安洁莎(美沙拉秦肠溶片)说明书【安洁莎药品名称】通用名称:美沙拉秦肠溶片英文名称:5-Aminosalicylic Acid Enteric-Coated Tablets【安洁莎性状】安洁莎为棕红色肠溶片,除去包衣后片芯为淡棕色。
美沙拉秦【药物名称】中文通用名称:美沙拉秦英文通用名称:Mesalazine其它名称:5-氨基水杨酸、艾迪莎、氨水杨酸、美少胺、颇得斯安、5-Aminosalicylic Acid、5-ASA、Asacolitin、Claversal、Enterasin、Etiasa、Fisalamine、Mesalamine、Mesalazinum、Mesasal、Pentasa、Pentasa-R、Rowasa、Salofalk、Saloflk【临床应用】用于治疗溃疡性结肠炎、Crohn病(节段性肠炎)。
【注意事项】1.禁忌症 (1)对本药成分或水杨酸类药物过敏者。
(以上均选自国外资料)2.慎用 (1)血尿素氮升高或蛋白尿患者。
我院相似药品:柳氮磺吡啶结肠溶胶囊; 1)柳氮磺吡啶结肠溶胶囊的主要成分是柳氮磺吡 啶。
2)适应症为: 适用于轻、中度溃疡性结肠炎的治疗及重度溃疡 性结肠炎的辅助治疗,特别适用于柳氮磺吡啶素片胃 肠道不适(如厌食、恶心)的患者。
美沙拉秦肠溶片说明书学习 ----药代动力学
• 美沙拉秦肠溶片(5-ASA)采用特种材料包衣 ,使5-ASA在回肠远端或结肠内释放,以代 谢物N-乙酰基-5-氨基水杨酸的形式通过肾
目的:探讨美沙拉秦过敏者的 治疗方案及脱敏治疗。 结论:对于5-氨基水杨酸过敏 的溃疡性结肠炎患者可以通过 脱敏治疗,最终口服5-氨基水 杨酸制剂长期维持治疗。
目的:探讨美沙拉秦联合双岐三联 活菌治疗溃疡性结肠炎的临床治疗 效果。 结果:美沙拉秦联合双岐三联活菌 治疗溃疡性结肠炎能够显著提高治 疗效果,且没有不良反应、安全可 靠、具有临床推广使用价值。
• 一 填空题
1 美沙拉秦肠溶片的主要成分是(美沙拉秦),柳氮磺吡 啶结肠溶胶囊的主要成分是(柳氮磺吡啶) 2 美沙拉秦不宜与(乳果糖)或会降低粪便(PH)的类似 药物合用,以避免延缓药物的释放。 3 对(水杨酸)类药有过敏史者禁用,严重的肾功能损害者 禁用(肾小球滤过率<20ml/分)
• 二 选择题 1 美沙拉秦以代谢物N-乙酰基-5-氨基水杨酸的形式通过 ( B )排泄
美沙拉秦肠溶片说明书学习 ----特殊人群用药
• 1.孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药
美沙拉嗪的合成一、美沙拉嗪的简介:美沙拉嗪由瑞典pharmacia AB开发,英国Tillots Labs 于1985年六月首先在英国上市(剂型主要为片剂和栓剂),随后引起各国研究人员的普遍关注,尤其是其在溃疡性结肠炎治疗方面的效果。
【化学名】5-氨基-2-羟基-苯甲酸【别名】马沙拉嗪美沙拉嗪艾迪莎5-氨基水杨酸5-氨基水杨醇颇得斯安【英文名】Mesa amine ,5-Amino Salicylic Acid【CAS号】89-57-6【化学结构】【物理性质】灰白色结晶或结晶状粉末,无臭或有轻微臭味,在空气中颜色变深。
【用法用量】溃疡性结肠炎急性期:1 g qid ;缓解期:0.5 g tid - qid。
克罗恩病缓解期:2 g/天,分3-4次口服。
美沙拉秦度UC一线用药,疗效与剂量呈正比, 高剂量维持治疗效果优于低剂量,每日一次给药可作为首选
➢ 《中国溃疡性结肠炎诊治指南(2023年·西安)》
口服5⁃ASA(2 ~ 4 g/d)诱导缓解,疗效与剂量呈正比
轻中度活动性UC 和中度活动 性UC
参照药品选择 理由
②现目录内产品,日用量与本品具有可比性 ③均为指南推荐用药,与本品一样在多个国家上市,临床 应用广泛 ④与本品有明确临床试验数据对比
与参照品比 本品优势
优势1: 结肠精准靶向释放, 药物浓度保障,疗效确保
优势2: 服用次数少,依从性高
采用pH依赖性聚合物膜包裹美沙拉秦, 在pH>6.8下分解释放美沙拉秦。利用多 基质系统技术使活性药物在整个结肠释放
✓ 美沙拉秦肠溶缓释胶囊适用于成人溃疡性结肠炎的维持缓 解治疗,无诱导期用药的适应症。
• 本品特征:国内外已上市的唯一一个每日一次给药,且适 用于轻中度UC诱导和维持缓解的美沙拉秦口服制剂。
美沙拉秦肠溶缓释片 (1.2g)
• 相比安慰剂、安萨科(参照药品):
