Confucius institutes 孔子学院
Confucius institutes 孔子学院propagate 宣传China and its cultureU pdated: 2011-09-2509:35By M ike Peters and Zhang C hunyan (C hina Daily)A statue of the ancient Sage stands vigilant警戒的at the Confucius Temple孔庙, where rituals paying homage尊敬to scholarship are still being performed for the benefit of modern disciples门徒and curious tourists. [Photo by Zou Hong / China Daily]China's ancient sage is helping the country propagate its language and cultureabroad. An institute named after Confucius is sowing the seeds of betterunderstanding and better communication with the world, throughout theworld. Mike Peters and Zhang Chunyan take a closer look at the Confucius Institute abroad.Close your eyes and try to imagine Confucius as a young man. That may be a toughpicture to conjure up在脑海中显现since the most famous images of the iconic 形象的philosopher feature a wispy小束状的white beard and an age-lined face that reflects along life of accumulated wisdom. A young Confucius? It's easier to imagine Santa Claus or Genghis Khan成吉思汗in short pants. But there's not a gray hair to be found on the face of Confucius today. His modern visage面容is young, usually twenty-something, and numbers in the thousands. They are the bright-eyed热情的legion of Hanban汉办, theHanban approaches its mission to spread Chinese around the world in many ways, from direct language study to cultural programs and exchanges. This summer, US basketball star Kobe Bryant科比met 11 American students in Shanghai who study Mandarin and martial arts after school through the Los Angeles After-School All-Stars program supported by Bryant's charity foundation. They were in Shanghai as part of a two-week study tour organized by the Chinese Ministry of Education and the UCLA加州大学洛杉矶分校Confucius Institute.Hanban recruits more than 7,000 TCSL对外汉语(Teaching Chinese as a Second Language) teachers and volunteers from Chinese universities each year. Candidates arerecommended by their universities or schools first, and then selected by strict exams, Wang says. "After training, qualified TCSL teachers will go abroad and teach there for two years. The recruitment and training process is a big task."The fruits of that talent search are teachers like Liu Chengcheng, Chen Ling and Chen Huangchao, who arrived with 21 colleagues in the Philippines a few months ago with lesson plans and bright-eyed optimism.Chen Ling, from Sichuan province, likes the interaction with children - "they are so lovely!" - but has discovered it is very difficult to teach well."We need to learn about the students' interests, characters and cognitive developmental levels, and make the class organized, effective and interesting," she says. "So the teaching experience here strengthens my desire to be a teacher, and also makes me more realistic about the work."Because she teaches middle grades at a school founded by the Chinese community, some of her charges understand Mandarin pretty well. But for many foreign students, the Chinese language is like a Christmas present for the mind -brand-new with lots of unknowns under the wrapping.Xu Jia, one of about 1,000 Chinese teachers sent to the US between 2005 and 2010, told China Daily earlier this year that Americans were not very familiar with modern China.Despite high-profile高调的events like the 2008 Beijing Olympics, she says their impressions about the country are often confined to novels about China before the reform and opening up."They knew about ancient China from history lessons, but they are eager to know about modern China," says Xu, who comes from East China's Shandong province. "The more they know about the country, they more friendly they will feel towards the Chinese people."Chinese is very different from English and the Romance罗曼斯语languages, and talented teachers are critical to get both the words and the cultural nuances细微差别across. As the program grows - Hanban has previously said it hopes to establish 1,000 Confucius Institutes by 2020 - a sustainable talent