

718 Cayman 配置说明书.pdf_1702076905.6769903

718 Cayman 配置说明书.pdf_1702076905.6769903

718 CaymanYour dream becomes realityPorsche Code: PRK3Z7V4Visit the following link to view your conpguration: htt/s:..conpgurator-/orsche-com./orscheOcode.PRK3Z7V4718 CaymanExterior Colors & WheelsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price Exterior Colour0hite Q9Wheels18Oinch Cayman wheels36SEtandard qIui/mentInterior Colors & SeatsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price Interior Colours & Materials Etandard Tnterior . RaceOxeB in Alack D( ArraySeats E/orts seats ,twoOway) electric2PQ8Etandard qIui/mentExterior OptionsCategory W/tion W/tion code Price Powertrain & Performance SOs/eed manual transmission with dualOmass •ywheel48Q Etandard qIui/ment718 CaymanStandard Equipment Wheels518Oinch Cayman wheelsPainted Wheels50heels /ainted in Eilver colourWheel Accessories5xyre Pressure Xonitoring Eystem ,xPX2Seats5E/orts seats ,twoOway) electric2Powertrain & Performance5SOs/eed manual transmission with dualOmass •ywheel5Power steering5L4Olitre fuel tankLights & Vision5AiObenon main headlights with integrated Uq( daytime running lightsInterior design5Roof lining in faNricComfort & everyday usability5Dir conditioningInfotainment5Porsche Communication Xanagement ,PCX2 including moNile /hone /re/aration and audio interfaces5Eound Package Plus5³EA /orts718 CaymanTechnical Data Power unitFumNer of cylinders4Aore61-Q mmEtroke7S-4 mm(is/lacement1)688 cmH Power ,k02MMQ k0Power ,PE23QQ PERPX /oint maBimum /ower S)LQQ 1.min XaBimum engine s/eed7)LQQ 1.minXaB- torIue38Q FmRPX range maBimum torIue M)1LQ O 4)LQQ 1.min XaB- out/ut /er liter ,k0.l2111-QQ k0.lXaB- out/ut /er liter ,PE.l21LQ-QQ PE.lConsumption/Emissions1FWB emissions3Q-7 mg.kmConsumption/Emissions WLTP2₂uel consum/tion urNan14-S O 14-1 l.1QQ km ₂uel consum/tion suNurN6-S O 6-3 l.1QQ km ₂uel consum/tion eBtra urNan8-4 O 8-1 l.1QQ km ₂uel consum/tion highway6-Q O 8-7 l.1QQ km ₂uel consum/tion comNined6-7 O 6-3 l.1QQ km CWMOemissions low ,0UxP233Q O 3M1 CWMOemissions medium ,0UxP2M17 O M11 g.km718 Cayman CWMOemissions high ,0UxP2161 O 183 CWMOemissions eBtra high ,0UxP2MQ4 O 167 CWMOemissions comNined ,0UxP2MMQ O M1M g.kmSound level (type approved based on UN-R 51)Eound level of stationary vehicle6Q dA,D2 Eound level of stationary vehicle ,r/m23)7LQ 1.min Eound level of /assing vehicle S6 dA,D2Consumption/Emissions (ECE)₂uel consum/tion urNan1M-4 l.1QQ km ₂uel consum/tion eBtraOurNan7-M l.1QQ km ₂uel consum/tion comNined6-1 l.1QQ km CWM emissions comNined MQ8 g.kmBody3Uength4)376 mm0idth1)8Q1 mm0idth ,with mirrors21)664 mm Yeight1)M6L mm0heelNase M)47L mm³nladen weight ,(TF21)33L kg³nladen weight ,q³211)41Q kg PermissiNle gross weight1)SLL kg XaBimum load3MQ kgCapacities718 CaymanUuggage com/artment volume) front1LQ lW/en luggage com/artment volume ,Nehind front seats2184 lUargest luggage com/artment volume ,Nehind front seats) u/ to roof2M7M l₂uel tank L4 lPerformancexo/ s/eed M7L km.hDcceleration Q O SQ m/h4-6 sDcceleration Q O 1QQ km.h L-1 sDcceleration Q O 1SQ km.h11-3 sDcceleration Q O MQQ km.h18-3 s₂leBiNility ,8QO1MQ km.h2 ,LQO7L m/h2 in Lth gear L-S s1.4 mile13-4 s1-(ata determined in accordance with the measurement method reIuired Ny law- Eince 1 Ee/temNer MQ17 certain new cars have Neen ty/e a//roved in accordance with the 0orldwide Yarmonised Uight Vehicles xest Procedure ,0UxP2) a more realistic test /rocedure to measure fuel.electricity consum/tion and CW emissions- Ds of 1 Ee/temNer MQ18 the 0UxP re/laced the Few quro/ean (riving Cycle ,Fq(C2- (ue to the more realistic test conditions) the fuel.electricity consum/tion and CW emission values determined in accordance with the 0UxP will) in many cases) Ne higher than those determined in accordance with the Fq(C- xhis may lead to corres/onding changes in vehicle taBation from 1 Ee/temNer MQ18- ou can pnd more information on the di erence Netween 0UxP and Fq(C at ww-/orsche-com.wlt/ Currently) we are still oNliged to /rovide the Fq(C values) regardless of the ty/e a//roval /rocess used- xhe additional re/orting of the 0UxP values is voluntary until their oNligatory use- Ds far as new cars ,which are ty/e a//roved in accordance with the 0UxP2 are concerned) the Fq(C values will) therefore) Ne derived from the 0UxP values during the transition /eriod- xo the eBtent that Fq(C values are given as ranges) these do not relate to a single) individual car and do not constitute /art of the o er- xhey are intended solely as a means of com/aring di erent ty/es of vehicle- qBtra features and accessories attachments) tyre formats) etc-2 can change relevant vehicle /arameters such as weight) rolling resistance and aerodynamics and) in addition to weather and tra c conditions) as well as individual handling) can a ect the fuel.electricity consum/tion) CW emissions and /erformance values of a car-M-xhese values corres/ond to your current conpguration- Tf you add or remove eIui/ment this may change the values currently shown-3-Aody3-10eight is calculated in accordance with the relevant qC (irectives and is valid for vehicles with standard s/ecipcation only- W/tional eIui/ment increases this pgure- xhe pgure given includes 7Lkg for the driver718 Cayman718 Cayman718 Cayman。


[ 11]
仍处于亚稳定状态. 因此 , 再结晶完成 ( 即 X d 或 X st > 0. 95) 后 , 要发生进一步的晶粒长大来减小单位体 积内晶界面积, 以获得更稳定的组织. 晶粒长大后晶 粒尺寸数学方程为 Dg =
2 16 390 753 d + 1. 58 @ 10 t ex p RT 1/ 2
第 41 卷 第 4 期 2007 年 4 月
上 海 交 通 大 学 学 报
V ol. 41 N o. 4 A pr. 2007
文章编号: 1006 - 2467( 2007) 04 - 0629 - 05
1. 9
应用有限元法研究了变形参数对钛合金等温锻造过 程中晶粒尺寸的影响 . 目前, 组织模拟已经成为国内 外学者研究的热点 , 而国内对大锻件多步锻造过程 微观组织演变的研究未见报道 . 本文采用塑性变形 - 传热 - 微观组织演变模型 , 对 IN 718 合金多步 锻造过程的微观组织演变 进行 数值模拟 , 研究始锻温度、 压下量和空冷时间对其微 观组织演变的影响规律, 为微观组织预测和制定合 理的控制大锻件微观组织工艺提供依据 .
[ 8] 5
Q Q QFDv dS + Q L D$v d S
¸ R DEdV + K V EV D E V dV S f
( 2)
变形间歇期间或热变形后金属仍处于较高温度 中 , 在锻件变形没有达到 E c( E < E c ) 的区域, 发生静 态再结晶, 其动力学方程为 : X s t ( t) = 1 - exp - 0. 693 31 694 D st = 628 exp - RT 式中: X st 为静态再结晶体积百分数 ; t

欧洲螺栓标准(EN bolt standards)

欧洲螺栓标准(EN bolt standards)

MHR封隔器 常规完井管柱标准化操作程序

MHR封隔器 常规完井管柱标准化操作程序





3、井下工具工作原理及技术参数3.1采用NE™ 型油管携带可回收式井下安全阀哈里伯顿公司井下安全阀为全金属密封,自平衡安全阀。

金属材质INC718,具有超高抗腐蚀性,保证了在H2S 、CO2腐蚀环境下正常工作。




NE油管回收井下安全阀技术参数●阀的类型:非弹性密封●尺寸:3-1/2”●锁定类型:X●最大外径:5.3”(134.62mm)●最小内径:2.813”(71.45mm)●材质:NICKEL ALLOY 718●服务环境:H2S/CO2●螺纹连接:3 1/2-9.20 FOX-K BOX-PIN●压力等级:10000 PSI(68.94MPa)●温度等级:20 TO 300 Deg. F (-7 TO 149 DEG C)●最大开启压力:1900 pounds/sq. inch (13100 KPA)●最小关闭压力:600 pounds/sq. inch (4137 KPA)3.2采用哈里伯顿MHR液压永久封隔器封隔器应用于大斜度生产和注水井,单趟完井,特别适合于海上和施工环境较差的完井。



Introduction•Nickel Chromium alloy•Available in a variety of conditions•High strength•Excellent corrosion resistance•Combination of excellent mechanical properties over a wide range of temperatures •Outstanding weldability with resistance to post-weld cracking•Excellent creep-rupture strength at temperatures up to 700◦C(1300◦F)•Commonly referred to as Inconel® 718Alloy 718 is a high strength, corrosion resistant nickel chromium alloy, initially developed for the aerospace industry and still considered the material of choice for the majority of aircraft engine components. Its excellent strength and corrosion resistance have been recognised by the oil industry and it is now widely used in this field.Typical ApplicationsTypical applications in the oil industry are gate valves, choke stems, fasteners, tubing hangers and fire safe valves. In the aerospace and power generation industries this grade is also used for gas turbines, aircraft engines, fasteners and other high strength applications.Stock RangeWe stock a comprehensive range of sizes between 12.7mm and 284mm diameter round bar but can convert this to enable us to supply flat, rings, blocks and slabs.Material is stocked in three heat treatment conditions:-•Solution annealed and aged in accordance with API 6A718•Annealed in accordance with AMS 5662•Annealed and aged in accordance with AMS 5663Primarily manufactured in: Europe, USIndustry Specifications•ASTM B637•UNS NO7718•API 6A 718•AMS 5662/5663•NACE MR0175/ISO15156Material may also be supplied to Customer specifications, subject to enquiryMelting Practices•VIM/ESR or VAR•EF/AOD or VOD/VAR•Triple MeltedChemical AnalysisAlloy 718 is hardened by the precipitation of secondary nickel- (aluminium, titanium, niobium) phases giving the alloy a combination of high strength and good corrosion resistance.Chemical Composition of Alloy 718 for Aerospace:MachinabilityAlloy 718 can be readily machined but due to its high strength and work hardening characteristics, tooling, operating speeds and coolants should be considered. Machining in the age hardened condition improves the surface finish and chip action, whereas machinability and tool life are improved when machining material in the solution annealed condition.Material ConditionsThere are generally two heat treatments used for Alloy 718:•Solution annealed between 1021 –1038°C (1870°F - 1900°F) followed by rapid cooling and precipitation hardened around 778°C (1432°F)•Solution annealed between 941 - 1010°C (1726°F - 1850°F) followed by rapid cooling and precipitation hardened at 718°C (1324°F) furnace cooled to 621°C (1150°F) for a further ageThese provide either a combination of high strength, high fatigue and rupture life for use in aerospace applications (often referred to as High strength 718) or impact strength and low temperature notch tensile strength and lower hardness meeting the requirements of NACE MR-01- 75/ISO15156 for use in oil field applications (often referred to as API 6A 718). However the high strength version is being seen increasingly in the oil field applications due to increasingly demanding environments.Here is a summary of the differences:Corrosion ResistanceAlloy 718 has excellent corrosion resistance in a range of environments including sea water, HS2, CO2, elemental sulphur and chloride ions over various temperatures. It is resistant to sulphide stress cracking and is capable of passing the sulphide stress corrosion test in accordance with NACE TM 0177 Method C solution A.Typical results:Critical Pitting Temperature 0-5◦C (32-41◦F) ASTM G48 Method CCrevice Corrosion Temperature 40-45◦C(104-113◦F)ASTM G48 Method DMechanical PropertiesPhysical Properties Typical properties at room temperature。



