





【篇⼀】不开⼼的英语⼝语表达 1. I'm sad. 2. I'm unhappy. 3. I'm in bad/dark mood. 如果说⼜⽣⽓了,还可以⽤到mood的相关短语: be in one of your moods,表⽰“⼜⼼情不好;⼜⽣⽓”。

Tim's in one of his moods so I'm keeping out of his way. 蒂姆⼜闹情绪了,所以我就离他远点⼉。

4. I'm in low spirits. low spirits就是“⽆精打采;沮丧,忧郁”。

如果说lift sb's spirits,就是“提⾼(某⼈)的兴致”。

Nothing - not even the prospect of dinner - could lift his spirits. 什么都提不起他的兴致,甚⾄连吃饭也不例外。

5. I feel so down. 这⾥的down是形容词,意思是“不⾼兴的;提不起精神的”。

I've been (feeling) a little bit down this week. 这周我有点情绪低落。

6. I'm under a cloud. be under a cloud主要有这两个意思: ①不被信任,受怀疑;受嫌弃,不受欢迎 ②沮丧,忧郁;处境困难 ⼩时候看的偶像剧⾥⾯,倒霉的⼥主头上就会飘着⼀朵乌云。

还有⼀个类似的习语是a cloud hanging over sb。


When you're waiting for an operation, you feel like there's a cloud hanging over you. 等待⼿术的时候,会感觉忧⼼忡忡的。





表达心情不好的英语说法:1. I don't feel like doing anything.我今天打不起精神来,什么也不想做。

2. I messed up.我搞砸了。

3. I am not in the mood.我没有心情。

4. I feel low today.我今天心情很不好。

5. I've got the blues today.我今天很郁闷。

6. My heart broke.我的心都碎了。

7. I'm so down.我不开心。

8. I feel so upset.我觉得很难过。

表达心情不好的相关例句:1. She was in no mood to put up with Blanche's carping.她心情不好,受不了布兰奇的吹毛求疵。

2. He was in a foul mood because he had been stood up.他因女友爽约而心情不好。

3. He's in a bad temper today.他今天心情不好.4. I'm feeling blue today.我今天的心情不好。

5. I was in a bad temper last night.昨晚我心情不好。

6. He vented his ill humor on his wife.他心情不好拿妻子出气.7. There is no use talking to him while he is in that low frame of mind.在他心情不好(情绪低落)时与他谈话是没有用的.8. I know it is a bad time for you.我知道你现在的心情不好.9. I know it's a hard time for you.我知道你心情不好.10. I know it's a bad time for you.我知道你现在心情不好.11. Do you have to be depressed to write a sad song?你心情不好才能写出悲伤的歌吗 ?12. Don't mind me, Harry. I am irritable, and out of temper.别管我, 哈里. 我现在心情不好, 容易生气.13. What should say to oneself is the mood bad?心情不好该对自己说什么呢 ?14. He was in a bad mood after his son had committed suicide.他因儿子自杀而心情不好.15. Why are oneself always met is indescribable mood bad?为什么自己总是会莫名其妙的心情不好呢 ?表达心情不好的英语说法心情糟糕时,整个人都不好了。



