


2.angryfurious ['fj?r??s]Someone who is furious is extremely angry.

3.bad atrocious [?'tro??s]1. If you describe something as atrocious, you are emphasizing that its quality is very


2. If you describe someone's

behaviour or their actions as atrocious,

you mean that it is unacceptable because

it is extremely violent or cruel.

4.beautiful exquisite [?k'skw?z?t]Something that is exquisite is extremely beautiful or pleasant, especially in a


5.big immense [?'m?ns]very big

6.bright dazzling ['d?zli?]Something that is dazzling is very impressive or beautiful. 令人印象深刻的;


7.capable Someone who is capable has the skill or qualities necessary to do a

particular thing well, or is able to do most things well. 有才能的;


accomplished If someone is accomplished at something,

they are very good at it. 精通的

8.clean spotless Something that is spotless is completely clean. 没有

污点的; 一尘不染的

9.clever brilliant

10.cold freezing

11.conventional Someone who is conventional has behaviour or opinions that are ordinary and normal. (行为观念等) 传统的


12.dirty squalid['sk?l?d]

A squalid place is dirty, untidy, and in bad condition.

13.dry parched例:

The clouds gathered and showers poured down upon the

parched earth.


If your mouth, throat, or lips are parched, they are

unpleasantly dry. 干的

14,eager渴望的keen1.If you say that someone has a keen mind, you mean

that they are very clever and aware of what is

happening around them. 敏锐的

2.If you have a keen eye or ear, you are able to notice

things that are difficult to detect. 灵敏的

3.If you are keen on doing something, you very much

want to do it.

4. A keen interest or emotion is one that is very


15.fast quick

16.fierce ferocious

[f?'ro??s]A ferocious animal, person, or action is

very fierce and violent.

A ferocious war, argument, or other form of

conflict involves a great deal of anger,

bitterness, and determination. 激烈的

17.good superb

18.happy jubilantIf you are jubilant, you feel extremely happy becauseof a success. 欢欣鼓舞的

19.hot scaldingScalding or scalding hot liquids are extremely hot. 滚烫的

20.hungry ravenousIf you are ravenous, you are extremely hungry.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/4e18652828.html,rge colossalIf you describe something as colossal, you are。 [k?'lɑsl]emphasizing that it is very large. 巨大的

22.lively vivaciousIf you describe someone, usually a woman,

[v?'ve??s]as vivacious, you mean that they are lively, exciting,

and attractive. (常指女性) 活泼的

23.worried anxious焦虑的

24.neat 1.A neat place, thing, or person is organized and clean, and has everything in the correct place.

2.Someone who is neat keeps their home or possessions organized and clean, with everything in the correct place.

3.A neat object, part of the body, or shape is quite small and has a smooth outline.

immaculate 1. If you describe something as immaculate, you

[?'m?kj?l?t]mean that it is extremely clean, tidy, or neat.

2. If you say that something is immaculate, you

are emphasizing that it is perfect, without any

mistakes or bad parts at all.

25.old ancient[?en??nt]古代的;古老的

26.poor destitute穷困的

27.wicked You use wicked to describe someone or something that is very bad and deliberately harmful to people.

VillainousA villainous person is very bad and willing to

['v?l?n?s]harm other people or break the law in order to

get what he or she wants.恶棍似的; 邪恶的

28.risky perilousSomething that is perilous is very dangerous.

29.roomy spaciousA spacious room or other place is large in size or ['spe??s]area, so that you can move around freely in it.


30.rude vulgar 1. If you describe something as vulgar, you think it is in

['v?lɡ?]bad taste or of poor artistic quality.

2.If you describe pictures, gestures, or remarks

as vulgar, you dislike them because they refer to sex or

parts of the body in an offensive way that you find

unpleasant. 下流的

31.serious solemn 1.Someone or something that is solemn is very ['sɑl?m] seriousrather than cheerful or humorous.

2.A solemn promise or agreement is one that you

make in a very formal, sincere way.

32.wet soaked If someone or something gets soaked or soaked [sokt]through, water or some other liquid makes them

extremely wet. 湿透的


We got soaked to the skin.


33.strong unyielding [?n'jild??]不屈的;坚强的;[材] 不易弯曲的

34.stupid idiotic['?d?'ɑt?k]adj.

