


本片根据真实故事改编,讲述了一位贫困家庭的女孩莉丝·默 里,通过努力和坚持,最终获得哈佛大学全额奖学金,实现 了自己的人生逆袭。
莉丝出生在纽约的贫民窟,父母吸毒并患有艾滋病,家庭生 活极度贫困。从小生活在恶劣环境中的莉丝,通过自己的努 力和坚持,克服了种种困难,最终考入了哈佛大学,实现了 自己的人生目标。
丽兹虽然身处逆境,但她从未放弃,始 终保持积极向上的态度,努力改变自己 的命运。这启示我们,无论生活中遇到 多大的困难,都要勇敢面对,寻找解决 问题的方法。
丽兹在影片中感激每一个帮助过她的人和 事物,这告诉我们应该珍惜身边的人和事 ,感恩每一个美好的瞬间。
影片中丽兹克服重重困难获得哈佛大 学录取的机会,强调了教育机会公平 性的重要性和社会对于弱势群体的关 注和支持。
丽兹成长于贫困家庭,缺乏基本的生活条件和资源,这种环境对于她的成长和发 展带来了很大的制约和挑战。



风雨哈佛路故事梗概英文"Fengyu Harvard Road" is a Chinese novel written by Fang Fang. The story revolves around two main characters, Wu Hongyan and Fan Chunlin, who meet at Harvard University in the United States.Wu Hongyan comes from a poor family in China and is determined to pursue her dreams of studying at Harvard. She manages to secure a scholarship and travels to the US, facing various challenges and cultural shocks along the way.Fan Chunlin, on the other hand, comes from a wealthy background and has always had everything handed to him. However, he lacks a sense of purpose and is searching for meaning in his life.As the two characters cross paths at Harvard, they form a complicated relationship. Initially, they clash due to their different backgrounds and ambitions. However, they gradually start to understand and learn from each other. Wu Hongyan helps Fan Chunlin find his passion and encourages him to explore his potential. Meanwhile, Fan Chunlin supports Wu Hongyan emotionally and helps her navigate the challenges she faces as a foreign student.Throughout the novel, the characters experience personal growth and discover the value of friendship, perseverance, and staying true to oneself. They learn to overcome their prejudices and break free from societal expectations. "Fengyu Harvard Road" highlights the importance of pursuing one's dreams, embracing diversity, and finding inner fulfillment.。



Liz Murray
Her mother
The relationship between Liz and her mother is complex and often strained, but Liz ultimately tries to understand and empathize with her mother's struggles.
Family is a critical socialization agent, shaping individuals' character and worldview.
The role of family in providing emotional support and guidance.
Movie Overview
The band's members face various challenges and conflicts as they strive to perfect their music and overcome personal obstacles.
The film is set in the 1970s, against the backdrop of the cultural revolution in China.
Challenges and Overcoming Adversity
Liz faces numerous challenges, including poverty, abuse, and addiction, but she manages to overcome these obstacles and emerge stronger.



《风雨哈佛路》英文名为“Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story”,概括如下:





Breaking Night(风雨哈佛路小说英文版)(可编辑)

Breaking Night(风雨哈佛路小说英文版)(可编辑)

