
1.there be a fun sports meet in our school?A.Yes, on Saturday afternoon.B.Yes, it must be very kind of you.C.Sorry, I must go now.D.Sorry, I don’t think to travel.2.Sunday morning, there will be a fun sports meet in the stadium.(体育场)Can we go to participate参加in it?A.Everybody is welcome!B.Everybody is nice!C.Everything is all right!D.Everything will work!3.There is a poster海报at the school gate 大门?A.What’s on it?B.What can we do for you?C.How can we do it?D.What’s in the post office?4.Where are you having the swimming contest?A.In the School Swimming pool.B.On the playground.C.On the school stadium.D.In the school building.5.There will be a cycling race. Will you take part in it?A.Sure.B.Soon.C.So.D.So long.6.The City Inter-college Basketball Championship will be held. Will you watch it?A.Me. I can hardly wait.B.Me. I can’t make it.C.Yes, it’s delicious.D.No, it tastes awful.7.There will be an international women’s volleyball match. Who versus whom?A.China and Cuba.B.Students and teachersC.Doctors and patientsD.Engineering department and Mathdepartment.8.You are crazy about football. Will you go to see the match?A. Yes, I will. I’ve never missed anyone in this city!B. Yes, I’ll go to play it.C. No, I won’t play it.D. No, I don’t believe it.9.Would you like to come with us?A.Why not?B.That’s terrible.C.Never mind!D.You are welcome.10.Both the two football teams are very strong.A.The match must be very exciting.B.Le t’s go on foot.C.Are you crazy about basketball?D.What’s wrong with them?11.Walking is a healthy outdoor activity.A.Shall we go for a walk now?B.Work makes me tired.C.Would you like to come?D.Are you interested in the work?12.The Students’Union is organizing a dancing party for us?A.Really? When and where will it beheld?B.Really? Why not?C.Really? Is it between the schoolteams?D.Really? What is it?13.Do you observe Father’s Day in China?A.Yes, more and more people havebegun to celebrate it.B.Yes, this notice contains somethinginterest for us.C.No, you have to give a clear idea ofthe event.D.No, we’ll have it in the Students’Center.14.What gift have you prepared for your dad?A.Look at the fishing tackle. I’ll gofishing with my dad.B.Let’s have a look. There is going tobe a swimming race.C.Really? Where and when will theparty be held?D.Look! Dragon boat races arepopular.15.When and where is the Christmas Party being held?A.It’s going to be at the College Hallon Christmas Eve.B.I’d like to learn more about Englishholidays.C.The Student s’ Union is organizing adancing party for us.D.I’d like to invite you to a concertsometime this week.16.What’s on the poster? It looks nice.A.Let’s go to have a look.B.Let’s have a walk.C.Let’s look at the fishing tackle.D.Let’s go to play basketball.17.It there any typical Chinese festival you celebrate?A.Yes, there are many.B.Yes, they are.C.No, we’ll go for it.D.No, we haven’t made up our mind.18.Could you give me some advice on how to write a notice for the English party?A.Sure. First, you have to give a clearidea of the event.B.Sure. First, you must draw a pictureand use different fonts.C.Sure. First, you will have it in theStudents Center.D.Sure. First, you need to make it lookattractive.19.Mr. Wang, this notice contains something interesting for you.A.Oh? What’s it about?B.Oh? What’s wrong with it?C.Oh? What has happened to it?D.Oh? What’s the matter with it?20.When will the party be?A.It will be in the winter holiday.B.It will be in the Students’ Stadium.C.It will be on the playground.D.It will be in the school building.21.Do you know when we will have the New Year party?A.Tomorrow evening.B.No problem.C.Yes, it is.D.In the classroom.22.How will you celebrate your first summer holiday in China?A.I’ll go traveling.B.It is in spring.C.We often throw a party.D.That’s a good idea.23.Why not join us for an exciting evening?A.I’ll be glad to.B.You are welcome.C.Don’t mention it.D.Hurry up.24.When do you celebrate Christmas in Australia?A.In summer time.B.We also have big dinners.C.Oh, everybody likes it!D.The same to you!25.Oh, doctor, I feel so terrible!A.Let’s see. What seems to be theproblem?B.Let’s see. Where are you from?C.Let’s see. When did you begin to doit?D.Let’s see. How did you do it?26.How shall I take the medicine?A.Two pills a time, three times a day.B.My whole body hurts.C.Take this medicine.D.Take dental checks.27.Have you seen a doctor?A. Yeah. He asked me to have a good rest.B. Yes, I’ll go to see a doctor tomorrow.C. No, he asked me to have a rest.D. No, he prescribed the best medicine for me!28.What’s the trouble with you?A.I’ve got a bad headache.B.I’ve got something to tell you.C.I’ll sign up for the basketball match.D.I’ll take the medicine.29.Have you taken the medicine?A.Not yet. But perhaps I should.B.Thank you for the advice.C.I went to see a doctor.D.Three times a day after meals.30.Does this new treatment work well?A.Well, let’s wait and see.B.Yes, it is beautiful.C.The doctor works too hard.D.The nurse treats me well.II. 英-- 汉1.When this new model was first put to the market, people all gave it plenty of praise, saying it was the best design ever made.A.这种新的型号刚一投放市场,就受到所有人的赞扬,他们说这是见到的最好的设计。

A student, ___.whose __________ name I don't know, came to see me.2.第3题Is this museum __.the one __________ you visited a few days ago?3.第11题Hans has a new car. I wonder when__.he bought ___________ it.4.第12题It happened __.that ________ Lisa wasn't there at that time.5.第13题Young __ as _________ John was, he was able to swim across the channel within minutes.6.第14题—Who is John Smith? —He is the speaker ___.we __________ heard last week.7.第15题Never hesitate to ask about ___.what you don' t understand ___________ .8.第23题Do ____ .what ______ you are told; otherwise you will be punished.9.第24题No one was aware ___.of where __________ Jane had gone.10.第25题.No sooner had I closed ________ the door than somebody started knocking on it.11.第26题The machine is such ___.as _________ I have never seen before.12.第27题___.Where he is ________ is unknown to me.13.第28题___ .But for ________ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Saturday. 14.第29题The company official __ who ___________ I thought would be fired received a raise.15.第31题Do you know __ what time the party starts __________ ?16.第32题We'll visit Europe next year _.provided ____________ we have enough money.17.第33题We don't doubt ___.that __________ he can make a good job of it.18.第34题The village ___ which _________ my mother grew up in is not far from the city.19.第35题The crime was discovered till 48 hours later, __ which _______________ gave the criminal plenty of time to get away. 20.第38题A good many proposals were raised by the delegates,___ as ___________ was to be expected.Students in his class cannot understand __ what this sentence means _____________ .2.第3题Young ___ as ________ John was, he was able to swim across the channel within minutes.3.第4题Mary is the only one of the team members__ who is going ____________ to be transferred.4.第5题The time will come __ when ... wherever ____________ m an can fly he likes in the universe.5.第6题___ But for __________ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Saturday. 6.第7题A good many proposals were raised by the delegates, ______ .as ________ was to be expected. 7.第8题Hans has a new car. I wonder when___.he bought __________ it.8.第13题Do you know __.what time the party starts ___________ ?9.第14题Women workers wear hats _.in case _____________ t heir hair gets caught in the machinery. 10.第15题Most of the stones are___ higher than ____________ a man and weigh about two and a half tonseach. 11.第16题—Who is John Smith? —He is the speaker ___ we __________ heard last week.12.第17题I have no idea__.that _______ they have kept in touch with me by E-mail since last year.13.第18题Mrs. Lee will move into her new house next Monday, ___.by which time _______________ it will be completely furnished. 14.第36题I will give this book to__ whoever ___________ wants to have it.15.第37题This is ___ what __________ I want to tell you.16.第38题_ No sooner had I closed ________ the door than somebody started knocking on it.17.第39题We don't doubt __.that __________ he can make a good job of it.18.第40题The village ___ which __________ my mother grew up in is not far from the city.19.第41题The crime was discovered till 48 hours later, __ which ____________ gave the criminal plenty of time to get away. 20.第42题The International Studies University, ___.founded __________ in 1951, is a military academy.23.第4题他整夜躺在床上睡不着,思考着那个问题。

《大学英语》复习题(专升本)一、单项填空1. ---Have you heard the latest news? ---No, What ________?A. is itB. is thereC. are theyD. are those2. Some pre-school children go to a day care center, __________ they learn simple games and songs.A. thenB. thereC. whileD. where3. Does this meal cost $50? I __________ something far better than this!A. preferB. expectC. suggestD. suppose4. ---Can you read the sign, sir? No smoking allowed in the lift! ---__________________.A. Never mindB. Don’t mention itC. Sure, I don’t smokeD. Pardon me5.---The last one __________________ pays the meal.---Agreed!A.arrived B.arrives C.to arrive D.arriving6.---How’s your tour ar ound the North Lake? Is it beautiful?---It ________ be, but it is now heavily polluted.A.will B.would C.should D.must7.We all know that, __________, the situation will get worse.A.not if dealt carefully with B.if not carefully dealt withC.if dealt not carefully with D.not if carefully dealt with8.I smell something __________ in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute?A.burning B.burnt C.being burnt D.to be burnt9.Between the two generations, it is often not their age, _________ their education that causes misunderstanding.A.like B.as C.or D.but10.The manager suggested an earlier date ____________ the meeting.A.on B.for C.about D.with 二、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

大学英语(四)期末考试复习题I. Vocabulary ()1.Such kind of cartoons have great D not only to children, but to some adults.A. InterestsB. differenceC. likenessD. Appeals2.This kind of animal has a wide B all over the world.A. ContributionB. distributionC. tributeD. attribution3.All of us agree that he has an A housewife.A. EconomicalB. economicC. economyD.economics4. They stayed up late trying to D out a way to solve the problem.A. LetB. knockC. giveD. figure5.His art criticism has A brilliance but no substance.A. ExternalB. expectantC. experimentalD. exclusive6.The nurses do all they can to make the patients feel B .A. at stakeB. at easeC. at handD. at random7.Short-term sufficiency lulled them into C about the long-term threat.A. ConstancyB. reluctancyC. complacencyD.contentment8.The talks had been A but much remained to be done.A. FruitfulB. effectiveC. advantageousD. valid9.People have little information on the A of air pollution near the factory.A. ExtentB. rangeC. lengthD. limit10.We are in A of extra pay for extra work.A. FavorB. lightC. viewD. terms11.When you tell him something he always does the D on purpose.A. ObjectionB. opposingC. oppositionD. opposite12.It's surprising that this innocent- looking person should have B such acrime.A. ActedB. committedC. finishedD. Performed13.He C me because he offered a cigarette to everyone except me.A. OfferedB. affordedC. OffendedD. offset14.There was nobody in A when we came round the corner.A. SightB. glimpseC. glanceD. view15.It is a hard and long struggle we are A with.A. BusyB. engagedC. StrikingD. going16.If you want to telephone her, you'll have to D the number in the book.A. look atB. look intoC. look throughD. look up17. B , her health is much improved, but she is still not really well.A. In the wayB. By the wayC. On the wayD. Under18.His job as a tour guide D traveling a lot around the country.A. AccompaniesB. includesC. containsD. involves19.The task before us D great courage and perseverance.A. calls upB. calls onC. calls forthD. calls for20.A piece of C news is one that easily arouses the attention of the readers.A. SensibleB. senselessC. sensationalD. sensitive21.The prisoner was A to life imprisonment.A. CondemnedB. punishedC. refutedD. disputed22.He had been waiting for half an hour when B , she came.A. LastlyB. finallyC. graduallyD. lately23.could tell lie was surprised from the C on his face.A. AppearanceB. sightC. expressionD. view24.The chief advantage of this new model over the old one is that it is cheaper and1more C .A. proficientB. sufficientC. efficientD. deficient25.I have got to go-something has just D at home and I am needed there.A. come toB. come inC. come downD. come up26.Industrial countries A a great amount of raw materials.A. ConsumeB. absorbC. applyD. employ27.Sometimes I think he isn't quite D in the head.A. GoodB. correctC. rightD. sensible28.Tom A awake all night thinking of them.A. LayB. laidC. liedD. led29.The cost of living is D again.A. RoaringB. raisingC. arousingD. rising30.The new theory became widely C .A. ReceivedB. acquiredC. spreadD. Obtained31.I hope the stove will D enough heat to warm the room.A. get overB. give inC.get outD. give off32.You should be able to B right from wrong.A. PerceiveB. distinguishC. sightD. observe33.The life of an airline steward is filled with A and excitement.A. adventureB. experienceC. efficiencyD. development34.John has great acting A ,but he needs training to be a real actor.A. potentialB. promotionC. possibilityD. probability35.The doctor advised that he B a little time for physical exercises each day to improve his health.A. set outB. set asideC. put upD. put off 36.They plan to D a number of new products for show at the exhibition.A. lay asideB. lay offC. lay downD. lay out37.Understanding the English language is as important as usin g it to B with English speakers.A. mentionB. communicateC. chatterD. exclaim38.Having lived in Italy for thirty years. Helen and her husband moved to make a A home in New York.A. PermanentB. possibleC. determinedD. worthwhile39.Mary, are you A to take part in the game?A. SupposedB. DisposedC. exposedD. indicated40.His debts D to a considerable sum.A. AddB. collectC. mountD. amountⅡ.Reading Comprehension ()We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that thereare many disadvantages in streaming (把---按能力分班) pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both bright and not-so-bright children. After all, it can be very discouraging to be at the bottomof the top grade!Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellec tual ability. This is only one of their total personalities. We are concerned to develop the ability of all our pupils into the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills,and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work ingroups:this gives them opportunities to learn to co-operate, to share and to develop2leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think,to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupil learn from each other as well as from the teacher.Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individ ual tasks and assignment, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We encourage our pupils to use the libraries, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work: it does no matter what age this child is. We expect our pupils to do their best,not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.1.In this passage the author's attitude towards "mixed-ability teaching" is( C ).A. CriticalB. questioningC. approvingD.objective2. By "held back" (Para. 1) the author means“ D ”.A. made to remain in the same classesB. forced to study in the lower classesC. drawn to their studiesD. prevented from advancing3.The author argues that a teacher's chief concern should be the development of the student's ( B )A.personal qualities and social skillsB.total personalityC.learning ability and communicative skillsD.intellectual ability4.Which of the following is NOT MENTIONED in the third paragraph? ( D )A.Group work gives pupils the opportunity to learn to work together with others.B.Pupils also learn to develop their reasoning abilities.C.Group work provides pupils with the opportunity to learn to be capable organizers.D.Pupil also learn how to participate in teaching activities.5.The author's purpose in writing this passage is to A.A.argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright children in the same classB.recommend pair work and group work for classroom activitiesC.offer advice on the proper use of libraryD.emphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom teachingCars of 2050 will travel the nation's highways in never-before-dreamed-of safety,Comfort, and conven i ence. These cars will float along never touching the ground, and therefore will have no need for wheels.Annoying highway vibrations, caused by the rotations of the disc-and-tire wheels, will be things of the past. The coming highway passenger cars will literally fly above the road, supported on columns of air compressed by turbine-driven fans.The car without wheels has been called a "flying car", and, in a sense, that's just what it is;however, it will not back out of the family garage, start down the street, and then suddenly go quickly upward heading for some distant point. On the contrary, to avoid problems in aerial navigation, the wheelless vehicle probably will travel no more than three inches above road surface. It will travel over fairly rough road and even over smooth water!The inevitable problems of maritime regulations, severe weather conditions, and running out of fuel in remote areas all will require new concepts of operation, servicing, and vehicle regulation.1.The author believes that cars of the future CA. will be replaced by airplanesB. will have wheels unlike those of todayC. will use columns of air instead of wheelsD.will use wheels without tires2.Which of the following is true concerning the new car? BA. It doesn't need fuel any more.3B. It will be influenced by weather conditions.C. No family garage is needed any longer.D. The speed of a flying car will be comparable to that of an airplane.3.The car without wheels has been called a "flying car" because AA. it travels a few inches above the groundB. it can fly as a plane doesC. it moves at a very high speedD. it can travel over smooth water4.Where is a wheelless car LEAST fit to travel? DA. Over soft land.B. Over rough country roads.C. Over highways.D. Over waterfalls.5.Wheelless cars will BA. eliminate all traffic problemsB. create new traffic problemsC. eliminate parking problemsD. Both A and CⅢ. Translation ()1.We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.我们期望学生能够竭尽所能,而不是做最起码的事,为达到此目标我们给予他们充分的鼓励。

大学英语语法复习题一、选择题1. The book is _______ interesting to read.A) tooB) veryC) quiteD) so2. She has been _______ for two hours.A) awayB) leftC) goneD) lost3. The teacher asked us _______ in the library.A) not to speakB) to not speakC) not speakingD) not speaking4. _______ he is very busy, he still finds time to read.A) ThoughB) AlthoughC) SinceD) Because5. I _______ you more carefully.A) should have listened toB) must have listened toC) could have listened toD) might have listened to二、填空题6. The _______ (早的) you start, the _______ (早的) you will finish.7. _______ (尽管) he is old, he is still very active.8. She is _______ (足够聪明) to solve this problem by herself.9. I _______ (宁愿) stay at home than go out in this weather.10. _______ (如果) you are not busy, could you help me withmy homework?三、改错题11. She is one of the best students in her class, she always gets the top grades.- Error: __________- Correction: __________12. I would have called you if I had your number.- Error: __________- Correction: __________13. They have been living here since five years ago.- Error: __________- Correction: __________14. The meeting is going to be held at 9:00 AM, isn't it?- Error: __________- Correction: __________15. He said that he was tired and he went to bed early.- Error: __________- Correction: __________四、翻译题16. 我昨天没有收到你的邮件,可能是因为网络问题。

