
附录1 语音项目表1. 基本读音(1) 26个字母的读音(2) 元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3) 元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4) 元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5) 常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6) 辅音字母组合的读音(7) 辅音连缀的读音(8) 成节音的读音2. 重音(1) 单词重音(2) 句子重音3. 读音的变化(1) 连读(2) 失去爆破(3) 弱读(4) 同化4. 语调与节奏(1) 意群与停顿(2) 语调(3) 节奏5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6. 朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录2 语法项目表1. 名词(1) 可数名词及其单复数(2) 不可数名词(3) 专有名词(4) 名词所有格2. 代词(1) 人称代词(2) 物主代词(3) 反身代词(4) 指示代词(5) 不定代词(6) 疑问代词3. 数词(1) 基数词(2) 序数词4. 介词和介词短语5. 连词6. 形容词(比较级和最高级)7. 副词(比较级和最高级)8. 冠词9. 动词(1) 动词的基本形式(2) 系动词(3) 及物动词和不及物动词(4) 助动词(5) 情态动词10. 时态(1) 一般现在时(2) 一般过去时(3) 一般将来时(4) 现在进行时(5) 过去进行时(6) 过去将来时(7) 将来进行时(8) 现在完成时(9) 过去完成时(10) 现在完成进行时11. 被动语态12. 非谓语动词(1) 动词不定式(2) 动词的-ing形式(3) 动词的-ed形式13. 构词法(1) 合成法(2) 派生法(3) 转化法(4) 缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1) 陈述句(2) 疑问句(3) 祈使句(4) 感叹句15. 句子成分(1) 主语(2) 谓语(3) 表语(4) 宾语(5) 定语(6) 状语(7) 补语16. 简单句的基本句型17. 主谓一致18. 并列复合句19. 主从复合句(1) 宾语从句(2) 状语从句(3) 定语从句(4) 主语从句(5) 表语从句20. 间接引语21. 省略22. 倒装23. 强调24. 虚拟语气附录3 功能意念项目表1. 社会交往(Social Communications)(1) 问候(Greetings)(2) 介绍(Introduction)(3) 告别(Farewells )(4) 感谢(Thanks )(5) 道歉(Apologies)(6) 邀请(Invitation)(7) 请求允许(Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助(Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝(Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会(Making appointments)(12) 打电话(Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐(Having meals)(14) 就医(Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物(Shopping)(16) 问路(Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气(Talking about weather)(19) 提醒注意(Reminding)(20) 警告和禁止(Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告(Advice)(22) 建议(Suggestions)2. 态度(Attitudes)(23) 同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)(24) 喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)(25) 肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)(26) 可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)(27) 能够和不能够(Ability and inability)(28) 偏爱和优先选择(Preference)(29) 意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)(30) 希望和愿望(Hopes and wishes)(31) 表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)(33) 冷淡(Indifference)(34) 判断与评价(Judgement and evaluation)3. 情感(Emotions)(35) 高兴(Happiness)(36) 惊奇(Surprise)(37) 忧虑(Worries)(38) 安慰(Reassurance)(39) 满意(Satisfaction)(40) 遗憾(Regret)(41) 同情(Sympathy)(42) 恐惧(Fear)(43) 愤怒(Anger)4. 时间(Time)(44) 时刻(Point of time)(45) 时段(Duration)(46) 频度(Frequency)(47) 时序(Sequence)5. 空间(Space)(48) 位置(Position)(49) 方向(Direction)(50) 距离(Distance)6. 存在(Existence)(51) 存在与不存在(Existence and Non-existence) 7. 特征(Features)(52) 形状(Shape)(53) 颜色(Colour)(54) 材料(Material)(55) 价格(Price)(56) 规格(Size)(57) 年龄(Age)8. 计量(Measurement)(58) 长度(Length)(59) 宽度(Width)(60) 高度(Height)(61) 数量(Number)9. 比较(Comparison)(63) 差别比较(Comparative and superlative)(64) 相似和差别(Similarity and difference) 10. 逻辑关系(Logical relations)(65) 原因和结果(Cause and effect)(66) 目的(Purpose)11. 职业(Occupations)(67) 工作(Jobs)(68) 单位(Employer)附录4 话题项目表1. 个人情况(Personal information)2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)3. 周围的环境(Personal environments)4. 日常活动(Daily routines)5. 学校生活(School life)6. 兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)7. 个人感情(Emotions)8. 人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9. 计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10. 节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)11. 购物(Shopping)12. 饮食(Food and drink)13. 健康(Health)14. 天气(Weather)15. 文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)16. 旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17. 语言学习(Language learning)18. 自然(Nature)19. 世界与环境(The world and the environment)20. 科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21. 热点话题(Topical issues)22. 历史与地理(History and geography)23. 社会(Society)24. 文学与艺术(Literature and art) 附录5 词汇表Aa(an) artabandon vability nable aabnormal aaboard prepabolish vabortion nabout ad & prepabove prep,a& adabroad adabrupt aabsence nabsent aabsolute aabsorb vabstract a & nabsurd a abundant a abuse v academic a & n academy n accelerate v accent n accept v access n & v accessible a accident n account n accountant n accumulate v accuracy n accurate a accuse v accustomed a ache v & n achieve v achievement nacid a acknowledge v acquaintance n acquire v acquisition nacre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity nactor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbrad=advertisement n adapt v adaptation nadd vaddicted aaddition n address n adequate a adjust v adjustment n administration n admirable a admire v admission n admit v adolescence n adolescent a & n adopt vadore vadult n advance v & n advantage n adventure n advertise v advertisement n advice nadvise v advocate vaffair naffect v affection nafford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & n after ad,prep&conj afternoon n afterward(s) ad again adagainst prepage nagency n agenda nagent n aggressive aago adagree vagreement n agricultural a agriculture n ahead adaid n & v AIDS naim n & vair naircraft n airline n airmail n album n alcohol n alcoholic a & n algebra n alike adalive aall ad,a&pron allergic a alley n allocate vallow vallowance nalmost adalone aalong ad & prep alongside adaloud adalphabet nalready adalsoadalternative a although conj altitude naltogether ad aluminium(Am aluminum) n always adam v(be)a.m./am,A.M./AM abbr amateur aamaze vamazing a ambassador n ambassadress n ambiguous a ambition n ambulance n America n among prep amount n & v ample a amuse v amusement n analysev analysis n ancestor n anchor v & n ancient aand conj anecdote n anger nangle nangry aanimal nankle n anniversary n announce v annoy v annual a another a &pron Antarctic a antique n anxiety n anxious aany pron& a anybody pron anyhow ad anyone pron anything pron anyway ad anywhere ad apart ad & a apartment napologize v apology n apparent a appeal v & n appear v appearance n appendix n appetite n applaud v & n apple n applicant n application n apply v appoint v appointment n appreciate v appreciation n approach n & v appropriate a approval n approve vapproximately ad apron narbitrary aarch narchitect n architecture n Arctic aare v(be)area nargue v argument narise(arose,arisen) v arithmetic narm n & v armchair narmy naround ad & prep arrange v arrangement n arrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle n artificial aartist nas ad,conj& prep ash n ashamed a Asia nAsian a & n aside adask vasleep a aspect n assess v assessment n assist v assistance n assistant n associate vassume v assumption n astonish v astronaut n astronomer n astronomy n at prep athlete n athletic a Atlantic a atmosphere n atom n attach v attack v & n attain v attempt v & n attend v attention n attitude n attract vattractive aaudience naunt nauthentic aauthor nauthority nautomatic a autonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken) v & a award naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a& n background n backward(s) ad bacon nbacterium(plbacteria) n bad(worse,worst) a badminton nbag nbaggage nbakery nbalance nbalcony nball nballet nballoon nbamboo nban n & vbanana nbandage n bank nbar n barbecue n barber n barbershop n bare a bargain n & v bark v & n barrier n base n baseball n basement n basic a basin n basis n basket n basketball n bat nbath nbathroom nbathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was, were,being,been) v beach nbean nbean curd nbear1 nbear2 vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & n beautiful abeauty nbecause conjbed nbeddings nbedroom nbee nbeef nbeer nbefore prep,ad&conj beg vbegin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehavior (Am behavior) n behind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent) v beneath prep beneficial a benefit n & v bent a & n beside prep besides prep & ad betray v between prep beyond prep bicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle nbill nbingo n biochemistry n biography n biology nbird nbirth nbirthday n birthplace n biscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) v bitter ablack a & n blackboard n blame n & vblank n & a blanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) v blue n & aboard n & vbody nboil vbomb n & v bond n & v bone n bonus n book n & v boom n & v boot n booth n border n bored a boring a born a borrow v boss n botanical a botany n both a &pron bother vbottom nbounce vbound aboundary nbow v & nbowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott vbrain nbrake n & vbranch nbrand nbrave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v & n breakfast nbreakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride nbridegroom nbridge nbrief abright abrilliant abring(brought,brought) v broad abroadcast(broadcast, broadcast或-ed,-ed) v brochure nbroken abroom nbrother nbrown n & a brunch nbrush v & n Buddhism nbudget nbuffet nbuild(built,built) v building nbunch nbungalow nburden n bureaucratic a burglar nburn(burnt,burnt或-ed,-ed) v & n burst vbury vbus nbush nbusiness n businessman/woman(plbusinessmen/ women) n busy abut conj& prepbutcher n & vbutter nbutterfly nbutton n & vbuy(bought,bought) vby prepbye intCcab ncabbage ncafe ncafeteria ncage ncake ncalculate vcall n & vcalm a & vcamel ncamp n & v campaign ncan1(could);can’t=cannot modal v can2 ncanal ncancel vcancer n candidate ncandle ncandy ncanteen ncap ncapital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption ncar ncarbon ncard ncareful acareless a carpenter ncarpet ncarriage ncarrier ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncarve vcase ncash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) v castle ncasual acat ncatalogue n catastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) vcater vCatholic acattle ncause n & v caution n cautious acave nceiling n celebrate v celebration ncell ncent n centigrade a centimetre(Am centimeter) n central acentre(Am center) n century n ceremony n certain achain nchair nchairman/woman (plchairmen/women) n chalk nchallenge n challenging a champion nchance nchange n & v changeable a channel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter n characteristic a & n charge v & nchart nchat n & vcheat n & vcheck n & vcheek ncheer n & v cheerful acheers intcheese nchef nchemical a & n chemist n chemistry n cheque(Am check) n chess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(plchildren) n childhood n chocolate nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) v chopsticks nchorus nChristian n Christmas nchurch ncigar ncigarette ncinema ncircle n & vcircuit ncirculate v circumstance ncircus ncitizen ncity ncivil acivilian ncivilization n clap v clarify v class n classic a classify v classmate n classroom n claw nclay n clean v & a cleaner n clear a clerk n clever a click v climate n climb v clinic n clock n clone vclose a & ad cloth n clothes n clothing n cloud n cloudy a club n clumsy a coach ncoal ncoast ncoat n cocoa n coffee n coin n coincidence n coke ncold a & n collar n colleague n collect vcollection ncollege ncollision ncolour(Am color) n & v concentrate v concept nconcern v & n concert nconclude v conclusion n concrete a condemn v condition nconduct v conductor n conference n confident a confidential a confirm vconflict nconfuse vcongratulate v congratulation n connect v connection n conscience n consensus n consequence n conservation n conservative a consider v considerate a consideration n consist v consistent a constant a constitution n construct v construction n consult v consultant n consume vcontainer n contemporary a content1 n content2 a continent n continue v contradict v contradictory a contrary n & a contribute v contribution n control v & n controversial a convenience n convenient a conventional a conversation n convey v convince v cook n & vcookie ncool acopy n & v corn ncorner n corporation n correct v & a correction n correspond v corrupt a & v cost n & v cosy(Am cozy) a cottage n cotton n & a cough n & v could modal v count v counter n country n countryside ncourage ncourse ncourt ncourtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & ncrayon ncrazy acream ncreate vcreature ncredit ncrew ncrime ncriminal n criterion(plcriteria) n crop ncross n & vcrossroads n crowd n & v cruel acry n & vcube ncubic acuisine n culture ncup n cupboard n cure n & v curious a currency n curriculum n curtain n cushion n custom n customer n customs ncut(cut,cut) v & n。

英语考核目标与要求一、语言知识要求考生掌握并能运用英语语音、词汇、语法基础知识以与所学功能意念和话题(见附录 1 至附录 5),要求词汇量为 3500 左右。
附录 1语音项目表1. 基本读音(1)26 个字母的读音(2)元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3)元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4)元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5)常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6)辅音字母组合的读音(7)辅音连缀的读音(8)成节音的读音2. 重音(1)单词重音(2)句子重音3. 读音的变化(1)连读(2)失去爆破(3)弱读(4)同化4. 语调与节奏(1)意群与停顿(2)语调(3)节奏5.语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6.朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7.主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录 2语法项目表1. 名词(1)可数名词与其单复数(2)不可数名词(3)专有名词(4)名词所有格2. 代词(1)人称代词(2)物主代词(3)反身代词(4)指示代词(5)不定代词(6)疑问代词3. 数词(1)基数词(2)序数词4.介词和介词短语5.连词6.形容词(比较级和最高级)7.副词(比较级和最高级)8.冠词9.动词(1)动词的基本形式(2)系动词(3)与物动词和不与物动词(4)助动词(5)情态动词10. 时态(1)一般现在时(2)一般过去时(3)一般将来时(4)现在进行时(5)过去进行时(6)过去将来时(7)将来进行时(8)现在完成时(9)过去完成时(10)现在完成进行时11.被动语态12.非谓语动词(1)动词不定式(2)动词的形式(3)动词的形式13. 构词法(1)合成法(2)派生法(3)转化法(4)缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1)陈述句(2)疑问句(3)祈使句(4)感叹句15. 句子成分(1)主语(2)谓语(3)表语(4)宾语(5)定语(6)状语(7)补语16.简单句的基本句型17.主谓一致18.并列复合句19.主从复合句(1)宾语从句(2)状语从句(3)定语从句(4)主语从句(5)表语从句20.间接引语21.省略22.倒装23.强调24.虚拟语气附录 3功能意念项目表1.社会交往 ( )(1) 问候 ()(2) 介绍 ()(3) 告别 ( )(4) 感谢 ( )(5) 道歉 ()(6) 邀请 ()(7) 请求允许 ( )(8) 祝愿和祝贺 ( )(9) 提供帮助 ( )(10) 接受和拒绝 ( )(11) 约会 ( )(12) 打电话 ( )(13) 就餐 ( )(14) 就医 ( )(15) 购物 ()(16) 问路 ( )(17) 谈论天气 ( )(18) 语言交际困难 ( )(19) 提醒注意 ()(20) 警告和禁止 ( )(21) 劝告 ()(22) 建议 ()2.态度 ()(23)同意和不同意 ( )(24)喜欢和不喜欢 ( )(25)肯定和不肯定 ( )(26)可能和不可能 ( )(27)能够和不能够 ( )(28)偏爱和优先选择 ()(29)意愿和打算 ( )(30)希望和愿望 ( )(31)表扬和鼓励 ( )(32)责备和抱怨 ( )(33)冷淡 ()(34)判断与评价 ( ) 3. 情感 ()(35)高兴 ()(36)惊奇 ()(37)忧虑 ()(38)安慰 ()(39)满意 ()(40)遗憾 ()(41)同情 ()(42)恐惧 ()(43)愤怒 ()4. 时间 ()(44) 时刻 ( )(45)时段 ()(46)频度 ()(47)时序 () 5. 空间 ()(48)位置 ()(49)方向 ()(50)距离 () 6. 存在 ()(51)存在与不存在 ( ) 7. 特征 ()(52)形状 ()(53)颜色 ()(54)材料 ()(55)价格 ()(56)规格 ()(57)年龄 ()8. 计量 ()(58)长度 ()(59)宽度 ()(60)高度 ()(61)数量 () 9. 比较 ()(62)同级比较 ( )(63)差别比较 ( )(64)相似和差别 ( ) 10. 逻辑关系 ( )(65)原因和结果 ( )(66)目的 ()11. 职业 ()(67)工作 ()(68)单位 ()附录 4话题项目表1.个人情况 ( )2.家庭、朋友与周围的人 (, )3.周围的环境 ( )4.日常活动 ( )5.学校生活 ( )6.兴趣与爱好 ( )7.个人感情 ()8.人际关系 ( )9.计划与愿望 ( )10.节假日活动 (, )11.购物 ()12.饮食 ( )13.健康 ()14.天气 ()15.文娱与体育 ( )16.旅游和交通 ( )17.语言学习 ( )18.自然 ()19.世界与环境 ( )20.科普知识与现代技术 ( )21.热点话题 ( )22.历史与地理 ( )23.社会 ()24.文学与艺术 ( )附录 5 词汇表Ana()vv vnn an avnv a n v &a&v & nva n n aa v a nvv a & n na nav n & v a & n n n a vn n n vnn & va a annv vannva & n a & nnn (s)avnnn n a n vnnavnva & nn v a v nnv & n n & v n n n n & v vnnn n n vn vn n n vnnn & vn an na & n nn ana n & n ann &vv av vn nva n& nv & nannna nan nnn ( ) n vvv()aa &a n & vv na an nnva& anannnav ()& an nvvn n () va nv & n n & vvn n nn &nvv & n nn v n n n v vnvnnn va n nn & v&n va nn na & n vnv aa nn nv a n nv n n an av nn av nn a & n v vn() v & an nn an aa aa ann Bv nv & n nv & n v & n n(s) nn n( ) n n() a nn nn nn vn nn nn nn nn nnn(,n & v)vn nn nn nn1nn2vn nn nn()v & na an & v nv &nn() vn nn nn na nn nnnnvn () vnn nv n( ) nn& nn nn nv n nnn ()vvaa & nnnnn & v () vn & an a v n & vv a & nan & v & n vn() vn & ann & vv & n n a nv nn & v n & vn & v n n n n a n & v n n & v nn()v & nn nn na na na vv an na nn na & nv nn an av aa() vn av &n(,n或)v n nn an nn nv n & an Cv & n nn nn nn n () vnn nn vn n & vn a & v ann n(n & v或)v & nnv 1();v’ vn 2n n n nvn( ) nna n & n n & v n nnn nn & v n () vnnnnnnn & v v an a n n nn ann ( )nnav ( )nn nvnnan & v n nn() v nna ( ) nnn n n n a () v n nn vn &vaa n n n & v v & n nn a nnn na & nv & n n nn n & v n a nn & vn n & v n & v nn n & v vann n n nna & nannnn ( )nv nv n n v a n va & nn ( )nn n n n n n v & a n nn & va () vnna n vnnv () vn nn nv a a & n & v n n n a n vnnann aa v n n nn nn & a n n n n n v nn nv n v a & n n n n n a & v v a & n nnn nn n ( ) n & vvn & v avnvannv & n vnnv v n n a v v v n nva n 1 n n 2a an a v v v n a vn & a vv nn v v & n n a n n n a n a n n a vvva n & vnnv n a an & v nnnn nn nv & ann ( ) nv na & vn & vn & v n ( ) ann n & vn & a an & v n & v v n v a n n nn n nnn nn & v n a nn n n n n n & v n nnv & nn nna ()v & nnvv nv Dv n v & n n nvn & vn a & na & n & vn nv a ( ) nv & vv a & nn nn & v v & nv & n nn a n & v a n nna nv a v nn a (.) nn n a vn v & n n & v n n vn nvv &n n vv & n n v &n n n na n n nn vv nn a & vv nv nn n v an nn a v n ( ) n v n nn vn vn a v nn nv v n va na nn v ()v n v na an nn v v n a n v vn v a va v n va () v nn nn nv n()nna & nn & v&n & v& annn & vv()vnn(或)n &vn & vn & v ()v ()vnn & vnnav &anaannnnan2 0 1 8年高考英语考试大纲47 /nva anan Ea a & a a nnnn & va & v v n n n n n & n v n aavan ()v n &vn n n a n n n avn nn nn n v n anv n & & nnvnna na an nn a n nn vv &n na &v anv n & v n vn n & v n n & v v nn & v vnn nn va & n vv nnn an nnna vna a。
2018高考英语考试大纲 .doc

附录1 语音项目表1. 基本读音(1) 26个字母的读音(2) 元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3) 元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4) 元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5) 常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6) 辅音字母组合的读音(7) 辅音连缀的读音(8) 成节音的读音2. 重音(1) 单词重音(2) 句子重音3. 读音的变化(1) 连读(2) 失去爆破(3) 弱读(4) 同化4. 语调与节奏(1) 意群与停顿(2) 语调(3) 节奏5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6. 朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录2 语法项目表1. 名词(1) 可数名词及其单复数(2) 不可数名词(3) 专有名词(4) 名词所有格2. 代词(1) 人称代词(2) 物主代词(3) 反身代词(4) 指示代词(5) 不定代词(6) 疑问代词3. 数词(1) 基数词(2) 序数词4. 介词和介词短语5. 连词6. 形容词(比较级和最高级)7. 副词(比较级和最高级)8. 冠词9. 动词(1) 动词的基本形式(2) 系动词(3) 及物动词和不及物动词(4) 助动词(5) 情态动词10. 时态(1) 一般现在时(2) 一般过去时(3) 一般将来时(4) 现在进行时(5) 过去进行时(6) 过去将来时(7) 将来进行时(8) 现在完成时(9) 过去完成时(10) 现在完成进行时11. 被动语态12. 非谓语动词(1) 动词不定式(2) 动词的-ing形式(3) 动词的-ed形式13. 构词法(1) 合成法(2) 派生法(3) 转化法(4) 缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1) 陈述句(2) 疑问句(3) 祈使句(4) 感叹句15. 句子成分(1) 主语(2) 谓语(3) 表语(4) 宾语(5) 定语(6) 状语(7) 补语16. 简单句的基本句型17. 主谓一致18. 并列复合句19. 主从复合句(1) 宾语从句(2) 状语从句(3) 定语从句(4) 主语从句(5) 表语从句20. 间接引语21. 省略22. 倒装23. 强调24. 虚拟语气附录3 功能意念项目表1. 社会交往(Social Communications)(1) 问候(Greetings)(2) 介绍(Introduction)(3) 告别(Farewells )(4) 感谢(Thanks )(5) 道歉(Apologies)(6) 邀请(Invitation)(7) 请求允许(Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助(Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝(Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会(Making appointments)(12) 打电话(Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐(Having meals)(14) 就医(Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物(Shopping)(16) 问路(Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气(Talking about weather)(18) 语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication)(19) 提醒注意(Reminding)(20) 警告和禁止(Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告(Advice)(22) 建议(Suggestions)2. 态度(Attitudes)(23) 同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)(24) 喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)(25) 肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)(26) 可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)(27) 能够和不能够(Ability and inability)(28) 偏爱和优先选择(Preference)(29) 意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)(30) 希望和愿望(Hopes and wishes)(31) 表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)(32) 责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)(33) 冷淡(Indifference)(34) 判断与评价(Judgement and evaluation)3. 情感(Emotions)(35) 高兴(Happiness)(36) 惊奇(Surprise)(37) 忧虑(Worries)(38) 安慰(Reassurance)(39) 满意(Satisfaction)(40) 遗憾(Regret)(41) 同情(Sympathy)(42) 恐惧(Fear)(43) 愤怒(Anger)4. 时间(Time)(44) 时刻(Point of time)(45) 时段(Duration)(46) 频度(Frequency)(47) 时序(Sequence)5. 空间(Space)(48) 位置(Position)(49) 方向(Direction)(50) 距离(Distance)6. 存在(Existence)(51) 存在与不存在(Existence and Non-existence)7. 特征(Features)(52) 形状(Shape)(53) 颜色(Colour)(54) 材料(Material)(55) 价格(Price)(56) 规格(Size)(57) 年龄(Age)8. 计量(Measurement)(58) 长度(Length)(59) 宽度(Width)(60) 高度(Height)(61) 数量(Number)9. 比较(Comparison)(62) 同级比较(Equal comparison)(63) 差别比较(Comparative and superlative)(64) 相似和差别(Similarity and difference)10. 逻辑关系(Logical relations)(65) 原因和结果(Cause and effect)(66) 目的(Purpose) 11. 职业(Occupations)(67) 工作(Jobs)(68) 单位(Employer)附录4 话题项目表1. 个人情况(Personal information)2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)3. 周围的环境(Personal environments)4. 日常活动(Daily routines)5. 学校生活(School life)6. 兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)7. 个人感情(Emotions)8. 人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9. 计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10. 节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)11. 购物(Shopping)12. 饮食(Food and drink)13. 健康(Health)14. 天气(Weather)15. 文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)16. 旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17. 语言学习(Language learning)18. 自然(Nature)19. 世界与环境(The world and the environment)20. 科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21. 热点话题(Topical issues)22. 历史与地理(History and geography)23. 社会(Society)24. 文学与艺术(Literature and art)附录5 词汇表Aa(an) artabandon vability nable aabnormal aaboard prepabolish vabortion nabout ad & prepabove prep,a& adabroad adabrupt a absence n absent a absolute a absorb v abstract a & n absurd a abundant a abuse v academic a & n academy n accelerate v accent naccept vaccess n & v accessible a accident n accommodation n accompany v accomplish v account n accountant n accumulate v accuracy n accurate a accuse v accustomed a ache v & n achieve v achievement n acid a acknowledge v acquaintance n acquire v acquisition n acre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity nactor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbr ad=advertisement n adapt v adaptation nadd vaddicted a addition naddress n adequate aadjust v adjustment n administration n admirable a admire v admission nadmit v adolescence n adolescent a & n adopt vadore vadult nadvance v & n advantage n adventure n advertise v advertisement n advice nadvise vadvocate vaffair naffect vaffection nafford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & nafter ad,prep&conj afternoon n afterward(s) ad again adagainst prepage nagency nagenda nagent n aggressive aago adagree vagreement n agricultural a agriculture nahead adaid n & vAIDS naim n & vair naircraft nairline nairmail nalbum nalcohol nalcoholic a & n algebra nalike adalive aall ad,a&pronallergic aalley nallocate vallow vallowance nalmost adalone aalong ad & prep alongside adaloud adalphabet nalready adalso adalternative a although conjaltitude naltogether ad aluminium(Am aluminum) n always adam v(be)a.m./am,A.M./AM abbr amateur aamaze vamazing a ambassador n ambassadress n ambiguous a ambition n ambulance n America n among prep amount n & v ample a amuse v amusement n analyse v analysis n ancestor n anchor v & n ancient aand conj anecdote n anger nangle nangry a animal nankle n anniversary n announce v annoy v annual a another a &pron Antarctic a antique n anxiety n anxious aany pron& a anybody pron anyhow ad anyone pron anything pron anyway ad anywhere ad apart ad & a apartment n apologize v apology n apparent a appeal v & n appear v appearance n appendix nappetite napplaud v & n apple napplicant n application napply vappoint v appointment n appreciate v appreciation n approach n & v appropriate a approval napprove v approximately ad apron narbitrary aarch narchitect n architecture n Arctic aare v(be)area nargue vargument narise(arose,arisen) v arithmetic narm n & varmchair narmy naround ad & prep arrange v arrangement n arrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle nartificial aartist nas ad,conj& prep ash nashamed aAsia nAsian a & n aside adask vasleep aaspect nassess vassessment nassist vassistance nassistant nassociate vassociation nassume vassumption nastonish vastronaut nastronomer nastronomy nat prepathlete nathletic aAtlantic aatmosphere natom nattach vattack v & nattain vattempt v & nattend vattention nattitude nattract vattraction nattractive aaudience naunt nauthentic aauthor nauthority nautomatic aautonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken) v & aaward naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a& n background n backward(s) adbacon nbacterium(pl bacteria) n bad(worse,worst) a badminton nbag nbaggage nbakery nbalance nbalcony nball nballet nballoon nbamboo nban n & vbanana nband nbandage nbank nbar nbarbecue nbarber nbarbershop nbare abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier nbase nbaseball nbasement nbasic abasin nbasis nbasket nbasketball n bat nbath nbathe vbathroom nbathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was,were,being,been) vbeach nbean nbean curd nbear1 nbear2 vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & n beautiful abeauty nbecause conjbecome(became,become) v bed nbeddings nbedroom nbee nbeef nbeer nbefore prep,ad&conjbeg vbegin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehavior (Am behavior) n behind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent) vbeneath prep beneficial a benefit n & vbent a & nbeside prep besides prep & ad betray vbetween prep beyond prep bicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle nbill nbingo n biochemistry n biography n biology nbird nbirth nbirthday n birthplace n biscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) v bitter ablack a & n blackboard n blame n & vblank n & a blanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) v blue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbond n & v bone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn aborrow vboss nbotanical abotany nboth a &pronbother vbottle nbottom nbounce vbound aboundary nbow v & nbowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott vbrain nbrake n & vbranch nbrand nbrave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v & n breakfast n breakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride nbridegroom nbridge nbrief abright abrilliant abring(brought,brought) v broad abroadcast(broadcast, broadcast或-ed,-ed) v brochure nbroken abroom nbrother nbrown n & abrunch nbrush v & nBuddhism nbudget nbuffet nbuild(built,built) vbuilding nbunch nbungalow nburden nbureaucratic aburglar nburn(burnt,burnt或-ed,-ed) v & nburst vbury vbus nbush nbusiness nbusinessman/woman(pl businessmen/ women) n busy abut conj& prepbutcher n & vbutter nbutterfly nbutton n & vbuy(bought,bought) vby prepbye intCcab ncabbage n cafe ncafeteria ncage ncake ncalculate vcall n & vcalm a & vcamel ncamera ncamp n & v campaign ncan1(could);can’t=cannot modal v can2 ncanal ncancel vcancer ncandidate ncandle ncandy ncanteen ncap ncapital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption ncar ncarbon ncard ncare n & vcareful acareless a carpenter ncarpet ncarriage ncarrier ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncarve vcase ncash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) v castle ncasual acat ncatalogue n catastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) v category ncater vCatholic acattle ncause n & vcaution ncautious acave nCD=compact disk n ceiling ncelebrate v celebration ncell ncent ncentigrade a centimetre(Am centimeter) n central acentre(Am center) n century nceremony ncertain acertificate nchain nchair nchairman/woman(pl chairmen/women) n chalk nchallenge n challenging a champion nchance nchange n & v changeable a channel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter n characteristic a & n charge v & nchart n chat n & vcheap acheat n & vcheck n & vcheek ncheer n & vcheerful acheers intcheese nchef nchemical a & nchemist nchemistry ncheque(Am check) n chess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(pl children) n childhood nchocolate nchoice nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) v chopsticks nchorus nChristian nChristmas nchurch ncigar ncigarette ncinema ncircle n & vcircuit ncirculate v circumstance ncircus ncitizen ncity ncivil acivilian ncivilization nclap vclarify vclass nclassic aclassify vclassmate n classroom nclaw nclay nclean v & acleaner nclear aclerk nclever aclick vclimate nclimb vclinic nclock nclone vclose a & adcloth nclothes nclothing ncloud ncloudy aclub nclumsy acoach ncoal ncoast ncoat ncocoa ncoffee ncoin ncoincidence ncoke ncold a & ncollar ncolleague ncollect vcollection ncollege ncollision ncolour(Am color) n & v comb n & vcombine vcome(came,come) v comedy n comfort n comfortable a command n & v comment n commercial a commit v commitment n committee n common a communicate v communication n communism n communist n & a companion n company n compare v compass n compensate v compete v competence n competition n complete a & v complex a & n component n composition n comprehension n compromise v compulsory a computer n concentrate v concept n concern v & n concert n conclude v conclusion n concrete a condemn v condition n conduct v conductor n conference n confident a confidential a confirm v conflict nconfuse v congratulate v congratulation n connect v connection n conscience n consensus n consequence n conservation n conservative a consider v considerate a consideration n consist v consistent a constant a constitution n construct v construction n consult v consultant n consume v contain v container n contemporary a content1 n content2 a continent n continue v contradict v contradictory a contrary n & a contribute v contribution n control v & n controversial a convenience n convenient a conventional a conversation n convey v convince v cook n & v cooker n cookie ncool a copy n & vcorn ncorner n corporation n correct v & a correction n correspond v corrupt a & vcost n & vcosy(Am cozy) a cottage ncotton n & acough n & vcould modal v count vcounter ncountry n countryside n couple ncourage ncourse ncourt ncourtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & ncrayon ncrazy acream ncreate vcreature ncredit ncrew ncrime ncriminal ncriterion(pl criteria) n crop ncross n & v crossing n crossroads n crowd n & vcruel acry n & vcube ncubic acuisine n culture ncup ncupboard ncure n & v curious a currency n curriculum n curtain n cushion n custom n customer n customs ncut(cut,cut) v & n cycle vcyclist ndad=daddy n daily a,ad& n dam ndamage n & v damp a & n dance n & v danger n dangerous a dare v & modal v dark a & n darkness n dash v & ndata n database ndate n & v daughter n dawn nday ndead a deadline ndeaf adeal ndear adeath ndebate n & v debt ndecade n decide v decision n declare v decline vdecorate vdecoration n decrease vdeed ndeep a & addeer ndefeat vdefence(Am defense) n defend vdegree ndelay n & vdelete v & n deliberately ad delicate adelicious adelight ndelighted adeliver vdemand vdentist ndepartment(Dept.) n departure ndepend vdeposit v & ndepth ndescribe vdescription ndesert v & ndeserve vdesign v & ndesire v & ndesk ndesperate adessert ndestination ndestroy vdetective ndetermine vdevelop v development ndevote vdevotion ndiagram ndial vdialogue(Am dialog) ndiamond n diary n dictation n dictionary ndie vdiet ndiffer v difference n different a difficult a difficulty ndig(dug,dug) v digest vdigital a dignity n dilemma n dimension n dinner n dinosaur n dioxide ndip vdiploma n direct a & v direction n director n directory n dirty a disability n disabled a disadvantage n disagree v disagreement n disappear v disappoint v disappointed a disaster n discount n discourage v discover v discovery n discrimination n discuss v discussion n disease n disgusting a dish n disk=disc ndislike vdismiss vdistance ndistant adistinction n distinguish v distribute vdistrict ndisturb vdisturbing adive vdiverse adivide vdivision ndivorce vdizzy ado(did,done) v doctor ndocument ndog ndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm) n dot ndouble a & ndoubt n & vdown prep & ad download n & v downstairs ad downtown ad,n& a dozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v drawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt 或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) v drive(drove,driven) vdriver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty nDVD=digital versatile disk n dynamic adynasty nEeach a &proneager aeagle near nearly a & adearn vearth nearthquake neast a,ad& nEaster neastern aeasy aeat(ate,eaten) vecology nedge nedition neditor neducate veducation neducator neffect neffort negg neggplant neither a,conj& adelder n elect velectric a electrical a electricity n electronic a elegant a elephant nelse ade-mail n & v embarrass v embassy n emergency n emperor nemploy vempty a encourage v encouragement n end n & vending nendless aenemy n energetic a energy nengine n engineer nenjoy venjoyable a enlarge venough pron,a& ad enquiry nenter venterprise n entertainment n enthusiastic a entire aentrance nentry nenvelope n environment n envy v & nequal a & v equality nequip v equipment n eraser nerror nerupt vescape n & v especially adessay nEurope n European a & n evaluate veven adevening nevent neventually adever adevery aeverybody pron everyday a everyone pron everything pron everywhere ad evidence nevident aevolution nexact aexam=examination n examine vexample n excellent aexcept prep exchange n & v excite vexcuse n & v exercise n & v exhibition nexist vexistence nexit nexpand vexpect v expectation n expense n expensive a experience n experiment nexpert nexplain v explanation n explicit a explode vexplore vexport n & vexpose vexpress v & nexpression nextension nextra aextraordinary aextreme aeye neyesight nFface n & vfacial afact nfactory nfade vfail v & nfailure nfair1 afair2 nfaith nfall1(fell,fallen) vfall2(Am)=autumn nfalse afamiliar afamily nfamous afan nfancy n,v& afantastic afantasy nfar(farther,farthest或further,furthest) a & ad fare nfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfasten vfat n & afather nfault nfavour(Am favor) n favourite(Am favorite) a & n fax n & vfear nfeast nfeather nfederal afee nfeed(fed,fed) vfeel(felt,felt) vfeeling nfellow nfemale a & nfence nferry nfestival n & afetch vfever nfew pron& afibre(Am fiber) nfiction nfield nfierce afight(fought,fought) n & v figure n & vfile nfill vfilm n & vfinal afinance nfind(found,found) vfine1 afine2 vfinger nfingernail nfinish v & nfire n & vfireworks nfirm1 nfirm2 afish n & vfisherman nfist nfit a & vfix vflag nflame nflash nflashlight n flat1 aflat2 nflee(fled,fled) vflesh nflexible aflight nfloat vflood n & vfloor nflour nflow vflower nflu nfluency nfluent afly1(flew,flown) vfly2 nfocus v & nfog nfoggy afold vfolk n & afollow vfond afood nfool n & vfoolish afoot(pl feet) nfootball nfor prep &conjforbid(forbade,forbidden) v force vforecast n & vforehead nforeign aforeigner nforesee(foresaw,foreseen) v forest nforever adforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) v forgetful aforgive(forgave,forgiven) v fork nform n & vformat nformer afortnight nfortunate afortune nforward adfoster vfound vfountain nfox nfragile afragrant a framework nfranc nfree afreedom nfreeway nfreeze(froze,frozen) v freezing afrequent afresh afriction nfridge=refrigerator n friend nfriendly afriendship nfrighten vfrog nfrom prepfront a & nfrontier nfrost nfruit nfry vfuel nfull afun n & afunction n & v fundamental a funeral nfunny afur nfurnished afurniture nfuture nGgain vgallery n gallon ngame ngarage ngarbage ngarden ngarlic ngarment ngas ngate ngather vgay ageneral a & n generation n generous agentle a gentleman n geography n geometry n gesture nget(got,got) vgift ngifted agiraffe ngirl ngive(gave,given) v glad aglance vglare vglass nglobe nglory nglove nglue ngo(went,gone) v goal ngoat ngod ngold n & agolden agolf ngood(better,best) a goods ngoose(pl geese) n govern v government n grade ngradual agraduate vgraduation ngrain ngram ngrammar ngrand agrandchild n granddaughter n grandma=grandmother n grandpa=grandfather n grandparents n grandson ngranny ngrape ngraph ngrasp vgrass ngrateful agravity ngreat a & adgreedy agreen a & n greengrocer ngreet vgreeting ngrey(Am gray) agrill ngrocer ngrocery nground ngroup ngrow(grew,grown) v growth nguarantee vguard nguess vguest nguidance nguide nguilty aguitar ngun ngym=gymnasium n gymnastics nH habit nhair nhaircut nhalf a & nhall nham nhamburger nhammer nhand n & vhandbag nhandful nhandkerchief nhandle n & vhandsome ahandwriting nhandy ahang(hung,hung或-ed,-ed) v happen vhappiness nhappy aharbour(Am harbor) nhard ad & ahardly adhardship nhardworking aharm n & vharmful aharmony nharvest n & vhat nhatch vhate v &nhave(has,had,had) vhe pronhead n & vheadache nheadline nheadmaster n headmistress nhealth nhealthy ahear(heard,heard) v hearing nheart nheat nheaven nheavy aheel nheight nhelicopter nhello inthelmet nhelp n & vhelpful ahen nher pronherb nhere adhero nhers pronherself pronhesitate vhi inthide(hid,hidden) vhigh a & adhighway nhill nhim pronhimself pronhire vhis pronhistory nhit(hit,hit) v & nhobby nhold(held,held) vhole nholiday nholy ahome n & ad homeland n hometown n homework nhonest ahoney nhonour(Am honor) n & v hook n & vhope n & vhopeful ahopeless ahorrible ahorse nhospital n host n & vhostess nhot ahotdog nhotel nhour nhouse nhousewife n housework nhow adhowever ad &conj howl vhug vhuge ahuman a & nhuman being n humorous ahumour(Am humor) n hunger nhungry ahunt vhunter nhurricane nhurry vhurt(hurt,hurt) v husband n hydrogen nII pronice nice-cream nidea nidentity n identification nidiom nif conjignore vill aillegal aillness nimagine v immediately ad immigration nimport v & n importance n important aimpossible a impress v impression n improve vin prep & ad inch nincident n include v income n increase v & n indeed a independence n independent a indicate v industry n influence n & v inform v information n initial ainjure vinjury nink ninn ninnocent a insect ninsert vinside prep & ad insist vinspect v inspire v instant a instead ad institute n institution n instruct v instruction n instrument n insurance n insure v intelligence n intend v intention n interest n interesting a international a Internet n interpreter ninterrupt vinterval ninterview n & vinto prepintroduce v introduction ninvent vinvention ninvitation ninvite viron n & virrigation nis v(be)island nit pronits pronitself pronJjacket njam njar njaw njazz njeans njeep njet njewellery(Am jewelry) n job njog vjoin vjoke njournalist njourney njoy njudge n & v judgement(Am judgment) njuice njump n & vjungle njunior ajust a & adjustice nKkangaroo nkeep(kept,kept) vkettle nkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo nkilogram nkilometre(Am kilometer) n kind1 nkind2 akindergarten nkindness nking nkingdom nkiss n & vkitchen nkite nknee nknife(pl knives) nknock n & vknow(knew,known) v knowledge nLlab=laboratory nlabour(Am labor) nlack n & vlady nlake nlamb nlame alamp nland n & vlanguage nlantern nlap nlarge alast a & vlate a & adlatter nlaugh n & vlaughter nlaundry nlaw nlawyer n lay(laid,laid) v lazy alead(led,led) v & n leader nleaf(pl leaves) n league nleak vlearn(learnt,learnt 或-ed,-ed) vleast nleather nleave(left,left) v lecture nleft a,ad& nleg nlegal alemon n & a lemonade nlend(lent,lent) v length nlesson nlet(let,let) vletter nlevel nliberation n liberty nlibrarian nlibrary nlicense nlid nlie1 n & vlie2(lay,lain) vlife(pl lives) nlift v & nlight n,v& a lightning nlike v & prep likely alimit vline n & vlink v & nlion nlip nliquid n & alist n & vlisten v。