• 两项随机对照研究(RCT)显示每日一次2.4 g和4.8 g剂 量的美沙拉秦肠溶缓释片,在治疗8周后症状缓解的患者 百分比均显著高于安慰剂(P<0.01);
• 其中一项研究显示本品在治疗8周后症状缓解的患者百分 比高于已上市药物安萨科2.4g/天(P=0.124)
• 目录内缺乏:同时可用于轻中度UC诱导缓解及维持期 治疗,且可一天一次用药的美沙拉秦口服剂型。
历经十年,服务专业,提倡合理用药,提供 优质药品。
莎尔福美沙拉秦栓推荐剂量如下:溃疡性结肠炎:急 性发作期:1.5~3.0g/日;缓解期/长期治疗期: 1.5g/日。克罗恩氏综合症:急性发作期:1.5~4.5g/ 日。每次服用时,应在早、中、晚餐前1小时,并整 片用足够的水送服。
请参考百济新新特药房 ()药品信息
【莎尔福成份】 莎尔福主要成份为美沙拉秦。 【莎尔福适应症】 溃疡性结肠炎的急性发作和维持治疗,克罗恩病 急性发作。
【莎尔福用法用量】 肠溶片溃疡性结肠炎的急性发作 0.5-1g/tid,维持 缓解 0.5g/tid。
【莎尔福不良反应】 偶见胃肠不适,包括恶心、呕吐、腹泻。
【莎尔福注意事项】 肝、肾功能障碍;哮喘患者慎用。幼儿不宜使用。 哺乳妇女服药期间需停止哺乳。
百济新特药房资深药师倾力制作千个药品专辑 安全、有效、合理用药之
商品名:莎尔福 厂家:Losan Pharma GmbH
【莎尔福药品名称】 商品名:莎尔福 通用名:美沙拉秦肠溶片 英文名:Mesalazine Enteric-coated Tablets 汉语拼音:Meishalaqin changrong pian
【莎尔福药物相互作用】 慎与下列药物合用:抗凝血药;糖皮质激素;磺脲 类药物;甲氨碟呤;丙磺舒和苯磺唑 酮;安体舒通和速尿;利福平。
(1)莎尔福适用于治疗溃疡性结肠炎,包括急性发 作和复发。 (2)莎尔福适用于治疗克罗恩氏病急性发作。
【药品名】美沙拉嗪【英文名】Mesalazine【别名】5-氨基水杨酸;艾迪莎;氨水杨酸;美沙拉秦;颇得斯安;5-氨基水杨醇;5-Aminosalicylic Acid;5-ASA;Asacolitin;Fisalamine;Mesalamine;Pentasa;Pentasa-R;Rowasa【剂型】1.缓释片:500mg。
广西中医药大学硕士学位论文美沙拉嗪肠溶缓释胶囊的仿制研究研究生:莫传丽导师:刘雪梅副教授院系(部所):药学院专业:药剂学研究方向:制剂新技术与剂型研究完成日期:2013年 6月9日目录中文摘要 (6)ABSTRACT (8)引言 (11)正文 (13)第一部分5-ASA体外分析方法的建立 (13)1 仪器与试药 (13)1.1 仪器 (13)1.2 试药 (13)2 方法与结果 (14)2.1 溶液的配制 (14)2.1.1 磷酸盐缓冲液的配制 (14)2.1.2 对照品储备液的配制 (14)2.2 测定波长的选择 (14)2.3 标准曲线的绘制 (16)2.4 方法精密度试验 (17)2.5 辅料的干扰试验 (18)2.6 含量测定试验 (20)2.6.1 含量测定方法 (20)2.6.2 含量回收率试验 (21)2.7 5-ASA胶囊体外释放度测定方法 (21)2.7.1 5-ASA胶囊体外释放度测定方法的确定 (21)2.7.2 溶出稳定性试验 (22)2.7.3 续滤液稳定性试验 (23)2.7.4 溶出回收率试验 (24)第二部分5-ASA肠溶缓释微丸处方和制备工艺的研究 (26)1.仪器与试药 (28)1.1仪器 (28)1.2试药 (28)2 原料影响因素试验 (29)2.1高温试验 (29)2.2高湿度试验 (29)2.3 强光照射试验 (30)2.4 小结和讨论 (30)3 5-ASA肠溶缓释微丸处方的研究 (31)3.1 处方设计 (33)3.1.1 5-ASA骨架丸芯处方组成成份及其作用分析 (33)3.1.2 肠溶包衣液处方组成成分及其作用分析 (34)4 骨架丸芯处方的筛选和优化 (35)4.1 不同型号MCC的考察 (35)4.2 Avicel PH101和硬脂酸镁处方用量的考察 (36)4.3 枸橼酸用量的考察 (37)4.4 Eudragit NE30D的考察 (38)4.5 HPMC的筛选 (39)4.5.1不同型号的HPMC的筛选 (39)4.5.2 HPMC-K4M处方用量的筛选 (40)4.6 骨架载药丸芯处方的确定 (41)5 5-ASA骨架载药微丸制备工艺的筛选 (42)5.1 工艺流程 (42)5.2 原辅料混合与湿软材的制备 (42)5.3 挤出参数的考察 (42)5.3.1 挤出转速的考察 (42)5.3.2 筛板孔径的考察 (43)5.4 滚圆参数的考察 (44)5.4.1 滚圆转速的考察 (44)5.4.2 滚圆时间的考察 (44)5.4.3 滚圆机载料量的考察 (45)5.5 热处理时间的考察 (46)5.6 5-ASA丸芯制备工艺的确定 (47)6 5-ASA骨架载药微丸肠溶包衣处方和工艺的研究 (47)6.1 包衣增重的考察 (47)6.2 包衣工艺的考察 (49)6.2.1 投料量的考察 (49)6.2.2 雾化压力和恒流蠕动泵转速的考察 (49)6.2.3 进风量的考察 (50)6.2.4 进风温度的考察 (50)6.2.5 小结 (50)7 重复性考察 (51)7.1 微丸外观 (51)7.2 释放度测定 (52)8 小结和讨论 (54)第三部分5-ASA肠溶缓释胶囊稳定性试验 (56)1.仪器与试药 (56)1.1 仪器 (56)1.2试药 (56)2 实验方法与结果 (57)2.1 影响因素试验 (57)2.1.1高温试验 (57)2.1.2高湿度试验 (58)2.1.3强光照射试验 (60)2.2 加速试验 (60)2.3 长期试验 (62)第四部分总结 (66)第五部分问题与展望 (67)1 存在问题 (67)2 创新点 (67)3 展望 (68)参考文献 (69)综述 (73)致谢 (85)攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录 (86)广西中医药大学研究生学位论文作者声明 (87)个人简历 (88)中文摘要目的:通过处方和工艺的筛选,仿制出与国外原研制剂具有体外生物等效性的美沙拉嗪(5-ASA)胶囊,以在国内申报新药专利。
美沙拉秦肠溶片说明书【药品名称】通用名称美沙拉秦肠溶片oanbaleupobi商品名称:莎尔福英文名称:MesalazineEnteric-coated Tablets汉语拼音:Meishalaqin Changrong Pian【成份】主要成份:美沙拉秦【性状】本品为土黄色椭圆形肠溶衣片,除去包衣后显浅棕色。
美沙拉秦的功能主治1. 美沙拉秦的概述美沙拉秦是一种常见的药物,主要用于治疗炎症和疼痛等症状。
2. 美沙拉秦的主要功能美沙拉秦具有以下主要功能:•抗炎症:美沙拉秦能有效缓解身体的炎症反应,有助于减轻炎症引起的疼痛和不适感。
3. 美沙拉秦的主治作用美沙拉秦的主治作用主要包括以下方面:•头痛、牙痛和关节痛:美沙拉秦是一种常用的退烧镇痛药,可以有效缓解轻度至中度的头痛、牙痛和关节痛等症状。
4. 注意事项和副作用使用美沙拉秦时需要注意以下事项:•使用剂量:按照说明书上的剂量使用,不要超量服用。
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14.4 包裹组
欧洲陆运危规 : 无数据资料 国际海运危规 : 无数据资料 国际空运危规 : 无数据资料
14.5 环境危害
欧洲陆运危规 :否
国际海运危规 海运污染物 :否 国际空运危规 : 否
14.6 对使用者的特别预防
15 法规信息
15.1 专门对此物质或混合物的安全,健康和环境的规章 / 法规
1 化学品及企业标识
1.1 产品标识符
化学品俗名或商品名: 美沙啦嗪(5-氨基水杨酸) CAS No.: 89-57-6 别名: 美沙拉嗪;氨水杨酸;5-氨基-2-羟基苯甲酸;2-羟基-5-氨基苯甲酸;马沙拉嗪;美沙拉秦;3-羧基-4-羟基 苯胺;
10 稳定性和反应活性
10.1 反应性
10.2 化学稳定性
10.3 敏感性(危险反应的可能性)
10.4 避免接触的条件
10.5 不兼容的材料
10.6 危险的分解产物
11 毒理学资料
11.1 毒理学影响的信息
7.3 特定用途
8 接触控制/个体防护
8.1 暴露控制
适当的技术控制 无数据资料 人身保护设备 眼/面保护 无数据资料 皮肤保护 无数据资料 身体保护 无数据资料 呼吸系统防护 如须暴露于有害环境中,请使用P5型(美国)或P1型(欧盟英国143)防微粒呼吸器。如需更高级别防护,请 使用OV/AG/P型(美国)或ABEK-P2型(欧盟英国143)防毒罐。呼吸器使用经过测试并通过政府标准如 NIOSH(US)或CEN(EU)的呼吸器和零件。.
