



第01天a(n)~action-2024年高考英语3500词汇一遍过(英汉互译+词形转换+短语提炼+单句填空+语篇填空)第01天教师版维度一:背诵版50个(a/an-action)1.a (an) [ə, eɪ(ən)] art. 一(个、件……)2.abandon [əˈbændən] v. 抛弃, 舍弃, 放弃3.ability [əˈbɪlɪtɪ] n. 能力;才能4.able [ˈeɪb(ə)l] a. 能够;有能力的5.abnormal [æbˈnɔːm(ə)l] a. 反常的, 变态的6.aboard [əˈbɔːd] prep. 上(船, 飞机, 火车, 汽车等)7.abolish [əˈbɔlɪʃ] v. 废除, 废止8.abortion [əˈbɔːʃ(ə)n] v. 人工流产, 堕胎9.about [əˈbaʊt] ad. 大约;到处;四处prep. 关于;在各处;四处10.above [əˈbʌv] prep. 在……上面a. 上面的ad. 在……之上11.abroad [əˈbrɔːd] ad. 到(在)国外12.abrupt [əˈbrʌpt] a. 突然的, 意外的, 粗鲁13.absence [ˈæbsəns] n. 不在, 缺席14.absent [ˈæbsənt] a. 缺席, 不在15.absolute [ˈæbsəluːt] a. 完全, 全部, 绝对的16.absorb [əbˈsɔːb] v. 吸收, 使全神贯注17.abstract [ˈæbstrækt] a./ n. 抽象的(作品)18.absurd [əbˈsɜːd] a.荒谬的, 怪诞不经的19.abundant [əˈbʌndənt] a.大量,丰盛的,充裕的20.abuse [əˈbjuːz] v.(酗酒)滥用,虐待,恶语21.academic [ækəˈdemɪk] a. / n. 学术的, 教学的22.academy [əˈkædəmɪ] n.专科学院,(美)私立学校23.accelerate [əkˈseləreɪt] v.(使)加速, 加快24.accent [ˈæksənt] n. 口音, 音调25.accept [əkˈsept] vt. 接受26.access [ˈækses] n. / v. 通道, 入径, 存取(文件)27.accessible [əkˈsesɪb(ə)l] a. 可到达的,易相处的)28.accident [ˈæksɪdənt] n. 事故, 意外的事29.accommodation [əkɔməˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] n.住宿, 膳宿30.accompany [əˈkʌmpənɪ] v. 陪同, 陪伴31.accomplish [əˈkʌmplɪʃ] v. 完成32.according to [əˈkɔːdɪŋ tʊ] ad. 按照, 根据33.account [əˈkaʊnt] n. 账目;描述34.accountant [əˈkaʊnt(ə)nt] n. 会计, 会计师35.accumulate [əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt] v. 积累, 积聚36.accuracy [ˈækjʊrəsɪ] n. 准确, 精确37.accuse [əˈkjuːz] v. 谴责, 控告38.accustomed [əˈkʌstəmd] a. 习惯于,惯常的39.ache [eɪk] vi.& n. 痛, 疼痛40.achieve [əˈtʃiːv] vt. 达到, 取得41.achievement [əˈtʃiːvmənt] n. 成就,成绩,功绩42.acid [ˈæsɪd] a. 酸的43.acknowledge [əkˈnɔlɪdʒ] v. 承认44.acquaintance [əˈkweɪntəns] n. 熟人, (与某人)认识45.acquire [əˈkwaɪə(r)] v. 获得, 得到46.acquisition [ækwɪˈzɪʃ(ə)n] n. 获得, 得到47.acre [ˈeɪkə(r)] n. 英亩48.across [əˈkrɔs] prep. 横过, 穿过49.act [ækt] n. 法令, 条例v. 表演, 扮演, 演出;行动50.action [ˈækʃ(ə)n] n. 行动维度二:英译汉版(a/an-action)1.a (an) [ə, eɪ(ən)] art. ________________2.abandon [əˈbændən] v. ______________3.ability [əˈbɪlɪtɪ] n. ________________4.able [ˈeɪb(ə)l] a. ________________5.abnormal [æbˈnɔːm(ə)l] a. __ ________6.aboard [əˈbɔːd] prep. _______________7.abolish [əˈbɔlɪʃ] v. _______________8.abortion [əˈbɔːʃ(ə)n] v. _____________9.about [əˈbaʊt] ad. ________________ about [əˈbaʊt] ad. prep. _____________ 10.above [əˈbʌv] prep. _______________ ad. ______________________________11.abroad [əˈbrɔːd] ad. _______________12.abrupt [əˈbrʌpt] a. ________________13.absence [ˈæbsəns] n. ______________14.absent [ˈæbsənt] a. ______________15.absolute [ˈæbsəluːt] a. _____________16.absorb [əbˈsɔːb] v. ________________17.abstract [ˈæbstrækt] a./ n. __________18.absurd [əbˈsɜːd] a. ________________19.abundant [əˈbʌndənt] a. ____________20.abuse [əˈbjuːz] v. ________________21.academic [ækəˈdemɪk] a. / n. ________22.academy [əˈkædəmɪ] n. _____________23.accelerate [əkˈseləreɪt] v. ___________24.accent [ˈæksənt] n. ________________ 25.accept [əkˈsept] vt. ________________26.access [ˈækses] n. / v. ______________27.accessible [əkˈsesɪb(ə)l] a. __________28.accident [ˈæksɪdənt] n. _____________29.accommodation [əkɔməˈdeɪʃən] n. ____30.accompany [əˈkʌmpənɪ] v. __________31.accomplish [əˈkʌmplɪʃ] v. _________32.according to [əˈkɔːdɪŋ tʊ] ad. ________33.account [əˈkaʊnt] n. ______________34.accountant [əˈkaʊnt(ə)nt] n. _________35.accumulate [əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt] v. _________36.accuracy [ˈækjʊrəsɪ] n. _____________37.accuse 37.accuse [əˈkjuːz] v. _________38.accustomed [əˈkʌstəmd] a. _________39.ache [eɪk] vi.& n. _____________40.achieve [əˈtʃiːv] vt. ________________41.achievement [əˈtʃiːvmənt] n. __________42.acid [ˈæsɪd] a. ______________43.acknowledge [əkˈnɔlɪdʒ] v. ___________44.acquaintance [əˈkweɪntəns] n. _________45.acquire [əˈkwaɪə] v. _____________46.acquisition [ækwɪˈzɪʃən] n. ___________47.acre [ˈeɪkə(r)] n. ______________48.across [əˈkrɔs] prep. ____________49.act [ækt] n. ________ v. ______________50.action [ˈækʃ(ə)n] n. ______________维度三:汉译英版(a/an-action)1. _________ art. 一(个、件……)2. _________v. 抛弃, 舍弃, 放弃3. _________n. 能力;才能4. _________a. 能够;有能力的5. _________a. 反常的, 变态的6. _________prep. 上(船, 飞机, 火车, 汽车等)7. _________v. 废除, 废止8. _________v. 人工流产, 堕胎9. _________ad. 大约;到处;四处_________prep. 关于;在各处;四处10.________prep. 在……上面a. 上面的ad. 在……之上11. ________ad. 到(在)国外12. ________a. 突然的, 意外的, 粗鲁13. ________n. 不在, 缺席14. ________a. 缺席, 不在15. ________a. 完全, 全部, 绝对的16. ________v. 吸收, 使全神贯注17. ________a./ n. 抽象的(作品)18. ________a.荒谬的, 怪诞不经的19. ________a.大量,丰盛的,充裕的20. ________v.(酗酒)滥用,虐待,恶语21. ________a. / n. 学术的, 教学的22. ________n.专科学院,(美)私立学校23. ________v.(使)加速, 加快24. ________n. 口音, 音调25. ________vt. 接受26. ________n. / v. 通道, 入径, 存取(文件)27. ________a. 可到达的,易相处的)28. ________n. 事故, 意外的事29. ________n.住宿, 膳宿30. ________v. 陪同, 陪伴31. ________v. 完成32. ________ ad. 按照, 根据33. ________n. 账目;描述34. ________n. 会计, 会计师35. ________v. 积累, 积聚36. ________n. 准确, 精确37. ________v. 谴责, 控告38. ________a. 习惯于,惯常的39. ________vi.& n. 痛, 疼痛40. ________vt. 达到, 取得41. ________n. 成就,成绩,功绩42. ________ a. 酸的43. ________v. 承认44. ________n. 熟人, (与某人)认识45. ________v. 获得, 得到46. ________n. 获得, 得到47. ________n. 英亩48. ________prep. 横过, 穿过49. ________n. 法令, 条例v. 表演, 扮演, 演出;行动50. ________n. 行动维度四:词形转换版(a/an-action)1. abandon v. 抛弃, 舍弃, 放弃abandoned a. 抛弃, 舍弃, 放弃2. able a. 能够;有能力的ability n. 能力;才能enable vt 使能够disable vt 使不能;使残疾disabled a. 残疾的disability n 残疾3. abnormal a. 反常的, 变态的normal a 正常的normally ad 正常地4. aboard prep. 上(船, 飞机, 火车, 汽车等)abroad ad到(在)国外5. abolish v. 废除, 废止abortion v. 人工流产, 堕胎6. abrupt a. 突然的, 意外的, 粗鲁abruptly ad 突然地7. absence n. 不在, 缺席absent a. 缺席, 不在8. absolute a. 完全, 全部, 绝对的absolutely ad 绝对;完全9. absorb v. 吸收, 使全神贯注absorbed a 专注的10. abstract a. 抽象的abstract n. 摘要11. absurd a.荒谬的, 怪诞不经的absurdly ad 荒谬地12. abundant a.大量,丰盛的,充裕的abundantly ad 大量地abundance n 充沛;丰富13. academy n.专科学院, 私立学校academic a.学术的, 教学的academically ad.学术地, 教学地14. accelerate v.(使)加速, 加快acceleration n.加速, 加快15. accept vt. 接受acceptance n. 接受acceptable a. 可接受的16. access n. / v. 通道, 入径, 存取(文件)accessible a. 可到达的,易相处的)17. accident n. 事故, 意外的事accidental a. 意外的accidentally n. 偶然地18. accommodate v. 提供住宿accommodation n.住宿, 膳宿19. accomplish v. 完成,实现accomplish n. 成绩;成就20.account n. 账目;描述accountant n. 会计, 会计师21. accumulate v. 积累, 积聚accumulation n. 积累, 积聚22. accurate a. 准确的, 精确的accuracy n. 准确, 精确accurately ad. 准确地, 精确地inaccurate a. 不准确的, 不精确的23. accuse v. 谴责, 控告accused a 被告的24. ache vi.& n. 痛, 疼痛headache n 头疼stomachache n 肚子疼;腹疼toothache n 牙疼25. achieve vt. 达到, 取得achievable a. 可实现的achievement n. 成就,成绩,功绩26. acknowledge v. 承认;告知已收到;感谢acknowledgement n. 承认27. acquaint vt.(与某人)认识acquaintance n. 熟人, (与某人)认识28. acquire v. 获得, 得到acquisition n. 获得, 习得49.act n. 法令, 条例v. 表演, 扮演, 演出;行动action n. 行动actor n 男演员actress n 女演员active a 积极的;活跃的activity n 活动维度五:短语背诵版(a/an-action)1.abandon oneself to doing 致力于做某事2.have the ability to do 有能力做某事3.be able to do 能够做某事4.go aboard …上(船, 飞机, 火车, 汽车等)5.be about to do…when 正要做……这时……6.go abroad ad. 到国外7.at home and abroad 在国内外13.in one’s absence 某人不在时候14.be absent from 缺席, 不在16.be absorbed in 吸收, 使全神贯注19.be abundant in大量,丰盛的,充裕的17.abuse one’s power滥用,虐待,恶语18.academic perforamnce学术的, 教学的19.accept …as… 接受20.have/gain accessto 通道, 入径, 存取(文件)21.be accessible to可到达的,易相处的22.by accident 意外23.accompany sb to a place陪同, 陪伴24.accompany sb on the piano 钢琴伴奏31.a sense of accomplishment 成就感32.according to 按照, 根据33.on account of 因为34.take..into account 把……考虑在内35.account for 解释;占比例36.accuse sb of doing 起诉某人做了某事37.be accustomed to doing 习惯于做某事38.have a headache 头疼39.a sense of achievement 成就感40.acheive one’s aim实现目标41.be acknowledged…as/to be 被公认为……42.It is universally acknowledged that…公认为……43.make acquaintances with sb 揭示某人44.acquire a skill 获取技能45.across the street 在马路对面46.swim across the river 游过河流47.act out 扮演48.act as 担任;充当49.Actions speak louder than words. 行胜于言。

1368个单词就够了 - 王乐平作品

1368个单词就够了 - 王乐平作品

1368个单词就够了 - 王乐平作品1368个单词就够了具体名词:背下来就可以有关物的时间类 1. time 2. morning 3. afternoon 4. noon 5. evening 6. night 7. tonight 8. today 9. tomorrow 10. yesterday 11. weekend 12. month 13. year 14. season 15. spring 16. autumn 17. winter 18. day 19. date 20. moment 21. period 22. history 23. future 24. birthday 25. holiday 26. festival 27. schedule 28. age 气候类 29. weather 30. rain 31. snow 32.wind 33. cloud 自然类 34. nature 35. mountain 36. air 37. light 38. water 39. fire40. ice 41. smoke 42. heat 43. ground 44. sky 45. river 46. field 47.forest 48. sea 49. stone 50. star 植物类 51. plant 52. grass 53. tree 54. crop 动物类 55. animal 56. bird 57. cat 58. dog 59. horse 60. rabbit 61. elephant 62. bear 63. tiger 64. lion 65. bull 66. cow 67. pig 68. chicken 69. fish 70. sheep 71. monkey 72. snake 73. reptile 昆虫类 74. insect 75. bee76. butterfly 77. spider 其他生物 78. bacteria 地点类 79. Place80. hospital 81. restaurant 82. hotel 83. university 84. factory 85. jail 86. zoo 87. park 88. school 89. store 90. club 91. bar 92. court 93. market 94. town 95. village 96. city 机构类 97. organization 98. company 99. charity 声音类 100. sound 101. voice 102. noise 103. music食品类 104. food 105. egg 106. meat 107. steak 108. bread 109. cake 110. dessert 111. soup 112. sandwich 113. noodle 114. pie115. chocolate 116. sauce 餐饮类 117. meal 118. breakfast 119. lunch 120. dinner 蔬菜类121. vegetable 122. potato 123. tomato 124. carrot 125. lettuce 126. bean水果类 127. fruit 128. apple 129. orange 130. banana食材类 131. ingredient 132. oil 133. sugar 134. salt 135. butter 136.cream饮料类 137. drink 138. coffee 139. milk 140. tea 141. juice 142. beer 143. wine 144. alcohol营养类 145. nutrient 146. mineral 147. vitamin 148. protein疾病类 149. disease 150. fever 151. flu 152. cancer房屋类 153. house 154. office 155. room 156. floor 157. wall 158.window159. door 160. roof 161. kitchen家具类 162. furniture 163. bed 164. chair 165. desk 166. table 167. seat 168. couch服装类 169. clothes 170. shirt 171. shoes 172. cap 173. hat 174. coat 175. dress 176. pants 177. uniform 178. suits179. underwear 180. pocket 181. jeans 182. button 183. zip 184. sock首饰类 185. jewelry 186. diamond 187. ring化妆品 188. cosmetics 189. perfume 190. lipstick 191. powder交通类 192. transport 193. traffic 194. bicycle 195. ship 196. boat 197. plane 198.train车辆类 199. vehicle 200. motorcycle 201. bus 202. car 203. truck 204.brake 205. engine 206. gear 207. tire 208. wheel路桥类209. road 210. street 211. bridge 212. station装置类 213. device 214. lock 215. key 216. bell 217. scale 218. tap设备类 219. equipment 220. shower 221. radio222. telephone 223. camera 224. computer 225. TV 226. fridge 227. video容器类 228. container 229. box 230. cup 231. dish 232. plate 233. bowl 234. basket 235. tub 236. sink 237. pot 238.pan材料类 239. material 240. cloth 241. paper 242. glass 243. plastic 244.gold 245. paint 246.chemical日常用品类 247. toy 248. brush 249. mirror 250. chain 251. board 252. handle 253. cartoon 254. bottle 255. wood 256. clock 257. knife 258. pen 259. book 260. album 261. menu 262. card 263. envelope 264. ticket 265. pipe 266. tube 267. wire 268. belt 269. web 270. film 271. screen 272. gift 273. channel 274. alarm 275. electricity 276. towel 277. carpet 278. tool 279. junk 280.fork 281. spoon 282. medicine 283. drug 284. pill数量285. couple 286. double 287. load 288. pack 289. lot单位 290. unit 291. meter 292. inch 293. pound 294. gram 295. piece事情 296. thing 297. issue 298. matter 299. stuff 300. object 301.event有关人的名次家庭角色类 302. parent 303. daughter 304. son 305. father 306. mother 307. brother 308. sister 309. husband 310. wife 311. uncle 312. aunt313. grandfather 314. grandmother 315.role社会角色类 316. kid 317. child 318. baby 319. boy 320. girl 321. man 322. woman 323. friend 324. lady325.gentleman326. boss327. customer 328. student 329. neighbor 330. person 331. volunteer 332. fool 333. sir334. madam职业类 335. job 336. doctor 337. nurse 338. professor 339. lawyer 340. engineer 341. teacher 342. coach 343. guard 344. judge群体类 345. group 346. people 347. class 348. team 349. human 350. staff 351. society 352. generation 353. army354. government 355.family关于具体名次的解读总单词量:355个类别:38个抽象名词:光背下来还不够话语类 356. words 357. topic 358. subject 359.joke 360. question 361.suggestion362. instruction 363. permission文字类 364. document 365. story 366. report 367. novel 368. note 369. text 370. letter 371. email 372. blog 373. list 374. menu 375. rule: 376. law377. grammar 378. principle信息类 379. information 380. message 381. news 382. update 383. notice 384. fact 385. detail 386. evidence 387. clue388. background 389. data 390. sign391. knowledge状态类 392. state 393. condition 394. environment 395. situation: 396.mess 397. balance 398. peace399. emergency 400. chance 401. opportunity行为类 402. act403. exercise 404.practice405. test406. experiment 407. lesson 408. bath 409. security 410. attention 411. focus 412. step413. education 414. advertisement 415. treatment 416. trick 417. habit 418. service 419. business 420. homework 421. job: 422. task 423. project 424. challenge 425. duty:426. responsibility 427. fault428. performance: 429. concert 430. opera 431. drama 432. study: 433. math 434. art 435. science 436. philosophy 437. psychology 438. arrangement: 439. deal440. insurance 441. account 442. engagement 443. occasion: 444. meeting 445. interview 446. party 447. picnic 448. wedding 449. funeral 450. barbecue 451. ceremony 452. money: 453. profit 454. income 455. salary456. loan 457. cash 458. cost 459. credit 460. deposit 461. price 462. tax 463. bill 464. budget活动类 465. activity 466. game 467. discipline 468. crime 469. trade 470. economy 471. politics 472. war 473. trip 474. fashion 475. industry 476. sports: 477. soccer 478. football 479. golf480. basketball 481. race思想类 482. thought 483. idea 484. view 485. theory 486. religion 487. plan: 488. strategy 489. policy 490. program整体类 491. network 492. internet 493. series 494. career 495. system: 496. language 497. transport其他类 498.favor499. privilege 500. mistake 501. risk502. advantage 503. benefit 504. problem 505. trouble 506. surprise 507. secret 508. award 509. prize 510. diet 511. property 512. option 513. case 514. example 515. sample 516. score 517. limit518. experience 519. effort 520. energy 521. figure关于抽象名词的解读总单词量:166个类别:9个构成类名词:你的外在与内在核心词 522. part部位 523. side 524. edge 525. base 526. core 身体 527. head 528. eye 529. ear 530. face 531. nose 532. foot 533. mouth 534. tooth 535.tongue 536. neck 537. shoulder 538. breast 539. chest 540. stomach 541.arm 542. hand 543. finger 544. nail 545. leg 546. knee 547. throat 548. brain549. heart 550. lung 551. muscle 552. bone 553. nerve 554. hair 555. skin 556. blood 557. sweat精神 558. mind 559. spirit 560. soul 561. emotion 562. feeling: 563. shame 564. stress 565. respect 566. desire 567. pain 568. sense力量 569. strength 570. force 571. power: 572. authority 573. ability: 574. sight575. intelligence 576. memory 577. skill动物 578. tail 579.wing植物 580. flower 581. leaf 582. root 583. branch其他 584. whole 585. rest 586.half 关于构成类名词的解读总单词量:65个类别:8个属性类名词:你的状态静态属性形状 587. shape588.appearance尺寸 589. size 590. space位置 591. position 592. point 593. line 594. end 595. bottom 596. middle 597. top 598. front 599. back 600. center 601. corner 602. left 603. right 604. direction: 605. east 606. west 607. north 608. south 品质 609.quality 610. feature 611. character 612. personality其他属性 613. color 614. weight 615. tone 616. material 617. structure数量 618. amount 619. number620. measurement 621. distance 622. volume 623. angle624. temperature 625. level: 626. degree 627. grade 628. rank 629.standard 630. rate: 631. speed632. percentage 类别 633. kind 634.type 动态属性方式 635. form 636. way: 637. behavior 638. mood 639. logic 640. tradition 641. culture 642. style 643. pattern 644. relation 645. manner原因 646. cause 647. reason 648.source 649. excuse 650. factor目的 651. purpose 652. goal结果 653. effect 654. result过程 655. course 656.process关于属性类名词的解读总单词量:70个类比:12个单纯型动词:广交天下朋友本源词 657. be 658. go 659. come 660. make归属拥有某物 661.have 得到某物 662.get给出某物 663.give拿到某物 664.take终点位置使到达某一位置 665.put使轻轻到达某一位 666.lay667. place 使从其他位置到达说话者位置 668.bring使从说话者位置到达其他位置 669.send使位置暂停改变 670.hold使位置保持不变 671.keep位置保持不变 672. stay 673. hang 674.settle相互位置一事物到另一事物上面 675.cover一事物到另一事物下面 676.support两事物混合 677.mix两事物互换 678.switch两事物相连 679. link 680. join 681. connect 682. stick 683. tie两事物相遇 684.meet两事物交叉 685.cross运动轨迹从一个点到另一个点 686. move 687.shift经过某个点 688.pass低点往高点 689. raise 690. lift 691.rise高点往低点 692. drop 693.fall一事物在另一事物后面 694.follow一事物在另一事物前面 695.lead一物载一物 696.carry往复运动 697. bounce 698. roll 699. shake 700. screw速度快速运动 701. run 702. rush 703. hurry 力量轻轻接触 704. touch 用力接触 705. hit 706.knock707. crash使快速运动 708.throw用力接触并来回移动 709.rub用力使事物脱离原来的位置 710.pull对事物朝某一方向用力 711. push 712. draw 713. press空间空间开放或关闭 714. open 715. close 716.shut 一事物进入某一空间 717. fit 718.enter一事物进入某一空间(气体或液体) 719. fill 720. pump 721. spill 722. spray事物离开某一空间 723. clean 724. clear 725.wipe事物离开某一地点 726. leave 727.quit一事物到达某一地点 728. arrive 729.reach感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

























