

电影黑天鹅Black Swan英文PPT

电影黑天鹅Black Swan英文PPT
• 现在妮娜有了一个竞争对手:一个叫做莉莉 的芭蕾舞演员一样用自己的表演打动了托马 斯· 勒罗伊。《天鹅湖》是一部对演员要求 极高的芭蕾舞剧。女主演既要能扮演纯洁、 高尚、善良的白天鹅,还要能扮演邪恶、凶 线、狡诈的黑天鹅。 妮娜试演了白天鹅,她的表演相当完美,打 动了导演;与此同时,莉莉饰演的黑天鹅一 样获得了众人的赞赏。两个年轻的舞者在对 角色的竞争过程中产生了令人不能接受的情 感,而妮娜似乎也阴暗面--这种阴暗最终将 会毁掉她的生活和才华。
The wonderful fragment
Classic dialogue
1.Well Fonteyn danced into her fifties. (玛格.芳延一直跳到了50岁。) 2.I felt perfect. I was perfect, (我感觉到了完美。我曾是完美。) 3.I'm the Swan Queen, You're the one who never left the corps. (我是天鹅女王。你只能一辈子跑龙套。) 4.The only person standing in your way is you. It's time to let it go. Lose yourself. (你的本性在阻碍你。赶走她,释放你自己。) 5.Perfection is not just about control. It's also about letting go. (完美不是控制出来的,是爆发出来的。) 6.Surprise yourself so you can surprise the audience. (超越自己,征服自己,征服观众。) 7.Every great career has to come an end. (每个伟大的事业都有结束的一天。)

Black Swan黑天鹅

Black Swan黑天鹅

Shadow Line
整个故事的明线就是Nina在她饰演的角色, Thomas还有Lily的影响下,一步一步褪去 她身上柔弱胆怯的羽毛。从一个单纯乖顺, 优柔寡断的女孩儿变成了成熟果断,敢于追 求的女人。但整个过程却几乎是悲剧性的, 她毁了自己的过去,也就是说早在演出前她 就杀了自己。所以这也就暗示着她在完成自 己演出的一瞬间虽然得到了自己想要的完美, 却必须以生命作代价。这部影片的暗线,是 Nina饰演的芭蕾剧的发展情节,孱弱高贵 的白天鹅遇到了心爱的王子,但是却无法表 白,只能是在王子身边躲躲藏藏;而冷艳高 傲的黑天鹅却无所悸怕。王子虽被白天鹅的 善良与美丽所打动,但是他无法抵御黑天鹅 的诱惑。所以白天鹅最终选择含泪离去,这 是她唯一的选择,虽然不舍,但她的天性给 她铺设了死路。这个剧本正好与Nina的故 事暗暗呼应,增强了整个影片的悲剧色彩。
这是一部带有心理学层面挖掘,略带黑暗的影片。 通过一个才华横溢的芭蕾舞女演员Nina,讲述一个 正常善良人被心魔毁灭的故事。不是蛇蝎心肠,也做 不了铜头铁臂之人,不拿自卑搪塞,不找被父母过分 保护的借口,就是忍受不了肮脏虚伪的世界,每时每 刻都有人在这样呐喊,或许就包括你和我。那么,一 个天真善良的人,在无法继续对抗内外负荷的身心状 态下,一经遭遇诱发疯狂的特殊事件,伪装成健康的 心态就一定会蓄势爆发,完全扭曲,彻底崩溃。《黑 天鹅》的影像这样解析了矛盾的人性。 导演选择《天 鹅湖》作为线索的意图明确,借用黑白两只天鹅的形 象,来推动对于人性中两种本质的探究。Dance with your heart,并不是每个人都需要在生活中去 演绎两个角色,但是每个人内心深处都或大或小有一 只黑天鹅,他有不同性格,但是相同的是都与主体对 立。我们并不需要强迫把它放大并且展现出来,但当 它某些时候变强的时候,我们要懂得如何去面对它。



