







I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. 9:40. B. 9:50. C. 10:30. D. 10:40.

2. A. Leave right away. B. Stay for dinner.

C. Catch a train.

D. Wait for Eason.

3. A. It will be fine. B. It will not rain at all.

C. It will stop raining.

D. It will rain heavily.

4. A. Great. B. Moved. C. Disappointed. D. Sad.

5. A. She is eager to have lunch. B. She is unwilling to go for lunch now.

C. She is ready for the meeting.

D. She is leaving right now.

6. A. The driver will stop the bus immediately.

B. The guy by the door will help the man.

C. The man should check the map.

D. She will tell the man when to get off.

7. A. She dislikes fireworks. B. She has plans for the evening.

C. She doesn’t feel like going out.

D. She has to get theatre tickets.

8. A. Surfing on the Internet. B. Mailing some documents.

C. Sending a document via email.

D. Writing an attachment.

9. A. To make a tour of Chicago. B. To visit some friends.

C. To attend a conference.

D. To take language courses.

10. A. She liked to go outing nearby. B. She studied very hard at school.

C. She won the champion recently.

D. She was in her third year in the university. Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A. How to read a book. B. How to make a list.

C. How to form a habit.

D. How to make friends.

12. A. They are smart people. B. They are good examples of all people.

C. They make a list for you.

D. They help you cultivate good habits.

13. A. Always have a book. B. Keep a ―To-Do‖ list.

C. Get more intellectual friends.

D. Put down what you will learn.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

14. A. An adult native speaker. B. A professional American actor.

C. A beginner of English learning.

D. An English expert.

15. A. Reading and listening. B. Listening and speaking.

C. Writing and reading.

D. Reading and speaking.

16. A. Fun and efficiency in enjoying reading masterpieces.

B. The recall of all the good memories of your childhood.

C. The true pleasure of the world’s language.

D. The improvement of reading and listening abilities.

Section C

Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered

blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet. Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.

II. Grammar and vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.


250 Drive-Thru(汽车穿梭)Customers Pay It Forward at McDonald’s

In Florida, one McDonald’s customer started a pay-it-forward chain that inspired other 249 customers to be generous and do the same. ABC News reports that (25)__________ spirit of giving is in the air as 250 drive-thru customers at a local McDonald’s paid for the meals of the people next to them. A Lakeland customer, Torie Keene (26)__________ (pay) for her food on Wednesday morning when she decided to pay for the meal of the car next to her.

Keene then purposely told McDonald’s cashier Marisabel Figueroa (27)__________ (greet) the other customer ―Merry Christmas‖and not ―Happy Holidays.‖The next customer was moved when Figueroa said her food was already paid by the previous car. That’s when she thought that she would love to do the same.

It kept going and going. Figueroa, (28)__________ worked from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, said that the chain reaction almost lasted for her entire shift. ―I just kept (29)__________(give) everyone the same message, and they were all so surprised and so happy,‖she continued. ―One lady even paid for the meals of the next three cars (30)__________ her.‖

While people were amazed by how generous they could get, Figueroa said she had the (31)__________ (unforgettable) Christmas experience in her 12 years of working for McDonald’s. ―I feel very (32)__________ (bless) to have been a part of all that,‖the cashier said. And Keene said that she was surprised by the number of people who continued her good deed when she was ―only trying to brighten someone’s day.‖


It was Wayne’s wedding day.

Mrs. Ker (33)__________(relieve)finally. Wayne wanted to cancel the wedding again couple of days ago. She kept asking him (34)__________ and then she was told that he heard Susan’s name.

Mrs. Ker said to Wayne in a serious tone, ―You were both young then. You didn’t know anything about love! What’s going to happen (35)____________________ she has come back? She might have lots of children now! How can you still be dreaming about dating her? She has disappeared for such a long time. Don’t you see (36)__________ a cruel girl she is?‖

Under his parent’s pressure, Wayne couldn’t cancel the wedding. Before the ceremony, he kept reminding himself of his bride’s name. He was afraid he (37)__________ say Susan’s name. He said to himself that he needed to give his parents, his bride a perfect wedding.

When he was kissing his bride, he thought to himself, ―How nice it could be if my bride is Susan!‖

But (38)__________ could go back any more.

Their relationship ended 15 years ago.

His pain was only a recall of yesterday.

Mrs. Ker nodded her head at her son at the wedding, (39)__________ (feel) satisfied. She checked around among the guests. Suddenly, she saw a boy holding a bouquet in the hall. Everybody was sitting but him, (40)__________ he looked pretty outstanding.

She was really shocked when she saw the boy. She gave her husband a slight push, ―Baldwin, look at that boy!‖

Mr. Ker followed her direction and saw the boy too.

―Doesn’t he look a younger version of our son?‖ Mrs. Ker said in a curious voice.

Mr. Ker nodded.

(To be continued) Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

The most efficient knowledge base management systems in the market at the moment are built with the 50to handle all kinds of information. One of the other things that we cannot forget to mention is the mobile functionality of these programs. They are compatible(兼容的)with users across all platforms, and this makes them even more convenient than before.

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

As a parent, you might have a close emotional connection with your child. You’re the only one who can feel their emotions and understand almost all behavioral 51. Every mother has an opportunity to keep an eye on their children and analyze everything they say and do. Some signs 52 that something bad is going to happen. If you see that your child is in low 53 , you should be ready to take immediate measures to prevent the explosion of a crying bomb.

