
1、您的性别是?【单选题】○ 男○ 女2、您的年龄是?【单选题】○ 17~18岁○ 19~20岁○ 21~22岁○ 23~24岁3、您的年级是?【单选题】○ 大一○ 大二○ 大三○ 大四4、我经常主动去学习【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合5、我努力学习是为了提高自身素养和能力【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合6、我自主学习是想获得他人的称赞【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合7、我自主学习是为了进入社会做准备【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合8、我在学习中经常考虑自己的前途【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合9、我认为学习很有趣【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合10、我想去努力学习,不只是为了奖学金、好的工作,更因为我很享受学习过程【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合11、对于感兴趣的东西,我愿意花时间即使它很难【单选题】○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合12、通过一段时间的学习,我能够找到适合自己的学习方式【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合13、我更习惯老师讲授这种学习方式【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合14、我会通过询问老师和上网查资料来解答课堂疑惑【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合15、我经常利用网络学习【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合16、我经常与朋友交流学习【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合17、我觉得我自己的自控能力很强,不需要别人的监督和督促【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合18、在学习的过程中,我能够主动排解不利于学习的情感因素,并通过一定的方式进行放松【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合19、我不能够长时间的专注下来学习【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合20、制订了计划我总是能够按照目标执行【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合21、在学习的过程中,我会及时总结课堂上所涉及到的内容【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合22、在学习结束后,我会将学习目标与实际完成情况进行比对,及时总结,为后续学习打下基础【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合23、没有达到学习效果,我会反思自己的问题【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合24、我经常为自己制定学习计划【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合25、我认为通过制定一个学习的学期、月、周计划来提高学习的针对性和有效性,很有必要【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合26、我能在学习的过程中合理规划学习时间,并根据实际情况适时地调整学习计划【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合27、我会依据自身情况来确定各科的学习目标【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合28、我会对自己有明确的职业规划【单选题】○ 非常符合○ 比较符合○ 有点符合○ 不太符合○ 不符合29、当您进行自主学习时,请您结合自身实际情况,为自己自主学习方面的各能力进行评分。

1.你认为自己的学习处于哪一种状态?A.自我约束不强,需要老师的严格监督B.有目标,但毅力不足,时而放松对自己的要求C.自信、自律2.你有制定自主学习计划的习惯吗?A. 没有B.偶尔制定C. 已成习惯3.你在自主学习时,是否努力在规定的时间内完成预定任务A. 很少如此B.部分如此C. 总能如此4.有关学习的方法,你:A.偶尔想到,但还是坚持自己效率不高的办法B.试着去实践别人介绍的方法,一段时间后又放弃了C.经过一定时间的尝试,已把握适合自己的学习方法5.你课前预习的情况如何?A.有计划有落实B.有时间就预习C.很少预习6.你怎样利用课堂笔记?A. 只是随意记一点,没有利用价值B. 记下重点内容或老师的提示,等考试复习时再看C. 能够定期整理课堂笔记,把握重点,解决疑难7.你认为老师课堂教学在时间分配上总体现状如何?A. 老师讲课所占时间合适B.老师上课应该多讲一些多C. 老师上课讲的太多8.你认为下列哪种讲课方式最好?A.注重阐述和分析能力的培养,适当拓宽知识面,发挥学生的主动性B.讲清基本的思路,推导不必太详尽C.按教材讲解重点即可,不必组织学生参与9.你遇到疑难问题的主要解决方式是什么?A.及时查阅资料或寻求同学老师的帮助B.偶尔钻研一下C. 置之不理10. 你什么时间进行复习?A.定期的有计划的复习B.平时不复习,考试前复习C.从来不复习11.你如何对待错题?A.做错了以后,等待老师讲解B.出错后,主动翻书查找原因C.先整理到错题集上,结合独立思考或老师分析查找失误,定期回顾12.你如何利用双休日时间?A.主要是读课外书、上网B.主要是完成作业,有时间活动一下C.有计划有落实,注意协调学习与锻炼13.你认为你班的学习气氛怎样?A. 很浓B.较浓C. 不浓14.你目前学习的干扰因素主要来自?A.玩游戏B. 班内的纪律不太理想C.学习没有目标15.你有手机吗?A.没有B.想买还未买C.不需要未买16.同学的手机主要用来做什么?A.玩游戏看小说B.给同学发短信C.联系家长17.你在总结学习情况方面?A.注重总结反思B.出现问题时才分析原因C.不进行总结分析18.你是否经常把自己的学习状况与父母交流?A.很少主动来谈B.考试成绩好的时候谈C.经常与父母交流19.你目前在学习方面是否存在焦虑心理?A.存在且较严重B.存在但不严重C.不存在20.你对自己目前的学习现状是否满意?A. 不满意B.比较满意C. 很满意。