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The only person standing in your way is you. It's time to let it go. Lose yourself. 你的本性在阻碍你。赶走她,释放你自己。 Perfection is not just about control. It's also about letting go. 完美不是控制出来的,是爆发出来的。
13岁时,她出演《这个杀手不太冷》的女主角, 开始了一边读书一边拍戏的生涯。1999年,波 特曼以《芳心天涯》片中安· 奥格斯特一角获得 金球奖最佳女配角的提名。1999年,成年后的 她凭借《星球大战》三部曲帕德梅· 阿米达拉 (Padmé Amidala)女王一角为大众熟知,之后, 波特曼进入哈佛大学攻读心理学。2011年,娜 塔莉· 波特曼凭借电影《黑天鹅》里人格分裂的 芭蕾舞者角色,获得了奥斯卡最佳女主角奖
Barbara Hershey Barbara Hershey(中文名: 芭芭拉· 赫尔希),1948年 2月5日出生于加利福利亚, 美国好莱坞资深演员。在 黑天鹅中饰演女主角妮娜 的母亲
Mother Me
专辑:Black Swan 歌手:Clint Mansell
• 人性中的善与恶、美与丑、正与邪都在内心的一念 之差,贪婪、奸诈、虚荣、嫉妒、毁灭正是导演用黑天 鹅隐喻人性中的邪恶丑,用幻想意识流审视窥探人性在 名利场上的得失心态究竟会达到哪种可怕的境地?人性的 黑与白正是内心面临巨大诱惑时难以左右难以抉择难以 自控的矛盾临界,每个人心中都有两只天鹅,飞出白还 是黑?没逼到绝境谁都不知道,这就是电影的伟大:永远 探寻人性黑白,灵魂深处拘禁黑天鹅,放飞白天鹅,愿 全人类都如此!



黑天鹅观后感英语200字英文回答:The Black Swan is a thought-provoking film that explores the themes of unpredictability, fate, and the nature of reality. The film follows the story of Nina, a young ballerina who is consumed by her desire to achieve perfection. However, when a new dancer, Lily, arrives and challenges Nina's supremacy, she begins to unravel.Throughout the film, Darren Aronofsky uses a variety of techniques to create a sense of tension and suspense. The cinematography is often claustrophobic and intimate, and the use of close-ups and extreme close-ups creates a sense of immediacy and unease. The editing is also masterful, with the film often cutting between different scenes in a way that creates a jarring and disorienting effect.Natalie Portman gives a tour-de-force performance as Nina, capturing the character's fragility, vulnerability,and ambition. She is ably supported by Mila Kunis as Lily, who provides a stark contrast to Nina's uptight and controlled nature.The Black Swan is a powerful film that stays with you long after the credits roll. It is a film that forces youto question your own beliefs and assumptions, and toconfront the unpredictable nature of life.中文回答:《黑天鹅》是一部发人深省的电影,探讨了不可预测性、命运和现实本质的主题。



电影黑天鹅观后感英文After watching the movie "Black Swan," I was left in awe of its captivating storyline and the mesmerizing performances by the cast. Directed by Darren Aronofsky, the film explores the dark and intense world of professional ballet, delving into the psychological struggles and sacrifices of a ballerina.The protagonist, Nina Sayers, beautifully portrayed by Natalie Portman, is a dedicated ballet dancer who dreams of playing the lead in Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. Nina is chosen for the role by the director, Thomas Leroy, played by Vincent Cassel. However, in order to fully embody the duality of the White Swan and the Black Swan, Nina must confront her inner demons and embrace her dark side.The movie takes us on a thrilling journey through Nina's transformation, blurring the lines between reality and imagination. As the pressure builds and her sanity begins to unravel, the film uses various artistic techniques to depict her psychological descent. The use of camera angles, lighting, and sound design creates a tense and claustrophobic atmosphere, immersing the audience in Nina's world.One of the aspects that struck me the most about "Black Swan" is the exploration of the theme of duality. Throughout the film, Nina battles with her desire for perfection and her fear of embracing her darker side. The white and black swans symbolize her internal struggle, with the white swan representing her meekness and innocence, while the black swan embodies her raw sensuality and uninhibited passion.Nina's pursuit of perfection leads her down a dark path, filled with obsession and self-destruction. As she strives to embody the role of the Black Swan, her mind begins to play tricks on her, blurring the lines between reality and delusion. The film cleverly uses visual cues and subtle hints to keep the audience guessing, leaving them on the edge of their seats.The performances in "Black Swan" are nothing short of spectacular. Natalie Portman delivers a tour de force portrayal of Nina, capturing every nuance of her character's vulnerability and ferocity. Her physical transformation, evident in the demanding ballet sequences, is truly remarkable. Portman's commitment to the role earned her an Academy Award for Best Actress, a well-deserved accolade.Vincent Cassel, as the manipulative director Thomas Leroy, brings a commanding presence to the screen. His character serves as a catalyst for Nina's inner turmoil, pushing her to the brink of her sanity. The supporting cast, including Mila Kunis, Barbara Hershey, and Winona Ryder, also deliver powerful performances, adding depth to the narrative.The film's cinematography and editing enhance the intensity of the story. The use of close-ups during the ballet performance scenes magnifies the physical strain on the dancers' bodies, highlighting the grueling nature of their art. The rapid and seamless editing during the climax of the film intensifies the suspense and keeps the audience engaged."Black Swan" is not only a psychological thriller but also a thought-provoking exploration of the sacrifices required in the pursuit of perfection. Nina's journey serves as a metaphor for the dark side that resides within all of us and the often dangerous consequences of suppressing it. The filmraises questions about the price of success and the toll it takes on one's mental well-being.In conclusion, "Black Swan" is a gripping and visually stunning film that delves into the psyche of a ballet dancer. Its exploration of duality, the pursuit of perfection, and the cost of ambition make it a thought-provoking and memorable cinematic experience. The exceptional performances, masterful direction, and captivating storytelling make "Black Swan" a must-watch for any film enthusiast.。



