The beauty of the dress 汉服英文ppt
![The beauty of the dress 汉服英文ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/113f0f51cf84b9d528ea7a47.png)
If its collar likes the number“11”, we can called it duijinruqun (对襟襦裙) . When its collar likes the letter “y”,we can called it Jiaolingruqun(交领襦裙).
When they are classified by its height of the skirt,we can called them qiyaoruqun (齐腰襦裙)——Which waistband is on the waist.
There are fifty-six ethnic groups in China, and fifty-five of them have their own national costume.
The history of HanFu
Hanfu(Hanbiuk) clothing is the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese (Han -the predominant ethnic group of China). 汉服是中 国汉民族传统服饰。 It's the significant cultural symbol of Chinese civilization, and it has had a long history for nearly 5000 years since China originally began. 她从中华文明开端时就已经存在, 至今已有近 5000 年的历史。 It is believed to have been worn by the early leader of China, Huangdi (黄帝垂衣裳而制天下).
Good morning everyone, I’m glad to stand here and give you a speech.1. As we all know, China has 56 nationalities and each nation has its own specific traditional costumes, like Korean,Tibetan,Hui,Mongolian and Manchu. Han nationality has the largest number of the Chinese people. So what is Han People’s traditional clothes”2. Cheongsam Or the nowadays T-shirtNo! We have our clothes.3. It’s called Hanfu . It's the traditional costume that has been worn by Han people .4. However, it’s sad to know that a lot of people don’t know Hanfu nowadays. Whena person who is dressed in Hanfu walked down the street , some people may think it is a kimono or a Hanbok. What’s more, there were even some people who asked the person to take off the clothes and burned it with fire. How ridiculous!5. Now let me introduce our Han people’s traditional clothes to all of you. Hanfu, means "Clothing of the Han people "in Chinese. It refers to the pre-17th century traditional clothing of the Han Chinese .It has the history of more than 3000 years. And it influenced Japanese kimono and Kroean hanbok.6. Hanfu is wrapped around the body with the left side over the right, which just looks like the letter ‘y’ when seen from the front. But there are also other kinds of collars.Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns. Ruqun(襦裙)is worn by women.7. When its collar likes the letter “y”,we can called it Jiaolingruqun(交领襦裙).8. If its collar likes the number“11”,we can called it duijinruqun(对襟襦裙).9. When it is classified by its height of the skirt,we can called it qiyaoruqun (齐腰襦裙)——Which waistband is on the waist.10. Or qixiongruqun(齐胸襦裙)——Which waistband is above the chest .11. There is another kind of Hannfu. When its edge is bent ,we can call it Quju(曲裾)12. As we can see, Hanfu has many features , like curve, graceful ,elegant, generous and unfettered.13. According to the Han people’s tradition,there are many important days. One the day you are 15(for girls) or 20(for boys).We will hold a ceremony to celebrate to be an adult. And remember the responsibility.14. Nowadays, many people love our traditional culture , so they wear Hafu, found clubs, hold activities and so on. This summer, Chengdu’s Cherry Blossom Festival, a little girl who dressed in Hanfu left a deep impression on visitors . Here are some pictures of her. She is really cute, isn’t she15.Chinese civilization, also called "Hua-Xia" . "Hua" means the beautyof the dress anddecoration which is Hanfu clothing; "Xia"("Shia") is the grandeur of rites and social conduct. And Hanfu reflects the philosophy of Chinese people:Living elegantly and poetically.I like Hanfu, so today I’m not just telling you a type of clothing called Hanfu.I hope more and more people focus on our traditional culture and don’t let such precious and beautiful things disappeared. OK , that’s all what I want to say, thank you.。
❖ Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Shenyi(深衣)is usually worn as a full dress(礼服),which we can wear on Chinese holiday and some important ceremonies.If its edge is bent ,we can call it Quju(曲裾).If its edge is straight,it’s called Zhiju(直 裾).And they can both worn by women and men.
❖ Hanfu(汉服) is the traditional costume that has been worn by Han Chinese people for approximately 5000 years. It is believed to have been worn by the early leader of China, Huangdi(黄帝垂衣裳而制天下).
❖ Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns.Zhaoshan(罩衫)is a kind of coat which has two kinds.Half-arm sleeve
❖ and long ually there is chalaza(系带)in the front.It can be long or short.