poo l 人才库has become the biggest challenge for the development of Confucius Institutes, Wang says."Good teachers can make our Chinese courses more attractive, make people in different countries and regions accept it more easily."At a recent national conference for Confucius Institutes in the UK, he said "te achers should use new techniques and methodologies to make Chinese teaching more applicable in foreign countries and regions".While older teachers might struggle with that, the youthful corps chosen to fly China's flag abroad gets it. Liu Chengcheng, a graduate student研究生from Dalian, is learning as she goes while teaching in Davos达沃斯, the third largest city in the Philippines."When teaching foreign students, the teachers have to be very creative and thoughtful in lesson planning. Unlike Chinese students, foreign students cannot stay focused on the teachers for more than 10 minutes, so I have to arrange many role-plays and activities for them."Chen Huangchao, who taught a class of very dutiful顺从的,守本分的kindergarteners幼儿园教师during his internship in Shanghai, faced a similar challenge with discipline and attention."Some of the kids cried all the time at first," says Chen, who tells his own story (at left). "School was new to them, Chinese was new to them, and they already had two languages, English and Tagalog塔拉家族语."At the university level, some foreign critics have fretted侵蚀at the presence of the Confucius Institute on campuses, fearing interference with academic freedom. The Institute, however, focuses its programming规划on culture and communication and avoids ideological意识形态的content.In every country the Confucius Institutes reach, teaching material should adjust to local conditions, Wang says. Hanban and Confucius Institutes have published reference books and supplementary materials in 45 languages, but "we can't be sure that all are completely suitable for local use. We are exploring. Everything has a process".In the meantime, about 7,000 young Chinese are seeing the world, many for the first time. They are eager but a little homesick, discovering new foods and new ideas, and making new friends for themselves and for China. Most of all, they are sharing their language and their culture and building the foundations for better understanding.Please contact the writers at michaelpeters@ andzhangchunyan@.。
TheyshouldaimatsheddinglightontheChinesepeople'sresistanceagainstJapaneseaggression anditsrightfulplaceintheWorldAnti-FascistWar.Wemustallowhistorytospeakforitself.Wemustraisethevoiceofhistoricalfacts.70年里,国际形势发生了深刻的演变。
Inthe70yearsfollowingthatgreatvictory,theinternationallandscapeunderwentprofoundtra nsformation:TheUnitedNationswasfounded.TheUNCharterwasestablished.Anewmechanismforsafeguardingworldpeaceandsecuritywasform ed.双方经贸投资合作迅猛增长,人文交流空前活跃,两国关系步入全面发展的快车道。
Bilateraltradeandinvestmentcooperationhasexpandedatanexponentialrate.Andculturaland people-to-peopleexchangeshavereachedanunprecedentedlevel.Insummary,China-UKrelationshaveembarkedonafasttrackofadvancement.在我们纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年的时候,我们永远不能忘记法西斯侵略者给人类社会带来的巨大灾难,给人类文明造成的空前浩劫。
专任教师总人数不少于10 人。
其中,具备导师资格的不少于5 人。
每门核心课程至少由1 名专任教师开设。
45 岁以下教师比例不低于1/5,获博士学位的比例不低于1/2,具有高级职称的比例不低于1/4,有1 年及以上海外学习和工作经历(单次时长不少于3 个月)的教师比例不低于3/5,其中有在国内外从事 3 年以上汉语作为第二语言教学工作经验的教师不少于1/2。
具有高级职称的骨干教师不少于5 人,并具有完整培养本专业或相近专业硕士研究生的经历,且均承担过面向汉语国际教育实际需求的科研项目。
开设的相关课程中,教学技能类的课程占专业课程的1/3 以上,文化课程占专业课程的1/4 以上,至少开设1 门完整的跨文化交际类课程。
相关学科曾获得至少 1 项省部级及以上教学成果奖。
专任教师近5 年科研总经费人均不少于3 万元,至少有 2 项省部级以上在研项目,省部级以上科研获奖项目不少于 2 项。
具有1 个供本专业师生使用的配备有汉语教材、课堂实录等相关图书文献的资料室。
As of Nov 2009---- 282 Confucius Institutes in 88 countries and regions have been established.
Confucius Institute
What `s Confucius Institute?
Confucius Institute is not a general sense of the
university, But the promotion and dissemination(传播) of Chinese culture and Chinese language education。
Confucius Institute has become the global brands and platforms for the dissemination of Chinese culture and promotion of Chinese teaching .
