



2019-2019学年安徽省宿州市萧县青龙中心校六年级(上)期中数学试卷一、用心思考,正确填写.(除第4小题每空0.5分,其余每空1分;共22分)1.除以一个不等于0的数,等于乘这个数的.两个数又叫两个数的比.2.吨的8020千克:0.2吨的比值是.3.5和互为倒数,没有倒数.4=18:=:=÷40.5.18:12化成最简单的整数比是,比值是.6.用圆规画一个周长是18.84cm的圆,圆规两脚之问的距离应取.7.在一个长6厘米,宽4厘米的长方形里画一个最大的圆,这个圆的半径是厘米,面积是平方厘米.8.5克盐溶解在100克水中,盐和盐水的重量比是.9.在横线里填上“>”、“<”或“=”.10.一个三角形的三个内角之比为1:2:3,则这个三角形是三角形.11.甲乙两数的比是4:5,甲数是乙数的,乙数是甲乙和的.12.一个半圆的直径是6厘米,它的周长是,面积是.二、仔细推敲,判断对错(共5分.)13.11=0..(判断对错)14.所有的直径都相等,所有的半径都相等..(判断对错)15.10千克水加入1..(判断对错)16.半径是2厘米的圆,它的周长和面积相等..(判断对错)17..(判断对错)三、反复比较,择优录取.(共5分)183倍,这时的比值()A.不变B.扩大3倍C.扩大9倍19.一项工程,甲单独做用10天,乙单独做用8天,甲、乙两人的工作效率比是()A.5:4B.4:520.周长相等的圆,正方形、长方形,()的面积最大.A.圆B.正方形C.长方形21.在3:4中,如果前项加上6,要使比值不变,后项应加上()A.6B.8C.1222.半圆的周长()A.πr+rB.πr+2rC.πr+r四、看清题目,巧思妙算.(共34分)23.直接写得数×16= 12×= 01÷=÷=×÷×=24.怎样算简便就怎样算6;24×24.25.解方程7x﹣26.化简下列各比.24:48 2.8:0.7.27.列式计算①36五、操作题.(共10分)28.某勘探队在A城南偏西50°方向上约60千米处发现稀有金属矿.请你在平面图上确定金属矿的位置.29.根据下面的描述,在平面图上标出各场所的位置.①小丽家在广场北偏西20°方向600米处.②小彬家在广场西偏南45°方向1200米处.30.求下面操场的周长(单位:米)六、走进生活,解决问题.(共24分)31.养殖场有鸡320032140页,这本书一共多少页?33.用96分米的铁丝焊成一个长方体框架,长方体长、宽、高的比是4:3:1,这个长方形的体积是多少平方厘米?34.一个圆形挂钟的分针长10cm,经过30分钟,分针的尖端走的路程是多少米?35.在一个直径是16米的圆心花坛周围,有一条宽为2米的小路围绕,小路的面积是多少平方米?2019-2019学年安徽省宿州市萧县青龙中心校六年级(上)期中数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一、用心思考,正确填写.(除第4小题每空0.5分,其余每空1分;共22分)1.除以一个不等于0的数,等于乘这个数的倒数.两个数相除又叫两个数的比.【考点】分数除法;比的意义.【分析】根据分数除法的计算法则及比的意义解答即可.【解答】解:除以一个不等于0的数,等于乘这个数的倒数.两个数相除又叫两个数的比.故答案为:倒数,相除.2.64吨的8020千克:0.2吨的比值是0.1.【考点】分数的四则混合运算;求比值和化简比.【分析】(1)先把80看作单位“1”,用8080位“1”,根据已知单位“1”的几分之几是多少,求单位“1”用除法解答即可.(2)先统一单位,再根基求比值的方法,用比的前项除以后项即可.【解答】解:(1)80=48=64(吨)答:6480(2)20千克:0.2吨=20千克:200千克=20÷200=0.1答:20千克:0.2吨的比值是0.1;故答案为:64,和\frac{1}{5}互为倒数,0没有倒数.【考点】倒数的认识.【分析】根据倒数的意义,乘积是1的两个数互为倒数.0没有倒数,1的倒数是1,求一个大于1的自然数的倒数,就是用1除以这个自然数.据此解答.【解答】解:50没有倒数.0.4=18:15=24:=48÷40.【考点】比与分数、除法的关系;小数、分数和百分数之间的关系及其转化.【分析】根据分数与比的关系得到6:5,前后项同乘3得到18:15,同乘4得到24:20;分子分母同乘5;分数与除法的关系得出6÷5,除数、被除数同乘8得出48÷40,;由此得出答案即可.【解答】=18:15=24:÷40.故答案为:15;24;30;48.5.18:12化成最简单的整数比是3:2,比值是\frac{3}{2}.【考点】求比值和化简比.【分析】(1)根据比的基本性质作答,即比的前项和后项同时乘一个数或除以一个数(0除外)比值不变;(2)求比值,用比的前项除以后项即可.【解答】解:18:12,=(18÷6):(12÷6),=3:2;18:12,=18÷12,故答案为:3:26.用圆规画一个周长是18.84cm的圆,圆规两脚之问的距离应取3厘米.【考点】圆、圆环的周长.【分析】求圆规两脚之间的距离实际上是求这个圆的半径,圆的周长已知,则可以利用圆的周长=2πr,求出这个圆的半径.【解答】解:18.84÷(2×3.14),=18.84÷6.28,=3(厘米);答:圆规两脚之间的距离是3厘米.故答案为:3厘米.7.在一个长6厘米,宽4厘米的长方形里画一个最大的圆,这个圆的半径是2厘米,面积是12.56平方厘米.【考点】圆、圆环的面积.【分析】长方形内最大的圆就是以较短边为直径的圆,所以这个圆的直径是4厘米,进而利用圆的面积公式即可解决问题.【解答】解:根据题干可得,圆的直径为4厘米,4÷2=2(厘米),3.14×22,=3.14×4,=12.56(平方厘米),答:这个圆的半径是2厘米,面积是12.56平方厘米.故答案为:2,克盐溶解在100克水中,盐和盐水的重量比是1:21.【考点】比的应用.【分析】根据“5克盐溶解在100克水中,”知道盐水的重量是5+100克,由此用盐的重量比盐水的重量即可.【解答】解:5:(5+100),=5:105,=(5÷5):,=1:21,答:盐和盐水的重量比是1:21;故答案为:1:21.9.在横线里填上“>”、“<”或“=”.【考点】分数大小的比较;分数乘法;分数除法.【分析】(1)(3)先根据分数除法,以及分数乘法计算方法,求出题干中算是的值,再把求得的算是的值通分,依据同分母分数大小比较方法即可解答,(2)依据一个数除以一个小于1的数,所得的商大于被除数即可解答,(4)依据一个数乘一个小于1的分数,所得的积小于原数即可解答.【解答】解:(1(2(3(4故答案依次为:>,<,>,<.10.一个三角形的三个内角之比为1:2:3,则这个三角形是直角三角形.【考点】三角形的分类;按比例分配应用题;三角形的内角和.【分析】判断这个三角形是什么三角形,要知道这个三角形最大角的度数情况,由题意知:把这个三角形的内角和180°平均分了6解.【解答】解:因为1+2+3=6,3÷180(度),所以是直角三角形,故答案为:直角.11.甲乙两数的比是4:5,甲数是乙数的\frac{4}{5},乙数是甲乙和的\frac{5}{9}.【考点】比的应用.【分析】甲乙两数的比是4:5,那么甲占4份,乙占5份,甲乙和就占9份,求一个数是另一个数的几分之几,用除法解答.【解答】解:4÷5÷(4+5)12.一个半圆的直径是6厘米,它的周长是15.42厘米,面积是14.13平方厘米.【考点】圆、圆环的周长;圆、圆环的面积.【分析】(1)首先要明白半圆的周长的组成,是由圆周长的一半加上圆的直径组成的,即:半圆的周长=圆的周长÷2+直径,已知直径,代入半圆周长的公式就即可;(2)半圆的面积就是圆面积的一半,已知直径可以求出半径来然后代入圆的面积公式求解即可.【解答】解:(1)由题意知,半圆的周长=圆的周长÷2+直径,πd÷2+d=3.14×6÷2+6=9.42+6=15.42(厘米);(2)r=d÷2=6÷2=3(厘米);S=πr2=3.14×32=3.14×9=28.26(平方厘米);28.26÷2=14.13(平方厘米);故答案为:15.42厘米,14.13平方厘米.二、仔细推敲,判断对错(共5分.)13.11=0.×.(判断对错)【考点】分数的四则混合运算.【分析】按照先算除法,再算减法的运算顺序计算得出答案即可.