单项选择( )1、In order to strengthen his muscles, Mike goes to the gym to do exercises.A、increasinglyB、oftenC、regularlyD、lively( )2、He asked who I voted for and I said it was my own . A、thing B、matter C、duty D、business( )3、Mr. Smith was determined to the experiment after so many year's interruption.A、carry onB、carry outC、carry awayD、carry forth( )4、Drunken driving is often the major of traffic accident.A、reason B、cause C、excuse D、way( )5、The case a lot of things, a second-hand watch. A、included , contained B、included, containing C、contained , included D、contained, including( )6、His article concerning population control was published in the issue of China Daily.A、latestB、latelyC、lateD、later( )7、Although many young people are eager to go abroad, he prefers in his own country.A、stay and workB、stayed and workedC、to stay and workD、to be stayed and worked( )8、The good service at the hotel made up for the poor food to some .A、way B、grade C、sort D、extent( )9、Scientists think that the hotel made up for the poor food to some .A、aren't , areB、aren't , wereC、weren't , areD、weren't , were( )10、As soon as he comes back ,I'll tell him when and see him.will you come B、you will come C、you come D、do you come CDBBD BDACB( )11、We have two seats for the 8:30 flight to New York tomorrow.A、boughtB、soldC、bookedD、ordered( )12、Candies and chocolates are treats suitable for festive . A、conditions B、occasions C、situations D、events ( )13、The young couple their new life to a railway train on a long unknown track.A、imaginedB、figuredC、comparedD、cheered( )14、Some passengers complain that it usually takes so long to in travel insurance documents.A、finishB、fillC、completeD、write( )15、As the manager of the company, Alan White should be responsible for all the sales of the department.A、chiefB、mainC、commonD、general( )16Some customers complain that it usually so long to get refund for the inferior goods they bought.A、takesB、costsC、spendsD、spares( )17、If the boy had the dog alone it wouldn't have bitten him.A、set B、made C、had D、left( )18、Jack is good , kind, hard-working and intelligent. , I can't speak too highly of him.A、As a resultB、By the wayC、In any caseD、In a word( )19、Stressful environments lead to unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits,which. increase the risk of heart disease.A、in turn B、in return C、by chance D、by turns( )20、With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth each year.A、is washing awayB、are being washing awayC、are washing awayD、is being washed awayCBCBD ADDBD21、They always kept on good with their next-door neighbours for the children's sake .A、friendshipB、relationsC、relativesD、terms22、There was a good of the countryside front of the bus. A、sight B、view C、scene D、scenery23、I think we should let Maria go camping with her boyfriend. , she is a big girl now.A、After allB、Above allC、First of allD、For all24、I fyou ever have the to go abroad to work, you should take it. A、pssibility B、offer C、luck D、chance25、The man told his girlfriend he would wait for her where the three roads .A、link B、connect C、meet D、combine26、The current political of our country is favorable for foreign investments. A、climate B、weather C、state D、occasion27、My house is very for getting to work as it is only a few minutes from the station.A、comfortableB、suitableC、convenientD、free28、Mum, it is nice weather. I want to skate this afternoon.Don't you think the ice on the lake is too thin to your weight> A、stand B、bear C、catch D、take29、Our English teacher our buying a good English-Chinese dictionary.A、askedB、orderedC、suggestedD、required30、from the moon, our earth, with water seventy percent of its surface, appears as a"blue ball"A、Seen coveredB、Seeing coveringC、Seen coveringD、To see to coverDBADC ACBCC( )31、——Guess what ? I passed the English exam!——That’s fine. B、It’s OK. C、Congratulations! D、Believe it or not.( )32、——Will you be able to come to my birthday party this Saturday?——A、No, I’d like to. B、I believe I can’t. C、I’m afraid, D、Yes, I’d love to.( )33、——Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the railway station?——. A、No, I couldn’t. B、Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new here. C、I couldn’t tell you D、You can’t ask me. ( )34、——I’m sorry that the postcards you want to buy have been sold out.——A、Oh, great. B、That sounds boring. C、That’s all right! D、Oh, what a pity!( )35、——What can I do for you?Yes, .A、I’d l ike to see that shirt, please.B、I’m afraid not.C、may I invite you to dinner?D、I just have a book.CDCDA( )36、——Mary, help yourself to some salad.——. A、I don’t like salad. B、Sorry, I can’t help. C、Thanks, but I have had enough. D、No, I can’t.( )37、——Excuse me, sir. Are you ready to order you meal, please?——. A、Yes, I can. B、Please don’t order it. C、Yes, I want a pizza and some soup, D、No, I’m not.( )38、——I think the movie is really exciting and touching.——. A、So am I. B、So do I. C、Neither do I. D、The same to you.( )39、——Have you ever been to the Great Wall in Beijing?——. A、Yes, I am. B、No, I don’t. C、No, I have never been there. D、Certainly, I went there.( )40、——You look tired. What’s the matter?——.A、It does not matter.B、Oh, my head aches badly.C、It is not the matter.D、Don’t worry.CCBCB( )41、——Do you think living in the countryside has more advantages?——. A、Yes, perfectly. B、Well, it depends. C、Yes, it is. D、Nothing at all.( )42、——Excuse me, sir. Could you hold the suitcase for me?——. A、It’s a pleasure. B、My pleasure. C、I could. D、With pleasure.( )43——、It is nice of you to give me a favor now?——. A、Thank you. B、No, no. C、With pleasure. D、It’s my pleasure.( )44、——Do you know where my MP3 is, Dad?——. A、Oh, it’s a pity. B、Have you looked upstairs? C、I know. D、Sorry, I didn’t.( )45、——How soon do you want to leave for the picnic?——. A、Sooner or later. B、Be quick. C、As I like. D、In an hour.40-45( )46、——Hello, this is David speaking. Is Michael there?——. A、Hold on. I’ll get him. B、No, he isn’t. C、Yes, I am David. D、Yes, What do you want?( )47、——Are you free tonight, Jenny? How about going to the concert together?——.A、I do not think so.B、Never mind.C、Take it easy.D、I’d like to, but I have to drive my mother home tonight.( )48、——Mr. Smith, must we hand in our composition next Monday?——. A、Yes, you will. B、Yes, you must. It’s the deadline. C、No, you mustn’t. D、You can wait.( )49、——Which one do you prefer, the window seat or the aisle seat?——. A、I prefer a window seat. B、I like neither. C、Both will do. D、I don’t know.( )50、——What’s your major, Jack?——.A、I study very hard.B、I’m learning course.C、I major English.D、I’m majoring in computer science.46-50 ADBAD51.His suggestion was proved for our project.A.valuable highlyB. highly valuableC. valuable highD. high valuable52.My son went swimming along with .A.two young other boysB. .two other young boysC. other two young boysD. young .two other boys53.The books in this library is those in that one.A.three times more thanB.three times bigger thanC.three times many thanD.as three times more than54.Of the two dictionary ,I choose one.A.the most expensiveB.the least expernsiveC.the much expensiveD.the less expensive55 There isn’t on campus today.A.something newB.new somethingC.anything newD.new anythingBCADC56. mother bought a new dress, but d on’t like it.A.Me I IB.My me IC.My I ID.Me me I57.Since wo cannot find an English teacher , we have to teach .A.ourself C.ourselves D.weself58.Mr Smith is a friend of .A.my B.me C.mine D.I59.Do you know the girl mother is the only doctor in our class.A.who B.whose C.her D.whom60.I have two suits.One is blue and is black. A.another B.the other C.others D.the others61.You return the book today.You can keep it till next week if you like.A.cannotB.may notC.mustn’tD.need’t.62. He told me that I be present at his wedding ceremony A.could B.would C.should D.might63.----Don’t go to the wild forest alone on a trip.-----Don’t worry,I A.don’t B.won’t C.can’t D.needn’t64.I regretted not having finished my composition last night.I to the cinema with Mary.A.shouldn’t have goneB.might have goneC.needn’t have goneD.must have gone65.She has late for class again.She up earlier.A.must have gotB.should have gotC.need to getD.should get66.I don’t known whether it will rain or not,but if it ,I shall stay at home. A.will B.rains C.was D.does67.By the time he takes the final exam ,he more than five lectures in this semester.A.will attendB.has attendedC.had attendedD.will have attended.68.At this time tomorrow,they the mountain. A.would be climbing B.will be climbing Cwill climb. D. would climb69.They are reported another oil field in this area. A.to have discovered B.discovered C.to be discover D.be discovering70.Our films until next week. A don’t develop B.won’t develop C.aren’t developing D.won’t be developed二、阅读理解Passage 1Gilbert Arenas was born on January 6,1982 in Tampa, Florida. His father played college football at the University of Miami. In 1984, the pair moved to Los Angeles, California. Where Gilbert’s father was an actor in commercials and soap operas.When Gilbert was about 11, he started playing basketball. By the time Gilbert was 14, he was already the best player on Ulysses S. Grant High School in Van Nuys, California. He decided to wear the number “0〞because people told him he would get “zero playing time〞. After his sophomore year, Gilbert decided to enter the NBA draft, Many coaches thought that Gilbert was not ready. As a result, he was drafted a disappointing 31st overall by the Golden State Warriors, Gilbert worked hard at Golden State, despite the fact his coach kept him on the bench for much of the season. When he finally got his chance, Gilbert averaged 14 pointes and 5 assists per game as the Warriors point guard.After a successful individual year for Gilbert, it was time to test the NBA’s free-agent market. Much to the disappointment of Warriors fans, Gilbert signed a 6-year, 65 million dollar deal with the Washington Wizards in 2003. Not surprisingly, he became an instant star with the lay ups. Although the Wizards only won 27 games his first year in Washington, Gibert led them with 19.6 points per game. Gilbert, along with teammates Larry Hughes and Antawn Jamison, led the Wizards to the NBA playoffs during his second year.The highlight of the decade for the Wizards was their post-season victory against the Chicago Bulls in the NBA playoffs. ( )1、What did Gibert's father do for a living in California?A、He was an artist.B、He was a basketball player.C、He was an actor.D、He was a football player.( )2、When did Gilbert become the best player on Ulysses S. Grant High School?A、When he was 11.B、In 1984.C、When he was 14.D、As a junior in high school( )3、Why was Gilbert drafted a disappointing 31st overall by the Golden State Warriors?A、Because many coaches thought that he was not ready.B、Because the Golden State Warriors liked him very much.C、Because his family has moved to the Golden State.D、Because his performance is disappointing in the season.( )4、Which of the following player did NOT help the Wizards make the playoffs in Gilbert's second year?A、Gilbert Arenas.B、Gold State Warriors.C、Antawn Jamison.D、Larry Hughes.( )5、Which of the following words best describes Gilbert Arenas as described by the passage?A、OverratedB、Hard-working.C、Talented.D、Both B and C CCABDPassage 2In the United States there was an unusual tale telling of the daughter of a mechanic. One day While walking along the band of a lake, the girl happened to see 20 eggs laid by a wild goose. After some time the girl realized the mother would not return to her eggs and she decided to take them home. There she carefully placed the eggs in the heat of a lamp. Several days later the eggs broke and the baby geese came into the world.Geese are known to take the first living thing they see as their mother. Thus, to these young geese, the girl was their mother.As they grew, the girl was able to lead her birds to run across the grass, but she could not teach them to fly . The girl became increasingly worried about this,both when awake and in her father for a plane and he assembled a small aircraft for her.Caring about her safety, the father decided to pilot the plane himself. However, the birds did not recognize or follow him, and instead slept in the grass.One day , the girl climbed into the plane, started it and soon left the ground. Seeing their mother take to the air, the birds eagerly flapped their wings and set out.She flew the plane freely in the sky, her young birds following.( )1、Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?A、The Daughter of a Mechanic.B、A Girl and Her Father.C、A Girl and Her Geese.D、How to Teach Birds to Fly.( )2、Why did the girl decide to take the eggs home?A、Because she liked the eggs.B、Because she wanted to eat the eggs.C、Because her father asked her to do so.D、Because she knew that the mother goose will not come back.( )3、The baby geese naturally took as their mother.the mother geese B、the girl C、the first thing they touch D、the girl's father( )4、What did the girl's father do to help her?A、He assembled a small plane.B、He piloted the plane himself.C、He taught the geese how to fly.D、Both A and B( )5、How did the young geese learn to fly?A、By following the girl in the plane.B、By themselves.C、By following the girl's father.D、By staying in the plane.CDBDAPassage 3Not long ago my wife sent to town to buy something .I walked to the shop,and bought a pound of suger ,then I returned home. Handing my wife the paper bag containing the suger. I said , “here is the suger you wanted .〞My wife looked in the bag, and then looked at me . “I told you .〞she said slowly , “to get me of a bottle of milk.〞Frightened over my absent –mindedness,I paid a call on my family docoter.He was kind.“your problem ,〞he said , “is a simple one and should give you no concern .If you know you are absent-minded ,you may be in trouble.〞“many famous people have been absent-minded .〞the docoter told me.〞Thomas Edison was standing in line one day to pay his taxes.when he arrived at the window ,he found that he had forgotten his name.he turned to the man next to in line and asked ,〞can you tell me who I am ?〞the man told him.I left much better and got up to leave . “thank you ,docoter ,〞I said , “how much should I pay you ?〞“ten dollars for check-up,〞the docoter answered .“but docoter,I didn’t have a check-up.〞The docoter looked puzzled . “oh,yes,〞he said , “it is the patient before you .How absent-minded of me !〞( )6.The man’s wife asked him to buy .A.a pound of sugerB. a paper bagC.a bottle of milkD.some medicine( )7.According to the docoter, a person may have some trouble if .A. he knows he is absent-mindedB.he worried about his absent-mindednessC.he is so absent-minded that he does know who he isD.he doesn’t know he is absent-minded( )8.the docoter told a story about Edison in order to show .A.Edison was famous for his absent-mindednessB How forgetful Edison wasC .Famous people are something absent-minded, tooD.Only famous people suffer from absent-minded( )9.the patient before the author probably .paid ten dollars for the medicine had a medical check-uphad the same problem as the author didn’t have a medical check-up( )10.this passage is mainly concerned with .the dangers of absent-mindedness the commonness of absent-mindednessthe treatment of absent-mindedness D、the causes of absent-mindednessCCCBBPassage 4In one culture, students may be encouraged to cooperate with their fellow students, while in another culture this activity may be prohibited. In some societies, students are discouraged from asking questions, while in others they may be required to do so as part of their formal judgement. In some countries, a university lecturer provides students with all the information that they are required to learn; in others, students are required to collect data independently.A student who studies in a foreign country is faced with a different set of culture specific conventions. Often these differences are significant enough to require adjustment in learning style and attitudes to knowledge.〔〕1. The paragraph previous to this selection has probably talked about .a. the importance of recognizing the cultural differenceb. how to recognize different culturesc. cultural similaritiesd. the existence of different cultures〔〕2. The examples in the first paragraph show .a. the importance of the existence of different culturesb. the ways of understanding different culturesc. the advantage of one culture over the otherd. the contrast of some cultures〔〕3. What is the relationship between the two paragraphs?a. Contrast of points of views.b. Views and examples.c. Cause and affect.d. Rules and exceptions.〔〕4. If one goes to study abroad, it’s important for him to .a. adopt different learning methods according to the new cultureb. maintain the same style of and the same attitude to learningc. study harder to understand the new cultured. help the others to understand his own culture〔〕5. The paragraph following this selection will probably talk about .a. how to choose subjects in different cultureb. how to make adjustments in one’s learningc. how to overcome difficulties in one’s learningd. how to collect important data independentlyDDBABPassage 5Research has been carried out to determine the best way to motivate a multinational team of employees. The results show that the principal problems are caused by cultural differences. For example, one study, in which members of ten nationalities attended regular meetings together, revealed that the French could not understand the practical British attitude to conducting business, which they thought indicated a lack of preparation. On the other hand, the Americans found it difficult to accept shaking hands with the French every morning, which they saw as a sign of a more formal relationship.It is suggested that the successful multinational team should be composed of managers who have the right profile in terms of attitude and experience and who suit the rule that’differences’ should be accepted.与文中意思相符的在括号中写“T〞,不相符的在括号中写“F〞〔〕1. The passage implies that multinational team should have its own culture.〔〕2. The passage suggests that French and Americans observe a formal relationship.〔〕3. The passage indicates that efficient managers and the awareness of cultural differences are the two key factors of a successful multicultural team.〔〕4. We can conclude that the French can manage a multicultural team better than the British because they have made sufficient preparation for the meetings.〔〕5. The author thinks that the British are more practical in doing business than the French.FFTFT Passage 6At the other end of Africa is a desert. Yet people who live there have managed to make a home and lie in agreement with the land. The people are the Bushmen, whose home is the Kalahari Desert of South Africa. They make their living through their knowledge of a difficult and dangerous home.During the few days that it rains in the Kalahari, he Bushmen have no trouble finding food. All kinds of plants and flowers grow in the desert. Hungry animals from surrounding areas move into the desert. Hunting is easy. They can follow animal tracks 〔踪迹〕for days. Then they shoot their game with poisoned arrows〔毒箭〕. If the animal is only wounded, they will run after it for days under the hot sun.A Bushman can also find water where no one else can. Sometimes he will dig through the sand, looking for the water seeping 〔渗出〕in after the rains where he knows. Then he puts a hollow reed〔空芦苇〕into the ground and sucks the water up through the reed, after that he will draw it out of sand. And then he will hide a kind of egg shell in the sand and remember where he has hidden it. If another Bushman finds the shell, he will not use it —— even it he is dying of thirst. He knows that another depends on the water being there.Nearly everything the Bushmen use comes from the desert. But it takes knowledge and skill to put everything to use. Only with this knowledge and skill can the Bushmen live in such a harsh〔严酷的〕homeland.( )1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?A. There is a desert is South Africa.B. Bushmen live a hard life in the desert.C. Bushmen live a life by their own way.D. Bushmen d on’t know how to live in the desert.( )2. Why do Bushmen hunt easily after the rains?A. Because the animals don’t move any more.B. Because the animals surrounding the area come here to eat the plants in the des ertafter the rains. C. Because it rains, the animals hide in some places.D. Because many animals are very weak after the rains. ( )3.How can a bushman find water in the desert after the rain?A.They dig through the sand where the water will flow slowly and then put a reed in the sand, sucking the water up.B.After the rains he can find a small river.C.There are many holes in the sand ,so he can easily find it.D.He will dig a well after the rains.( )4.Why does a bushman hide the egg shell in the sand after he finds water?A. Because he want to have a bird.B. The Bushmen use the shell to gather and store some water in the sand.C. Because there is more water there.D. Because he leaves it to others.( )5. The best title of this passage is “ 〞.A.The life in the desertB. How to find water and when to huntC. How Bushmen live in the desert.D. The Kalahari Desert of South Africa. CBACC三、完形填空Ms.Green had just gone into the kitchen(1) the afternoon tea when she saw a mouse(2) around on the kitchen floor.She was frightened and jumped onto the table.As soon as the mouse disappeared,she jumped down (3) the table, rushed out of the kitchen,putted on her coat, ran out of the house and got on a bus(4 ) was going into the town.There she hurried into a shop and bought a large mouse-trap.She intended to put an end to this mouse as quickly as possible.When she got home (5) the trap, she realized that she had forgotten of buy any cheese to put in it.It was too late to buy any because now all shops were closed.She wondered(6) .(7) She had a clever idea.she took a pair of scissors and cut a picture of a piece of out of cheese out of a magazine.Then she put the picture in the trap(8 ) a piece of cheese.The next morning,Ms Green came down to the kitchen and went straight away to the place (9) she had put the trap.She wanted to see (10) her plan had worked.The picture of cheese had gone and in its place was a picture of a mouse.( )1、A、to make B、to do C、to because D、to be( )2、A、ran B、runs C、running D、to run( )3、A、on B、at C、under D、from( )4、A、what B、which C、while D、when( )5、A、in B、on C、from D、with( )6、A、what to do B、to do what C、doing what D、what of doing( )7、A、by the end B、to the end C、in the end D、at the end( )8、A、instead of B、what C、when D、where( )9、A、which B、what C、when D、where( )10、A、which B、if C、why D、when1-5ACDBDThe young engineer sat down on a rock and rested his head in his hands. He would never get home;It was hopeless. For weeks he had been 1 in the Northwest Canadian forest. Now there was a terrible pain behind his eyes, and worst of all, he had gone 2 . Suddenly a man appeared out of the woods, an Indian who had been hunting in the area.Seeing the engineer's 3 , he caught a fish in a nearby stream and fed the sick man the 4 of the fish and some flesh from its head. 5 , within a few hours the engineer's pain was gone. A day later he could see again, and the next day he had completely 6 .When he returned home, the engineer told the story to Dr.Price.Not until years later did it become a(n) 7 fact that this was just an evryday lifeguard doing its work, for what the engineer did, by eating fish eyes, was to take his vitamin.Vitamin A's biggest job is to keep the eyes 8 . Without A, people and animals get night blindness and other eye problems. 9 A, people can even be totally blind. A helps to keep the skin in good shape.A also helps with bones and teeth and has something to do with proper 10 of blood cells.1、A、lose B、lost C、losing D、to lose2、A、blind B、mad C、changed D、separated3、A、starvation B、situation C、trouble D、reality4、A、tail B、skin C、bone D、eyes5、A、Possibly B、Surprisingly C、Fortunately D、Immediately6、A、covered B、discovered C、recovered D、uncovered7、A、actual B、accepted C、solved D、ordinary8、A、rolling B、moving C、going D、looking9、A、For B、With C、Without D、About10、A、growth B、search C、choice D、size 1—5 BACDB。

