:搅拌机材料:香蕉1条;苹果1个;橙一个;蜂蜜一汤匙;冰水1/2杯做法: 1.苹果洗净,剥皮去核,切成小块,浸於盐水中 2.橙剥皮,去除果囊及核或用绞柠檬器绞汁 3.香蕉剥皮,切成数段 4.将所有材料放入搅拌机内约搅拌30至40秒。
心得: 1.苹果切开後,最好浸在盐水中,这样做可防止果肉变黄。
健康饮品蔬果汁- 食材:苹果、橙子、胡萝卜、芹菜- 步骤:1. 把苹果、橙子、胡萝卜和芹菜分别剥皮洗净切块。
2. 将所有食材放入搅拌器中,搅拌至均匀。
3. 根据个人口味加入适量冰块或蜂蜜调味即可。
坚果奶昔- 食材:香蕉、牛奶、坚果(如杏仁、核桃、腰果)- 步骤:1. 将香蕉剥皮切块。
2. 把香蕉、牛奶和坚果放入搅拌器中,搅拌至顺滑。
3. 加入适量冰块,继续搅拌均匀。
4. 倒入杯中即可饮用。
调味酱马约那黄油酱- 食材:黄油、蛋黄酱、柠檬汁、盐- 步骤:1. 将黄油软化至室温。
2. 在搅拌器中加入黄油、蛋黄酱、柠檬汁和盐。
3. 搅拌器慢慢打到酱汁细腻顺滑即可。
蒜蓉辣椒酱- 食材:蒜瓣、干辣椒、盐、食用油- 步骤:1. 将蒜瓣剥皮切碎。
2. 把蒜瓣、干辣椒、盐和食用油放入搅拌器中。
3. 搅拌器搅拌成细蓉状即可。
甜点香草冰淇淋- 食材:鸡蛋、牛奶、砂糖、香草精- 步骤:1. 将鸡蛋、牛奶、砂糖和香草精放入搅拌器中。
2. 搅拌器搅拌至均匀。
3. 倒入冰淇淋机中,按照冰淇淋机的说明操作即可。
巧克力蛋糕- 食材:鸡蛋、黄油、砂糖、面粉、可可粉- 步骤:1. 将鸡蛋、黄油、砂糖、面粉和可可粉放入搅拌器中。
2. 搅拌器搅拌至面糊顺滑。
3. 将面糊倒入蛋糕模具中,放入预热好的烤箱中烘烤。
料理机专用食谱默认分类2009-05-02 08:24:22 阅读946 评论0 字号:大中小1、豆浆制作:黄豆泡六个小时,放入锅里蒸25分钟,放入冰箱里备用。
SCF862Essential baby food makerRecipe bookletExpert adviceQuick and easy nutritious recipes for your babyQuick and easy nutritious recipes for your baby 3Stage 1: First tastes8Precious purée of potato and broccoli 10Bananas about avocado 11Stage 2: Soft chews 12Veggie heaven 14Meaty mates15Stage 3: Chunkier chews 16Cod and potato party 1819Stage 4: From one year on 20Happy broccoli ever after 22Sunny asparagus23My first muesliContentsWhen it comes to introducing your baby to solid foods for the rst time it’s perfectly normal to feel confused.The huge amount of informationavailable alone can be overwhelming,particularly if you’re a rst time parent. Babies will sometimes spit out the food prepared for them –being unable to say what they do or don’t want to eat. This can be quite challenging for parents when weaning their baby. But don’t panic, work alongside your baby’s requirements,and provide them with a variety of nutritious meals that will help them to grow up to be healthy and happy.We developed this booklet together with Nutritionist Dr. Emma Williams.It provides professional advice on weaning and on how to preparenutritious meals easily for your baby, so you can get more pleasureout of family meal times together.Dr. Emma Williams has a PhD in Human Nutrition and expertise in childhood growth and nutrition. As a clinical researcher in the pediatric department of a children’s hospital,as appropriate.she examined the growth and dietary intake of very young children (0-3 years) with growth problems and provided dietary advice to their parents.During time spent working as a Nutrition Scientist at the British Nutrition Foundation, she provided expert nutritional advice on weaning, analyzed and checked the nutritional content of weaning recipes, and developed meal plans for very young children. She’s also a member of the Nutrition Society and the UK Nutritionists in Industry group and a regular advisor to the media on the subject of nutrition. nutrition, Emma recently set up her own nutrition consultancy business.Our aimStarting to wean your babySeeing your newborn baby grow and develop into a happy and healthy child is a really amazing and rewarding experience. What happens in a baby’s future health and providing healthy, nutritious food is an essential part of this process. Breast milk is the all of the natural nutritional content your baby needs, along with important antibodies for added protection against infection, directly from mother to baby. It’s recommended to breastfeed up to the age of 6 months and if possible to continue to do so together with a healthy, balanced diet for up to 2 years or longer if preferred. When it’s not possible to breastfeed, infant formula is the next best substitute for breast milk. In terms of their ability to grow, a baby should gain between 0.5kg (1.1lbs) and 1kg (2.2 lbs) in weight per month from 0-6 months, after which time, solid foods are required to promote further growth and development.paces, it’s really important not to rush them into weaning before they’re ready. The earliest time to consider starting to wean a baby is 4 months or 17 weeks. But it usually takes around 6 months for a baby’s digestive system to work properly and be ready to digest food*. There are 3 key signs that show when a baby seems to be ready to try solid food. These usually take place around 4-6 months and include: being able to sit up and hold their head steady; good hand, eye and mouth coordination (they can look at food, pick it up and put it in their rather than push it all out. So look for all of these signs before weaning your baby. They may also to show an interest in the foods that other people consume. All of these changes mark an important step in your baby’s development. They’re now ready to explore new tastes and textures in their diet.important how much they consume, it’s more about getting them used to eating food in general. Babies won’t need 