Please forget about physical punishment.This old-school-method of parenting is not the best way to cope with a child’s bad temper.54 , physical punishment is very painful for children. This strategy is the easiest way to put in discipline and make your child willing to obey.55 , psychologists say that physical punishment is so offensive that it can lead to severe consequence. It fills the minds and hearts of children with fear,

56 and anxiety.

Children are like inexhaustible sources of energy. They can run, jump, scream and fool around all day long. So we should lead them to use their negative energy in a proper manner. It’s57 important to find developmental activities and keep your child engaged as much as possible. Let them play games and exercise 58 they want —physical activity is good for their health. Don’t forget to encourage your child and present them with candies or stickers. If your child is fond of singing or dancing, then give them an opportunity to open up and perform like a star.

Communication is vital for you and your kids.Every child needs 59

socialization and communication with parents and their peers. Your words and pieces of advice help them become stronger and find the right path in life. It’s a good chance to avoid generation gap and build a relationship 60 trust. Lack of contact

andcommunication usually make children too 61 and cultivate antisocial personalityin future.

Remember to arm yourself with patience, for patience is the main 62 for many parents who deal with children’s bad temper. Every mother knows that it’s hard to pr eserve unchanged calmness and remain indifferent to children’s cries and tears. Increase the strength of your mind and fill your heart with hope and 63 , because parenting is the hardest job in the world.

I think that the 64 of the problem is not children, but their parents. I hope these useful pieces of advice will help you 65 to your child’s bad temper. What other ways to deal with a child’s bad temper? Share your point of view!

51. A. abilities B. principles C. hints D. virtues

52. A. create B. indicate C. impose D. diagnose

53. A. controls B. disciplines C. emotions D. spirits

54. A. In return B. After all C. No wonder D.For instance

55. A. Moreover B.Otherwise C. However D. Therefore

56. A. hatred B. boredom C. carelessness D. shyness

57. A. roughly B. extremely C. slightly D. subconsciously

58. A. as well as B. as soon as C. as long as D. as far as

59. A. gradual B. acceptable C. complete D. feasible

60. A. leaving out B. addicted to C. going beyond D.based on

61. A. curious B. courageous C. nervous D. generous

62. A. priority B. responsibility C. potential D. possession

63. A. dignity B. wisdom C. bravery D. diligence

64. A. resource B.instruction C. source D. assessment

65. A. adapt B. devote C.refer D. respond

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


① The past year, which is fast becoming just a memory, is the year I drove through the car wash at fifty miles an hour. At least, it felt like fifty miles an hour.

②That day I followed the attendant’s instructions, drove to one of those do-it-yourself car washes. I forgot that my car was a bit moody. I’d been meaning to have

it checked, but it didn’t happen often enough to rush me to the garage. Anyway, then unexpectedly, suddenly we picked up speed before the astonished eyes of the attendant. The car shot through the wash cycle, the wax(蜡)cycle, and the dry cycle at a ridiculous rate of speed, and then aimed for the street at the end of the tunnel. We shot through the tunnel with what seemed like the speed of sound and rushed out into the street while I was relieved to see that no cars were approaching. The water and the wax had not yet dried —the car looked as if it had caught some terrible disease.

③―What happened then?‖ Bobbie asked after I had told my family the story at an evening meal.

④―Nothing,‖ I said.

⑤―Didn’t you go back to the car wash?‖

⑥―Of course not,‖ I replied.

⑦―I don’t blame you,‖ Peter said. ―They might have arrested you for speeding in a car wash.‖

⑧ We all laughed. It was a nice moment. We were relaxing after the dishes had been taken away, the pleasant smell of coffee filling the air. We had been talking about the past year and, without pausing to think of the possible consequences, I had told them about my experience with the car wash.

⑨ The story delighted the children — who are no longer children. Peter and Bobbie are married, in fact, and I realized I had given them a sort of philosophy of life for the future. I could imagine them, years from now, when they gather together and one of them will say, ―Remember the time Dad drove through that car wash …?‖

⑩ Other things happened last year, too, because each year has its events, the good and the bad, the sweet and the sorrowful, the ordinary and the terrific. The milestones and the small incidents stand side by side, fundamentally different in quality or kind, perhaps, but making a sweet kind of harmony.

66. The description of the second paragraph brings up images of _______.

A. disorder

B. diseases

C. storms

D. conflict

67. Which of the following is NOT included in Paragraph 8?

A. The subject of the discussion.

B. The atmosphere of the family talk.

C. The time when the talk occurred.

D. The reason for the car to lose control.

68. Which of the following can serve as the title of the passage?

A. A reflection on car trade

B. A memory of the past year

C. A lesson on driving cars

D. A car accident at a car wash


The J. Paul Getty Museum

With two locations, the Getty Villa in Malibu and the Getty Center in Los Angeles, the J. Paul Getty Museum serves a wide variety of audiences through its expanded range of exhibitions and programming in the visual arts.

Parking information

Parking is $15; $10 after 4:00 p.m. Pay once, park twice on the same day. And get same-day parking at both the Getty Center and the Getty Villa for one $15 fee.