1. 愉快的 (Joyful) - 形容一种高兴、喜悦的情绪,通常伴随着笑容和积极的情绪表达。

2. 悲伤的 (Sad) - 描述一种悲伤、伤心或失落的情绪,通常伴随着眼泪和沮丧的面容。

3. 焦虑的 (Anxious) - 形容一种紧张、不安或担忧的情绪,可能会导致心烦意乱或失眠等身体反应。

4. 兴奋的 (Excited) - 描述一种兴奋、激动或热情洋溢的情绪,通常伴随着快速的心跳和精力充沛的体现。

5. 恐惧的 (Fearful) - 形容一种害怕、恐惧或紧张的情绪,可能引起心悸、出汗或逃避行为。

6. 平静的 (Calm) - 描述一种平静、宁静或放松的情绪,通常伴随着深呼吸和舒缓的肌肉。

7. 愤怒的 (Angry) - 形容一种愤怒、生气或暴怒的情绪,可能伴随着面红耳赤、怒火冲天的表现。

8. 羞涩的 (Shy) - 描述一种害羞、内向或不自信的情绪,通常伴随着躲避目光或低声说话。

9. 满足的 (Satisfied) - 形容一种满足、满足或充实的情绪,通常是由于达到了某种目标或获得了某种成就。

10. 无聊的 (Bored) - 描述一种无聊、厌倦或索然无味的情绪,可能伴随着打瞌睡或不耐烦的行为。





1. He was so hard on m很凶.
Hard 这个字在美国用的很多, hard 的意思就是说态度很差, 对某人很凶, 对某人很刻薄, 或是对人很严格都可以用这个字. 所以 He was so hard on me last night 简单地说就是他昨晚对我不好, 可能是对你发脾气, 或是对你态度很差. Hard 也可以指让你觉得很难去调适的状况. 例如考试没考好你可以说 I didn't do it well in the test. It's so hard for me.
老美很喜欢用 hard 这个字在许多不同的场合. 例如你说他对我很凶, 这个凶就可以用 hard. 或是安慰人家不要太难过, 则可以用 no hard feelings. 等等很多很多用法. 像 hard 这种简单的单字老美都是整天挂在嘴边的. 所以有时候学英文不一定要背很多艰深的单字, 但一定要把这种很简单但却很实用的字用的很熟! 这是个人一点小小的心得. 跟大家分享一下.
4. Get off my back, I didn't sleep last night.
不要再烦我了, 我昨晚没睡耶!
这句话跟上一句刚好是一对. 比如说你一早去上班, 老板就说你这个不是, 那个不是, 工作为什么又没做完, 这句话就可以派上用场了! 你可以大声地跟老板说, Get off my back. I didn't sleep last night. 然后再来你就可以准备收拾东西走路了. 因为你老板可能会跟你说, Then get out of my face, I don't want to see you again.
9. Tough luck, but shit happens.



形容心情不好的英文句子50句1. I'm feeling really down today.2. My mood is really low right now.3. I'm feeling really upset and frustrated.4. I just can't seem to shake off this bad mood.5. My heart feels heavy and sad.6. I'm feeling really irritated and annoyed.7. I feel like everything is going wrong.8. I'm in a really bad mood and I don't know why.9. I'm feeling really overwhelmed and stressed out.10. I can't stop feeling sad and depressed.11. I just want to crawl into bed and forget about everything.12. I feel like crying but I don't know why.13. I'm feeling really lonely and disconnected.14. I just can't find joy in anything today.15. I feel like I'm constantly on edge and ready to snap.16. I'm feeling really anxious and worried.17. I feel like my emotions are all over the place.18. I'm feeling really jealous and insecure.19. I'm feeling really disappointed and let down.20. I'm feeling really angry and resentful.21. I just want to be left alone to wallow in my sadness.22. I'm feeling really tired and drained.23. I can't seem to find any motivation or energy today.24. I feel like I'm stuck in a never-ending cycle of negativity.25. I'm feeling really pessimistic and hopeless.26. I can't stop dwelling on negative thoughts.27. I'm feeling really lost and uncertain.28. I feel like no one understands or cares about how I feel.29. I'm feeling really hurt and betrayed.30. I can't stop overthinking and analyzing every little thing.31. I'm feeling really sensitive and easily hurt.32. I feel like everything is just too much to handle.33. I'm feeling really isolated and detached.34. I can't seem to find any joy or happiness in my life right now.35. I'm feeling really defeated and hopeless.36. I feel like I'm drowning in my own sadness.37. I'm feeling really exhausted and burnt out.38. I just want to curl up into a ball and cry.39. I'm feeling really resentful and bitter.40. I can't stop dwelling on past mistakes and regrets.41. I'm feeling really overwhelmed by negative emotions.42. I feel like no matter what I do, it's never enough.43. I'm feeling really self-critical and insecure.44. I can't stop feeling angry and resentful towards others.45. I'm feeling really disappointed in myself.46. I feel like nothing is going right in my life.47. I'm feeling really lonely and isolated.48. I can't seem to find any meaning or purpose in my life.49. I'm feeling really unmotivated and uninspired.50. I feel like I'm stuck in a never-ending cycle of negativity and sadness.。