附录1 语音项目表1. 基本读音(1) 26个字母的读音(2) 元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3) 元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4) 元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5) 常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6) 辅音字母组合的读音(7) 辅音连缀的读音(8) 成节音的读音2. 重音(1) 单词重音(2) 句子重音3. 读音的变化(1) 连读(2) 失去爆破(3) 弱读(4) 同化4. 语调与节奏(1) 意群与停顿(2) 语调(3) 节奏5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6. 朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录2 语法项目表1. 名词(1) 可数名词及其单复数(2) 不可数名词(3) 专有名词(4) 名词所有格2. 代词(1) 人称代词(2) 物主代词(3) 反身代词(4) 指示代词(5) 不定代词(6) 疑问代词3. 数词(1) 基数词(2) 序数词4. 介词和介词短语5. 连词6. 形容词(比较级和最高级)7. 副词(比较级和最高级)8. 冠词9. 动词(1) 动词的基本形式(2) 系动词(3) 及物动词和不及物动词(4) 助动词(5) 情态动词10. 时态(1) 一般现在时(2) 一般过去时(3) 一般将来时(4) 现在进行时(5) 过去进行时(6) 过去将来时(7) 将来进行时(8) 现在完成时(9) 过去完成时(10) 现在完成进行时11. 被动语态12. 非谓语动词(1) 动词不定式(2) 动词的-ing形式(3) 动词的-ed形式13. 构词法(1) 合成法(2) 派生法(3) 转化法(4) 缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1) 陈述句(2) 疑问句(3) 祈使句(4) 感叹句15. 句子成分(1) 主语(2) 谓语(3) 表语(4) 宾语(5) 定语(6) 状语(7) 补语16. 简单句的基本句型17. 主谓一致18. 并列复合句19. 主从复合句(1) 宾语从句(2) 状语从句(3) 定语从句(4) 主语从句(5) 表语从句20. 间接引语21. 省略22. 倒装23. 强调24. 虚拟语气附录3 功能意念项目表1. 社会交往(Social Communications)(1) 问候(Greetings)(2) 介绍(Introduction)(3) 告别(Farewells )(4) 感谢(Thanks )(5) 道歉(Apologies)(6) 邀请(Invitation)(7) 请求允许(Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助(Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝(Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会(Making appointments)(12) 打电话(Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐(Having meals)(14) 就医(Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物(Shopping)(16) 问路(Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气(Talking about weather)(18) 语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication)(19) 提醒注意(Reminding) (20) 警告和禁止(Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告(Advice)(22) 建议(Suggestions)2. 态度(Attitudes)(23) 同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)(24) 喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)(25) 肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)(26) 可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)(27) 能够和不能够(Ability and inability)(28) 偏爱和优先选择(Preference)(29) 意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)(30) 希望和愿望(Hopes and wishes)(31) 表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)(32) 责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)(33) 冷淡(Indifference)(34) 判断与评价(Judgement and evaluation) 3. 情感(Emotions)(35) 高兴(Happiness)(36) 惊奇(Surprise)(37) 忧虑(Worries)(38) 安慰(Reassurance)(39) 满意(Satisfaction)(40) 遗憾(Regret)(41) 同情(Sympathy)(42) 恐惧(Fear)(43) 愤怒(Anger)4. 时间(Time)(44) 时刻(Point of time)(45) 时段(Duration)(46) 频度(Frequency)(47) 时序(Sequence)5. 空间(Space)(48) 位置(Position)(49) 方向(Direction)(50) 距离(Distance)6. 存在(Existence)(51) 存在与不存在(Existence and Non-existence)7. 特征(Features)(52) 形状(Shape)(53) 颜色(Colour)(54) 材料(Material) (55) 价格(Price)(56) 规格(Size)(57) 年龄(Age)8. 计量(Measurement)(58) 长度(Length)(59) 宽度(Width)(60) 高度(Height)(61) 数量(Number)9. 比较(Comparison)(62) 同级比较(Equal comparison)(63) 差别比较(Comparative and superlative)(64) 相似和差别(Similarity and difference) 10. 逻辑关系(Logical relations)(65) 原因和结果(Cause and effect)(66) 目的(Purpose)11. 职业(Occupations)(67) 工作(Jobs)(68) 单位(Employer)附录4 话题项目表1. 个人情况(Personal information)2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)3. 周围的环境(Personal environments)4. 日常活动(Daily routines)5. 学校生活(School life)6. 兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)7. 个人感情(Emotions)8. 人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9. 计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10. 节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)11. 购物(Shopping)12. 饮食(Food and drink)13. 健康(Health)14. 天气(Weather)15. 文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)16. 旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17. 语言学习(Language learning)18. 自然(Nature)19. 世界与环境(The world and the environment)20. 科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21. 热点话题(Topical issues)22. 历史与地理(History and geography) 23. 社会(Society)24. 文学与艺术(Literature and art) 附录5 词汇表Aa(an) artabandon vability nable aabnormal aaboard prepabolish vabortion nabout ad & prepabove prep,a& adabroad adabrupt aabsence nabsent aabsolute aabsorb vabstract a & nabsurd aabundant a abuse v academic a & n academy n accelerate v accent naccept vaccess n & v accessible a accident n accommodation n accompany v accomplish v account n accountant n accumulate v accuracy n accurate a accuse v accustomed a ache v & n achieve v achievement n acid a acknowledge v acquaintance n acquire v acquisition nacre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity nactor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbrad=advertisement n adapt v adaptation nadd vaddicted aaddition n address n adequate a adjust v adjustment n administration n admirable a admire v admission n admit v adolescence n adolescent a & n adopt vadore vadult n advance v & n advantage n adventure n advertise v advertisement n advice n advise v advocate vaffair naffect v affection n afford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & n after ad,prep&conj afternoon n afterward(s) ad again ad against prepage nagency n agenda nagent n aggressive a ago adagree v agreement n agricultural aahead adaid n & v AIDS naim n & vair naircraft n airline n airmail n album n alcohol n alcoholic a & n algebra n alike adalive aall ad,a&pron allergic a alley n allocate v allow v allowance n almost ad along ad & prep alongside adaloud adalphabet nalready adalso adalternative a although conj altitude n altogether ad aluminium(Am aluminum) n always adam v(be)a.m./am,A.M./AM abbr amateur aamaze vamazing a ambassador n ambassadress n ambiguous aambulance n America n among prep amount n & v ample a amuse v amusement n analyse v analysis n ancestor n anchor v & n ancient a and conj anecdote n anger n angle n angry a animal n ankle n anniversary n announce v annual a another a &pron Antarctic a antique n anxiety n anxious aany pron& a anybody pron anyhow ad anyone pron anything pron anyway ad anywhere ad apart ad & a apartment n apologize v apology n apparent a appeal v & n appear v appearance nappendix n appetite n applaud v & n apple n applicant n application n apply vappoint v appointment n appreciate v appreciation n approach n & v appropriate a approval n approve v approximately ad apron n arbitrary aarch n architect n architecture n Arctic a are v(be)area nargue vargument narise(arose,arisen) v arithmetic narm n & v armchair narmy naround ad & prep arrange v arrangement n arrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle nartificial aartist nas ad,conj& prep ash nAsia nAsian a & n aside adask vasleep a aspect n assess v assessment n assist v assistance n assistant n associate v association n assume v assumption n astonish v astronaut n astronomer n astronomy n at prep athlete n Atlantic a atmosphere n atom n attach v attack v & n attain v attempt v & n attend v attention n attitude n attract v attraction n attractive a audience n aunt n authentic a author n authority n automatic a autonomous a autumn navenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken) v & a award naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a& nbackground nbackward(s) adbacon nbacterium(pl bacteria) nbad(worse,worst) a badminton nbag n bakery n balance n balcony n ball nballet n balloon n bamboo n ban n & v banana n band n bandage n bank nbar n barbecue n barber n barbershop n bare a bargain n & v bark v & n barrier n base nbaseball n basement nbasic abasin nbasis nbasket n basketball nbat nbath nbathe v bathroom n bathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was, were,being,been) v beach nbean nbean curd nbear1 n bear2 vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & n beautiful abeauty nbecause conjbecome(became,become) v bed nbeddings nbedroom nbee nbeef nbeer nbefore prep,ad&conjbeg vbegin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehavior (Am behavior) n behind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent) v beneath prep beneficial a benefit n & v bent a & n beside prep besides prep & ad betray v between prep beyond prep bicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle n bill nbingo n biochemistry n biography n biology nbird nbirth n birthday n birthplace n biscuit n bishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) v bitter ablack a & n blackboard n blame n & v blank n & a blanket n bleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) v blue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbond n & vbone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn aborrow v boss n botanical a botany n both a &pron bother v bottle n bottom n bounce v bound a boundary n bow v & n bowl n bowling n box n boxing n boy n boycott v brain n brake n & v branch n brand n brave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v & n breakfast n breakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride nbridegroom nbridge nbrief abright abrilliant abring(brought,brought) v broad abroadcast(broadcast, broadcast或-ed,-ed) v brochure n broken a broom n brother nbrown n & a brunch nbrush v & n Buddhism n budget nbuffet nbuild(built,built) v building n bunch n bungalow n burden n bureaucratic a burglar nburn(burnt,burnt 或-ed,-ed) v & n burst vbury vbus nbush nbusiness nbusinessman/woman(pl businessmen/ women) n busy abut conj& prepbutcher n & vbutter nbutterfly nbutton n & vbuy(bought,bought) vby prepbye intCcab ncabbage ncafe ncafeteria ncage ncake ncalculate vcall n & vcalm a & v camel ncamera ncamp n & v campaign ncan1(could);can’t=cannot modal v can2 ncanal ncancel vcancer ncandidate ncandle ncandy ncanteen ncap ncapital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption ncar ncarbon ncard ncare n & vcareful acareless acarpenter ncarpet ncarriage ncarrier ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncarve vcase ncash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) v castle ncasual acat ncatalogue n catastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) v category n cater vCatholic acattle ncause n & v caution n cautious acave nCD=compact disk n ceiling n celebrate v celebration ncell ncent ncentigrade a centimetre(Am centimeter) n central acentre(Am center) n century n ceremony n certain a certificate nchain nchair nchairman/woman(pl chairmen/women) n chalk nchallenge n challenging a champion nchance nchange n & v changeable a channel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter n characteristic a & n charge v & nchart nchat n & vcheap acheat n & v check n & vcheek ncheer n & v cheerful acheers intcheese nchef nchemical a & n chemist n chemistry n cheque(Am check) n chess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(pl children) n childhood n chocolate nchoice nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) v chopsticks nchorus nChristian nChristmas nchurch ncigar ncigarette ncinema ncircle n & vcircuit ncirculate v circumstance ncircus ncitizen ncity ncivil acivilian ncivilization nclap vclarify vclass n classic a classify v classmate n classroom n claw nclay n clean v & a cleaner n clear a clerk n clever a click v climate n climb v clinic n clock n clone v close a & ad cloth n clothes n clothing n cloud ncloudy aclub nclumsy acoach ncoal ncoast ncoat ncocoa ncoffee ncoin ncoincidence ncoke ncold a & ncollar ncolleague ncollect vcollection ncollege ncollision ncolour(Am color) n & v comb n & vcombine v come(came,come) v comedy ncomfort n comfortable a command n & v comment n commercial a commit v commitment n committee n common a communicate v communication n communism n communist n & a companion n company n compare v compass n compensate v compete v competence ncompetition n complete a & v complex a & n component n composition n comprehension n compromise v compulsory a computer n concentrate v concept n concern v & n concert n conclude v conclusion n concrete a condemn v condition n conduct v conductor n conference n confident a confidential a confirm v conflict n confuse v congratulate v congratulation n connect v connection n conscience n consensus n consequence n conservation n conservative a consider v considerate a consideration n consist v consistent a constant a constitution n construct v construction nconsult v consultant n consume v contain v container n contemporary a content1 n content2 a continent n continue v contradict v contradictory a contrary n & a contribute v contribution n control v & n controversial a convenience n convenient a conventional a conversation n convey v convince v cook n & v cooker n cookie ncool acopy n & vcorn ncorner n corporation n correct v & a correction n correspond v corrupt a & v cost n & vcosy(Am cozy) a cottage n cotton n & a cough n & v could modal v count v counter n country ncountryside n couple ncourage ncourse ncourt ncourtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & n crayon ncrazy acream ncreate vcreature ncredit ncrew ncrime ncriminal n criterion(pl criteria) n crop ncross n & v crossing n crossroads n crowd n & v cruel acry n & vcube ncubic acuisine n culture ncup n cupboard n cure n & v curious a currency n curriculum n curtain n cushion n custom n customer n customs ncut(cut,cut) v & n cycle vcyclist ndad=daddy n daily a,ad& n dam ndamage n & v damp a & n dance n & v danger n dangerous a dare v & modal v dark a & n darkness n dash v & ndata n database n date n & v daughter n dawn nday ndead a deadline ndeaf a deal ndear adeath ndebate n & vdebt ndecade ndecide vdecision ndeclare vdecline vdecorate v decoration n decrease vdeed ndeep a & addeer ndefeat vdefence(Am defense) n defend vdegree ndelay n & vdelete v & ndeliberately ad delicate a delicious adelight n delighted adeliver vdemand vdentist n department(Dept.) n departure n depend vdeposit v & n depth ndescribe v description n desert v & n deserve vdesign v & ndesire v & ndesk ndesperate a dessert n destination n destroy vdetective n determine v develop v development n devote vdevotion ndiagram ndial vdialogue(Am dialog) n diamond ndiary ndictation n dictionary ndie vdiet ndiffer vdifference n different adifficult adifficulty ndig(dug,dug) v digest vdigital a dignity n dilemma n dimension n dinner n dinosaur n dioxide ndip vdiploma n direct a & v direction n director n directory n dirty a disability n disabled a disadvantage n disagree v disagreement n disappear v disappoint v disappointed a disaster n discount n discourage v discover v discovery n discrimination n discuss v discussion n disease n disgusting a dish ndisk=disc n dislike v dismiss v distance n distant a distinction n distinguish v distribute v district ndisturb v disturbing adive vdiverse adivide vdivision n divorce vdizzy ado(did,done) v doctor n document ndog ndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor n dormitory(dorm) n dot ndouble a & n doubt n & v down prep & ad download n & v downstairs ad downtown ad,n& a dozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v drawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt 或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) v drive(drove,driven) v driver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty nDVD=digital versatile disk n dynamic adynasty nEeach a &proneager aeagle near nearly a & adearn vearth nearthquake neast a,ad& n Easter n eastern aeasy aeat(ate,eaten) v ecology nedge nedition neditor n educate v education n educator n effect neffort negg neggplant n either a,conj& ad elder nelect velectric a electrical a electricity n electronic aelegant a elephant nelse ade-mail n & v embarrass v embassy n emergency n emperor n employ vempty a encourage v encouragement n end n & v ending n endless a enemy n energetic a energy nengine n engineer n enjoy v enjoyable a enlarge venough pron,a& ad enquiry nenter v enterprise n entertainment n enthusiastic a entire aentrance nentry nenvelope n environment n envy v & nequal a & v equality nequip v equipment n eraser nerror nerupt vescape n & v especially adessay nEurope n European a & n evaluate veven adevening nevent neventually adever adevery aeverybody pron everyday a everyone pron everything pron everywhere ad evidence nevident aevolution nexact aexam=examination n examine v example n excellent a except prep exchange n & v excite v excuse n & v exercise n & v exhibition n exist v existence n exit nexpand v expect v expectation n expense n expensive a experience n experiment n expert n explain v explanation n explicit a explode vexplore v export n & v expose v express v & n expression n extension n extra a extraordinary a extreme aeye n eyesight nFface n & v facial afact nfactory nfade vfail v & n failure nfair1 afair2 nfaith n fall1(fell,fallen) vfall2(Am)=autumn nfalse afamiliar afamily nfamous afan nfancy n,v& afantastic afantasy nfar(farther,farthest或further,furthest) a & ad fare nfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfasten vfat n & afather nfault nfavour(Am favor) n favourite(Am favorite) a & nfax n & vfear nfeast nfeather nfederal afee nfeed(fed,fed) vfeel(felt,felt) vfeeling nfellow nfemale a & nfence nferry nfestival n & afetch vfever nfew pron& afibre(Am fiber) nfiction nfield nfierce afight(fought,fought) n & v figure n & vfile nfill vfilm n & vfinal afinance nfind(found,found) v fine1 afine2 vfinger n fingernail nfinish v & nfire n & v fireworks nfirm1 nfirm2 afish n & v fisherman nfist nfit a & vfix vflag nflame nflash n flashlight nflat1 aflat2 nflee(fled,fled) v flesh nflexible aflight nfloat vflood n & v floor nflour nflow vflower nflu nfluency nfluent afly1(flew,flown) v fly2 nfocus v & nfog n foggy afold vfolk n & afollow vfond afood nfool n & vfoolish afoot(pl feet) nfootball nfor prep &conjforbid(forbade,forbidden) v force vforecast n & vforehead nforeign aforeigner nforesee(foresaw,foreseen) v forest nforever adforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) v forgetful aforgive(forgave,forgiven) v fork nform n & vformat nformer afortnight nfortunate afortune nforward adfoster vfound vfountain nfox nfragile afragrant aframework nfranc nfree afreedom nfreeway nfreeze(froze,frozen) v freezing a frequent afresh afriction nfridge=refrigerator n friend nfriendly a friendship n frighten vfrog nfrom prepfront a & nfrontier nfrost nfruit nfry vfuel nfull afun n & afunction n & v fundamental a funeral nfunny afur n furnished a furniture n future nGgain v gallery n gallon n game n garage n garbage n garden n garlic n garment n gas ngate n gather vgay a general a & n generation n generous a gentle a gentleman n geography n geometry n gesture nget(got,got) vgift ngifted agiraffe ngirl ngive(gave,given) v glad aglance vglare vglass nglobe nglory nglove nglue ngo(went,gone) v goal ngoat ngod ngold n & agolden agolf ngood(better,best) a goods ngoose(pl geese) n govern vgovernment ngrade ngradual agraduate vgraduation ngrain ngram ngrammar ngrand agrandchild n granddaughter n grandma=grandmother n grandpa=grandfather n grandparents n grandson n granny ngrape ngraph ngrasp vgrass ngrateful agravity ngreat a & ad greedy agreen a & n greengrocer n greet vgreeting ngrey(Am gray) a grill ngrocer ngrocery nground ngroup ngrow(grew,grown) v growth n guarantee vguard nguess vguest n guidance nguide nguilty aguitar ngun ngym=gymnasium n gymnastics nHhabit nhair nhaircut nhalf a & nhall nham n hamburger n hammer nhand n & v handbag n handful n handkerchief nhandle n & vhandsome ahandwriting nhandy ahang(hung,hung或-ed,-ed) v happen vhappiness nhappy aharbour(Am harbor) nhard ad & ahardly adhardship nhardworking aharm n & vharmful aharmony nharvest n & vhat nhatch vhate v &nhave(has,had,had) vhe pronhead n & v headache n headline n headmaster n headmistress n health nhealthy ahear(heard,heard) v hearing nheart nheat nheaven nheavy aheel nheight n helicopter nhello inthelmet nhelp n & vhelpful ahen n her pronherb nhere adhero nhers pronherself pron hesitate vhi inthide(hid,hidden) v high a & ad highway nhill nhim pronhimself pronhire vhis pronhistory nhit(hit,hit) v & n hobby nhold(held,held) v hole nholiday nholy ahome n & ad homeland n hometown n homework nhonest ahoney nhonour(Am honor) n & v hook n & vhope n & vhopeful ahopeless ahorrible ahorse nhospital nhost n & vhostess nhot ahotdog nhotel nhour nhouse n housewife n housework nhow adhowever ad &conj howl vhug vhuge ahuman a & n human being n humorous a humour(Am humor) n hunger nhungry ahunt vhunter nhurricane nhurry vhurt(hurt,hurt) v husband n hydrogen nII pronice nice-cream n idea n identity n identification n idiom nif conjignore vill aillegal a illness n imagine v immediately ad immigration n import v & n importance n important a impossible a impress v impression n improve vin prep & ad inch nincident n include v income n increase v & n indeed a independence n independent a indicate v industry n influence n & v inform v information n initial ainjure vinjury nink ninn ninnocent a insect ninsert vinside prep & adinsist v inspect v inspire v instant a instead ad institute n institution n instruct v instruction n instrument n insurance n insure v intelligence n intend v intention n interest n interesting a international a Internet n interpreter n interrupt v interval n interview n & v into prep introduce v introduction n invent v invention n invitation n invite viron n & v irrigation nis v(be) island nit pronits pronitself pronJjacket njam njar njaw njazz njeans njeep njet njewellery(Am jewelry) n job njog vjoin vjoke njournalist njourney njoy njudge n & v judgement(Am judgment) njuice njump n & vjungle njunior ajust a & adjustice nKkangaroo nkeep(kept,kept) v kettle nkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo nkilogram nkilometre(Am kilometer) n kind1 nkind2 akindergarten n kindness nking nkingdom nkiss n & vkitchen nkite nknee nknife(pl knives) nknock n & vknow(knew,known) vknowledge nLlab=laboratory n labour(Am labor) n lack n & vlady nlake nlamb nlame alamp nland n & v language n lantern nlap nlarge alast a & vlate a & adlatter nlaugh n & v laughter n laundry nlaw n lawyer nlay(laid,laid) v lazy alead(led,led) v & n leader nleaf(pl leaves) n league nleak vlearn(learnt,learnt 或-ed,-ed) vleast nleather nleave(left,left) v lecture nleft a,ad& nleg nlegal alemon n & a lemonade nlend(lent,lent) v length nlesson nlet(let,let) v letter nlevel n liberation n liberty n librarian n library n license nlid nlie1 n & vlie2(lay,lain) v life(pl lives) n lift v & n light n,v& a lightning n like v & prep likely alimit vline n & v link v & n lion nlip n liquid n & alist n & vlisten v literature n literary alitre(Am liter) n litter vlittle(less,least) a live v & alively aload nloaf nlocal alock n & v lonely along a & ad look n & v loose alorry nlose(lost,lost) v loss nlot nloud alounge nlove n & vlovely alow a & adluck nlucky aluggage nlunch nlung nMmachine nmad amadam/madame n magazine n magic amaid nmail n & v mailbox nmain a mainland n major a majority nmake1 nmake2(made,made) v male a & nman(pl men) nmanage vmanager nmankind nmanner nmany(more,most) pron& a map nmaple nmarathon nmarble nmarch n & vmark n & vmarket nmarriage nmarry vmask n & vmass nmaster v & n。

官网:官网:附录1语音项目表1. 基本读音(1)26 个字母的读音(2)元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3)元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4)元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5)常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6)辅音字母组合的读音(7)辅音连缀的读音(8)成节音的读音2. 重音(1)单词重音(2)句子重音3. 读音的变化(1)连读(2)失去爆破(3)弱读(4)同化4. 语调与节奏(1)意群与停顿(2)语调(3)节奏5.语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6.朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7.主要英语国家的英语语音差异官网:官网:附录2语法项目表1. 名词(1)可数名词及其单复数(2)不可数名词(3)专有名词(4)名词所有格2. 代词(1)人称代词(2)物主代词(3)反身代词(4)指示代词(5)不定代词(6)疑问代词3. 数词(1)基数词(2)序数词4.介词和介词短语5.连词6.形容词(比较级和最高级)7.副词(比较级和最高级)8.冠词9.动词(1)动词的基本形式(2)系动词(3)及物动词和不及物动词(4)助动词(5)情态动词10. 时态(1)一般现在时官网:(2)一般过去时(3)一般将来时(4)现在进行时(5)过去进行时(6)过去将来时(7)将来进行时(8)现在完成时(9)过去完成时(10)现在完成进行时11.被动语态12.非谓语动词(1)动词不定式(2)动词的-ing形式(3)动词的-ed形式13. 构词法(1)合成法(2)派生法(3)转化法(4)缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1)陈述句(2)疑问句(3)祈使句(4)感叹句15. 句子成分(1)主语(2)谓语(3)表语(4)宾语官网:(5)定语(6)状语(7)补语官网:16.简单句的基本句型17.主谓一致18.并列复合句19.主从复合句(1)宾语从句(2)状语从句(3)定语从句(4)主语从句(5)表语从句20.间接引语21.省略22.倒装23.强调24.虚拟语气官网:附录3功能意念项目表1.社会交往(Social Communications)(1) 问候 (Greetings)(2) 介绍 (Introduction)(3) 告别 (Farewells )(4) 感谢 (Thanks )(5) 道歉 (Apologies)(6) 邀请 (Invitation)(7) 请求允许 (Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺 (Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助 (Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝 (Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会 (Making appointments)(12) 打电话 (Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐 (Having meals)(14) 就医 (Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物 (Shopping)(16) 问路 (Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气 (Talking about weather)(18) 语言交际困难 (Language difficulties in communication)(19) 提醒注意 (Reminding)(20) 警告和禁止 (Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告 (Advice)(22) 建议 (Suggestions)2.态度(Attitudes)(23)同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)(24)喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)官网:(25)肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)(26)可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)(27)能够和不能够(Ability and inability)官网:(28)偏爱和优先选择(Preference)(29)意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)(30)希望和愿望(Hopes and wishes)(31)表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)(32)责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)(33)冷淡(Indifference)(34)判断与评价(Judgement and evaluation) 3. 情感(Emotions)(35)高兴(Happiness)(36)惊奇(Surprise)(37)忧虑(Worries)(38)安慰(Reassurance)(39)满意(Satisfaction)(40)遗憾(Regret)(41)同情(Sympathy)(42)恐惧(Fear)(43)愤怒(Anger)4. 时间 (Time)(44) 时刻 (Point of time)(45)时段(Duration)(46)频度(Frequency)(47)时序(Sequence)5. 空间 (Space)(48)位置(Position)(49)方向(Direction)(50)距离(Distance) 6. 存在(Existence)(51)存在与不存在(Existence and Non-existence)7. 特征(Features)(52)形状(Shape)(53)颜色(Colour)官网:(54)材料(Material)(55)价格(Price)(56)规格(Size)(57)年龄(Age)8. 计量 (Measurement)(58)长度(Length)(59)宽度(Width)(60)高度(Height)(61)数量(Number)9. 比较(Comparison)(62)同级比较(Equal comparison)(63)差别比较(Comparative and superlative)(64)相似和差别(Similarity and difference)10. 逻辑关系(Logical relations)(65)原因和结果(Cause and effect)(66)目的(Purpose)11. 职业 (Occupations)(67)工作(Jobs)(68)单位(Employer)官网:附录4话题项目表1.个人情况(Personal information)2.家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)3.周围的环境(Personal environments)4.日常活动(Daily routines)5.学校生活(School life)6.兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)7.个人感情(Emotions)8.人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9.计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10.节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)11.购物(Shopping)12.饮食(Food and drink)13.健康(Health)14.天气(Weather)15.文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)16.旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17.语言学习(Language learning)18.自然(Nature)19.世界与环境(The world and the environment)20.科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21.热点话题(Topical issues)22.历史与地理(History and geography)23.社会(Society)24.文学与艺术(Literature and art)官网:官网:附录 5 词汇表A accommodation n a(an) art accompany v abandon v accomplish v ability n account nable a accountant n abnormal a accumulate v aboard prep accuracy n abolish v accurate a abortion n accuse vabout ad & prep accustomed a above prep,a & ad ache v & n abroad ad achieve v abrupt a achievement n absence n acid aabsent a acknowledge v absolute a acquaintance n absorb v acquire v abstract a & n acquisition n absurd a acre n abundant a across prep abuse v act n & v academic a & n action n academy n active a accelerate v activity n accent n actor n accept v actress n access n & v actual a accessible a acute a官网:accident n AD abbr官网:ad=advertisement n afford vadapt v afraid a adaptation n Africa nadd v African a & n addicted a after ad,prep & conj addition n afternoon n address n afterward(s) ad adequate a again adadjust v against prep adjustment n age n administration n agency n admirable a agenda nadmire v agent n admission n aggressive a admit v ago ad adolescence n agree v adolescent a & n agreement n adopt v agricultural a adore v agriculture nadult n ahead ad advance v & n aid n & v advantage n AIDS n adventure n aim n & v advertise v air n advertisement n aircraft nadvice n airline nadvise v airmail n advocate v airplane naffair n airport naffect v airspace n affection n alarm n & v官网:官网:album n amazing a alcohol n ambassador n alcoholic a & n ambassadress n algebra n ambiguous a alike ad ambition n alive a ambulance nall ad,a & pron America n allergic a among prep alley n amount n & v allocate v ample aallow v amuse v allowance n amusement n almost ad analyse valone a analysis n along ad & prep ancestor n alongside ad anchor v & n aloud ad ancient a alphabet n and conj already ad anecdote nalso ad anger n alternative a angle n although conj angry a altitude n animal n altogether ad ankle n aluminium anniversary n (Am aluminum) n announce v always ad annoy vam v(be) annual aa.m./am,A.M./AM abbr another a & pron amateur a answer n & v amaze v ant n官网:官网:Antarctic a appropriate a antique n approval n anxiety n approve v anxious a approximately ad any pron & a apron n anybody pron arbitrary a anyhow ad arch nanyone pron architect n anything pron architecture n anyway ad Arctic a anywhere ad are v(be)apart ad & a area n apartment n argue v apologize v argument n apology n arise(arose,arisen) v apparent a arithmetic n appeal v & n arm n & vappear v armchair n appearance n army nappendix n around ad & prep appetite n arrange v applaud v & n arrangement n apple n arrest v applicant n arrival n application n arrive vapply v arrow nappoint v art n appointment n article n appreciate v artificial a appreciation n artist n approach n & v as ad,conj & prep官网:官网:ash n attend vashamed a attention nAsia n attitude nAsian a & n attract vaside ad attraction nask v attractive aasleep a audience naspect n aunt nassess v authentic aassessment n author nassist v authority nassistance n automatic aassistant n autonomous aassociate v autumn nassociation n available aassume v avenue nassumption n average a & nastonish v avoid vastronaut n awake(awoke,awoken) v & a astronomer n award nastronomy n aware aat prep away adathlete n awesome aathletic a awful aAtlantic a awkward aatmosphere natom n Battach v baby nattack v & n bachelor nattain v back ad,a & nattempt v & n background n官网:官网:backward(s) ad basin nbacon n basis nbacterium(pl bacteria) n basket nbad(worse,worst) a basketball nbadminton n bat nbag n bath nbaggage n bathe vbakery n bathroom nbalance n bathtub nbalcony n battery nball n battle nballet n bay nballoon n BC abbrbamboo n be(am,is,are,was,ban n & v were,being,been) v banana n beach nband n bean nbandage n bean curd nbank n bear1 nbar n bear2 vbarbecue n beard nbarber n beast nbarbershop n beat(beat,beaten) v & n bare a beautiful abargain n & v beauty nbark v & n because conjbarrier n become(became,become) v base n bed nbaseball n beddings nbasement n bedroom nbasic a bee n官网:官网:beef n bike=bicycle n beer n bill nbefore prep,ad&conj bingo nbeg v biochemistry n begin(began,begun) v biography n behalf n biology n behave v bird nbehaviour(Am behavior) n birth nbehind prep & ad birthday nbeing n birthplace nbelief n biscuit nbelieve v bishop nbell n bit nbelly n bite(bit,bitten) v belong v bitter abelow prep black a & nbelt n blackboard n bench n blame n & vbend(bent,bent) v blank n & a beneath prep blanket n beneficial a bleed vbenefit n & v bless vbent a & n blind abeside prep block n & v besides prep & ad blood nbetray v blouse n between prep blow(blew,blown) v beyond prep blue n & a bicycle n board n & vbid v & n boat nbig a body n官网:官网:boil v brain nbomb n & v brake n & vbond n & v branch nbone n brand nbonus n brave abook n & v bravery nboom n & v bread nboot n break(broke,broken) v & n booth n breakfast nborder n breakthrough nbored a breast nboring a breath nborn a breathe vborrow v breathless aboss n brewery nbotanical a brick nbotany n bride nboth a & pron bridegroom nbother v bridge nbottle n brief abottom n bright abounce v brilliant abound a bring(brought,brought) v boundary n broad abow v & n broadcast(broadcast,bowl n broadcast 或-ed,-ed) v bowling n brochure nbox n broken aboxing n broom nboy n brother nboycott v brown n & a官网:官网:brunch n Cbrush v & n cab nBuddhism n cabbage nbudget n cafe nbuffet n cafeteria nbuild(built,built) v cage nbuilding n cake nbunch n calculate v bungalow n call n & vburden n calm a & v bureaucratic a camel nburglar n camera nburn(burnt,burnt camp n & v或-ed,-ed) v & n campaign nburst v can1(could);bury v can’t=cannot modal vbus n can2 nbush n canal nbusiness n cancel v businessman/woman cancer n(pl businessmen/ women) n candidate nbusy a candle nbut conj & prep candy nbutcher n & v canteen nbutter n cap nbutterfly n capital nbutton n & v capsule nbuy(bought,bought) v captain nby prep caption nbye int car ncarbon n官网:官网:card n ceiling ncare n & v celebrate vcareful a celebration n careless a cell ncarpenter n cent ncarpet n centigrade a carriage n centimetrecarrier n (Am centimeter) n carrot n central acarry v centre(Am center) n cartoon n century ncarve v ceremony ncase n certain acash n & v certificate n cassette n chain ncast(cast,cast) v chair ncastle n chairman/woman casual a (pl chairmen/women) n cat n chalk ncatalogue n challenge n catastrophe n challenging acatch(caught,caught) v champion n category n chance ncater v change n & v Catholic a changeable acattle n channel ncause n & v chant v & ncaution n chaos ncautious a chapter ncave n character nCD=compact disk n characteristic a & n官网:官网:charge v & n Christmas n chart n church nchat n & v cigar ncheap a cigarette n cheat n & v cinema n check n & v circle n & v cheek n circuit n cheer n & v circulate v cheerful a circumstance n cheers int circus n cheese n citizen nchef n city n chemical a & n civil a chemist n civilian n chemistry n civilization n cheque(Am check) n clap vchess n clarify v chest n class nchew v classic a chicken n classify v chief a & n classmate n child(pl children) n classroom n childhood n claw n chocolate n clay n choice n clean v & a choir n cleaner n choke n & v clear a choose(chose,chosen) v clerk n chopsticks n clever a chorus n click v Christian n climate n官网:官网:climb v come(came,come) v clinic n comedy nclock n comfort nclone v comfortable a close a & ad command n & v cloth n comment n clothes n commercial a clothing n commit vcloud n commitment n cloudy a committee nclub n common a clumsy a communicate v coach n communication n coal n communism n coast n communist n & a coat n companion n cocoa n company ncoffee n compare vcoin n compass n coincidence n compensate v coke n compete vcold a & n competence n collar n competition n colleague n complete a & v collect v complex a & n collection n component n college n composition n collision n comprehension n colour(Am color) n & v compromise v comb n & v compulsory a combine v computer n官网:官网:concentrate v constant a concept n constitution n concern v & n construct v concert n construction n conclude v consult v conclusion n consultant n concrete a consume v condemn v contain v condition n container n conduct v contemporary a conductor n content1 n conference n content2 a confident a continent n confidential a continue v confirm v contradict v conflict n contradictory a confuse v contrary n & a congratulate v contribute v congratulation n contribution n connect v control v & n connection n controversial a conscience n convenience n consensus n convenient a consequence n conventional a conservation n conversation n conservative a convey v consider v convince v considerate a cook n & v consideration n cooker n consist v cookie n consistent a cool a官网:官网:copy n & v creature ncorn n credit ncorner n crew n corporation n crime ncorrect v & a criminal n correction n criterion(pl criteria) n correspond v crop ncorrupt a & v cross n & vcost n & v crossing ncosy(Am cozy) a crossroads n cottage n crowd n & vcotton n & a cruel acough n & v cry n & vcould modal v cube ncount v cubic acounter n cuisine ncountry n culture n countryside n cup ncouple n cupboard n courage n cure n & vcourse n curious acourt n currency n courtyard n curriculum n cousin n curtain ncover n & v cushion ncow n custom ncrash v & n customer ncrayon n customs ncrazy a cut(cut,cut) v & n cream n cycle vcreate v cyclist n官网:官网:declare vD decline vdad=daddy n decorate vdaily a,ad & n decoration ndam n decrease vdamage n & v deed ndamp a & n deep a & addance n & v deer ndanger n defeat vdangerous a defence(Am defense) n dare v & modal v defend vdark a & n degree ndarkness n delay n & vdash v & n delete v & ndata n deliberately ad database n delicate adate n & v delicious a daughter n delight ndawn n delighted aday n deliver vdead a demand vdeadline n dentist ndeaf a department(Dept.) n deal n departure ndear a depend vdeath n deposit v & n debate n & v depth ndebt n describe vdecade n description ndecide v desert v & n decision n deserve v官网:官网:design v & n dilemma n desire v & n dimension n desk n dinner n desperate a dinosaur n dessert n dioxide n destination n dip vdestroy v diploma n detective n direct a & v determine v direction n develop v director n development n directory n devote v dirty a devotion n disability n diagram n disabled adial v disadvantage n dialogue(Am dialog) n disagree v diamond n disagreement n diary n disappear v dictation n disappoint v dictionary n disappointed a die v disaster ndiet n discount n differ v discourage v difference n discover v different a discovery n difficult a discrimination n difficulty n discuss vdig(dug,dug) v discussion n digest v disease n digital a disgusting a dignity n dish n官网:官网:disk=disc ndislike vdismiss vdistance ndistant a distinction n distinguish v distribute vdistrict n disturbv disturbing adive v diverse a divide vdivision ndivorce v dizzya do(did,done)v doctor n document n dogndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm) n dot ndouble a & n doubt n & v down prep & ad download n & v downstairs ad downtown ad,n & a dozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v drawback n drawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt 或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) v drive(drove,driven) v driver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty n官网:w w w .b ai ri x u e. c o m官网:DVD=digital versatile disk n elect vdynamic a electric a dynasty n electrical aelectricity nE electronic aeach a & pron elegant aeager a elephant neagle n else adear n e-mail n & v early a & ad embarrass vearn v embassy nearth n emergency n earthquake n emperor neast a,ad & n employ vEaster n empty aeastern a encourage veasy a encouragement n eat(ate,eaten) v end n & vecology n ending nedge n endless aedition n enemy neditor n energetic a educate v energy n education n engine n educator n engineer neffect n enjoy veffort n enjoyable aegg n enlarge v eggplant n enough pron,a & ad either a,conj & ad enquiry nelder n enter v。

附录1 语音项目表1. 基本读音(1) 26个字母的读音(2) 元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3) 元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4) 元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5) 常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6) 辅音字母组合的读音(7) 辅音连缀的读音(8) 成节音的读音2. 重音(1) 单词重音(2) 句子重音3. 读音的变化(1) 连读(2) 失去爆破(3) 弱读(4) 同化4. 语调与节奏(1) 意群与停顿(2) 语调(3) 节奏5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6. 朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录2 语法项目表1. 名词(1) 可数名词及其单复数(2) 不可数名词(3) 专有名词(4) 名词所有格2. 代词(1) 人称代词(2) 物主代词(3) 反身代词(4) 指示代词(5) 不定代词(6) 疑问代词3. 数词(1) 基数词(2) 序数词4. 介词和介词短语5. 连词6. 形容词(比较级和最高级)7. 副词(比较级和最高级)8. 冠词9. 动词(1) 动词的基本形式(2) 系动词(3) 及物动词和不及物动词(4) 助动词(5) 情态动词10. 时态(1) 一般现在时(2) 一般过去时(3) 一般将来时(4) 现在进行时(5) 过去进行时(6) 过去将来时(7) 将来进行时(8) 现在完成时(9) 过去完成时(10) 现在完成进行时11. 被动语态12. 非谓语动词(1) 动词不定式(2) 动词的-ing形式(3) 动词的-ed形式13. 构词法(1) 合成法(2) 派生法(3) 转化法(4) 缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1) 陈述句(2) 疑问句(3) 祈使句(4) 感叹句15. 句子成分(1) 主语(2) 谓语(3) 表语(4) 宾语(5) 定语(6) 状语(7) 补语16. 简单句的基本句型17. 主谓一致18. 并列复合句19. 主从复合句(1) 宾语从句(2) 状语从句(3) 定语从句(4) 主语从句(5) 表语从句20. 间接引语21. 省略22. 倒装23. 强调24. 虚拟语气附录3 功能意念项目表1. 社会交往 (Social Communications)(1) 问候 (Greetings)(2) 介绍 (Introduction)(3) 告别 (Farewells )(4) 感谢 (Thanks )(5) 道歉 (Apologies)(6) 邀请 (Invitation)(7) 请求允许 (Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺 (Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助 (Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝 (Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会 (Making appointments)(12) 打电话 (Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐 (Having meals)(14) 就医 (Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物 (Shopping)(16) 问路 (Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气 (Talking about weather)(18) 语言交际困难 (Language difficulties in communication)(19) 提醒注意 (Reminding)(20) 警告和禁止 (Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告 (Advice)(22) 建议 (Suggestions)2. 态度 (Attitudes)(23) 同意和不同意 (Agreement and disagreement)(24) 喜欢和不喜欢 (Likes and dislikes)(25) 肯定和不肯定 (Certainty and uncertainty)(26) 可能和不可能 (Possibility and impossibility)(27) 能够和不能够 (Ability and inability)(28) 偏爱和优先选择 (Preference)(29) 意愿和打算 (Intentions and plans)(30) 希望和愿望 (Hopes and wishes)(31) 表扬和鼓励 (Praise and encouragement)(32) 责备和抱怨 (Blame and complaint)(33) 冷淡 (Indifference)(34) 判断与评价 (Judgement and evaluation)3. 情感 (Emotions)(35) 高兴 (Happiness)(36) 惊奇 (Surprise)(37) 忧虑 (Worries)(38) 安慰 (Reassurance)(39) 满意 (Satisfaction)(40) 遗憾 (Regret)(41) 同情 (Sympathy)(42) 恐惧 (Fear)(43) 愤怒 (Anger)4. 时间 (Time)(44) 时刻 (Point of time)(45) 时段 (Duration)(46) 频度 (Frequency)(47) 时序 (Sequence)5. 空间 (Space)(48) 位置 (Position)(49) 方向 (Direction)(50) 距离 (Distance)6. 存在 (Existence)(51) 存在与不存在 (Existence and Non-existence)7. 特征 (Features)(52) 形状 (Shape)(53) 颜色 (Colour)(54) 材料 (Material)(55) 价格 (Price)(56) 规格 (Size)(57) 年龄 (Age)8. 计量 (Measurement)(58) 长度 (Length)(59) 宽度 (Width)(60) 高度 (Height)(61) 数量 (Number)9. 比较 (Comparison)(62) 同级比较 (Equal comparison)(63) 差别比较 (Comparative and superlative)(64) 相似和差别 (Similarity and difference)10. 逻辑关系 (Logical relations)(65) 原因和结果 (Cause and effect)(66) 目的 (Purpose)11. 职业 (Occupations)(67) 工作 (Jobs)(68) 单位 (Employer)附录4 话题项目表1. 个人情况 (Personal information)2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人 (Family, friends and people around)3. 周围的环境 (Personal environments)4. 日常活动 (Daily routines)5. 学校生活 (School life)6. 兴趣与爱好 (Interests and hobbies)7. 个人感情 (Emotions)8. 人际关系 (Interpersonal relationships)9. 计划与愿望 (Plans and intentions)10. 节假日活动 (Festivals, holidays and celebrations)11. 购物 (Shopping)12. 饮食 (Food and drink)13. 健康 (Health)14. 天气 (Weather)15. 文娱与体育 (Entertainment and sports)16. 旅游和交通 (Travel and transport)17. 语言学习 (Language learning)18. 自然 (Nature)19. 世界与环境 (The world and the environment)20. 科普知识与现代技术 (Popular science and modern technology)21. 热点话题 (Topical issues)22. 历史与地理 (History and geography)23. 社会 (Society)24. 文学与艺术 (Literature and art)欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。

