
1.5工作条件1.5.1环境温度:0~40℃1.5.2相对湿度:≤98%(25℃时) 1.5.3大气压力:80~110 kPa2、安全特征2.1本传感器为矿用本质安全型。
2.2防爆标志为:Exib Ⅰ。
2、结构及工作原理图1:GY3压力传感器外型示意图G P D 3主参数:测量范围0~3.0kPa 主参数:测量范围 产品特征代号:压力差式 产品类别代号:传感器3、技术特征3.1测量范围:0~3.00kPa3.2供电电源:12~21VDC3.3电流:≤70mA3.4供电距离:1500m(电缆截面为0.43m㎡)3.5输出频率信号:200~1000Hz (负载≤600Ω)4、尺寸及重量4.1仪器外型尺寸(mm):210×130×554.2重量(kg):25、安装、调试5.1、本传感器可挂在煤矿井下需要检测压力的地方,使用时垂直悬挂。

GPD100 压力传感器使用说明书一、概述GPD100 压力传感器(以下简称传感器)是一种带四位LED 显示的工业用压力测量仪器。
1、传感器型号含义:G P D 100测量范围kPa压电方式压力传感器2、正常工作环境条件:a、环境温度:0℃~40 ℃b、相对湿度:≤98 %RH (+25 ℃)c、大气压力:80KPa~116kPad、贮存温度:-40℃~60℃e.在有甲烷、煤尘爆炸性气体中使用二、主要功能与结构1、主要功能A、由关联设备向传感器供电,传感器实时显示管道内或容器中的压力值,并输出相应的模拟量信号。
B、传感器为4 位LED 显示,分辨率0.1kPaC、传感器监测的数值达到设定的报警点时,发出声光报警。
2、结构A、体积:传感器296mm×142mm×69mm ;传感头部分φ 28mm×120mmB、重量:1.8kgC、防护等级:IP54三、主要技术特征1、防爆型式:矿用本质安全型,防爆标志:ExibI2、工作电压:DC 9V~24V ;工作电流≤ 60mA3、本安参数:U i:DC 18V,I i:80mA;C i:0.9nF,L i:0mH图1:传感器外形图GPD100 压力传感器使用说明书4、输出信号:电流1mA~5mA;4mA~20mA;频率200Hz~1000Hz(脉冲宽度不小于0.3ms)输出信号制式任设一种5、测量范围:0~100kPa6、测量误差:±1%7、报警点:全量程范围内任意设置上、下限报警点。
2分布电感:≤0.8mH/km;直流电阻12.8Ω /km9、传感器具有遥控调校功能。
10、关联及配接设备见附录A四、工作原理1、传感器的工作原理见图2压力源副CPU数据显示与遥控信号处理LED 显示屏测量电桥稳压电源可编程信号放大A/D 转换主CPU数据处理与控制中心信号输出本机键盘图 2 工作原理框图2、传感器通过采集头取得压力后,由压力传感元件进行电信号的转换,然后经过A/D 转换得到数字信号。

二、产品特点1. 高精度检测:本产品采用先进的传感技术,能够提供高精度的压力检测,满足各种应用场景的需求。
2. 宽工作范围:压力传感器适用于多种介质,工作范围广,可靠性高。
3. 强耐压能力:传感器具备较高的耐压能力,能够在恶劣环境下稳定工作。
4. 高温性能:产品具备良好的高温适应性,能够在高温环境中正常工作。
5. 防护等级高:产品外壳采用特殊防护设计,能够有效防止灰尘和湿气的侵入。
三、安装步骤1. 确保待测介质与传感器兼容,并检查传感器型号、压力范围等参数是否与实际需求相符。
2. 清洁待测介质的连接口,确保无杂质或腐蚀物质残留。
3. 使用密封胶或垫片等密封材料,将传感器与待测介质连接口紧密连接。
4. 将传感器连接至实时监测系统或数据采集设备,并根据系统要求进行接线。
四、使用注意事项1. 避免压力超过传感器的额定范围,否则可能损坏传感器或导致不准确的测量结果。
2. 避免传感器接触腐蚀性介质,可使用密封件或防护罩等方法保护传感器。
3. 定期检查传感器连接是否紧固,确保传感器与待测介质连接密封性良好。
4. 在使用过程中,如发现传感器存在异常情况(如漏液、漏气等),应及时停止使用并联系售后服务。
5. 避免传感器受到剧烈震动或冲击,以免影响传感器的正常工作。
6. 如需维修或更换传感器,请联系售后服务中心,并遵循相关操作流程。
五、维护与保养1. 定期清洁传感器表面,避免污垢或粉尘的积聚影响传感器性能。
2. 避免接触高浓度化学物质,以防损坏传感器的密封性能。
3. 如传感器长时间不使用,建议存放在干燥、温度恒定的环境中,避免暴露于高温或潮湿环境。
4. 如需更换传感器,应按照产品说明书进行操作,确保正确连接和安装。
六、故障排除1. 传感器无输出信号:检查传感器电源是否正常连接,确保传感器供电正常。

二、安装指南1. 将压力传感器安装于稳定的平面或设备上,确保其与被测压力垂直接触。
2. 确保压力传感器的电源线与设备的电源线正确连接。
3. 在启动之前,请确保压力传感器的电源正常工作,并通过仪器进行合适的校准以获得准确的压力测量结果。
三、使用方法1. 开机和关机:a. 打开所使用的仪器或控制系统的电源,并确认传感器的电源也已经打开。
b. 在使用结束后,应先关闭压力传感器的电源,然后再关闭仪器或控制系统的电源。
2. 压力调节:a. 根据用户需要,调节传感器的测量范围和输出范围。
b. 调节传感器时,请小心不要超过其额定压力范围,以免损坏设备。
3. 数据读取:a. 通过仪器、控制系统或计算机软件等设备来读取压力传感器输出的电信号。
b. 注意检查设备的数据显示和单位,确保读取的数据值正确,并进行必要的单位转换。
四、注意事项1. 不要将压力传感器暴露在高温、低温、潮湿或腐蚀性环境中,以免对传感器造成损坏。
2. 避免在仪器受到剧烈震动或冲击的情况下使用传感器,以免影响其测量精度和可靠性。
3. 使用完毕后,请及时进行清洁,并保持传感器的干燥。
4. 不得随意拆卸或修理传感器,以免造成损坏或危险。
5. 如果发现传感器存在异常,如测量数据不准确或产生异常信号,请立即停止使用,并联系厂家或供应商进行维修或更换。
五、维护保养1. 定期检查传感器的电源连接线和信号线,确保接触良好且没有松动。
2. 对传感器进行定期的校准和检验,以确保其测量的准确性和可靠性。
3. 请根据设备说明书中的建议进行更换传感器的时间,避免过期使用导致测量失准。

气压传感器(大气压传感器)使用说明书一、概述气压传感器采用带不锈钢隔离膜的扩散硅压阻式压力传感器作为信号测量元件,信号处理电路位于不锈钢壳体内,传感器信号经过经过专业信号调理电路转换成标准4-20mA 电流或RS485信号输出,。
型号意义:示例说明:DATA-5202(100kPa)表示为平升公司生产的4~20mA ,精度为0.5%,量程为100kPa 的压力变送器。
二、外形结构(单位:mm ):供货产品接口螺纹: M20×1.5 □ G1/2 □三、工作原理气压传感器是以单晶硅为基体,采用先进的离子注入工艺和微机械加工工艺,制成了具有惠斯顿电桥和精密力学结构的硅敏感元件。
四、性能指标 型号:DATA-52系列通讯类型:1—串口; 2—4~20mA;精 度:0—0.5%; 1—0.1%;DATA-5 2 ××(×kPa 、MPa 等)量程:0—×,单位:kPa 、MPa (一般在标牌中标注) 采集类型:压力;唐山平升电子生产的变送器系列产品测量介质:液体或气体(对不锈钢壳体无腐蚀)量程:0-10MPa输出信号:4-20mA;RS485供电电源:12/24V DC精度等级:0.1%FS;0.5%FS环境温度:-10℃~80℃存储温度:-40℃~85℃过载能力:150%FS稳定性能:±0.05%FS/年; ±0.1%FS/年零点温度系数:±0.01%FS/℃满度温度系数:±0.02%FS/℃防护等级:IP68结构材料:外壳:不锈钢1Cr18Ni9Ti 密封圈:氟橡胶传感器外壳:不锈钢1Cr18Ni9Ti 膜片:不锈钢316L电缆:φ7.2mm聚氨酯专用电缆(配套2米,超出部分按长度加价)五、注意事项1.当收到产品时请检查包装是否完好,并核对变送器型号与规格是否与您选购的产品相符。