第41卷第6期Vol.41No.62020青岛理工大学学报JournalofQingdaoUniversityofTechnology水射流辅助纳秒激光加工犐狀718高温合金微孔的实验研究胡 坤,孙树峰 ,王 茜,张丰云,曹 颖(青岛理工大学机械与汽车工程学院,青岛266525)摘 要:通过纳秒激光分别在空气和旁轴水射流辅助条件下对In718高温合金进行单脉冲叩击式打孔,研究了激光功率和加工次数对孔径和孔深的影响规律,总结了水射流辅助激光加工微孔的优点.结果表明:与在空气中相比,水射流辅助激光打孔时,水流良好的冷却作用可以减少激光热量在加工区域的累积;水流的冲击可以加速熔融物质从孔内排出,并能及时带离加工区域,从而提高激光打孔的去除效率,获得孔深更大、孔口表面更加光滑的微孔.为进一步研究旁轴水射流辅助激光加工微孔的去除机理奠定了基础.关键词:纳秒激光;微孔;水射流;In718高温合金中图分类号:TN249 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673 4602(2020)06 0061 05收稿日期:2020 08 07基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(51775289);山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2018ZB0524);山东省重点研发计划(2019GGX104097;2019GGX104106)作者简介:胡 坤(1997 ),男,山东曹县人.硕士,研究方向为激光精密绿色智能制造技术.E 通信作者(犆狅狉狉犲狊狆狅狀犱犻狀犵犪狌狋犺狅狉):孙树峰,男,博士,教授.E犈狓狆犲狉犻犿犲狀狋犪犾狊狋狌犱狔狅狀狑犪狋犲狉犼犲狋犪狊狊犻狊狋犲犱狀犪狀狅狊犲犮狅狀犱犾犪狊犲狉狆狉狅犮犲狊狊犻狀犵狅犳犿犻犮狉狅 犺狅犾犲狊犻狀犐狀718狊狌狆犲狉犪犾犾狅狔HUKun,SUNShu feng ,WANGXi,ZHANGFeng yun,CAOYing(SchoolofMechanicalandAutomotiveEngineering,QingdaoUniversityofTechnology,Qingdao266525,China)犃犫狊狋狉犪犮狋:NanosecondlaserisusedindrillingofIn718superalloywithsinglepulsepercus sionundertheconditionsofairandparaxialwaterjetrespectively.Theeffectsoflaserpowerandprocessingtimesonthediameteranddepthofmicro holesarestudied,andtheadvanta gesofparaxialwaterjetassistedlaserprocessingofmicro holesaresummarized.Theresultsshowthatcomparedwithlaserdrillingholesintheair,waterjetassistedlaserdrillinghasagoodcoolingeffect,whichcanreducetheaccumulationofheatintheprocessingarea.Theimpactofwaterflowcanacceleratethedischargeofmoltenmaterialfromthehole,andcantimelytakethemawayfromtheprocessingarea,soastoimprovetheremovalrateoflaserdrilling,andobtaintheholeswithlargerholedepthandsmoothersurface.Theresultslayafoundationforfurtherstudyontheremovalmechanismofparaxialwaterjetassistedlaserdrillingofmicro holesmachining.犓犲狔狑狅狉犱狊:nanosecondlaser;micro holes;waterjet;In718superalloy激光加工作为一种现代加工方式,具有加工精度高、效率高、热影响区小、材料适应性强等优点,广泛应用于微孔加工领域.激光加工微孔的过程中,材料迅速熔化和冷却,不可避免会产生重铸层和微裂纹等青岛理工大学学报第41卷缺陷,影响孔的质量.单一激光很难实现高质量微孔加工,很多学者开始采用其他方法与激光进行复合加工,例如:液体辅助激光打孔[1]、激光电化学复合打孔[2]、超声波辅助激光打孔[3]等多种复合加工方法,液体辅助激光打孔因其独特的优势备受关注.液体辅助激光加工的方法,通过液体的冷却作用减小激光加工时产生的热影响,减少重铸层,从而能够提高激光的加工质量.常用的辅助液体有水、化学溶液、酒精等.与其他液体相比,水是一种廉价且清洁的能源,而且对热量有较好的吸收能力,是理想的辅助液体.当激光在穿过水层到达加工表面的过程中,不可避免地会产生一定的能量损失,KRUUSING[4]研究了不同厚度的水层对激光能量的吸收特性,发现水层厚度越薄,损失的能量越小.JIA等[5]对纳秒激光在空气、低压水射流辅助和不同厚度静态水层下刻蚀单晶硅进行了研究,分析了不同刻蚀条件对槽深、槽宽、热影响区(HAZ)和微槽内壁形貌的影响,发现在薄水层和水射流中烧蚀比在空气中烧蚀产生更小的热影响区;而采用静态薄水层辅助激光加工时,加工区域容易产生局部沸腾,生成的气泡会对激光产生干涉,影响加工效果.为了减小水层对激光的干涉,TANGWARODOMNUKUN等[6]提出了旁轴水射流辅助激光加工的方法,水射流冲击到材料表面形成流动的薄水层,该方法通过激光软化材料,水射流冲击加速去除材料,从而提高激光的加工效率并且减小了热影响区和重铸层的产生.WANG等[7]采用旁轴水流辅助激光加工氮化硅陶瓷,发现激光功率和射流压力对槽深有显著的影响.FENG等[8]建立了水射流辅助激光加工的数值模型,为实验加工提供了理论指导.国内外不少专家学者对旁轴水射流辅助激光加工刻蚀微槽做了大量的研究,但是在微孔加工方面的研究较少.本文对纳秒激光在空气中和旁轴水射流辅助条件下加工In718高温合金微孔进行了研究.采用单脉冲叩击打孔方式,对比研究了空气和旁轴水射流辅助条件下激光功率和加工次数对孔的直径以及深度的影响,分析了旁轴水射流辅助激光加工微孔作用机理.通过对比分析加工出的微孔形貌和质量,验证了旁轴水射流辅助激光加工微孔的特点和优势.1 实验设计及装置本实验使用输出波长为1064nm的IPG光纤激光器,脉宽为100ns,最大输出功率为200W,脉冲频率在20~2000kHz可调.通过调整激光频率和出光时间来实现单脉冲输出,设置激光频率为200kHz,出光时间为0.005ms,实现每次出光为一个脉冲,改变加工次数,实现不同加工次数的单脉冲打孔实验.图1 旁轴水射流辅助激光加工原理 旁轴水射流辅助激光加工原理如图1所示,激光器输出激光经过光闸传输到扩束镜,扩束后的光束通过反射镜进入扫描振镜系统,然后经过Ftheta透镜聚焦(焦距犳=260mm)到加工材料表面,在聚焦平面处激光光斑直径约为70μm.实验选用材料为In718高温合金,尺寸为20mm×20mm×600μm,将工件放置在定制的亚克力容器中,采用自行设计的夹具将工件固定,如图1所示,水流经喷嘴(内径2mm)从一侧流进加工区域,在加工区域形成流动薄水层,设定喷嘴流量为30L/h,喷嘴与工件之间夹角为45°,高度为2cm.为了避免水中杂质对激光产生吸收和散射等影响,采用去离子水.射流到达工件后水膜厚度与偏移距离的关系如式(1)所示[6]:26第6期 胡 坤,等:水射流辅助纳秒激光加工In718高温合金微孔的实验研究犺w=犱n2sinθj-犱0[]tanθj; -犱n2sinθj≤犱0≤犱n2sinθj-0.1犱ntanθj0.1犱n; 犱0≥犱n2sinθj-0.1犱ntanθj烅烄烆(1)式中:犺w为水膜厚度;犱0为打孔位置与喷嘴之间的距离;犱n为输出喷液束直径;θj为喷嘴与工件之间夹角.当射流到达工件表面后形成射流冲击区域,该区域水膜流速大,会对激光产生较大的干涉.为了减少水膜对激光的干涉,本研究保持打孔位置与喷嘴之间的距离为1.5mm,此时水膜流速平缓,厚度为0.1犱n即0.2mm.当激光穿过水膜到达靶材后产生的能量损失极小,同时流动的水膜一方面能够减小激光加工过程中产生的热累积,同时还能带走加工过程中产生的熔渣,保证了微孔的质量.在实验完成后,工件经超声清洗和烘干后,使用最大放大倍数为24000倍的激光共聚焦显微镜(基恩士VK H2J100)测量微孔的三维形貌,每次实验对每个微孔的几何特征测量3次,取平均值作为最后读数,进而得到孔的深度、孔口直径和孔的轮廓等数据.2 结果讨论分析2.1 激光功率对孔径和孔深的影响激光功率是激光加工的一个重要参数.在纳秒激光作用下,材料吸收激光能量,温度升高,产生熔融和气化,熔融物质从加工区域溅射出来形成微孔.图2和图3为在加工次数为100次、激光功率20~200W时,在空气和水射流辅助条件下激光加工出的微孔孔径和孔深变化曲线.从图2可以看出,随着激光功率的增加,在2种条件下加工的孔径都呈现先增大,当功率大于160W后趋于稳定的变化趋势,并且都大于光斑直径.因为激光加工区域的面积取决于高斯脉冲分布达到烧蚀阈值的区域,随着功率的增大,光斑边缘处的能量也不断达到阈值,使得实际加工产生的孔径大于光斑的直径[9].而随着功率的进一步增大,有效烧蚀面积又受理论光斑尺寸的限制,边缘未达到烧蚀阈值区域的能量增加值会变得越来越小,孔径增长趋势变得缓慢,当激光功率达到160W后,孔口直径将不会再增加.同样参数下,水射流辅助激光加工出的孔径小于在空气中,这是由于水的冷却作用吸收了一部分能量,减少了激光能量在加工区域累积和不均匀横向传递.从图3可以看出,在空气中激光加工微孔深度随着功率的增加不断增大,当功率大于140W后出现减小的趋势.这是因为低功率下,激光能量密度低,吸收激光能量产生熔化的材料体积小,熔融物依靠激光与材料作用时产生的反冲压力溅射出来;随着功率增大,更多体积的材料得到去除,深度不断增加,当功率36青岛理工大学学报第41卷增大到140W后,熔融物质的体积过大,依靠反冲压力不能完全地从孔内喷射出来,部分回流进孔内重新冷却堆积,使得孔的深度减小.而在水射流辅助激光打孔时,流动的水流将熔融物质及时带走,使激光可以更好地向孔内部传递,加速了材料的去除;加工过程中孔内温度升高,会产生空泡,空泡溃灭瞬间产生的高速射流射向壁面,同样会加速材料的去除和熔融物质从孔内的排出,孔深随着功率增大不断增加,功率达到180W后实现了通孔的加工.与空气中直接进行打孔相比,旁轴水射流辅助激光打孔方式的材料去除效率更高,相同功率条件下能加工出更深的孔.2.2 加工次数对孔径和孔深的影响除了研究激光功率对孔径和孔深的影响,还研究了加工次数对孔径和孔深的影响.比较了当激光功率为100W、加工次数分别为100,200,300,400,500次时孔的直径和深度变化,结果如图4和图5所示.从图4、图5中可以看出,当激光在空气中打孔时,孔径随加工次数增加先增大,当加工次数大于300次后基本趋于稳定,孔深随加工次数增加不断增大.这是因为在功率为100W时,熔融材料依靠激光作用过程中产生的反冲压力能够较好地从孔内溅射出来,随着加工次数的增加深度呈现直线增加的趋势,而随着加工次数的不断增加,激光作用区域能量不断累积,使更大区域材料达到烧蚀阈值,从而导致孔径不断增大.随着微孔深度的进一步增大,激光可以更好地向孔内传输,更多的能量作用于孔底,减少了孔口的热累积,所以当加工次数大于300次后,孔径的增长趋势变得平缓.旁轴水射流辅助激光加工微孔时,随着加工次数的增加,孔径无明显变化,孔深变化趋势与空气中相同.这主要是因为水射流辅助激光加工时在材料表面形成一层薄薄的流动水膜,水的冷却作用削弱激光在孔口产生的热量累积,减少热量的横向传递,孔口直径无明显增大.相对于空气中,较小区域材料达到烧蚀阈值,使得孔口直径小于在空气中打孔的孔口直径.同时水流的冲击作用以及孔内空泡溃灭的冲击加速了材料的去除,因此相同加工次数下水射流辅助激光加工出的孔深度要大于空气中激光直接进行打孔的深度.2.3 水射流辅助激光加工对微孔表面形貌的影响图6为激光功率100W、加工次数100次时,在空气和水射流辅助条件下,激光加工出的微孔形貌特征.图6(a)为在空气中所加工孔的孔口形貌,可以明显看到在孔口周边堆积大量喷溅出的重凝物,形成了“火山口”.图6(c)为旁轴水射流辅助激光打孔的孔口形貌,与在空气中相比,孔口附近无大体积的堆积物,仅存在较小体积的重凝物,说明流动的水流可以将大部分重凝物带离加工区域,而小体积熔融物质从孔内溅射出的速度很快,迅速到达孔口冷却堆积;在孔口右端存在一尖角热影响区域,产生这一现象的主要原因是孔内较大体积熔融物喷溅到该区域,高温熔融物使得该区域受到热影响.图6(b)为在空气和水射流辅助条件下,激光加工出的孔横截面轮廓,可以看出,在两种环境下,加工出的孔底部都呈现锥形,这与激光能量呈高斯分布有关.同样的加工参数下,水射流辅助激光能够加工出更深的孔,而且孔的内壁形貌也更好.46第6期 胡 坤,等:水射流辅助纳秒激光加工In718高温合金微孔的实验研究图6 微孔的形貌特征3 结论本文利用纳秒激光分别在空气和水射流辅助条件下对In718高温合金进行单脉冲叩击式打孔.研究了激光功率和加工次数对孔径和孔深的影响规律.实验结果表明,在旁轴水射流辅助激光条件下打孔时,水流良好的冷却作用,减少了热量在加工区域的累积,加工出的孔径要小于在空气中直接进行打孔;水流的冲击效果改善了空气中打孔过程存在的熔融物溅射不彻底对孔造成阻塞的现象,能够加工出更深的孔.同时水流能够将熔融物及时地带离加工区域,避免了在孔口周围的重凝堆积,使孔口表面更加光滑.本文对水射流辅助激光加工过程水流的作用效果进行了阐述,为进一步研究水射流辅助激光加工过程中材料的去除机理奠定了基础.参考文献(犚犲犳犲狉犲狀犮犲狊):[1] ZHANGQiang,SUNShu feng,ZHANGFeng yun,etal.AstudyonfilmholedrillingofIN718superalloyvialasermachiningcom binedwithhightemperaturechemicaletching[J].TheInternationalJournalofAdvancedManufacturingTechnology,2020,106(1/2):155 162.[2] 张朝阳,秦昌亮,冯钦玉,等.脉冲激光电化学复合的定域性研究及三维微细刻蚀加工[J].机械工程学报,2014,50(23):200 206.ZHANGZhao yang,QINChang liang,FENGQin yu,etal.Investigationonlocalisationandthree dimensionalmicro etchingbasedonpulselaserelectrochemicalmachining[J].JournalofMechanicalEngineering,2014,50(23):200 206.(inChinese)[3] 刘斌,戴玉堂,殷广林,等.超声波辅助飞秒激光加工光纤材料的工艺探索[J].中国激光,2016,43(3):60 65.LIUBin,DAIYu tang,YINGuang lin,etal.Explorationonultrasonicvibrationaidedfemtosecondlasermachiningprocessoffiberopticmaterials[J].ChineseJournalofLasers,2016,43(3):60 65.(inChinese)[4] KRUUSINGA.Underwaterandwater assistedlaserprocessing Part1:Generalfeatures,steamcleaningandshockprocessing[J].OpticsandLasersinEngineering,2004,41(2):307 327.[5] JIAZhou,HUANGYu xing,ZHAOYao wu,etal.Studyonwater assistedlaserablationmechanismbasedonwaterlayercharacteris tics[J].OpticsCommunications,2019,450:112 121.[6] TANGWARODOMNUKUNV,WANGJ,HUANGCZ,etal.Aninvestigationofhybridlaser waterjetablationofsiliconsubstrates[J].InternationalJournalofMachineToolsandManufacture,2012,56:39 49.[7] WANGLiang,HUANGChuan zhen,WANGJun,etal.Anexperimentalinvestigationonlaserassistedwaterjetmicro millingofsiliconnitrideceramics[J].CeramicsInternational,2018,44(5):5636 5645.[8] FENGShao chuan,HUANGChuan zhen,WANGJun,etal.Ananalyticalmodelforthepredictionoftemperaturedistributionandevo lutioninhybridlaser waterjetmicro machining[J].PrecisionEngineering,2017,47:33 45.[9] 夏博.飞秒激光高质量高深径比微孔加工机理及其在线观测[D].北京:北京理工大学,2016.XIABo.Mechanismandonlineobservationofhigh aspect ratio,high qualitymicroholesdrillingwithfemtosecondlaser[D].Beijing:BeijingInstituteofTechnology,2016.(inChinese)(责任编辑 赵金环)56。