具体名词物时间time morning afternoon noon evening night tonight today tomorrowyesterday weekend month year season spring autumn winter daydate moment period history future birthday holiday festival scheduleage气候weather rain snow wind cloud自然nature mountain air light water fire ice smoke heat ground sky riverfield forest sea stone star植物plant grass tree crop动物animal bird cat dog horse rabbit elephant bear tiger lion bull cowpig chicken fish sheep monkey snake reptile昆虫insect bee butterfly spider其他bacteria地点place hospital restaurant hotel university factory jail zoo park schoolstore club bar court market town village city机构organization company charity声音sound voice noise music食品food egg meat steak bread cake dessert soup sandwich noodle piechocolate sauce餐饮meal breakfast lunch dinner蔬菜vegetable potato tomato carrot lettuce bean水果fruit apple orange banana食材ingredient oil sugar salt butter cream饮料drink coffee milk tea juice beer wine alcohol营养nutrient mineral vitamin protein疾病disease fever flu cancer房屋house office room floor wall window door roof kitchen家具furniture bed chair desk table seat couch服装clothes shirt shoes cap hat coat dress pants uniform suitsunderwear pocket jeans button zip sock首饰jewelry diamond ring化妆品cosmetics perfume lipstick powder交通transport traffic bicycle ship boat plane train车辆vehicle motorcycle bus car truck brake engine gear tire wheel路桥road street bridge station装置device lock key bell scale tap设备equipment shower radio telephone camera computer TV fridge video容器container box cup dish plate bowl basket tub sink pot pan材料material cloth paper glass plastic gold paint chemical日常用品toy brush mirror chain board handle cartoon bottle wood clock knifepen book album menu card envelope ticket pipe tube wire beltweb film screen gift channel alarm electricity towel carpet tool junkfork spoon medicine drug pill数量couple double load pack lot单位unit meter inch pound gram piece事情thing issue matter stuff object event人家庭角色parent daughter son father mother brother sister husband wife uncleaunt grandfather grandmother role社会角色kid child baby boy girl man woman friend lady gentleman bosscustomer student neighbor person volunteer fool sir madam职业职业 job doctor nurse professor lawyer engineer teacher coach guardjudge群体群体group people class team human staff society generation armygovernment family抽象名词抽象名词 话语话语words topic subject joke question suggestion instruction permission 文字文字 document story report novel note text letter email blog list menurule: law grammar principle信息信息 information message news update notice fact detail evidence cluebackground data sign knowledge状态状态 state condition environmentsituation: mess balance peace emergency chance opportunity行为行为 act exercise practice test experiment lesson bath security attentionfocus step education advertisement treatment trick habit servicebusiness homeworkjob: task project challengeduty: responsibility faultperformance: concert opera dramastudy: math art science philosophy psychologyarrangement: deal insurance account engagementoccasion: meeting interview party picnic wedding funeral barbecueceremonymoney: profit income salary loan cash cost credit deposit price taxbill budget活动活动 activity game discipline crime trade economy politics war trip fashionindustrysports: soccer football golf basketball race思想思想 thought idea view theory religionplan: strategy policy program整体整体 network internet series careersystem: language transport其他其他 favor privilege mistake risk advantage benefit problem trouble surprisesecret award prize diet property option case example sample scorelimit experience effort energy figure构成类名词 核心词核心词 part 部位部位side edge base core 身体身体 head eye ear face nose foot mouth tooth tongue neck shoulderbreast chest stomach arm hand finger nail leg knee throat brainheart lung muscle bone nerve hair skin blood sweat精神精神 mind spirit soul emotion feeling: shame stress respect desire painsense力量力量 strength forcepower: authorityability: sight intelligence memory skill动物动物tail wing 植物植物flower leaf root branch 其他其他whole rest half 属性类名静态属性静态属性 形状形状 shape appearance词 尺寸尺寸size space 位置位置 positionpoint line endbottom middle top front back center corner left rightdirection: east west northsouth品质品质quality feature character personality 其他其他color weight tone material structure 数量数量 amount number measurement distance volume angle temperaturelevel: degree grade rank standardrate: speed percentage类别类别kind type 动态属性动态属性 方式方式 formway: behavior mood logic tradition culture style pattern relationmanner原因原因 cause reason source excuse factor目的目的 purpose goal结果结果 effect result过程过程 course process单纯性动词 本源词本源词 be go come make归属归属 拥有某物拥有某物 have得到某物得到某物 get给出某物给出某物 give拿到某物拿到某物 take终点位置终点位置 使达到某一位置put 使轻轻到达某一位置一位置lay place 使从其他位置到达说话者位置bring 使从说话者位置到达其他位置send 使位置暂停改变hold 使位置保持不变keep 位置保持不变位置保持不变stay hang settle 相互位置相互位置 一事物到另一事物上面事物上面cover 一事物到另一事物下面事物下面support 两事物混合两事物混合mix 两事物互换两事物互换switch 两事物相连两事物相连link join connect stick tie 两事物相遇两事物相遇meet 两事物交叉两事物交叉cross 运动轨迹运动轨迹 从一个点到另move shift一个点一个点经过某个点经过某个点pass 低点往高点低点往高点raise lift rise 高点往低点高点往低点drop fall 一事物到另一事物后面事物后面follow一事物到另一事物前面事物前面lead 一物载另一物一物载另一物carry 往复运动往复运动bounce roll shake screw 速度速度快速运动快速运动 run rush hurry 力量力量 轻轻接触轻轻接触touch 用力接触用力接触hit knock crash 使快速运动使快速运动throw 用力接触并来回移动回移动rub 用力使实物脱离原来的位置离原来的位置pull 对事物朝某一方向用力方向用力push draw press 空间空间 空间开放或关闭open close shut 一事物进入某一空间一空间fit enter 一事物进入某一空间(气体或液体)液体)fill pump spill spray 事物离开某一空间空间clean clear wipe 事物离开某一地点地点leave quit 一事物到达某一地点一地点arrive reach 一事物固定在某一个空间某一个空间fix set 时间时间 某事发生某事发生begin start happen 某事结束某事结束finish 某事停止某事停止stop 方向方向 一个方向到另一个方向一个方向turn 整体与部分整体与部分 从大到小(用力)力)break crack split tear 从大到小从大到小divide 从多到少从多到少cut 形状形状bend fold twist stretch spread 尺寸尺寸grow 行为行为 look see listen hear say speak talk tell ask think believe know likelove do系动词系动词become seem feel sound smell taste 世故型动词 看 find watch observe ignore search show 说 意见意见agree cancel let allow 告诉告诉claim warn introduce explain express confirm 要求要求beg charge order 带有情感地说带有情感地说argue blame praise encourage complain promise insist shout threat 其他其他 answer call count pronounce想consider guess beserve offer doubt suspect trust forget rememberimagine mean learn understand wonder decide try want hope wishexpect will shall should may might can must dare need impressattract 感觉感觉 enjoy suffer appreciate care hate worry thank welcome bless thrillfreak shock bother annoy disturb自然现象自然现象die live burn boil 人体行为人体行为 肢体肢体dance ride lie climb beat 上肢上肢hug 下肢下肢sit stand walk kick jump skip 面部面部smile laugh cry 嘴巴嘴巴 eat kiss suck lick blow cough sing 鼻子鼻子breathe 皮肤皮肤bleed 精神精神sleep wake relax 健康健康 hurt injure cure inject生活行为生活行为cook back fry drive measure wear wash tape record post travelscrew dig hide pack mark 社会行为社会行为 buy sell shop pay spend waste invite rent fight kill steal cheatinvest rob wait marry divorce borrow lend owe vote bet celebrateplay pretend help direct entertain interrupt distract design build inventcopy prepare organize manage handle treat control use apply savechoose accept pick collect win fail miss lose check examinecompare solve analyze运动运动skate swim fly shoot 工作工作work interview hire fire compete retire 学习学习read write spell translate 事物之间的关系关系match qualify equal share include separate belong depend involve 事物的发展变化变化change develop improve reduce add promote 食物的相互作用作用damage spoil ruin affect attack 形容词形容词 物的属性与构成构成 大小大小 big huge little small medium 高低高低high low 长短长短long short tall 深浅深浅deep shallow 粗细粗细thick thin fat slim 宽窄宽窄 narrow wide 重量重量heavy light 正斜正斜 straight curved flat形状形状round square 距离距离near far 事物与空间事物与空间full empty blank bare dirty 时间时间new fresh 数量数量extra only single poor rich slight total 质地质地 hard soft tough tender smooth rough sharp blunt fresh raw pureplain even力量力量strong weak tight loose firm tense 状态状态liquid gas solid 温度温度hot warm cold 湿度湿度dry wet 亮度亮度bright dark dull 味道味道sweet bitter delicious sour spicy 声音声音loud quiet 人的属性与构成构成 时间时间 young old 身体身体hungry ill sick tired blind sore born pregnant alive 行为行为busy violent wild 外表外表beautiful ugly sexy 心智心智smart clever stupid confused awake asleep familiar patient 态度态度polite lazy honest rude brave aggressive 情感情感interested curious proud sure confident 心情心情 happy glad sad upset sorry guilty calm afraid angry crazy madexcited bored disappointed jealous lonely事的属性与构成构成 难度难度 easy hard difficult 时间时间late due urgent efficient 可能性可能性possible available 安全性安全性dangerous safe 其他其他 wrong strict correct fair proper lucky successful综合属性综合属性 品质(好)品质(好) good nice fine great perfect wonderful amazing excellent品质(坏)品质(坏) bad terrible awful真实性真实性 real true false fake完整性完整性 complete精确性精确性 exact specific复杂性复杂性 complicated simple其他其他 fun horrible weird strange comfortable incredible gross 事物关系事物关系特殊性特殊性 special regular一致性一致性 same different普遍性普遍性 typical normal common general popular average particular own重要性重要性 serious causal important main formal professional必要性必要性 necessary关联性关联性 free relative legal physical mental local native international cheapexpensive separate public worth 介词介词 动态位置动态位置 轨迹轨迹across along past over up down through on off in out against 起点起点from 终点终点 to toward for about静态位置静态位置 点 at点与点点与点by beside before after behind between around点与平面点与平面beyond under above below 点与空间点与空间outside inside within 从属从属of with without 时间时间during since till 替代替代instead of 比较比较than as 整体与部分整体与部分besides among except including 因果因果according to其他其他 despite per 副词副词 时间时间now early just then recently ago already yet ever never forever 位置位置here there 方向方向away forth apart together aside 数量数量extra alone 程度程度quite much very well extremely almost enough 强调强调actually especially absolutely certainly 速度速度fast slow soon suddenly immediately gradually 频率频率again often usually always 顺序顺序finally eventually 转折转折otherwise 可能性可能性probably perhaps maybe 递进递进also too either neither else 引导引导when where how why what 连词连词 因果因果because 转折转折but though 并列并列and 条件条件if unless except 时间时间while 选择选择or whether 限定词限定词 顺序顺序last next 数量数量all any some both each either neither every few many much 指代指代this that these those another such 代词代词I you he she we they it 疑问代词疑问代词which who 冠词冠词aan the 感叹词感叹词bye hello no yes pardon please wow damn 缩略词缩略词Mr. Ms. 数词数词zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten hundredthousand million billion。