@The Getty Center ?See spectacular art @ The Getty Villa?Visit the ancient

69. Mr. Larry drove to the Getty Center and the Getty Villa on December 23 (Wednesday), 2015, and enjoyed a wonderful tour there. He paid the parking fee _______ altogether.

A. $10

B. $15

C. $20

D. $30

70. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. The J.Paul Getty Museumis an art museumhoused on two sites.

B. The Getty Villa is closed on the same holidays as the Getty Center.

C. The sale of alcohol is forbidden to people in the J.Paul Getty Museum.

D. Timed tickets must be obtained in advance in the Getty Villa.

71. In 2015, at least _______ was/were a good time for enjoying all the art works in

the J.Paul Getty Museumin one day.

A. all Mondays

B. all Tuesdays

C. New Year holidays

D. January 2 (Thursday)

72. People who go to the Getty Villamay _______.

A. enjoy the views overlooking Los Angeles

B. conduct the visit any time because the tickets are free

C. appreciate the arts andcultures of ancient Greece and ancient Rome

D. have lunches they bring with them anywhere inside the exhibition area


When a patient calls for help at Seton Medical Center, ―Hi, Mr. Rogers, can I help you?‖ says a nurse; it’s never a problem finding the nurse. It’s because they all wear

locator tags that are part of a wireless system that tracks their movements on the floor. ―You can even tell when they are walking down the hallway.‖ says James Hattori.

This system made by Hill-Rom uses infrared(红外线的)signals to detect when nurses enter a room to answer a call. The Hill-Rom devices look like a mini computer mouse. Some hospitals are putting them in nurses’ kitchens. Staff can talk and listen through a wall unit to nurses or even to patie nts in other rooms. ―We can put the time we were spending hunting staff down, trying to find and locate them to much better use,‖ says a staff member from Seton. Hill-Rom says it has systems installed in more than 850 U.S. hospitals.

Some nurses worry that the devices will be used to listen in on conversations and scrutinize their movements. ―I’m not wearing mine. I will still meet my patient’s needs but I will not wear this badge.‖ Annette Bearden is among dozens of nurses at Eden Medical Center who staged an active protest two months ago and hid their badges though they wer e later recovered. ―You know it makes me not feel like a professional. It makes me feel like that someone has to watch me to make sure I am doing my job.‖ ―The biggest reason we installed this technology is because our old call system is about 25 years ol d,‖ says a hospital manager. For hospitals this is a case of technology allowing, perhaps forcing people to better make use of their time. Officials at Eden don’t deny they monitor how long it takes nurses to respond to calls but say their main concern is patient care. ―I think it is one tool that we can use in measuring overall performance but by itself it is not a valid disciplinary tool,‖ says an Eden spokesperson.

Eden is expanding its system with hopes the nurse will eventually accept the new technolog y, but back at Seton where it’s been in place for about two years, there is no uneasiness. ―Once the staff actually find out how advantageous it can be for them and the patients, well, actually it became very popular.‖

In Castro Valley, California, the Eden Medical Center spent almost three hundred thousand dollars to install the Hill-Rom systems on two floors. Eden hopes to get more of the systems for other floors.

73. Why is it easy to find a nurse at Seton Medical Center?

A. The nurses are on television.

B. The nurses wear locator badges.

C. Every patient has his/her own nurse.

D. Each room has a telephone.

74. How canthe stafftalk to their patients when they are not in the same room?

A. With hand signals.

B. Through microphones in the pocket.

C. Through a wall unit.

D. With infrared signals on the doors.

75. According to the passage, the underlined word ―scrutinize‖(paragraph 3) probably

means _______.

A. watch closely

B. see inside

C. scan word by word

D. make right

76. How did the nurses at Eden Medical Center react to the badges?

A. The nurses really liked the badges.

B. They threw the locator badges away.

C. They refused to work.

D. They protested and concealed the badges.

77. According to the administrators of the hospital, Eden Medical Center, the application

of the Hill-Rom devices mainly aims at _______.

A. introducing modern technology

B. adding a tool for discipline

C. replacing the old call system

D. improving the service for patients

Section C

Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

It was early in the afternoon of May 10, 1996. I hadn’t slept in 57 hours. The only food I had been able to force down over the proceeding three days was a bowel of soup. Weeks of violent coughing had made ordinary breathing a bitter process.At 29,028 feet up in the troposphere(气体对流), so little oxygen was reaching my brain that my mental capacity was that of a slow child. Under the circumstances, I was incapable of feeling much of anything except cold and tired.

I’d arrived on the summit a few minutes after Anatoli Boukreev, a Russian climbing guide working for an American commercial expedition, and just ahead of Andy Harris, a guide on the New Zealand-based team to which I belonged. Although I just met Boukreev, I had come to know and like Harris well during the proceeding six weeks.I snapped four quick photos of Harris and Boukreev striking summit poses, then turned and headed down. My watch re ad 1:17 p.m. I’d spent less than five minutes on the roof of the world.

