❖ 我的幻灯片已结束,谢谢观看!
❖ 它们喜欢夜间行动~并且开始的时候胆子比较小, 等养时间长啦你叫它,它就知道是叫他呢~!你可 以拿个盒子养它,不过不要是纸壳的,它能磕开! 你要买些木屑给它里面,之后放些撕成长条的手纸。 他自己会絮窝!你买一个专用的喝水的,再买些粮 食就可以啦!一共花不了多钱。木屑大约10-15元, 粮食也是10-15元!你要想好好养就再买一个窝, 也就10元那样。之后再买个它们洗澡和NN的盒子。 里面放些专用洗澡沙子!一共加起来不会过50元!
• 仓鼠是仓鼠亚科动物的总称。共七属十八 种,主要分布于亚洲,少数分布于欧洲, 其中中国有三属八种。除分布在中亚的小 仓鼠外,其他种类的仓鼠两颊皆有颊囊, 从臼齿侧延伸到肩部。可以用来临时储存 或搬运食物回洞储藏,故名仓鼠,又称腮 鼠、搬仓鼠。
仓鼠爱什么水果:充满水分的水果。也可以放一个“仓鼠饮水器”, 便于它喝水。
(我爱喝饲养的仓鼠可分为“多瓦夫仓鼠” 和“黄金鼠”两大种,在这两种仓鼠中又有进一步 更详细的划分。
一、多瓦夫仓鼠(Dwarf Hamster) 因为它的体型很小所以被称为多瓦夫,也就是英文 的“Dwarf”。它的的特征就是尾巴和四肢都有毛覆 盖着。在其下可分为“加卡利亚仓鼠”、“坎培尔 仓鼠”、“罗伯罗夫斯基仓鼠”3种,而在这3种的 每一种中又根据人工培育出来的花色不同而划分出 更多的小品种。
仓鼠爱吃的东西:菜类 青菜类(如青江菜)、红萝卜、番瓜(绿黄 色蔬菜为佳) 种子类 葵花子、花生、核桃、松子(不要给太多) 水 果类 苹果、草莓、樱桃、香蕉、葡萄(因糖分很多请不要给太多) 谷 物类 鸡的饲料、鸠的饲料、小鸟用饲料、小麦、玉米、小米 。
介绍仓鼠的英语Chapter 1: Introduction to HamstersHamsters are adorable little creatures that have captured the hearts of pet lovers all around the world. These small, furry rodents make great companions and are commonly kept as pets. In this chapter, we will delve into the world of hamsters and provide an English introduction to these delightful creatures.Chapter 2: Types of HamstersThere are several species of hamsters, each with its own unique characteristics. The most common types include Syrian hamsters, Dwarf hamsters, and Roborovski hamsters. Syrian hamsters are the largest and most popular, while Dwarf hamsters are smaller and known for their sociable nature. Roborovski hamsters, on the other hand, are the tiniest and most active of all hamster species.Chapter 3: Physical FeaturesHamsters have a compact body with short legs and a cute, round face.They are covered in soft fur, which can come in various colors and patterns, such as golden, grey, white, and even black. Their cheek pouches are one of their most distinctive features, which they use to store and transport food.Chapter 4: Habitat and HousingIn the wild, hamsters are burrowers and live in underground tunnels. When kept as pets, they require appropriate housing to mimic their natural habitat. A hamster cage should be spacious enough to allow for exercise, with bedding material like wood shavings or paper-based products. It is also important to provide them with hiding spots, toys, and a wheel for exercise.Chapter 5: Diet and NutritionA well-balanced diet is crucial for the health and well-being of hamsters. They are omnivores but primarily eat seeds, grains, nuts, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Commercially available hamster food provides a good base, but it is essential to supplement their diet with fresh foods to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients.Chapter 6: Behavior and SocializationHamsters are generally solitary animals, preferring to live alone unless they are Dwarf hamsters, which are more sociable and can be housed together. They are nocturnal creatures, meaning they are most active during the night. It is important to handle them gently and properly socialize them from a young age to ensure they become comfortable with human interaction.Chapter 7: Health and CareProper care and regular health check-ups are essential to keep hamsters happy and healthy. Maintaining good hygiene in their cage, providing fresh water daily, and ensuring a clean living environment are crucial. Regular visits to a veterinarian specialized in small animals can help detect any health issues early on.Chapter 8: Fun Facts about HamstersTo conclude our introduction, let's explore some fun facts about hamsters. Did you know that hamsters have poor eyesight but an excellent sense of smell? They are also known for their