Aabsence n.缺席,不在场,缺乏absorb vt.吸收,使专心abstract a.抽象的n.摘要academic a.学院的,学术的access n.进入,使用权,通路accordingly ad.因此,依照account n.账户,,解释,理由accurate a.精确的,准确的accuse vt.指责,归咎于actor n.男演员actress n.女演员actual a.实际的,现行的adapt vt.使适应,改编admire vt.钦佩,羡慕,赞赏admit vt.承认,准许…进入adopt vt.收养,采用,采取adult n.成年人a.成年的advance vi.前进,提高n.进展adventure n.冒险,惊险活动affair n.事情,事件,事务affect vt.影响,感动afterward (s) ad. 后来,以后,随后agent n.代理人,代理商agriculture n.农业,农艺,农学ahead ad.在前,向前,提前aid n.帮助,救护,助手aim n.目的,目标,对准v.目的在于,使…对准aircraft n.飞机,飞行器alarm n.警报,警告器,惊慌v.警告,使惊恐album n. 集邮本,照相簿,唱片alcohol n.酒精,乙醇altogether ad.完全地,总共amaze vt.使惊异ambition n.雄心,抱负,野心amount n.总数,数量amuse vt.逗…乐,给…娱乐analyze vt.分析,分解,解析ancestor n.祖宗,祖先anger n.怒,愤怒vt.使发怒angle n.角,角度anniversary n.周年纪念日announce vt.宣布,发表annoy vt.使恼怒,打搅anxious a.忧虑的,渴望的anyhow ad.无论如何apart ad.相隔,分开,除去apartment n.一套公寓房间apologize vi.道歉,谢罪,认错appearance n.出现,来到,外观apply vt.申请,应用appointment n.任命,预约appreciate vt.欣赏,感谢approach vt.靠近,接近,着手处理n.靠近,接近,方法architecture n.建筑学,建筑式样argue vi.争论,争辩, 辩论arrange vt.筹备,整理arrest vt.逮捕,拘留arrival n.到达,到达者artist n.艺术家,美术家ash n.灰,灰末,骨灰ashamed a.惭愧(的),羞耻(的) aside ad.在旁边,到旁边aspect n.方面,样子,外表assistant n.助手,助教assume vt.假定,承担,呈现astonish vt.使惊讶,使吃惊athlete n.运动员atmosphere n.大气,气氛attach vt.缚,系,贴,附加attack vt.vi.n.攻击,进攻attempt vt.尝试,试图n.企图attend vt.出席,照顾,护理attitude n.态度attract vt.吸引audience n.听众,观众author n.作者,作家available a.可利用的,可得到的average n.平均数a.平均的award n.奖,奖品v.授予aware a.知道的,意识到的awful a.可怕的,令人不愉快的Bbadly ad.坏,差,严重地badminton n. 羽毛球baggage n.行李bake vt.烤,烘,烧硬balance vt.使平衡,称n.天平ban n. 禁令vt. 禁止,取缔band n.乐队,带,波段bar n.酒吧间,条,杆bare a.赤裸的,仅仅的bargain n.便宜货,交易vi.讨价还价,成交base n.基础,底层,基地basin n.盆子,盆地basis n.基础,根据bath n.洗澡,浴缸bathe vt.给…洗澡battery n.电池battle n.战役,斗争vi.作战beard n.胡须,络腮胡子beauty n.美,美丽,美人beer n.啤酒beg vt.vi.乞求,请求beginning n.开始,开端,起源behave vi.表现,举止belly n.腹部,胃belong vi.属于,附属belt n.带,腰带,区bench n.长凳,条凳,工作台bend vt.使弯曲vi.弯曲benefit n.利益,恩惠,津贴best a.最好的better a.较好的ad.更好地billion num.十亿biology n.生物学,生态学birthplace n.出生地bite vt.咬,叮,螫blame vt.责备,把…归咎于blank a.空白的n.空白blanket n.毯子bleed vi.流血block n.街区,块,大厦vt.堵塞,拦阻blouse n. 宽松的上衣boil vi.沸腾,汽化vt.煮沸bomb n.炸弹vt.轰炸bone n.骨,骨骼border n.边缘,边界bother vt.烦扰,打扰n.麻烦,烦恼brake n.闸,刹车vi.刹车branch n.树枝,分部,分支,支流brand n.商标,牌子,烙印vt.印商标于,打烙印于,铭刻于brick n.砖块brief a.简短的vt.作简报broad a.宽阔的,广泛的broadcast v/ n.广播,播撒,播音broom n. 扫帚bucket n.水桶,吊桶budget v/n.预算burden n.负担,责任,装载量vt.使负担,装货于burst v/n.爆发,突发,爆炸bury vt.埋葬,埋藏bush n.灌木butcher n. 屠夫,屠户button n.扣子,按钮vt.扣紧Ccafén.咖啡馆,小餐厅cage n.笼,鸟笼,囚笼calculate vt.计算,打算,认为calm a.平静的,沉着的v(使)平静,(使)镇定candidate n.候选人,应考者carpet n.地毯carrot n.胡萝卜cart n.二轮运货马车case n.情况,案例,病例,箱cash n.现金castle n.城堡casual a.偶然的,随便的,非正式的cattle n.牛,牲口,家畜cave n.山洞,洞穴,窑洞centimeter n.厘米central a.中心的,主要的ceremony n.典礼,仪式certainly ad.一定,必定,当然chain n.链,链条,项圈challenge v/n.挑战champion n.冠军,拥护者vt.支持,拥护channel n.海峡, 渠道,频道character n.性格,品质,特性,角色,汉字characteristic a.特有的n.特性charge vt.索价,控告,充电,使承担n.费用,控告,电荷,掌管chat vi.n. 闲谈,聊天check n.支票cheek n.面颊,脸蛋chief a.主要的,首席的chimney n.烟囱cigar n. 雪茄cigarette n.香烟citizen n.公民,市民,居民civil a.公民的,文职的clerk n.店员,办事员,职员clinic n.诊所,医务室,会诊clothing n.衣服cock n.公鸡,龙头collar n.衣领comb n.梳子vt.梳理combine vt.使联合comedy n.喜剧comfort n.舒适,安慰vt.安慰comment n.评论,意见,注释commercial a.商业的n.商业广告committee n.委员会communism n.共产主义communist n.共产党员companion n.同伴vt.陪伴compete vi.比赛,竞争complex a.综合的,复杂的comrade n.同志concentrate v.集中,聚集concern n.关心(的事),关系vt.使担心,关系到conclusion n.结论,推论,结局concrete n.混凝土a.具体的conduct n.举止,行为,指导v.指导,进行conductor n.售票员,(乐队)指挥confident n.确信的,自信的confirm vt.证实,批准conflict n.冲突confuse vt.使混乱,混淆congratulation n. 祝词,贺辞consist vi.由…组成constant a.经常的,恒定的,不变的n.(数)常数,恒量construction n.建造,建筑物consume vt.消耗,消费contain vt.包含,容纳content a.满意的,满足的continent n.大陆,洲contribute vt.捐献,捐助,投稿convenient a.便利的,方便的convince vt.使确信,使信服corn n.谷物,玉米cottage n.村舍,小屋counter n.柜台,计数器court n.法庭,球场,朝廷courtyard n. 庭院,院子crash vi.碰撞,坠落n.碰撞,坠毁,破产cream n.奶油creature n.生物,创造物credit n.信用,信任,分数vt.信任crew n.全体船员crime n.罪,罪行,犯罪crop n.农作物,庄稼crossing n. 十字路口crowd n.群,大众,一伙人cupboard n.碗柜cure vt. n.治疗,治愈curious a.好奇的curtain n.帘,窗帘,幕(布)cushion n.垫子,坐垫,靠垫custom n.习惯,风俗,海关customer n.顾客cycle n.循环,自行车v.(使)循环,骑自行车。



盖老师1000词看过盖老师书的宝妈应该对1000词和3000词印象非常深刻,有了1000词听力词汇的娃可以干什么了呢?上外教课,练输出;看动画片《Peppa pig》、《卡由》、《小公主》……基本都没什么问题;那初始的1000词有哪些词呢?其实他是一个数量级的概念,主要是涵盖日常认识,基本生活的英语。


第一级L1.1数字,食物,家庭生活,动物和植物,颜色one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, milk, bread, apple, cheese, lollipop, shirt, shoes, socks, pants, hat, cat, dog, fish, mouse, worm, red, yellow, blue, green, purpleL1.2人与自然,食物,游戏,家具和家庭用品,家人和亲友,家庭生活tree, grass, flower, bird, me, rice, meat,biscuits, egg, soup, blocks, ball, doll, car, train, house, door, window, table, chair, mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, family, book, tool, glasses, dinner, clothesL1.3动物和植物,个人卫生, 家庭生活,科普知识, 衣着与天气elephant, zebra, snake, tiger, loin, boy, boat, duck, bubble, bath, cup, towel, toothbrush, plate, comb, pink, orange, brown, black, angry, coat, mittens, sweater, boots, snow, white, seal, owl, panda, penguinL1.4学校生活,家庭生活宇宙,故事,情感build, paint, jump, play, eat, climb, dance, scratch, lick, bite, hello, bye-bye, earth, moon, sun, want, candy, cake, lamp, ice cream, tomato, onion, carrot, cabbage, cook, story, oh, no, what a mess, for you, giftL1.5食物,家具和家庭用品,家庭生活,情绪,感官pear, strawberry, grapes, like, fruit, salad, use, chopsticks, spoon, knife, fork, sweep, wash, mop, dust, tidy up, look for, sad, scared, happy, sleepy, smell, taste, see, hear, touch, bed time, wash your face, brush your teeth, take off, good nightL1.6家具和家庭用品,家人和亲友,家庭生活,游戏与休闲,身体部位sofa, TV, bed, cupboard, horrible, walking, cycling, swimming, running, skipping, driving, reading, fixing, playing, soccer, singing, paper, crayon, scissors, pencil, tape, rain, puddle, water gun, water slide, sea, arm, nose, head, foot, helpL1.7周末活动,家庭生活食物,交通运输方式社区,动物和植物bear, pajamas, slippers, parents, party, open, close, eyes, basket, cabinet, water, juice, soda, drink, have fun, plane, ship, bike, motorcycle, Merry Christmas, lake, road, bench, girl, willow, look at, giraffe, monkey, rhino, rideL1.8动物和植物、食物,合作与交流,社区,交通运输方式,家具和家庭用品seed, find, wait, own, now, get up, have breakfast, have lunch, have super, go to bed, friend, outing, river, push, cross, fire station, hospital, library, park, theater, subway, a lot of, people, bus, truck, get off, fridge, air-conditioner, microwave, washing machineL1.9动物和植物,情绪,科普知识,家人和亲友,学校生活,故事ladybug, bee, spider, move, hold, turn on, turn off, monster, cry, toy, story, gate, narrow, street, bridge, granny, talk, shop, clean, cow, rooster, horse, goat, roof, get on, school bus, down, slide, swingL1.10合作与交流,动物与植物,故事,食物balloon, sky, hill, rock, cloud, morning, afternoon, evening, superman, Lizard,kitten, hungry, food, bone, bamboo, shoot, phone call, dress up, fall, mud, forest, puppy, pony, pig, calf, chick cookies. hide-and-seek, jelly, jam, banana第二级L2.1科普知识,家庭生活,衣着与天气,游戏与休闲Big, small, foot print, swimming tube, burger, nice, roll, follow, line up, chips, warm, summer, T-shirt, brother, winter, tall, short, frog, kangaroo, rabbit, cold, hot, welcome, ice, sand, fun, clean, dirty, shower, home12.2 科普知识,爱好,合作与交流,节日和假日Long, ruler, dress, scarf, brother, take a picture, scooter, turn around, seesaw, cool, heavy, light, feather, watermelon, shrimp, bring, pail, jar, enough, wind, fast, slow, tortoise, rocket, motorboat, pumpkin, take care of, idea, Halloween, Jack-O-LanternL2.3衣着与天气,疾病,交通运输方式,节日与假日,居室,日常活动rain boots, raincoat, umbrella, rainbow, float, doctor, cold, cough, fever, mouth, fly, hen, high, way, sky lantern, summer, surf, shoot, goalkeeper, fly a kite, living room, kitchen, bathroom, dining room, asleep, try, catch, wet, dreamL2.4合作与交流,动物和植物,旅行,音乐与舞蹈饮食习惯many, a few, donut, cupcake, cherry, pineapple, dragon fruit, juicy, plant, sweet, join, wave, building, tower, clock, band, play, raise, leg, bend down, yoghourt, popcorn, nut, waffle, chocolate, geese, sheep, wool, farm, layL2.5意外,交通标志,家人家具和家庭用品,家庭生活hurt, plaster, break, put, cabinet, stop, vehicle, gas station, new, tow truck, uncle, aunt, cousin, baby, tail, flee, wing, piano, pack, giant, stroller, diaper, rattle, pacifier, shake, zip, button up, jacket. hurry, SaturdayL2.6身体部位,安全守则,爱好,合作与交流,使用地图finger, neck, knee, mosquito, human, garden, backyard, neighbor, dangerous, policeman, camera, press, cave, dark, flash, kick, tap, throw, pull, hole, drum, drum kit, sit, well, bookshelf, map, fisherman, treasure, fight, stormL2.7动物和植物,家具和家庭用品,旅行,家庭生活naughty, land, animal, zoo, toss, noise, rush, crawl, afraid, wardrobe, city, backpack, ferry, stay(verb), grab, wormy, beak, dive, right, smart, jigsaw, puzzle, puppet, boring, wake up, amusement park, leaf, branch, crown, nest, oldL2.8意外,家庭生活,家具和家庭用品,动物和植物人与自然,娱乐活动mole, motorbike, fox, woodpecker, helmet, collar. sleeve, bow, dotty, front, toilet, bathtub, mirror, shiny, satisfied, best, dragonfly, firefly, insect, grasshopper, jungle, wall, hare, photo, butterfly, show, excited, stamp, clap, capL2.9动物和植物,社会行为,节日和假日,人际交往,家庭生活turtle, crocodile, snail, carp, tasty, autumn, carefully, lift, wood, hedgehog, first, friendly, bossy, henhouse, leave, Easter Bunny, stone, carry, broken, hop, clown, circus, call out, top, drive, paint, wrong, bucket, beautiful, good jobL2.10 社会行为,情感,数字,人与自然,社会行为,安全守则tickle, tiny, buffalo, huge, fly, pond, squirrel, dry, safe, splash, eleven, twelve, count, thirteen, fourteen, field, barn, hug, feed, mild, make friends, lonely, grey, chameleon, stranger, lost, parrot第三级L3.1医疗,健康饮食,动物和植物,合作与交流科普知识,家庭生活shell, thorn, take your temperature, card, pill, begin, fairy, sweets, smile, broccoli, lettuce, peas, crab, shark,starfish, dolphin, whale, island, dragon, mountain, children, fire, fish, caterpillar, beetle, depressed, strong, laugh at, change, couch, flour, puff, sneeze, tug-of-war, blanketL3.2社会行为,商品,体育,人与自然,自我保护,游戏与休闲honey, hive, please, polite, rude, smell, sunglasses, glove, scarecrow, woman, stuff, jeans, watch( verb), wave(noun),back( noun), show, toe, beach shade, fireman, cut down, cut off, bookcase, firetruck, ant, march, lead, cheer, piece, hold up, wheel, pedal, handlebar, training, wheel, bell, ringL3.3个人情况,诗歌,情绪,家庭生活,交通运输方式,动物和植物wild, hairstyle, hairdresser, braids, curly, tidy, rat, wear, deer, wolf, tea, listen, think, sleep, return, embarrassed, puzzled, hesitated, thunder, lightning, candle, go out, shadow puppet, pigeon, seatbelt, get in, hold on, bounce, button, zoom, alligator, ostrich, camel, dinosaur, hump, disappointedL3.4动物和植物,合作与交流,游戏与休闲,健康饮食,故事maple tree, fall, river, sparrow, night, hamster, pick, blackberry, hazelnut, fetch, thick, upset, sandcastle, grand, watch out, lie, flag, seaweed, south, gull, sink, swan, pelican, hot air balloon, peanut butter, sandwich, chicken, noodle soup, empty, grocery, magic stone, witch, nasty, hate, the poor, hutL3.5节日与假日,交通运输方式,人与自然,庆祝活动,体育与赛事,故事robin, weak, chop, Christmas tree, feeder, star, airport, stewardess, pilot, fasten, screen, swallow, play house, sunshine, balcony, wilt, bud, water, mud pie, decorate, twig, pebble, worried, giggle, chase, squeal, bag, bump, struggle, escape, captain, king, bottle, chef, first, mate, bowL3.6安全守则,爱好,购物计划,社会行为,发明与技术,合作与交流crane, biggest, sunset, roar, blow, leader, football, queen, prince, princess, handstand, trousers, polish, pail, pork, nail, board, cork, giant, market, show off, win, ashamed, village, robot, inventor, test tube, tire, mayor, pump up, recess, shy, peek. point, team, mittL3.7环境保护,动物和植物合作与交流医疗,诗歌动物和植物plan, playground, woods, berry, ax, think, over, flap, whisper, frightened, edge, slip, starve, vegetable, eggplant, harvest, drop, beaver, green pepper, skate, town, moose, terrible, discouraged, surprise, spray, blood, suck, thirsty, ginger, cover, garden shed, wonder, mat, basement, dusk, get out of bedL3.8房屋与住所,合作与交流,健康饮食,食物学校生活,发明与技术through, log, dig freezing, perfect, armchair, trash can, stick, surprised, light pole, save, fat, rich food, ham, pizza, roast turkey, palace, porridge, planet, jellyfish, visit, awful, milkshake, lemonade, fan, note, blackboard, raindrop, seat, game, junk, frame, chain, gear, gang, pileL3.9家庭生活,家人和亲友,动物与植物,科普知识发明与技术,诗歌phone, sitting room, key, school bag, pocket, Monday, twins, model, airplane, can, share, alike, yell, go camping, air bed, flat, plug, bower bird, barbecue, warthog, aquarium, orca, tusk, walrus, T-Rex space museum, guide, keyboard, astronaut, spaceship, satellite, medicine, syrup, sore throat, swat, swamp, swarming beesL3.10写信,安全守则,旅行,诗歌,国家与民族write, letter, post, envelop, flu, receive, teacher, performer, Pop, bursts into tears, class, ring(noun),ocean, discover, group, dizzy, voice, move, alarm, radar examine, damage, a sheet of metal hammer, missing, go downstairs, crisp, rose, oak tree, colorful, hamburger, taco, sushi, French bread。





