英语笔译实务 3级配套训练 第十六单元 汉译英(二)大熊猫繁殖
2006年5月人事咅B三级笔译真题第一部分英译汉Freed by warming, waters once locked beneath ice are gnawing at coastal settlements around the Arctic Circle.In Bykovsky, a village of 457 on Russia's northeast coast, the shoreline is collapsing, creeping closer and closer to houses and tanks of heating oil, at a rate of 15 to 18 feet a year."It is practically all ice - permafrost - and it is thawing.n For the four million people who live north of the Arctic Circle, a changing climate presents new opportunities. But it also threatens their environment, their homes and, for those whose traditions rely on the ice-bound wilderness, the preservation of their culture.A push to develop the North, quickened by the melting of the Arctic seas, carries its own rewards and dangers for people in the region. The discovery of vast petroleum fields in the Barents and Kara Seas has raised fears of catastrophic accidents as ships loaded with oil and, soon, liquefied gas churn through the fisheries off Scandinavia, headed to markets in Europe and North America. Land that was untouched could be tainted by pollution as generators, smokestacks and large vehicles sprout to support the growing energy industry.Coastal erosion is a problem in Alaska as well, forcing the United States to prepare to relocate several Inuit villages at a projected cost of $100 million or more for each one.Across the Arctic, indigenous tribes with traditions shaped by centuries of living in extremes of cold and ice are noticing changes in weather and wildlife. They are trying to adapt, but it can be confounding.In Finnmark, Norway's northernmost province, the Arctic landscape unfolds in late winter as an endless snowy plateau, silent but for the cries of the reindeer and the occasional whine of a snowmobile herding them.A changing Arctic is felt there, too. "The reindeer are becoming unhappy/ said IssatEira, a 31 -year-old reindeer herder.Few countries rival Norway when it comes to protecting the environment and preserving indigenous customs. The state has lavished its oil wealth on the region, and Sami culture has enjoyed something of a renaissance.And yet no amount of government support can convince Mr. Eira that his livelihood, intractably entwined with the reindeer, is not about to change. Like a Texas cattleman, he keeps the size of his herd secret. But he said warmer temperatures in fall and spring were melting the top layers of snow, which then refreeze as ice, making it harder for his reindeer to dig through to the lichen they eat."The people who are making the decisions, they are living in the south and they are living in towns/1 said Mr. Eira, sitting inside his home made of reindeer hides. "They don f t mark the change of weather. It is only people who live in nature and get resources from nature who mark it.11A push to develop the North, quickened by the melting of the Arctic seas, carries itsown rewards and dangers for people in the region. The discovery of vast petroleum fields in the Barents and Kara Seas has raised fears of catastrophic accidents as ships loaded with oil and, soon, liquefied gas churn through the fisheries off Scandinavia, headed to markets in Europe and North America. Land that was untouched could be tainted by pollution as generators, smokestacks and large vehicles sprout to support the growing energy industry.第二部分汉译英维护世界和平,促进共同发展,谋求合作共赢,是各国人民的共同愿望,也是不可抗拒的当今时代潮流。
对中国传统文化的网络课试题与答案1 【多选题】(2 分)书法的三要素是( )A.结字B.意境C.笔法D.章法2 【多选题】 (2 分)书法的用笔、结字、章法中体现了中华民族传统文化思想中的( )A.阴阳对立统一观念B.易和变的观念C.礼义廉耻观念D.忠孝节义观念3 【多选题】 (2 分)《祭侄文稿》表现了颜真卿()的情绪。
A.悲忿B.欢快C.沉痛D.平静4 【多选题】 (2 分)构成书写节奏感的元素有( )A.字形的大小B.书写的快慢C.结字的疏密D.笔划的'轻重5 【多选题】 (2 分)书法的章法要()A.有秩序感B.气息贯通C.有节奏感D.整齐划一6 【多选题】 (2 分)书写摆布结构的字时要( )A.摆布均等B.穿插避就C.主次分明D.纵收得体7 【多选题】 (2 分)以下关于书法用笔的说法,哪些是正确的( )A.用笔要方圆兼备B.用笔要笔笔藏锋C.用笔要藏露互现D.用笔要笔笔中锋8 【单选题】 (2 分)下文可以体现老子节俭思想的是 ( )A.物壮则老B.治人事天莫若啬C.圣人无常心D.上善若水9 【单选题】 (2 分)在《道德经》中,老子认为水具有多种品德,下列选项中不属于水的品德的是 ( )A.善利万物而不争B.处众人之所恶C.推己及人D.居善地10 【多选题】 (2 分)关于《道德经》所讲内容,下列说法正确的是 ( )A. 《道德经》是一部讲战争用兵的书B. 《道德经》是一部讲哲学智慧的书C. 《道德经》是一部最早的散文集D. 《道德经》是一部讲治国管理的书11 【单选题】 (2 分)老子对于鬼神的看法是 ( )A.无神论B.怀疑论C.祭神如神在D.未知生,焉知死12 【多选题】 (3 分)中国的汉字( )A.是书法的载体B.具有造型美C.是象形字D.是意象字13 【多选题】 (3 分)下列有关老子所讲“无为”的含义正确的是 ( )A.不妄为B.不多为C.不作为D.有所不为14 【多选题】 (3 分)下列选项中不属于对《道德经》评价的是 ( )A. “史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”B. “帝王之上师臣民之极宝”C.中国最早的一部诗歌总集D.中国历史上第一部编年体通史15 【多选题】 (3 分)在《道德经》中,对于“反”的理解正确的是 ( )A.祸福相依B.相反相成C.反向思维D.道法自然16 【多选题】 (3 分)下列对于“道”的认识属于《道德经》观点的有 ( )A.天之道,利而不害B.天道酬勤C.弱者,道之用D.忠恕之道17 【单选题】 (3 分)“今于众前,发诚实誓:若所传无谬者,当使焚身之后,舌不焦烂”。
最新英语笔译实务-3级配套训练-...英语笔译实务3级配套训练第十五单元英译汉(二)Taxi Drivers’ Knowledge Helps Their Brains GrowSatellite navigation systems can stunt your brain, preventing it from developing, according to scientists. They have discovered that taxi drivers have actually grown more brain cells because of all the knowledge they keep in their heads.When the scientists compared the brains of taxi drivers with those of other drivers, they found the taxi drivers had more grey matter in the area of the brain associated with memory.They believe that this part of the brain, the mid-posterior hippocampus, is where cab drivers store a mental map of London, including up to 25,000 street names and the location of all the major tourist attractions.The research is the first to show that the brains of adults can grow in response to specialist use. It has been known that area of children’s brains can grow when they learn music or a language.The scientists warn that increasingly widespread use of satellitenavigation –expected to be one of the biggest-selling gifts this Christmas –could change all that. “GPS (Global Positioning System) may have a big effect,” says Dr. Eleanor Maguire, who led the research at University College London.“We very much hope they don’t start using it. We believe this area of the brain increased in grey matter volume because of the huge amount or data they have to memorize. If they all start using GPS, that may affect their bra in.”Dr. Maguire said, “We are now looking at the brains of taxi drivers before they start training, and at those of retired taxi-drivers to see whether that area of the brain gets smaller when it is not used.”课文词汇stunt阻碍生长grey matter 脑灰质。