3 meals a day initially. You can simply used to the taste, texture and feel of food in their mouth. Then you gradually increase the amount and variety of food your baby eats until they can eventually eat the same foods as the rest of the family, in smaller portions. Babies learn to like the foods they get used to. If you give them very salty,Providing your baby with a range of healthy and nutritious foods to eat from the beginning is absolutely essential, as it will make sure they keep eating such kinds of food as they grow older.sweet or fatty foods and drinks they will be more likely to want them when they get older and you really don’t want to create a fussy eater! Providing your baby with a range of healthy and nutritious foods to eat from the beginning is absolutelyessential, as it will make sure they keep eating such kinds of food as they grow older. It’s really hard to change what children eat when they get older so it’s important to instil good food habits right from the very start. You are advised to do this from weaning onwards and to prepare foods from scratch using fresh ingredients. This way, you know exactly what your baby is eating. You should also try to preserve the nutritional composition of the foods you wish to prepare as much as possible, so that you get the maximum nutrition out of the ingredients you’re using. Buying fresh ingredients and storing them appropriately by following storage instructions provided will help to maintain the nutritionalcontent. This will also make sure that foods such asthat food is prepared on clean surfaces using clean utensils will also protect your baby from harmful bacteria.* Consult your local doctor or child care health consultant if you feel you need further advice on when might be the best time to wean your baby.‘‘I really hope you enjoy this wonderful and exciting time in your child’s growth and development, as they learn to experience new tastes and textures and get healthy eating habits that will enable them to grow into healthy, happy adults!’’Dr. Emma Williams, Nutrition ConsultantWe hope this recipe booklet will help you when starting your baby on solid food. It includessome useful information and professional advice about the di erent stages of weaning, along with appropriate recipes for the di erent stages of weaning. Each recipe has been developed using Philips Avent essential baby food maker to helpyou to provide nutritious food for your growing baby.Although this recipe booklet gives you someinformation related to weaning, there’s also plenty of reliable information available to help you to decide if your baby is ready for weaning. For example, from your local baby clinic, doctor’so ce or online, as well as information to help you progress from one stage to the next, perhaps even other recipe ideas that you can use with your Philips Avent essential baby food maker.Steaming is a very healthy way to prepare food as it helps to keep the nutrients locked in. Using the Philips Avent essential baby food maker will help to retain the nutritional content of the initial ingredients in the nal prepared meal for your baby. This isbecause the juices released from the steamer during cooking (steaming phase) are retained for mixing back into the food during blending (blending phase).Health and safety recommendationsBabies are particularly vulnerable to the bacteria that can cause food poisoning so it’s essential to follow simple health and safety guidelines when preparing and storing their food.Food preparation:• Always make sure food is stored safely and stick to use-by dates. Prepare food in a clean kitchen using clean chopping boards and utensils. Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing food and your baby’s hands before feeding. Make sure all bowls and spoons used for feeding are thoroughly cleaned prior to use. Philips Avent has a suitable range of• Store cooked and raw meats separate from each other and from other foods in the fridge and keep them covered. Always wash your hands after touching raw meat. Sterile vacuum packed rawas this can spread harmful germs onto kitchenwork surfaces and could lead to food poisoning. Use your own judgment if you’re not sure that it’s been previously washed (i.e. not vacuum packed/ foods bought in fresh food markets). Always wash fruit and vegetables and peel if necessary – all root vegetables should be peeled and washedbefore use.• Never add salt to foods intended for babies. You can add herbs and mild spices instead to make the foods tastier. If you must use stock in a recipe, use low or no salt stock. Avoid adding sugar to food unless required for taste (for example to sweeten tart fruit).