表达『负面情绪』,英文可以怎么说呢?看完影片之后,你是不是对创伤后压力症候群有更多认识了呢?说到内心的负面情绪,英文除了 sad、angry、scared 之外,其实还有好多词汇能够传达出「痛苦难受、愤恨不平、焦虑不安...」等情绪。

表达负面情绪的词汇,你知道多少呢?快来看看本文列出的词汇你是否都认识吧!表达负面情绪要告诉别人自己心情不好,许多人可能会直觉想到这几个表达法:● I feel bad / terrible.(我感觉很糟。

)● I feel sad / upset.(我很难过。

)● I feel unhappy.(我很不快乐。

)● I feel scared.(我很害怕。

)● I feel angry.(我很生气。


除了这些词汇,英文还能如何表达内心的负面情绪呢?◎ 心碎● I feel hurt.(我感到很受伤。

)● I feel heartbroken.(我感到心碎。

)My boyfriend made me feel terribly hurt. He's been avoiding me for no reason lately.(我男友让我很受伤。


)◎ 心情沮丧● I feel depressed / frustrated / discouraged / dejected.(我感到沮丧、挫折。

)● I feel defeated.(我感到挫败。

)● I feel worthless.(我感觉自己很没用。

)● I feel like a failure.(我感觉自己很失败。

) A: You look down in the dumps. What happened?(你看起来心情很低落。

怎么了?) B: I screwed up at work again, and I feel really depressed.(我工作又搞砸了,而我感到非常挫折。



13种表示心情不爽的地道英语口语表达方法第一篇:13种表示心情不爽的地道英语口语表达方法13种表示心情不爽的地道英语口语表达方法1.give a damn 不在乎,不感兴趣(永远用于否定形式)2.suit yourself 随你的便;按自己的意愿行事3.I don't care 我不在乎4.do whatever you want 爱咋咋地5.as you wish/if you want 随你吧6.whatever 管他呢7.心烦意乱 nerves on edge8.头痛得快炸了a splitting headache9.心事重重some thing weighs heavily on one’s mind10.苦苦哀求press one’s suit11.心凉了半截cool one’s ardor12.受冷落feel left out13..心里特别难受 be sick at heart第二篇:几个表达“心情不爽”的英语口语几个表达心情不爽的英语口语“哦,别理我,我烦着呢,我想要快乐的活着!”花儿乐队的这首歌很好听,歌词也很容易引起共鸣,因为所有人都有心情不好的时候,这个时候天是灰的,工作是累的,没有一件事是顺心的,令人难过的是,人开心的时候时间过得飞快,人不开心的时候时间过得却慢得要死。


Oh man!最简单的抱怨句式,其中oh的声调为汉语拼音中的四声,man是一声,好莱坞电影中有时会出现这样的场景,一个人接到电话要去机场接机,然后去了以后发现看错短信应该去另外一个机场,这种办事不力的心情用这句话来表达再合适不过。

Leave me alone!心情不好的时候,最常见的体验就是不想别人来打扰自己,这句话配一个凶悍的表情是最合适不过的,如果别人还来打扰你,你就可以更凶悍的说“back off!”。

I'm not in the mood.这句话往往用在情绪低落的时候,比如一个男孩子刚失恋,朋友来约他玩电子游戏,他就可以轻声地说出这句话来拒绝,表示现在自己没这个心情,声音越轻说明情绪越低落。