大学英语》1复习题及答案英语复题I.Multiple Choice1.From _________ look on his face。
I knew that he had made _______ great progressin English.A。
the;不填 2.When we heard the ________ news that the lost children was still alive。
excited;3.—I am having a poem published in a new book._________。
Have fun4.—How do you like the weather here?It is rather colder than _______ XXX.A。
The policy only affects people who earn over $200,000 a year—__________。
_________ make her father angry。
Jonna didn’t dare to tell him her poor grade.A。
In order to not。
So as not to。
So as to notD。
In order not to7._______ you are unableto answer。
perhaps we should ask someone else.A。
It was last night _________ Mr。
Brown came back to his XXX I _______ playing basketball with my friends ________ XXX.A。

《大学英语(本科)》复习题A及答案I. Multiple ChoiceDirections: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.1. ________ the days went on, the weather got worse.A. WithB. SinceC. WhileD. As2. Michael ________ be a policeman, for he’s much too short.A. needn’tB. can’tC. shouldn’tD. may3. I was told that my computer wasn’t powerful enough to run that ______.A. softwareB. hardwareC. down-loadD. motivation4. In 1993, he started to make a ___ by ___ for Columbia University as a janitor.A. life; workB. living; workingC. living; worksD. life; worked5. Parents should learn to _________ when their children enter college.A. let goB. make goC. let inD. let out6. I ________ the stranger by telling him to turn right when he should have gone left.A. guideB. guidedC. misguideD. misguided7. The whole world is amazed ________ how fast China has been developing in the past thirty years.A. toB. atC. inD. on8. Professor Liu ______all his students with his great knowledge of history.A. impressedB. excitingC. stirringD. touched9. There are many more thousands who could ______ from the program.A. expectB. beginC. beliefD. benefit10. ______ down the street the other day, I saw a terrible accident.A. WalkingB. WalkedC. To walkD. Having walked11. The result of the experiment was very good, _______ we hadn't expected.A. whenB. thatC. whichD. what12. We’d better take measures to find o ut new solutions _______ our problems.A. toB. forC. atD. with13. The attendants of the meeting are _______ young people.A. mostB. bestC. mostlyD. at most14. There are alternatives to many resources, but water _______.A. can’t replaceB. can’t be replaceC. can replace byD. can’t be replaced15. I have a ________ son.A. 2-year-oldsB. 2 years oldC. 2-year-oldD. 2-years-old16. John often ________ to the teacher, and the teacher didn’t believe him.A. lieB. liedC. lainD. laid17. Most of the satellites do not change ________ positions.A. theirB. itsC. themD. the18. We’ve ________ s ugar. Ask Mrs. Jones to lend us some.A. run away withB. run downC. run offD. run out of19. It’s too expensive for me, I can’t ________ it.A. spendB. payC. affordD. cost20. —“Where is the new dictionary?”—“It's on the top of the shelf, out of ________?”A. reachB. sightC. touchD. orderII. Reading ComprehensionDirections: Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Passage 1Our hotel has eight standard rooms, which consist of six single rooms and two double rooms, six luxury, four family rooms and nine apartments. All the rooms have hot and cold shower and private balcony. Our hotel offers room service. All rooms except the apartments have Wi-Fi. Each room has two single beds. The family rooms have four single beds. All the rooms (except the apartments) have televisions. Our rooms come equipped with tea and coffee making facilities. Our hotel also has a small pool and a gym which guests can use from 7 a.m. till 10 p.m. There is adequate parking behind the hotel. Breakfast is served from 6.30 a.m. and guests have a choice of continental breakfast or an English breakfast.If you wish to make a reservation or request more information, simply complete the form below. Our staff will usually reply to any request in one working day. A confirmation of your booking will be sent to you by email (and fax if required).If for any reason you need to cancel your booking, we would ask you to do so as early as possible by email or phone.21. There are ______ rooms without counting the apartments.A. 18B. 21C. 8D. 2022. There are showers ______.A. in all the rooms except the apartmentsB. in all the roomsC. in some of the roomsD. only in the nine apartments23. Wi-Fi ______.A. is available in all the roomsB. is not available in the apartmentsC. is only available from 7 a.m. till 10 p.m.D. is adequate24. Where can you park your car?A. In front of the hotel.B. In the street beside the hotel.C. At the back of the hotel.D. In the underground hotel car park.25. What should you do if you cannot stay at the hotel?A. You mustn’t phone the hotel.B. You can write an email to the hotel.C. You can write a letter.D. You have to tell the hotel at least three days before your booking.Passage 2Mr. Jenkins lives in a town. He works in a museum. There are a lot of old wonderful things in it. He likes his work and often goes to work on time.One day he left his office at twelve. He went to have lunch. As soon as he went out of the gate, he met an old friend of his. They didn't see each other for about five years. Of course, they were veryhappy. His friend asked him for lunch. He agreed, and they went into a restaurant. There they drank a lot. Then his friend said, "You've drunk too much. Let me help you to your office.”“No, no,” said Mr. Jenkins. “My office is only several minutes' walk. I can go there myself.”When his friend left, it was difficult for him to stand. He was afraid to be late and stopped a taxi.When he got on, the driver asked,‘Where are you going, sir?" “To the Park Street.”"Oh. Sorry, sir, "the driver said in a hurry. "This is the Park Street.” "OK!" Mr. Jenkins said and got off. He took out some money and threw it to the driver. He shouted," But don't drive so fast next time!"26. Where does Mr. Jenkins work?A. In a restaurant.B. In a museum.C. In a hospital.D. In a school.27. Who did Mr. Jenkins meet when he went out of the gate?A. His friend.B. A strange man.C. A policeman.D. A driver.28. How long didn't they see each other?A. For about two years.B. For about three years.C. For about four years.D. For about five years.29. Where is Mr. Jenkins' office?A. It's far from the restaurant.B. It's in the Park Street.C. It's next to the park.D. It's across from the restaurant.30. What did Mr. Jenkins do when his friend left?A. He went home.B. He went to his friend's home.C. He took a taxi.D. He drank more wine.Passage 3How hard is it to earn(赚)10 yuan? The students of Class 23 at the Yunnan University Secondary School can tell you. Recently they had a special “ learning life skills"activity.The 64 students in the class were divided into 16 teams. They did all kinds of jobs including selling drinks, fruit and cleaning shoes in the street."If a team can't earn 10 yuan each person, they fail,” said Li Xueping,the head teacher.Zhang Ruoxin's team sold expensive black tea and tea cups. The girls tried to sell the things to many people but few bought them at first.Luckily Zh ang had a “ secret way”—a small booklet with advice on healthy tea drinking. People were interested in the idea and they began to sell more of their things.Dong Yanyu and other girls in her team, however, worked more with their hands than by talking. They cleaned motorcycles and bicycles.The girls worked well as a team. Some fetched water, others did the cleaning and the rest tried to find their new customers. They charged(要价)five yuan for a motorcycle and four yuan for a bicycle.In all hour they had earned 51 yuan. "I can't believe it,"said Dong. ”That's almost a week's pocket money!”At the end of the day, only four teams had failed the 10-yuan requirement. Li, the teacher, said she was happy to see the students had got a taste of life.They worked hard with each other. They also came up with ideas about how to sell their things and provide good services."These are both important and useful life lessons,” she said.31. The students of Class 23 were asked to in their special activity.A. make some moneyB. clean the streetC. visit a universityD. work hard32. The students in Zhang Ruuoxin’s team sold things to at first .A. many peopleB. interesting peopleC. few peopleD. familiar people33. What helped Zhang Ruoxin's team sell more of their things?A. The quality of their tea.B. The tea cups.C. The girls' politeness.D. The advice on healthy tea drinking.34. Why did the teacher feel happy at the end of the day?A. Because each team earned a lot of money.B. Because few of the teams met her requirement.C. Because the 16 students could do different kinds of jobs.D. Because most of the students did well in the life lessons.35. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. There are only 4 students in each team.B. The girls in Dong Yanyu, steam charged more for cleaning a motorcycle than a bicycle.C. The students of Class 23 earned about 450 yuan that day.D. The teacher thought the life lessons were important to her students.Passage 4Life in the twenty-first centuryThe World Future Society is a group of people from more than 80 countries who are interested in how modern technology is making our world better, and who write reports about how it will change our lives.The things that we will be able to do in the twenty-first century (since the year 2000) should help us live better lives in many ways, at home and at work, in our own country and around the world. Here are just some of them, put into five groups.PeoplePeople may live for up to 120 years and use new technology to help when people go blind, deaf and have other problems. The number of people over a hundred years old could go from 135,000 today to 2.2 million people by 2050. By 2015 people think that 100 million workers will be able to work from home for a company in a different country by using the Internet.MoneyWorldwide e-business will become even more successful with online shops that sell special products for each person, which will be brought to their house the next day.EnvironmentThe technology for making energy from wind and the Sun is growing very quickly. In the future wind and Sun energy could become much cheaper and many more countries could use it. This would be very useful in poor countries. The air in big cities would also become much cleaner and healthier as a result.Society and cultureThe Internet will help to create more worldwide friendships. Families may spend more time together as people will be able to do 24-hour online banking and shopping.TechnologyThe new science of “nanotechnology” (very small robots or machines) will make all sorts of products smaller and lighter. Very, very small machines could take away rubbish, make things in factories, and help inside the human body by taking away fat. By 2012 people will be able to wear these small machines that look like watches, which will give them lots of information about their body and keep them healthy.36. What does the World Future Society do?A. Look at how technology will make people happy.B. Look at how technology will change the world.C. Make technology work better for themselves.D. Make small machines to make us healthier.37. How will technology help people?A. Help all people live for over 120 years.B. Help disabled people to get jobs.C. Make people healthier and live longer.D. Help workers to use the Internet.38. How will people go shopping?A. In special shops.B. Using the Internet at certain times.C. Using the Internet any time of the day.D. Using nanotechnology.39. How will technology help the environment?A. Poor countries will have enough energy.B. Wind energy will be cheaper than Sun energy.C. We will not need wind and Sun energy.D. Wind and Sun energy will be cheaper.40. The new science of “nanotechnology” will _______.A. drive small machines to replace peopleB. make good-quality watchesC. allow people to eat moreD. make very small productsIII. ClozeDirections: Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.The angry woman sat in the station office. “The railway should pay me $12.” She said to Harry, the man 41 sold the ticket. “My ticket was 42 May 22nd, and there was 43 train from Jersey that night. 44 had to stay in a hotel. It 45 me $ 12.”Harry was worried. He remembered 46 the woman a return ticket. After he checked the Jersey timetable for May 22nd, he knew she was right. However, had he made 47 mistake?48 what to do, he smiled at the child. “Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?” he said to her. “Yes,” she answered shyly. “The sea shore was 49 , and I can swim 50 !”“That’s fine,” said Harry. “My little girl can’t swim a bit yet. Of course, she’s only three…”Harry turned to the mother, “I remember your ticket, madam,” he said. “But you didn’t get one 51 your daughter, 52 you?”“Well,” the woman looked at the child. “I mean she hasn’t started school yet. She is only four.” “A four-year-old child 53 have a ticket, madam. A child’s 54 ticket to Jersey costs $13.50. So if the railway pays your hotel bill, you will owe $1.50. The law is the law, but since the mistake was 55 …”Saying nothing, the woman stood up, took the child’s hand and left the office.41. A. which B. where C. whose D. who42. A. on B. at C. in D. for43. A. not B. no C. the D. a44. A. I and my daughter B. Me and my daughter C. I and a daughter of mineD. My daughter and I45. A. costs B. cost C. costing D. costly46. A. buying B. to buy C. to sell D. selling47. A. such a careless B. so a careless C. so careless D. so a careless48. A. Wondered B. Being wondered C. Wondering D. Having been wondered49. A. beautifully B. lovely C. greatly D. wonderfully50. A. too B. neither C. either D. nor51. A. to B. with C. for D. given52. A. hadn’t B. had C. did D. didn’t53. A. must B. many C. ought D. can54. A. single B. one way C. go and back D. return55. A. I B. me C. my D. mineIV. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.56. 只要相信你自己,你就会赢得演讲比赛。