• Make sure food is cooked thoroughly and cool until it’s lukewarm before serving.Food storage:• Once prepared, cool the food as quickly as possible (within 1-2 hours) and place in fridge (at a temperature of 5 °C (41 °F) or below) or freezer (at a temperature of -18 °C (0 °F)). Most freshly prepared foods can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Check your freezer guidelines to see how long you can store baby foodsafely – usually 1-3 months.•••••••Foods to avoid and food allergy:Further guidance and information••The quantity indicated in the recipes* shouldprovide you with enough food to feed your baby,as well as some leftovers to portion up and storeor freeze for later use. You can adapt the amountrequired to suit your needs, making sure to adjustthe length of steaming required to the amount ofingredients used. Check ‘ingredients and steamingtime’ in the user manual for approximate steam• Final consistency of each recipe will depend onthe type of ingredients used including the amountused and stage of weaning (i.e. smooth vs. lumpierconsistency). Consistency may be altered via theaddition of baby’s usual milk or boiled water to thethin down or baby rice may be added to thicken.Draining some of the water in the steamer beforeblending will also result in a thicker consistency.••* All recipes have been checked to make sure they contain appropriate amounts of calories, salt, sugar and fatsuitable for babies and toddlers.Frozen food should be defrosted thoroughly beforeheating. Philips Avent bottle warmer can be used toheat your baby’s food evenly and safely. If you’rereheating food using a microwave, always stir thefood and check its temperature before feeding yourbaby. Don’t reheat food more than once.Never refreeze food after it’s been thawed andnever save and re-use foods that your child hasn’tnished eating.Recipe quantities are indicative – these may varydepending on the nature of the ingredients usedand cooking times.The number of portion sizes provided by eachrecipe is only a guide. Because every baby hasdi erent needs, the portion sizes may not re ectthe amount required by your baby’s appetite orneeded to meet his or her growth requirements,meaning that the nal portion size consumed maybe di erent from the one indicated.Certain foods are unsuitable for children under theage of 12 months, including liver, raw shell sh, shark,sword sh and marlin, soft unpasteurized cheesesand honey. Make sure eggs or dishes containing eggare well cooked.If there’s a history of food allergy within the family,exclusive breastfeeding up to the age of 6 months isrecommended. Where breastfeeding is not possible,for whatever reason, consult a medical practitionerfor advice on the best type of formula to provideinstead. Because the introduction of rst foods cancause allergies, breastfeeding should be continuedthroughout weaning and care should be taken whenintroducing potentially allergenic foods such asmilk, eggs, wheat, sh and shell sh – o ering themone at a time.If there’s a history of peanut allergy in the familyseek advice from a quali ed medical practitioner.Because of the risk of choking, whole nuts,including peanuts, should not be given to childrenunder 5 years.Immediate signs of allergy (usually occurring withinseconds or up to two hours) can include lip swelling,itchiness and hives, a red ushing of the face orbody, a rash, worsening symptoms of eczemaor di culty breathing. If you think your baby ishaving an allergic reaction to food seek urgentmedical advice – in rare cases a severe reaction(anaphylaxis) can be life-threatening.Delayed reactions to food (usually associated withcow’s milk allergy) can include nausea vomiting orre ux, diarrhea, constipation, blood in stools, a redbottom, and progressively worse eczema. In thelonger term there may also be problems gainingweight. Because some of these symptoms (e.g.rashes and diarrhea) are also indicative of otherillnesses, consult your healthcare practitioner forfurther advice.Always seek the advice of a quali ed healthcarepractitioner if you suspect your child may have apotential food allergy – they should be your rstport of call!taste and texture of milk, the trick here is to introduce new foods gradually. eating his/her own food in no time.Stage 1:First tastesUp until now your baby will only be used tosuckling milk from the breast or drinking formula from a bottle, by pushing the tongue forward to drink. Therefore, when starting to spoon feed for their tongue, meaning that any food going in will be pushed back out the mouth with the tongue. Learning to eat food involves developing a wholenew set of oral motor skills. For example, your baby will need to learn to use his/her lips to pull the food back of the mouth and to swallow. Before this they