
必背词汇1:开埠 open to foreign traders;become a seaport city (2010秋中口真题汉译英篇)课本链接及精析:高口口译课本P165 中也讲到了上海的字面意思“海上之埠”,这里对“埠”应理解为“港口”的意思,所以一般翻译为“a port on the sea”或者“seaport city”.必背词汇2:兼容并蓄 combine A with B/a (harmonious)combination of A with B(2010秋中口真题汉译英篇、2006.9高口真题汉译英)精析:“四字格”本身就是翻译考试的一大难点及高频考点。
Johnson 精析中高口翻译必背词汇(二)在这一讲中,让我们聚焦经贸类词汇,参考课文是中口翻译课本206页的《中美经贸发展与中美关系》。
需要重点识记的是课文中的高频经贸趋势类词汇,具体归纳如下: 积极趋势词汇:推动(v.) propel, promote这是政经中经常出现的模板词,包括“推动经济建设”及课文中的“推动新世纪中美关系全面健康发展”等等。

Day One一次性消费品 disposable product遍地都是 ubiquitous来自海外 come from overseas/abroad不可思议 incredible/inconceivable失控 beyond/out of control疯狂蔓延 spread in a maddening way/manner郑重(地)seriously, in all seriousness下发通知 issue a circular/decree/notice超薄低质 super-thin and low-quality不堪重负 unbearable burden缓解 ease, relieve警觉 alertness, vigilance置身事外 keep out of the affair, detach oneself from责无旁贷be one’s unshirkable responsibility诸多不便 considerable inconvenience碧水蓝天 blue water and the blue sky习以为常be accustomed to, take … for granted冲击 impact惰性 inertiaDay Two和平崛起 peaceful rise, peaceful ascent人均资源占有量 per capita hold of resources能源消耗 energy consumption生态环境 ecological environment回收率低 low reclamation可持续发展 sustainable development瓶颈 bottleneck应对之策 policy in response to, response科技含量高、经济效益好 high technology content and high economical returns新兴大国 emerging big/great power冷战思维 Cold War mentality不合时宜 out-of-date, obsolete, anachronistic社会治理模式 public governance model活力与失范并存 coexistence of vitality and disorder效率与失衡同在 coexistence of efficiency and imbalance着眼于 focus one’s effort/attention on构建 frame, construct执政能力 governance capability归结起来 in short, in a word, sum up, summarize着眼点 the key point奋发图强 go all out to make the country strong, work hard for the prosperity of the country共赢 win-win尽其所能 try one’s utmostDay Three创新 innovation知识经济 know-based economy嬗变 evolve, evolution与日俱增 increase day by day重组 reorganization, restructuring至关重要 of paramount importance振兴 rejuvenate, invigorate, vitalize必由之路 the only road to/toward可持续发展 sustainable development应用型 applied转制 transform the system举措 move, measure现代企业制度 modern enterprise system扶持 support, foster风险资本机制 venture capital mechanism平台 platformDay Four竞争优势 competitive edge一日千里 develop by leaps and bounds人生成败 success and/or failure in life地域界限 geographical boundary弹指之间 at one’s fingertips商业景观 business landscape无穷商机 numerous/abundant business opportunities 珠江三角洲 the Pearl River Delta包罗万象 cover a broad/wide spectrum物流 logistic(s)零售 retail, merchandising外包 outsourcing整合 integration屈指可数 among the few (leaders)资讯管理 information management最充分发挥 maximize, give full play to创意行业 creative industry动漫 cartoon and animation平面设计 graphic design集装箱港 container port阵营 camp, bloc殊死搏斗 life-and-death struggle誓死周旋 pledge to fight to the death不畏强暴 dare to fight against brute force, defy brute force黑暗势力 forces of darkness, reactionary forces英雄气概 heroic spirit持久战 protracted war/warfare游击战 guerrilla war/warfare法宝 a magic weapon沦陷 (after) the fall of, fall into the hands of the enemy正规战 regular war/warfare敌后 enemy’s rear area, behind the enemy lines疲于奔命 be kept constantly on the run战略部署 strategic deployment深陷 be bogged down deep in全力以赴 go all out, spare no effort, throw in one’s whole might集中大量陆军 amass army/ground troops, concentrate massive army forces动用 put to use, employ区区 only, trivial, trifling不堪设想 hard to imagine, unimaginable, beyond imaginationDay Six在曲折中 amid twists and turns突飞猛进 develop by leaps and bounds, make giant strides层出不穷 emerge one after another, crop up without let-up共同使命 common/shared mission时代潮流 the trend of the times和平共处 peaceful coexistence战略机遇期 period of strategic opportunities小康社会 a well-off society, a moderately prosperous society宏伟目标 grand goal修睦 build good-neighborly relation (with)协和万邦 live in harmony with all other nations崇尚亲仁善邻 advocate cordiality, benevolence, and good-neighborliness和而不同 be harmonious/harmony without uniformity取之不尽 inexhaustible智慧源泉 source of wisdom己所不欲勿施于人 Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you./What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.黄金法则 the Golden Rule镌刻 engrave顺应时代潮流 go with/conform to the trend of the times东方明珠广播电视塔 the Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower外滩 the Bund脍炙人口 enjoy great popularity, popular灵感 inspiration球(体) sphere托起、支撑 prop (up)诗情画意 poetic and artistic imagination立柱 column(塔)座 base, pedestal太空舱 capsule, space module, spherical penthouse观光廊(层) observation corridor (deck/floor)娱乐设施 recreational facilities鸟瞰 get/have a bird’s-eye view回廊 winding corridor当风和日丽时 on a day of gentle breeze and bright sun旋转餐厅 revolving restaurant发射 transmit天线 antenna景点 scenic spot, tourist spot地标 landmarkDay Eight浦东新区 the Pudong New Area市区 city proper, city center, urban district, downtown area长江三角洲 the Yangtze/Changjiang River Delta常住人口 resident population阡陌纵横 crisscross fields everywhere基础设施 infrastructure意向 intent经济特区 special economic zone(SEZ)优惠政策 preferential policy, favorable policy税收优惠 tax incentive, tax credit前沿 forefront举世瞩目 attract worldwide attention, become the focus of world attention 基本建设 capital construction出口加工 export processing保税区 bonded zone生物制药 biopharmaceutics微电子 microelectronics信息技术 information technology(IT)高科技园区 high-tech park第三产业 the tertiary industry, service industry(sector)(第一产业 the primary industry)(第二产业 the secondary industry)世界博览会 World Exposition, World Expo会场 venue赞誉 praise, acclaimDay Nine马可波罗 Macro Polo风景如画的 picturesque西湖 the West Lake宋代 the Song Dynasty苏东坡 Su Dongpo淡妆浓抹 light or heavy make-up苏堤 Su (Dongpo) Causeway白堤 Bay (Juyi) Causeway阮公墩 Ruangong Isle湖心亭 Mid-lake Pavilion小瀛洲 Lesser Yingzhou亭阁 pavilion风韵 charm, beauty, graceful bearing古都 ancient capital文人墨客 men of letters, writers and poets题咏 poems and inscriptions织锦 brocade黑纸扇 black paper fan檀木扇 sandalwood fan绸伞 silk parasol龙井 Dragon Well tea, Longjing teaDay Ten交易会 (commodities/trade) fair中国国际地毯交易会 China International Carpet Fair中国食品土畜进出口商会China Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-Products (CFNA)东方气息 oriental flavor洽谈 business talks, trade talks采购商 procurer, purchasing agent耳目一新 find everything new and fresh, be impressed国际流行色调 colors in vogue around the world, internationally prevalent colors, fashionable colors in the world规格齐全in complete specifications, complete in specifications, of all specifications制作工艺 technology (in carpet making), craftsmanship, workmanship蕴含的无穷魅力 boundless inherent charm花色 design and color突破 breakthrough订货 order goods, place an order地毯图案 carpet pattern风格各异 differing styles色彩斑斓 rich colors手工织毯 weave a carpet by hand, hand-woven carpet现场表演 on-the-spot demonstration长足的进步 considerable growth, (make) great strides融会 blend, merge, combine东西方文化的精粹 the picks of Oriental and Occidental cultures 雅俗共赏 appeal to both refined and popular tastes生意兴隆 brisk business, Business is brisk.Day Eleven深刻演变 profound change(s)日益增多 growing, mounting, increasing合作前景 prospect for cooperation损人利己 benefit oneself at the expense of others以邻为壑 shift one’s troubles to others蓝图 blueprint轨道 track从战略高度和长远角度出发 take a long-term, strategic vision重大、紧迫议题 major and pressing issues求同存异 seek common grounds and shelve differences合作共赢 cooperation for win-win results准则 norms核心关切 core interests/concerns主权 sovereignty突出 highlight利益交融 converging interests优先重点 top priority初见成效 bear/produce preliminary result回暖迹象 signs of economic recovery金融调控 financial regulation货币信贷 money and creditDay Twelve联合声明 joint statement相互依存 interdependent广泛的合作基础 a broad basis of cooperation协调 coordination应对挑战 meet challenge培育 nurture, foster, cultivate至关重要 of utmost importance, essential始终不渝 unswerving, steadfast奉行 pursue, follow致力于 be committed to主权 sovereignty领土完整 territorial integrity重申 reiterate, reaffirm信守承诺 honor one’s commitments渠道 channelDay Thirteen鸦片战争 the Opium War国际地位 international status边缘走向中心 from the margin to the center时代潮流 the trend of the times高举……的旗帜 hold high the banner of …始终不渝 unswervingly, consistently, steadfastly, unflinchingly奉行 follow, in pursuit of制定……战略 formulate/make strategy主导 prevail over, dominate不足和缺陷 shortcomings and flaws引进外资 bring in foreign capital/funds展望 look ahead, look forward走出去 reach out传播 spread, disseminate现成的模式 existing/ready model开拓精神 pioneering/trail-blazing spirit创新精神 creative/innovative spirit简言之 in shortDay Fourteen仁政 policy of benevolence, benevolent governance和而不同 harmonious yet different, being harmonious while remaining different 治国者 leader, ruler, administrator治国 administer/run a country, manage state affairs平天下 bring peace to the world王道 benevolent governance/administration霸道 rule by force, high-handed rule文化霸权主义 cultural hegemony君子和而不同 Gentlemen are in harmony with each other in spite of differences between them.小人同而不和 Base persons are in disharmony with each other in spite of uniformity among them.学问 learning, knowledge纷争 dispute万物并育而不相害 All things on earth grow together without doing harm to one another.道并行而不相悖 All doctrines in the world develop in parallel with each other without one standing in the way of another.有识之士 a person with broad vision, a man of insight共识 consensus认同 identification消灭 eliminate, elimination同化 assimilate, assimilation和为贵 Harmony is most precious/valuable.Day Fifteen合资经营企业 equity joint venture (EJV)法律法规 laws and regulations协商 consultation审批机关 examination and approval authority手续 formalities, procedures董事会 board of directors, board任期 term of office, term法定代表人 legal representative履行职责 perform one’s duties委托书 power of attorney经营管理机构 business management organization提名 nominate, name解聘 dismiss, dismissal升级 promote, promotion降职 demote, demotion营私舞弊 practice graft, commit an act of graft失职 dereliction of duty外汇管理 foreign exchange control管理办法 administrative measures会计年度 accounting year, fiscal year日历年 calendar year本位币 standard currency收支 revenue and expenditure折算 convert, conversion中间价 middle price违约 breach of contract陈述 representation保证 warranty合同法 contract lawDay Sixteen艺术学院 art college素描 sketching油画 oil painting中国画 traditional Chinese painting版画 engraving工笔 gongbi采风 trips to the rural areas, learn local practices and customs, collect folk songs 青山绿水 green hills and rivers/waters嗟叹 be impressed, be filled with admiration遐想 be lost in wild and fanciful thoughts, be fascinated by吴越 Jiangsu and Zhejiang水乡风情画 paintings of scenes in regions of rivers and lakes情境 artistic conception, circumstances, situation虚幻的 imaginary, unreal, illusionary岁月沧桑 changes/vicissitudes of life over the years, traces of the passage of time 尘世喧嚣 hustle and bustle of this world勾线 draw the outline, contour转圈圈 be too absorbed, be too much preoccupied with艺术修养 artistic accomplishment章法 techniques, rules in doing things, methodicalness自在空间 free room古训 ancient teaching艺术人格 artistic integrity。