Breaking Night(风雨哈佛路小说英文版)Breaking NightA MEMOIR OF FORGIVENESS ,SURVIVAL, AND MY JOURNEY FROMHOMELESS TO HARVARDLIZ MURRAYThis book is dedicated to three people whose love made it possible.TO EDWIN FERMIN, for theyears behind us, for the years ahead of us, side-by-side. Thank you for taking care of my fatherwhen we needed you. Thank you for sharing your dreams with me and for being my family.Thank you for being my no-matter-what. When I look at all the good in my life, inside all of it, Isee you.TO ARTHUR FLICK, for the fishing trips, the motorcycle rides, the camping and eachone of our adventures that I will always cherish. Thank you for being my Guardian Angel and myheart's compass. You were right, Arthur, you do get to choose your family.TO ROBIN DIANELYNN--a Trusting, Powerful and Giving woman. Robin, you are a beautiful soul and theembodiment of contribution. This world was blessed to have you in it.Because of you, so manyof us are blessed still. Thank you for showing me what it looks like to stand in a commitment,come what may."Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."--COACH J OHN W OODENThose who wish to sing always find a song.--SWEDISH PROVERB"Breaking Night"URBAN SLANG FOR:staying up through the night,until the sun rises.ContentsEpigraphPrologueChapter 1 - University AvenueChapter 2 - Middle of EverythingChapter 3 - Tsunami WeatherChapter 4 - UnravelingChapter 5 - StuckChapter 6 - BoysChapter 7 - Breaking NightChapter 8 - The MotelsChapter 9 - PearlsChapter 10 - The WallChapter 11 - The Visit(or)Chapter 12 - PossibilityEpilogueAcknowledgmentsA Personal Invitation from Liz MurrayAbout the AuthorPraise for Breaking NightCopyright2PrologueI HAVE JUST ONE PICTURE LEFT OF MY MOTHER. IT'S 4 x 7, BLACK-AND-WHITE, and creased in different places. In it, she is seated slightly hunched, elbows touchingknees, arms carrying the weight of her back. I know very little about her life when it was taken;my only clue is written in orange marker on the back. It reads: Me in front of Mike's on 6th St.1971. Counting backward, I know that she was seventeen when it was taken, a year older than Iam now. I know that Sixth Street is in Greenwich Village, though I have no idea who Mike is.The picture tells me that she was a stern-looking teenager. Her lips are pressed together inthought, offering a grimace for the camera. Framing her face, her hair dangles in beautiful wispsof black, smokelike curls. And her eyes, my favorite part, shine like two dark marbles, theirmovements frozen in time forever.I've studied each feature, committing them to memory for my trips to the mirror, where Ilet my own wavy hair tumble down. I stand and trace similarities with the tip of my fingerthrough the curve of each line in my face, starting with our eyes. Each pair offers the same small,rounded shape, only instead of my mother's brown, I have Grandma's rich yellow-green. Next, Imeasure the outline of our lips; thin, curvy, and identical in every way. Although we share somefeatures, I know I'm not as pretty as she was at my age.In my years with nowhere to live, behind the locked bathroom doors in different friends'apartments, I've secretly played this game in the mirror throughout all hours of the night. Tuckedin by their parents, my friends sleep while images of my mother's graceful movements dancethroughout my mind. I spend these hours in front of their bathroom mirrors, my bare feet cooledby gridded tiles, palms pressed on the sink's edge to support my weight.I stand there fantasizing until the first blue hints of dawnstrain through the frostedbathroom glass and birds announce themselves, chirping their morning songs. If I'm at Jamie'shouse, this is just the time to slip onto the couch before her mother's alarm beeps her awake,sending her to the bathroom. If I'm at Bobby's, the grinding noise of the garbage truck tells me it'stime to sneak back to the foldout cot.I travel quietly across their waking apartments to my resting spot. I never get toocomfortable with my accommodations, because I'm not sure if I will sleep in the same placetomorrow.Lying on my back, I run my fingertips over my face in the dark, and I envision mymother. The symmetry of our lives has become clearer to me lately. She was homeless at sixteentoo. Ma also dropped out of school. Like me, Ma made daily decisions between hallway or park,subway or rooftop. The Bronx, for Ma, also meant wandering through dangerous streets, throughneighborhoods with lampposts littered with flyers of police sketches and sirens blaring at allhours of the night.I wonder if, like me, Ma spent most days afraid of what wouldhappen to her. I'm afraidall the time lately. I wonder where I will sleep tomorrow--at another friend's apartment, on thetrain, or in s。