22ADP-15Q..Differential pressure sensor AirDifferential pressure transmitter with 8 selectable ranges and Modbus funtionality. For monitoring over-, under- or differential pressure of air and other non-flammable and non-aggressive gases. Typical application in HVAC systems for monitoring air filters, fan V-belts as well as for use in pressure differential systems. Options available with LCD display and auto-zero function. IP65 / NEMA 4X rated enclosure.Type OverviewType Measuring range[Pa] [Pa]CommunicationOutput signal active pressure Output signalactive volumetric flow Burst pressureDisplay typeAdditional features22ADP-15Q -150...250Modbus RTU 0...5 V, 0...10 V 0...5 V, 0...10 V 40 kPa --22ADP-15QA -150...250Modbus RTU 0...5 V, 0...10 V 0...5 V, 0...10 V 40 kPa -Auto-Zero 22ADP-15QB -150...250Modbus RTU 0...5 V, 0...10 V 0...5 V, 0...10 V 40 kPa LCD Auto-Zero22ADP-15QL-150 (250)Modbus RTU0...5 V, 0...10 V0...5 V, 0...10 V40 kPaLCD-Technical dataElectrical dataNominal voltage AC/DC 24 VNominal voltage range AC 19...29 V / DC 15...35 V Power consumption AC 4.3 VA Power consumption DC 2.3 WElectrical connection Pluggable spring loaded terminal block max. 2.5 mm²Cable entryCable gland with strain relief 2x ø6 mm Data bus communicationCommunication Modbus RTUNumber of nodesModbus see interface description Functional dataSensor technology Piezo measuring element Application AirMultirange 8 measuring ranges selectableVoltage output2 x 0...5 V, 0...10 V, min. resistance 10 kΩOutput signal active note Output 0...5/10 V selectable with switch DisplayLCD, 29x35 mm with backlightMeasured values volumetric flow: m³/h, cfm (parametrisable)Measured values pressure: Pa, inch WC (parametrisable)Typical response timeAdjustable 0.8 s or 4.0 s Measuring dataMeasured values Differential pressure Volumetric flowMeasuring fluidAir and non-aggressive gases22ADP-15Q..Specification Flow Measuring range volumetric flow Adjustable via ModbusDefault setting: 0...750'000 m³/hSelectable units: m³/h, m³/s, cfm Specification Pressure Measuring range pressure settings Setting Range [Pa]Range [inch WC]FactorysettingS00...2500 (1)S10...1000...0.4S20...500...0.2S30...250...0.1S4-25...25-0.1...0.1S5-50...50-0.2...0.2S6-100...100-0.4...0.4S7-150...150-0.6...0.6Accuracy Deviation compared to the reference device±1 Pa at range <250 PaLong term stability±2.5% FSO (Full Scale Output) / 4 yr.Materials Cable gland PA6, blackHousing Cover: PC, orangeBottom: PC, orangeSeal: NBR70, blackUV resistantSafety data Protection class IEC/EN III, Safety Extra-Low Voltage (SELV)Power source UL Class 2 SupplyDegree of protection IEC/EN IP65Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 4XEnclosure UL Enclosure Type 4XEU Conformity CE MarkingCertification IEC/EN IEC/EN 60730-1 and IEC/EN 60730-2-6Quality Standard ISO 9001UL Approval cULus acc. to UL60730-1A/-2-6, CAN/CSAE60730-1Type of action Type 1Rated impulse voltage supply0.8 kVPollution degree3Ambient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensingAmbient temperature-10...50°C [15...122°F]Fluid temperature-10...50°C [15...122°F]Technical dataSafety notesThis device has been designed for use in stationary heating, ventilation and air-conditioningsystems and must not be used outside the specified field of application. Unauthorisedmodifications are prohibited. The product must not be used in relation with any equipment thatin case of a failure may threaten humans, animals or assets.Ensure all power is disconnected before installing. Do not connect to live/operating equipment.Only authorised specialists may carry out installation. All applicable legal or institutionalinstallation regulations must be complied with during installation.The device contains electrical and electronic components and must not be disposed of ashousehold refuse. All locally valid regulations and requirements must be observed.22ADP-15Q..Automated zero-point calibration (AutoZero)Manual zero-point calibrationRemarksTransmitters equipped with the auto-zero calibration are maintenance-free.The auto-zero calibration electronically adjusts the transmitter zero every 10 minutes.The function eliminates all output signal drift due to thermal, electronic or mechanical effects. The auto-zero adjustment takes approx. 4 seconds after which the device returns to its normal measuring mode. During the 4 second adjustment period, the output and display values will freeze to the latest measured value.In normal operation zero-point calibration should be executed every 12 months.Attention! For executing zero-point calibration, the power supply must be connected one hour before.• Release both tube connectors from the pressure ports + and -• Press the button "Manual zero-point calibration" until the LED lights permanently• Wait until the LED flashes again and reinstall the tube connectors to the pressure ports (note + and -)IndicatorsIndicators and OperationDepending on the device and the number of measured values, the display automatically scales. Parameters, such as the fading in/out of measured values, brightness and traffic light function, are changed via the app or bus system. During the boot process, the software and hardwareversions are displayed.1Fault / sensor failure2Service / visual inspection due3TLF (traffic light function) active (thresholds for display colour changes)4Radio active (not available)5Status bar6Measured value (* appears when TLF function is activated for this value)7Unit of measure 8Measured valueParts includedDescriptionType Mounting plate L housingA-22D-A10Duct connector kit, PVC tube 2 m, 2 connection elements (Plastic) for 22ADP-..A-22AP-A08Cable Gland with strain relief ø6...8 mm Dowels ScrewsAccessoriesOptional accessoriesDescriptionType Pitot tube, Metal, L 40 mm, Tube connection 5 mm A-22AP-A02Pitot tube, Metal, L 100 mm, Tube connection 5 mmA-22AP-A04Connection adapter flex conduit, M20x1.5, for cable gland 1x 6 mm, Multipack 10 pcs.A-22G-A01.1Connection adapter flex conduit, M20, for cable gland 2x 6 mm, Multipack 10 pcs.A-22G-A02.1Airflow volume probe 100 mm for round duct, min. 2 m/sEXT-AC-R10022ADP-15Q..DescriptionType Airflow volume probe 125 mm for round duct, min. 2 m/s EXT-AC-R125Airflow volume probe 160 mm for round duct, min. 2 m/s EXT-AC-R160Airflow volume probe 200 mm for round duct, min. 2 m/s EXT-AC-R200Airflow volume probe 250 mm for round duct, min. 2 m/s EXT-AC-R250Airflow volume probe 315 mm for round duct, min. 2 m/s EXT-AC-R315Airflow volume probe 400 mm for round duct, min. 2 m/s EXT-AC-R400Airflow volume probe 500 mm for round duct, min. 2 m/s EXT-AC-R500Airflow volume probe 630 mm for round duct, min. 2 m/sEXT-AC-R630Airflow volume probe 200 mm for rectangular duct, min. 2 m/s EXT-AC-L200Airflow volume probe 250 mm for rectangular duct, min. 2 m/s EXT-AC-L250Airflow volume probe 300 mm for rectangular duct, min. 2 m/s EXT-AC-L300Airflow volume probe 400 mm for rectangular duct, min. 2 m/s EXT-AC-L400Airflow volume probe 500 mm for rectangular duct, min. 2 m/s EXT-AC-L500Airflow volume probe 600 mm for rectangular duct, min. 2 m/s EXT-AC-L600Airflow volume probe 700 mm for rectangular duct, min. 2 m/sEXT-AC-L700ToolsDescriptionTypeBelimo Duct Sensor Assistant AppBelimo Duct Sensor Assistant AppBluetooth dongle for Belimo Duct Sensor Assistant App A-22G-A05* Bluetooth dongle A-22G-A05Certified and available in North America, European Union, EFTA States and UK.AccessoriesTools connectionServiceThis sensor can be operated and parametrised using the Belimo Duct Sensor Assistant App.When using the Belimo Duct Sensor Assistant App, the bluetooth dongle is required to enable communication between the app and the Belimo sensor.For the standard operation and parametrisation of the sensor the bluetooth dongle and the Belimo Duct Sensor Assistant App are not needed. The sensor will arrive pre-configured with the factory default settings shown above.Requirement:- Bluetooth dongle (Belimo Part No: A-22G-A05)- Bluetooth-capable smartphone- Belimo Duct Sensor Assistant App (Google Play & Apple App Store)Procedure:- Plug the Bluetooth dongle into the sensor via the Micro-USB connector or by means of the interface PCB- Connect Bluetooth-capable smartphone with Bluetooth dongle- Select parametrisation in the Belimo Duct Sensor Assistant App22ADP-15Q..NotesDetailed documentationWiring diagramSupply from isolating transformer.The wiring of Modbus RTU (RS-485) is to be carried out in accordance with applicable regulations (). The device has switchable resistors for bus termination.Modbus-GND: Supply and communication are not galvanically isolated. Connect earth signal of the devices with one another.Manual zero-point calibration ①red: Error ②yellow: Tx ③yellow: Rx ④Status LED ⑤ and ⑥Factory setting *Pressure unit P Response time T Output signal USetting Range [Pa]Range [inch WC]Factory settingS00...2500...1S10...1000...0.4S20...500...0.2S30...250...0.1S4-25...25-0.1...0.1S5-50...50-0.2...0.2S6-100...100-0.4...0.4S7-150...150-0.6...0.6The separate document Sensor Modbus-Register informs about Modbus register, addressing, parity and bus termination (DIP1: address, DIP2: baud rate, parity, bus termination)In addition to the information on the bus, the following analogue outputs are available:AOU1: differential pressure AOU2: volumetric flowThe volumetric flow is calculated from the differential pressure, the k-factor and the height above sea level.Factory setting for the k-factor is 1.00 and for the height above sea level 330 metres.The values of the k-factor and the height can be changed via bus system.22ADP-15Q..Wiring RS-485 Modbus RTUWiring diagramDimensionsType Weight 22ADP-15Q 0.40 kg 22ADP-15QA 0.41 kg 22ADP-15QB 0.43 kg 22ADP-15QL0.42 kgFurther documentation• Modbus Interface description• Installation instructions。