〞.天柱县总面积2201平方公里,辖16个乡镇,326个行政村,总人口41万余人,以侗、苗族为主的少数民族人口占98.3%, 是贵州省少数民族比例最多的县份之一。
“蕴藏〞一词可以译成:boast, be blessed with/be favored with, be endowed with, “气候温和,土壤肥沃〞应该可以将其视为“特点〞,“是〞一词可以译成:serve as, function as, play the role of,Version 1.Featured by its moderate climate and fertile soil, Tianzhu, boasting abundant natural resources, serves as a major base of grain production, reputed as “Breadbasket in East Guizhou.〞Version 2.Tianzhu,blessed with abundant natural resources and featured by its moderate climate and fertile soil,serves as a major base of grainproduction,reputed as “Breadbasket in East Guizhou.〞此外,如果将我们在?中国茶文化?语篇中讲的用词,也可以这样来译:Be home to sth.表示蕴藏,富有,是。
2021年上半年英语三级笔译(CATTI 3) 实务考试真题及参考译文
2021年上半年英语三级笔译(CATTI 3) 实务考试真题及参考译文Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points)Translate the following passage into Chinese.Are you having difficulty following diets? Our lives are way more complex than those which allow us to stick to a monotonous restrictive diet.Food psychologist Ridhi Golechha said, "If all of us could follow diets, we'd all have reached our goals. Real-life stresses such as lockdown anxiety, relationship conflicts,workload, financial stresses, exasperating parenting, and so much more directly impact how we feel and by virtue, what we eat. If, on paper, diets were so easy to follow, then we'd all be part of that tiny ten percent of people in the word (athletes, models, or actresses) - who are permanently fit.We all know of those rough days when all we want is to drown our faces in a tub of ice cream or reach out for that melting chocolate cake. "Emotional eating is nothing but eating our emotions. We're all human with emotions and hunger. By that definition, all of us are emotional eaters, we turn to food when we're overwhelmed with anger, sadness, frustration, or any other significant emotion!" explained Ridhi.There's a reason why the butterfly comes back to suck sweet nectar from the flowers, in turn pollinating the rest of the garden. Humans, much like animals, birds,and insects, are hardwired for pleasure. But here's the catch: we humans are afraid of receiving pleasure. Many fear that if they allow themselves to eat a slice of cheesy pizza, they'll be overwhelmed with pleasure, lose control, and end up finishing the whole pizza.We fear this would result in a failed diet, we light gain, and massive guilt, so we avoid it altogether. But it doesn't work."Biology suggests otherwise. Like every other species:homo sapiens were also built for survival. It is pleasure that drives humans to repeat the feel-good behaviour endlessly," explained Ridhi.When does emotional eating become worrisome? "Largely, there's nothing wrong with that. We do eat to manage and cope with our feelings, especially those that don't feel so good because eating itself is so biologically rewarding. It's completely okay ifwe're doing it once in a while, because as I said we're all evolutionary wired to emotional eating. However, if we're constantly depending on food to swallow our difficult emotions and discomforts, leaving us with a feeling of guilt constantly at the end of it, then definitely, we need to work on it," said Ridhi.What can we do to reduce emotional eating? According to Rldhi, the reason we fall diets is that we try to fight biology and suppress our emotions, which only works temporarily. To make long-lasting changes, we must address the root causes of emotional eating. Here are a few tips to get you started:First, don't skip meals. Starving often confuses your biological hunger drives and makes you more vulnerable to eating your emotions. Second, understand the difference between actual physical hunger versus emotional hunger. Third, make a list of the top three emotions you feel weekly and start finding different ways to cope with them. Fourth, talk to an expert. It's better not to ignore your emotional eating since it can later cause health issues like bloating, acid and constipation, etc. Fifth, go for a walk or do something completely different that will take away your urge by distracting you momentarily.Emotional eating is a message that reveals a deeper problem. Understanding yourself and the way you eat can address the root causes and enable you to live a life that is beyond food obsessions and the fear of failing your diets.【参考译文】:你是否很难坚持规律饮食?生活十分复杂,让我们很难坚持单一且有节制的饮食规律。