黑天鹅电影深度解析"黑天鹅"(Black Swan)是一部由达伦·阿伦诺夫斯基执导,纳塔莉·波特曼、米拉·库妮丝、文森特·卡索尔等人出演的心理惊悚电影。



















妮娜试演了白天鹅,她的表演相当完美,打动了导演;与此同时, 莉莉饰演的黑天鹅一样获得了众人的赞赏。两个年轻的舞者在对角色的 竞争过程中产生了令人不能接受的情感,而妮娜似乎也阴暗面--这种阴暗 最终将会毁掉她的生活和才华
Nina:actress,性格胆怯,追求 完美, 有些人格分裂(白天鹅) Lily:support actress,富有激情和攻击性 (黑天鹅) Beth:an old ballerina
妮娜是生活在纽约的一个芭蕾舞演员,和她的同行一样,妮娜这一 生中的绝大多数时间和精力都奉献给了芭蕾舞。她和自己固执的妈妈艾 瑞卡住在一起。艾瑞卡曾经也是一名芭蕾舞演员,现在她不再跳舞,但 是为了让女儿能在舞蹈上有所建树,她对自己的女儿施行着令人窒息的 管教 现在,妮娜所在的芭蕾舞团要排演《天鹅湖》。导演托马斯?勒罗 伊也准备替换掉原先的首席芭蕾舞演员贝丝?麦金泰尔,使用妮娜做为这 出新演出季的首演演员。妮娜是他的第一选择,但不是唯一选择。现在 妮娜有了一个竞争对手:一个叫做莉莉的芭蕾舞演员一样用自己的表演 打动了托马斯?勒罗伊。《天鹅湖》是一部对演员要求极高的芭蕾舞剧。 女主演既要能扮演纯洁、高尚、善良的白天鹅,还要能扮演邪恶、凶线 、狡诈的黑天鹅。
Natalie portman 娜塔丽.波特曼 凭借黑天鹅获得2010年奥斯卡 最佳女主角 第68届金球奖的最 佳女主角奖 1981年生,哈佛大学校友
Black Swan
American psychological thriller and horror film directed by Darren Aronofsky In a prestigious ballet company, the production requires a ballerina to play both the innocent White Swan and the sensual Black Swan. One dancer, Nina (Portman), is a perfect fit for the White Swan, while Lily (Kunis) has a personality that matches the Black Swan. When the two compete for the parts, Nina finds aபைடு நூலகம்dark side to herself.




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从弗洛伊德的三重人格看电影《黑天鹅》电影《黑天鹅》(black swan)描述了一名芭蕾舞蹈演员为了争夺天鹅皇后的角色,需要完美的演绎白天鹅与黑天鹅两个角色,内心从单纯到邪恶的转变。


