ability to stufftheir cheek pouches with food that can be larger than their heads! Additionally, hamsters are skilled climbers and can even hang upside down using their strong paws.In conclusion, hamsters are fascinating and charming pets that bring joy and companionship to many people worldwide. Their unique characteristics, physical features, and care requirements make them a popular choice for both children and adults alike. Whether it's observing their playful antics or simply enjoying their company, hamsters are truly delightful animals.。
Kong que
最細既倉鼠身長約9cm,最大既身長可達約18cm。 倉鼠是夜行性動物,日間是睡覺,晚上才活動。 倉鼠係群體生活既,佢地一般都好合群,不過亦 有D倉鼠係性格孤僻既。 他們的壽命很短,平均只有年半至二年多,四個 星期大的倉鼠已經成年。 他們與老鼠不同,他們有一條很短的尾,甚至沒 有尾巴。 不過,我覺得倉鼠最有趣之處還是懂得把食物藏 在腮兩邊, 在安全的地方才吐出,所以有人稱倉 鼠為大頰
)iDY9uP0lG!cxT4pK*gBW7sN-jEZavQ1mH$dyT4pK*hCX8tO+ kF#bwR2nI%ezU 5qL(hCX8tO0l G!cxS3oJ&fAV6rM)i DY9uP0lG!cyT 4pK*gBW7sN- jEZavQ1mH$dyT4pK*hCX8tO+ kF #bwR2nI%ezU 5qL(hCX8tP0l G!cxS3oJ&fAV6rM)i DY9uP0lG!dyT 4pK*gBW7sN -jEZavQ1mH$dyT4pK(hCX8tO+ kF #bwR2nI%ez U5qL(hCX8uP0lG!fAV6rM)iD Y9uP0l G!dyT 4pK*gBW7sN- jEZavQ1mH$dyT4pK(hCX8tO+ kF#bwR2nI%ezU 5qL(hCX8uP0l G!cxS3oJ&fAV6rM)i DY9uP0lG$dyT4pK*gBW7s NjEZavQ1mH$dyT 4pL(hCX8tO+ kF#bwR2nI% ezU5qL(hCX9uP0lG!c xS3oJ &
英文作文仓鼠介绍Meet my little friend the hamster. It's a small, furry creature with big, round eyes and a twitchy nose. When it's not sleeping, it's constantly on the move, running on its wheel or scurrying around its cage.Hamsters are known for their love of food. They will stuff their cheeks with seeds, fruits, and vegetables, and stash them in their burrows for later. They are also fondof gnawing on things, like cardboard, wood, and even metal bars, to keep their teeth from growing too long.One interesting thing about hamsters is that they are nocturnal animals, which means they are most active at night. This can be a bit of a challenge for those who wantto interact with them during the day, but it's also fascinating to watch them come alive when the sun goes down.Hamsters are solitary animals and prefer to live alone. They can become aggressive if housed with other hamsters,especially if they are of the same sex. However, they are quite friendly towards humans and can be easily tamed with gentle handling and regular interaction.One of the most endearing traits of hamsters is their ability to hoard and build nests. They will gather bedding materials like hay, shredded paper, and even fabric to create a cozy, comfortable home within their cages. It's always a joy to watch them arrange and rearrange their nests to their liking.In conclusion, hamsters may be small in size, but they have big personalities. They are curious, energetic, and adorable little creatures that make wonderful pets for those who are willing to give them the love and care they deserve.。
hamster 仓鼠ppt配套演讲稿
![hamster 仓鼠ppt配套演讲稿](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8944f5cfd5bbfd0a7956738b.png)
As we know, hamsters have become one of the most popular pets in the world. But, do you know what the species hamsters have? do you know what the life habit of hamster is and how to keep a hamster? Today, I’ll introduce you all of them.Hamsters are typically stout-bodied, with little tails, and have small, furry ears, short, stocky legs, and wide feet. They have thick, silky fur, which can be long or short, colored black, grey, honey, white, yellow, red, or a mix, depending on the species.The most famous and funny thing of them is they have elongated cheek pouches extending to their shoulders in which they carry food back to their burrows.