A moment later, I paused to take another photo, this one looking down the Southeast Eidge, the route we had chosen to go up. Training my lens(镜头)on a pair of climbers approaching the summit, I noticed something that until that moment had escaped my attention. To the south, where the sky had been perfectly clear just an hour earlier, a blanket of clouds now hid the peaks surrounding Everest. Later, after six bodies had been located, after a search for two others had been abandoned, after surgeons had removed the

rotten right hand of my teammate Beck Weathers, people would ask why, if the weather had begun to worsen, had climbers on the upper mountain not observed the signs? Why did experienced Himalayan guides keep moving upward, leading a gang of relatively inexperienced amateurs —each of whom had paid as much as $65,000 to be taken safely up Everest —into an apparent death trap?

Nobody can speak for the leaders of the two guided groups involved, because both men are dead. But I can assure that nothing I saw early on the afternoon of May 10th suggested that a murderous storm was bearing down. To my oxygen-exhausted mind, the clouds drifting up the grand valley of ice known as the Western Cwm(西库姆冰斗)looked so friendly and innocent in the brilliant midday sun, not different from the harmless puffs(喷烟)that rose from the valley almost every afternoon.

As I began my descent I was extremely anxious, but my concern had little to do with the weather: a check of the meter on my oxygen tank had revealed that it was almost empty. I needed to get down, fast.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)

78. Where were the three climbers mentioned in the second paragraph from?

______________________________________________________________________ 79. Besides the change of the weather, what else led to the expedition team’s falling into a death trap?

_______________________________________________________________________ 80. The underlined phrase ―the harmless puffs‖ in paragraph 4 refers to ______________ _______________________________________________________________________.

81. The author spent less than five minutes on the roof of the world and climbed down fast because _______________________________________________________________.


I. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.






II. Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


“学生在学校学得够多了吗?”(Are students learning enough in school?)






静安区2015学中考一模英语 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 2016.1 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答 题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) : (6分) A B C D E F G H 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) : (8分) 7. A) Coins. B) Clocks. C) Signs. D) Stones. 8. A) Once a day. B) Twice a week. C) Once a month. D) Twice a month. 9. A) Cloudy. B) Rainy. C) Sunny. D) Windy. 10. A) 10 yuan. B) 90 yuan. C) 100 yuan. D) 110 yuan. 11. A) In the cinema. B) In the library. C) At the supermarket. D) At the post office. 12. A) To speak to Mary. B) To leave a message. C) To see the manager. D) To call back. 13. A) She’ll invite the man to dinner later. B) She has her own plans for dinner tonight. C) She doesn’t like to have dinner with him. D) She’ll have dinner with the man tonight.


杨浦区2015学年度第一学期高三“3+1”质量调研 英语学科试卷2016. 1 本试卷分为第I卷(第1-13页)和第II卷(第14页)两部分。全卷共14页。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 考生注意: 1.答第I卷前,考生务必将条形码粘贴在答题纸的指定区域内。 2. 第I卷(1-16小题,41---77小题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题卡 上。考生应将代表正确答案的小方格用铅笔涂黑。注意试题题号和答题卡编号一一对应,不能错位。答案需要更改时,必须将原选项用橡皮擦去,重新选择。答案写在试卷上一律不给分。第I卷中的第17-40小题,78-81小题和第II卷的试题,其答案用钢笔或水笔写在答题纸的规定区域内,如用铅笔答题,或写在试卷上则无效。 第I卷(共103分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Tour guide and traveler. B. Teacher and student. C. Boss and secretary. D. Bank clerk and customer. 2. A. The woman should tell her feeling to her sister. B. The woman should respect her boyfriend’s privacy. C. The woman should not interfere in her sister’s love affairs. D. The woman should have a talk with her sister’s boyfriend. 3. A. A cartoon. B. A movie about a talk show. C. A comedy. D. A violent movie. 4. A. Their professional development. B. Project investment. C. Current circumstances. D. Appreciation for opinions. 5. A. 100 cents. B. 85 cents. C. 45 cents. D. 70 cents. 6. A. The train seldom arrives on time. B. The schedule has been misprinted. C. The speakers arrived at the station late. D. The company has trouble printing a schedule. 7. A. The man desires to work in a power plant.


普陀区2016学年第一学期髙三英语 I.Listening Comprehensio n Section A10% Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard 1. A.Relaxed B.Annoyed C. Worried. D. Satisfied 2. A. On February 1st. B. On February 2nd. C. On February 3rd D. On February 8th. 3. A. A basketball player. B. A laundry worker. C. A window washer. D. A rock climber. 4. A. To a stationery shop. B. To a gymnasium. C. To a paint store. D. To a news stand. 5. A. Ask for something cheaper B. Buy the purse she really likes C. Protect herself from being hurt. D. Bargain with the shop assistant. 6.A. She doesn't plan to continue studying next year. B.She has already told the man about her plan. C.She isn’t planning to leave her university. D.She recently visited a different university


2016年上海市静安区、青浦区中考英语二模试卷 一、Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力)I. Listening comprehension (听力理解)(共30 分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6 分) 1.(6分) B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分) 7.(1分)A)Rainy. B)Cloudy. C)Sunny. D)Windy. 8.(1分)A)Dogs. B)Horses. C)Cats. D)Sheep. 9.(1分)A)In a restaurant. B)At a post office. C)In a library.