黑天鹅电影观后感英语Black Swan Movie ReviewThe Black Swan is a psychological thriller directed by Darren Aronofsky, known for his unique and thought-provoking films. Released in 2010, the movie captivated audiences with its intense storyline, exceptional performances, and stunning visuals. In this review, I would like to share my thoughts on the Black Swan in English.The movie revolves around the life of Nina, a talented ballet dancer who dreams of playing the lead role in Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. Nina is portrayed by Natalie Portman, who delivers an extraordinary performance that earned her an Academy Award for Best Actress. As the film progresses, we witness Nina's transformation from a timid, innocent girl to a dark and sensual woman.One of the strongest aspects of the Black Swan is its exploration of the human psyche. The film delves deep into the psychological struggles and inner demons that Nina faces in her pursuit of perfection. It is evident that the theme of duality plays a significant role throughout the movie. Nina is torn between her desire to be the innocent White Swan and her struggle to unleash the seductive and dangerous Black Swan within her.Visually, the Black Swan is a masterpiece. The cinematography, coupled with the artistic elements, creates a visually stunning experience. The use of contrast and color symbolism further enhances the dark and mysterious atmosphere of the film. The scenes that depict the ballet performances areparticularly breathtaking, showcasing the sheer beauty and grace of the dancers.The musical score is another standout aspect of the Black Swan. The haunting melodies of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake perfectly complement the film's narrative. The music adds to the suspense and tension, intensifying key moments and creating a unique emotional impact. It is evident that much thought and care went into selecting and integrating the music seamlessly into the storyline.The performances in the Black Swan are exceptional, with Natalie Portman leading the way. Portman's portrayal of Nina is both delicate and intense, capturing the character's vulnerability and descent into madness flawlessly. Her transformation from a shy and innocent ballerina to a fierce and unhinged artist is captivating and unsettling. Portman's dedication to the role is evident, as she trained extensively in ballet to embody the physicality and grace required for the character.The supporting cast is equally impressive. Vincent Cassel portrays Thomas Leroy, the demanding ballet director who pushes Nina to her limits. Cassel's charismatic and manipulative performance adds an extra layer of tension to the film. Mila Kunis delivers a strong performance as Lily, Nina's rival and confidante. The chemistry between Kunis and Portman adds depth to their complex relationship, further blurring the lines of reality and imagination.Throughout the Black Swan, there is a sense of unease and uncertainty. The film constantly challenges the audience to question what is real and what is a figment of Nina's imagination. As viewers, we are drawn into herworld, experiencing her paranoia and delusions firsthand. The nonlinear narrative and dreamlike sequences further add to the sense of disorientation, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.In conclusion, the Black Swan is a mesmerizing and intense film that takes viewers on a psychological roller coaster. Darren Aronofsky's direction, coupled with the outstanding performances of the cast, creates a truly unforgettable cinematic experience. The film transcends the boundaries of traditional thrillers, delving into deeper themes of duality, obsession, and the pursuit of perfection. With its stunning visuals, haunting music, and thought-provoking storyline, the Black Swan is a true masterpiece of contemporary cinema.。



电影黑天鹅观后感英文版Black Swan Movie ReviewBlack Swan is a psychological thriller film directed by Darren Aronofsky, released in 2010. The film revolves around the lead character, Nina, a ballerina who strives for perfection in her performance as the innocent and delicate White Swan. As the plot unfolds, Nina's obsession with perfection takes a dark turn, leading to a gripping exploration of her descent into madness.One of the notable aspects of Black Swan is its exceptional storytelling and visual presentation. Aronofsky successfully creates a tense and unsettling atmosphere throughout the film, with use of intense close-up shots, rapid editing, and a haunting musical score. The combination of these elements enhances the sense of unease and contributes to the overall psychological effect of the movie.Natalie Portman delivers a captivating performance, portraying Nina beautifully. Her character is complex, with deep internal struggles and a fragile psyche. Portman's ability to seamlessly transition between the fragile innocence of the White Swan and the seductive allure of the Black Swan showcases her versatility as an actress.The film's exploration of duality is another intriguing aspect. Just like the ballet itself, Black Swan contrasts the purity and grace of the White Swan with the dark and sensual nature of the Black Swan. This juxtaposition is mirrored in Nina's character as she grapples with her own internaldichotomy. The inner conflict between her desires for perfection and her burgeoning self-discovery adds depth to the narrative.Aronofsky masterfully blurs the line between reality and illusion, leaving the audience uncertain about which events are genuine and which are figments of Nina's imagination. This intentional ambiguity engages the audience, making them question the true nature of the events unfolding on screen. The director's use of surreal and dream-like sequences intensifies the psychological nature of the story.The film also explores themes of competition, obsession, and the sacrifices individuals make to achieve greatness. Nina's unrelenting pursuit of perfection drives her to the brink of insanity, causing her relationships with those around her to deteriorate. The competitive atmosphere within the ballet company exacerbates Nina's paranoia and heightens the tension in the narrative.In addition to the performances and themes, the cinematography in Black Swan is stunning. The use of lighting and colors is strategically employed to reflect Nina's emotional states. The frequent use of mirror shots emphasizes the idea of reflection and duality, while the dark and claustrophobic sets create an atmosphere of confinement and entrapment.Overall, Black Swan is a psychological thriller that captivates viewers with its gripping narrative, mesmerizing performances, and intricate exploration of duality and identity. Aronofsky's masterful direction combined with Portman's exceptional acting make for a truly memorable film that delves into the depths of the human psyche. The film's ability toblur the line between reality and illusion leaves a lasting impact on the audience, provoking thoughts and discussions long after the credits roll.。