had only ever used their jaw and cheek muscles for sucking – so it’s a completely new experience. Once your baby can swallow food, along with the other two signs for weaning (sitting up, picking things up and putting them in their mouths) they’re well and truly ready to embark on an exploration of food.First foods can include puréed cereals, such asbaby rice, oats, millet, corn noodles or well mashed cooked rice mixed with your baby’s usual milk. Youcan also purée fruit or vegetables. Purées should be very smooth and still quite runny, using very mild baby just a few teaspoons once a day, either during or after the usual milk feed (breast or formula). It’s can see how they respond to individual foods. Asfoods before their usual milk and gradually increase the frequency of feeds and the amount given. You by adding less milk or water (cooled boiled) to types of food and gradually increase meals from two to three times a day, so that baby can begin to experience lots of new tastes. In terms of yourformula-fed babies cooled boiled water if you think they are thirsty between feeds (breast fed babies don’t need any water).Purées should be very smooth and still quite runny, using very mild (bland even)1 2 3Precious puree of potato andbroccolisteam 20 min 3 portionstotal 30 minWash the broccoli and peel and wash thepotato. Cut the potato and broccoli intoabout 1 cm size cubes.Remove the jar from the main unit. Open thejar lid and ll with water to 120 ml asindicated on the jar. Open the water tank lidand pour the water from the jar into thewater tank. Place the lid back on the watertank and turn to the lock position.Place the prepared ingredients into thesteaming basket. Then put the steamingbasket inside the jar in the correct position.Close the jar lid. Reinstall the jar in the mainunit and turn slightly to secure it in the lockposition. Turn the knob to the steamposition. The steaming power indicator willturn on. When the steaming cycle is nished,the appliance will stop automatically. Thesteaming power indicator will turn o . Turnthe knob to the o position.4Open the jar lid. Use the spatula to lift thesteaming basket and empty the steamed foodinto the jar.5Close the jar lid. Turn the knob to the blendposition. Blend 3 or 5 times for 15 secondseach, until the desired consistency isreached. Add some of your baby’s usual milkor boiled water if desirable to thin the puree.6Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool beforeserving 1 portion.1Cut the avocado in half. Remove the seedand scoop out the esh with a tablespoon.Peel the banana. Cut the avocado andbanana into 1 cm size cubes. Remove the lidof the jar. Put all of the fruits and baby's milkinto the jar. Replace and lock the lid in theright position.2Install the jar back to the main unit and lockit. Turn the knob to the blend position. Blend3 or 5 times for 15 seconds each, until thedesired consistency is reached.3Transfer to a bowl before serving.Ingredients:1/3 large potato (approx. 140 g)1/3 small broccoli (approx. 70 g)Bananas about avocadosteam 0 min 1 portiontotal 10 minNutrition tips:High in Vitamin K; Source of Vitamin C & Folate. Vitamin K is one of the important vitamins for healthy bones. Vitamin C contributes to the breakdown and use of energy from food. Folate is important for the production of amino acids, the basic building blocks of protein in the body, needed for growth and repair. Serving/cooking tips:Serve with baby rice or baby’s usual milk. Make it with sweet potato instead of potato.Nutrition tips:High in Folate; Source of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Potassium, Vitamin B6, & Vitamin K. Folate is oneof the important vitamins for a normal healthy blood supply. Vitamin E helps to protect the baby’s cells from damage (oxidative). Vitamin B6 helps to keep blood cells healthy.Serving/cooking tips:Best served immediately after preparation. Make it with papaya instead of the banana.Ingredients:1/2 medium avocado (ripe) (approx. 50 g)1/2 medium banana (ripe) (approx. 