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HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION--------WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS ------These highlights do not include all the information needed to use APRISO • Renal impairment may occur. Assess renal function at the beginning safely and effectively. See full prescribing information for APRISO. of treatment and periodically during therapy (5.1) • Acute exacerbation of colitis symptoms can occur (5.2) APRISO™ (mesalamine) extended-release capsules • Use caution with pre-existing liver disease (5.4)Initial U.S. Approval: 1987 ---------------ADVERSE REACTIONS ---------------- -----------INDICATIONS AND USAGE ----------• The most common adverse reactions (incidence ≥3%) are headache, • APRISO is a locally-acting aminosalicylate indicated for the maintenance of diarrhea, upper abdominal pain, nausea, nasopharyngitis, flu or flu-like remission of ulcerative colitis in adults (1)illness, sinusitis (6.1)-------DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION ----To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Salix • Four APRISO capsules once daily (1.5 g/day) in the morning with or Pharmaceuticals, Inc. at 1-800-508-0024 or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 without food. Do not co-administer with antacids (2) or /medwatch. ----DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS ---------------------DRUG INTERACTIONS ---------------• Extended-release capsules: 0.375 g (3) • Do not co-administer with antacids (7.1) ------------CONTRAINDICATIONS --------------------USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS ---------• Hypersensitivity to salicylates, aminosalicylates, or any component of • Use with caution in patients with renal disease (5.1) APRISO capsules (4) • Monitor blood cell counts in geriatric patients (8.5) • Advise patients with phenylketonuria that APRISO contains aspartame (17.1) See 17 for PATIENT COUNSELING INFORMATION Revised:10/2008FULL PRESCRIBING INFORMATION: CONTENTS* 1 INDICATIONS AND USAGE 10 OVERDOSAGE 2 DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION 11 DESCRIPTION 3 DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS 12 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY 4 CONTRAINDICATIONS 12.1 Mechanism of Action 5 WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS 12.3 Pharmacokinetics 5.1 Renal Impairment 13 NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY5.2 Mesalamine-Induced Acute Intolerance Syndrome 13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility 5.3 Hypersensitivity 13.2 Animal Toxicology and/or Pharmacology 5.4 Hepatic Impairment 14 CLINICAL STUDIES 6 ADVERSE REACTIONS 14.1 Ulcerative Colitis6.1 Clinical Studies Experience 15 REFERENCES 6.2 Adverse Reaction Information from Other Sources 16 HOW SUPPLIED/STORAGE AND HANDLING 7 DRUG INTERACTIONS 17 PATIENT COUNSELING INFORMATION7.1 Antacids 17.1 Patients with Phenylketonuria 8 USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS 17.2 General Counseling Information8.1 Pregnancy 8.3 Nursing Mothers 8.4 Pediatric Use * Sections or subsections omitted from the full prescribing information 8.5 Geriatric Use are not listed1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 4134 FULL PRESCRIBING INFORMATION 1 INDICATIONS AND USAGEAPRISO capsules are indicated for the maintenance of remission of ulcerative colitis in patients 18 years of age and older. 2 DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATIONThe recommended dose for maintenance of remission of ulcerative colitis in adult patients is 1.5 g (four APRISO capsules) orally once daily in the morning. APRISO may be taken without regard to meals. APRISO should not be co-administered with antacids. An evaluation of renal function is recommended before initiating therapy with APRISO. 3 DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHSExtended-release capsules containing 0.375 g mesalamine. 4 CONTRAINDICATIONSAPRISO is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to salicylates or aminosalicylates or to any of the components of APRISO capsules. 5 WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS5.1 Renal ImpairmentRenal impairment, including minimal change nephropathy, acute and chronic interstitial nephritis, and, rarely, renal failure, has been reported in patients given products such as APRISO that contain mesalamine or are converted to mesalamine. It is recommended that patients have an evaluation of renal function prior to initiation of APRISO therapy and periodically while on therapy. Exercise caution when using APRISO in patients with known renal dysfunction or a history of renal disease. In animal studies, the kidney was the principal organ for toxicity [See Nonclinical Toxicology (13.2)] 5.2 Mesalamine-Induced Acute Intolerance SyndromeMesalamine has been associated with an acute intolerance syndrome that may be difficult to distinguish from a flare of inflammatory bowel disease. Although the