go. Loose yourself. 你的本性在阻碍你。赶走她,释放你自己。 Perfection is not just about control. It's also about letting go. 完美不是控制出来的,是爆发出来的。 Every great career has to come an end. 每个伟大的事业都有结束的一天。
2010 American psychological thriller and horror film directed by Darren Aronofsky
In a prestigious ballet company, the production requires a ballerina to play both the innocent White Swan and the sensual Black Swan. One dancer, Nina (Portman), is a perfect fit for the White Swan, while Lily (Kunis) has a personality that matches the Black Swan. When the two compete for the parts, Nina finds a dark side to herself.
Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan is an examination of obsession. Obsession in striving for beauty, acceptance, and most of all perfection. It explores the dichotomy involved in both loving and hating yourself. As Nina (Natalie Portman) begins to lose her mind it becomes more difficult for the viewer to tell what is real and what isn't. This is the point at which the film starts blurring the lines between psychological thriller and horror.



1 00:03:13,060 --> 00:03:14,960 I had the craziest dream last night.2 00:03:17,400 --> 00:03:19,310 I was dancing the White Swan.3 00:03:21,070 --> 00:03:22,460 It was different choreography,though.4 00:03:22,460 --> 00:03:24,270 It was more like the Bolshoi's.5 00:03:28,290 --> 00:03:29,910 It was the prologue,6 00:03:29,950 --> 00:03:32,740 when Rothbart casts his spell.7 00:03:42,030 --> 00:03:45,160 Look how pink. So pretty...8 00:03:45,200 --> 00:03:47,960 Pretty!9 00:03:48,000 --> 00:03:49,400 You're in a good mood. 10 00:03:49,400 --> 00:03:52,020 He promised to feature me more this season. 11 00:03:52,060 --> 00:03:54,230 Well, he certainly should. 12 00:03:54,270 --> 00:03:56,160 You've been there long enough, 13 00:03:56,200 --> 00:03:59,050 and you're the most dedicated dancer in the company. 14 00:04:03,320 --> 00:04:04,410 Up. 15 00:04:06,250 --> 00:04:07,280 - What's that? - What? 16 00:04:07,320 --> 00:04:08,480 There. 17 00:04:12,290 --> 00:04:12,930 Nothing. 18 00:04:17,460 --> 00:04:18,850 You're sure you don't want me to come with you? 19 00:04:22,150 --> 00:04:23,040 You're a sweet girl. 20 00:05:37,220 --> 00:05:38,300 Did you see Beth today? 21 00:05:38,330 --> 00:05:40,570 I can't believe she's back. 22 00:05:40,610 --> 00:05:41,760 Of course she's back. 23 00:05:41,760 --> 00:05:43,950 What, she can't take a hint? 24 00:05:43,990 --> 00:05:47,190 The company is broke. No one comes to see her anymore. 25 00:05:47,230 --> 00:05:49,880 Oh, nobody actually comes to see ballet full stop. 2600:05:49,910 --> 00:05:53,300That's not true. I heard the Royal had one oftheir best seasons yet.2700:05:53,330 --> 00:05:55,250He just needs to try something new. That's all.2800:05:55,280 --> 00:05:57,950No, someone new.2900:05:59,290 --> 00:06:02,120- Like who? - Like someone who's not approaching menopause.3000:06:02,150 --> 00:06:03,590It's sad.3100:06:03,620 --> 00:06:05,250What's sad?3200:06:09,590 --> 00:06:11,490Beth's such a beautiful dancer.3300:06:11,520 --> 00:06:13,060Yeah, so is my grandmother.3400:06:14,310 --> 00:06:17,130Well, Fonteyn danced into her fifties.3500:06:17,130 --> 00:06:17,600Yeah, we know.3600:06:24,440 --> 00:06:25,030Great.3700:06:25,060 --> 00:06:27,560Thought I'd fucking missed my stop.3800:06:27,590 --> 00:06:30,010It's a hell-fit all the way from 79th. 3900:07:21,750 --> 00:07:23,310 Beautiful as always, Nina.4000:07:23,340 --> 00:07:25,580 Relax.4100:07:30,300 --> 00:07:33,190And one, and two, and three, and four.4200:07:40,490 --> 00:07:41,720Stop, John. One second.4300:07:52,820 --> 00:07:54,500 Okay, take position.4400:07:54,540 --> 00:07:58,490And one, and two, and three, and up.4500:07:58,530 --> 00:08:01,950And one, and two, and three, and four.4600:08:14,820 --> 00:08:15,250 Hello, dear.4700:08:23,290 --> 00:08:24,930We all know the story.4800:08:24,960 --> 00:08:27,670 Virginal girl, pure and sweet,4900:08:27,710 --> 00:08:30,340 trapped in the body of a swan.5000:08:30,380 --> 00:08:33,850She desires freedom5100:08:33,890 --> 00:08:36,820that only true love can break the spell.5200:08:39,700 --> 00:08:45,170Her wish is nearly granted in the form of a Prince.5300:08:45,200 --> 00:08:49,370But before he can declare his love,5400:08:49,410 --> 00:08:53,890the lustful twin, the Black