The Self-Regulation QuestionnairesScale Description | Academic | Prosocial | Health Care | Learning | Exercise | Religion | FriendshipDownload the f ull packet f or the Self-Regul ation Questionnaires in a Word f ileAcademic Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-A)This questionnaire concerns the reasons why children do their school work. The scale was developed for students in late elementary and middle school. (The comparable SRQ for adults is referred to as the Learning Self-Regulation Questionnaire.) Consequently, its format is slightly different from the format of the Self-Regulation Questionnaires intended for adults. First, the responses to each item are on a 4-point scale rather than a 7-point scale because we have found that more than 4 possible responses is not optimal for the children who complete the questionnaire who are as young as about 8 years of age. Second, we typically have the children respond right on the questionnaire by circling the correct response rather than using an answer sheet. Again, this is easier, especially when doing a group administration to a class of students. Of course it is more work for the researcher to get the information off the questionnaires, but it is worth the trade off. Third, there are more items on the SRQs for children than the SRQs for adults in order to ensure good reliability. Fourth, the "very true" response comes first for each item, whereas on the adult questionnaire it comes last. To score the scale: Very True is scored 4; Sort of True is scored 3; Not Very True is scored 2; and Not at All True is scored 1. This way, a higher score will indicate a higher level of endorsement of that regulatory style. The SRQ-A uses four subscales: external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, and intrinsic motivation.-----Two versions of the scale. There are two versions of the SRQ-A. The first version is the one that has used in many studies of school children. It asks four questions about why students do various school related behaviors. Each question is followed by several responses that represent the 4 regulatory styles used in this scale. Validation of this scale is presented in Ryan and Connell (1989). The second versions of the SRQ-A, which is a modification of the first, was created for students with Learning Disabilities. In a study of students with LD (Deci, Hodges, Pierson, & Tomassone, 1992), we found that the standard format was too diffic ult. So, rather than having one question with several responses, every item is formulated as a separate question. The items are still represent the responses to the same 4 questions as in the standard version of the scale, but they are written so the children will understand them more easily. Also, we changed the wording of the four responses to make them easier for the children. In this version, Always is scored 4; Most of the Time is scored 3; Sometimes is scored 2; and Never is scored 1. Scoring information for each version of the scale is after that version. First we present the standard version; then we present the version for students with LD.The Scale (standard version)WHY I DO THINGSName: ________________________________________Age: ___________ Grade: _____________ ( ) Boy or Girl ( ) Teacher: ________________A. Why do I do my homework?1. Because I want the teacher to think I’m a good student.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true2. Because I’ll get in trouble if I don’t.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true3. Because it’s fun.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true4. Because I will feel bad about myself if I don’t do it.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true5. Because I want to understand the subject.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true6. Because that’s what I’m supposed to do.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true7. Because I enjoy doing my homework.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true8. Because it’s important to me to do my homework.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all trueB. Why do I work on my classwork?9. So that the teacher won’t yell at me.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true10. Because I want the teacher to think I’m a good student.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true11. Because I want to learn new things.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true12. Because I’ll be ashamed of myself if it didn’t get done.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true13. Because it’s fun.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true14. Because that’s the rule.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true15. Because I enjoy doing my classwork.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true16. Be cause it’s important to me to work on my classwork.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all trueC. Why do I try to answer hard questions in class?17. Because I want the other students to think I’m smart.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true18. Because I feel ashamed of myself when I don’t try.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true19. Because I enjoy answering hard questions.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true20. Because that’s what I’m supposed to do.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true21. T o find out if I’m right or wrong.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true22. Because it’s fun to answer hard questions.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true23. Because it’s important t o me to try to answer hard questions in class.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true24. Because I want the teacher to say nice things about me.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all trueD. Why do I try to do well in school?25. Because t hat’s what I’m supposed to do.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true26. So my teachers will think I’m a good studentVery true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true27. Because I enjoy doing my school work well.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true28. Because I will get in trouble if I don’t do well.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true29. Because I’ll feel really bad about myself if I don’t do well.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true30. Because it’s important to me to try to do well in school.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true31. Because I will feel really proud of myself if I do well.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true32. Because I might get a reward if I do well.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all trueScoring the SRQ-A (standard version). First, you calculate the subscale score for each of the four subscales by averaging the items that make up that subscale. Very true is scored 4; Sort of true is scored 3; Not very true is scored 2; and Not at all true is scored 1. The foursubscales are: external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, and intrinsic motivation. Listed below are the item numbers associated with each of the four subscales. External Regulation: 2, 6, 9, 14, 20, 24, 25, 28, 32Introjected Regulation: 1, 4, 10, 12, 17, 18, 26, 29, 31Identified Regulation: 5, 8, 11, 16, 21, 23, 30Intrinsic Motivation: 3, 7, 13, 15, 19, 22, 27You can use the individual subscale scores in your analyses, and you can also use the Relative Autonomy Index (RAI). To form the RAI for this scale, use the following formula to combine the subscale scores:2 X Intrinsic + Identified - Introjected - 2 X ExternalThe Scale (version for students with LD)Why I Do ThingsName: ________________________________________Age: ___________Grade: _____________ ( ) Boy or Girl ( ) Teacher: ________________1. I do my classwork so that the teacher won’t yell at me.Always Most of the time Sometimes Never2. I d o my classwork because I want the teacher to think I’m a good student.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true3. I do my classwork because I want to learn new things.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true4. I do my classwork becau se I’ll feel bad about myself if it doesn’t get done.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true5. I do my classwork because it’s fun.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true6. I do my classwork because that’s the rule.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true7. I enjoy doing my classwork.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true8. I try to answer hard questions in class because I want the other kids to think I’m smart.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true9. I try to answer hard questions because I’ll feel bad about myself if I don’t try.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true10. I try to answer hard questions because it’s fun to answer hard questions.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true11. I try to answer hard questions because that’s what I am supposed to do.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true12. I try to answer hard questions to find out if I’m right or wrong.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true13. I try to do well in school because that’s what I am supposed to do.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true14. I try to do well in school so my teachers will think I’m a good student.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true15. I try to do well in school because I like doing a good job on my school work.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true16. I try to do well in school because I will get in trouble if I don’t.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all true17. I try to do well in school because I’ll fell really bad about myself if I don’t do well.Very true Sort of true Not very true Not at all trueScoring the SRQ-A (version for students with LD). As with the standard version of the SRQ-A, you first calculate the subscale score for each of the four subscales by averaging the items that make up that subscale. Always is scored 4; Most of the time is scored 3; Sometimes is scored 2; and Never is scored 1. The four subscales are: external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, and intrinsic motivation. There are fewer items on this version than on the stnadard version, because students with LD typically have a shorter attention span. Listed below are the item numbers associated with each of the four subscales.External Regulation: 1, 6, 11, 13, 16Introjected Regulation: 2, 4, 8, 9, 14, 17Identified Regulation: 3, 12, 15Intrinsic Motivation: 4, 7, 10You can use the individual subscale scores in your analyses, and you can also use the Relative Autonomy Index (RAI). To form the RAI for this scale, use the following formula to combine the subscale scores:2 X Intrinsic + Identified - Introjected - 2 X ExternalReference for original SRQ-A (the standard version)Ryan, R.M., & Connell, J.P. (1989). Perceived locus of causality and internalization: Examining reasons for acting in two domains. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57, 749-761.Reference for the adapted SRQ-A (the version for students with LD)Deci, E. L., Hodges, R., Pierson, L., & Tomassone, J. (1992). Autonomy and competence as motivational factors in students with learning disabilities and emotional handicaps. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 25, 457-471.Other articles that have used the SRQ-AGrolnick, W. S., Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (1991). The inner resources for school performance: Motivational mediators of children's perceptions of their parents. Journal of Educational Psychology, 83, 508-517.Grolnick, W. S., & Ryan, R. M. (1989). Parent styles associated with children's self-regulation and competence in school. Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, 143-154.Grolnick, W. S., & Ryan, R. M. (1987). Autonomy in children's learning: An experimental and individual difference investigation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, 890-898. Miserandino, M. (1996). Children who do well in school: Individual differences in perceived competence and autonomy in above-average children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 88, 203-214.Patrick, B. C., Skinner, E. A., & Connell, J. P. (1993). What motivates children’s behavior and emotion? Joint effects of perceived control and autonomy in the academic domain. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 781-791.A variant of the SRQ-A has been used in Japan, as reported in the following articles Hayamizu, T. (1997). Between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: Examination of reasons for academic study based on the theory of internalization. Japanese Psychological Research, 39, 98-108.Yamauchi, H., & Tanaka, K. (1998). Relations of autonomy, self-referenced beliefs andself-regulated learning among Japanese children. Psychological Reports, 82, 803-816.Scale DescriptionThe Concepts of Self-Regulation. SDT differentiates types of behavioral regulation in terms of the degree to which they represent autonomous or self-determined (versus controlled)functioning. Intrinsic motivation is the prototype of autonomous activity; when people are intrinsically motivated, they are by definition self-determined. Extrinsically motivated activity, in contrast, is often more controlled (i.e., less autonomous). However, SDT differentiates types of extrinsic motivation in terms of the degree to which it has been internalized, suggesting that the more fully it is internalized and integrated with one’s self, the more it will be the basis for autonomous behavior. There are four different types of behavioral regulation, defined in terms of the degree to which the regulation of an extrinsically motivated activity has been internalized and integrated. They are external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, and integrated regulation, in order from the least to the most fully internalized (see Ryan & Deci, 2000, for more on this). Introjection refers to taking in a reg ulation but not accepting it as one’s own; identification refers to accepting the value of the activity as personally important, and integration refers to integrating that identification with other aspects of one’s self. External and introjected regulation are considered relatively controlled forms of extrinsic motivation, whereas identified and integrated regulation are considered relatively autonomous. Finally, within SDT there is a concept of Amotivation, which means to be neither intrinsically nor extrinsically motivated--in other words, to be without intention or motivation for a particular behavior.The Self-Regulation Questionnaires assess domain-specific individual differences in the types of motivation or regulation. That is, the questions concern the regulation of a particular behavior (e.g., exercising regularly) or class of behaviors (e.g., engaging in religious behaviors). The regulatory styles, while considered individual differences, are not "trait" concepts, for they are not general nor are they particularly stable. But neither are they "state" concepts, for they are more stable than typical states which fluctuate easily as a function of time and place. The format for these questionnaires was introduced by Ryan and Connell (1989). Each questionnaire asks why the respondent does a behavior (or class of behaviors) and then provides several possible reasons that have been preselected to represent the different styles of regulation or motivation. The first two questionnaires were developed for late-elementary and middle school children, and concern school work (SRQ-Academic) and prosocial behavior (SRQ-Prosocial). Their validation is described in the Ryan and Connell (1989) article. Since then, several others have been developed that are intended for adults. Those two, and five other SRQs are displayed in this section of the web site.They are:Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-A)Prosocial Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-P)Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire (TSRQ)Learning Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-L)Exercise Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-E)Religion Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-R)Friendship Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-F)Scoring the Questionnaires. Each participant gets a score on each subscale by averaging responses to each of the items that make up that subscale--for example, the average of all items representing introjected regulation would represent the score for that subscale. However, different of the self-regulation questionnaires have different numbers of subscales, depending on the following four considerations. First, fully integrating a behavioral regulation is very unlikely to have occurred during childhood or adolescence. Thus, the scales used with children do not have an integrated subscale. Second, some behaviors are not interesting in their own right, and thus would not be intrinsically motivated. Thus, questionnaires to assess regulatory styles for such behaviors (e.g., stopping smoking) do not have an intrinsic motivation subscale. Third, the concept of amotivation is relevant to some research questions and not to others, so the concept is included in some of the scales but not others. Fourth, some of the questionnaires, rather than having separate regulatory-style subscales have only two subscales: controlled regulation and autonomous regulation. This is done when the research questions being addressed can be adequately addressed with just the two "super" categories of regulation. In these scales, items representing external and introjected regulation make up the controlled subscale, and items representing identified, integrated, and/or intrinsic make up the autonomous subscale.Relative Autonomy Index. Finally, it is worth noting that the subscale scores on the SRQ, regardless of the number of subscales in the particular scale, can be combined to form a Relative Autonomy Index (RAI). For example, the SRQ-Academic has four subscales: external, introjected, identified, and intrinsic. To form the RAI, the external subscale is weighted -2, the introjected subscale is weighted -1, the identified subscale is weighted +1, and the intrinsic subscale is weighted +2. In other words, the controlled subscales are weighted negatively, and the autonomous subscales are wei ghted positively. The more controlled the regulatory style represented by a subscale, the larger its negative weight; and the more autonomous the regulatory style represented by a subscale, the larger its positive weight.Summary of the Scoring Procedures. We have used the self-regulatory style values in three ways in different analyses. First, we use each subscale score separately in the analyses so that participants have a score for each style. Second, we compute a Relative Autonomy Index by weighting the subscale scores and combining them (see, e.g., Grolnick & Ryan, 1989). Third, we form a score for controlled regulation by averaging across external and introjected items, and a score for autonomous regulation by averaging across identified, integrated,and/or intrinsic items (e.g., Williams, Grow, Freedman, Ryan, & Deci, 1996).It should be clear that new research questions may require slight adaptations of the existing questionnaire, or that new SRQs may need to be developed for new behaviors or domains. The important point is to remain true to the concept and to validate the adaptations fully. We are in agreement with Loevinger (1957) that psychological tests and surveys should serve as an aid in theoretical development, so any construct is in need of continual "bootstrapping." Scales may be in need of adaptation as the research question changes.Note: The SRQ in the political domain is available from Gaetan F. Losier (by e-mail:losierga@umoncton.ca). Kennon M. Sheldon, University of Missouri, Columbia (e-mail:sheldonk@) has developed a comparable approach to assessing self-regulation for personal strivings. Contact them for further information.ReferencesGrolnick, W. S., & Ryan, R. M. (1989). Parent style associated with children’s self-regulation and competence in school. Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, 143-154.Loevinger, J. (1957). Objective tests as instruments of psychological theory. Psychological Reports, Monograph Supplement, 9 (1, Serial No. 3).Ryan, R. M., & Connell, J. P. (1989). Perceived locus of causality and internalization: Examining reasons for acting in two domains. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57, 749-761.Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55, 68-78. Williams, G. C., Grow, V. M., Freedman, Z., Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (1996). Moti vational predictors of weight-loss and weight-loss maintenance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 115-126.。