Don't close your eyes, rise again after you fall, you need to get out.
I think people just get frustrated wiቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱhout harsh(残酷的) life can be. So they're spending their time dwelling(栖息) on that frustration we calling it anger. keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation.
风 雨 哈 佛 路
——Homeless to Harvard
Liz Murray, the daughter of a loving but extremely dysfunctional(有缺陷的) Bronx family. Weighed down(忧心忡忡) with a cokeaddict father and an HIV-infected mother, Liz begins begging at 8 until her mother dies. Then Liz developes the determination to better her lot in life. Virtually begging her way back into high school, she becomes a superb student, and at 19, with funding from a scholarship provided by NewYork Times and a part-time job with the New York Public Interest Group, "born loser" Liz enters Harvard University。



• 她以非凡的毅力开始了刻苦的学习。17岁 到19岁,两年的时光,她学习掌握了高中 四年的课程,每门学科的成绩都在A以上。 作为奖励,她以全学校第一的成绩和其他9 名同学获得了免费到波士顿的哈佛大学参 观的机会。
• 一个浓郁的秋季中,金黄色铺满整个 季节。在写满辉煌的树下,一个女孩站在 哈佛学府的门前,仰望。面对大学的殿堂, 她决心实现她的又一个愿望--她要成为 这所大学学府中的一员,她要证明给自己 和世人看,人生其实可以改变。
• 人生其实真的可以改变,只要你努力,只 要你付出。
• 1996年,上帝会让一个付出努力和艰 辛的女孩收获喜悦;她的经历、她的真诚、 她的论文深深打动每一位评委。12000美金 的纽约时报一等奖学金,让她获得了进入 哈佛的通行证--她成功了。梦寐以求的 哈佛大学向她敞开了双臂。凭借着对信念 的执着追求和对改变生活困境的强烈愿望, 她实现了自己的诺言。


• 2003年,莉丝的故事被搬上荧幕,电影《风雨哈 佛路》获得第55届艾美奖三项提名。如今,莉丝 在全球各地发表演说,激励人们跨越困境,追寻 心中的梦想。


英文名:Homeless to Harvard: The Liz
Murray Story


风雨哈佛路英语演讲Homeless to Harvard

风雨哈佛路英语演讲Homeless to Harvard
She is Liz's friend.The girl who had the same experience as Liz,was also sent to a domestic group home(教养所). She had a painful experience of being raped by her father.
Homeless to Harvard is Liz Murray's autobiography. It is a true story that takes place in a real person. Liz was born in a slum in New York.Her parents are both drug addicts(瘾君子).Worse still,her mom had schizophrenia(精神分裂症),and later died of AIDS.Her father went to the homeless shelter because he was drunk and had no job .It was not until her mother's death that Liz known that there was a bright world outside of her own life.Then,she decided to change her present terrible situation.After a long struggle with tough life, She was finally admitted to Harvard University, the highest academic institution. 《风雨哈佛路》主人公丽丝出生在纽约的贫民窟, 尽管父母吸毒,但莉丝仍然深爱着他们。她在毒品 、艾滋、饥饿充斥的环境中度过童年。



She started to do 4 years high school courses in 2 years.She studied very hard and took some part-time jobs to support herself.
She visited Harvard University with her classmates led by their teacher.

Weighed down with a cokeaddict father and an HIVinfected mother, Liz spends her early years shuttling from squalid apartment to public shelter and back again.
She was sent to hospice by force because she never has gone to school.

When Liz was 15 years old, she came back (from hospice) to see her mother and she went to school again .
(The Ending)
She got excellent marks in the school . At last,she earned a scholarship to Harvard University through an essay contest sponsored by the New York Times.
1、She'll get mugged! 她会摔倒的! 2、Always a big production! 真是个大麻烦 3、Don't make a fass. 别闹了 4、I was at the group home. 我在教养院 5、Is that freaky? 那里很奇怪吗? But you're not a freak 你可不像怪人 6、Oh, she'll drain on the door. 她在门口呕吐 Oh, here she blows. 她在这里吐了。 7、He does stuff to my sister. 他强暴了我姐姐 8、We took up a collection. 我们在募捐