2004 年5 月英语三级笔译实务试题Section 1 English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) (60 points)Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this section is 120 minutes.Passage 1If you have never seen a power plant, you might find it hard to imagine how enormously complex the equipment is or how much heat is generated by the boilers or how much coal it takes to fuel the furnaces for just one day.During the course of a day, the boilers at one of our power plants, Morgantown, for example, can turn 24 million gallons of water into steam. That generating plant alone uses 9,900 tons of coal in its furnaces in just one day. Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO) uses so much coal that we have purchased two 80-car unit trains to facilitate the delivery process. And Morgantown alone can produce over 25 million kilowatt-hours of electricity in a single day's operation.Electricity is produced by spinning large magnets inside a coil of wire within the generator. The faster we spin the magnets, the higher will be the voltage of the electricity produced. Electricity leaves a PEPCO generator at between 13,800 and 24,000 volts.The next step in the process occurs when electricity passes through a transformer where the voltage is stepped up to continue on its journey. A transmission wire is like a small diameter pipe. Stepping up the voltage is like increasing water pressure, thus speeding the flow of energy through the system.Passage 2Because the aircraft industry needs ever-increasing quantities of aluminum plate, new equipment has been designed to automate the making of it. It includes a huge heat-treatment furnace, a crane that lifts hot metal plates without damaging them, and a computer system that can manage the complete flow of work.Five years ago, Europe's aircraft industry needed only 8,000 tons of aluminum plate a year for its products. Last year the figure reached 21,800 tons. By 2004 it should total 30,000 tons. Each airliner contains 180 tons of it. That is why the plant is being rebuilt to increase both the quality and the amount of its product.Aluminum is alloyed with other metals and cast into ingots, and the surface of the ingots is smoothed off. After pre-heating, it is rolled in a mill that can take 3.75-m-wide slabs. The new equipment can make the process more efficient and can produce a better product. For example, computers control the temperature of the hot plates, the rate at which they pass through the mill, the speed of cooling it with water, and so on.The new plant can handle twice the throughput of the one that it is replacing, thanks to the completely automated and computerized process.Section 2 Chinese-English Translation (汉译英) (40 points)Translate the following passage into English. The time for this section is 60 minutes.论想象力的培养我的讲话是主张培养想象力。
英语笔译实务 3级配套训练 第二单元 英译汉(一) Ecotourism
英语笔译实务3级配套训练第二单元英译汉(一)EcotourismThinking about going off the beaten path for your next vacation? If so, you might be one of the many people who are enjoying a relatively new mode of travel known as ecotourism. As the name implies, ecotourism focuses on conserving the ecology and natural heritage of tourist destinations. In addition, ecotourism features indigenous cultures and promotes ways for local communities to control and maintain their resources.In the past, vacations usually spent their time staying at luxury hotels and visiting famous landmarks and museums in cities such as New York, Paris and Tokyo. Others prefer to relax on the beautiful of Hawaii or the deck of a cruise ship in the sunny Caribbean. There was little interaction with the local people and overcrowding often spoiled the natural beauty of popular vocation spots. In addition, excessive commercialization turned many places into tourist traps.Since the early 1980s, however, adventure-oriented and nature-based vacation activities have become increasingly popular. Developing alongside a global rise in environmental consciousness and respect for cultural diversity, ecotourism is the one of the fastest growingsectors of the travel and tourism industry. Mountain climbing in the Himalayas, roughing it on a wilderness expedition, trekking in the Amazon rainforest and whale watching on the high seas are attractive alternatives to the urban comforts of five-star hotels and classy restaurants.But ecotourism means more than just traveling to remote destinations. The concept also emphasizes educating visitors about local people, customs and cultural heritage. Perhaps most importantly, it involves a methodical approach to tourism that minimizes the negative impact on natural habitats and gives host communities a leading role in decision-making processes, along with the lion’s share of economic benefits.As tourism might be the largest industry in the world, sustainable growth strategies should be adopted to ensure that our natural and cultural heritage is preserved for the enjoyment and benefit of future generations.课文词汇indigenous 本土的Caribbean 加勒比海trek 艰难跋涉heritage 遗产methodical 有系统的;有条不紊的参考译文生态观光不想在下个星期去众人多的热门景点观光吧(想在下个假期去人迹罕至的地方看看吗)?假使如此,你也许会像越来越多的人一样,热衷于参加名为“生态观光”的新式旅游。
翻译三级笔译实务-农业发展(Agriculture)(总分:140.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}Ⅰ{{/B}}(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.Because of Canada's abundant production and relatively small population, it is a leading exporter of food products; these account for 8.6 percent of goods exported, compared with 0.5 percent for Japan, 6.2 percent for Mexico, and 8.3 percent for the United States.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:加拿大物产丰富,人口相对稀少,是世界主要食品出口国之一。
2.He paid as much for the car insurance as he did for the car itself.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:他买汽车保险的钱跟他买汽车本身的钱一样多。