【解答】解:1 1=1所以原题错误.故答案为:×.14.所有的直径都相等,所有的半径都相等.×.(判断对错)【考点】圆的认识与圆周率.【分析】根据“在同圆或等圆中,圆的半径都相等,直径也都相等”进行判断即可.【解答】解:所有的直径都相等,所有的半径都相等,说法错误,前提是:在同圆或等圆中;故答案为:×.15.10千克水加入1.×.(判断对错)【考点】分数除法.【分析】盐占盐水的几分之几是把盐水的重量看成单位“1”,先求出盐水的重量,然后用盐的重量除以盐水的重量即可.【解答】解:1÷(10+1),=1÷11,故答案为:错误.16.半径是2厘米的圆,它的周长和面积相等.×.(判断对错)【考点】圆、圆环的周长;圆、圆环的面积.【分析】圆的周长是长度单位厘米,圆的面积是面积单位平方厘米,两者之间不能互换,因此无法比较大小.【解答】解:圆的周长是长度单位厘米,圆的面积是面积单位平方厘米,两者之间不能互换,因此无法比较大小.答:半径是2厘米的圆,它的周长和面积不能进行大小的比较.故答案为:×.17.错误.(判断对错)【考点】单位“1”的认识及确定;分数的四则混合运算.【分析】“1”数就比松树少多少,是把松树的棵树当做单位“1”,柏树的棵数就比松树少1【解答】解:松树就是柏树的柏树比松树少:1﹣1=1故答案为:错误.三、反复比较,择优录取.(共5分)183倍,这时的比值()A.不变B.扩大3倍C.扩大9倍【考点】比的性质.【分析】根据比的基本性质,即比的前项和后项同乘(除以)一个数(0除外),比值不变;.【解答】解:据分析可知:3倍,这时的比值不变;故选:A.19.一项工程,甲单独做用10天,乙单独做用8天,甲、乙两人的工作效率比是()A.5:4B.4:5【考点】比的意义.【分析】把这项工程的量看作单位“1”,甲单独做10单独做8【解答】解:(1÷10):(1÷8)=4:5答;甲、乙两人的工作效率比是4:5.故选:B.20.周长相等的圆,正方形、长方形,()的面积最大.A.圆B.正方形C.长方形【考点】面积及面积的大小比较.【分析】要比较周长相等的正方形、长方形和圆形,谁的面积最大,谁面积最小,可以先假设这三种图形的周长是多少,再利用这三种图形的面积公式,分别计算出它们的面积,最后比较这三种图形面积的大小.【解答】解:为了便于理解,假设正方形、长方形和圆形的周长都是16,20.38;正方形的边长为:16÷4=4,面积为:4×4=16;长方形长宽越接近面积越大,就取长为5宽为3,面积为:5×3=15,当长方形的长和宽最接近时面积也小于16;所以周长相等的正方形、长方形和圆形,圆面积最大.故选:A.21.在3:4中,如果前项加上6,要使比值不变,后项应加上()A.6B.8C.12【考点】比的性质.【分析】比的性质是指比的前项和后项同时乘或除以相同的数(0除外),比值不变.据此分析解答.【解答】解:在3:4中,如果前项加上6,可知比的前项由3变成9,相当于前项乘3要使比值不变,后项也应该乘3,由4变成12,也可以认为是后项加上12﹣4=8.故选:B.22.半圆的周长()A.πr+rB.πr+2rC.πr+r【考点】圆、圆环的周长;用字母表示数.【分析】一个半圆的周长是圆周长的一半加上直径,根据圆的周长公式:c=πd或c=2πr,求出圆周长的一半再加直径.【解答】解:圆的周长的一半是:2πr÷2=πr,一个半圆的周长是:πr+2r;故选:B.四、看清题目,巧思妙算.(共34分)23.直接写得数×16= 12×= 01÷= ÷= ×÷×=【考点】分数乘法;分数除法;分数的四则混合运算.【分析】按照分数四则运算的计算法则,直接进行口算即可.【解答】解:直接写得数×16=12;12;×=;01÷=;÷=1;×÷×=.故答案为:12;20124.怎样算简便就怎样算6;24×24.【考点】分数的四则混合运算;运算定律与简便运算.【分析】(1)(2)(4)利用乘法分配律简算;(3)利用乘法交换律简算.【解答】解:(16=1(2(1(3)24=24=14=10;(4)×2424=16+4=20.25.解方程7x﹣【考点】方程的解和解方程.【分析】(1(2(3)先化简,再根据等式的性质,在方程两边同时除以4求解.【解答】解:(1x=1.5;(2),,x=24;(3)7x﹣4x÷4,26.化简下列各比.24:48 2.8:0.7.【考点】求比值和化简比.【分析】根据比的基本性质作答,即比的前项和后项同时乘或除以一个数(0除外)比值不变.【解答】=8):8),=1:6;24:48,=(24÷24):(48÷24),=1:2;2.8:0.7,=(2.8×10):(0.7×10),=28:7,=(28÷7):(7÷7),=4:1.27.列式计算①36【考点】分数的四则混合运算.【分析】①设这个数为x,根据一个数②【解答】解:①设这个数为x,xx=30x=50答:这个数是50.2五、操作题.(共10分)28.某勘探队在A城南偏西50°方向上约60千米处发现稀有金属矿.请你在平面图上确定金属矿的位置.【考点】在平面图上标出物体的位置.【分析】根据方向规定南偏西可以确定金属矿方向,再根据线段比例尺,1厘米表示15千米,60千米在图上应是4厘米,此题可解.【解答】解:60÷15=4(厘米)作图如下:29.根据下面的描述,在平面图上标出各场所的位置.①小丽家在广场北偏西20°方向600米处.②小彬家在广场西偏南45°方向1200米处.【考点】在平面图上标出物体的位置.【分析】因为图上距离1厘米表示实际距离300米,于是即可分别求出它们之间的图上距离,再根据它们之间的方向关系,即可在图上分别标出它们的位置.【解答】解:(1)600÷300=2(厘米)又因学小丽家在广场北偏西20°方向校,如下图所示:(2)1200÷300=4(厘米)又因小彬家在广场西偏南45°方向,如下图所示:30.求下面操场的周长(单位:米)【考点】圆、圆环的周长.【分析】求此操场的周长,由操场的周长=一个圆的周长+长方形的两条长边的长度即可求得.【解答】解:操场的周长为:3.14×60+100×2,=188.4+200,=388.4(米);答:操场的周长是388.4米.六、走进生活,解决问题.(共24分)31.养殖场有鸡3200【考点】分数四则复合应用题.【分析】意义可知,两周一共卖出了3200×【解答】解:3200×=3200=2480(只);答:两周一共卖出2480只.32140页,这本书一共多少页?【考点】分数四则复合应用题.【分析】把这本书总页数看作单位“1”,则140页对应的分率为1求出总页数.【解答】解:140÷(1=140=336(页)答:这本书一共336页.33.用96分米的铁丝焊成一个长方体框架,长方体长、宽、高的比是4:3:1,这个长方形的体积是多少平方厘米?【考点】按比例分配应用题;长方体和正方体的体积.【分析】由题意得:96厘米是长方体框架的4条长、4条宽和4条高这12条边的长度之和,所以除以3就是一条长、一条宽和一条高的长度之和,再根据按比例分配的方法先求出每一份的长度,进而即可求出长、宽、高的长度,再根据长方体体积=长×宽×高计算即可.【解答】解:96÷4=24(厘米),24÷(4+3+1)=24÷8=3(厘米),长:4×3=12(厘米);宽:3×3=9(厘米);高:1×3=3(厘米).体积:12×9×3=324(立方厘米).答:这个长方体的体积324立方厘米.34.一个圆形挂钟的分针长10cm,经过30分钟,分针的尖端走的路程是多少米?【考点】圆、圆环的周长.【分析】首先要明确分针1小时(60分钟)转1周,转1周针尖端走的路程是一个圆的周长,扫过的面积是一个圆的面积,30分钟分针的尖端所走的路程是圆周长的一半,根据圆的周长公式c=2πr把数据代入公式进行解答.【解答】解:2×3.14×10÷2=62.8÷2=31.4(厘米)答:针的尖端所走的路程是31.4厘米.35.在一个直径是16米的圆心花坛周围,有一条宽为2米的小路围绕,小路的面积是多少平方米?【考点】圆、圆环的面积.【分析】此题就是求大圆半径为10米,小圆半径为8米的圆环的面积,利用圆环的面积=π(R2﹣r2)即可解答.【解答】解:16÷2=8(米),8+2=10(米),3.14×,=3.14×,=3.14×36,=113.04(平方米).答:小路的面积是113.04平方米.2019年7月14日。