Pattern of
❖ According to the Han people’s tradition,there are many important days.Such as wedding ceremony.
28、目标的坚定是性格中最必要的力 量泉源 之一, 也是成 功的利 器之一 。没有 它,天 才也会 在矛盾 无定的 迷径中 ,徒劳 无功。- -查士 德斐尔 爵士。 29、困难就是机遇。--温斯顿.丘吉 尔。 30、我奋斗,所以我快乐。--格林斯 潘。
❖ 知识就是财富 ❖ 丰富你的人生
71、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去。——康德 72、家庭成为快乐的种子在外也不致成为障碍物但在旅行之际却是夜间的伴侣。——西塞罗 73、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。——伏尔泰 74、路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。——屈原 75、内外相应,言行相称。——韩非
汉服介绍 英文PPT
![汉服介绍 英文PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8649df0e03d8ce2f006623c9.png)
The Shang Dynasty developed the rudiments of Hanfu; it consisted of a yi, and chang, worn with a bixi,. Vivid primary colors and green were used, due to the degree of technology at the time.
• Since Song and Yuan, official record used Hanfu to indicate garments Hans wear • During Liao dynasty, the emperor of Liao and Han officials wear Hanfu, and Empress and Khitan(契丹) officials wear their national clothing. • During Yuan dynasty, when editing History of Liao, the officials especially made an entry for Hanfu
Formal dress
• Xuanduan (玄端): a very formal dark robe; equivalent to the Western white tie • Shenyi (深衣): a long full body garment • (曲裾): diagonal body wrapping • (直裾): straight lapels • Yuanlingshan (圓領衫), lanshan (襴衫) or panlingpao (盤領袍): closed, round-collared robe; mostly used for official or academical dress
Group 5 Liu Chang
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1.Han clothing. 2.Chipao 3.Modern dress
Han clothing
•Han clothing ,which is also known as Hanzhuang or huafu,is the traditional dress of the Han Chinese.
Han clothing
•Han nationality was named after Han dynasty, and Han clothing was also named after it.
• The short jackets on the upper part of the body were called“Ru(襦)”
• The dresses on the lower part of the body were called “Qun (裙)” So obviously,Ruqun is the combined term of the two kinds of clothes.
• Ruqun were always ordinary women's daily dress until the late Ming and Qing Dynasty
中国古代服装英文介绍 ppt课件
![中国古代服装英文介绍 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e14bea8c10a6f524cdbf8533.png)
春秋战国时期深衣和胡服开始推广。 深衣(dark clothing)将过去上下不相 连的衣裳连属在一起,所以叫深衣。它 的下摆不开衩口, 而是将衣襟接长,向后 拥掩,即所谓“续衽钩边”。
胡服( Hu Dress )主要指衣裤式的服 装,尤以着长裤为 特点,是中国北方草原 民族的服装。为骑马方便,他们多穿较 窄的上衣、长裤和靴。无袖、短袖、长 袖之衣,与腰中间有线道横截或无线道 横截之袍,皆可称为裤褶,因而今所论 之半臂,其为胡服。
褙子 。对襟,两侧从腋下起不缝合,多罩在其他衣服外 面穿着。在宋、明朝时最为盛行。
a kind of Chinese-style jacket with buttons down the front . (对襟) Girdling\tunic. (束腰) wide sleeves. (衣袖宽大)
Ancient Chinese Articles of Clothing
China, known as a" land of dresses”,has a long history in the development of its clothing culture. Dresses in different periods reflect, to a certain extent, the situation of the politics, economy, military affairs, religions, and the civil customs of the specific historical stages.
history Standard style Specific style
• Since Song and Yuan, official record used Hanfu to indicate garments Hans wear
• During Liao dynasty, the emperor of Liao and Han officials wear Hanfu, and Empress and Khitan(契丹) officials wear their national clothing.
• Yi (衣): Any open cross-collar garment, and worn by both sexes
the qipao, which is popularly assumed to be the
solely recognizable style of "traditional" Chinese garb. A comparison of the two styles can be seen as the following provides
The Shang Dynasty developed the rudiments of Hanfu; it consisted of a yi,
and chang, worn with a bixi,. Vivid
It is usually ankle-length and has long sleeves. The robe is usually belted at the waist with a rope or sash, and the collar is usually closed.