50 g)60 ml baby’s usual milk (prepared as usual)Suitable for freezing Suitable for vegetariansNow that your baby has been used to eating purée or soft mashed foods with progressively moving to roughly mashed foods, so they can learn to chew. At this stage of weaning (from 6-8 months) babies should have started to progress onto 3 meals a day, in larger quantities than before, alongside their usual milk (breast or formula).Stage 2:Soft chewsIn terms of a baby’s development, the sheer action of chewing soft and small lumps of food and moving food around the mouth with their tongue helps them food may cause them to gag, cough or maybe even vomit in order to remove lumps of food from the back of their mouth, this doesn’t mean they don’twill learn to eat a variety of foods and become more receptive to trying new ones. Don’t worry if theyoccasions until they get used to the taste of it and will eventually accept it. It can take several attempts (sometimes up to 15 tastes) for your baby to accept certain foods so be patient and persevere – it will healthy food preferences when your baby is young early years.Although most babies don’t usually have any teeth at 6 months of age they can actually begin tomanage small soft lumpy foods (by grinding their gums). Because this stage is all about teaching them such as cooked vegetable sticks (carrots) or soft ripefruit sticks, little slices of toast and even soft cooked pasta shapes. Never give your baby whole grapes or whole cherry tomatoes as this may cause choking. If you want to give them to your baby, always slice them up.At this stage you can start to experiment more by introducing dishes made from a combination ofBecause this is a time period of rapid growth, your baby will have a higher requirement for nutrient rich foods – so be sure to give plenty of variety! For example, all babies are born with an ample supply of iron. However, that starts to run out at around 6 months of age, so it’s essential that they get enough iron from their diet to ensure healthy growth and development. So give them plenty of foods containing iron, such as lean red meat, cereals, beans and green vegetables. If you are not sure about how much your baby needs to eat, let your baby guide you – babies usually turn their head away or keep their mouth shut when theydon’t want any more food. For safety reasons never leave your baby unattended whilst eating. Continue cooled boiled water from a training cup or mug with meals. Don’t be tempted to give them any juice, as they will be getting plenty of Vitamin C from their milk feeds, as well as from fruit and vegetables.1 2Veggie heavenIngredients:1/5 small cauli ower (approx. 80 g)1/3 medium potato (approx. 90 g)1/2 medium carrot (approx. 60 g)steam 30 min 2 portionstotal 40 minWash the cauli ower and wash and peel thepotato and carrot. Cut the vegetables intoabout 1 cm size cubes.Remove the jar from the main unit. Open thejar lid and ll with water to 180 ml asindicated on the jar. Open the water tank lidand pour the water from the jar into thewater tank. Place the lid back on the watertank and turn to the lock position.3Place the prepared ingredients into the steaming basket. Then put the steamingbasket inside the jar in the correct position.Close the jar lid. Reinstall the jar in the mainunit and turn slightly to secure it in the lockposition. Turn the knob to the steamposition. The steaming power indicator willturn on. When the steaming cycle is nished, the appliance will stop automatically. Thesteaming power indicator will turn o . Turnthe knob to the o position.4Open the jar lid. Use the spatula to lift thesteaming basket and empty the steamed foodinto the jar.5Close the jar lid. Turn the knob to the blendposition. Blend 2 or 3 times for 15 secondseach, until the desired consistency is reached.6Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool beforeserving 1 portion.12Remove any skin and fat of the meat. Cut themeat into about 1 cm size cubes.Remove the jar from the main unit. Open thejar lid and ll with water to 180 ml asindicated on the jar. Open the water tank lidand pour the water from the jar into thewater tank. Place the lid back on the watertank and turn to the lock position.3Place the prepared ingredients into thesteaming basket. Then put the steamingbasket inside the jar in the correct position.Close the jar lid. Reinstall the jar in the mainunit and turn slightly to secure it in the lockposition. Turn the knob to the steamposition. The steaming power indicator willturn on. When the steaming cycle is nished,the appliance will stop automatically. Thesteaming power indicator will turn o . Turnthe knob to the o position.4Open the jar lid. Use the spatula to lift thesteaming basket and empty the steamed foodinto the jar.5Close the jar lid. Turn the knob to the blendposition. Blend 3 or 5 times for 15 secondseach, until the desired consistency is reached.6Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool beforeserving 1 portion. If required, mix 1tablespoon of meat puree with 3tablespoons of pureed vegetables.Meaty matesIngredients:1 llet beef/lamb/chicken breast/pork(approx. 