产品特点·线性模拟信号输出·故障率小于·功耗低、响应速度快·连接简便、体积小巧·性价比高,专业级大气压力应用范围各类自动气象站的大气压力专业测量技术参数·测量范围:500~1060hPa·输出:频率/电压/智能·分辨率:0.1hPa·准确度:±0.5hPa·量程:0~110Kpa·供电电源:12~32VDC(通常24VDC)·输出形式:•a:0-5VDC;•b:4~20mA;•c:RS232/RS485网络通讯·介质温度:-10~60℃·环境温度:-10~60℃·测量精度:±0.5%·非线性:≤±0.2%F.S·迟滞性与可重复性:≤±0.2%F.S ·长期稳定性:≤±0.1%F.S/年·热力零点漂移:≤±0.02%F.S/℃·响应时间:≤30ms·最大工作压力:2倍量程·电气连接:接线端子·测量介质:空气产品介绍:HSLT系列压力变送器采用进口传感芯片,经过精密温度补偿,并增加了变送/放大电路,使变送器具有电流或电压标准信号输出,可直接与A/D采集系统连接。

二、产品结构和工作原理1. 产品结构:气压传感器主要包括传感器元件、信号处理电路和输出接口。
2. 工作原理:气压传感器利用压阻效应或压电效应来感受气体压强变化。
三、使用方法1. 安装:(1) 在安装前,请确保传感器和外部设备处于关闭状态,并断开电源供应。
(2) 将传感器适配器与外部设备连接,确保插头与插座相匹配并牢固连接。
(3) 定位传感器,并确保其与被测气体充分接触。
(4) 通过紧固螺丝固定传感器,并确保其稳固。
2. 连接:(1) 将传感器的输出接口与外部设备相连接。
(2) 若需要对传感器进行电源供应,根据供电要求连接适配器或电池,并确保供电正常。
3. 使用:(1) 打开外部设备的电源,并确保其处于正常工作状态。
(2) 按外部设备的要求设置传感器的参数,如量程、灵敏度等。
(3) 使用外部设备控制或读取传感器的输出信号,并记录相关数据。
四、维护与保养1. 清洁:定期清洁传感器,确保其表面无尘、无腐蚀物。
2. 校准:(1) 定期校准传感器,以确保其输出信号的准确性和稳定性。
(2) 根据外部设备要求,选择适当的校准方法和仪器进行校准,如数字校准仪、模拟示波器等。
CX136-4 和 PX139 气压传感器数据手册说明书

2.54 典型 (0.10)
12.2 (0.48)
端口A:绝压 端口B:表压
14.0 (0.55)
外形尺寸:mm (in)
20.3 (0.80)
21.6 (0.85)
27.9 (1.10)
如欲订购,请访问 /px139,了解价格和详情
±1 psi ±5 psi ±15 psi ±30 psi 绝对压力量程
配备操作手册。 订购示例:PX139-015A4V,放大型0 ~ 15 psia输出传感器。
配件 型号
说明 用于PX139系列传感器的对接连接器
兼容的仪表 DP25B-E, DP41-E DP25B-E, DP41-E DP25B-E, DP41-E DP25B-E, DP41-E
DP25B-E, DP41-E DP25B-E, DP41-E
激励电压:5 Vdc @ 2 mA 输出:0.25 ~ 4.25 Vdc 跨距校正:4V ±0.1V 线性度和滞后:通常为满量程的±0.1%, 最大值为0.5%(对于 ±0.3 psi 量程,通 常为0.5%,最大值为1%) 重复性:满量程的±0.3% 零点平衡:2.25 ±0.1 Vdc(差压); 0.25 ±0.1 Vdc(绝压) 储存温度: -40 ~ 125°C (-40 ~ 257°F) 补偿温度范围: 0 ~ 50°C (32 ~ 122°F) 零点温度效应:满量程的±0.5% (对0.3 psi为满量程的±1%) 量程温度效应:满量程的±0.5% (对0.3 psi为满量程的±1%) 耐受压力:超过满量程压力的3倍 破裂压力:超过满量程压力的5倍 共模压力:50 psi 介质兼容性:用于能够兼容硅、玻璃纤 维尼龙以及氧化铝陶瓷的气体 对接连接器:CX136-4(单独销售)
数字大气压力传感器 CPS120 说明书