谢谢!第一部分:单项选择题1、你对课前自主学习这一环节的看法是:()A、非常喜欢B、喜欢C、一般D、不喜欢2、你喜欢的学习方式是:()A.独立支配学习时间,自主学习B.自主学习,有问题再向小组同学请教C.老师讲为主,自学为辅D.请老师或小组同学讲解讲3、你个人的学习主动性如何?()A、主动完成学习任务B、能够完成学习任务C、不得不完成学习任务D、不能完成学学习任务4、你完成课前预习的情况:()A、能够认真完成预习B、基本上完成预习C、有时能够预习D、没有时间预习5、你对导学案的看法:()A、很好,能引导我自主学习B、我喜欢,能减轻学习负担C、一般,学案内容太多,有时完不成D、不喜欢,太浪费时间6、你是如何完成学案中第一个环节【课前自主学习】部分的:()A、依据学案要求,通过预习课本自主完成B、小组合作完成C、直接到参考书中找答案D、抄袭他人的7、你是否积极参与小组的讨论与交流: ( )A、积极参与B、有时参与C、遇到问题参与D、不参与8、你认为在什么情况下用小组讨论交流的方式?A. 自主学习中出现问题时B. 出现一个有价值的问题,没有现成答案时C. 自己一个人完成不了,需要几个人分工合作时 D、核对答案时9、你是否积极参与课堂自主学习展示:()A、大胆举手,积极展示B、有时举手,参与展示C、等待老师叫自己D、不参与展示10、你认为老师对自主学习的指导如何? ( )A、老师注重自主学习方法点拨,我学有方法,学得较轻松。
11、你喜欢小先生(学生)讲课的自主学习方式吗?()A、非常喜欢B、喜欢C、一般D、不喜欢12、你如何对待你的错题?( )A、小组交流,然后先整理在错题本上,定期进行回顾B、等待老师讲解C、自己找原因D、不了了之13、你是如何利用自习课进行自主学习的?()A、按自己的自主学习计划去做B、按课代表的要求去做C、做自己喜欢做的D、看课外书14、在家时你如何进行自主学习的?()A、制订自主学习计划,按计划进行预习和复习B、在家长的指导、监督下进行自主学习C、只是完成老师布置的作业D、上各种辅导班15、你认为家庭教育对你的自主学习重要吗?()A、非常重要B、一般C、不重要D、无所谓第二部分多项选择题16、目前干扰你自主学习的因素主要来自?()A、班内担当的职务较多B、班级纪律不太好C、老师的学法指导不适合自己D、家庭环境影响E、学校活动多F、自己的懒散习惯17、我校新的教学模式下你喜欢的学习方式是?()A、独立自主学习B、小组交流讨论C、自主学习加合作探究D、“小先生”讲课E、教师制作适当点拨的学习方式18、自主学习时你所使用的学习工具有哪些?()A、课本B、学案C、字典D、辅导书E、电脑F、手机19、你比较喜欢的课堂展示方式有? ( )A、口头展示B、小组集体展示 C到黑板展示D、校本剧表演20、有时在课堂上进行合作探究时很吵,是什么原因?()A、不理解教师的要求B、不知道要如何发表意见C、大家都在大声说,不听小组长的D、有学生趁机说话E、其它21、在课堂探究环节中你希望老师:()A、不要讲得太多B、要多给学习方法的指导C、不要拓展太深D、不要占用时间太长E、学生互相纠错,老师点拨,师生共同总结。