Swan,5500:08:53,890 --> 00:08:55,490tricks and seduces him.5600:08:59,970 --> 00:09:05,370 Devastated, the White Swan leaps off a cliff, 5700:09:05,400 --> 00:09:10,330killing herself. And in death...5800:09:10,360 --> 00:09:13,160finds freedom.5900:09:19,430 --> 00:09:21,740- Good morning, company. - Good morning.6000:09:23,710 --> 00:09:26,030We will open our season with Swan Lake.6100:09:26,070 --> 00:09:28,260Done to death, I know.6200:09:28,290 --> 00:09:29,860But not like this.6300:09:29,890 --> 00:09:32,100We strip it down,6400:09:32,110 --> 00:09:34,760make it visceral and real. 6500:09:36,800 --> 00:09:39,650A new production needs a new Swan Queen.6600:09:41,370 --> 00:09:43,400A fresh face to present to the world.6700:09:45,750 --> 00:09:50,630But...which of you can embody both Swans?6800:09:51,770 --> 00:09:54,000The White, and the Black.6900:10:00,680 --> 00:10:03,020All the soloists I tapped.7000:10:03,890 --> 00:10:06,130Go to your scheduled rehearsals this afternoon.7100:10:08,940 --> 00:10:10,740And the girls I didn't tap.7200:10:13,110 --> 00:10:15,050Meet me in the principals' studio at 5:00.7300:10:15,090 --> 00:10:16,530Thank you.7400:10:21,130 --> 00:10:21,820All right.7500:10:21,850 --> 00:10:22,900Let's go. Did we do left side?7600:10:22,900 --> 00:10:23,770Yes, mistress.7700:10:23,770 --> 00:10:25,920Let we do it one more time.7800:11:02,050 --> 00:11:02,640Fuck! Fuck!7900:11:08,700 --> 00:11:09,340What?8000:12:50,240 --> 00:12:53,050If I was only casting the White Swan, she'd be yours.8100:12:55,170 --> 00:12:56,070But I'm not.8200:12:56,100 --> 00:12:58,850Maestro, Odile's coda, please.8300:12:58,880 --> 00:13:00,620Now show me your Black Swan, Nina.8400:13:24,570 --> 00:13:27,250Not so controlled. Seduce us.8500:13:27,290 --> 00:13:29,020Not just the Prince, but the court,8600:13:29,020 --> 00:13:30,560the audience, the entire world.8700:13:30,590 --> 00:13:33,750Come on, like a spider spinning a web.8800:13:33,780 --> 00:13:36,240Attack it, attack it! Come on!8900:13:48,380 --> 00:13:50,670- Good of you to join us. - Sorry...9000:13:50,700 --> 00:13:52,550Girls, this is Lily. 9100:13:52,590 --> 00:13:54,590Straight off the plane from San Francisco.9200:13:54,590 --> 00:13:56,160She's filling Rebecca's old spot.9300:13:56,200 --> 00:13:57,860Get warmed up.9400:13:57,890 --> 00:13:58,740No, it's okay.9500:13:58,770 --> 00:13:59,950I'm good.9600:14:02,520 --> 00:14:03,310Should I go again?9700:14:04,940 --> 00:14:06,230No, thanks, Nina. I've seen enough.9800:14:09,960 --> 00:14:11,820 Veronica, the White Swan variation.9900:14:15,830 --> 00:14:16,710Come on, come on, come on, please.10000:14:16,750 --> 00:14:19,640All right, Maestro.10100:14:19,670 --> 00:14:22,370Two, three...10200:15:29,090 --> 00:15:29,630So how'd it go?10300:15:31,620 --> 00:15:32,210You were late,10400:15:32,210 --> 00:15:33,620so I called Susie in the office.10500:15:33,660 --> 00:15:36,800An audition! I can't believe he just sprang that on you.10600:15:36,840 --> 00:15:39,010So?10700:15:39,040 --> 00:15:40,840It was fine.10800:15:40,870 --> 00:15:42,820Just fine?10900:15:45,330 --> 00:15:46,460Oh, sweetheart...11000:15:49,040 --> 00:15:50,290You tell me about it.11100:16:44,610 --> 00:16:45,740Nina, everything all right?11200:16:45,780 --> 00:16:46,780I'm fine.11300:17:01,690 --> 00:17:02,400Almost done.11400:17:02,440 --> 00:17:04,610You're working yourself too hard.11500:17:06,980 --> 00:17:08,780We all have off days.11600:17:08,780 --> 00:17:10,220That girl, um, barged in. 11700:17:10,250 --> 00:17:12,090I'm sure she didn't mean to.11800:17:15,320 --> 00:17:16,880For a starter,11900:17:16,880 --> 00:17:18,860if I hadn't taken you to each of your classes, 12000:17:18,860 --> 00:17:20,330you'd have been completely lost.12100:17:20,370 --> 00:17:21,570I'm going to talk to him tomorrow.12200:17:21,570 --> 00:17:22,840I'm going to tell him I finished it.12300:17:22,880 --> 00:17:24,300You don't need to lie.12400:17:25,440 --> 00:17:27,070You won't convince him one way or the other. 12500:17:30,950 --> 00:17:31,960Oh, sweetheart.12600:17:34,460 --> 00:17:35,660I know it's disappointing.12700:17:37,260 --> 00:17:41,750When you start getting older, there's all this ridiculous pressure.12800:17:41,750 --> 00:17:43,100God knows I understand.12900:17:45,110 --> 00:17:46,220But it's all right.。