英文心情不好短句100条1. I"m feeling down today.2. Everything feels wrong.3. My mood is just so low.4. Nothing seems to be going right.5. I"m in a bad place right now.6. Life is overwhelming me.7. I feel hopeless and helpless.8. Depression is taking over.9. I can"t seem to shake this feeling.10. I"m just not myself today.11. I"m feeling really blue.12. The world feels like a dark place.13. I"m struggling to find any joy.14. My heart feels heavy.15. I"m lost in my own thoughts.16. I don"t know how to get out of this funk.17. My emotions are all over the place.18. I"m in a deep funk.19. I feel like I"m drowning.20. There"s a weight on my chest.21. I"m exhausted from trying to be okay.22. I can"t seem to stop crying.23. My mind won"t stop racing.24. I feel so alone.25. It"s hard to find any motivation.26. I feel like I"m stuck in this sadness.27. I"m struggling to get through the day.28. I"m just not feeling it today.29. I wish I could just disappear.30. My heart is breaking.31. I feel like I"m falling apart.32. I just want to curl up and hide.33. It"s hard to see any light at the end of the tunnel.34. My anxiety is through the roof.35. I"m overwhelmed with negative thoughts.36. I"m struggling to keep it together.37. I feel like I"m in a never-ending slump.38. I"m just not in the mood for anything.39. My soul feels heavy.40. I"m stuck in a cycle of negative emotions.41. I can"t seem to find any relief.42. I"m just so tired of everything.43. My heart feels shattered into pieces.44. I don"t know how to fix this.45. It"s hard to see any positives right now.46. I feel like I"m suffocating.47. My mind won"t stop replaying the negative thoughts.48. I"m struggling to find any hope.49. I feel like I"m in a pit of despair.50. I"m consumed by sadness.51. My heart is aching.52. It"s hard to keep going when everything feels so heavy.53. I"m just so drained.54. I feel like I"m drowning in my own thoughts.55. My emotions are all over the place and it"s exhausting.56. I"m struggling to find any meaning in anything.57. I"m just going through the motions.58. I feel so stuck.59. I wish I could just turn off my brain.60. My heart feels like it"s been shattered into a million pieces.61. I"m just not feeling like myself lately.62. It"s hard to stay positive when everything feels so negative.63. I"m struggling to find any joy in life right now.64. I can"t seem to shake this feeling of sadness.65. My mind won"t let me rest.66. I feel like I"m in a constant state of sadness.67. I"m just so tired of feeling this way.68. My heart feels heavy with pain.69. It"s hard to keep going when everything feels so pointless.70. I"m consumed by negative thoughts.71. I"m just so overwhelmed.72. I feel so lost.73. I wish I could just escape this feeling.74. My emotions are taking over.75. It"s hard to find any motivation to do anything.76. I feel like I"m stuck in this sadness and can"t get out.77. I"m just not feeling up to anything today.78. My heart feels like it"s been torn apart.79. I"m struggling to find any purpose in life right now.80. I can"t seem to shake off this feeling of despair.81. My mind won"t let me be at peace.82. I feel like I"m trapped in my own negative thoughts.83. I"m just so exhausted from trying to keep it together.84. My soul feels heavy with pain.85. It"s hard to see any hope for the future.86. I"m consumed by feelings of sadness and despair.87. I wish I could just turn off my emotions.88. My heart feels like it"s been shattered into a thousand pieces.89. I"m struggling to find any reason to keep going.90. I can"t seem to escape this feeling of darkness.91. My mind won"t let me be happy.92. I feel like I"m in a deep hole that I can"t climb out of.93. I"m just not feeling like myself lately and it"s scary.94. It"s hard to find any positivity in anything right now.95. I"m consumed by negative energy.96. I"m just so overwhelmed and don"t know what to do.97. My heart feels like it"s been stabbed.98. I"m struggling to find any light in this darkness.99. I can"t seem to break free from this cycle of sadness. 100. My mind won"t let me be at peace no matter how hard I try.。



I got the short end of the stick. 这实在是我所能遇到最糟的情 况了.

I have a hard time with my girlfriend. 我跟我女友关系非常不好. You will have a hard time getting a ticket. Why do you have such a hard time admitting it? You're getting on my nerves. 你惹火我了. You are jumping on my back!
He was so hard on me last night. 他昨晚对我很凶. No hard feelings, I believe you are going to ace it next time. ace: vt. (俚) 成绩为A She aced the exam. 她在考试中得了A .

Get off my back, I didn't sleep last night. 不要再烦我了, 我昨晚没睡! Cut me some slack! Give me some slack! 饶了我吧。/ 别烦我了。 Don't let me down. ing down? / Why are you feeling blue? I don‘t give a shit / I don’t give a damn. 不屑一顾。 People have dirty looks on their faces. 人们苦着脸 / 板着脸。 Tough luck, but shit happens. 真倒霉, 但还是发生了.