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Web Code 519-492-444 743-688-393 186-616-190 406-999-418 982-926-625

基尔斯特 6021b 型号 高温压力传感器 使用手册说明书

基尔斯特 6021b 型号 高温压力传感器 使用手册说明书

Page 1/7PressureHigh temperature pressure sensorfor gas turbine- and thermoacoustics applications6021B _003-590e -10.22© 2022 Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, SwitzerlandT . Kistler Group products are This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting Type 6021B...Differential, acceleration compensated, piezoelectric pressure sensor for dynamic applications at highest temperatures up to 1 000°C.• Operating temperature –55 … 700°C• Short time operating temperature –55 … 1 000°C • Internally case isolated • Differential charge output • Highest reliability • Not pyroelectric• Acceleration compensated • ATEX/IECEx certificated • CE conformDescriptionCore of the sensor is the single crystal PiezoStar measuring element, which has a temperature capability up to 1 000°C and is not pyroelectric. The sensor is designed for maximum longevity.To reach highest resolution in harsh environment, the sensor is internally case isolated featuring two-wire technology with differential signal output. The integrated, mineral insulated hardline cable is available with different terminations.Ex-approval (ATEX, IECEx) allows operation in hazardous areas.ApplicationMain applications are protection of equipment and condition monitoring of gas turbines. In addition, the sensor is used for the development of combustion chambers of gas turbines.General purpose and thermoacoustics applications, which re-quire• Temperature capability up to 1 000°C• Measurements of smallest pressure fluctuations • Explosive and/or EMC loaded environments in the acoustic rangeFurther applications• Pressure pulsations on compressors, pumps, turbines, pro-pellers, etc.• Dynamic pressure measurements with high thermal shocks as for example gas and dust explosions (Ex testing), pyro-technical devices, closed vessel testing, energetic material testing, sloshing or small dynamic pressures as for example sound pressure, etc.IECExTechnical dataReference temperature for performance specifications is 25°C unless otherwise noted. For more information, see technical brochure 960-201e.Electric Power none Output signal chargeSignal mode 2-wire, differential Signal conditioningdiff. charge amplifierInsulation resistance pin – pin @ 25°C Ω≥10 11@ 700°CΩ≥10 5Insulation resistance pin – case @ 25°C Ω≥10 10@ 700°CΩ≥10 5Capacitance pin – pin pF ≤20 + 60 pF/m cable length Capacitance pin – casepF≤8 + 175 pF/m cable lengthFig. 1: Diagram, 2-wire, internally case isolatedSensor +Sensor –RoHSPage 2/76021B _003-590e -10.22© 2022 Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, SwitzerlandT el.+41522241111,****************,. Kistler Group products are This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting Technical data (continuation)OperationPressure measuring range bar/psi 0 ... 100 / 0 ...1 450Calibrated partial range bar/psi 0 ... 20 / 0 (290)Overloadbar/psi 200 / 2 900Sensitivity (nom. ±10 %)pC/bar 62Thermal sensitivity shift see Fig. 2Linearity, hysteresis and repeatability%FSO ≤1Acceleration sensitivity, typical mbar/g 0.4Natural frequency, longitudinal kHz ca. 50Frequency range upper range (+10 %)Hz ca. 20 000lower range (–3 dB)Hz0.51)1)In combination with differential charge amplifier Types 5181, 5183, 5185.EnvironmentOperating temperature range Continuous °C –55 ... 700Extreme 3)°C 1 000 3)Termination°C–55 (180)LEMO PCA.0S.3027/16"-27 UNS-2A °C–55 ... 180Open leads –55 (180)Shock g <1 000Corrosion see materialHumidityHousing with integr. cable hermetically sealedConnector IP50Explosive atmosphereExplosion protection:Fig. 2: Typical thermal sensitivity shift relative to room temperatureNimonic is a registered trade mark of Special Metals Wiggins Ltd.INCONEL alloy 718 und INCONEL alloy 600 are registered trade marks of INCO family of companies.2) Special conditions for safe use are described in the instruction manual3)For detailed information please contact the local Kislter sales officePhysicalWeight sensor and cable g14 + 47 g/m cable length MaterialNimonic alloy 90 INCONEL alloy 718Cable jacket INCONEL alloy 600WireNickelPage 3/76021B _003-590e -10.22© 2022 Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, SwitzerlandT el.+41522241111,****************,. Kistler Group products are This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting Connector TypesFig. 3: Sensor dimensions Type 6021B... including cable terminationsType 6021B_N0A_2-pol. connector LEMO PCA.0S.302Type 6021B_N0B_2-pol. connector 7/16"-27 UNS-2AType 6021B_N0C_2-pol. open leads blackwhitePage 4/76021B _003-590e -10.22© 2022 Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, SwitzerlandT el.+41522241111,****************,. Kistler Group products are This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting Mounting boreFig. 4: Direct installationFig. 6: Direct installation for Sensor with 7/16" connectorFig. 5: For installation with intermediate adapter for Type 6419A21C* for installation with Kistler tools* for installation with Kistler tools* for installation with Kistler toolsSensor mountingFig. 7: Sensor installation with mounting nut Type 6419A21A and seal Type 1147A21A Fig. 8: Installation with mounting adapter Type 6419A21A, seal Type 1147A21A, and removal tool Type 6419A21BMounting nut, 16 mm hex.Tightening torque 20 Nm Type 6419A21ASeal, silver plated Type 1147A21ARemoval tool, 14 mm hex.Tightening torque 5 Nm Type 6419A21BMounting nut, 16 mm hex.Tightening torque 20 Nm Type 6419A21ASeal, silver plated Type 1147A21AFig. 9: Installation with mounting adapter Type 6419A21D andseal Type 1147A21AFig. 10: Installation with adapter Type 6419A21C, mounting nutType 6419A21A, and seal Type 1147A21A and 1147A21BMounting nut, 16 mm hex. withintermediate ring slotedTightening torque 25 NmType 6419A21DSeal, silver platedType 1147A21AMounting nut, 16 mm hex.Tightening torque 20 NmType 6419A21AAdapter, 21 mm hex.Tightening torque 60 NmType 6419A21CSeal, silver platedType 1147A21BSeal, silver platedType 1147A21ARemoval tool, 14 mm hex.Tightening torque 5 NmType 6419A21BPage 6/7© 2022 Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, SwitzerlandT el.+41522241111,****************,. Kistler Group products are This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting Fig. 20: Flame protection shield, Type Z21603A21FPage 7/76021B _003-590e -10.22© 2022 Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, SwitzerlandT el.+41522241111,****************,. Kistler Group products are This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting Ordering keyEx certificationNot Ex certificated–Ex certificated: "Ex-ia", Ex-nA"ECable termination Lemo 2 pole connector A 7/16" 2 pole connector B Open leads CCable length* 4)1 m 013 m03* Customized lengths on requestIncluded accessories Type/Mat. No.• Mounting nut 6419A21A or 6419A21D • Sealing ring, silver platted (5 pieces) 1147A21A Optional accessories Type/Mat. No.• Sealing ring, silver platted (5 pieces) 1147A21A • Sealing for intermediate adapter 1147A21B M18x1,5, silver platted • Mounting nut 6419A21A • Mounting nut 6419A21D • Insertion/removal tool 6419A21B • Adapter M18x1,5 6419A21C • Adapter M18x1,5 6419A21E • Mounting bracket for hardline cable 1423A1• Mounting tool, slotted 1251A21A • High temperature thread paste 1059• Flame protection shield Z21603A21F Optional accessories Type/Mat. No.• Softline cable 1652A...• Differential charge amplifier – Standard version 5181A – Ex-iA version 5183A – Ex-nA version 5185A4)Tolerance for cable lengths less than 1 m: +45 mm.Tolerance for cable lengths between 1 m and 5 m: +75 mm.。