黑天鹅观后感英文版Black Swan CritiqueAfter watching the movie "Black Swan," I couldn't help but be captivated by its unique and mesmerizing storyline. Directed by Darren Aronofsky, the film takes the audience on a psychological roller coaster ride through the life of a talented ballet dancer named Nina Sayers, portrayed by Natalie Portman. As I delved into the depths of this dark and haunting narrative, I found myself drawn to the intricate complexities and themes captured within the film.One of the main themes that struck me was the pursuit of perfection and the toll it takes on an individual's mental state. Nina, who is determined to embody the dual roles of the delicate White Swan and the seductive Black Swan in Tchaikovsky's ballet "Swan Lake," becomes consumed by her desire to excel. As the pressure mounts, she begins to unravel, succumbingto paranoia and hallucinations.Portman's portrayal of Nina's descent into madness was nothing short of breathtaking. From her delicate movements to her haunting expressions, she brought an unsettling authenticity to the character. Watching her transformation from a timid and fragile dancer to a sexually empowered and deranged version of herself was both mesmerizing and disturbing.Furthermore, the film's exploration of duality left a lasting impression on me. The dichotomy between the White Swan and the Black Swan serves as a metaphor for the struggle between Nina's repressed innocence and her dark desires. As the pressure intensifies, the line between reality and fantasy blurs,leading to a climactic finale that is as visually stunning as it is psychologically gripping.Throughout the movie, there are numerous symbolic elements that add depth and layers to the narrative. The recurring imagery of feathers, mirrors, and shattered glass serves as a visual representation of Nina's fractured psyche. The use of color, specifically the stark contrast between purity and darkness, further underscores the internal turmoil she faces.Despite its dark themes and intense subject matter, "Black Swan" is also a celebration of art and the sacrifices artists make for their craft. The dedication and commitment of the dancers showcased in the film is awe-inspiring. Their relentless pursuit of perfection, coupled with the physical and emotional struggles they endure, is a testament to the power of passion and the lengths one can go to achieve greatness.The film's mesmerizing cinematography and skillful editing further contribute to its overall impact. Aronofsky's use of close-ups and tight shots heightens the intensity of each scene, allowing the audience to feel intimately connected to Nina's journey. The sound design, particularly the haunting score composed by Clint Mansell, adds another layer of depth and emotion to the film.In conclusion, "Black Swan" is a compelling and thought-provoking film that explores the dark depths of the human mind. Through the lens of ballet, it delves into the pursuit of perfection, the duality of human nature, and the sacrifices made in the name of art. Natalie Portman's brilliant performance, coupled with Aronofsky's masterful storytelling, creates an experience that is both visually stunning and emotionally engaging. "Black Swan" is a truemasterpiece that will leave you questioning the boundaries between reality and illusion.。