3.You don't want to lag behind, neither does she.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:你不愿意落后,她也不愿意落后。
英语笔译实务 3级配套训练 第十六单元_生物科技 主题相关英汉词语_汉译英
级配套训练 第十五单元 主题相关英汉词语_汉译英
物Байду номын сангаас
biotechnology bioengineering life science and technology genetic engineering; gene engineering gene mapping genome Human Genome Map; human genome human clone clone a sheep The cloning technology is a double-edged sword. stem cell soilless cultivation transgenosis; transgene genetically modified / altered crops / food; transgenic crops; GM food transgenosis animal DNA; deoxyribonucleic acid cross-breeding hybridization hybrid rice asexual reproduction
英语笔译实务 3级配套训练 第十五单元 主题相关英汉词语_汉译英
✦ 主题相关汉英词语 生物技术 生物工程 生命科学技术 基因工程 基因图谱 基因组 人类基因图 人体克隆 克隆一头羊 克隆技术是把双刃剑。 干细胞 无土栽培 转基因 转基因作物/食品 转基因动物 脱氧核糖酸 杂交培育 杂交育种 杂交水稻 无性繁殖
2015年下半年口译三级实务真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Dialogue 2. English-Chinese Translation 3. Chinese-English TranslationPART 1 Dialogue (20 points, 10 minutes)Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English sentence or a short passage, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the dialogue only ONCE. Now let’s begin.听力原文:A:从上世纪50年代开始,熊猫被作为国礼赠送给友好国家。
多姆先生,作为接受熊猫的比利时国家动物园馆长,您是什么心情?B: I’m very excited and feel honored to have the two pandas as our residents’. When we asked whether we could lease giant pandas from China, the Chinese side reacted very positively, and in a very quick manner2. You know, there is perfect infrastructure here; and there is also the quality of the bilateral relationship between Belgium and China. A:习主席和夫人参观动物园时还出席了熊猫园的开园典礼。
课文词汇脱氧核糖核酸DNA 遗传医学genetic medicine边缘领域frontier 神经元neuron磁共振成像magnetic resonance imaging参考译文Breakthroughs in the 21st CenturyIn the 21st century we’ll live longer (we’ll find key to longevity) (perhaps 120 years). If the normal aging process is basically a furious, invisible contest in our cells – a contest / competition between damage to our DNA and our cells’ ability to repair that damage –then 21st-century strides in genetic medicine may let us control and even reverse the process. (Now, 21st-century strides in genetic medicine may let us control and even reverse the (aging) process.) But before we push scientists to do more, consider: Do we really want to live in a world where no one grows old (no one ages) and few children are born because the planet / globe can hold / accommodate only so many people (a limited number of)? Where would new ideas come from / surface / emerge? What would we do with all that extra time (the additional length of life)?We’ll “manage” Earth. In the next century, we’ll stop talking about the weather, but will do something about it (do something about the weather instead of merely describing it). We’ll gradually learn how to predict / forecast the effects / influence of human activity on the Earth,its climate and its ecosystems / ecology. And with that knowledge will come an increasing willingness to use it to manage the workings of our planet.We’ll have a brain “road map” (a blueprint of the brai n). This is the real “final frontier” of the 21st century: The brain is the most complex human system we know (Of all the human systems it is the most complicated). It contains about 100 billion neurons (roughly the number of stars in the Milky Way), each connected to as many as 1,000 others. (Each of the 100 billion neurons, about the number of stars in the Milky Way, is joined to upwards of a thousand other neurons.) Early in the 21st century, we will use advanced forms of magnetic resonance imaging to produce detailed maps of the neurons in operation (to map / plot / draw in detail the operation of the neurons). We will be able to say with certainty which ones are working when you read a word, when you say a word, when you think about a work, and so on. (We’ll soon know for sure that neurons are activated / are working when, for instance, we read, speak or simply think about a word.)。
英语笔译实务3级配套训练第二单元...英语笔译实务3级配套训练第二单元英译汉(二)Beijing Is No Longer Likea Black-and-White PhotographVocation in China was a new experience. In Beijing in the 1980s, we felt like birds in a cage. At that time foreigners couldn’t travel at will around the country. My few trips outside Beijing were usually “business only”. Few Chinese cities were open to foreigners, and we needed travel permits everywhere we went. Airline flights were few, tickets were hard to get and they cost more for us than for Chinese citizens. Worst of all, our interactions with Chinese people were extremely limited. For example, two men stood at the door of the hotel where we lived, challenging every Chinese who entered. You could say that our China experience was shallow.In my memory, Beijing was like a black-and-white photograph. Few cars were on the streets, only bicycles. Everyone wore dark blue clothing. In the parks, the ground was bare of even a blade of grass. The gray buildings all looked alike. But when I stepped off the plane in Beijing in September 20,2001, the black-and-white photograph exploded into bright color and came to life. Impressive new high-rise buildings lined the streets, which were jammed with buses, trucks, and private cars. People wearing colorful clothing thronged the department stores and bookstores.Coffee houses, fast-food joints, and every kind of restaurant beckoned us to try every kind of food. Small children played happily in verdant parks. Is this Beijing, I wondered, or HongKong? I walked and gawked, like a peasant visiting the city for the first time.Because I had seen the China of 20 years ago, I could compare the old with the new. The changes in material circumstances were enormous, and easy to recognize. But I wanted to understand the deeper changes –in people’s thinking, attitudes, and lifestyles. But how could a foreigner penetrate the surface, to see into the Chinese state of mind? Arriving in Beijing, I couldn’t help but not ice the ads and signs everywhere. So I thought, could I use them to understand today’s China?课文词汇throng 群集beckon 召唤;吸引gawk 呆呆地看penetrate 渗透;看穿;洞察参考译文北京不再是一幅黑白照片在中国度假是一种崭新的经历。