第一版第二版一) 石化行业对机械密封最新发展的要求;由于石油化工行业工艺技术的发展,对机械密封的要求其工况参数越来越高,对机械密封的使用寿命必须满足三年,机械密封的标准化/减少现场的维修调试/减少库存,有计划的间隔维修/防止故障的间隔维修,远程监测/监控,环保要求/零泄露,可靠性与安全性,及时的售后服务降低采购和运行成本。



Alloy 625
Alloy 70/30
AWS Norm










Alloy718主要特征:【上海奔来金属材料有限公司】从零下到超过750°C的温度范围内都具有良好的强度和延性对各类腐蚀性化学品都具有令人满意的耐腐蚀性和抗疲劳性,例如海水和工业酸无磁性且耐火花卓越的耐应力腐蚀开裂、氯化物应力开裂和硫化物应力开裂的能力在海水中具有很高的疲劳强度Alloy718应用:【上海奔来金属材料有限公司】油气业中的井口零件、闸阀、节流杆、紧固件、封隔器、夹具、油管悬挂器、井下设备发电行业设备,例如紧固件、涡轮航空航天零件核电厂中的反应堆安全壳、阀门从750°C至低温范围内的工程行业应用Alloy718化学成分:Alloy718机械性能:笔记:应根据ASTMA370(抗拉强度)或ASTME18(硬度)进行测试引用最少的属性(在纵向和室温下测试)按照热处理批次对每种熔体材料进行测试0.015英寸(0.38毫米)的最小侧孔扩张宏观腐蚀试验经证实微观结构中不存在针状相、第二相和Laves相经认定达到等轴晶粒度并主要为ASTM3或更细小(ASTME112,放大100倍)Alloy718物理性质:8230磁导率(20°C) <1.002杨氏模量(kN/mm2) 200比电阻,20°C(µΩ-m) 1.25热膨胀,20-100°C(m/m/degC) 12.1x10-6比热,20°C(J/kg.K) 435热导率,20°C(W/m.K) 11.1居里温度(degC) -112(aged)。



