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Welcome to Chemistry, the Science concerned with the study of matter. You are beginning the study of one of the most interesting subjects that you will ever come across. As is the case with all subjects, what you will get out of Chemistry will depend upon what you put into it. Chemistry can intrigue and enlighten you or it can confound and frustrate you. It all depends upon the effort you are willing to put into your studies. If you keep an open mind, and listen to your teacher, a course in Chemistry will change the way you view the world

Chemistry is a skill-based course, and many of the most important lessons will come in the first few weeks. You must start off with good study habits from the very beginning, or you risk falling behind. Unfortunately, some students who start off slow wind up becoming frustrated early on. They fail to develop the natural love for the subject that comes to those who work at it.


Ch.1-Chemistry Overview

Ch.2-International System of Measurement

Ch.3-5 Step Problem Solving

Ch.4-Percent Error

Ch.5-Atomic Structure

Ch.6-Periodic T ables

Ch.7-Elemental Notations

Ch.8-Lewis Dot Diagram

Ch.9-Bonding & Molecular Structure Ch.10-Chemical Formulas

Ch.11-Writing Chemical Formulas Ch.12-Molecular and Empirical Ch.13-States of Matter


Ch.15-Charles Law

Ch.16-Grahams Law

Ch.17-Chemical Reactions


Ch.19-Mass Problems

Ch.20-Mixed Mass Volume

Ch.21-Volume Problem

Ch.22-Chemical Equilibrium

Ch.23-Acids & Bases

Ch.24-Salt Solubility

Ch.25-The pH Scale