英语考核目标与要求一、语言知识要求考生掌握并能运用英语语音、词汇、语法基础知识以及所学功能意念和话题(见附录 1 至附录 5),要求词汇量为 3500 左右。
附录 1语音项目表1. 基本读音(1)26 个字母的读音(2)元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3)元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4)元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5)常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6)辅音字母组合的读音(7)辅音连缀的读音(8)成节音的读音2. 重音(1)单词重音(2)句子重音3. 读音的变化(1)连读(2)失去爆破(3)弱读(4)同化4. 语调与节奏(1)意群与停顿(2)语调(3)节奏5.语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6.朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7.主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录 2语法项目表1. 名词(1)可数名词及其单复数(2)不可数名词(3)专有名词(4)名词所有格2. 代词(1)人称代词(2)物主代词(3)反身代词(4)指示代词(5)不定代词(6)疑问代词3. 数词(1)基数词(2)序数词4.介词和介词短语5.连词6.形容词(比较级和最高级)7.副词(比较级和最高级)8.冠词9.动词(1)动词的基本形式(2)系动词(3)及物动词和不及物动词(5)情态动词10. 时态(1)一般现在时(2)一般过去时(3)一般将来时(4)现在进行时(5)过去进行时(6)过去将来时(7)将来进行时(8)现在完成时(9)过去完成时(10)现在完成进行时11.被动语态12.非谓语动词(1)动词不定式(2)动词的形式(3)动词的形式13. 构词法(1)合成法(2)派生法(3)转化法(4)缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1)陈述句(3)祈使句(4)感叹句15. 句子成分(1)主语(2)谓语(3)表语(4)宾语(5)定语(6)状语(7)补语16.简单句的基本句型17.主谓一致18.并列复合句19.主从复合句(1)宾语从句(2)状语从句(3)定语从句(4)主语从句(5)表语从句20.间接引语21.省略22.倒装23.强调24.虚拟语气附录 3功能意念项目表1.社会交往 ( )(1) 问候 ()(2) 介绍 ()(3) 告别 ( )(4) 感谢 ( )(5) 道歉 ()(6) 邀请 ()(7) 请求允许 ( )(8) 祝愿和祝贺 ( )(9) 提供帮助 ( )(10) 接受和拒绝 ( )(11) 约会 ( )(12) 打电话 ( )(13) 就餐 ( )(14) 就医 ( )(15) 购物 ()(16) 问路 ( )(17) 谈论天气 ( )(18) 语言交际困难 ( )(19) 提醒注意 ()(20) 警告和禁止 ( )(21) 劝告 ()(22) 建议 ()2.态度 ()(23)同意和不同意 ( )(24)喜欢和不喜欢 ( )(25)肯定和不肯定 ( )(26)可能和不可能 ( )(27)能够和不能够 ( )(28)偏爱和优先选择 ()(29)意愿和打算 ( )(30)希望和愿望 ( )(31)表扬和鼓励 ( )(32)责备和抱怨 ( )(33)冷淡 ()(34)判断与评价 ( ) 3. 情感 ()(35)高兴 ()(36)惊奇 ()(37)忧虑 ()(38)安慰 ()(39)满意 ()(40)遗憾 ()(41)同情 ()(42)恐惧 ()(43)愤怒 ()4. 时间 ()(44) 时刻 ( )(45)时段 ()(46)频度 ()(47)时序 () 5. 空间 ()(48)位置 ()(49)方向 ()(50)距离() 6. 存在()(51)存在与不存在 ( ) 7. 特征 ()(52)形状 ()(53)颜色 ()(54)材料 ()(55)价格 ()(56)规格 ()(57)年龄 ()8. 计量 ()(58)长度 ()(59)宽度 ()(60)高度 ()(61)数量 () 9. 比较 ()(62)同级比较 ( )(63)差别比较 ( )(64)相似和差别 ( ) 10. 逻辑关系 ( )(65)原因和结果 ( )(66)目的 ()11. 职业 ()(67)工作 ()(68)单位 ()附录 4话题项目表1.个人情况 ( )2.家庭、朋友与周围的人 (, )3.周围的环境 ( )4.日常活动 ( )5.学校生活 ( )6.兴趣与爱好 ( )7.个人感情 ()8.人际关系 ( )9.计划与愿望 ( )10.节假日活动 (, )11.购物 ()12.饮食 ( )13.健康 ()14.天气 ()16.旅游和交通 ( )17.语言学习 ( )18.自然 ()19.世界与环境 ( )20.科普知识与现代技术 ( )21.热点话题 ( )22.历史与地理 ( )23.社会 ()24.文学与艺术 ( )附录 5 词汇表A na() v v vn na na vnv an v& a & v & nva nn aa va nv va & n na nav n & va & n nn av n n nv nn & v aa anv an nv a & na &n nn (s)avn nn na nv nn a vn va & n nv av nnv & n n & vn nn n & vv nn n n nv nv n n nv n n n & vn na & n nn ana n & n an n & v v av vn nva n& nv & na nnna nan nnn ( ) n vvv() aa &a n & vv na an nn va& a nannnav()& a nn vv nn () va nv & n n & vv nn nn &n vv & n nn vn nn vv nv nn nv an nn & v &n va nn na & n vnv aa nn nv a n nv n n an a v nn a v nn a & nv vn () v & an nn an aa aa ann Bv nv & n nv & n v & n n(s) nn n( ) n n() a nn nn nn vn nn nn nn nn nnn (,n & v ) v n nn nn n n 1 nn 2 vn nn nn () v & na an & v nv & nn () vn nn nn na nn nn nn v n () v n n nv n( ) n n& nn nn nv n n nn () vv aa & nn nn n & v () v n & ana vn & v va & n an & v & nv n() vn & a n n & v v & n na nv nn & v n & vn & v nn nn an & v nn & v nn () v & n n nn na na na vv a n na nn na & nv nn an av aa () vn av & n (,n 或) v n nn an nn nv n & an Cv & n nn n n nn n () v nn n n v n n & v n a & v a nn n ( n & v 或) v & n nv 1();v ’ vn 2 nn nn vn( ) n na n& nn & v nn nn nn & v n() v nnnnn nn & v va na nn nn ann ( ) nn av ( ) n n n v nn an & v nn n() v nna ( ) nn nn nn a() v nn n v n & va an nn & v v & nn na nn nn a & nv & n nn nn & v na nn & v nn & v n & vn nn & v va nn n nn na & n an nn n ( ) n v n vn nv a n va & n n ( ) n n n nn nn v & an nn & v a() v nn a n vn nv () vn nn nv aa & n & vn nn an vn na nn aa vn n n nn n & a n nn nn vn nn v n va & n nn n n a & v v a & n n nn nn n ( ) n & v v n & v a v nv an n v & n vn n v vn na vv vn nv a n 1 nn 2 aa na vv vn a v n & a v vn n v v & n n a n n n an an na vv va n & vn nv na an & v nn nn nn nv & a nn ( ) nv na & v n & vn & v n ( ) a n n n & vn & a an & v n & vv nv an nn nn nn nn n & v n an nn n n nn & v nn nv & n nn na () v & nn vv nvD vn v & n n n v n & v na & n a &n & v nn va ( ) nv & v va & n nn n & v v & n v & nnn a n & v a n n n a n va vn na (.) nn na vn v & nn & v n n vn nv v & nn vv & n nv & n nn na nn nn vv nn a & vv nv nn n v an nn a v n ( ) n v n n n v n vn a v nn nv v n va na nn v() v n v na an nn v vn a nv v nv a va v nv a () v n n nn nv n()nna & nn & v&n & v& annn & vv() vnn(或) n & vn & vn & v() v () vnn & vnnav & anaannnnann va an an E aa & aa nnn n & va & vv nn n n n & n vn aa va n() v n & vn n n an nn av nn n n n n vn an v n & & nn vnna na an nn a n nn vv & n na & v anv n & v n vn n & vn n & v v nn & v vnn nn va & n vv nn n an nnna vna avv an & v nv (v & n 或) a & n nn na na a &a vn n & an nnF ( ) nn & v ( ) a & na n & vn nn nv nv & n an n1 a () v2 n () vn n1() v n2() n a & na na nn n & aa vn n& a & a( ) n 2 nn () v n na a() n & v nn & v vn n & vv nn & v na vn n() v n1 a n2 v an 1() v n 2 nv & n v & nn & v nn a1 n v2 a n & an & v vn an na & v n & vv an ( ) nn nn & n () v1 a vn & v an aa nn n() v n n an () v va n() vn a & nn & v nn na nn va nn an & a v n & vv an n n aa na an n n nan Gn v() v na nn nn () vn nn nn nn n & a n an nv () aa na & n ( ) nn va na nn an vn nn n() v nn na an n n n() v na nv nv nn nn nn nn vn na nn a & na & na na & n nn n v n & v n n ( ) a n n nn n & vn an nn a() v ( 或) vn vv n n av ( ) nn & a nn na an n & vn an nn n & vnH vn v & n() v () va &n & v nn nnnn vna n() v () v & n n nn () vn nn na an n &n nn nnn an & v na ( ) n & vn n & vn & vn aan annv n & vna nn nn nnn vn an an& v vv na v & na & n nn aa a ( ) n v n na vv &n nn n v v() v n n v & nn anI a I vn nn n & v n vn na n & v vn vn nn va nn nv v& n & vv nv v()v nannv Jn nn nn n v nn n v nn nn na ( ) na nn vn vv nn n & vn n n nn & v n( ) n ( ) n n & vn () vn & v nna La & nn ( ) nn & vK nn n() v nn an nn n & v v & n nn nv nn an a & v( ) n a &1 n n2 a n & vn nn n n nn n() va() v & nn( ) nnv(或)vnn() vn& nnan & an() vnn() vnnnnnnnn1 n & v 2() v ( ) nv & n& anv &avn & vv & nnnn & an & vvna ( ) nv() av & aannan & vaa &n & van() v v n nn na nn () & a n & v na na & nn na n & vn n & vn nn nvM n & vn na v & nn nn v & na nnn & v nn n & va an a & na vn1 n2() v na & n () v ( ) n nn nn v n n vn an na n & vnn ( ) n() v & n n n n & vn 1 n & vn 2n & a nn nv aa nn & v nn na & n & aa nn n1 na 2 vn n n nan & a () v & nn a ( ) nn () vv vn ( ) na nn nn va na nn .() n n .() nn . nn a &n nn an vn v n nn & v na & n n() & n a & nn nn vn na & nnnnn Nn nn n & v n aa nn nna & aa nn an n && va na aa nn nnn & v n & an & nv n ( ) n an ( ) n n an n & va nn & a n n & v n nn anna & an an (s) a & n n & n &nO nv a &nv a & vv na nn vv nv nn nn vo’n n & aa & ann & v an n & an nn & a n & va an( ) vn & vn ( ) nn n& aPv nan & vnn n nna na an n & vn nn n& na na a(s) n n & n & nn a & vv na nv na a & nv na & v nn nn 1 n ( ) n 2 v。

附录1 语音项目表1. 基本读音(1) 26个字母的读音(2) 元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3) 元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4) 元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5) 常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6) 辅音字母组合的读音(7) 辅音连缀的读音(8) 成节音的读音2. 重音(1) 单词重音(2) 句子重音3. 读音的变化(1) 连读(2) 失去爆破(3) 弱读(4) 同化4. 语调与节奏(1) 意群与停顿(2) 语调(3) 节奏5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6. 朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录2 语法项目表1. 名词(1) 可数名词及其单复数(2) 不可数名词(3) 专有名词(4) 名词所有格2. 代词(1) 人称代词(2) 物主代词(3) 反身代词(4) 指示代词(5) 不定代词(6) 疑问代词3. 数词(1) 基数词(2) 序数词4. 介词和介词短语5. 连词6. 形容词(比较级和最高级)7. 副词(比较级和最高级)8. 冠词9. 动词(1) 动词的基本形式(2) 系动词(3) 及物动词和不及物动词(4) 助动词(5) 情态动词10. 时态(1) 一般现在时(2) 一般过去时(3) 一般将来时(4) 现在进行时(5) 过去进行时(6) 过去将来时(7) 将来进行时(8) 现在完成时(9) 过去完成时(10) 现在完成进行时11. 被动语态12. 非谓语动词(1) 动词不定式(2) 动词的-ing形式(3) 动词的-ed形式13. 构词法(1) 合成法(2) 派生法(3) 转化法(4) 缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1) 陈述句(2) 疑问句(3) 祈使句(4) 感叹句15. 句子成分(1) 主语(2) 谓语(3) 表语(4) 宾语(5) 定语(6) 状语(7) 补语16. 简单句的基本句型17. 主谓一致18. 并列复合句19. 主从复合句(1) 宾语从句(2) 状语从句(3) 定语从句(4) 主语从句(5) 表语从句20. 间接引语21. 省略22. 倒装23. 强调24. 虚拟语气附录3 功能意念项目表1. 社会交往(Social Communications)(1) 问候(Greetings)(2) 介绍(Introduction)(3) 告别(Farewells )(4) 感谢(Thanks )(5) 道歉(Apologies)(6) 邀请(Invitation)(7) 请求允许(Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助(Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝(Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会(Making appointments)(12) 打电话(Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐(Having meals)(14) 就医(Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物(Shopping)(16) 问路(Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气(Talking about weather)(18) 语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication)(19) 提醒注意(Reminding)(20) 警告和禁止(Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告(Advice)(22) 建议(Suggestions)2. 态度(Attitudes)(23) 同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)(24) 喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)(25) 肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)(26) 可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)(27) 能够和不能够(Ability and inability)(28) 偏爱和优先选择(Preference)(29) 意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)(30) 希望和愿望(Hopes and wishes)(31) 表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)(32) 责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)(33) 冷淡(Indifference)(34) 判断与评价(Judgement and evaluation)3. 情感(Emotions)(35) 高兴(Happiness)(36) 惊奇(Surprise)(37) 忧虑(Worries)(38) 安慰(Reassurance)(39) 满意(Satisfaction)(40) 遗憾(Regret)(41) 同情(Sympathy)(42) 恐惧(Fear)(43) 愤怒(Anger)4. 时间(Time)(44) 时刻(Point of time)(45) 时段(Duration)(46) 频度(Frequency)(47) 时序(Sequence)5. 空间(Space)(48) 位置(Position)(49) 方向(Direction)(50) 距离(Distance)6. 存在(Existence)(51) 存在与不存在(Existence and Non-existence)7. 特征(Features)(52) 形状(Shape)(53) 颜色(Colour)(54) 材料(Material)(55) 价格(Price)(56) 规格(Size)(57) 年龄(Age)8. 计量(Measurement)(58) 长度(Length)(59) 宽度(Width)(60) 高度(Height)(61) 数量(Number)9. 比较(Comparison)(62) 同级比较(Equal comparison)(63) 差别比较(Comparative and superlative)(64) 相似和差别(Similarity and difference)10. 逻辑关系(Logical relations)(65) 原因和结果(Cause and effect)(66) 目的(Purpose) 11. 职业(Occupations)(67) 工作(Jobs)(68) 单位(Employer)附录4 话题项目表1. 个人情况(Personal information)2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)3. 周围的环境(Personal environments)4. 日常活动(Daily routines)5. 学校生活(School life)6. 兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)7. 个人感情(Emotions)8. 人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9. 计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10. 节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)11. 购物(Shopping)12. 饮食(Food and drink)13. 健康(Health)14. 天气(Weather)15. 文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)16. 旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17. 语言学习(Language learning)18. 自然(Nature)19. 世界与环境(The world and the environment)20. 科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21. 热点话题(Topical issues)22. 历史与地理(History and geography)23. 社会(Society)24. 文学与艺术(Literature and art)附录5 词汇表Aa(an) artabandon vability nable aabnormal aaboard prepabolish vabortion nabout ad & prepabove prep,a& adabroad adabrupt a absence n absent a absolute a absorb v abstract a & n absurd a abundant a abuse v academic a & n academy n accelerate v accent naccept vaccess n & v accessible a accident n accommodation n accompany v accomplish v account n accountant n accumulate v accuracy n accurate a accuse v accustomed a ache v & n achieve v achievement n acid a acknowledge v acquaintance n acquire v acquisition n acre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity nactor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbr ad=advertisement n adapt v adaptation nadd vaddicted a addition naddress n adequate aadjust v adjustment n administration n admirable a admire v admission nadmit v adolescence n adolescent a & n adopt vadore vadult nadvance v & n advantage n adventure n advertise v advertisement n advice nadvise vadvocate vaffair naffect vaffection nafford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & nafter ad,prep&conj afternoon n afterward(s) ad again adagainst prepage nagency nagenda nagent n aggressive aago adagree vagreement n agricultural a agriculture nahead adaid n & vAIDS naim n & vair naircraft nairline nairmail nalbum nalcohol nalcoholic a & n algebra nalike adalive aall ad,a&pronallergic aalley nallocate vallow vallowance nalmost adalone aalong ad & prep alongside adaloud adalphabet nalready adalso adalternative a although conjaltitude naltogether ad aluminium(Am aluminum) n always adam v(be)a.m./am,A.M./AM abbr amateur aamaze vamazing a ambassador n ambassadress n ambiguous a ambition n ambulance n America n among prep amount n & v ample a amuse v amusement n analyse v analysis n ancestor n anchor v & n ancient aand conj anecdote n anger nangle nangry a animal nankle n anniversary n announce v annoy v annual a another a &pron Antarctic a antique n anxiety n anxious aany pron& a anybody pron anyhow ad anyone pron anything pron anyway ad anywhere ad apart ad & a apartment n apologize v apology n apparent a appeal v & n appear v appearance n appendix nappetite napplaud v & n apple napplicant n application napply vappoint v appointment n appreciate v appreciation n approach n & v appropriate a approval napprove v approximately ad apron narbitrary aarch narchitect n architecture n Arctic aare v(be)area nargue vargument narise(arose,arisen) v arithmetic narm n & varmchair narmy naround ad & prep arrange v arrangement n arrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle nartificial aartist nas ad,conj& prep ash nashamed aAsia nAsian a & n aside adask vasleep aaspect nassess vassessment nassist vassistance nassistant nassociate vassociation nassume vassumption nastonish vastronaut nastronomer nastronomy nat prepathlete nathletic aAtlantic aatmosphere natom nattach vattack v & nattain vattempt v & nattend vattention nattitude nattract vattraction nattractive aaudience naunt nauthentic aauthor nauthority nautomatic aautonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken) v & aaward naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a& n background n backward(s) adbacon nbacterium(pl bacteria) n bad(worse,worst) a badminton nbag nbaggage nbakery nbalance nbalcony nball nballet nballoon nbamboo nban n & vbanana nband nbandage nbank nbar nbarbecue nbarber nbarbershop nbare abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier nbase nbaseball nbasement nbasic abasin nbasis nbasket nbasketball n bat nbath nbathe vbathroom nbathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was,were,being,been) vbeach nbean nbean curd nbear1 nbear2 vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & n beautiful abeauty nbecause conjbecome(became,become) v bed nbeddings nbedroom nbee nbeef nbeer nbefore prep,ad&conjbeg vbegin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehavior (Am behavior) n behind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent) vbeneath prep beneficial a benefit n & vbent a & nbeside prep besides prep & ad betray vbetween prep beyond prep bicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle nbill nbingo n biochemistry n biography n biology nbird nbirth nbirthday n birthplace n biscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) v bitter ablack a & n blackboard n blame n & vblank n & a blanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) v blue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbond n & v bone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn aborrow vboss nbotanical abotany nboth a &pronbother vbottle nbottom nbounce vbound aboundary nbow v & nbowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott vbrain nbrake n & vbranch nbrand nbrave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v & n breakfast n breakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride nbridegroom nbridge nbrief abright abrilliant abring(brought,brought) v broad abroadcast(broadcast, broadcast或-ed,-ed) v brochure nbroken abroom nbrother nbrown n & abrunch nbrush v & nBuddhism nbudget nbuffet nbuild(built,built) vbuilding nbunch nbungalow nburden nbureaucratic aburglar nburn(burnt,burnt或-ed,-ed) v & nburst vbury vbus nbush nbusiness nbusinessman/woman(pl businessmen/ women) n busy abut conj& prepbutcher n & vbutter nbutterfly nbutton n & vbuy(bought,bought) vby prepbye intCcab ncabbage n cafe ncafeteria ncage ncake ncalculate vcall n & vcalm a & vcamel ncamera ncamp n & v campaign ncan1(could);can’t=cannot modal v can2 ncanal ncancel vcancer ncandidate ncandle ncandy ncanteen ncap ncapital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption ncar ncarbon ncard ncare n & vcareful acareless a carpenter ncarpet ncarriage ncarrier ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncarve vcase ncash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) v castle ncasual acat ncatalogue n catastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) v category ncater vCatholic acattle ncause n & vcaution ncautious acave nCD=compact disk n ceiling ncelebrate v celebration ncell ncent ncentigrade a centimetre(Am centimeter) n central acentre(Am center) n century nceremony ncertain acertificate nchain nchair nchairman/woman(pl chairmen/women) n chalk nchallenge n challenging a champion nchance nchange n & v changeable a channel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter n characteristic a & n charge v & nchart n chat n & vcheap acheat n & vcheck n & vcheek ncheer n & vcheerful acheers intcheese nchef nchemical a & nchemist nchemistry ncheque(Am check) n chess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(pl children) n childhood nchocolate nchoice nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) v chopsticks nchorus nChristian nChristmas nchurch ncigar ncigarette ncinema ncircle n & vcircuit ncirculate v circumstance ncircus ncitizen ncity ncivil acivilian ncivilization nclap vclarify vclass nclassic aclassify vclassmate n classroom nclaw nclay nclean v & acleaner nclear aclerk nclever aclick vclimate nclimb vclinic nclock nclone vclose a & adcloth nclothes nclothing ncloud ncloudy aclub nclumsy acoach ncoal ncoast ncoat ncocoa ncoffee ncoin ncoincidence ncoke ncold a & ncollar ncolleague ncollect vcollection ncollege ncollision ncolour(Am color) n & v comb n & vcombine vcome(came,come) v comedy n comfort n comfortable a command n & v comment n commercial a commit v commitment n committee n common a communicate v communication n communism n communist n & a companion n company n compare v compass n compensate v compete v competence n competition n complete a & v complex a & n component n composition n comprehension n compromise v compulsory a computer n concentrate v concept n concern v & n concert n conclude v conclusion n concrete a condemn v condition n conduct v conductor n conference n confident a confidential a confirm v conflict nconfuse v congratulate v congratulation n connect v connection n conscience n consensus n consequence n conservation n conservative a consider v considerate a consideration n consist v consistent a constant a constitution n construct v construction n consult v consultant n consume v contain v container n contemporary a content1 n content2 a continent n continue v contradict v contradictory a contrary n & a contribute v contribution n control v & n controversial a convenience n convenient a conventional a conversation n convey v convince v cook n & v cooker n cookie ncool a copy n & vcorn ncorner n corporation n correct v & a correction n correspond v corrupt a & vcost n & vcosy(Am cozy) a cottage ncotton n & acough n & vcould modal v count vcounter ncountry n countryside n couple ncourage ncourse ncourt ncourtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & ncrayon ncrazy acream ncreate vcreature ncredit ncrew ncrime ncriminal ncriterion(pl criteria) n crop ncross n & v crossing n crossroads n crowd n & vcruel acry n & vcube ncubic acuisine n culture ncup ncupboard ncure n & v curious a currency n curriculum n curtain n cushion n custom n customer n customs ncut(cut,cut) v & n cycle vcyclist ndad=daddy n daily a,ad& n dam ndamage n & v damp a & n dance n & v danger n dangerous a dare v & modal v dark a & n darkness n dash v & ndata n database ndate n & v daughter n dawn nday ndead a deadline ndeaf adeal ndear adeath ndebate n & v debt ndecade n decide v decision n declare v decline vdecorate vdecoration n decrease vdeed ndeep a & addeer ndefeat vdefence(Am defense) n defend vdegree ndelay n & vdelete v & n deliberately ad delicate adelicious adelight ndelighted adeliver vdemand vdentist ndepartment(Dept.) n departure ndepend vdeposit v & ndepth ndescribe vdescription ndesert v & ndeserve vdesign v & ndesire v & ndesk ndesperate adessert ndestination ndestroy vdetective ndetermine vdevelop v development ndevote vdevotion ndiagram ndial vdialogue(Am dialog) ndiamond n diary n dictation n dictionary ndie vdiet ndiffer v difference n different a difficult a difficulty ndig(dug,dug) v digest vdigital a dignity n dilemma n dimension n dinner n dinosaur n dioxide ndip vdiploma n direct a & v direction n director n directory n dirty a disability n disabled a disadvantage n disagree v disagreement n disappear v disappoint v disappointed a disaster n discount n discourage v discover v discovery n discrimination n discuss v discussion n disease n disgusting a dish n disk=disc ndislike vdismiss vdistance ndistant adistinction n distinguish v distribute vdistrict ndisturb vdisturbing adive vdiverse adivide vdivision ndivorce vdizzy ado(did,done) v doctor ndocument ndog ndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm) n dot ndouble a & ndoubt n & vdown prep & ad download n & v downstairs ad downtown ad,n& a dozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v drawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt 或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) v drive(drove,driven) vdriver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty nDVD=digital versatile disk n dynamic adynasty nEeach a &proneager aeagle near nearly a & adearn vearth nearthquake neast a,ad& nEaster neastern aeasy aeat(ate,eaten) vecology nedge nedition neditor neducate veducation neducator neffect neffort negg neggplant neither a,conj& adelder n elect velectric a electrical a electricity n electronic a elegant a elephant nelse ade-mail n & v embarrass v embassy n emergency n emperor nemploy vempty a encourage v encouragement n end n & vending nendless aenemy n energetic a energy nengine n engineer nenjoy venjoyable a enlarge venough pron,a& ad enquiry nenter venterprise n entertainment n enthusiastic a entire aentrance nentry nenvelope n environment n envy v & nequal a & v equality nequip v equipment n eraser nerror nerupt vescape n & v especially adessay nEurope n European a & n evaluate veven adevening nevent neventually adever adevery aeverybody pron everyday a everyone pron everything pron everywhere ad evidence nevident aevolution nexact aexam=examination n examine vexample n excellent aexcept prep exchange n & v excite vexcuse n & v exercise n & v exhibition nexist vexistence nexit nexpand vexpect v expectation n expense n expensive a experience n experiment nexpert nexplain v explanation n explicit a explode vexplore vexport n & vexpose vexpress v & nexpression nextension nextra aextraordinary aextreme aeye neyesight nFface n & vfacial afact nfactory nfade vfail v & nfailure nfair1 afair2 nfaith nfall1(fell,fallen) vfall2(Am)=autumn nfalse afamiliar afamily nfamous afan nfancy n,v& afantastic afantasy nfar(farther,farthest或further,furthest) a & ad fare nfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfasten vfat n & afather nfault nfavour(Am favor) n favourite(Am favorite) a & n fax n & vfear nfeast nfeather nfederal afee nfeed(fed,fed) vfeel(felt,felt) vfeeling nfellow nfemale a & nfence nferry nfestival n & afetch vfever nfew pron& afibre(Am fiber) nfiction nfield nfierce afight(fought,fought) n & v figure n & vfile nfill vfilm n & vfinal afinance nfind(found,found) vfine1 afine2 vfinger nfingernail nfinish v & nfire n & vfireworks nfirm1 nfirm2 afish n & vfisherman nfist nfit a & vfix vflag nflame nflash nflashlight n flat1 aflat2 nflee(fled,fled) vflesh nflexible aflight nfloat vflood n & vfloor nflour nflow vflower nflu nfluency nfluent afly1(flew,flown) vfly2 nfocus v & nfog nfoggy afold vfolk n & afollow vfond afood nfool n & vfoolish afoot(pl feet) nfootball nfor prep &conjforbid(forbade,forbidden) v force vforecast n & vforehead nforeign aforeigner nforesee(foresaw,foreseen) v forest nforever adforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) v forgetful aforgive(forgave,forgiven) v fork nform n & vformat nformer afortnight nfortunate afortune nforward adfoster vfound vfountain nfox nfragile afragrant a framework nfranc nfree afreedom nfreeway nfreeze(froze,frozen) v freezing afrequent afresh afriction nfridge=refrigerator n friend nfriendly afriendship nfrighten vfrog nfrom prepfront a & nfrontier nfrost nfruit nfry vfuel nfull afun n & afunction n & v fundamental a funeral nfunny afur nfurnished afurniture nfuture nGgain vgallery n gallon ngame ngarage ngarbage ngarden ngarlic ngarment ngas ngate ngather vgay ageneral a & n generation n generous agentle a gentleman n geography n geometry n gesture nget(got,got) vgift ngifted agiraffe ngirl ngive(gave,given) v glad aglance vglare vglass nglobe nglory nglove nglue ngo(went,gone) v goal ngoat ngod ngold n & agolden agolf ngood(better,best) a goods ngoose(pl geese) n govern v government n grade ngradual agraduate vgraduation ngrain ngram ngrammar ngrand agrandchild n granddaughter n grandma=grandmother n grandpa=grandfather n grandparents n grandson ngranny ngrape ngraph ngrasp vgrass ngrateful agravity ngreat a & adgreedy agreen a & n greengrocer ngreet vgreeting ngrey(Am gray) agrill ngrocer ngrocery nground ngroup ngrow(grew,grown) v growth nguarantee vguard nguess vguest nguidance nguide nguilty aguitar ngun ngym=gymnasium n gymnastics nH habit nhair nhaircut nhalf a & nhall nham nhamburger nhammer nhand n & vhandbag nhandful nhandkerchief nhandle n & vhandsome ahandwriting nhandy ahang(hung,hung或-ed,-ed) v happen vhappiness nhappy aharbour(Am harbor) nhard ad & ahardly adhardship nhardworking aharm n & vharmful aharmony nharvest n & vhat nhatch vhate v &nhave(has,had,had) vhe pronhead n & vheadache nheadline nheadmaster n headmistress nhealth nhealthy ahear(heard,heard) v hearing nheart nheat nheaven nheavy aheel nheight nhelicopter nhello inthelmet nhelp n & vhelpful ahen nher pronherb nhere adhero nhers pronherself pronhesitate vhi inthide(hid,hidden) vhigh a & adhighway nhill nhim pronhimself pronhire vhis pronhistory nhit(hit,hit) v & nhobby nhold(held,held) vhole nholiday nholy ahome n & ad homeland n hometown n homework nhonest ahoney nhonour(Am honor) n & v hook n & vhope n & vhopeful ahopeless ahorrible ahorse nhospital n host n & vhostess nhot ahotdog nhotel nhour nhouse nhousewife n housework nhow adhowever ad &conj howl vhug vhuge ahuman a & nhuman being n humorous ahumour(Am humor) n hunger nhungry ahunt vhunter nhurricane nhurry vhurt(hurt,hurt) v husband n hydrogen nII pronice nice-cream nidea nidentity n identification nidiom nif conjignore vill aillegal aillness nimagine v immediately ad immigration nimport v & n importance n important aimpossible a impress v impression n improve vin prep & ad inch nincident n include v income n increase v & n indeed a independence n independent a indicate v industry n influence n & v inform v information n initial ainjure vinjury nink ninn ninnocent a insect ninsert vinside prep & ad insist vinspect v inspire v instant a instead ad institute n institution n instruct v instruction n instrument n insurance n insure v intelligence n intend v intention n interest n interesting a international a Internet n interpreter ninterrupt vinterval ninterview n & vinto prepintroduce v introduction ninvent vinvention ninvitation ninvite viron n & virrigation nis v(be)island nit pronits pronitself pronJjacket njam njar njaw njazz njeans njeep njet njewellery(Am jewelry) n job njog vjoin vjoke njournalist njourney njoy njudge n & v judgement(Am judgment) njuice njump n & vjungle njunior ajust a & adjustice nKkangaroo nkeep(kept,kept) vkettle nkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo nkilogram nkilometre(Am kilometer) n kind1 nkind2 akindergarten nkindness nking nkingdom nkiss n & vkitchen nkite nknee nknife(pl knives) nknock n & vknow(knew,known) v knowledge nLlab=laboratory nlabour(Am labor) nlack n & vlady nlake nlamb nlame alamp nland n & vlanguage nlantern nlap nlarge alast a & vlate a & adlatter nlaugh n & vlaughter nlaundry nlaw nlawyer n lay(laid,laid) v lazy alead(led,led) v & n leader nleaf(pl leaves) n league nleak vlearn(learnt,learnt 或-ed,-ed) vleast nleather nleave(left,left) v lecture nleft a,ad& nleg nlegal alemon n & a lemonade nlend(lent,lent) v length nlesson nlet(let,let) vletter nlevel nliberation n liberty nlibrarian nlibrary nlicense nlid nlie1 n & vlie2(lay,lain) vlife(pl lives) nlift v & nlight n,v& a lightning nlike v & prep likely alimit vline n & vlink v & nlion nlip nliquid n & alist n & vlisten v。

官网:官网:附录1语音项目表1. 基本读音(1)26 个字母的读音(2)元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3)元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4)元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5)常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6)辅音字母组合的读音(7)辅音连缀的读音(8)成节音的读音2. 重音(1)单词重音(2)句子重音3. 读音的变化(1)连读(2)失去爆破(3)弱读(4)同化4. 语调与节奏(1)意群与停顿(2)语调(3)节奏5.语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6.朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7.主要英语国家的英语语音差异官网:官网:附录2语法项目表1. 名词(1)可数名词及其单复数(2)不可数名词(3)专有名词(4)名词所有格2. 代词(1)人称代词(2)物主代词(3)反身代词(4)指示代词(5)不定代词(6)疑问代词3. 数词(1)基数词(2)序数词4.介词和介词短语5.连词6.形容词(比较级和最高级)7.副词(比较级和最高级)8.冠词9.动词(1)动词的基本形式(2)系动词(3)及物动词和不及物动词(4)助动词(5)情态动词10. 时态(1)一般现在时官网:(2)一般过去时(3)一般将来时(4)现在进行时(5)过去进行时(6)过去将来时(7)将来进行时(8)现在完成时(9)过去完成时(10)现在完成进行时11.被动语态12.非谓语动词(1)动词不定式(2)动词的-ing形式(3)动词的-ed形式13. 构词法(1)合成法(2)派生法(3)转化法(4)缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1)陈述句(2)疑问句(3)祈使句(4)感叹句15. 句子成分(1)主语(2)谓语(3)表语(4)宾语官网:(5)定语(6)状语(7)补语官网:16.简单句的基本句型17.主谓一致18.并列复合句19.主从复合句(1)宾语从句(2)状语从句(3)定语从句(4)主语从句(5)表语从句20.间接引语21.省略22.倒装23.强调24.虚拟语气官网:附录3功能意念项目表1.社会交往(Social Communications)(1) 问候 (Greetings)(2) 介绍 (Introduction)(3) 告别 (Farewells )(4) 感谢 (Thanks )(5) 道歉 (Apologies)(6) 邀请 (Invitation)(7) 请求允许 (Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺 (Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助 (Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝 (Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会 (Making appointments)(12) 打电话 (Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐 (Having meals)(14) 就医 (Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物 (Shopping)(16) 问路 (Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气 (Talking about weather)(18) 语言交际困难 (Language difficulties in communication)(19) 提醒注意 (Reminding)(20) 警告和禁止 (Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告 (Advice)(22) 建议 (Suggestions)2.态度(Attitudes)(23)同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)(24)喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)官网:(25)肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)(26)可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)(27)能够和不能够(Ability and inability)官网:(28)偏爱和优先选择(Preference)(29)意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)(30)希望和愿望(Hopes and wishes)(31)表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)(32)责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)(33)冷淡(Indifference)(34)判断与评价(Judgement and evaluation) 3. 情感(Emotions)(35)高兴(Happiness)(36)惊奇(Surprise)(37)忧虑(Worries)(38)安慰(Reassurance)(39)满意(Satisfaction)(40)遗憾(Regret)(41)同情(Sympathy)(42)恐惧(Fear)(43)愤怒(Anger)4. 时间 (Time)(44) 时刻 (Point of time)(45)时段(Duration)(46)频度(Frequency)(47)时序(Sequence)5. 空间 (Space)(48)位置(Position)(49)方向(Direction)(50)距离(Distance) 6. 存在(Existence)(51)存在与不存在(Existence and Non-existence)7. 特征(Features)(52)形状(Shape)(53)颜色(Colour)官网:(54)材料(Material)(55)价格(Price)(56)规格(Size)(57)年龄(Age)8. 计量 (Measurement)(58)长度(Length)(59)宽度(Width)(60)高度(Height)(61)数量(Number)9. 比较(Comparison)(62)同级比较(Equal comparison)(63)差别比较(Comparative and superlative)(64)相似和差别(Similarity and difference)10. 逻辑关系(Logical relations)(65)原因和结果(Cause and effect)(66)目的(Purpose)11. 职业 (Occupations)(67)工作(Jobs)(68)单位(Employer)官网:附录4话题项目表1.个人情况(Personal information)2.家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)3.周围的环境(Personal environments)4.日常活动(Daily routines)5.学校生活(School life)6.兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)7.个人感情(Emotions)8.人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9.计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10.节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)11.购物(Shopping)12.饮食(Food and drink)13.健康(Health)14.天气(Weather)15.文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)16.旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17.语言学习(Language learning)18.自然(Nature)19.世界与环境(The world and the environment)20.科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21.热点话题(Topical issues)22.历史与地理(History and geography)23.社会(Society)24.文学与艺术(Literature and art)官网:官网:附录 5 词汇表A accommodation n a(an) art accompany v abandon v accomplish v ability n account nable a accountant n abnormal a accumulate v aboard prep accuracy n abolish v accurate a abortion n accuse vabout ad & prep accustomed a above prep,a & ad ache v & n abroad ad achieve v abrupt a achievement n absence n acid aabsent a acknowledge v absolute a acquaintance n absorb v acquire v abstract a & n acquisition n absurd a acre n abundant a across prep abuse v act n & v academic a & n action n academy n active a accelerate v activity n accent n actor n accept v actress n access n & v actual a accessible a acute a官网:accident n AD abbr官网:ad=advertisement n afford vadapt v afraid a adaptation n Africa nadd v African a & n addicted a after ad,prep & conj addition n afternoon n address n afterward(s) ad adequate a again adadjust v against prep adjustment n age n administration n agency n admirable a agenda nadmire v agent n admission n aggressive a admit v ago ad adolescence n agree v adolescent a & n agreement n adopt v agricultural a adore v agriculture nadult n ahead ad advance v & n aid n & v advantage n AIDS n adventure n aim n & v advertise v air n advertisement n aircraft nadvice n airline nadvise v airmail n advocate v airplane naffair n airport naffect v airspace n affection n alarm n & v官网:官网:album n amazing a alcohol n ambassador n alcoholic a & n ambassadress n algebra n ambiguous a alike ad ambition n alive a ambulance nall ad,a & pron America n allergic a among prep alley n amount n & v allocate v ample aallow v amuse v allowance n amusement n almost ad analyse valone a analysis n along ad & prep ancestor n alongside ad anchor v & n aloud ad ancient a alphabet n and conj already ad anecdote nalso ad anger n alternative a angle n although conj angry a altitude n animal n altogether ad ankle n aluminium anniversary n (Am aluminum) n announce v always ad annoy vam v(be) annual aa.m./am,A.M./AM abbr another a & pron amateur a answer n & v amaze v ant n官网:官网:Antarctic a appropriate a antique n approval n anxiety n approve v anxious a approximately ad any pron & a apron n anybody pron arbitrary a anyhow ad arch nanyone pron architect n anything pron architecture n anyway ad Arctic a anywhere ad are v(be)apart ad & a area n apartment n argue v apologize v argument n apology n arise(arose,arisen) v apparent a arithmetic n appeal v & n arm n & vappear v armchair n appearance n army nappendix n around ad & prep appetite n arrange v applaud v & n arrangement n apple n arrest v applicant n arrival n application n arrive vapply v arrow nappoint v art n appointment n article n appreciate v artificial a appreciation n artist n approach n & v as ad,conj & prep官网:官网:ash n attend vashamed a attention nAsia n attitude nAsian a & n attract vaside ad attraction nask v attractive aasleep a audience naspect n aunt nassess v authentic aassessment n author nassist v authority nassistance n automatic aassistant n autonomous aassociate v autumn nassociation n available aassume v avenue nassumption n average a & nastonish v avoid vastronaut n awake(awoke,awoken) v & a astronomer n award nastronomy n aware aat prep away adathlete n awesome aathletic a awful aAtlantic a awkward aatmosphere natom n Battach v baby nattack v & n bachelor nattain v back ad,a & nattempt v & n background n官网:官网:backward(s) ad basin nbacon n basis nbacterium(pl bacteria) n basket nbad(worse,worst) a basketball nbadminton n bat nbag n bath nbaggage n bathe vbakery n bathroom nbalance n bathtub nbalcony n battery nball n battle nballet n bay nballoon n BC abbrbamboo n be(am,is,are,was,ban n & v were,being,been) v banana n beach nband n bean nbandage n bean curd nbank n bear1 nbar n bear2 vbarbecue n beard nbarber n beast nbarbershop n beat(beat,beaten) v & n bare a beautiful abargain n & v beauty nbark v & n because conjbarrier n become(became,become) v base n bed nbaseball n beddings nbasement n bedroom nbasic a bee n官网:官网:beef n bike=bicycle n beer n bill nbefore prep,ad&conj bingo nbeg v biochemistry n begin(began,begun) v biography n behalf n biology n behave v bird nbehaviour(Am behavior) n birth nbehind prep & ad birthday nbeing n birthplace nbelief n biscuit nbelieve v bishop nbell n bit nbelly n bite(bit,bitten) v belong v bitter abelow prep black a & nbelt n blackboard n bench n blame n & vbend(bent,bent) v blank n & a beneath prep blanket n beneficial a bleed vbenefit n & v bless vbent a & n blind abeside prep block n & v besides prep & ad blood nbetray v blouse n between prep blow(blew,blown) v beyond prep blue n & a bicycle n board n & vbid v & n boat nbig a body n官网:官网:boil v brain nbomb n & v brake n & vbond n & v branch nbone n brand nbonus n brave abook n & v bravery nboom n & v bread nboot n break(broke,broken) v & n booth n breakfast nborder n breakthrough nbored a breast nboring a breath nborn a breathe vborrow v breathless aboss n brewery nbotanical a brick nbotany n bride nboth a & pron bridegroom nbother v bridge nbottle n brief abottom n bright abounce v brilliant abound a bring(brought,brought) v boundary n broad abow v & n broadcast(broadcast,bowl n broadcast 或-ed,-ed) v bowling n brochure nbox n broken aboxing n broom nboy n brother nboycott v brown n & a官网:官网:brunch n Cbrush v & n cab nBuddhism n cabbage nbudget n cafe nbuffet n cafeteria nbuild(built,built) v cage nbuilding n cake nbunch n calculate v bungalow n call n & vburden n calm a & v bureaucratic a camel nburglar n camera nburn(burnt,burnt camp n & v或-ed,-ed) v & n campaign nburst v can1(could);bury v can’t=cannot modal vbus n can2 nbush n canal nbusiness n cancel v businessman/woman cancer n(pl businessmen/ women) n candidate nbusy a candle nbut conj & prep candy nbutcher n & v canteen nbutter n cap nbutterfly n capital nbutton n & v capsule nbuy(bought,bought) v captain nby prep caption nbye int car ncarbon n官网:官网:card n ceiling ncare n & v celebrate vcareful a celebration n careless a cell ncarpenter n cent ncarpet n centigrade a carriage n centimetrecarrier n (Am centimeter) n carrot n central acarry v centre(Am center) n cartoon n century ncarve v ceremony ncase n certain acash n & v certificate n cassette n chain ncast(cast,cast) v chair ncastle n chairman/woman casual a (pl chairmen/women) n cat n chalk ncatalogue n challenge n catastrophe n challenging acatch(caught,caught) v champion n category n chance ncater v change n & v Catholic a changeable acattle n channel ncause n & v chant v & ncaution n chaos ncautious a chapter ncave n character nCD=compact disk n characteristic a & n官网:官网:charge v & n Christmas n chart n church nchat n & v cigar ncheap a cigarette n cheat n & v cinema n check n & v circle n & v cheek n circuit n cheer n & v circulate v cheerful a circumstance n cheers int circus n cheese n citizen nchef n city n chemical a & n civil a chemist n civilian n chemistry n civilization n cheque(Am check) n clap vchess n clarify v chest n class nchew v classic a chicken n classify v chief a & n classmate n child(pl children) n classroom n childhood n claw n chocolate n clay n choice n clean v & a choir n cleaner n choke n & v clear a choose(chose,chosen) v clerk n chopsticks n clever a chorus n click v Christian n climate n官网:官网:climb v come(came,come) v clinic n comedy nclock n comfort nclone v comfortable a close a & ad command n & v cloth n comment n clothes n commercial a clothing n commit vcloud n commitment n cloudy a committee nclub n common a clumsy a communicate v coach n communication n coal n communism n coast n communist n & a coat n companion n cocoa n company ncoffee n compare vcoin n compass n coincidence n compensate v coke n compete vcold a & n competence n collar n competition n colleague n complete a & v collect v complex a & n collection n component n college n composition n collision n comprehension n colour(Am color) n & v compromise v comb n & v compulsory a combine v computer n官网:官网:concentrate v constant a concept n constitution n concern v & n construct v concert n construction n conclude v consult v conclusion n consultant n concrete a consume v condemn v contain v condition n container n conduct v contemporary a conductor n content1 n conference n content2 a confident a continent n confidential a continue v confirm v contradict v conflict n contradictory a confuse v contrary n & a congratulate v contribute v congratulation n contribution n connect v control v & n connection n controversial a conscience n convenience n consensus n convenient a consequence n conventional a conservation n conversation n conservative a convey v consider v convince v considerate a cook n & v consideration n cooker n consist v cookie n consistent a cool a官网:官网:copy n & v creature ncorn n credit ncorner n crew n corporation n crime ncorrect v & a criminal n correction n criterion(pl criteria) n correspond v crop ncorrupt a & v cross n & vcost n & v crossing ncosy(Am cozy) a crossroads n cottage n crowd n & vcotton n & a cruel acough n & v cry n & vcould modal v cube ncount v cubic acounter n cuisine ncountry n culture n countryside n cup ncouple n cupboard n courage n cure n & vcourse n curious acourt n currency n courtyard n curriculum n cousin n curtain ncover n & v cushion ncow n custom ncrash v & n customer ncrayon n customs ncrazy a cut(cut,cut) v & n cream n cycle vcreate v cyclist n官网:官网:declare vD decline vdad=daddy n decorate vdaily a,ad & n decoration ndam n decrease vdamage n & v deed ndamp a & n deep a & addance n & v deer ndanger n defeat vdangerous a defence(Am defense) n dare v & modal v defend vdark a & n degree ndarkness n delay n & vdash v & n delete v & ndata n deliberately ad database n delicate adate n & v delicious a daughter n delight ndawn n delighted aday n deliver vdead a demand vdeadline n dentist ndeaf a department(Dept.) n deal n departure ndear a depend vdeath n deposit v & n debate n & v depth ndebt n describe vdecade n description ndecide v desert v & n decision n deserve v官网:官网:design v & n dilemma n desire v & n dimension n desk n dinner n desperate a dinosaur n dessert n dioxide n destination n dip vdestroy v diploma n detective n direct a & v determine v direction n develop v director n development n directory n devote v dirty a devotion n disability n diagram n disabled adial v disadvantage n dialogue(Am dialog) n disagree v diamond n disagreement n diary n disappear v dictation n disappoint v dictionary n disappointed a die v disaster ndiet n discount n differ v discourage v difference n discover v different a discovery n difficult a discrimination n difficulty n discuss vdig(dug,dug) v discussion n digest v disease n digital a disgusting a dignity n dish n官网:官网:disk=disc ndislike vdismiss vdistance ndistant a distinction n distinguish v distribute vdistrict n disturbv disturbing adive v diverse a divide vdivision ndivorce v dizzya do(did,done)v doctor n document n dogndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm) n dot ndouble a & n doubt n & v down prep & ad download n & v downstairs ad downtown ad,n & a dozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v drawback n drawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt 或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) v drive(drove,driven) v driver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty n官网:w w w .b ai ri x u e. c o m官网:DVD=digital versatile disk n elect vdynamic a electric a dynasty n electrical aelectricity nE electronic aeach a & pron elegant aeager a elephant neagle n else adear n e-mail n & v early a & ad embarrass vearn v embassy nearth n emergency n earthquake n emperor neast a,ad & n employ vEaster n empty aeastern a encourage veasy a encouragement n eat(ate,eaten) v end n & vecology n ending nedge n endless aedition n enemy neditor n energetic a educate v energy n education n engine n educator n engineer neffect n enjoy veffort n enjoyable aegg n enlarge v eggplant n enough pron,a & ad either a,conj & ad enquiry nelder n enter v。
2018高考英语考试大纲 .doc