250 g)3 tablespoons pureed vegetables(recipe: veggie heaven)4 portions total 35 minNutrition tips:High in Vitamin C; Source of Vitamin B6, Vitamin A & Vitamin K.Serving/cooking tips:Serve with meat or sh puree. Mix up with your favorite vegetables or cooked lentils.Nutrition tips:Made with beef - high in Vitamin B12 & Zinc; Source of Iron, Phosphorus, Niacin & Vitamin B6. Vitamin B12 contributes to a healthy immune system. Zinc is important for cognitive function. Iron is important for a normal healthy blood supply. Although babies are born with an adequate supply at birth it starts to run out from 6 months onwards so try to include plenty of good dietary sources where possible such as red meat, tofu, eggs, chickpeas, cooked lentils, kidney beans, raisins, apricots, gs and green leafy vegetables.Serving/cooking tips:Serve with pureed vegetables. Make this puree using sh.steam 30 minThe third stage of weaning (from 9-12 months) is about widening your baby’s chopped, mashed or minced rather than puréed. In terms of their development, your baby should be starting to recognize foods by sight and beginning to associate them with their taste.Stage 3:Chunkier chewsBecause it’s quite common for older children to reject new or previously accepted foods, typically foods at this stage will help them later. You should also start to include your baby in family meal times. This is because children learn to eat foods if they see other people eating them. Therefore, make sure they sit with the rest of the family whilst eating and organize meal times around other people, especially other children. Wherever possible encourage them to feed themselves, even if it’s messy. Mealtimes are a time for learning and should be fun for your baby. Learning to self-feed will help to establish a healthy relationship with food in which they are actively involved in the process. In terms of the foodconsistency, such as raw fruit and vegetable sticks.Continue to give breast or formula milk, but reduce it to two or three times a day. You can also give cooled boiled water if necessary. This is also the right time to try to phase out the use of bottles and introduce a training cup.Because baby’s tummies are quite small they canno room for other more nutritious foods that will give them the energy they need to grow. Fat isalso important for energy production and contains valuable vitamins such as Vitamin A. For this reason, you should not give low fat milk, cheese or yogurt to babies under the age of 2 years.Cod and potato party123Wash and peel the potato. Remove any bones and skin of the cod. Cut all of the ingredients into about 1 cm size cubes.Remove the jar from the main unit. Open the jar lid and ll with water to 180 ml asindicated on the jar. Open the water tank lid and pour the water from the jar into the water tank. Place the lid back on the water tank and turn to the lock position.Place the prepared ingredients into the steaming basket. Then put the steaming basket inside the jar in the correct position. Close the jar lid. Reinstall the jar in the main unit and turn slightly to secure it in the lock position. Turn the knob to the steamposition. The steaming power indicator will turn on. When the steaming cycle is nished, the appliance will stop automatically. The steaming power indicator will turn o . Turn the knob to the o position.4Open the jar lid. Use the spatula to lift the steaming basket and empty the steamed food into the jar.5Close the jar lid. Turn the knob to the blend position. For your choice: to make sauce, blend 2 to 3 times for 5 seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached; to baby who chews well, drain cooking water out and blend less time or use fork to press cooked food.Transfer to a bowl and allow to cool. Check carefully for any bones before serving 1 portion with about 100 g of cooked rice porridge.6Ingredients:1 llet cod (approx. 100 g)1/2 medium potato (approx. 150 g)100 g well cooked rice porridge (per portion)Nutrition tips :High in Iodine; Source of Selenium & Vitamin B12. Iodine is important for normal healthy growth in children. Selenium protects the body’s cells from damage (oxidative). This tasty recipe is a good way of getting sh into your baby’s diet – provide at least two portions of sh per week, one of which should be oily (salmon,mackerel, fresh tuna, sardines).Serving/cooking tips :Serve with meat puree. Serve with cooked pasta, rice or another staple food of your choice.steam 30 min 5 portions total 40min My rst muesli123Wash all of the fruits, peel and core thepeach and pear. Cut the peach and the pear into about 1 cm size cubes.Remove the jar from the main unit. Open the jar lid and ll with water to 120 ml asindicated on the jar. Open the water tank lid and pour the water from the jar into the water tank. Place the lid back on the water tank and turn to the lock position.Place the prepared ingredients into the steaming basket. Then put the steaming basket inside the jar in the correct position. Close the jar lid. Reinstall the jar in the main unit and turn slightly to secure it in the lock position. Turn the knob to the steamposition. The steaming power indicator will turn on. When the steaming cycle is nished, the appliance will stop automatically. The steaming power indicator will turn o . Turn the knob to the o position.4Open the jar lid. Use the spatula to lift the steaming basket and empty the steamed food into the jar.5Close the jar lid. Turn the knob to the blend position. Blend 2 to 3 times for 5 seconds each, until the desired consistency is reached.Transfer to a bowl and allow to coolbefore serving 1 portion with about 100 g of rolled oats.6Ingredients:1/2 medium peach (ripe) (approx. 