exact frequency of occurrence has not been determined, it has occurred in 3% of patients in controlled clinical trials of mesalamine or sulfasalazine. Symptoms include cramping, acute abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea, sometimes fever, headache, and rash. If acute intolerance syndrome is suspected, promptly discontinue treatment with APRISO.42 5.3 Hypersensitivity43 Some patients who have experienced a hypersensitivity reaction to sulfasalazine may have a44 similar reaction to APRISO capsules or to other compounds that contain or are converted to45 mesalamine.46Impairment47 5.4 Hepatic48 There have been reports of hepatic failure in patients with pre-existing liver disease who have49 been administered mesalamine. Caution should be exercised when administering APRISO to50 patients with liver disease.51REACTIONS52 6 ADVERSE53 6.1 Clinical Studies Experience54 The data described below reflect exposure to APRISO in 557 patients, including 354 exposed55 for at least 6 months and 250 exposed for greater than one year. APRISO was studied in two56 placebo-controlled trials (n = 367 treated with APRISO) and in one open-label, long-term57 study (n = 190 additional patients). The population consisted of patients with ulcerative58 colitis; the mean age was 47 years, 54% were female, and 93% were white. Patients received59 doses of APRISO 1.5 g administered orally once per day for six months in the placebo60 controlled trials and for up to 24 months in the open-label study.6162 Because clinical studies are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction63 rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared to rates in the64 clinical trials of another drug and may not reflect the rates observed in practice.6566 In the two placebo-controlled trials, 59% of APRISO-treated patients experienced an adverse67 reaction compared with 64% of placebo patients. Most adverse reactions with APRISO were68 mild or moderate in severity. Severe adverse reactions occurred in 6% of APRISO-treated69 patients and 5% of placebo-treated patients. Discontinuations due to adverse reactions70 occurred in 11% of APRISO-treated patients and 17% of placebo-treated patients; the most71 common adverse reaction resulting in study discontinuation was recurrence of ulcerative72 colitis (APRISO 6%, placebo 14%). The most common reactions reported with APRISO73 (≥3%) are shown in Table 1 below.7475 Table 1: Treatment-Emergent Adverse Reactions during Clinical Trials76 Occurring in at Least 3% of APRISO-Treated Patients77 and at a Greater Rate than with PlaceboMedDRA Preferred Term APRISO 1.5 g/dayN=367 Placebo N=185Headache 11% 8%Diarrhea 8%7% Abdominal Pain Upper 5% 3%Nausea 4%3% Nasopharyngitis 4%3% Influenza & Influenza-like illness 4% 4%Sinusitis 3%3%7879 The following adverse reactions, presented by body system, were reported at a frequency less80 than 3% in patients treated with APRISO for up to 24 months in controlled and open-label81 trials.8283 Ear and Labyrinth Disorders: tinnitus, vertigo8485 Dermatological Disorder: alopecia8687 Gastrointestinal: abdominal pain lower, rectal hemorrhage8889 Laboratory Abnormalities: increased triglycerides, decreased hematocrit and hemoglobin9091 General Disorders and Administration Site Disorders: fatigue9293 Hepatic: hepatitis cholestatic, transaminases increased9495 Renal Disorders: creatinine clearance decreased, hematuria9697 Musculoskeletal: pain, arthralgia9899 Respiratory: dyspnea100101 6.2 Adverse Reaction Information from Other Sources102 The following adverse reactions have been identified during clinical trials of a product103 similar to APRISO and post approval use of other mesalamine-containing products such as104 APRISO. Because many of these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of105 unknown size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a106 causal relationship to drug exposure.107108 Body as a Whole: lupus-like syndrome, drug fever109 Cardiovascular: pericarditis, pericardial effusion, myocarditis110 Gastrointestinal: pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, gastroenteritis, gastrointestinal bleeding, 111 perforated peptic ulcer112 Hepatic: jaundice, cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis, liver necrosis, liver failure, Kawasaki-like 113 syndrome including changes in liver enzymes114 Hematologic: agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia115 Neurological/Psychiatric: peripheral neuropathy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, transverse116 myelitis117 Respiratory/Pulmonary: eosinophilic pneumonia, interstitial pneumonitis118 Skin: psoriasis, pyoderma gangrenosum, erythema nodosum119 Renal/Urogenital: reversible oligospermia120121 7 DRUGINTERACTIONS122 Based on in vitro studies, APRISO is not expected to inhibit the metabolism of drugs that are 123 substrates of CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, or CYP3A4.124125 7.1 Antacids126 Because the dissolution of the coating of the