I felt sick at heart when I saw how much she was hurt.
14.为难 be in a pickle
I’m really in a pickle. I’m supposed to buy him a fur coat,
So if you really want class to make a difference in your life, it's up to you.
5. I don't care 我不在乎
I don't care what she thinks.
6. do whatever you want 爱咋咋地
I have no doubt about that. You can always do whatever you want.

7. as you wish/if you want 随你吧
12.受冷落feel left out
Who would like to feel left out at such a function.
13.心里特别难受 be sick at heart
1. be ok (fine) with 对……无碍,不要紧
Whatever you think is fine with me.



不开心的高级表达英语以下是一些表示不开心的高级表达英语:1. feeling down:指心情低沉,情绪低落。

2. in a bad mood:指心情不好,情绪不佳。

3. not in the mood:指没有心情,不想做某事。

4. feeling sorry for oneself:指自我抱怨,感到悲伤和失落。

5. feeling depressed:指心情沮丧,有抑郁症状。

6. having a downer:指给人带来消极情绪的人或事物。

7. not in the best mood:指心情不好,但并不糟糕。

8. not feeling well:指感觉不舒服,身体不适。

9. feeling sorry for oneself:指自我抱怨,感到悲伤和失落。

10. having a fit of passion:指因为情绪失控而发脾气。

例句:- I"m feeling down today.(今天我心情不太好。

)- I"m not in the mood for jokes right now.(我现在不想听笑话。

)- Things have been affecting me lately, I"m not in the best mood.(最近有些事情让我心情不好。

)- He was feeling sorry for himself after losing the game. (他因为在输掉比赛后感到悲伤和失落而自我抱怨。

)- She had a downer at the party, because everyone was talking about their holidays.(她在聚会上感到情绪低落,因为大家都在谈论他们的假期。

) - The weather is not in the best mood for our outdoor adventure.(天气让我们的户外冒险变得不太舒适。



有关不开心的英语口语表达【篇一】不开心的英语口语表达1. I'm sad.2. I'm unhappy.3. I'm in bad/dark mood.如果说又生气了,还能够用到mood的相关短语:be in one of your moods,表示“又心情不好;又生气”。

Tim's in one of his moods so I'm keeping out of his way.蒂姆又闹情绪了,所以我就离他远点儿。

4. I'm in low spirits.low spirits就是“无精打采;沮丧,忧郁”。

如果说lift sb's spirits,就是“提升(某人)的兴致”。

Nothing - not even the prospect of dinner - could lift his spirits.什么都提不起他的兴致,甚至连吃饭也不例外。

5. I feel so down.这里的down是形容词,意思是“不高兴的;提不起精神的”。

I've been (feeling) a little bit down this week.这周我有点情绪低落。

6. I'm under a cloud.be under a cloud主要有这两个意思:①不被信任,受怀疑;受嫌弃,不受欢迎②沮丧,忧郁;处境困难小时候看的偶像剧里面,倒霉的女主头上就会飘着一朵乌云。

还有一个类似的习语是a cloud hanging over sb。


When you're waiting for an operation, you feel likethere's a cloud hanging over you.等待手术的时候,会感觉忧心忡忡的。

7. My heart is broken.心都碎了就是one’s heart is broken。



16种表示心情不爽的地道英语口语表达方法1. be ok (fine) with 对……无碍,不要紧Whatever you think is fine with me.随你怎么想,我无所谓。

2. give a damn 不在乎,不感兴趣(永远用于否定形式)He couldn't give a damn whether he passes the exam or not.他对考试及格与否满不在乎。

3. suit yourself 随你的便;按自己的意愿行事You don't want to join the club? Oh well, suit yourself.你不愿意参加俱乐部是吗? 那好,随你的便吧。

4. it's up to you 听你的,由你决定So if you really want class to make a difference in your life, it's up to you. 所以如果你真的想通过这门课改变生活,一切取决于你。

5. I don't care 我不在乎I don't care what she thinks.我不管她怎么想。

6. do whatever you want 爱咋咋地I have no doubt about that. You can always do whatever you want.我对此毫不怀疑,你想做的事,总是能做到。

7. as you wish/if you want 随你吧As for your departments plan, you can change as you wish.至于你们部门的计划,你愿意怎么改就怎么改吧。