2. 每天阅读一篇小说,并尝试理解其中的单词和句子。

3. 使用词典和其他研究资源来查找和研究不熟悉的单词。

4. 尝试将学到的单词应用到自己的写作和口语练中。

5. 持续进行阅读和研究,直到掌握所有的3500个单词。



- 没有提供翻译版本,建议搭配使用词典或在线翻译工具。

- 在阅读过程中,遇到不熟悉的单词或句子应主动查找解释。

- 鼓励研究者进行反复阅读和实践,以巩固所学知识。

- 40篇小说分别附在本文档的后续页面。

- 每篇小说包含的单词数目不等,但总计达到3500个单词。













王乐平《英语思维是这样炼成的》附带单词表单词表具体名词355有关物的名词时间类timemorning afternoon noon evening night tonight today tomorrow yesterday weekend month year season spring autumn winter day date moment period history future birthday holiday festival schedule age气候类weatherrain snow wind cloud自然类naturemountain air light water fire ice smoke heat ground sky river field forest sea stone star植物类plantgrass tree crop动物类animalbird cat dog horse rabbit elephant bear tiger lion bull cow pig chicken fish sheep monkey snake reptile昆虫类insectbee butterfly spider其他生物Bacteria地点类placehospital restaurant hotel university factory jail zoo park school store bar court market town village city机构类Organizationcompany charity声音类soundvoice noise music食品类foodegg meat steak bread cake dessert soup sandwich noodle pie chocolate sauce餐饮类mealbreakfast lunch dinner蔬菜类vegetable potato tomato carrot lettuce bean水果类fruitapple orange banana食材类ngredientoil sugar salt butter cream饮料类drinkcoffee milk tea juice beer wine alcohol营养类nutrientmineral vitamin protein疾病类diseasefever flu cancer房屋类houseoffice room floor wall window door kitchen家具类furniturebed chair desk table seat couch服装类roofclothes shirt shoes cap hat coat dress pants uniform suits underwear pocket jeans button zip sock首饰类jewelrydiamond ring化妆品cosmeticsperfume lipstick powder交通类transporttraffic bicycle ship boat plane train车辆类vehiclemotorcycle bus car truck brake engine gear tire wheel路桥类roadstreet bridge station装置类devicelock key bell scale tap设备类equipmentshower radio telephone camera computer TV fridge video容器类containerbox cup dish plate bowl basket tub sink pot pan材料类materialcloth paper glass plastic gold paint chemical日常用品类toybrush mirror chain board handle cartoon bottle wood clock knife pen book album menu card envelope ticket pipe tube wire belt web film screen gift channel alarm electricity towel carpet tool junk fork spoon medicine drug pill数量coupledouble load pack lot单位unitmeter inch pound gram piece事情thingissue matter stuff object event有关人的名词:家庭角色类parentdaughter son father mother brother sister husband wife uncle aunt grandfather grandmother rolel角色类kidchild baby boy girl man women friend lady gentleman boss customer student neighbor person volunteer fool sir madam职业类jobdoctor nurse professor lawyer engineer teacher coach guard judge群体类grouppeople class team human staff society generation army government family抽象名词166话语类wordtopic subject joke question suggestion instruction permission文字类documentstory report note text letter email list menu novel blogrule: law grammar principle信息类informationmessage fact detail evidence clue background data sign knowledge news update notice状态类state condition environmentsituation: mess balance peace emergency chance opportunity行为类act practice test experiment lesson attention focus step education advertisement trick habit service business homeworkjob: task project challengeduty: responsibility faultperformance: concert drama operastudy: math art science psychology philosophyarrangement: deal insurance account engagementoccasion: party wedding funeral picnic barbecue ceremony meeting interview money: profit income salary loan cash cost credit deposit price tax bill budget活动类activitygame discipline crime trade economy politics war trip fashion industry sports: soccer football golf basketball race思想类thought idea view theory religionplan: strategy policy program整体类network internet series career system: language transport其他类favor privilege mistake risk advantage benefit problem trouble surprise secret award prize diet property option case example sample score limit experience effort energy figure属性类名词70静态属性:形状shape appearance 尺寸size space 位置position point line end bottom middle top back center corner left right direction: east west north south 品质quality feature character personality 其他属性color weight tone material structure 数量amount number measurement distance volume temperaturelevel: degree grade rank standard rate: speed percentagefront angle 类别kind type 动态属性:方式formway: behavior mood logic tradition pattern relation manner 原因cause reason source excuse factor 目的purpose goal 结果effect result 过程course process单纯型动词114本源词culture stylebe go come make 归属拥有某物have 相互位置事物到另一事务上面/b-c92e21f684868762caaed5d3.html cover 事物到另一事物下面support 得到某物给出某物拿到某物终点位置使到达某一位置使轻轻到达某一位置使从其他位置到达说话位置使从说话位置到达其他位置使位置暂停改变使位置保持不变位置保持不变get give take put lay place bring send hold keepstay hang settle两事物混合两事物互换两事物相连两事物相遇两事物交叉运动轨迹从一个点到另一个点经过某点低点往高点高点往低点事物在另一事物后面mix switchlink join connect meet cross move shift passraise lift rise drop fall followstick tie事物在另一事物前面lead 一物载另一物carry往复运动bounce roll shake screw 空间开放或关闭open close shut 事物进入另一空间fit enter(气体或液体)fill pump spill spray 速度快速运动力/b-c92e21f684868762caaed5d3.html量轻轻接触用力接触使快速运动用力接触并来回移动用力使事物脱离原来的位置对事物朝某一方向用力空间run rush hurry touchhit knock crash throw rub pullpush draw press 事物离开某一空间事物离开某一地点事物到达某一地点事无固定在某一空间时间某事发生某事结束某事停止方向一个方向到另一个方向clean clear wipe leave quit arrive reach fix set begin start happen finish stop turn整体与部分从大到小(用力)break crack split tear 说意见:agree cancel let allow从大到小divide 从多到少cut 形状bend fold twist spread 尺寸grow 行为look see listen hear say speak talk tell believe know like love do 系动词become seem feel sound smell taste世故型动词看find watch obser/b-c92e21f684868762caaed5d3.htmlve ignore search showask think 告诉:claim warn introduce explain express confirm 要求:beg charge order带有情感地说:argue blame praise encourage complain promise insist shout threat 其他:answer call count pronounce 想consider guess deserve offerdoubt suspect trust forget remember imagine mean learn understand wonder decide try want hope wish expectwill shall should may might can must dare need Impress attract 感觉enjoy suffer appreciate care hate worry thank welcome bless thrill freak shockbother annoy disturb自然现象die live bum boilcook bake fry drive measure wear wash tape record post travel screw dig hide pack mark 社会行为buy sell shop pay spend waste invite rent fight kill 人体行为肢体:dance ride lie climb be/b-c92e21f684868762caaed5d3.htmlat 上肢:hug下肢:sit stand walk kick jump skip 面部:smile laugh cry嘴巴:eat kiss suck lick blow cough 鼻子:breath 皮肤:bleed精神:sleep wake relax 健康:hurt injure cure inject生活行为sing steal cheat invest rob wait marry divorce lend owe vote bet celebrate play pretendhelp direct entertain interrupt distract design build invent copyprepare organize manage handle treat control use apply save choose accept pick collect win fail miss losecheck examine compare solve analyze 运动skate swim fly shoot 工作work interview hire fire compete retire 学习read write spell translate 事物之间的关系borrowmatch qualify equal share include separate belong depend involve 事物发展变化change develop improve reduce add promote 事物相互作用damage spoil ruin a/b-c92e21f684868762caaed5d3.htmlffect attack形容词物的属性与构成:大小big huge little small medium 高低high low 长短long short tall 深浅deep shallow粗细thick thin fat slim 宽窄narrow wide 重量heavy light 正斜straight curved flat 形状round square 距离near far 事物与空间full empty blank bare 时间new fresh 数量extra only single poor dirty rich slight total质地hard soft tough tender smooth rough sharp blunt fresh raw pure plain even 力量strong weak tight loose firm tense 状态liquid gas solid 温度hot warm cold cool 湿度dry wet 亮度bright dark dull 味道sweet bitter delicious sour spicy 声音loud quit人的属性与构成:时间young old 身体hungry ill sick tired blind sore born pregnant 行为busy violent wild 外表beautif/b-c92e21f684868762caaed5d3.htmlul ugly sexy 心智smart clever stupid confused awake asleep patient 态度polite lazy honest rude brave aggressive 情感interested curious proud sure confidentalive familiarhappy glad sad upset sorry guilty calm afraid angry crazy mad excited bored disappointed jealous lonely excellent 品质(坏)事的属性与构成:难度easy hard difficult 时间late due urgent efficient 可能性possible available 安全性dangerous safe 其他wrong strict correct proper综合属性:品质(好)lucky fair successful bad terrible awful 真实性real true false fake 完整性complete 精确性exact specific 复杂性complicated simple 其他fun horrible weird strange事物关系:特殊性special regularcomfortable incredible grosssame different 普遍性typical normal common general popular a/b-c92e21f684868762caaed5d3.htmlverage particular owe 重要性serious causal important main formal professional 必要性necessary 关联性free relative legal physical mental local native international cheap expensive separate public worth介词动态位置:轨迹across along past over up down through on off in out againstfrom 终点to toward for about静态位置:点at 点与点by beside before after behind 点与平面beyond under above below 点与空间outside inside within 从属of with without 时间during since tillbetween aroundinstead of 比较than as 整体与部分besides among except 因果according to 其他despite per时间now early just then never forever 位置here there 方向including 副词recently ago already yet ever 数量extra alone 程度quit much ve/b-c92e21f684868762caaed5d3.htmlry well extremely almost enough 强调actually especially absolutely certainly 速度fast slow soon suddenly immediately gradually 频率again often usually always顺序finally eventually 转折otherwise 可能性probably perhaps maybe 梯进also too either neither else 引导when where how why what 顺序last next 限定词因果because 转折but though 并列and 条件if unless except 时间while 选择or whether连词数量all any some both each either neither every many much 指代this that these those another such 代词I you he she we they it 疑问代词which who 冠词a an the 感叹词bye hello no yes pardon please wow damn 缩略词fewMr. Ms. 数量词zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten hundred thousand mill/b-c92e21f684868762caaed5d3.htmlion billion文档下载网是专业的免费文档搜索与下载网站,提供行业资料,考试资料,教学课件,学术论文,技术资料,研究报告,工作范文,资格考试,word文档,专业文献,应用文书,行业论文等文档搜索与文档下载,是您文档写作和查找参考资料的必备网站。



milk /mŋlk/ tea /tiŋ/ juice /dŋuŋs/
meal /miŋl/
orange /ŋŋrŋn (d)ŋ/
beer /bŋŋ/
food /fuŋd/
wine /waŋn/ breakfast /ŋbrekf
banana /bŋŋnɑŋn
egg /eg/
spring /sprŋŋ/
festival /ŋfestŋv water /ŋwŋŋtŋ/
noon /nuŋn/
(ŋ)l/ autumn /ŋŋŋtŋm/
fire /ŋfaŋŋ/
evening /ŋiŋv
schedule /ŋŋedju
ŋl;ŋsked—/ winter /ŋwŋntŋ/
village /ŋvŋlŋd
restaurant /ŋrestr
ŋ/ ŋnt/
cat /kæt/
snake /sneŋk/
city /ŋsŋtŋ/ hotel /hŋŋŋtel;
dog /dŋg/ horse /hŋŋs/ rabbit /ŋræbŋt/ elephant /ŋelŋf
reptile /ŋreptaŋl ŋŋ—/
alcohol /ŋælkŋh
meat /miŋt/
lunch /lŋn(t)ŋ/ 食材类
steak /steŋk/
dinner /ŋdŋnŋ/
营养类 ingredient /ŋnŋgr
bread /bred/
nutrient /ŋnjuŋtr ŋŋnt/




















Who are they?
具体名词 抽象名词
如何掌握这 个单词?
How to take them?
怎么学习这 个单词?
怎么练习这 个单词?
怎么学习这 个单词?
口语化的翻译 看图片观视频 现场演示 先中式后英式 先大词后小词
【1368】个单词就够了 正如封皮所写——说英语,张口就来
这本书就单词量来说,不及四级 就单词难易程度来说,高中绰绰有余
所 思 所 想
怎么学习这 个单词?
怎么练习这 个单词?
怎么练习这 个单词?
语序训练 单词释义 主题训练 搭配练习 看视频
曾经有一份真诚的感情放在我面前,我没有珍惜, 等到我失去的时候才追悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此… …
I ever had a true love.I did’t take it. I’m very sorry after I lost it. It is the worst thing in the world.
熄灭 剪发 请假 离开
失误 关掉
打折 ……
discount 打折
For example
say sorry
如何解决 个 单词外的表达问题?



101-200 201-300 301-400 401-500 501-600 601-700 701-800 801-900 901-1000 1001-1100 1101-1278
101-200 201-300 301-400 401-500 501-600 601-700 701-800 801-900 901-1000 1001-1100 1101-1278
51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 301-350 351-400 401-450 451-500 501-550 551-600 601-650 651-700 701-750
481=510 511-540 541-570 571-600 601-630 631-660 661-690 691-720 721-750 751-780 781-810 811-840 841-870
361-390 391-420 421-450 451-480 481=510 511-540 541-570 571-600 601-630 631-660 661-690 691-720 721-750
以100个单词为1组:读1遍单词,快速浏览1遍单词中文意思,英文例句和中文翻译。原本例句中不认识的单词如果现在还不认识,可以把中文意思标出来。【每100个约15分钟,共约2.5小 时,可以分2-3次进行】



让感觉飞起来:形容词1.物的属性与构成大小big huge little small medium高低high low长短long short tall深浅deep shallow粗细thick thin fat slim宽窄narrow wide重量heavy light正斜straight curved flat形状round square距离near far事物与空间full empty blank bare dirty时间new fresh数量extra only single poor rich slight total质地hard soft tough tender smooth rough sharp blunt fresh raw pure plain even力量strong weak tight loose firm tense状态liquid gas solid温度hot warm cold cool湿度dry wet亮度bright dark dull味道sweet bitter delicious sour spicy声音loud quiet人的属性与构成时间young old身体hungry ill sick tired blind sore born pregnant alive 行为busy violent wild外表beautiful ugly sexy心智smart clever stupid confused awake asleep familiar patient态度polite lazy honest rude brave aggressive情感interested curious proud sure confident心情happy glad sad upset sorry guilty calm afraid angry crazy mad excited bored disappointed jealous lonely2.事的属性与构成难度easy hard difficult时间late due urgent efficient可能性possible available安全性dangerous safe其他wrong strict correct proper lucky fair successful综合属性品质(好)good nice fine great perfect wonderful amazing excellent 品质(坏)bad terrible awful真实性real true false fake完整性complete精确性exact specific复杂性complicated simple其他fun horrible weird strange comfortable incredible gross3.事物关系特殊性special regular一致性same different普遍性typical normal common general popular average particular own重要性serious causal important main formal professional必要性necessary关联性free relative legal physical mental local native international cheap expensive separate public worth1.具体名词:有关物的名词时间类time morning afternoon noon evening night tonight today tomorrow yesterday weekend month year season springautumn winter day date moment period history future birthday holiday festival schedule age气候类weather rain snow wind cloud自然类nature mountain air light water fire ice smoke heat ground sky river field forest sea stone star植物类plant grass tree crop动物类animal bird cat dog horse rabbit elephant bear tiger lion bull cow pig chicken fish sheep monkey snake reptile panda昆虫类insect bee butterfly spider ant其他生物bacteria[bæk'tɪərɪə]地点类place hospital restaurant['restrɒnt]hotel university factory jail[dʒeɪl]zoo park school store club bar court market town village city downtown机构类organization [ˌɔːɡənaɪ'zeɪʃn] company charity['tʃærɪtɪ]声音类sound voice noise music食品类food egg meat steak bread cake dessert soup sandwich noodle pie chocolate['tʃɒk(ə)lət]sauce[sɔːs]餐饮类meal breakfast lunch dinner蔬菜类vegetable potato tomato carrot lettuce['letɪs] bean 水果类fruit apple orange banana食材类ingredient[ɪn'griːdɪənt] oil sugar salt butter cream饮料类drink coffee milk tea juice beer winealcohol['ælkəhɒl]营养类nutrient['njuːtrɪənt] mineral['mɪnərəl]vitamin['vaɪtəmɪn]protein['prəʊtiːn]疾病类disease[dɪ'ziːz] fever['fiːvə] flu cancer房屋类house office room floor wall window door kitchen roof[ruːf]家具类furniture['fɜːnɪtʃə]bed chair[tʃeə]desk table seat couch服装类clothes shirt shoes cap hat coat dress pants [pænts]uniform['juːnɪfɔːm]suits underwear pocket jeans[dʒinz] button['bʌtn]zip sock首饰类jewelry['dʒuːəlrɪ]diamond['daɪəmənd]ringchain化妆品cosmetics perfume[pɜː'fjuːm] lipstick powder['paʊdə]交通类transport['trænspɔːt]traffic bicycle ship boat plane train车辆类vehicle[ˈviːəkl]motorcycle bus car truck brake engine gear tire wheel路桥类road street bridge station装置类device lock key bell scale tap设备类equipment shower radio telephone cameracomputer TV fridge video instrument容器类container[kən'teɪnə] box cup dish plate bowl basket tub sink[sɪŋk] pot pan材料类material[mə'tɪərɪəl]cloth paper glass plastic gold paint chemical['kemɪk(ə)l]steel porcelain['pɔːs(ə)lɪn]日常用品类toy brush mirror chain board handle cartoon[kɑː'tuːn]bottle wood clock knife pen book album['ælbəm]menu card envelope ticket pipe tube[tjuːb]wire belt web film screen gift channel['tʃæn(ə)l] alarm electricity[,ɪlek'trɪsɪtɪ] towel carpet['kɑːpɪt] tool junk[dʒʌŋk] fork spoon medicine drug pill数量couple double load pack lot单位unit meter inch pound gram[ɡræm] piece事情thing issue['ɪʃuː] matter stuff[stʌf] object event有关人的名词家庭角色类parent daughter son father mother brother sister husband wife uncle aunt grandfather grandmother role社会角色类kid child baby boy girl man womanfriend ladygentleman boss customer student neighbor person volunteer[,vɒlən'tɪə]fool sir madam职业类job doctor nurse professor lawyer['lɔːjə;]engineerteacher coach guard judge群体类group people classteam human staff[stɑːf] society [sə'saɪətɪ]generation army government family2.抽象名词:光背下来还不行话语类words topic subject joke question suggestion instruction[ɪn'strʌkʃ(ə)n] permission文字类document['dɒkjʊm(ə)nt]story report note text letter email['iːmeɪl] listmenu novel blog rule信息类information message fact detail evidence['evɪd(ə)ns]clue[kluː]background['bækgraʊnd]data sign knowledge news update[ʌp'deɪt]notice状态类state condition environment[ɪn'vaɪrənm(ə)nt] situation 行为类act practice test experiment[ɪk'sperɪm(ə)nt]experience[ɪk'spɪərɪəns]lesson attention focus['fəʊkəs]step education advertisement[,ædvɚ'taɪzmənt]trick habit business exercise bath security[sɪ'kjʊərətɪ]treatment service homework job duty performance[pə'fɔːm(ə)ns]study arrangement[ə'reɪn(d)ʒm(ə)nt]occasion[ə'keɪʒ(ə)n] money活动类activity[æk'tɪvɪtɪ]game discipline['dɪsɪplɪn]crime tradeeconomy[ɪ'kɒnəmɪ]politics['pɒlɪtɪks]war trip fashionindustry['ɪndəstrɪ] sports思想类thought idea view theory['θɪərɪ]religion[rɪ'lɪdʒ(ə)n] plan 整体类network internet series['sɪəriːz] career[kə'rɪə] system 其他类favor privilege[ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ]mistake riskadvantage[əd'vɑːntɪdʒ]benefit['benɪfɪt]problem trouble surprise secret award[ə'wɔːd]prize diet property['prɒpətɪ]option case example sample score limit experience effort['efət]energy['enədʒɪ]figure['fɪgə]3.构成类名词:你的外在与内在核心词part部位side edge[edʒ] base core[kɔː]身体head eye ear face nose foot mouth tooth tongue[tʌŋ] neck shoulder['ʃəʊldə] breast chest stomach arm hand finger nail leg knee throat brain heart lungmuscle bone nerve[nɜːv] hair skin blood sweat[swet]精神mindspirit['spɪrɪt]soulemotion[ɪ'məʊʃ(ə)n] feeling力量strength[streŋθ]force power['paʊə]动物tail wing[wɪŋ]植物flower['flaʊə]leafrootbranch[brɑːn(t)ʃ]其他whole[həʊl] rest half4.属性类名词:你的状态静态属性形状shape appearance尺寸size space位置position pointlineend bottom middle top front back center corner left right direction品质quality feature character personality其他属性color weight tone material structure数量amount number measurement distance volume angle temperature levelrate类别kind type动态属性方式form way原因cause reason source excuse factor目的purpose goal结果effect result过程course process英语的灵魂:介词动态位置轨迹across along past over up down through on off in out against起点from终点to toward for about静态位置点at点与点by beside before after behind between around 点与平面beyond under above below点与空间outside inside within从属of with without时间during since till替代instead of比较than as整体与部分besides among except including因果according to其他despite per英语的配角:副词及其他副词时间now early just then recently ago already yet ever never forever位置here there方向away forth apart together aside数量extra alone程度quite much very well extremely almost enough强调actually especially absolutely certainly速度fast slow soon suddenly immediately gradually频率again often usually always顺序finally eventually转折otherwise可能性probably perhaps maybe递进also too either neither else引导when where how why what连词因果because转折but though并列and条件if unless except时间while选择or whether限定词顺序last next数量all any some both each either neither every few many much指代this that these those another such其他代词you he she we they it疑问代词which who冠词aan the感叹词bye hello no yes pardon please wow damn缩略词Mr. Ms.数词zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten hundred thousand million billion。