Givethefloor to请…发言ﻫIt is a great pleasurefor me to我很荣幸…ﻫRelevantissues 相关问题Updated research research result 最新的调查结果ﻫAttach the importa nce to对…给予重视Lead-edge technologies领先技术ﻫMinisterCounselor公使Naturalheritage自然遗产ﻫShared concern共同关心的问题Well-deserved reputation良好的信誉对…表示衷心的感谢express sincere gratitu deto请…讲话Let’s welcometo givea speech双边会议bilateral conferenceﻫ以掌声对…表示的最热烈的欢迎propose thewarmest applausetoﻫ主办单位sponsorﻫ颁奖仪式the Award Ceremony 贺词greeting speech隆重举行observe thegrandopeningof ﻫ请…颁奖Let’sinvite to present the award取得圆满成功achieve complete ceremony全球庆典global celebration ceremony宣布…结束declaretheclosing ofﻫ请全体起立,奏国歌Pleaserise for thenational anthem.ﻫCollecti ve stewardship集体管理ﻫCompetitiv ejob market充满竞争的就业市场Financialinstitutions金融机构ﻫFor ward-looking进取ﻫGross National Product国民生产总值Meet the challenges迎接挑战ﻫPublic authorities公共机构ﻫRegulato rymechanism 法规机制ﻫThe threshold of our transition intothenew millenmum跨越新千年的门槛UNCHS (UnitedNationsCentre for Human Settlements)联合国人居中心ﻫUrban residents 城市居民Well-servicedformal city服务齐全的高尚城市ﻫ把…列为重要内容placeasthe priority不放松工作never neglectthe workﻫ节约用水waterconservation 对…表示衷心祝贺extend our sincere con gratulations onﻫ节约用水先进城市m odel city of water conservationﻫ使…取得预期效果attain theresults expected授予…光荣称号conferhonorable awards on为…而奋斗strive for ﻫ严重缺水城市a cityof severe watershortage有关单位units concerned与…比有差距compared with,thereis still some way to goﻫ预祝…圆满成功wish a complete success开源与节流并重broaden sources ofincome &reduce expenditureﻫ对外贸易港口seaport for foreign trade 国内生产总值National Gross Products欢聚一堂merrily gather活跃的经济带vigorous economicregio n基础雄厚solidfoundationﻫ留下最美好的印象may you have a mostpl easantimpression盛世the grandoccasion祝愿在停留愉快wish apleasantstayﻫ综合性商港comprehensive commercial seaportﻫ春意盎然springis verymuch in the airﻫforestcoverage森林覆盖率ﻫglobal warming全球变暖principalelement主要因素toxicemission废气排放迸发出心灵的火花ignitethe sparks of understanding建立合作桥梁buildthebridge for cooperation内容翔实substantial in contentﻫ能源大省major province of energy日程紧凑tightin scheduleﻫcallupon 号召conservation benefits节水的好处ﻫindu strial reuseandrecycling工业中水利用pollutionfines 污染罚款ﻫurban water conservation城市节水ﻫwater savi ng fixtures节水装置ﻫ地区经济regional economic港口经营多元化diversification inport operation责任和义务performour duties andfulfillour obligationsﻫ地区行业盛会a well-known regionalevent of theindustryﻫ发起港initiatingportsﻫbreakfree 冲破藩篱civilsociety民间团体ﻫethniclines 种族genuine partnership真正的合作伙伴squatter settlements 违章建筑区without access to 享受不到ﻫ畅所欲言open dialoguesﻫ计划经济的束缚theboundingofplanning economyﻫ紧迫问题pressingissues科教兴省和走可持续发展的道路vitalizethe province by scienceandtechnology and sustainable developmentﻫ空前膨胀unprecedentedly inflatedﻫ控制增长势头curb the trendofsteep riseﻫ面临严峻挑战face severe challengesﻫ清醒地看到acutely awareﻫ生态恶化ecologicaldeteriorationﻫ提高意识strengthenthe awareness相互尊重,求同存异,平等互利,优势互补,借鉴经验,拓展合作,立足当前,着眼未来respect each other, seekthe common g roundwhile putting aside difference,enjoy equalityand mutual benefits, complement eachother’s advantages,learn each other’s experience, expandthecooperation,stand fromthe present and lo ok forwardtothe futureﻫ以此会议为契机takethe opportunityo fthis seminar滞后lagbehind转轨建制过程缓慢the tr4ansitionofmechanismis slow总结经验教训drawlessons from the pastﻫcommunitydevelopmentoriented 以发展社区为宗旨的deserved winners当之无愧的获奖者ﻫethn icminorities少数民族gainfulemployment有报酬的ﻫgender issues性别问题ﻫhandicraftworks 手工艺品income generation 工薪阶层ﻫin-depth knowledge深入了解ﻫthe handicap ped残疾人ﻫ不求最大,但求最好seek the best instead of thelargest产业结构industrialstructure城乡一体化the unified design between the cityand thecountryside 短期行为short-term conduct房地产开发real estatedevelopmentﻫ扶贫帮困help and support thepoor 公共绿地public lawn公用事业publicutilities会展中心convention centerﻫ基建规模infrastructure scale精品意识consciousness for the best精品住宅区modelhuman settlementsﻫ企业效益enterprise revenue 文明乘车civil bus ride希望工程Hope Project一、政治类:1ﻫ. 日益昌盛become incre asinglyprosperous2. 快速发展developrapidly3.隆重集会gather ceremoniously ﻫ4.热爱和平love peace5.追求进步pursueprogress6. 履行权利和义务perform theresponsibilities and obligations7ﻫ. 回顾奋斗历程review thecourse of struggle8ﻫ. 展望伟大征程look into the greatjourney9.充满信心和力量befilledwith confidenceand strengthﻫ10.必胜bebound towin11.主张各国政府采取行动urgegovernments of all countries to take ﻫaction12. 和平共处coexist peacefully13. 对内开放和对外开放open up both externally andinternallyﻫ14. 经历两个不同时期experience tw odifferentperiodsﻫ15. 战胜无数的困难overcome numerous difficulties ﻫ16.赢得一个又一个胜利win one victory after another17. 完全意识到befully awarethat18.迈出重要的一步makean impo rtant step 1ﻫ9.采取各种措施adopt various measures20.得出结论,告一段落draw ( arr iveat, come toreach )aconclusionﻫ21. 实现民族独立realize national independence22. 追求真理seek thetruth 2ﻫ3.建立社会主义制度establish a socialistsystem 24ﻫ. 根除(防止,消除)腐败root out (prevent, eliminate) corruption25.响应号召respond to the callﻫ26.进入新时期enter a new period27.实行新政策practicenewpolicies28. 展现生机和活力display one’s vigor and vitality29ﻫ. 增强综合国力enhan cecomprehensive(overall) national strength and ﻫ和国际竟争力international competitivenessﻫ30.进入世界先进行列edgeinto the advancedranksin the world31. 解决温饱问题solve the problemof food andclothing ﻫ32.吸收各国文明的先进成果absorb what isad vanced inothercivilizations 33. 与日俱增increase every day34. 实现夙愿fulfill the long-cherished wishes ﻫ35. 必将实现be bound to cometrue 36ﻫ. 锻造一支人民军队forge a people’s army 37ﻫ.建立巩固的国防build a strong national defense38ﻫ. 进行和谈holdpeace talksﻫ39.修改法律amend the laws40ﻫ. 在...中起(至关)play a major的(crucial,an important ) role in重要作用41.对...做出重要(巨大)贡献make important (great,major)contributions to42.遵循规则followthe principles43. 把理论和实际结合起来integrate theorywithpractice … 44ﻫ.把...作为指导take… asthe guide45.缓和紧张状况ease the tensionﻫ46. 高举伟大旗帜hold highthe greatbanner47.解决新问题resolve newproblems ﻫ48. 观察当今世界observethepresent-day world49.开拓前进open up newways forward50.增强凝聚力enhancethe rally power51.结束暴力,开始和平谈判end the v iolence andresume peace talks52. 进行战略性调整makestrate gic readjustment 53ﻫ.开始生效gointoeffect / enter into force54. 就...接受妥协acceptacomp romise on55. 接受...的采访beinterviewed byﻫ56. 把……看成社会公敌lookupon … as athreat tosociety57. 把……捐给慈善机构donate …to charities ﻫ58.维护世界和平maintain world peace 5ﻫ9. 摆脱贫穷落后get r id of poverty and backwardness6ﻫ0.实现发展繁荣bring aboutdeve lopment and prosperityﻫ61. 反对各种形式的恐怖主义beopposed to all formsof terrorism62.宣布。