8. whatever 管他呢I totally have no idea how to file my tax return, whatever.我完全不知道该怎么报税,唉,随便啦。




下面是小编收集整理的表示心情差的词语英语版,希望对您有所帮助!1, to forget the sorrow and happiness because. It's very happy to describe.2, bitter sweet: sorrow and joy welled up in his heart.3, Shangxinhaomu: old times that of concern about people who are actuated by high ideals jianwei.4, Kouxinqixue: describe very sad.5, see: refers to his similar death, Lenovo to their future fate and feel sad. A metaphor is sad to see the situation of a person who is similar to himself.6, mixed and pay: pay and appear together. The mood of sadness and joy intertwined.7 words: Hi, broken sorrow for laughs. From sorrow to joy.The 8 aspect: cross, The old man wept bitterly. The old man was tearful to describe extreme sadness or excitement.9: describe, tears like spring drop touches sorrow, tears like spring water outflow.10, such as: Yan Dao Yan sad sad pain: worries. Sorrow, pain, heart like there is something hit. Sad to describe sad, pain is hard to bear.11: Chicago, LOH, like grieves for like: the same as vanilla; burning: burning. Chicho burned, our grass injury sigh. The simile was sorrowed by the misfortune of the same kind.12, sad with tears, tears flow only in the dark, hurt and sad situation described.13, depressed: describe a woman's sad look.14, Aofenlongchou: such as alligator anger, such as sorrow. The tone of the metaphorical music is sad and indignant.15, deep grief: sad to have been carved into the bone marrow. Describe the sad to the extreme.16, the eyes of tears, tears: never worry eyebrow. Describe a very painful and sad way.The 17 is the same, joys and sorrows: Hugh: happy; Qi: sorrow. Sorrow, happiness and misfortune are related each other. Describe closely, closely connected.18: alternate between joy and grief feelings of grief and joy intertwined.19, restless: sitting lying restless. Describe the uneasiness of fear and fear.20, grieved: Touch: touch, touch. I feel sad to see a certain scene.21, heavy-hearted: to: anxious. Describe very preoccupied by some troubles, sorrow.22, Leibengchangjue: refers to the sad tears of woe.23, Qiruganpi: very sad.24, Ruosangkaobi: Funeral: dead; father; mother: the test. As sad as a dead parent.25, my heart felt extremely worried and distressed: anxiety and grief.26, one death due to excessive grief: diseases caused by fatigue.27, Bodihutian words said. Describe extreme sadness.28, Muduanhunxiao: head off: all could see. Do the eyes can see, so the heart is very sad. The description is very sad because of the departure. Also as "eye duanhun elimination".29, millet wounds: Wo: millet: millet millet. Miss to the motherland. A country of sadness.30, Chaihuimiexing: Chai: destroy because of extreme grief and as thin as a threadpaper. Old fingers are lost and endanger their lives because of their parents' mourning.31, grieved: looking at the scenery and cause sadness and memories.32: as rain tears, tears down like rain streaming down, describe very sad33, be Hadashi: Hadashi: walking barefoot. My hair, go barefoot. Describe grief to the extreme.34, Jiehaoxiangku: in the high streets and back lanes. It is extreme to describe grief.35, Jin: clothes chest sorrily cry: part. Tears flow down the front, wet clothes. Crying is very sad.36, one joy and one sad: there are things that make people happy, but also sad things.37, tears tears like spring water straight out of the bay. Describe the extreme of grief or fear.38, heavy sorrow linger with chouchang nine turn.39, I cried sadly: cold. Describe desolate and sad.40, to Gandanyusui will. The liver and the gallbladder are going to break. Describe extremely sad or very angry.41, reverse pillow bed: inverted: flip; beat: beat with the fist. An expression of sadness.42, said: very sad breast beating or grief.43, the person has: worry: consider: sorrow sorrow. Without long term consideration, people will be suffering from the immediate problems. It means that there should be a big eye and thoughtful consideration of doing things.44, heart-breaking: extremely sad sad.45, hurt: sad. Describe grief to the extreme.46, with an aching head and when sad pole. (2) hate to the extreme.47, Wuneijubeng: sad even visceral are broken. Describe extreme grief.48, Choumeileiyan: frowning, tears. Describe a sad and sad look49, because the car no way possible: hopelessness and sadness in the plight of a desperate grief.50: After joy comes sadness. happy to pole, makes people sad.51, Baopuqixue underappreciated: metaphor, grief.52. Choking is hard to say: it is difficult to speak because of emotional excitement. It is very sad and painful to say no words.53, Huangluzhitong:: baidunzi wine urn loessial soil; yellow clay: Huanggongjiulu; pain and sorrow. Collect the words of the dead friends.54: parable fighting on both sides of the diamond cuts diamond can be roughly the same.。