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure (1*20=20%)There are four choices marked A, B, C, D. Choose the correct answer to each question.1. Don’t you know that I always _______ whatever I try.A. successfulB. succeed inC. succeed toD. success of2. Health _______ good food, fresh air and enough sleep.A. wait forB. depends onC. instead ofD. succeeds in3. ________ you hate Mr. Green, I dislike his wife.A. Think ofB. As a matter of factC. Just asD. Because4. A people’s government is _________ to the people.A. owingB. affectC. responsibilityD. responsible5. The old lady _______ the hope that her son was still alive.A. cling toB. clang toC. clung toD. clinging to6. The doctor _________ two prescriptions (处方).A. writes outB. clears outC. fills outD. puts out7. He never ________ her neglecting housework.A. complainsB. complained aboutC. complains toD. complains on8. Once you’ve caught me you could easily imprison me, but _______ I am hard to catch.A. on the other handB. becauseC. asD. thus9. They are willing ______________ mistakes and try again.A. to makingB. to makeC. makingD. for making10. Not only______ us light, but it gives us heat.A. the sun givesB. the sun does giveC. gives the sunD. does the sun give11. A person who makes wise decisions has_________.A. a good brainB. a good intentionC. good judgmentD. good imagination12. The light gradually_______ and shapes and colors grew fainter.A. fadedB. meltedC. disappearedD. died13. This book gives a brief _______ of the history of the university.A. outlookB. referenceC. researchD. outline14. He would not listen at all to the doctor’s advice that he ____ smoking immediately.A. stopB. stopsC. stoppedD. will stop15. I_______ you with the funds. Why didn’t you ask me.A. should provideB. had providedC. could provideD. could have provided16. So little____ about stock exchange that the lecture was completely beyond me.A. did I knowB. I had knownC. I knewD. I was known17. I like to get up early so that I can get plenty of work _______ before lunch..A. being doneB. doneC. to doD. to be done18. He regretted ______ the decision too hastily..A. makeB. to makeC. makingD. have made19. It’s not polite to _____ a speaker when he is making a speech.A. interruptB. ceaseC. opposeD. inquire20. After the explosion, the factory was a ______ of total confusion.A. situationB. sceneC. viewD. showPart II Cloze (1*10=10%)There are four choices marked A, B, C, D. Choose the correct answer to each question.There was a time when, if a lady got into a crowded bus ortrain, a gentleman would immediately stand up and __21____ her seat. But now, things are different. Today a gentleman will probably look out of the window ___22___if he feels a bit shy, hide behind his newspaer. Either way, the lady will have to stand ___23____ someone else gets off.You can't entirely blame men for this change in manners, ___24___. Gone are the days when women could be referred to as the weaker without causing___25___. A whole generation of women has grown up demanding ___26___with men, not just equality in jobs or education, ___27___in social life. Hold a door open for some women and you are___28___to get an angry lecture on treating women as ___29___ unable o open doors for themselves. Take a girl out for a meal and she'll probably ___30___ on paying her share of the bill. On second thoughts, that is perhaps not a bad idea.21. A. provide B. offer C. hand D. reserve22. A. so B. therefore C. otherwise D. or23. A. if B. when C. until D. while24. A. though B. either C. indeed D. too25. A. trouble B. offence C. damage D. problem26. A. working B. contact C. correspondence D. equality27. A. neither B. and C. but D. besides28. A. able B. sorry C. likely D. disappointed29. A. patients B. inferiors C. housewives D. cripples30. A. keep B. concentrate C. depend D. insistPart III: Reading Comprehension (2*15=30%)Read the following passages carefully and choose the correct answer to each question.Passage OneLike most people, I was brought up to look upon life as aprocess of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important discovery: giving-away makes life so much more exciting. One discovery I made about giving-away is that it is almost impossible to give away anything in this world without getting something back, though the return often comes in an unexpected form. One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important special delivery letter to my home, though it was addressed to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation. More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at the window that there were no boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long waiting list. As I was about to leave, the postmaster appeared in the doorway. He had overheard our conversation. “Wasn’t it you that wr ote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your hom e” I said yes. “Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office if we have to make one for you. You don’t know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get nothing but complaints.”31. At first the author looked upon life as a process of getting. He formed his view of life because_______.A. other people were selfishB. he thought it exciting to get from othersC. of his early educationD. of his character32. The author wrote a note of appreciation to the post office because________.A. he knew what such a note would mean to the post office.B. he had discovered giving-away made life more excitingC. he believed he would get something back by doing soD. the postman delivered an important letter in time33. The post master promised___________.A. to make a new post office box for the authorB. to let the author have a post office boxC. to include the author’s name on the listD. to deliver the author’s mail to his home34. The post master interfered because________.A. he overheard their conversationB. he had received a lot of complaints for lack of boxesC. he was thankful for the letter the author had writtenD. he was proud of their good servicePassage TwoTrees are useful to man in three important ways: they provide him with wood and other products; they give him shade; and they help to prevent droughts and floods.Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important. In his eagerness to make money from trees, he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that without them he has lost the best friends he had. And besides, he is usually too careless to plant and look after new trees. So the forests slowly disappear.This does not only mean that man will have fewer trees. The results are even more serious: for where there are trees, their roots break up soil---allowing the rain to sink in ---and also bind the soil, thus preventing it from being washed away easily; but where there are no trees, the rain falls on hard ground and flows away, causing floods and carrying away the richtop-soil. When all the top-soil is gone, nothing remains but worthless desert.Two thousand years ago a rich and powerful country cutdown its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It set up the empire but, without its trees, its soil became poor and it grew weak. When the empire fell to pieces, the home country found itself faced with floods and starvation.35. What is the most important service of trees to man according to the passageA. They help him make money.B. They give him wood and other products.C. They help him prevent droughts and floods.D. They give him shade.36. Why do forests in many parts of the world slowly disappearA. New trees are not looked after properly.B. Many trees have been cut down by man.C. Man has not paid enough attention to planting trees.D. All of the above.37. Why did the country mentioned in the passage suffer from floods and starvationA. Because an empire was set up.B. Because the empire fell to pieces.C. Because it lost all its trees.D. Because too much had been spent on wars.38. Why does land become desert after all trees are cut downA. Because nothing remains on land except floods.B. Because there are no longer trees to keep the rain and protect the top-soil.C. Because too much rain sinks in and washes away the top-soil.D. Because roots of the trees break up the soil.Passage ThreeWhat will man be like in the future – in 5,000 or even 50,000 years from now We can only make a guess, of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today. For man is slowly changing all the time.Let us take an obvious example. Man, even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today. Now, on average, men are about three inches taller. Five hundred years is a relatively short period of time, so we may assume that man will continue to grow taller.Again, in the modern world we use our brains a great deal. Even so, we still make use of only about 20% of the brain’s capacity. As time goes on, however, we shall have to use our brains more and more, and eventually we shall need larger ones! This is likely to bring about a physical change tool the head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger.Nowadays our eyes are in constant use. In fact, we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over very long period of time it is likely that man’s e yes will grow stronger.On the other hand, we tend to make less use of our arms and legs. These, as a result, are likely to grow weaker. At the same time, however, our fingers will grow more sensitive because they are used a great deal in modern life.But what about hair It will probably disappear from the body altogether in course of time because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer. In the future, then, both sexes are likely to be bald!Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be a very attractive creature to look at! This may well be true. All the same, in spite of all these changes, future man will still havea lot in common with us. He will still be a human being, with thoughts and emotions similar to our own.39. The passage tells us about _____.A. how man’s life will be in the futureB. how future man will look likeC. the fact that man’s organs will function differently in the futureD. the fact that man is growing uglier as time passes40. There is evidence that man is changing _____.A. man has been growing taller over the past 500 yearsB. man has got stronger eyes than he ever hadC. man’s hair is getting thinner and thinnerD. man’s limbs are getting weaker because he tends to make less use of them41. Man’s forehea d will grow larger because _____.A. he will use of only about 20% of the brain’s capacityB. the other 80% of his brain will grow in due timeC. he had rather narrow forehead a few hundred years agoD. he will have to use his brain more and more as time goes on42. Future man will probably ______.A. have smaller eyesB. have larger eyesC. see betterD. gave to wear better glasses43. The reason for believing that future man will be different is that he _____.A. is quickly changingB. never stops changing??C. hopes for a changeD. will live a different lifePassage FourI still remember the first day when I came to college. It was a sunny day. Everything seemed fresh to me. All the freshmen were excited. I was very excited, too. I had long dreamed of becoming a college student. Later my dream had come true. This was really a turning point in my life. I looked at the modern classroom buildings and the large library. I felt proud of my college. I knew that going to college would be a good opportunity for me to obtain a great deal of knowledge. The knowledge would be useful for my future career. But I knew that studying at college was a challenge to me. I had to learn how to overcome the difficulties in my study and life at college. Anyway, I was determined to study hard. I must live up to the expectations of my parents and my friends. I was sure that I could face the challenge. I would make the best of the opportunity. I would prove myself a worthy college student.44. According to the passage, for the first day when the writer came to college, the weather was____.A. windyB. snowyC. rainyD. sunny45. The writer felt___ his college.A. proud ofB. sorry aboutC. disappointed atD. unsatisfied withPart IV Translation (4*5=20%)1. 学生们很愿意接受老师的建议。

1.No one was able to explain the origin of the old custom.A:beginning 开始 B:reason 理由 C:cause 原因 D: origin 起源D 没有人能够解释古老习俗的起源。
2.A lot of new buildings are being built on both banks of the river now. A:were built B:builds C:are being built D:are building3 The traffic policeman asked the lost child how old he wasA:how old he was B:how old was heC:how old he is D:how old is he4 Sam's new apartment(公寓) is in a twelve-story building.A:twelve-stories B:twelfth-stories C:twelve-story D:twelfth story C 萨姆的新公寓在一幢12层的楼房里5.She used to dress herself in front of the mirror before breakfast. A:on B:in C:up D:at6.He held a sword (剑)in one hand and a pistol(枪) in the otherA:the other B:another C:other D:other's7.The house is in perfect condition, except for a few scratches(划痕)on one of the doors.A:except for B:except C:besides D:apart from8.His method of doing research work is hardly appreciated(欣赏); he feels inferior to others.A:inferior to 不如 B:inferior thanC:more inferior than D:the inferior than9.Mrs. Carey went to the airport to see him off .A:see him off B:see off himC:see him through D:see through him10.I have made an appointment for my mother to see the dentist at 5 o'clock tomorrow.A:interview 采访 B:appointment 任命,约定C:opportunity 机会 D:possibility 可能11.She didn't go to the cinema last night ,as she had to finish her term paper.A:as B:if C:till D:though12.The day being very hot, we went swimming in the river.A:The day being very hot B:It was a very hot dayC:The day was very hot D:Being a very hot dayB.C 中是两个并列的句子,中间要用连词。

