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Chiari畸形II型(Chiari II Malformation)MRI病例图片影像诊断分析

【临床病史】:患者,2天的婴儿,胎儿期超声检查发现异常。2-day-old infant noted to have an abnormality on prenatal ultrasound.

【影像图片】MR I图像

【影像表现】:T1-weighted sagittal images (Figure 1 and Figure 2) and T2-weighted axial images (Figure 3,Figure 4, and Figure 5) of the brain demonstrate a small posterior fossa with herniation of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum (blue arrows) and a beaked appearance of the tectum (green arrow). There is associated hydrocephalus (red arrow).