【调研问卷模板】大学生自我管理与自我调节能力调查问卷1. 性别男女2. 年级大一大二大三大四3. 就读院校类型专科普通本科重本(211、985)4. 是否独生子女是否5. 你喜欢所读专业吗?很喜欢可以接受完全没兴趣6. 做过职业生涯规划吗有详细规划过有一定规划没想过7. 如果周末你正在学习刚有点状态,旁边舍友用电脑打开了你喜欢的剧,你会跟着看的可能性是一定就去看了犹豫犹豫还是看了坚定不移地继续学习……边看边学习当做不知道,专心学习8. 你会有意识去改变自己性格或习惯的不足吗经常致力于改造自己有试过没想过9. 假期作业一般你什么时候能完成刚放假几天一鼓作气完成有计划地一天一天完成最后一段时间开始补作业留到最后一天草率完成或者干脆放弃10. 你实现目标或者努力奋斗的主要动力来源来自社会或周边人的压力父母的期盼亲友的关怀恋爱的另一半对未来的憧憬对自己想要的生活的渴望某明星或公众人物(请写出)其他11. 在什么情况下你能安心学习几乎任何情况下都能很快静下心来学习图书馆、自习室等学习氛围浓厚的地方需要有人监督学习总是不能集中注意力学习12. 你会有意识地拓展自己的知识面吗?有强烈的自我拓展意识偶尔会顺其自然感觉没必要13. 你晚上睡觉的时间一般在十点之前十一点之前十二点之前十二点之后14. 如果熬夜一般是在温习预习功课补作业聊天(、电话、舍友等)玩游戏看小说刷空间知乎、段子网之类追剧写作灵感大发有心事胡思乱想其他15. 有意识在大学培养各种能力吗有意识,正在通过各种方式实施有意识,不知道怎么做,希望寻求帮助想培养,只是想过而已无所谓16. 你对大学婚前性行为的看法……底线还是不能逾越大家都这样了我也能接受不介意17. 你的爱好包括哪些类型音乐类唱歌、乐器美术类棋牌动漫类户外类运动类球类阅读写作社交类网络游戏舞蹈类其他18. 你制定计划的习惯和完成情况从不做计划、总能很好地处理各种事从不做计划、做事也没有头绪计划总能有效及时完成计划大多数能完成计划偶尔能做到计划从来都是完不成的19. 你的情绪调节能力怎么样陷入情绪中就无法自控有一些有效的方法来调节自己的情绪能很好地控制自己的情绪。

第一部分:背景信息调查1.您的姓名 [填空题] *_________________________________2.您的学号 [填空题] *_________________________________3.您的性别 [单选题] *○女○男4.您的年龄 [填空题] *_________________________________5.您的专业 [填空题] *_________________________________6.您的班级 [单选题] *○a班○b班○c班7. 您的高中毕业学校 [填空题] *_________________________________第二部分:自我调节学习策略应用调查1.我喜欢《综合英语》这门课。
(以下题项中出现的课程均指《综合英语》)[矩阵文本题] [输入1到7的数字] *2.我觉得这门课很有趣。
[矩阵文本题] [输入1到7的数字] *3.这门课的许多内容可以激发我的好奇心。
[矩阵文本题] [输入1到7的数字] *4.即使不一定能得高分,我也很乐意完成这门课的作业,因为我可以从中学到知识。
[矩阵文本题] [输入1到7的数字] *5.我觉得完全理解这门课的内容是非常重要的。
[矩阵文本题] [输入1到7的数字] *6.我想学好这门课,让我的朋友和家人为我骄傲。

1、我有激发自我学习的动机: 1 2 3 4 5
2、在学习过程中我可以进行自我激励: 1 2 3 4 5
3、我有灵活的学习方法: 1 2 3 4 5
4、在学习过程中我会持之以恒: 1 2 3 4 5
5、在学习过程中我会筛选有用信息(知识): 1 2 3 4 5
6、我会及时总结和反思学习方法(过程、效果):1 2 3 4 5
7、在学习目标上我有属于自己的自我规划: 1 2 3 4 5
8、我会主动寻找获取知识途径: 1 2 3 4 5
9、我有对学习的自我管理能力: 1 2 3 4 5
10、我会充分掌握学习策略: 1 2 3 4 5
11、我会把握自身学习规律: 1 2 3 4 5
12、我会自愿执行学习计划: 1 2 3 4 5
13、我会制定适合自己的学习计划: 1 2 3 4 5
14、我能够充分的利用文献资料: 1 2 3 4 5
15、我能够灵活调用所学知识: 1 2 3 4 5
16、我会自觉拓展知识面: 1 2 3 4 5
17、我会自觉利用资源(网络)学习: 1 2 3 4 5
18、我会主动发现问题: 1 2 3 4 5