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specialmetal 焊接材料手册

specialmetal 焊接材料手册

T a bl eo f C on t e n t s ECu 7ENi6617SCu 7Special Metals W elding Products Company is the world’s leading developer andmanufacturer of wrought nickel alloys and nickel based welding consumables forjoining nickel alloys, high performance steels, cast irons and dissimilar metals as well asoverlaying on steel for corrosion or erosion protection. It offers industry the widestrange of welding consumables, supported by over 100 years experience in nickel alloytechnology. Product trademarks such as MONEL, INCO-WELD, NI-ROD, INCONEL,INCOLOY , INCO-CORED, and INCOFLUX have earned worldwide recognition as thestandard for quality and product performance.Special Metals W elding Products Company operates a fully integrated manufacturingfacility that encompasses every step from acquisition of raw materials to packagingof the finished products. This melting-pot-to-weld-puddle control provides completetraceability and control of product quality. Rigorous quality control is applied atevery production step using quality systems such as ISO 9001, ASME Section IIINC3800, and TUV .In support of this comprehensive product line is a tradition of first class techinicalservice and customer support made available through our extensive gobal distributionnetwork. Direct access to additional information is available through our websites and in chinese .Nickel Welding Electrode 141is used for shielded-metal-arc welding of Nickel 200 and Nickel 201, welding the clad side of nickel-clad steel, and surfacing of steel. The reaction of titanium with carbon in the weld metal holds free carbon to a low level so that the electrode can be used with low-carbon nickel (Nickel 201). The weld metal has good corrosion resist-ance, especially in alkalies. The electrode is also used for dissimilar welding, including joints between Nickel 200 or 201 and various iron-base and nickel-base alloys. Nickel W elding Electrode 141 can be operated in all welding positions. Power supply: direct current, electrode Ni Welding Electrode Nickel Welding Electrode 141Diameter Length Current N i c k e l W e l d i n g E l e c t r o d e 141Minimum T ensile Strength, psi 60,000Mechanical MPa 414Properties Elongation, (4d) %20Limiting Ni+Co..............92.0 min.Cu............................0.25 max.Chemical C........................0.10 max.Al................................1.0 position Mn ..................0.75 max.Ti....................................1.0-4.0Fe ....................0.75 max.P ..............................0.03 max.S ......................0.02 max.Others..................0.50 max.Si........................1.25 max.Specifications A WS A5.11, ENi-1UNS W82141ASME II, SFA-5.11, ENi-1 W erkstoff Nr. 2.4156ASME IX, F-No. 41ISO ENi2061DIN 1736 EL-NiTi3Europe ENiTi3VdTÜV 1286.01T ab l e o f C o n t e n t s , C o n t i n u e dM O N E L®W el d i n g E l e c t r o d e 190MONEL Welding Electrode 190is used for shielded-metal-arc welding of MONEL alloys 400, R-405, and K-500. It is also used for surfacing of steel. The weld metal is resistant to corrosion by sea water, salts, and reducing acids. The electrode is capable ofproducing weld deposits that meet stringent radiographic requirements. Although the electrode produces sound joints in MONEL alloy K-500, the weld metal has lower strength since, unlike the base metal, it is not age hardenable. Dissimilar-welding applica-tions for MONEL W elding Electrode 190 include joints between MONEL nickel-copper alloys and carbon steel, low-alloy carbon steel, copper, and copper-nickel alloys.MONEL W elding Electrode 190 can be operated in all positions. Power supply: direct cur-rent, electrode positive.MONEL ®Welding Electrode 190Minimum T ensile Strength, psi 70,000Mechanical MPa 483Properties Elongation, (4d) %30Limiting Ni+Co ............62.0-68.0Cu..........................Remainder Chemical C........................0.15 max.Al............................0.75 position Mn......................4.0 max.Ti..................................1.0 max.Fe........................2.5 max.P ..............................0.02 max.S......................0.015 max.Others..................0.50 max.Si..........................1.0 max.Specifications A WS A5.11, ENiCu-7DIN 1736 EL-NiCu30Mn MIL-E-22200/3 Type MIL-9N10UNS W84190ASME II,SFA-5.11, ENiCu-7W erkstoff Nr. 2.4366ASME IX, F-No. 42ISO ENi4060VdTÜV 2106.00Europe ENiCu30Mn3Ti Diameter Length CurrentMONEL Welding Electrode 187is used for shielded-metal-arc welding of wrought or cast 70/30, 80/20, and 90/10 copper-nickel alloys. Like the base metals with which it is used, the weld metal resists fouling and corrosion in sea water and is useful for many marine and desalination applications. Dissimilar joints welded with the electrode include those between copper-nickel alloys and MONEL alloy 400 or Nickel 200. MONEL W elding Electrode 187 can be operated in all positions. Power supply: direct cur-rent, electrode MONEL ®Welding Electrode 187Diameter Length Current M O N E L ®W e l d i n g E l e c t r o d e 187Minimum T ensile Strength, psi 50,000Mechanical MPa 345Properties Elongation, (4d) %30Limiting Ni+Co..............29.0 min.Si ............................0.50 max.Chemical C ......................0.05 max.Cu..........................Remainder Composition Mn........................1.0-2.50Ti ............................0.50 max.Fe ....................0.40-0.75P ............................0.020 max S......................0.015 max.Others..................0.50 max.Specifications A WS A5.6, ECuNi W erkstoff Nr. 2.0838MIL-E-22200/4 Type MIL-CuNi(70:30)UNS W60715ASME II,SFA-5.6, ECuNi ISO ECu 7158ASME IX, F-No. 34Europe ECu 7158DIN 1733 S-CuNi30Mn Ni-Cu Welding ElectrodeCu-Ni Welding ElectrodeI N C O -W E L D ®A W e l d i n g E l e c t r o de INCO-WELD A Welding Electrode is used for shielded-metal-arc welding of INCOLOYalloys 800 and 800HT, INCONEL alloys 600 and 601, and nickel steels. The weld metal has excellent strength and oxidation resistance at high temperatures and retains impact resistance at cryogenic temperatures. The electrode is an exceptionally versatile product for dissimilar welding. It can be used on a variety of austenitic and ferritic steels and nickel alloys. Examples are combinations of stainless steels, carbon steels, INCONEL alloys, INCOLOY alloys, MONEL alloys, and copper-nickel alloys. Because of its versatility , INCO-WELD A W elding Electrodeis especially useful for general maintenance welding of equipment exposed to strenuous serv-ice conditions.INCO-WELD A W elding Electrode can be operated in all welding positions. Power supply:direct current, electrode positive.INCO-WELD ®A Welding Electrode Minimum T ensile Strength, psi 80,000Mechanical MPa 552Properties Elongation, (4d) %30Limiting Ni+Co..............62.0 min.Cu ..........................0.50 max.Chemical C........................0.10 max.Cr ..............................13.0-17.0Composition Mn ..........................1.0-3.5Nb+T a ........................0.5-3.0Fe ......................12.0 max.Mo ................................0.5-2.5S ......................0.02 max.P ..............................0.03 max.Si......................0.75 max.Others..................0.50 max.Specifications A WS A5.11, ENiCrFe-2W erkstoff Nr. 2.4805ASME II, SFA-5.11, ENiCrFe-2DIN 1736 EL-NiCr15FeNbUNS W86133ISO ENi6092ASME IX, F-No. 43Europe ENiCr16Fe9NbMo VdTÜV 2104.00Diameter Length CurrentINCONEL Welding Electrode 152is used for shielded-metal-arc welding of INCONEL alloy 690. It has a higher chromium content which improves resistance to stress-corrosion cracking in the nuclear, pure water environment. It was designed to produce high quality welds in all positions. This electrode also produces corrosion-resistant overlays on most low-alloy and stainless steels. Other uses include applications requiring INCONEL alloy 690 "glass melters" used for the disposal of nuclear waste. It is also useful for dissimilar joints involving INCONEL and INCOLOY alloys, and stainless, low-alloy and carbon steels.INCONEL W elding Electrode 152 can be operated in all welding positions. Power supply: direct current, electrode INCONEL ®Welding Electrode 152Diameter Length Current I N C O N E L ®W e l d i n g E l e c t r o d e 152Minimum T ensile Strength, psi 80,000Mechanical MPa 552Properties Elongation, (4d) %30Limiting Ni+Co ..........Remainder Cu ..........................0.50 max.Chemical C ......................0.05 max.Cr..............................28.0-31.5Composition Mn......................5.0 max.Ti ............................0.50 max.Fe ........................7.0-12.0Al............................0.50 max.S......................0.015 max.P ..............................0.03 max.Si......................0.75 max.Nb+T a..........................1.0-2.5Mo....................0.50 max.Others..................0.50 max.Specifications AMSE Boiler & Pressure V essel Code Case 2143A WS A5.11, ENiCrFe-7UNS W86152ASME II, SFA-5.11, ENiCrFe-7 ISO ENi 6152ASME IX, F-No. 43Europe ENiCr30Fe9NbI N C O NE L ®W e l d i n g E l e c t r o d e 182INCONEL Welding Electrode 182is used for shielded-metal-arc welding of INCONELalloys 600, 601 and 690. The weld metal has excellent high-temperature strength and oxida-tion resistance and can meet stringent radiographic requirements.Dissimilar welds for which the electrode are used include INCONEL alloys and INCOLOY alloys joined to carbon steels, stainless steels, nickel and MONEL alloys, MONEL alloys joined to carbon steels; nickel joined to stainless steels; and stainless steels joined to carbon steels.INCONEL W elding Electrode 182 can be operated in all welding positions. Power supply: direct current, electrode positive.INCONEL ®Welding Electrode 182Minimum T ensile Strength, psi 80,000Mechanical MPa 552Properties Elongation, (4d) %30Limiting Ni a ......................59.0 min.Cu ..........................0.50 max.Chemical C........................0.10 max.Cr ..............................13.0-17.0Composition Mn ........................5.0-9.5Ti..................................1.0 max.Fe......................10.0 max.Nb b ..................................1.0-2.5S......................0.015 max.P............................0.030 max.Si..........................1.0 max.Others..................0.50 max.a Plus Co. Co 0.12 max. when specifiedb Plus T a. T a 0.30 max. when specifiedSpecifications A WS A5.11, ENiCrFe-3DIN 1736 EL-NiCr15FeMn ASME II, SFA-5.11, ENiCrFe-3 W erskoff Nr. 2.4807ASME IX, F-No. 43ISO ENi6182UNS W86182Europe ENiCr15Fe6Mn VdTÜV 2105.00MIL-E-22200/3 Types MIL-8N12, MIL-8N12H Diameter Length Current INCONEL ®Welding Electrode 112 I N C O N E L ®W e l d i n g E l e c t r o d e 112INCONEL Welding Electrode 112is used for shielded-metal-arc welding of INCONEL alloy 625, INCOLOY alloy 825, INCOLOY alloy 25-6MO, and other molybdenum-containing stainless steels. It is also used for surfacing of steel and for welding various corrosion- resist-ant alloys such as alloy 20. The weld metal has high strength at room and elevated tempera-tures and has exceptional corrosion resistance, including resistance to pitting, crevice corro-sion, and polythionic acid stress-corrosion cracking. INCONEL W elding Electrode 112 is useful for many dissimilar joints involving INCONEL alloys, INCOLOY alloys, stainless steels, low-alloy steels, and carbon steels.INCONEL W elding Electrode 112 can be operated in all welding positions. Power supply: direct current, electrode positive.Minimum T ensile Strength, psi 110,000Mechanical MPa 758Properties Elongation, (4d) %30Limiting Ni+Co ............55.0 min.Si ............................0.75 max.Chemical C ......................0.10 max.Cr ..........................20.0-23.0Composition Mn........................1.0 max.Nb+T a ....................3.15-4.15Fe........................7.0 max.Mo ............................8.0-10.0S ......................0.02 max.P ............................0.03 max.Cu ..................0.50 max.Others ................0.50 max.Specifications A WS A5.11, ENiCrMo-3DIN 1736 EL-NiCr20Mo9Nb ASME II, SFA-5.11, ENiCrMo-3W erkstoff Nr. 2.4621ASME IX, F-No. 43ISO ENi6625MIL-E-22200/3 Type MIL-IN12Europe ENiCr22Mo9Nb UNS W86112Diameter Length CurrentI N C O N EL ®W e l d i n g E l e c t r o d e 122INCONEL Welding Electrode 122is used for shielded-metal-arc welding of INCONELalloys 622 and 625, INCOLOY alloy 25-6MO, and INCOLOY alloy 825. This is an excellent dissimilar metal welding electrode that offers protection against preferential weld metal cor-rosion when used for joining molybdenum-containing stainless steels, INCONEL alloy C-276,and INCONEL alloy 625. It is a versatile welding product for the chemical, power, petroleum,and marine industries.INCONEL W elding Electrode 122 can be operated in all positions. Power supply: direct current,electrode positive.INCONEL ®Welding Electrode 122Minimum T ensile Strength, psi 100,000Mechanical MPa 690Properties Elongation, (4d) %25Limiting Ni ..................Remainder Cu ..........................0.50 max.Chemical C ....................0.02 max.Co ............................2.5 position Mn........................1.0 max.Cr ..........................20.0-22.5Fe ..........................2.0-6.0Mo ............................12.5-14.5P ......................0.03 max.V ..............................0.35 max.S......................0.015 max.W..................................2.5-3.5Si ....................0.20 max.Others ................0.50 max.Specifications A WS A5.11, ENiCrMo-10ISO ENi6022ASME II, SFA-5.11, ENiCrMo-10Europe ENiCr21Mo13W3UNS W86022ASME IX, F-No. 43Diameter Length CurrentDiameter Length Current INCO-WELD C-276Welding Electrode is used for shielded-metal-arc welding of INCONEL alloy C-276 and other nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloys. It is also used for sur-facing of steel. The weld metal has excellent corrosion resistance in many media and is espe-cially resistant to pitting and crevice corrosion. INCO-WELD C-276 W elding Electrode is use-ful for various dissimilar joints involving nickel alloys, stainless steels, and low-alloy steels.INCO-WELD C-276 W elding Electrode can be operated in all welding positions. Power sup-ply: direct current, electrode INCO-WELD ®C-276 Welding Electrode I N C O -W E L D ®C -276 W e l d i n g E l e c t r o d e Ni-Cr-Mo Welding ElectrodeNi-Cr-Mo Welding ElectrodeI N C O -W E L D ®686C P T ®E l e c t r o de INCO-WELD 686CPT Welding Electrode is an all-position shielded-metal-arc welding electrode used to join duplex, super-duplex and super-austenitic stainless steels, as well asnickel alloys such as UNS N06059 and N06022, INCONEL alloy C-276, and INCONEL alloys 622, 625 and 686. INCO-WELD 686CPT W elding Electrode offers a level of corrosion-resist-ance attractive for welding operations in pollution control engineering as well as the chemi-cal, process, petrochemical, oil and gas, and marine industries.INCO-WELD 686CPT W elding Electrode can be operated in all welding positions. Power sup-ply: direct current, electrode positive.INCO-WELD ®686CPT ®Welding ElectrodeTypical T ensile Strength, psi 110,000Mechanical MPa 758Properties Elongation, (4d) %35Hardness. HRB 95Limiting Nickel ..........Remainder Si ............................0.25 max.Chemical C ....................0.02 max.Ti ............................0.25 max.Composition Mn........................1.0 max.Cr ............................19.0-23.0Fe........................5.0 max.Mo ..........................15.0-17.0P ......................0.02 max.W..................................3.0-4.4Cu....................0.50 max.Others ................0.50 max.Specifications A WS A5.11, ENiCrMo-14UNS W86026ASME II, SFA-5.11, ENiCrMo-14 ISO ENi6686ASME IX, F-No. 43Europe NiCr21Mo16W4Diameter Length CurrentDiameter Length Current INCONEL Welding Electrode 117is used for shielded-metal-arc welding of INCONEL alloy 617. The weld metal has high strength, good metallurgical stability and excellent resist-ance to corrosion and high-temperature oxidation. INCONEL W elding Electrode 117 also gives good results in welding many dissimilar materials, especially for high-temperature applica-tions. Examples are INCONEL alloys 600 and 601, INCOLOY alloys 800HT and 802, and cast alloys such as HK-40, HP and HP-45 Modified.INCONEL W elding Electrode 117 can be operated in all welding positions. Power supply: direct current, electrode INCONEL ®Welding Electrode 117I N C O N E L ®W e l d i n g E l e c t r o d e 117Ni-Cr-Mo Welding ElectrodeNi-Cr-Co-Mo Welding ElectrodeIN C O -W E L D ®CW e l d i n g E l e c t r o de INCO-WELD ®C Welding ElectrodeDiameterLength Current NI-ROD Welding Electrode is used for shielded-metal-arc welding of gray , ductile, and mal-leable cast irons. It is also used for joints between cast irons and carbon steel or low-alloy steel.The electrode is particularly useful for thin sections and for joints to be machined.NI-ROD W elding Electrode can be operated in all welding positions. Power supply: direct current,electrode positive is preferred although alternating current can be NI-ROD ®Welding Electrode N I -R O D ®W e l d i n g E l e c t r o d e INCO-WELD C Welding Electrode is a stainless-alloy electrode especially designed for shielded-metal-arc welding of a broad range of materials, including many difficult-to-weld compositions. It can be used on stainless steels, mild and medium-carbon steels, and springsteels. The weld metal can accept a wide range of dilution; its high ferrite content provides exceptional cracking resistance. W eld deposits have high tensile and impact strength along with good resistance to heat and corrosion. The electrode's characteristics make it outstand-ing for general-purpose maintenance welding of machinery and process equipment. The weld metal is also a good buffer or padding for hard-facing alloys.INCO-WELD C W elding Electrode can be operated in all welding positions. Power supply:direct current, electrode positive is preferred although alternating current can be used.Typical T ensile Strength, psi 110,000 - 120,000Mechanical MPa 758 - 827Properties Elongation, (4d) %24 - 30Specifications UNS W31310Diameter Length Current Ni-Fe-CrWelding Electrode Cast Iron Nickel Welding ElectrodeN I -R O D ®99X W e l d i n g E l e c t r o de NI-ROD ®99X Welding ElectrodeTypical T ensile Strength, psi 57,000-84,000Mechanical MPa 393-579Properties Elongation, (4d) %6-13Typical Ni+Co........................53.0S......................................0.005Chemical C....................................1.20Si ......................................0.70Composition Mn..............................0.30Cu........................................0.10Fe................................45.0Limiting Ni ......................85.0 min.S..............................0.03 max.Chemical C ........................2.0 max.Si ..............................2.0 max.Composition Mn......................2.5 max.Cu ............................2.5 max.Fe........................8.0 max.Specifications A WS A5.15, ENiFe-CI ISO E C NiFe-CI ASME II, SFA-5.15, ENiFe-CI Europe E C NiFe-CI UNS W82002NI-ROD 55 Welding Electrode is used for shielded-metal-arc welding of gray , ductile,malleable, and Ni-Resist cast irons. It is also used for welding cast irons to various wrought materials, including carbon steels, low-alloy steels, and nickel alloys. The electrode is espe-cially useful for welding heavy sections and high-phosphorus irons.NI-ROD 55 W elding Electrode can be operated in all welding positions. Power supply: direct current, electrode positive is preferred although alternating current can be NI-ROD ®55 Welding Electrode N I -R O D ®55 W e l d i n g E l e c t r o d e NI-ROD 99X Welding Electrode is a premium quality consumable for cast iron, offering trueout-of-position welding capability with an ease of operation rivalling carbon steel electrodes.99X Electrode has a commercially pure nickel core, and is recommended for welding thin cast iron sections and for where optimum machinability of single-pass or single-layer weldments is required.NI-ROD 99X W elding Electrode is used for joining gray iron, ductile iron, compacted graphite iron, malleable iron and various alloyed irons to themselves, to each other, to steels, to stainless steels, and to nickel alloys.NI-ROD 99X W elding Electrode can be operated in all welding postions. Power supply: direct cur-rent, electrode positive is preferred although alterating current can be used.Typical T ensile Strength, psi 55,000Mechanical MPa 378Properties Elongation, (4d) %8Specifications NoneDiameter Length Current Diameter Length Current Cast Iron NickelWelding Electrode Cast Iron Nickel Iron Welding ElectrodeN I -R O D ®55X W e l d i n g E l e c t r o deNI-ROD ®55X Welding ElectrodeStraight Lengths - 915 mm (36”) or 1000 mm (39”)Limiting Ni ............................45-60S ............................0.30 max.Chemical C ........................2.0 max.Si ..............................2.0 positionMn ....................2.5 max.Cu..............................2.5 max.Fe....................Remainder mm inNickel Filler Metal 61is used for gas-tungsten-arc, gas-metal-arc, and submerged-arc welding of Nickel 200 and 201. It is also used for surfacing of steel. INCOFLUX 6 Submerged Arc Flux is used with the submerged-arc process. The reaction of titanium with carbon main-tains a low level of free carbon and enables the filler metal to be used with Nickel 201. The weld metal has good corrosion resistance, particularly in alkalies.Dissimilar-welding applications for Nickel Filler Metal 61 include joining Nickel 200 and 201 to stainless steels, carbon steels, INCONEL alloys, INCOLOY alloys, copper-nickel alloys, and MONEL alloys. It is also used for joining MONEL alloys and copper-nickel alloys to carbon steels, and for joining copper-nickel alloys to INCONEL and INCOLOY Nickel Filler Metal 61N i c k e l F i l l e r M e t a l 61NI-ROD 55X Welding Electrode is a premium quality consumable for cast iron, offering true out-of-position welding capability with an ease of operation rivalling carbon steel elec-trodes. NI-ROD 55X Electrode has a nickel-iron core wire to produce strong welds with low residual shrinkage stresses, and is well suited for welding thick sections. It has high tolerance for phosphorus and other contaminants in the base metal, so high strength, good ductile welds can be made in low-grade cast irons.NI-ROD 55X W elding Electrode is used for joining gray iron, ductile iron, compacted graphite iron, malleable iron and various alloyed irons to themselves, to each other, to steels, to stain-less steels, and to nickel alloys.NI-ROD 55X W elding Electrode can be operated in all welding positions. Power supply: direct current, electrode positive is preferred although alternating current can be used.TypicalT ensile Strength, psi 75,000Mechanical MPa517Properties Elongation, (4d) %22Specifications NoneDiameter Length CurrentCast Iron Ni-Fe Welding ElectrodeNi Filler MetalsM O N E L ®F i l l e r M e t a l 6MONEL ®Filler Metal 60Straight Lengths - 915 mm (36”) or 1000 mm (39”)mm inMONEL Filler Metal 67is used for oxyacetylene, gas-tungsten-arc, gas-metal-arc, and submerged-arc welding of MONEL alloy 450 (70/30 Copper-Nickel) and other copper-nick-el alloys. It is used for surfacing of steel if a barrier layer of Nickel Filler Metal 61 is first applied. If applied by the submerged-arc process, MONEL Filler Metal 60 can be used for the barrier layer. Submerged-arc welding with MONEL Filler Metal 67 is done with INCOFLUX 8Submerged Arc Flux.The copper-nickel weld metal has excellent resistance to corrosion in sea water, and is wide-ly used for marine and desalination applications.Dissimilar-welding applications for MONEL Filler Metal 67 are joints between MONEL alloys or Nickel 200 and copper-nickel MONEL ®Filler Metal 67M O N E L ®F i l l e r M e t a l 67Straight Lengths - 915 mm (36”) or 1000 mm (39”)mm inMONEL Filler Metal 60is used for gas-tungsten-arc, gas-metal-arc, and submerged-arc welding of MONEL alloys 400, R404, and K-500. It is also used for surfacing of steel by the gas-metal-arc or submerged-arc processes. For certain gas-metal-arc conditions, a barrier layer of Nickel Filler Metal 61 is recommended. Submerged-arc welding with MONEL Filler Metal 60 is done with INCOFLUX 5 Submerged Arc Flux.W eld metal deposited by MONEL Filler Metal 60 has properties similar to those of MONEL alloy 400. It has good strength and resists corrosion in many media, including sea water, salts,and reducing acids. The weld metal is not age hardenable and when used to join MONEL alloy K-500 has lower strength than the base metal.Ni-Cu Filler MetalCu-Ni Filler MetalsI N C O N E L ®F i l l e r M e t a l 72INCONEL ®Filler Metal 72Straight Lengths - 915 mm (36”) or 1000 mm (39”)mminNC 80/20 Filler Metal Wire is a Nickel Chromium material used for the inert gas weld-ing of INCONEL alloy 600, NIMONIC 75, INCOLOY alloys 800 and DS, and the Brightray alloys to themselves and to each other. The shielding gas should be Argon, Helium, or a mix-ture of the two. It may also be used in many dissimilar metal applications, especially where carbon steels are joined to stainless steels and to Nickel-based alloys. W eld overlaying of car-bon and low alloy steels is another popular application.NC 80/20 Filler MetalN C 80/20 F i l l e r M e t a lMinimum T ensile Strength, psi 106,000Mechanical MPa731PropertiesYield Strength (0.2% offset), psi 72,000MPa496Elongation, (4d) %30Limiting Ni....................................55S ....................................0.008ChemicalCr....................................44Si ..........................................0.1Composition (%)Ti ....................................0.6Ci ........................................0.2Mn ..................................0.1Fe ..................................0.2SpecificationsA WS A5.14, ERNiCr-4ASME IX, F-No. 43ASME II, SFA-5.14, ERNiCr-4ISO SNi6072Europe NiCr44Ti UNS N06072INCONEL Filler Metal 72is used for the gas-tungsten-arc welding of INCONEL alloy 671cladding on INCO-CLAD ®671/800HT Clad Tubing. INCONEL Filler Metal 72 is also used for the overlaying of carbon steels and stainless steels to provide a nickel-chromium alloy corro-sion resistant surface. The high chromium level provides excellent resistance to high tempera-ture corrosion, including fuel-ash atmospheres containing sulfur and vanadium.Ni-Cr Filler MetalsNi-Cr Filler MetalsI N C O N E L ®F i l l e r M e t a l 82INCONEL ®Filler Metal 82Minimum T ensile Strength, psi 80,000Mechanical MPa552Properties Elongation, (4d) %30Typical Ni....................................72C ........................................0.04ChemicalCr......................................19Ti ........................................0.25Composition (%)Mn ....................................3S........................................<0.01Nb..................................2.5Si ..........................................0.3Fe ..................................2.5P........................................<0.01Al................................0.05Others..............................<0.5Cu................................0.05SpecificationsThe products have been proposed to A WS and are expected to be listed in A WS A5.34 as ERNiCr3T0-4 and ENiCr3T1-4. Other specifications will follow.INCO-CORED FC82DH and FC82AP Flux Cored Wires are identical in chemistry and properties to the bare wire INCONEL Filler Metal 82. They have excellent weldability , and benefit from the higher deposition rates associated with flux-cored wires. Both use a shield-ing gas of 75% Argon and 25% Carbon Dioxide.The products are used to weld INCONEL alloys 600 and 601, INCOLOY alloys 800 and 800HT, and INCO alloy 330. They are also used in many dissimilar metal applications, espe-cially where carbon steels are joined to stainless steels and to nickel-based alloys. W eld over-laying of carbon and low alloy steels is another popular application for INCO-CORED 82DH and 82AP Flux Cored Wire.Power supply: direct current, electrode INCO-CORED FC82DH & FC82AP Flux Cored WireI N C O -C O R E D ®F C 82D H & F C 82A P F l u x C o r e d W i r eMinimum T ensile Strength, psi 80,000Mechanical MPa552Properties Elongation, (4d) %30Limiting Ni a......................67.0 min.Si ............................0.50 max.ChemicalC........................0.10 max.Cr..............................18.0-22.0Composition (%)Mn ........................2.5-3.5Ti ............................0.75 max.Fe........................3.0 max.Nb b..............................2.0-3.0S......................0.015 max.P............................0.030 max.Cu....................0.50 max.Others..................0.50 max.a Plus Co. Co 0.12 max. when specified.bPlus T a. T a 0.30 max. when specified.SpecificationsA WS A5.14, ERNiCr-3VdTÜV 2117.00; 2118.00,ASME II, SFA-5.14, ERNiCr-32110-00; 2111.00MIL-E-21562DIN 1736 SG-NiCr20Nb Types MIL-RN82, MIL-EN82, W erkstoff Nr. 2.4806MIL-RN82H, MIL-EN82H UNS N06082ASME IX, F-No. 43ISO SNi6082BS 2901 (NA35)Europe NiCr20Mn3Nb INCONEL Filler Metal 82is used for gas-tungsten-arc, gas-metal-arc and submerged-arc weld-ing of INCONEL alloys 600, 601 and 690, INCOLOY alloys 800 and 800HT, and INCOLOY alloy 330. It is also used for surfacing of steel. Submerged-arc welding is done with INCOFLUX 4Submerged Arc Flux. For submerged-arc surfacing INCOFLUX 6 Submerged Arc Flux can be used to a maximum of three layers.W eld metal deposited by INCONEL Filler Metal 82 has high strength and good corrosion resist-ance, including oxidation resistance and creep-rupture strength at elevated temperatures.Dissimilar-welding applications include joining INCONEL alloys, INCOLOY alloys and INCOLOY alloy 330 to nickel, MONEL alloys, stainless steels, and carbon steels. It is also used to join stain-less steels to nickel alloys and carbon steels.Filler metals available on spool and in cut straight lengths in a variety of sizes selected from the following diameters:Straight Lengths - 915 mm (36”) or 1000 mm (39”)mm inNi-Cr Filler MetalsNi-Cr Filler Metals。