2. 绝望(hopeless)- 意味着没有任何希望,感觉自己无能为力,无法改变现状。

3. 愤怒(angry)- 一种强烈的情绪,通常是由于自己的不满意、失望或受到了伤害而产生的。

4. 焦虑(anxious)- 指对未来不确定的事情感到担忧,可能伴随着心跳加速、呼吸急促等身体反应。

5. 孤独(lonely)- 指在情感上与他人疏远或没有亲密关系,感觉孤单寂寞。

6. 厌倦(exhausted)- 意味着精力和动力都已经耗尽,无法再继续下去。

7. 失落(lost)- 形容一种迷茫和无助的状态,感觉自己失去了方向和目标。

8. 紧张(nervous)- 意味着处于一种紧张和不安的状态,可能伴随着手汗、心跳加速等症状。

9. 担忧(worried)- 指对某件事情感到担心和不安,可能会影响到自己的情绪和行为。

10. 悲伤(sorrowful)- 形容一种沉重的情感状态,可能由于失去亲人、朋友或遭受了挫折而产生。

- 1 -。



1. 含义:悲伤的,难过的。

- 例句:She looks sad because she lost her pet.(她看起来很悲伤,因为她弄丢了她的宠物。

1. 含义:不快乐的,不高兴的。

- 例句:He is unhappy with his job.(他对他的工作不满意,不开心。

1. 含义:沮丧的,消沉的。

- 例句:After losing the game, he felt depressed.(在输掉比赛之后,他感到很沮丧。

1. 含义:忧郁的,阴暗的。

- 例句:The weather is gloomy, just like her mood.(天气很阴暗,就像她的心情一样。

1. 在口语中可表示“忧郁的,沮丧的”。

- 例句:He has been feeling blue lately.(他最近一直感觉很忧郁。

1. 含义:痛苦的,悲惨的。

- 例句:She led a miserable life after the accident.(事故之后她过着悲惨的生活,心情也不好。




英文心情不好短句100条1. I'm feeling down today.2. Everything seems to be going wrong.3. It feels like the world is against me.4. I just want to crawl into bed and escape.5. My heart feels heavy.6. I can't seem to shake off this feeling of sadness.7. Life feels overwhelming right now.8. I feel like I'm drowning in my own emotions.9. Happiness feels out of reach.10. I just want to be left alone.11. No one understands what I'm going through.12. I feel like I'm stuck in a never-ending cycle of negativity.13. My energy levels are low and I'm lacking motivation.14. I just can't find joy in anything today.15. It's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.16. I'm constantly on edge and anxious.17. I'm tired of pretending that everything is okay.18. I feel like I'm losing control of my emotions.19. There's a constant ache in my heart.20. I'm emotionally drained and exhausted.21. It feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders.22. I can't stop dwelling on past mistakes.23. I'm constantly comparing myself to others and feeling inadequate.24. I feel like I'm constantly letting people down.25. My self-esteem is at an all-time low.26. I can't stop the negative thoughts from consuming me.27. I feel like I'm suffocating in my own negativity.28. I'm struggling to find purpose and meaning in my life.29. I feel lost and disconnected from myself.30. It's hard to find motivation to get out of bed in the morning.31. I just want to fast forward through this difficult period.32. I feel like I'm stuck in a never-ending cycle of bad luck.33. It feels like everyone else has it all figured out except me.34. I'm constantly questioning my worth and value.35. I'm tired of putting on a brave face and pretending to be okay.36. I feel like I'm trapped in my own mind.37. I'm struggling to find beauty in the world today.38. I'm feeling defeated and hopeless.39. I can't stop crying and I don't even know why.40. It feels like the world is moving on without me.41. I'm overwhelmed by a sense of emptiness.42. I'm tired of feeling like I'm not enough.43. I feel like I'm constantly chasing after something that's just out of reach.44. I'm tired of feeling invisible and unnoticed.45. I just want someone to hold me and tell me it's going to be okay.46. I feel like I'm stuck in a never-ending storm of sadness.47. I can't escape the feeling of loneliness.48. I'm tired of feeling like a burden to others.49. I just want to disappear for a while.50. I'm struggling to find the silver lining in any situation.51. I feel like I'm running on empty.52. I'm tired of feeling like I'm not worthy of love.53. It feels like my heart is shattered into a million pieces.54. I'm constantly on the verge of tears.55. I feel