granules in APRISO capsules depends on pH, 127 APRISO capsules should not be co-administered with antacids.128129 8 USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS130 8.1 Pregnancy131 Pregnancy Category B. Reproduction studies with mesalamine have been performed in rats 132 at oral doses up to 320 mg/kg/day (about 1.7 times the recommended human dose based on a 133 body surface area comparison) and rabbits at doses up to 495 mg/kg/day (about 5.4 times the 134 recommended human dose based on a body surface area comparison) and have revealed no 135 evidence of impaired fertility or harm to the fetus due to mesalamine. There are, however, 136 no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Because animal reproduction 137 studies are not always predictive of human response, this drug should be used during138 pregnancy only if clearly needed.139140 Mesalamine is known to cross the placental barrier.141142 8.3 NursingMothers143 Low concentrations of mesalamine and higher concentrations of its N-acetyl metabolite have 144 been detected in human breast milk. The clinical significance of this has not been145 determined and there is limited experience of nursing women using mesalamine. Caution 146 should be exercised when APRISO is administered to a nursing woman.147Use148 8.4 Pediatric149 Safety and effectiveness of APRISO capsules in pediatric patients have not been established.150Use151 8.5 Geriatric152 Clinical studies of APRISO did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 and over 153 to determine whether they respond differently than younger subjects. Other reported clinical 154 experience has not identified differences in responses between elderly and younger patients. 155 In general, the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or cardiac function, and of156 concomitant disease or other drug therapy in elderly patients should be considered when 157 prescribing APRISO.158159 Reports from uncontrolled clinical studies and postmarketing reporting systems suggested a 160 higher incidence of blood dyscrasias, i.e., neutropenia, pancytopenia, in patients who were 65 161 years or older who were taking mesalamine-containing products such as APRISO. Caution 162 should be taken to closely monitor blood cell counts during mesalamine therapy.163164 Mesalamine is known to be substantially excreted by the kidney, and the risk of adverse165 reactions to this drug may be greater in patients with impaired renal function. Because166 elderly patients are more likely to have decreased renal function, care should be taken when 167 prescribing this drug therapy. [see Warning and Precautions (5.1)].168169 10 OVERDOSAGE170 APRISO is an aminosalicylate, and symptoms of salicylate toxicity include hematemesis, 171 tachypnea, hyperpnea, tinnitus, deafness, lethargy, seizures, confusion, or dyspnea. Severe 172 intoxication may lead to electrolyte and blood pH imbalance and potentially to other organ 173 (e.g., renal and liver) involvement. There is no specific antidote for mesalamine overdose; 174 however, conventional therapy for salicylate toxicity may be beneficial in the event of acute 175 overdosage. This includes prevention of further gastrointestinal tract absorption by emesis 176 and, if necessary, by gastric lavage. Fluid and electrolyte imbalance should be corrected by 177 the administration of appropriate intravenous therapy. Adequate renal function should be 178 maintained. APRISO is a pH-dependent delayed-release product and this factor should be 179 considered when treating a suspected overdose.180181 11 DESCRIPTION182 Each APRISO capsule is a delayed- and extended-release dosage form for oral183 administration. Each capsule contains 0.375 g of mesalamine USP (5-aminosalicylic acid, 184 5-ASA), an anti-inflammatory drug. The structural formula of mesalamine is:185OHN2OHOH186187 Molecular Weight: 153.14188 Molecular Formula: C7H7NO3189190 Each APRISO capsule contains granules composed of mesalamine in a polymer matrix with 191 an enteric coating that dissolves at pH 6 and above.192193 The inactive ingredients of APRISO capsules are colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium194 stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, simethicone emulsion, ethylacrylate/methylmethacrylate 195 copolymer nonoxynol 100 dispersion, hypromellose, methacrylic acid copolymer, talc,196 titanium dioxide, triethyl citrate, aspartame, anhydrous citric acid, povidone, vanilla flavor, 197 and edible black ink.198199 12 CLINICALPHARMACOLOGY200 12.1 Mechanism of Action201202203204 pathways, i.e., leukotrienes and hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids, is increased in patients with 205 ulcerative colitis, and it is possible that 5-ASA diminishes inflammation by blocking206 production of arachidonic acid metabolites.207208 12.3 Pharmacokinetics209 Absorption210 The pharmacokinetics of 5-ASA and its metabolite, N-acetyl-5-aminosalicylic acid (N-Ac-5211 ASA), were studied after a single and multiple oral