ABS ABS-GF Acetylene_C2H2_Gas Acetylene_C2H2_Liquid Acrylic Air Air_Temp-dependent_Gas AISI_310_SS AISI_SS_304-Annealed AISI_Steel_1005 AISI_Steel_1008-HR AISI_Steel_Maraging Aluminum_2014 Aluminum_5086 Aluminum_6061 Aluminum_A356 Ammonia_Gas Ammonia_NH3_Liquid Aniso_Sample Argon_Ar_Gas Bismuth_Liquid Brass Bronze Carbon_Dioxide_Gas Carbon_Dioxide_Liquid Copper_C10100 Engine_Oil_Liquid Epoxy Ethylene_Glycol_Liquid Freon_Liquid_R12 Glycerin_Liquid Helium_Gas Hydrogen_Gas_H2 Inconel_718-Aged Iron_40 Iron_60 Iron_Cast_G25 Iron_Cast_G40 Iron_Cast_G60 Iron_Malleable Iron_Nodular Isobutane_(R600a)_Gas Isobutane_(R600a)_Liq Lead_Liquid Magnesium_Cast Mercury_Liquid Methane_CH4_Gas Methanol_CH3(OH) Nak(22-78)_Liquid NaK(45-55)_Liquid Nitrogen_Gas_N2 Nylon Ortho_Sample Ortho_Sample_L态 丙烯酸塑料 空气 (毒气) 北美标准 310 不锈钢 北美标准 不锈钢 304 退火 北美标准 钢 1005 北美标准 钢 1008-美国 北美标准 钢 马氏体 铝合金2014 铝镁合金 铝合金 6061 铝合金 A356 氨气 液体氨 不均样本(类别属于Template指样本)(各向异性) 氩气 铋 液体 黄铜 青铜 碳处理 二氧化物 气体 碳处理 二氧化物 液体 无氧铜 发动机用油 环氧树脂 乙烯 乙二醇 液体 氟利昂R12 甘油 氦气 氢气 铬镍铁合金 718 老标准 40铁 60铁 铸铁G25 铸铁G40 铸铁G60 可锻造铁 球状石墨铸铁 异丁烷气体 异丁烷液体 液态铅 铸造 镁 水银 甲烷气体 甲醇液体