附录1 语音项目表1. 基本读音(1) 26个字母的读音(2) 元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3) 元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4) 元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5) 常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6) 辅音字母组合的读音(7) 辅音连缀的读音(8) 成节音的读音2. 重音(1) 单词重音(2) 句子重音3. 读音的变化(1) 连读(2) 失去爆破(3) 弱读(4) 同化4. 语调与节奏(1) 意群与停顿(2) 语调(3) 节奏5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6. 朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录2 语法项目表1. 名词(1) 可数名词及其单复数(2) 不可数名词(3) 专有名词(4) 名词所有格2. 代词(1) 人称代词(2) 物主代词(3) 反身代词(4) 指示代词(5) 不定代词(6) 疑问代词3. 数词(1) 基数词(2) 序数词4. 介词和介词短语5. 连词6. 形容词(比较级和最高级)7. 副词(比较级和最高级)8. 冠词9. 动词(1) 动词的基本形式(2) 系动词(3) 及物动词和不及物动词(4) 助动词(5) 情态动词10. 时态(1) 一般现在时(2) 一般过去时(3) 一般将来时(4) 现在进行时(5) 过去进行时(6) 过去将来时(7) 将来进行时(8) 现在完成时(9) 过去完成时(10) 现在完成进行时11. 被动语态12. 非谓语动词(1) 动词不定式(2) 动词的-ing形式(3) 动词的-ed形式13. 构词法(1) 合成法(2) 派生法(3) 转化法(4) 缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1) 陈述句(2) 疑问句(3) 祈使句(4) 感叹句15. 句子成分(1) 主语(2) 谓语(3) 表语(4) 宾语(5) 定语(6) 状语(7) 补语16. 简单句的基本句型17. 主谓一致18. 并列复合句19. 主从复合句(1) 宾语从句(2) 状语从句(3) 定语从句(4) 主语从句(5) 表语从句20. 间接引语21. 省略22. 倒装23. 强调24. 虚拟语气附录3 功能意念项目表1. 社会交往(Social Communications)(1) 问候(Greetings)(2) 介绍(Introduction)(3) 告别(Farewells )(4) 感谢(Thanks )(5) 道歉(Apologies)(6) 邀请(Invitation)(7) 请求允许(Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助(Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝(Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会(Making appointments)(12) 打电话(Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐(Having meals)(14) 就医(Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物(Shopping)(16) 问路(Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气(Talking about weather)(18) 语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication)(19) 提醒注意(Reminding)(20) 警告和禁止(Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告(Advice)(22) 建议(Suggestions)2. 态度(Attitudes)(23) 同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)(24) 喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)(25) 肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)(26) 可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)(27) 能够和不能够(Ability and inability)(28) 偏爱和优先选择(Preference)(29) 意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)(30) 希望和愿望(Hopes and wishes)(31) 表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)(32) 责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)(33) 冷淡(Indifference)(34) 判断与评价(Judgement and evaluation)3. 情感(Emotions)(35) 高兴(Happiness)(36) 惊奇(Surprise)(37) 忧虑(Worries)(38) 安慰(Reassurance)(39) 满意(Satisfaction)(40) 遗憾(Regret)(41) 同情(Sympathy)(42) 恐惧(Fear)(43) 愤怒(Anger)4. 时间(Time)(44) 时刻(Point of time)(45) 时段(Duration)(46) 频度(Frequency)(47) 时序(Sequence)5. 空间(Space)(48) 位置(Position)(49) 方向(Direction)(50) 距离(Distance)6. 存在(Existence)(51) 存在与不存在(Existence and Non-existence)7. 特征(Features)(52) 形状(Shape)(53) 颜色(Colour)(54) 材料(Material)(55) 价格(Price)(56) 规格(Size)(57) 年龄(Age)8. 计量(Measurement)(58) 长度(Length)(59) 宽度(Width)(60) 高度(Height)(61) 数量(Number)9. 比较(Comparison)(62) 同级比较(Equal comparison)(63) 差别比较(Comparative and superlative)(64) 相似和差别(Similarity and difference)10. 逻辑关系(Logical relations)(65) 原因和结果(Cause and effect)(66) 目的(Purpose) 11. 职业(Occupations)(67) 工作(Jobs)(68) 单位(Employer)附录4 话题项目表1. 个人情况(Personal information)2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)3. 周围的环境(Personal environments)4. 日常活动(Daily routines)5. 学校生活(School life)6. 兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)7. 个人感情(Emotions)8. 人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9. 计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10. 节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)11. 购物(Shopping)12. 饮食(Food and drink)13. 健康(Health)14. 天气(Weather)15. 文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)16. 旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17. 语言学习(Language learning)18. 自然(Nature)19. 世界与环境(The world and the environment)20. 科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21. 热点话题(Topical issues)22. 历史与地理(History and geography)23. 社会(Society)24. 文学与艺术(Literature and art)附录5 词汇表Aa(an) artabandon vability nable aabnormal aaboard prepabolish vabortion nabout ad & prepabove prep,a& adabroad adabrupt a absence n absent a absolute a absorb v abstract a & n absurd a abundant a abuse v academic a & n academy n accelerate v accent naccept vaccess n & v accessible a accident n accommodation n accompany v accomplish v account n accountant n accumulate v accuracy n accurate a accuse v accustomed a ache v & n achieve v achievement n acid a acknowledge v acquaintance n acquire v acquisition n acre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity nactor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbr ad=advertisement n adapt v adaptation nadd vaddicted a addition naddress n adequate aadjust v adjustment n administration n admirable a admire v admission nadmit v adolescence n adolescent a & n adopt vadore vadult nadvance v & n advantage n adventure n advertise v advertisement n advice nadvise vadvocate vaffair naffect vaffection nafford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & nafter ad,prep&conj afternoon n afterward(s) ad again adagainst prepage nagency nagenda nagent n aggressive aago adagree vagreement n agricultural a agriculture nahead adaid n & vAIDS naim n & vair naircraft nairline nairmail nalbum nalcohol nalcoholic a & n algebra nalike adalive aall ad,a&pronallergic aalley nallocate vallow vallowance nalmost adalone aalong ad & prep alongside adaloud adalphabet nalready adalso adalternative a although conjaltitude naltogether ad aluminium(Am aluminum) n always adam v(be)a.m./am,A.M./AM abbr amateur aamaze vamazing a ambassador n ambassadress n ambiguous a ambition n ambulance n America n among prep amount n & v ample a amuse v amusement n analyse v analysis n ancestor n anchor v & n ancient aand conj anecdote n anger nangle nangry a animal nankle n anniversary n announce v annoy v annual a another a &pron Antarctic a antique n anxiety n anxious aany pron& a anybody pron anyhow ad anyone pron anything pron anyway ad anywhere ad apart ad & a apartment n apologize v apology n apparent a appeal v & n appear v appearance n appendix nappetite napplaud v & n apple napplicant n application napply vappoint v appointment n appreciate v appreciation n approach n & v appropriate a approval napprove v approximately ad apron narbitrary aarch narchitect n architecture n Arctic aare v(be)area nargue vargument narise(arose,arisen) v arithmetic narm n & varmchair narmy naround ad & prep arrange v arrangement n arrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle nartificial aartist nas ad,conj& prep ash nashamed aAsia nAsian a & n aside adask vasleep aaspect nassess vassessment nassist vassistance nassistant nassociate vassociation nassume vassumption nastonish vastronaut nastronomer nastronomy nat prepathlete nathletic aAtlantic aatmosphere natom nattach vattack v & nattain vattempt v & nattend vattention nattitude nattract vattraction nattractive aaudience naunt nauthentic aauthor nauthority nautomatic aautonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken) v & aaward naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a& n background n backward(s) adbacon nbacterium(pl bacteria) n bad(worse,worst) a badminton nbag nbaggage nbakery nbalance nbalcony nball nballet nballoon nbamboo nban n & vbanana nband nbandage nbank nbar nbarbecue nbarber nbarbershop nbare abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier nbase nbaseball nbasement nbasic abasin nbasis nbasket nbasketball n bat nbath nbathe vbathroom nbathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was,were,being,been) vbeach nbean nbean curd nbear1 nbear2 vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & n beautiful abeauty nbecause conjbecome(became,become) v bed nbeddings nbedroom nbee nbeef nbeer nbefore prep,ad&conjbeg vbegin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehavior (Am behavior) n behind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent) vbeneath prep beneficial a benefit n & vbent a & nbeside prep besides prep & ad betray vbetween prep beyond prep bicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle nbill nbingo n biochemistry n biography n biology nbird nbirth nbirthday n birthplace n biscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) v bitter ablack a & n blackboard n blame n & vblank n & a blanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) v blue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbond n & v bone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn aborrow vboss nbotanical abotany nboth a &pronbother vbottle nbottom nbounce vbound aboundary nbow v & nbowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott vbrain nbrake n & vbranch nbrand nbrave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v & n breakfast n breakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride nbridegroom nbridge nbrief abright abrilliant abring(brought,brought) v broad abroadcast(broadcast, broadcast或-ed,-ed) v brochure nbroken abroom nbrother nbrown n & abrunch nbrush v & nBuddhism nbudget nbuffet nbuild(built,built) vbuilding nbunch nbungalow nburden nbureaucratic aburglar nburn(burnt,burnt或-ed,-ed) v & nburst vbury vbus nbush nbusiness nbusinessman/woman(pl businessmen/ women) n busy abut conj& prepbutcher n & vbutter nbutterfly nbutton n & vbuy(bought,bought) vby prepbye intCcab ncabbage n cafe ncafeteria ncage ncake ncalculate vcall n & vcalm a & vcamel ncamera ncamp n & v campaign ncan1(could);can’t=cannot modal v can2 ncanal ncancel vcancer ncandidate ncandle ncandy ncanteen ncap ncapital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption ncar ncarbon ncard ncare n & vcareful acareless a carpenter ncarpet ncarriage ncarrier ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncarve vcase ncash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) v castle ncasual acat ncatalogue n catastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) v category ncater vCatholic acattle ncause n & vcaution ncautious acave nCD=compact disk n ceiling ncelebrate v celebration ncell ncent ncentigrade a centimetre(Am centimeter) n central acentre(Am center) n century nceremony ncertain acertificate nchain nchair nchairman/woman(pl chairmen/women) n chalk nchallenge n challenging a champion nchance nchange n & v changeable a channel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter n characteristic a & n charge v & nchart n chat n & vcheap acheat n & vcheck n & vcheek ncheer n & vcheerful acheers intcheese nchef nchemical a & nchemist nchemistry ncheque(Am check) n chess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(pl children) n childhood nchocolate nchoice nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) v chopsticks nchorus nChristian nChristmas nchurch ncigar ncigarette ncinema ncircle n & vcircuit ncirculate v circumstance ncircus ncitizen ncity ncivil acivilian ncivilization nclap vclarify vclass nclassic aclassify vclassmate n classroom nclaw nclay nclean v & acleaner nclear aclerk nclever aclick vclimate nclimb vclinic nclock nclone vclose a & adcloth nclothes nclothing ncloud ncloudy aclub nclumsy acoach ncoal ncoast ncoat ncocoa ncoffee ncoin ncoincidence ncoke ncold a & ncollar ncolleague ncollect vcollection ncollege ncollision ncolour(Am color) n & v comb n & vcombine vcome(came,come) v comedy n comfort n comfortable a command n & v comment n commercial a commit v commitment n committee n common a communicate v communication n communism n communist n & a companion n company n compare v compass n compensate v compete v competence n competition n complete a & v complex a & n component n composition n comprehension n compromise v compulsory a computer n concentrate v concept n concern v & n concert n conclude v conclusion n concrete a condemn v condition n conduct v conductor n conference n confident a confidential a confirm v conflict nconfuse v congratulate v congratulation n connect v connection n conscience n consensus n consequence n conservation n conservative a consider v considerate a consideration n consist v consistent a constant a constitution n construct v construction n consult v consultant n consume v contain v container n contemporary a content1 n content2 a continent n continue v contradict v contradictory a contrary n & a contribute v contribution n control v & n controversial a convenience n convenient a conventional a conversation n convey v convince v cook n & v cooker n cookie ncool a copy n & vcorn ncorner n corporation n correct v & a correction n correspond v corrupt a & vcost n & vcosy(Am cozy) a cottage ncotton n & acough n & vcould modal v count vcounter ncountry n countryside n couple ncourage ncourse ncourt ncourtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & ncrayon ncrazy acream ncreate vcreature ncredit ncrew ncrime ncriminal ncriterion(pl criteria) n crop ncross n & v crossing n crossroads n crowd n & vcruel acry n & vcube ncubic acuisine n culture ncup ncupboard ncure n & v curious a currency n curriculum n curtain n cushion n custom n customer n customs ncut(cut,cut) v & n cycle vcyclist ndad=daddy n daily a,ad& n dam ndamage n & v damp a & n dance n & v danger n dangerous a dare v & modal v dark a & n darkness n dash v & ndata n database ndate n & v daughter n dawn nday ndead a deadline ndeaf adeal ndear adeath ndebate n & v debt ndecade n decide v decision n declare v decline vdecorate vdecoration n decrease vdeed ndeep a & addeer ndefeat vdefence(Am defense) n defend vdegree ndelay n & vdelete v & n deliberately ad delicate adelicious adelight ndelighted adeliver vdemand vdentist ndepartment(Dept.) n departure ndepend vdeposit v & ndepth ndescribe vdescription ndesert v & ndeserve vdesign v & ndesire v & ndesk ndesperate adessert ndestination ndestroy vdetective ndetermine vdevelop v development ndevote vdevotion ndiagram ndial vdialogue(Am dialog) ndiamond n diary n dictation n dictionary ndie vdiet ndiffer v difference n different a difficult a difficulty ndig(dug,dug) v digest vdigital a dignity n dilemma n dimension n dinner n dinosaur n dioxide ndip vdiploma n direct a & v direction n director n directory n dirty a disability n disabled a disadvantage n disagree v disagreement n disappear v disappoint v disappointed a disaster n discount n discourage v discover v discovery n discrimination n discuss v discussion n disease n disgusting a dish n disk=disc ndislike vdismiss vdistance ndistant adistinction n distinguish v distribute vdistrict ndisturb vdisturbing adive vdiverse adivide vdivision ndivorce vdizzy ado(did,done) v doctor ndocument ndog ndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm) n dot ndouble a & ndoubt n & vdown prep & ad download n & v downstairs ad downtown ad,n& a dozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v drawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt 或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) v drive(drove,driven) vdriver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty nDVD=digital versatile disk n dynamic adynasty nEeach a &proneager aeagle near nearly a & adearn vearth nearthquake neast a,ad& nEaster neastern aeasy aeat(ate,eaten) vecology nedge nedition neditor neducate veducation neducator neffect neffort negg neggplant neither a,conj& adelder n elect velectric a electrical a electricity n electronic a elegant a elephant nelse ade-mail n & v embarrass v embassy n emergency n emperor nemploy vempty a encourage v encouragement n end n & vending nendless aenemy n energetic a energy nengine n engineer nenjoy venjoyable a enlarge venough pron,a& ad enquiry nenter venterprise n entertainment n enthusiastic a entire aentrance nentry nenvelope n environment n envy v & nequal a & v equality nequip v equipment n eraser nerror nerupt vescape n & v especially adessay nEurope n European a & n evaluate veven adevening nevent neventually adever adevery aeverybody pron everyday a everyone pron everything pron everywhere ad evidence nevident aevolution nexact aexam=examination n examine vexample n excellent aexcept prep exchange n & v excite vexcuse n & v exercise n & v exhibition nexist vexistence nexit nexpand vexpect v expectation n expense n expensive a experience n experiment nexpert nexplain v explanation n explicit a explode vexplore vexport n & vexpose vexpress v & nexpression nextension nextra aextraordinary aextreme aeye neyesight nFface n & vfacial afact nfactory nfade vfail v & nfailure nfair1 afair2 nfaith nfall1(fell,fallen) vfall2(Am)=autumn nfalse afamiliar afamily nfamous afan nfancy n,v& afantastic afantasy nfar(farther,farthest或further,furthest) a & ad fare nfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfasten vfat n & afather nfault nfavour(Am favor) n favourite(Am favorite) a & n fax n & vfear nfeast nfeather nfederal afee nfeed(fed,fed) vfeel(felt,felt) vfeeling nfellow nfemale a & nfence nferry nfestival n & afetch vfever nfew pron& afibre(Am fiber) nfiction nfield nfierce afight(fought,fought) n & v figure n & vfile nfill vfilm n & vfinal afinance nfind(found,found) vfine1 afine2 vfinger nfingernail nfinish v & nfire n & vfireworks nfirm1 nfirm2 afish n & vfisherman nfist nfit a & vfix vflag nflame nflash nflashlight n flat1 aflat2 nflee(fled,fled) vflesh nflexible aflight nfloat vflood n & vfloor nflour nflow vflower nflu nfluency nfluent afly1(flew,flown) vfly2 nfocus v & nfog nfoggy afold vfolk n & afollow vfond afood nfool n & vfoolish afoot(pl feet) nfootball nfor prep &conjforbid(forbade,forbidden) v force vforecast n & vforehead nforeign aforeigner nforesee(foresaw,foreseen) v forest nforever adforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) v forgetful aforgive(forgave,forgiven) v fork nform n & vformat nformer afortnight nfortunate afortune nforward adfoster vfound vfountain nfox nfragile afragrant a framework nfranc nfree afreedom nfreeway nfreeze(froze,frozen) v freezing afrequent afresh afriction nfridge=refrigerator n friend nfriendly afriendship nfrighten vfrog nfrom prepfront a & nfrontier nfrost nfruit nfry vfuel nfull afun n & afunction n & v fundamental a funeral nfunny afur nfurnished afurniture nfuture nGgain vgallery n gallon ngame ngarage ngarbage ngarden ngarlic ngarment ngas ngate ngather vgay ageneral a & n generation n generous agentle a gentleman n geography n geometry n gesture nget(got,got) vgift ngifted agiraffe ngirl ngive(gave,given) v glad aglance vglare vglass nglobe nglory nglove nglue ngo(went,gone) v goal ngoat ngod ngold n & agolden agolf ngood(better,best) a goods ngoose(pl geese) n govern v government n grade ngradual agraduate vgraduation ngrain ngram ngrammar ngrand agrandchild n granddaughter n grandma=grandmother n grandpa=grandfather n grandparents n grandson ngranny ngrape ngraph ngrasp vgrass ngrateful agravity ngreat a & adgreedy agreen a & n greengrocer ngreet vgreeting ngrey(Am gray) agrill ngrocer ngrocery nground ngroup ngrow(grew,grown) v growth nguarantee vguard nguess vguest nguidance nguide nguilty aguitar ngun ngym=gymnasium n gymnastics nH habit nhair nhaircut nhalf a & nhall nham nhamburger nhammer nhand n & vhandbag nhandful nhandkerchief nhandle n & vhandsome ahandwriting nhandy ahang(hung,hung或-ed,-ed) v happen vhappiness nhappy aharbour(Am harbor) nhard ad & ahardly adhardship nhardworking aharm n & vharmful aharmony nharvest n & vhat nhatch vhate v &nhave(has,had,had) vhe pronhead n & vheadache nheadline nheadmaster n headmistress nhealth nhealthy ahear(heard,heard) v hearing nheart nheat nheaven nheavy aheel nheight nhelicopter nhello inthelmet nhelp n & vhelpful ahen nher pronherb nhere adhero nhers pronherself pronhesitate vhi inthide(hid,hidden) vhigh a & adhighway nhill nhim pronhimself pronhire vhis pronhistory nhit(hit,hit) v & nhobby nhold(held,held) vhole nholiday nholy ahome n & ad homeland n hometown n homework nhonest ahoney nhonour(Am honor) n & v hook n & vhope n & vhopeful ahopeless ahorrible ahorse nhospital n host n & vhostess nhot ahotdog nhotel nhour nhouse nhousewife n housework nhow adhowever ad &conj howl vhug vhuge ahuman a & nhuman being n humorous ahumour(Am humor) n hunger nhungry ahunt vhunter nhurricane nhurry vhurt(hurt,hurt) v husband n hydrogen nII pronice nice-cream nidea nidentity n identification nidiom nif conjignore vill aillegal aillness nimagine v immediately ad immigration nimport v & n importance n important aimpossible a impress v impression n improve vin prep & ad inch nincident n include v income n increase v & n indeed a independence n independent a indicate v industry n influence n & v inform v information n initial ainjure vinjury nink ninn ninnocent a insect ninsert vinside prep & ad insist vinspect v inspire v instant a instead ad institute n institution n instruct v instruction n instrument n insurance n insure v intelligence n intend v intention n interest n interesting a international a Internet n interpreter ninterrupt vinterval ninterview n & vinto prepintroduce v introduction ninvent vinvention ninvitation ninvite viron n & virrigation nis v(be)island nit pronits pronitself pronJjacket njam njar njaw njazz njeans njeep njet njewellery(Am jewelry) n job njog vjoin vjoke njournalist njourney njoy njudge n & v judgement(Am judgment) njuice njump n & vjungle njunior ajust a & adjustice nKkangaroo nkeep(kept,kept) vkettle nkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo nkilogram nkilometre(Am kilometer) n kind1 nkind2 akindergarten nkindness nking nkingdom nkiss n & vkitchen nkite nknee nknife(pl knives) nknock n & vknow(knew,known) v knowledge nLlab=laboratory nlabour(Am labor) nlack n & vlady nlake nlamb nlame alamp nland n & vlanguage nlantern nlap nlarge alast a & vlate a & adlatter nlaugh n & vlaughter nlaundry nlaw nlawyer n lay(laid,laid) v lazy alead(led,led) v & n leader nleaf(pl leaves) n league nleak vlearn(learnt,learnt 或-ed,-ed) vleast nleather nleave(left,left) v lecture nleft a,ad& nleg nlegal alemon n & a lemonade nlend(lent,lent) v length nlesson nlet(let,let) vletter nlevel nliberation n liberty nlibrarian nlibrary nlicense nlid nlie1 n & vlie2(lay,lain) vlife(pl lives) nlift v & nlight n,v& a lightning nlike v & prep likely alimit vline n & vlink v & nlion nlip nliquid n & alist n & vlisten v。

附录1 语音项目表1. 基本读音(1) 26个字母的读音(2) 元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3) 元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4) 元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5) 常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6) 辅音字母组合的读音(7) 辅音连缀的读音(8) 成节音的读音2. 重音(1) 单词重音(2) 句子重音3. 读音的变化(1) 连读(2) 失去爆破(3) 弱读(4) 同化4. 语调与节奏(1) 意群与停顿(2) 语调(3) 节奏5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6. 朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录2 语法项目表1. 名词(1) 可数名词及其单复数(2) 不可数名词(3) 专有名词(4) 名词所有格2. 代词(1) 人称代词(2) 物主代词(3) 反身代词(4) 指示代词(5) 不定代词(6) 疑问代词3. 数词(1) 基数词(2) 序数词4. 介词和介词短语5. 连词6. 形容词(比较级和最高级)7. 副词(比较级和最高级)8. 冠词9. 动词(1) 动词的基本形式(2) 系动词(3) 及物动词和不及物动词(4) 助动词(5) 情态动词10. 时态(1) 一般现在时(2) 一般过去时(3) 一般将来时(4) 现在进行时(5) 过去进行时(6) 过去将来时(7) 将来进行时(8) 现在完成时(9) 过去完成时(10) 现在完成进行时11. 被动语态12. 非谓语动词(1) 动词不定式(2) 动词的-ing形式(3) 动词的-ed形式13. 构词法(1) 合成法(2) 派生法(3) 转化法(4) 缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1) 陈述句(2) 疑问句(3) 祈使句(4) 感叹句15. 句子成分(1) 主语(2) 谓语(3) 表语(4) 宾语(5) 定语(6) 状语(7) 补语16. 简单句的基本句型17. 主谓一致18. 并列复合句19. 主从复合句(1) 宾语从句(2) 状语从句(3) 定语从句(4) 主语从句(5) 表语从句20. 间接引语21. 省略22. 倒装23. 强调24. 虚拟语气附录3 功能意念项目表1. 社会交往(Social Communications)(1) 问候(Greetings)(2) 介绍(Introduction)(3) 告别(Farewells )(4) 感谢(Thanks )(5) 道歉(Apologies)(6) 邀请(Invitation)(7) 请求允许(Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助(Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝(Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会(Making appointments)(12) 打电话(Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐(Having meals)(14) 就医(Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物(Shopping)(16) 问路(Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气(Talking about weather)(18) 语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication)(19) 提醒注意(Reminding)(20) 警告和禁止(Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告(Advice)(22) 建议(Suggestions)2. 态度(Attitudes)(23) 同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)(24) 喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)(25) 肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)(26) 可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)(27) 能够和不能够(Ability and inability)(28) 偏爱和优先选择(Preference)(29) 意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)(30) 希望和愿望(Hopes and wishes)(31) 表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)(32) 责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)(33) 冷淡(Indifference)(34) 判断与评价(Judgement and evaluation)3. 情感(Emotions)(35) 高兴(Happiness)(36) 惊奇(Surprise)(37) 忧虑(Worries)(38) 安慰(Reassurance)(39) 满意(Satisfaction)(40) 遗憾(Regret)(41) 同情(Sympathy)(42) 恐惧(Fear)(43) 愤怒(Anger)4. 时间(Time)(44) 时刻(Point of time)(45) 时段(Duration)(46) 频度(Frequency)(47) 时序(Sequence)5. 空间(Space)(48) 位置(Position)(49) 方向(Direction)(50) 距离(Distance)6. 存在(Existence)(51) 存在与不存在(Existence and Non-existence) 7. 特征(Features)(52) 形状(Shape)(53) 颜色(Colour)(54) 材料(Material)(55) 价格(Price)(56) 规格(Size)(57) 年龄(Age)8. 计量(Measurement)(58) 长度(Length)(59) 宽度(Width)(60) 高度(Height)(61) 数量(Number)9. 比较(Comparison)(62) 同级比较(Equal comparison)(63) 差别比较(Comparative and superlative)(64) 相似和差别(Similarity and difference)10. 逻辑关系(Logical relations)(65) 原因和结果(Cause and effect)(66) 目的(Purpose)11. 职业(Occupations)(67) 工作(Jobs)(68) 单位(Employer)附录4 话题项目表1. 个人情况(Personal information)2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)3. 周围的环境(Personal environments)4. 日常活动(Daily routines)5. 学校生活(School life)6. 兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)7. 个人感情(Emotions)8. 人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9. 计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10. 节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)11. 购物(Shopping)12. 饮食(Food and drink)13. 健康(Health)14. 天气(Weather)15. 文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)16. 旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17. 语言学习(Language learning)18. 自然(Nature)19. 世界与环境(The world and the environment)20. 科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21. 热点话题(Topical issues)22. 历史与地理(History and geography)23. 社会(Society)24. 文学与艺术(Literature and art)附录5 词汇表Aa(an) artabandon vability nable aabnormal aaboard prepabolish vabortion nabout ad & prepabove prep,a& adabroad adabrupt aabsence nabsent aabsolute aabsorb vabstract a & nabsurd aabundant aabuse vacademic a & nacademy n accelerate vaccent naccept vaccess n & v accessible a accident n accommodation n accompany v accomplish v account n accountant n accumulate v accuracy n accurate aaccuse v accustomed aache v & nachieve v achievement nacid a acknowledge v acquaintance n acquire v acquisition nacre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity nactor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbrad=advertisement n adapt vadaptation nadd vaddicted aaddition naddress n adequate aadjust v adjustment n administration n admirable a admire v admission n admit v adolescence n adolescent a & n adopt vadore vadult nadvance v & n advantage n adventure n advertise v advertisement n advice nadvise v advocate vaffair naffect v affection n afford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & n after ad,prep&conj afternoon n afterward(s) ad again adagainst prepage nagency n agenda nagent n aggressive aago adagree v agreement n agricultural a agriculture n ahead adaid n & vAIDS naim n & vair naircraft nairline nairmail nalbum nalcohol nalcoholic a & n algebra nalike adalive aall ad,a&pronallergic aalley nallocate vallow vallowance nalmost adalone aalong ad & prep alongside adaloud adalphabet nalready adalso adalternative a although conjaltitude naltogether ad aluminium(Am aluminum) n always adam v(be)a.m./am,A.M./AM abbr amateur aamaze vamazing a ambassador n ambassadress n ambiguous a ambition n ambulance n America namong prepamount n & vample aamuse v amusement n analyse v analysis n ancestor n anchor v & n ancient aand conj anecdote n anger nangle nangry aanimal nankle n anniversary n announce v annoy vannual a another a &pron Antarctic a antique n anxiety n anxious aany pron& a anybody pron anyhow ad anyone pron anything pron anyway ad anywhere ad apart ad & a apartment n apologize v apology n apparent a appeal v & n appear v appearance n appendix n appetite n applaud v & n apple n applicant n application n apply vappoint v appointment n appreciate v appreciation napproach n & v appropriate a approval n approve v approximately ad apron narbitrary aarch narchitect n architecture n Arctic aare v(be)area nargue v argument narise(arose,arisen) v arithmetic narm n & v armchair narmy naround ad & prep arrange v arrangement n arrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle nartificial aartist nas ad,conj& prep ash nashamed aAsia nAsian a & naside adask vasleep aaspect nassess v assessment n assist v assistance n assistant n associate v association nassume vassumption nastonish vastronaut nastronomer nastronomy nat prepathlete nathletic aAtlantic aatmosphere natom nattach vattack v & nattain vattempt v & nattend vattention nattitude nattract vattraction nattractive aaudience naunt nauthentic aauthor nauthority nautomatic aautonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken) v & a award naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a& nbackground n backward(s) ad bacon nbacterium(pl bacteria) n bad(worse,worst) a badminton nbag nbaggage nbakery nbalance nbalcony nball nballet nballoon nbamboo nban n & vbanana nband nbandage nbank nbar nbarbecue nbarber n barbershop nbare abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier nbase nbaseball n basement nbasic abasin nbasis nbasket nbasketball nbat nbath nbathe vbathroom nbathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was, were,being,been) v beach nbean nbean curd nbear1 nbear2 vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & n beautiful abeauty nbecause conjbecome(became,become) v bed nbeddings nbedroom nbee nbeef nbeer nbefore prep,ad&conjbeg vbegin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehavior (Am behavior) n behind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent) v beneath prepbeneficial abenefit n & vbent a & nbeside prepbesides prep & adbetray vbetween prepbeyond prepbicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle nbill nbingo n biochemistry n biography n biology nbird nbirth nbirthday n birthplace n biscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) v bitter ablack a & n blackboard n blame n & vblank n & a blanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) v blue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbond n & vbone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn a borrow vboss nbotanical abotany nboth a &pronbother vbottle nbottom nbounce vbound aboundary nbow v & nbowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott vbrain nbrake n & vbranch nbrand nbrave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v & n breakfast n breakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride nbridegroom nbridge nbrief abright abrilliant abring(brought,brought) v broad abroadcast(broadcast, broadcast或-ed,-ed) v brochure nbroken abroom nbrother nbrown n & abrunch nbrush v & nBuddhism nbudget nbuffet nbuild(built,built) v building nbunch nbungalow nburden nbureaucratic aburglar nburn(burnt,burnt或-ed,-ed) v & nburst vbury vbus nbush nbusiness n businessman/woman(pl businessmen/ women) n busy abut conj& prepbutcher n & vbutter nbutterfly nbutton n & vbuy(bought,bought) vby prepbye intCcab ncabbage ncafe ncafeteria ncage ncake ncalculate vcall n & vcalm a & vcamel ncamera ncamp n & v campaign ncan1(could);can’t=cannot modal v can2 ncanal ncancel vcancer ncandidate ncandle ncandy ncanteen ncap ncapital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption ncar ncarbon ncard ncare n & vcareful acareless a carpenter ncarpet ncarriage ncarrier ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncarve vcase ncash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) v castle ncasual acat ncatalogue n catastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) v category ncater vCatholic acattle ncause n & vcaution ncautious acave nCD=compact disk n ceiling ncelebrate v celebration ncell ncent ncentigrade a centimetre(Am centimeter) n central acentre(Am center) n century nceremony ncertain acertificate nchain nchair nchairman/woman(pl chairmen/women) n chalk nchallenge n challenging a champion nchance nchange n & v changeable a channel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter n characteristic a & n charge v & nchart nchat n & vcheap acheat n & vcheck n & vcheek ncheer n & vcheerful acheers intcheese nchef n chemical a & n chemist nchemistry ncheque(Am check) n chess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(pl children) n childhood n chocolate nchoice nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) v chopsticks nchorus nChristian n Christmas nchurch ncigar ncigarette ncinema ncircle n & vcircuit ncirculate v circumstance ncircus ncitizen ncity ncivil acivilian ncivilization nclap vclarify vclass nclassic aclassify vclassmate n classroom nclaw nclay nclean v & acleaner nclear aclerk nclever aclick vclimate nclimb vclinic nclock nclone vclose a & adcloth nclothes nclothing ncloud ncloudy aclub nclumsy acoach ncoal ncoast ncoat ncocoa ncoffee ncoin ncoincidence ncoke ncold a & ncollar ncolleague ncollect vcollection ncollege ncollision ncolour(Am color) n & v comb n & vcombine vcome(came,come) v comedy ncomfort n comfortable a command n & v comment n commercial a commit v commitment n committee n common a communicate v communication n communism n communist n & a companion n company n compare v compass n compensate v compete v competence n competition n complete a & v complex a & n component n composition n comprehension n compromise v compulsory a computer n concentrate v concept n concern v & n concert n conclude v conclusion n concrete a condemn v condition n conduct v conductor n conference n confident a confidential a confirm v conflict n confuse v congratulate v congratulation n connect v connection n conscience n consensus n consequence n conservation n conservative aconsider v considerate a consideration n consist v consistent a constant a constitution n construct v construction n consult v consultant n consume v contain v container n contemporary a content1 n content2 a continent n continue v contradict v contradictory a contrary n & a contribute v contribution n control v & n controversial a convenience n convenient a conventional a conversation n convey v convince v cook n & v cooker n cookie ncool acopy n & v corn ncorner n corporation n correct v & a correction n correspond v corrupt a & v cost n & vcosy(Am cozy) a cottage ncotton n & acough n & vcould modal v count vcounter ncountry n countryside n couple ncourage ncourse ncourt ncourtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & ncrayon ncrazy acream ncreate vcreature ncredit ncrew ncrime ncriminal n criterion(pl criteria) n crop ncross n & v crossing n crossroads ncrowd n & vcruel acry n & vcube ncubic acuisine nculture ncup ncupboard ncure n & vcurious acurrency n curriculum n curtain ncushion ncustom ncustomer ncustoms ncut(cut,cut) v & n cycle vcyclist ndad=daddy ndaily a,ad& ndam ndamage n & vdamp a & ndance n & vdanger n dangerous adare v & modal v dark a & n darkness ndash v & ndata ndatabase ndate n & vdaughter ndawn nday ndead adeadline ndeaf adeal ndear adeath ndebate n & vdebt ndecade ndecide vdecision ndeclare vdecline vdecorate v decoration n decrease vdeed ndeep a & addeer ndefeat vdefence(Am defense) n defend v degree ndelay n & vdelete v & n deliberately ad delicate adelicious adelight ndelighted adeliver vdemand vdentist n department(Dept.) n departure ndepend vdeposit v & ndepth ndescribe v description ndesert v & n deserve vdesign v & ndesire v & ndesk ndesperate adessert n destination n destroy vdetective n determine v develop v development n devote vdevotion ndiagram ndial vdialogue(Am dialog) n diamond ndiary ndictation n dictionary ndie vdiet ndiffer vdifference n different adifficult adifficulty ndig(dug,dug) v digest vdigital a dignity n dilemma n dimension n dinner n dinosaur n dioxide ndip vdiploma n direct a & v direction n director n directory n dirty a disability n disabled a disadvantage n disagree v disagreement n disappear v disappoint v disappointed a disaster n discount n discourage v discover v discovery n discrimination n discuss v discussion n disease n disgusting a dish ndisk=disc n dislike v dismiss v distance n distant a distinction n distinguish v distribute v district n disturb v disturbing adive vdiverse adivide vdivision ndivorce vdizzy ado(did,done) v doctor n document ndog ndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm) n dot ndouble a & ndoubt n & vdown prep & ad download n & v downstairs ad downtown ad,n& a dozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v drawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt 或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) v drive(drove,driven) v driver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty nDVD=digital versatile disk n dynamic adynasty nEeach a &proneager aeagle near nearly a & adearn vearth nearthquake neast a,ad& nEaster neastern aeasy aeat(ate,eaten) vecology nedge nedition neditor neducate veducation neducator neffect neffort negg neggplant neither a,conj& adelder nelect velectric aelectrical aelectricity nelectronic aelegant aelephant nelse ade-mail n & vembarrass v embassy n emergency n emperor n employ vempty a encourage v encouragement n end n & vending nendless aenemy n energetic a energy nengine n engineer nenjoy v enjoyable a enlarge venough pron,a& ad enquiry nenter v enterprise n entertainment n enthusiastic a entire aentrance nentry nenvelope n environment n envy v & nequal a & v equality nequip v equipment n eraser nerror nerupt vescape n & v especially ad essay nEurope n European a & n evaluate veven adevening nevent neventually adever adevery a everybody pron everyday a everyone pron everything pron everywhere ad evidence nevident a evolution nexact aexam=examination n examine v example n excellent aexcept prep exchange n & v excite vexcuse n & v exercise n & v exhibition nexist vexistence nexit nexpand vexpect v expectation n expense n expensive a experience n experiment n expert nexplain v explanation n explicit aexplode vexplore vexport n & v expose vexpress v & n expression n extension nextra a extraordinary a extreme a eye neyesight nFface n & vfacial afact nfactory nfade vfail v & nfailure nfair1 afair2 nfaith nfall1(fell,fallen) vfall2(Am)=autumn nfalse afamiliar afamily nfamous afan nfancy n,v& afantastic afantasy nfar(farther,farthest或further,furthest) a & ad fare nfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfasten vfat n & afather nfault nfavour(Am favor) n favourite(Am favorite) a & n fax n & vfear nfeast nfeather nfederal afee nfeed(fed,fed) vfeel(felt,felt) vfeeling nfellow nfemale a & nfence nferry nfestival n & afetch vfever nfew pron& afibre(Am fiber) nfiction nfield nfierce afight(fought,fought) n & v figure n & vfile nfill vfilm n & vfinal afinance nfind(found,found) vfine1 afine2 vfinger nfingernail nfinish v & nfire n & vfireworks nfirm1 nfirm2 afish n & vfisherman nfist nfit a & vfix vflag nflame nflash nflashlight nflat1 aflat2 nflee(fled,fled) vflesh nflexible aflight nfloat vflood n & vfloor nflour n flow vflower nflu nfluency nfluent afly1(flew,flown) vfly2 nfocus v & nfog nfoggy afold vfolk n & afollow vfond afood nfool n & vfoolish afoot(pl feet) nfootball nfor prep &conjforbid(forbade,forbidden) v force vforecast n & vforehead nforeign aforeigner nforesee(foresaw,foreseen) v forest nforever adforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) v forgetful aforgive(forgave,forgiven) v fork nform n & vformat nformer afortnight nfortunate afortune nforward adfoster vfound vfountain nfox nfragile afragrant aframework nfranc nfree afreedom nfreeway nfreeze(froze,frozen) v freezing afrequent afresh afriction nfridge=refrigerator n friend nfriendly a friendship n frighten vfrog nfrom prepfront a & nfrontier nfrost nfruit nfry vfuel nfull afun n & afunction n & v fundamental a funeral nfunny afur nfurnished a furniture nfuture nGgain vgallery ngallon ngame ngarage ngarbage ngarden ngarlic ngarment ngas ngate ngather v gay ageneral a & n generation n generous agentle agentleman n geography n geometry ngesture nget(got,got) vgift ngifted agiraffe ngirl ngive(gave,given) vglad aglance vglare vglass nglobe nglory nglove nglue ngo(went,gone) vgoal ngoat ngod ngold n & agolden agolf ngood(better,best) a goods ngoose(pl geese) n govern vgovernment ngrade ngradual agraduate vgraduation ngrain ngram ngrammar ngrand agrandchild n granddaughter n grandma=grandmother ngrandpa=grandfather n grandparents n grandson ngranny ngrape ngraph ngrasp vgrass ngrateful agravity ngreat a & adgreedy agreen a & n greengrocer ngreet vgreeting ngrey(Am gray) agrill ngrocer ngrocery nground ngroup ngrow(grew,grown) v growth nguarantee vguard nguess vguest nguidance nguide nguilty aguitar ngun ngym=gymnasium n gymnastics nHhabit nhair nhaircut nhalf a & nhall nham nhamburger n hammer nhand n & v handbag n handful nhandkerchief nhandle n & vhandsome ahandwriting nhandy ahang(hung,hung或-ed,-ed) v happen vhappiness nhappy aharbour(Am harbor) nhard ad & ahardly adhardship nhardworking aharm n & vharmful aharmony nharvest n & vhat nhatch vhate v &nhave(has,had,had) vhe pronhead n & vheadache nheadline nheadmaster n headmistress nhealth nhealthy ahear(heard,heard) v hearing nheart nheat nheaven nheavy aheel nheight nhelicopter nhello inthelmet nhelp n & vhelpful ahen nher pronherb nhere adhero nhers pronherself pronhesitate vhi inthide(hid,hidden) vhigh a & adhighway nhill nhim pronhimself pronhire vhis pronhistory nhit(hit,hit) v & n hobby nhold(held,held) vhole nholiday nholy ahome n & ad homeland n hometown n homework nhonest ahoney nhonour(Am honor) n & v hook n & vhope n & vhopeful ahopeless ahorrible ahorse nhospital nhost n & vhostess nhot ahotdog nhotel nhour nhouse nhousewife n housework nhow ad however ad &conj howl vhug vhuge ahuman a & n human being n humorous a humour(Am humor) n hunger nhungry ahunt vhunter nhurricane nhurry vhurt(hurt,hurt) v husband n hydrogen nII pronice nice-cream nidea nidentity n identification n idiom nif conjignore vill aillegal aillness nimagine v immediately ad immigration n import v & n importance n important a impossible a impress v impression n improve vin prep & adinch nincident ninclude vincome nincrease v & nindeed a independence n independent a indicate v industry n influence n & v inform v information n initial ainjure vinjury nink ninn ninnocent a insect ninsert vinside prep & ad insist vinspect v inspire v instant a instead ad institute n institution n instruct v instruction n instrument n insurance n insure v intelligence n intend v intention n interest n interesting a international a Internet n interpreter n interrupt v interval n interview n & v into prep introduce v introduction n invent v invention n invitation n invite viron n & virrigation nis v(be)island nit pronits pronitself pronJjacket njam njar njaw njazz njeans njeep njet njewellery(Am jewelry) n job njog vjoin vjoke njournalist njourney njoy njudge n & vjudgement(Am judgment) njuice njump n & vjungle njunior ajust a & adjustice nKkangaroo nkeep(kept,kept) vkettle nkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo nkilogram nkilometre(Am kilometer) nkind1 nkind2 a kindergarten n kindness nking nkingdom nkiss n & vkitchen nkite nknee nknife(pl knives) n knock n & vknow(knew,known) v knowledge nLlab=laboratory n labour(Am labor) n lack n & vlady nlake nlamb nlame alamp nland n & v language nlantern nlap nlarge alast a & vlate a & adlatter nlaugh n & v laughter nlaundry nlaw nlawyer nlay(laid,laid) vlazy alead(led,led) v & n leader nleaf(pl leaves) n league nleak vlearn(learnt,learnt或-ed,-ed) vleast n leather nleave(left,left) v lecture nleft a,ad& nleg nlegal alemon n & a lemonade n lend(lent,lent) v length n lesson nlet(let,let) v letter nlevel n liberation n liberty n librarian n library n license nlid nlie1 n & vlie2(lay,lain) v life(pl lives) nlift v & nlight n,v& a lightning nlike v & prep likely alimit vline n & vlink v & nlion nlip nliquid n & alist n & vlisten v literature n literary alitre(Am liter) n litter vlittle(less,least) a live v & alively aload nloaf nlocal a。