doses of 1.5 g APRISO in a crossover 212 study in healthy subjects under fasting conditions. In the multiple-dose period, each subject 213 received APRISO 1.5 g (4 x 0.375 g capsules) every 24 hours (QD) for 7 consecutive days. 214 Steady state was reached on Day 6 of QD dosing based on trough concentrations.215216 After single and multiple doses of APRISO, peak plasma concentrations were observed at 217 about 4 hours post dose. At steady state, moderate increases (1.5-fold and 1.7-fold) in218 systemic exposure (AUC0-24) to 5-ASA and N-Ac-5-ASA were observed when compared 219 with a single-dose of APRISO.220221 Pharmacokinetic parameters after a single dose of 1.5 g APRISO and at steady state in222 healthy subjects under fasting condition are shown in Table 2.223224 Table 2: Single Dose and Multiple Dose Mean (±SD) Plasma Pharmacokinetic 225 Parameters of Mesalamine (5-ASA) and N-Ac-5-ASA226 after 1.5 g APRISO Administration in Healthy SubjectsMesalamine (5-ASA) Single Dose(n=24)Multiple Dose c(n=24)AUC0-24 (µg*h/mL) 11 ± 5 AUC0-inf (µg*h/mL) 14 ± 5 C max (µg/mL) 2.1 ± 1.1 T max (h) a 4 (2, 16) t½ (h)b 9 ± 717 ± 6-2.7 ± 1.1 4 (2, 8) 10 ± 8N-Ac-5-ASAAUC0-24 (µg*h/mL) 26 ± 6 AUC0-inf (µg*h/mL) 51 ± 23 C max (µg/mL) 2.8 ± 0.8 T max (h)a 4 (4, 12) t½ (h)b 12 ± 1137 ± 9-3.4 ± 0.9 5 (2, 8) 14 ± 10a Median (range);b Harmonic mean (pseudo SD); c after 7 days of treatment227228 In a separate study (n = 30), it was observed that under fasting conditions about 32% ± 11% 229 (mean ± SD) of the administered dose was systemically absorbed based on the combined 230 cumulative urinary excretion of 5-ASA and N-Ac-5-ASA over 96 hours post-dose.231232 The effect of a high fat meal intake on absorption of mesalamine granules (the same granules 233 contained in APRISO capsules) was evaluated in 30 healthy subjects. Subjects received 234 1.6 g of mesalamine granules in sachet (2 x 0.8 g) following an overnight fast or a high-fat 235 meal in a crossover study. Under fed conditions, t max for both 5-ASA and N-Ac-5-ASA was 236 prolonged by 4 and 2 hours, respectively. A high fat meal did not affect C max for 5-ASA, but 237 a 27% increase in the cumulative urinary excretion of 5-ASA was observed with a high fat 238 meal. The overall extent of absorption of N-Ac-5-ASA was not affected by a high fat meal. 239 As APRISO and mesalamine granules in sachet were bioequivalent, APRISO can be taken 240 without regard to food.241 Distribution242 In an in vitro study, at 2.5 μg/mL, mesalamine and N-Ac-5-ASA are 43 ± 6% and 78 ± 1% 243 bound, respectively, to plasma proteins. Protein binding of N-Ac-5-ASA does not appear to 244 be concentration dependent at concentrations ranging from 1 to 10 μg/mL.245 Metabolism246 The major metabolite of mesalamine is N-acetyl-5-aminosalicylic acid (N-Ac-5-ASA). It is 247 formed by N-acetyltransferase activity in the liver and intestinal mucosa.248 Elimination249 Following single and multiple doses of APRISO, the mean half-lives were 9 to 10 hours for 250 5-ASA, and 12 to 14 hours for N-Ac-5-ASA. Of the approximately 32% of the dose251 absorbed, about 2% of the dose was excreted unchanged in the urine, compared with about 252 30% of the dose excreted as N-Ac-5-ASA.253254 In Vitro Drug-Drug Interaction Study255 In an in vitro study using human liver microsomes, 5-ASA and its metabolite, N-Ac-5-ASA, 256 were shown not to inhibit the major CYP enzymes evaluated (CYP1A2, CYP2C9,257 CYP2C19, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4). Therefore, mesalamine and its metabolite are not258 expected to inhibit the metabolism of other drugs that are substrates of CYP1A2, CYP2C9, 259 CYP2C19, CYP2D6, or CYP3A4.260261 13 NONCLINICALTOXICOLOGY262 13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility263 Dietary mesalamine was not carcinogenic in rats at doses as high as 480 mg/kg/day, or in 264 mice at 2000 mg/kg/day. These doses are about 2.6 and 5.4 times the recommended human265 266 dose of granulated mesalamine capsules of 1.5 g/day (30 mg/kg if 50 kg body weight assumed or 1110 mg/m2), respectively, based on body surface area. Mesalamine was267 negative in the Ames test, the mouse lymphoma cell (L5178Y/TK+/-) forward mutation test, 268 the sister chromatid exchange assay in the Chinese hamster bone marrow test, and the mouse 269 bone marrow micronucleus test. Mesalamine at oral doses up to 320 mg/kg (about 1.7 times 270 the recommended human dose based on body surface area) was found to have no effect on 271 fertility or reproductive performance in rats.272273 13.2 Animal Toxicology and/or Pharmacology274 Renal Toxicity275 Animal studies with mesalamine (13-week and 26-week oral toxicity studies in rats, and 26276 week and 52-week oral toxicity studies in dogs) have shown the kidney to be the major target 277 organ of mesalamine toxicity. Oral doses of 40 mg/kg/day (about 0.20 times the human278 dose, on the basis of body surface area) produced minimal to slight tubular injury, and doses 279 of 160 mg/kg/day (about 0.90 times the