大学英语2期末考试复习题及参考答案-专升本《大学英语2》复习题Part I. Vocabulary and Structure1. I am considering ________ my job as I’m not getting on well with myboss.A. changingB. to changeC. changedD. to be changed2. Don’t forget ________ the window before leaving the room.A. to closeB. to have closedC. having closedD. closing3. You had better _________ a doctor as soon as possible.A. seenB. sawC. seeingD. see4. It is because she is very devoted to her students _________ she isrespected by them.A. whoB. whichC. whatD. that5. I gave John a present but he gave me nothing ________ .A. in turnB. in returnC. inadvance D. in vain6. Three people, ________, were injured in the accident.A. included a child B . includea childC. including a childD. includesa child7. We use plastics _________ wood and metal now.A. in place ofB. totake ofC. take the place ofD. to takeplace8. Her suggestion that everybody _________ was not appreciated.A. singing a songB. sang a songC. sung a songD. sing a song9. ________the last one, I answered all the questions.A. ExceptB. BesidesC. Except forD. In addition to10. Not always ________ they want to.A. people can do whatB. can people do whatC. People cannot do whatD. can’t people do what11. In fact he had done_______ he could do to help the poor.A. whatB. whichC. asD. all which12. I didn’t go to the party, but I do wish I ________ there.A. wereB. had beenC. would beD. will be13. I will never forget the ten years ________ we both spent in the little village.A. whenB. during whichC. in whichD. which14. Sorry, I don’t know he is a friend of _________.A. your brother’sB. your brothersC. your brother’s friendD. your brother15. Had the weather been good, the children ________out fora walk.A. had goneB. would goC. could have goneD. went16. I believe he _________ an accident, otherwise he wouldhave arrived on time.A. would have hadB. could have hadC. must have hadD. should have had17. The young man promised to his parents, “I would never_________again.”A. let you outB. let you downC. let you inD.let you by18. History is the story of _____ happened to the people before today.A. whicheverB. whomeverC. whateverD. wherever19. Of those _____ had applied for the jobs, only two were accepted.A. personsB. thatC. whoD. which20. ______ I admit that there are problems, I don't agree that they cannotbe solved.A. WhenB. AsC. WhileD. Since21 . We have decided to call _____ Mr. Black sometime next week at hishome.A. onB. atC. uD. for22. His failure to pay the debts _______ the suspicion that he was notto be trusted.A. concernsB. confessesC. confusesD. confirms23. We were deeply impressed by her important _______ to the success ofthe project.A. workB. determinationC. improvementD. contribution24. I'd like to take ________of this opportunity to thank you for yourco-operation.A. advantageB. occasionC. benefitD. profit25. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people______ harmthem.A. fewer thanB. other thanC. rather thanD. better than26. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to ______ any furtherresponsibilities.A. take onB. get onC. put upD. look up27. I would have told him the answer had it been possible, but I_____ sobusy then.A. amB. wereC. wasD. would be28. It is very important for the strong man to know that _______ stronghe is, he cannot be the strongest.A. whateverB. wheneverC. whicheverD. however29. The fact _______ he does so in so short a period of time challengesexplanation.A. whyB. thatC. whatD. which30. The new English dictionary I bought yesterday ________ me almosttwenty yuan.A. spentB. paidC. costD. took31. “Good—bye, Miss liu. I’m ve ry pleased _________A. to meet youB. having met youC. meeting youD. to have met you32. They discussed the problem three or four times, but could come tono_______.A. endB. conclusionC. resultD. judgment33. She is very careful. She______very few mistakes in her work.A. doesB. takesC. makesD. gets34. I'd like to_______a special table for the coming Valentine'sDay.A. preserveB. deserveC. conserveD. reserve35. Would the news _____he failed to pass the exam bother you?A. whichB. thatC. of whichD. on which36. __________ was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhichD. As37. Mr. Smith, together with his wife and children, _______ going to the party this weekend.A. amB. isC. areD. will38. Henry is often seen __________ English aloud every morning in the classroom.A. readB. readsC. readingD. to read39. Only recently __________ to deal with the environmentalproblems.A. something has doneB. has something doneC. has something been doneD. something has been done40. The question __________ at the meeting tomorrow is very important.A. to discussB. being discussedC. to be discussedD. will be discussed41. The mother didn't know __________ to blame for the broken glass asit happened while she was out.A. whoB. whenC. howD. what42. By the time you arrive this evening, __________ for two hours.A. I will studyB. I will have been studiedC. I had studiedD. I will have been studying43. Let's finish our homework in a few seconds; it's time we __________.A. played footballB. will play footballC. play footballD. are playing football44. __________ at Harvard, he began again to write his essay.A. Busy was as heB. Busy as was heC. Busy as he wasD. As was he busy45. Pierre often makes himself __________ by gesturing with his hands.A. to understandB. understandingC. to be understoodD. understood46. The idea sounds very good but will it work in __________?A. practiceB. placeC. advanceD. company47. We had to wait a long time to get our passports, __________?A. won't weB. don't weC. didn't weD. shouldn't you48. It's vital that enough money __________ collected to get the project started.A. isB. beC. must beD. can be49. We consider __________the instrument be adjusted each time it is used.A. that it necessaryB. it necessary thatC. necessary thatD. necessary of it that50. It is from my grandparents ______ I learned a lot.A. whoB. whomC. thatD. which51. Do you think T ommy is ________ the truth?A. sayingB. speakingC. tellingD. talking52. It is so hot. You should put the food into the refrigerator now. otherwise, it will ______ soon.A. harmB. hurtC. spoilD. damage53. Peter, whom everyone suspected, _______ to be innocent.A. turned outB. turned offC. turned upD. turned over54. Isn’t that _______ they call peace and friendship?A. whichB. thisC. whatD. where55. All the arrangements should have been completed prior __________- our departure.A. inB. toC. byD. before56. I must tell you how _______ a letter from you.A. pleased I was to receiveB. pleased I was to receivingC. was I pleased to receiveD. pleased I was receiving57. I have to _________ my visit as I’ll be very busy next month.A. call forB. call offC. call onD. call in58. No sooner had she entered the house _______ the telephone rang.A. whenB. thanC. asD. while59.You may write to me or come to see me. ____________ way will doA.AllB. BothC. OneD. Either60. Some pop singers have much influence ________ theyoung people.A. toB. forC. ontoD. onPart II ClozeMy 23-year-old son Dan stood in the doorway, ready to say goodbye to his home. In a couple of hours he was going to fly out to France. He was going to be away for at least a year to learn a foreign language and 61 life in a foreign country.It was a milestone in Dan’s life, a change from school days to62 .When we were to say goodbye,I 63 closely at his face. I would like to provide him with good64that would last longer than here andnow.But not a sound came over my lips. I 65 motionless and silent, looking 66 my son’s green eyes.I knew that this wasn’t the first time I 67 such an opportunity pass me by. When Daniel was a little boy, I followed him to the bus on the first day in preschool. I 68 the excitement in his hand that heldmine when the bus came round the corner. He looked at me—just 69 hedid now. And then he boarded the bus and 70 . The bus drove away. AndI hadn’t 71 a word.Some ten years later, a similar episode 72 . His mother and I drovehim to the university where he was going to 73 .The next morning Danbegan to throw up (呕吐). He was ill in bed when I wanted to say goodbye.74 the words let me down. I only murmured(嘟哝)something like “Ihope you are 75 , Dan.” Then I turned around and left.Now I stood in front of him and recalled all the 76 when I hadn’tmade use of those opportunities. Why does it have to be so 77 to tellyour son how you feel? My mouth was 78 , and I knew I would only saya few words.“Dan,”I 79 stammered out(结结巴巴地说), “if I had the choicemyself, I would 80 you.”That was all I could say. It was nothing, and yet it was everything.61. A. lead B. experience C. enjoyD. live62. A. college life B. childhood C. adulthoodD. freedom63. A. looked B. fixed C. glaredD. glanced64. A. gift B. support C. skillD. advice65. A. said B. stood C. satD. wondered66. A. up B. for C. atD. into67. A. made B. kept C. letD. noticed68. A. felt B. knew C. foundD. realized69. A. when B. like C. sinceD. once70. A. rode B. ran C. droveD. disappeared71. A. heard B. said C. gaveD. left72. A. took place B. took on C. turned outD. turned up73. A. play B. visit C. studyD. search74. A. Luckily B. Once C. AgainD. Therefore75. A. worse B. happier C. greaterD. better76. A. times B. places C. daysD. chances77. A. eager B. important C. difficultD. lovely78. A. wet B. dry C. anxiousD. tight79. A. directly B. finally C. kindlyD. nervously80. A. love B. praise C. supportD. chooseTwo friends visited the zoo together. The zoo was very largeand itwas 81 to go everywhere. They had to decide where to go and whichanimals to visit as their time was 82 . So both of them agreed not to83 after choosing a 84 at every fork(岔路口).A road sign at the first fork 85 one way to the lion area and theother to the tiger hill. They decided on the former after a 86 discussion because lions were “the king of the grassland”. The secondshowed a division going separately to the panda and peacock. They 87panda as it was the nation’s treasure and went its way. 88 they madechoices all along the way and each choice meant 89 what they couldn’thelp regretting. But they had to make it, and 90 , for it brooked(容忍)no delay. If they hesitated(犹豫不决) they would miss 91 . Only92 decision could offer more chances for sightseeing and 93possible regret.Life is 94 like this- choices often occur that one has to make, for example, between two 95 jobs, two fascinating wooers(追求者).To get one you 96 give up the other-you can get half of it. If you97 weighing the pros and cons and calculating gains and losses, you willmost likely 98 empty-handedness. Don’t be sad about it. 99 youhave got half of the desirable things in life-something that is 100to come by.81.A.easy B. difficult C.impossible D. possible82.A.enough B. limited C. tightD. plentiful83.A.return B. continue C. goD. stop84.A.sign B. branch C. crossingD. highway85.A.showed B. pointed C. intendedD. made86.A.brief B. long C. noD. heated87.A.hoped B. wanted C. favoredD. got88.A.Happily B. Thus C. ThenD. Finally89.A.winning B. taking C. picking upD. giving up90.A.slowly B. immediately C. timelyD. easily91.A.less B. more C. mostD. least92.A.high B. slow C. shortD. rapid93.A.increase B. cause C. reduceD. raise94.A.just exactly B. more or less C. hardlyD. most95.A.unwanted B. different C. badD. desirable96.A.ought to B. may C. mustD. have to97.A.spend time B. kill time C. have a hardtime D. hope for98.A.start with B. get up C. succeed inD. end up in99.A.By no means B. Not in the least C. At mostD. At least100.A.stupid B. delighted C. hardD. supportedPart III Reading ComprehensionPassage 1The 16th century, known as the "Age of Genius", was a complicated (复杂) and difficult time to live. Many countries fought for the power and riches of the newly discovered Americas. Men introduced new ideas which demanded great changes in older ideas. Despite these problems and possibly because of them, wonderful things were done by the greatest of men.It is indeed difficult to know why in some periods you find many men of genius while in others you may find few. The "Age of Genius", however, produced some of the greatest thinkers, painters, authors, and scientists.In Italy during the High Renaissance (文艺复兴), a period of the "Age of Genius", three famous painters started their work.They were Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael.Leonardo da Vinci is famous not only for his beautiful paintings but also for his talent in the sciences. One of his best - known painting is the "Mona Lisa." Michelangelo was also a man of many talents. He was an artist; he wrote poems; he drew plans for buildings; and he worked with other forms of art. His best- known work is the painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome (罗马西斯教堂).Raphael was known for his painting. He made well-balanced pictures out of many different actions.101. Another name for the 16th century is the ________.A. Classical AgeB. Middle AgesC. "Age of Genius"D. Age of Renaissance102. To know why in some periods you find many intelligent men and fewin other is __________.A. an easy thing to doB. a very difficult thing to doC. not importantD. unnecessary103. Which of the following statements is implied in the first paragraph of the passage?A. Geniuses are born talented.B. Geniuses are often produced in the same age.C. Fighting for the riches of the newly - discovered Americas produced geniuses.D. A period during which new ideas were replacing older ideas might produce geniuses.104. _________ is famous for his paintings and for his talent in science.A. RaphaelB. Leonardo da VinciC. MichelangeloD. Mona Lisa105. Michelangelo is known for __________.A. his Mona LisaB. his paintings in Sistine ChapelC. his well-balanced picturesD. his contributions to scienceSometime in the next century, the familiar early-newspaper on the front porch(门廊)will disappear. And instead of reading your newspaper, it will read to you. You’ll get up and turn on the computer newspaper just like switching on the TV. An electronic voice will distribute stories about the latest events, guided by a program that selects the type of news you want. You’ll even get to choose the kind of voice you want to hear. Wantmore information on the brief story? A simple touch makes the entire text appear. Save it in your own personal computer if you like. These are among the predictions(预言)from communication experts working on the newspapers of the future. Pictured as part of broader home based media and entertainment systems, computer newspapers would unite print and broadcast reporting, offering news and analysis with video images of news events.Most of the technology is available(可用的)now, but convincing(说服)more people that they don’t need paper to read a newspaper is the next step. But resistance to computernewspaper may be stronger from within journalism. Since it is such a cultural change, it may be that the present generation of journalists and publishers will have to die off before the next generation realize that the newspaper industry is no longer a newspaper industry. Technology is making the end of traditional newspapers unavoidable.Despite technological advances, it could take decades to replace newsprint with computer screens. It might take 30 to 40 years to complete the changeover because people need to buy computers and because newspapers have established financial(财经的)interests in the paper industry. 106. The best title for this passage is_______.A. Computer Newspapers are Well LikedB. Newspapers of the Future Will Likely Be on ComputerC. Newspapers Are out of FashionD. New Communications Technology107. It might take 30 to 40 years for computer newspapers to replace traditional newspapers, because__ .A. it is technologically impossible nowB. computer newspapers are too expensiveC. there is strong resistance from both the general population andprofessional journalistsD. traditional newspapers are easy to read108. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of computer newspapers?A. They are cheaper than traditional newspapersB. They are very convenient to useC. You can get more information from them quicklyD. You can easily save information for future use109. Journalists are not eager to accept computer newspapers, because_______.A. they don’t know how to use computersB. they think computer newspapers take too much time to readC. they think the new technology is badD. they have been trained to write for traditional newspapers110. We can infer from the passage that_______.A. all technological changes are goodB. all technologies will eventually replace old onesC. new technologies will eventually replace old onesD. traditional newspapers are here to stay for another century Passage2Do parents owe their children anything? Yes, they owe them a great deal.One of their chief duties is to give their children a sense of personal worth, for self-esteem(自尊心) is the basis of a good mental health. A youngster who is often made to feel stupid, often compared to brighter brothers, sisters, or cousins, will not feel confident and became so afraid of failing, that he or she won’t try at all. Of course, they should be corrected when they do wrong; this is the way children learn. But the criticism should be balanced with praises.Parents owe their children firm guidance and consistent discipline.It is frightening for a youngster to feel that he is in charge of himself; it’s like being in a car without brakes(刹车). The parent who says “No”when other parents say “Yes”sen ds a double message. He is also saying : “I love you, and I’m ready to risk your anger, because I don’t want you to get into trouble.”Parents owe their children a comfortable feeling about their body, and enough information about sex to balance the wrong information that they will surely receive from their friends.Parents owe their children privacy(隐私权)and respect for their personal things. This means not borrowing things without being permitted, not reading diaries and mail, not looking through pockets. If a mother feels that she must read her daughter’s diary to know what is going on, the communication between them must be pretty bad.Parents owe their children a set of solid values around which to build their lives. This means teaching them to respect the rights and opinions of others; it means respecting elders, teachers, and the law. The best way to teach such values is by example. A child who is lied to will lie.A child who sees his parents steal tools from the factory or towels(毛巾) from a hotel will think that it is all right to steal. A youngster who sees no laughter and no love in the home will have a difficult time laughing and loving.No child asks to be born. If you bring a life into the world, you owe the child something. And if you give him hi s due, he’ll have something of value to pass along to your grandchildren.111.According to the passage, parents owe their children the following things except______.A. carsB. privacyC. respect of selfD. information about their body112. The writer thinks that teenagers are frightened when they are incharge of themselves because_________.A.they don’t know how to stop a car without brakesB.there is no one to guide and discipline themC.they are afraid of being left aloneD.there is no one to ask for help when in trouble.113.Which of the following ways is advised for parents to show love to their children?A. Saying “Yes” to everything the children ask forB. Never embracing older childrenC. Refusing something to the childrenD. Never criticizing children.114.The word “due” in the last paragraph means_________.A. something one should do or finish before a fixed timeB. reasonable explanations or plansC. what must be given to someone because it is right or wrongD. the money to be paid115.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Parents prefer to let their children be in charge of their own livesat an early age.B. Children learn much by seeing what their parents do.C. Children shouldn’t be corrected because it destroys theirself-esteem.D. It is better to compare a youngster to his bright brothers becauseit makes him try harder.Stage plays, at first, seem a lot like films. Both use actors and dialogue and scenery. But if you try to make a film by setting up a camera in fro nt of the stage, you will find it won’t work. A film made in this way will leave the audience cold. And even worseyou’ll be wasting a powerful tool —the camera.A stage is actually a box. One side of the box has been removed so the audience can see what’s going on inside. The actors remain at a fixed audience. In the film, however, the camera can bring the audience up close and fix their attention on small but important things: a frightened look, a whisper, a trembling of hands.The camera offers the film maker freedom allowing him to move easily across barriers(界限) of time and space. He can show his action in real cities and on real farms. He can also use the camera to change the scene dozens of times in one film. No expert of the stage can do this. 116. The main idea of the text is that ________ .A. stage plays and films are two different kinds of artB. it is always disappointing to turn play into filmsC. films have certain advantages(长处) over stage playsD. the camera has made film making easy and possible117. What is wrong with making a film by setting up a camera before the stage?A. Fewer and fewer people will go to the theatre.B. The audience cannot see what is going on the stage.C. The scene cannot be changed from time to time.D. The powerful camera cannot be made good use of.118. Which of the following can show that the camera is a powerful tool?A. It can move easily.B. It can make small things look larger.C. It can show things in the future.D. It can give us a scene of realism.119. In what way are plays different from film?A. Films often use real scenery while plays don’t.B. Films can show the past whi le plays can’t.C. Films change scenes while plays don’t.D. Film audience can move while play audience can’t.120. A suitable title for this text is _______.A. Stage Plays and FilmB. The Powerful CameraC. Fewer Plays, More FilmsD. Less Waste, More FreedomPassage3If an American is satisfied with you, he will put his thumb and forefinger into a circle. That means OK. But in Brazil, the very sign is considered to be rude. In Poland, a guest usually presents flowers to his hostess. The number must be an odd(奇数) one. B esides, the hostess isn’t expected to remove the cover of the bunch of flowers. And usually, red rose is a sign of love.Usually we nod to express our agreement and shake our heads to show disapproval. To our surprise these body movements mean the opposite in Bulgaria(保加利亚).The differences in customs and cultures in the world are really noticeable. We should learn more about them to avoid them and to avoid embarrassment(窘迫). Then, would you please remember: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.121. In Poland, if a man gives some odd red roses to woman as a present, it means that he _____.A. will invite her to a dinner partyB. has not been in love withherC. will invite her to a ballD. has fallen in love withher122. If a Brazilian puts his thumb and index(食指) into a circle, it shows that he _____ you.A. will be friends withB. is not satisfied withC. is willing to helpD. is satisfied with。

2023上学期2023级大学英语复习题第 1 部分:单选题(100.00)1、 Changes were taking place,though at the time no one fully _____ how important these changes were to be.( 4.00 分 )A. appreciatedB. expectedC. touchedD. begged正确答案:选项A2、 The mother told her son to ____ putting himself in danger.( 4.00 分 )A. run awayB. go awayC. avoidD. keep away正确答案:选项C3、 The Chinese government has always attached great importance to environmental protection.( 4.00 分 )A. 中国政府始终认为环境保护工作很重要。
B. 中国政府历来极为重视环境保护工作。
C. 中国政府一直对环境保护工作给予高度重视。
D. 中国政府总是附着重要性于环境的保护。
正确答案:选项B4、 They are _____________ these old houses for new buildings.( 4.00 分 )A. tearing downB. tearing outC. tearing downD. tearing into正确答案:选项A5、 This is a library. We ______ speak loudly here.( 4.00 分 )A. canB. shouldC. must notD. need not正确答案:选项C6、 Agood ______ is the first step to a good job.( 4.00 分 )A. educationB. unitC. textD. subject正确答案:选项A7、 All the students in Mrs. Black’s class are working very hard in order to ____ themselves in English.( 4.00 分 )A. expectB. compareC. improveD. learn正确答案:选项C8、I picked __________ a magazine that was lying on the table.( 4.00 分 )A. upB. atC. onD. by正确答案:选项A9、 A _____ is helpful in looking for a job, but it doesn’t mean getting a job.( 4.00 分 )A. certificateB. gradeC. recordD. debt正确答案:选项A10、 We moved to the town ______ we could go to see our parents often.( 4.00 分 )A. even ifB. in caseC. so thatD. as if正确答案:选项C11、 All the parents are happy that the school ____ its students with a free lunch.( 4.00 分 )A. providesB. mastersC. figuresD. teaches正确答案:选项A12、 That's the hotel _______ last year.( 4.00 分 )A. which we stayedB. that we stayedC. for which we stayedD. where we stayed正确答案:选项D13、 He has a bad __________ of interrupting people.( 4.00 分 )A. customB. hobbyC. traditionD. habit正确答案:选项D14、 College education provides more _____ for a bright future.( 4.00 分 )A. lessonsB. coursesC. opportunitiesD. subjects正确答案:选项C15、 He demands that he _______ everything.( 4.00 分 )A. is toldB. be toldC. has been toldD. will be told正确答案:选项B16、 I found I had a lot in common ________these people.( 4.00 分 )A. ofB. inC. withD. out正确答案:选项C17、 I can finish reading a novel in one day if its story _____ me very much.( 4.00 分 )A. understandsB. interestsC. improvesD. respects正确答案:选项B18、 The country _______ heavily on tourist trade.( 4.00 分 )A. dependsB. developsC. buildsD. establishes正确答案:选项A19、 My wife is out of work now, so we have to ______ our living expenses.( 4.00 分 )A. cut shortB. cut offC. cut outD. cut down正确答案:选项B20、 If you want to know how a word is used, _______ the word up in the dictionary.( 4.00 分 )A. referB. lookC. seekD. see正确答案:选项B21、 For your safety, the electrical appliance can only operate when it has been correctly mounted on a dry and cool base.( 4.00 分 )A. 你只有在干燥通风的地方操作这一台电子仪器才安稳。