综述CPS120是一种高品质、低成本的电容式绝对压力传感器,集成了温度补偿和A/D转换器,数字信号输出. 功耗极低(<1μA@ 25℃的休眠模式),宽电压供电(2.3V – 5.5VDC). 设计理念先进,利用单晶硅结构作为传感器单元,压力端口位于传感器背部),使得CPS120能够在极端温度和其他恶劣环境下正常使用.CPS120 是基于SIP(系统级封装)解决方案,由超小型电容式MEMS 压力传感单元和高精度数字处理和标定电路(ASIC)组成. 压力测量范围在5 – 120kPa. SPI 或I²C 接口输出. 集成的Σ-ΔA/D转换器和具有内部校准功能的逻辑电路共同保证了传感信号获得充分的补偿温度和精确的数字压力信号输出. 因此无需再坐任何外部校准补偿,内部的高性能ASIC已充分补偿及标定,确保高精度的温度和压力输出. 两种可选模式(正常与休眠)和外部的“即测即用”确保操作灵活,应用范围十分广阔.应用领域•便携式,固定式气压计•高度计•运动手表•气象站•GPS应用•硬盘驱动器•工业设备•空气控制系统•真空系统•钓鱼产品优点•完全补偿的温度和压力输出•低功耗,可以电池供电,其它低功耗场合同样适用•内置时钟,无需外部时钟•适于传感媒介的高阻抗性能产品特点•完全校准的温度及压力输出•温度和压力采样频率及分辨率可调(8,10,12 或14位)•采样时间短:0.7ms(8位),1.6ms(10位),5.0ms 12位),8.5ms(14位)•供电电压:3.0V±10%•绝对温度范围:-40℃至+125℃•压力精度:<±0.2kPa@25℃•温度精度:±1.0℃•具有自动休眠功能接口•连接到外部微处理器的数字输出接口•I²C 接口(100和400 kHz)•SPI接口(800KHz)——三线物理特性•小尺寸:3×5×1.2mm (宽×长×高)•LGA封装,8引脚•传感通道位于元件正面*I²C TM是NXP的注册商标典型应用电路表 1: 订货须知 目录1运行特征 (7)1.1绝对额定值 (7)1.2工作条件 (7)1.3电气参数 (8)2正常运行模式 (9)2.1I2C 和 SPI (9)2.1.1I2C 的特征和时序 (9)2.1.2SPI 的特征和时序 (10)2.1.3I2C 和 SPI 命令 (12)2.1.4获取数据(GD) (12)2.1.5测量READY引脚 (15)3EEPROM (电可擦除只读存储器) (16)4计算输出 (16)4.1压力输出 (16)4.2温度输出 (16)5封装和装配 (17)5.1引脚布局 (17)5.2机械尺寸图 (18)5.3焊接条件 (19)6免责申明 (20)表格目录表1:订货须知 (3)表2:I2C参数 (10)表3:S PI参数 (11)表4:I2C和SPI命令 (12)表5:状态位 (12)表6:C PS120引脚说明 (17)表7:机械尺寸 (18)表8:封装回流温度 (19)图目录图1:I²C时序图 (9)图2:S PI时序图 (11)图3:7位从属地址下四个字节的压力和温度数据 (13)图4:8位分辨率的温度数据 (13)图5:压力数据 (14)图6:测量请求命令(I2C MR) (15)图7:L GA金属盖封装 (18)1运行特征2 正常运行模式2.1I 2C 和 SPI两线 I²C 和三线(半双工)SPI 从 CPS120 读取数据.2.1.1 I 2C 的特征和时序CPS120 使用与I²C 兼容的支持比特率为 100kHz 和 400kHz 的通信协议. 出厂设置 I²C 从地址是0x28,并且通信只限于该地址.参见 图1 为 I²C 时序图,表2为其参数定义.图 1: I²C 时序图SCLSDA表2: I2C 参数2.1.2SPI 的特征和时序SPI 只支持半双工模式(只能读取CPS120),工作频率最高达800kHz.SPI 接口进行编程后可允许主机在MISO 的下降沿或上升沿进行采样.出厂默认为MISO 的下降沿.参见图2为SPI时序图,表3为其参数定义.图 2: SPI 时序图表 3: SPI 参数MISOSSSCLK2.1.3I2C 和 SPI 命令表4 详细描述了在I²C 和SPI模式下设备的接口命令.表4: I2C 和 SPI 命令2.1.4获取数据(GD)获取数据(GD)的命令是用来在正常模式下获取数据。

二、产品特点1. 高精度:压力传感器采用先进的传感技术,具有高精度和稳定性,能够准确地测量压力数值。
2. 宽测量范围:本产品可适用于多种工业领域,具有宽广的测量范围,满足不同压力需求。
3. 快速响应:压力传感器具有快速的响应时间,能够及时捕捉和反馈压力变化。
4. 耐腐蚀性强:采用特殊材料制造的传感器能够在腐蚀性环境下长期稳定工作,保证产品的使用寿命和可靠性。
5. 通信接口:本产品配备标准串口接口,方便与其他设备进行数据传输和通信。
三、技术参数1. 测量范围:0-1000kPa2. 精度:±0.5% F.S.3. 响应时间:<1ms4. 工作温度:-20℃~80℃5. 供电电压:DC 5V6. 通信接口:RS485四、使用方法1. 安装:将压力传感器根据实际需要固定在需要测量压力的物体上。
2. 连接:将传感器的信号线接入测量仪表或数据采集设备,确保接线正确稳固。
3. 供电:将供电线连接至压力传感器,保证电源电压稳定。
4. 校准:在使用前,建议进行校准操作,确保传感器的测量准确性。
5. 数据读取:采用合适的通信协议与传感器进行通信,读取所需的压力数值。
五、注意事项1. 请勿超过产品的额定测量范围使用,以免造成设备损坏。
2. 在安装和使用过程中,请避免产生过大的冲击和振动,以免对传感器造成损坏。
3. 请保持传感器表面清洁,避免灰尘和污水进入设备内部。
4. 请避免产品接触可燃气体和腐蚀性液体,以确保传感器的正常工作和安全性能。
5. 如需更换传感器,请务必使用原厂配套产品,以免影响测量准确性和设备的稳定性。
六、维护保养1. 定期检查传感器的连接线路和信号线的连接状态,确保接线牢固可靠。
2. 清洁传感器表面,可以使用软布轻轻擦拭,避免使用化学溶剂。
3. 如需维修或更换传感器,请联系正规渠道或售后服务中心。
SM3995 二氧化碳、光照度、温度、湿度、大气气压一体式传感器说明书

SM3995B二氧化碳、光照度、温度、湿度、大气气压一体传感器说明书概述SM3995B RS485二氧化碳、光照度、温度、湿度、大气气压一体传感器为RS485 总线式传感器,是针对农业生产过程中环境监测而设计的专用传感器,内置核心传感器全部为进口器件。
适宜于二氧化碳浓度的探测,二氧化碳气体敏感元件测试浓度范围:0 -5000ppm。
2. 安装尺寸3. 通讯协议设备所有操作或回复命令都为16进制数据。
1)读取数据(功能码为0x03 )[设备地址][03][起始地址:2字节][数据长度:2字节][CRC16校验]注:数据长度为2字节,查询数据长度范围为1-5。
Met One 产品说明书:BX-597A 温度、相对湿度和大气压力传感器