D)In a shop. 10.(1分)A)By taxi. B)On foot. C)By bus. D)By bike. 11.(1分)A)Amazing. B)Generous. C)Boring. D)Terrible. 12.(1分)A)Teacher and student. B)TV host and guest. C)Policeman and driver. D)Shop assistant and customer. 13.(1分)A)Because she is too busy. B)Because she is ill in bed. C)Because her school network doesn't work. D)Because she has no computer at home. 14.(1分)A)The class teacher missed the morning meeting. B)The class teacher was looking for the boy all morning. C)Alice was having a morning meeting on"how to keep the classroom clean".D)Some plans on"how to keep the classroom cle an"were discussed at the meeting. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(7分) 15.(1分)A rich man hired (雇佣)a little girl to count his money to know how much money he had. 16.(1分)The little girl spent six days counting the rich man's twenty﹣four million dollars. 17.(1分)The little girl was so foolish that she asked only two pennies for her first ﹣day work.


静安区2015学年第一学期高三年级教学质量检测 英语试卷2016. 1 考生注意: 1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分150分。 2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。试卷分为第I卷(第1-13页)和第II 卷(第13-14页),全卷共14页。所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。 3. 答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名。 第I卷(共103分) I.Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and thequestionswillbespokenonlyonce.Afteryouhearaconversationandthequestionab outit, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Teacher. B. Repairman. C. Shop assistant. D. Doctor. 2. A. At home. B. At school. C. In the hospital. D. On the street. 3. A. His new job is too difficult for him. B. He is used to his new job. C. He is still trying to get used to his new job. D. He doesn’t like his new job. 4. A. 15 dollars. B. 14 dollars. C. 10 dollars. D. 12 dollars. 5. A. She is surprised at her mum’s coming back so soon. B. She thinks that she is too slow. C. She wants the man to be quick. D. She will go out herself. 6. A. She used to be in poor health. B. She was popular among boys. C. She was somewhat overweight. D. She didn’t do well at high school. 7. A. At the airport. B. In a restaurant. C. In a booking office. D. At the hotel reception.


2017年上海市青浦区高考数学一模试卷 一.填空题(本大题满分54分)本大题共有12题,1-6每题4分,7-12每题5分考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得分,否则一律得零分. 1.已知复数z=2+i(i为虚数单位),则. 2.已知集合,则A∩B=. 3.在二项式(x+)6的展开式中,常数项是. 4.等轴双曲线C:x2﹣y2=a2与抛物线y2=16x的准线交于A、B两点,|AB|=4,则双曲线C的实轴长等于. 5.如果由矩阵=表示x,y的二元一次方程组无解,则实数a=.6.执行如图所示的程序框图,若输入n=1的,则输出S=. 7.若圆锥的侧面积为20π,且母线与底面所成的角为,则该圆锥的体积为. 8.设数列{a n}的通项公式为a n=n2+bn,若数列{a n}是单调递增数列,则实数b 的取值范围为. 9.将边长为10的正三角形ABC,按“斜二测”画法在水平放置的平面上画出为△A′B′C′,则△A′B′C′中最短边的边长为.(精确到0.01) 10.已知点A是圆O:x2+y2=4上的一个定点,点B是圆O上的一个动点,若满

足|+|=|﹣|,则?=. 11.若定义域均为D的三个函数f(x),g(x),h(x)满足条件:对任意x∈D,点(x,g(x)与点(x,h(x)都关于点(x,f(x)对称,则称h(x)是g(x) 关于f(x)的“对称函数”.已知g(x)=,f(x)=2x+b,h(x)是g(x)关于f(x)的“对称函数”,且h(x)≥g(x)恒成立,则实数b的取值范围是. =ka n+3k﹣3,其中k为不等于0 12.已知数列{a n}满足:对任意的n∈N*均有a n +1 与1的常数,若a i∈{﹣678,﹣78,﹣3,22,222,2222},i=2,3,4,5,则满足条件的a1所有可能值的和为. 二.选择题(本大题满分20分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分. 13.已知f(x)=sin x,A={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}现从集合A中任取两个不同元素s、t,则使得f(s)?f(t)=0的可能情况为() A.12种B.13种C.14种D.15种 14.已知空间两条直线m,n两个平面α,β,给出下面四个命题: ①m∥n,m⊥α?n⊥α; ②α∥β,m?α,n?β?n⊥α; ③m∥n;m∥α?n∥α ④α∥β,m∥n,m⊥α?n⊥β. 其中正确的序号是() A.①④B.②③C.①②④D.①③④ 15.如图,有一直角墙角,两边的长度足够长,若P处有一棵树与两墙的距离分别是4m和am(0<a<12),不考虑树的粗细.现用16m长的篱笆,借助墙角围成一个矩形花圃ABCD.设此矩形花圃的最大面积为u,若将这棵树围在矩形花圃内,则函数u=f(a)(单位m2)的图象大致是()