2019-2019学年新人教版六年级(上)月考数学试卷(32)一、填空.(4×9=36分)1.4的意义是,表示.2,+=.3.一辆汽车2小时行180千米,每小时行千米?列式,行1千米需要小时?列式:.460千米,照这样计算,1小时行千米,行1千米需要小时.51吨米要小时,1小时可碾米吨需小时.6.的是的的.7是的的是的.8相当于的千克的是9和乙数相等,乙数甲数(填“大于”或“小于”).若乙数增加,就和甲相等或甲拿出它给乙后甲、乙也相等.二、判断.(2×10=20分)10都是倒数..(判断对错)11.两数相乘,积大于乘数,被乘数一定大于1..(判断对错)12.除数大于1,商不大于被除数..(判断对错)13.两根绳子都小于1米,甲绳比乙绳剩下的长.(判断对错)14一样长..(判断对错)155的结果与所示的意义都相同..(判断对错)16.4÷÷4+4=1+8=9.(判断对错)17.把5克盐放入20..(判断对错)184倍..(判断对错)19.A,当A小于1时,当A大于1时,..(判断对错)三、选择.(2×3=6分)20.一个自然数除以假分数,商()被除数.A.大于B.小于C.等于D.不大于E.不小于21)A B C D22)A.一样长B.甲绳长C.乙绳长D.无法确定长短四、(25分)23.改错题(1=1(2)(3)=3.24.比较大小.÷○÷○1○÷1○÷○×÷○× ×○÷.五、文字题.(2×2=4分) 25.文字题(1(2)甲数是243,求乙数?六、应用题.(4.5×2=9分)26.某水稻专业户,去年栽水稻150去年少栽多少亩?27.某水稻专业户,今年栽水稻135亩,去年栽的是今年的年比今年多栽几分之几?2019-2019学年新人教版六年级(上)月考数学试卷(32)参考答案与试题解析一、填空.(4×9=36分)1.4的意义是 已知两个因数的积是4\frac{4}{7},其中一个因数是4,求另一个因数是多少; ,表示 1\frac{4}{7}的\frac{1}{5}是多少 .【考点】分数除法;分数乘法.【分析】分数除法的意义,与整数除法的意义完全相同:就是已知两个因数的积和其中一个因数,求另一个因数的运算.分数乘整数的意义与整数乘法的意义相同都表示求几个相同加数的和的简便运算.【解答】解:4的意义是 已知两个因数的积是4,求另一个因数是多少;故答案为:已知两个因数的积是其中一个因数是4,求另一个因数是多少;多少.2, 1 += \frac{6}{5} .【考点】分数乘法.【分析】“1”,四月份相当于三月份的【解答】解:故答案为:13.一辆汽车2小时行180千米,每小时行90千米?列式180÷2=90(千米),行1千米需要\frac{1}{90}小时?列式:2÷180=\frac{1}{90}(小时).【考点】简单的行程问题.【分析】首先根据路程÷时间=速度,用这辆汽车2小时行的路程除以2,求出每小时行多少千米;然后用时间除以路程,也就是用这辆汽车行180千米用的时间除以180,求出行1千米需要多少小时即可.【解答】解:一辆汽车2小时行180千米,每小时行90千米?列式:180÷2=90(千米),行12÷.故答案为:90;180÷2=90(千米)2÷.460千米,照这样计算,1小时行90千米,行1千米需要\frac{1}{90}小时.【考点】分数除法.【分析】根据题意,求1小时行的千米数,平均分的是总千米数;求行1千米需要的小时数,平均分的是总小时数,都用除法计算,列式解答即可.【解答】解:1小时行的千米数:(千米),1.答:1小时行90千米,行1故答案为:9051吨米要\frac{10}{7}小时,1小时可碾米\frac{7}{10}吨.碾米吨需1小时.【考点】分数除法应用题.【分析】1吨米要多少小时,用吨数除以时间即可求出11小时碾米的吨数可求出用多少小时.【解答】解:答:碾1答:1(小时)1小时.1.6.\frac{2}{3}的是\frac{3}{2}的的\frac{2}{3}.【考点】分数除法.【分析】把要求的量看作单位“1”,根据已知一个数的几分之几是多少,求这个数,用除法分别解答即可.【解答】7是\frac{8}{5}的\frac{9}{14}的\frac{1}{2}是的\frac{12}{7}.【考点】分数乘法;分数除法.【分析】(1(2(3(4)要求【解答】解:(12(3(4)答:8相当于\frac{14}{15}的千克的\frac{1}{4}是【考点】分数的四则混合运算.【分析】(1“1”求出它是多少米,再把要求的数量看成单位“1”“1”的量用除法;(2“1”【解答】解:(1(29和乙数相等,乙数<甲数(填“大于”或“小于”).若乙数增加2,就和甲相等或甲拿出它\frac{1}{5}给乙后甲、乙也相等.【考点】分数大小的比较.【分析】假设甲数,等于5,根据分数乘法的意义,求出乙数的大小是3,比较大小;甲数减去乙数,求出乙数增加多少后就等于乙数;甲数和乙数的和除以2,再用甲数减去这个数,再除以甲数就是甲拿出它的几分之几给乙后甲乙也相等.【解答】解:假设甲数=5则乙数=5所以乙数<甲数;5﹣3=2所以若乙数增加2,就和甲相等;5﹣(5+3)÷2=5﹣4=11÷故答案为:<,2二、判断.(2×10=20分)10都是倒数.×.(判断对错)【考点】倒数的认识.【分析】根据倒数的意义,乘积是1的两个数互为倒数.倒数是对两个数而言,不能单独说某一个数是倒数.据此判断.【解答】解:因为倒数是对两个数而言,不能单独说某一个数是倒数.故答案为:×.11.两数相乘,积大于乘数,被乘数一定大于1.√.(判断对错)【考点】积的变化规律.【分析】一个数(0除外)乘小于1的数,积小于这个数;一个数(0除外)乘大于1的数,积大于这个数;据此解答.【解答】解:两数相乘,积大于乘数,则被乘数一定大于1;原题说法正确.故答案为:√.12.除数大于1,商不大于被除数.√.(判断对错)【考点】商的变化规律.【分析】在除法里,要分两种情况考虑:(1)当被除数是0时,除数大于1时,商等于被除数等于0;(2)当被除数不是0时,除数大于1时,商小于被除数;据此进行判断.【解答】解:(1)在除法里,当被除数是0时,除数大于1时,商等于被除数等于0;(2)在除法里,当被除数不是0时,除数大于1时,商小于被除数.所以,除数大于1,商不大于被除数;原题说法正确.故答案为:√.13.两根绳子都小于1,甲绳比乙绳剩下的长×.(判断对错)【考点】分数乘法应用题;分数的意义、读写及分类.【分析】因为都小于1根据一个数乘分数的意义,用乘法求出乙绳用去的长度,然后用减法求出甲绳剩下的长度和乙绳剩下的长度,然后比较即可.【解答】解:因为都小于1(1所以乙绳比甲绳剩下的长,即本题说法错误;故答案为:×.14一样长.×.(判断对错)【考点】分数大小的比较.【分析】“1”“1”是两根铁丝的长度,由于铁丝不一定【解答】“1”是一根铁丝的长度;“1”是两根铁丝的长度;所以原题说法是错误的.故答案为:×.155的结果与所示的意义都相同.×.(判断对错)【考点】分数除法;分数乘法.【分析】运用乘法的意义及除法的意义进行解答即可,然后分别计算出结果再进行选择即可.【解答】解:所以计算结果相同,但意义不同,5另一个因数是5题说法错误;故答案为:×.16.4÷÷4+4=1+8=9×.(判断对错)【考点】分数的四则混合运算.【分析】在计算4÷÷4+4【解答】解:4÷÷4+4=49故答案为:×.17.把5克盐放入20.√.(判断对错)【考点】分数的意义、读写及分类.【分析】根据“把5克盐放入20克水中,”知道盐水是(5+20)克,由此用盐的质量5克除以盐水的质量(5+20)克,就是盐占盐水的几分之几.【解答】解:5÷(5+20)=5÷25故答案为:√.184倍.√.(判断对错)【考点】分数除法.【分析】4,一个数乘4就表示把这个数扩大4倍,由此做出判断.【解答】解:一个数一个数×4;一个数乘4,就表示把这个数扩大4倍.故答案为:√.19A,当A小于1A大于1.×.(判断对错)【考点】分数除法;商的变化规律.【分析】一个数(0 除外)除以小于1的数,商大于被除数,一个数(0 除外)除以大于1的数,商小于被除数,据此判断即可.【解答】A,当A大于1A小于1A,当A小于1A大于1故答案为:×.三、选择.(2×3=6分)20.一个自然数除以假分数,商()被除数.A.大于B.小于C.等于D.不大于E.不小于【考点】分数除法.【分析】据在商非零的除法里,除数>1,商<被除数;除数=1,商=被除数;除数<1,商>被除数;即可得解.【解答】解:除数是一个假分数,假分数≥1,即除数≥1;当除数=1时,商等于这个数,当除数>1,商小于这个数;所以一个非零自然数除以一个假分数,商小于或等于这个数.故选:D.21)A B C D【考点】分数加减法应用题.【分析】把总质量看成单位“1”,用剩下的质量除以总质量即可求出还剩下总质量的几分之几,由此求解.【解答】故选:B,C.22)A.一样长B.甲绳长C.乙绳长D.无法确定长短【考点】分数大小的比较.【分析】35米,利用分数除法的意义求出两根绳子的长度,进一步比较得出答案.【解答】35米,则甲绳:35(米),乙绳:35(米),42米>40米,也就是甲绳长.故选:B.四、(25分)23.改错题(1=1(2)(3)=3.【考点】分数的四则混合运算.【分析】根据四则混合运算的运算顺序和运算法则计算出各题,然后进行判断即可.【解答】解:(1=1√)(2)×)改正:(3)=3(×)改正:24.比较大小.÷○÷○1○÷1○ ÷○×÷○× ×○÷.【考点】分数除法;分数乘法.【分析】①一个分数除以一个小于1的分数(0除外),结果变大;②④⑤一个分数除以一个大于1的分数,结果变小;③一个分数除以1,结果不变;⑥⑧一个分数除以小于1的分数(0除外),结果变大,乘小于1的分数,结果变小,计算后比较大小;⑦一个分数除以一个大于1的分数,结果变小;乘大于1的分数,结果变大;计算后比较大小;即可得解.【解答】解:比较大小.÷> ÷<÷1< ÷>×÷<× ×<÷. 故答案为:>,<,=,<,<,>,<,<.五、文字题.(2×2=4分)25.文字题(1(2)甲数是243,求乙数? 【考点】分数的四则混合运算.【分析】(1)(2)把乙数看成单位“1”(24﹣3),根据分数除法的意义,用(24﹣3)可求出乙数.【解答】解:(1)(2)(24﹣3)=21=63答:乙数是63.六、应用题.(4.5×2=9分)26.某水稻专业户,去年栽水稻150去年少栽多少亩?【考点】分数乘法应用题.【分析】把去年栽水稻的面积看成单位“1”,可求出今年栽水稻的面积,再用去年的栽水稻的面积减去今年栽水稻的面积,即可求出今年比去年少栽多少亩.【解答】解:150(亩)150﹣135=15(亩)答:今年栽水稻135亩,今年比去年少栽15亩.27.某水稻专业户,今年栽水稻135亩,去年栽的是今年的年比今年多栽几分之几?【考点】整数的乘法及应用.【分析】把年亩数看作单位“1”,用今年的亩数乘栽几分之几,因为去年的亩数就是1的1×去年的份的分率减去今年的分率即可.【解答】解:135×(亩)答:去年栽水稻1502019年7月14日。

