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2014~~2015学年第二学期英语课程 期末试卷

一、 英汉互译(每题 2 分,共计10 分) 1、逐字地 Word for word 2、充满 Be fill with 3、Connect …to 联系 4、On weekdays 在工作日

h 5)d 6)e 7)j 8)

f 9)a 10)c

三、 填空题(每空2分,共计16分)

1) What kind of _ accommodation ______________ did you have when you traveled on the ship?

2) The explosion did a great deal of damage to the _ entrance ___________ to the City Hall.

3) His office is in town, but his ___ residence _________ is in the suburb. 4) People often don’t realize how wonderful the ___ service _________ are in the library .

5) Read the _ instruction ___________ before you switch on the engine. 6) An ___ additional _________ charge is made for heavy bags.

7) I must ___ apologize _________ to you for not being able to go to your wedding. 8) It causes a lot of __ inconvenience __________ when bus drivers go on strike. 四、 完形填空(每题2分,共计20分)

Why is it that the more connected we get, the more 1 _______ I feel? Every advance in communications technology is a 2 _______ to the intimacy of human interaction. With e-mail and instant messaging over the 3 _______, we can communicate without seeing or 4 __________ to one another. With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations withoutever 5 _____________ anyone. If my mom has a question, I just leave the 6 ___________ on her machine.

As almost every conceivable 7 _____________ between human beings gets automated, the alienation index 8 _____________. You can’t even call a person to get the 9

_____________ number of another person any more. Directory assistance is almost always fully 10 _____________.

1.A.disconnected B.depart C.sparate D.isolate

2.A.retrogess B.back C.setback D.sence

3.A.note B.phone puter D.internet

4.A.looking B.talking C.watching D.speaking

5.A.seeing B.meeting C.working D.reaching

6.A.message B.note C.answer D.question

7.A.relation B.touch C.contact D.link

8.A.up B.drops C.goes up D.downg

9.A.letter C.e-mail D.phone


Good morning everybody. Welcome to the 7th International sales Conference. It’s great to see so many of you —old faces and new ones! Now we’re going to have two very busy days, but I am sure y ou’ll enjoy them. As soon as I finish, which won’t be very long, I promise you, we’ll begin with the first part, that is, our Sales Managers will be giving sales reports for their own countries. We’ll stay together

for that part as I feel it’s useful for e verybody to see the overall picture. Then, after we’ve had lunch, we’re going to divide into groups to discuss our targets for next year and how to reach them.

Dinner this evening is at eight o’clock. We’d like everyone to meet in the bar for drinks fr om about seven o’clock. That way we can enjoy a drink together until the coach leaves for the restaurant at 7:45.

1) The opening speech is made by___C__

a. the chairman of the conference.

b. the guest speaker.

c. the Sales Director.

d. the General Manager.

2) This conference will last for__B___

a. one day.

b. two days.

c. three days.

d. four days.

3) The first part of the meeting is mainly devoted to ___C__

a. the sales director giving a welcome speech.

b. the sales director giving an annual report.

c. the sales managers giving sales reports.

d. the sales managers exchanging their sales


4) Everyone is asked to stay for the first part of the meeting because__D___

a. it won’t last too long.

b. everybody is to give a report.

c. the guest speaker’s t opic is interesting.

d. it is good for them to see an overall pictur


5) The major topic of this sales conference is __A___

a. the sales targets for next year.

b. the marketing plan for next year.

c. the employment of new sales managers.

d. the division of the market shar


6)what time does the coach leave the restaurant? A


b. eight o’clock

c. seven o’clock


We live online. We Google our questions, Twitter (博客网站) our thoughts, Flicker our pictures and even watch television on Hulu (视频网站). The Web has invented more than a few words in our vocabulary: it has become part of our daily routine. This change will lea d to an opportunity that the music business hasn’t seen since the rise of the CD.

Now, as our lives move online, our listening habits are following. The growth of online music websites such as iMeem, Pandora, and Last.fm is just the start. We listen to music in a browser because it’s convenient —it’s where we do everything else. And we listen online because the Web provides somethin g the iPod can’t: new music.

1) The Web has become an essential part of our __A___.

a. routine life

b. social life

c. night life

d. business life

2) The change online will lead to an opportunity for the growth of ___C__.

a. music websites