上海市普陀区高三上学期一模英语试题 含答案

2016届上海普陀高三一模 考试时间:120分钟满分:150分 II. Grammar and Vocabulary (26分) Section A Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. (A) Different forms of hospitality (好客) I am a British woman social anthropologist (人类学家). I once spent a year in Moldova, in Eastern Europe, (25)______ (study) everyday life in the country. I stayed with a Moldovan family to see from the inside how people managed their lives. I had a wonderful time and made many new friends. What I observed is of course based on my own experience at a particular place and time. I often found (26) _______ surprisingly difficult to see life there through the eyes of a Moldovan. This was (27) ______ the people I met were extremely hospitable and I was treated as an honoured guest at all times. As my hosts, they wanted me to enjoy myself, and not to get (28) ______ (involve) in shopping, cooking, or other domestic jobs. Most mornings I was encouraged to go out to explore the city, or carry out my research, and I returned later to find that my elderly landlady and her sister had travelled across the city on buses to the central market (29) ________ (bring) back heavy loads of potatoes, a whole lamb, or other large quantities of products. I was often invited to people’s homes, and was always offered food on entering. Mo st of the adults I met enjoyed inviting friends, family, neighbours, colleagues and even strangers into their homes, (30) ______ they treated them to food, drink, and a lively hospitable atmosphere. Hosts hurried to serve guests as well and as quickly as possible. (31) ______ a household was expecting guest, large amounts of food were prepared in advance, usually by the women. Wine had already been made, generally by the men, (32) ______ were also responsible for pouring it. Unexpected visitors were still offered as much food and drink as the household (33) ______ provide in the circumstances. (B) How English family life has evolved since the eighteenth century The majority of English families of the pre-industrial age, roughly until the mid-eighteen century, lived in a rural location. Many of them owned or had the use of a small piece of land, and actually all family members were busy with agricultural work in one form or another, usually (34) _______ (grow) food for their own consumption and sometimes also producing food or other goods for sale. The labour was controlled by the husband, (35) ______ _____ his wife and children, too, had an economic value as their contributions to the family income were likely to make the difference between starvation and survival. Children worked from an early age, girls helping their mothers, and boys their fathers. School was an occasional factor in their lives. Instead, children learned by doing (36) _______ their parents showed them. Knowledge of caring (37) ______ animals, sewing was handed down from parent to child. Also, most people engaged in handicraft production in the home, and the family (38)


2016年上海市青浦区高考语文一模试卷 一、阅读80分 1.阅读下文,完成后面各题。 收藏是一种物证 马未都 ①文物兼精神与物质两方面属性。 ②文物收藏之所以诱人,藏品增值是最直接的原因,再加之中国文物浩如烟海,种类繁多,以个人智力财力精力与之挑战,败多胜少,刺激无穷,这就使具备一定条件的现代人执着于此,且乐此不疲。 ③中国历史上的收藏大都形成于物阜民丰之际。我们熟知的赵宋皇帝宋徽宗,就是一位身体力行的收藏爱好者。时隔千年,我们仍能读到成书于北宋宣和年间的有关收藏的各类书籍。徽宗酷爱艺术,不谙政事,做了国家画院院长,却丢了国家。这让后人对这一段幽怨的历史唏嘘不已,百思不得其解。这就是收藏的魅力。我们今天仍对赵宋江山所遗留的书画、陶瓷等艺术珍品怀着崇高的敬意。对宋徽宗﹣﹣赵佶本人的艺术造诣也怀着同样的敬意。他的《写生珍禽图》以2300万的高价拍卖成交。 ④2002年春季,中国嘉德拍卖公司在北京成功地拍卖出宋徽宗的《写生珍禽图》,每一个在拍卖现场的人当时都激动不已。十数人不断勇敢地举起了手中的号牌,争先恐后,轮番冲刺。我在现场,享受着那振奋人心的一刻,所有人对每一次的价格攀升发出惊呼。一位老者,尽自身全部财力,倾终生对艺术的向往,在1300万高价位勇敢地伸出了自己那只苍老却苍劲的手。我知道,那是老先生全部的财产。他用行动阐释着收藏的魅力。事后,他对我说,那东西(《写生珍禽图》)属于我了一秒钟。1300万与一秒钟,是老先生酷爱艺术的写照,我甚至觉得他的1300万与成交价2300万相比,前者更让人感动,虽败犹荣。 ⑤这件《写生珍禽图》虽为徽宗本人所绘,却没有落下徽宗手迹,何种原因,众说纷纭。但上面却留有另一位赫赫有名的皇帝手迹,这就是乾隆﹣﹣满清王朝最富魅力的皇帝。乾隆帝为十二帧画面均题有手迹并钤盖收藏章,表明他对这件神品的珍爱。我们对乾隆的了解,除去学者,大都来自赏心悦目的电视剧。这位风流倜傥的皇帝一生都是传奇。他自称十全老人,文治武功前无古人,后无来者。乾隆一生作诗四万八千余首,仅比全唐诗少千余首,大家可想,唐朝近300年,有名有姓、无名无姓的诗作,今存累加仅微胜乾隆一人,可惊可叹! ⑥这样一位皇帝,也同样酷爱收藏。乾隆在位长达60年,后又做了四年太上皇,当之无愧地是中国历史在位最长的皇帝。政事繁重,日理万机。但一获闲暇,他就会取天下宝物自我欣赏,吟诗作赋,倍加赞赏。清档记载着乾隆帝每一次赏古,在三希堂那半间小屋,古物向一国之君诉说着往事。那一刻,乾隆帝身心得以放松,精神获得慰藉。这有《弘历赏古图》为证。我们今天获得一件乾隆时期的文物已是欣喜,二三百年的时间对历史不过一瞬,但对我们已是遥不可及。在文物面前,不仅我们是过客,连鼎鼎弘历依旧也是匆匆过客。我们在文物面前走过,带着它传授给我们的文化信息。我们接受,我们享受。中华文化就这样通过一件件具体的文物一代代地传承。 ⑦盛世收藏,乱世黄金。太平天下,百姓衣食富足,便更加渴望精神上的富足。他们需要精神物质来填补内心的空白。当我们捧着一个白瓷碗时,我们应该知道古人用了上千年的努力,才摆脱了烧瓷中的“黑暗”,同时摆脱了黑瓷碗在吃饭时给心中留下的阴影。当我们用“宁为玉碎,不为瓦全”来表达某一种决心时,我们应该了解中国人使用玉的历史。美石为玉,中华民族对玉石的顶礼膜拜,归纳为玉有五德,仁义智洁勇。还有什么理念比这五德更具魅力么?所以古人谆谆告诫“君子无故,玉不去身”。藏家佩玉的沾沾自喜就来自于此。 ⑧历史不会停歇,一刻不停地向前,留下的是物质,带有文化特性的物质就是文物。它是一个物证,证明中华民族曾有过怎样的辉煌,证明人类进步每一步是怎样的不易,这些信息构成了文明的魅力。 (1)第②段加点的“这”指代的内容是。 (2)把下列语句组织起来填入第①段方框中,语意连贯的一项是 ①是那个时代人们对世界的理解②除去材质的特性③而物质自身 ④更多的是前人对精神的具体追求⑤一件文物所包含的精神是一种文化