(金丝熊)The best-known species of hamster is the golden hamster, which is the type most commonly kept as pets. Pet stores also have taken to calling them "honey bears". They can be quite tame and easy to handle.(坎贝尔)Other hamsters kept as pets are the various species of "dwarf hamster". Campbell's dwarf hamster is the most common—they are also sometimes called "Russian dwarfs".(老公公Roborovskis are the world's smallest hamsters, just like a ping-pong ball. The coat is brown, the belly and side arches are pure white. Their large black eyes are emphasized with a white facial marking which slightly resemble eyebrows. Robs are extremely active, making them somewhat difficult to handle, but certainly entertaining.Before you buy any pet, make sure you have a home set up for them. If you are bringing home a new hamster soon, here is a list of supplies you will need before you get your hamster.Cage:Get a cage that is large enough, escape-proof, and easy to clean. Most hamsters are strictly solitary. If housed together, acute and chronic stress may occur, and they may fight fiercely, sometimes fatally. Therefore, please remember one hamster one cage.Exercise Wheel:Anyone who has kept a hamster knows what an energetic little creature it can be. In a single night a hamster may cover the equivalent of four human marathons. Hamsters love to run, and need the exercise. Make sure the wheel is quiet as well, since hamsters run at night (especially if your hamster will be in your room).Food:Choose a good quality food for your hamster. Pelleted foods offer a good nutritional balance and for many hamsters are a better option than loose food mixes.House:Your hamster will appreciate a private getaway for sleeping. It can be as simple as a small cardboard box, a plastic hide box or a wooden boxBedding Material:Hamsters need to be provided with some soft material to build a nest in their hide-away for curling up in and sleeping.Bathing Sand:Hamsters can not be washed with water. You can provide a dish of hamster bathing sand, in which you hamster can roll to keep its coat in good condition.This is a panorama of a hamster home. We can see the cage, water bottle, grinding stone, wheel, food, little house, bedding material and only one hamster in it.Finally, let me show you my adorable pets. They are Kongkong and Silver. Kongkong is a Roborovskis and Silver is a Dwarf hamster. They have always been my little buddies and they are there the whole time with me through the bitter and the sweet. Both of them are more than two years old. I’m aware of the fact that they don’t have much time left, so I cherish every limited second with them. No matter how small hamsters are, they are also lives. As their owners, please treat them well and make their short lives happy.。
长得都很像,只是体型和毛色稍微有一点区别, 个性则差不多。其中罗伯罗夫斯基鼠是多瓦夫 类仓鼠中体型最小的,动作快而个性较胆小, 成长期背上的毛色会由黑转成茶色。 仓鼠上下颚各有一对锐利的门齿,身体背 部体毛一般为浅黄褐色或棕黄色,腹侧面、前 肢、后肢内侧为黑色。体侧面前端各有3块白 色或淡土黄色斑。足白色,略带浅黄色。
仓鼠(学名:Cricetidae)是仓鼠亚科动物的总称。仓鼠共七属十八种,主要 分布于中亚干旱地区,少数分布于欧洲。
小毛足鼠(罗伯罗夫斯基仓鼠) 学 名:Phodopus roborovskii
学 名:Mesocricetus auratus
英文名:Golden hamster
Let 's introduce
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Part 1
Part 2
目 录
Part 3
Part 4
仓鼠最常见的毛色以由脸颊到腹部为白色, 背部为褐色的居多,但也有由深浅褐色形成的 斑点,毛色多为灰色,而后培育出了金色、花
dried food berries nuts fresh fruits cages
Hamsters burrow(躲藏) underground in
the daylight to avoid being caught by predators(天敌).In the wild they will eat any wheat,nuts and small bits of fruit and vegetables .They might find food lying around on the ground,and will occasionally eat small insects(昆
habits 2020/4/4 easily cause short life.