like I'm walking through life in a haze.56. I'm tired of feeling stuck in this dark place.57. I can't seem to find the strength to pick myself up.58. I'm overwhelmed by a sense of hopelessness.59. I feel like I've lost all motivation and drive.60. I'm tired of feeling like I'm not good enough.61. It feels like I'm constantly disappointing myself and others.62. I'm struggling to find the energy to do anything.63. I feel like I'm surrounded by negativity.64. I'm tired of feeling like I'll never be happy.65. It feels like my heart is constantly breaking.66. I'm overwhelmed by a sense of emptiness and numbness.67. I feel like I'm just going through the motions of life.68. I'm tired of feeling like I'm not deserving of happiness.69. It feels like I'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders.70. I'm struggling to find joy in the things I used to love.71. I feel like I'm constantly on the verge of a breakdown.72. I'm tired of feeling like I'm always second best.73. It feels like no matter what I do, it's never enough.74. I'm overwhelmed by a sense of sadness and despair.75. I feel like I'm trapped in a never-ending cycle of negativity.76. I'm tired of feeling like I have to put on a brave face.77. It feels like I'm constantly battling my own demons.78. I'm struggling to find the strength to keep going.79. I feel like I'm drowning in my own sorrow.80. I'm tired of feeling like I'm not strong enough to overcome my struggles.81. It feels like my heart is heavy with sadness.82. I'm overwhelmed by a sense of loneliness and isolation.83. I feel like I'm constantly fighting against the darkness within me.84. I'm tired of feeling like I'll never be happy again.85. It feels like I'm just going through the motions of life without any purpose.86. I'm struggling to find peace and contentment.87. I feel like I'm constantly being dragged down by negative thoughts.88. I'm tired of feeling like I'm not worthy of love and happiness.89. It feels like I'm losing myself in this sea of sadness.90. I'm overwhelmed by a sense of hopelessness and despair.91. I feel like I'm suffocating in my own self-doubt.92. I'm tired of feeling like I'll never be enough for anyone.93. It feels like happiness is always just out of reach.94. I'm struggling to find the strength to face another day.95. I feel like I'm constantly battling my own insecurities.96. I'm tired of feeling like I'm not deserving of good things.97. It feels like my heart is shattered beyond repair.98. I'm overwhelmed by a sense of sadness that I can't shake off.99. I feel like I'm sinking deeper into this dark hole. 100. I'm tired of feeling like I'm alone in my struggles.。

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1.心事重重some thing weighs heavily on one’s mind
The boss is quite down these days. He seems to have something weighing heavily on his mind. She pressed her suit and asked her husband to give her another chance
2.苦苦哀求press one’s suit
She pressed her suit and asked her husband to give her another chance.
3.心凉了半截cool one’s ardor

Lily was head over heels in love with their company’s boss and was thinking of marrying him, but the news that he had taken several girls for a ride cooled her ardor.
4.受冷落feel left out
Who would like to feel left out at such a function.
5.心里特别难受 be sick at heart
I felt sick at heart when I saw how much she was hurt.
6.为难 be in a pickle
I’m really in a pickle. I’m http: upposed to buy him a fur coat, but I don’t have enough money for such an item.
7.心烦意乱 nerves on edge
I don’t know what has set my nerves on edge these days.
8.头痛得快炸了a splitting headache
I have a splitting headache.。