学生自主学习能力问卷调查表A经常总结,明确今后努力方向B有问题时找找原因C只是不断努力,用行动代替总结A有自己的一套方法3 、在学习方面你对自己的信心是什么?A充满自信B比较有把握C需要再努力D比较困难4、你有制定自主学习计划的习惯吗?A.已成习惯B.偶尔制定C.从来没有5、你在自主学习时,是否努力在规定的时间内完成预定任务?A.坚持努力B.时而努力C.不够努6、有关自主学习的方法,你属于何种情况?A.经过一定时间的尝试,已把握适合自己的学习方法B.曾试着去实践别人介绍的学习方法,但一段时间后又放弃了C.没想到采取别的学习方法,一直坚持自己效率不高的办法7、你在课前预习的情况如何?A.总是认真预习B.有时预习C.从不预习8、你预习的基本方式是什么?A. 不轻易用教辅材料,先自主阅读新课,圈划疑难点,然后与同学交流B.借助辅导材料阅读教材,力求发现问题,并做笔记C.单纯看一下课本,不做文字标注,也不圈划要点等9、你上课时怎样做笔记?A.记下上课内容的重难点B.在课本上圈点笔记C. 抄下老师的板书10、你参与课堂讨论的情况是什么?A.积极投入B.被动参加C.不愿意参加11、在小组互助合作学习过程中,你的收获大吗?A.收获很大B.收获较大C.收获不大12、老师上课让你回答问题时,你一般会怎样?A.积极思考应答B.看书或听同学的提示回答C.不想回答13、在老师讲课过程中,你的听课方法是什么?A.边听边想边记,有疑问的地方在课内或课外与老师、同学讨论B.边听边把老师要求记的记下来而已C.只听不记14、你怎样利用课堂笔记?A.定期整理课堂笔记,把握重点,解决疑难B.记下的重点内容或老师的提示,等到考试复习时再看C.只是随意记下一点,没有多少利用价值15、你做作业时,遇到问题的主要解决方式是什么?A.完全靠自己思考解决B.查阅有关参考书或请教别人C.把同学做对的作业拿来抄一下16、你遇到疑难问题的主要解决方式是什么?A.及时查阅资料钻研或寻求同学、老师的帮助,力求搞懂B.寻求答案应付一下,万事大吉C.置之不理,不求甚解17、你如何对待错题?A.先整理到错题集上,然后独立思考求解或结合老师讲解查找失误原因B.做错题后,等待老师讲解给答案C.懒于动脑,置之不理18、你如何利用双休日时间?A.自主学习(包括课外阅读),有计划安排休闲娱乐,劳逸结合B.主要是完成作业,很少有休闲活动时间C.主要随意看课。
【免费下载】学习自我调节问卷SRQ L

The Self-Regulation QuestionnairesScale Description | Academic | Prosocial | Health Care | Learning | Exercise | Religion | FriendshipDownload the full packet for the Self-Regulation Questionnaires in a Word fileLearning Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-L)This questionnaire concerns the reasons why people learn in particular settings such as a college or medical school course. Whereas the Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire is for use with children, the Learning Self-Regulation Questionnaire is for older students. It asks three questions about why people engage in learning-related behaviors. This questionnaire was formed with just two subscales: Controlled Regulation and Autonomous Regulation. Thus, the responses that are provided are either controlled (i.e., external or introjected regulation) or autonomous (identified regulation or intrinsic motivation). Because the scale was designed to have just the two "super" categories of regulation, there was no attempt to have the same number of items from each regulatory style (e.g., identified and intrinsic), and there was no psychometric work done on the individual regulatory styles. The validation was done only at the level of the two "super" categories.The scale, which is presented below in two slightly different versions, was developed for use in a study conducted in a medical school course referred to as Organ Systems, in which students learn to do medical interviewing (Williams & Deci, 1996). It is the first of the two versions presented. The scale was adapted slightly for college students learning organic chemistry (Black & Deci, 2000), and that version is presented second. It is essentially the same scale, although two items were dropped for the sake of brevity. The questionnaire can be adapted as needed to refer to the particular course or program being studied. Following each version of the scale is information about scoring it.The ScaleLearning QuestionnaireThe following questions relate to your reasons for participating in the interviewing class. Different people have different reasons for participating in such a class, and we want to know how true each of these reasons is for you. There are three groups of items, and those in each group pertain to the sentence that begins that group. Please indicate how true each reason is for you using the following scale:1234567not at all true somewhat true very trueA.I will participate actively in the organ systems classes:1.Because I feel like it's a good way to improve my skills and my understandingof patients.2.Because others would think badly of me if I didn't.3.Because learning to interview well is an important part of becoming a doctor.4.Because I would feel bad about myself if I didn’t study this approach.B.I am likely to follow my instructor's suggestions for interviewing:5.Because I would get a good grade if I do what he/she suggests.6.Because I believe my instructor's suggestions will help me intervieweffectively.7.Because I want others to think that I am a good interviewer.8.Because it's easier to do what I'm told than to think about it.9.Because it's important to me to do well at this.10.Because I would probably feel guilty if I didn't comply with my instructor'ssuggestions.C.The reason that I will continue to broaden my interviewing skills is:11.Because it's exciting to try new ways to work interpersonally with my patients.12.Because I would feel proud if I did continued to improve at interviewing.13.Because it's a challenge to really understand what the patient is experiencing.14.Because it's interesting to use the interview to try to identify what disease thepatient has.Scoring information for this SRQ-L (interviewing).Begin by calculating the two subscale scores by averaging the items on that subscale. They are:Autonomous Regulation: 1, 3, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14Controlled Regulation: 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12In past studies, the alpha reliabilities for these two subscales have been approximately 0.75 for controlled regulation and 0.80 for autonomous regulation. Analyses can be done with the two separate subscales, or a Relative Autonomy Index can be formed by subtracting the controlled subscale score from the autonomous subscale score.Reasons for Learning QuestionnaireThe following questions relate to your reasons for participating actively in your organic chemistry class. Different people have different reasons for their participation in such a class, and we want to know how true each of the reasons is for you. Please use the following scale to indicate how true each reason is for you:1234567not at all true somewhat true very trueA.I will participate actively in organic chemistry:1.Because I feel like its a good way to improve my understanding of thematerial.2.Because others might think badly of me if I didn’t.3.Because I would feel proud of myself if I did well in the course.4.Because a solid understanding of chemistry is important to my intellectualgrowth.B.I am likely to follow my instructor’s suggestions for studying chemistry:5.Because I would get a bad grade if I didn’t do what he/she suggests.6.Because I am worried that I am not going to perform well in the course.7.Because its easier to follow his/her suggestions than come up with my ownstudy strategies.8.Because he/she seems to have insight about how best to learn the material.C.The reason that I will work to expand my knowledge of chemistry is:9.Because its interesting to learn more about the nature of chemistry.10.Because its a challenge to really understand how to solve chemistryproblems.11.Because a good grade in chemistry will look positive on my record.12.Because I want others to see that I am intelligent.Scoring information for this SRQ-L (chemistry).Begin by calculating the two subscale scores by averaging the items on that subscale. They are:Autonomous Regulation:, 4, 8, 9, 10Controlled Regulation:2, 3, 5, 6, 7,11,12In past studies, the alpha reliabilities for these two subscales have been approximately 0.75 for controlled regulation and 0.80 for autonomous regulation. Analyses can be done with the two separate subscales, or a Relative Autonomy Index can be formed by subtracting the controlled subscale score from the autonomous subscale score.References concerning the SRQ-LBlack, A. E., & Deci, E. L. (2000). The effects of instructors’ autonomy support and students’ autonomous motivation on learning organic chemistry: A self-determination theory perspective. Science Education, 84, 740-756.Williams, G. C., & Deci, E. L. (1996). Internalization of biopsychosocial values by medical students: A test of self-determination theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 767-779.An alternative questionnaire. Robert J. Vallerand, University of Quebec at Montreal (e-mail: vallerand.robert_j@uqam.ca ) and his associates have developed an additional assessment device for measuring motivation for learning at the high school and college levels. Referred to as the Academic Motivation Scale it is available in both English and French. The relevant references are:Vallerand, R. J., Pelletier, L. G., Blais, M. R., Briere, N. M., Senecal, C., & Vallieres, E. F. (1992). The Academic Motivation Scale: A measure of intrinsic, extrinsic, and amotivation in education. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 52, 1003-1017.Vallerand, R. J., Blais, M. R., Briere, N. M., & Pelletier, L. G. (1989). Construction et validation de L’Echelle de Motivation en Education (EME). Canadian Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 21, 323-349.Next: Exercise >Causality Orientations | Perceived Autonomy Support | Self-Regulation | Perceived Competence | Intrinsic Motivation | Health Care | Aspirations Index | Basic Psychological Needs | Self-Determination Scale | Vitality | Motivator's Orientation |Perceptions of ParentsLast modified 13-Dec-2001home | the theory | the faculty | the conference | publications | controversies | questionnaires | links。