Confucius Institutes in Russia
2014年5月 人事部二级口译真题(回忆版+两篇原题)
2014年5月人事部二级口译真题(回忆版+两篇原题)第一篇(英汉)美国鼓励中国公司在美投资(待更新)SeminarThe United States is open to new ideas, products and innovations. We offer strong intellectual property rights protection, open capital markets and a predictable and transparent legal system.美国对新想法、产品和创新是开放的。
第二篇(英汉)GDP should not be the focus of development (原题来自中国日报)/business/2013-10/09/content_17018242.htmThe constant scrutiny by Wall Street and policy makers of countries' GDP growth can distort development incentives and result in disastrous unintended consequences. Clearly, for a country to prosper, sufficient economic activity must be generated in order to employ greater numbers of people and to improve the overall standard of living for society. However, GDP was developed as a measure decades ago, and it has many shortcomings that can make it a poor measure of quality of life. Instead, economists and policy makers should focus on other indicators and develop new models for measuring a country's development progress which is possible with today's technology and big data.GDP is the sum of all the financial transactions for products and services within a country's borders. The first problem with this measure is that with many companies operating in multiple countries, the profits that accrue do not necessarily stay within a country's borders. In fact, arguably a majority of the profits of multinational firms flows back to the country of origin so that even if China's consumers spend a great deal in China, a large percentage of those profits will not accrue to anyone in China but to foreigners instead. For instance, Nike may hire Chinese workers to produce its shoes, have stores in China to sell its products, and only Chinese people buy from those stores. In essence, 90 percent of the economic activity happens in China and gets recorded in China's GDP. However, the majority of the profits of Nike goes back to the owners in the United States even if none of the economic activity happens in the United States. The national wealth measure is distorted because it would seem that China is getting richer and the United States is getting poorer when the exact opposite is true.Secondly, GDP does not show distribution of income. A company that creates a lot of income from production does not show how that income is being distributed. We know that the majority of profits accrue to very few individuals and that the income inequality is wide in China. A focus on GDP can make matters worse since it can encourage more production by certain wealthy individuals who do not share their profits generously with their employees which will hinder healthy economic development.Another problem with GDP as a measure for economic progress is that it only captures financial transactions. When a parent takes his kid to watch a movie in a movie theater, that activity is captured in GDP. But when a parent takes the same kid to play soccer in a park, that activity is not captured in GDP. However, one can argue that going to the park to play soccer creates a better quality of life than going to the movies. The reasons are manifold: The parent can interact with the kid more directly; the kid gets more exercise; the parent and kid get fresh air; the parent and kidcan make more friends playing soccer, etc. Thus, if the focus becomes overwhelmingly on GDP growth, policy makers would have more incentives to create more movie theaters than public parks and the quality of life for that society can go down as a result.Of course, policy makers need to create the conditions for job growth and wealth accumulation in order for a society to raise its standard of living, and GDP growth can serve as a rough measuring stick. After all, what good is a public park if people are