CATTI三级笔译实务Section1: English-Chinese translationThe importance of agriculture cannot be overstated. More than 50 percent of the world’s labor force is employed in agriculture. The distribution in the early 1980s ranged from 67 percent of those employed in Africa to less than 5 percent in North America. In Western Europe, the figure was about 16 percent; in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, about 32 percent; and in Asia, about 68 percent.Farm size varies widely from region to region. Recently the average for Canadian farms was about 186 ha (about 460 acres) per farm, and for U.S. farms, about 175 ha (about 432 acres). The average size of a single landholding in the Philippines, however, may be somewhat less than 3.6 ha (less than 9 acres), and in Indonesia, a little less than 1.2 ha (less than 3 acres).Size also depends on the purpose of the farm. Commercial farming, or production for cash, is usually done on large holding. The plantations of Latin America are large, privately owned estates worked by tenant labor. Single-crop plantations produce tea, rubber, cocoa. Wheat farms are most efficient when they comprise some thousands of hectares and can be worked by teams of people and machines. Australian sheep stations and other livestock farms must be large to provide grazing for thousands of animals.Individual subsistence farms or small-family mixed-farm operations are decreasing in number in developed countries but are still numerous in the developing countries of Africa and Asia. A “back-to-the-land” movement in the U.S. reversed the decline of small farms in New England and Alaska in the decade from 1970 to 1980.The conditions that determine what will be raised in an area include climate, water supply, and terrain.Over the 10,000 years since agriculture began to be developed, peoples everywhere have discovered the food value of wild plants and animals and domesticated and bred them. The most important are cereals such as wheat, rice, barley, corn and rye.Agricultural income is also derived from non-food crops such as rubber, fiber plants, tobacco, and oilseeds used in synthetic chemical compounds. Money is also derived from raising animals for pelt.Much of the foreign exchange earned by a country may be derived from a single commodity; for example, Sri Lanka depends on tea, Denmark specializes in dairy products, Australia in wool, and New England in meat products. In the U.S., wheat has become a major foreign exchange commodity in recent years.The importance of an individual country as an exporter of agricultural products depends on many variables. Among them is the possibility that the county is too little developed industrially to produce manufactured goods in sufficient quantity or technical sophistication. Such agricultural exporters include Ghana with cocoa, and Myanmar with rice. On the other hand, an exceptionally well-developed country may produce surpluses not needed by its own population; this as been true of the U.S., Canada, and some of the West European countries.Section2: Chinese-English translation由于西藏地处“世界屋脊”,自然条件恶劣,也由于几百年落后的封建农奴制社会形成的各种社会历史条件内的限制,西藏在全国还属于不发达地区。
2016年5月全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语三级《笔译实务》试卷Section1:English-Chinese Translation(50points)Translate the following passage into Chinese.Old people in Thiengoly say they can remember when there were so many trees that you couldn’t see the sky. Now,miles of reddish-brown sand surround this village in northwestern Senegal,dotted with occasional bushes and trees.Dried animal dung is scattered everywhere,but hardly any dried grass is.Overgrazing and climate change are the major causes of the Sahara’s advance,said Gilles Boetsch,an anthropologist who directs a team of French scientists working with Senegalese researchers in the region.“The local Peul people are herders,often nomadic.But the pressure of the herds on the land has become too great,”Mr. Boetsch said in an interview.“The vegetation can’t regenerate itself.”Since2008,however,Senegal has been fighting back against the encroaching desert.Each year it has planted some two million seedling trees along a545-kilometer,or340-mile,ribbon of land that is the country’s segment of a major pan-African regeneration project,the Great Green Wall.First proposed in2005,the program links Senegal and10other Saharan states in an alliance to plant a15kilometer-wide,7,100-kilometer-long green belt to fend off the desert.While many countries have still to start on their sections of the barrier,Senegal has taken the lead,with the creation of a National Agency for the Great Green Wall.