今天推送第30天,望大家持之以恒,坚持30天!第1天 /a—amount第2天/amuse—awake第3天/award—bread第4天/break—character第5天/charge—concern第6天/concert—cupboard第7天/cure—diverse第8天/divide—enrich第9天/ensure—feel第10天/feeling—fun第11天/funny—guitar第12天/habit—himself第13天/ hire—if第14天/ignore—interval第15天/interview—lecture 第16天/left—lung第17天/machine—merely第18天/merry—mystery第19天/nail—occupy第20天/occur—oxygen第21天/pace—plate第22天/plateform—pressure 第23天/pressure—pyramid 第24天/puzzle—refrigerator 第25天/ refuse—reuse第26天/ review—seed第27天/ seek—similar第28天/ simple—stare第29天/ start—tentative第30天/ term—zoom(训练日期6月15日)Ⅰ.单词填空1.Those who know how to __________(容忍) others can naturally lead a happy life.2.Chinese tea culture started about 4,000 years ago and drinking tea gradually became an amazing __________(传统).3.(2017·全国Ⅰ)There has been a recent __________ (趋势) in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt.4.Nowadays it is _______(典型的) of a young generation to take it for granted that parents should meet whatever they desire.5.(2016·江苏)Parents should actively _______ (督促) their children to take advantage of the opportunity to join sports teams.6.To climb to the top of the mountain is extremely hard but it is worthwhile by the fantastic _______ (景色,风景).7.It is also a _________ (美德) to forgive and forget, especially in such a competitive and stressful society. 8.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, _______(富裕的) and wise.9.It is well _______ (值得的) making an effort to promote the public awareness of environmental protection.10.(2018·全国Ⅱ) We will ______(目睹;见证) the glory of our school, and we are growing together.Ⅱ.用括号中单词的适当形式填空1.I ______ (total) agree with what Susan Beacham says about the best present.2.After years of regular _________(treat), she finally became healthy.3.Students should be encouraged to take part in a wide _________(vary) of after-school activities.4.Others are against the idea, saying that learning English is _______ (use) and is a waste of energy. 5.Walking in the fields on a March afternoon, he could feel the ________ (warm) of spring.6.______,the operation on the little girl proved to be a success. The mother expressed her _______to the doctor once and again. (thank)7.I was completely ____ out after the______ job. I had to have a good rest to recover from the _______.(tire) 8.In order to bring advanced theories from foreign countries, he decided to be a ________ and _________ hundreds of books from English into Chinese so far. His _________of some great works is popular among teachers. (translate)9.(2018·浙江)Because of all this extra time, there was no sense of ________ (urgent) to do my school work immediately.10.As far as I’m concerned, it doe s serious harm to children’s character that too much _________ is shownon television. What’s worse, _________ on TV makes people behave_________.(violent)11.A large number of_______ from the university _________ to teach in the remote villages. Their ________ work is well worth praising. (volunteer) 12.As we all know, everyone has both strengths and _______.Therefore, we shouldn’t look down upon whoever looks _______.(weak)Ⅲ.根据括号中的汉语提示完成句子1._________ (就……来说) study and health, we should develop a healthy lifestyle.2._________ (多亏) your proper arrangements, I attended many classes of different subjects and learned much knowledge.3.______________ (与……保持联系) our friends is an important part of friendship.4.I have the confidence that you will __________________________(更好的理解) our cultural relics by watching the programme.5._____________(在……的帮助下) the subway network, traffic jams and road accidents have been reduced, so it is convenient for people to travel. 6.Professor Li ______________(拒绝) the invitation to deliver a speech at the science conference.7.My experience tells me that it is not what you are given but how you ___________(利用) it that determines who you are.8.Attempting to change someone else’s attitude towards life is _______________(浪费) time and energy.Ⅳ.写出加蓝部分在语境中的词性及含义1.term (熟义:n.学期)He cannot understand those technical terms in the article. ______2.treasure (熟义:n.财富,金银财宝)I shall always treasure the memory of our meetings. ______3.undertake (熟义:v.承担,从事)I can’t undertake that you wil l make a profit. _______4.update (熟义:vt.更新;使现代化)(2018·全国卷Ⅰ) To update consumers on new technology. ________5.walk (熟义:v.& n.走;行走)①This society welcomes people from all walks of life. ________②He is walking his dog. _______6.wander (熟义:v.漫游,游荡,漫步)Her thoughts wandered back to her youth. _______ 7.weigh (熟义:v.称……的重量,重达)Please weigh the advantages and disadvantages of doing this! _______8.will (熟义:modal v.将;会;愿)①Where there’s a will, there’s a way. _______②What did he say in the will?________9.word (熟义:n.单词,话)Word came that I was needed at home. _______Ⅴ.用括号中动词的适当形式填空1.People are recycling many things which they would have __________ (throw) away in the past.2.I ____________(understand) it thoroughly after I sought advice from my teacher yesterday.3.The project ____________(undertake) by the young engineer on his own turned out to be very successful. 4.He arrived an hour late and _________ (upset) our plan.5.It was the middle of the night when my father _______ (wake) me up and told me to watch the football game.6.That excellent performance _____ (win) Hanks an Oscar.Ⅵ.单句改错1.After the brief hesitation, I took a handful of “Smile” cards and candies, and then went to work.________2.To seize every chance to study English, he would memorize words while wait for customers. _______3.I’m delighted to tell you some information about how mobile payment is wide used in China._______ 4.Watch Grandpa enjoy the cake, I got a great sense of achievement. _______5.The young man, who by then had gained admission to an university, decided to do some part-time jobs._________Ⅶ.用括号中的参考词汇表达句子1.(2018·全国Ⅲ)最后,我真诚地邀请你参观我们的学校并参加我们都喜欢的运动项目。