too poor to feed their kids? Movie theaters employ more people. This argument is certainly attractive except that the argument creates a false dichotomy. Policy makers don't have a choice simply between parks and movie theaters. There are actually infinite combinations of how policy makers can help foster more jobs and also improve the quality of life even if the GDP is not growing as fast. For example, a city can build a park in which it hires people to keep the park clean. It can also have concession stands so that people can buy snacks at the park. It can have a stage where different groups perform in the park and charge admission. It can have a beautiful garden that attracts many tourists who will be willing to pay admission to see it. The park can raise the rents and prices of surrounding office buildings and homes. All these benefits will come and raise the quality of life for the residents in the area, but the GDP will be sacrificed in the short run because these revenue streams and job growth will happen over a longer period of time than the building of a large movie theater.The worst part about focusing on GDP is that it can actually create the conditions for a worse quality of life. The pollution that causes cancers, food poisoning, or birth defects actually adds to GDP growth because whenever people seek medical help and incur medical bills to pay for all these ailments, GDP grows. On the other hand, GDP doesn't grow if people remain healthy and don't seek medical help. Obviously, it is much better to have a healthier, cleaner society, but that can be at odds with creating higher GDP growth.In summary, GDP can be used as a guidepost, but it should be considered alongside other factors and indicators that are important to developing a strong and desirable nation. Other measurements that should be allotted more room include the gross national product that allocates production based on ownership as opposed to location, the happiness index which measures satisfaction with life, median income rather than average income, air quality index, pollution index, and life expectancy. Furthermore, with the rise of big data, it is now possible to come up with algorithms that can further capture other nuances associated with a healthy economy. GDP has been relied upon because it is fast and easy to gather that data and make simple comparisons across countries. But because of its many shortcomings, policy makers would achieve their development goals faster if they used other metrics to measure their progress.第三篇(汉英)孔子学院的建立 (待更新)目前已覆盖五大洲的120个国家和地区,孔子学院440所,孔子课堂646个,总数超过1000个。
Access patient amount approach ignore violate casual vital addition explore special apply excessive promote qualify custom define departure circumstance confidence expose virtually available individual manufacture official investigate reasonable confirmed entertainment regular origin represent various declare majority accurate participant proportion reverse supervise sponsor evolution consequence prestigious devote prohibit decent invisible recommend counterpart孔子学院是中外合作建立的非营利性教育机构,致力于适应世界各国人民对汉语学习的需要,增进世界人民对中国语言文化的了解,加强中国与世界各国教育文化交流合作,发展中国与外国的友好关系,促进世界多元文化发展,构建和谐世界。
Confucius Institutes are non-profit educational institutions established as a Sino-foreign cooperation,which commit to meet the needs of Chinese language learners across the world and enhance people's understanding of Chinese language and culture.They strengthen the cooperation with other countries in educational and cultural exchanges as well as develop friendly relations with foreign countries.And they devote to promote the multicultural development and build a harmonious world.Confucius Institutes all over the world have gradually developed a distinctive running mode with full use of their own advantages through a variety of teaching and cultural activities.They have become the important places/platform to learn Chinese language,culture and contemporary China which are warmly welcomed by the local community.。