SAE AMS 5596K-2007 Nickel Alloy UNS N07718

SAE AMS 5596K-2007 Nickel Alloy UNS N07718

SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2007 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA) Fax: 724-776-0790Email: CustomerService@ SAE WEB ADDRESS:h ttp://AMS 5596KAEROSPACE MATERIALSPECIFICATIONIssued JAN 1964 Revised MAY 2007 Superseding AMS 5596JNickel Alloy, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant, Sheet, Strip, Foil and Plate52.5Ni - 19Cr - 3.0Mo - 5.1Cb (Nb) - 0.90Ti - 0.50Al - 18Fe Consumable Electrode Remelted or Vacuum Induction Melted1775 °F (968 °C) Solution Heat Treated(Composition similar to UNS N07718)RATIONALEAMS 5596K is a Five Year Review and update of this specification.1. SCOPE 1.1 FormThis specification covers a corrosion and heat-resistant nickel alloy in the form of sheet, strip, foil, and plate. 1.2 ApplicationThese products have been used typically for parts requiring resistance to creep and stress-rupture up to 1300 °F (704 °C) and oxidation resistance up to 1800 °F (982 °C), particularly those parts which are formed or welded and then heat treated to develop desired properties, but usage is not limited to such applications. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTSThe issue of the following documents in effect on the date of the purchase order forms a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. The supplier may work to a subsequent revision of a document unless a specific document issue is specified. When the referenced document has been cancelled and no superseding document has been specified, the last published issue of that document shall apply. 2.1 SAE PublicationsAvailable from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside USA), or . AMS 2262 Tolerances, Nickel, Nickel Alloy, and Cobalt Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate AMS 2269 Chemical Check Analysis Limits, NIckel, Nickel Alloys, and Cobalt AlloysAMS 2371 Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steels and Alloys, Wrought Products and Forging StockAMS 2807 Identification, Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steels and Alloys, Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Aircraft TubingAS4194Sheet and Strip Surface Finish Nomenclature--`,`,,`,,````,`,,,,`,```,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`-----`,`,,`,,````,`,,,,`,```,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---SAE AMS 5596K - 2 - 2.2 ASTMPublicationsAvailable from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, Tel: 610-832-9585, or .ASTM A 480/A 480M Flat-Rolled Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet, and StripASTM E 3 Preparation of Metallographic SpecimensASTM E 8 Tension Testing of Metallic MaterialsASTM E 8M Tension Testing of Metallic Materials (Metric)ASTM E 18 Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Metallic MaterialsASTM E 21 Elevated Temperature Tension Tests for Metallic MaterialsASTM E 112 Determining Average Grain SizeASTM E 139 Conducting Creep, Creep-Rupture, and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic MaterialsASTM E 290 Bend Test for Ductility of Metallic MaterialsASTM E 354 Chemical Analysis of High-Temperature, Electrical, Magnetic, and Other Similar Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt AlloysASTM E 384 Microindentation Hardness of Materials3. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS3.1 CompositionShall conform to the percentages by weight shown in Table 1, determined by wet chemical methods in accordance with ASTM E 354, by spectrochemical methods, or by other analytical methods acceptable to purchaser.Element minmaxCarbon --0.080.35Manganese --0.35Silicon --0.015Phosphorus --Sulfur --0.01521.00Chromium 17.0055.00Nickel 50.00Molybdenum 2.803.30Columbium (Niobium) 4.75 5.501.15Titanium 0.650.80Aluminum 0.20Cobalt --1.00Tantalum -- 0.05Boron --0.0060.30Copper --Iron remainder3.1.1 CheckAnalysisComposition variations shall meet the applicable requirements of AMS 2269.3.2 MeltingPracticeAlloy shall be multiple melted using consumable electrode practice in the remelt cycle or shall be induction melted undervacuum. If consumable electrode remelting is not performed in vacuum, electrodes which have been produced by vacuum induction melting shall be used for remelting.3.3 ConditionThe product shall be supplied in the following condition:3.3.1 Sheet, Strip, and FoilHot or cold rolled, solution heat treated, and, unless solution heat treatment is performed in an atmosphere yielding a bright finish, descaled having a surface appearance in accordance with ASTM A 480/A 480M and AS4194 comparable to and, as applicable, except that product 0.010 inch (0.25 mm) and under in nominal thickness shall have a surface appearance comparable to No. 2B finish. SheetNo. 2D finish. StripNo. 1 strip finish.3.3.2 PlateHot rolled, solution heat treated, and, unless solution heat treatment is performed in an atmosphere yielding a bright finish, descaled.3.4 Solution Heat Treatment3.4.1 Product 0.050 Inch (1.27 mm) and Over in ThicknessHeat to a temperature within the range 1725 to 1825 °F (941 to 996 °C), hold at the selected temperature within ±25 °F (±14 °C) for a time commensurate with product thickness, and cool at a rate equivalent to an air cool or faster.3.4.2 Product under 0.050 Inch (1.27 mm) in ThicknessNo specific heat treating instructions are specified, but it is recommended that the product be solution heat treated by heating in a suitable protective atmosphere, preferably in hydrogen or argon (See 3.4.4) or in vacuum (10-4 Torr or less), to a temperature within the range 1725 to 1825 °F (941 to 996 °C), holding at the selected temperature within ±25 °F (±14 °C) for a time commensurate with product thickness, and cooling at a rate equivalent to an air cool or faster.3.4.3 The use of dissociated ammonia as protective atmosphere is not recommended.3.4.4 For product 0.010 inch (0.25 mm) and under in nominal thickness, a dew point of -60 °F (-50 °C) or lower ispreferable when using hydrogen or argon atmosphere.--`,`,,`,,````,`,,,,`,```,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---3.5 PropertiesProduct, 1.00 inch (25.4 mm) and under in nominal thickness, shall conform to the following requirements: 3.5.1 As Solution Heat Treated3.5.1.1 TensilePropertiesShall be as shown in Table 2, determined in accordance with ASTM E 8 or ASTM E 8M.TABLE 2A - TENSILE PROPERTIES, INCH/POUND UNITSNominal ThicknessInchTensileStrengthksi, maxYield Strengthat 0.2% Offsetksi, maxElongation in2 Inches or 4D%, minUp to 0.010, incl 140 80.0 report Over 0.010 to 0.1874, incl 140 80.0 30 Over 0.1874 to 1.00, incl 150 105 30 TABLE 2B - TENSILE PROPERTIES, SI UNITSNominal Thickness MillimetersTensileStrengthMPa, maxYield Strengthat 0.2% OffsetMPa, maxElongation in50.8 mm or 4D%, minUp to 0.25, incl 965 552 reportOver 0.25 to 4.760, incl 965 552 30Over 4.760 to 25.4, incl 1034 724 303.5.1.2 HardnessShall be not higher than shown in Table 3, or equivalent (See 8.2), determined in accordance with ASTM E 18; for thin gages, where superficial hardness testing is impractical, microhardness testing in accordance with ASTM E 384 may be used. Product shall not be rejected on the basis of hardness if the tensile properties of are acceptable, determined on specimens taken from the same sample as that with nonconforming hardness or from another sample with similar nonconforming hardness.TABLE 3 - MAXIMUM HARDNESSNominal ThicknessInch Nominal ThicknessMillimeters HardnessUp to 0.1874, incl Up to 4.760, incl 102 HRBOver 0.1874 to 1.00, incl Over 4.760 to 25.4, incl 25 HRC3.5.1.3 BendingProduct 0.1874 inch (4.760 mm) and under in nominal thickness shall be tested in accordance with ASTM E 290 using a sample prepared nominally 0.75 inch (19.0 mm) in width with its axis of bending parallel to the direction of rolling and shall withstand without cracking bending at room temperature through an angle of 180 degrees around a diameter equal to the bend factor shown in Table 4 times the nominal thickness of the product.TABLE 4 - BENDING PARAMETERSNominal ThicknessInch Nominal ThicknessMillimetersBendFactorUp to 0.050, incl Up to 1.27, incl 1 Over 0.050 to 0.1874, incl Over 1.27 to 4.760, incl 2--`,`,,`,,````,`,,,,`,```,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Average Grain SizeShall be as follows, determined in accordance with ASTM E 112: For Product 0.010 inch (0.25 mm) and Under in Nominal ThicknessASTM No. 8 or finer. For Product Over 0.010 to 0.250 inch (0.25 to 6.35 mm), Inclusive, in Nominal ThicknessASTM No. 6 or finer. For Product Over 0.250 inch (6.35 mm) in Nominal ThicknessASTM No. 4 or finer. SurfaceMicrostructureMetallographic examination on the unetched and etched specimen cross-section of product 0.125 inch (3.18 mm) and under in thickness, shall disclose no alloy depleted surface layer (See 8.3.1), intergranular attack, or other detrimental surface conditions greater than 0.0005 inch (0.013 mm) for product 0.060 inch (1.52 mm) and under in nominal thickness, or greater than 0.001 inch (0.025 mm) for product over 0.060 inch (1.52 mm) in nominal thickness. Other standards for acceptance or limits for product over 0.125 inch (3.18 mm) in thickness may be established by purchaser. Each specimen shall be prepared according to ASTM E 3 and evaluated at 500X magnification.3.5.2 After Precipitation Heat TreatmentThe product shall have the following properties after being precipitation heat treated by heating to 1325 °F ± 15 (718 °C ± 8), holding at heat for 8 hours ± 0.5, cooling at a rate of 100 F ± 15 (56 C ± 8) degrees per hour to 1150 °F ± 15 (621 °C ± 8), holding at 1150 °F ± 15 (621 °C ± 8) for 8 hours ± 0.5, and cooling in air. Instead of the 100 F ± 15 (56 C ± 8) degrees per hour cooling rate to 1150 °F ± 15 (621 °C ± 8), product may be furnace cooled at any rate provided the time at 1150 °F ± 15 (621 °C ± 8) is adjusted to give a total precipitation heat treatment time of 18 hours. The product shall also meet the requirements of,, and after being re-solution heat treated by heating to 1750 °F ± 25 (954 °C ± 14), holding at heat for 60 minutes ± 5, and cooling at a rate equivalent to an air cool or faster and precipitation heat treated as above. TensileProperties3. At Room TemperatureShall be as shown in Table 5, determined in accordance with ASTM E 8 or ASTM E 8M.TABLE 5A - MINIMUM ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES, INCH/POUND UNITSNominal ThicknessInchTensileStrengthksiYield Strengthat 0.2% OffsetksiElongation in2 Inches or 4D%Up to 0.010, incl 180 150 report Over 0.010 to 1.00, incl 180 150 12TABLE 5B - MINIMUM ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES, SI UNITSNominal Thickness MillimetersTensileStrengthMPaYield Strengthat 0.2% OffsetMPaElongation in50.8 mm or 4D%Up to 0.25, incl 1241 1034 report Over 0.25 to 25.4, incl 1241 1034 12 --`,`,,`,,````,`,,,,`,```,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- At 1200 °F (649 °C)Shall be as shown in Table 6, determined in accordance with ASTM E 21 on specimens heated to 1200 °F ± 5 (649 °C ± 3), held at heat for not less than 20 minutes before testing, and tested at 1200 °F ± 5 (649 °C ± 3).TABLE 6A - MINIMUM ELEVATED TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES, INCH/POUND UNITSNominal ThicknessInchTensileStrengthksiYield Strengthat 0.2% OffsetksiElongation in2 Inches or 4D%Up to 0.025, incl 140 115 5 Over 0.025 to 1.00, incl 145 120 5TABLE 6B - MINIMUM ELEVATED TEMPERATURE TENSILE PROPERTIES, SI UNITSNominal Thickness MillimetersTensileStrengthMPaYield Strengthat 0.2% OffsetMPaElongation in50.8 mm or 4D%Up to 0.64, incl 965 793 5Over 0.64 to 25.4, incl 1000 827 For product 0.010 inch (0.25 mm) and under in nominal thickness, properties may be established using asample up to 0.025 inch (0.64 mm) in nominal thickness from the same master coil and heat. The supplier’scertification of test shall indicate the thickness at which the elevated temperature tensile test was performed.Properties do not apply to product 0.010 inch (0.25 mm) and under, but product shall be produced fromproduct under 0.025 inch (0.64 mm) that has met property requirements. HardnessShall be not lower than 36 HRC, or equivalent (See 8.2), determined in accordance with ASTM E 18; for thin gages, where superficial hardness testing is impractical, microhardness testing in accordance with ASTM E 384 may be used. Product shall not be rejected on the basis of hardness if the tensile properties of are acceptable, determined on specimens taken from the same sample as that with nonconforming hardness or from another sample with similar nonconforming hardness. Stress-Rupture Properties at 1200 °F (649 °C)A tensile specimen, maintained at 1200 °F ± 3 (649 °C ± 2) while a load sufficient to product the initial axial stress shown in Table 7 or higher stress is applied continuously, shall not rupture in less than 23 hours. The test shall be continued to rupture without change of load. Elongation after rupture, measured at room temperature, shall be not less than specified in Table 7. Tests shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM E 139.TABLE 7A - STRESS-RUPTURE PROPERTIES, INCH/POUND UNITSNominal ThicknessInch Initial AxialStress, ksiElongation in2 Inches or 4D%Up to 0.015, incl 95 - Over 0.015 to 0.025, incl 95 4 Over 0.025 to 1.00, incl 100 4 TABLE 7B - STRESS-RUPTURE PROPERTIES, SI UNITSNominal Thickness MillimetersInitial AxialStress, MPaElongation in50.8 mm or 4D%Up to 0.38, incl 655 - Over 0.38 to 0.64, incl 655 4 Over 0.64 to 25.4, incl 689 4 --` , ` , , ` , , ` ` ` ` , ` , , , , ` , ` ` ` , ` , , , -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` --- For product 0.010 inch (0.25 mm) and under in nominal thickness, stress-rupture properties may beestablished using a sample up to 0.025 inch (0.64 mm) in nominal thickness from the same master coil andheat. The supplier’s certification of test shall indicate the thickness at which the stress-rupture test wasperformed. Properties do not apply to product 0.010 inch (0.25 mm) and under, but product shall be producedfrom product under 0.025 inch (0.64 mm) that has met property requirements. The test of may be conducted using incremental loading. In such case, the load required to producethe initial axial stress shown in Table 7 shall be used to rupture or for 23 hours, whichever occurs first. Afterthe 23 hours and at intervals of 8 hours minimum thereafter, the stress shall be increased in increments of 5.0ksi (34.5 MPa). Time to rupture and elongation requirements shall be as specified in QualityThe product, as received by purchaser, shall be uniform in quality and condition, sound, and free from foreign materials and from imperfections detrimental to usage of the product.3.7 TolerancesShall conform to all applicable requirements of AMS 2262.4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS4.1 Responsibility for InspectionThe vendor of the product shall supply all samples for vendor’s tests and shall be responsible for the performance of allrequired tests. Purchaser reserves the right to sample and to perform any confirmatory testing deemed necessary to --`,`,,`,,````,`,,,,`,```,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ensure that the product conforms to specified requirements.4.2 Classification of Tests4.2.1 AcceptanceTestsThe following requirements are acceptance tests and shall be performed on each heat or lot as applicable. Composition (3.1) of each heat and tolerances (3.7) of each lot. Tensile properties (, hardness (, bending (, average grain size ( and surfacemicrostructure ( of each lot as solution heat treated. Room temperature tensile properties ( and hardness ( of each lot after precipitation heattreatment.4.2.2 PeriodicTestsThe following requirements are periodic tests and shall be performed at a frequency selected by the vendor unless frequency of testing is specified by purchaser. Tensile properties at 1200 °F (649 °C) ( and stress-rupture properties ( after precipitation heattreatment. Tensile properties ( and, hardness (, and stress-rupture properties ( after re-solution and precipitation heat treatment as in Sampling and TestingShall be in accordance with AMS 2371.4.4 ReportsThe vendor of the product shall furnish with each shipment a report showing the results of tests for composition of each heat and the results of tests for tensile properties, hardness, bending, average grain size and surface microstructure as solution heat treated, and for room temperature tensile properties and hardness after precipitation heat treatment of each lot, and stating that the product conforms to the other technical requirements. This report shall include the purchase order number, heat and lot numbers, AMS 5596K, size and quantity.4.5 Resampling and RetestingShall be in accordance with AMS 2371.5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY5.1 IdentificationShall be in accordance with AMS 2807.5.2 PackagingThe product shall be prepared for shipment in accordance with commercial practice and in compliance with applicable rules and regulations pertaining to the handling, packaging and transportation of the product to ensure carrier acceptance and safe delivery.6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTA vendor shall mention this specification number and its revision letter in all quotations and when acknowledging purchase orders.7. REJECTIONSProduct not conforming to this specification, or to modifications authorized by purchaser, will be subject to rejection.8. NOTES--`,`,,`,,````,`,,,,`,```,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---8.1 A change bar (|) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technicalrevisions, not editorial changes, have been made to the previous issue of a specification. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the specification, including technical revision. Change bars and (R) are not used in original publications, nor in specifications that contain editorial changes only.8.2 Hardness conversion tables for metals are presented in ASTM E 140.8.3 Terms used in AMS are clarified in ARP1917 and as follows:8.3.1 An alloy-depleted layer is defined as a loss of alloying elements at the surface sufficient to affect a near-surfacemicrostructure difference, using a suitable etchant.8.4 Dimensions and properties in inch/pound units and the Fahrenheit temperatures are primary; dimensions andproperties in SI units and the Celsius temperatures are shown as the approximate equivalents of the primary units and are presented only for information.8.5 Purchase documents should specify not less than the following:AMS 5596KForm and size of product desiredQuantity of product desiredStandards for acceptance of surface microstructure (See BY AMS COMMITTEE “F”。

