C. A book. B. A magaz ine. C. In November. B. I n February. C. Some ink. B. A pen cil. B. In a post office. C. At a ticket office. B. She visited her sister. C. She watched a football game. C. A book. A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或 后, 例: A. A n ewspaper. 答案是A 。 1. When does the rainy seas on start? A. In Janu ary. 2. What does the woma n n eed? A. A pen. 3. Where are the two speakers? A. In a supermarket. 4. What did the woma n do last ni ght? A. She saw a movie. 5. What are the two speakers talking about? A. Networks. B. Holidays. 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分) 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的 听每段对话或独白前,你将有 独白你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. Which of the followi ng is the lost girl? 30分) 节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话 你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。 What is the man going to read? 第一部分:听力理解(共三节, 第士 北京市朝阳区2016年高三一模试卷 英语试卷 2016. 4 本试卷共12页,共150分。考试时长120分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结 束 后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 7. What does the man ask the woma n to do? A. Look for the girl by herself. B. Stay at the front of the store. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. Why does the man call the compa ny? A. To give advice on the job. B. To express prefere nee for the job. 9. What is the duty of a marketi ng assista nt? A. Travelli ng around in the first six mon ths. B. Doing market research in differe nt cities. C. Collect ing in formatio n and writ ing reports. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What does the speaker suggest competitors do at first? A. Set up a team. B. Choose a topic. 11. What prize can the first-prize winners get? A. Notebook computers. B. Digital cameras. 12. When can the competitors get the result? A. On May 30th. B. On August 15th. 听第9段材料,回答第13至15题。 13. Why does the man take part in the race? A. He is in poor health. B. He is con fide nt of his stre ngth. 14. What does the man think of the young people no wadays? A. They don't get much exercise. B. They seldom watch games on TV. 15. What does the man suggest the woma n do? G C. Go back to the vegetable sect ion. C. To ask for in formati on about the job. C. Register for the competiti on. C. A trip to Australia. C. On October 1st C. He is setting an example for others. C. They love all kinds of popular sports.


2017年青浦区初三一模语文试题 一、文言文(40分) (一)默写(15分) 1、山水之乐,。(《醉翁亭记》) 2、,草色入帘青。(《陋室铭》) 3、,铁马冰河入梦来。(《十一月四日风雨大作》) 4、青山绿水,。(《天净沙·秋》) 5、,必先苦其心志……(《生于忧患,死于安乐》) (二)阅读下面的词,完成6-7题(4分) 丑奴儿·书博山道中壁 少年不识愁滋味,爱上层楼。爱上层楼,为赋新词强说愁。 而今识尽愁滋味,欲说还休。欲说还休,却道天凉好个秋。 6、本词作者是南宋词人(人名)(2分) 7、下列理解不正确的一项是()(2分) A.上阙写少年涉世未深却故作深沉的闲愁。 B.下阙写词人满腹心酸却无法倾诉的哀愁。 C.“爱上层楼”委婉地表现出少年怀才不遇的郁闷。 D.“却道天凉好个秋”含蓄表达词人忧国伤时之情。 (三)阅读下文,完成8-10题(4分) 王顾左右而言他 《孟子》 孟子谓齐宣王曰:“王之臣,有托其妻子于其友而之楚游者。比其反也,则冻馁其妻子,则如之何?” 王曰:“弃之。” 曰:“士师不能治士,则如之何?” 王曰:“已之。” 曰:“四境之内不治,则如之何?” 王顾左右而言他。 8、下列内容与《孟子》无关的一项是()(3分) A.儒家经典 B.记录孟子言行 C.编年体 D.“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻”的出处 9、用现代汉语翻译下面句子(3分) 比其反也_______________________________ ___________ 10、孟子巧问诘难齐宣王,其根本目的是____________________________(3分) (四)阅读下文,完成11-13题(12分) 蔡邕①字伯喈,陈留②圉③人也。少博学,唯辞章、数术、天文是好.,妙操音律。桓帝时,中常侍徐璜 等五侯擅恣④,闻邕善.鼓琴,遂白天子,敕陈留太守督促发遣。邕不得已,行到偃师⑤,称疾而归。吴人有 烧桐以爨⑥者,邕闻火烈之声,知其良木,因请而裁为琴,果有美音,而其尾犹焦,故时人名曰“焦尾琴”焉。 (选自《后汉书·蔡邕传》,有删改) 【注】①蔡邕,东汉著名文学家、书法家。②陈留:古地名。③圉(yǔ):县名。 ④擅恣:放纵,不受约束。⑤偃师:县名。⑥爨(cuàn):烧火做饭。 11、解释加点的词(4分)