口译常用成语俗语1.铁石心肠2.置死地于后生3.千秋功业4.安居乐业5.骨肉分离6.各得其所7.众议纷纭8.岁月不居,来日苦短9.夜长梦多10.时不我与11.依时顺势12.日渐没落13.鹬蚌相争14.浩然之气15.凤毛麟角16.望而生畏17.敬而远之18.众矢之的19.毫无瓜葛20.尔虞我诈21.备受推崇22.善有善报,恶有恶报23.其乐融融cruel and unrelentinga vigorous and manly exertiona great undertaking of lasting importancelive in peace and work happilyfamily separationbe properly provided fordisagree onTime does not stay is brief is the day.A long delay may mean trouble.Time and tide wait for no man.keep up with the tidebeing pushed out of businessplay A off against Bnoble spirita rarity of the raritiesstand in awe beforekeep respectfully aloof fromin the dockbe divorced fromsheer cunning and falsehoodbe rewarded and respectedthe good inevitably is successful and the bad inevitably punishedsweetness and light24.义无反顾25.物美价廉26.源源不断27.滚滚不息28.福祉29.精华30.阴霾31.势不两立32.打折扣33.大展宏图34.重整旗鼓35.不谋而合36.染指37.博大精深38.源远流长39.诸子百家40.天下为公41.天下兴亡,匹夫有责42.吃苦耐劳43.勤俭持家44.尊师重教45.当务之急46.遭受重创47.先见之明feel obliged toattractive in price and qualitykeep flowing in a steady streampour intowell-beingquintessencespecterpit sth against sthwear thin / water downscore big pointsshock sth back to lifecoincide withdip one’s finger inboth extensive and profoundlong-standing and well-establishedthe masters’ hundred schoolsAll under heaven are equal.Everybody is responsible for the fate of his country.bear hardshipsfrugality in household managementrespect teachers and value educationhighest prioritytake a heavy toll48.奇园古宅49.衣食住行50.信誓旦旦prescient moveexotic gardens and old mansions clothing, food, shelter and transportation be poised to1 Hearty congratulations on your birthday wishing you good health. 祝生日快乐并致以最美好的祝愿。
你知道怎么用英语表达吗?THE US State Department has ordered Chinese academics with a J-1 visa and teaching at theConfucius Institutes in the US to leave the country before June 30 and said their visas won't be extended, in a move that could disrupt the activities of these institutes。
The Confucius Institute, named after the Chinese philosopher and educator Confucius (551-479 BC),is a non-profit institution aimed at promoting Chinese language and culture in foreign countries. There are more than 350 Confucius Institutes and 500 Confucius Classrooms around the world。
MTI2011数字口译英译中Part1: Interpreting the following numbers without units.1)345,679,877三亿四千五百六十七万九千八百七十七2)9,898,076,123九十八亿九千八百零七万六千一百二十三3)1,034,011,111十亿三千四百零一万一千一百一十一4)5,765五千七百六十五5)31,345,201三千一百三十四万五千二百零一6)23,000两万三千7)135,785,345一亿三千五百七十八万五千三百四十五8)89,521,234,000八百九十五亿两千一百二十三万四千9)456,321,230四亿五千六百三十二万一千二百三十10)45,112,225,003四百五十一亿一千二百二十二万五千零三11)5,623五千六百二十三12)890,200八十九万零二百13)1,472,650一百四十七万两千六百五十14)223,887,520两亿两千三百八十八万七千五百二十15)4,590,002,410四十亿五千九百万两千四百一十16)123,586十二万三千五百八十六17)25,365,768两千五百三十六万五千七百六十八18)1,431,245一百四十三万一千二百四十五19)8,659,009八百六十五万九千零九20)1,986,457一百九十八万六千四百五十七21)57,800,000,000五百七十八亿22)2,863,589,010二十八亿六千三百五十八万九千零一十23)697,675,630,451六千九百七十六亿七千五百六十三万零四百五十一24)986,610,958九亿八千六百六十一万零九百五十八25)986,299九十八万六千二百九十九26)1,789,100一百七十八万九千一百27)53,089,045五千三百零八万九千零四十五28)103,897,673一亿零三百八十九万七千六百七十三29)58,432五万八千四百三十二30)7,923七千九百二十三31)307,465,003三亿零七百六十四万五千零三32)13,607,301,010一百三十六亿零七百三十万一千零一十33)63,000,070六千三百万零七十34)601,650,870,111六千零十六亿五千零八十七万一百一十一35)97,300九万七千三百36)20.42%百分之二十点四二37)2762.74两千七百六十二点七四38)800,000,000八亿39)120,001,032,034一千两百亿零一百零三万两千零三十四40)6,201,001六百二十万一千零一41)145,234,673,000一千四百五十二亿三千四百六十七万三千42)245,657,890二亿四千五百六十五万七千八百九十43)234,789二十三万四千七百八十九44)765,894,254七亿六千五百八十九万四千二百五十四45)239,784,349,000二千三百九十七亿八千四百三十四万九千Part 2: Interpreting the following numbers with units.1)658,654 hectares六十五万八千六百五十四公顷2)5,766 bar五千七百六十六巴3)1,298,682,390 pounds十二亿九千八百六十八万两千三百九十磅4)34,051,729 square