Why hamster always hide?
in Asia, ethnic distribution in Europe202t0/h4/4ree genera and eight species.
仓鼠是仓鼠亚科动物的总称。共七属十八种,主要分布于亚洲,少数分布 于欧洲,其中中国有三属八种。
Hamster subfamily are animals in general. A total of
length of the half, partial breed is less than half the
length of the hind legs, and even can't see.
尾短,一般不超过身长的一半,部分品种不超过后腿长度的一半,甚 至基本看不到。
The tail is short, generally not more than the
小仓鼠外,其他种类 的仓鼠两颊皆有颊囊, 从臼齿侧延伸到肩部。
In addition to distribution in the Central Asian small hamster, the other species of hamster cheek pouch from both, molar side extends to the shoulder.
仓鼠是夜行性动物,日间是睡觉,晚上才活动。他们通常到晚上7点至10点 (部分0点~4点)才是最活跃
Main food is the plant seed, the happy food nut, also eats the plant tender stem or the leaf, occasionally also eats the bug.
So long as prepares a cage for it, every day supplies the fresh water and food, often play with it, it can the health joyful growth.
只要为它准备一个笼子,每天供应新鲜的水和食物, 经常陪它玩耍,它就能健康快乐的成长。
1.When can you go as fast as a racing car? 2. I can run but I can never stand.I have a mouth
but I never talk.I have a bed but I never lie. What I am?
主要食物为植物种子,喜食坚果,亦食植物嫩茎或 叶,偶尔也吃小虫。
guinea pig
Guinea pig is chubby ,lovely and docile.
The guinea pig just eat vegetables, does not have the special request on food.
有长毛的ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ也有短毛的。
种类 :小灰霸,小银狐,小紫王,银斑(银班) 原产地 :哈萨克共和国、西百利亚西南部 特性 :俄罗斯仓鼠属迷你種(dwarf
hamster), 背部有一条长黑纹。 平均寿命:1.5-2年 热门程度(5分满分):
仓鼠,英文名叫(hamster)是于1829年于西伯利 亚附近一个城市被发现, 直至现在成为不爱老鼠 之人的宠物。佢地识得将食物收在腮的两边,好像 仓库,所以叫做仓鼠。仓鼠是一种小型啮齿类动物, 牠们的牙齿会不断地生长,故需经常磨牙以保持长 度和外形。仓鼠是日间睡觉,晚上活动。
种类 :小露宝
原产地 :中国北部近蒙古
特性 :外形比俄罗斯仓鼠更小, 面形圆
食物: 牠们是吃仓鼠的专用粮(仓鼠主粮),小量不同种子、
生果、蔬菜都可以喂,但切勿喂柑橘类生果。牠们并没有 定时吃东西的习惯。 所以将食物放在笼子内便可以了。 可是不要给牠们太多食物,少吃多滋味多吃坏肚皮。
居住笼 小窝
牧草 厕所
10 人
Introducing Hamsters: Tiny Creatures with Big CharmHamsters, or more commonly known as hamsters, are small, furry mammals belonging to the rodent family. These pint-sized pets have captured the hearts of countless individuals worldwide with their adorable appearance, playful nature, and easy-to-care-for personalities. In this essay, let's delve into the world of hamsters and discover what makes them such delightful companions.Appearance: A Tiny Ball of FurHamsters come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, each with its unique charm. From the dwarf hamsters, which can fit comfortably in the palm of your hand, to the slightly larger Syrian hamsters, they all share that endearing round body covered in soft, velvety fur. Their eyes are large and expressive, often adorned with a curious or mischievous glint. Depending on the breed, their fur can be a solid color, such as golden, white, or black, or a combination of colors, creating striking patterns and markings.Personality: Playful and CuriousHamsters are known for their energetic and inquisitive personalities. They love to explore their surroundings, using their small paws to climb, burrow, and investigate every corner of their cage. Their playful nature often manifests in the form of running on their exercise wheels, playing with toys, or simply engaging in acrobatic feats as they jump and climb. Despite their tiny size, hamsters have big personalities and can be quite vocal, making