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• • • • • • • • Admit Admission Commit (ted) Commission Dismiss Emission Mission Missionary 允许;录取 允许 承担 委员会 解雇 发射 任务
• • • • • • • •
Omit Omission Permit Permission Remit Submit Transmit Transmission
66. ject: to throw
• • • • • • Reject Eject Inject Object Project Subject 拒绝 逐出 注射 物体 计划;项目v. n. 服从于; 课题,主题
• Rejected 肖申克的救赎
69. cept: to catch
• • • • • • • Concept Deception Except Inception Intercept Perceptive Perception 概念 欺骗( deceive ) 除了 接收;开始 拦截 有觉察力的 觉察力; 看法
• Decade • Decay • Occasion
十年 衰退 时机
Life is like a spring dream which vanishes without a trace Six chapters of a floating life
79. miss,mit : to send; to throw
• If we citizens do not support our artists, then we sacrifice our imagination on the altar of crude reality and we end up believing in nothing and having worthless dreams. ------Pi • 如果老百姓不支持艺术家,那么艺术家只 能在残酷的现实面前牺牲自己的想象力, 于是到最后,我们什么都不相信,也没有 什么有价值的梦想了。
• now i understand what you tried to say to me and how you suffered for your sanity and how you tried to set them free
68.sist: to stand
• Resist • Insist (on) • Persist (in) 拒绝
66.fer: to bear; to carry
• • • • • • • • • Confer Conference Differ Fertile Prefer Reference Transfer Offer Suffer 协商;交换意见 会议 不同(from) 肥沃的 偏爱 参考书 转让
Starry Night
64. vis: to see
• • • • • • • • Visual 看见的;视觉的 Vision 视野; 梦想 Visionary 有远见的; 有洞察力的; Visit Supervise 监督;监管 Revise 修订 Visible 可以看见的 Invisible 不可以看见的;隐身的
• • • • Cascade Case Casual Casualty 瀑布 情况 偶然 意外事故
• Coincide • Coincidence
• Let's flip a coin...Heads, you're mine; Tails, I'm yours.
• • • • •
Occident Incident Incidental Accident Accidental
70.var: to change
• • • • • Various Variable Vary Invariably Variety 各种各样的 多变的 变化vi. 恒定地 多样
• • • • • • • • procrastination 拖延症; prosopagnosia 脸盲症; trypophobia 密集恐惧症; choosing disorder 选择障碍症; nomophobia 无手机焦虑症; bulimia nervosa 暴食症; post-holiday syndrome 节后综合症; Monday syndrome 星期一综合症
70.liter: to write
• Literature • Literary • Literally 文学 文学的;书面的 照字面地
sHE'S brOKen.
71.pel: to push
• • • • • • Compel Dispel Expel Impel Propel Repel 强迫 驱散 驱除,开除 推动,驱使 推进 击退
西方 事件 偶然的 事故 意外的
• In everyone‟s life, there are moments of extraordinary coincidence, when strangers share a connection.
• And accidents seem to have a purpose
72.Pulse: to push
• • • • Pulse Compulsory Impulse Propulsion 脉冲;脉搏 义务的 冲动;刺激 推进力
64. viv, vit: to live
• • • • • • • Vital 重要的 Vitality; vigor & vitality Revival 复活 Revitalize 复兴 Survive 生存; 存活 Vivid 活灵活现的 Vivisect 活体解剖
• Renaissance 文艺复兴 • Enlightment 启蒙运动
Four great inventions
• • • • Gunpowder Paper-making Printing Compass
63. circ, circum:
• • • • • • Circle Circumspect Circuit Circulate Circulation Circus 圆圈 小心谨慎的 电路;巡回 转发 发行量
允许 汇款 服从;顺从 传送
• 词义辨析 80 track • Between Austria and ltaly, there is a section of the Alps called the Semmering. It is an impossibly steep, very high part of the mountains. They built a train track over these Alps to connect Vienna and Venice. They built these tracks before there was a train in existence that could make the trip. They built it because they knew someday the train would come.
• Sometimes u have to go halfway around the world to come full circle. • 有时,你必须绕过半个地球才能实现一个 完满的圆。
65. port: to carry
• • • • • • • Import Export Transport Deport Report Support Portage 进口 出口 交通 驱逐出境 报告;汇报 支持 运输;搬运
• Visual • Maximize your visual memory.
• Visionary • A great visionary
• Invisible • He had an invisible coat that would shield him from this place.
• New Concept 新概念英语 • Perfect deception
• “When one is in love, one always begins by deceiving one„s self, and one always ends by deceiving others. That is what world calls a romance.” 当某人在恋爱中,开始是欺骗自己,结束时 候是欺骗别人,这就是罗漫史
-----------------Under the Tuscan Sun
81.ven: to come
• • • • • • • Advent Adventure Circumvent Convene Convention Intervene Invention 到来 冒险 智胜;避开;绕过 召集;集合 大会;公约 干涉;介入 发明
• Inception 盗梦空间
• Exceptions can be made. • Exceptional school • Good; exceptional
69.Spect: to look
• • • • • • • • Prospect Circumspect Expect Inspector Retrospect Suspect Spectacle Spectator 前景 谨慎小心的; 周到的 期待 检察员 回顾 ( in ) 怀疑 奇观 观众
• Insist : • Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. • Persist: n. persistence • (confidence) grows on the tree of ~. • 坚持就可以……
• • • •
A源自文库sist Assistant Consist Consistent
帮助 助手 组合,符合 始终如一的
• Prison life consists of routine, and then more routine. • Fear can hold you prisoner; hope can set you free.
• Expect a baby
• Inspector : Subway Surfers
• Spectator: • a spectator sees more of the game . • 当局者迷,旁观者清。 • 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。
73.Cad, cid, cas下落,发生
• enlightment • Eat, Pray, Love
• Keep grounded so it's like you have four legs, that way you can stay in this world. Also, no looking at world through your head, look through your heart instead. That way you will know god.
• Deception : cheat ------Leap Year • Hope you will never steal, lie and cheat. • If you will steal, please steal my sadness. • If you will lie, please lie with me by each and every day. • If you will cheat, please cheat the death. • Love the way you lie