汉语四字格翻译(一)并列关系名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills青山绿水 green hills and clear waters奇松怪石 strangely-shaped pines and grotesque rock formations平等互利 equality and mutual benefit扬长避短 play up strengths and avoid weaknesses反腐倡廉 fight corruption and build a clean government简政放权 streamline administration and institute decentralization集思广益 draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas国泰民安 the country flourish and the people live in peace and harmony政通人和 the government functions well and people cooperate well国计民生 national welfare and the people's livelihood辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new徇私舞弊 bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud流连忘返 linger on with no thought of leaving for home国际局势复杂多变 the complex and volatile international situation开拓进取 blaze new trails and forge ahead求同存异 seek common ground while shelving differences(二)语意重复广袤无垠的中华大地 the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory高瞻远瞩的决策 a visionary/far-sighted decision贯彻落实重大决策carry out/ implement a series of major policy decisions层峦叠嶂 peaks rising one after another优胜劣汰 survival of the fittest延年益寿 prolong on e’s life灵丹妙药 panacea / miraculous cure长治久安 a long period of stability求真务实 pragmatic审时度势 size up the trend of events招商引资 attract investment誉满全球举世闻名 world-renowned功在当代,利在千秋 in the interest of the current and future generations继往开来,承前启后 (continue the past and open up the future ) break new ground for the future路遥知马力,日久见人心 Time will tell.吃的苦中苦,方知甜中甜 no sweet without sweat车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直 in the end things mend /there's always a way out 急功近利 eager for instant success and quick profits大黑扫黄 crack down on gangland and pornography德高望重 of high ability and integrity互利互补 mutually complementary and beneficial互谅互让mutual understanding and accommodation遵纪守法 observe the relevant code of conduct and the law(三)目的关系减员增效 downsize (and cut payroll) to improve efficiency (for efficiency)退耕还林 return cultivated land to forest or pastures集资办学 raise money to set up new schools结党营私 form cliques for private gain扭亏为盈 turn a loss-making enterprise into a profitable one(四)途径方式寓教于乐 teach through lively activities因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude按劳分配 distribution according to performance以商养文 support /sponsor cultural activities with the profits from doing business(五)偏正词组廉洁奉公honestly perform one’s official duties环境绿化 environmental greening超前消费 premature consumption; Over-consume; excessive consumption以强凌弱 the strong domineering over the weak以人为本 people foremost; People-oriented(六)动宾关系优势互补 complement each other's advantages自主经营,自负盈亏 make one's own management decisions, take full responsibility for one's own profits and losses(七)条件关系不进则退 no progress simply means regression(八)省略意象瞻前顾后 overcautions and indecisive源远流长 have a long history呕心沥血 spare no efforts画龙点睛 bring out the crucial point花天酒地 go on the loose汗马功劳 exploits闻名遐迩 famous独具匠心 original中流砥柱 mainstay, chief cornerstone鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey世外桃源 a haven of peace浩如烟海的文化典籍 numerous volumes of literature。

hold the key to sth/ is the key to 在于envoy 大使socialist modernization drive 社会主义现代化建设uphold; adhere to; aside by 遵守/坚持/恪守in a history that spans more than 5000 years 在五千多年的历史中along its arduous/tortuous course of national development 也经历了曲折而艰辛的道路poverty and backwardness贫穷和弱小fight courageously and unyieldingly顽强斗争through pioneering enterprise with painstaking efforts通过艰难的创业all-weather全天候consultation collaboration 磋商协作crack down on terrorism打击反恐five principles of peaceful co-existence和平共处五项原则remarkable achievements that draw the attention of the world举世瞩目的成就literacy and numeracy skills 读写能力和计算能力dramatic consequence 严重的后果prestigious university worldwide 世界著名学府enthusiastic young faces莘莘学子青春洋溢的脸庞distinctive academic atmosphere书香浓郁的空气the unique way of school management 独特的办学风格sincerely hope 衷心地希望/祝愿zero-sum game 零和游戏security has begun to take on wider connotations安全的内涵不断扩大represented by terrorism 以恐怖主义为代表的military antagonism and conflicts triggered by territorial disputes由领土引发的军事对抗和冲突remain unresolved尚未消除mission 代表团join me in the toast to 和我一起举杯electronic and telecommunication 电子和通讯full commitment and substantial investment 完全承诺大量投资US-Chinese,British-Chinese,Canada-Chinese 美中,英中,加中Pharmaceutical co. Ltd. 制药有限公司QR code = quick response code 二维码Deputy managing director 副总经理I’ve heard of you for years 久仰大名Help you out 为您排忧解难If you should encounter any inconvenience in your life and work您在生活或工作中若有Host a reception banquet in your honour 设宴为您洗尘Guesthouse 招待所Head office 总部the wealth of the Confucianism and Taoism 博大精深的儒家思想和道家思想a real expert on China 中国通the Customs 海关avail myself of this opportunity to do 我借此机会……A remark in sth can best express what I feel now 我现在的心情可以用sth中的一句话来表达A frequent exchanges of visits 频繁互访A country has to strengthen itself before it can be sure of its place in the world 一个国家只有首先自强,才能在世界上自立Build a moderately prosperous society in all respects 全面建设小康社会It is still at the primary stage of building socialism and will remain so for many years to come仍然处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段Unswervingly uphold the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics 坚定不移地高举社会主义的伟大旗帜The scientific outlook on development 科学发展观Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导Lift restrictions on commodity and technology exports to China 取消对华商品的出口和技术的限制Correct the wrong practices of trade protectionism纠正贸易保护主义的错误做法Multilateral economic organization多边经济组织The Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations日内瓦外交与国际关系学院Honorary doctorate 荣誉博士New uncertainties 新的变数Regional hotspot issues 地区热点问题The proliferation of the mass destruction weapons 大规模杀伤性武器的扩散A closer examination 进一步检查Upside 积极方面downside 消极方面The new mantra is “return on quality”新的行话是“从质量中求得效益”Chinese territory 中华大地Five thousand years of splendid Chinese civilization have contributed to the extraordinary enchanting beauty of this poetic and picturesque land.Crowned as the most famous of China’s five great mountains 中国五岳之首Tourists will invariably marvel at the ……让游客目不暇接,叹为观止Ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers历代文人雅士墨客Temples with glazed tiles 琉璃瓦寺庙Best represents……集中代表了……Subject/issue under discussion 讨论议题the host city/country of the meeting/conference大会主办城市/大会东道国to address the meeting on the topic of environmental protection就环境保护问题进行发言how to rise up to the challenge in the new century 如何在新世纪迎接挑战in the hope that it will help you a better understanding of my country希望有助于诸位对于中国的了解the current annual meeting 本届年会reach an agreement/ reach common ground 达成共识permanent resident 常住居民Maglev train 磁悬浮列车Yangtze River delta 长江三角洲Pillar industry 支柱产业key site under national protection全国重点文物保护单位temple fair庙会all rivers run into the sea 海纳百川smart shrewd wise 聪明,精明,高明the name “Shanghai” came into use during the…… 上海这一名称始于……two additional names for short 两个简称的名字China’s total territory 全国总面积One of the World’s largest seaports 世界最大的海港城市之一The World’s fastest means of land transportation 世界上最快的陆地交通工具International metropolis 国际大都市Meridian gate 午门Institutions of higher education 高等院校Modernizing education came to be an immediate concern among the Chinese people 教育的现代化受到国人的关注The age-old imperial examination system数百年的科举制The Americas 南北美洲From material worship to science adoration 从崇拜物质到崇尚科学…features products of cutting-edge technology and ingenious creation独具创意和科技理念的特色展览Distinctive regional traditions交融荟萃的地域风情Multi-cultural characteristics多元文化的精彩诠释Draw on each other’s strength through competition and comparison在竞争比较中取长补短Achieve common development by seeking common ground while reserving differences在求同存异中共同发展The global expression of the cultural modernity 文化现代性的全球性表述Budding stage 萌芽阶段Traditional Chinese health preservation methods中国传统保健方法Therapeutic massage 保健按摩The origin of all lives on earth天地万物之根源Pandas are on the verge of extinction 大熊猫濒临灭绝Functioning as an envoy of friendship in China’s cultural exchanges with foreign countries 我国对外文化交流的一个友好使者Enjoys a worldwide reputation of the “kingdom of cuisine”享有“烹调王国”的美誉Regarded indisputably as one of the finest culinary traditions around the world 中国烹饪已名列世界顶尖菜系之林Which may very well account for the universal popularity of Chinese restaurants and Chinese cuisine overseas足以说明了中餐馆以及中餐烹调之所以名扬海外的缘由Express one’s preference for a pa rticular Chinese cuisine or a particular regional way of cooking 喜欢某一种菜系,或者是喜欢某一地区的中国菜Cornerstone of a country’s foreign policy外交政策的基石Sino-US joint statement 中美联合声明Unswervingly implement a strategy of opening up for mutual benefit and win-win situation 始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略Safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity捍卫国家主权、领土完整和民族尊严The Five Principles of Peace and Coexistence came about as a historical inevitability 和平共处五项原则的创立是历史的必然。
高口 成语 翻译