()6、上课前,你的预习情况A.能进行预习,知道如何预习B. 能进行预习,但不会预习C.从不预习()7、你做作业的方式与时间A.先复习,后做作业B.先做作业、有问题才翻书C.先做作业、遇到问题就不做了三、学习方法()8、听课时是否有自己的学习目标A.上课前就有明确的学习目标B.在教师讲课时形成自己的学习目标C.老师讲什么,就学什么()9、课堂上,你做笔记的情况A.有所选择,记下一些新的想法B.记下所有的板书C.从不记笔记或随便记一点。
四、上课思维()10、你上课的思维状态怎样A.认真听讲,能把握教师讲的知识要点并认真思考B.认真听讲,记住老师的每一句话,基本跟上老师的思维C.认真听讲,但跟不上老师的思维D.不认真听讲()11、上课时你对老师问题的思考程度A.能思考80%以上问题B. 能思考60%以上问题C.能思考老师60%以下问题()12、你参加课堂讨论的情况A.努力发言,常引导本组同学B.按讨论要求做C.不想参加、不发表意见()13、上课时,你有没有过激动兴奋的体验A.经常产生兴奋、激动的情绪B.有时产生上述情绪C.产生过无聊、灰心丧气的情绪D.上课时学习情绪比较低落,感受不到学习的乐趣五、总结评价()14、你是否定期将已学过的知识进行归纳总结A.经常定期将已学过的知识进行归纳总结B.偶尔和考试前进行归纳总结C.从不归纳总结()15、你是什么时候对自己的学习的进行评价的A.在每单元或章节后或在教师指导下B.自己不主动评价()16.老师对你的学习进行评价后,你是怎么做的A.对老师的评价进行认真的思考并改进B.对老师的评价无所谓六、自主发展()17、你经常阅读哪类书籍A.经常阅读文学名著B.经常阅读中学生读物C.经常阅读武打、言情、网游小说 D什么都不阅读()18、你认为自己的知识主要来自于什么A.老师的讲授B.认为从不同的渠道获得,如报纸杂志网络C.自己独立学习。

学生自主学习能力调查问卷1. 个人信息- 姓名:- 年级:- 性别:2. 研究惯- 你通常在哪个时间段研究?(可以选择多个)- [ ] 早晨- [ ] 上午- [ ] 下午- [ ] 晚上- 你通常在哪里研究?(可以选择多个)- [ ] 在家- [ ] 图书馆- [ ] 教室- [ ] 其他(请注明):- 你喜欢和其他人一起研究吗?- [ ] 是- [ ] 否- 你会制定研究计划吗?- [ ] 是- [ ] 否- 你平均一天花多少时间研究?- [ ] 小于1小时- [ ] 1-2小时- [ ] 2-3小时- [ ] 3-4小时- [ ] 4小时以上3. 研究动机- 你研究的主要动力是什么?(可以选择多个)- [ ] 提高成绩- [ ] 实现个人目标- [ ] 获得老师的认可- [ ] 提升自我价值感- [ ] 对所学内容的兴趣- [ ] 其他(请注明):- 你觉得哪些因素可能会影响你的研究动力?(可以选择多个)- [ ] 缺少兴趣- [ ] 研究内容难以理解- [ ] 缺乏自信- [ ] 缺乏目标和动力- [ ] 时间压力- [ ] 其他(请注明):4. 研究方法- 你会使用哪些研究方法来帮助自己理解和掌握知识?(可以选择多个)- [ ] 阅读教科书和参考书籍- [ ] 讲解给他人听- [ ] 制作笔记和提纲- [ ] 制作图表和图示- [ ] 做题和练- [ ] 参加讨论和小组研究- [ ] 其他(请注明):- 你认为哪种研究方法对你最有效?请说明原因:5. 自主研究能力- 你认为自主研究能力对你的研究成绩有何影响?请简要说明:- 你认为如何培养和提高自主研究能力?请提出建议:6. 其他建议或意见感谢您参与此次调查问卷。

姓名: 性别: 年级: 班级: 年龄: 学号:
中学生自我调节学习量表包括计划与目标设定、自我监控、努力管理、自我效能、认知策略、资源管理、动机策略等7 个维度,共65 个题项。