chirping, squeaking, and even purring sounds to communicate their emotions.Care and Maintenance: Easy and RewardingOne of the reasons why hamsters are such popular pets is their relatively low maintenance requirements. A spacious, well-equipped cage is essential to provide them with a comfortable and stimulating environment. This includes a sturdy exercise wheel, hiding spots for privacy and security, and a variety of toys to keep them entertained. A balanced diet consisting of commercial hamster food, fresh fruits and vegetables, and occasional treats is also important for their health and well-being. Regular cleaning of the cage and monitoring of their behavior and physical condition are crucial for maintaining their happiness and longevity.Bonding with Your HamsterForming a bond with your hamster can be a rewarding experience. Although they may initially be shy or cautious around humans, with patience and gentle handling, they can learn to trust and even enjoy interacting with you. Regular handling sessions,where you gently pick them up and allow them to explore your hand or a safe area, can help strengthen this bond. Talking to them in a soft, soothing voice and rewarding them with treats can also encourage positive associations with human contact.ConclusionHamsters are delightful little creatures that bring joy and companionship into our lives. With their adorable appearance, playful personalities, and easy-to-care-for nature, they make for ideal pets for individuals of all ages. Whether you're looking for a low-maintenance companion or simply want to add some excitement to your daily routine, a hamster might just be the perfect fit. So, why not consider welcoming one of these tiny furballs into your home and experience the joy of hamster ownership for yourself?。
给与过多的葵瓜子或高热量食品,金丝熊容易发胖,营养不均 衡。过胖的鼠,夏天容易中暑,皮肤脂肪过厚,容易脱毛。蔬果部分请勿一次喂食太多,容易造成腹泄死亡。 两三天换一次饮用纯净水或者白开水。可以混合少量在食物里,但不可以加太多。幼崽饲养 刚出生的小金丝熊全身红通通的,看不出毛色、眼睛的地方也只有一些些黑色(红眼的小金丝熊在眼睛的部位看不到颜色)、耳朵也还 没长出来,这时的小金丝熊是看不到、听不到的。 出生后一周的小金丝熊,仍然看不到、听不到,不过此时的小金丝熊已有胎毛。 出生后二周小金丝熊的毛色会更加的明显,这时在耳朵的部位会裂开一条小裂缝,那就是金丝熊的耳朵开始长的象征,此时小金丝熊 可以听到一些声音,且眼睛也会慢慢的打开。二周大的小金丝熊也会开始偷吃一些比较好咬的饲料,不过此时还是以母奶为主食。 出生后三周的小金丝熊已经完全鼠模鼠样了,牙齿已经长成,常会在吸奶时咬痛母熊,所以有些母熊在这时就会开始不太愿意喂奶了, 不过三周大的小金丝熊基本上已经可以自已进食了。 出生一个月的小熊就要开始准备分笼。否则可能会引起母熊的反感,有些母熊甚至会攻击小熊,还有些小熊会“自相残杀”,因为这 时,它们有了领地意识。野生的金丝熊在长大后,母熊都会把小熊赶出巢穴让他自立门户。 禁忌 金丝熊绝对需要一笼一鼠饲养,因为金丝熊的合笼律是零。 禁止直接接触太阳,鼠鼠们非常怕热,夏天到了,请使用散热片或大理石为他们消暑。 若无心理准备或是经济能力,请勿将母鼠、公鼠合笼饲养,鼠儿繁殖能力非常可观。23天就要分笼饲养,想繁殖的主人请三思。 禁止使用来路不明的饲料,生虫或发霉请丢弃,不要喂食。 禁止使用竹筷、棒冰棍等东西让鼠鼠们磨牙,请使用市面上鼠鼠专用的磨牙用品、饲料。 禁止将鼠鼠养在过小的空间,空间至少要有滚轮,水瓶、食盆等用品。 金丝熊不需要用浴砂,自己会口水浴,金丝熊毛孔比较大,用浴砂会堵塞毛孔。
介绍仓鼠的英文作文I have a pet. It's a hamster. It's so cute and fluffy.It likes to run on its wheel and eat sunflower seeds.My hamster has a cozy little cage. It has a littlehouse to sleep in and lots of toys to play with. It'salways busy running around and exploring.I love watching my hamster. It's so funny when itstuffs its cheeks full of food. Sometimes it even falls asleep with its cheeks still puffed out.I have to clean my hamster's cage regularly. It can get pretty messy with all the bedding and food scattered around. But it's worth it to see my hamster happy and healthy.My hamster is really friendly. It doesn't bite or scratch. It even lets me hold it and pet it. I think itlikes the attention.I like to give my hamster treats. It goes crazy for yogurt drops and dried fruit. It's fun to see how excited it gets when it smells the treats.I think my hamster is the best pet ever. It may be small, but it has a big personality. I love taking care of it and watching it have fun in its cage.。