高口里的成语(高口Lecture 8)前程似锦/ bright future言简意赅/ simple/ simply stated突飞猛进/ advance rapidly日新月异/ change quickly, change with each passing day微不足道/ unimportant/ insignificant停滞不前/ stopped/ be at a standstill彷徨拖延/ delayed默默无闻/ unknown/ un-honored闭关锁国/ closed-door恰当得体/ proper/ appropriate任重道远/ there is a grand task to perform and a long way to go一如既往/ as before/ as usual扣人心弦/ exciting/ fabulous身临其境/ personally on the scene/ action身怀绝技/ excellent无懈可击/ best/ terrific价格从优/ favorable price隔三差五/ frequently/ often延年益寿/ prolong life温厚儒雅/ tender-hearted and cultured泾渭分明/ entirely different/ clear-cut和睦共处/ live in harmony谴词造句/ combine words to form phrases and sentences推波助澜/ help promote/ add fuel to the fire与日俱增/ growing/ increasing/ rising急功近利/ eager for quick profits and success声名显赫/ illustrious names/ eminent names方兴未艾/ hasn’t run its full course/ to develop in full swing自说自话/ act on one’s own张弛有度/ loose and tight为所欲为/ do as one wants/ abuse放任自流/ hands-off (management)独一无二/ unique出师不捷/ fail再接再厉/ make persistent efforts司空见惯/ common/ not uncommon一心一意/ single-minded/ undivided attention不到黄河心不死/ ambition never dies脱颖而出/ succeed天资聪颖/ talented自强不息/ constantly strive to become stronger/ persistent in self-development前所未有/ unprecedented与时俱进/ advance with the times与众不同/ unique微乎其微/ tiny/ small/ little永无止境/ ever-improving/ no end/ no limit错综复杂/ complex同宗同源/ have the same root形态各异/ different shapes and types失之偏颇/ misleading/ not fair/ not quite right命归黄泉/ be killed/ died不尽一致/ varied from … to…/ not the same自始自终/ all along虎视眈眈/ menacing/ aggressive百花齐放varied from…/ different from…1)全真题里的成语彬彬有礼/ polite/ courtesy不可或缺/ indispensable日新月异/ change quickly/ change with each passing day坚定不移/ firmly/ unswervingly/ steadily趣味盎然/ interesting油然而生/ come in one’s mind丰富多彩/ colorful宾至如归/ make the guests feel at home流连忘返/ 乐不思蜀/ too delighted to feel homesick/ have no thought of leaving for home 见仁见智/ different people have different opinions相貌平平/ not good-looking / plain学无止境,活到老,学到老/ life-long learning/ live to learn/ never stop learning till the end of ourDays/ till we die.各司其职/ specialize in handling their own tasks八方来客/ guests from all parts of the world极负盛名/ world famous美不胜收/ lovely/ attractive/ appealing/ inviting (scenery)趋之若鹜/ flood /swarm/ pour in…水乳交融/ blend well蜂拥而至/ flood /swarm/ pour in…热情洋溢/ warm/ gracious雄心勃勃/ ambitious资金雄厚/ financially-strong别有用心/ have ulterior motives独占鳌头/ be the best/ the first崭露头角/ appear沧海桑田(experienced a lot of changes, ups and downs of the times)From Analects of Confucius1. An army may be deprived of its commanding officer, yet a man cannot be deprived of his will. 三军可以夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也2. Only when the weather turns cold can we see that the leaves of pines and cypresses are the last to wither and fall. 岁寒,而后知松柏之后凋也。

世界上最难翻译的十个词语来看看世界上最难翻译的十个词语吧,看完你觉得如何呢?1. ToskaRussian –Vladmir Nabokov describes it best: “No single word in English renders all the shades of toska. At its deepest and most painful, it is a sensation of great spiritual anguish, often without any specific cause. At less morbid levels it is a dull ache of the soul, a longing with nothing to long for, a sick pining, a vague restlessness, mental throes, yearning. In particular cases it may be the desire for somebody of something specific, nostalgia, love-sickness. At the lowest level it grades into ennui, boredom.”俄语,作家弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫对这个词的描述是:“英语中没有哪个词能精确表达toska的含义,这个词表达了一种深刻的精神上的痛楚,通常这痛楚是无由来的。
”小编注:……以后不说什么忧伤了,说toska2. MamihlapinatapeiYagan (indigenous language of Tierra del Fuego) –“the wordless, yet meaningful look shared by two people who both desire to initiate something but are both reluctant to start”火地岛的一种土语,意为:两个同样抱有做某件事的决心但都不愿着手行动的人彼此间交换的一种无言而意味深长的眼神。

颜色词和拟声词结合和交替出现唤起视听 联想 On the river where the water meadows are fresh and green, and the stream sparkles on among pleasant islands, murmuring weirs, and whispering rushes. 河边一片片的嫩草青翠欲滴,湍流在美丽 的岛屿、水声潺潺的河堰河沙沙作响的苇 草之间的河水银光闪闪。
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Macbeth: out, out, brief candle! Life‘s but a walking shadow…(metaphor) 熄灭了吧,熄灭了吧,短促的烛光! 人生只不过是一个行走的影子。。。 Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once. (contrast) 懦夫在未死之前,就已经死过好多次; 勇士一生只死一次。
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班门弄斧 Show off the proficiency with the ax before Lu Ban, the master carpenter. But belt-tightening has not led to the robust economic performance promised when reforms began. (Newsweek) 改革初期,紧缩开支并未能使经济获得预 期的活力。

英语翻译技巧:高级口译阅读1. 各类词汇,谙熟于心高口阅读的词汇量要求在8000至12000之间,相当于专业八级和GRE常考词汇量,甚为恐怖。
外来词,如faux par(禁忌),per se(本质上),perrata(成比例的)等。
2. 句法结构,分类击破由于报刊文章正式度介于口语和正式书面语之间的特别性质,我们常常在高口阅读篇章中同时遭受非常简单冗长和非常短小通俗的表达,这就要求考生娴熟把握考试中常消失的三类特别句型结构:a.长句,这类句子在快速阅读中只需抓主干舍从属,其中的让步状语从句、同位语、定语从句、并列结构、分割插入结构等可以快速拂过,整句理解不受个别难词影响。
b. 特别结构句,It is too funny not to take it seriously.(这事情太滑稽了所以肯定要仔细对待。
3. 篇章结构,思路分明广义上说,高口阅读文章均属于倒金字塔的结构形式,即主题内容消失在文章开头的一至三段之内,向后则重要性相关度都逐步递减。