英语高考必背3500单词(1-8册全)Words and expressions in NSE SH books 1-81.academic adj. 学术的2.province n. 省3.enthusiastic adj. 热心的4.amazing adj. 令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的rmation n. 信息6.website n. 网站;网址7.brilliant adj. (口语)极好的prehension n. 理解;领悟9.instruction n. (常作复数)指示;说明10.method n. 方法11.bored adj. 厌烦的; 厌倦的12.embarrassed adj. 尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的13.attitude n. 态度14.behaviour n. 行为;举动15.previous adj. 以前的;从前的16.description n. 记述;描述17.amazed adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的18.embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的;令人难堪的19.technology n. 技术20.impress vt. 使印象深刻21.correction n. 改正;纠正22.encouragement n. 鼓励;激励23.enjoyment n. 享受;乐趣24.fluency n. 流利;流畅25.misunderstanding n. 误解26.disappointed adj. 失望的27.disappointing adj. 令人失望的28.system n. 制度;体系;系统29.teenager n. 少年30.disappear vi. 消失31.move vi. 搬家32.assistant n. 助手;助理33.cover vt. 包含34.diploma n. 文凭;毕业证书35.amusing adj. 有趣的;可笑的36.energetic adj. 精力充沛的37.intelligent adj. 聪明的38.nervous adj. 紧张的;焦虑的anised adj. 有组织的;有系统的40.patient adj. 耐心的41.serious adj. 严肃的42.shy adj. 害羞的;羞怯的43.strict adj. 严格的;严厉的44.impression n. 印象45.avoid vt. (故意)避开46.hate vt. 讨厌;不喜欢47.incorrectly adv. 不正确地pletely adv. 十分地;完全地49.immediately adv. 立即,即刻50.appreciate vt. 感激51.admit vt. 承认52.scientific adj. 科学的53.literature n. 文学54.loudly adv. 大声地55.wave vt. 挥(手);招(手)56.joke n. 玩笑;笑话57.summary n. 总结;摘要;提要58.respect vt. & n. 尊敬;尊重59.grade n.(美)成绩;分数60.headmaster n. 校长61.headmistress n. 女校长62.period n. 一段时间63.revision n. 复习64.translation n. 翻译65.timetable n. 时间表66.topic n. 话题;题目67.vacation n. 假期68.revise vt. 温习(功课)69.discipline n. 纪律70.relationship n. 关系71.formal adj. 正式的72.relaxed adj. 轻松的;松懈的;宽松的73.similarly adv. 同样地,类似地74.helicopter n. 直升飞机75.motorbike n. 摩托车76.tram n. 电车77.distance n. 距离78.abandoned adj. 被遗弃的79.camel n. 骆驼80.cassette n. 录音带81.desert n. 沙漠82.diamond n. 钻石83.expert n. 专家84.midnight n. 半夜85.product n. 产品86.scenery n. 风景;景色87.shoot vt. (shot, shot) 射杀88.soil n. 土壤89.journey n. 旅程90.train vt. 训练91.circus n. 马戏团92.seaside n. 海滨93.stadium n. 运动场;体育场94.eagle n. 鹰95.frighten vt. 使吃惊;惊吓96.kindergarten n. 幼儿园97.apartment n. (美)公寓;单元住宅98.cartoon n. 卡通;漫画99.interview n. 面试;面谈100.interviewer n.(面试时的)主考官;面谈者101.event n. 事件102.exhausted adj. 疲惫不堪的103.downtown adj. 商业区的;市中心的104.vacuum n. 真空;空白105.rail n. 铁轨106.ceremony n. 仪式107.track n. 轨道(SH1 M3 P29)108.souvenir n. 纪念品(SH1 M3 P30)109.survey n. 调查(SH1 M4 P31)110.neighbourhood n. 四邻;街坊(SH1 M4 P31)111.local adj. 地方的;局部的(SH1 M4 P31)112.suburb n. 城郊;郊区(SH1 M4 P31)113.hometown n. 家乡(SH1 M4 P32)114.attractive adj. 有吸引力的;吸引人的(SH1 M4 P32)115.fortunate adj. 幸运的;吉祥的(SH1 M4 P32)116.pretty adv. 很;相当(SH1 M4 P32)117.sound vi. 听起来(SH1 M4 P32)118.tourist n. 旅游者;观光客(SH1 M4 P32)119.bother vt. 打扰;烦扰;麻烦(SH1 M4 P32)120.nuisance n. 令人讨厌的人或事(SH1 M4 P32)121.rent n. 租金(SH1 M4 P32)122.district n. 地域;区域;行政区(SH1 M4 P33)123.approach vt. 接近(SH1 M4 P33)124.harbour n. 海港(SH1 M4 P33)125.gorgeous adj. 美丽的;宜人的(SH1 M4 P33)126.architecture n. 建筑(SH1 M4 P33) 127.starve vi. 饿死(SH1 M4 P33)128.park vt. 停车(SH1 M4 P33)129.traffic n. 交通(SH1 M4 P35)mittee n. 委员会(SH1 M4 P35)anisation n. 组织(SH1 M4 P35)132.unemployed adj. 失业的;没有工作的(SH1 M4 P35)133.household n. 家属;家人134.occupation n. 职业(SH1 M4 P35)135.professional adj. 专业的(SH1 M4 P35)136.manual adj. 用手的;手的(SH1 M4 P35)137.employment n. 就业;工作;职业(SH1 M4 P35)138.gallery n. 美术馆;画廊(SH1 M4 P37)139.exchange vt. 交换(SH1 M4 P37)140.fascinating adj. 迷人的;吸引人的(SH1 M4 P38)141.afford vt. 买得起;有能力支付(SH1 M4 P39)142.survive vi. 死里逃生;大难不死(SH1 M4 P39)143.contact vt. 联络;联系(某人)(SH1 M4 P40)144.liquid n. 液体(SH1 M5 P41)145.expand vi. 膨胀(SH1 M5 P41)146.contract vi. 收缩(SH1 M5 P41)147.substance n. 物质(SH1 M5 P41)148.mixture n. 混合物(SH1 M5 P41)149.oxygen n. 氧气(SH1 M5 P41)150.electricity n. 电(SH1 M5 P41)151.stage n. 阶段;时期(SH1 M5 P44)152.conclusion n. 结论(SH1 M5 P44)153.aim n. 目标;目的(SH1 M5 P44) 154.reaction n. 反应(SH1 M5 P44)155.electrical adj. 与电有关的;用电的156.equipment n. 设备;装备(SH1 M5 P44)157.react vi. (化学)反应(SH1 M5 P44)158.potassium n. 钾(SH1 M5 P44)159.sodium n. 钠(SH1 M5 P44)160.calcium n. 钙(SH1 M5 P44)161.magnesium n. 镁(SH1 M5 P44)162.aluminium n. 铝(SH1 M5 P44)163.zinc n. 锌(SH1 M5 P44)164.partial adj. 部分的;局部的(SH1 M5 P44)165.copper n. 铜(SH1 M5 P44)166.oxide n. 氧化物(SH1 M5 P44)167.rust vi. 生锈(SH1 M5 P45)168.boil vt. 煮;煮沸(SH1 M5 P45)169.ordinary adj. 普通的;平常的(SH1 M5 P45)170.steam n. 蒸汽;水气(SH1 M5 P46)171.float vi. 漂浮(SH1 M5 P46)172.form vi. 形成(SH1 M5 P46)173.dissolve vi. 溶解;分解;分离(SH1 M5 P46)174.balance n. 天平(SH1 M5 P46)175.crucible n. 坩埚(SH1 M5 P46)176.tongs n. 夹子;小钳子;镊子(SH1 M5 P46)177.flame n. 火焰178.facility n. (常作复数)设备;工具(SH1 M5 P49)179.lecture n. 演讲(SH1 M5 P49)180.department n. (大学的)科、系(SH1 M5 P49)181.astonished adj. 吃惊的;惊愕的(SH1 M5 P49)182.contain vt. 包含;包括(SH1 M6 P51)183.access n. 接近;通路(SH1 M6 P51)184.crash vi. (计算机)崩溃(SH1 M6 P51)185.keyword n. 密码;口令(SH1 M6 P51)186.log vt. 记录;登录(SH1 M6 P51)187.software n. 软件(SH1 M6 P51)188.breakdown n. 故障(SH1 M6 P51) 189.source n. 来源;出处(SH1 M6 P52)190.accessible adj. 可进入的;可使用的(SH1 M6 P52)191.data adj. (复)数据(SH1 M6 P52)192.defence n. 保护;防卫(SH1 M6 P52)193.create vt. 创造;发明(SH1 M6 P52)work n. 网络(SH1 M6 P52)195.via prep. 途经;经由(SH1 M6 P52)196.percentage n. 百分数;百分率(SH1 M6 P52)197.design vt. 设计(SH1 M6 P52)198.document n. 文件(SH1 M6 P52)199.invention n. 发明200.permission n. 许可(SH1 M6 P53)itary adj. 军事的;军队的(SH1 M6 P52)202.concentrate vi. 集中(注意力、思想等)(SH1 M6 P54)203.definite adj. 明确的(SH1 M6 P54)204.fantastic adj. 极好的;美妙的(SH1 M6 P54)205.independent adj. 独立的(SH1 M6 P54)206.essay n. 文章(SH1 M6 P56)207.pass vt. 超过(SH1 M6 P57)208.frequently adv. 时常;经常(SH1 M6 P57)209.disadvantage n. 弊端;缺点(SH1 M6 P57)210.average adj. 平均的(SH1 M6 P57)211.statistics n. 统计数字(SH1 M6 P58)212.shorten vt. 缩短(SH1 M6 P59)213.sideways adv. 横着地;斜着地(SH1 M6 P59)214.in other words 换句话说215.look forward to 期待;盼望216.at the start of 在……开始的时候217.at the end of 在……结束的时候218.go to college 上大学219.be divided into 被(划)分成……220.take part in 参加221.make sure 确定;确信;查明;弄清楚222.so that (引起表示结果的从句)因此223.make progress 取得进步224.as a result 结果225.in fact 事实上226.fall asleep 睡着227.tell jokes 讲笑话;开玩笑228.get on 上(车、船等)229.get off 下(车、船等)230.get into 上(车)231.get out of 下(车)232.take off (飞机)起飞233.be short for 是……的缩写/简称234.not …any more 不再235.out of date 过时236.refer to 指的是237.put up 修建238.so far 到目前为止239.up to now到目前为止240.till now 到目前为止241.get away from 摆脱242.a great many 许多;大量243.a number of 许多;大量244.go up 上升245.add …to …往……加入……ed to 过去(常常)……247.in the area of 在……领域248.be proud of 为……感到骄傲/自豪249.be supposed to 应当;理应250.consists of 由……组成251.as well 也252.become known as …作为……而出名;被称为……;叫作……253.go down 下降e up with 提出255.from that moment on 从那时起256.concentrate on 聚精会神;集中思想pared with 与……相比258.diet n. 饮食;日常食物vi. 照医生的规定饮食(SH2 M1 P 1)259.fat n. 脂肪(SH2 M1 P 1)260.fit adj. 健康的;强健的(SH2 M1 P 1)261.flu n. (=influenza) 流行性感冒(SH2 M1 P 1)262.rare adj. 稀少的;罕有的(SH2 M1 P 1)263.toothache n. 牙痛(SH2 M1 P 1)264.unhealthy adj. 不健康的;有碍健康的(SH2 M1 P 1)265.wealthy adj. 富裕的;有钱的(SH2 M1 P 1)266.rarely adv. 稀少地;极少地(SH2 M1 P 1)267.proverb n. 谚语(SH2 M1 P 2) 268.anxious adj. 焦虑的;不安的;渴望的(SH2 M1 P 2)269.captain n. 队长(SH2 M1 P 2) 270.injure vt. 伤害(SH2 M1 P 2) 271.injury n. 伤害;损伤;受伤处(SH2 M1 P 2)272.pain n. 疼痛(SH2 M1 P 2) 273.painful adj. 疼痛的(SH2 M1 P 2) 274.normal adj. 正常的;一般的(SH2 M1 P 2)275.lifestyle n. 生活方式(SH2 M1 P 2) 276.head vi. 朝……方向前进(SH2 M1 P 2)277.eye vt. 注视;观看(SH2 M1 P 2) 278.overweight adj. (人)太胖的;超重的(SH2 M1 P 5)279.lung n. 肺(SH2 M1 P 5) 280.throat n. 喉咙;咽喉;嗓子(SH2 M1 P 5) 281.breathe vi. 呼吸(SH2 M1 P 5) 282.pneumonia n. 肺炎(SH2 M1 P 5) 283.prescription n. 处方(SH2 M1 P 5) 284.symptom n. 症状(SH2 M1 P 5) 285.X-ray n. X光(SH2 M1 P 5) 286.awful adj. 可怕的;吓人的(SH2 M1 P 6)287.insurance n. 保险(SH2 M1 P 9) 288.questionnaire n. 问卷;问卷调查;调查表(SH2 M1 P 10)289.drug n. 毒品;药品(SH2 M2 P 11) 290.bronchitis n. 支气管炎(SH2 M2 P11)291.cancer n. 癌症(SH2 M2 P 11) 292.cigarette n. 香烟(SH2 M2 P 11) 293.tobacco n. 烟草;烟丝(SH2 M2 P 11)294.addictive adj. (药物等)上瘾的(SH2 M2 P 12)295.cannabis n. 大麻(SH2 M2 P 12) 296.cocaine n. 可卡因(SH2 M2 P 12)297.danger n. 危险(SH2 M2 P 12) 298.addict n. 对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子(SH2 M2 P 12)299.inject vt. 注射(SH2 M2 P 12) 300.needle n. (注射用的)针;针管(SH2 M2 P 12)301.powerful adj. 有力的;(药等)有功效的(SH2 M2 P 12)302.reduce vt. 减少(SH2 M2 P 12) 303.nearby adj. 附近的(SH2 M2 P 13) 304.burglary n. 盗窃;窃案;盗窃罪(SH2 M2 P 15)305.crime n. 罪行;犯罪行为(SH2 M2 P 15)306.criminal n. 罪犯(SH2 M2 P 15) 307.connection n. 联系;关系;关联(SH2 M2 P 15)308.illegal adj. 违法的;不合法的(SH2 M2 P 15)309.ratio n. 比;比率(SH2 M2 P 15) 310.shoplifting n. 逛商店时偷窃商品的行为(SH2 M2 P 15)311.treatment n. 治疗(SH2 M2 P 15) 312.likely adj. 可能的(SH2 M2 P 16)313.adult n. 成人(SH2 M2 P 17) 314.cafe n. 咖啡馆;餐馆(SH2 M2 P 17)315.disagree vi. 不同意;意见不合(SH2 M2 P 18)316.ban vt. 禁止(SH2 M2 P 18) 317.horrible adj. 令人不快的;极讨厌的(SH2 M2 P 18)318.affect vt. 影响;对……有坏影响(SH2 M2 P 18)319.participant n. 参与者;参加者(SH2 M2 P 18)320.recognise vt. 认识;认知;认出(SH2 M2 P 19)321.leaflet n. 传单;印刷品(SH2 M2 P 19) 322.distraction n. 分心;分散注意力(SH2 M2 P 19)323.jogging n. 慢跑(SH2 M2 P 19) 324.gymnastic adj. 体操的(SH2 M2 P 19)325.audience n. 听众(SH2 M3 P326.choir n. (教堂里的)唱诗班;合唱队(SH2 M3 P 21)327.classical n. 古典音乐(SH2 M3 P 21) poser n. 作曲家(SH2 M3 P 21) 329.conductor n. 指挥(SH2 M3 P 21) 330.jazz n. 爵士乐1417.circumstance n. 情形,情况(SH6 M1 P14) 1418.apologise v. 道歉(SH6 M1 P14) fortable adj. 舒适的,舒服的(SH6 M2 P16) 1420.series n. 系列,丛书(SH6 M2 P15) 1421.subtle adj. 精致的,精巧的(SH6 M2 P15) 1422.amber n. 琥珀(SH6 M2 P15)1423.spyglass n. 小型望远镜(SH6 M2 P15) 1424.heroine n. (小说、电影中的)女主角(SH6 M2 P15) 1425.hero n. (小说、电影中的)男主角(SH6 M2 P15)1426.play an important part in 在……中起重要作用,对……有重要影响(SH6 M2 P15) 1427.novel n. 小说(SH6 M2 P15) 1428.philosophical adj. 哲学的;达观的(SH6 M2 P15) 1429.direction n. 方向(SH6 M2 P16) 1430.vanish v. 消失(SH6 M2 P16) 1431.behave v. 表现,举动(SH6 M2 P16) 1432.bush n. 灌木,矮树(SH6 M2 P16) 1433.definitely adv. 确定地,一定地(SH6 M2 P16) 1434.hesitate v. 犹豫,迟疑(SH6 M2 P16) 1435.scent n. 气味,香味,芳香(SH6 M2 P16) 1436.doubt n. 怀疑(SH6 M2 P16) 1437.direction n. 方向(SH6 M2 P16)1438.rub1439.knuckle1440.bite1441.pad1442.stupefied1443.exhaustion1444.tabby1445.put ... down 放下(SH6 M2 P16) 1446.hold out 伸出(SH6 M2 P16) e up to 朝……走过来(SH6 M2 P16) 1448.longing1449.scald1450.turn away1451.patrol1452.hornbeam1453.paw n. 爪子(SH6 M2 P16) 1454.pat v. 轻拍,轻打(SH6 M2 P16) 1455.invisible adj. 看不见的(SH6 M2 P16) 1456.arch1457.tail n. 尾巴(SH6 M2 P16) 1458.stiffly1459.alertly1460.patch n. (与周围部分不同的)斑,小块(SH6 M2 P17)1461.hedge1462.alarm1463.sniff1464.whisker1465.twitch1466.wariness1467.blink v. 眨眼睛(SH6 M2 P16) 1468.sweep over1469.keep one’s yes on 注视,盯着看,注意(SH6 M2 P16)1470.fix on1471.cast about1472.edge n. 边,边缘(SH6 M2 P16) 1473.roughly1474.square adj. 正方形的(SH6 M2 P16) 1475.shape n. 形状(SH6 M2 P16) 1476.level1477.profoundly1478.alien adj. 其他种族的;外国的(SH6 M2 P17) 1479.entice1480.stoop1481.swim1482.thump1483.scramble1484.fabric1485.palm1486.boulevard1487.utterly1488.(be) laden with1489.prospect1490.slope1491.parkland1492.grove1493.gleam1494.bare1495.bend v. 弯腰,屈身(SH6 M2 P17) 1496.shudder1497.dawning1498.light-headedness1499.dream v. 做梦(SH6 M2 P17)1500.awake adj. 醒着的,清醒的(SH6 M2 P17) 1501.look around for 四处寻找(SH6 M2 P17) 1502.revenge v. 报仇,复仇(SH6 M2 P19) 1503.marry v. 结婚,娶,嫁(SH6 M2 P19) 1504.wicked adj. 邪恶的(SH6 M2 P19) 1505.cottage n. 小屋(SH6 M2 P19) 1506.put a spell on 用咒符镇住(SH6 M2 P19) 1507.punish v. 惩罚(SH6 M2 P20) 1508.appeal n. 吸引力,魅力(SH6 M2 P22) 1509.cafeteria n. 自助餐厅(SH6 M2 P22) 1510.envelope n. 信封(SH6 M2 P22) 1511.literary adj. 文学的(SH6 M2 P22) 1512.bond n. 纽带,接合剂,黏合剂(SH6 M2 P22)1513.output n. (文学等的)作品数量(SH6 M2 P22) 1514.schoolchildren n. 小学生,学童(SH6 M2 P22) 1515.typewriter n. 打字机(SH6 M2 P22) 1516.stateswoman n. 在某一领域受尊敬的女性领导人物(SH6 M2 P22) 1517.gifted adj. 有天才的,有天赋的(SH6 M2 P22)1518.roots n. (喻)根,根基(SH6 M2 P22) 1519.flesh n. 肉(SH6 M2P22)1520.(be) associated with 与……有联系,与……联系在一起(SH6 M2 P22) 1521.format n. (节目、计划等的)构成,安排(SH6 M2 P22)1522.anecdote n. 趣闻,轶事(SH6 M2 P22) 1523.draft n. 草稿(SH6 M2 P22) 1524.burden n. 负担,重负(SH6 M2 P22)1525.swift adj. 快的,迅速的(SH6 M2 P22) 1526.stubborn adj. 顽强的,坚持的(SH6 M2 P22) 1527.overcome v. 克服(SH6 M2 P22) 1528.adjustment n. 调整(SH6 M2 P22) 1529.automatic adj. 自动的,习惯性的,自然发生的(SH6 M2 P23)1530.target n. (批评等的)对象(SH6 M2 P23) 1531.criticism n. 批评,评论(SH6 M2 P23) 1532.appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力,引起某人的兴趣(SH6 M2 P23)1533.curriculum n. 课程(SH6 M2 P23) 1534.(be) restricted to 限于(SH6 M2 P23) 1535.distribute v. (书报的)发行(SH6 M2 P23) 1536.accumulate v. 积累,积聚(SH6 M2 P23) 1537.deposit n. 存款(SH6 M2 P23) 1538.thus adv. 因此,所以(SH6 M2 P23) 1539.attain v. 达到,得到(SH6 M2 P23) 1540.status n. 身份,地位(SH6 M2 P23) 1541.billionaire n. 亿万富翁,巨富(SH6 M2 P23) 1542.wardrobe n. 衣橱(SH6 M2 P25) 1543.sorrow n. 悲哀,伤心,苦难(SH6 M2 P25) 1544.ahead of 在……前面(SH6 M2 P25) 1545.ought v. 应该,应当(SH6 M2 P25) 1546.inquisitive adj. 好奇的(SH6 M2 P25)1547.look back over one’s shoulder 回头看(SH6 M2 P25) 1548.catch a glimpse of 瞥见(SH6 M2 P25) 1549.set out 出发,动身(SH6 M2 P25) 1550.crunch n. 嘎吱嘎吱的声音(SH6 M2 P25) 1551.pitter-patter n. 劈里啪啦的声音,劈劈啪啪的声音(SH6 M2 P25) 1552.glossy adj. 有光泽的(SH6 M2 P25) 1553.trail v. 拖,曳,拖着走(SH6 M2 P25) 1554.muffler n. 围巾(SH6 M2 P25) 1555.curly adj. (头发)卷曲的(SH6 M2 P25) 1556.gracious int. (表惊讶)天哪!哎呀!(SH6 M2 P25) 1557.exclaim v. 惊叫,大叫(SH6 M2 P25) 1558.elf n. 小精灵(SH6 M2 P27) 1559.magical adj. 魔法的;不可思议的(SH6 M2 P27) 1560.power n. 力量,能力(SH6 M2 P27) 1561.dwarf n. 侏儒,小矮人(SH6 M2 P27) 1562.possess v. 拥有(SH6 M2 P27) 1563.interpersonal adj. 人际关系的,人与人之间的(SH6 M3 P29)1564.close adj. 亲密的,亲近的(SH6 M3 P29) 1565.trust v. 信赖,信任(SH6 M3 P29) 1566.chat v. 闲谈,聊天(SH6 M3 P29) 1567.note n. 钞票,纸币(SH6 M3 P30) 1568.burst out 突然发生,突然……起来(SH6 M3 P30)1569.knock ... over (开车)撞伤,撞死(SH6 M3 P30) 1570.financially adv. 财政上地(SH6 M3 P30) 1571.moody adj. 喜怒无常的(SH6 M3 P30) 1572.lose interest in 对……失去兴趣(SH6 M3 P30) 1573.from time to time 偶尔,有时(SH6 M3 P30) 1574.cloakroom n. 衣帽间,临时寄物处(SH6 M3 P31) 1575.turn round 转过身来(SH6 M3 P31) 1576.amount n. 数量(SH6 M3 P31) 1577.locker n. (带锁的)衣物柜(SH6 M3 P31) 1578.fair n. 义卖会(SH6 M3 P31) 1579.raise v. 筹措(金钱)(SH6 M3 P31) 1580.raise money 筹款(SH6 M3 P31) 1581.theft n. 偷,盗窃(SH6 M3 P31) 1582.swing v. (使)旋转,(使)摆动(SH6 M3 P31) 1583.confront v. 面对(危险、困难)(SH6 M3 P32)1584.count v. 数(SH6 M3 P32) 1585.underneath prep. 在……下面(SH6 M3 P32) 1586.on the phone 在通电话(SH6 M3 P32) 1587.lively adj. 活泼的,有生气的(SH6 M3 P33) 1588.quarrel v. & n. 吵架(SH6 M3 P33) 1589.make up 和好,和解(SH6 M3 P33) 1590.regret v. 后悔,悔恨(SH6 M3 P33) 1591.keep in touch 保持联系(SH6 M3 P33) 1592.lose touch with 与……失去联系(SH6 M3 P34)1593.sweets n. 糖果(SH6 M3 P35) 1594.alike adj. 相像的,相似的(SH6 M3 P36) 1595.(be) ashamed of 对……感到惭愧/羞耻(SH6 M3 P36)1596.betray v. 背叛(SH6 M3 P36)1597.considerate adj. 体贴的,考虑周到的(SH6 M3 P36)1598.forgive v. 原谅,宽恕(SH6 M3 P36) 1599.loss n. 损失(SH6 M3 P36) 1600.scold v. 责备,申斥(SH6 M3 P36) 1601.hurt adj. (感到)痛苦的,受到伤害的(SH6 M3 P36)1602.(be) blessed with 享有……的福气(SH6 M3 P36) 1603.bungalow n. (有平台的)平房(SH6 M3 P36) 1604.pine n. 松树(SH6 M3 P36) 1605.worm n. 虫,蠕虫,蚯蚓(SH6 M3 P36) 1606.cage n. 笼子(SH6 M3 P36) 1607.(be) allergic to 对……过敏(SH6 M3 P36) 1608.tiny adj. 细小的,细微的,微小的(SH6 M3 P36) 1609.swell v. 肿,肿大(SH6 M3 P36) 1610.walnut n. 胡桃(SH6 M3 P36) 1611.squirrel n. 松鼠(SH6 M3 P36)1612.ripen v. 成熟(SH6 M3 P36) 1613.harvest n. 收获(SH6 M3 P36) 1614.slide v. 滑,滑行,滑落(SH6 M3 P36) 1615.stony adj. 石头的,多石的(SH6 M3 P36) 1616.loch n. (狭长的)海湾(SH6 M3 P36) 1617.spray n. 水花,浪花(SH6 M3 P36) 1618.carpenter n. 木匠,木工(SH6 M3 P36) 1619.broom n. 扫帚(SH6 M3 P36) 1620.cigar n. 雪茄(SH6 M3 P36) 1621.slip v. 滑倒,失足(SH6 M3 P36) 1622.damp adj. 潮湿的(SH6 M3 P36) 1623.scratch v. 擦伤,划伤(SH6 M3 P36) 1624.heel n. 脚后跟,踵部(SH6 M3 P36) 1625.tear v. 撕破,撕裂(SH6 M3 P36) 1626.underwear n. 内衣(SH6 M3 P36) 1627.(be) on good terms with 与某人关系很好(SH6 M3 P36)1628.salute n. 致敬,行礼(SH6 M3 P36) 1629.spy n. 间谍,侦探(SH6 M3 P37) 1630.perfect adj. 完美的(SH6 M3 P37) 1631.acute adj. 剧烈的,急剧的(SH6 M3 P37) 1632.privilege n. 权利,特权(SH6 M3 P37) 1633.(be) nostalgic for 对……很怀念(SH6 M3 P37)1634.rewind v. 倒(磁带),倒回去(SH6 M3 P37) 1635.predict v. 预言,预测(SH6 M3 P38) 1636.click v. 喜欢(某人),有相同想法(观点等)(SH6 M3 P38)1637.Auld Lang Syne 友谊地久天长(苏格兰民歌,通常在新年前夕的午夜,人们围成圈、手挽手地演唱)(SH6 M3 P39)1638.pilgrim n. 朝圣者(SH6 M3 P39) 1639.glowing adj. 炽热的,发光的(SH6 M3 P39) 1640.murmur v. 低声说,喃喃道(SH6 M3 P39) 1641.flee v. 逃跑,逃走(SH6 M3 P39) 1642.pace v. 踱步走(SH6 M3 P39) 1643.amid prep. 在……中(SH6 M3 P39) 1644.liar n. 撒谎者(SH6 M3 P39) 1645.reiterate v. 反复地说,重述(SH6 M3 P39) 1646.bud n. (花、枝、叶等的)苞,蓓蕾(SH6 M3 P39)1647.tread v. 踩,踏(SH6 M3 P39) 1648.all at once 突然,忽然(SH6 M3 P39) 1649.auld adj. 老的,旧的(苏格兰语)= old(SH6 M3 P39)1650.bring ... to mind 使……想起(SH6 M3 P39) 1651.in return 反过来,作为交换(SH6 M3 P40) 1652.reunite v. 重聚(SH6 M3 P41) 1653.couple n. 夫妇(SH6 M3 P41) 1654.partner n. 合伙人,共同出资人(SH6 M3 P41)1655.mention v. 提到,涉及(SH6 M3 P41) 1656.belong to 属于(SH6 M3 P41) 1657.bottom n. 底部,底端(SH6 M3 P41) 1658.from the bottom of one’s heart真心诚意地,发自内心地(SH6 M3 P41) 1659.relative n. 亲戚,亲属(SH6 M4 P43) 1660.give concerts 举办音乐会(SH6 M4 P44) 1661.conservatory n. 音乐学院(SH6 M4 P44) 1662.soloist n. 独奏者;独唱者(SH6 M4 P44) 1663.repertoire n. 演奏曲目,演出节目(SH6 M4 P44) 1664.interpret v. 诠释,解释;翻译(SH6 M4 P44) 1665.(be) true of / for 与……情况相同(SH6 M4 P44) 1666.folk song 民歌(SH6 M4 P44) 1667.characteristic n. 特征,特性,特质(SH6 M4 P45) 1668.poetry n. 诗歌(SH6 M4 P45) 1669.poetic adj. 有诗意的;诗的(SH6 M4 P45) 1670.give life to 赋予……生命(生命力,活力)(SH6 M4 P45)1671.(be) the same with 与……情况相同(SH6 M4 P45) bine v. 结合,联合(SH6 M4 P45) 1673.depress v. 使沮丧,使意志消沉,使心灰意冷(SH6 M4 P45)1674.share feelings and ideas with 与……分享感受与想法(SH6 M4 P45) 1675.make contact with 与……进行来往(SH6 M4 P45)1676.master musician 音乐大师(SH6 M4 P45) pose music 创作乐曲(SH6 M4 P45) 1678.ambition n. 志气,抱负,雄心(SH6 M4 P45) 1679.regarding prep. 关于(SH6 M4 P45) 1680.melody n. 旋律(SH6 M4 P46) 1681.rhyme n. 押韵,韵(SH6 M4 P47) 1682.passerby n. 过路人,行人(SH6 M4 P48) 1683.pedestrian n. 行人,步行者(SH6 M4 P48) 1684.semi-circle n. 半圆(SH6 M4 P48) 1685.interval n. 间隔,空隙(SH6 M4 P48) 1686.plug v. 插上(插头)(SH6 M4 P48) 1687.socket n. 插座(SH6 M4 P48) 1688.regulate v. 规定,管理,整顿(SH6 M4 P48) an n. 风琴,手摇风琴(SH6 M4 P48) 1690.echo v. 回响(SH6 M4 P48) 1691.side road n. 小路,支路(SH6 M4 P49) 1692.quartet n. 四重奏,四重奏乐队(SH6 M4 P49) 1693.suite n. 组曲(SH6 M4 P49) 1694.session n. 从事某项活动的集会(或一段时间)(SH6 M4 P49) 1695.saucer n. 茶碟,茶托(SH6 M4 P49) 1696.voluntary adj. 自愿的(SH6 M4 P49) 1697.shrink v. 变小,减少(SH6 M4 P49)1698.vacant adj. 空的,空缺的(SH6 M4 P49) 1699.lid n. 盖,盖子(SH6 M4 P49) 1700.barrel organ 手摇风琴(SH6 M4 P49) 1701.handle n. 柄,把手(SH6 M4 P49) 1702.tap v. 轻拍,轻敲,轻叩(SH6 M4 P49) 1703.mop v. 擦,揩(脸、汗等)(SH6 M4 P49)1704.spotted adj. 有污迹的,有斑点的(SH6 M4 P49) 1705.all of a sudden 突然间(SH6 M4 P49) 1706.popcorn n. 爆米花(SH6 M4 P49) 1707.dance to the music 伴着音乐跳舞(SH6 M4 P49) 1708.rockabilly n. 乡村摇滚乐(一种由乡村音乐与摇滚音乐结合而成的旋律狂热的轻音乐)(SH6 M4 P49)1709.tunnel n. 隧道,地道(SH6 M4 P49) 1710.relay v. 转播,接转(SH6 M4 P49) 1711.liveliness n. 活泼,快乐,生动(SH6 M4 P49) 1712.relief n. (痛苦、忧虑等的)解除,减轻,调剂(SH6 M4 P49)1713.relax v. 使放松,使轻松(SH6 M4 P51) 1714.collection n. 收藏;收藏品(SH6 M4 P51) 1715.charm v. 吸引,使陶醉(SH6 M4 P53) 1716.arena n. 舞台(SH6 M4 P53) 1717.scene n. 活动领域(SH6 M4 P53) 1718.billboard n. 告示牌,广告牌(SH6 M4 P53) 1719.draw upon 利用,凭借,依赖(SH6 M4 P53) 1720.signify v. 表示,表明(SH6 M4 P53) 1721.symbolic adj. 象征的,作为象征的(SH6 M4 P53) 1722.numerology n. 数字命理学(以出生年月日及其他数字测定之学)(SH6 M4 P53) 1723.mythology n. 神话(SH6 M4 P53) 1724.hairpin n. 发卡,发夹(SH6 M4 P53) 1725.chamber adj. 室内(音乐)的(SH6 M4 P53) 1726.honour v. 尊敬,敬重(SH6 M4 P53) 1727.heritage n. 遗产(SH6 M4 P53) 1728.present v. 赠送,颁发(礼物、奖品等)(SH6 M4 P55)1729.in addition to 除此之外(SH6 M4 P55) 1730.statuette n. 小雕(塑)像(SH6 M4 P55) 1731.gramophone n. 留声机(SH6 M4 P55) 1732.critic n. (文艺)批评家(SH6 M4 P55) 1733.therefore adv. 因此,所以(SH6 M4 P55) 1734.clone v. 克隆(SH6 M5 P 57) 1735.terrify v. 使惊恐,使受惊吓(SH6 M5 P 57) 1736.wrinkled adj. (皮肤等)布满皱纹的,a)具有皱褶的(SH6 M5 P 57)1737.wing n. 翅膀(SH6 M5 P 57) 1738.chase v. 追逐,追赶,追踪(SH6 M5 P 58) 1739.disgust v. 使觉得恶心;使厌烦(SH6 M5 P 58)1740.emotion n. 感情;情绪(SH6 M5 P 58) 1741.fiancRe n. 未婚妻(SH6 M5 P 58) 1742.lifeless adj. 无生命的(SH6 M5 P 58) 1743.murder v. 谋杀(SH6 M5 P 58) 1744.refuse v. 拒绝(SH6 M5 P 58) 1745.burn out (火)燃尽,烧完自灭(SH6 M5 P 58) 1746.breathe v. 呼吸(SH6 M5 P 59) 1747.vein n. 血管;静脉(SH6 M5 P 59) 1748.contrast v. 对照(SH6 M5 P 59) 1749.contrast with 与……形成对照(SH6 M5 P 59) 1750.rush v. 冲,猛冲(SH6 M5 P 59) 1751.throw oneself on ... 扑倒在……上(SH6 M5 P 59) 1752.fear n. 害怕,恐惧(SH6 M5 P 59) 1753.make a sound 发出声音(SH6 M5 P 59) 1754.again and again 一再,屡次(SH6 M5 P 59) 1755.nightmare n. 噩梦(SH6 M5 P 59) 1756.gene n. 基因(SH6 M5 P 61) 1757.identical adj. 完全相同的,同一的(SH6 M5 P 61) 1758.beneficial adj. 有益的,有用的(SH6 M5 P 61) 1759.by mistake 错误地(SH6 M5 P 61) 1760.cure v. 治愈(SH6 M5 P 61) 1761.treat ... as 把……当成……对待(SH6 M5 P 62)1762.imaginary adj. 假想的,虚构的(SH6 M5 P 62) 1763.head n. 头目,领导(SH6 M5 P 62) 1764.incredible adj. 难以置信的(SH6 M5 P 63) 1765.nonsense n. 胡说八道,胡扯(SH6 M5 P 63) 1766.acid adj. 酸(性)的(SH6 M5 P 64) 1767.bacteria n. 细菌(SH6 M5 P 64) 1768.embryo n. 胚胎(SH6 M5 P 64) 1769.enzyme n. 酶(SH6 M5 P 64) 1770.tissue n. (生理)组织(SH6 M5 P 64) anism n. 有机体(SH6 M5 P 64) 1772.stem cell 干细胞(SH6 M5 P 64) 1773.upbringing n. 抚育,养育(SH6 M5 P 64) 1774.genetic adj. 基因的,遗传基因的;遗传学的(SH6 M5 P 64)1775.make-up n. 构成,构造(SH6 M5 P 64) 1776.genetics n. 遗传学(SH6 M5 P 64) 1777.transparent adj. 透明的(SH6 M5 P 64) 1778.twisting adj. 扭曲的,弯曲的(SH6 M5 P 64) 1779.fundamental adj. 基本的,不可或缺的,重要的(SH6 M5 P 64)ponent n. 成分(SH6 M5 P 64) 1781.pea n. 豌豆(SH6 M5 P 64) 1782.procedure n. 程序(SH6 M5 P 64) 1783.unzip v. 解开(SH6 M5 P 64)1784. a sequence of 一系列的(SH6 M5 P 64) 1785.insert v. 植入,插入(SH6 M5 P 64) 1786.(be) identical to 和……一样,与……一致(SH6 M5 P 64) 1787.controversial adj. 有争议的(SH6 M5 P 64) 1788.valid adj. 有确实根据的,有效的(SH6 M5 P 64) 1789.optional adj. 可选择的(SH6 M5 P 64) 1790.reproduce v. 复制,使再现(SH6 M5 P 64) 1791.exceptional adj. 特别的,非凡的,卓越的(SH6 M5 P 64)1792.contradictory adj. 互相矛盾的,相反的,对立的(SH6 M5 P 64)1793.vice n. 缺点,弱点(SH6 M5 P 65) 1794.virtue n. 道德上的优点,善行(SH6 M5 P 65) 1795.flexible adj. 易适应的(SH6 M5 P 65) pulsory adj. 强制的,强迫的(SH6 M5 P 65)1797.regulation n. 法规,条例(SH6 M5 P 65) 1798.handy adj. 方便的,便利的(SH6 M5 P 65) 1799.resist v. 抵抗(SH6 M5 P 65) 1800.sow v. 播种(SH6 M5 P 65) 1801.rot n. (细菌引起的)腐败病,腐蚀病(SH6 M5 P 65) 1802.pest n. 害虫(SH6 M5 P 65) 1803.rely on 依靠,依赖(SH6 M5 P 65) 1804.biodiversity n. 生物多样性(SH6 M5 P 65) 1805.breed n. (动植物的)品种(SH6 M5 P 65)1806.analyse v. 分析(SH6 M5 P 65)1807.suspect n. 嫌疑人(SH6 M5 P 65) 1808.saliva n. 唾液,口水(SH6 M5 P 65) 1809.spit v. 吐出(唾液)(SH6 M5 P 65) 1810.fingernail n. 手指甲(SH6 M5 P 65) 1811.code n. 法规,规则(SH6 M5 P 65) 1812.as follows 如下(SH6 M5 P 66) 1813.sci-fi adj. 科幻的(SH6 M5 P 67) 1814.eccentric adj. (人、行为等)古怪的,反常的(SH6 M5 P 67)1815.accompany v. 陪伴,陪同(SH6 M5 P 67) 1816.knock out 摧毁(SH6 M5 P 67) 1817.get out of control 摆脱控制(SH6 M5 P 67) 1818.as far as we know 据我们所知(SH6 M5 P 67) 1819.absorb v. 吸收(SH6 M5 P 67)1820.sample n. 样本(SH6 M5 P 67)1821.intact adj. 完好无损的,完整的(SH6 M5 P 67) 1822.break down 分解(SH6 M5 P 67) 1823.arise v. (问题、困难等)发生,出现(SH6 M5 P 67) 1824.vice versa 反过来也一样,反之亦然(SH6 M5 P 67)1825.bring ... back to life 使……复活(SH6 M5 P 67) 1826.violence n. 暴力(SH6 M5 P 69) 1827.vengeful adj. 复仇的,报复心切的(SH6 M6 P71) 1828.invade v. 入侵,侵略(SH6 M6 P71) 1829.abandon v. 放弃,抛弃(SH6 M6 P72) 1830.declare war on 向……宣战(SH6 M6 P72) 1831.operation n. 行动(SH6 M6 P72) 1832.make a breakthrough 取得重大突破(进展)(SH6 M6 P72)1833.drown v. 淹死,使溺死(SH6 M6 P72) 1834.survivor n. 幸存者(SH6 M6 P72)st v. 持续(SH6 M6 P72) 1836.occupy v. 占领(SH6 M6 P72) 1837.beach n. 海滩(SH6 M6 P72)1838.troop n. 部队;士兵(SH6 M6 P72)mander n.(SH6 M6 P72) 1840.eventually adv. 最后,最终(SH6 M6 P72) 1841.heroism n. 英雄主义,英雄气概(SH6 M6 P72) 1842.artillery n. 大炮(SH6 M6 P73) 1843.shell n. 炮弹(SH6 M6 P73) 1844.pick up 停下来让某人搭车(船等);救起(SH6 M6 P73)1845.deep adj. 深的(SH6 M6P73)1846.wound v. 使受伤(SH6 M6 P73) 1847.shocked adj. (感到)震惊的,惊骇的(SH6 M6 P73) 1848.private n. 兵,士兵(SH6 M6 P73) 1849.memorial n. 纪念碑;纪念馆(SH6 M6 P73) 1850.overlook v. 俯视,往下看(SH6 M6 P73) 1851.grave n. 墓,墓穴(SH6 M6 P73) 1852.weary v. 使人疲倦;使人厌烦(SH6 M6 P73) 1853.condemn v. 责难;谴责(SH6 M6 P73) 1854.war memorial 战争纪念碑(SH6 M6 P73) 1855.nationality n. 国籍(SH6 M6 P73) 1856.rescue v. 营救,拯救(SH6 M6 P73) 1857.backpack n. 背包(SH6 M6 P73) 1858.afterwards adv. 后来(SH6 M6 P74) 1859.drop v. 扔下,投下(SH6 M6 P75) 1860.bomb n. 炸弹(SH6 M6 P75) 1861.campaign n. 作战行动,军事行动(SH6 M6 P75) 1862.station n. 根据地,驻扎地,基地(SH6 M6 P75) 1863.chain n. 链条,铁链(SH6 M6 P75) 1864.view n. 观点(SH6 M6 P77) 1865.sequence n. (电影中的)连续镜头(SH6 M6 P77) 1866.image n. 影像(SH6 M6 P77) 1867.chaos n. 混乱,无秩序(SH6 M6 P77) 1868.senseless adj. 无意义的,欠思考的(SH6 M6 P77) 1869.courage n. 勇气,胆量(SH6 M6 P77) 1870.sacrifice n. 牺牲(SH6 M6 P77) 1871.memorable adj. 难忘的,特别的,值得回忆的(SH6 M6 P77)1872.to one’s astonishment 令某人惊讶的是(SH6 M6 P78) pany n. (陆军的)连,连队(SH6 M6 P78) 1874.baggage n.(军队的)行装,行李(SH6 M6 P78) 1875.bedding n. 被褥,寝具(SH6 M6 P78) b n. 梳子(SH6 M6 P78) 1877.confidential adj. 机密的,秘密的(SH6 M6 P78) 1878.mess n. 混乱的局面(SH6 M6 P78) 1879.perfume n. 香水(SH6 M6 P78) 1880.razor n. 剃须刀(SH6 M6 P78) 1881.scissors n. 剪刀(SH6 M6 P78) 1882.shave v. & n. 刮胡子(SH6 M6 P78) 1883.stockings n. (常复)(女式)长袜(SH6 M6 P78) 1884.tractor n. 拖拉机(SH6 M6 P78) 1885.yell v. 大叫,呼喊(SH6 M6 P78) 1886.barbershop n. 理发店(SH6 M6 P79) 1887.stroke v. 抚摸(SH6 M6 P79) 1888.chin n. 下巴,下颌(SH6 M6 P79) 1889.moustache n. 小胡子,髭(SH6 M6 P79) 1890.wax n. 蜡(SH6 M6P79)1891.sharpener n. 磨器,磨具(SH6 M6 P79) 1892.unload v. 卸下(SH6 M6P79)1893.jar n. 罐子,广口瓶(SH6 M6 P79) 1894.carrot n. 胡萝卜(SH6 M6 P79) 1895.cheers int. (用于祝酒)祝你健康!(SH6 M6 P79)1896.liberation n. 解放(SH6 M6 P79) 1897.constitution n. 宪法(SH6 M6 P79) 1898.vinegar n. 醋(SH6 M6 P79) 1899.worthwhile adj. 值得做的,有价值的,有用的(SH6 M6 P79)1900.statesman n. 政治家(SH6 M6 P81) 1901.toil n. 辛劳,辛苦(SH6 M6 P81) 1902.retreat v. 撤退,后退(SH6 M6 P81)1903.encourage v. 鼓舞,鼓励(SH6 M6 P81)1904.surrender v. 投降(SH6 M6 P81)1905.strategy n. 策略,战略(SH6 M6 P81)1906.quote v. 引用,引述(SH6 M6 P81)1907.helmet n. 头盔(SH6 M6 P83) 1908.peacekeeper n. 维和人员(SH6 M6 P83)1909.arm v. 装备,武装(SH6 M6 P83) 1910.disagreement n. 争论,矛盾,意见不合(SH6 M6 P83)1911.personnel n. 全体人员。