2019年中学教师资格证《综合素质》题库综合试卷 附答案

2019年中学教师资格证《综合素质》题库综合试卷 附答案
12、在Excel中,点击编辑栏上的柱状图功能按钮,可实现在工作表中插入的是( )。





























分忡,试尊忌分:300分口可能用到的福时脓子量:H-1 C-12 N-I4 0-16 Na-23 Fe-56第1卷1选择题•共126分)一.选择器《本题包括13小题”每小题尽号一f选项符合题意)I.下列关于细胞结构和功能的叙述正确,的昼.'A.叶绿体姑细胞进行光合作用的必需结构B.核仁是合成KNA的必需结构C.溶酶体是细胞凋亡的必需靖构»突粮是反射活动进行必须经过的结构2下列有关细胞生命历程的叙述正确的是A-细胞的分裂、分化、衰老、坏死时生物体均有积极意义B.成人体内的造血干细胞是已发生分化的细桐C.慷癌基因与抑癌基因在人体的正常细胞中不表达D.细胞分裂都有遗传物质的复制,都出现纺键体3.非洲猪瘟蝙毒(ASFV)基因组为双股线状DNA,下列有关说法正确的是A.A5FV幕因组DNA两条链之间的碱基通过氢键相连构成其基本骨架B.若DNA分子一条链中A *T占36%,则该分子中G占32%C.ASFV与HIV的核酸彻底水解可得到5伸相同产物D.ASFV可遗传变异的来源有基因突变、基因重组和染色体变异4.加掌大诺贝尔奖获得者班廷在发现胰岛素初期进行了如下实验:将何分成两组,甲组摘除胰腺,改造成精尿病狗;乙组先结扎胰腺导管,待伤口恢复、胰腺腺泡凋亡后,取狗的腆,从中制备粗提取液。

随后,将粗提液注射到慵尿病狗的体内.结果降低了这些狗的血稳水平,下列有关说法正确的是A.胰岛素是人类发现的第一种动物激素B.胰岛素不是肢腺腺泡细胞产生的,而是由胰陆A细胞产生C.乙组之所以待胰腺腺泡凋亡后版狗的胰,是因为胰腺腺泡细魅可以产生消化酶水解胰岛素D.可以给精尿病狗饲喂乙组的粗提取被来达到降低血糖的目的5.下列关于神群和群落的叙述错误的垦A一建立一自然保护区、提高大熊猫种群的环境容纳It,是保护大熊猫的根本措施& 土壤小动物对于动植物遗体的分解起It要的辅助作用C.年龄组成为增长型的种群.在近期其个体数危一定增多D.水平方向上光照强度的不同会影响器落的水平结构理科嫁合试期第】页(共14页)HsSOi ©偷废料 6, F 列有关细胞呼吸和光合作用原理的应用的说法,错误的是A, 用乳酸菌制酸奶时.应先通气后密封,利于乳酸埔发酵B, 手指受伤时.选择透气的消毒纱布包扎,町以抑制破伤同杆菌的繁殖C, 增施农家肥町提高CO ]浓度,以增强光合作用强度,提高作物产量【).连埃阴雨,白天适当降低大棚内的温度.有利于提高作物产扇■ 一种废料的主要成分是铁镰合金,还含有钢,钙、镁、硅的氧化物。



2019年3月英语三级A卷真题及答案听力1.C)Ask all the managers to attend the meeting.2.D) He can’t attend the lecture.3.C) The salary is attractive.4.A) The labour cost has risen.5.B) Conducting a market survey.Conversation16.C) He is having a meeting.7.D) He is suffering from a fever.8.B)Having it at the same time next Monday.Conversation29.D) Keep things for his friend.10.D) His friend’s name and phone number.11.success12.wonderful13.remarkable14.great ideas15.get in touch16.What should you think carefully about before renting a car?The_____you need.【kind of car】17.How can you get a best deal and save money when renting a car?By_____offered by different car rental companies.【comparing prices】18.Why are you advised to have the ca r rental company’s phone number?In case you need to_____.【contact the company】19.What should you remember to do if you are returning the car to an airport?Remember to______________to check in to your flight.【leave enough time】20.Why should you fill the gas tank before returning the car?To save you extra fuel and_______.【service fees】词汇和语法21.We have accepted your suggestion____we should put off the meeting until next month.B)that22.____behalf of our faculty, staff and students, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your service.A)On23.It is the marketing department ___ owns and operates this business website.C) that24. If I____in your position, I would try to take classes while working.C) were25. No sooner_the message to Sarah than I got a phone call from her.A)had I sent26. Sometimes_hard you try, your business goes nowhere.D) no matter how27.Be kind and courteous to the interviewer, not sitting_you are told to do so.D) until28.___we are concerned, this China Culture Tour is very exercising and a huge success.B)As far as29.We had a 5% economic growth last year, ____ is one of the best performances in the region.A)which30.I want to keep in touch with you___ I have further questions about the job market.C) in case31.The company whose CEO was recently dismissed is now performing (strong)____.【strongly】32.You should not send (person)______information such as your ID number via email.【personal】33.When you think about the function of business development, it should (think)_____of as a marketing function.【be thought】34.In the next 10 years, healthcare career will be (promising)____than ever before.【more promising】35.To get started with our business development, I suggested (do)____some market research first.【doing】阅读Task136.According to the passage, a positive wellness culture can help to ___.A)create better health37.In the author’s opinion, healthy people are likely to___.C)have fewer sick days38.Regular movement throughout the day will___.D)make you feel refreshed39.Which of the following is mentioned as a way to add movement?D)Taking the stairs in the building.40.In the last paragraph, employers are advised to improve their employees’health so as to___.C)create a better work environmentTask241.One purpose of the company’s Smart Home products is to___.D)save energy42.How can you control your products while you are away from home?A)Use the mobile app for phones.43.The Radiator Thermostat differs from other smart heating systems in that____.B)it helps you set the temperature in each room44.With the Smart Plug, you don’t have to worry about____.C)whether you left something on after leaving home45. The sensor in Starter Kit is used to____.A)make your home secure and safeTask346.first aid47.a flat tire48.the car door49.new,high-quality battery50.service providerTask45l.(N-Three-dimensional map)三维地图(F-Mode of transportation)交通方式52.(G-Public transit)公共交通(E-Estimated time of arrival)预计到达时间53.(A-Bike lane)自行车道(H-Speed camera)超速摄像机54.(D-Distance calculator)距离计算器(J-Real time traffic detection)实时交通监测55.(K-Real time traffic avoidance)实时交通规让 (L-Voice control)语音控制Task556.In what case are you not charged for your late payment?If it is your_____.【first late payment】57.How much cash can you earn back with Discover It in rotating categories each quarter?You can get______cash back.【5%】58.When can you receive all the money the bank matches?At the end of_____.【your first year】59.What does the bank do to protect your account security?It monitors every purchase and _____if it spots something suspicious.【alerts you】60.What should you do if you have any questions about Discover It?Call the bank’s_____.【service number】翻译61.Online banking offers many advantages like accessing funds 24 hours a day or saving time by making fewer trips to the bank.B)网上银行提供了许多便利,如可以每天24小时办理资金业务,或减少了去银行的次数,节省了时间。



学校:____________________ _______年_______班 姓名:____________________ 学号:________- - - - - - - - - 密封线 - - - - - - - - - 密封线 - - - - - - - - -绝密★启用前2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语 全国III 卷(全卷共12页)(适用地区:云南、广西、贵州、四川)注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。

2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。


第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。



例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C 。

1. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a library.B. In a bookstore.C. In a classroom.2. How does the woman feel now? A. Relaxed.B. Excited.C. Tired.3. How much will the man pay? A. $520.B. $80.C. $100.4. What does the man tell Jane to do?A. Postpone his appointment.B. Meet Mr. Douglas.C. Return at 3 o’clock. 5. Why would David quit his job?A. To go back to school.B. To start his own firm.C. To work for his friend. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



















2019年下半年国家司法考试(试卷三)题库综合试卷C卷 附解析

2019年下半年国家司法考试(试卷三)题库综合试卷C卷 附解析

省(市区) 姓名 准考证号 ………密……….…………封…………………线…………………内……..………………不……………………. 准…………………答…. …………题…2019年下半年国家司法考试(试卷三)题库综合试卷C 卷 附解析 考试须知:1、考试时间:180分钟,本卷满分为150分。




关于业主与北林公司的权利义务,下列哪一选项是正确的?( )A 、北林公司公开作出的服务承诺及制定的服务细则,不是物业服务合同的组成部分B 、业主甲将房屋租给他人使用,约定由承租人交纳物业费,北林公司有权请求业主甲对该物业费的交纳承担连带责任C 、业主乙拖欠半年物业服务费,北林公司要求业主委员会支付欠款,业主委员会无权拒绝D 、业主丙出国进修两年返家,北林公司要求其补交两年的物业管理费,丙有权以两年未接受物业服务为由予以拒绝2、甲公司向乙银行贷款1000万元,约定2005年12月2日一次性还本付息。