meters三千四百零五万一千七百二十九平方米5)876,097 ounce八十七万六千零九十七盎司6)27.86 billion dollars二百七十八亿六千万美元7) 2.337 billion Swiss francs二十三亿三千七百万瑞士法郎8)56.32 million hectares五千六百三十二万公顷9)459,000 cubic meters四十五万九千立方米10)47,000 square meters四万七千平方米11)5.2 million acres五百二十万英亩12)4,600 liters四千六百公升13)17,390 square meters一万七千三百九十平方米14)820 kilograms八百二十公斤15)24.3 million feet两千四百三十万英尺16)564,755 hectares五十六万四千七百五十五公顷17)611,009 ounce六十一万一千零九盎司18)95,788,711 square meters九千五百七十八万八千七百一十一平方米19)100,924 pounds十万零九百二十四英磅20)96,577 cubic meters九万六千五百七十七立方米21)83.56 metric tons八十三点五六公吨22)11,050.08 hectares一万一千零五十点零八公顷23)32.88 percentage百分之三十二点八八24)13,567,534.71 kilograms一千三百五十六万七千五百三十四点七一公斤25)15,000,000 kilowatts一千五百万千瓦26)250 million tons二亿五千万吨27)2.267 million hectares二百二十六点七万公顷28)830,495 square kilometers八十三万零四百九十五平方千米29)310 miles per hour310英里每小时30)6,400 megawatts六千四百兆瓦31)56 revolutions per second每秒五十六转32)2.9 trillion Swiss Francs二点九万亿瑞士法郎33)A quarter percent百分之零点二五34)200-300 yards per minute每分钟两百到三百码35)5000 horsepower五千马力36)687 billion U.S. dollars六千八百七十亿美元37)89.7 million kilowatts八千九百七十万千瓦38)4,719 kilometers四千七百一十九千米39)290.6 billion RMB两千九百零六亿人民币40)8.9404 trillion Italian lire八万九千四百零四亿意大利里拉41)16,500 kilometers一万六千五百千米42)345,897,450 millimeters三亿四千五百八十九万七千四百五十毫米43)239,000 metric tons二十三万九千公吨44)459,032 kilograms四十五万九千零三十二千克45)770,092,033 bales七亿七千零九万两千零三十三捆Part 3: Interpreting the following phrases.1)GDP grew by 6.5% in 20062006年国内生产总值增长了6.5%2)raising 43 billion US dollars in20112011年提高了430亿美元3)63,000 US citizens reside here63000美国居民住在这里4)less than $286 per day每天少于286美元5)13 million deaths due to armedconflicts武装冲突导致1300万人死亡6)an increase of 40.4%增长40.4%7)10,700 investment projects10700个投资工程8) a total construction area of160,000 square meters总建筑面积160000 平方米9)covering an area of about 350hectares占地350公顷10)116 series of animated films116部动画系列片11)$360 billion of total globaltrade全球贸易总额为3600亿美元12)4 million deaths a year每年死亡人数为四百万13)forested area increased 16million hectares森林覆盖面积增长了1600万公顷14)an annual income of $134,360年收入为十三万四千三百六十15)employment rate decreased by4%就业率降低了4%16)to invest 3,000 pounds投资3000英镑17)in return for a 0.25% equityshare in anything就可以得到0.25%的回报18)A private investor has spent100,000 pounds有位私人投资者投入了10万英镑19)550 million people suffer fromhunger有5.5亿人在挨饿20)Fulfill our 10% target for 2020实现2020年10%的目标21)Cotton output was 4.3 milliontons棉花产量430万吨22)35,000 km of new roads,including 1,313 km ofexpressways新增公路里程35000公里,其中高速公路1313公里23)having 13.23 millionsubscribers用户达到1323万24)The deficit of the state treasurestood at 56 billion yuan中央财政赤字560亿元25)The annual precipitation isfrom 31,200 to 63,600millimeters年降雨量为三万一千二百至六万三千六百毫米26)an average of 180 raids a week平均每周180起突袭27)an annual growth of 26%年增长率26%28)renewable energy increased by51 percent可再生能源增长51%29)$130 billion of additionalinvestment in renewables可再生能源领域1300亿美元的新增投资30)over 1,600 patrols a day每日巡查超过1600次31)With a total area of 9,600,000km2总面积为九百六十万平方千米32)206 pieces of bones二百零六块骨头33)23 pairs of chromosomes/ˈkrəuməsəum/二十三对染色体34)23 billion US dollars’ debtrelief减免两百三十万美元的债务35)An excited pulse of 130 beatsper minute脉搏每分钟130次36)322 Confucius Institutes and369 Confucius Classrooms322所孔子学院和369个孔子课堂37)100,000 registered users注册用户达10万人38)400,000 books图书40万册39)300,000 participants30万人参加40)25,000 students2.5万学生41)Grain output reached 492.546million tons谷物产量达到四亿九千二百五十四万零六千吨。
3.抽一到听力题,回答听力材料后提出的问题,我抽到的是Confucius Institute 的题目,问题大概是如果你成为孔子学院的一名成员,你将怎么做。
