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1. The COOrdinates (坐标)Of Iife

2. The patch (补丁)of life

3. The rainy SeaSOn of your life

Life is like this: When you are in rainy days in your

life,if you could 'find a Way to PreVent you from being drenched ( 淋 雨)earlier,you would have been OVerWhelmed ( 淋透)by it,but if you decided to get rid of it,you ' discover that the rainy days

last not so long as you imagined.

enlighten 启发,开导

OVerWheIm 压倒,击败 4. The IUbriCating (润滑油)oil of life

On the road of life ,there are many people,who We may

meet only once in our Iifetime,and never will again ever

since.so often rigid (坚硬的,僵直的)life With the loving oil and life will be brighter.

RebUff 断然拒绝

UnVerSed 不精通的,不熟练的

HemP 大麻

compliment 恭维,称赞,敬意 In accordance With 与、、、

Cabin 小屋 SCratCh 划破

CraftSmanShiP 技艺,技能术 IntenSify 使强烈,加强

mend 修补 CraCk 裂缝,缝隙

SUtUre 缝合

EmaCiated 憔悴的,消瘦的,虚弱的

tuition 学费 AdmiratiOn 赞美,钦佩,赞赏

gloomy 黑暗的

DeStine 注定 CrUtCh 拐杖

Joint接头,关节Creaky吱吱嘎嘎的,辗轧的Smear涂,敷,抹hinge铰链,合叶,枢纽ECCentriC怪人discord分歧,争论,不和5. The resilience(弹性)Of life

Life is a mixture of good times and bad times,happy moments and UnhaPPy moments.the next time you are experiencing one of those bad times or UnhaPPy moments

that take you close to your breaking point, bend but don 'break.try your best not to let the SitUatiOn get the best of you.

SnaP突然断裂rustling瑟瑟声,飒飒声Drained 耗尽get the best of 击败

6. The height of life

You are at the height When you really realize failure is only temporary and it never affects your life as a whole,and yesterday ends last night and tomorrow is another day.

You are at the height When you CheriSh your past,value your PreSent and look into your future.

You are at the height When you get to know SUCCeSS does ' bring yourself,nor does defeat break UP you.

You are at the height When you are mature enough to keep from indulging(沉湎)in temporary SatiSfaCtiOn ,and to devote yourself to your duty instead Of your rights.

YOu are at the height When you are fully aware that you Will be reduced to a ViCtim of evil if you don't Stand UP in defense of justice(正义).

You are at the height When you believe in

yourself,calmly deal With your life and keep on friendly terms With your peers.

You are at the height When you look back Ieniently(温和的,仁慈的),look forward hopefully,look down COmPaSSionately(富于同情心的,慈悲的)and loo 可 UP gratefully.

7. Life is a PrOCeSS of making honey

YeS ,actually,the PrOCeSS of making honey is like that of going from youth old age .a little tear in life Can make the reminiscences(追忆,往事)SWeeter and more beautiful. PreCiOUS宝贵的,贵重的,珍爱的