1、你有制定学习计划的习惯吗?( ) A没有B 没有2、你课外有自觉读书的习惯吗?()A有B 没有3、你有提前预习第二天要讲的各门学科的内容的习惯吗?()A 有 B 没有4、课后有自觉完成作业的习惯吗?()A有B没有5、你的课堂学习方法是()A.带着疑难有针对性听讲或讨论B.跟着老师的引导走C.没有听讲,没有思考问题6、你有自觉使用工具书的习惯吗?()A 有B没有7、你认为自己的学习处于哪一种状态?( )A.自我约束不强,需要老师的严格监督B.有目标,但毅力不足,时而放松对自己的要求C.自立、自为、自律8、你课后有自觉巩固当天所学知识的习惯吗?A 有B 没有9、你时常有自主思考解决遇到难题的习惯吗?A 有 B 没有10、遇到问题,你有主动向老师质疑问难的习惯吗?A 有B 没有11、在传统教学方式下,自己会不会想问题?()A 会B不会12、“基础型课程”、“拓展型课程”、“自主型课程”,你更倾向于哪一种?()A第一种B第二种C第三种13、接受式学习(教师讲,学生听)、体验式学习(从阅读、听讲、研究、实践中获得知识或技能的过程)和自主式学习(自立、自为),你更倾向于哪一种?()A第一种B第二种C第三种14、你的学习目标是( )A升学B报答父母C 将来从事某种职业15、在小组互助合作学习过程中,你的收获大吗?()A. 没有收获B.收获较大C. 收获很大16、你的听课方法是?()A.只听不记B.一边听,一边把老师要求记的记下来C.边听边想边记,有疑问的地方在课内或课外与老师、同学讨论17.你认为下列哪种讲课方式最好?A.注重阐述和分析能力的培养,适当拓宽知识面,发挥学生的主动性B.讲清基本的思路,推导不必太详尽C.按教材讲解重点即可,不必组织学生参与18.你遇到疑难问题的主要解决方式是什么?A.及时查阅资料或寻求同学老师的帮助B.偶尔钻研一下C. 置之不理19. 你什么时间进行复习?A.定期的有计划的复习B.平时不复习,考试前复习C.从来不复习20.你如何对待错题?A.做错了以后,等待老师讲解B.出错后,主动翻书查找原因C.先整理到错题集上,结合独立思考或老师分析查找失误,定期回顾篇二:中学生自主性学习能力问卷调查分析与思考中学生自主性学习能力问卷调查分析与思考邵喜盈2010年5月20日中学生自主性学习能力问卷调查分析与思考太安中学邵喜盈我们太安中学是典型的农村初中,学生大都是农家子弟,我校的教学理念是“让每一个孩子都享受平等教育,让每一个学生都得到全面的发展”。

创建 型 学习 组织中 工自 节 的 论与 证 员 我调 学习 理 实 研究
员工 自我调节学习综合问卷
尊敬的女士/ 先生:
您好! 首先感谢您对该项研究的大力支持! 这是一份了解员工学习情况的问卷, 收集来的数据只用于学术研究,请您放心 ! 其次,在做题的过程中,请您结合自 己的实际情况认真回答,答案没有对错之分,如实回答就是最好的回答。如果相
8、公司为员工提供任职资格条件信息 2
8、 3 学习成绩不好时, 自己不争气 恨
( 1
( 1 ( 1 ( 1 ( 1 ( 1
、1 护
8、 4 把新学的知识与以前学过的旧知识加以比较, 找出异同点
8、 5 公司把学习培训情况作为绩效考核的一项主要内容 8、 6 我对工作投入了很大的热情和精力 8、 7 我为公司的成绩感到 自 因此我不愿跳槽 豪,
2、 7 学习中遇到挫折时,自 觉调整 自己的情绪
}、 】
、、 7
( 1
〔 1
芍 J
、 , 沪
2、 8 学习一段时间之后, 把所学的内容进行整理写出摘要
2、 9 想学习就学习, 不想学习就不学习
( 2 4 ) 1 3 5
( 2 4 5 1 3 ) ( 2 3 5 1 4 )
( 2 4 ) 1 3 5
1、能够取的好成绩是因为我学习很努力 1 1、学习成绩不理想是因为我的运气不好 2 1、我学习时思想开小差 3 1、学习成绩不好是因为我的学习方法不好 4
1,喜欢做一般人做不出来的难题 5
( 3 ) 1 4 2 5 ( 2 5 1 4 ) 3 ( 3 5 1 4 ) 2 ( 3 ) 1 4 2 5

感谢您的支持与配合!一、基本信息1. 您的性别:- 男- 女2. 您的教龄:- 1-3年- 4-6年- 7-9年- 10年以上3. 您所教授的科目:4. 您所在学校类型:- 城市学校- 农村学校二、学生自主学习能力现状5. 您认为您的学生课后自主学习的能力如何?- 非常好- 较好- 一般- 较差- 非常差6. 您认为学生的自主学习能力对他们的学习成绩有何影响?- 非常大- 较大- 一般- 较小- 没有影响7. 在课堂上,您是否鼓励学生进行自主学习?- 总是- 经常- 有时- 很少- 从不8. 您认为学校和家长对学生的自主学习能力培养是否重视?- 非常重视- 较重视- 一般- 较不重视- 完全不重视9. 您认为学生的自主学习能力与学生的学习兴趣有何关系?- 非常大- 较大- 一般- 较小- 没有关系10. 您认为学生的自主学习能力与学生的学习方法有何关系?- 非常大- 较大- 一般- 较小- 没有关系三、学生自主学习能力培养策略11. 您认为如何提高学生的自主学习能力?- 培养学生学习兴趣- 加强学习方法指导- 增加课后作业- 加强家校合作- 其他(请说明):12. 在课堂上,您如何激发学生的学习兴趣?- 创设有趣的教学情境- 采用多样的教学方法- 注重学生个体差异- 加强与学生的互动- 其他(请说明):13. 您如何评价学生的课后自主学习效果?- 定期检查学生作业- 组织学生进行考试- 学生互评- 家长反馈- 其他(请说明):14. 您认为如何加强家校合作,共同培养学生的自主学习能力?- 定期举行家长会- 建立家长微信群- 家长学校- 家长参与学校教学活动- 其他(请说明):感谢您花时间填写本问卷!您的意见对我们非常重要,我们将综合分析数据,努力提高学生的自主学习能力,为学生的全面发展奠定基础。
小学生自主学习能力问卷调查表 (6)

班级:性别:1. 你希望怎样学习?()A.独立支配学习时间B.有一定自主权C.希望老师与家长安排好,不要自主权D.说不清楚2. 你平时是怎样完成学习任务的?()3. 你在课前预习的情况如何?()A.认真预习B.不预习C.有时预习D.没时间预习4. 你的预习方法是什么?()A.只看课本B.结合课外教辅资料预习 C .力求弄懂新知识D.记下不懂的问题5. 你上课时怎样做笔记?()A.抄写老师的板书B.在课本上圈点批注C.默默地记在心里而不记笔记 D.听到老师讲到的你认为是重点的东西都记下来7. 你做作业时,遇到问题主要的解决方式是什么?()A.完全靠自己思考解决B.找相关参考书C.问老师或同学D.等老师发现后讲解8. 你是否经常阅读课外读物?()A.经常阅读B.有时阅读C.偶尔阅读D.没时间阅读9. 你的学习方法是怎样的?()A.有自己的一套方法B.经常借鉴别人的方法C.除了刻苦努力,没有什么方法 D.经常向老师请教学习方法10. 你在总结学习情况方面是怎样做的呢?()A.经常总结B.有问题时找找原因 C.从不总结D.仅仅勤奋学习11.你是怎样复习学过的知识的?A.学过后即时复习 B.从不复习 C.分单元(阶段)复习 D.持续地系统复习12. 你认为自己的知识要来自于什么?()A.老师的讲授B.自己独立学习C.不同的学科情况不同 D.课外阅读和与同学交流。