仓鼠介绍英文作文I have a pet hamster. It's so cute and fluffy. I love watching it run on its wheel. It's really fast and it's fun to watch.My hamster is brown and white. It has big, round eyes and tiny little paws. Sometimes it stuffs its cheeks full of food, and it looks so funny. I can't help but laugh when I see it.I like to hold my hamster and let it crawl around on my hand. It feels so soft and warm. It's really gentle and doesn't bite. I think it likes being held too, because it always stays calm and doesn't try to run away.I have a special cage for my hamster. It has a little house for it to sleep in and lots of toys to play with. I like to put in some bedding for it to burrow in. It's fun to watch it make a cozy little nest.I have to make sure my hamster has fresh food and water every day. It likes to eat seeds, fruits, and vegetables. I also give it some treats, like sunflower seeds and dried fruits. It's important to take good care of my little friend.。
hamster 仓鼠ppt配套演讲稿
![hamster 仓鼠ppt配套演讲稿](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8944f5cfd5bbfd0a7956738b.png)
As we know, hamsters have become one of the most popular pets in the world. But, do you know what the species hamsters have? do you know what the life habit of hamster is and how to keep a hamster? Today, I’ll introduce you all of them.Hamsters are typically stout-bodied, with little tails, and have small, furry ears, short, stocky legs, and wide feet. They have thick, silky fur, which can be long or short, colored black, grey, honey, white, yellow, red, or a mix, depending on the species.The most famous and funny thing of them is they have elongated cheek pouches extending to their shoulders in which they carry food back to their burrows.(金丝熊)The best-known species of hamster is the golden hamster, which is the type most commonly kept as pets. Pet stores also have taken to calling them "honey bears". They can be quite tame and easy to handle.(坎贝尔)Other hamsters kept as pets are the various species of "dwarf hamster". Campbell's dwarf hamster is the most common—they are also sometimes called "Russian dwarfs".(老公公Roborovskis are the world's smallest hamsters, just like a ping-pong ball. The coat is brown, the belly and side arches are pure white. Their large black eyes are emphasized with a white facial marking which slightly resemble eyebrows. Robs are extremely active, making them somewhat difficult to handle, but certainly entertaining.Before you buy any pet, make sure you have a home set up for them. If you are bringing home a new hamster soon, here is a list of supplies you will need before you get your hamster.Cage:Get a cage that is large enough, escape-proof, and easy to clean. Most hamsters are strictly solitary. If housed together, acute and chronic stress may occur, and they