孔子学院:传承中华文化的桥梁Confucius Institutes, as the epitome of Chinese cultural diplomacy, have become a significant bridge connecting China with the rest of the world. These Institutes, named after the great philosopher Confucius, aim to promote the understanding and appreciation of Chinese language and culture among international students and communities. Since their establishment, Confucius Institutes have been playing a pivotal role in enhancing cultural exchanges and mutual understanding between China and other countries.The mission of Confucius Institutes is twofold: first, to provide quality education in Chinese language and culture; second, to foster a deeper understanding and respect for Chinese civilization among international students. To achieve these goals, Confucius Institutes offer a diverse range of courses, including language training, cultural workshops, and academic conferences. These courses are designed to introduce students to the rich heritage and contemporary achievements of Chinese culture.The curriculum of Confucius Institutes is comprehensive, covering various aspects of Chinese culture, such as history, philosophy, literature, art, and music. Through interactive and engaging teaching methods, students areable to immerse themselves in the Chinese language and cultural environment, gaining insights into the values, traditions, and way of life in China.Moreover, Confucius Institutes also serve as platforms for cultural exchanges between China and other countries. They host various cultural events and activities, such asart exhibitions, music performances, and cultural festivals, which provide opportunities for people from different cultures to interact and learn from each other. These exchanges not only enrich the cultural lives of the participants but also contribute to building bridges of friendship and mutual understanding between China and the rest of the world.The establishment of Confucius Institutes worldwide has received widespread recognition and support. TheseInstitutes have become an important component of China'ssoft power strategy, contributing to the promotion ofcultural diversity and mutual respect in the global community. By providing a platform for cultural exchanges and education in Chinese language and culture, Confucius Institutes are helping to shape a more inclusive and harmonious world.In conclusion, Confucius Institutes play a crucial role in promoting the understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture among international students and communities. They serve as bridges of cultural exchange and mutual understanding, contributing to the enhancement of relationships between China and other countries. Byfostering cultural awareness and respect, ConfuciusInstitutes are contributing to the promotion of global cultural diversity and harmonious coexistence.**孔子学院:传承中华文化的桥梁**孔子学院,作为中国文化外交的缩影,已成为连接中国与世界的重要桥梁。
CATTI二级口译汉译英真题2014年5月(总分100,考试时间120分钟)1. 第一篇我非常高兴出席在贵国著名大学孔子学院成立大会,并感谢贵校作为承办方和中国共同承办孔子学院。
2. 第二篇21世纪是信息化时代。
中级口译 笔记 中翻英
中级口译中翻英PASSAGE 61、集团group2、Publishing N.出版出版业3、authoritative adj. 有权威的[ə'θɔrətetɪv]4、predecessor N前任、前辈['prɛdəsɛsɚ]He maintained that he learned everything he knew from his predecessor.他坚称他所知道的一切都是从他的前任那儿学到的。
5、bureau ['bjʊərəʊ] 国际新闻局International Press Bureau6、中央人民政府CPG central people’s government7、Adhere to [əd'hɪr] 坚持8、我集团坚持“让中国走向世界,让世界了解(understanding)中国”的出版原则。
Adhering to the publishing philosophy [fə'lɑsəfi]( 重音在后头)of “assisting China’s march行军,进军to the world [wɜːld] and facilitating world’sunderstanding of China”.March to 朝着一个什么什么的地方走,前进发展9、facilitate = promote boost further 促进10、全心致力于…的发展commit oneself toCommit itself entirely to promoting11、advance [əd'væns] 发展;前进促进Medical technology has advanced considerably.医学技术已大大发展了12、build up 加强13、make it a rule 总是习惯于14、我集团每年都要选派一些青年员工到国外知名高等学府和研究机构进修The Group makes it a rule that young staff be selected and sent tonoted(famous) universities and research institutions, both domestic andoverseas, for further studies.15、as is clearly spelled out in our development strategy 根据我们发展战略中的详细说明、=根据我们的发展战略spell out清楚的解释阐明详细说明If you spell something out, you explain it in detail or in a very clear way. 清楚地解释; 详细说明16、发展战略development strategy17、Go beyond 超出迈出国界go beyond our national boundaries18、Wedge ourselves into the world circulation market 让我们跻身于世界流通市场19、Readership读者们PASSAGE 71、孔子学院Confucius [kən'fju:ʃjəs] institute 学院研究所Institution 制度公用机构习俗2、concurrently 同时发生的3、first hand 亲身体验直接的4、splendor 光彩5、venerable civilization ['vɛnərəbl]A venerable person deserves respect because they are old and wise. (因年高或睿智) 令人尊敬的that is venerable is impressive because it is old or important historically.(因历史悠久而) 神圣庄严的6、so to speak [用作插入语] 可以说,就是说;恕我直言7、事物正在发展,尚未达到止境。