The Self-Regulation QuestionnairesDownload the full packet for the Self-Regulation Questionnaires in a Word fileLearning Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-L)This questionnaire concerns the reasons why people learn in particular settings such as a college or medical school course. Whereas the Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire is for use with children, the Learning Self-Regulation Questionnaire is for older students. It asks three questions about why people engage in learning-related behaviors. This questionnaire was formed with just two subscales: Controlled Regulation and Autonomous Regulation. Thus, the responses that are provided are either controlled (i.e., external or introjected regulation) or autonomous (identified regulation or intrinsic motivation). Because the scale was designed to have just the two "super" categories of regulation, there was no attempt to have the same number of items from each regulatory style (e.g., identified and intrinsic), and there was no psychometric work done on the individual regulatory styles. The validation was done only at the level of the two "super" categories.The scale, which is presented below in two slightly different versions, was developed for use in a study conducted in a medical school course referred to as Organ Systems, in which students learn to do medical interviewing (Williams & Deci, 1996). It is the first of the two versions presented. The scale was adapted slightly for college students learning organic chemistry (Black & Deci, 2000), and that version is presented second. It is essentially the same scale, although two items were dropped for the sake of brevity. The questionnaire can be adapted as needed to refer to the particular course or program being studied. Following each version of the scale is information about scoring it.The ScaleLearning QuestionnaireThe following questions relate to your reasons for participating in the interviewing class. Different people have different reasons for participating in such a class, and we want to know how true each of these reasons is for you. There are three groups of items, and those in each group pertain to the sentence that begins that group. Please indicate how true each reason is for you using the following scale:1 2 3 4 5 6 7not at all true somewhat true very trueA. I will participate actively in the organ systems classes:1. Because I feel like it's a good way to improve my skills and my understandingof patients.2. Because others would think badly of me if I didn't.3. Because learning to interview well is an important part of becoming a doctor.4. Because I would feel bad about myself if I didn’t study this approach.B. I am likely to follow my instructor's suggestions for interviewing:5. Because I would get a good grade if I do what he/she suggests.6. Because I believe my instructor's suggestions will help me intervieweffectively.7. Because I want others to think that I am a good interviewer.8. Because it's easier to do what I'm told than to think about it.9. Because it's important to me to do well at this.10. Because I would probably feel guilty if I didn't comply with my instructor'ssuggestions.C. The reason that I will continue to broaden my interviewing skills is:11. Because it's exciting to try new ways to work interpersonally with my patients.12. Because I would feel proud if I did continued to improve at interviewing.13. Because it's a challenge to really understand what the patient is experiencing.14. Because it's interesting to use the interview to try to identify what disease thepatient has.Scoring information for this SRQ-L (interviewing).Begin by calculating the two subscale scores by averaging the items on that subscale. They are:Autonomous Regulation: 1, 3, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14Controlled Regulation: 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12In past studies, the alpha reliabilities for these two subscales have been approximately 0.75 for controlled regulation and 0.80 for autonomous regulation. Analyses can be done with the two separate subscales, or a Relative Autonomy Index can be formed by subtracting the controlled subscale score from the autonomous subscale score.Reasons for Learning QuestionnaireThe following questions relate to your reasons for participating actively in your organic chemistry class. Different people have different reasons for their participation in such a class, and we want to know how true each of the reasons is for you. Please use the following scale to indicate how true each reason is for you:1 2 3 4 5 6 7not at all true somewhat true very trueA. I will participate actively in organic chemistry:1. Because I feel like its a good way to improve my understanding of thematerial.2. Because others might think badly of me if I didn’t.3. Because I would feel proud of myself if I did well in the course.4. Because a solid understanding of chemistry is important to my intellectualgrowth.B. I am likely to follow my instructor’s suggestions for studying chemistry:5. Because I would get a bad grade if I didn’t do what he/she suggests.6. Because I am worried that I am not going to perform well in the course.7. Because its easier to follow his/her suggestions than come up with my ownstudy strategies.8. Because he/she seems to have insight about how best to learn the material.C. The reason that I will work to expand my knowledge of chemistry is:9. Because its interesting to learn more about the nature of chemistry.10. Because its a challenge to really understand how to solve chemistryproblems.11. Because a good grade in chemistry will look positive on my record.12. Because I want others to see that I am intelligent.Scoring information for this SRQ-L (chemistry).Begin by calculating the two subscale scores by averaging the items on that subscale. They are:Autonomous Regulation:, 4, 8, 9, 10Controlled Regulation:2, 3, 5, 6, 7,11,12In past studies, the alpha reliabilities for these two subscales have been approximately 0.75 for controlled regulation and 0.80 for autonomous regulation. Analyses can be done with the two separate subscales, or a Relative Autonomy Index can be formed by subtracting the controlled subscale score from the autonomous subscale score.References concerning the SRQ-LBlack, A. E., & Deci, E. L. (2000). The effects of instructors’ autonomy support and students’ autonomous motivation on learning organic chemistry: A self-determination theory perspective. Science Education, 84, 740-756.Williams, G. C., & Deci, E. L. (1996). Internalization of biopsychosocial values by medical students: A test of self-determination theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 767-779.An alternative questionnaire. Robert J. Vallerand, University of Quebec at Montreal (e-mail: vallerand.robert_j@uqam.ca ) and his associates have developed an additional assessment device for measuring motivation for learning at the high school and college levels. Referred to as the Academic Motivation Scale it is available in both English and French. The relevant references are:Vallerand, R. J., Pelletier, L. G., Blais, M. R., Briere, N. M., Senecal, C., & Vallieres, E. F. (1992). The Academic Motivation Scale: A measure of intrinsic, extrinsic, and amotivation in education. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 52, 1003-1017.Vallerand, R. J., Blais, M. R., Briere, N. M., & Pelletier, L. G. (1989). Construction et validation de L’Echelle de Motivation en Education (EME). Canadian Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 21, 323-349.Next: Exercise >Causality Orientations | Perceived Autonomy Support | Self-Regulation | Perceived Competence | Intrinsic Motivation | Health Care | Aspirations Index | Basic Psychological Needs | Self-Determination Scale | Vitality | Motivator's Orientation |Perceptions of ParentsLast modified 13-Dec-2001home | the theory | the faculty | the conference | publications | controversies | questionnaires | links。
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姓名: 性别: 年级: 班级: 年龄: 学号:
中学生自我调节学习量表包括计划与目标设定、自我监控、努力管理、自我效能、认知策略、资源管理、动机策略等7 个维度,共65 个题项。