The United States after 80 s girl wonders: from stray girl to harvard Ph.D•She is called Liz, Her parents are both drug addicts ,at the same time ,her mother is a drunkard(酒鬼). She was born in a family with no money, no hope or anything else about happiness. She has never been cared for by her parents! Even she usually has no food to eat, no clothes to change.But she does not hate them at all, for all of her life. In this film we can see how she loves her families. Some people live just to survive. but she doesn’t. She wants to change the condition and she knows working hard can make it come true, so she does. And she succeeds.Childhood:Liz's parents took drugs8 years old:She began to beg15 years old:Her mother died of AIDS and her father got into the shelter.17 years old:She started to do 4 years high school courses in 2 yearsIn 1996:She got first scholarship of the New York TimesGo to HavardWeighed down with acoke-addict father and anHIV-infected mother, Lizspends her early yearsshuttling from squalidapartment to public shelter•and back again.She was sent tohospice by forcebecause she neverhas gone to school.I t isn't until her mother's death from AIDS that Liz decides to turn her life around by going back to high school, becoming a star student.She started to do 4 years highschool courses in 2 years.Shestudied very hard and tooksome part-time jobs to supportherself.She visited HarvardUniversity with herclassmates led by theirteacher.(The Ending)•She got excellent marks in the school . At last,she earned a scholarship to Harvard University through an essay contest sponsored by the New York Times.SOME CLASSCICALSENTENCES•I knew at that moment I had to make a choice. I could submit to everything that was happening and live a life of excuses... or I could push myself. I could push myself and make my life good.•I’m smart. I know I can succeed. I just need a chance. A chance to climb out of this place I’veborn in. Everyone I know are angry and tired.They’re trying to survive. But I know that there is a world out there that is better, that’s betterdeveloped. And I want to live in it.Now I can lay it out and burn it done,put it in the rest, then I can go on.The world is changing while you’re just a stardust .The earth turns around with or without you. Reality doesn’t change according to your will.Be sent to the children's shelterconfusions•When the school bell rang, I will be thefirst out of the classroom, go in the middle of the students made me feel very nervous.I wore tattered clothes, and they don't mix, look at my eyes I know it from them.Seize the opportunity•"I see everywhere in the world, he is always ready to tell you how things should be, what is realistic, but at the same time I also realized that in fact no one know what will be the result of the case, unless he personally try."On mother's loveI'm very lucky in my heart all the security is abandoned by the body, I have to look ahead, I must look forward, not back. Then I found a state: "ok, I will do my best to work and see what will happen?"Life is really can change, as long as you work hard, as long as you pay.Some people live just to survive.but she doesn’t. She wants to change the condition and she knows working hard can make it come true, so she does. And she succeeds.At that moment, I see, I have to make choices. I can find excuses for yourself for life, can also be forced to create a better life.•This is an very inspiring film.I believe deeply everybody is shaked and moved by this strong-will girl.•You will succeed,no matter what are in a good or poor conditions,as long as you work very very ......hard!。



风雨哈佛路英文简介100,初中水平A girl born in the slums of theUnited Stateshas been suffering from a broken family since she was a child.一个出生在美国的贫民窟里女孩,从小就承受着家庭的千疮百孔。

Her mother was an alcoholic and a drug addict, and she suffered from schizophrenia.母亲酗酒吸毒,并且患有了精神分裂症。

Her mother died of AIDS at the age of 15. Her father entered the hospice.在15岁时母亲死于艾滋病。


Poor Liz needs to go begging, wandering in the corners of the city with some friends, the suffering of life seems endless.贫穷的丽斯需要出去乞讨,和一些朋友流浪在城市的角落,生活的苦难似乎无穷无尽。

As she grew up, Liz knew that studying can change her fate and get out of the state.随着慢慢成长,丽斯知道,只有读书成才方能改变自身命运,走出泥潭般的现况。

Finally, she walked confidently into harvard. Poverty did not stop Liz's determination to go forward, in her life, march forward is the eternal theme of struggle.最后,她迈着自信的脚步走进了哈佛的学堂。

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