MODEL BX-597ATemperature / Relative Humidity / Barometric Pressure SensorOperation ManualDocument No. BX-597A-9800 Rev AMet One Instruments, Inc1600 NW Washington Blvd.Grants Pass, Oregon 97526Tel: (541) 471-7111Fax: (541) 471-7116Copyright NoticeModel BX-597A Relative Humidity / Temperature / Barometric Pressure Sensor Manual.© Copyright 2020 Met One Instruments, Inc. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any other language in any form by any means without the express written permission of Met One Instruments, Inc.Technical SupportShould you require support, please consult your printed documentation to resolve your problem. If you are still experiencing difficulty, you may contact a Technical Service representative during normal business hours—7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday.Voice: (541) 471-7111Fax: (541) 471-7116E-Mail: ******************Mail: Technical Services DepartmentMet One Instruments, Inc.1600 NW Washington BoulevardGrants Pass, OR 97526Safety NoticeThe contents of this manual have been checked against the hardware and software described herein. Since deviations cannot be prevented entirely, we cannot guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions.Faultless and safe operation of the product presupposes proper transportation, storage, and installation as well as careful operation and maintenance. The seller of this equipment cannot foresee all possible modes of operation in which the user may attempt to utilize this instrumentation. The user assumes all liability associated with the use of this instrumentation. The seller further disclaims any responsibility for consequential damages.Table of Contents1.Introduction (1)2.Cautionary Statements (1)3.Initial Inspection (1)4.Product Overview (2)5.Installation (3)5.1.Mounting (3)5.2.Siting (3)5.3.Wiring (3)6.Specifications (4)7.Sensor Verification (5)8.Serial Communications (5)9.Maintenance (7)10.Service (7)11.Wiring Diagrams (8)12.Terminal Mode and SDI Commands (10)1.IntroductionThe Model BX-597A multi-parameter weather sensor is an “All-in-One” device that measures ambient temperature, relative humidity, and barometric pressure. Sensor performance complies with guidelines establish by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The sensor is supplied with mounting hardware and an integrated radiation shield and can be easily attached to lattice tower legs and instruments masts up to 2 inches (IPS) in diameter.2.Cautionary Statements∙The sensor’s relative humidity output is referenced to saturated water vapor pressure above liquid water. When the air temperature is below freezing, the sensor’s maximum theoretical measurement range is limited.∙To minimize exposure to direct sunlight, install the sensor facing to the north in the northern hemisphere and south in the southern hemisphere. This orientation will help shield the sensor from direct sunlight and reduce temperature measurement errors.3.Initial Inspection∙Upon receipt of the Model BX-597A, inspect the packaging and contents for damage. If the packaging has arrived in a damaged condition file a claim with the shipping company and contact Met One Instruments, Inc. to arrange for repair or replacement.∙The model number and cable length are printed on a label at the connection end of the cable. Check this information against the shipping documents to ensure the correct product and cable length has been received.4.Product OverviewThe BX-597A ships from Met One Instruments pre-wired for digital output signals including RS-232, RS-485 and SDI-12. The BX-597A also includes voltage outputs for AT/RH/BP, and an ID voltage used by some Met One monitors and dataloggers to identify the sensor. The voltage outputs are 0-2.5VDC default and can be changed to 0-1VDC or 0-5VDC.The BX-597A uses a piezoresistive pressure sensor, a microprocessor-controlled relative humidity module, and a platinum RTD temperature sensing element. The response of each element is linear with negligible hysteresis. Each sensor element in the BX-597A is controlled using an on-board microcontroller, which contains an analog-to-digital converter and non-volatile memory for storage of factory-determined calibration coefficients. The microcontroller polls the sensor module once per second. Measurements are temperature corrected, the calibration coefficients applied, and the processed measurement sent out via serial communication.All wiring terminals on the BX-597A are protected from static-surge damage by transzorbs and current-limiting resistors.5.Installation5.1.MountingThe BX-597A is designed for outdoor use and is supplied with an integrated solar radiation shield and U-bolts. Install the radiation shield with the U-bolts on any vertical or horizontal pipe up to 2 inches (IPS) in diameter. To minimize exposure to direct sunlight, install the sensor facing north in the northern hemisphere and south in the southern hemisphere.5.2.SitingInstall the sensor over an open, level area at least 9 m (EPA) in diameter. The surface should be covered with short grass or a natural earth surface where grass does not grow. Locate sensors away from objects at a distance equal to four times the height of the objects, and at least 30 m (EPA) from large paved areas. Protect sensors from thermal radiation and ensure adequate ventilation.Standard installation heights:∙ 1.5 m (AASC)∙ 1.25 to 2.0 m (WMO)∙ 2.0 m (EPA)5.3.WiringThe BX-597A may be ordered with a 10547 analog output cable assembly, or 10548 digital output cable assembly (sold separately) for connection (Individual wire leads) of the BX-597A toa data logger, signal conditioner, or programmable logic controller. A detailed wiring diagramfor each cable assembly is provided in Section 10: Wiring Diagrams.BX-597A sensor cables for specific Met One monitors (e.g. BAM-1020 N, BAM 1022, BC-1054, etc.) are included in accessory kits sold with the monitors. Replacement sensor cables may also be ordered separately.6.SpecificationsTEMPERATURE∙Range: -50 °C to +70 °C (-58 °F to +158 °F)∙Accuracy(1): Digital: ±0.2 °CAnalog: ±0.2 °C, +/-1 mV∙Resolution: 0.01 °CRELATIVE HUMIDITY∙Range: 0 to 100 %∙Accuracy(1): Digital: ±2 %Analog: ±2 %, +/-1 mV∙Resolution: 0.1 %PRESSURE∙Range: 500 to 1100 mbar (14.8 inHg to 32.5 inHg) ∙Accuracy(1): Digital: ±0.5 mbarAnalog: ±0.5 mbar, +/-1 mV∙Resolution: 0.01 mbarELECTRICAL∙Measurement Rate: 1 Hz∙Data Storage: None∙Standard Signal Output: RS-232, SDI-12 , RS-485, 0-2.5 VDC∙Optional Signal Output: 0-1 VDC, 0-5 VDC∙Power Supply: 9-36 VDC, 25 mA typical @ 12 VDC ENVIRONMENTAL∙Temperature: -50 °C to +70 °C∙Humidity: 0 to 100 %PHYSICAL∙Diameter: 7 in (178 mm)∙Length: 8 in (203 mm)∙Weight: 5 lb (2.3 kg)(1)At 25°C7.Sensor VerificationTo verify correct wiring and test the basic sensor operation, blow on the sensor. The warmth and moisture in your breath should cause the temperature and relative humidity reading to rise. The output signals can also be checked against calibrated relative humidity, temperature, and pressure devices. Please note that relative humidity can be expected to vary significantly over short distances and in brief periods of time.8. Serial CommunicationsSerial Data OutputThe output of the BX-597A is a fixed length, comma delimited, serial data stream. The serial output is factory set for 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, with 1 stop bit (N, 8, 1). Please see appendix E for a list of supported serial commands.Output Format DetailThe BX-597A will support only one output format. This format will use fixed length fields but also include commas to accommodate both standard CSV formatting and legacy programs that expect fixed length fields.The parameter order is shown in the table below.Field Parameter01 Ambient Temperature02 Relative Humidity03 Barometric Pressure04 Config. & Status05 Check SumThe BX-597A will report data at a rate set using the “OI” user command (see Section 12 for command details) and is typically set to one second. An example output string is shown below.+023.61,022.1,0974.31,U0,*nnnnNote: when displaying the pressure in in/Hg, there will be an extra leading zero character but the fixed length of the field will not change.A check sum parameter will be added to the end of the message (*nnnn). The check sum is the addition of all the characters from the start of the message through the first character preceding the asterisk (*). The check sum is expressed as a decimal number. This is a 16-bit sum and should not overflow past 4 digits, given the number of characters in the output string.Polled Data Mode (RS232 or RS485)The sensor can be set for polled data mode instead of continuous serial output, by setting the serial trigger string while in terminal mode (see Section 12 for command details).SDI-12 InterfaceIn addition to the above communications methods, the sensor can be polled for data by an SDI-12 Master Station. This operates completely independent of the RS232 orRS485 communications and can be used in conjunction with those methods. Data are polled using a series of SDI-12 commands. Please see appendix E for a list of supported SDI commands. The default SDI Address for the BX-597A is zero.Please consult your data-logger manual for more information on SDI interfaces or call Met One for additional help.9.MaintenanceGeneral Maintenance Schedule6 – 12 Month Intervals:Inspect the sensor for proper operation per Section 7.12 - 24 Month Interval:Return the sensor to Met One Instruments, Inc. for factory inspection and calibration.10. ServiceThe BX-597A is not field repairable and should be returned to the factory for service. Detailed calibration & service information and pricing are available from the Met One Instruments, Inc. Service department at ****************** and 541-471-7111.BX-597A-9800 Manual Rev A.doc Page | 711. Wiring DiagramsPage 8 BX-597A-9800 Manual Rev A.docBX-597A-9800 Manual Rev A.doc Page | 9Wiring Instructions (PN 10548; Digital Output)PIN NOWIRE COLOR WIRE LABEL DESCRIPTION 1 Black PWR GND Power Ground 2 Red + Vin +9 to +36 VDC 3 Blue SDI-12 SDI-12 Output 4 Green SIG GND Signal Ground 5 White RS-232 Tx RS-232 Transmit 6 Brown RS-232 Rx RS-232 Receive 7 Orange RS-485 - RS-485 signal - 8 Yellow RS-485 + RS-485 signal +White/BrownShield Earth Ground12. Terminal Mode and SDI CommandsRS232 / RS485 Terminal Mode CommandsTerminal mode is activated by entering three carriage return characters within a 2 second period.Note: Terminal mode times-out after 2 minutes of inactivity.Successful entry into Terminal Mode will return an asterisk prompt. Typing H,h, or ? will return a help menu:H,h,? - Display Help MenuH,h,? - This Help MenuDR - Display Range Switch Setting for Analog OutputID – View / Set Instrument IDLC - Display Last Calibration informationOI - Set Output IntervalPU - Set Pressure UnitsTU - Set Temperature UnitsSA - SDI AddressST - Set Serial Trigger AddressRV - Display Firmware Version NumberQH - Display Record HeaderQ - Quit command mode and save any changesNOTE: The commands noted in this appendix will change both the RS232 and RS485 outputs.See the section below for SDI-12 commands.Page 10 BX-597A-9800 Manual Rev A.docDR – Display Range Switch SettingDisplay the range switch settings for PB and analog output voltageCOMMAND RESULTDR<cr> 500 to 1100 mbar (Range 16 ) = 0 – 2.5 Volt on Analog OutputID – Read or Set the Instrument IDRead or Set the instrument IDCOMMAND RESULTID<cr> Instrument ID = nn (where n = id number from 1 to 99)IDnn<cr> Instrument ID is set to nn(where nn = 1 to 99, Default = 1)LC – Read the last calibration information.Read the serial number, last calibration date, and correction factorCOMMAND RESULTLC<cr> Annnnn-nnnnn 10/15/12 0.00 (where n = serial number)OI - Output IntervalRead or Set the Output Interval for this serial portNote: This command is not supported by SDI-12.COMMAND RESULTOI<cr> Report Output Interval settingOI<cr> Sensor Output every 1 second (Default)OI2<cr> Sensor Output every 2 secondsOI3<cr> Sensor Output every 5 secondsOI4<cr> Sensor Output every 15 secondsOI5<cr> Sensor Output every 30 secondsOI6<cr> Sensor Output every 60 secondsBX-597A-9800 Manual Rev A.doc Page | 11PU - Pressure UnitsRead or Set this serial port’s output units for PressureCOMMAND RESULTPU<cr> Report Units settingPU0<cr> Millibars (mbar Default)PU1<cr> Inches of Mercury (inHg)PU2<cr> Millimeters of Mercury (mmhg)TU - Temperature UnitsRead or Set this serial port’s output units for TemperatureCOMMAND RESULTTU<cr> Report Units settingTU0<cr> Celsius (Default)TU1<cr> FahrenheitSA – SDI12 AddressRead or Set the SDI12 AddressCOMMAND RESULTSA<cr> SA = 0 (Default = 0)SAn<cr> SDI12 address is set to ‘n’ where 'n'is in the range [0-9] [A-Z] or [a-z]Case SensitivePage 12 BX-597A-9800 Manual Rev A.docST - Serial TriggerRead or Set the Serial Trigger character string (Poll command)COMMAND RESULTST<cr> Report Serial Trigger string setting (serial output provides help)ST XXXXXX<cr> Set Serial Trigger (Default = 1)RV - Software Version NumberReport the current firmware version numberCOMMAND RESULTRV<cr> Current firmware versionQH – Display Record HeaderReport the format of the record output for the current engineering unit settings. COMMAND RESULTQH<cr> AT(C),RH(%),BP(mbar),ST (ST = 597A status)BX-597A-9800 Manual Rev A.doc Page | 13SDI-12 CommandsNAME SDI-12COMMANDSENSOR RESPONSEAddress Query ?!a<CR><LF>Where a = addressAcknowledge Active a!a<CR><LF>Where a = addressSend Identification a I!a13METONE 597A 0.10A xxxxx<CR><LF>Where a=address and xxxxx = S/N Change Address a A b!b<CR><LF>Where b = new addressStart Measurement a MC!a0003<CR><LF>Where a = addressSend Data a D0!a+bbb.bb+ccc.c+ddd.dd<CR><LF>Where a = address, bbb.bb = temperature,c cc.c = relative humidity andSend Data dddd.dd = barometric pressureStart Concurrent Measurement a C!a00003<CR><LF>Where a = addressStart Concurrent Measurement with CRC a CC!a00003<CR><LF>Where a = addressContinuous Measurements a R0!a+bbb.bb+ccc.c+ddd.dd<CR><LF>Where a = address, bbb.bb = temperature,ccc.c = relative humidity andSend Data dddd.dd = barometric pressureContinuous Measurements with CRC a RC0!a+bbb.b+ccc.c+ddd.d<CR><LF>Where a = address, bbb.b = temperature,ccc.c = relative humidity andSend Data dddd.d = barometric pressure,and {crc} = CRCReport Temperature Units a XTU!a XTU d<CR><LF>Where a = address, andd = 0 for Celsius (default), or1 for FahrenheitSet Temperature Units a XTU d!Page 14 BX-597A-9800 Manual Rev A.docNAME SDI-12SENSOR RESPONSECOMMANDReport Pressure Units a XPU!a XPU f<CR><LF>Where a = address, andSet Pressure Units a XPU f!f = 0 for Millibars (default), or1 for Inches of MercuryReport Version Number a XRV!a XVN xx.x<CR><LF>Where a = address andxx.x = firmware versionBX-597A-9800 Manual Rev A.doc Page | 15。