100 g)1/2 medium pear (ripe) (approx. 100 g) 50 g blueberry (ripe)100 g rolled oats (per portion)Nutrition tips :Babies will love the taste of this fruity combination. The recipe helps to get more fruit in their diet –mix and match di erent types of fruit to suit your own store cupboard needs and preferences!Serving/cooking tips :To add dairy to this recipe mix with natural yogurt. Use other fruits of your choice.steam 20 min 5 portionstotal 30 min。
健康饮品1. 坚果奶昔- 配料:1杯牛奶、1/4杯坚果(如杏仁、核桃、腰果)、1根香蕉、1勺蜂蜜- 步骤:将所有材料放入搅拌机中,搅拌至均匀顺滑即可享用。
2. 蔬果汁- 配料:1杯水果(如苹果、梨、柠檬)、1杯蔬菜(如胡萝卜、芹菜、青菜)、适量水- 步骤:将所有材料放入搅拌机中,加入适量的水,搅拌至材料完全混合。
3. 绿色能量饮- 配料:1杯菠菜、1杯青椒、半杯香蕉、适量水或椰奶- 步骤:将所有材料放入搅拌机中,加入适量的水或椰奶,搅拌至顺滑。
美味甜品1. 水果冰淇淋- 配料:2杯冰冻水果(如草莓、蓝莓、___)、1/2杯酸奶、1/4杯蜂蜜- 步骤:将冰冻水果和酸奶放入搅拌机中,慢慢搅拌,加入蜂蜜调味,继续搅拌直至混合均匀成冰淇淋状。
2. 巧克力坚果慕斯- 配料:1杯巧克力酱、1/2杯坚果(如榛子、核桃、腰果)、1根香蕉、适量酸奶- 步骤:将巧克力酱、坚果、香蕉放入搅拌机中,慢慢搅拌,加入适量酸奶使其顺滑,继续搅拌至慕斯状。
3. 香草奶油果冻- 配料:1/2杯果汁(如橙汁、葡萄汁)、2杯水、1包果冻粉、适量香草提取物、适量奶油- 步骤:将果汁、水、果冻粉放入搅拌机中,加入适量香草提取物和奶油,搅拌至材料完全混合,倒入模具冷藏凝固。
创意小食1. 素食饺子馅- 配料:1杯豆腐、1根胡萝卜、1/2颗玉米、适量蘑菇、1/4杯油菜花- 步骤:将所有材料放入搅拌机中,搅拌至均匀成饺子馅。
2. 花生酱果酱- 配料:1杯花生、适量椰糖、适量盐、适量水- 步骤:将花生、椰糖和盐放入搅拌机中,慢慢搅拌,逐渐加入水调节质地。
3. 蔬菜千层饼- 配料:2杯面粉、适量水、适量蔬菜(如洋葱、胡萝卜、西兰花)、适量调味料- 步骤:将面粉和水放入搅拌机中,慢慢搅拌,加入调味料,将蔬菜搅拌成馅料,制作成饼状烹饪至金黄。
Avance JuicerMicroMasticating technologyInspiring recipesfor the Philips Avance Collection Juicers 飞利浦Avance系列榨汁机激发灵感的食谱RecipesGrasshopper 9 Green Eyecatcher 1 1 Red Sensation 1 3 Cranapple Juice 1 5 Summer Sun 1 7 Piña Lavender 1 9 Beautylicious 2 1 Farmers Market Juice 2 3 Hangover Remedy 2 5 Deep Red Flamingo 2 9 Love It Up 3 1 Mixed Berry Jelly 3 3 Pear Blossom 3 5 Immunblast Juice 3 7 Bunny Delight 3 9 Pure Citrus 4 1 Fitness Wonder 4 3 Workout Punch 4 5 Veggietastic 4 7 Green Booster 4 9 Power Shot 5 1 Cold Prevention 5 3 Fresh Breeze 5 5 Yellow Thunder 5 7 Tomato Basil Soup 5 9 Heart Rocker 6 1 Purple Power Punch 6 3 Ruby 6 5 Pepperino 6 7 Sunny Peach 6 9 Red Passion 7 1 Frozen Yoghurt 7 3 Milk Shake 7 5 Soy-Milk / Almond milk 7 7 Sorbet 7 9 Sunset 8 1 Orange Vision 8 3 Melon Symphony 8 5 Berry Blast 8 7Grasshopper 9 Green Eyecatcher 1 1 Red Sensation 1 3 Cranapple Juice 1 5 Summer Sun 1 7 Piña Lavender 1 9 Beautylicious 2 1 Farmers Market Juice 2 3 Hangover Remedy 2 5 Deep Red Flamingo 2 9 Love It Up 3 1 Mixed Berry Jelly 3 3 Pear Blossom 3 5 Immunblast Juice 3 7 Bunny Delight 3 9 Pure Citrus 4 1 Fitness Wonder 4 3 Workout Punch 4 5 Veggietastic 4 7 Green Booster 4 9 Power Shot 5 1 Cold Prevention 5 3 Fresh Breeze 5 5 Yellow Thunder 5 7 Tomato Basil Soup 5 9 Heart Rocker 6 1 Purple Power Punch 6 3 Ruby 6 5 Pepperino 6 7 Sunny Peach 6 9 Red Passion 7 1 Frozen Yoghurt 7 3 Milk Shake 7 5 Soy-Milk / Almond milk 7 7 Sorbet 7 9 Sunset 8 1 Orange Vision 8 3 Melon Symphony 8 5 Berry Blast 8 7食谱开胃鸡尾酒鲜绿亮眼红色迷情越橘苹果汁夏日阳光椰香薰衣草迷人美味新鲜活力解酒汁深红火烈鸟爱意晋级什锦浆果冻梨花盛开免疫增强果汁橙趣纯柑橘汁健康惊喜健身活力奇妙蔬菜翠绿鲜活活力源泉感冒克星微风沁心激情惊雷蕃茄罗勒汤摇滚心四射紫色活力红宝石彩椒汁阳光鲜桃红色激情冷冻酸奶奶昔豆奶/杏仁奶冰糕日落云霞橙色视觉瓜果交响浆果干茶Making juicing betterPhilips is now introducing a new-generation juicer that will allow you to unleash all the goodness of fruits and vegetables into your glass, so that you can enjoy a highly nutritious glass of juice every day! Philips is a global leader in healthcare and personal well-being, and focuses on improving people’s lives through meaningful innovation. As leading juicer brand worldwide, Philips gives you the results you want by developing the most advanced products – such as the Avance juicer with MicroMasticating technology.Extract up to 90% of the whole fruitThe new Philips Avance Juicer is designed to help you toget the very best out of fruits and vegetables. Thanks to its MicroMasticating technology, you can now squeeze up to 90%of the whole fruit* into your glass. Fruits and vegetables are composed of millions of cells that contain juice rich in vitamins and nutrients. MicroMasticating technology opens up these cells by cutting the external and internal cell walls into microscopic parts, thereby releasing more of the goodness from fruits and vegetables for you to enjoy.Clean in less than one minuteYour