This type of robe is usually associated with meditation and other religious practices and is considered a symbol of simplicity and humility.
Hanfu and Confucian Culture
Hanfu also reflects Taoist beliefs, which emphasize harmony with nature and the pursuit of inner peace and spirituality.
Taoist philosophy can be seen in Hanfu's use of natural dyes and textures, as well as its designs, which often feature山水画,代表着自然之美和和谐。The clothing also reflects Taoist ideas of balance and harmony, with its attention to detail and quality of materials.
Types of Hanfu
Ru skirt is a traditional Chinese women's garment, which is usually made of silk and has a round neckline and loose-fitting sleeves. It is usually worn over a jade green tunic called "qunpao".
Cultural connotation
“有章服之美,谓之华,有礼仪之大,故称夏。” ——《左传》 “冕服华章曰华,大国曰夏”——《尚书》
Hanfu have casual and formal clothes,Corona suit is the most grand imperial officials formal dresses,it is for festivals.
3.Holding HanFu wedding.(婚礼)
1.Wearing Han Clothes to sacrifice .(祭祀)
2.Wearing Han Clothes to celebrate to be an adult.(成人礼)
3.Holding Han Clothes wedding.(婚礼)
Modern HanFu
汉服连衣裙 儿童汉服
汉 服 短 裙
The End
Above all, Hanfu Renaissance surely will encourage citizens in China to turn their roles to be the real masters of their country, society and themselves. I hope more and more Chinese can focus on our traditional culture.
• Zhiduo(直裰)is worn by men. It’s a kind of gown(长袍) which Slit at the sides.(两边开叉) •Intellectuals书生
Good morning everyone, I’m glad to stand here and give you a speech.1. As we all know, China has 56 nationalities and each nation has its own specific traditionalcostumes, like Korean,Tibetan,Hui,Mongolian and Manchu. Han nationality has the largest number of the Chinese people. So what is Han People’s traditional clothes?”2. Cheongsam? Or the nowadays T-shirt?No! We have our clothes.3. It’s called Hanfu . It's the traditional costume that has been worn by Han people .4. However, it’s sad to know that a lot of people don’t know Hanfu nowadays. When a personwho is dressed in Hanfu walked down the street , some people may think it is a kimono or a Hanbok. What’s more, there were even some people who asked the person to take off the clothes and burned it with fire. How ridiculous!5. Now let me introduce our Han people’s traditional clothes to all of you. Hanfu, means"Clothing of the Han people "in Chinese. It refers to the pre-17th century traditional clothing of the Han Chinese .It has the history of more than 3000 years. And it influenced Japanese kimono and Kroean hanbok.6. Hanfu is wrapped around the body with the left side over the right, which just looks like theletter ‘y’when seen from the front. But there are also other kinds of collars.Hanfu(汉服)has many patterns. Ruqun(襦裙)is worn by women.7. When its collar likes the letter “y”,we can called it Jiaolingruqun(交领襦裙).8. If its collar likes the number“11”,we can called it duijinruqun(对襟襦裙).9. When it is classified by its height of the skirt,we can called it qiyaoruqun(齐腰襦裙)——Which waistband is on the waist.10. Or qixiongruqun(齐胸襦裙)——Which waistband is above the chest .11. There is another kind of Hannfu. When its edge is bent ,we can call it Quju(曲裾)12. As we can see, Hanfu has many features , like curve, graceful ,elegant, generous and unfettered.13. According to the Han people’s tradition,there are many important days. One the day you are15(for girls)or 20(for boys).We will hold a ceremony to celebrate to be an adult. And remember the responsibility.14. Nowadays, many people love our traditional culture , so they wear Hafu, found clubs, holdactivities and so on. This summer, Chengdu’s Cherry Blossom Festival, a little girl who dressed in Hanfu left a deep impression on visitors . Here are some pictures of her. She is really cute, isn’t she ?15. Chinese civilization, also called "Hua-Xia" . "Hua" means the beauty of the dress anddecoration which is Hanfu clothing; "Xia"("Shia") is the grandeur of rites and social conduct. And Hanfu reflects the philosophy of Chinese people: Living elegantly and poetically.I like Hanfu, so today I’m not just telling you a type of clothing called Hanfu. I hope more and more people focus on our traditional culture and don’t let such precious and beautiful things disappeared. OK , that’s all what I want to say, thank you.。
Hanfu in the festival
Our han people has many traditional festivals.Every festival has its own meaning.It‟s usually about the love for nature and admiring for our ancestors.