List1.(96个)moment时刻fire火period期ice冰时间类time时间history历史smoke烟morning早上好future未来heat热afternoon下午好birthday生日快乐ground地面noon中午holiday假日sky天空evening晚上好festival节river河night晚上schedule时间表field场tonight今晚age年龄forest森林today今天sea海气候类tomorrow明天weather天气stone石yesterday昨天rain雨star明星weekend周末snow雪植物类month月wind风plant植物year年cloud云grass草season季节tree树自然类spring春天nature自然crop作物autumn秋天mountain山动物类winter冬天air空气animal动物day天light光bird鸟date日期water水cat猫dog狗List2(95个)其他生物horse马bacteria细菌机构类rabbit兔organization组织地点类elephant大象place的地方company公司bear熊hospital医院charity慈善tiger老虎restaurant餐厅声音类soundlion狮子hotel酒店声音bull公牛university大学voice的声音cow牛factory工厂noise噪声pig猪jail监狱music音乐chicken鸡zoo动物园食品类fish鱼park公园food食品sheep羊school学校egg鸡蛋monkey猴子store商店meat肉snake蛇club俱乐部steak牛排reptile爬行动物bar酒吧bread面包昆虫类court法院cake蛋糕insect昆虫market市场dessert甜点bee蜜蜂town镇soup汤butterfly蝴蝶village村sandwich三明治spider蜘蛛city城市noodle面条WORD格式pie馅饼ingredient成分disease病chocolate巧克力oil油fever发烧sauce酱sugar糖flu流感salt盐cancer癌症餐饮类meal餐butter黄油房屋类breakfast早餐cream奶油house房子lunch午餐office办公室饮料类dinner晚餐drink喝room房间coffee咖啡floor地板蔬菜类vegetable蔬菜milk牛奶wall墙potato马铃薯tea茶window窗口tomato番茄juice汁door门carrot胡萝卜beer啤酒roof屋顶lettuce生菜wine酒kitchen厨房bean豆alcohol酒精家具类水果类营养类furniture家具fruit水果nutrient营养bed床apple苹果mineral矿物chair椅子orange橙色vitamin维生素desk书桌banana香蕉protein蛋白table表食材类疾病类seat座椅couch沙发ring环brake制动engine发动机服装类化妆品clothes衣服cosmetics化妆品gear齿轮shirt衬衫perfume香水tire轮胎shoes鞋lipstick口红wheel轮cap帽powder粉路桥类hat帽子List3.(93个)road路coat外套street街交通类dress连衣裙transport运输bridge桥pants裤子traffic交通station站uniform均匀bicycle自行车装置类suits套装ship船device装置underwear内衣boat船lock锁pocket口袋plane平面key关键jeans牛仔裤train火车bell贝尔button按钮scale规模车辆类zip拉链vehicle车辆tap水龙头sock袜子motorcycle摩托车设备类首饰类bus总线equipment设备jewelry珠宝car车shower淋浴diamond钻石truck卡车radio无线电telephone电话paper纸menu菜单camera相机glass玻璃card卡computer计算机plastic塑料envelope信封TV电视gold金ticket票fridge冰箱paint油漆pipe管video视频chemical化学tube管容器类日常用品类wire线container容器toy玩具belt带webWebbox箱brush刷film电影cup杯mirror镜子screen屏幕dish菜chain链gift礼物plate板board板channel通道bowl碗handle手柄alarm报警basket篮子cartoon卡通electricity电tub浴缸bottle瓶towel毛巾sink沉wood木材carpet地毯pot锅clock时钟tool工具pan潘knife刀junk垃圾材料类pen笔fork叉material材料book书spoon勺子cloth布album专辑medicine医学fooldrug药物brother兄弟sirpill丸sister姐妹madamhusband丈夫数量职业类Jobcouple一对wife妻子dactordouble一双uncle叔nurseload一车,大量aunt姨,姑professor教授pack一包grandfather祖父lawyer律师lot许多grandmother祖母engineer工程师teacher单位unitrole角色coach教练issue问题社会角色类guard保镖,保安kidmatter事件childjudge法官、裁判stuff东西、材料baby群体boyobject物品girlgroupevent大事件manpeoplewomanclass有关人的名词friendteam团队家庭角色类ladyhuman人类parents父母gentleman先生staff员工bossdaughter女儿customer顾客society社会son儿子studentgeneration一代人father父亲neighborarmy军队personmother母亲volunteergovernment政府familymenu菜单condition条件List5(87个)rule:规则:environment环境话语类law法situation:情境:words话grammar语法mess混乱topic话题principle原理balance平衡subject主题信息类peace和平joke笑话information信息emergency急救question问题message消息chance机会suggestion建议news新闻opportunity机会instruction指令update更新行为类permission许可notice通知act行为文字类fact事实exercise运动document文件detail细节practice实践story故事evidence证据test测试report报告clue线索experiment实验novel小说background背景lesson课note注data数据bath浴text文本sign标志security安全letter信knowledge知识attention注意email电子邮件状态类focus集中注意力blog博客state状态step步list列表education教育art艺术profit利润advertisement广告science科学income收入treatment治疗philosophy哲学salary工资trick戏法psychology心理学loan贷款habit习惯arrangement排列cash现金service服务deal一言为定cost成本business业务insurance保险credit信用homework作业account帐户deposit存款job:工作:engagement订婚price价格task任务List6(79个)tax税project项目bill账单上接行为类challenge挑战occasion:场合:budget预算duty:职责:meeting会议活动类responsibility责任interview面试activity活动fault故障party方game游戏performance:性能:picnic野餐discipline纪律concert音乐会wedding婚礼crime犯罪opera歌剧funeral葬礼trade贸易drama戏剧barbecue烧烤economy经济study研究ceremony仪式politics政治math数学Money钱war战争trip旅行internet互联网option选项fashion时尚series系列case案例industry产业career职业生涯example例子sports:体育运动:system系统sample样品soccer足球(美式)language语言score分数football足球transport运输limit极限golf高尔夫experience经验其他类basketball篮球favor赞成effort努力race比赛privilege特权energy能量mistake错误figure图思想类thought思想risk风险List7(65个)idea思想advantage优势构成类名词view观benefit效益核心词theory理论problem问题Part部分religion宗教trouble麻烦部位plan:计划:surprise惊喜side侧strategy策略secret秘密edge边缘policy政策award奖base基地program程序prize奖core核心整体类diet饮食身体network网络property财产head头WORD格式eye眼heart心力量ear耳lung肺strength强度face面对muscle肌肉force力nose鼻子bone骨power:权力:foot脚nerve神经authority权威mouth口hair头发ability能力tooth齿skin皮肤sight视线tongue舌blood血intelligence智能neck颈部sweat汗水memory记忆shoulder肩skill技能精神breast乳腺mind心灵动物chest胸部spirit精神tail尾stomach胃soul灵魂wing翼arm臂emotion情感植物hand手feeling感觉flower花finger手指shame羞耻leaf叶nail钉stress压力root根leg腿respect尊重branch分公司knee膝关节desire欲望其他throat喉咙pain疼痛whole整个brain脑sense感rest休息half半corner角level:水平:List8(70个)left左degree度right是的grade等级属性类名词direction方向rank秩静态属性形状east东standard标准shape形状character字符rate:率:appearance外观personality人格speed速度尺寸其他属性percentage百分比size大小color颜色类别space空间weight重量kind种tone音type型位置position位置material材料动态属性point点structure结构方式line线form形式数量end结束amount量way:方式:bottom底number数behavior行为middle中间measurement测量mood心情top顶distance距离logic逻辑front前volume体积tradition传统back回来angle角culture文化center中心temperature温度style风格WORD格式pattern模式go去support支持relation关系come来mix混合manner的方式make使switch开关link链接原因归属cause原因have有join加入reason原因get得到connect连接source源give给stick坚持excuse借口take带tie领带factor因子meet满足终点位置put把cross交叉目的purpose目的lay躺运动轨迹goal球进了place的地方move移动bring带shift移结果effect影响send发送pass通过result结果hold持有raise提高过程keep保持lift电梯course课程stay待rise上升process过程hang挂drop滴List9(114个)settle解决fall秋天本源词相互位置follow遵循WORD格式be是cover盖lead铅WORD格式carry携带turn转begin开始bounce反弹start开始空间roll卷open打开happen发生shake摇close关闭finish完成screw螺杆shut关stop停止速度整体与部分fit适合run运行enter进入break打破rush高峰fill填充crack裂纹hurry快点pump泵split分裂spill泄漏tear撕裂力量touch触摸spray喷雾divide分hit打clean清洁cut切knock敲clear明确形状crash崩溃wipe擦bend弯曲throw扔leave离开fold折叠rub擦quit退出twist捻pull拉arrive到达stretch拉伸push推reach达到spread传播draw画fix修复尺寸press出版社set集grow成长WORD格式方向时间行为WORD格式praise look看taste味道encouragesee看到看complainfindpromiselisten听着watchinsisthear听到observeshoutignorethreatsay说search其他speak说话showanswer talk谈说callcounttell告诉意见pronounceagreeask问想cancelthink认为letconsiderallowguessbelieve相信know知道like像love爱告诉do做系动词clainWORD格式warnintroduceexplainexpressconfirm要求mean11become成为beglearnseem似乎chargeunderstand orderwonder11feel感觉sound声音smell气味带有情感的说argueblamed ecidetrywanthopeWORD格式wishlivecoughexpect11burnsignwillboil鼻子shall should 人体行为breathe 肢体皮肤maymightdancebleedcanride精神mustdareneed11 impress attract感觉enjoy suffer appreciate carehateworry thank l ieclimbbeat上肢hug下肢sitstandwalkkickjumpskipsleepwakerelax健康hurtinjurecureinjectList11(106个)生活行为cook库克面部welcome11back回来blesssmilefry炒thrilllaughfreakcrydrive驱动WORD格式shockbotherannoydisturb嘴巴eatkisssuck measure测量wear穿wash洗自然现象licktape磁带dieblowrecord记录invest投资copy复制post后rob抢劫prepare准备travel旅行wait等一等organize组织screw螺杆marry结婚manage管理dig挖divorce离婚handle手柄hide隐藏borrow借treat治疗pack包lend借control控制mark马克owe欠use使用vote投票apply应用社会行为buy购买bet打赌save保存sell卖celebrate庆祝choose选择shop店play玩accept接受pay支付pretend假装pick接spend花费help帮助collect收集waste废物direct直接win赢invite邀请entertain娱乐fail失败rent租金interrupt中断miss思念fight战斗distract分散lose失去kill杀design设计check检查steal偷build建立examine检查cheat欺骗invent发明compare比较solve解决qualify资格List12(104个)analyze分析equal平等物的属性与构成share分享运动大小skate滑冰include包括big大swim游泳separate分离huge巨大的fly飞belong属于little小shoot拍摄depend依赖small小工作involve涉及medium介质work工作事物的发展变化高低interview面试change改变high高hire雇用develop发展low低fire火improve提高长短compete竞争reduce减少long长retire退休add添加short短学习promote促进tall高read读事物相互作用深浅write写damage损伤deep深spell咒语spoil破坏shallow浅translate翻译ruin破产粗细事物之间的关系affect影响thick厚match比赛attack攻击thin薄WORD格式fat脂肪blank空白sharp夏普slim苗条bare光秃秃的blunt钝dirty脏fresh新鲜的宽窄narrow窄raw原时间wide宽new新的pure纯重量fresh新鲜的plain平原heavy重even即使数量light光extra额外的力量only只有strong强正斜straight直single单weak弱curved弯曲poor可怜的tight紧flat平rich丰富的loose松slight轻微的firm公司形状round圆total总tense紧张square广场质地状态距离hard硬liquid液体near附近soft软gas气far远tough艰难的solid固体事物与空间tender招标温度full全smooth光滑hot热empty空rough粗糙warm温暖cold冷stupid猪头身体hungry饿了confused困惑湿度dry干ill病了awake清醒wet湿sick生病的asleep睡着了亮度tired累了familiar熟悉bright明亮的blind盲patient病人dark黑暗sore痛List13(104个)dull没意思born出生态度pregnant怀孕polite有礼貌的味道sweet甜alive活着lazy懒惰bitter苦honest诚实行为delicious美味busy忙死了rude粗鲁的sour酸violent暴力brave勇敢的aggressive spicy辣wild野生侵略性的声音外表情感loud大声的beautiful真美interested感兴趣quiet安静ugly丑陋的curious好奇人的属性与构成sexy性感proud骄傲时间心智sure当然young年轻的smart智能confident自信old老clever聪明的心情happy快乐good好的时间glad很高兴late晚nice好的sad悲伤due由于fine好极了upset心烦urgent紧急great太好了sorry对不起efficient高效perfect很完美guilty有罪wonderful奇妙的可能性calm平静possible可能的amazing太神了afraid害怕available可用excellent很棒angry生气品质(坏)安全性crazy疯子dangerous危险bad坏mad疯狂safe安全terrible好可怕excited兴奋awful糟糕其他bored无聊wrong错误真实性disappointed失望strict严格real真正的jealous嫉妒correct对的true真正的lonely寂寞fair公平false假事的属性与构成proper适当的fake假难度完整性lucky幸运easy别急慢慢来successful成功的complete完成hard硬综合属性精确性difficult困难品质(好)exact精确specific具体normal正常mental心理common常见的local局部复杂性complicated复杂general一般native本土simple简单的popular流行international国际其他average平均cheap便宜fun乐趣particular特别的expensive昂贵的horrible好可怕own自己separate分离weird奇怪的public公共重要性strange奇怪的serious严重worth值得comfortable舒适causal因果List14(48个)incredible简直不可思议important重要介词gross毛main主要动态位置formal正式的事物关系轨迹professional专业across穿过特殊性special特殊along沿必要性regular定期necessary必要的past过去一致性关联性over在same相同free自由up起来different不同relative相对down下来普遍性legal法律through通过typical典型的physical物理on在WORD格式a round围绕off关闭比较in在than比点与平面out出beyond超越as作为against反对under下整体与部分起点above以上besides除了from从below下面among在⋯之间终点点与空间e xcept除了to以outside外面including包括toward向inside里面因果for对于within在according根据about关于to以从属of对静态位置其他with随着despite尽管点at在without没有per每List15(123个)点与点时间by通过d uring在副词及其他副词beside旁边s ince自时间before之前till直到now现在after后early早期替代behind后面instead相反just只是o f对then然后between之间recently最近much多usually通常ago以前very非常always总是already已经well怎么样顺序yet然而,extremely极finally最后ever曾经almost差不多eventually最终never绝不enough足够的转折forever永远otherwise否则强调位置可能性actually事实上here在这里especially尤其是probably可能there那里absolutely绝对perhaps也许certainly当然了maybe也许吧方向away离开速度递进forth四fast快also再者apart除了slow慢too太together在一起soon很快either无论是aside一边suddenly突然neither既不数量immediately立即else其他的extra额外的gradually逐渐地引导alone独自一人when什么时候WORD格式频率程度again又where在哪儿quite相当often经常how怎么用WORD格式why为什么呢last最后代词what干嘛next下一个I我you你连词数量all所有he他因果because因为any任何she她转折some一些we我们but但both两they他们though虽然each每个it它either无论是并列疑问代词and和neither既不which这every每一个who谁条件if如果few几冠词unless除非many许多a一except除了much多an一个时间指代the这个while而this这感叹词选择that那bye再见or或these这些hello你好whether是否those那些no没有WORD格式限定词another另一个yes可以顺序such这样的pardon原谅WORD格式please拜托billion十亿wow真的damn该死缩略词Mr.先生Ms.女士数词zero零one一two二three三four四five五six六seven七eight八nine九ten十hundred百thousand千million万。