翻译第六讲成语的译法(汉译英)1 借用法:十拿九稳千方百计千载难逢反复无常如获至宝孤立无援改过自新白手起家既往不咎临渴掘井2 意译法:劳逸结合势如破竹千夫所指妄自菲薄支离破碎岌岌可危临危不惧自不量力固执己见班门弄斧3 简化法:无懈可击百依百顺开门见山相形见绌矫揉造作碌碌无为置之不理反复无常耸人听闻言过其实练习:1. 他非常顽固,不到黄河心不死2. 这位运动员有很大的潜力,被人们视做篮坛的后起之秀。
3. 那位年迈的董事长由于后继无人而无法退休.4. 你必须依照指示,循序渐进,才能成功地完成那件工作。
5. 对于他的辩才,我真是心服口服。
6. 约翰曾痴迷于赌博,还好他悬崖勒马,现在他已经是一名成功的商人了。
7. 农业技术的应用必须和当地的情况结合起来,不能在每个地方生搬硬套。
8. 关于那件谋杀案的真相,目击者给的证词众说纷纭。
篇章翻译:Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceAdolescent wizard-in-training Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts for another year of schooling and learns more about the dark past of the boy who grew up to become Lord Voldemort in this, the sixth installment of the film series that originated from the writings of author J.K. Rowling. There was a time when Hogwarts was thought of as a safe haven, but thanks to Voldemort's tightening grip on both the Muggle and wizarding worlds, that simply isn't the case anymore. Suspecting that the castle may even harbor an outright threat, Harry finds his investigation into the matter sidelined by Dumbledore's attempts to prepare him for the monumental battle looming ever closer on the horizon. In order to discover the key to Voldemort's defenses, Dumbledore enlists the aid of resourceful yet unsuspecting bon vivant Professor Horace Slughorn, who may have a clue as to their enemy's Achilles' heel.汉语翻译:三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮 two heads are better than one一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 once bitten, twice shy一失足成千古恨 a single slip may cause lasting sorrow一言既出,驷马难追 what is said can be unsaid老骥伏枥,志在千里 old people may still cherish high aspirations聪明反被聪明误 cleverness may overreach itself听其言而观其行 judge people by their deeds not just by their words临渊羡鱼,不如归而结网It’s better to go back and make a net than to stand by the pond and long for fish万般皆下品,唯有读书高 all occupations are ranked low, only book-learning is exalted众说纷纭,莫衷一是 as opinions vary, no unanimous conclusion can be drawn众人拾柴火焰高 great things may be done by mass effort言必信,行必果 always be true in word and resolute in deed言者无罪,闻者足戒 It is not the one who speaks who is culpable; it is up to the one who listens to exercise due caution识时务者为俊杰 a clever man knows how to bow to circumstances路遥知马力,日久见人心as a long road tests a horse’s strength, so a long task proves a person’s heart近朱者赤,近墨者黑 he who stays near the vermilion gets stained red, and he who stays near the ink gets stained black金玉其外,败絮其中 shining on the outside but rotten on the inside冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 it takes more than one cold day for the river to freeze three feet deep前事不忘,后世之师 past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future即以其人之道,还治其人之身 give sb a dose of his own medicine只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针 constant grinding can turn an iron rod into a needle各人自扫门前雪,莫管他人瓦上霜 each one sweeps the snow from his own doorsteps and doesn’t bother about the frost on his neighbour’s roof善有善报,恶有恶报 good has its reward and evil has its recompense塞翁失马,焉知非福 every cloud has a silver lining多行不义必自毙 if one keeps on doing unrighteous deeds, he is bound to come to ruin失之东隅,收之桑榆 make up on the roundabouts what you lose on the swings兼听则明,偏信则暗 listen to both sides and you will be enlightened得到多助,失道寡助 a just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust cause finds little support。

Contaminate 污染 contentment 满意 content内容 contribution 贡献 contributive 有贡献的 correlation相关性 corrupt 腐蚀 costume 服装 creativity 创造性 criteria条件,标准 cruelty 残忍 Cultivate 培养 cyber crime网络犯罪 Degrade 使降级 demanding 要求高的 Depreciate 贬值 depression沮丧 deprivation剥夺 descendant后代 Desert 抛弃 desirable古怪的 Detect 侦查 deterioration 恶化 Determine 取决于,决定 detour 绕道 digestion 消化吸收 dignity尊严 discipline 纪律 discontent不满足 Discourage 不鼓励;妨碍 discrimination歧视 disgust反感 disorder 无序状态 disorientation 迷失方向感 Diversify 使多样化 Divert 使分心 Dominate占优势 eccentric古怪的 Endanger 危害 Enlighten启发 evaluation评价 evil 邪恶的 Exaggerate夸张 exception 例外 Exert 施加(压力、影响) exotic 异国的 Expel 排除;开除 Explore 探究 explorer Expose 揭露性报道 fallacious 荒谬的 feasible 可行的 fictious 虚假的 fruitful 有成效的 glamorous 富有魅力的 Hamper 妨碍;牵制 Hinder阻碍 humane 人道的 Idealize 理想化 Imitate 模仿 impressive 给人印象深刻的 inborn天生的 Incur招致,引发 indecent 不妥的,不检点的 indispensable不可或缺的 inexhaustible取之不尽的 infectious传染性的 inferior 低人一等的 infirm弱的 Inflict 造成 influential有影响力的

预防为主prevention first综合治理comprehensive control/management全面推进entire/all-round push-on重点突破breakthrough at key points亲仁善邻cordiality, benevolence and good neighborliness和睦相处living in harmony with others强不凌弱The strong should not oppress the weak and the rich shouldnot bully the poor.富不侮贫协和万邦All nations live side by side in perfect harmony.海纳百川有容乃大One should be as inclusive as the ocean, which is vastbecause it admits hundreds of rivers.兼收并蓄embrace everything that is useful光阴似箭Time flies like an arrow. /How time files!一诺千金有诺必践Commitment should always be kept.一如既往unswervingly和衷共济solidarity; fighting together with one accord亡国灭种extinction; being conquered and destroyed万众一心pull together; join hands; make joint efforts; be united as one浩然气概noble spirit不屈节操unyielding moral principle赴汤蹈火go through fire and water殊死奋战fight desperately; fight to death可歌可泣moved one to songs and tears英勇卓绝heroic and splendid插科打诨comic parts精微深奥profound and abstruse博大精深extensive and profound源远流长run a long history天下为公The world belongs to all the people.天下兴亡匹夫有责Every man has a duty to his country.吃苦耐劳hard work and enduring hardship勤俭持家run the household industriously and frugally尊师重教respect teachers and attach importance to education当务之急urgent; imminent不谋而合coincide with莘莘学子students青春洋溢young书香浓郁academic/cultural atmosphere朝气蓬勃充满活力dynamic; vigorous多姿多彩colorful色彩斑斓同“多姿多彩”日新月异change with each passing day光芒四射shining; brilliant鲜艳夺目同“光芒四射”安居乐业live and work happily and peacefully相知无远近万里尚为邻Distance can never separate real friends.携手前进join hands名列前茅rank top补充形容词性举足轻重decisive, vital, significant光辉灿烂glorious and magnificent不可磨灭indelible无边无际boundless广袤富饶vast and fertile宏伟挺拔towering magnificence金壁辉煌splendid and magnificent玲珑剔透exquisitely carved/made/wrought蔚为壮观splendid; spectacular庄严肃穆solemn不屈不挠unyielding, unrelenting, dauntless动词性此起彼伏rise one after another, keep cropping up繁衍生息live and multiply/reproduce改朝换代changes of dynasties穷兵黩武wantonly engage in military aggression; use all one’s armed might to indulge in wars of aggression雅俗共赏appeal to both refined and popular tastes与日俱增increase with each passing day, be steadily on the increase极目远眺look as far as the eye can see按资排辈to assign priority according to seniority求同存异seeking common ground while putting aside differences流连忘返linger on; be too delighted to leave乐不思蜀too delighted to be homesick不宣而战start an undeclared war尽收眼底hold a panoramic view扬长避短play up strengths and avoid weaknesses反腐倡廉fight corruption and build a clean government集思广益draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas辞旧迎新bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new开拓进取blaze new trails and forge ahead求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences延年益寿prolong one’s life审时度势size up the trend of events招商引资attract investment急功近利eager for instant success and quick profits扫黑扫黄crack down on gangland and pornography减员增效downsize(and cut payroll) to improve efficiency退耕还林return cultivated land to forest or pasture互利互补mutually complementary and beneficial集资办学raise money to set up new schools寓教于乐teach through lively activities因材施教teach students according to their aptitude按劳分配distribution according to performance廉洁奉公honestly perform one’s official duties呕心沥血spare no efforts画龙点睛bring out the crucial point名词性:绿水青山green hills and clear waters墨客骚人men of letters奇花异草exotic flowers and herbs鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey奇峰异石picturesque peaks and rocks浓妆淡抹heavy or light makeup轩然大波 a great disturbance, a mighty uproar凤毛麟角rarity of rarities层峦叠嶂range upon range of mountains; the hills rise ar ound…崇山峻岭steep mountains雕梁画栋carved beams and painted pillars名山大川famous mountains and great rivers湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills青山绿水green hills and clear waters名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites平等互利equality and mutual benefit国计民生national welfare and the people’s livelihood灵丹妙药panacea/miraculous cure中流砥柱mainstay, chief cornerstone世外桃源 a haven of peace长治久安 a long period of stability按劳分配distribution according to one’s performance附录3:中高级口译翻译常考动词搭配。

overhaul v. to examine thoroughly and perhaps repair if necessary彻底检查,检修
rolling mill
roof rack
round-trip ticket
(美)往返票,双程票(英)return ticket
baggage allowance
bank note
believe it or not
blind drunk
block release
teeming with
communication through means other than the senses, as by the exercise of an occult power.