“This semi-arid region is becoming less and less habitable.We want to make it possible for people to continue to live here,”Col.Pap Sarr,the agency’s technical director,said in an interview here.Colonel Sarr has forged working alliances between Senegalese researchers and the French team headed by Mr.Boetsch,in fields as varied as soil microbiology,ecology,medicine and anthropology.“In Senegal we hope to experiment with different ways of doing things that will benefit the other countries as they become more active,”the colonel said. Each year since2008,from May to June,about400people are employed in eight nurseries,choosing and overseeing germination of seeds and tending the seedlings until they are ready for planting.In August,1,000 people are mobilized to plant out rows of seedlings,about2million plants,allowing them a full two months of the rainy season to take root before the long,dry season sets in.After their first dry season,the saplings look dead,brown twigs sticking out of holes in the ground,but80 percent survive.Six years on,trees planted in2008are up to three meters,or10feet,tall.So far,30,000hectares, or about75,000acres,have been planted,including4,000hectares this summer.There are already discernible impacts on the microclimate,said Jean-Luc Peiry,a physical geography professor at the UniversitéBlaise Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand,France,who has placed30sensors to record temperatures in some planted parcels.“Preliminary results show that clumps of four to eight small trees can have an important impact on temperature,”Professor Peiry said in an interview.“The transpiration of the trees creates a microclimate that moderates daily temperature extremes.”“The trees also have an important role in slowing the soil erosion caused by the wind,reducing the dust,and acting like a large rough doormat,halting the sand-laden winds from the Sahara,”he added.Wildlife is responding to the changes.“Migratory birds are reappearing,”Mr. Boetsch said.The project uses eight groundwater pumping stations built in1954,before Senegal achieved its independence from France in1960.The pumps fill giant basins that provide water for animals,tree nurseries and gardens wherefruit and vegetables are grown.Section2:Chinese-English Translation(50points)Translate the following passage into English.健康是促进人的全面发展的必然要求。
2022年11月翻译资格考试三级英语笔译实务真题及答案英译汉Traces of microplastics and hazardous chemicals found in majority of snow and ice samples taken earlier this year.Plastic and traces of hazardous chemicals have been found in Antarctica, one of the world’s last great wil dernesses, according to a new study.Researchers spent three months taking water and snow samples from remote areas of the continent earlier this year.These have now been analysed and researchers have confirmed the majority contained “persistent hazardo us chemicals〞 or microplastics.The findings come amid growing concern about the extent of the plastic pollution crisis which scientists have warned risks “permanent contamination〞of the planet.Earlier this week, the UN warned it is one of the world’s biggest environmental threats and said although 60 countries were taking urgent action more needed to be done.The new report by researchers at Greenpeace is part of global campaign to create the world’s biggest ocean sanctuary in the seas around Antarcti ca to protect the fragile ecosystem from industrial fishing and climate change.Frida Bengtsson, of Greenpeace’s Protect the Antarctic campaign, said the findings proved that even the most remote areas of the planet were not immune from the impact of manmade pollution.“We need action at source, to stop these pollutants ending up in the Antarctic in the first place, and we need an Antarctic ocean sanctuary to give space for penguins, whales and the entire ecosystem to recover from the pressures they’re fa cing,〞she said.Seven of the eight sea-surface water samples tested contained microplastics such as microfibres. Seven of the nine snow samples tested contained detectable concentrations of the persistent hazardous chemicals – polyfluorinated alkylated substances, or PFAS.Researchers said the chemicals are widely used in many industrial processes andconsumer products and have been linked to reproductive and developmental issues in wildlife. They said the snow samples gathered included freshly fallen snow, suggesting the hazardous chemicals had come from contaminated rain or snowfall.Prof Alex Rogers, a specialist in sustainable oceans at the Oxford Martin school, Oxford University, said the discovery of plastics and chemicals in Antarctica confirmed that manmade pollutants were now affecting ecosystems in every corner of the world.And he warned the consequences of this pervasive contamination remained largely unknown.“The big question now is what are the actual consequences of finding this stuff here? Many of these chemicals are pretty nasty and as they move up the food chain they may be having serious consequences for the health of wildlife, and ultimately humans. The effects of microplastics on marine life, likewise, are largely not understood,〞 he said.There is relatively little data on the extent of microplastics in Antarctic waters, and researchers said they hoped this new study would lead to a greater understanding of the global extent of plastic and chemical pollutants.Bengtsson said: “Pla stic has now been found in all corners of our oceans, from the Antarctic to the Arctic and at the deepest point of the ocean, the Mariana trench. We need urgent action to reduce the flow of plastic into our seas and we need large-scale marine reserves –like a huge Antarctic ocean sanctuary which over 1.6m people are calling for –to protect marine life and our oceans for future generations.〞参考答案:在今年早些时候采集的大部分冰雪样本中发现了微量塑料和有害化学物质。