Hanfu in the
According to the Han people‟s tradition,there are many important days.Such as wedding ceremony.
婚礼(昏礼)Which are hold in the evening.It‟s usually once for the couple.There are three kinds of Hanfu for couples.
Hanfu(汉服) is the traditional costume that has been worn by Han Chinese people for approximately 5000 years. It is believed to have been worn by the early leader of China, Huangdi(黄帝垂衣裳而制天下).
三月三 上巳节 又称女儿节 A day for girls,aslo a good time to enjoy the spring!
Hanfu in the festival
五月五端午节 Dragon Boat Festival
Our han people has many traditional festivals.Every festival has its own meaning.It‟s usually about the love for nature and admiring for our ancestors.
▪ The term "Hanfu" to describe the clothing system of Hans, was not often used within Hans, but was more often used in other ethnic groups and nations, to distinguish the Hans clothing system and their own clothing system
to the Court to pay homage and were delighted at the clothing style of the Han."
▪ (后数来朝贺,乐汉衣服制度)
history Standard style Specific style Gallery
Standard style
Hat and head dress Informal dress Semi-formal Formal dress Court dress
Hat and headwear--garment
▪ The style of Han Chinese clothing can be summarized as containing garment elements that are arranged in distinctive and sometimes specific ways. This may be different from the traditional garment of other ethnic groups in China, most notably the Manchu-influenced Chinese clothes, the
Today‘s development
Nowadays,when people see Hanfu again ,what escape their lips is unexpectedly Kimono(和服),Hanbok(韩服). However,fortunately,there are so many people who are committed to the propaganda (宣传) of Hanfu culture. But the fact is that,Kimono of Japan, Korean Hanbok,both have been influenced by Chinese Hanfu. And draw lessens from the essence(精华) of the Chinese Hanfu and develop their national costumes.
The Yuan Dynasty was established by the Mongols (蒙古人),but the Mongols did not implement similar Qing policy, so the folk(民间) still mainly in the style of Hanfu, Only in style, Mongolia clothing and more or less Hanfu have received the influence of each other. The dress of the Ming Dynasty restored(恢复) the traditional Chinese clothes, and the change of clothes and the style work reached a peak(高峰). The Qing Dynasty, the implementation(实施) of TiFaYiFu(剃发易服) policy, forbid wearing Hanfu, the traditional costume of Han nationality was forced to stop.
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The main feature of Hanfu is wrapping the right side over before the left. There are casual wear and formal wear of it. For the casual wear such as Coat skirt(袄裙) and Ru skirt (襦裙). Formal garments may include: Song Ju(曲裾),Yuan-Lin Shan(圆领 衫) and so on.
Hanfu clothing(汉服) is the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese (汉民族).It's the significant cultural symbol of Chinese civilization, and it has had a long history for nearly 4000 years.
许多东亚国家的服装,如日本的 和服,韩国的韩服还模仿了汉服基本 风格,这些国家在历史上很大程度的 受到中国文化的影响。
和服 Kimono
+ significant + Civilization + the ruling class + Influence + Garment + Casual
汉服的主要特点是右衽(左领压 右领)。分有便服和礼服。对于 便服有袄裙,襦裙等。正式服装 可包括:曲裾,圆领衫等。
Ru skirt (襦裙)
Song Ju(曲裾)
Coat skirt(袄裙)
Many East Asian national costumes, such as the Japanese Kimono, the Korean Hanbok still share the basic style with Hanfu, as historically these nations were largely influenced by Chinese culture.
+ The ruling class of Qing Dynasty.
显著的 文明 统治阶级 影响 服装 随便的
+ What is the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese ?
+ Hanfu clothing.
+ Who banned Han Chinese clothing and replaced it with their own costume?
汉服是汉民族的传统服装。它是中华 文明的重要的文化象征,它有近4000年的 悠久的历史。
However, the ruling class of Qing Dynasty (清朝,满族统治的王朝) banned Han Chinese clothing and replaced it with their own costume. This is why today‘s Chinese national costume was widely known as Chi-pao .