乙银行在下列哪一时间前行使抵押权,才能得到法院的保护?( ) A 、2007年12月2日 B 、2009年12月2日 C 、2009年3月6日 D 、2011年3月6日3、公司解散后,处分公司财产并了结各种法律关系,最终消灭公司法人人格的行为是( ) A 、公司解散 B 、公司清算C 、公司分立D 、公司变更4、张某诉新立公司买卖合同纠纷案,新立公司不服一审判决提起上诉。


关于本案,下列哪一选项是正确的?( ) A 、起诉应在一审中撤回,二审中撤回起诉的,法院不应准许B 、因双方达成合意撤回起诉和上诉的,法院可准许张某二审中撤回起诉C 、二审法院应裁定撤销一审判决并发回重审,一审法院重审时准许张某撤回起诉D 、二审法院可裁定新立公司撤回上诉,而不许张某撤回起诉5、韦某开设了“韦老四”煎饼店,在当地颇有名气。










(一)听力试题分析整体来说,2019年高考英语全国III 卷听力试题没有偏、难、怪题。




常见词块:sell out 售空;卖光;脱销in total 总共;合计membership card 会员卡give sb a …discount 给某人打……折help out (with sth) 帮忙(做某事)no problem [非正式用语] [表示乐于相助或事情容易做] 没问题focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于a business trip 出差;公务旅行make it 能够到场instead of 代替;而不是take care of 打理。



2019年6月英语四级考试真题试卷附答案(第3套)Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 80 minutes to write a news report to your campus newspaper on a volunteer activity organized by your Student Union to assist elderly people in the neighborhood. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)说明:由于2019年6月四级考试全国共考了两套听力, 本套真题听力与前两套内容相同, 只是选项顺序不同, 因此在本套真题中不再重复出现。

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Ships are often sunk in order to create underwater reefs(暗礁) perfect for scuba diving (水肺式潜水) and preserving marine __26__. Turkish authorities have just sunk something a little different than a ship, and it wouldn't normally ever touch water, an Airbus A300. The hollowed-out A300 was __27__ of everything potentially harmful to the environment and sunk off the Aegean coast today. Not only will the sunken plane __28__ the perfect skeleton for artificial reef growth, but authorities hope this new underwater attraction will bring tourists tothe area.The plane __29__ a total length of 54 meters, where experienced scuba divers will __30__ be able to venture through the cabin and around the plane's __31__ Aydin Municipality bought the plane from a private company for just under US $ 100, 000, but they hope to see a return on that __32__ through the tourism industry. Tourism throughout Turkey is expected to fall this year as the country has been the __33_ of several deadly terrorist attacks. As far as sunken planes go, this Airbus A300 is the largest __34_ sunk aircraft ever.Taking a trip underwater and __35__ the inside of a sunken A300 would be quite an adventure, and that is exactly what Turkish authorities are hoping this attraction will make people think. Drawing in adventure seekers and experienced divers, this new artificial Airbus reef will be a scuba diver's paradise (天堂).A) create F) exterior K) revealingB) depressed G) habitats L) stretchesC) eventually H) innovate M) strippedD) experiences I) intentionally N) territoryE) exploring J) investment O) victimSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Make Stuff, Fail, And Learn While Y ou're At ItA) We've always been a hands-on, do it-yourself kind of nation. Ben Franklin, one of America's founding fathers, didn't just invent the lightning rod. His creations include glasses, innovative stoves and more.B) Franklin, who was largely self-taught, may have been a genius, but he wasn't really an exception when it comes to American making and creativity.C) The personal computing revolution and philosophy of disruptive innovation of Silicon Valley grew, in part, out of the creations of the Homebrew Computer Club, which was founded in a garage in Menlo Park, California, in the mid-1970s. Members-including guys named Jobs and Wozniak-started making and inventing things they couldn't buy.D) So it's no surprise that the Maker Movement today is thriving in communities and some schools across America. Making is available to ordinary people who aren't tied to big companies, big defense labs or research universities. The maker philosophy echoes old ideas advocated by John Dewey, Montessori, and even ancient Greek philosophers, as we pointed out recently.E) These maker spaces are often outside of classrooms, and are serving an important educational function. The Maker Movement is rediscovering learning by doing, which is Dewey's phrase from 100 years ago. We are rediscovering Dewey and Montessori and a lot of the practices that they pioneered that have been forgotten or at least put aside. A maker space is a place which can be in a school, but it doesn't look like a classroom. It can be in a library. It can be out in the community. It has tools and materials. It's a place where you get to make things based on your interest and on what you, re learning to do.F) Ideas about learning by doing have struggled to become mainstream educationally, despite being old concepts from Dewey and Montessori, Plato and Aristotle, and in the American context, Ralph Emerson, on the value of experience and self-reliance. It's not necessarily an efficient way to learn. We learn, in a sense, by trial and error. Learning from experience is something that takes time and patience. It's very individualized. If your goal is to have standardized approaches to learning, where everybody learns the same thing at the same time in the same way, then learning by doing doesn't really fit that mold anymore. It's not the world of textbooks. It's not the world of testing.G) Learning by doing may not be efficient, but it is effective. Project-based learning has grown in popularity with teachers and administrators. However, project-based learning is not making. Although there is a connection, there is also a distinction. The difference lies in whether the project is in a sense defined and developed by the student or whether it's assigned by a teacher. We'll all get the kids to build a small boat. We are all going to learn about X, Y, andZ. That tends to be one form of project- based learning.H) I really believe the core idea of making is to have an idea within your head—or you just borrow it from someone—and begin to develop it, repeat it and improve it. Then, realize that idea somehow. That thing that you make is valuable to you and you can share it with others. I'm interested in how these things are expressions of that person, their ideas, and their interactions with the world.I) In some ways, a lot of forms of making in school trivialize (使变得无足轻重)making. The thing that you make has no value to you. Once you are done demonstrating whatever concept was in the; textbook, you throw away the pipe cleaners, the straws, the cardboard tubes.J) Making should be student-directed and student-led, otherwise it's boring. It doesn't have the motivation of the student. I'm not saying that students should not learn concepts or not learn skills. They do. But to really harness their motivation is to build upon their interest. It's to let them be in control and to drive the car.K) Teachers should aim to build a supportive, creative environment for students to do this work. A very social environment, where they are learning from each other. When they have a problem, it isn't the teacher necessarily coming in to solve it. They are responsible for working through that problem. It might be they have to talk to other students in the class to help get an answer.L) The teacher's role is more of a coach or observer. Sometimes, to people, it sounds like this is a diminished role for teachers. I think it's a heightened role. You're creating this environment, like a maker space. You have 20 kids doing different things. You are watching them and really it's the human behaviors you're looking at. Are they engaged? Are they developing and repeating their project? Are they stumbling (受挫)?Do they need something that they don't have? Can you help them be aware of where they are?M) My belief is that the goal of making is not to get every kid to be hands-on, but it enables us to be good learners. It's not the knowledge that is valuable; it's the practice of learning new things and understanding how things work. These are processes that you are developing so that you are able, over time, to tackle more interesting problems, more challenging problems-problems that require many people instead of one person, and many skillsinstead of one.N) If teachers keep it form-free and student-led, it can still be tied to a curriculum and an educational plan. I think a maker space is more like a library in that there are multiple subjects and multiple things that you can learn. What seems to be missing in school is how these subjects integrate, how they fit together in any meaningful way. Rather than saying, "This is science, over here is history," I see schools taking this idea of projects and looking at: How do they support children in higher level learning?O) I feel like this is a shift away from a subject matter-based curriculum to a more experiential curriculum or learning. It's still in its early stages, but I think it's shifting around not what kids learn but how they learn.36.A maker space is where people make things according to their personal interests.37.The teachers’role is enhanced in a maker space as they have to monitor and facilitate during the process.ing up with an idea of one's own or improving one from others is key to the concept of making.39.Contrary to structured learning, learning by doing is highly individualized.40.America is a nation known for the idea of making things by oneself.41.Making will be boring unless students are able to take charge.42.Making can be related to a project, but it is created and carried out by students themselves.43.The author suggests incorporating the idea of a maker space into a school curriculum.44.The maker concept is a modern version of some ancient philosophical ideas.45.Making is not taken seriously in school when students are asked to make something meaningless to them based on textbooks.Section CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Most kids grow up learning they cannot draw on the walls. But it might be time to unlearn that training-this summer, a group of culture addicts, artists and community organizers are inviting New Yorkers to write all over the walls of an old house on Governor's Island.The project is called Writing On It All, and it's a participatory writing project and artistic experiment that has happened on Governor's Island every summer since 2013."Most of the participants are people who are just walking by or are on the island for other reasons, or they just kind of happen to be there," Alexandra Chasin, artistic director of Writing On It All, tells Smithsonian, com.The 2016 season runs through June 26 and features sessions facilitated by everyone from dancers to domestic workers. Each session has a theme, and participants are given a variety of materials and prompts and asked to cover surfaces with their thoughts and art. This year, the programs range from one that turns the house into a collaborative essay to one that explores the meaning of exile.Governor's Island is a national historic landmark district long used for military purposes. Now known as "New York's shared space for art and play," the island, which lies between Manhattan and Brooklyn in Upper New York Bay, is closed to cars but open to summer tourists who flock for festivals, picnics, adventures, as well as these "legal graffiti (涂鸦)" sessions.The notes and art scribbled (涂画)on the walls are an experiment in self-expression. So far, participants have ranged in age from 2 to 85. Though Chasin says the focus of the work is on the activity of writing, rather than the text that ends up getting written, some of the work that comes out of the sessions has stuck with her."One of the sessions that moved me the most was state violence on black women and black girls," says Chasin, explaining that in one room, people wrote down the names of those killed because of it. "People do beautiful work and leave beautiful messages."46.What does the project Writing On It All invite people to do?A) Unlearn their training in drawing.B) Participate in a state graffiti show.C) Cover the walls of an old house with graffiti.D) Exhibit their artistic creations in an old house.47.What do we learn about the participants in the project?A) They are just culture addicts.B) They are graffiti enthusiasts.C) They are writers and artists.D) They are mostly passers-by.48.What did the project participants do during the 2016 season?A) They were free to scribble on the walls whatever came to their mind.B) They expressed their thoughts in graffiti on the theme of each session.C) They learned the techniques of collaborative writing.D) They were required to cooperate with other creators.49.What kind of place is Governor's Island?A) It is a historic site that attracts tourists and artists.B) It is an area now accessible only to tourist vehicles.C) It is a place in Upper New York Bay formerly used for exiles.D) It is an open area for tourists to enjoy themselves year round.50. What does Chasin say about the project?A) It just focused on the sufferings of black females.B) It helped expand the influence of graffiti art.C) It has started the career of many creative artists.D) It has created some meaningful artistic works.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.Online programs to fight depression are already commercially available. While they sound efficient and cost-saving, a recent study reports that they are not effective, primarily becausedepressed patients are not likely to engage with them or stick with them.The study looked at computer-assisted cognitive (认知的)behavioral therapy (CBT) and found that it was no more effective in treating depression than the usual care patients receive from a primary care doctor.Traditional CBT is considered an effective form of talk therapy for depression, helping people challenge negative thoughts and change the way they think in order to change their mood and behaviors. However, online CBT programs have been gaining popularity, with the attraction of providing low-cost help wherever someone has access to a computer.A team of researchers from the University of York conducted a randomized (随机的)control trial with 691 depressed patients from 83 physician practices across England. The patients were split into three groups: one group received only usual care from a physician while the other two groups received usual care I from a physician plus one of two computerized CBT programs. Participants were balanced across the three groups for age, sex, educational background' severity and duration of depression, and use of antidepressants (抗抑郁药).After four months, the patients using the computerized CBT programs had no improvement in depression levels over the patients who were only getting usual care from their doctors."It's an important, cautionary note that we shouldn't get too carried away with the idea that a computer system can replace doctors and therapists," says Christopher Dowrick, a professor of primary medical care at the University of Liverpool. "We do still need the human touch or the human interaction, particularly when people are depressed. "Being depressed can mean feeling "lost in your own small' negative, dark world," Dowrick says. Having a person, instead of a computer, reach out to you is particularly important in combating that sense of isolation. "When you're emotionally vulnerable, you're even more in need of a caring human being," he says.51. What does the recent study say about online CBT programs?A) Patients may not be able to carry them through for effective cure.B) Patients cannot engage with them without the use of a computer.C) They can save patients trouble visiting physicians.D) They have been well received by a lot of patients.52. What has made online CBT programs increasingly popular?A) Their effectiveness in combating depression.B) The low efficiency of traditional talk therapy.C) Their easy and inexpensive access by patients.D) The recommendation by primary care doctors.53. What is the major finding by researchers at the University of York?A) Online CBT programs are no more effective than regular care from physicians.B) The process of treating depression is often more complicated than anticipated.C) The combination of traditional CBT and computerized CBT is most effective.D) Depression is a mental condition which is to be treated with extreme caution.54. What is Professor Dowrick's advice concerning online CBT programs?A) They should not be neglected in primary care.B) Their effectiveness should not be overestimated.C) They should be used by strictly following instructions.D) Their use should be encouraged by doctors and therapists.55. What is more important to an emotionally vulnerable person?A) A positive state of mind.B) Appropriate medication.C) Timely encouragement.D) Human interaction.Part Ⅳ Translation (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.剪纸是中国民间艺术的一种独特形式,已有2000多年历史。