英语笔译实务 3级配套训练 第十二单元 英译汉(二) It Takes Years to Learn English Well
笔译实务3级配套训练第十二单元英译汉(二)英语笔译实务3级配套训练第十二单元英译汉(二)It Takes Years to Learn English WellConfucius said, “Since the age of 15, I have devoted myself to learning; since 30, I have been well established; since 40, I have understood many things and have no longer been confused; since 50, I have known my heaven-sent duty; since 60, I have been able to distinguish right and wrong in other people’s words; and since 70, I have been able to do what I intend freely without breaking the rules.”The average life expectancy at the Spring and Autumn Periods and Warring States Periods was, according to some research, about 19 years. Confucius lived 72 to 73 years, a rare god of longevity indeed. It was even hard for those with power and leisure to reach such an age. Therefore, Confucius could be very well learned, far from what an ordinary person could expect at his times.The latest statistics in 2001 shows that the world life expectancy is 62.2 with the Japanese taking the lead to be 79.66 while China gaining a position surpassing all developing countries by its 69.98. However, the Chinese have not yet reached the age to do what they intend freely without breaking the rules. Thus, rules are hard not to be broken.1 / 3Unit 12 EN-CH (II) Americans Wi th Bad Habits Claim “Excellent” Health Calculated in the terms Confucius set for us in learning, those of us who have been learning English for ten years still have a long way to go before reaching the time to be established. To have no confusion, one has to spend 25 years. To truly understand the purpose of English learning, one has to do it for 35 years. It takes 45 years if one wants to distinguish right and wrong in other people’s words, and 55 years to manipulate English language freely without breaking the rules.课文词汇Confucius 孔子,孔丘expectancy 期望;期望值longevity 长寿;长命manipulate 操作;操纵;运用参考译文学好英语要多少年?子曰:“吾十有五而有志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不愈矩。
2022年上半年英语三级笔译(CATTI 3) 实务考试真题及参考译文
2022年上半年英语三级笔译(CATTI 3) 实务考试真题及参考译文Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points)Translate the following passage into Chinese.China launched an unmanned module(核心舱)on Thursday (containing what will become living quarters for three crew on a permanent space station)that it plans to complete by the end of 2022. The module, named "Tianhe", or“Harmony of the Heavens", which will have a lifespan of at least 10 years, was launched on the Long March 5B, China's largest carrier rocket, at 11: 23 am. (0323 GMT) from the Wenchang Space Launch Center on the southern is land of Hainan.Tianhe is one of three main components of what would be China's first self-developed space station, rivaling the only other station in service—the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS is backed by the United States, Russia, Europe, Japan and Canada. It has hosted scientists from over a dozen nations but China has been banned from sending any of its astronauts there. Yet, the fate of the ISS, though in orbit for more than two decades, is now uncertain. The project is set to expire in 2024 without funding from its partners. Russia said this month that it would quit the project from 2025.The Tianhe launch was the first of 11 missions which it will take to construct and outfit the space station with everything it needs in order to host its initial crew. Unlike the International Space Station which can hold six comfortably and up to eight if needed, China's space station will initially be capable of supporting up to three astronauts at once. That number could change dramatically in the future if China decides to further build out the station, add new modules, and new living areas.In the later missions China will launch two other core modules, four manned spacecraft and four cargo spacecraft. At least 12 astronauts of both genders are training to fly to and live in the station, including veterans of previous flights and newcomers. When completed by late 2022, Tianhe is expected to weigh about 66 tons. After years of successful rocket and commercial satellite launches, China put its first astronaut into space in October 2003. It was only the third country to independentlydo so after the former Soviet Union and the United States.Since that Shenzhou-5 mission, China has sent other astronauts into orbit, placed crews on the original Tiangong Station and conducted a space walk. The launch of as pace lab Tiangong-1in 2011 and Tiangong-2 in2016 helped China test the program's space rendezvous and docking capabilities.China plans another mission in 2024 to bring back lunar samples and to land people on the moon and possibly build a scientific base there. No timeline has been proposed for such projects. China aims to become a major space power by 2030. It has ramped its space program with visits to the moon, the launch of an uncrewed probe to Mars and the construction of its own space station. The Chinese space agency has been moving fast in its aim to catch up to the U. S. and Russia in the new space race.【参考译文】:中国计划于2022年底建成一个永久性太空站/空间站。
英语笔译实务 3级配套训练 第十一单元 英译汉(一)Looking Forward to a Laugh? Good for You!