山东理工大学成人高等教育大学英语复习题I .Vocabulary and structure1. There are signs _______ restaurants are becoming more popular with families.A. thatB. whichC. in whichD. whose2. His days were ________ with important and exciting events.A. filledB. packedC. stuffedD. crowed3. There were no tickets _____ for Friday’s performance.A. preferableB. considerableC. possibleD. available4. Americans eat _______ as they actually need every day.A. twice as much proteinB. twice protein as much twiceC. twice protein as muchD. protein as twice much5. Bad news can _______ much faster than good news.A. coverB. denyC. spreadD. happen6. The motor car has been _____ for many changes in the environment.A. tiredB. boredC. responsibleD. interesting7. They are willing _______ mistakes and try again.A. to makingB. to makeC. makingD. for making8. If you put your money into that business, you risk _____ every penny.A. to loseB. to losingC. losingD. to have lost9. The nuclear family usually ______ two parents and their children.A. consists ofB. is consist ofC. is consisted ofD.made of10. _______ that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.A. During the 1960sB. That it was in the 1960sC. It was in the 1960sD. It was the 1960s11. —Please help yourself to the fish.—_____.A. Th anks, but I don’t like fishB. Sorry, I can’t helpC. Well, fish don’t suit forD. No, I can’t12. There’s little chance that mankind would ______ a nuclear war.A. retainB. endureC. maintainD. survive13. The old couple decided to ______ a boy and a girl though they had three of their own.A. adaptB. bringC. receiveD. adopt14. The trouble with owning a foreign car is that spare_____ are so expensive.A. piecesB. articlesC. partsD. times15. Weakness in the description of positive characters is _______ to all critical realists.A. ordinaryB. usualC. commonD. average16. Three university departments have been ________ $600,000 to develop good practice in teaching and learning.A. promotedB. includedC. securedD. awarded17. There are signs _______ restaurants are becoming more popular with families.A. thatB. whichC. in whichD. whose18. She _______ missing work last week by working late every night this week.A. made upB. made outC. made forD. made up for19. Dinosaurs have been ______ for millions of years.A. deadB. goneC. extinctD. lost20. Under such _______ we should take a new measure at once.A. environmentB. surroundingsC. situationsD. circumstances21. My grandmother ________ a lot when she was young.A. was used to danceB. used to danceC. used to dancingD. had danced22. I wish I _________ so much time, but now it’s too late to feel regretful.A. haven’t wastedB. hadn’t wastedC. didn’t wasteD. don’t waste23. To ______ a living he must be able to convince the company that he can do the job required.A. getB. chaseC. createD. earn24. He stayed up finishing the job rather than _____ it for the next day.A. leavingB. to leaveC. leftD. leave25. Much of what has been said about strangers also applies ____ relationships with family members and friends.A. toB. withC. forD. on 26. All banks pay interest _____ savings accounts.A. withB. inC. atD. on27. I found the missing letter ________ on the top shelf.A. lyingB. lainC. layingD. resting28. Mary keeps talking about the party --she had a very good time, ______ sheA.hadn’tB. hadC. didn’tD. weren’t29. My brother seldom does his homework in the morning, _______.A. So does JohnB. John is tooC. John does tooD. Nor does John30. Between 1974 and 1997, the number of overseas visitors expanded________ 27%.A. byB. forC. toD. inII. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase from the box, change1. Because of our general’s good _________, we won the war.2. I t’s too early to predict the __________ of the meeting.3. Sailors use an _________ to know in which direction their ship is headed.4. She found it difficult to form ____________ relationships.5. The __________ of the soil influence the growth of the plants.6. A green light is an ______ to go.Brown’s books are very and are hard to read.8. She would have died _____ the doctor hadn’t operated immediately.9. Books had to be written by hand before the of printing.10. She lost her ________ and fell down.III. Reading comprehension 10%Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as aprocess of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that Imade this important discovery: giving away makes life somuch more exciting. One discovery I made about giving away anything in this world without getting something back, though the return often comes in an unexpected form. One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important special delivery letter to my home, though it was addressed to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation. More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at the window that there were no boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long waiting list. As I was about to leave, the postmaster appeared in the doorway. He had overheard our conversation. “Wasn’t it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your home ” I said it was. “Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office if we have to make one for you. You don’t know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get nothing but complaints.1.At first the author looked upon life as a process of getting. He formed thisview of life because ____.A.other people were selfishB. he thought itexciting to get from othersC. of his early educationD. of his character2.The author wrote a note of appreciation to the post office because ____.A.he knew what such a note would mean to the post officeB.he had discovered giving-away made life more excitingC.he believed he would get something back by doing soD.the postman delivered an important letter in timeA.many had applied for post-office boxes before himB.he asked to put his name on a waiting listC.he tried to see the postmasterD.he wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation4.The postmaster promised ____.A.to make a new post-office box for the authorB. to let the authorhave a post-office boxC. to include the author’s name on the listD. to deliver the author’s mailto his home5.The postmaster interfered because ____.A.he overheard their conversationB.he had received a lot of complaints for lack of boxesC.he was thankful for the letter the author had writtenD.he was proud of their good serviceThere are many different cultures in the world, and in each of them the children must learn a great many things that are expected of everyone whoparticipates effectively in that culture. These things are taken for granted by everyone who shares the culture. Indeed, the children begin to learn them before their linguistic skills语言技巧are far enough developed to understand a verbal description for what they are learning. This kind of learning has sometimes been called “imitation”, but that is too simple an explanation for the complex processes that go on when a child learns what is normal and expected in his own community. Most of the rules are communicated to the child non-verbally, and he adapts to them as if no other possibilities existed. They are much a part of him as his own body; he would no more question them than he would question the fact that he has two hands and has two legs and two feet, but only one head.6. Children have to learn a large number of things which ______ in their culture,A.are difficult for them to lean B are regarded as especially importantfor themC are regarded as normal by everyoneD are good for them to learn7.. Children begin to learn things by _______.ing their linguistic skillB. understanding what they arelearningC communicating effectively D. imitating what others are doing8.. The learning processes for the children are ________.plexB. simpleC. normalD. skilful9. Children accept the communication rules_______.A. thoughtfullyB. unconsciouslyC. cautiouslyD. choosingly10. . Which of the following statement is correctA. Children always ask why they have two hands.B. Children learn all that they are expected through imitationsC. Children learn things faster than adultsD. Children adapt to the communication rules naturallyIV. Translation 50Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.1.如果不立即采取行动,许多种野生动物就会因饥饿而死亡;without, hunger2.我累了;昨晚我不该那么晚睡觉; should not + 动词完成式3.我没有意识到以前曾经来过这里;aware4. 有些人认为他很粗野,但是情况并非如此;the case5. 我想知道他不接受这份工作的原因;reason6. 我觉得很难理解他;hard7.老师讲的很多阅读技巧也适用于英语学习; apply to8. 她把窗户打开为的是通通风;9. 每一位学生都渴望学好英语;10. 晨练有益于身体健康;11. 我总是一上船就晕船;on board12.首先,我欢迎你参加此次会议;first of all13. Auden先生是一个快乐的人,他从帮助别人之中获得乐趣;derive14. 穿上外套,否则你会感冒的;orV. Translate the following English sentences into Chinese.1. Many of us have grown up with warnings to be careful.2. A look of great relief spread over his face.3. Christmas is supposed to be a time to express our love and goodwill towards others.4. In the seconds after my fall I thought how nice it would be if no one hadnoticed.5. You would find it safer and more convenient to put your money in a bank and write out checks to pay for your larger purchases.6. Their request was met with wide-eyed silence.7. While speaking with a salesman, the student nodded his head politely to show that he was paying attention.8. Another theory is that the geography of the area is responsible for the disappearances of the ships and planes.9. If you have the money or if you are prepared to go into debt, you will participate in the conspicuous consumption that Christmas has come to represent.10. Although we rarely think about it, the distance that we stand from someone during a conversation is also an important part of communication.VI. Writing.一、Write a composition entitled Air Pollution. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1. 现在空气污染越来越严重;2. 应该如何应对空气污染;3. 我们一定能够战胜空气污染;Air Pollution二、Write a composition entitled Online Chatting. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1. 网上聊天越来越流行;2. 有人反对它,有人赞同;3. 我的看法;三、请以Online Shopping 网络购物为题,写一篇100字的作文; Online Shopping 参考答案I. 词汇和语法1-5 DADAC, 6-10 CBCDA, ,11-15 ADDCC, 16-20 DADBD, 21-25 BBDAA, 26-30 DACDAII. 选词填空10. BalanceCDBBC 6-10 CDABBIV.汉译英1.Without immediate action, many wild animals will die from hunger.2.I am tired. I should not have gone to bed so late last night.3. I am not aware of ever having been here before.4.Some people think he is rude, but it’s not the case.5.I want to know the reason why he did not accept the job.6.I feel it is hard to understand him.7.Many reading sills the teacher taught also apply to English learning.8.She opened the window to let some air in.9.Every student is eager to learn English well.10.Morning exercise does good to health.11. I always get seasick on board.12.First of all, I welcome you to the meeting.13.Mr. AUDEN is a happy man, who derives pleasure from helping others.14.Put on your coat, or you will catch a cold.V. 英译汉1. 我们大多数人伴随着“要小心”的警告而长大;2. 他的脸上流露出欣慰的表情;3. 圣诞节应该是向别人表达爱和良好祝愿时节;4. 在我跌倒的那一刻,我想要是没有人注意到该多好啊;5. 把自己的钱存到银行,在购买大件物品时使用支票;你会发现这种方式更方便,更安全;6.他们的要求遭到了令人吃惊的沉默;7. 在和一位销售员交谈的时候,一位日本留学生不断地点头表示他在倾听;8.另一种理论认为该地区的地形是造成船只和飞机失踪的罪魁祸首;9. 假如你有钱或者你不怕负债,你就会加入到圣诞节所体现的炫耀性消费的行列中去;10.我们在谈话时与对方保持的距离同样也是交流过程中的一个重要方面,但我们很少想到这一点;VI. 作文略。

大学英语二复习题Test 1Part I Vocabulary & StructureDirections: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). youshould mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line throughthe centre.1. He will open a book store __C___ there are a lot of university students.A) what B) whichC) where D) when2. I am a new comer here. I don’t know where the largest library is ___A__.A) located B) standingC) lied D) situating3. He used to go to school on foot, _A____?A) didn’t he B) wasn’t heC) used he D) isn’t he4. There was so much noise that the speaker could not make himself __A___.A) heard B) to hearC) hearing D) being heard5. When I entered the living room, mother didn’t say anything, but I noticed a _B____ look hadcome over her face.A) surprising B) surprisedC) surprise D) surprisingly6. He walked slowly _C___ he fall.A) except B) unlessC) lest D) before7. His application of the position was __C__ by the employer.A) turned out B) turned overC) turned down D) turned up8. _____ from a distance, the car appeared __A___ down.A) Seen; to have broken B) Seen; to be brokenC) Seeing; to have broken D) Seeing; to break9. The Blacks are __A___ people in the little town.A) the possible richest B) the much richestC) the richest by far D) by far the richest10. Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it_ A____.A) being cultivated B) been cultivatedC) having cultivated D) cultivatingSection BDirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the correspondingspace on the Answer Sheet.11. With the (discover) _discovery____ of the new material, the equipment is greatly improved.12. I’m glad (invite) _to be invited_____ to sing a song to you tonight.13. The cake (get) _would get_____ burnt if it had been left in the oven even two minutes longer.14. When I found Linda, she (play) _was playing____ table tennis with her friend.15. Her early (arrive) arrival_____ gave everyone a big surprise.16. (sit) __Sitting_____ at the dinner table with strangers made her restless and uneasy.17. If you intend (visit) _to visit______ the National Garden, please contact me soon.18. The little girl gave an (extreme) _extremely____wonderful performance last night.19. If (take) _taken____ in time, the medicine will be effective.20. Traveling by air is more (expensive) _expensive_____ than traveling by train.Part II Reading ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1Directions:After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices markedA), B), C) and D). you should make the correct choice and mark the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.In order to learn to be one’s true self, it is necessary to obtain a wide and extensive knowledge of what has been said and done in the world, critically to inquire into it; carefully to think over it; clearly to sift(详察) it; and earnestly to carry it out.It matters not what you learn, but when you once learn a thing, you must never give it up until you have mastered it. It matters not what you inquire into, but when you inquire into a thing, you must never give it up until you have thoroughly understood it. It matters not what you try to think out, but when you once try to think out a thing, you must never give it up until you have got what you want. It matters not what you try to sift out, but when you once try to sift out a thing, you must never give it up until you have sifted it out clearly and distinctly. It matters not what you try to carry out, but when you once try to carry out a thing, you must never give it up until you have done it thoroughly and well.If another man succeeds by one effort, you will use a hundred efforts. If another man succeeds by ten efforts, you will use a thousand efforts.21. According to the author, the ultimate purpose of study is to learn to_____.A). be one’s true self B). be a specialistC). succeed in a profession D). become wealthy22. The end of inquiry should be _____.A). action B). understanding C). thought D). analysis23. To successfully carry out the author’s program, a person would have to be, most of all, _____.A) extremely intelligent B). very wealthyC) very persistent D). both A and B24. According to the article, another man’s success should _____.A). urge us to greater efforts B). cause one to stop tryingC). make us envious D). not be taken into account25. Which of the following statements is implied but not stated in the passage?A). It is necessary to obtain a wide knowledge of what has been said and done in the world.B). The way to knowledge is through specialization.C). Success depends not so much on natural ability as it does effort.D). Success in one’s profession is least important in one’s life.Task 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or statements are numbered 41 through 45.The great Italian scientist Galileo once made a discovery by his pulse rate. Galileo lived three hundred years ago before men had watches for measuring time. In the sixteenth century there were very few clocks in the world and no watches. One day when Galileo was a young man of eighteen, he was in the great church of the city of Pisa where he lived. He was watching the motion of a light. He saw that as the light moved forward and back on its chain, it seemed to take the same time between turns, however far it went. He wanted to make sure whether he was right. He put his pulse rate, he measured the motion of the light as it went forward and back on its chain.He was right. He had the proof. He could prove that the time was the same, however short or long the journey of the light through the air was. Galileo had made a great discovery about the motion of a pendulum. Among other things this discovery made possible a better instrument for measuring time--- the pendulum clock.26. The passage is concerned with the discovery of _____.A) the pulse rate B) the motion of lightC) the motion of a pendulum clock D) the instrument for measuring time27. Galileo lived at the time when _____.A) men could not measure timeB) pendulum clocks were not well madeC) churches measured time with lightsD) measuring time accurately was not possible28. The light which caught Galileo’s attention was _____.A). hanging high above his headB) in the churchC) hanging from the roof of his houseD) moving towards a chain29. Watching the motion of the light, Galileo put his fingers on his wrist in order to _____.A). measure his pulse rateB) prove his findings about the pendulumC) take the time of motion of the lightD) see whether he was nervous or not30. According to the passage, the time that the motion of the light took was _____.A) no more than that of the pulse rateB) the same between turnsC) more accurate than that of a clockD) just as much as that of one’s pulse rateTask 3Directions: After reading the following passage, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 46 through 50 in the table below.Pavarotti (1935-- ), an Italian lyric tenor, was one of the most popular opera stars of the 1900's. He won fame for the warmth and flexibility of his voice, the security of his high notes, and the intense feeling in his singing.Pavarotti has concentrated mostly on Italian operas and songs. He won fame for his performances in such roles as Rodolfo in La Bohenme, Edgardo in Lucia di Lammermoor, and the Duke of Mantua in Rigoletto. In the late 1970's, he began to perform more dramatic roles, including Mario in Tosca and Manrico in Trovatore. In the 1980's and 1990's, his frequent appearances on TV and in operas and concerts on videocassettes (录像带)increased his fame. Also during the 1990's, Pavarotti and tenors Jose Carreras and Placido Domingo gave a number of enormously popular concerts throughout the world, called "The Three Tenors".Luciano Pavarotti was born in Modena, Italy. He made his professional debut in Reggio nell' Emilia, Italy, in 1961 as Rodolfo, and his Metropolitan Opera debut in 1968 in the same role.Task 4Directions: After reading the following English expressions, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与…等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you shouldput the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet numbered 51through 55.A-- quality controlB-- insurance rateC-- shipping documentsD-- market researcherE-- certificate of insuranceF-- expense accountG-- Security checkH-- customs dutyI -- letter of creditJ-- mail orderK-- credit enquiryL-- export licenseM-- customs clearanceN-- agreement systemExample: ( M ) 结关( F ) 费用帐36. ( J ) 邮购( I ) 信用证37. ( H ) 关税( K ) 信用咨询38. ( B ) 保险费率( E ) 保险证书39. ( C ) 装运单证( N ) 合约制度40. ( A ) 质量管理( D ) 市场调研员Task 5Directions: After reading the following passage, you are required to complete the statements that follow (no. 56 through No.60). You should write your answers briefly on the AnswerSheet41. Who are primarily concerned in the fire instructions?The fire instructions are primarily for ___the person discovery a fire__________.42. What is the first thing a person should do when he or she discovers a fire?He or she should _operate the nearest fire alarm__________________________.43. Where must people gather for a check of names if they are in the block when the fire bell hasrung?They must gather ______near the Head of the Department___________________________.44. Imagine you are in your office, when a fire breaks out in the sports hall. What should you do?I should ___continue with the work_____________________________________.45. In case of fire, where should the students go if they are having a class in the Sports Hall? They should go to ____the Assembly Area________________________________.Part ⅢTranslationDirections: This part numbered 61 to 65, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese.Each of the four sentences (No. 61 through No. 64) is followed by choices ofsuggested translation marked A, B, C and D. Mark the best choice and write thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Write your translation of the paragraph(No. 65) in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.46.An increasing number of people are interested in buying laptops instead of desktops.A) 感兴趣买手提电脑代替台式电脑的人越来越多。

大学英语大一复习题一、听力理解(共10分)1. 根据所听材料,选择正确的答案。
(每题2分,共8分)A. 听第一段对话,回答以下问题:- 男女主角在谈论什么?- 他们计划什么时候去?B. 听第二段对话,回答以下问题:- 他们正在讨论什么活动?- 活动将在何时何地举行?2. 根据所听短文,完成以下填空。
(每空1分,共2分)- 短文主要讲述了_________(主题)。
- 作者认为_________(观点)。
二、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读以下短文,并回答文后问题。
(每题2分,共10分)[短文内容][问题1-5]2. 阅读以下文章,并根据文章内容判断正误。
(每题1分,共10分) [文章内容][判断题1-10]3. 阅读以下文章,并选择最佳标题。
(每题2分,共10分)[文章内容][标题选项1-5]三、词汇与语法(共20分)1. 选择填空。
(每题1分,共10分)[句子1-10]2. 改错题。
(每题1分,共10分)[句子1-10]四、完形填空(共20分)1. 阅读短文,从所给选项中选择最佳答案填空。
(每题1分,共20分)[短文内容][选项]五、翻译(共20分)1. 英译汉。
(每题3分,共15分)[句子1-5]2. 汉译英。
(每题3分,共5分)[句子1-2]六、写作(共20分)1. 根据所给题目写一篇不少于120词的短文。
大学英语 考试复习题

