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英语口语测试题一:Whatcan you make sure allyour relative and your f riends are on the

guest list for yourbirthday party ?

Goodmorning, Miss Cai! My nameis fanglinxian! My numberis thirteen!Today, I’m

so gladto have the chance standhere to clarify my personal idea about h owto makesure all

your relativesandfriends are ontheguestlistfor your birthday party!











Ok!Timeis up, thank you foryour listening!

I can wellremember that therewas a party that I have

forgotinvitemy bestfriendKai-Ping! Originally,

I wanted toputhimthebest friendforthe lastpersonally invited!However, unfortunateit is that way in between! K

ai Ping ﻫhadcameto my birthdayparty.It made me feel even more guilty! As a busy life, study pressure, weare easy

to forget the details oflife, especially more the important thi

ng! Wehave toadmitforget them isavery painful

thing,tomy friends;isadifficult subjectand the sad

thing! So how do weensure allofthemin our own birt

hdayparty, include every familiar face?Some people thi

nkof theirparents orfriends to maketheir ideas, and some people eventhought of building an e-stablish addressbook,send

a unifiedgroupof information.Forme,I createdafriends memorandum. Whensomething need to invite them, I will follow the orderto inform everyfriend.Of course,befo

re that, Iwillinvite friends andparentsto make sure ifI make the samemistake again.---forgot someimportantpeople!In this way,five years pasted,I havenev

er giveup one!So,in my word,itisusefulto forget

their fear of what a lot of writing in a book a day, a brieflook

at their ownwillbe very confident!ﻫ...

测试题2:Whatdo you thinkare the qualities of a good teacher?


Some people say;parentsare their children'sfirst teac hers, and teachers are thekey toreshapingthe child b ehavior!It canbe seen that teacher is a respected profession, andteachers in the eyesof the definition of eachindividual is different!Because myown futureis also to beat eacher, sotheuniversitycampussince meenteredt he moment,I have been inaccordancewithstrict standards tomyself.Here I should simplyintroduce my opinion about a qualityteacher,! First of all;responsibility is the mostimportant!Children are the future.Onlyhavepaidfor their responsibilities, childrencanina healthy environment to grow and more talent! Second; carefullyisesse ntial! Onlyyouseriously faceeachturn in homew ork, youcould know yourstudents standing in which si tuation, youshould thereforehave to develop a effective method for educating them!Third; communication isthe bridge! Only voluntary to understand eachstudent in orderto more clearly what students need andthe lack ofanything.Studentsalso havetheopportunity to understandtheteacher's not easy to studyharder! Summingup the department;only every teacher to be recognized by the students,theteacherisnodoubt agood teacher!

测试题3:What jobdo you liketo do ?Give reasonforyour choice!



Socialneedsof a wide range oftalent! After graduation,studentsare alsofacing a variety ofchoice! Forme perso