附录1 语音项目表1. 基本读音(1) 26个字母的读音(2) 元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3) 元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4) 元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5) 常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6) 辅音字母组合的读音(7) 辅音连缀的读音(8) 成节音的读音2. 重音(1) 单词重音(2) 句子重音3. 读音的变化(1) 连读(2) 失去爆破(3) 弱读(4) 同化4. 语调与节奏(1) 意群与停顿(2) 语调(3) 节奏5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6. 朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录2 语法项目表1. 名词(1) 可数名词及其单复数(2) 不可数名词(3) 专有名词(4) 名词所有格2. 代词(1) 人称代词(2) 物主代词(3) 反身代词(4) 指示代词(5) 不定代词(6) 疑问代词3. 数词(1) 基数词(2) 序数词4. 介词和介词短语5. 连词6. 形容词(比较级和最高级)7. 副词(比较级和最高级)8. 冠词9. 动词(1) 动词的基本形式(2) 系动词(3) 及物动词和不及物动词(4) 助动词(5) 情态动词10. 时态(1) 一般现在时(2) 一般过去时(3) 一般将来时(4) 现在进行时(5) 过去进行时(6) 过去将来时(7) 将来进行时(8) 现在完成时(9) 过去完成时(10) 现在完成进行时11. 被动语态12. 非谓语动词(1) 动词不定式(2) 动词的-ing形式(3) 动词的-ed形式13. 构词法(1) 合成法(2) 派生法(3) 转化法(4) 缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1) 陈述句(2) 疑问句(3) 祈使句(4) 感叹句15. 句子成分(1) 主语(2) 谓语(3) 表语(4) 宾语(5) 定语(6) 状语(7) 补语16. 简单句的基本句型17. 主谓一致18. 并列复合句19. 主从复合句(1) 宾语从句(2) 状语从句(3) 定语从句(4) 主语从句(5) 表语从句20. 间接引语21. 省略22. 倒装23. 强调24. 虚拟语气附录3 功能意念项目表1. 社会交往(Social Communications) (1) 问候(Greetings)(2) 介绍(Introduction)(3) 告别(Farewells )(4) 感谢(Thanks )(5) 道歉(Apologies)(6) 邀请(Invitation)(7) 请求允许(Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助(Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝(Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会(Making appointments)(12) 打电话(Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐(Having meals)(14) 就医(Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物(Shopping)(16) 问路(Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气(Talking about weather)(18) 语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication)(19) 提醒注意(Reminding)(20) 警告和禁止(Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告(Advice)(22) 建议(Suggestions)2. 态度(Attitudes)(23) 同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)(24) 喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)(25) 肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)(26) 可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)(27) 能够和不能够(Ability and inability)(28) 偏爱和优先选择(Preference)(29) 意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)(30) 希望和愿望(Hopes and wishes)(31) 表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)(32) 责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)(33) 冷淡(Indifference)(34) 判断与评价(Judgement and evaluation)3. 情感(Emotions)(35) 高兴(Happiness)(36) 惊奇(Surprise)(37) 忧虑(Worries)(38) 安慰(Reassurance)(39) 满意(Satisfaction)(40) 遗憾(Regret)(41) 同情(Sympathy)(42) 恐惧(Fear)(43) 愤怒(Anger)4. 时间(Time)(44) 时刻(Point of time)(45) 时段(Duration)(46) 频度(Frequency)(47) 时序(Sequence)5. 空间(Space)(48) 位置(Position) (49) 方向(Direction)(50) 距离(Distance)6. 存在(Existence)(51) 存在与不存在(Existence and Non-existence)7. 特征(Features)(52) 形状(Shape)(53) 颜色(Colour)(54) 材料(Material)(55) 价格(Price)(56) 规格(Size)(57) 年龄(Age)8. 计量(Measurement)(58) 长度(Length)(59) 宽度(Width)(60) 高度(Height)(61) 数量(Number)9. 比较(Comparison)(62) 同级比较(Equal comparison)(63) 差别比较(Comparative and superlative)(64) 相似和差别(Similarity and difference)10. 逻辑关系(Logical relations) (65) 原因和结果(Cause and effect)(66) 目的(Purpose)11. 职业(Occupations)(67) 工作(Jobs)(68) 单位(Employer)附录4 话题项目表1. 个人情况(Personal information)2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)3. 周围的环境(Personal environments)4. 日常活动(Daily routines)5. 学校生活(School life)6. 兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)7. 个人感情(Emotions)8. 人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9. 计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10. 节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)11. 购物(Shopping)12. 饮食(Food and drink)13. 健康(Health)14. 天气(Weather)15. 文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)16. 旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17. 语言学习(Language learning)18. 自然(Nature)19. 世界与环境(The world and the environment)20. 科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21. 热点话题(Topical issues)22. 历史与地理(History and geography)23. 社会(Society)24. 文学与艺术(Literature and art)附录5 词汇表Aa(an) art abandon vability nable aabnormal a aboard prep abolish v abortion n about ad & prep above prep,a& ad abroad adabrupt a absence n absent a absolute aabsorb v abstract a & n absurd a abundant a abuse v academic a & n academy n accelerate v accent n accept v access n & v accessible a accident n accommodation n accompany v accomplish v account n accountant n accumulate v accuracy n accurate a accuse v accustomed a ache v & n achieve v achievement n acid a acknowledge v acquaintance n acquire v acquisition n acre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity nactor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbrad=advertisement n adapt v adaptation nadd vaddicted a addition n address n adequate a adjust v adjustment n administration n admirable a admire v admission n admit v adolescence n adolescent a & n adopt vadore vadult n advance v & n advantage nadventure n advertise v advertisement n advice nadvise v advocate vaffair naffect v affection n afford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & n after ad,prep&conj afternoon n afterward(s) ad again ad against prep age nagency n agenda n agent n aggressive a ago adagree v agreement n agricultural a agriculture n ahead adaid n & v AIDS naim n & vair naircraft n airline n airmail nalbum nalcohol n alcoholic a & n algebra nalike adalive aall ad,a&pron allergic a alley n allocate v allow v allowance n almost adalone aalong ad & prep alongside ad aloud ad alphabet n already adalso ad alternative a although conj altitude n altogether ad aluminium(Am aluminum) n always adam v(be)./am,./AM abbr amateur a amaze v amazing a ambassador n ambassadress n ambiguous a ambition n ambulance n America n among prep amount n & v ample a amuse v amusement n analyse v analysis n ancestor n anchor v & n ancient aand conj anecdote n anger nangle nangry a animal nankle n anniversary n announce v annoy v annual a another a &pronAntarctic a antique n anxiety n anxious a any pron& a anybody pron anyhow ad anyone pron anything pron anyway ad anywhere ad apart ad & a apartment n apologize v apology n apparent a appeal v & n appear v appearance n appendix n appetite n applaud v & n apple n applicant n application n apply v appoint v appointment n appreciate v appreciation n approach n & v appropriate aapproval napprove v approximately ad apron narbitrary aarch narchitect n architecture nArctic aare v(be)area nargue vargument narise(arose,arisen) v arithmetic narm n & v armchair narmy naround ad & prep arrange v arrangement n arrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle n artificial a artist nas ad,conj& prep ash nashamed aAsia nAsian a & n aside adask vasleep a aspect n assess v assessment n assist v assistance n assistant n associate v association n assume v assumption n astonish v astronaut n astronomer n astronomy n at prep athlete n athletic a Atlantic a atmosphere n atom nattach v attack v & n attain v attempt v & n attend v attention n attitude nattract vattraction nattractive aaudience naunt nauthentic aauthor nauthority nautomatic aautonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken) v & a award naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a& n background nbackward(s) adbacon nbacterium(pl bacteria) n bad(worse,worst) a badminton nbag n baggage n bakery n balance n balcony n ball n ballet n balloon n bamboo n ban n & v banana n band n bandage n bank nbar n barbecue n barber n barbershop n bare a bargain n & v bark v & n barrier n base n baseball n basement n basic abasin nbasis n basket n basketball n bat nbath nbathe vbathroom n bathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was, were,being,been) v beach nbean nbean curd nbear1 nbear2 vbeard nbeast n beat(beat,beaten) v & n beautiful abeauty nbecause conjbecome(became,become) v bed nbeddings nbedroom nbee nbeef nbeer nbefore prep,ad&conjbeg vbegin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehavior (Am behavior) n behind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent) v beneath prepbeneficial abenefit n & vbent a & n beside prep besides prep & ad betray v between prep beyond prep bicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle n bill nbingo n biochemistry n biography n biology nbird nbirth nbirthday n birthplace n biscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) v bitter ablack a & n blackboard n blame n & vblank n & a blanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & v blood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) v blue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbond n & vbone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder n bored a boring a born a borrow v boss n botanical a botany n both a &pron bother v bottle n bottom n bounce v bound a boundary n bow v & n bowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott vbrain nbrake n & vbranch nbrand nbrave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v & n breakfast nbreakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride nbridegroom nbridge nbrief abright abrilliant abring(brought,brought) v broad abroadcast(broadcast, broadcast或-ed,-ed) v brochure nbroken abroom nbrother nbrown n & abrunch nbrush v & n Buddhism nbudget nbuffet nbuild(built,built) v building nbunch nbungalow nburden n bureaucratic aburglar nburn(burnt,burnt或-ed,-ed) v & nburst vbury vbus nbush nbusiness nbusinessman/woman(pl businessmen/ women) n busy abut conj& prepbutcher n & vbutter nbutterfly nbutton n & v buy(bought,bought) v by prepbye intCcab ncabbage ncafe ncafeteria ncage ncake ncalculate vcall n & vcalm a & vcamel ncamera ncamp n & vcampaign ncan1(could);can’t=cannot modal v can2 ncanal ncancel vcancer ncandidate ncandle ncandy ncanteen ncap ncapital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption n car n carbon n card ncare n & v careful a careless a carpenter n carpet n carriage n carrier n carrot n carry v cartoon n carve v case n cash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) v castle ncasual acat ncatalogue n catastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) v category ncater vCatholic acattle ncause n & vcaution ncautious acave n CD=compact disk n ceiling ncelebrate v celebration ncell ncent ncentigrade a centimetre(Am centimeter) n central acentre(Am center) n century n ceremony ncertain a certificate nchain nchair nchairman/woman(pl chairmen/women) n chalk nchallenge n challenging a champion nchance nchange n & v changeable a channel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter n characteristic a & n charge v & nchart nchat n & vcheap acheat n & vcheck n & vcheek ncheer n & v cheerful acheers intcheese nchef nchemical a & n chemist n chemistry n cheque(Am check) nchess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(pl children) n childhood nchocolate nchoice nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) v chopsticks nchorus nChristian nChristmas n church ncigar n cigarette n cinema ncircle n & v circuit n circulate v circumstance n circus n citizen ncity ncivil a civilian n civilization n clap vclarify vclass n classic a classify v classmate n classroom n claw nclay n clean v & a cleaner n clear a clerk n clever a click v climate n climb v clinic n clock n clone v close a & ad cloth n clothes n clothing n cloud n cloudy a club n clumsy a coach ncoal ncoast ncoat n cocoa n coffee ncoin ncoincidence ncoke ncold a & ncollar ncolleague ncollect vcollection ncollege ncollision ncolour(Am color) n & v comb n & vcombine vcome(came,come) v comedy ncomfort n comfortable a command n & v comment n commercial a commit v commitment n committee n common a communicate v communication n communism n communist n & a companion n company n compare v compass ncompensate v compete v competence n competition n complete a & v complex a & n component n composition n comprehension n compromise v compulsory a computer n concentrate v concept n concern v & n concert n conclude v conclusion n concrete a condemn v condition n conduct v conductor n conference n confident a confidential a confirm v conflict n confuse v congratulate v congratulation n connect vconnection n conscience n consensus n consequence n conservation n conservative a consider v considerate a consideration n consist v consistent a constant a constitution n construct v construction n consult v consultant n consume v contain v container n contemporary a content1 n content2 a continent n continue v contradict v contradictory a contrary n & a contribute v contribution n control v & n controversial aconvenience n convenient a conventional a conversation n convey v convince v cook n & v cooker n cookie ncool acopy n & v corn ncorner n corporation n correct v & a correction n correspond v corrupt a & v cost n & v cosy(Am cozy) a cottage n cotton n & a cough n & v could modal v count v counter n country n countryside n couple n courage n course ncourt ncourtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & ncrayon ncrazy acream ncreate vcreature ncredit ncrew ncrime ncriminal ncriterion(pl criteria) n crop n cross n & v crossing n crossroads n crowd n & v cruel acry n & v cube ncubic a cuisine n culture n cup n cupboard n cure n & v curious a currency n curriculum ncurtain ncushion ncustom ncustomer n customs ncut(cut,cut) v & n cycle vcyclist ndad=daddy ndaily a,ad& ndam ndamage n & v damp a & ndance n & v danger n dangerous a dare v & modal v dark a & n darkness ndash v & ndata ndatabase ndate n & v daughter ndawn nday ndead adeadline ndeaf adeal ndear adeath ndebate n & vdebt ndecade ndecide vdecision ndeclare vdecline vdecorate v decoration n decrease vdeed ndeep a & addeer ndefeat vdefence(Am defense) n defend v degree ndelay n & vdelete v & n deliberately ad delicate a delicious adelight ndelighted adeliver vdemand vdentist n department(Dept.) n departure n depend vdeposit v & n depth ndescribe v description n desert v & n deserve v design v & n desire v & n desk n desperate a dessert n destination n destroy v detective n determine v develop v development n devote v devotion ndiagram ndial vdialogue(Am dialog) n diamond ndiary ndictation n dictionary ndie vdiet ndiffer vdifference ndifferent adifficult adifficulty ndig(dug,dug) vdigest v digital a dignity n dilemma n dimension n dinner n dinosaur n dioxide n dip v diploma n direct a & v direction n director n directory n dirty a disability n disabled a disadvantage n disagree v disagreement n disappear v disappoint v disappointed a disaster n discount n discourage v discover v discovery n discrimination n discuss v discussion n disease ndisgusting a dish ndisk=disc n dislike v dismiss v distance n distant a distinction n distinguish v distribute v district n disturb v disturbing a dive v diverse a divide v division n divorce vdizzy ado(did,done) v doctor n document ndog ndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm) n dot ndouble a & n doubt n & vdown prep & addownload n & v downstairs ad downtown ad,n& a dozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v drawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) v drive(drove,driven) v driver n drop n & v drug n drum n drunk adry v & a duck ndue adull a dumpling n during prep dusk ndust n dustbin n dusty a duty nDVD=digital versatile disk n dynamic adynasty nEeach a &proneager aeagle near nearly a & adearn vearth nearthquake neast a,ad& nEaster neastern aeasy a eat(ate,eaten) v ecology nedge nedition neditor neducate v education n educator neffect neffort negg neggplant neither a,conj& ad elder nelect velectric aelectrical a electricity n electronic a elegant a elephant nelse ade-mail n & v embarrass v embassy n emergency n emperor n employ vempty a encourage v encouragement n end n & v ending nendless aenemy nenergetic a energy nengine n engineer nenjoy v enjoyable a enlarge v enough pron,a& ad enquiry nenter venterprise n entertainment n enthusiastic aentire a entrance n entry n envelope n environment n envy v & n equal a & v equality n equip v equipment n eraser n error nerupt v escape n & v especially ad essay n Europe n European a & n evaluate v even ad evening n event n eventually ad ever adevery a everybody pron everyday a everyone pron everything pron everywhere ad evidence n evident aevolution nexact aexam=examination n examine v example n excellent a except prep exchange n & v excite vexcuse n & v exercise n & v exhibition nexist vexistence nexit nexpand v expect v expectation n expense n expensive a experience n experiment n expert n explain v explanation n explicit a explode v explore v export n & v expose v express v & n expression nextension n extra a extraordinary a extreme aeye neyesight nFface n & v facial afact nfactory nfade vfail v & n failure nfair1 afair2 n faith nfall1(fell,fallen) vfall2(Am)=autumn nfalse afamiliar afamily nfamous afan nfancy n,v& afantastic afantasy nfar(farther,farthest或further,furthest) a & ad fare nfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfasten vfat n & afather nfault nfavour(Am favor) nfavourite(Am favorite) a & n fax n & vfear nfeast nfeather nfederal afee nfeed(fed,fed) vfeel(felt,felt) vfeeling n fellow nfemale a & nfence nferry nfestival n & afetch vfever nfew pron& afibre(Am fiber) nfiction nfield nfierce afight(fought,fought) n & v figure n & vfile nfill vfilm n & vfinal afinance nfind(found,found) v fine1 afine2 vfinger nfingernail nfinish v & nfire n & v fireworks nfirm1 nfirm2 afish n & v fisherman nfist n fit a & vfix vflag nflame nflash nflashlight nflat1 aflat2 nflee(fled,fled) v flesh nflexible aflight nfloat vflood n & vfloor nflour nflow vflower nflu nfluency nfluent afly1(flew,flown) v fly2 nfocus v & nfog nfoggy afold vfolk n & afollow vfond afood nfool n & v foolish afoot(pl feet) nfootball nfor prep &conjforbid(forbade,forbidden) v force vforecast n & vforehead nforeign aforeigner nforesee(foresaw,foreseen) v forest nforever adforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) vforgetful aforgive(forgave,forgiven) v fork nform n & vformat nformer afortnight nfortunate afortune nforward adfoster vfound vfountain nfox nfragile afragrant aframework n franc nfree afreedom nfreeway nfreeze(froze,frozen) v freezing afrequent afresh afriction nfridge=refrigerator n friend nfriendly afriendship nfrighten vfrog nfrom prep。

附录1语音项目表1.基本读音(1) 26个字母的读音(2)元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3)元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4)元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5)常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6)辅音字母组合的读音(7)辅音连缀的读音(8)成节音的读音2.重音(1)单词重音(2)句子重音3.读音的变化(1)连读(2)失去爆破(3)弱读(4)同化4.语调与节奏(1)意群与停顿(2)语调(3)节奏5.语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6.朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7.主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录2语法项目表1.名词(1)可数名词及其单复数(2)不可数名词(3)专有名词(4)名词所有格2.代词(1)人称代词(2)物主代词(3)反身代词(4)指示代词(5)不定代词(6)疑问代词3.数词(1)基数词(2)序数词4.介词和介词短语5.连词6.形容词(比较级和最高级)7.副词(比较级和最高级)8.冠词9.动词(1)动词的基本形式(2)系动词(3)及物动词和不及物动词(4)助动词(5)情态动词10.时态(1)一般现在时(2)一般过去时(3)一般将来时(4)现在进行时(5)过去进行时(6)过去将来时(7)将来进行时(8)现在完成时(9)过去完成时(10)现在完成进行时11.被动语态12.非谓语动词(1)动词不定式(2)动词的-ing形式(3)动词的-ed形式13.构词法(1)合成法(2)派生法(3)转化法(4)缩写和简写14.句子种类(1)陈述句(2)疑问句(3)祈使句(4)感叹句15.句子成分(1)主语(2)谓语(3)表语(4)宾语(5)定语(6)状语(7)补语16.简单句的基本句型17.主谓一致18.并列复合句19.主从复合句(1)宾语从句(2)状语从句(3)定语从句(4)主语从句(5)表语从句20.间接引语21.省略22.倒装23.强调24.虚拟语气附录3功能意念项目表1.社会交往(Social Communications)(1)问候(Greetings)(2)介绍(Introduction)(3)告别(Farewells )(4)感谢(Thanks )(5)道歉(Apologies)(6)邀请(Invitation)(7)请求允许(Asking for permission)(8)祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes andcongratulations)(9)提供帮助(Offering help)(10)接受和拒绝(Acceptance andrefusal)(11)约会(Making appointments)(12)打电话(Making telephone calls)(13)就餐(Having meals)(14)就医(Seeing the doctor)(15)购物(Shopping)(16)问路(Asking the way)(17)谈论天气(Talking about weather)(18)语言交际困难(Language difficultiesin communication)(19)提醒注意(Reminding)(20)警告和禁止(Warning andprohibition)(21)劝告(Advice)(22)建议(Suggestions)2.态度(Attitudes)(23)同意和不同意(Agreement anddisagreement)(24)喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)(25)肯定和不肯定(Certainty anduncertainty)(26)可能和不可能(Possibility andimpossibility)(27)能够和不能够(Ability and inability)(28)偏爱和优先选择(Preference)(29)意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)(30)希望和愿望(Hopes and wishes)(31)表扬和鼓励(Praise andencouragement)(32)责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)(33)冷淡(Indifference)(34)判断与评价(Judgement andevaluation)3.情感(Emotions)(35)高兴(Happiness)(36)惊奇(Surprise)(37)忧虑(Worries)(38)安慰(Reassurance)(39)满意(Satisfaction)(40)遗憾(Regret)(41)同情(Sympathy)(42)恐惧(Fear)(43)愤怒(Anger)4.时间(Time)(44)时刻(Point of time)(45)时段(Duration)(46)频度(Frequency)(47)时序(Sequence)5.空间(Space)(48)位置(Position)(49)方向(Direction)(50)距离(Distance)6.存在(Existence)(51)存在与不存在(Existence and Non-existence)7.特征(Features)(52)形状(Shape)(53)颜色(Colour)(54)材料(Material)(55)价格(Price)(56)规格(Size)(57)年龄(Age)8.计量(Measurement)(58)长度(Length)(59)宽度(Width)(60)高度(Height)(61)数量(Number)9.比较(Comparison)(62)同级比较(Equal comparison)(63)差别比较(Comparative and superlative)(64)相似和差别(Similarity and difference)10.逻辑关系(Logical relations)(65)原因和结果(Cause and effect)(66)目的(Purpose)11.职业(Occupations)(67)工作(Jobs)(68)单位(Employer)附录4话题项目表1.个人情况(Personal information)2.家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friendsand people around)3.周围的环境(Personal environments)4.日常活动(Daily routines)5.学校生活(School life)6.兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)7.个人感情(Emotions)8.人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9.计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10.节假日活动(Festivals, holidays andcelebrations)11.购物(Shopping)12.饮食(Food and drink)13.健康(Health)14.天气(Weather)15.文娱与体育(Entertainment andsports)16.旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17.语言学习(Language learning)18.自然(Nature)19.世界与环境(Theworldandtheenvironment)20.科普知识与现代技术(Popularscience and modern technology)21.热点话题(Topical issues)22.历史与地理(History and geography)23.社会(Society)24.文学与艺术(Literature and art)附录5词汇表Aa(an)artabandonvabilitynableaabnormalaaboardprepabolishvabortionnaboutad & prepaboveprep,a& adabroadadabruptaabsencenabsentaabsoluteaabstracta & n absurda abundanta abusev academica & n academyn acceleratev accentn acceptv accessn & v accessiblea accidentn accommodationn accompanyv accomplishv accountn accountantn accumulatev accuracyn accurateaaccustomedaachev & nachievev achievementnacidaacknowledgev acquaintancenacquirevacquisitionnacrenacrossprepactn & vactionnactiveaactivitynactornactressnactualaacuteaADabbrad=advertisementnadaptationn addv addicteda additionn addressn adequatea adjustv adjustmentn administrationn admirablea admirev admissionn admitv adolescencen adolescenta & n adoptv adorevadultn advancev & n advantagenadventuren advertisev advertisementn advicenadvisev advocatev affairnaffectv affectionn affordvafraidaAfricanAfricana & n afterad,prep&conj afternoonn afterward(s)ad againad againstprep agenagencyn agendanagentn aggressivea agoad agreev agreementn agriculturala agriculturen aheadad aidn & v AIDSnaimn & v airn aircraftn airlinen airmailn albumn alcoholn alcoholica & n algebran alikead aliveaallad,a&pron allergica alleyn allocatev allowv allowancen almostad alonea alongad & prep alongsidead aloudad alphabetn alreadyad alsoad alternativea althoughconj altituden altogetherad aluminium (Amaluminum)n alwaysada.m./am,A.M./AMabbr amateuraamazevamazinga ambassadorn ambassadressnambiguousa ambitionnambulancenAmericanamongprepamountn & vampleaamusevamusementnanalysevanalysisnancestornanchorv & nancientaandconjangern anglen angrya animaln anklen anniversaryn announcev annoyv annuala anothera &pron Antarctica antiquen anxietyn anxiousa anypron& a anybodypron anyhowad anyonepron anythingpron anywayadanywheread apartad & a apartmentn apologizev apologyn apparenta appealv & n appearv appearancen appendixn appetiten applaudv & n applen applicantn applicationn applyv appointv appointmentn appreciatev appreciationn approachn & vappropriatea approvaln approvev approximatelyad apronn arbitraryaarchnarchitectn architecturen Arcticaarev(be)areanarguev argumentnarise(arose,arisen)v arithmeticnarmn & v armchairnarmynaroundad & prep arrangevarrangementn arrestvarrivalnarrivevarrownartnarticlen artificialaartistnasad,conj& prep ashn ashamedaAsianAsiana & nasidead askvasleepa aspectn assessv assessmentn assistv assistancenassistantn associatev associationn assumev assumptionn astonishv astronautn astronomern astronomyn atprep athleten athletica Atlantica atmospheren atomn attachv attackv & n attainv attemptv & n attendv attentionnattitudenattractvattractionnattractiveaaudiencenauntnauthenticaauthornauthoritynautomaticaautonomousaautumnnavailableaavenuenaveragea & navoidvawake(awoke,awoken)v & aawardn awareaawayadawesomeaawfulaawkwardaBbabynbachelornbackad,a& n background n backward(s)ad baconnbacterium(plbacteria)n bad(worse,worst)a badmintonnbagnbaggagenbakerynbalancenbalconynballnballetnballoonnbamboonbann & vbandn bandagen banknbarn barbecuen barbern barbershopn barea bargainn & v barkv & n barriern basen baseballn basementn basicabasinnbasisn basketn basketballnbatn bathnbathroomnbathtubnbatterynbattlenbaynBCabbrbe(am,is,are,was,were,being,been)vbeachnbeannbean curdnbear1nbear2vbeardnbeastnbeat(beat,beaten)v & n beautifulabeautynbecauseconjbecome(became,become)vbednbeddingsnbedroomnbeenbeefnbeernbeforeprep,ad&conj begvbegin(began,begun)v behalfnbehavevbehavior (Ambehavior)n behindprep & ad beingnbeliefnbelievevbellnbellynbelongvbelowprepbeltnbenchnbend(bent,bent)vbeneathprep beneficialabenefitn & vbenta & nbesideprepbesidesprep & adbetrayvbetweenprepbeyondprepbicyclenbidv & nbigabike=bicyclenbillnbingonbiochemistrynbiographynbiologynbirdnbirthnbirthdaynbirthplacen biscuitnbishopnbitnbite(bit,bitten)v bitterablacka & n blackboardn blamen & v blankn & a blanketnbleedvblessvblindablockn & v bloodnblousenblow(blew,blown)v bluen & a boardn & vboatnboilvbombn & v bondn & vbonen bonusnbookn & v boomn & v bootnboothn bordern boreda boringaborna borrowv bossn botanicala botanynbotha &pron botherv bottlen bottomnboundaboundarynbowv & nbowlnbowlingnboxnboxingnboynboycottvbrainnbraken & vbranchnbrandnbraveabraverynbreadnbreak(broke,broken)v & n breakfastn breakthroughnbreastnbreathev breathlessabrewerynbricknbriden bridegroomnbridgen briefabrightabrilliantabring(brought,brought)v broadabroadcast(broadcast, broadcast或-ed,-ed)v brochurenbrokenabroomnbrothernbrownn & abrunchnbrushv & nBuddhismnbudgetnbuffetnbuild(built,built)v buildingnbunchnbungalownburdenn bureaucraticaburglarnburn(burnt,burnt或-ed,-ed)v & nburstvburyvbusnbushnbusinessn businessman/woman (plbusinessmen/ women)n busyabutconj& prepbutchern & v butternbutterflynbuttonn & vbuy(bought,bought)v byprepbyeintCcabn cabbagencafen cafeteriancagencakencalculatevcalln & vcalma & vcamelncamerancampn & v campaignncan1(could);can’t=cannotmodal v can2ncanalncancelvcancern candidaten candlencandyncanteenncapncapitalncapsulen captainncaptionncarncarbonncardncaren & v carefula carelessa carpenterncarpetncarriagencarrierncarrotncarryvcartoonncarvevcasencashn & v cassettencast(cast,cast)v castlencasualacatncataloguen catastrophencatch(caught,caught)v categoryncatervCatholicacattlencausen & v cautionn cautiousacavenCD=compact diskn ceilingn celebratev celebrationn cellncentn centigradea centimetre (Amcentimeter)n centralacentre(Amcenter)n centuryn ceremonyn certaina certificaten chainnchairnchairman/woman (plchairmen/women)n chalknchallengen challenginga championn chancenchangen & v changeablea channelnchantv & nchaosnchaptern charactern characteristica & n chargev & n chartnchatn & v cheapacheatn & vcheckn & vcheekncheern & v cheerfulacheersintcheesenchefnchemicala & n chemistn chemistryncheque(Amcheck)n chessnchestnchewvchickennchiefa & nchild(plchildren)n childhoodn chocolatenchoicenchoirnchoken & vchoose(chose,chosen)vchopsticksn chorusn Christiann Christmasn churchn cigarn cigaretten cineman circlen & v circuitn circulatev circumstancen circusn citizenncityncivila civiliann civilizationn clapv clarifyv classnclassifyv classmaten classroomn clawn clayn cleanv & a cleanern cleara clerkn clevera clickv climaten climbv clinicn clockn clonev closea & ad clothn clothesn clothingncloudyaclubnclumsyacoachncoalncoastncoatncocoancoffeencoinn coincidencen cokencolda & ncollarn colleaguencollectv collectionn collegencollisionncolour(Amcolor)n & vcombinevcome(came,come)vcomedyn comfortncomfortableacommandn & v commentncommercialacommitvcommitmentn committeencommona communicatev communicationn communismn communistn & a companionncompanyncomparevcompassncompensatevcompetencen competitionn completea & v complexa & n componentn compositionn comprehensionn compromisev compulsorya computern concentratev conceptn concernv & n concertn concludev conclusionn concretea condemnv conditionn conductvconferencen confidenta confidentiala confirmv conflictn confusev congratulatev congratulationn connectv connectionn consciencen consensusn consequencen conservationn conservativea considerv consideratea considerationn consistv consistentaconstitutionn constructv constructionn consultv consultantn consumev containv containern contemporarya content1n content2a continentn continuev contradictv contradictorya contraryn & a contributev contributionn controlv & n controversialaconveniencen convenienta conventionala conversationn conveyv convincev cookn & v cookern cookien coolacopyn & v cornn cornern corporationn correctv & a correctionn correspondv corrupta & v costn & v cosy(Amcozy)a cottagen cottonn & acoughn & v couldmodal v countv countern countryn countrysiden couplen couragen coursen courtn courtyardn cousinn covern & v cown crashv & n crayonn crazya creamn createv creaturen creditn。

附录1 语音项目表1. 基本读音(1) 26个字母的读音(2) 元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3) 元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4) 元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5) 常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6) 辅音字母组合的读音(7) 辅音连缀的读音(8) 成节音的读音2. 重音(1) 单词重音(2) 句子重音3. 读音的变化(1) 连读(2) 失去爆破(3) 弱读(4) 同化4. 语调与节奏(1) 意群与停顿(2) 语调(3) 节奏5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6. 朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录2 语法项目表1. 名词(1) 可数名词及其单复数(2) 不可数名词(3) 专有名词(4) 名词所有格2. 代词(1) 人称代词(2) 物主代词(3) 反身代词(4) 指示代词(5) 不定代词(6) 疑问代词3. 数词(1) 基数词(2) 序数词4. 介词和介词短语5. 连词6. 形容词(比较级和最高级)7. 副词(比较级和最高级)8. 冠词9. 动词(1) 动词的基本形式(2) 系动词(3) 及物动词和不及物动词(4) 助动词(5) 情态动词10. 时态(1) 一般现在时(2) 一般过去时(3) 一般将来时(4) 现在进行时(5) 过去进行时(6) 过去将来时(7) 将来进行时(8) 现在完成时(9) 过去完成时(10) 现在完成进行时11. 被动语态12. 非谓语动词(1) 动词不定式(2) 动词的-ing形式(3) 动词的-ed形式13. 构词法(1) 合成法(2) 派生法(3) 转化法(4) 缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1) 陈述句(2) 疑问句(3) 祈使句(4) 感叹句15. 句子成分(1) 主语(2) 谓语(3) 表语(4) 宾语(5) 定语(6) 状语(7) 补语16. 简单句的基本句型17. 主谓一致18. 并列复合句19. 主从复合句(1) 宾语从句(2) 状语从句(3) 定语从句(4) 主语从句(5) 表语从句20. 间接引语21. 省略22. 倒装23. 强调24. 虚拟语气附录3 功能意念项目表1. 社会交往(Social Communications)(1) 问候(Greetings)(2) 介绍(Introduction)(3) 告别(Farewells )(4) 感谢(Thanks )(5) 道歉(Apologies)(6) 邀请(Invitation)(7) 请求允许(Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助(Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝(Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会(Making appointments)(12) 打电话(Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐(Having meals)(14) 就医(Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物(Shopping)(16) 问路(Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气(Talking about weather)(18) 语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication)(19) 提醒注意(Reminding)(20) 警告和禁止(Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告(Advice)(22) 建议(Suggestions)2. 态度(Attitudes)(23) 同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)(24) 喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)(25) 肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)(26) 可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)(27) 能够和不能够(Ability and inability)(28) 偏爱和优先选择(Preference)(29) 意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)(30) 希望和愿望(Hopes and wishes)(31) 表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)(32) 责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)(33) 冷淡(Indifference)(34) 判断与评价(Judgement and evaluation)3. 情感(Emotions)(35) 高兴(Happiness)(36) 惊奇(Surprise)(37) 忧虑(Worries)(38) 安慰(Reassurance)(39) 满意(Satisfaction)(40) 遗憾(Regret)(41) 同情(Sympathy)(42) 恐惧(Fear)(43) 愤怒(Anger)4. 时间(Time)(44) 时刻(Point of time)(45) 时段(Duration)(46) 频度(Frequency)(47) 时序(Sequence)5. 空间(Space)(48) 位置(Position)(49) 方向(Direction)(50) 距离(Distance)6. 存在(Existence)(51) 存在与不存在(Existence and Non-existence) 7. 特征(Features)(52) 形状(Shape)(53) 颜色(Colour)(54) 材料(Material)(55) 价格(Price)(56) 规格(Size)(57) 年龄(Age)8. 计量(Measurement)(58) 长度(Length)(59) 宽度(Width)(60) 高度(Height)(61) 数量(Number)9. 比较(Comparison)(62) 同级比较(Equal comparison)(63) 差别比较(Comparative and superlative)(64) 相似和差别(Similarity and difference)10. 逻辑关系(Logical relations)(65) 原因和结果(Cause and effect)(66) 目的(Purpose)11. 职业(Occupations)(67) 工作(Jobs)(68) 单位(Employer)附录4 话题项目表1. 个人情况(Personal information)2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)3. 周围的环境(Personal environments)4. 日常活动(Daily routines)5. 学校生活(School life)6. 兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)7. 个人感情(Emotions)8. 人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9. 计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10. 节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)11. 购物(Shopping)12. 饮食(Food and drink)13. 健康(Health)14. 天气(Weather)15. 文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)16. 旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17. 语言学习(Language learning)18. 自然(Nature)19. 世界与环境(The world and the environment)20. 科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21. 热点话题(Topical issues)22. 历史与地理(History and geography)23. 社会(Society)24. 文学与艺术(Literature and art)附录5 词汇表Aa(an) artabandon vability nable aabnormal aaboard prepabolish vabortion nabout ad & prepabove prep,a& adabroad adabrupt aabsence nabsent aabsolute aabsorb vabstract a & nabsurd aabundant aabuse vacademic a & nacademy n accelerate vaccent naccept vaccess n & v accessible a accident n accommodation n accompany v accomplish v account n accountant n accumulate v accuracy n accurate aaccuse v accustomed aache v & nachieve v achievement nacid a acknowledge v acquaintance n acquire v acquisition nacre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity nactor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbrad=advertisement n adapt vadaptation nadd vaddicted aaddition naddress n adequate aadjust v adjustment n administration n admirable a admire v admission n admit v adolescence n adolescent a & n adopt vadore vadult nadvance v & n advantage n adventure n advertise v advertisement n advice nadvise v advocate vaffair naffect v affection n afford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & n after ad,prep&conj afternoon n afterward(s) ad again adagainst prepage nagency n agenda nagent n aggressive aago adagree v agreement n agricultural a agriculture n ahead adaid n & vAIDS naim n & vair naircraft nairline nairmail nalbum nalcohol nalcoholic a & n algebra nalike adalive aall ad,a&pronallergic aalley nallocate vallow vallowance nalmost adalone aalong ad & prep alongside adaloud adalphabet nalready adalso adalternative a although conjaltitude naltogether ad aluminium(Am aluminum) n always adam v(be)a.m./am,A.M./AM abbr amateur aamaze vamazing a ambassador n ambassadress n ambiguous a ambition n ambulance n America namong prepamount n & vample aamuse v amusement n analyse v analysis n ancestor n anchor v & n ancient aand conj anecdote n anger nangle nangry aanimal nankle n anniversary n announce v annoy vannual a another a &pron Antarctic a antique n anxiety n anxious aany pron& a anybody pron anyhow ad anyone pron anything pron anyway ad anywhere ad apart ad & a apartment n apologize v apology n apparent a appeal v & n appear v appearance n appendix n appetite n applaud v & n apple n applicant n application n apply vappoint v appointment n appreciate v appreciation napproach n & v appropriate a approval n approve v approximately ad apron narbitrary aarch narchitect n architecture n Arctic aare v(be)area nargue v argument narise(arose,arisen) v arithmetic narm n & v armchair narmy naround ad & prep arrange v arrangement n arrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle nartificial aartist nas ad,conj& prep ash nashamed aAsia nAsian a & naside adask vasleep aaspect nassess v assessment n assist v assistance n assistant n associate v association nassume vassumption nastonish vastronaut nastronomer nastronomy nat prepathlete nathletic aAtlantic aatmosphere natom nattach vattack v & nattain vattempt v & nattend vattention nattitude nattract vattraction nattractive aaudience naunt nauthentic aauthor nauthority nautomatic aautonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken) v & a award naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a& nbackground n backward(s) ad bacon nbacterium(pl bacteria) n bad(worse,worst) a badminton nbag nbaggage nbakery nbalance nbalcony nball nballet nballoon nbamboo nban n & vbanana nband nbandage nbank nbar nbarbecue nbarber n barbershop nbare abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier nbase nbaseball n basement nbasic abasin nbasis nbasket nbasketball nbat nbath nbathe vbathroom nbathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was, were,being,been) v beach nbean nbean curd nbear1 nbear2 vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & n beautiful abeauty nbecause conjbecome(became,become) v bed nbeddings nbedroom nbee nbeef nbeer nbefore prep,ad&conjbeg vbegin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehavior (Am behavior) n behind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent) v beneath prepbeneficial abenefit n & vbent a & nbeside prepbesides prep & adbetray vbetween prepbeyond prepbicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle nbill nbingo n biochemistry n biography n biology nbird nbirth nbirthday n birthplace n biscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) v bitter ablack a & n blackboard n blame n & vblank n & a blanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) v blue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbond n & vbone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn a borrow vboss nbotanical abotany nboth a &pronbother vbottle nbottom nbounce vbound aboundary nbow v & nbowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott vbrain nbrake n & vbranch nbrand nbrave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v & n breakfast n breakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride nbridegroom nbridge nbrief abright abrilliant abring(brought,brought) v broad abroadcast(broadcast, broadcast或-ed,-ed) v brochure nbroken abroom nbrother nbrown n & abrunch nbrush v & nBuddhism nbudget nbuffet nbuild(built,built) v building nbunch nbungalow nburden nbureaucratic aburglar nburn(burnt,burnt或-ed,-ed) v & nburst vbury vbus nbush nbusiness n businessman/woman(pl businessmen/ women) n busy abut conj& prepbutcher n & vbutter nbutterfly nbutton n & vbuy(bought,bought) vby prepbye intCcab ncabbage ncafe ncafeteria ncage ncake ncalculate vcall n & vcalm a & vcamel ncamera ncamp n & v campaign ncan1(could);can’t=cannot modal v can2 ncanal ncancel vcancer ncandidate ncandle ncandy ncanteen ncap ncapital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption ncar ncarbon ncard ncare n & vcareful acareless a carpenter ncarpet ncarriage ncarrier ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncarve vcase ncash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) v castle ncasual acat ncatalogue n catastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) v category ncater vCatholic acattle ncause n & vcaution ncautious acave nCD=compact disk n ceiling ncelebrate v celebration ncell ncent ncentigrade a centimetre(Am centimeter) n central acentre(Am center) n century nceremony ncertain acertificate nchain nchair nchairman/woman(pl chairmen/women) n chalk nchallenge n challenging a champion nchance nchange n & v changeable a channel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter n characteristic a & n charge v & nchart nchat n & vcheap acheat n & vcheck n & vcheek ncheer n & vcheerful acheers intcheese nchef n chemical a & n chemist nchemistry ncheque(Am check) n chess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(pl children) n childhood n chocolate nchoice nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) v chopsticks nchorus nChristian n Christmas nchurch ncigar ncigarette ncinema ncircle n & vcircuit ncirculate v circumstance ncircus ncitizen ncity ncivil acivilian ncivilization nclap vclarify vclass nclassic aclassify vclassmate n classroom nclaw nclay nclean v & acleaner nclear aclerk nclever aclick vclimate nclimb vclinic nclock nclone vclose a & adcloth nclothes nclothing ncloud ncloudy aclub nclumsy acoach ncoal ncoast ncoat ncocoa ncoffee ncoin ncoincidence ncoke ncold a & ncollar ncolleague ncollect vcollection ncollege ncollision ncolour(Am color) n & v comb n & vcombine vcome(came,come) v comedy ncomfort n comfortable a command n & v comment n commercial a commit v commitment n committee n common a communicate v communication n communism n communist n & a companion n company n compare v compass n compensate v compete v competence n competition n complete a & v complex a & n component n composition n comprehension n compromise v compulsory a computer n concentrate v concept n concern v & n concert n conclude v conclusion n concrete a condemn v condition n conduct v conductor n conference n confident a confidential a confirm v conflict n confuse v congratulate v congratulation n connect v connection n conscience n consensus n consequence n conservation n conservative aconsider v considerate a consideration n consist v consistent a constant a constitution n construct v construction n consult v consultant n consume v contain v container n contemporary a content1 n content2 a continent n continue v contradict v contradictory a contrary n & a contribute v contribution n control v & n controversial a convenience n convenient a conventional a conversation n convey v convince v cook n & v cooker n cookie ncool acopy n & v corn ncorner n corporation n correct v & a correction n correspond v corrupt a & v cost n & vcosy(Am cozy) a cottage ncotton n & acough n & vcould modal v count vcounter ncountry n countryside n couple ncourage ncourse ncourt ncourtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & ncrayon ncrazy acream ncreate vcreature ncredit ncrew ncrime ncriminal n criterion(pl criteria) n crop ncross n & v crossing n crossroads ncrowd n & vcruel acry n & vcube ncubic acuisine nculture ncup ncupboard ncure n & vcurious acurrency n curriculum n curtain ncushion ncustom ncustomer ncustoms ncut(cut,cut) v & n cycle vcyclist ndad=daddy ndaily a,ad& ndam ndamage n & vdamp a & ndance n & vdanger n dangerous adare v & modal v dark a & n darkness ndash v & ndata ndatabase ndate n & vdaughter ndawn nday ndead adeadline ndeaf adeal ndear adeath ndebate n & vdebt ndecade ndecide vdecision ndeclare vdecline vdecorate v decoration n decrease vdeed ndeep a & addeer ndefeat vdefence(Am defense) n defend v degree ndelay n & vdelete v & n deliberately ad delicate adelicious adelight ndelighted adeliver vdemand vdentist n department(Dept.) n departure ndepend vdeposit v & ndepth ndescribe v description ndesert v & n deserve vdesign v & ndesire v & ndesk ndesperate adessert n destination n destroy vdetective n determine v develop v development n devote vdevotion ndiagram ndial vdialogue(Am dialog) n diamond ndiary ndictation n dictionary ndie vdiet ndiffer vdifference n different adifficult adifficulty ndig(dug,dug) v digest vdigital a dignity n dilemma n dimension n dinner n dinosaur n dioxide ndip vdiploma n direct a & v direction n director n directory n dirty a disability n disabled a disadvantage n disagree v disagreement n disappear v disappoint v disappointed a disaster n discount n discourage v discover v discovery n discrimination n discuss v discussion n disease n disgusting a dish ndisk=disc n dislike v dismiss v distance n distant a distinction n distinguish v distribute v district n disturb v disturbing adive vdiverse adivide vdivision ndivorce vdizzy ado(did,done) v doctor n document ndog ndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm) n dot ndouble a & ndoubt n & vdown prep & ad download n & v downstairs ad downtown ad,n& a dozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v drawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt 或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) v drive(drove,driven) v driver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty nDVD=digital versatile disk n dynamic adynasty nEeach a &proneager aeagle near nearly a & adearn vearth nearthquake neast a,ad& nEaster neastern aeasy aeat(ate,eaten) vecology nedge nedition neditor neducate veducation neducator neffect neffort negg neggplant neither a,conj& adelder nelect velectric aelectrical aelectricity nelectronic aelegant aelephant nelse ade-mail n & vembarrass v embassy n emergency n emperor n employ vempty a encourage v encouragement n end n & vending nendless aenemy n energetic a energy nengine n engineer nenjoy v enjoyable a enlarge venough pron,a& ad enquiry nenter v enterprise n entertainment n enthusiastic a entire aentrance nentry nenvelope n environment n envy v & nequal a & v equality nequip v equipment n eraser nerror nerupt vescape n & v especially ad essay nEurope n European a & n evaluate veven adevening nevent neventually adever adevery a everybody pron everyday a everyone pron everything pron everywhere ad evidence nevident a evolution nexact aexam=examination n examine v example n excellent aexcept prep exchange n & v excite vexcuse n & v exercise n & v exhibition nexist vexistence nexit nexpand vexpect v expectation n expense n expensive a experience n experiment n expert nexplain v explanation n explicit aexplode vexplore vexport n & v expose vexpress v & n expression n extension nextra a extraordinary a extreme a eye neyesight nFface n & vfacial afact nfactory nfade vfail v & nfailure nfair1 afair2 nfaith nfall1(fell,fallen) vfall2(Am)=autumn nfalse afamiliar afamily nfamous afan nfancy n,v& afantastic afantasy nfar(farther,farthest或further,furthest) a & ad fare nfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfasten vfat n & afather nfault nfavour(Am favor) n favourite(Am favorite) a & n fax n & vfear nfeast nfeather nfederal afee nfeed(fed,fed) vfeel(felt,felt) vfeeling nfellow nfemale a & nfence nferry nfestival n & afetch vfever nfew pron& afibre(Am fiber) nfiction nfield nfierce afight(fought,fought) n & v figure n & vfile nfill vfilm n & vfinal afinance nfind(found,found) vfine1 afine2 vfinger nfingernail nfinish v & nfire n & vfireworks nfirm1 nfirm2 afish n & vfisherman nfist nfit a & vfix vflag nflame nflash nflashlight nflat1 aflat2 nflee(fled,fled) vflesh nflexible aflight nfloat vflood n & vfloor nflour n flow vflower nflu nfluency nfluent afly1(flew,flown) vfly2 nfocus v & nfog nfoggy afold vfolk n & afollow vfond afood nfool n & vfoolish afoot(pl feet) nfootball nfor prep &conjforbid(forbade,forbidden) v force vforecast n & vforehead nforeign aforeigner nforesee(foresaw,foreseen) v forest nforever adforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) v forgetful aforgive(forgave,forgiven) v fork nform n & vformat nformer afortnight nfortunate afortune nforward adfoster vfound vfountain nfox nfragile afragrant aframework nfranc nfree afreedom nfreeway nfreeze(froze,frozen) v freezing afrequent afresh afriction nfridge=refrigerator n friend nfriendly a friendship n frighten vfrog nfrom prepfront a & nfrontier nfrost nfruit nfry vfuel nfull afun n & afunction n & v fundamental a funeral nfunny afur nfurnished a furniture nfuture nGgain vgallery ngallon ngame ngarage ngarbage ngarden ngarlic ngarment ngas ngate ngather v gay ageneral a & n generation n generous agentle agentleman n geography n geometry ngesture nget(got,got) vgift ngifted agiraffe ngirl ngive(gave,given) vglad aglance vglare vglass nglobe nglory nglove nglue ngo(went,gone) vgoal ngoat ngod ngold n & agolden agolf ngood(better,best) a goods ngoose(pl geese) n govern vgovernment ngrade ngradual agraduate vgraduation ngrain ngram ngrammar ngrand agrandchild n granddaughter n grandma=grandmother ngrandpa=grandfather n grandparents n grandson ngranny ngrape ngraph ngrasp vgrass ngrateful agravity ngreat a & adgreedy agreen a & n greengrocer ngreet vgreeting ngrey(Am gray) agrill ngrocer ngrocery nground ngroup ngrow(grew,grown) v growth nguarantee vguard nguess vguest nguidance nguide nguilty aguitar ngun ngym=gymnasium n gymnastics nHhabit nhair nhaircut nhalf a & nhall nham nhamburger n hammer nhand n & v handbag n handful nhandkerchief nhandle n & vhandsome ahandwriting nhandy ahang(hung,hung或-ed,-ed) v happen vhappiness nhappy aharbour(Am harbor) nhard ad & ahardly adhardship nhardworking aharm n & vharmful aharmony nharvest n & vhat nhatch vhate v &nhave(has,had,had) vhe pronhead n & vheadache nheadline nheadmaster n headmistress nhealth nhealthy ahear(heard,heard) v hearing nheart nheat nheaven nheavy aheel nheight nhelicopter nhello inthelmet nhelp n & vhelpful ahen nher pronherb nhere adhero nhers pronherself pronhesitate vhi inthide(hid,hidden) vhigh a & adhighway nhill nhim pronhimself pronhire vhis pronhistory nhit(hit,hit) v & n hobby nhold(held,held) vhole nholiday nholy ahome n & ad homeland n hometown n homework nhonest ahoney nhonour(Am honor) n & v hook n & vhope n & vhopeful ahopeless ahorrible ahorse nhospital nhost n & vhostess nhot ahotdog nhotel nhour nhouse nhousewife n housework nhow ad however ad &conj howl vhug vhuge ahuman a & n human being n humorous a humour(Am humor) n hunger nhungry ahunt vhunter nhurricane nhurry vhurt(hurt,hurt) v husband n hydrogen nII pronice nice-cream nidea nidentity n identification n idiom nif conjignore vill aillegal aillness nimagine v immediately ad immigration n import v & n importance n important a impossible a impress v impression n improve vin prep & adinch nincident ninclude vincome nincrease v & nindeed a independence n independent a indicate v industry n influence n & v inform v information n initial ainjure vinjury nink ninn ninnocent a insect ninsert vinside prep & ad insist vinspect v inspire v instant a instead ad institute n institution n instruct v instruction n instrument n insurance n insure v intelligence n intend v intention n interest n interesting a international a Internet n interpreter n interrupt v interval n interview n & v into prep introduce v introduction n invent v invention n invitation n invite viron n & virrigation nis v(be)island nit pronits pronitself pronJjacket njam njar njaw njazz njeans njeep njet njewellery(Am jewelry) n job njog vjoin vjoke njournalist njourney njoy njudge n & vjudgement(Am judgment) njuice njump n & vjungle njunior ajust a & adjustice nKkangaroo nkeep(kept,kept) vkettle nkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo nkilogram nkilometre(Am kilometer) nkind1 nkind2 a kindergarten n kindness nking nkingdom nkiss n & vkitchen nkite nknee nknife(pl knives) n knock n & vknow(knew,known) v knowledge nLlab=laboratory n labour(Am labor) n lack n & vlady nlake nlamb nlame alamp nland n & v language nlantern nlap nlarge alast a & vlate a & adlatter nlaugh n & v laughter nlaundry nlaw nlawyer nlay(laid,laid) vlazy alead(led,led) v & n leader nleaf(pl leaves) n league nleak vlearn(learnt,learnt或-ed,-ed) vleast n leather nleave(left,left) v lecture nleft a,ad& nleg nlegal alemon n & a lemonade n lend(lent,lent) v length n lesson nlet(let,let) v letter nlevel n liberation n liberty n librarian n library n license nlid nlie1 n & vlie2(lay,lain) v life(pl lives) nlift v & nlight n,v& a lightning nlike v & prep likely alimit vline n & vlink v & nlion nlip nliquid n & alist n & vlisten v literature n literary alitre(Am liter) n litter vlittle(less,least) a live v & alively aload nloaf nlocal a。