may fight fiercely, sometimes fatally. Therefore, please remember one hamster one cage.Exercise Wheel:Anyone who has kept a hamster knows what an energetic little creature it can be. In a single night a hamster may cover the equivalent of four human marathons. Hamsters love to run, and need the exercise. Make sure the wheel is quiet as well, since hamsters run at night (especially if your hamster will be in your room).Food:Choose a good quality food for your hamster. Pelleted foods offer a good nutritional balance and for many hamsters are a better option than loose food mixes.House:Your hamster will appreciate a private getaway for sleeping. It can be as simple as a small cardboard box, a plastic hide box or a wooden boxBedding Material:Hamsters need to be provided with some soft material to build a nest in their hide-away for curling up in and sleeping.Bathing Sand:Hamsters can not be washed with water. You can provide a dish of hamster bathing sand, in which you hamster can roll to keep its coat in good condition.This is a panorama of a hamster home. We can see the cage, water bottle, grinding stone, wheel, food, little house, bedding material and only one hamster in it.Finally, let me show you my adorable pets. They are Kongkong and Silver. Kongkong is a Roborovskis and Silver is a Dwarf hamster. They have always been my little buddies and they are there the whole time with me through the bitter and the sweet. Both of them are more than two years old. I’m aware of the fact that they don’t have much time left, so I cherish every limited second with them. No matter how small hamsters are, they are also lives. As their owners, please treat them well and make their short lives happy.。
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尾短,一般不超过身长的一半,部分品种不超过后腿长度的一半,甚 至基本看不到。
The tail is short, generally not more than the length of the half, partial breed is less than half the length of the hind legs, and even can't see.
Hamster partial breed because and close, have become popular in recent years pets, such as Syria hamsters, Phodopus hamster, Campbell's dwarf hamster, rob Luo Fu the hamster, the hamster.
仓鼠是夜行性动物,日间是睡觉,晚上才活动。他们通常到晚上7点至10点 (部分0点~4点)才是最活跃
Hamsters are nocturnal and daytime sleep, evening activities. They are usually at 7 to 10 (part of 0 ~ 4 ) is the most active.
该科各种类动物基本都属中小型鼠类。体长在5~28厘米之间,体重在 30~1000克。体型短粗。
The division of various kinds of animals are of small rodents. The length of the body in 5 ~ 28 cm, weight 30 to 1000 grams. Chunky body.
仓鼠是夜行性动物,日间是睡觉,晚上才活动。他们通常到晚上7点至10点 (部分0点~4点)才是最活跃
Hamsters are nocturnal and daytime sleep, evening activities. They are usually at 7 to 10 (part of 0 ~ 4 ) is the most active.
除分布在中亚的 小仓鼠外,其他种类 的仓鼠两颊皆有颊囊, 从臼齿侧延伸到肩部。
In addition to distribution in the Central Asian small hamster, the other species of hamster cheek pouch from both, molar side extends to the shoulder.
Why hamster always hide?
因为仓鼠原居于沙漠地带的洞穴之中,白天他们会躲在洞子中睡觉,以避开 野兽的攻击。
Because the original desert hamster in the cave, the day they would hide in the cave to sleep, to avoid the beast attack.
Hamster is mainly nocturnal, poor eyesight, only fuzzy resolution shape, color can tell black from white. Hair color is complicated.