CATTI三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(三)一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题20小题.每题1.0分,共20.0分。

In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. )第1题Marketing is ______ just distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer.A rather thanB other thanC bigger thanD more than【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】[分析] 习语辨析。

A.rather than胜于;B.other than不同于,除了;C.bigger than大于;D.more than多过……,不止……,……以上;如:The consequence was much more than he imagined.结果远超过他的想象。



第2题The magician picked several persons ______ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance.A by accidentB at randomC on occasionD on average【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】[分析] 习语辨析。



2019年12月英语四级考试真题试卷附答案(第3套)Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to study in China. Please recommend a university to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)说明:由于2019年12月四级考试全国共考了两套听力, 本套真题听力与前两套内容相同, 只是选项顺序不同, 因此在本套真题中不再重复出现。

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.When travelling overseas, do you buy water in plastic bottles or take your chances with tap water? Imagine you are wandering about on a Thai island or __26__ the ruins of Angkor. It's hot so you grab a bottle of water from a local vendor. It's the safe thing to do, right? The bottle is __27__ , and the label says "pure water". But maybe what's inside is not so __28__ . Would you still be drinking it if you knew that more than 90 percent of all bottled water sold around the world __29__ microplastics?That's the conclusion of a recently __30__ study, which analysed 259 bottles from 11 brands sold in nine countries,__31__ an average of 325 plastic particles per litre of water. These microplastics included a __32__ commonly known as PET and widely used in the manufacture of clothing and food and __33__ containers. The study was conducted at the State University of New York on behalf of Orb Media, a journalism organisation. About a million bottles are bought every minute, not only by thirsty tourists but also by many of the 2.1 billion worldwide who live with unsafe drinking water.Confronted with this __34__ , several bottled-water manufacturers including Nestle and Coca-Cola undertook their own studies using the same methodology. These studies showed that their water did contain microplastics, but far less than the Orb study suggested. Regardless, the World Health Organisation has launched a review into the __35__ health risks of drinking water from plastic bottles.A) adequate E) evidence I) natural M) sealedB) admiring F) instant J) potential N) solvesC) contains G) liquid K) released O) substanceD) defending H) modified L) revealingSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.The quiet heroism of mail deliveryA)On Wednesday, a polar wind brought bitter cold to the Midwest. Overnight, Chicago reached a low of 21degrees Fahrenheit below zero, making it slightly colder than Antarctica, Alaska, and the North Pole. Wind chills were 64 degrees below zero in Park Rapids, Minnesota, and 45 degrees below zero in Buffalo, North Dakata, according to the National Weather Service. Schools, restaurants, and business closed, and more that 1000 flights were canceled.B) Even the United States Postal Service (USPS) suspended mail delivery."Due to this arctic outbreak and concerns for the safety of USPS employees," USPS announced Wednesday morning, "the Postal Service is suspending delivery Jan.30 in some 3-digit ZIP Code locations." Twelve regions were listed as unsafe on Wednesday; on Thursday, eight remained.C) As global surface temperatures increase, so does the likelihood of extreme weather.In2018 alone, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, mudslides, and other natural disasters cost at least $49 billion in the United States. As my colleague Vann Newkirk reported, Puerto Rico is still confronting economic and structural destruction and resource scarcity from2017'sHurricane Maria. Natural disasters can wreck a community's infrastructure, disrupting systems for months or years. Some services, however, remind us that life will eventually return, in some form, to normal.D) Days after the deadly 2017 wildfires in Santa Rosa, California, a drone (无人机) caught footage (连续镜头) of a USPS worker, Trevor Smith, driving through burned homes in that familiar white van, collecting mail in an affected area. The video is striking: The operation is familiar, but the scene looks like the end of the world. According to Rae Ann Haight, the program manager for the national-preparedness office at USPS, Smith was fulfilling a request made by some of the home owners to pick up any mail that was left untouched. For Smith, this was just another day on the job. "I followed my route like I normally do," Smith told are porter. "As I came across a box that was up but with no house, I checked, and there was mail--outgoing mail -- in it. And so I picked those up and carried on."E) USPS has sophisticated emergency plans for natural disasters. Across the country,285 emergency-management teams are devoted to crisis control. These teams are trained annually using a framework known as the three Ps: people, property, product. After mail service stops due to weather, the agency's top priority is ensuring that employees are safe. Then it evaluates the health of infrastructure, such as the roads that mail carriers drive on. Finally, it decides when and how to re-open operations. If the destruction is extreme, mail addressed to the area will get sent elsewhere. In response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, USPS redirected incoming New Orleans mail to existing mail facilities in Houston. Mail that was already processed in New Orleans facilities was moved to an upper floor so it would be protected from water damage.F) As soon as it's safe enough to be outside, couriers (邮递员) start distributing accumulated mail on the still-accessible routes. USPS urges those without standing addresses to file change-of-address forms with their new location. After Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, mail facilities were set up in dozens of locations across the country in the two weeks that USPS was unable to provide street delivery.G) Every day, USPS processes, on average, 493.4 million pieces of mail -- anything from postcards to Social Security checks to medicine. Spokespeople from both USPS and UPS told me all mail is important. But some mail can be extremely sensitive and timely. According to data released in January 2017, 56 percent of bills are paid online, which means that just under half of payments still rely on delivery services to be completed.H) It can be hard to identify which parcels are carrying crucial items such as Social Security checks, but USPS and UPS try their best to prioritize sensitive material. They will coordinate with the Social Security Administration to make sure that Social Security checks reach the right people in a timely fashion. After Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Michael last fall, USPS worked with state and local election boards to make sure that absentee ballots were available and received on time.I) Mail companies are logistics (物流) companies, which puts them in a special position to help when disaster strikes. In a 2011 USPS case study, the agency emphasized its massive infrastructure as a "unique federal asset" to be called upon in a disaster or terrorist attack. "I think we're unique as a federal agency," USPS official Mike Swigart told me, "because we're in literally every community in this country... We're obligated to deliver to that point on a daily basis."J) Private courier companies, which have more dollars to spend, use their expertise in logistics to help revitalize damaged areas after a disaster. For more than a decade, FedEx has supported the American Red Cross in its effort to get emergency supplies to areas affected by disasters, both domestically and internationally. In 2012, the company distributed morethan1,200 MedPacks to Medical Reserve Corps groups in California. They also donated space for 3.1 million pounds of charitable shipping globally. Last October, the company pledged $1 million in cash and transportation support for Hurricanes Florence and Michael. UPS'scharitable arm, the UPS Foundation, uses the company's logistics to help disaster-struck areas rebuild. "We realize that as a company with people, trucks, warehouses, we needed to play a larger role," said Eduardo Martinez, the president of the UPS Foundation. The company employs its trucks and planes to deliver food, medicine, and water. The day before I spoke to Martinez in November, he had been touring the damage from Hurricane Michael in Florida with the American Red Cross. "We have an obligation to make sure our communities are thriving," he said.K) Rebuilding can take a long time, and even then, impressions of the disaster may still remain. Returning to a normal life can be difficult, but some small routines -- mail delivery being one of them -- may help residents remember that their communities are still their communities. "When they see that carrier back out on the street," Swigart said, "that's the first sign to them that life is starting to return to normal."36.The United States Postal Service has a system to ensure its employees' safety.37. One official says USPS is unique in that it has more direct reach to communities compared with other federal agencies.38. Natural disasters can have a long-lasting impact on community life.39. Mail delivery service is still responsible for the completion of almost half of payments.40. The sight of a mailman on the street is a reassuring sign of life becoming normal again.41. After Hurricane Katrina interrupted routine delivery, temporary mail service points were setup.42. Postal service in some regions in the U.S. was suspended due to extreme cold weather.43. Private postal companies also support disaster relief efforts by distributing urgent supplies.44. A dedicated USPS employee was on the job carrying out duties in spite of extreme conditions.45. Postal services work hard to identify items that require priority treatment.Section CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Professor Ashok Goel of Georgia Tech developed an artificially intelligent teaching assistant to help handle the enormous number of student questions in the online class, Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence. This online course is a core requirement of Georgia Tech's online Master of Science in Computer Science program. Professor Goel already had eight teaching assistants, but that wasn't enough to deal with the overwhelming number of daily questions from students.Many students drop out of online courses because of the lack of teaching support. When students feel isolated or confused and reach out with questions that go unanswered, their motivation to continue begins to fade. Professor Goel decided to do something to remedy this situation and his solution was to create a virtual assistant named Jill Watson, which is based on the IBM Watson platform.Goel and his team developed several versions of Jill Watson before releasing her to the online forums. At first, the virtual assistant wasn't too great. But Goel and his team sourced the online discussion forum to find all the 40,000 questions that had ever been asked since the class was launched. Then they began to feed Jill with the questions and answers. After some adjustments and sufficient time, Jill was able to answer the students' questions correctly 97% of the time. The virtual assistant became so advanced and realistic that the students didn't know she was a computer. The students, who were studying artificial intelligence, were interacting with the virtual assistant and couldn't tell it apart from a real human being. Goel didn't inform them about Jill's true identity until April 26. The students were actually very positive about the experience.The goal of Professor Goel's virtual assistant next year is to take over answering 40% of all the questions posed by students on the online forum. The name Jill Watson will, of course, change to something else next semester. Professor Goel has a much rosier outlook on the futureof artificial intelligence than, say, Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates or Steve Wozniak.46.What do we learn about Knowledge-Based Arificial Itelligence?A) It is a robot that can answer students' questions.B) It is a course designed for students to learn online.C) It is a high-tech device that revolutionizes teaching.D) It is a computer program that aids student learning.47.What problem did Professor Goel meet with?A) His students were unsatisfied with the assistants.B) His course was too difficult for the students.C) Students' questions were too many to handle.D) Too many students dropped out of his course.48.What do we learn about Jill Watson?A) She turned out to be a great success.B) She got along pretty well with students.C) She was unwelcome to students at first.D) She was released online as an experiment.49.How did the students feel about Jill Watson?A) They thought she was a bit too artificial.B) They found her not as capable as expected.C) They could not but admire her knowledge.D) They could not tell her from a real person.50. What does Professor Goel plan to do next with Jill Watson?A) Launch different versions of her online.B) Feed her with new questions and answers.C) Assign her to answer more of students' questions.D) Encourage students to interact with her more freely.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.Thinking small, being engaging, and having a sense of humor don't hurt. Those are a few of the traits of successful science crowdfunding efforts that emerge from a recent study that examined nearly 400 campaigns. But having a large network and some promotional skills may be more crucial.Crowdfunding, raising money for a project through online appeals, has taken off in recent years for everything from making movies to producing water-saving gadgets. Scientists have tried to tap Internet donors, too, with mixed success. Some raised more than twice their goals, but others have fallen short of reaching even modest targets.To determine what separates science crowdfunding triumphs from failures, a team led by science communications scholar Mike Sch?fer of the University of Zurich examined the content of the webpages for 371 recent campaigns.Four traits stood out for those that achieved their goals, the researchers report in Public Understanding of Science. For one, they use a crowdfunding platform that specializes in raising money for science, and not just any kind of project. Although sites like Kickstarter take all comers, platforms such as and only present scientific projects. For another, they present the project with a funny video because good visuals and a sense of humor improved success. Most of them engage with potential donors, since projects that answered questions from interested donors fared better. And they target a small amount of money. The projects included in the study raised $4,000 on average, with 30% receiving less than $1,000. The more money a project sought, the lower the chance it reached its goal, the researchers found.Other factors may also significantly influence a project's success, most notably, the size of a scientist's personal and professional networks, and how much a researcher promotes a project on their own. Those two factors are by far more critical than the content on the page. Crowdfunding can be part of researchers' efforts to reach the public, and people give because "they feel a connection to the person" who is doing the fundraising—not necessarily to the science.50.What do we learn about the scientists trying to raise money online for their projects?A) They did not raise much due to modest targets.B) They made use of mixed fundraising strategies.C) Not all of them achieved their anticipated goals.D) Most of them put movies online for the purpose.51.What is the purpose of Mike Schafer' s research of recent crowdfunding campaigns?A) To create attractive content for science websites.B) To identify reasons for their different outcomes.C) To help scientists to launch innovative projects.D) To separate science projects from general ones.52.What trait contributes to the success of a crowdfiunding campaign?A) The potential benefit to future generations.B) Its interaction with prospective donors.C) Its originality in addressing financial issues.D) The value of the proposed project.53.What did the researchers think of the financial targets of crowdfunding projects?A) They should be small to be successful.B) They should be based on actual needs.C) They should be assessed with great care.D) They should be ambitious to gain notice.55. What motivates people to donate in a crowdfunding campaign?A) The ease of access to the content of the webpage.B) Their desire to contribute to the cause of science.C) The significance and influence of the project itself.D) Their feeling of connection to the scientists themselves.Part IV Translation (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese intoEnglish. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.中国的家庭观念与其文化传统有关。














2019届毕业学年8月份阶段测试综合试卷可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 Ca-40 Cl-35.5 Cu-64 Zn-65一、选择题(每题只有一个正确答案,共54分)1.哈四十七中学分校经过一个暑期的维修,焕然一新,为我们营造新的教学环境。

下列有关说法错误的是()A.校园中的铁制单双杠喷漆目的主要是为了美观B.校园内树木的种植可以提高校园内空气质量C.铺设宽阔的柏油路面操场所用的沥青是石油炼制的产品D.大理石铺设的台阶主要成分是碳酸钙2.下列实验操作正确的是( )A.液体的倾倒 B.液体的加热 C.量取一定量的液体 D.用滴管吸取液体3. 下列结构示意图表示位于元素周期表同一周期的原子的一组是()A.②③B.①②C.①②③D.②④4.下列实验现象描述正确的是( )A.氢气在空气中燃烧:无色气体燃烧,放热,产生蓝色的火焰B.一氧化碳还原氧化铜:黑色固体逐渐变为银白色C.加热通入二氧化碳后的紫色石蕊溶液,溶液由红色变为紫色D.镁带在氧气中燃烧,火星四射,放出大量的热,生成黑色固体5.下列应用不正确的是()A.二氧化碳灭火B.用煤做燃料C.氧气用于气焊D.焊锡用于制作灯丝6.下列应用和化学方程式及基本反应类型均正确的是()A.不能用铁制容器盛装硫酸铜溶液: Fe +CuSO 4 ===FeSO 4 + Cu ↓ 置换反应B.用稀盐酸洗去附着在试管壁上的铜 Cu+2HCl = CuCl 2+H 2↑ 置换反应C.红磷燃烧探究质量守恒定律 4P+5O 2 2P 2O 5 化合反应D.拉瓦锡研究空气成分 2HgO △ 2 分解反应 7.食醋是厨房中的一种调味品,其中含有少量醋酸。