附录1 语音项目表1. 基本读音(1) 26个字母的读音(2) 元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3) 元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4) 元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5) 常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6) 辅音字母组合的读音(7) 辅音连缀的读音(8) 成节音的读音2. 重音(1) 单词重音(2) 句子重音3. 读音的变化(1) 连读(2) 失去爆破(3) 弱读(4) 同化4. 语调及节奏(1) 意群及停顿(2) 语调(3) 节奏5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6. 朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录2 语法项目表1. 名词(1) 可数名词及其单复数(2) 不可数名词(3) 专有名词(4) 名词所有格2. 代词(1) 人称代词(2) 物主代词(3) 反身代词(4) 指示代词(5) 不定代词(6) 疑问代词3. 数词(1) 基数词(2) 序数词4. 介词和介词短语5. 连词6. 形容词(比较级和最高级)7. 副词(比较级和最高级)8. 冠词9. 动词(1) 动词的基本形式(2) 系动词(3) 及物动词和不及物动词(4) 助动词(5) 情态动词10. 时态(1) 一般现在时(2) 一般过去时(3) 一般将来时(4) 现在进行时(5) 过去进行时(6) 过去将来时(7) 将来进行时(8) 现在完成时(9) 过去完成时(10) 现在完成进行时11. 被动语态12. 非谓语动词(1) 动词不定式(2) 动词的-ing形式(3) 动词的-ed形式13. 构词法(1) 合成法(2) 派生法(3) 转化法(4) 缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1) 陈述句(2) 疑问句(3) 祈使句(4) 感叹句15. 句子成分(1) 主语(2) 谓语(3) 表语(4) 宾语(5) 定语(6) 状语(7) 补语16. 简单句的基本句型17. 主谓一致18. 并列复合句19. 主从复合句(1) 宾语从句(2) 状语从句(3) 定语从句(4) 主语从句(5) 表语从句20. 间接引语21. 省略22. 倒装23. 强调24. 虚拟语气附录3 功能意念项目表1. 社会交往(Social Communications)(1) 问候(Greetings)(2) 介绍(Introduction)(3) 告别(Farewells )(4) 感谢(Thanks )(5) 道歉(Apologies)(6) 邀请(Invitation)(7) 请求允许(Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助(Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝(Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会(Making appointments)(12) 打电话(Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐(Having meals)(14) 就医(Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物(Shopping)(16) 问路(Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气(Talking about weather)(18) 语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication)(19) 提醒注意(Reminding)(20) 警告和禁止(Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告(Advice)(22) 建议(Suggestions)2. 态度(Attitudes)(23) 同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)(24) 喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)(25) 肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)(26) 可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)(27) 能够和不能够(Ability and inability)(28) 偏爱和优先选择(Preference)(29) 意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)(30) 希望和愿望(Hopes and wishes)(31) 表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)(32) 责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)(33) 冷淡(Indifference)(34) 判断及评价(Judgement and evaluation)3. 情感(Emotions)(35) 高兴(Happiness)(36) 惊奇(Surprise)(37) 忧虑(Worries)(38) 安慰(Reassurance)(39) 满意(Satisfaction)(40) 遗憾(Regret)(41) 同情(Sympathy)(42) 恐惧(Fear)(43) 愤怒(Anger)4. 时间(Time)(44) 时刻(Point of time)(45) 时段(Duration)(46) 频度(Frequency)(47) 时序(Sequence)5. 空间(Space)(48) 位置(Position)(49) 方向(Direction)(50) 距离(Distance)6. 存在(Existence)(51) 存在及不存在(Existence and Non-existence) 7. 特征(Features)(52) 形状(Shape)(53) 颜色(Colour)(54) 材料(Material)(55) 价格(Price)(56) 规格(Size)(57) 年龄(Age)8. 计量(Measurement)(58) 长度(Length)(59) 宽度(Width)(60) 高度(Height)(61) 数量(Number)9. 比较(Comparison)(62) 同级比较(Equal comparison)(63) 差别比较(Comparative and superlative)(64) 相似和差别(Similarity and difference)10. 逻辑关系(Logical relations)(65) 原因和结果(Cause and effect)(66) 目的(Purpose)11. 职业(Occupations)(67) 工作(Jobs)(68) 单位(Employer)附录4 话题项目表1. 个人情况(Personal information)2. 家庭、朋友及周围的人(Family, friends and people around)3. 周围的环境(Personal environments)4. 日常活动(Daily routines)5. 学校生活(School life)6. 兴趣及爱好(Interests and hobbies)7. 个人感情(Emotions)8. 人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9. 计划及愿望(Plans and intentions)10. 节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)11. 购物(Shopping)12. 饮食(Food and drink)13. 健康(Health)14. 天气(Weather)15. 文娱及体育(Entertainment and sports)16. 旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17. 语言学习(Language learning)18. 自然(Nature)19. 世界及环境(The world and the environment)20. 科普知识及现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21. 热点话题(Topical issues)22. 历史及地理(History and geography)23. 社会(Society)24. 文学及艺术(Literature and art)附录5 词汇表Aa(an) artabandon vability nable aabnormal aaboard prepabolish vabortion nabout ad & prepabove prep,a& adabroad adabrupt aabsence nabsent aabsolute aabsorb vabstract a & nabsurd aabundant aabuse vacademic a & nacademy n accelerate vaccent naccept vaccess n & v accessible a accident n accommodation n accompany v accomplish v account n accountant n accumulate v accuracy n accurate aaccuse v accustomed aache v & nachieve v achievement nacid a acknowledge v acquaintance n acquire v acquisition nacre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity nactor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbrad=advertisement n adapt vadaptation nadd vaddicted aaddition naddress n adequate aadjust v adjustment n administration n admirable a admire v admission n admit v adolescence n adolescent a & n adopt vadore vadult nadvance v & n advantage n adventure n advertise v advertisement n advice nadvise v advocate vaffair naffect v affection n afford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & n after ad,prep&conj afternoon n afterward(s) ad again adagainst prepage nagency n agenda nagent n aggressive aago adagree v agreement n agricultural a agriculture n ahead adaid n & vAIDS naim n & vair naircraft nairline nairmail nalbum nalcohol nalcoholic a & n algebra nalike adalive aall ad,a&pronallergic aalley nallocate vallow vallowance nalmost adalone aalong ad & prep alongside adaloud adalphabet nalready adalso adalternative a although conjaltitude naltogether ad aluminium(Am aluminum) n always adam v(be)a.m./am,A.M./AM abbr amateur aamaze vamazing a ambassador n ambassadress n ambiguous a ambition n ambulance n America namong prepamount n & vample aamuse v amusement n analyse v analysis n ancestor n anchor v & n ancient aand conj anecdote n anger nangle nangry aanimal nankle n anniversary n announce v annoy vannual a another a &pron Antarctic a antique n anxiety n anxious aany pron& a anybody pron anyhow ad anyone pron anything pron anyway ad anywhere ad apart ad & a apartment n apologize v apology n apparent a appeal v & n appear v appearance n appendix n appetite n applaud v & n apple n applicant n application n apply vappoint v appointment n appreciate v appreciation napproach n & v appropriate a approval n approve v approximately ad apron narbitrary aarch narchitect n architecture n Arctic aare v(be)area nargue v argument narise(arose,arisen) v arithmetic narm n & v armchair narmy naround ad & prep arrange v arrangement n arrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle nartificial aartist nas ad,conj& prep ash nashamed aAsia nAsian a & naside adask vasleep aaspect nassess v assessment n assist v assistance n assistant n associate v association nassume vassumption nastonish vastronaut nastronomer nastronomy nat prepathlete nathletic aAtlantic aatmosphere natom nattach vattack v & nattain vattempt v & nattend vattention nattitude nattract vattraction nattractive aaudience naunt nauthentic aauthor nauthority nautomatic aautonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken) v & a award naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a& nbackground n backward(s) ad bacon nbacterium(pl bacteria) n bad(worse,worst) a badminton nbag nbaggage nbakery nbalance nbalcony nball nballet nballoon nbamboo nban n & vbanana nband nbandage nbank nbar nbarbecue nbarber n barbershop nbare abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier nbase nbaseball n basement nbasic abasin nbasis nbasket nbasketball nbat nbath nbathe vbathroom nbathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was, were,being,been) v beach nbean nbean curd nbear1 nbear2 vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & n beautiful abeauty nbecause conjbecome(became,become) v bed nbeddings nbedroom nbee nbeef nbeer nbefore prep,ad&conjbeg vbegin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehavior (Am behavior) n behind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent) v beneath prepbeneficial abenefit n & vbent a & nbeside prepbesides prep & adbetray vbetween prepbeyond prepbicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle nbill nbingo n biochemistry n biography n biology nbird nbirth nbirthday n birthplace n biscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) v bitter ablack a & n blackboard n blame n & vblank n & a blanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) v blue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbond n & vbone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn a borrow vboss nbotanical abotany nboth a &pronbother vbottle nbottom nbounce vbound aboundary nbow v & nbowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott vbrain nbrake n & vbranch nbrand nbrave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v & n breakfast n breakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride nbridegroom nbridge nbrief abright abrilliant abring(brought,brought) v broad abroadcast(broadcast, broadcast或-ed,-ed) v brochure nbroken abroom nbrother nbrown n & abrunch nbrush v & nBuddhism nbudget nbuffet nbuild(built,built) v building nbunch nbungalow nburden nbureaucratic aburglar nburn(burnt,burnt或-ed,-ed) v & nburst vbury vbus nbush nbusiness n businessman/woman(pl businessmen/ women) n busy abut conj& prepbutcher n & vbutter nbutterfly nbutton n & vbuy(bought,bought) vby prepbye intCcab ncabbage ncafe ncafeteria ncage ncake ncalculate vcall n & vcalm a & vcamel ncamera ncamp n & v campaign ncan1(could);can’t=cannot modal v can2 ncanal ncancel vcancer ncandidate ncandle ncandy ncanteen ncap ncapital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption ncar ncarbon ncard ncare n & vcareful acareless a carpenter ncarpet ncarriage ncarrier ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncarve vcase ncash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) v castle ncasual acat ncatalogue n catastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) v category ncater vCatholic acattle ncause n & vcaution ncautious acave nCD=compact disk n ceiling ncelebrate v celebration ncell ncent ncentigrade a centimetre(Am centimeter) n central acentre(Am center) n century nceremony ncertain acertificate nchain nchair nchairman/woman(pl chairmen/women) n chalk nchallenge n challenging a champion nchance nchange n & v changeable a channel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter n characteristic a & n charge v & nchart nchat n & vcheap acheat n & vcheck n & vcheek ncheer n & vcheerful acheers intcheese nchef n chemical a & n chemist nchemistry ncheque(Am check) n chess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(pl children) n childhood n chocolate nchoice nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) v chopsticks nchorus nChristian n Christmas nchurch ncigar ncigarette ncinema ncircle n & vcircuit ncirculate v circumstance ncircus ncitizen ncity ncivil acivilian ncivilization nclap vclarify vclass nclassic aclassify vclassmate n classroom nclaw nclay nclean v & acleaner nclear aclerk nclever aclick vclimate nclimb vclinic nclock nclone vclose a & adcloth nclothes nclothing ncloud ncloudy aclub nclumsy acoach ncoal ncoast ncoat ncocoa ncoffee ncoin ncoincidence ncoke ncold a & ncollar ncolleague ncollect vcollection ncollege ncollision ncolour(Am color) n & v comb n & vcombine vcome(came,come) v comedy ncomfort n comfortable a command n & v comment n commercial a commit v commitment n committee n common a communicate v communication n communism n communist n & a companion n company n compare v compass n compensate v compete v competence n competition n complete a & v complex a & n component n composition n comprehension n compromise v compulsory a computer n concentrate v concept n concern v & n concert n conclude v conclusion n concrete a condemn v condition n conduct v conductor n conference n confident a confidential a confirm v conflict n confuse v congratulate v congratulation n connect v connection n conscience n consensus n consequence n conservation n conservative aconsider v considerate a consideration n consist v consistent a constant a constitution n construct v construction n consult v consultant n consume v contain v container n contemporary a content1 n content2 a continent n continue v contradict v contradictory a contrary n & a contribute v contribution n control v & n controversial a convenience n convenient a conventional a conversation n convey v convince v cook n & v cooker n cookie ncool acopy n & v corn ncorner n corporation n correct v & a correction n correspond v corrupt a & v cost n & vcosy(Am cozy) a cottage ncotton n & acough n & vcould modal v count vcounter ncountry n countryside n couple ncourage ncourse ncourt ncourtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & ncrayon ncrazy acream ncreate vcreature ncredit ncrew ncrime ncriminal n criterion(pl criteria) n crop ncross n & v crossing n crossroads ncrowd n & vcruel acry n & vcube ncubic acuisine nculture ncup ncupboard ncure n & vcurious acurrency n curriculum n curtain ncushion ncustom ncustomer ncustoms ncut(cut,cut) v & n cycle vcyclist ndad=daddy ndaily a,ad& ndam ndamage n & vdamp a & ndance n & vdanger n dangerous adare v & modal v dark a & n darkness ndash v & ndata ndatabase ndate n & vdaughter ndawn nday ndead adeadline ndeaf adeal ndear adeath ndebate n & vdebt ndecade ndecide vdecision ndeclare vdecline vdecorate v decoration n decrease vdeed ndeep a & addeer ndefeat vdefence(Am defense) n defend v degree ndelay n & vdelete v & n deliberately ad delicate adelicious adelight ndelighted adeliver vdemand vdentist n department(Dept.) n departure ndepend vdeposit v & ndepth ndescribe v description ndesert v & n deserve vdesign v & ndesire v & ndesk ndesperate adessert n destination n destroy vdetective n determine v develop v development n devote vdevotion ndiagram ndial vdialogue(Am dialog) n diamond ndiary ndictation n dictionary ndie vdiet ndiffer vdifference n different adifficult adifficulty ndig(dug,dug) v digest vdigital a dignity n dilemma n dimension n dinner n dinosaur n dioxide ndip vdiploma n direct a & v direction n director n directory n dirty a disability n disabled a disadvantage n disagree v disagreement n disappear v disappoint v disappointed a disaster n discount n discourage v discover v discovery n discrimination n discuss v discussion n disease n disgusting a dish ndisk=disc n dislike v dismiss v distance n distant a distinction n distinguish v distribute v district n disturb v disturbing adive vdiverse adivide vdivision ndivorce vdizzy ado(did,done) v doctor n document ndog ndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm) n dot ndouble a & ndoubt n & vdown prep & ad download n & v downstairs ad downtown ad,n& a dozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v drawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt 或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) v drive(drove,driven) v driver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty nDVD=digital versatile disk n dynamic adynasty nEeach a &proneager aeagle near nearly a & adearn vearth nearthquake neast a,ad& nEaster neastern aeasy aeat(ate,eaten) vecology nedge nedition neditor neducate veducation neducator neffect neffort negg neggplant neither a,conj& adelder nelect velectric aelectrical aelectricity nelectronic aelegant aelephant nelse ade-mail n & vembarrass v embassy n emergency n emperor n employ vempty a encourage v encouragement n end n & vending nendless aenemy n energetic a energy nengine n engineer nenjoy v enjoyable a enlarge venough pron,a& ad enquiry nenter v enterprise n entertainment n enthusiastic a entire aentrance nentry nenvelope n environment n envy v & nequal a & v equality nequip v equipment n eraser nerror nerupt vescape n & v especially ad essay nEurope n European a & n evaluate veven adevening nevent neventually adever adevery a everybody pron everyday a everyone pron everything pron everywhere ad evidence nevident a evolution nexact aexam=examination n examine v example n excellent aexcept prep exchange n & v excite vexcuse n & v exercise n & v exhibition nexist vexistence nexit nexpand vexpect v expectation n expense n expensive a experience n experiment n expert nexplain v explanation n explicit aexplode vexplore vexport n & v expose vexpress v & n expression n extension nextra a extraordinary a extreme a eye neyesight nFface n & vfacial afact nfactory nfade vfail v & nfailure nfair1 afair2 nfaith nfall1(fell,fallen) vfall2(Am)=autumn nfalse afamiliar afamily nfamous afan nfancy n,v& afantastic afantasy nfar(farther,farthest或further,furthest) a & ad fare nfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfasten vfat n & afather nfault nfavour(Am favor) n favourite(Am favorite) a & n fax n & vfear nfeast nfeather nfederal afee nfeed(fed,fed) vfeel(felt,felt) vfeeling nfellow nfemale a & nfence nferry nfestival n & afetch vfever nfew pron& afibre(Am fiber) nfiction nfield nfierce afight(fought,fought) n & v figure n & vfile nfill vfilm n & vfinal afinance nfind(found,found) vfine1 afine2 vfinger nfingernail nfinish v & nfire n & vfireworks nfirm1 nfirm2 afish n & vfisherman nfist nfit a & vfix vflag nflame nflash nflashlight nflat1 aflat2 nflee(fled,fled) vflesh nflexible aflight nfloat vflood n & vfloor nflour n flow vflower nflu nfluency nfluent afly1(flew,flown) vfly2 nfocus v & nfog nfoggy afold vfolk n & afollow vfond afood nfool n & vfoolish afoot(pl feet) nfootball nfor prep &conjforbid(forbade,forbidden) v force vforecast n & vforehead nforeign aforeigner nforesee(foresaw,foreseen) v forest nforever adforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) v forgetful aforgive(forgave,forgiven) v fork nform n & vformat nformer afortnight nfortunate afortune nforward adfoster vfound vfountain nfox nfragile afragrant aframework nfranc nfree afreedom nfreeway nfreeze(froze,frozen) v freezing afrequent afresh afriction nfridge=refrigerator n friend nfriendly a friendship n frighten vfrog nfrom prepfront a & nfrontier nfrost nfruit nfry vfuel nfull afun n & afunction n & v fundamental a funeral nfunny afur nfurnished a furniture nfuture nGgain vgallery ngallon ngame ngarage ngarbage ngarden ngarlic ngarment ngas ngate ngather v gay ageneral a & n generation n generous agentle agentleman n geography n geometry ngesture nget(got,got) vgift ngifted agiraffe ngirl ngive(gave,given) vglad aglance vglare vglass nglobe nglory nglove nglue ngo(went,gone) vgoal ngoat ngod ngold n & agolden agolf ngood(better,best) a goods ngoose(pl geese) n govern vgovernment ngrade ngradual agraduate vgraduation ngrain ngram ngrammar ngrand agrandchild n granddaughter n grandma=grandmother ngrandpa=grandfather n grandparents n grandson ngranny ngrape ngraph ngrasp vgrass ngrateful agravity ngreat a & adgreedy agreen a & n greengrocer ngreet vgreeting ngrey(Am gray) agrill ngrocer ngrocery nground ngroup ngrow(grew,grown) v growth nguarantee vguard nguess vguest nguidance nguide nguilty aguitar ngun ngym=gymnasium n gymnastics nHhabit nhair nhaircut nhalf a & nhall nham nhamburger n hammer nhand n & v handbag n handful nhandkerchief nhandle n & vhandsome ahandwriting nhandy ahang(hung,hung或-ed,-ed) v happen vhappiness nhappy aharbour(Am harbor) nhard ad & ahardly adhardship nhardworking aharm n & vharmful aharmony nharvest n & vhat nhatch vhate v &nhave(has,had,had) vhe pronhead n & vheadache nheadline nheadmaster n headmistress nhealth nhealthy ahear(heard,heard) v hearing nheart nheat nheaven nheavy aheel nheight nhelicopter nhello inthelmet nhelp n & vhelpful ahen nher pronherb nhere adhero nhers pronherself pronhesitate vhi inthide(hid,hidden) vhigh a & adhighway nhill nhim pronhimself pronhire vhis pronhistory nhit(hit,hit) v & n hobby nhold(held,held) vhole nholiday nholy ahome n & ad homeland n hometown n homework nhonest ahoney nhonour(Am honor) n & v hook n & vhope n & vhopeful ahopeless ahorrible ahorse nhospital nhost n & vhostess nhot ahotdog nhotel nhour nhouse nhousewife n housework nhow ad however ad &conj howl vhug vhuge ahuman a & n human being n humorous a humour(Am humor) n hunger nhungry ahunt vhunter nhurricane nhurry vhurt(hurt,hurt) v husband n hydrogen nII pronice nice-cream nidea nidentity n identification n idiom nif conjignore vill aillegal aillness nimagine v immediately ad immigration n import v & n importance n important a impossible a impress v impression n improve vin prep & adinch nincident ninclude vincome nincrease v & nindeed a independence n independent a indicate v industry n influence n & v inform v information n initial ainjure vinjury nink ninn ninnocent a insect ninsert vinside prep & ad insist vinspect v inspire v instant a instead ad institute n institution n instruct v instruction n instrument n insurance n insure v intelligence n intend v intention n interest n interesting a international a Internet n interpreter n interrupt v interval n interview n & v into prep introduce v introduction n invent v invention n invitation n invite viron n & virrigation nis v(be)island nit pronits pronitself pronJjacket njam njar njaw njazz njeans njeep njet njewellery(Am jewelry) n job njog vjoin vjoke njournalist njourney njoy njudge n & vjudgement(Am judgment) njuice njump n & vjungle njunior ajust a & adjustice nKkangaroo nkeep(kept,kept) vkettle nkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo nkilogram nkilometre(Am kilometer) nkind1 nkind2 a kindergarten n kindness nking nkingdom nkiss n & vkitchen nkite nknee nknife(pl knives) n knock n & vknow(knew,known) v knowledge nLlab=laboratory n labour(Am labor) n lack n & vlady nlake nlamb nlame alamp nland n & v language nlantern nlap nlarge alast a & vlate a & adlatter nlaugh n & v laughter nlaundry nlaw nlawyer nlay(laid,laid) vlazy alead(led,led) v & n leader nleaf(pl leaves) n league nleak vlearn(learnt,learnt或-ed,-ed) vleast n leather nleave(left,left) v lecture nleft a,ad& nleg nlegal alemon n & a lemonade n lend(lent,lent) v length n lesson nlet(let,let) v letter nlevel n liberation n liberty n librarian n library n license nlid nlie1 n & vlie2(lay,lain) v life(pl lives) nlift v & nlight n,v& a lightning nlike v & prep likely alimit vline n & vlink v & nlion nlip nliquid n & alist n & vlisten v literature n literary alitre(Am liter) n litter vlittle(less,least) a live v & alively aload nloaf nlocal a。

官网:官网:附录1语音项目表1. 基本读音(1)26 个字母的读音(2)元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3)元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4)元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5)常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6)辅音字母组合的读音(7)辅音连缀的读音(8)成节音的读音2. 重音(1)单词重音(2)句子重音3. 读音的变化(1)连读(2)失去爆破(3)弱读(4)同化4. 语调与节奏(1)意群与停顿(2)语调(3)节奏5.语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6.朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7.主要英语国家的英语语音差异官网:官网:附录2语法项目表1. 名词(1)可数名词及其单复数(2)不可数名词(3)专有名词(4)名词所有格2. 代词(1)人称代词(2)物主代词(3)反身代词(4)指示代词(5)不定代词(6)疑问代词3. 数词(1)基数词(2)序数词4.介词和介词短语5.连词6.形容词(比较级和最高级)7.副词(比较级和最高级)8.冠词9.动词(1)动词的基本形式(2)系动词(3)及物动词和不及物动词(4)助动词(5)情态动词10. 时态(1)一般现在时官网:(2)一般过去时(3)一般将来时(4)现在进行时(5)过去进行时(6)过去将来时(7)将来进行时(8)现在完成时(9)过去完成时(10)现在完成进行时11.被动语态12.非谓语动词(1)动词不定式(2)动词的-ing形式(3)动词的-ed形式13. 构词法(1)合成法(2)派生法(3)转化法(4)缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1)陈述句(2)疑问句(3)祈使句(4)感叹句15. 句子成分(1)主语(2)谓语(3)表语(4)宾语官网:(5)定语(6)状语(7)补语官网:16.简单句的基本句型17.主谓一致18.并列复合句19.主从复合句(1)宾语从句(2)状语从句(3)定语从句(4)主语从句(5)表语从句20.间接引语21.省略22.倒装23.强调24.虚拟语气官网:附录3功能意念项目表1.社会交往(Social Communications)(1) 问候 (Greetings)(2) 介绍 (Introduction)(3) 告别 (Farewells )(4) 感谢 (Thanks )(5) 道歉 (Apologies)(6) 邀请 (Invitation)(7) 请求允许 (Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺 (Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助 (Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝 (Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会 (Making appointments)(12) 打电话 (Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐 (Having meals)(14) 就医 (Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物 (Shopping)(16) 问路 (Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气 (Talking about weather)(18) 语言交际困难 (Language difficulties in communication)(19) 提醒注意 (Reminding)(20) 警告和禁止 (Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告 (Advice)(22) 建议 (Suggestions)2.态度(Attitudes)(23)同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)(24)喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)官网:(25)肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)(26)可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)(27)能够和不能够(Ability and inability)官网:(28)偏爱和优先选择(Preference)(29)意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)(30)希望和愿望(Hopes and wishes)(31)表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)(32)责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)(33)冷淡(Indifference)(34)判断与评价(Judgement and evaluation) 3. 情感(Emotions)(35)高兴(Happiness)(36)惊奇(Surprise)(37)忧虑(Worries)(38)安慰(Reassurance)(39)满意(Satisfaction)(40)遗憾(Regret)(41)同情(Sympathy)(42)恐惧(Fear)(43)愤怒(Anger)4. 时间 (Time)(44) 时刻 (Point of time)(45)时段(Duration)(46)频度(Frequency)(47)时序(Sequence)5. 空间 (Space)(48)位置(Position)(49)方向(Direction)(50)距离(Distance) 6. 存在(Existence)(51)存在与不存在(Existence and Non-existence)7. 特征(Features)(52)形状(Shape)(53)颜色(Colour)官网:(54)材料(Material)(55)价格(Price)(56)规格(Size)(57)年龄(Age)8. 计量 (Measurement)(58)长度(Length)(59)宽度(Width)(60)高度(Height)(61)数量(Number)9. 比较(Comparison)(62)同级比较(Equal comparison)(63)差别比较(Comparative and superlative)(64)相似和差别(Similarity and difference)10. 逻辑关系(Logical relations)(65)原因和结果(Cause and effect)(66)目的(Purpose)11. 职业 (Occupations)(67)工作(Jobs)(68)单位(Employer)官网:附录4话题项目表1.个人情况(Personal information)2.家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)3.周围的环境(Personal environments)4.日常活动(Daily routines)5.学校生活(School life)6.兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)7.个人感情(Emotions)8.人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9.计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10.节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)11.购物(Shopping)12.饮食(Food and drink)13.健康(Health)14.天气(Weather)15.文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)16.旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17.语言学习(Language learning)18.自然(Nature)19.世界与环境(The world and the environment)20.科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21.热点话题(Topical issues)22.历史与地理(History and geography)23.社会(Society)24.文学与艺术(Literature and art)官网:官网:附录 5 词汇表A accommodation n a(an) art accompany v abandon v accomplish v ability n account nable a accountant n abnormal a accumulate v aboard prep accuracy n abolish v accurate a abortion n accuse vabout ad & prep accustomed a above prep,a & ad ache v & n abroad ad achieve v abrupt a achievement n absence n acid aabsent a acknowledge v absolute a acquaintance n absorb v acquire v abstract a & n acquisition n absurd a acre n abundant a across prep abuse v act n & v academic a & n action n academy n active a accelerate v activity n accent n actor n accept v actress n access n & v actual a accessible a acute a官网:accident n AD abbr官网:ad=advertisement n afford vadapt v afraid a adaptation n Africa nadd v African a & n addicted a after ad,prep & conj addition n afternoon n address n afterward(s) ad adequate a again adadjust v against prep adjustment n age n administration n agency n admirable a agenda nadmire v agent n admission n aggressive a admit v ago ad adolescence n agree v adolescent a & n agreement n adopt v agricultural a adore v agriculture nadult n ahead ad advance v & n aid n & v advantage n AIDS n adventure n aim n & v advertise v air n advertisement n aircraft nadvice n airline nadvise v airmail n advocate v airplane naffair n airport naffect v airspace n affection n alarm n & v官网:官网:album n amazing a alcohol n ambassador n alcoholic a & n ambassadress n algebra n ambiguous a alike ad ambition n alive a ambulance nall ad,a & pron America n allergic a among prep alley n amount n & v allocate v ample aallow v amuse v allowance n amusement n almost ad analyse valone a analysis n along ad & prep ancestor n alongside ad anchor v & n aloud ad ancient a alphabet n and conj already ad anecdote nalso ad anger n alternative a angle n although conj angry a altitude n animal n altogether ad ankle n aluminium anniversary n (Am aluminum) n announce v always ad annoy vam v(be) annual aa.m./am,A.M./AM abbr another a & pron amateur a answer n & v amaze v ant n官网:官网:Antarctic a appropriate a antique n approval n anxiety n approve v anxious a approximately ad any pron & a apron n anybody pron arbitrary a anyhow ad arch nanyone pron architect n anything pron architecture n anyway ad Arctic a anywhere ad are v(be)apart ad & a area n apartment n argue v apologize v argument n apology n arise(arose,arisen) v apparent a arithmetic n appeal v & n arm n & vappear v armchair n appearance n army nappendix n around ad & prep appetite n arrange v applaud v & n arrangement n apple n arrest v applicant n arrival n application n arrive vapply v arrow nappoint v art n appointment n article n appreciate v artificial a appreciation n artist n approach n & v as ad,conj & prep官网:官网:ash n attend vashamed a attention nAsia n attitude nAsian a & n attract vaside ad attraction nask v attractive aasleep a audience naspect n aunt nassess v authentic aassessment n author nassist v authority nassistance n automatic aassistant n autonomous aassociate v autumn nassociation n available aassume v avenue nassumption n average a & nastonish v avoid vastronaut n awake(awoke,awoken) v & a astronomer n award nastronomy n aware aat prep away adathlete n awesome aathletic a awful aAtlantic a awkward aatmosphere natom n Battach v baby nattack v & n bachelor nattain v back ad,a & nattempt v & n background n官网:官网:backward(s) ad basin nbacon n basis nbacterium(pl bacteria) n basket nbad(worse,worst) a basketball nbadminton n bat nbag n bath nbaggage n bathe vbakery n bathroom nbalance n bathtub nbalcony n battery nball n battle nballet n bay nballoon n BC abbrbamboo n be(am,is,are,was,ban n & v were,being,been) v banana n beach nband n bean nbandage n bean curd nbank n bear1 nbar n bear2 vbarbecue n beard nbarber n beast nbarbershop n beat(beat,beaten) v & n bare a beautiful abargain n & v beauty nbark v & n because conjbarrier n become(became,become) v base n bed nbaseball n beddings nbasement n bedroom nbasic a bee n官网:官网:beef n bike=bicycle n beer n bill nbefore prep,ad&conj bingo nbeg v biochemistry n begin(began,begun) v biography n behalf n biology n behave v bird nbehaviour(Am behavior) n birth nbehind prep & ad birthday nbeing n birthplace nbelief n biscuit nbelieve v bishop nbell n bit nbelly n bite(bit,bitten) v belong v bitter abelow prep black a & nbelt n blackboard n bench n blame n & vbend(bent,bent) v blank n & a beneath prep blanket n beneficial a bleed vbenefit n & v bless vbent a & n blind abeside prep block n & v besides prep & ad blood nbetray v blouse n between prep blow(blew,blown) v beyond prep blue n & a bicycle n board n & vbid v & n boat nbig a body n官网:官网:boil v brain nbomb n & v brake n & vbond n & v branch nbone n brand nbonus n brave abook n & v bravery nboom n & v bread nboot n break(broke,broken) v & n booth n breakfast nborder n breakthrough nbored a breast nboring a breath nborn a breathe vborrow v breathless aboss n brewery nbotanical a brick nbotany n bride nboth a & pron bridegroom nbother v bridge nbottle n brief abottom n bright abounce v brilliant abound a bring(brought,brought) v boundary n broad abow v & n broadcast(broadcast,bowl n broadcast 或-ed,-ed) v bowling n brochure nbox n broken aboxing n broom nboy n brother nboycott v brown n & a官网:官网:brunch n Cbrush v & n cab nBuddhism n cabbage nbudget n cafe nbuffet n cafeteria nbuild(built,built) v cage nbuilding n cake nbunch n calculate v bungalow n call n & vburden n calm a & v bureaucratic a camel nburglar n camera nburn(burnt,burnt camp n & v或-ed,-ed) v & n campaign nburst v can1(could);bury v can’t=cannot modal vbus n can2 nbush n canal nbusiness n cancel v businessman/woman cancer n(pl businessmen/ women) n candidate nbusy a candle nbut conj & prep candy nbutcher n & v canteen nbutter n cap nbutterfly n capital nbutton n & v capsule nbuy(bought,bought) v captain nby prep caption nbye int car ncarbon n官网:官网:card n ceiling ncare n & v celebrate vcareful a celebration n careless a cell ncarpenter n cent ncarpet n centigrade a carriage n centimetrecarrier n (Am centimeter) n carrot n central acarry v centre(Am center) n cartoon n century ncarve v ceremony ncase n certain acash n & v certificate n cassette n chain ncast(cast,cast) v chair ncastle n chairman/woman casual a (pl chairmen/women) n cat n chalk ncatalogue n challenge n catastrophe n challenging acatch(caught,caught) v champion n category n chance ncater v change n & v Catholic a changeable acattle n channel ncause n & v chant v & ncaution n chaos ncautious a chapter ncave n character nCD=compact disk n characteristic a & n官网:官网:charge v & n Christmas n chart n church nchat n & v cigar ncheap a cigarette n cheat n & v cinema n check n & v circle n & v cheek n circuit n cheer n & v circulate v cheerful a circumstance n cheers int circus n cheese n citizen nchef n city n chemical a & n civil a chemist n civilian n chemistry n civilization n cheque(Am check) n clap vchess n clarify v chest n class nchew v classic a chicken n classify v chief a & n classmate n child(pl children) n classroom n childhood n claw n chocolate n clay n choice n clean v & a choir n cleaner n choke n & v clear a choose(chose,chosen) v clerk n chopsticks n clever a chorus n click v Christian n climate n官网:官网:climb v come(came,come) v clinic n comedy nclock n comfort nclone v comfortable a close a & ad command n & v cloth n comment n clothes n commercial a clothing n commit vcloud n commitment n cloudy a committee nclub n common a clumsy a communicate v coach n communication n coal n communism n coast n communist n & a coat n companion n cocoa n company ncoffee n compare vcoin n compass n coincidence n compensate v coke n compete vcold a & n competence n collar n competition n colleague n complete a & v collect v complex a & n collection n component n college n composition n collision n comprehension n colour(Am color) n & v compromise v comb n & v compulsory a combine v computer n官网:官网:concentrate v constant a concept n constitution n concern v & n construct v concert n construction n conclude v consult v conclusion n consultant n concrete a consume v condemn v contain v condition n container n conduct v contemporary a conductor n content1 n conference n content2 a confident a continent n confidential a continue v confirm v contradict v conflict n contradictory a confuse v contrary n & a congratulate v contribute v congratulation n contribution n connect v control v & n connection n controversial a conscience n convenience n consensus n convenient a consequence n conventional a conservation n conversation n conservative a convey v consider v convince v considerate a cook n & v consideration n cooker n consist v cookie n consistent a cool a官网:官网:copy n & v creature ncorn n credit ncorner n crew n corporation n crime ncorrect v & a criminal n correction n criterion(pl criteria) n correspond v crop ncorrupt a & v cross n & vcost n & v crossing ncosy(Am cozy) a crossroads n cottage n crowd n & vcotton n & a cruel acough n & v cry n & vcould modal v cube ncount v cubic acounter n cuisine ncountry n culture n countryside n cup ncouple n cupboard n courage n cure n & vcourse n curious acourt n currency n courtyard n curriculum n cousin n curtain ncover n & v cushion ncow n custom ncrash v & n customer ncrayon n customs ncrazy a cut(cut,cut) v & n cream n cycle vcreate v cyclist n官网:官网:declare vD decline vdad=daddy n decorate vdaily a,ad & n decoration ndam n decrease vdamage n & v deed ndamp a & n deep a & addance n & v deer ndanger n defeat vdangerous a defence(Am defense) n dare v & modal v defend vdark a & n degree ndarkness n delay n & vdash v & n delete v & ndata n deliberately ad database n delicate adate n & v delicious a daughter n delight ndawn n delighted aday n deliver vdead a demand vdeadline n dentist ndeaf a department(Dept.) n deal n departure ndear a depend vdeath n deposit v & n debate n & v depth ndebt n describe vdecade n description ndecide v desert v & n decision n deserve v官网:官网:design v & n dilemma n desire v & n dimension n desk n dinner n desperate a dinosaur n dessert n dioxide n destination n dip vdestroy v diploma n detective n direct a & v determine v direction n develop v director n development n directory n devote v dirty a devotion n disability n diagram n disabled adial v disadvantage n dialogue(Am dialog) n disagree v diamond n disagreement n diary n disappear v dictation n disappoint v dictionary n disappointed a die v disaster ndiet n discount n differ v discourage v difference n discover v different a discovery n difficult a discrimination n difficulty n discuss vdig(dug,dug) v discussion n digest v disease n digital a disgusting a dignity n dish n官网:官网:disk=disc ndislike vdismiss vdistance ndistant a distinction n distinguish v distribute vdistrict n disturbv disturbing adive v diverse a divide vdivision ndivorce v dizzya do(did,done)v doctor n document n dogndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm) n dot ndouble a & n doubt n & v down prep & ad download n & v downstairs ad downtown ad,n & a dozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v drawback n drawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt 或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) v drive(drove,driven) v driver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty n官网:w w w .b ai ri x u e. c o m官网:DVD=digital versatile disk n elect vdynamic a electric a dynasty n electrical aelectricity nE electronic aeach a & pron elegant aeager a elephant neagle n else adear n e-mail n & v early a & ad embarrass vearn v embassy nearth n emergency n earthquake n emperor neast a,ad & n employ vEaster n empty aeastern a encourage veasy a encouragement n eat(ate,eaten) v end n & vecology n ending nedge n endless aedition n enemy neditor n energetic a educate v energy n education n engine n educator n engineer neffect n enjoy veffort n enjoyable aegg n enlarge v eggplant n enough pron,a & ad either a,conj & ad enquiry nelder n enter v。
2018高考英语考试大纲 (2).doc