vigor n.体力,精力pride oneself on(upon)以……为豪take the initiative 采取行动,先行动occasion n.重大或特殊活动,盛会,场合flamboyantly adv.艳丽地,奢华地,炫耀地with tongue in cheek 无诚意地,假心假意地,挖苦地everyday things 日常事务have a passion for 对……极度喜爱,酷爱match v.和……相称,和……相一致poverty line 贫困线spring from 发源于in any company 在任何交际场合,在客人前no exception 没有例外,无一例外be typical of 特有的,独特的,是……特有的品质或性格place emphasis on 重视,强调resent v.对……表示忿恨,怨恨stem from 起源于,由……造成at first thought 咋一想take hold 生根,固定下来barbecue/grill 烤肉野餐聚会quip v.说俏皮话,讽刺convenience food 方便食品frozen food 速冻食品a throw-away culture 使用一次性物品的生活方式generation gap 代沟make sense 讲得通,有意义;合情合理的from scratch 从头开始,白手起家caricature v.将……画成漫画,用漫画表现,讽刺insular adj.狭隘的,封闭的xenophobe n.惧怕外国陌生人的人,憎恨外国的人saloon bar 雅座酒吧tabloid newspaper 通俗小报hurl v猛投,气势汹汹地吐pub landlord 酒馆店主ethnic minority 少数民族,少数族裔EU 欧盟Visa-free access 免予签证进入HK special Administration Region 香港特别行政区Multi-ethnic adj. 多民族的,多族裔的Multi-culture adj. 多元文化的Meeting point 交汇点Tuscany =Toscana 托斯卡纳区exploit n.大胆、冒险的行为pronounced adj.明显的,明确的Moor n.摩尔人spiritual adj.精神的,宗教的Spaniard n.西班牙人convert n.宗教皈依者Hupsburg n.哈布斯堡王朝disunity n.不统一,不和refuge n.避难,庇护Puritan n.清教徒Self-disciplined adj.自律的Protestant n.新教徒charter company 特许公司plantation n.种植园modest adj.不大的,不多的implication n.含义,影响。

Whatever initial worries we had about the plane soon vanished. 不管开始时我们对这架飞机有多不放心,这种顾虑 不久就烟消云散了. There had been much publicity about my case. 我的事已经搞得满城风雨, 人人皆知了. The streets were overrun by Hitler’s bullies. 那时希特勒的暴徒在街上横行霸道,无恶不作.
in chaos 乌烟瘴气 disintegration 土崩瓦解 ardent loyalty 赤胆忠心 beyond one’s grasp 鞭长莫及 total exhaustion 筋疲力尽
on the verge of destruction 危如累卵 (危在旦夕)
The night gains on the day in winter. 入冬以后,昼短夜长。
The truth comes out. 真相大白。
She exulted to find that she had succeeded.
in disruption 处于分崩离析之中
perfect harmony 水乳交融 feed on fancies 画饼充饥 with great eagerness 如饥似渴
lack of perseverance 三天打鱼,两天晒网 await with great anxiety 望穿秋水 make a little contribution 添砖加瓦