二、技术参数1. 测量范围:(填入测量范围,如0-10MPa)2. 精度:(填入精度,如±1%)3. 输出信号:(填入输出信号类型,如4-20mA)4. 工作温度范围:(填入工作温度范围,如-20℃至80℃)5. 供电电源:(填入供电电源类型及电压范围,如12-36V DC)三、安装步骤1. 准备工作:在进行安装之前,确认已关闭所有相关设备的电源,并确保操作环境安全。
2. 安装位置:选择合适的安装位置,并确保传感器与被测介质充分接触。
3. 连接电源:将传感器的电源线连接至供电电源,并确保极性正确连接。
4. 连接输出信号:根据使用要求,连接传感器的输出信号线至相应的接收设备。
5. 安装固定件:根据需要,使用合适的固定件将传感器牢固地固定在安装位置上。
6. 校准:根据需要进行传感器的校准,以确保测量结果的准确性。
7. 检查:完成安装后,检查所有连接是否牢固,并确保无泄漏现象。
四、使用注意事项1. 防尘防水:确保传感器的工作环境干燥,并避免灰尘、水分等杂质进入传感器内部,以免影响正常工作。
2. 温度限制:请在传感器允许的工作温度范围内使用,并避免超温使用,以免损坏设备。
3. 避免过载:确保被测介质的压力不超过传感器的测量范围上限,避免产生过载现象。
4. 避免撞击:使用过程中,请避免传感器受到重物撞击或挤压,以免损坏设备。
5. 维护保养:定期检查传感器的工作状态,并根据需要进行清洁和保养。
五、故障排除1. 传感器不工作:检查电源连接是否正确,并确认供电电源是否正常工作。
2. 输出信号异常:检查输出信号线是否连接正确,并确保接收设备的正常工作。
3. 测量结果不准确:进行传感器校准并检查被测介质的状态是否正常。