大学英语复习题1、Later another wrong idea about tomatoes.A、 grew upB、 grew inC、 grew onD、 grew at正确答案: A2、What the unit one main idea.A、 How to be a asuccessful language learnerB、 He was a very successful teacherC、 The pub is open to any adult to enterD、 Everyone has different opinions正确答案: A3、They do not _on the book or the teacher.A、 dependB、 laterC、 focusD、 shown正确答案: A4、She hopes to study _ at collegeA、 ecologyB、 ecologyingC、 ecologyedD、 ecologied正确答案: A5、I invited her to dinner _she didn't respond to answer.A、 butB、 andC、 orD、 that正确答案: A6、Though their _ differed they got along as friends.A、 personalitiesB、 personalityC、 personalD、 person正确答案: A7、You should have worked harder ,then you might not have _the exam.A、 failedB、 failC、 strongD、 brave正确答案: A8、Rives _ used to be polluted by industrial chemical waste.A、 whichB、 itC、 thatD、 what正确答案: A9、The conference _ a full weak by the time itends.A、 will be lastedB、 lastC、 has lastedD、 would last正确答案: A10、This book is so _ that I cant't even remember it .A、 obscureB、 clearC、 hardD、 important正确答案: A11、The lock _ shut.A、 snappedB、 snapC、 snapingD、 snaped正确答案: A12、They will be able to tell us more about the future of the nuclear family in the _age.A、 post-industrialB、 remarriedC、 splittingD、 single正确答案: A13、_I get older I get more optimistic.A、 AsB、 BecauseC、 ForD、 That正确答案: A14、The new _ is the tele communication center.A、 high-riseB、 riseC、 highD、 levels正确答案: A15、Some people who are very _and successful in their fields.A、 intelligentB、 differentC、 converselyD、 learner正确答案: A16、We need to focus aii our attention _finding a solution to the problem.A、 onB、 toC、 atD、 in正确答案: A17、_speaking the language everyday.A、 paracticeB、 finishC、 cannotD、 suggest正确答案: A18、This is the best position for a bird's eye view _ the city.A、 offB、 atC、 inD、 with正确答案: A19、Tickets must be _ five das in advance.A、 purchasedB、 purchaseC、 purchasingD、 buy正确答案: A20、Car _is the main reason for the city's pollution.A、 exhaustB、 useC、 exhaustingD、 using正确答案: A21、In this book,it has _unit.A、 eightB、 fourC、 twoD、 nine正确答案: A22、It isa pity when friends _up over trifles.A、 splitB、 separateC、 breakingD、 cause正确答案: A23、The browns _here,but not any more.A、 useed to liveB、 useC、 liveD、 living正确答案: A24、He poured out his _ before me.A、 complaintsB、 complaintC、 complainingD、 complained正确答案: A25、It makes the_juices flow more freely and helps to digest the food.A、 digestiveB、 goodC、 wellD、 that正确答案: A26、All I did _ give him a little push.A、 wasB、 isC、 wereD、 are正确答案: A27、Everyone is _to have many money.A、 eagerB、 goodC、 lookD、 full正确答案: A28、He quickly became accustomed _ the local fold.A、 toB、 inC、 onD、 withjkf正确答案: A29、I think of _as impossible.A、 itB、 thisC、 whyD、 what正确答案: A30、For several weeks ,_ changed.A、 nothingB、 everyingC、 eachD、 all正确答案: A31、_ it easy for michelle to get up early in the morning.A、 IsB、 WhatC、 ThisD、 That正确答案: A32、The blood in my vein _at the horrific sight.A、 curdledB、 lookC、 seeD、 vanilla正确答案: A33、The medicine _ foul.A、 tastesB、 tasteC、 drinkD、 drinking正确答案: A34、The prisoner was bought to _ for trial.A、 courtB、 courtedC、 courtingD、 courtted正确答案: A35、They_did what they where supposed to do.A、 basicallyB、 fundanentalC、 essentialD、 basic正确答案: A36、The plane is taking _ , please fasten your seat blet.A、 offB、 onC、 inD、 at正确答案: A37、Almost _of all American families are single parent families.A、 0.2B、 0.1C、 0.15D、 0.25正确答案: A38、You seem very sure of _ young man.A、 yourselfB、 myselfC、 herselfD、 himself正确答案: A39、His main income comes from _cattle.A、 breedingB、 breededC、 broodD、 being breed正确答案: A40、I'll have been teaching for thirty years _this July.A、 byB、 onC、 inD、 at正确答案: A41、Talking of travel ,haveyou_to Beijing yet.A、 beenB、 beC、 to beD、 beening正确答案: A42、Successfui language learners with a_.A、 purposeB、 interestedC、 regularlyD、 order正确答案: A43、It's_cold_yesterday.A、 as...asB、as…thatC、 to...asD、to…too正确答案: A44、They do it _ the knowledge or help of their partents.A、 withoutB、 withC、 inD、 on正确答案: A45、These three members will form the _of the whole team.A、 nucleusB、 centralC、 atomD、 waste正确答案: A46、The two countries _ friendly foreign relationship with each other.A、 keepB、 haveC、 surveyD、 vital正确答案: A47、The magazine is intended _for teenagers.A、 chieflyB、 containC、 albumD、 ship正确答案: A48、John is familiar _ the roads here.A、 withB、 onC、 inD、 at正确答案: A49、_ learning has a lot to do with your hard work.A、 successfulB、 succeedC、 successD、 succe正确答案: A50、I don't know _ I can help you.A、 whetherB、 whatC、 thatD、 this正确答案: A51、Austrian village along the eastern solopes of the _.A、 alpsB、 lateC、 dwellerD、 eloquent正确答案: A52、She opened the window_let fresh air in.A、 in order toB、 in orderC、 late atD、 in a late正确答案: A53、She once tried _learn french.A、 onB、 inC、 atD、 for正确答案: A54、Jealousy _their friendship.A、 poisondeB、 posionousC、 poisioningD、 poision正确答案: A55、The captain _the security of both the crew and the passengers.A、 cares forB、 cares onC、 cases inD、 cares at正确答案: A56、My teacher does not smoke _.A、 any longerB、 any moreC、 longerD、 more正确答案: A57、Have you _ Anne recently?A、 seenB、 seeC、 sawD、 seed正确答案: A58、Vitamins should not be a _for a healthy diet.A、 substituteB、 healthyC、 substitu正确答案: A59、Recently more and more attention has been _.A、 focusedB、 focuseC、 focusingD、 foucusion正确答案: A60、I hate to be a _,but could you help me.A、 nuisanceB、 nuisancingC、 nuisancedD、 nuisancion正确答案: A61、Successful language learners are independent _.A、 learnersB、 purposeC、 chanceD、 wait正确答案: A62、This a house that seems out of _with its surroudings.A、 scaleB、 relativeC、 extentD、 small正确答案: A63、_ different is the college schedule from the one at high scheduie.A、 howB、 thatC、 itD、 what正确答案: A64、Mary and I often _,but we are still good friends.A、 disagreeB、 learningD、 purposeful正确答案: A65、Fish is good brain food_it is good muscle food.A、 just asB、 justC、 asD、 at正确答案: A66、We thought it foolish _ you to do it.A、 forB、 atC、 withD、 in正确答案: A67、We've received _ that he may have left the country.A、 informationB、 informC、 ideaD、 new正确答案: A68、_ yourself or no one else will.A、 RespectB、 RespectedC、 RespectingD、 Respection正确答案: A69、The film had quite an effect _ him.A、 onB、 inC、 atD、 with正确答案: A70、I don't know_ he's doing now.A、 whatC、 thisD、 how正确答案: A71、The proposal was accept with _ approval.A、 unanimousB、 decisionC、 opinionD、 yiven正确答案: A72、His bad health is a great _ to him.A、 disadvantageB、 advantageC、 advantagedD、 advantageing正确答案: A73、Fads breed in empty heads and ful purses.A、 YB、 Fslse正确答案: A74、The children stay in the nudear family _they grow up and marry.A、 TureB、 N正确答案: A75、The food was of such poor the same as_.A、 iow qualityB、 wellC、 goodD、 declious正确答案: A76、Trees _ their leaves .A、 shedB、 fallC、 loseD、 sheed77、I _ the radio back to the shop .A、 tookB、 takeC、 takenD、 taking正确答案: A78、Every student is _ to learn english well.A、 eagerB、 goodC、 wellD、 have正确答案: A79、They_the child day and night.A、 cared forB、 take onC、 look atD、 find on正确答案: A80、I have heard both teachers and students_well of him.A、 to have spokenB、 spokenC、 to speakD、 speak正确答案: A81、This unit three is about?A、 fallacties about foodC、 sleepD、 health正确答案: A82、If you _ at someone,do you utter in a low voice.A、 yellB、 speakC、 talkD、 look83、_the baby wakes up three times during the night.A、 GenerallyB、 TraditionalC、 ClearD、 Lucky正确答案: A84、The fire was _ to their carelessness.A、 owingB、 ownC、 ownedD、 has owned正确答案: A85、He has been _ Jane for six months.A、 courtingB、 courtC、 courtedD、 be court正确答案: A86、_ to an expert view ,the vicyory is not yet deccidedA、 AccordingB、 AccordC、 AccordedD、 According正确答案: A87、she is_her husband.A、 divorcingB、 divorcedC、 divorceD、 breaking正确答案: A88、If I _ harded at school ,I would be sitting in a comfortable.A、 had workedB、 workC、 workedD、 working正确答案: A89、There may _be other reasons that we don't know about.A、 howeverB、 butC、 becauseD、 how正确答案: A90、_ the pros snd cons before making a final decision.A、 BalancedB、 BalanceC、 BalancingD、 Balanction正确答案: A91、Perhaps to wtch TV rather _ to socialize with their male friend.A、 thanB、 thatC、 thisD、 it正确答案: A92、Doing morning exercises will do good _ healyh.A、 toB、 inC、 atD、 on正确答案: A93、If I _ a care ,I would go with you.A、 hadB、 haveC、 havingD、 been have正确答案: A94、I'll pop over _ see you this evening.A、 andB、 orD、 else正确答案: A95、It is easy to learn _language.A、 nativeB、 foreignC、 succeedD、 failed正确答案: A96、If she is _ ,then she will return another day with her son.A、 pleasedB、 inspectC、 definitelyD、 cloury正确答案: A97、She stood there tears _ down her cheeks.A、 streamingB、 streamC、 streamedD、 streaming正确答案: A98、The countryside has also been _ by the largescale.A、 affectedB、 affectionC、 affectingD、 affectted正确答案: A99、I'm worried about _ she is.A、 whereB、 thisC、 thatD、 what正确答案: A100、_is a pleasure for us to attend the olympic.A、 itC、 thisD、 what正确答案: A一、单选题(共100题,100分)1、_ different is the college schedule from the one at high scheduie.A、 howB、 thatC、 itD、 what正确答案: A2、Successfui language learners with a_.A、 purposeB、 interestedC、 regularlyD、 order正确答案: A3、Every student is _ to learn english well.A、 eagerB、 goodC、 wellD、 have正确答案: A4、All I did _ give him a little push.A、 wasB、 isC、 wereD、 are正确答案: A5、We need to focus aii our attention _finding a solution to the problem.A、 onB、 toC、 at正确答案: A6、I don't know _ I can help you.A、 whetherB、 whatC、 thatD、 this正确答案: A7、_ to an expert view ,the vicyory is not yet deccidedA、 AccordingB、 AccordC、 AccordedD、 According正确答案: A8、It's_cold_yesterday.A、 as...asB、as…thatC、 to...asD、to…too正确答案: A9、I think of _as impossible.A、 itB、 thisC、 whyD、 what正确答案: A10、In this book,it has _unit.A、 eightB、 fourC、 twoD、 nine正确答案: A11、Tickets must be _ five das in advance.A、 purchasedB、 purchaseC、 purchasingD、 buy正确答案: A12、Some people who are very _and successful in their fields.A、 intelligentB、 differentC、 converselyD、 learner正确答案: A13、Recently more and more attention has been _.A、 focusedB、 focuseC、 focusingD、 foucusion正确答案: A14、He poured out his _ before me.A、 complaintsB、 complaintC、 complainingD、 complained正确答案: A15、Trees _ their leaves .A、 shedB、 fallC、 loseD、 sheed正确答案: A16、_speaking the language everyday.A、 paracticeB、 finishC、 cannotD、 suggest正确答案: A17、It is easy to learn _language.A、 nativeB、 foreignC、 succeedD、 failed正确答案: A18、Mary and I often _,but we are still good friends.A、 disagreeB、 learningC、 activeD、 purposeful正确答案: A19、They do not _on the book or the teacher.A、 dependB、 laterC、 focusD、 shown正确答案: A20、They do it _ the knowledge or help of their partents.A、 withoutB、 withC、 inD、 on正确答案: A21、You seem very sure of _ young man.A、 yourselfB、 myselfC、 herselfD、 himself正确答案: A22、I hate to be a _,but could you help me.A、 nuisanceB、 nuisancingC、 nuisancedD、 nuisancion正确答案: A23、_ learning has a lot to do with your hard work.A、 successfulB、 succeedC、 successD、 succe正确答案: A24、The prisoner was bought to _ for trial.A、 courtB、 courtedC、 courtingD、 courtted正确答案: A25、_ it easy for michelle to get up early in the morning.A、 IsB、 WhatC、 ThisD、 That正确答案: A26、The two countries _ friendly foreign relationship with each other.A、 keepB、 haveC、 surveyD、 vital正确答案: A27、If she is _ ,then she will return another day with her son.A、 pleasedB、 inspectC、 definitelyD、 cloury正确答案: A28、This a house that seems out of _with its surroudings.A、 scaleB、 relativeC、 extentD、 small正确答案: A29、For several weeks ,_ changed.A、 nothingB、 everyingC、 eachD、 all正确答案: A30、Almost _of all American families are single parent families.A、 0.2B、 0.1C、 0.15D、 0.25正确答案: A31、Fads breed in empty heads and ful purses.A、 YB、 Fslse正确答案: A32、The blood in my vein _at the horrific sight.A、 curdledB、 lookC、 seeD、 vanilla正确答案: A33、_ the pros snd cons before making a final decision.A、 BalancedB、 BalanceC、 BalancingD、 Balanction正确答案: A34、Austrian village along the eastern solopes of the _.A、 alpsB、 lateC、 dwellerD、 eloquent正确答案: A35、she is_her husband.A、 divorcingB、 divorcedC、 divorceD、 breaking正确答案: A36、This is the best position for a bird's eye view _ the city.A、 offB、 atC、 inD、 with正确答案: A37、The food was of such poor the same as_.A、 iow qualityB、 wellC、 goodD、 declious正确答案: A38、Later another wrong idea about tomatoes.A、 grew upB、 grew inC、 grew onD、 grew at正确答案: A39、This unit three is about?A、 fallacties about foodC、 sleepD、 health正确答案: A40、The browns _here,but not any more.A、 useed to liveB、 useC、 liveD、 living正确答案: A41、_I get older I get more optimistic.A、 AsB、 BecauseC、 ForD、 That正确答案: A42、Fish is good brain food_it is good muscle food.A、 just asB、 justC、 asD、 at正确答案: A43、I have heard both teachers and students_well of him.A、 to have spokenB、 spokenC、 to speakD、 speak正确答案: A44、The conference _ a full weak by the time itends.A、 will be lastedB、 lastC、 has lastedD、 would last正确答案: A45、The plane is taking _ , please fasten your seat blet.A、 offB、 onC、 inD、 at正确答案: A46、What I saw and heard in china made a deep impression _ me.A、 onB、 inC、 atD、 with正确答案: A47、_is a pleasure for us to attend the olympic.A、 itB、 thatC、 thisD、 what正确答案: A48、The medicine _ foul.A、 tastesB、 tasteC、 drinkD、 drinking正确答案: A49、Have you _ Anne recently?A、 seenB、 seeC、 sawD、 seed正确答案: A50、My teacher does not smoke _.A、 any longerB、 any moreC、 longerD、 more正确答案: A51、You should have worked harder ,then you might not have _the exam.A、 failedB、 failC、 strongD、 brave正确答案: A52、I invited her to dinner _she didn't respond to answer.A、 butB、 andC、 orD、 that正确答案: A53、If I _ a care ,I would go with you.A、 hadB、 haveC、 havingD、 been have正确答案: A54、They_the child day and night.A、 cared forB、 take onC、 look atD、 find on正确答案: A55、John is familiar _ the roads here.A、 withB、 onC、 inD、 at正确答案: A56、Though their _ differed they got along as friends.A、 personalitiesB、 personalityC、 personalD、 person正确答案: A57、Everyone is _to have many money.A、 eagerB、 goodC、 lookD、 full正确答案: A58、The proposal was accept with _ approval.A、 unanimousB、 decisionC、 opinion正确答案: A59、If I _ harded at school ,I would be sitting in a comfortable.A、 had workedB、 workC、 workedD、 working正确答案: A60、This book is so _ that I cant't even remember it .A、 obscureB、 clearC、 hardD、 important正确答案: A61、The lock _ shut.A、 snappedB、 snapC、 snapingD、 snaped正确答案: A62、Doing morning exercises will do good _ healyh.A、 toB、 inC、 atD、 on正确答案: A63、There may _be other reasons that we don't know about.A、 howeverB、 butC、 becauseD、 how正确答案: A64、Successful language learners are independent _.A、 learnersB、 purposeD、 wait正确答案: A65、She stood there tears _ down her cheeks.A、 streamingB、 streamC、 streamedD、 streaming正确答案: A66、His main income comes from _cattle.A、 breedingB、 breededC、 broodD、 being breed正确答案: A67、She hopes to study _ at collegeA、 ecologyB、 ecologyingC、 ecologyedD、 ecologied正确答案: A68、I'm worried about _ she is.A、 whereB、 thisC、 thatD、 what正确答案: A69、I _ the radio back to the shop .A、 tookB、 takeC、 takenD、 taking正确答案: A70、The children stay in the nudear family _they grow up and marry.A、 TureB、 N正确答案: A71、His bad health is a great _ to him.A、 disadvantageB、 advantageC、 advantagedD、 advantageing正确答案: A72、The film had quite an effect _ him.A、 onB、 inC、 atD、 with正确答案: A73、The magazine is intended _for teenagers.A、 chieflyB、 containC、 albumD、 ship正确答案: A74、It makes the_juices flow more freely and helps to digest the food.A、 digestiveB、 goodC、 wellD、 that正确答案: A75、You can't be certain of _ going to happen .A、 what'sB、 that'sC、 it'sD、 how's正确答案: A76、_the baby wakes up three times during the night.A、 GenerallyB、 TraditionalC、 ClearD、 Lucky正确答案: A77、The countryside has also been _ by the largescale.A、 affectedB、 affectionC、 affectingD、 affectted正确答案: A78、We thought it foolish _ you to do it.A、 forB、 atC、 withD、 in正确答案: A79、He quickly became accustomed _ the local fold.A、 toB、 inC、 onD、 withjkf正确答案: A80、Talking of travel ,haveyou_to Beijing yet.A、 beenB、 beC、 to beD、 beening正确答案: A81、Jealousy _their friendship.A、 poisondeB、 posionousC、 poisioningD、 poision正确答案: A82、They will be able to tell us more about the future of the nuclear family in the _age.A、 post-industrialB、 remarriedC、 splittingD、 single正确答案: A83、Vitamins should not be a _for a healthy diet.A、 substituteB、 healthyC、 substituD、 nothing正确答案: A84、She once tried _learn french.A、 onB、 inC、 atD、 for正确答案: A85、I'll have been teaching for thirty years _this July.A、 byB、 onC、 inD、 at正确答案: A86、What the unit one main idea.A、 How to be a asuccessful language learnerB、 He was a very successful teacherC、 The pub is open to any adult to enterD、 Everyone has different opinions正确答案: A87、The fire was _ to their carelessness.A、 owingB、 ownC、 ownedD、 has owned正确答案: A88、It is the effects of motor car _ has been respnsible for many changes in the enviroment.A、 thatB、 whatC、 thisD、 why正确答案: A89、He has been _ Jane for six months.A、 courtingB、 courtC、 courtedD、 be court正确答案: A90、It isa pity when friends _up over trifles.A、 splitB、 separateC、 breakingD、 cause正确答案: A91、Car _is the main reason for the city's pollution.A、 exhaustB、 useC、 exhaustingD、 using正确答案: A92、I don't know_ he's doing now.A、 whatB、 thatC、 thisD、 how正确答案: A93、The captain _the security of both the crew and the passengers.A、 cares forB、 cares onC、 cases inD、 cares at正确答案: A94、The new _ is the tele communication center.A、 high-riseB、 riseC、 highD、 levels正确答案: A95、She opened the window_let fresh air in.A、 in order toB、 in orderC、 late atD、 in a late正确答案: A96、_ yourself or no one else will.A、 RespectB、 RespectedC、 RespectingD、 Respection正确答案: A97、These three members will form the _of the whole team.A、 nucleusB、 centralC、 atomD、 waste正确答案: A98、Perhaps to wtch TV rather _ to socialize with their male friend.A、 thanB、 thatC、 thisD、 it正确答案: A99、I'll pop over _ see you this evening.A、 andB、 orC、 butD、 else正确答案: A100、If you _ at someone,do you utter in a low voice.A、 yellB、 speakC、 talkD、 look正确答案: A一、单选题(共100题,100分)1、I think of _as impossible.A、 itB、 thisC、 whyD、 what正确答案: A2、The new _ is the tele communication center.A、 high-riseB、 riseC、 highD、 levels正确答案: A3、These three members will form the _of the whole team.A、 nucleusB、 centralC、 atomD、 waste正确答案: A4、Doing morning exercises will do good _ healyh.A、 toB、 inC、 atD、 on正确答案: A5、The medicine _ foul.A、 tastesB、 tasteC、 drinkD、 drinking正确答案: A6、He has been _ Jane for six months.A、 courtingB、 courtC、 courtedD、 be court正确答案: A7、Fads breed in empty heads and ful purses.A、 YB、 Fslse正确答案: A8、This a house that seems out of _with its surroudings.A、 scaleB、 relativeC、 extentD、 small正确答案: A9、It makes the_juices flow more freely and helps to digest the food.A、 digestiveB、 goodC、 wellD、 that正确答案: A10、Later another wrong idea about tomatoes.A、 grew upB、 grew inC、 grew onD、 grew at正确答案: A11、_I get older I get more optimistic.A、 AsB、 BecauseC、 ForD、 That正确答案: A12、I don't know_ he's doing now.A、 whatB、 thatC、 thisD、 how正确答案: A13、I'll have been teaching for thirty years _this July.A、 byB、 onC、 inD、 at正确答案: A14、We thought it foolish _ you to do it.A、 forB、 atC、 withD、 in正确答案: A15、They do not _on the book or the teacher.A、 dependB、 laterC、 focusD、 shown正确答案: A16、_ learning has a lot to do with your hard work.A、 successfulB、 succeedC、 successD、 succe正确答案: A17、Talking of travel ,haveyou_to Beijing yet.A、 beenB、 beC、 to beD、 beening正确答案: A18、The plane is taking _ , please fasten your seat blet.A、 offB、 onC、 inD、 at正确答案: A19、There may _be other reasons that we don't know about.A、 howeverB、 butC、 becauseD、 how正确答案: A20、His bad health is a great _ to him.A、 disadvantageB、 advantageC、 advantagedD、 advantageing正确答案: A21、She opened the window_let fresh air in.A、 in order toB、 in orderC、 late atD、 in a late正确答案: A22、I _ the radio back to the shop .A、 tookB、 takeC、 takenD、 taking正确答案: A23、The countryside has also been _ by the largescale.A、 affectedB、 affectionC、 affectingD、 affectted正确答案: A24、Tickets must be _ five das in advance.A、 purchasedB、 purchaseC、 purchasingD、 buy正确答案: A25、The proposal was accept with _ approval.A、 unanimousB、 decisionC、 opinionD、 yiven正确答案: A26、_the baby wakes up three times during the night.A、 GenerallyB、 TraditionalC、 ClearD、 Lucky正确答案: A27、I'm worried about _ she is.A、 whereB、 thisC、 thatD、 what正确答案: A28、They will be able to tell us more about the future of the nuclear family in the _age.A、 post-industrialB、 remarriedC、 splittingD、 single正确答案: A29、The two countries _ friendly foreign relationship with each other.A、 keepB、 haveC、 surveyD、 vital正确答案: A30、_ yourself or no one else will.A、 RespectB、 RespectedC、 RespectingD、 Respection正确答案: A31、The fire was _ to their carelessness.A、 owingB、 ownC、 ownedD、 has owned正确答案: A32、I hate to be a _,but could you help me.A、 nuisanceB、 nuisancingC、 nuisancedD、 nuisancion正确答案: A33、I invited her to dinner _she didn't respond to answer.A、 butB、 andC、 orD、 that正确答案: A34、The food was of such poor the same as_.A、 iow qualityB、 wellC、 goodD、 declious正确答案: A35、You seem very sure of _ young man.A、 yourselfB、 myselfC、 herselfD、 himself正确答案: A36、The film had quite an effect _ him.A、 onB、 inC、 atD、 with正确答案: A37、Vitamins should not be a _for a healthy diet.A、 substituteB、 healthyC、 substituD、 nothing正确答案: A38、He quickly became accustomed _ the local fold.A、 toB、 inC、 onD、 withjkf正确答案: A39、They do it _ the knowledge or help of their partents.A、 withoutB、 withC、 inD、 on正确答案: A40、This book is so _ that I cant't even remember it .A、 obscureB、 clearC、 hardD、 important正确答案: A41、My teacher does not smoke _.A、 any longerB、 any moreC、 longerD、 more正确答案: A42、His main income comes from _cattle.A、 breedingB、 breededC、 broodD、 being breed正确答案: A43、Everyone is _to have many money.A、 eagerB、 goodC、 lookD、 full正确答案: A44、Rives _ used to be polluted by industrial chemical waste.A、 whichB、 itC、 thatD、 what正确答案: A45、I'll pop over _ see you this evening.A、 andB、 orC、 butD、 else正确答案: A46、We need to focus aii our attention _finding a solution to the problem.A、 onB、 toC、 atD、 in正确答案: A47、For several weeks ,_ changed.A、 nothingB、 everyingC、 eachD、 all正确答案: A48、Car _is the main reason for the city's pollution.A、 exhaustB、 useC、 exhaustingD、 using正确答案: A49、You should have worked harder ,then you might not have _the exam.A、 failedB、 failC、 strongD、 brave正确答案: A50、All I did _ give him a little push.A、 wasB、 isC、 wereD、 are正确答案: A51、Almost _of all American families are single parent families.A、 0.2B、 0.1C、 0.15D、 0.25。