下列有关醋酸的说法不正确的是( )A.醋酸分子是由碳、氢、氧三个元素构成的有机物B.每个醋酸分子中含有4个氢原子C.醋酸中氧元素的质量分数最高D.在醋酸分子中质子总数等于电子总数8.下列有关“化学之最”的叙述不正确的是( )A.海洋中含量最多的金属元素是钠B.地壳中含量最多的金属元素是铁C.自然界中最硬的物质是金刚石D.硬度最大的金属是铬9.生活离不开化学。


Yolo!Productions and the Great Griffon present the play by Rajiv Joseph, in which an origami(折纸术)artist invites a teenage talent and his teacher into her studio. Merri Milwe directs. In previews. Opens Feb.12.(West Park Presbyterian Church,165 W.86th St.212-868-4444.)
"China is impossible to overlook," says Hill. "Chinese models are the faces of beauty and fashion campaigns that sell dreams to women all over the world, which means Chinese women are not just consumers of fashion — they are central to its movement. "Of course, only are today's top Western designers being influenced by China — some of the best designers of contemporary fashion are themselves Chinese." Vera Wang, Alexander Wang, Jason Wu aretaking onGaliano, Albaz, Marc Jacobs-and beating them hands down in design and sales," adds Hill.
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综合试卷(三)一、单项选择题1.内环境是指:A.细胞内液B.血液C.体液D.细胞外液E.组织液2.可兴奋细胞包括:A.神经细胞、腺细胞B.神经细胞、肌细胞C.神经细胞、骨细胞D.神经细胞、腺细胞、骨细胞E. 神经细胞、肌细胞、腺细胞3.人体内O2、CO2和NH3进出细胞膜是通过:A.单纯扩散B.易化扩散C.主动转运D.入胞作用E.出胞作用4.神经细胞动作电位的主要部分是:A.阈电位B.局部电位C.锋电位D.负后电位E.正后电位5.肌肉收缩和舒张的基本功能单位是:A.肌丝B.肌小节C.肌原纤维D.肌纤蛋白E.肌纤维6.骨骼肌细胞中横管的功能是:A.Ca2+的贮存库B.Ca2+进出肌纤维的通道C.将兴奋传向肌细胞深部D.营养物质进出肌细胞的通道E.使Ca2+和肌钙蛋白结合7.50Kg体重的正常人的体液量与血量大约分别为:A.40L与5LB.30L与4LC.20L与3LD.30L与2.5LE.20L与2.5L8.输血时主要考虑供血者的A.红细胞不被受血者红细胞所凝集B.红细胞不被受血者血浆所凝集C.红细胞不发生叠连D.血浆不使受血者的血浆发生凝固E.血浆不使受血者的红细胞凝集9.凝血过程的内源性与外源性激活的区别在于:A.凝血酶原激活物形成的始动过程B.凝血酶形成过程C.纤维蛋白形成过程D.血小板第3因子是否参与E.Ca2+是否参与作用10、血液和组织液之间物质交换的形式主要是A、滤过和重吸收B、吞饮作用C、渗透作用D、扩散作用11、平均动脉压是A、收缩压减去舒张压B、收缩压+脉压/3C、(收缩压+舒张压)/2D、舒张压+脉压/312、最大吸气末的肺容量是A、余气量B、功能余气量C、肺总容量D、潮气量+功能余气量13、O2在血液中运输的主要形式是A、物理溶解B、氨基甲酸血红蛋白C、氧合血红蛋白D、高铁血红蛋白14、胆汁中参与消化作用的主要成分是A、胆色素B、胆盐C、胆固醇D、脂肪酶15、正常时胃蠕动的起始部位在A、贲门部B、胃底部C、胃体中部D、幽门部16、当肾动脉压由120mmHg(16kpa)上升到150mmHg(20kpa)时,贤血流量的变化是A、明显增加B、明显减少C、无明显改变D、先增加后减少17、特殊动力效应最高的食物是A、糖B、脂肪C、蛋白质D、混合食物18、近球小体的生理功能是A、分泌血管紧张素B、分泌肾素C、分泌醛固酮D、分泌前列腺素19、胰岛素对糖代谢的作用是A、促进组织摄取、贮存、利用葡萄糖B、促进糖异生C、促进糖原分解D、抑制葡萄糖转化为脂肪20、甲状腺“C”细胞分泌的激素是A、甲状腺素B、甲状旁腺素C、促甲状腺素D、降钙素21.视杆细胞内视紫红质含量与对光敏感性的关系是:A.呈正变B.呈反变C.呈正比D.呈反比E.无关22.声音传向内耳的主要途径是:A.外耳——鼓膜——听骨链——园窗——内耳B.颅骨——耳蜗内淋巴C.外耳——鼓膜——听骨链——卵园窗——内耳D.外耳——鼓膜——鼓室空气——园窗——内耳E.外耳——鼓膜——鼓室空气——卵圆窗——内耳23.交互抑制的形成是由于:A.兴奋性递质释放量少B.兴奋性递质破坏过多C.兴奋性中间神经元兴奋D.抑制性中间神经元兴奋E.去极化抑制24.突触前抑制的特点是:A.突触前膜超极化B.突触前轴突末梢释放抑制性递质C.突触后膜的兴奋性降低D.突触后膜的兴奋性突触后电位降低E.通过轴突一树突突触的活动实现25.胆碱能M型受体:A.位于骨骼肌神经肌接头的肌膜上B.位于自主神经节细胞膜上C.可被酚妥拉明阻断D.可被儿茶酚胺激活E.位于自主神经支配的效应器上26.关于感觉的非特异投射系统的叙述,正确的是:A.由丘脑投射到大脑皮质的特定感觉区B.通过三级神经元接替C.其功能是维持和改变大脑皮质的兴奋性D.产生特定感觉E.传入冲动经脊髓和脑干上行至丘脑感觉接替核27.新皮层处于紧张活动时脑电活动主要表现为:A.α波B.β波C.θ波D.C波E.K-复合波28.中央后回体表感觉投射特征有:A.投射区域小,反映的相应体表面积小B.双侧性投射,但头面部单侧性投射C.正立安排,但头面部倒立D.刺激中央后回顶部可产生来自下肢的主观感觉E.刺激中央后回底部可产生来自上肢的主观感觉29.对牵张反射正确的论述是:A.只对伸肌具有牵张反射B.感受器在肌腱C.包括紧张性牵张反射与位相性牵张反射D.包括腱反射、肺牵张反射和肌紧张E.屈肌和伸肌均有牵张反射,但以屈肌表现较为明显30.震颤麻痹主要是下列哪个通路受累的结果?A.纹伏体-黑质γ-氨基丁酸能易化通路B.纹伏体-黑质γ-氨基丁酸能抑制通路C.黑质-纹状体胆碱能易化通路D.黑质一纹状体胆碱能抑制通路E.黑质中的多巴胺能神经元31.不受下丘脑——垂体——靶腺轴调控的激素是:A.皮质醇B.雌激素C.甲状腺素D.雄激素E.肾上腺素32.月经周期中控制排卵发生的关键因素是A.排卵前雌激素高峰B.孕激素高峰C.卵泡刺激素高峰D.黄体生成素高峰E.促性腺激素释放激素高峰33.给高热病人用酒精擦浴是增加:A.幅射散热B.对流散热C.蒸发散热D.传导散热E.皮肤血流量增加34.影响能量代谢最为显著的因素是:A.肌肉运动B.睡眠C.环境温度D.食物的特殊动力作用E.内分泌疾病35.肾脏不能分泌下列哪种激素?A.醛固酮B.促红细胞生成素C.肾素D.1,25-二羟维生素D3E.前列腺素36.肾小球滤过率是指单位时间内(每分钟):A.两侧肾脏生成的超滤液量B.每个肾单位生成的原尿量C.每侧肾脏生成的超滤液量D.两肾生成的终尿量E.每侧肾脏的终尿量37.近端肾小管水的重吸收比例是超滤液的:A.65~70%B.55~60%C.45~50%D.75~80%E.80%以上38.关于H+分泌的叙述,下列哪一项是错误的?A.肾小管各段均可分泌H+B. H+的分泌与Na+的重吸收有关C.H+的分泌有利于HCO3-的重吸收D.H+的分泌与NH3的分泌同有竞争性抑制关系E.远曲小管和集合管H+与K+的分泌有竞争关系39.构成肾脏内髓部渗透压梯度的主要溶质是:A.KCl和尿素B.尿素和葡萄糖C.NaCl和KClD.尿素和NaClE.NaCl40.肺通气是指:A.肺与血液的气体交换B.外界环境与气道间的气体交换C.肺与外界环境间的气体交换D.外界O2入肺的过程E.机体CO2出肺的过程。





5.吸入气CO2浓度轻度增加对呼吸运动有何影响为什么?6.人体最重要的消化液是哪一种?为什么?综合试卷(三)参考答案一、单项选择题答案(每题1分)1. D2. E3. A4. C5. B6. C7. B8. B9. A10. D11. D12. C13. C14. B15. C16. C17. C18. B19. A20. D21. A22. C23. D24. D25. E26. C27. B28. D29. C30. E31. E32. D33. C34. A35. A36. A37. A38. D39. D40. C41. B42. B43. B44. A45. B二、多项选择题答案(每题1分)1. BC2. ABCE3. BCDE4. ABC5. BCDE三、名词解释(每题2分)1.红细胞比容:红细胞占全血容积的百分比。




