new Philips Avance juicer was designed to make daily juicing possible even on your busiest days. It’s easy to use and quick to clean because the pre-clean function helps to get the last drops of juice into your glass while removing leftovers from the juicing chamber. Afterwards, it takes less than a minute for you to rinse all the necessary parts clean under the tap – and you don’t need to clean the sieve, because there isn’t one! Healthy, tasty juice every dayWith its slim design (only 11cm wide), the Philips Avancewas thoughtfully designed for your kitchen worktop. It’s also been created to give you the benefit of a very wide range of ingredients: you can pop in a banana, mango, avocado or even almonds, wheatgrass, leaves and nuts. Surprise yourself or your loved ones with a different healthy and tasty juice full of delicious, concentrated goodness every day.*In internal tests conducted on grapes, watermelons, tomatoes, apples, oranges, strawberries and pine-apples in Austria in 2015, the amount of juice extracted ranged from 69% to 92%, depending on the fruit.Micro Masticating technology提升果蔬汁质量飞利浦推出新一代榨汁机, 将滴滴果蔬精华释放到杯中,让您每一天都能享受到一杯富含营养的果汁。
Philips Daily Collection 搅拌机操作指南说明书
![Philips Daily Collection 搅拌机操作指南说明书](
Philips Daily Collection搅拌机450 瓦1 升塑料杯4 瓣式不锈钢刀片带研磨器HR2056/00健康的冰昔、酱汁和碎冰,每日畅享配备 450 瓦动力和马达过热保护飞利浦为您提供这款可靠、耐用的搅拌机,它性能稳定,能够制作柔滑的冰昔、美味的酱汁、精细研磨的调味品以及碎冰。
易于使用•研磨器可碾碎多种原料•舒适的拇指握槽手柄•直观的旋钮,简单易用•集成式电源线储藏•所有部件都可以用洗碗机来清洗品质保证经久耐用•带马达过热保护•2 年全球保修达到理想效果所需的规格•4 瓣式不锈钢刀片•1 档速度和暂动功能,可应对包含冰块在内的软硬原料•防碎塑料搅拌杯•强劲的 450 瓦马达,让您获得精细效果产品亮点防碎塑料搅拌杯加固的塑料杯,不易摔碎。
1.2 升搅拌杯,额定容量为 1 升。
4 瓣式不锈钢刀片4 瓣式不锈钢刀片高效搅拌和混合。
1 档速度和暂动功能1 档速度用于强力搅拌,暂动功能用于碾碎冰块。
带马达过热保护根据设计,飞利浦搅拌机马达可防止使用过程中出现过热和过流情况2年保修飞利浦对本产品提供 2 年保修,确保产品使用寿命,让您放心每天使用。
强劲的450 瓦马达强劲的 450 瓦马达实现精细搅拌。
从晨间冰昔到酱汁和碎冰,从未如此简单发行日期 2023-12-12版本: 2.2.1EAN: 69 23410 75029 4© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.保留所有权利。
1.瘦身神仙水用料:柠檬一个菠萝100g 冰块适量作法:将柠檬和菠萝去皮切片,和冰块一起放入搅拌机打碎即可.特点及功效:具有防止和消除皮肤色素沉着和面部黑斑,雀斑的作用,可以分解体内的毒素.2.碧玉红颜蜜用料:苹果1/2个西芹1/2根柠檬1/2个蜂蜜10cc作法:1将苹果去皮去籽切块,西芹,胡萝卜及柠檬洗净切块后放入榨汁机内榨汁.2在榨好的果菜汁中调入蜂蜜,混合搅拌均匀即可.特点及功效:清晨起床后或饭前半小时饮用,有美颜瘦身的功效,特别适合肠胃功能虚弱的女士服用,并有通便消除口臭的作用.3.香芋瘦身羹用料:绿豆100g 芋头100g 瘦肉30g 牛奶300ml 白糖1勺作法:1绿豆放入研磨杯内,用搅拌机磨碎.2瘦肉洗净切成小块,放入搅拌机内,打成肉末.3芋头洗净后切成小块,与绿豆粉,牛奶,肉一起放入锅内.慢火煮10分钟左右取出冷却,放入搅拌机里打成羹即可食用.特点及功效:香芋中的聚糖能增强人体的免疫机制,增加对疾病的抵抗力,长期食用能解毒,滋补身体.4.去斑美白汁用料:番茄1/2个黄瓜1/2根酸奶1杯白糖适量作法:将番茄和黄瓜洗净后切块,与酸奶,白糖一起放入搅拌机中打碎即可.特点及功效:消除黑眼圈,淡化色斑,美白肌肤,促进肠胃挪动.5.健康瘦身汁用料:雪梨1个鸡蛋清1/2个柠檬1/2个蜂蜜适量作法:1将雪梨去皮去籽后切块,放入搅拌机内打碎;2柠檬洗净切块后放入榨汁机内榨汁3蛋清在另一个容器打至起泡,在将全部材料倒入搅拌机内,调入蜂蜜搅拌均匀即可.特点及功效:梨子里含有铁质,维生素C,果糖等,但卡路里的含量很低,非常适合爱苗条的女性饮用.6.清爽紧肤面膜用料:青瓜1根鸡蛋清1个蜂蜜1勺作法:1青瓜拌成泥;2将蛋清,蜂蜜放入青瓜泥中搅拌均匀即可.特点及功效:面敷10-15分钟后,用清水洗去即可.此面膜去油脂,并有滋养和紧肤的作用.7.去火排毒面膜用料:绿豆20g 鸡蛋1个面粉适量珍珠粉3g作法:1绿豆放人搅拌机磨成粉末2将绿豆粉与面粉,珍珠粉一起防入搅拌机内,油性皮肤加入一个鸡蛋清(干性皮肤加入一个鸡蛋黄)再充分搅拌均匀既可.特点及功效:面敷10-15分钟后,用清水洗去.此面膜具有去火,排毒,预防暗伧的作用,特别适合于春秋两季使用.8.养颜茶用料:生姜500 红枣250 盐100 甘草150 丁香25 沉香25作法:将材料磨成末加入盐. 每次15-25,清水煎服或泡水代茶饮,每日数次.特点及功效:具有补脾,养血,健胃,安神,解郁之功效,久服令人容颜白嫩,皮肤细滑,皱纹减少。
搅拌机 食谱?搅拌机里放什么水果好吃
![搅拌机 食谱?搅拌机里放什么水果好吃](
1. 西瓜草莓冰沙
2. 芒果奶昔
3. 酸奶蓝莓杯
4. 蔬果汁
5. 绿色蔬菜汤
搅拌机养生食谱大全1. 蔬果平衡汁- 将青菜、胡萝卜、苹果、橙子和姜放入搅拌机中搅拌均匀即可。
2. 芒果奇异果冰沙- 将芒果、奇异果、香蕉、柠檬汁和少许蜂蜜放入搅拌机中搅拌成冰沙状。
3. 绿意满满汁- 将菠菜、香蕉、黄瓜、柠檬汁和蜂蜜放入搅拌机中搅拌均匀即可享用。
4. 三色千层冰沙- 将蓝莓、草莓、香蕉、奇异果、牛奶和蜂蜜分别搅拌成三层,叠加在一起即可。
5. 草莓蛋白冰沙- 将草莓、蛋白粉、牛奶和蜂蜜放入搅拌机中搅拌成冰沙状,健康美味。
6. 果蔬顺畅汁- 将西瓜、芹菜、青苹果、柠檬汁和蜂蜜放入搅拌机中搅拌均匀即可。
7. 奶香杂果冰沙- 将香蕉、苹果、葡萄、牛奶和少许蜂蜜放入搅拌机中搅拌成冰沙状。
8. 菠萝椰子奶昔- 将菠萝、椰子肉、香蕉、牛奶和蜂蜜放入搅拌机中搅拌成奶昔状。
9. 纤体紫薯汁- 将紫薯、香蕉、牛奶和蜂蜜放入搅拌机中搅拌成顺滑的饮品。
10. 红枣黑芝麻冰沙- 将红枣、黑芝麻、香蕉、牛奶和少许蜂蜜放入搅拌机中搅拌成冰沙状享用。
11. 清爽西瓜薄荷汁- 将西瓜、薄荷叶、柠檬汁和蜂蜜放入搅拌机中搅拌均匀,消暑解渴。
12. 健康胡萝卜苹果汁- 将胡萝卜、苹果、柠檬汁和少许蜂蜜放入搅拌机中搅拌成健康饮品。
13. 蒜蓉花椰菜酱- 将蒜蓉、花椰菜、柠檬汁和少许橄榄油放入搅拌机中搅拌成酱状,可作为低卡的酱料。
14. 意式番茄酱- 将番茄、洋葱、大蒜、橄榄油、香草和少许盐放入搅拌机中搅拌成顺滑的番茄酱。
15. 香蕉花生奶昔- 将香蕉、花生酱、牛奶和少许蜂蜜放入搅拌机中搅拌成奶昔状,香甜可口。
16. 青瓜西柚汁- 将青瓜、西柚、薄荷叶和蜂蜜放入搅拌机中搅拌均匀,清新怡人。
V1.0 版
虾肉蔬菜泥 活虾四只(捡最大的来)、土豆半个、胡萝卜四分之一、洋葱一片、配方奶适量、水、米粉 制作方法: 活虾剥皮。土豆、胡萝卜去皮,和洋葱、虾放到蒸锅里蒸熟。有一个小窍门,把虾和洋葱一 起放到一个小碗里,这样虾的味道配合洋葱会更加鲜美,同时可以把蒸虾出的水分留在小碗 里,一会儿一起倒入搅拌机,不浪费虾的水分和营养。
香蕉蜜桃鲜奶 功效:令肌肤嫩滑。 此果汁营养极高,含有丰富维他命、钙质、矿物质、对美容及健康都非常有益。 用具:搅拌机 材料:香蕉 1 条;蜜桃 1 个;鲜奶 1/2 杯;蜂蜜 1 汤匙;柠檬汁适量。 做法:1.香蕉去皮,切成数段 2.蜜桃洗净、削皮及去核,切成不块 3.将以上材料及蜂蜜放进搅拌机内约搅拌 40 秒 4.将果汁倒入杯中,加入柠檬数滴,即成美味饮品。 心得:1.可用士多啤梨替代蜜桃,效果与味道俱佳。 2.害怕肥胖的人仕,可选择用低脂肪鲜奶。
V1.0 版
木瓜奶汁 原料:木瓜 70 克(生:熟=5:3),鲜牛奶 150 克,凉开水 50 克。 制法:将木瓜榨汁兑与开沸的牛奶,混合一起饮用。或三样放在搅拌机中一起搅拌,再饮用。 作用:养颜,醒胃,润肤,常饮脸色红润,利尿,通便(反应明显,但不严重)。 PS:可以加一些糖,因为味道有点腻,冰糖白糖都可,但白糖好一些。
双耳梨羹 原料:银耳、木耳、梨
做法:取足够量的银耳、木耳、梨一起放入搅拌机里搅拌,每天晚上临睡前饮用一杯(200 毫升)。
功效:银耳补肺,黑木耳补肾,梨可以润肺,坚持饮用对治疗便秘有显著效果,还能起 到养颜的作用。
番茄芹菜汁 材料:番茄 200g、美国芹菜 1/2 根、柠檬汁 2 大匙 营养成分:热量 44cal、维他命 A 504IU、维他命 C 56mg 做法:将番茄和美国芹菜切块;全部放进搅拌机中打汁 功效:这杯果汁用了约两颗番茄,喝了会有饱足感。
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hc360慧聪网小家电行业频道 2004-07-28 19:16:58
全新的飞利浦 HR1727搅拌机,可以为
有了它,您可以轻轻松松自制新鲜豆浆、各种口味的鲜果或鲜果奶昔做早点,飞利浦 HR1727搅拌机亦可制作三明治酱汁及婴儿食品,甚至甜点、汤类、鸡尾酒及碎冰什饮
(2012-09-20 23:50:06)