材料研究与应用 2024,18(2):187‐194Materials Research and ApplicationEmail :clyjyyy@http :// CVD 法制备Inconel 718 高温合金表面铝化物涂层高温氧化行为研究孟国辉1,齐浩雄1,杜撰1,刘梅军1*,杨冠军1,吴勇2,孙清云2,夏思瑶2,董雪2(1.西安交通大学/金属材料强度国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710049; 2.武汉材料保护研究所有限公司,湖北 武汉 430030)摘要: Inconel 718高温合金是燃气轮机和航空发动机热端部件的关键核心材料,其表面通常制备有铝化物涂层,起到提高抗氧化和热腐蚀性能的作用。


采用化学气相沉 积(CVD )技术,在Inconel 718高温合金表面制备了铝化物涂层,在大气环境、950 ℃条件下开展了恒温氧化测试,采用扫描电子显微镜、X 射线衍射和X 射线能谱等手段,研究了其高温氧化行为,并与Inconel 718高温合金进行对比。

结果表明:In -conel 718高温合金表面制备的CVD 铝化物涂层,其表面粗糙,具有双层结构。

外层为富含Ni 和Al 元素的β-NiAl 层,平均厚度为14.1 μm ,内层为富含Fe 和Cr 元素的σ相与富含Nb 、Mo 和Fe 元素的Laves 相共存的互扩散层,平均厚度为5.9 μm 。

恒温氧化后,Inconel 718高温合金表面氧化生成了Cr 2O 3膜,而CVD 铝化物涂层表面氧化生成了α-Al 2O 3膜。

Cr 2O 3膜和α-Al 2O 3膜的生长都遵循抛物线型生长规律,Cr 2O 3膜的生长速率常数为0.86 μm∙h −1/2,α-Al 2O 3膜的生长速率常数为0.15μm∙h −1/2。

此外,观察发现Inconel 718 高温合金发生了内氧化,而 CVD 铝化物涂层未出现内氧化,两者氧化行为差异的原因在于CVD 铝化物涂层中的β-NiAl 相,其氧化生成均匀、连续、致密的α-Al 2O 3 膜,阻止了内部金属发生进一步氧化。

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耐腐蚀性能 不管在高温还是低温环境,Nicrofer 5219 Nb 合金都具有极好的耐应力腐蚀开 裂和点蚀的能力。Nicrofer 5219 Nb 合金在高温下的抗氧化性尤其出色。
应用 由于在 700℃时具有高温强度和优秀的耐腐蚀性能、易加工性,Nicrofer 5219 Nb 可广泛应用于各种高要求的场合。
热处理 不同的固溶处理和时效处理工艺会得到不同的材料性能。由于γ”相的扩散 速率较低,所以通过长时间的时效处理能使 Nicrofer 5219 Nb 合金获得最佳的机 械性能。
典型的热处理工艺见表 8(时间视工件大小而定)
工艺 固溶处理 A 960±15℃ 30 分钟~1 小时*,空冷或水冷
产 品 形 测试方向 测试 规格 mm

持续加载 N/mm2
时间 延 伸 率
650 ℃ ±2℃
>0.38 0.38-0.62 >0.62
655 690
23 4
棒材 锻件
径向 横向 径、横
650 ℃ ±2℃
23 5
700 ℃ ±2℃
23 5
参照 AMS 5596
5662 5663
12 10 6
硬度 HB
晶粒尺 寸 µm
<240 <260
≤248 >341
棒材 焊丝
760/650℃ 固溶处理
E +沉淀硬化 621-843℃ 或 774-802℃
去应力退火 960℃
A 细晶结构保证了材料的疲劳寿命、塑性、韧性、屈服强度、抗拉强度在 室温时的最优组合。
B 将 A 中的优点扩展到了更宽的温度范围。
C 对大工件的特殊的均匀化处理使工件获得了最佳的韧性和冲击强度。 在热处理过程中必须保证工件表面清洁。
D 对用于石油或酸性气体环境中的直径 215mm 以下的棒材的热处理工艺, 该工艺使材料得到相当于 ASTM 3 或更细的晶粒度,没有叶状或针状 δ 相析出。
约 5 GTAW
130-150 23-27
氩气或氩气+不超过 3%的氢气 对于 MAG 焊,推荐使用保护性气体 Cronigon He30S。 在所有气体保护焊操作中,都要确保有足够的防护层。 这些数据仅供参考,并为焊机设置提供方便。
焊接 速度 cm/min 10-15 10-15 10-15 10-15 25 25 25 25 24-30
E 用于 H2S 工业的合金 718 棒材处理。
打磨 在 Nicrofer 5219 Nb 工件焊缝附近的氧化物要比不锈钢的更难以去除,需要用 细砂带打磨,在硝酸和氢氟酸的混合酸中酸洗之前,也要用砂纸去除氧化物或进 行盐浴预处理。
机加工 Nicrofer 5219 Nb 的机加工需在固溶处理后进行,要考虑到材料的加工硬化 性,与奥氏体不锈钢不同的是,Nicrofer 5219 Nb 适合采用低表面切削速度。
Nicrofer 5219 Nb 具有以下特性: 易加工性 在 700℃时具有高的抗拉强度、疲劳强度、抗蠕变强度和断裂强度 在 1000℃时具有高抗氧化性 在低温下具有稳定的化学性能 良好的焊接性能
牌 号 和 材料牌号 标准
化 学 管材 成分 无缝管 焊管
温度 mm
度 RP0.2
度 Rm
N/mm2 N/mm2 %
650℃ ≤0.62 795 ±2℃ >0.62 825
965 1000
棒材 锻件
径向 横向 径、横
650℃ ±2℃
1000 12
5662 5663
表 6—Nicrofer 5219 Nb 合金在特定温度下的性能(沉淀硬化态)
W.Nr.2.4668 NiCr19Fe19Nb5 Mo3
17744 parts 1-3
NA 51
UNS N07718
* 用于高温领域
** 丝材,不仅指焊丝
技术规范 棒材
AIR9165 AIR9165
比热 J/Kg K 432 440 462 488 510 540 565 595 620 650 680 715
热导率 W/mK 11.1 12.2 13.6 15.2 17.0 18.9 20.8 22.4 24.4 26.1 28.0
电阻率 µΩcm 123 124 126 128 130 131 132 133 133 134 134 134
棒、 锻件
940-1000℃ >58cm2
B +沉淀硬化 720-760℃/ 620-650℃
径向 锻件 径、横向 棒/横向
1275 1240 1240
固溶处理 1065℃
+沉淀硬化 ≤250 棒
1035 -3-
延伸 Z 区减 率 A % 缩%
30 12Krupp
图 1:经固溶强化 +沉淀硬化处理的 Nicrofer 5219 Nb 合金 薄板在室温及特定温 度下的瞬时性能。
表 7—Nicrofer 5219 Nb 合金(固溶处理+沉淀硬化)的蠕变值
600 649 700 760 800
断裂强度 Rm 104hrs N/mm2 620
4.0 等离子弧 1.2
0.5 165 25
110-120 11
120-130 12
130-140 12
130-140 12
6.0 等离子弧 1.2
0.5 190-200 25
8.0 MIG/ MAG2)
约 8 GTAW
130-140 23-27
10.0 MIG/ MAG2)
1034 1069
862-1000 20 35 965-1034 17 25
≤363 ASTM3 (最大 或更高 HRC40)
AMS 5832
表 5—Nicrofer 5219 Nb 合金在高温下的最低机械性能(沉淀硬化态)
产品 测试方向 测 试 规 格 屈 服 强 抗 拉 强 延 伸 率 参 照
Nicrofer® 5219 Nb –合金 718
W.-Nr. 2.4668 UNS N07718
蒂森克虏伯 VDM
Nicrofer 5219Nb-alloy 718 合金 718
Nicrofer 5219 Nb 是含铌、钼的沉淀硬化型镍铬铁合金,在 700℃时具有高强 度、良好的韧性以及在高低温环境均具有耐腐蚀性。供货状态可以是固溶处理或 沉淀硬化态。
弹性模量 KN/mm2 205 199 192 187 181 175 169 161 150 136 120 100
热膨胀系数 10-6/K
12.6 13.4 13.8 14.1 14.4 14.8 15.4 16.1 16.8
机械性能: 表 4 中所列性质适用于 Nicrofer 5219 Nb 合金的标准规格产品冷、热加工成型 后或固溶强化或固溶强化+沉淀硬化后的情况。非标准尺寸材料的特殊性能可以 根据特定应用场合的要求提供。
推荐使用的焊接材料: GTAW/GMAW Nicrofer S 5219 W.-Nr. 2.4667 SG-NiCr19NbMoTi AWS A 5.14 ERNiFeCr-2 BS 2901 Part 5: NA 51
表-2 焊接参数(指导值)
板材 焊接工艺 焊条
B 940~1000℃ 1 小时*以上,空冷或水冷
C 1065±15℃ 30 分钟~2 小时*,空冷或水冷
D 1038℃ 1 小时,水冷
C 1021~1052℃ 1~2 小时,水冷
* 加热时间视工件尺寸而定
沉淀硬化 720±8℃,8 小时 炉冷 2 小时至 620℃ 620℃±8℃,8 小时 720~760℃,8 小时 炉冷 2 小时至 620~650℃ 620~650℃,8 小时 760±8℃,10 小时 炉冷 2 小时至 650℃ 650℃±8℃,8 小时 787℃,6 小时 空冷 621~843℃,6~8 小时,空冷 或 774~802℃,6~8 小时,空冷
min 50 17 余
0.2 0.7 4.75 0.00

max 55 21
0.08 0.35 0.35 0.3 3.3 1.0 0.8 1.15 5.5 0.00 0.01 0.01
物理性能: 密度 熔点
8.2 g/cm3 1260-1340℃