You should be focused on leaning.2.对于年轻人来说,教育很重要。
Education dose count to young people.3.我们在这所职业学校里学习许多课程。
We study many subjects in this vocational school.4.你要好好利用这次千载难逢的机会。
You should take advantage of this chance of a lifetime.5.德国绝大多数职业学校不收学费。
The majority of vocational school in Germany don’t change tuition fees.1.他的一番话伤了朋友的感情。
What he said hurt his friend’s feeling.2.约翰对比尔来说很重要,因为他总是给比尔许多帮助。
John means a lot to Bill because he often helps him a lot.3.我们大家都同情她。
We all have sympathy for her.4.比起电子通讯,我更喜欢面对面的交谈。
I prefer face-to-face talk to electronic communication.5.他们小时候常在一起玩。
They often hung out together when they were young.1.在拜访外教时,你可以送给他一件文化小礼品。
When you visit your foreign teacher,you may present him with a small cultural gift.2.只有在知道主人喝酒的情况下,你才能送给他一瓶酒。
You can give the host a bottle of wine as a gift only when you know that the host drinks wine.3.女店员用彩纸把礼物包好。

一单选题 (共26题,总分值78分 )1. There __________________ a book and somemagazines on the desk. (3 分)A. isB. areC. haveD. has2. I didn't know what to do, but then an ideasuddenly __________________ to me. (3 分)A. appearedB. happenedC. occurredD. emerged3. I tried to put __________ a telephone call to him,but his line was always busy. (3 分)A. overB. intoC. awayD. through4. I fell and hurt myself while I __________________basketball yesterday. (3 分)A. was playingB. am playingC. playD. played5. Did you notice the guy ________________ headlooked like a big potato? (3 分)A. whoB. whichC. whoseD. whom6. Let me introduce myself. I'm steward.- ________________________ (3 分)A. What a pleasure.B. Pleased to meet you.C. I don't know.D. Thanks a lot.7. Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift. - ________________________ (3 分)A. Never mind.B. I'm glad you like it.C. Please don't say so.D. No, It's not so good.8. He _________________ lives in the house where hewas born. (3 分)A. alreadyB. yetC. stillD. ever9. - _________________ is your girlfriend like? - She is very kind and good-looking. (3 分)A. HowB. WhatC. WhichD. Who10. At that time, she ________________ on a journeywith her friend. (3 分)A. isB. wasC. has beenD. is being11. The witness was required to give a__________________ account of what happened on the fateful night. (3 分)A. vividB. imaginedC. twistedD. detailed12. Tom __________________ more than twenty poundson the novel. (3 分)A. spentB. paidC. costD. took13. I'm sorry. Bob is not in his office.-________________________? (3 分)A. Can you take a message for meB. Are you sure for thatC. Would you like to leave a messageD. Can you phone me-I haven't seen Belly for 10 years.14. Does that tea have enough sugar in it?__________ (3 分)A. Yes, it is. Thank you.B. Yes, it does. Thank you.C. Yes, I will. Thank you.D. Yes, I do. I like it.15. I won't make the _________________ mistake nexttime. (3 分)A. likeB. sameC. nearD. similar16. There is no money __________________ for thisproject. (3 分)A. workableB. capableC. availableD. durable17. He __________________ me do the work. (3 分)A. givesB. helpsC. mindsD. cares18. How do I get to the cinema?- ________________________ (3 分)A. It's very far.B. Yes, there is a cinema near here.C. It's well known.D. Go down this street and turn left.19. If I don't __________________ the phone at home,ring me at work. (3 分)A. replyB. returnC. respondD. answer20. Dress at that party was __________________,with no neckties or fancy dresses. (3 分)A. formalB. informalC. seriousD. fashionable21. The country is __________________ and thepeople live in peace. (3 分)A. prosperousB. needyC. messyD. violent22. How are you, Bob?_________________ (3 分)A. How are you?B. I’m fine. Thank you.C. How do you do?D. Nice to meet you.23. -Why not go and have dinner in a restaurant?-__________________________. It's too expensive. (3 分)A. Why notB. I agreeC. I'm afraid notD. I'm sure二翻译题 (共2题,总分值22分 )27. Do you have access to the Internet? (11 分)一单选题 (共26题,总分值78分 ) 1. 答案:A解析过程:2. 答案:C解析过程:3. 答案:D解析过程:4. 答案:A解析过程:5. 答案:C解析过程:6. 答案:B解析过程:7. 答案:B解析过程:8. 答案:C 解析过程:9. 答案:B 解析过程:10. 答案:A 解析过程:11. 答案:D 解析过程:12. 答案:A 解析过程:13. 答案:D 解析过程:14. 答案:B 解析过程:15. 答案:B 解析过程:16. 答案:C 解析过程:17. 答案:A 解析过程:18. 答案:D 解析过程:19. 答案:A 解析过程:20. 答案:B 解析过程:21. 答案:A 解析过程:22. 答案:B解析过程:23. 答案:C解析过程:二翻译题 (共2题,总分值22分 ) 27. 答案:你能上网吗?解析过程:。

北部湾大学课程名称:大学英语(专升本)1.(单选题)______ gathering and storing information, the computer can also solve complicated problems.(本题1.0分)A.Not onlyB.ExceptC.UnlessD.Besides答案:D.解析:无.2.(单选题)It was getting _______, he had to stop to have a rest.(本题1.0分)A.very darkerB.dark and darkC.darker and darkerD.darkest and darkest答案:C.解析:无.3.(单选题)— Good morning, sir. May I help you? — _______.(本题1.0分)A.No, I don't buy anythingB.No, I don't need your helpC.Yes, I need some sugarD.Oh, no. That's OK答案:C.解析:无.4.(单选题)She went upstairs to see if he was still asleep ______.(本题1.0分)A.at one timeB.from time to timeC.in the same timeD.behind the time答案:B.解析:无.5.(单选题)Small computers need only small amounts of power, _____ many that they will run on small batteries.(本题1.0分)A.whichB.thatC.thisD.what答案:A.解析:无.6.(单选题)– Would you do me the favor to give me a lift? –___________(本题1.0分)A.Yes, quite rightB.Never mindC.Not at allD.With pleasure答案:D.解析:无.7.(单选题)Every country and every nation has its own ______ and cultural tradition, strong points and advantages.(本题1.0分)A.historianB.historyC.historicalD.heroine答案:C.解析:无.8.(单选题)The leader of the town said that their financial ______ of next year is optimistic.(本题1.0分)A.visionB.horizonC.outlookD.view答案:C.解析:无.9.(单选题)I want you to tell my friend your very interesting experience _________ you have told it to me.(本题1.0分)A.the wayB.the mannerC.the same asD.such as答案:A.解析:无.10.(单选题)Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near thewater? _________(本题1.0分)A.I’d rather stay here if you don’t mind.B.Sorry, I don’t like neither.C.Certainly, why not?D.Yes, we like these two places.答案:A.解析:无.11.(单选题)The driver had fled, careless of _______ essential to save the victim's life.(本题1.0分)A.medical attention might beB.medical attention might well beC.that medical attention might beD.the fact that medical attention might be答案:D.解析:无.12.(单选题)Did I say “a lot of dime“? I’m sorry, I meant to say “a lot of time”. It’s a ______ of tongue.(本题1.0分)A.slipB.throneC.leapD.fall答案:A.解析:无.13.(单选题)The police will give you ticket, if you ______ the speed limit.(本题1.0分)A.expandB.extendC.spreadD.exceed答案:D.解析:无.14.(单选题)There’s no clue to the ______ of the thief.(本题1.0分)A.identifyB.identityC.identicalD.ideal答案:B.解析:无.15.(单选题)They know the sport inside out, and we treat them with therespect they ______.(本题1.0分)A.deserveB.inspectC.encounterD.undermine答案:A.解析:无.16.(单选题)Repeating _____ he had already told the court, the accused maintained that he was at home at the time.(本题1.0分)A.thatB.whatC.whichD.how答案:B.解析:无.17.(单选题)Look! Here ______ the famous player.(本题1.0分)eseC.had comeing答案:A.解析:无.18.(单选题)Would you like something _______?(本题1.0分)A.drinkB.to drinkC.drinkingD.for drinking答案:B.解析:无.19.(单选题)When I saw his smiling face, I knew he_______ good news of his parents.(本题1.0分)A.has hadB.had hadC.has havingD.has答案:B.解析:无.20.(单选题)–I’m engaged! – ______ on your engagement!(本题1.0分)A.CongratulationsB.CongratulationC.CongratulateD.Cheers答案:A.解析:无.21.(单选题)______, he worked out the difficult math problem only in ten minutes.(本题1.0分)A.SurprisingB.I’m surprisedC.In surpriseD.To my surprise答案:D.解析:无.22.(单选题)– Hello, may I speak to Mr. Clinton? –_________________(本题1.0分)A.Yes, I am Clinton.B.Thank you for calling me.C.This is Clinton speaking.D.Yes, who are you?答案:C.解析:无.23.(单选题)― What will you buy for your boyfriend’s birthday?― I want to buy a _______ wallet for him.(本题1.0分)A.black leather smallB.small black leatherC.small leather blackD.black small leather答案:B.解析:无.24.(单选题)– Bob, you have a very successful business! ______ –Thank you!(本题1.0分)A.You have a good sense of humor!B.Enjoy yourself!C.You two make a lovely couple!D.Well done!答案:D.解析:无.25.(单选题)— Would you like to go fishing with us now? —________.(本题1.0分)A.No, I don't likeB.It sounds interesting but I have lots of homework to doC.I won't tell youD.Oh, it is well答案:B.解析:无.31.(问答题)(翻译)A smile costs nothing, but creates much. It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give. It happensin a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None are so rich that they can get along without it, and none so poor but are richer for its benefits. It creates happiness in the home, fosters goodwill in a business, and is the countersign of friends. It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged and sunshine to the sad. Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is no earthly good to anybody till it is given away. And if in the last-minute rush of Christmas buying some of our salespeople should be too tired to give you a smile, may we ask you to leave one of yours? For nobody needs a smile so much as those who have none left to give!(本题10.0分)答案:答:微笑,不花分文,却收效可观。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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12.He spent 30 hours in the labexperiment without sleep.
A.in B.onC.from D.to
13.I don't think you can work out the math problemthe teacher's help.
—You can writepassage in English?
A.600 works; a 600--works B.600--work; a 600--works
A.they B.it C.one D.which
16.Was her laziness that we all hated her.
A.It B.What C.That D.Such
17.He explained the reasonTom was fired last week
A.that B.which C.for D.why
PART I Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese.
1.Major in Business English
2.required courses
3.English speech competition
C.How good the weather D.What good weather
2.A friend ofwent to the railway station to see.
A.Jane ; her off B.Jane ;off her
C.Jane 's; her off D.Jane's ;off her
3.My familyswimming.
A.likes B.is liking C.like D.are liking
4.We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal stylein a personal style.
20.She came to help usshe had a lot to do for the exams.
A.whenever B.as C.although D.while
21. —What are you doing here?
—Oh, my teacher asked me to write a passage aboutin English.
6.He is notas any as us,but he is brave enough.
A.as betterB. Such good
C.so goodD. a so good
7.Tom ,youleave all your clothes on the floor like this!
A.wouldn'tB.mustn'tC.needn't D.may not
A.rather than B.other than C.better than D.less than
5.Please be quiet.I haveto announce.
A.a important thingB. an important thing
C.something importantD.important something
18.The policeman caught him byhand.
A.his B./ C.the D.a
19.The worker has hunted for jobs inNew Yorkfor months,he could not find any woek.
A.and B.yet C.or D.and but
A.third-fifths ; are B. three-fifths ; are
C.three-five ; isD. three-fifth ; is
10.He said he would try everyto help us.
A.meanB.meaning C.means D.ways
A.Write clearlyyour teacher can understand you correctly.
4.The Olympic dream
6.be pround of
7.wild animals
8.Food chain
10.Lunar calendar
PART II Grammar and Vocabulary
Directions: For each of the following blanks, four choices are given. Choose the most appropriate one.
1.!We can go camping.
A.How good weatherB.What a good weather
8.ItYang Liwei about 21 hoursthe earth 14 times in his spaceship.
A.spent ; circlingB. took ; traveling
C.spent ; to travel D.took ; to circle
9.Aboutof the workers in that factoryyoung people.
A.since B.unlessC.because D.without
14.Many people are stillthe habit of writing silly thingspublic places.
A.at;at B.in;inC.into;of D.during;at
15.The Parkers bought a new house butwill need a lot of work before they can move in.