科学报告第一篇中国古代药王神农氏 Shennong, the c elebrated herbal master of ancient China中医史上的萌芽阶段 the embryo s tage in the development of TCM战国时期 the Warring States Period黄帝内经H uangDi’s Classic of internal M edic ine神农本草经Shennong’s herbal c lassic主治、功用和毒性 primary treatments, functions and toxic c haracter药典 pharmacopoeia救死扶伤 healing the sic k and saving the dying职业道德规范 profess ional work ethic食补保健food treatment approach延缓衰老 defer s enility相互作用、互为依存 be of mutual influence and interdependence有机的整体 an organic whole诊断疾病 diagnose disease阴阳对立制约 yin and yang are mutually opposing and c ons training互根互用 be interdependent and mutually promoting消长平衡 proportionally c hange with the dec reas e of one, res ulting in, or from the inc rease of the other 相互转化 mutually trans f ormational健康的要素 be essential for the maintenanc e of good health指导思想 guiding c onc ept临床治疗方法 c linic al treatment针灸疗法 ac upunc ture and moxibustion按摩推拿 medic al mass age气功疗法 deep breathing exerc ises赢得广泛赞誉win worldwide acc laim中医专业队伍 TCM professionals综合医院 general hos pital[1]第二篇as trobiology 天体生物学nitrogen 氮hydrogen 氢oxygen 氧气photosynthes is光合作用equilibrium 平衡meteor 流星embedded 埋植carbon c ompound 碳化合物hypothesis假设Antarctic南极的aes thetics审美观the Leonid meteor s howers狮子座流星雨debris碎片c omet 彗星T he A zores亚速尔群岛I nfrared s pectrographs红外线摄谱仪organic molecule 有机分子s pec trographic摄谱的diss eminate 散布prebiotic life 前生物生命galaxy 银河系礼仪祝辞第一篇阁下 your exc ellenc y...建交 the es tablishment of diplomatic relations近海石油勘探 offs hore oil exploration积贫积弱,任人宰割 enduring impoveris hment, long-s tanding debility and was for a time at the merc y of other c ountries 落后要挨打 lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attac ks刻骨铭心的教训 never-forgotten less on中华民族伟大复兴 the rejuvenation of C hina不懈努力 make unremitting efforts与时具近 keep pac e with the times第一要务 the primary task发展是硬道理 development is of overriding importance 科学发展观 s c ientific outlook和谐社会 harmonious s ociety互利共赢win-win本着……的精神 it is in the s pirit of一贯奉行 in the pers is tent pursuit of双边关系 bilateral relations祝酒join s b in a toast第二篇mission 代表团grac ious hos pitality友好款待c onvey 转达bos om friend 知己thriving and robus t 蓬勃向上megalopolis特大型城市boas t 以……为自豪unequalled 不能与……相媲美mirac ulous rise 奇迹般地迅速崛起financ ial giants金融业的巨头business community商业界manufac turing industry 制造业IPR(intellectual property rights) 知识产权joint c ons ultanc y servic e 合资咨询服务机构trans national corportation 跨国公司las t but not leas t 最后at one's earlies t c onvenience 在其方便的时候,尽早……c heris h 珍惜ec onomic recess ion 经济不景气ens ure a s ustained growth 确保持续增长on the occas ion of 请允许我借……的机会……商务谈判第一篇进出口商品交易会 import and export c ommodities fair 销售部经理 s ales managers upply department 采购部broc hure 宣传小册子scope of business经营范围machine tool 机床workmans hip 工艺make an inquiry 询价C.I.F Seattle 西雅图到岸价(*cos t,insurance.freight) 调整价格 adjus t the pric ec ompetitive 具有竞争力bulk 很大s ubstantially 大大地展台 exhibition s tand第二篇经营的新品 new line of bus iness汽车零部件 auto partsupdate 调整at the c ost of 不惜以……为代价our part 我方发盘/报盘 offer折扣 discounts upplies货物free sample 免费样品ins pection 检验floor offer 底盘c ounter-offer 还盘合同格式format of c ontract单价 unit pric e保险费由贵方承担 the ins urance premium s hould be born by your s idebusiness transac tion 生意顺利成交外交政策第一篇外国使节 diplomatic envoy复杂而深刻的变化 c omplex and profound changes各种问题相互交织 various threats are intertwined指导国际关系的准则 norms governing international relations切实履行 implement in real earnes t以强凌弱的霸权主义 bully the weak and pursue hegemony文明的多样性 the diversity of civilizations万物并育而不相害 all living c reature grow together without harming one another 道并行而人不相悖ways run parallel without interfering with one another相互借鉴、取长补短 learn from eac h other in mutual emulation相互包容、求同存异 mutual tolerance, seek agreement while s helving differenc es 减免债务 reduc e and forgive debts军事联盟 military alliance动辄诉诸武力 res ort to us e or threat of force摈弃冷战思维 the Cold War mentality s hould be done away with核武器扩散 nuc leus weapons proliferation跨国犯罪 trans-boundary c rimes生态恶化 environmental degradation永远不称霸 never s eek hegemony维护国家主权和领土完整 s afeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity睦邻、安邻、富邻政策 the policy of c reating an amic able, s ec ure and prosperous neighborhood 奔腾不息的时代潮流 irresis tible tide of the times第二篇diplomacy 外交手段monetary s truc ture 货币组织military deterrence 军事威慑utmos t purpose 最高宗旨s ubordinate 服从于overs hadow 黯然失色initiative 主动行动downright dis trust 不信任的传统utility 利用authorization 授权s ponsors hip 操办intervention 干预take…into acc ount考虑到the IMF 国际货币基金组织trade deficits贸易赤字c ommitment 致力于war-torn 遭受战争破坏elite 上层人物military allianc e 军事联盟demobilization/remobilization 遣散军队/重组军队文化交流第一篇民为贵 people being the mos t important巨大活力 the immense vitality生动写照 vivid reflection生存权 s ubs is tence right立国之本 the foundation to build the c ountry不懈努力 make unremitting endeavor相辅相成 the two are c omplementary to eac h other 民族先人 anc es tor初步繁荣昌盛 initial pros perity吸收和借鉴 abs orb and draw upon fruits of祖国统一 reunific ation of the c ountry繁衍 multiply伟大复兴 the great rejuvenation先行者 forerunner区域自治 regional autonomy宪法保障 protec ted by the Cons titution崇高目标 lofty goal亲仁善邻 benevolenc e and good-neighborliness 国之宝箴 treas ured maxim第二篇millennium 千年landmark 标志性rec lusive 避世隐居Danis h arc hitect Jorn U tzon 丹麦设计师钧恩乌特松with media access有机会接触媒体arc hitec tural icon 建筑业偶像in the pantheon of 在……的万神殿中pluc k 淘汰a complete one-off 空前绝后was quite at odds with 相去甚远rec tilinear 垂直式maveric k genius独树一帜的奇才promontory 海角bac kdrop 背景in high dudgeon 一怒之下manifold diffic ulties各种各样的困难seduc tive beauty 有魅力的纯美patron 资助人信息时代第一篇筹备会议 preliminary meeting处理程序性问题 address procedure iss ue智能化 intelligence c omputerization多样化 divers ification信息通信技术 infoc om technology结构调整 arc hitec ture readjustment升级换代 upgrading融语音、数据、图像于一体 integrate voic e date and image宽带高速信息网 high-speed broadband information network全方位地满足业务需求 meet various servic e requirements in all dimensions 制约因素 reas on宏观调控 mac roec onomic c ontrol市场管制 market regulation规避市场风险 avoid market risks创新的融资机智 innovative financ ing mec hanis m 资金的多元投入for more financ ing c hannels 911事件 September 11 terroris t attac k应急系统 emergency s ystem数字鸿沟 digital divide第二篇don 穿上scaffold 框架thermostat 恒温计EKG 心电图仪telemetric s ystem 遥测系统emulate 仿效symbiosis共生现象s of tware programmer 软件编程师c ollaborate 合作debug 调试neuron 神经元tac kle 解决interstellar 星际microprocessor 微型处理器ad hoc特别的cell phone 手机the hefties t des ktop 最先进的台式机fight off an attac king wasp 击退发起进攻的黄蜂simpleton 傻子emergent behavior 突发性的行为mischievous and s inis ter 恶意antithetic al 对立的res ilience 应变能力seis mic ac tivity 地震活动geomagnetic s torm 地磁风暴a worrisome s pike 麻烦reroute traffic改变行动路线I nterPlaNet 星际网as teroid 小行星unmanned probe 吾人驾驶探测器proprietary (信息)专有feel tingles on one’s s pine感觉到脊椎的震颤宣传介绍第一篇地势平坦的冲积平原 a s oil deposit plain land 常住居民 permanent res idents慈悬浮列车 the maglev train长江三角洲 Y angtze River Delta龙头作用 play a leading role清朝乾隆,嘉庆年间 during the reigns of Q ianlong and Jiaqing of Qing Dynas ty 石油化工产业 the petroc hemic al industry精细化工产业 the fine c hemic al家用电器产业 the home electrical applianc e indus try生物医药产业 the bioengineering and pharmaceutic al industry支柱产业 pillar industry历史文物保护单位 s ites of his toric al interest and c ultural relics under protec tion 海派文化 Shanghai regional c ulture美食家 gourmet清真 authentic M uslim万国建筑博览会 exhibition of the world's arc hitecture内环线高架道路 elevated inner beltway野生动物园 the Wildlife zoo迎新撞钟活动 N ew year's Greeting Bell-striking庙会 T emple Fair桂花节 Sweet Os manthus Fes tival海纳百川,有容乃大 the s ea admits hundreds of rivers for its c apac ity to hold 乘骐骥以驰骋兮 on your s teed galloping来吾道夫先路 on my road pioneering 聪明,精明,高明 bright,s mart,wise 第二篇Britis h Commonwealth 英联邦phys ically s pread out 布局分散predominant 主导c onglomeration 聚结c ommute 外来工作者prominent landmark 显著的地貌标志Saint P aul's Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特教堂monarc hy 君主政体c oronation 加冕礼Buc kingham Palac e 白金汉宫hub 中心slum 贫民窟lavis h 豪华philharmonic orc hestra 爱乐乐团venue 场所c ornuc opia 各类s uccessive eras各个阶段c hronologically 从历史上repository 陈列馆premier art c ollection 最重要的美术作品s triking portraits of Britons不列颠人逼真的肖像饮食文化第一篇烹饪艺术 c ulinary art民以食为天 food is the paramount necessity of the people 推陈出新 c reative efforts色、香、味 c olor, aroma and tas te摆放 layout冷盘 c old dis hes原料 raw material作料调配 the blending of s eas oning调味艺术 the art of proper seasoning食物质地 the texture of food刀功 s licing tec hnique乳猪 s uc kling pig点心 pas tries黄酒 yellow rice wine烈性白酒 s trong white liquor敬酒 toas t with小啜 take a s ip馒头 s teamed bread热卡 c alories主食 s taple food第二篇food style 饮食习惯s olid diet 丰盛的食物health food 保健餐Little I taly 小意大利城Germantown 德国城native s pec ialties家乡特色菜C reole accent to the food 克里奥耳口味phys ical well-being 身体健康ironic讽刺的pres ervative 防腐剂c heese 奶酪中国改革第一篇翻天覆地的变化 earths haking c hanges 面貌焕然一新 take on a brand-new look出/入境旅游 outbound/inbound travel村/居委会 village c ommittee/urban neighborhood c ommittee解决温饱问题 s olve the problem of food and c lothing落实科学发展观follow a scientific approac h of development以人为本,执政为民 put people first in administration着力搞好宏观调空 c onc entrate on doing mac ro-regulatory work well激发创造活力 s timulate c reativity实施稳健的财政政策 follow prudent fisc al polic y三农工作是重中之重work relating agric ulture, rural areas and farmers remains top priority加强农田水利建设 intens ify development of irrigation and c onservanc y projec t多渠道转移农业富余劳动力 trans fer s urplus rural labor to nonagricultural jobs推进产业结构优化升级 optimize and upgrade the industrial s truc ture加强生态建设 s trengthen ecological improvement推进财税体制改革 promote the reform of fiscal and tax sys tem加强精神文明建设 promote s ocial and ethnic al progress加强行政能力建设和政风建设improve the government’s adminis trative capacity and s tyle of work建设服务型政府 s ervice-oriented government意气风发 in high s pirits同心同德、再接再厉 united with one heart and one mind, c ontinue our c oncerted and unyielding efforts 第二篇overstate 夸大turn one’s back on对……封闭anarc hy 政治混乱warlordis m 军阀割据make up los t ground 收复失地s pringboard 跳板with gusto 满怀热情s ubsis tence farming 自然经济marginal productivity 边际生产力tariff barrier 关税壁垒bols ter 保持joint venture 合资企业inc remental c apital output ratio 资本产出比率rec kon 估计purchas ing power parity 购买力平价capital accumulation 资本积累demographic forec asts人口统计学上的预见hicc up 磕磕碰碰forerunner 前驱dwarf 让……相形见绌旅游观光第一篇广袤无垠的中华大地 the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory绚丽多姿的自然景观 gorgeous and varied natural sc enery如诗如画 poetic and pic tures que名胜古迹 plac es of historic interes t and sc enic beauty兵马俑 terra-c otta sodiers and horses故宫 the I mperial P alac e五岳之首 the mos t famous of C hina's5 great mountains峻拔突兀 majes tic and prec ipitous appeal山外有山 mountains beyond mountains融自然与文化景观于一体 embody natural sc enery and c ultural heritage奇石,清瀑,古松,亭阁 grotes que rock formation, c lear waterfalls,old-age pine trees and pavilions 历代文人雅士书法家 famous anc ient writers,scholars and calligraphers of various dynas ty石刻碑文 s tone inscription重峦叠嶂 peaks rising one after another经典佳作 great c lass ics of anc ient writers of various dynas ty华夏祖先 C hinese ances tors吉祥之地 propitious plac e祭祀天地 offer s ac rific es to H eaven and E arth联合国教科文组织 U NESCO(c=cultural,其他不必说了吧?)