青浦区2016学年第一学期高三年级期末学业质量调研测试 语文试卷 1.本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分,试卷包括试题与答题要求,所有答题必须写在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。 2.答题纸与试卷在试题编号上是一一对应的,答题时应注意,不能错位。 3.考试时间150分钟。试卷满分150分。 一、积累与运用(1-5题)(10分) 1.何时倚虚幌,(杜甫《月夜》)(1分) 2.人有悲欢离合,。( [填作者名]《水调歌头·明月几时有》)(2分) 3.?何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时?用的最突出的手法是。在柳永《八声甘州》中运用相同手法的句子是?,、??(2分) 4.高中毕业和最要好的同学分别,最能表达此刻心情的句子是()(3分) A.海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 B.莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君。 C.执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。D.寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。 5.如果你在上海人民广场边上向附近商家一位中年妇女询问如何到上海博物馆,最恰当的询问语是()( 2分) A.嗨!你好!不好意思打扰一下,请问去上海博物馆怎么走? B.阿姨你好!请问去上海博物馆怎么走比较方便? C.唔……阿姨你好,你能帮我指点怎么去上海博物馆的路吗? D.你好!阿姨,你知道上海博物馆在哪里吗?你能帮我指路吗? 二、阅读(70分) (一)阅读下文,完成6-10题(16分) 情与辞朱光潜 ①一切艺术都是抒情的,都必表现一种心灵上的感触,显著的如喜、怒、爱、恶、哀、愁等情绪,微妙的如兴奋、颓唐、忧郁、宁静以及种种不易名状的飘来忽去的心境。文学当作一种艺术看,也是如此。不表现任何情致的文字就不算是文学作品。文字有言情、说理、叙事、状物四大功用,在文学的文字中,无论是说理、叙事、状物,都必须流露一种情致;若不然,那就成为枯燥的没有生趣的日常应用文字,如账簿、图表、数理化教科书之类。不过这种界线也很不容易划清,因为人是有情感的动物,而情感是容易为理、事、物所触动的。许多哲学的,史学的,甚至于科学的著作都带有几分文学性,就是因为这个道理。我们不运用言辞则已,一运用言辞,就难免要表现几分主观的心理倾向,至少也要有一种?理智的信念?,这仍是一种心情。 ②行文有三个步骤,第一步要心中先有一种情致,其次要找出具体的事物可以烘托出这种情致,这就是思想分内的事,最后要找出适当的文辞把这内在的情思化合体表达出来。文艺先须有要表现的情感,这情感必融会于一种完整的具体意象,即借那个意象得表现,然后用语言把它记载下来。 ③我特别提出这一个学说来,用意是在着重这三个步骤中的第二个步骤。这是一般人所常忽略的。一般人常以为由?情?可以直接到?辞?,不想到中间需经过一个?思?的阶段,尤其是十九世纪浪漫派理论家主张?文学为情感的自然流露?,很容易使人发生这种误解。在这里我们不妨略谈艺术与自然的关系和分别。艺术(art)原义为?人为?,自然是不假人为的;所以艺术与自然处在对立的地位,是自然就不是艺术,是艺术就不是自然。说艺术是?人为的?就无异于说它是?创造的?。创造也并非无中生有,


2016学年青浦区调研测试九年级英语试卷 (满分150分,完卷时间100分钟) 考生注意: 本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均釆用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part1Listening(第一部分听力) I.Listening Comprehension(听力理解):(共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(6分) B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对 话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分) 7.A)Rainy.B)Cloudy.C)Sunny.D)Stormy. 8.A)Chemistry.B)Geography.C)Maths.D)Physics. 9.A)Half an hour.B)One hour.C)Two hours.D)One and a half hours. 10.A)Stay at home.B)Take a lesson.C)See a movie.D)Learn Chinese. 11.A)Because her grandpa hurt his leg.B)Because she needsto see a doctor. C)Because her grandpa talks with the boss.D)Because she has finished the task. 12.A)In a hospital.B)In a library.C)In a supermarket.D)In a restaurant. 13.A)He will work for another three hours. B)He is too tired and will stop working. C)He5s glad to have a cup of coffee when he finishes his report. D)He will have a cup of coffee before going on working. 14.A)The sports team.B)The plan for the new year. C)The school newspaper.D)The new tennis club. C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):(6分) 15.The speech is about the arrangements for the Swimming Competition next Saturday. 16.The students will meet at the school library before going to the city Swimming Pool. 17.The school will prepare the sports uniforms and sports shoes for the students that day.