human dose, on the basis of body surface area) or 280 higher in rats produced renal lesions including tubular degeneration, tubular mineralization, 281 and papillary necrosis. Oral doses of 60 mg/kg/day (about 1.1 times the human dose, on the 282 basis of body surface area) or higher in dogs also produced renal lesions including tubular 283 atrophy, interstitial cell infiltration, chronic nephritis, and papillary necrosis.284 Overdosage285 Single oral doses of 800 mg/kg (about 2.2 times the recommended human dose, on the basis 286 of body surface area) and 1800 mg/kg (about 9.7 times the recommended human dose, on the 287 basis of body surface area) of mesalamine were lethal to mice and rats, respectively, and 288 resulted in gastrointestinal and renal toxicity.289290 14 CLINICALSTUDIES291 14.1 Ulcerative Colitis292 Two similar, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center studies were293 conducted in a total of 562 adult patients in remission from ulcerative colitis. The study294 populations had a mean age of 46 years (11% age 65 years or older), were 53% female, and 295 were primarily white (92%).296297 Ulcerative colitis disease activity was assessed using a modified Sutherland Disease Activity 298 Index1 (DAI), which is a sum of four subscores based on stool frequency, rectal bleeding, 299 mucosal appearance on endoscopy, and physician’s rating of disease activity. Each subscore 300 can range from 0 to 3, for a total possible DAI score of 12.301302 At baseline, approximately 80% of patients had a total DAI score of 0 or 1.0. Patients were 303 randomized 2:1 to receive either APRISO 1.5 g or placebo once daily in the morning for six 304 months. Patients were assessed at baseline, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months in the clinic, 305 with endoscopy performed at baseline, at end of study, or if clinical symptoms developed. 306 Relapse was defined as a rectal bleeding subscale score of 1 or more and a mucosal307 appearance subscale score of 2 or more using the DAI. The analysis of the intent-to-treat 308 population was a comparison of the proportions of patients who remained relapse-free at the 309 end of six months of treatment. For the table below (Table 3) all patients who prematurely 310 withdrew from the study for any reason were counted as relapses.311312 In both studies, the proportion of patients who remained relapse-free at six months was313 greater for APRISO than for placebo.314315 Table 3: Percentage of Patients Relapse-Free* through 6 Months316 in APRISO Maintenance Studies317APRISO1.5 g/day% (# no relapse/N)Placebo% (# no relapse/N)Difference(95% C.I.) P-valueStudy 1 68% (143/209) 51% (49/96) 17% (5.5, 29.2) <0.001Study 2 71% (117/164) 59% (55/93) 12% (0, 24.5) 0.046318 * Relapse counted as rectal bleeding score ≥ 1 and mucosal appearance score ≥ 2, or premature withdrawal 319 from study.320321 Examination of gender subgroups did not identify difference in response to APRISO among 322 these subgroups. There were too few elderly and too few African-American patients to 323 adequately assess difference in effects in those populations.324325 The use of APRISO for treating ulcerative colitis beyond six months has not been evaluated 326 in controlled clinical trials.327328 15 REFERENCES329 1. Sutherland LR, Martin F, Greer S, Robinson M, Greenberger N, Saibil F, et al. 330 5-Aminosalicylic acid enema in the treatment of distal ulcerative colitis,331 proctosigmoiditis, and proctitis. Gastroenterology 1987;92(6):1894-1898.332333 16 HOW SUPPLIED/STORAGE AND HANDLING334 APRISO is available as light blue opaque hard gelatin capsules containing 0.375 g335 mesalamine and with the letters “G” and “M” on either side of a black band imprinted on the 336 capsule.337338 NDC 65649-103-02 Bottles of 120 capsules339 NDC 65649-103-01 Bottles of 4 capsules340341 Storage:342 Store at 20° to 25°C (68° to 77°F); excursions permitted between 15° and 30°C (59° and 343 86°F). See USP Controlled Room Temperature.344INFORMATIONCOUNSELING345 17 PATIENT346 17.1 Patients with Phenylketonuria347 • Inform patients with phenylketonuria (PKU) or their caregivers that each APRISO 348 capsule contains aspartame equivalent to 0.56 mg of phenylalanine, so that the349 recommended adult dosing provides an equivalent of 2.24 mg of phenylalanine per 350 day.351 17.2 General Counseling Information352 • Instruct patients not to take APRISO capsules with antacids, because it could affect 353 the way APRISO dissolves.354 • Instruct patients to contact a health care provider if they experience a worsening of 355 ulcerative colitis symptoms, because it could be due to a reaction to APRISO.356357 Manufactured by Catalent Pharma Solutions for Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Morrisville, NC 358 27560359 * APRISO TM is a trademark of Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.360 © 2008 Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.361362 Product protected by U.S. Patent No. 6,551,620363364 VENART-113-0。