附录1 语音项目表1. 基本读音(1) 26个字母的读音(2) 元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3) 元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4) 元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5) 常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6) 辅音字母组合的读音(7) 辅音连缀的读音(8) 成节音的读音2. 重音(1) 单词重音(2) 句子重音3. 读音的变化(1) 连读(2) 失去爆破(3) 弱读(4) 同化4. 语调与节奏(1) 意群与停顿(2) 语调(3) 节奏5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6. 朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录2 语法项目表1. 名词(1) 可数名词及其单复数(2) 不可数名词(3) 专有名词(4) 名词所有格2. 代词(1) 人称代词(2) 物主代词(3) 反身代词(4) 指示代词(5) 不定代词(6) 疑问代词3. 数词(1) 基数词(2) 序数词4. 介词和介词短语5. 连词6. 形容词(比较级和最高级)7. 副词(比较级和最高级)8. 冠词9. 动词(1) 动词的基本形式(2) 系动词(3) 及物动词和不及物动词(4) 助动词(5) 情态动词10. 时态(1) 一般现在时(2) 一般过去时(3) 一般将来时(4) 现在进行时(5) 过去进行时(6) 过去将来时(7) 将来进行时(8) 现在完成时(9) 过去完成时(10) 现在完成进行时11. 被动语态12. 非谓语动词(1) 动词不定式(2) 动词的-ing形式(3) 动词的-ed形式13. 构词法(1) 合成法(2) 派生法(3) 转化法(4) 缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1) 陈述句(2) 疑问句(3) 祈使句(4) 感叹句15. 句子成分(1) 主语(2) 谓语(3) 表语(4) 宾语(5) 定语(6) 状语(7) 补语16. 简单句的基本句型17. 主谓一致18. 并列复合句19. 主从复合句(1) 宾语从句(2) 状语从句(3) 定语从句(4) 主语从句(5) 表语从句20. 间接引语21. 省略22. 倒装23. 强调24. 虚拟语气附录3 功能意念项目表1. 社会交往(Social Communications)(1) 问候(Greetings)(2) 介绍(Introduction)(3) 告别(Farewells )(4) 感谢(Thanks )(5) 道歉(Apologies)(6) 邀请(Invitation)(7) 请求允许(Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助(Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝(Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会(Making appointments)(12) 打电话(Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐(Having meals)(14) 就医(Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物(Shopping)(16) 问路(Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气(Talking about weather)(18) 语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication)(19) 提醒注意(Reminding)(20) 警告和禁止(Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告(Advice)(22) 建议(Suggestions)2. 态度(Attitudes)(23) 同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)(24) 喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)(25) 肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)(26) 可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)(27) 能够和不能够(Ability and inability)(28) 偏爱和优先选择(Preference)(29) 意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)(30) 希望和愿望(Hopes and wishes)(31) 表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)(32) 责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)(33) 冷淡(Indifference)(34) 判断与评价(Judgement and evaluation)3. 情感(Emotions)(35) 高兴(Happiness)(36) 惊奇(Surprise)(37) 忧虑(Worries)(38) 安慰(Reassurance)(39) 满意(Satisfaction)(40) 遗憾(Regret)(41) 同情(Sympathy)(42) 恐惧(Fear)(43) 愤怒(Anger)4. 时间(Time)(44) 时刻(Point of time)(45) 时段(Duration)(46) 频度(Frequency)(47) 时序(Sequence)5. 空间(Space)(48) 位置(Position)(49) 方向(Direction)(50) 距离(Distance)6. 存在(Existence)(51) 存在与不存在(Existence and Non-existence) 7. 特征(Features)(52) 形状(Shape)(53) 颜色(Colour)(54) 材料(Material)(55) 价格(Price)(56) 规格(Size)(57) 年龄(Age)8. 计量(Measurement)(58) 长度(Length)(59) 宽度(Width)(60) 高度(Height)(61) 数量(Number)9. 比较(Comparison)(62) 同级比较(Equal comparison)(63) 差别比较(Comparative and superlative)(64) 相似和差别(Similarity and difference)10. 逻辑关系(Logical relations)(65) 原因和结果(Cause and effect)(66) 目的(Purpose)11. 职业(Occupations)(67) 工作(Jobs)(68) 单位(Employer)附录4 话题项目表1. 个人情况(Personal information)2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)3. 周围的环境(Personal environments)4. 日常活动(Daily routines)5. 学校生活(School life)6. 兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)7. 个人感情(Emotions)8. 人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9. 计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10. 节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)11. 购物(Shopping)12. 饮食(Food and drink)13. 健康(Health)14. 天气(Weather)15. 文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)16. 旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17. 语言学习(Language learning)18. 自然(Nature)19. 世界与环境(The world and the environment)20. 科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21. 热点话题(Topical issues)22. 历史与地理(History and geography)23. 社会(Society)24. 文学与艺术(Literature and art)附录5 词汇表Aa(an) artabandon vability nable aabnormal aaboard prepabolish vabortion nabout ad & prepabove prep,a& adabroad adabrupt aabsence nabsent aabsolute aabsorb vabstract a & nabsurd aabundant aabuse vacademic a & nacademy n accelerate vaccent naccept vaccess n & v accessible a accident n accommodation n accompany v accomplish v account n accountant n accumulate v accuracy n accurate aaccuse v accustomed aache v & nachieve v achievement nacid a acknowledge v acquaintance n acquire v acquisition nacre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity nactor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbrad=advertisement n adapt vadaptation nadd vaddicted aaddition naddress n adequate aadjust v adjustment n administration n admirable a admire v admission n admit v adolescence n adolescent a & n adopt vadore vadult nadvance v & n advantage n adventure n advertise v advertisement n advice nadvise v advocate vaffair naffect v affection n afford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & n after ad,prep&conj afternoon n afterward(s) ad again adagainst prepage nagency n agenda nagent n aggressive aago adagree v agreement n agricultural a agriculture n ahead adaid n & vAIDS naim n & vair naircraft nairline nairmail nalbum nalcohol nalcoholic a & n algebra nalike adalive aall ad,a&pronallergic aalley nallocate vallow vallowance nalmost adalone aalong ad & prep alongside adaloud adalphabet nalready adalso adalternative a although conjaltitude naltogether ad aluminium(Am aluminum) n always adam v(be)a.m./am,A.M./AM abbr amateur aamaze vamazing a ambassador n ambassadress n ambiguous a ambition n ambulance n America namong prepamount n & vample aamuse v amusement n analyse v analysis n ancestor n anchor v & n ancient aand conj anecdote n anger nangle nangry aanimal nankle n anniversary n announce v annoy vannual a another a &pron Antarctic a antique n anxiety n anxious aany pron& a anybody pron anyhow ad anyone pron anything pron anyway ad anywhere ad apart ad & a apartment n apologize v apology n apparent a appeal v & n appear v appearance n appendix n appetite n applaud v & n apple n applicant n application n apply vappoint v appointment n appreciate v appreciation napproach n & v appropriate a approval n approve v approximately ad apron narbitrary aarch narchitect n architecture n Arctic aare v(be)area nargue v argument narise(arose,arisen) v arithmetic narm n & v armchair narmy naround ad & prep arrange v arrangement n arrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle nartificial aartist nas ad,conj& prep ash nashamed aAsia nAsian a & naside adask vasleep aaspect nassess v assessment n assist v assistance n assistant n associate v association nassume vassumption nastonish vastronaut nastronomer nastronomy nat prepathlete nathletic aAtlantic aatmosphere natom nattach vattack v & nattain vattempt v & nattend vattention nattitude nattract vattraction nattractive aaudience naunt nauthentic aauthor nauthority nautomatic aautonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken) v & a award naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a& nbackground n backward(s) ad bacon nbacterium(pl bacteria) n bad(worse,worst) a badminton nbag nbaggage nbakery nbalance nbalcony nball nballet nballoon nbamboo nban n & vbanana nband nbandage nbank nbar nbarbecue nbarber n barbershop nbare abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier nbase nbaseball n basement nbasic abasin nbasis nbasket nbasketball nbat nbath nbathe vbathroom nbathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was, were,being,been) v beach nbean nbean curd nbear1 nbear2 vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & n beautiful abeauty nbecause conjbecome(became,become) v bed nbeddings nbedroom nbee nbeef nbeer nbefore prep,ad&conjbeg vbegin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehavior (Am behavior) n behind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent) v beneath prepbeneficial abenefit n & vbent a & nbeside prepbesides prep & adbetray vbetween prepbeyond prepbicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle nbill nbingo n biochemistry n biography n biology nbird nbirth nbirthday n birthplace n biscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) v bitter ablack a & n blackboard n blame n & vblank n & a blanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) v blue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbond n & vbone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn a borrow vboss nbotanical abotany nboth a &pronbother vbottle nbottom nbounce vbound aboundary nbow v & nbowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott vbrain nbrake n & vbranch nbrand nbrave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v & n breakfast n breakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride nbridegroom nbridge nbrief abright abrilliant abring(brought,brought) v broad abroadcast(broadcast, broadcast或-ed,-ed) v brochure nbroken abroom nbrother nbrown n & abrunch nbrush v & nBuddhism nbudget nbuffet nbuild(built,built) v building nbunch nbungalow nburden nbureaucratic aburglar nburn(burnt,burnt或-ed,-ed) v & nburst vbury vbus nbush nbusiness n businessman/woman(pl businessmen/ women) n busy abut conj& prepbutcher n & vbutter nbutterfly nbutton n & vbuy(bought,bought) vby prepbye intCcab ncabbage ncafe ncafeteria ncage ncake ncalculate vcall n & vcalm a & vcamel ncamera ncamp n & v campaign ncan1(could);can’t=cannot modal v can2 ncanal ncancel vcancer ncandidate ncandle ncandy ncanteen ncap ncapital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption ncar ncarbon ncard ncare n & vcareful acareless a carpenter ncarpet ncarriage ncarrier ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncarve vcase ncash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) v castle ncasual acat ncatalogue n catastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) v category ncater vCatholic acattle ncause n & vcaution ncautious acave nCD=compact disk n ceiling ncelebrate v celebration ncell ncent ncentigrade a centimetre(Am centimeter) n central acentre(Am center) n century nceremony ncertain acertificate nchain nchair nchairman/woman(pl chairmen/women) n chalk nchallenge n challenging a champion nchance nchange n & v changeable a channel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter n characteristic a & n charge v & nchart nchat n & vcheap acheat n & vcheck n & vcheek ncheer n & vcheerful acheers intcheese nchef n chemical a & n chemist nchemistry ncheque(Am check) n chess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(pl children) n childhood n chocolate nchoice nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) v chopsticks nchorus nChristian n Christmas nchurch ncigar ncigarette ncinema ncircle n & vcircuit ncirculate v circumstance ncircus ncitizen ncity ncivil acivilian ncivilization nclap vclarify vclass nclassic aclassify vclassmate n classroom nclaw nclay nclean v & acleaner nclear aclerk nclever aclick vclimate nclimb vclinic nclock nclone vclose a & adcloth nclothes nclothing ncloud ncloudy aclub nclumsy acoach ncoal ncoast ncoat ncocoa ncoffee ncoin ncoincidence ncoke ncold a & ncollar ncolleague ncollect vcollection ncollege ncollision ncolour(Am color) n & v comb n & vcombine vcome(came,come) v comedy ncomfort n comfortable a command n & v comment n commercial a commit v commitment n committee n common a communicate v communication n communism n communist n & a companion n company n compare v compass n compensate v compete v competence n competition n complete a & v complex a & n component n composition n comprehension n compromise v compulsory a computer n concentrate v concept n concern v & n concert n conclude v conclusion n concrete a condemn v condition n conduct v conductor n conference n confident a confidential a confirm v conflict n confuse v congratulate v congratulation n connect v connection n conscience n consensus n consequence n conservation n conservative aconsider v considerate a consideration n consist v consistent a constant a constitution n construct v construction n consult v consultant n consume v contain v container n contemporary a content1 n content2 a continent n continue v contradict v contradictory a contrary n & a contribute v contribution n control v & n controversial a convenience n convenient a conventional a conversation n convey v convince v cook n & v cooker n cookie ncool acopy n & v corn ncorner n corporation n correct v & a correction n correspond v corrupt a & v cost n & vcosy(Am cozy) a cottage ncotton n & acough n & vcould modal v count vcounter ncountry n countryside n couple ncourage ncourse ncourt ncourtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & ncrayon ncrazy acream ncreate vcreature ncredit ncrew ncrime ncriminal n criterion(pl criteria) n crop ncross n & v crossing n crossroads ncrowd n & vcruel acry n & vcube ncubic acuisine nculture ncup ncupboard ncure n & vcurious acurrency n curriculum n curtain ncushion ncustom ncustomer ncustoms ncut(cut,cut) v & n cycle vcyclist ndad=daddy ndaily a,ad& ndam ndamage n & vdamp a & ndance n & vdanger n dangerous adare v & modal v dark a & n darkness ndash v & ndata ndatabase ndate n & vdaughter ndawn nday ndead adeadline ndeaf adeal ndear adeath ndebate n & vdebt ndecade ndecide vdecision ndeclare vdecline vdecorate v decoration n decrease vdeed ndeep a & addeer ndefeat vdefence(Am defense) n defend v degree ndelay n & vdelete v & n deliberately ad delicate adelicious adelight ndelighted adeliver vdemand vdentist n department(Dept.) n departure ndepend vdeposit v & ndepth ndescribe v description ndesert v & n deserve vdesign v & ndesire v & ndesk ndesperate adessert n destination n destroy vdetective n determine v develop v development n devote vdevotion ndiagram ndial vdialogue(Am dialog) n diamond ndiary ndictation n dictionary ndie vdiet ndiffer vdifference n different adifficult adifficulty ndig(dug,dug) v digest vdigital a dignity n dilemma n dimension n dinner n dinosaur n dioxide ndip vdiploma n direct a & v direction n director n directory n dirty a disability n disabled a disadvantage n disagree v disagreement n disappear v disappoint v disappointed a disaster n discount n discourage v discover v discovery n discrimination n discuss v discussion n disease n disgusting a dish ndisk=disc n dislike v dismiss v distance n distant a distinction n distinguish v distribute v district n disturb v disturbing adive vdiverse adivide vdivision ndivorce vdizzy ado(did,done) v doctor n document ndog ndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm) n dot ndouble a & ndoubt n & vdown prep & ad download n & v downstairs ad downtown ad,n& a dozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v drawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt 或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) v drive(drove,driven) v driver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty nDVD=digital versatile disk n dynamic adynasty nEeach a &proneager aeagle near nearly a & adearn vearth nearthquake neast a,ad& nEaster neastern aeasy aeat(ate,eaten) vecology nedge nedition neditor neducate veducation neducator neffect neffort negg neggplant neither a,conj& adelder nelect velectric aelectrical aelectricity nelectronic aelegant aelephant nelse ade-mail n & vembarrass v embassy n emergency n emperor n employ vempty a encourage v encouragement n end n & vending nendless aenemy n energetic a energy nengine n engineer nenjoy v enjoyable a enlarge venough pron,a& ad enquiry nenter v enterprise n entertainment n enthusiastic a entire aentrance nentry nenvelope n environment n envy v & nequal a & v equality nequip v equipment n eraser nerror nerupt vescape n & v especially ad essay nEurope n European a & n evaluate veven adevening nevent neventually adever adevery a everybody pron everyday a everyone pron everything pron everywhere ad evidence nevident a evolution nexact aexam=examination n examine v example n excellent aexcept prep exchange n & v excite vexcuse n & v exercise n & v exhibition nexist vexistence nexit nexpand vexpect v expectation n expense n expensive a experience n experiment n expert nexplain v explanation n explicit aexplode vexplore vexport n & v expose vexpress v & n expression n extension nextra a extraordinary a extreme a eye neyesight nFface n & vfacial afact nfactory nfade vfail v & nfailure nfair1 afair2 nfaith nfall1(fell,fallen) vfall2(Am)=autumn nfalse afamiliar afamily nfamous afan nfancy n,v& afantastic afantasy nfar(farther,farthest或further,furthest) a & ad fare nfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfasten vfat n & afather nfault nfavour(Am favor) n favourite(Am favorite) a & n fax n & vfear nfeast nfeather nfederal afee nfeed(fed,fed) vfeel(felt,felt) vfeeling nfellow nfemale a & nfence nferry nfestival n & afetch vfever nfew pron& afibre(Am fiber) nfiction nfield nfierce afight(fought,fought) n & v figure n & vfile nfill vfilm n & vfinal afinance nfind(found,found) vfine1 afine2 vfinger nfingernail nfinish v & nfire n & vfireworks nfirm1 nfirm2 afish n & vfisherman nfist nfit a & vfix vflag nflame nflash nflashlight nflat1 aflat2 nflee(fled,fled) vflesh nflexible aflight nfloat vflood n & vfloor nflour n flow vflower nflu nfluency nfluent afly1(flew,flown) vfly2 nfocus v & nfog nfoggy afold vfolk n & afollow vfond afood nfool n & vfoolish afoot(pl feet) nfootball nfor prep &conjforbid(forbade,forbidden) v force vforecast n & vforehead nforeign aforeigner nforesee(foresaw,foreseen) v forest nforever adforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) v forgetful aforgive(forgave,forgiven) v fork nform n & vformat nformer afortnight nfortunate afortune nforward adfoster vfound vfountain nfox nfragile afragrant aframework nfranc nfree afreedom nfreeway nfreeze(froze,frozen) v freezing afrequent afresh afriction nfridge=refrigerator n friend nfriendly a friendship n frighten vfrog nfrom prepfront a & nfrontier nfrost nfruit nfry vfuel nfull afun n & afunction n & v fundamental a funeral nfunny afur nfurnished a furniture nfuture nGgain vgallery ngallon ngame ngarage ngarbage ngarden ngarlic ngarment ngas ngate ngather v gay ageneral a & n generation n generous agentle agentleman n geography n geometry ngesture nget(got,got) vgift ngifted agiraffe ngirl ngive(gave,given) vglad aglance vglare vglass nglobe nglory nglove nglue ngo(went,gone) vgoal ngoat ngod ngold n & agolden agolf ngood(better,best) a goods ngoose(pl geese) n govern vgovernment ngrade ngradual agraduate vgraduation ngrain ngram ngrammar ngrand agrandchild n granddaughter n grandma=grandmother ngrandpa=grandfather n grandparents n grandson ngranny ngrape ngraph ngrasp vgrass ngrateful agravity ngreat a & adgreedy agreen a & n greengrocer ngreet vgreeting ngrey(Am gray) agrill ngrocer ngrocery nground ngroup ngrow(grew,grown) v growth nguarantee vguard nguess vguest nguidance nguide nguilty aguitar ngun ngym=gymnasium n gymnastics nHhabit nhair nhaircut nhalf a & nhall nham nhamburger n hammer nhand n & v handbag n handful nhandkerchief nhandle n & vhandsome ahandwriting nhandy ahang(hung,hung或-ed,-ed) v happen vhappiness nhappy aharbour(Am harbor) nhard ad & ahardly adhardship nhardworking aharm n & vharmful aharmony nharvest n & vhat nhatch vhate v &nhave(has,had,had) vhe pronhead n & vheadache nheadline nheadmaster n headmistress nhealth nhealthy ahear(heard,heard) v hearing nheart nheat nheaven nheavy aheel nheight nhelicopter nhello inthelmet nhelp n & vhelpful ahen nher pronherb nhere adhero nhers pronherself pronhesitate vhi inthide(hid,hidden) vhigh a & adhighway nhill nhim pronhimself pronhire vhis pronhistory nhit(hit,hit) v & n hobby nhold(held,held) vhole nholiday nholy ahome n & ad homeland n hometown n homework nhonest ahoney nhonour(Am honor) n & v hook n & vhope n & vhopeful ahopeless ahorrible ahorse nhospital nhost n & vhostess nhot ahotdog nhotel nhour nhouse nhousewife n housework nhow ad however ad &conj howl vhug vhuge ahuman a & n human being n humorous a humour(Am humor) n hunger nhungry ahunt vhunter nhurricane nhurry vhurt(hurt,hurt) v husband n hydrogen nII pronice nice-cream nidea nidentity n identification n idiom nif conjignore vill aillegal aillness nimagine v immediately ad immigration n import v & n importance n important a impossible a impress v impression n improve vin prep & adinch nincident ninclude vincome nincrease v & nindeed a independence n independent a indicate v industry n influence n & v inform v information n initial ainjure vinjury nink ninn ninnocent a insect ninsert vinside prep & ad insist vinspect v inspire v instant a instead ad institute n institution n instruct v instruction n instrument n insurance n insure v intelligence n intend v intention n interest n interesting a international a Internet n interpreter n interrupt v interval n interview n & v into prep introduce v introduction n invent v invention n invitation n invite viron n & virrigation nis v(be)island nit pronits pronitself pronJjacket njam njar njaw njazz njeans njeep njet njewellery(Am jewelry) n job njog vjoin vjoke njournalist njourney njoy njudge n & vjudgement(Am judgment) njuice njump n & vjungle njunior ajust a & adjustice nKkangaroo nkeep(kept,kept) vkettle nkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo nkilogram nkilometre(Am kilometer) nkind1 nkind2 a kindergarten n kindness nking nkingdom nkiss n & vkitchen nkite nknee nknife(pl knives) n knock n & vknow(knew,known) v knowledge nLlab=laboratory n labour(Am labor) n lack n & vlady nlake nlamb nlame alamp nland n & v language nlantern nlap nlarge alast a & vlate a & adlatter nlaugh n & v laughter nlaundry nlaw nlawyer nlay(laid,laid) vlazy alead(led,led) v & n leader nleaf(pl leaves) n league nleak vlearn(learnt,learnt或-ed,-ed) vleast n leather nleave(left,left) v lecture nleft a,ad& nleg nlegal alemon n & a lemonade n lend(lent,lent) v length n lesson nlet(let,let) v letter nlevel n liberation n liberty n librarian n library n license nlid nlie1 n & vlie2(lay,lain) v life(pl lives) nlift v & nlight n,v& a lightning nlike v & prep likely alimit vline n & vlink v & nlion nlip nliquid n & alist n & vlisten v literature n literary alitre(Am liter) n litter vlittle(less,least) a live v & alively aload nloaf nlocal a。

附录1 语音项目表1. 基本读音(1) 26个字母的读音(2) 元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3) 元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4) 元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5) 常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6) 辅音字母组合的读音(7) 辅音连缀的读音(8) 成节音的读音2. 重音(1) 单词重音(2) 句子重音3. 读音的变化(1) 连读(2) 失去爆破(3) 弱读(4) 同化4. 语调与节奏(1) 意群与停顿(2) 语调(3) 节奏5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6. 朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录2 语法项目表1. 名词(1) 可数名词及其单复数(2) 不可数名词(3) 专有名词(4) 名词所有格2. 代词(1) 人称代词(2) 物主代词(3) 反身代词(4) 指示代词(5) 不定代词(6) 疑问代词3. 数词(1) 基数词(2) 序数词4. 介词和介词短语5. 连词6. 形容词(比较级和最高级)7. 副词(比较级和最高级)8. 冠词9. 动词(1) 动词的基本形式(2) 系动词(3) 及物动词和不及物动词(4) 助动词(5) 情态动词10. 时态(1) 一般现在时(2) 一般过去时(3) 一般将来时(4) 现在进行时(5) 过去进行时(6) 过去将来时(7) 将来进行时(8) 现在完成时(9) 过去完成时(10) 现在完成进行时11. 被动语态12. 非谓语动词(1) 动词不定式(2) 动词的-ing形式(3) 动词的-ed形式13. 构词法(1) 合成法(2) 派生法(3) 转化法(4) 缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1) 陈述句(2) 疑问句(3) 祈使句(4) 感叹句15. 句子成分(1) 主语(2) 谓语(3) 表语(4) 宾语(5) 定语(6) 状语(7) 补语16. 简单句的基本句型17. 主谓一致18. 并列复合句19. 主从复合句(1) 宾语从句(2) 状语从句(3) 定语从句(4) 主语从句(5) 表语从句20. 间接引语21. 省略22. 倒装23. 强调24. 虚拟语气附录3 功能意念项目表1. 社会交往(Social Communications)(1) 问候(Greetings)(2) 介绍(Introduction)(3) 告别(Farewells )(4) 感谢(Thanks )(5) 道歉(Apologies)(6) 邀请(Invitation)(7) 请求允许(Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助(Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝(Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会(Making appointments)(12) 打电话(Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐(Having meals)(14) 就医(Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物(Shopping)(16) 问路(Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气(Talking about weather)(18) 语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication)(19) 提醒注意(Reminding)(20) 警告和禁止(Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告(Advice)(22) 建议(Suggestions)2. 态度(Attitudes)(23) 同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)(24) 喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)(25) 肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)(26) 可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)(27) 能够和不能够(Ability and inability)(28) 偏爱和优先选择(Preference)(29) 意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)(30) 希望和愿望(Hopes and wishes)(31) 表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)(32) 责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)(33) 冷淡(Indifference)(34) 判断与评价(Judgement and evaluation)3. 情感(Emotions)(35) 高兴(Happiness)(36) 惊奇(Surprise)(37) 忧虑(Worries)(38) 安慰(Reassurance)(39) 满意(Satisfaction)(40) 遗憾(Regret)(41) 同情(Sympathy)(42) 恐惧(Fear)(43) 愤怒(Anger)4. 时间(Time)(44) 时刻(Point of time)(45) 时段(Duration)(46) 频度(Frequency)(47) 时序(Sequence)5. 空间(Space)(48) 位置(Position)(49) 方向(Direction)(50) 距离(Distance)6. 存在(Existence)(51) 存在与不存在(Existence and Non-existence) 7. 特征(Features)(52) 形状(Shape)(53) 颜色(Colour)(54) 材料(Material)(55) 价格(Price)(56) 规格(Size)(57) 年龄(Age)8. 计量(Measurement)(58) 长度(Length)(59) 宽度(Width)(60) 高度(Height)(61) 数量(Number)9. 比较(Comparison)(62) 同级比较(Equal comparison)(63) 差别比较(Comparative and superlative)(64) 相似和差别(Similarity and difference)10. 逻辑关系(Logical relations)(65) 原因和结果(Cause and effect)(66) 目的(Purpose)11. 职业(Occupations)(67) 工作(Jobs)(68) 单位(Employer)附录4 话题项目表1. 个人情况(Personal information)2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)3. 周围的环境(Personal environments)4. 日常活动(Daily routines)5. 学校生活(School life)6. 兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)7. 个人感情(Emotions)8. 人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9. 计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10. 节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)11. 购物(Shopping)12. 饮食(Food and drink)13. 健康(Health)14. 天气(Weather)15. 文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)16. 旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17. 语言学习(Language learning)18. 自然(Nature)19. 世界与环境(The world and the environment)20. 科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21. 热点话题(Topical issues)22. 历史与地理(History and geography)23. 社会(Society)24. 文学与艺术(Literature and art)附录5 词汇表Aa(an) artabandon vability nable aabnormal aaboard prepabolish vabortion nabout ad & prepabove prep,a& adabroad adabrupt aabsence nabsent aabsolute aabsorb vabstract a & nabsurd aabundant aabuse vacademic a & nacademy n accelerate vaccent naccept vaccess n & v accessible a accident n accommodation n accompany v accomplish v account n accountant n accumulate v accuracy n accurate aaccuse v accustomed aache v & nachieve v achievement nacid a acknowledge v acquaintance n acquire v acquisition nacre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity nactor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbrad=advertisement n adapt vadaptation nadd vaddicted aaddition naddress n adequate aadjust v adjustment n administration n admirable a admire v admission n admit v adolescence n adolescent a & n adopt vadore vadult nadvance v & n advantage n adventure n advertise v advertisement n advice nadvise v advocate vaffair naffect v affection n afford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & n after ad,prep&conj afternoon n afterward(s) ad again adagainst prepage nagency n agenda nagent n aggressive aago adagree v agreement n agricultural a agriculture n ahead adaid n & vAIDS naim n & vair naircraft nairline nairmail nalbum nalcohol nalcoholic a & n algebra nalike adalive aall ad,a&pronallergic aalley nallocate vallow vallowance nalmost adalone aalong ad & prep alongside adaloud adalphabet nalready adalso adalternative a although conjaltitude naltogether ad aluminium(Am aluminum) n always adam v(be)a.m./am,A.M./AM abbr amateur aamaze vamazing a ambassador n ambassadress n ambiguous a ambition n ambulance n America namong prepamount n & vample aamuse v amusement n analyse v analysis n ancestor n anchor v & n ancient aand conj anecdote n anger nangle nangry aanimal nankle n anniversary n announce v annoy vannual a another a &pron Antarctic a antique n anxiety n anxious aany pron& a anybody pron anyhow ad anyone pron anything pron anyway ad anywhere ad apart ad & a apartment n apologize v apology n apparent a appeal v & n appear v appearance n appendix n appetite n applaud v & n apple n applicant n application n apply vappoint v appointment n appreciate v appreciation napproach n & v appropriate a approval n approve v approximately ad apron narbitrary aarch narchitect n architecture n Arctic aare v(be)area nargue v argument narise(arose,arisen) v arithmetic narm n & v armchair narmy naround ad & prep arrange v arrangement n arrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle nartificial aartist nas ad,conj& prep ash nashamed aAsia nAsian a & naside adask vasleep aaspect nassess v assessment n assist v assistance n assistant n associate v association nassume vassumption nastonish vastronaut nastronomer nastronomy nat prepathlete nathletic aAtlantic aatmosphere natom nattach vattack v & nattain vattempt v & nattend vattention nattitude nattract vattraction nattractive aaudience naunt nauthentic aauthor nauthority nautomatic aautonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken) v & a award naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a& nbackground n backward(s) ad bacon nbacterium(pl bacteria) n bad(worse,worst) a badminton nbag nbaggage nbakery nbalance nbalcony nball nballet nballoon nbamboo nban n & vbanana nband nbandage nbank nbar nbarbecue nbarber n barbershop nbare abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier nbase nbaseball n basement nbasic abasin nbasis nbasket nbasketball nbat nbath nbathe vbathroom nbathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was, were,being,been) v beach nbean nbean curd nbear1 nbear2 vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & n beautiful abeauty nbecause conjbecome(became,become) v bed nbeddings nbedroom nbee nbeef nbeer nbefore prep,ad&conjbeg vbegin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehavior (Am behavior) n behind prep & adbeing nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent) v beneath prepbeneficial abenefit n & vbent a & nbeside prepbesides prep & adbetray vbetween prepbeyond prepbicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle nbill nbingo n biochemistry n biography n biology nbird nbirth nbirthday n birthplace n biscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) v bitter ablack a & n blackboard n blame n & vblank n & a blanket nbleed vbless vblind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) v blue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbond n & vbone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn a borrow vboss nbotanical abotany nboth a &pronbother vbottle nbottom nbounce vbound aboundary nbow v & nbowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott vbrain nbrake n & vbranch nbrand nbrave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v & n breakfast n breakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride nbridegroom nbridge nbrief abright abrilliant abring(brought,brought) v broad abroadcast(broadcast, broadcast或-ed,-ed) v brochure nbroken abroom nbrother nbrown n & abrunch nbrush v & nBuddhism nbudget nbuffet nbuild(built,built) v building nbunch nbungalow nburden nbureaucratic aburglar nburn(burnt,burnt或-ed,-ed) v & nburst vbury vbus nbush nbusiness n businessman/woman(pl businessmen/ women) n busy abut conj& prepbutcher n & vbutter nbutterfly nbutton n & vbuy(bought,bought) vby prepbye intCcab ncabbage ncafe ncafeteria ncage ncake ncalculate vcall n & vcalm a & vcamel ncamera ncamp n & v campaign ncan1(could);can’t=cannot modal v can2 ncanal ncancel vcancer ncandidate ncandle ncandy ncanteen ncap ncapital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption ncar ncarbon ncard ncare n & vcareful acareless a carpenter ncarpet ncarriage ncarrier ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncarve vcase ncash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) v castle ncasual acat ncatalogue n catastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) v category ncater vCatholic acattle ncause n & vcaution ncautious acave nCD=compact disk n ceiling ncelebrate v celebration ncell ncent ncentigrade a centimetre(Am centimeter) n central acentre(Am center) n century nceremony ncertain acertificate nchain nchair nchairman/woman(pl chairmen/women) n chalk nchallenge n challenging a champion nchance nchange n & v changeable a channel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter n characteristic a & n charge v & nchart nchat n & vcheap acheat n & vcheck n & vcheek ncheer n & vcheerful acheers intcheese nchef n chemical a & n chemist nchemistry ncheque(Am check) n chess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(pl children) n childhood n chocolate nchoice nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) v chopsticks nchorus nChristian n Christmas nchurch ncigar ncigarette ncinema ncircle n & vcircuit ncirculate v circumstance ncircus ncitizen ncity ncivil acivilian ncivilization nclap vclarify vclass nclassic aclassify vclassmate n classroom nclaw nclay nclean v & acleaner nclear aclerk nclever aclick vclimate nclimb vclinic nclock nclone vclose a & adcloth nclothes nclothing ncloud ncloudy aclub nclumsy acoach ncoal ncoast ncoat ncocoa ncoffee ncoin ncoincidence ncoke ncold a & ncollar ncolleague ncollect vcollection ncollege ncollision ncolour(Am color) n & v comb n & vcombine vcome(came,come) v comedy ncomfort n comfortable a command n & v comment n commercial a commit v commitment n committee n common a communicate v communication n communism n communist n & a companion n company n compare v compass n compensate v compete v competence n competition n complete a & v complex a & n component n composition n comprehension n compromise v compulsory a computer n concentrate v concept n concern v & n concert n conclude v conclusion n concrete a condemn v condition n conduct v conductor n conference n confident a confidential a confirm v conflict n confuse v congratulate v congratulation n connect v connection n conscience n consensus n consequence n conservation n conservative aconsider v considerate a consideration n consist v consistent a constant a constitution n construct v construction n consult v consultant n consume v contain v container n contemporary a content1 n content2 a continent n continue v contradict v contradictory a contrary n & a contribute v contribution n control v & n controversial a convenience n convenient a conventional a conversation n convey v convince v cook n & v cooker n cookie ncool acopy n & v corn ncorner n corporation n correct v & a correction n correspond v corrupt a & v cost n & vcosy(Am cozy) a cottage ncotton n & acough n & vcould modal v count vcounter ncountry n countryside n couple ncourage ncourse ncourt ncourtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & ncrayon ncrazy acream ncreate vcreature ncredit ncrew ncrime ncriminal n criterion(pl criteria) n crop ncross n & v crossing n crossroads ncrowd n & vcruel acry n & vcube ncubic acuisine nculture ncup ncupboard ncure n & vcurious acurrency n curriculum n curtain ncushion ncustom ncustomer ncustoms ncut(cut,cut) v & n cycle vcyclist ndad=daddy ndaily a,ad& ndam ndamage n & vdamp a & ndance n & vdanger n dangerous adare v & modal v dark a & n darkness ndash v & ndata ndatabase ndate n & vdaughter ndawn nday ndead adeadline ndeaf adeal ndear adeath ndebate n & vdebt ndecade ndecide vdecision ndeclare vdecline vdecorate v decoration n decrease vdeed ndeep a & addeer ndefeat vdefence(Am defense) n defend v degree ndelay n & vdelete v & n deliberately ad delicate adelicious adelight ndelighted adeliver vdemand vdentist n department(Dept.) n departure ndepend vdeposit v & ndepth ndescribe v description ndesert v & n deserve vdesign v & ndesire v & ndesk ndesperate adessert n destination n destroy vdetective n determine v develop v development n devote vdevotion ndiagram ndial vdialogue(Am dialog) n diamond ndiary ndictation n dictionary ndie vdiet ndiffer vdifference n different adifficult adifficulty ndig(dug,dug) v digest vdigital a dignity n dilemma n dimension n dinner n dinosaur n dioxide ndip vdiploma n direct a & v direction n director n directory n dirty a disability n disabled a disadvantage n disagree v disagreement n disappear v disappoint v disappointed a disaster n discount n discourage v discover v discovery n discrimination n discuss v discussion n disease n disgusting a dish ndisk=disc n dislike v dismiss v distance n distant a distinction n distinguish v distribute v district n disturb v disturbing adive vdiverse adivide vdivision ndivorce vdizzy ado(did,done) v doctor n document ndog ndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm) n dot ndouble a & ndoubt n & vdown prep & ad download n & v downstairs ad downtown ad,n& a dozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v drawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt 或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) v drive(drove,driven) v driver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin ndusty aduty nDVD=digital versatile disk n dynamic adynasty nEeach a &proneager aeagle near nearly a & adearn vearth nearthquake neast a,ad& nEaster neastern aeasy aeat(ate,eaten) vecology nedge nedition neditor neducate veducation neducator neffect neffort negg neggplant neither a,conj& adelder nelect velectric aelectrical aelectricity nelectronic aelegant aelephant nelse ade-mail n & vembarrass v embassy n emergency n emperor n employ vempty a encourage v encouragement n end n & vending nendless aenemy n energetic a energy nengine n engineer nenjoy v enjoyable a enlarge venough pron,a& ad enquiry nenter v enterprise n entertainment n enthusiastic a entire aentrance nentry nenvelope n environment n envy v & nequal a & v equality nequip v equipment n eraser nerror nerupt vescape n & v especially ad essay nEurope n European a & n evaluate veven adevening nevent neventually adever adevery a everybody pron everyday a everyone pron everything pron everywhere ad evidence nevident a evolution nexact aexam=examination n examine v example n excellent aexcept prep exchange n & v excite vexcuse n & v exercise n & v exhibition nexist vexistence nexit nexpand vexpect v expectation n expense n expensive a experience n experiment n expert nexplain v explanation n explicit aexplode vexplore vexport n & v expose vexpress v & n expression n extension nextra a extraordinary a extreme a eye neyesight nFface n & vfacial afact nfactory nfade vfail v & nfailure nfair1 afair2 nfaith nfall1(fell,fallen) vfall2(Am)=autumn nfalse afamiliar afamily nfamous afan nfancy n,v& afantastic afantasy nfar(farther,farthest或further,furthest) a & ad fare nfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfasten vfat n & afather nfault nfavour(Am favor) n favourite(Am favorite) a & n fax n & vfear nfeast nfeather nfederal afee nfeed(fed,fed) vfeel(felt,felt) vfeeling nfellow nfemale a & nfence nferry nfestival n & afetch vfever nfew pron& afibre(Am fiber) nfiction nfield nfierce afight(fought,fought) n & v figure n & vfile nfill vfilm n & vfinal afinance nfind(found,found) vfine1 afine2 vfinger nfingernail nfinish v & nfire n & vfireworks nfirm1 nfirm2 afish n & vfisherman nfist nfit a & vfix vflag nflame nflash nflashlight nflat1 aflat2 nflee(fled,fled) vflesh nflexible aflight nfloat vflood n & vfloor nflour n flow vflower nflu nfluency nfluent afly1(flew,flown) vfly2 nfocus v & nfog nfoggy afold vfolk n & afollow vfond afood nfool n & vfoolish afoot(pl feet) nfootball nfor prep &conjforbid(forbade,forbidden) v force vforecast n & vforehead nforeign aforeigner nforesee(foresaw,foreseen) v forest nforever adforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) v forgetful aforgive(forgave,forgiven) v fork nform n & vformat nformer afortnight nfortunate afortune nforward adfoster vfound vfountain nfox nfragile afragrant aframework nfranc nfree afreedom nfreeway nfreeze(froze,frozen) v freezing afrequent afresh afriction nfridge=refrigerator n friend nfriendly a friendship n frighten vfrog nfrom prepfront a & nfrontier nfrost nfruit nfry vfuel nfull afun n & afunction n & v fundamental a funeral nfunny afur nfurnished a furniture nfuture nGgain vgallery ngallon ngame ngarage ngarbage ngarden ngarlic ngarment ngas ngate ngather v gay ageneral a & n generation n generous agentle agentleman n geography n geometry ngesture nget(got,got) vgift ngifted agiraffe ngirl ngive(gave,given) vglad aglance vglare vglass nglobe nglory nglove nglue ngo(went,gone) vgoal ngoat ngod ngold n & agolden agolf ngood(better,best) a goods ngoose(pl geese) n govern vgovernment ngrade ngradual agraduate vgraduation ngrain ngram ngrammar ngrand agrandchild n granddaughter n grandma=grandmother ngrandpa=grandfather n grandparents n grandson ngranny ngrape ngraph ngrasp vgrass ngrateful agravity ngreat a & adgreedy agreen a & n greengrocer ngreet vgreeting ngrey(Am gray) agrill ngrocer ngrocery nground ngroup ngrow(grew,grown) v growth nguarantee vguard nguess vguest nguidance nguide nguilty aguitar ngun ngym=gymnasium n gymnastics nHhabit nhair nhaircut nhalf a & nhall nham nhamburger n hammer nhand n & v handbag n handful nhandkerchief nhandle n & vhandsome ahandwriting nhandy ahang(hung,hung或-ed,-ed) v happen vhappiness nhappy aharbour(Am harbor) nhard ad & ahardly adhardship nhardworking aharm n & vharmful aharmony nharvest n & vhat nhatch vhate v &nhave(has,had,had) vhe pronhead n & vheadache nheadline nheadmaster n headmistress nhealth nhealthy ahear(heard,heard) v hearing nheart nheat nheaven nheavy aheel nheight nhelicopter nhello inthelmet nhelp n & vhelpful ahen nher pronherb nhere adhero nhers pronherself pronhesitate vhi inthide(hid,hidden) vhigh a & adhighway nhill nhim pronhimself pronhire vhis pronhistory nhit(hit,hit) v & n hobby nhold(held,held) vhole nholiday nholy ahome n & ad homeland n hometown n homework nhonest ahoney nhonour(Am honor) n & v hook n & vhope n & vhopeful ahopeless ahorrible ahorse nhospital nhost n & vhostess nhot ahotdog nhotel nhour nhouse nhousewife n housework nhow ad however ad &conj howl vhug vhuge ahuman a & n human being n humorous a humour(Am humor) n hunger nhungry ahunt vhunter nhurricane nhurry vhurt(hurt,hurt) v husband n hydrogen nII pronice nice-cream nidea nidentity n identification n idiom nif conjignore vill aillegal aillness nimagine v immediately ad immigration n import v & n importance n important a impossible a impress v impression n improve vin prep & adinch nincident ninclude vincome nincrease v & nindeed a independence n independent a indicate v industry n influence n & v inform v information n initial ainjure vinjury nink ninn ninnocent a insect ninsert vinside prep & ad insist vinspect v inspire v instant a instead ad institute n institution n instruct v instruction n instrument n insurance n insure v intelligence n intend v intention n interest n interesting a international a Internet n interpreter n interrupt v interval n interview n & v into prep introduce v introduction n invent v invention n invitation n invite viron n & virrigation nis v(be)island nit pronits pronitself pronJjacket njam njar njaw njazz njeans njeep njet njewellery(Am jewelry) n job njog vjoin vjoke njournalist njourney njoy njudge n & vjudgement(Am judgment) njuice njump n & vjungle njunior ajust a & adjustice nKkangaroo nkeep(kept,kept) vkettle nkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo nkilogram nkilometre(Am kilometer) nkind1 nkind2 a kindergarten n kindness nking nkingdom nkiss n & vkitchen nkite nknee nknife(pl knives) n knock n & vknow(knew,known) v knowledge nLlab=laboratory n labour(Am labor) n lack n & vlady nlake nlamb nlame alamp nland n & v language nlantern nlap nlarge alast a & vlate a & adlatter nlaugh n & v laughter nlaundry nlaw nlawyer nlay(laid,laid) vlazy alead(led,led) v & n leader nleaf(pl leaves) n league nleak vlearn(learnt,learnt或-ed,-ed) vleast n leather nleave(left,left) v lecture nleft a,ad& nleg nlegal alemon n & a lemonade n lend(lent,lent) v length n lesson nlet(let,let) v letter nlevel n liberation n liberty n librarian n library n license nlid nlie1 n & vlie2(lay,lain) v life(pl lives) nlift v & nlight n,v& a lightning nlike v & prep likely alimit vline n & vlink v & nlion nlip nliquid n & alist n & vlisten v literature n literary alitre(Am liter) n litter vlittle(less,least) a live v & alively aload nloaf nlocal a。