Hamster is mainly nocturnal, poor eyesight, only fuzzy resolution shape, color can tell black from white. Hair color is complicated.
仓鼠部分品种因为和人亲近, 已成为近年流行的宠物,如叙利亚 仓鼠(金丝熊、长毛熊崽、短毛熊 崽、西施熊(国内杜撰的名称)、 鬣熊(国内杜撰的名称))、卡加 尼亚仓鼠(金狐、银狐、紫仓、布丁、 奶茶、三线等)、坎贝尔侏儒仓鼠 (一线野生、色、花仓、雪球、白 熊、黑熊、琥珀、紫衣) (俗称一线仓鼠) 、罗伯罗夫 仓鼠,倭仓鼠等。
仓鼠是仓鼠亚科动物的总称。共七属十八种,主要分布于亚洲,少数分布 于欧洲,其中中国有三属八种。
Hamster subfamily are animals in general. A total of seven genera and eighteen species, mainly distributed in Asia, ethnic distribution in Europe, of which China has three genera and eight species.
仓鼠是仓鼠亚科动物的总称。共七属十八种,主要分布于亚洲,少数分布 于欧洲,其中中国有三属八种。
Hamster subfamily are animals in general. A total of seven genera and eighteen species, mainly distributed in Asia, ethnic distribution in Europe, of which China has three genera and eight species.
尾短,一般不超过身长的一半,部分品种不超过后腿长度的一半,甚 至基本看不到。
The tail is short, generally not more than the length of the half, partial breed is less than half the length of the hind legs, and even can't see.
该科各种类动物基本都属中小型鼠类。体长在5~28厘米之间,体重在 30~1000克。体型短粗。
The division of various kinds of animals are of small rodents. The length of the body in 5 ~ 28 cm, weight 30 to 1000 grams. Chunky body.
多数不冬眠,冬天靠储存食物生活。少数品种在天气寒冷情况下会进入不太 活跃的准冬眠状态。
Most do not hibernate in winter by storing food for life. A few species in cold weather conditions will enter the less active quasi state of hibernation.
Hamster partial breed because and close, have become popular in recent years pets, such as Syria hamsters, Phodopus hamster, Campbell's dwarf hamster, rob Luo Fu the hamster, the hamster.
The main food for eating nuts, seeds, feed on plant stems or leaves.
多数不冬眠,冬天靠储存食物生活。少数品种在天气寒冷情况下会进入不太 活跃的准冬眠状态。
Most do not hibernate in winter by storing food for life. A few species in cold weather conditions will enter the less active quasi state of hibernation.
仓鼠有一对不断生长 的门牙,三对臼齿。臼 齿具齿根,或不具齿根 而终生能生长。由日本 为研究牙齿首先引进, 后作为宠物饲养,继而 推广到全球。
Hamster has a pair of continuously growing incisors, three mola. Molar teeth with root, or not the root and lifelong growth. Study on the introduction of the first by the Japanese for the teeth, as pets, so as to promote to the world.
仓鼠有一对不断生长 的门牙,三对臼齿。臼 齿具齿根,或不具齿根 而终生能生长。由日本 为研究牙齿首先引进, 后作为宠物饲养,继而 推广到全球。
Hamster has a pair of continuously growing incisors, three mola. Molar teeth with root, or not the root and lifelong growth. Study on the introduction of the first by the Japanese for the teeth, as pets, so as to promote to the world.
除分布在中亚的小 仓鼠外,其他种类的仓鼠 两颊皆有颊囊,从臼齿侧 延伸到肩部。
In addition to distribution in the Central Asian small hamster, the other species of hamster cheek pouch from both, molar side extends to the shoulder.
所以饲主要给鼠鼠日间好好休息,晚上才和鼠鼠玩。任意改变夜行性动物的 习惯容易会引起短寿。
Therefore, feeding mainly to the hamster daytime rest, evening and pets to play. Any changes in nocturnal habits easily cause short life.