笔译实务3级配套训练第十一单元英译汉(一)英语笔译实务3级配套训练第十一单元英译汉(一)Looking Forward to a Laugh? Good for You!Laughter may be the best medicine, but even looking forward to having a good laugh can boost the immune system and reduce stress, U.S. researchers reported on Wednesday.Just anticipating a happy, funny event can raise levels of endorphins and other pleasures and relaxation-inducing hormones and lower production of stress hormones, a team at the University of California Irvine said.This team tested 16 men who all agreed they thought a certain video tape was funny. Half of them was told three days in advance they would watch it.Those who knew in advance they could see the video started experiencing biological changes right away.When the men watched the video, levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, fell 39 percent. Epinephrine fell 70 percent, while levels of the feel-good hormone endorphin rose 27 percent and growth hormone levels rose by 87 percent. “Growth hormone is very beneficial to the immune system,” according to the team.1 / 3Unit 11EN-CH (I) Looking Forward to a Laugh? Good for You!This all suggest that anticipation of a funny event can lower stress and stimulate the immune system, Lee Berk, an assistant professor of family medicine and researcher in complementary and alternative medicine who led the study said.Berk and others have already showed that actually watching a funny video, or just laughing at a joke, could make healthful changes in the levels of hormones involved in stress and lower blood pressure.“You have been thinking about it all day, so you experience a change in biology even before you get there,” Berk said. “That is therapeutic.”Berk said the finding strengthens the advice “that everyone lighten up a little to live longer. “Anticipation is half or two-thirds the fun,” he said.课文词汇boost 提高;增进;推进immune 免疫的hormone 荷尔蒙,激素biological 生物的,生物学的cortisol 考的素(一种应激激素)参考译文开怀大笑能延年,笑意浓浓亦益寿笑也许是一贴良药,据美国研究人员星期三报道:即使心里期待着开怀大笑一次,也能增强免疫系统,减少压力。
英语笔译实务 3级配套训练 第十六单元 汉译英(一)转基因技术
1 / 3Unit 14 汉译英(一)全球变暖课文词汇转基因的transgenic 转基因transgene遗传工程genetic engineering 生物体organism受体recipient 启动子序列promoter sequence 组织issue参考译文Transgenic TechnologyTransgenic plants and animals result from genetic engineering experiments in which genetic material is moved from one organization to another (from organism to organism), so that the latter (the recipient organism) will have / show / display / exhibit a new characteristic /feature / trait. The business circle / Business corporations / Business people, scientists, and farmers hope that transgenic techniques will allow more cost-effective plants and animals (corps and herds) with desirable characteristics that are not available using up-to-date breeding technology.Transgenic techniques allow genetic material to be transferred between completely unrelated organisms.In order for a transgenic technique to work (To apply genetic2 / 3笔译实务3级配套训练第十六单元汉译英(一)technique), the genetic engineer must first construct / develop a transgene. When making a transgene (To create the transgene) scientists usually substitute / replace the original promoter sequence with one that will be active in the correct tissues of the recipient / target plant or animal. Overall (Generally speaking), the transgenic technology has many advantages over the traditional / conventional method. Transgenic breeding / The technology is said to be more specific, faster, and less costly. (It is at once more precise, speedier and cheaper than older methods.) Right now research is limited / restricted to one or a few traits, there is going to be the need for many years of research.3 / 3。
Giant panda in Chongqing gives birth to twins双份萌!重庆动物园海归大熊猫产下双胞胎A giant panda named Ershun gave birth to twin cubs at a zoo in Chongqing municipality. They are in good condition at present, the zoo announced. This was Ershun’s second delivery of twins. The cubs weighed 132 grams and 91 grams when they were born. They have since reached a weight of 420 grams and 257 grams. Born in August 2007, Ershun lived in Canada’s Toronto Zoo and Calgary Zoo as a goodwill envoy between March 2013 and November 2020. A total of 21 pandas currently live in the Chongqing Zoo, which began breeding giant pandas in the 1960s.重庆动物园海归大熊猫“二顺”归国后首次生产,成功产下一对雄性双胞胎。
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Unit 14 汉译英(二)日本的节能
大熊猫giant panda 繁殖技术breeding technique 羞涩shyness 哺乳动物mammal
栖居地habitat 围栏pen
Panda Breeding
The giant panda, long a symbol of the world’s endangered species, is no longer threatened with extinction, according to China’s foremost expert on the animal.
After a record 31 births in captivity this year, Zhang Hemin, (the) director of the China research and Conservation Centre for the Giant Panda, in Wolong, Sichuan province, said breeding techniques had advanced to the point / state where cubs could be produced (advanced enough to produce cubs) about on demand.
Supports of such methods praise / hail this as a breakthrough for a mammal that – in captivity – has a reputation for shyness and low sex
笔译实务3级配套训练第十六单元汉译英(二)desire / drive. However, critics see the advance as a distraction from the more important task of protecting the wild panda population by expanding their natural habitat in south-western China.
The number of pandas born in captivity in China has more than tripled since 2000. At Wolong, the biggest of several conservation centres, 19 cubs have been born. This has led to overcrowding – once thought unimaginable. In the pen for one-year-olds, 10 pandas jostle playfully for position on the best branches.。