附录1 语音项目表1. 基本读音(1) 26个字母的读音(2) 元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3) 元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4) 元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5) 常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6) 辅音字母组合的读音(7) 辅音连缀的读音(8) 成节音的读音2. 重音(1) 单词重音(2) 句子重音3. 读音的变化(1) 连读(2) 失去爆破(3) 弱读(4) 同化4. 语调与节奏(1) 意群与停顿(2) 语调(3) 节奏5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6. 朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录2 语法项目表1. 名词(1) 可数名词及其单复数(2) 不可数名词(3) 专有名词(4) 名词所有格2. 代词(1) 人称代词(2) 物主代词(3) 反身代词(4) 指示代词(5) 不定代词(6) 疑问代词3. 数词(1) 基数词(2) 序数词4. 介词和介词短语5. 连词6. 形容词(比较级和最高级)7. 副词(比较级和最高级)8. 冠词9. 动词(1) 动词的基本形式(2) 系动词(3) 及物动词和不及物动词(4) 助动词(5) 情态动词10. 时态(1) 一般现在时(2) 一般过去时(3) 一般将来时(4) 现在进行时(5) 过去进行时(6) 过去将来时(7) 将来进行时(8) 现在完成时(9) 过去完成时(10) 现在完成进行时11. 被动语态12. 非谓语动词(1) 动词不定式(2) 动词的-ing形式(3) 动词的-ed形式13. 构词法(1) 合成法(2) 派生法(3) 转化法(4) 缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1) 陈述句(2) 疑问句(3) 祈使句(4) 感叹句15. 句子成分(1) 主语(2) 谓语(3) 表语(4) 宾语(5) 定语(6) 状语(7) 补语16. 简单句的基本句型17. 主谓一致18. 并列复合句19. 主从复合句(1) 宾语从句(2) 状语从句(3) 定语从句(4) 主语从句(5) 表语从句20. 间接引语21. 省略22. 倒装23. 强调24. 虚拟语气附录3 功能意念项目表1. 社会交往(Social Communications)(1) 问候(Greetings)(2) 介绍(Introduction)(3) 告别(Farewells )(4) 感谢(Thanks )(5) 道歉(Apologies)(6) 邀请(Invitation)(7) 请求允许(Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助(Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝(Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会(Making appointments)(12) 打电话(Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐(Having meals)(14) 就医(Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物(Shopping)(16) 问路(Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气(Talking about weather)(18) 语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication)(19) 提醒注意(Reminding)(20) 警告和禁止(Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告(Advice)(22) 建议(Suggestions)2. 态度(Attitudes)(23) 同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)(24) 喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)(25) 肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)(26) 可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)(27) 能够和不能够(Ability and inability)(28) 偏爱和优先选择(Preference)(29) 意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)(30) 希望和愿望(Hopes and wishes)(31) 表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)(32) 责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)(33) 冷淡(Indifference)(34) 判断与评价(Judgement and evaluation)3. 情感(Emotions)(35) 高兴(Happiness)(36) 惊奇(Surprise)(37) 忧虑(Worries)(38) 安慰(Reassurance)(39) 满意(Satisfaction)(40) 遗憾(Regret)(41) 同情(Sympathy)(42) 恐惧(Fear)(43) 愤怒(Anger)4. 时间(Time)(44) 时刻(Point of time)(45) 时段(Duration)(46) 频度(Frequency)(47) 时序(Sequence)5. 空间(Space)(48) 位置(Position)(49) 方向(Direction)(50) 距离(Distance)6. 存在(Existence)(51) 存在与不存在(Existence and Non-existence) 7. 特征(Features)(52) 形状(Shape)(53) 颜色(Colour)(54) 材料(Material)(55) 价格(Price)(56) 规格(Size)(57) 年龄(Age)8. 计量(Measurement)(58) 长度(Length)(59) 宽度(Width)(60) 高度(Height)(61) 数量(Number)9. 比较(Comparison)(62) 同级比较(Equal comparison)(63) 差别比较(Comparative and superlative)(64) 相似和差别(Similarity and difference)10. 逻辑关系(Logical relations)(65) 原因和结果(Cause and effect)(66) 目的(Purpose)11. 职业(Occupations)(67) 工作(Jobs)(68) 单位(Employer)附录4 话题项目表1. 个人情况(Personal information)2. 家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)3. 周围的环境(Personal environments)4. 日常活动(Daily routines)5. 学校生活(School life)6. 兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)7. 个人感情(Emotions)8. 人际关系(Interpersonal relationships)9. 计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10. 节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebrations)11. 购物(Shopping)12. 饮食(Food and drink)13. 健康(Health)14. 天气(Weather)15. 文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)16. 旅游和交通(Travel and transport)17. 语言学习(Language learning)18. 自然(Nature)19. 世界与环境(The world and the environment)20. 科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21. 热点话题(Topical issues)22. 历史与地理(History and geography)23. 社会(Society)24. 文学与艺术(Literature and art)附录5 词汇表Aa(an) artabandon vability nable aabnormal aaboard prepabolish vabortion nabout ad & prepabove prep,a& adabroad adabrupt aabsence nabsent aabsolute aabsorb vabstract a & nabsurd aabundant aabuse vacademic a & n academy n accelerate vaccent naccept vaccess n & v accessible aaccident naccommodation n accompany v accomplish vaccount n accountant n accumulate v accuracy naccurate aaccuse v accustomed aache v & nachieve v achievement nacid aacknowledge v acquaintance n acquire vacquisition nacre nacross prepact n & vaction nactive aactivity nactor nactress nactual aacute aAD abbrad=advertisement nadapt v adaptation nadd vaddicted a addition n address n adequate a adjust v adjustment n administration n admirable a admire v admission n admit v adolescence n adolescent a & n adopt vadore vadult nadvance v & n advantage n adventure n advertise v advertisement n advice nadvise v advocate vaffair naffect v affection n afford vafraid aAfrica nAfrican a & n after ad,prep&conj afternoon n afterward(s) ad again adagainst prepage nagency n agenda nagent n aggressive aago adagree v agreement nagricultural a agriculture nahead adaid n & vAIDS naim n & vair naircraft nairline nairmail nalbum nalcohol nalcoholic a & n algebra nalike adalive aall ad,a&pronallergic aalley nallocate vallow vallowance nalmost adalone aalong ad & prep alongside adaloud adalphabet nalready adalso adalternative a although conjaltitude naltogether ad aluminium(Am aluminum) n always adam v(be)a.m./am,A.M./AM abbr amateur aamaze vamazing a ambassador n ambassadress n ambiguous a ambition n ambulance n America namong prep amount n & v ample aamuse v amusement n analyse vanalysis n ancestor nanchor v & n ancient aand conj anecdote nanger nangle nangry aanimal nankle n anniversary n announce vannoy vannual aanother a &pron Antarctic aantique nanxiety nanxious aany pron& a anybody pron anyhow ad anyone pron anything pron anyway ad anywhere adapart ad & a apartment n apologize v apology n apparent aappeal v & nappear v appearance n appendix n appetite n applaud v & n apple napplicant n application napply vappoint v appointment n appreciate v appreciation n approach n & v appropriate aapproval napprove v approximately ad apron narbitrary aarch narchitect n architecture n Arctic aare v(be)area nargue vargument narise(arose,arisen) v arithmetic narm n & v armchair narmy naround ad & prep arrange v arrangement n arrest varrival narrive varrow nart narticle nartificial aartist nas ad,conj& prep ash nashamed a Asia n Asian a & n aside adask v asleep a aspect n assess v assessment n assist v assistance n assistant n associate v association n assume v assumption n astonish v astronaut n astronomer n astronomy n at prep athlete n athletic a Atlantic a atmosphere n atom n attach v attack v & n attain v attempt v & n attend vattention nattitude n attract v attraction n attractive a audience n aunt n authentic a author n authority n automatic a autonomous aautumn navailable aavenue naverage a & navoid vawake(awoke,awoken) v & a award naware aaway adawesome aawful aawkward aBbaby nbachelor nback ad,a& n background n backward(s) adbacon nbacterium(pl bacteria) nbad(worse,worst) a badminton nbag nbaggage nbakery nbalance nbalcony nball nballet nballoon nbamboo nban n & vbanana nband nbandage nbank nbar nbarbecue nbarber nbarbershop nbare abargain n & vbark v & nbarrier n base nbaseball nbasement nbasic abasin nbasis nbasket nbasketball nbat nbath nbathe vbathroom nbathtub nbattery nbattle nbay nBC abbrbe(am,is,are,was,were,being,been) v beach nbean nbean curd nbear1 nbear2 vbeard nbeast nbeat(beat,beaten) v & n beautiful abeauty nbecause conjbecome(became,become) v bed nbeddings nbedroom nbee nbeef nbeer nbefore prep,ad&conjbeg vbegin(began,begun) v behalf nbehave vbehavior (Am behavior) nbehind prep & ad being nbelief nbelieve vbell nbelly nbelong vbelow prepbelt nbench nbend(bent,bent) v beneath prep beneficial a benefit n & v bent a & n beside prep besides prep & ad betray v between prep beyond prep bicycle nbid v & nbig abike=bicycle n bill nbingo n biochemistry n biography n biology nbird nbirth nbirthday n birthplace n biscuit nbishop nbit nbite(bit,bitten) v bitter ablack a & n blackboard n blame n & v blank n & a blanket nbleed vbless v blind ablock n & vblood nblouse nblow(blew,blown) v blue n & aboard n & vboat nbody nboil vbomb n & vbond n & vbone nbonus nbook n & vboom n & vboot nbooth nborder nbored aboring aborn aborrow vboss nbotanical a botany nboth a &pron bother vbottle nbottom nbounce vbound a boundary nbow v & nbowl nbowling nbox nboxing nboy nboycott vbrain nbrake n & v branch nbrand nbrave abravery nbread nbreak(broke,broken) v & n breakfast n breakthrough nbreast nbreath nbreathe vbreathless abrewery nbrick nbride nbridegroom nbridge nbrief abright abrilliant abring(brought,brought) v broad abroadcast(broadcast, broadcast或-ed,-ed) v brochure nbroken abroom nbrother nbrown n & a brunch nbrush v & nBuddhism nbudget nbuffet nbuild(built,built) v building nbunch nbungalow nburden nbureaucratic aburglar nburn(burnt,burnt或-ed,-ed) v & nburst vbury v bus nbush nbusiness n businessman/woman(pl businessmen/ women) n busy abut conj& prepbutcher n & vbutter nbutterfly nbutton n & vbuy(bought,bought) vby prepbye intCcab ncabbage ncafe ncafeteria ncage ncake ncalculate vcall n & vcalm a & vcamel ncamera ncamp n & vcampaign ncan1(could);can’t=cannot modal vcan2 ncanal ncancel vcancer ncandidate ncandle ncandy ncanteen ncap ncapital ncapsule ncaptain ncaption ncar ncarbon ncard ncare n & vcareful acareless a carpenter ncarpet ncarriage ncarrier ncarrot ncarry vcartoon ncarve vcase ncash n & vcassette ncast(cast,cast) v castle ncasual acat ncatalogue n catastrophe ncatch(caught,caught) v category ncater vCatholic acattle ncause n & vcaution ncautious acave nCD=compact disk n ceiling ncelebrate v celebration ncell ncent ncentigrade a centimetre(Am centimeter) n central acentre(Am center) n century n ceremony ncertain acertificate n chain nchair nchairman/woman(pl chairmen/women) n chalk nchallenge n challenging a champion nchance nchange n & v changeable a channel nchant v & nchaos nchapter ncharacter n characteristic a & n charge v & nchart nchat n & vcheap acheat n & vcheck n & vcheek ncheer n & vcheerful acheers intcheese nchef nchemical a & n chemist nchemistry ncheque(Am check) n chess nchest nchew vchicken nchief a & nchild(pl children) n childhood n chocolate nchoice nchoir nchoke n & vchoose(chose,chosen) v chopsticks nchorus nChristian n Christmas nchurch ncigar ncigarette ncinema ncircle n & vcircuit ncirculate v circumstance ncircus ncitizen ncity ncivil acivilian ncivilization nclap vclarify vclass nclassic aclassify vclassmate n classroom nclaw nclay nclean v & acleaner nclear aclerk nclever aclick vclimate nclimb vclinic nclock nclone vclose a & adcloth nclothes nclothing ncloud n cloudy aclub nclumsy acoach ncoal ncoast ncoat ncocoa ncoffee ncoin ncoincidence ncoke ncold a & ncollar ncolleague ncollect vcollection ncollege ncollision ncolour(Am color) n & v comb n & vcombine vcome(came,come) v comedy ncomfort n comfortable a command n & v comment n commercial a commit v commitment n committee n common a communicate v communication n communism n communist n & a companion n company ncompare vcompass n compensate v compete v competence n competition n complete a & vcomplex a & n component n composition n comprehension n compromise v compulsory acomputer n concentrate vconcept n concern v & n concert n conclude v conclusion n concrete a condemn v condition n conduct v conductor n conference n confident a confidential a confirm v conflict n confuse v congratulate v congratulation n connect v connection n conscience n consensus n consequence n conservation n conservative a consider v considerate a consideration n consist v consistent a constant a constitution n construct v construction n consult v consultant n consume v contain v container n contemporary a content1 n content2 a continent n continue v contradict v contradictory a contrary n & a contribute v contribution n control v & n controversial a convenience n convenient a conventional a conversation n convey v convince v cook n & v cooker n cookie ncool acopy n & vcorn ncorner n corporation n correct v & a correction n correspond v corrupt a & v cost n & vcosy(Am cozy) a cottage n cotton n & a cough n & v could modal v count v counter n country n countryside n couple ncourage ncourse ncourt ncourtyard ncousin ncover n & vcow ncrash v & ncrayon ncrazy acream ncreate vcreature ncredit ncrew ncrime ncriminal n criterion(pl criteria) n crop ncross n & v crossing n crossroads ncrowd n & vcruel acry n & vcube ncubic acuisine nculture ncup ncupboard ncure n & vcurious acurrency n curriculum n curtain ncushion ncustom n customer n customs ncut(cut,cut) v & n cycle vcyclist ndad=daddy ndaily a,ad& n dam ndamage n & vdamp a & ndance n & vdanger n dangerous adare v & modal v dark a & n darkness ndash v & ndata ndatabase ndate n & vdaughter ndawn nday ndead adeadline ndeaf adeal ndear adeath ndebate n & vdebt ndecade ndecide vdecision ndeclare vdecline vdecorate v decoration n decrease vdeed ndeep a & addeer ndefeat vdefence(Am defense) n defend vdegree ndelay n & vdelete v & n deliberately ad delicate adelicious adelight ndelighted adeliver vdemand vdentist n department(Dept.) n departure ndepend vdeposit v & ndepth ndescribe v description ndesert v & ndeserve v design v & ndesire v & ndesk ndesperate adessert n destination n destroy vdetective n determine v develop v development n devote vdevotion ndiagram ndial vdialogue(Am dialog) n diamond ndiary ndictation n dictionary ndie vdiet ndiffer vdifference n different adifficult adifficulty ndig(dug,dug) v digest vdigital adignity ndilemma n dimension n dinner n dinosaur n dioxide ndip vdiploma n direct a & v direction n director n directory n dirty a disability n disabled a disadvantage n disagree v disagreement n disappear v disappoint v disappointed a disaster n discount n discourage v discover v discovery n discrimination n discuss v discussion n disease n disgusting adish ndisk=disc ndislike v dismiss v distance n distant a distinction n distinguish v distribute v district n disturb v disturbing a dive vdiverse a divide vdivision ndivorce vdizzy ado(did,done) v doctor n document ndog ndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm) n dot ndouble a & ndoubt n & vdown prep & ad download n & v downstairs ad downtown ad,n& a dozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v drawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dreamt 或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drunk) v drive(drove,driven) v driver ndrop n & vdrug ndrum ndrunk adry v & aduck ndue adull adumpling nduring prepdusk ndust ndustbin n dusty aduty nDVD=digital versatile disk n dynamic adynasty nEeach a &proneager aeagle near nearly a & adearn vearth nearthquake neast a,ad& nEaster neastern aeasy aeat(ate,eaten) vecology nedge nedition neditor neducate veducation neducator neffect neffort negg neggplant neither a,conj& adelder nelect velectric aelectrical aelectricity nelectronic aelegant aelephant nelse ade-mail n & vembarrass vembassy nemergency nemperor nemploy vempty a encourage v encouragement n end n & vending nendless aenemy n energetic a energy nengine n engineer nenjoy v enjoyable a enlarge venough pron,a& ad enquiry nenter venterprise n entertainment n enthusiastic a entire aentrance nentry nenvelope n environment n envy v & nequal a & v equality nequip v equipment n eraser nerror nerupt vescape n & v especially ad essay nEurope n European a & n evaluate veven adevening nevent n eventually ad ever ad every a everybody pron everyday a everyone pron everything pron everywhere ad evidence nevident a evolution nexact aexam=examination n examine v example n excellent aexcept prep exchange n & v excite vexcuse n & v exercise n & v exhibition nexist vexistence nexit nexpand vexpect v expectation n expense n expensive a experience n experiment n expert nexplain v explanation n explicit aexplode v explore vexport n & v expose vexpress v & n expression n extension nextra a extraordinary a extreme aeye neyesight nFface n & vfacial afact nfactory nfade vfail v & nfailure nfair1 afair2 nfaith nfall1(fell,fallen) vfall2(Am)=autumn nfalse afamiliar afamily nfamous afan nfancy n,v& afantastic afantasy nfar(farther,farthest或further,furthest) a & ad fare nfarm nfarmer nfast a & adfasten vfat n & afather nfault nfavour(Am favor) n favourite(Am favorite) a & n fax n & vfear nfeast nfeather nfederal afee nfeed(fed,fed) vfeel(felt,felt) vfeeling nfellow nfemale a & n fence nferry nfestival n & afetch vfever nfew pron& afibre(Am fiber) nfiction nfield nfierce afight(fought,fought) n & v figure n & vfile nfill vfilm n & vfinal afinance nfind(found,found) vfine1 afine2 vfinger nfingernail nfinish v & nfire n & vfireworks nfirm1 nfirm2 afish n & vfisherman nfist nfit a & vfix vflag nflame nflash nflashlight nflat1 aflat2 nflee(fled,fled) vflesh nflexible aflight nfloat vflood n & vfloor nflour nflow vflower nflu nfluency nfluent afly1(flew,flown) vfly2 nfocus v & nfog nfoggy afold vfolk n & afollow vfond afood nfool n & vfoolish afoot(pl feet) nfootball nfor prep &conjforbid(forbade,forbidden) v force vforecast n & vforehead nforeign aforeigner nforesee(foresaw,foreseen) v forest nforever adforget(forgot,forgot/forgotten) v forgetful aforgive(forgave,forgiven) v fork nform n & vformat nformer afortnight nfortunate afortune nforward adfoster vfound v fountain nfox nfragile afragrant a framework nfranc nfree afreedom nfreeway nfreeze(froze,frozen) v freezing afrequent afresh afriction nfridge=refrigerator n friend nfriendly a friendship n frighten vfrog nfrom prepfront a & nfrontier nfrost nfruit nfry vfuel nfull afun n & afunction n & v fundamental a funeral nfunny afur nfurnished a furniture nfuture nGgain vgallery ngallon ngame ngarage ngarbage ngarden ngarlic ngarment ngas ngate ngather vgay ageneral a & n generation n generous a gentle a gentleman n geography n geometry n gesture nget(got,got) vgift ngifted agiraffe ngirl ngive(gave,given) v glad aglance vglare vglass nglobe nglory nglove nglue ngo(went,gone) v goal ngoat ngod ngold n & a golden agolf ngood(better,best) a goods ngoose(pl geese) n govern v government n grade ngradual a graduate v graduation n grain n gram ngrammar ngrand agrandchild n granddaughter n grandma=grandmother n grandpa=grandfather n grandparents n grandson ngranny ngrape ngraph ngrasp vgrass ngrateful agravity ngreat a & adgreedy agreen a & n greengrocer ngreet vgreeting ngrey(Am gray) agrill ngrocer ngrocery nground ngroup ngrow(grew,grown) v growth nguarantee vguard nguess vguest nguidance nguide nguilty aguitar ngun ngym=gymnasium n gymnastics nHhabit nhair nhaircut nhalf a & nhall nham nhamburger nhammer nhand n & vhandbag nhandful nhandkerchief nhandle n & vhandsome ahandwriting nhandy ahang(hung,hung或-ed,-ed) v happen vhappiness nhappy aharbour(Am harbor) nhard ad & ahardly adhardship nhardworking aharm n & vharmful aharmony nharvest n & vhat nhatch vhate v &nhave(has,had,had) vhe pronhead n & vheadache nheadline nheadmaster n headmistress nhealth nhealthy ahear(heard,heard) v hearing nheart nheat nheaven n heavy aheel nheight nhelicopter nhello inthelmet nhelp n & vhelpful ahen nher pronherb nhere adhero nhers pronherself pronhesitate vhi inthide(hid,hidden) vhigh a & adhighway nhill nhim pronhimself pronhire vhis pronhistory nhit(hit,hit) v & n hobby nhold(held,held) vhole nholiday nholy ahome n & ad homeland n hometown n homework nhonest ahoney nhonour(Am honor) n & v hook n & vhope n & vhopeful ahopeless ahorrible ahorse nhospital nhost n & v hostess nhot ahotdog nhotel nhour nhouse nhousewife n housework nhow adhowever ad &conj howl vhug vhuge ahuman a & n human being n humorous a humour(Am humor) n hunger nhungry ahunt vhunter nhurricane nhurry vhurt(hurt,hurt) v husband n hydrogen nII pronice nice-cream nidea nidentity n identification n idiom nif conjignore vill aillegal aillness nimagine v immediately ad immigration n import v & n importance n important a impossible a impress v impression n improve vin prep & ad inch nincident n include v income n increase v & n indeed a independence n independent a indicate v industry n influence n & vinform v information ninitial ainjure vinjury nink ninn ninnocent a insect ninsert vinside prep & ad insist vinspect v inspire v instant a instead ad institute n institution n instruct v instruction n instrument n insurance n insure v intelligence n intend v intention ninterest ninteresting a international a Internet ninterpreter ninterrupt vinterval ninterview n & vinto prepintroduce v introduction ninvent vinvention ninvitation ninvite viron n & virrigation nis v(be)island nit pronits pronitself pronJjacket njam njar njaw njazz njeans njeep njet njewellery(Am jewelry) n job njog vjoin vjoke njournalist njourney njoy njudge n & v judgement(Am judgment) njuice njump n & v jungle njunior ajust a & adjustice nKkangaroo nkeep(kept,kept) vkettle nkey nkeyboard nkick v & nkid nkill vkilo nkilogram nkilometre(Am kilometer) n kind1 nkind2 akindergarten nkindness nking nkingdom nkiss n & vkitchen nkite nknee nknife(pl knives) nknock n & vknow(knew,known) v knowledge nLlab=laboratory nlabour(Am labor) nlack n & vlady nlake nlamb nlame alamp nland n & vlanguage nlantern nlap nlarge alast a & vlate a & adlatter nlaugh n & v laughter n laundry nlaw nlawyer nlay(laid,laid) vlazy alead(led,led) v & n leader nleaf(pl leaves) n league nleak vlearn(learnt,learnt 或-ed,-ed) vleast nleather nleave(left,left) v lecture nleft a,ad& nleg nlegal alemon n & a lemonade nlend(lent,lent) v length nlesson nlet(let,let) vletter nlevel n liberation n liberty n librarian n library nlicense nlid nlie1 n & vlie2(lay,lain) vlife(pl lives) nlift v & nlight n,v& a lightning nlike v & prep likely a limit vline n & vlink v & nlion nlip nliquid n & alist n & vlisten v literature n literary alitre(Am liter) n litter vlittle(less,least) a live v & alively aload nloaf nlocal alock n & v lonely along a & adlook n & v loose alorry nlose(lost,lost) vloss nlot nloud alounge nlove n & v lovely alow a & adluck nlucky a luggage nlunch nlung nMmachine nmad amadam/madame n magazine n magic amaid n。

英语考核目标与要求一、语言知识要求考生掌握并能运用英语语音、词汇、语法基础知识以及所学功能意念和话题(见附录 1 至附录 5),要求词汇量为 3500 左右。
精品文档附录 1语音项目表1. 基本读音(1)26 个字母的读音(2)元音字母在重读音节中的读音(3)元音字母在轻读音节中的读音(4)元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5)常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音(6)辅音字母组合的读音(7)辅音连缀的读音(8)成节音的读音2. 重音(1)单词重音(2)句子重音3. 读音的变化(1)连读(2)失去爆破(3)弱读(4)同化4. 语调与节奏(1)意群与停顿(2)语调(3)节奏5.语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用6.朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧7.主要英语国家的英语语音差异附录 2语法项目表1. 名词(1)可数名词及其单复数(2)不可数名词(3)专有名词(4)名词所有格2. 代词(1)人称代词(2)物主代词(3)反身代词(4)指示代词(5)不定代词(6)疑问代词3. 数词(1)基数词(2)序数词4.介词和介词短语5.连词6.形容词(比较级和最高级)7.副词(比较级和最高级)8.冠词9.动词(1)动词的基本形式(2)系动词(3)及物动词和不及物动词(4)助动词(5)情态动词10. 时态(1)一般现在时(2)一般过去时(3)一般将来时(4)现在进行时(5)过去进行时(6)过去将来时(7)将来进行时(8)现在完成时(9)过去完成时(10)现在完成进行时11.被动语态12.非谓语动词(1)动词不定式(2)动词的-ing 形式(3)动词的-ed 形式13. 构词法(1)合成法(2)派生法(3)转化法(4)缩写和简写14. 句子种类(1)陈述句(2)疑问句(3)祈使句(4)感叹句15. 句子成分(1)主语(2)谓语(3)表语(4)宾语(5)定语(6)状语(7)补语精品文档16.简单句的基本句型17.主谓一致18.并列复合句19.主从复合句(1)宾语从句(2)状语从句(3)定语从句(4)主语从句(5)表语从句20.间接引语21.省略22.倒装23.强调24.虚拟语气附录 3功能意念项目表1.社会交往 (Social Communications)(1) 问候 (Greetings)(2) 介绍 (Introduction)(3) 告别 (Farewells )(4) 感谢 (Thanks )(5) 道歉 (Apologies)(6) 邀请 (Invitation)(7) 请求允许 (Asking for permission)(8) 祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations)(9) 提供帮助 (Offering help)(10) 接受和拒绝 (Acceptance and refusal)(11) 约会 (Making appointments)(12) 打电话 (Making telephone calls)(13) 就餐 (Having meals)(14) 就医 (Seeing the doctor)(15) 购物 (Shopping)(16) 问路 (Asking the way)(17) 谈论天气 (Talking about weather)(18) 语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication)(19) 提醒注意 (Reminding)(20) 警告和禁止 (Warning and prohibition)(21) 劝告 (Advice)(22) 建议 (Suggestions)2.态度 (Attitudes)(23)同意和不同意 (Agreement and disagreement)(24)喜欢和不喜欢 (Likes and dislikes)(25)肯定和不肯定 (Certainty and uncertainty)(26)可能和不可能 (Possibility and impossibility)(27)能够和不能够 (Ability and inability)(28)偏爱和优先选择 (Preference)(29)意愿和打算 (Intentions and plans)(30)希望和愿望 (Hopes and wishes)(31)表扬和鼓励 (Praise and encouragement)(32)责备和抱怨 (Blame and complaint)(33)冷淡 (Indifference)(34)判断与评价 (Judgement and evaluation) 3. 情感 (Emotions)(35)高兴 (Happiness)(36)惊奇 (Surprise)(37)忧虑 (Worries)(38)安慰 (Reassurance)(39)满意 (Satisfaction)(40)遗憾 (Regret)(41)同情 (Sympathy)(42)恐惧 (Fear)(43)愤怒 (Anger)4. 时间 (Time)(44) 时刻 (Point of time)(45)时段 (Duration)(46)频度 (Frequency)(47)时序(Sequence) 5. 空间(Space)(48)位置 (Position)(49)方向 (Direction)(50)距离(Distance) 6. 存在(Existence)(51)存在与不存在 (Existence and Non-existence) 7. 特征 (Features)(52)形状 (Shape)(53)颜色 (Colour)(54)材料 (Material)(55)价格 (Price)(56)规格 (Size)(57)年龄 (Age)8. 计量 (Measurement)(58)长度 (Length)(59)宽度 (Width)(60)高度 (Height)(61)数量 (Number) 9. 比较(Comparison)(62)同级比较 (Equal comparison)(63)差别比较 (Comparative and superlative)(64)相似和差别 (Similarity and difference) 10. 逻辑关系(Logical relations)(65)原因和结果 (Cause and effect)(66)目的 (Purpose)11. 职业 (Occupations)(67)工作 (Jobs)(68)单位 (Employer)附录 4话题项目表1.个人情况 (Personal information)2.家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and peoplearound)3.周围的环境 (Personal environments)4.日常活动 (Daily routines)5.学校生活 (School life)6.兴趣与爱好 (Interests and hobbies)7.个人感情 (Emotions)8.人际关系 (Interpersonal relationships)9.计划与愿望 (Plans and intentions)10.节假日活动 (Festivals, holidays and celebrations)11.购物 (Shopping)12.饮食 (Food and drink)13.健康 (Health)14.天气 (Weather)15.文娱与体育 (Entertainment and sports)16.旅游和交通 (Travel and transport)17.语言学习 (Language learning)18.自然 (Nature)19.世界与环境 (The world and the environment)20.科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and moderntechnology)21.热点话题 (Topical issues)22.历史与地理 (History and geography)23.社会 (Society)24.文学与艺术 (Literature and art)附录 5 词汇表A accommodation na(an) art accompany vabandon v accomplish vability n account nable a accountant n abnormal a accumulate vaboard prep accuracy nabolish v accurate aabortion n accuse v about ad & prep accustomed a above prep,a & ad ache v & nabroad ad achieve vabrupt a achievement nabsence n acid aabsent a acknowledge vabsolute a acquaintance nabsorb v acquire vabstract a & n acquisition nabsurd a acre n abundant a across prep abuse v act n & v academic a & n action n academy n active aaccelerate v activity naccent n actor naccept v actress naccess n & v actual aaccessible a acute aaccident n AD abbr精品文档ad=advertisement n afford v adapt v afraid aadaptation n Africa nadd v African a & naddicted a afterad,prep &conjaddition n afternoon naddress n afterward(s) adadequate a again adadjust v against prepadjustment n age n administration n agency n admirable a agenda n admire v agent nadmission n aggressive aadmit v ago ad adolescence n agree vadolescent a & n agreement nadopt v agricultural aadore v agriculture nadult n ahead ad advance v & n aid n & v advantage n AIDS nadventure n aim n & vadvertise v air nadvertisement n aircraft nadvice n airline nadvise v airmail nadvocate v airplane naffair n airport naffect v airspace n精品文档affection n alarm n & v精品文档album n amazing a alcohol n ambassador nalcoholic a & n ambassadress nalgebra n ambiguous aalike ad ambition nalive a ambulance nall ad,a & pron America nallergic a among prep alley n amount n & vallocate v ample a allow v amuse vallowance n amusement nalmost ad analyse valone a analysis nalong ad & prep ancestor nalongside ad anchor v & naloud ad ancient aalphabet n and con jalready ad anecdote nalso ad anger nalternative a angle nalthough conj angry a altitude n animal naltogether ad ankle naluminium anniversary n (Am aluminum) n announce v always ad annoy vamv(be) annual aa.m./am,A.M./AM abbr anothera &pron精品文档amateur a answer n & v amaze v ant n精品文档Antarctic a appropriate aantique n approval nanxiety n approve vanxious a approximately adany pron & a apron nanybody pron arbitrary aanyhow ad arch nanyone pron architect nanything pron architecture nanyway ad Arctic aanywhere ad are v(be)apart ad & a area napartment n argue vapologize v argument napology n arise(arose,arise n) vapparent a arithmetic n appeal v & n arm n & vappear v armchair nappearance n army nappendix n around ad & prep appetite n arrange vapplaud v & n arrangement napple n arrest vapplicant n arrival napplication n arrive vapply v arrow n appoint v art nappointment n article n精品文档appreciate v artificial aappreciation n artist napproach n & v as ad,conj &prep精品文档ash n attend vashamed a attention nAsia n attitude nAsian a & n attract vaside ad attraction nask v attractive aasleep a audience n aspect n aunt nassess v authentic aassessment n author nassist v authority nassistance n automatic aassistant n autonomous a associate v autumn nassociation n available aassume v avenue n assumption n average a & n astonish v avoid vastronaut n awake(awoke,awoken) v & aastronomer n award n astronomy n aware aatprep away ad athlete n awesome a athletic a awful a Atlantic a awkward aatmosphere natom n Battach v baby n精品文档attack v & n bachelor nattain v back ad,a & n attempt v & n background n精品文档backward(s) ad basin nbacon n basis nbacterium(pl bacteria) n basket nbad(worse,worst) a basketball nbadminton n bat n bag n bath nbaggage n bathe vbakery n bathroom nbalance n bathtub nbalcony n battery nball n battle nballet n bay n balloon n BC abbrbamboo n be(am,is,are,w as,ban n & v were,being,been) vbanana n beach n band n bean nbandage n beancurd nbank n bear1nbar n bear2vbarbecue n beard nbarber n beast nbarbershop n beat(beat,beaten) v & nbare a beautiful abargain n & v beauty n bark v & n because conjbarrier n become(became,become) vbase n bed n baseball n beddings n精品文档basement n bedroom n basic a bee n精品文档beef n bike=bicycle n beer n bill nbefore prep,ad&conj bingo nbeg v biochemistry n begin(began,begun) v biography n behalf n biology n behave v bird nbehaviour(Am behavior) n birth nbehind prep & ad birthday nbeing n birthplace nbelief n biscuit nbelieve v bishop nbell n bit nbelly n bite(bit,bit ten) vbelong v bitter abelow prep black a & n belt n blackboard n bench n blame n & v bend(bent,bent) v blank n & a beneath prep blanket n beneficial a bleed vbenefit n & v bless vbent a & n blind abeside prep block n & v besides prep & ad blood nbetray v blouse nbetween prep blow(blew,blown) vbeyond prep blue n & abicycle n board n & v bid v & n boat n精品文档big a body n精品文档boil v brain nbomb n & v brake n & vbond n & v branch n bone n brand n bonus n brave abook n & v bravery nboom n & v bread nboot n break(broke,broken)v &nbooth n breakfast nborder n breakthrough nbored a breast n boring a breath nborn a breathe vborrow v breathless aboss n brewery n botanical a brick n botany n bride nboth a & pron bridegroom n bother v bridge nbottle n brief abottom n bright abounce v brilliant abound a bring(brought,brought) vboundary n broad abow v & n broadcast(broadca st,bowl n broadcast 或-ed,-ed) vbowling n brochure n box n broken a boxing n broom nboy n brother n精品文档boycott v brown n & a精品文档brunch n Cbrush v & n cab n Buddhism n cabbage nbudget n cafe nbuffet n cafeteria nbuild(built,built) v cage n building n cake nbunch n calculate vbungalow n call n & vburden n calm a & v bureaucratic a camel nburglar n camera n burn(burnt,burnt camp n & v或-ed,-ed) v & n campaign nburst v can 1 (could);bury v can’t=cannot modal vbus n can2 nbush n canal nbusiness n cancel v businessman/woman cancer n(pl businessmen/ women) n candidate nbusy a candle n but conj & prep candy nbutcher n & v canteen nbutter n cap nbutterfly n capital nbutton n & v capsule nbuy(bought,bought) v captain nby prep caption n精品文档bye int car ncarbon n精品文档card n ceiling ncare n & v celebrate vcareful a celebration ncareless a cell n carpenter n cent ncarpet n centigrade acarriage n centimetr ecarrier n (Amcentimeter) ncarrot n central acarry v centre(Amcenter) ncartoon n century ncarve v ceremony ncase n certain acash n & v certificate ncassette n chain ncast(cast,cast) v chair ncastle n chairman/womancasual a (pl chairmen/women) ncat n chalk ncatalogue n challenge n catastrophe n challenging a catch(caught,caught) v champion n category n chance n cater v change n & vCatholic a changeable acattle n channel ncause n & v chantv &ncaution n chaos ncautious a chapter n精品文档cave n character nCD=compact disk n characteristic a & n精品文档charge v & n Christmas nchart n church nchat n & v cigar ncheap a cigarette ncheat n & v cinema ncheck n & v circlen &vcheek n circuit ncheer n & v circulate vcheerful a circumstance ncheers int circus ncheese n citizen nchef n city nchemical a & n civil achemist n civilian nchemistry n civilization ncheque(Amcheck) n clap vchess n clarify vchest n class nchew v classic achicken n classify vchief a & n classmate nchild(pl children) n classroom nchildhood n claw n chocolate n clay nchoice n clean v & achoir n cleaner nchoke n & v clear achoose(chose,chosen) v clerk n精品文档chopsticks n clever achorus n click vChristian n climate n精品文档climb v come(came,come) vclinic n comedy n clock n comfort nclone v comfortable aclose a & ad command n & v cloth n comment n clothes n commercial aclothing n commit vcloud n commitment n cloudya committee n club n common a clumsy a communicate v coach n communication n coal n communism n coast n communist n & a coat n companion n cocoa n company ncoffee n compare vcoin n compass n coincidence n compensate v coke n compete vcold a & n competence ncollar n competition ncolleague n complete a & vcollect v complex a & n collection n component ncollege n composition ncollision n comprehension n colour(Am color) n & v compromise v comb n & v compulsory a精品文档combine v computer n精品文档concentrate v constant aconcept n constitution nconcern v &nconstruct vconcert n construction nconclude v consult v conclusion n consultant n concrete a consume v condemn v contain vcondition n container nconduct v contemporary aconductor n content1nconference n content2aconfident a continent nconfidential a continue vconfirm v contradict vconflict n contradictory aconfuse v contrary n & acongratulate v contribute vcongratulation n contribution nconnect v control v & nconnection n controversial aconscience n convenience nconsensus n convenient aconsequence n conventional aconservation n conversation nconservative a convey vconsider v convince vconsiderate a cook n & v精品文档consideration n cooker nconsist v cookie nconsistent a cool a精品文档copy n & v creature ncorn n credit ncorner n crew ncorporation n crime ncorrect v & a criminal ncorrection n criterion(pl criteria) ncorrespond v crop ncorrupt a & v cross n & vcost n &vcrossing ncosy(Am cozy) a crossroads n cottage n crowd n & vcotton n & a cruel acough n & v cry n & v could modal v cube ncount v cubic acounter n cuisine ncountry n culture ncountryside n cup ncouple n cupboard ncouragen cure n & vcourse n curious acourt n currency ncourtyard n curriculum ncousin n curtain ncover n & v cushion n cow n custom ncrash v & n customer ncrayon n customs ncrazy a cut(cut,cut) v & n精品文档cream n cycle vcreate v cyclist n精品文档declare vD decline vdad=daddy n decorate vdaily a,ad & n decoration ndam n decrease v damage n & v deed n damp a & n deep a & ad dance n & v deer ndanger n defeat vdangerous a defence(Am defense) ndare v & modal v defend vdark a &ndegree ndarkness n delay n & vdash v &ndelete v & ndata n deliberately addatabase n delicate adate n &vdelicious adaughter n delight ndawn n delighted aday n deliver vdead a demand vdeadline n dentist ndeaf a department(Dept.) ndeal n departure ndear a depend vdeath n deposit v & ndebate n & v depth ndebt n describe vdecade n description n精品文档decide v desert v & ndecision n deserve v精品文档design v & n dilemma n desire v & n dimension ndesk n dinner ndesperate a dinosaur ndessert n dioxide n destination n dip v destroy v diploma ndetective n direct a & vdetermine v direction ndevelop v director ndevelopment n directory ndevote v dirty adevotion n disability ndiagram n disabled adial v disadvantage ndialogue(Am dialog) n disagree vdiamond n disagreement ndiary n disappear vdictation n disappoint vdictionary n disappointed adie v disaster ndiet n discount ndiffer v discourage vdifference n discover vdifferent a discovery ndifficult a discrimination ndifficulty n discuss v dig(dug,dug) v discussion n digest v disease n精品文档digital a disgusting a dignity n dish n精品文档disk=disc n dislike vdismiss v distance ndistant a distinction n distinguish v distribute v district ndisturb v disturbing adive vdiverse adivide vdivision n divorce vdizzy ado(did,done)v doctor n document ndog ndoll ndollar ndonate vdoor ndormitory(dorm) n dot n double a & n doubt n & v down prep & ad download n & v精品文档downstairs ad downtown ad,n & a dozen nDr=doctor ndraft n & vdrag vdraw(drew,drawn) v drawback ndrawer ndream(dreamt,dream t或-ed,-ed) n & v dress n & vdrill n & vdrink(drank,drun k) v drive(drove,driv en) v driver n drop n & v drug n drum n drunk adry v &aduck ndue adull a dumpling n during prep dusk n dust n dustbin ndusty a duty nDVD=digital versatile disk n elect vdynamic a electric adynasty n electrical a electricity nE electronic aeach a & pron elegant aeager a elephant neagle n else adear n e-mail n & vearly a & ad embarrass vearn v embassy nearth n emergency n earthquake n emperor neast a,ad & n employ vEaster n empty aeastern a encourage veasy a encouragement neat(ate,eat en) v end n & vecology n ending n edge n endless a edition n enemy neditor n energetic aeducate v energy n educationn engine neducator n engineer neffect n enjoy veffort n enjoyable a egg n enlarge veggplant n enough pron,a & adeith a,conj & ad enquiry nerelder n enter v精品文档enterprise n everything pronentertainment n everywhere adenthusiastic a evidence nentire a evident aentrance n evolution nentry n exact aenvelope n exam=examination nenvironment n examine v envy v & n example nequal a & v excellent aequality n except prepequip v exchange n & vequipment n excite veraser n excuse n & verror n exercise n & verupt v exhibition nescape n & v exist vespecially ad existence nessay n exit nEurope n expand vEuropean a & n expect vevaluate v expectation neven ad expense n evening n expensive aevent n experience neventually ad experiment never ad expert nevery a explain veverybody pron explanation n精品文档everyday a explicit aeveryone pron explode v。
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附录1 语音项目表
1. 基本读音
(1) 26个字母的读音
(2) 元音字母在重读音节中的读音
(3) 元音字母在轻读音节中的读音
(4) 元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音
(5) 常见的元音字母组合在轻读音节中的读音
(6) 辅音字母组合的读音
(7) 辅音连缀的读音
(8) 成节音的读音
2. 重音
(1) 单词重音
(2) 句子重音
3. 读音的变化
(1) 连读
(2) 失去爆破
(3) 弱读
(4) 同化
4. 语调与节奏
(1) 意群与停顿
(2) 语调
(3) 节奏
5. 语音、语调、重音、节奏等在口语交流中的运用
6. 朗诵和演讲中的语音技巧
7. 主要英语国家的英语语音差异
附录2 语法项目表
1. 名词
(1) 可数名词及其单复数
(2) 不可数名词
(3) 专有名词
(4) 名词所有格
2. 代词
(1) 人称代词
(2) 物主代词
(3) 反身代词
(4) 指示代词
(5) 不定代词
(6) 疑问代词
3. 数词
(1) 基数词
(2) 序数词
4. 介词和介词短语
5. 连词
6. 形容词(比较级和最高级)
7. 副词(比较级和最高级)
8. 冠词
9. 动词
(1) 动词的基本形式
(2) 系动词
(3) 及物动词和不及物动词
(4) 助动词
(5) 情态动词
10. 时态
(1) 一般现在时
(2) 一般过去时
(3) 一般将来时
(4) 现在进行时
(5) 过去进行时
(6) 过去将来时
(7) 将来进行时
(8) 现在完成时
(9) 过去完成时
(10) 现在完成进行时
11. 被动语态
12. 非谓语动词
(1) 动词不定式
(2) 动词的-ing形式
(3) 动词的-ed形式13. 构词法
(1) 合成法
(2) 派生法
(3) 转化法
(4) 缩写和简写
14. 句子种类
(1) 陈述句
(2) 疑问句
(3) 祈使句
(4) 感叹句
15. 句子成分
(1) 主语
(2) 谓语
(3) 表语
(4) 宾语
(5) 定语
(6) 状语
(7) 补语
16. 简单句的基本句型
17. 主谓一致
18. 并列复合句
19. 主从复合句
(1) 宾语从句
(2) 状语从句
(3) 定语从句
(4) 主语从句
(5) 表语从句
20. 间接引语
21. 省略
22. 倒装
23. 强调
24. 虚拟语气
附录3 功能意念项目表
1. 社会交往(Social Communications)
(1) 问候(Greetings)
(2) 介绍(Introduction)
(3) 告别(Farewells )
(4) 感谢(Thanks )
(5) 道歉(Apologies)
(6) 邀请(Invitation)
(7) 请求允许(Asking for permission)
(8) 祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations)
(9) 提供帮助(Offering help)
(10) 接受和拒绝(Acceptance and refusal)
(11) 约会(Making appointments)
(12) 打电话(Making telephone calls)
(13) 就餐(Having meals)
(14) 就医(Seeing the doctor)
(15) 购物(Shopping)
(16) 问路(Asking the way)
(17) 谈论天气(Talking about weather)
(18) 语言交际困难(Language difficulties in communication)
(19) 提醒注意(Reminding)
(20) 警告和禁止(Warning and prohibition)
(21) 劝告(Advice)
(22) 建议(Suggestions)
2. 态度(Attitudes)
(23) 同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)
(24) 喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)
(25) 肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)
(26) 可能和不可能(Possibility and impossibility)
(27) 能够和不能够(Ability and inability)
(28) 偏爱和优先选择(Preference)
(29) 意愿和打算(Intentions and plans)
(30) 希望和愿望(Hopes and wishes)
(31) 表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)
(32) 责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)
(33) 冷淡(Indifference)
(34) 判断与评价(Judgement and evaluation) 3. 情感(Emotions)
(35) 高兴(Happiness)
(36) 惊奇(Surprise)
(37) 忧虑(Worries)
(38) 安慰(Reassurance)
(39) 满意(Satisfaction)
(40) 遗憾(Regret)
(41) 同情(Sympathy)
(42) 恐惧(Fear)
(43) 愤怒(Anger)
4. 时间(Time)
(44) 时刻(Point of time)。