汉译英改革开放30 年来,随着中国逐渐崛起成为政治经济强国,海外人士学习汉语的现象与日俱增,海外孔子学院也成了人们学习中国语言和中国文化的首选之地。
目前在美国最热门的中国文化是道家学说和有着神秘色彩的风水学 .参考译文:As China is rising as a political and economic world power,thanks to itsthree-decade reform and opening up,more and more people in overseas countries start to learn Chinese and turn to a Confucius Institute in their own countries as their first choice learning Chinese language and Chinese culture.During the learning process,the learners concurrently develop their interest in this ancient land,whose civilization is so vastly different from theirs. And the learners have opportunities to learn about Chinese philosophy,art,architecture,medicine and catering culture and experience first-hand the splendors of this venerablecivilization.As the second culture,Chinese culture has enriched the life and world outlook of the learners. This trend,so to speak,is gathering momentum and is there to stay. Apart from their love for Chinese cuisine,more and more American learners of Chinese language are turning to Chinese acupuncture,herbal medicines,martial arts.They are also interested in kongfu films,fashions and crafts. Seemingly outlandishwords such as dim sum,ginseng,gingko,oolongcha have crept into their everyday language. The latest Chinese cultural icons to make its impact there are Taoism,and ancient school of thought,and fengshui,an ancient art of placement.焚题库,是基于大数据的人工智能算法研发而成的考试题库,专注于根据不同考试的考点、考频、难度分布,提供考试真题解析、章节历年考点考题、考前强化试题、高频错题榜等。
Confucius Institute
Confucius Institute近年来,孔子学院建设快速发展,已成为世界各国人民学习汉语和了解中华文化的园地、中外文化交流的平台及加强中国人民与世界各国人民友谊合作的桥梁。
现在,就让我们了解一下孔子学院吧!The Confucius Institute (CI) is a nonprofit organization that strongly believes in the value of global education. It aims to bridge cultural divides by providing opportunities (机会) to experience the world from each other's point of view and allow people to exchange their culture, customs and history person to person.★The Centers for CommunityThe Centers have a group of individuals who believe in the value of global education and who love Chinese fascinating culture. They host monthly events, conferences, and group discussions all with the goal of bringing people together and providing them with a space to join in cross-cultural exchange and create lifelong friendships.★ProgramsApart from the many Confucius Institutes all over the world, communities also offer Confucius Classrooms that provide Chinese language education and cultural programs. Some programs include the following: Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese Painting, Hands-on Chinese Crafts ( 技艺), Chinese Game Club, Cultural Festivals and Events, Chinese Cooking, East / West Medicine as well as ChineseDance. Confucius Classrooms are generally based in primary and secondary schools. ★StudentsStudents participate in a great variety of cultural and language programsat Confucius Institutes across the world, representing all ages, ethnicities (种族), and backgrounds.Each year the Confucius Institute honors ten excellent Confucius Institute students, to celebrate their achievements in Chinese language and cultural education and promote the value of global education.By September, 2019, 535 Confucius Institutes and 1, 134 Confucius classrooms had been set up in 158 countries or regions ( 地区) around the globe.。