世界自然与文化遗产World heritage Commission第二篇geological accident 地质变化the earth's c rust 地壳temperate cllimatic zone 热带地区unique fauna and flora 珍禽奇兽,奇花异草Great Barrier 大堡礁Ayer's Roc k 阿叶尔斯石柱山Kakadu N ational Park 卡喀杜国家公园Sydney Opera Hous e 悉尼歌剧院skiing res ort 滑雪场gross domestic produc t(GDP) 国内生产总值camping park 野营公园caravan and cabin 汽车旅馆,公寓住所international c uisine 国际烹饪水准ethnic res taurant 风味餐厅departure tax s tamp 离境印花税票American E xpress美国运通信用卡。
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高口翻译难度词汇1.科学发展观the Outlook of Scientific Development2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观new thinking on development based on equality and mutual benefit4.推动树立以互信、互利、平等和协作为主要内容的新安全观foster a new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination5.主张形成以尊重多样性为特点的新文明观foster a new thinking on civilization that respects diversity6.新能源观new thinking on energy development有关先进文化的词汇1.古为今用、洋为中用旧译let the ancient serve the present, let the foreign serve the national现译draw from past and foreign achievements2.文艺工作cultural and art work; work in the cultural field3.牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向firmly keep to the direction of an advanced culture/cultural advancement4.文化与经济和政治互相交融interaction between cultural work, and economic and political activities cultural elements/factors intermingle with economic and political factors5.民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化a socialist culture that is distinctly Chinese,pro-science and people-oriented6.弘扬主旋律,提倡多样化promote mainstream values and uphold cultural diversity7.以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以崇高的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人Equip/empower people with scientific theories, guide them with correct opinions/ convey to them right messages/provide them with correct media guidance, imbue them with a noble spirit and inspire them with excellent/fine works8.具有中国气派的社会主义文化Chinese-style socialist culture; Socialist culture with Chinese appeal9.越是民族的,越是世界的The pride of a nation is also the pride of the world. What’s unique for a nation is also precious for the world. When you are unique, the world comes to you.10.文艺应当贴近群众,贴近生活,贴近实际。
Culture and arts should be/keep close to the people, their lives and reality.11.艺术滋润心灵,文化陶冶情操。
Art nurtures the soul and culture cultivates the mind.12.文化是维系中华民族生生不息、蔓延不断的精神纽带。
Culture is the spiritual bond that ensures the continuity of our Chinese nation.13.我们不能割断民族的文化血脉。
We must never sever the cultural vein of our nation.14.树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观to foster a right/correct outlook/view on the world, life and values15.文化市场,文化贸易cultural market, cultural trade16.始终把社会效益放在首位always put social benefit first17.扶持体现民族特色和国家水准的重大文化项目和艺术院团support major/top-notch cultural projects and art troupes that represent national characteristics and national level✧稳定地走上了富裕安康的广阔道路move steadily toward prosperity and happiness✧不断探索和回答什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义,建设什么样的党、怎样建设党,实现什么样的发展、怎样发展等重大理论和实际问题constantly seek answers to major theoretical and practical questions such as what socialism is and how to build it, what kind of party we must build and how to build it, and what kind of development China should achieve and how to achieve it✧党的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领、基本经验Party's basic theory, line, program andexperience✧社会主义和马克思主义在中国大地上焕发出勃勃生机Socialism and Marxism haveshown vigor and vitality in China.✧大踏步赶上时代前进潮流catch up with the trend of the times in big strides✧符合党心民心accord with/echo the aspirations of the Party members and the people ✧尊重人民首创精神respect the people's initiative/pioneering drive/creativity✧提高全民族文明素质to improve the educational and ethical standards of the wholenation✧开辟了中国特色社会主义道路blaze a trail of socialism with Chinese characteristicsopen a path of...✧形成了中国特色社会主义理论体系theoretical system of Chinese socialism✧建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家make China a prosperous, strong,democratic, culturally developed and harmonious modern socialist country✧实践永无止境Practice knows no bound✧勇于变革、勇于创新make bold changes and innovations✧不为任何风险所惧,不被任何干扰所惑fear no risks and never be confused by anyinterference✧使中国特色社会主义道路越走越宽广broaden our path of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics✧让当代中国马克思主义放射更加灿烂的真理光芒Let the truth of Marxism ofcontemporary China shine more brilliantly.✧马克思主义关于发展的世界观和方法论的集中体现a concentrated expression of theMarxist world outlook and methodology with regard to development✧同……一脉相承in the same line as...✧立足社会主义初级阶段基本国情fully recognize the basic reality that China is in theprimary stage of socialism✧粗放性增长方式the extensive mode of growth/inefficient model of growth✧改革攻坚further reform in difficult areas✧统筹兼顾各方面利益accommodate the interests of all parties✧农业基础薄弱的局面尚未改变The foundation of agriculture remains weak✧思想活动的独立性、选择性、多变性、差异性明显增强become more independent,selective, changeable and diverse in thinking✧社会结构、社会组织形式、社会利益格局the structure of society, the way society isorganized and interests of different social groups/and the mix of social interests✧发达国家在经济科技上占优势的压力长期存在Pressure caused by the economic andscientific dominance of developed countries will continue for a long time to come✧从生产力到生产关系、从经济基础到上层建筑都发生了意义深远的重大变化experience far-reaching changes in the productive forces and the relations ofproduction, as well as in the economic base and the superstructure✧人民日益增长的物质文化需要同落后的社会生产之间的矛盾这一社会主要矛盾Chinese society's principal problem/challenge is the gap between the ever-growing material and cultural needs of the people and the low level of social production✧当前我国发展的阶段性特征the salient features of the current stage of developmentin China✧妄自菲薄belittle oneself✧自甘落后be resigned to backwardness✧脱离实际、急于求成unrealistic pursuit of quick results✧共同建设、共同享有的原则the principle of all the people building a harmonious ...andenjoy its benefits✧着力解决人民最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题spare no effort to solve mostpractical problems of the utmost and immediate concern to the people✧形成全体人民各尽其能、各得其所而又和谐相处的局面cultivate/foster anenvironment in which all people do their best, are content with their lives/enjoy what they do and live together in harmony✧提高改革决策的科学性,增强改革措施的协调性make decision-making more scientificand measures of reform better coordinated✧全面提高开放水平improve the work of opening-up✧把改善人民生活作为正确处理改革发展稳定关系的结合点We need to improve...aswe endeavor to balance...✧全面把握科学发展观的科学内涵和精神实质fully appreciate/understand the essenceof the Scientific Outlook on Development✧把全社会的发展积极性引导到科学发展上来guide the whole society in pursuingdevelopment in a scientific way✧把握经济社会发展趋势和规律follow the trend and the law of economic and socialdevelopment✧坚持中国特色社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设的基本目标和基本政策构成的基本纲领uphold the basic program consisting of the basic objectives and policies for economic, political, cultural and social progress under socialism withChinese characteristics✧区域协调互动发展机制a mechanism for promoting balanced and interactivedevelopment among regions✧主体功能区development priority zones✧法治政府建设enhance law-based government administration✧社会主义核心价值体系深入人心Core socialist values are winning the hearts andminds of the people.✧弘扬良好思想道德风尚promote moral integrity✧建设生态文明promote a conservation culture✧生态文明观念在全社会牢固树立To foster public awareness of conservation culture✧具有更高文明素质和精神追求Raise ethical standards and have higher/loftyaspiration✧对外更加开放、更加具有亲和力be more open and friendly to the outside world✧为全面建成惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会打下更加牢固的基础Strengthenthe foundation for building a well-off society of a higher level in all respects to the benefit of over one billion people✧建设创新型国家make China an innovative nation✧国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要Outline of the National Program for Long- andMedium-Term Scientific and Technological Development✧突破制约经济社会发展的关键技术make breakthroughs in key technologies vital toChina's economic and social development✧支持前沿技术研究、社会公益性技术研究support research in frontier technology andin technology for public welfare✧建立以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研相结合的技术创新体系establish amarket-oriented system for technological innovation, in which enterprises play the leading role and which combines the efforts of enterprises, universities and research institutes✧引导和支持创新要素向企业集聚guide and support the pooling of factors ofinnovation into enterprises✧科技成果产业化the application of scientific and technological achievements inproduction✧培养造就世界一流科学家和科技领军人才train / bring up world-class scientists andleaders in scientific and technological research✧使创新智慧竞相迸发、创新人才大量涌现inspire creativity and bring forth largenumbers of innovative personnel✧推进信息化与工业化融合promote IT-based industrialization✧具有国际竞争力的大企业集团internationally competitive conglomerates。