二、产品特点1. 高精度测量:本传感器采用先进的压力传感技术,能够实现高精度的气体压力测量,保证测量结果的准确性。
2. 多种单位转换:传感器支持多种单位的压力测量,包括帕斯卡(Pa)、百帕(hPa)、毫巴(mbar)等,方便用户选择合适的单位。
3. 可编程输出:传感器具有可编程输出功能,用户可以根据需要设置输出信号类型,如模拟信号(0-5V或4-20mA)或数字信号(RS485接口)。
4. 高耐压能力:传感器具有高耐压能力,能够在高压力环境下正常工作,确保传感器的长期稳定性。
5. 耐腐蚀性强:传感器的外壳采用耐腐蚀材料制成,能够在各种腐蚀性气体的环境下正常工作,适用于各种工业场合。
6. 可靠性高:传感器具有良好的抗干扰能力和稳定性,能够在恶劣的工作环境下正常工作,确保测量结果的可靠性。
三、安装方法1. 安装前准备:在安装传感器之前,请确保已经检查传感器的完好性,并准备好所需的安装工具。
2. 固定传感器:将传感器固定在需要测量气体压力的设备上,可以使用螺丝或其他固定装置将传感器牢固地固定在设备上。
3. 连接电源:将传感器的电源线连接到电源源头上,确保传感器能够正常工作。
4. 连接信号线:根据需要选择合适的信号输出类型,并将传感器的信号线连接到接收设备上。
四、使用方法1. 电源启动:接通传感器的电源,等待一段时间以确保传感器正常启动。
2. 校准传感器:在正常工作之前,建议对传感器进行校准,以保证测量结果的准确性。
3. 测量压力:将需要测量压力的气体接入传感器的测量口,并等待一段时间,传感器将自动测量并输出结果。
4. 结果读取:通过接收设备读取传感器的输出信号,并将其转换成相应的压力值。

压力传感器的使用指南说明书压力传感器使用指南说明书1. 引言压力传感器是一种用于测量压力变化并将其转换为电信号的设备。
2. 压力传感器的工作原理压力传感器基于压电效应或德式效应,通过测量压力对感应电极产生的变化电荷或电阻进行压力测量。
3. 适用范围本款压力传感器适用于各种气体或液体介质的压力测量。
4. 安装要求4.1 安装位置:为确保准确测量压力,请将传感器安装在位于压力变化区域的合适位置。
4.2 连接管路:根据应用需求,选择合适的管路和连接接头,并确保其与传感器连接紧固可靠,避免压力泄漏。
5. 连接和电气接线5.1 连接方式:根据用户需求,可选择扁平电缆连接或引线连接。
5.2 接线要求:用户在连接电源和信号输出时,请遵循正确的极性连接规则,确保传感器能够正常工作。
6. 使用注意事项6.1 温度限制:请确保传感器在规定的温度范围内工作,避免超出温度范围,以免影响设备的性能和寿命。
6.2 防尘与防水:传感器防护等级应根据实际需求选择,以确保设备在尘土、湿气等恶劣环境下的正常运行。
6.3 电磁干扰:请避免将传感器安装在具有强电磁辐射的设备附近,以免影响传感器的准确性。
6.4 震动与冲击:传感器对于颠簸、震动和冲击很敏感,请注意将其安装在稳定的位置,并采取适当的防护措施。
6.5 供电电压:在使用过程中,请确保传感器的电源电压与规定的供电电压相匹配,以免引起设备损坏。
7. 校准和维护7.1 校准:为保证测量的准确性和稳定性,建议定期对传感器进行校准。
7.2 维护:传感器在使用过程中需要定期清洁和维护。
CP 116 大气压力传感器说明书