黑天鹅观后感英语200Reflections on "Black Swan""Black Swan," directed by Darren Aronofsky, is a psychological thriller that explores the intricate dance between perfection, obsession, and madness. The film, starring Natalie Portman as Nina Sayers, a ballerina striving for the role of the Black Swan in a production of "Swan Lake," is a visual feast that delves deep into the psychological complexities of an artist's quest for perfection.What immediately captivated me about the film was its aesthetic. The cinematography, with its dark, seductive hues, creates a world that is both alluring and foreboding. The dance sequences, choreographed by Benjamin Millepied, are breathtaking,showcasing the raw talent and dedication of the dancers. But more than that, they serve as a metaphor for the characters' inner turmoil, with each movement reflecting their emotional and psychologicalstates.Nina Sayers is a complex character. She is driven, determined, and talented, but also fragile and insecure. Her quest for the perfect Black Swan, which represents both artistic freedom and her own suppressed desires, pushes her to the brink of sanity. Her relationship with her mother, played by Barbara Hershey, is fraught with tension and expectation, mirroring Nina's own internal struggle.The film's exploration of the dual nature of the Black Swan character is fascinating. On the one hand, it represents Nina's idealized version of herself: free, confident, and uninhibited. On the other hand, it is a reflection of her darkest fears and insecurities, manifesting as a hallucinatory figure who threatens to destroy her. This duality is further reflected in Nina's relationship with Lily, played by Mila Kunis, her competitive rival and eventual replacement for the role of the Black Swan.The film's themes of perfectionism, obsession, andmadness are universal, resonating with audiences across cultures and backgrounds. We all have our own versions of the Black Swan: the idealized self we strive for, the dark impulses we suppress, and the constant struggle to balance our inner and outer selves. "Black Swan" reminds us that the pursuit of perfection can be a slippery slope, leading to self-destruction if we are not careful.The film's ending, which is both shocking and heartbreaking, leaves the viewer with a lot to ponder.Nina's fate is ambiguous, leaving us to wonder if she has truly embraced her inner Black Swan or if she has merely succumbed to her own madness. This ambiguity adds to the film's power, allowing it to resonate deeply with each individual viewer.In conclusion, "Black Swan" is a masterful exploration of the complexities of the human psyche, the pursuit of perfection, and the consequences of obsession. It is a film that demands our attention,挑战 our emotions, and leaves us with much to think about. It is a testament to the power of cinema to evoke such strong feelings and provoke thought-provoking discussions. I highly recommend this film to anyone interested in psychological thrillers or films that delve deep into the human mind.。



黑天鹅电影观后感英语100The movie "Black Swan" was an intense ride, leaving me feeling a mix of emotions. The ballet world is so beautiful yet so dark. It's fascinating to see how Nina, the protagonist, struggles with her inner demons to become the perfect Black Swan.Nina's transformation from a fragile white swan to a powerful black swan was breathtaking. I could feel the tension and the pressure she faced, trying to fulfill her director's expectations. But at the same time, I also admired her dedication and hard work.The visuals in this movie are stunning. The costumes, the lighting, and the choreography all come together to create an immersive experience. The split-screen scenes, showing Nina's dual personalities, were especially captivating.What really struck me was the theme of perfectionismand its consequences. Nina's quest for perfection drove her to the brink of madness. It's a reminder that we should all strive for excellence, but not at the cost of our sanity.In conclusion, "Black Swan" is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys psychological thrillers. It's a visual treat and a thought-provoking film that will stay with you long after the credits roll.。







1.Every great career has to come an end.

2.I felt perfect. I was perfect.


3.Well Fonteyn danced into her fifties.

4.Im the Swan Queen, Youre the one who never left the corps.


5.The only person standing in your way is you. Its time to let it go. Lose yourself.


6.Perfection is not just about control. Its also about letting go.

7.One worships what he owns.

8.Surprise yourself so you can surprise the audience. 超越自己,征服自己,征服观众。

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Lily----米拉·库妮丝 Mila Kunis
Lily is the contender of Nina about her role . She represents Nina’s fear about the competition and her weakness.
Beth----薇诺娜·瑞德 Winona Ryder
Nina’s anxiety about
her daughter. So she anchors (寄托) all of
future . Nina is worried
her hopes in Nina and has a strong
about possession of Nina and
Thomas-----文森·卡索 Vincent Cassel
In this film , he is the president of the Ballet Theater and he is the mentor of Nina to surpass(超过) herself and pursue perfection.
Black Swan
Black Swan
Character introduction Plot introduction The wonderful fragment
Nina ----娜塔 莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman
At its centre is young Nina , played by Portman . She is beautiful , fragile , innocent and must dig deep into her own dark side . As her hallucinations(幻觉) and anxiety appear more and more times , her dancing is becoming more and more perfect.
competitors and she will be treats her as a baby who will never grow
eliminated(淘汰) in the future.
up: she buys pink dolls for her and decorates her room into pink.
Nina’s mother----芭芭拉·赫希 Barbara Hershey
Beth is the past Swan
Her mother used to be a ballet dancer ,
Queen . She is the symbol of but she had to give up for taking care of
Nina’s schizophrenia (精神分裂症) was caused by many reasons. The mother’s pressing , Thomas’s pushing and Lily’s conducting… However , every coin has two sides . Nina herself felt perfect because she finally achieved her dream.