(完整word版)1368个单词词汇-中文翻译版List 1.(96个) 时间类time 时间morning 早上好afternoon 下午好noon 中午evening 晚上好night 晚上tonight 今晚today 今天tomorrow 明天yesterday 昨天weekend 周末month 月year 年season 季节spring 春天autumn 秋天winter 冬天day 天date 日期moment 时刻period 期history 历史future 未来birthday 生日快乐holiday 假日festival 节schedule 时间表age 年龄气候类weather 天气rain 雨snow 雪wind 风cloud 云自然类nature 自然mountain 山air 空气light 光water 水ice 冰smoke 烟heat 热ground 地面sky 天空river 河field 场forest 森林sea 海stone 石star 明星植物类plant 植物grass 草tree 树crop 作物动物类animal 动物bird 鸟cat 猫dog 狗horse 马rabbit 兔elephant 大象bear 熊tiger 老虎lion 狮子bull 公牛cow 牛pig 猪chicken 鸡sheep 羊monkey 猴子snake 蛇reptile 爬行动物昆虫类insect 昆虫bee 蜜蜂butterfly 蝴蝶spider 蜘蛛其他生物bacteria 细菌地点类place 的地方hospital 医院restaurant 餐厅hotel 酒店university 大学factory 工厂jail 监狱zoo 动物园park 公园school 学校store 商店club 俱乐部bar 酒吧court 法院market 市场town 镇village 村city 城市List 2(95个)机构类organization 组织company 公司charity 慈善声音类声音voice 的声音noise 噪声music 音乐食品类food 食品egg 鸡蛋meat 肉steak 牛排bread 面包cake 蛋糕dessert 甜点soup 汤sandwich 三明治noodle 面条pie 馅饼chocolate 巧克力sauce 酱餐饮类meal 餐breakfast 早餐lunch 午餐dinner 晚餐蔬菜类vegetable 蔬菜potato 马铃薯tomato 番茄carrot 胡萝卜lettuce 生菜bean 豆水果类fruit 水果apple 苹果orange 橙色banana 香蕉食材类ingredient 成分oil 油sugar 糖salt 盐butter 黄油cream 奶油drink 喝coffee 咖啡milk 牛奶tea 茶juice 汁beer 啤酒wine 酒alcohol 酒精营养类nutrient 营养mineral 矿物vitamin 维生素protein 蛋白疾病类disease 病fever 发烧flu 流感cancer 癌症房屋类house 房子office 办公室room 房间floor 地板wall 墙window 窗口door 门roof 屋顶kitchen 厨房家具类furniture 家具bed 床chair 椅子desk 书桌table 表seat 座椅couch 沙发服装类clothes 衣服shirt 衬衫shoes 鞋cap 帽hat 帽子coat 外套dress 连衣裙pants 裤子uniform 均匀suits 套装underwear 内衣pocket 口袋jeans 牛仔裤button 按钮zip 拉链sock 袜子首饰类jewelry 珠宝diamond 钻石ring 环化妆品cosmetics 化妆品perfume 香水lipstick 口红powder 粉List 3.(93个)交通类transport 运输traffic 交通bicycle 自行车ship 船boat 船plane 平面train 火车车辆类vehicle 车辆motorcycle 摩托车bus 总线car 车truck 卡车brake 制动engine 发动机gear 齿轮tire 轮胎wheel 轮路桥类road 路street 街bridge 桥station 站装置类device 装置lock 锁key 关键bell 贝尔scale 规模tap 水龙头设备类equipment 设备shower 淋浴radio 无线电telephone 电话camera 相机computer 计算机TV 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话topic 话题subject 主题joke 笑话question 问题suggestion 建议instruction 指令permission 许可文字类document 文件story 故事report 报告novel 小说note 注text 文本letter 信email 电子邮件blog 博客list 列表menu 菜单rule: 规则:law 法grammar 语法principle 原理信息类information 信息message 消息news 新闻update 更新notice 通知fact 事实detail 细节evidence 证据clue 线索background 背景data 数据sign 标志knowledge 知识状态类state 状态condition 条件environment 环境situation: 情境:mess 混乱balance 平衡peace 和平emergency 急救chance 机会opportunity 机会行为类act 行为exercise 运动practice 实践test 测试experiment 实验lesson 课bath 浴security 安全attention 注意focus 集中注意力step 步education 教育advertisement 广告treatment 治疗trick 戏法habit 习惯service 服务business 业务homework 作业job: 工作:task 任务project 项目challenge 挑战duty: 职责:responsibility 责任fault 故障performance: 性能:concert 音乐会opera 歌剧drama 戏剧study 研究math 数学art 艺术science 科学philosophy 哲学psychology 心理学arrangement 排列deal 一言为定insurance 保险account 帐户engagement 订婚List6(79个)上接行为类occasion: 场合:meeting 会议interview 面试party 方picnic 野餐wedding 婚礼funeral 葬礼barbecue 烧烤ceremony 仪式Money 钱profit 利润income 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疼痛sense 感力量strength 强度force 力power: 权力:authority 权威ability能力sight 视线intelligence 智能memory 记忆skill 技能动物tail 尾wing 翼植物flower 花leaf 叶root 根branch 分公司其他whole 整个rest 休息half 半List8(70个) 属性类名词静态属性形状shape 形状appearance 外观尺寸size 大小space 空间位置position 位置point 点line 线end 结束bottom 底middle 中间top 顶front 前back 回来center 中心corner 角left 左right 是的direction 方向east 东character 字符personality 人格其他属性color 颜色weight 重量tone 音material 材料structure 结构数量amount 量number 数measurement 测量distance 距离volume 体积angle 角temperature 温度level: 水平:degree 度grade 等级rank 秩standard 标准rate: 率:speed 速度percentage 百分比类别kind 种type 型动态属性方式form 形式way: 方式:behavior 行为mood 心情logic 逻辑tradition 传统culture 文化style 风格pattern 模式relation 关系manner 的方式原因cause 原因reason 原因source 源excuse 借口factor 因子目的purpose 目的goal 球进了结果effect 影响result 结果过程course 课程process 过程List 9(114个) 本源词be 是go 去come 来make 使归属have 有get 得到give 给take 带终点位置put 把lay 躺place 的地方bring 带send 发送hold 持有keep 保持stay 待hang 挂settle 解决相互位置cover 盖support 支持mix 混合switch 开关link 链接join 加入connect 连接stick 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expect 11 willshall shouldmaymightcanmustdareneed 11 impress attract感觉enjoy suffer appreciate care hateworry thank welcome 11 bless thrillfreak shock bother annoy disturb 自然现象die liveboil人体行为肢体dance ridelie climb beat上肢hug下肢sit stand walk kick jump skip面部smile laugh cry嘴巴eat kiss suck lick blow cough signbreathe皮肤bleed精神sleepwakerelax健康hurtinjurecureinjectList 11(106个)生活行为cook 库克back 回来fry 炒drive 驱动measure 测量wear 穿wash 洗tape 磁带record 记录post 后travel 旅行screw 螺杆dig 挖hide 隐藏pack 包mark 马克社会行为buy 购买sell 卖shop 店pay 支付spend 花费waste 废物invite 邀请rent 租金fight 战斗kill 杀steal 偷cheat 欺骗invest 投资rob 抢劫wait 等一等marry 结婚divorce 离婚borrow 借lend 借owe 欠vote 投票bet 打赌celebrate 庆祝play 玩pretend 假装help 帮助direct 直接entertain 娱乐interrupt 中断distract 分散design 设计build 建立invent 发明copy 复制prepare 准备organize 组织manage 管理handle 手柄treat 治疗control 控制use 使用apply 应用save 保存choose 选择accept 接受pick 接collect 收集win 赢fail 失败miss 思念lose 失去check 检查examine 检查compare 比较solve 解决analyze 分析运动skate 滑冰swim 游泳fly 飞shoot 拍摄工作work 工作interview 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活着行为busy 忙死了violent 暴力wild 野生外表beautiful 真美ugly 丑陋的sexy 性感心智smart 智能clever 聪明的stupid 猪头confused 困惑awake 清醒asleep 睡着了familiar 熟悉patient 病人List 13(104个) 态度polite 有礼貌的lazy 懒惰honest 诚实rude 粗鲁的brave 勇敢的aggressive侵略性的情感interested 感兴趣curious 好奇proud 骄傲sure 当然confident 自信心情。

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