Atmospheric pressure transmitterCP 116KEY POINTSMaterial: ABS V0 as per UL94Protection: IP65Display: LCD 10 digits. Size: 50 x 17 mmHeight of digits: Value: 10 mm; Unit: 5 mm Connections: ribbed, Ø6.2 mm Cable gland: for cables Ø8 mm maximum Weight: 143 g●Measuring range from 800 to 1100 hPa●Indication of the pressure in mbar, mmHG ou hPa●0-10 V or 4-20 mA output, active, power supply 24 Vac/Vdc (3-4 wires) or 4-20 mA output, passive loop, power supply from 16 to 30 Vdc (2 wires)●ABS V0 housing, IP65, with or without display ●“¼ turn” system mounting with wall-mount plate ●Housing with simplified mounting systemFEA TURES OF THE HOUSINGTECHNICAL FEA TURESMeasurement units mbar, hPa, mmHG Accuracy*±3 hPa Response time < 10 seconds Resolution 1 mbar; 1 hPa; 1 mmHG Type of fluidAir and neutral gases Tolerated overpressure 4136 hPaConditions of use (°C/%RH/m)From 0 to +50°C. In non-condensing condition. From 0 to 2000 m.Storage temperatureFrom -10 to +70°CPART NUMBERCP 116To order, just add the codes to complete the part number:Power supply / OutputA: Active – 24 Vac/Vdc – 0-10 V or 4-20 mA P: Passive – 16/30 Vdc – 4-20 mADisplay O: with display N: without displayExample: CP 116 – POTransmitter of atmospheric pressure, passive transmitter 16/30 Vdc, with display*All the accuracies indicated in this technical datasheet were stated in laboratory conditions, and can be guaranteed for measurements carried out in the same conditions, or carried out with calibration compensation.46 mm90 mm109 m m056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AGTECHNICAL SPECIFICA TIONSCONNECTIONSPressure connectionOutput / Power supply - active sensor 0-10 V or 4-20 mA (alim. 24 Vac/Vdc ±10%), 3-4 wires - passive loop 4-20 mA (power supply 16/30 Vdc), 2 wires - common mode voltage <30 VAC- maximum load: 500 Ohms (4-20 mA) / minimum load: 1 K Ohms (0-10 V)Consumption2 VA (0-10 V) or 0.6 VA (4-20 mA)European directives 2014/30/EU EMC; 2014/35/EU Low Voltage; 2011/65/EU RoHS II; 2012/19/EU WEEE Electrical connection Screw terminal block for cables from 0.05 to 2.5 mm 2 or from 30 to 14 AWGCarried out according to the code of good practice Communication PC USB-mini DIN cable EnvironmentAir and neutral gasesInside the front housingELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS – as per NFC15-100 standardThis connection must be made by a qualified and trained technician. To make the connection, the transmitter must not be energized.For CP116-AO and CP116-AN models with 0-10 V or 4-20 mA output – active, 4 wires :To make a 3-wire connection, before powering up the transmitter, please connect the output ground to the input ground. See drawing below.Output terminal block Power supply terminal blockLCC-S connectionFixed back housingRemovable front faceCable glandInactive switch Active switchA-+76L N Power supply 24 Vac class IIorNL12+3VP +5IP4GND -7+6-Power supply 24 Vdc-VRegulator display orPLC/BMS passive typeor-+4 wires4 wires3 wires+Regulator display or PLC/BMS passive type-12+3VP +5IP4GND -7+6-3 wiresPower supply24 Vdc+5IP4GND -7L 6N +Power supply24 Vac class IILN A-+orVRegulator display or PLC/BMS passive type-+Regulator display or PLC/BMSpassive typeor056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AGFor CP116-PO and CP116-PN models with 4-20 mA output – passive:SETTINGS AND USE OF THE TRANSMITTER➢ ConfigurationTo configure the transmitter, it must not be energized. Then, you can make the settings required, with the DIP switches (asshown on the drawing below). When the transmitter is configured, you can power it up.To configure the transmitter, unscrew the 4 screws from the housing then open it. DIP switchesallowing the different settings are then accessible.1234Output settingUnits setting➢ Output setting – active switchTo set the type of analogue output, please put the on-off switch of the output asshown beside.Configurations4-20 mA0-10 VCombinations➢ Units setting – active switchTo set a measurement unit, put the on-off switches 2, 3 and 4of the units as shown in the table below.Please follow carefully the combinations beside with the DIP switch. If the combination is wrongly done, the following message will appear on the display of the transmitter “CONF ERROR”. In that case, you will have to unplug the transmitter, place the DIP switches correctly, and then power the transmitter up.Configurations mbar mmHG hPaCombinations12312312312341234An easy and friendly configuration with the software!●To access the configuration via software:- Set the DIP switches as shown beside. Nota: the on-off switch 1 of the active DIP switch can be inany position (selection of the analogue output 0-10 V or 4-20 mA).- Connect the cable of the LCC-S to the connection of the transmitter.●Please refer to the user manual of the LCC 100 to make the configuration.CONFIGURA TION VIA LCC-S SOFTW ARE (option)1234Active switchCaution: the configuration of the parameters can be done either with the DIP switch or via software (you can not combine both solutions).4442 wires IP57+6-Power supply16-30 VdcVdcA-IP57+6-Vdc-2 wires+A2 wires............Display/regulator/PLCpassive typeDisplay/regulator/PLCactive type +-16-30 Vdcor+Off OnActive switchConfiguration via PCF T a n g – C P 116 – 21/12/2017 – R C S (24) P ér i g u e u x 349 282 095 N o n -c o n t r a c t u a l d o c u m e n t – W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m o d i f y t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f o u r p r o d u c t s w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e .MAINTENANCEPlease avoid any aggressive solvent. Please protect the transmitter and its probes from any cleaning product containing formalin, that may be used for cleaning rooms or ducts.OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIESMOUNTINGTo mount the transmitter, mount the ABS plate on the wall (drilling: Ø6 mm, screws and pins are supplied).Insert the transmitter on the fixing plate (see A on the drawing beside). Rotate the housing in clockwise direction until you hear a “click” which confirms that the transmitter is correctly installed .7.5mm8mm4.5mm40mm50m m68m m75mm37.5mm23.75m m14mmAA●KIAL-100A: Power supply class 2, 230 Vac input, 24 Vac output ●KIAL-100C: Power supply class 2, 230 Vac input, 24 Vdc output ●LCC-S: configuration software with USB cable●Connection tube ●Connection fittings ●Through-connections●Straight connections ●Spherical coupling nutOnly the accessories supplied with the device must be used.PRECAUTIONS FOR USEPlease always use the device in accordance with its intended use and within parameters described in the technical features in order not to compromise the protection ensured by the device.Once returned to KIMO, required waste collection will be assured in the respect of the environment in accordance with European guidelines relating to WEEE.。
Omega PX271A 气体压力传感器说明书

3 to 15 psig
PX271A-X15G5V DP41-E, DPi Series, DP25B-E
Comes complete with operator’s manual.
* Visit us online for compatible meters.
Ordering Example: PX271A-X15GI, and TYTY-732532-50, industrial 0 to 15 Vdc transducer with 3 to 15 psig range and 15 m (50') of flexible plastic tubing.
To Order
Model NO. CompatIble MeterS*
0 to 30, 0 to 15, 0 to 7.5 psig PX271A-030G5V DP41-E, DP25B-E
0 to 20, 0 to 10, 0 to 5 psig PX271A-020G5V DP41-E, DP25B-E
PX271A Series
DP41-E meter, available online.
TYTY-732532-50 tubing.
U Up to 3 Field-Selectable Ranges in a Single Unit
U Ideal for Monitoring Pneumatic Pressure
Compensated Temp: -18 to 82°C (0 to 120°F)
Thermal Effects: ±0.03°C (0.025%°F) Proof Pressure: 40 psig
KM63B87 百叶箱大气气压二氧化碳传感器 产品使用手册说明书

KM63B87百叶箱大气气压二氧化碳传感器产品使用手册文件版本: V23.7.29KM63B87采用工业通用标准RS485总线 MODBUS-RTU协议接口,方便接入PLC,DCS等各种仪表或系统,用于监测大气气压,二氧化碳等状态量。
内部使用了较高精度的传感内核及相关器件,确保产品具有较高的可靠性与卓越的长期稳定性, 可定制RS232、RS485、CAN、4-20mA、DC0~5V\10V、ZIGBEE、Lora、WIFI、GPRS、NB-IOT等多种输出方式。
RS485型:通讯协议产品使用RS485 MODBUS-RTU标准协议格式,所有操作或回复命令都为16进制数据。
设备出厂时默认设备地址为1,默认波特率为模块及非记录仪表:9600,8,n,1 或记录仪:115200,8,n,1 。
1. 读取数据( 功能码0x03)问询帧(十六进制),发送举例:查询1#设备1个数据,上位机发送命令:01 03 00 00 00倍率为100,则真实值为121/100=1.21,其它以此类推。
2. 常用数据地址表3 读取与修改设备地址(1)读取或查询设备地址若不知道当前设备地址、且总线上只有一个设备时,可以通过命令FA 03 00 66 00 01 71为设备地址的寄存器。
对于正确的查询命令,设备会响应,比如响应数据为:01 03 02 00 01 79 84,其格式解(2)更改设备地址效,此时用户需要同时将自己软件的查询命令做相应更改。
4 读取与修改波特率(1)读取波特率设备默认出厂波特率为9600,若需要更改,可根据下表及相应通讯协议进行更改操作。
比如读取当前设备的波特率ID,命令为:01 03 00 67 00 01 35 D5 ,其格式解析如下。
对于正确的查询命令,设备会响应,比如响应数据为:01 03 02 00 03 F8 45,其格式解(2)更改波特率比如将波特率从9600更改为38400,即将代码从3更改为5,则命令为:01 06 00 67 00 05备会失去响应,查询设备的波特率需做相应修改。
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·迟滞性与可重复性:≤±0.2%F.S ·长期稳定性:≤±0.1%F.S/年·热力零点漂移:≤±0.02%F.S/℃·响应时间:≤30ms
1. 开箱后请检查本产品是否与您的订货要求一致,包装、产品有无损坏,量程
2. 请按说明书中的要求正确接线。
3. 本产品属精密测量仪表,严禁随意摔打、冲击、强力夹持、拆卸或用尖锐的
4. 变送器应尽可能安装于通风、干燥、无蚀、荫凉之处。
5. 严禁系统过载超过本说明书规定的极限。
6. 若测量介质为粘稠状或有悬浮颗粒的液体,要防止引压孔堵塞和对膜片的冲
7. 介质中如果杂质较大时,应选法兰取压,或加过滤装置。
8. 变送器导线不应和高压电缆线一起铺设。
9. 安装位置尽量远离大功率的电器设备,以防干扰。
10. 安装位置避免强烈震动,震动较大可采取远传引压。