35.weak feebleIf you describe someone or something as feeble, you mean that they are weak. 虚弱的

If you describe something that someone says

as feeble, you mean that it is not very good or

convincing. 不可信的

36.thin gaunt 1.If someone looks gaunt, they look very thin, usually [ɡ?:nt] because they have been very ill or worried. 憔悴的

2. If you describe a building as gaunt, you mean it is

very plain and unattractive. (建筑物) 不起眼的

37.tired exhausted

38.ugly hideousYou can describe an event, experience, or action ['hidi?s] 1. as hideous when you mean that it is very

unpleasant, painful, or difficult to bear. 非常可

怕的; 令人难以忍受的

2.If you say that someone or something

is hideous, you mean that they are very ugly or

unattractive. 极丑的

39.valuable precious

delicate Something that is delicate is small and beautifully shaped.

[?d?l?k?t]例:He had delicate hands.

Something that is delicate has a colour, taste, or smell which is

pleasant and not strong or intense. 柔和的(颜色); 清淡可口的(味


muddled If someone is muddled, they are confused about something. Accurate1. Accurate information, measurements, and statistics are correct to a very detailed level. An accurateinstrument is able to give you

information of this kind.

2.An accurate statement or account gives a true or fair judgment of


3,You can use accurate to describe the results of someone's actions

when they do or copy something correctly or exactly.

































33.strong 34.stupid







必修1 unit 1 Friendship 考向预测 1.考情总结 (1)从考查的力度来看,强调句型的考查频率较高。 (2)从考查的内容来看,副词等实词无论是在单选题还是在完形填空中都很重要。 2.备考建议 (1)注意强调句型的新动向---结合名词性从句、定语从句、疑问句等其它结构一起考查,以加大识别的难度。 (2)注意易混副词的之间的比较。解题应将语义和语境放在首位。 一、重点难点突破 1.suffer 用法归纳 (1)suffer做及物动词时,意为遭受(苦痛、损失);忍受(侮辱)等,其宾语通常为pain, defeat, damage, injury, loss, poverty, punishment, hardship, grief等 (2)suffer做不及物动词时,常与from连用,suffer from表示遭受(战争、自然灾害等带来的苦难及患病)之意,常见搭配:suffer from the war / the flood / a headache / hungry等 经典例句 She couldn’t suffer criticism. If we didn’t pay enough attention to the protection of land, we would suffer hunger sometime in the future. 特别提醒 Suffer用作及物动词,一般指某人直接经历、经受不好或不愉快的事,但suffer from通常指由于外力、外因等原因导致某人长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难。Suffer的名词形式为suffering. 高考链接 There’s something wrong with her stomach in those days. She ____ great pain. a. suffers b. was suffered from c. suffered d. had suffered from 即学即练 完成句子 They ______ ______ ______ (遭受了巨大的损失) in the financial crisis. Suffered huge losses 2.concern 用法归纳 (1)concern做及物动词时,意为“(使)担忧;涉及;关系到”,后面经常接名词或代词做 宾语。 (2)concern做名词时,意为“担心;关注;(利害)关系”,经常和动词连用,如show / express concern about / over / for等 经典例句 He doesn’t bother about things that don’t concern him.对那些与他无关的事情,他不去费心。There is growing concern about violence on the Internet.人们对网络暴力日渐忧虑。 He showed great concern for the children’s welfare.他非常关心孩子的幸福。 Concerned parents are having a meeting on how to solve the serious problem. 思维拓展


中常用替换高级词汇 (一) ★形容词: 1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken 2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous 5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable 6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest 7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome 8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous 9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching 10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated 11. 流行的:popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive ★动词: 1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize 2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger 3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with 4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate 5. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture 6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur 7. 认为:think = assert= hold = claim = argue

高考英语浙江教师用书教师用书:专题五+书面表达1+层级一 层级二 1+第一讲 靓化词汇——运用高级表达

书面表达是高考浙江卷的重要试题。本板块精研真题,引领考向;高考真题感悟与模拟题演练相互加力,讲解与练习环环相扣,帮助考生高效备考,轻松增分。 年份考查点词数考纲解读2019. 6 第一节感谢信80左右浙江属于高考综合 改革实验省份,实行一年 两考。依据《普通高等学 校招生全国统一考试英 语科考试说明(高考综合 改革试验省份试用第一 版)》可知,2016年10月 份开始的浙江英语新高 考与自主命题的浙江卷 写作部分发生了重大变 化。其变化就是由原来的 短文改错和书面表达变 成了应用文写作和读后 续写或概要写作两篇作 文。 第一篇是应用文写 作。此题型对于考生来说 并不陌生,因为我们在平第二节概要写作60左右 2018. 11 第一节求助信80左右 第二节概要写作60左右 2018. 6 第一节申请信80左右 第二节读后续写150左右 2017. 11 第一节邀请信80左右 第二节读后续写150左右 2017. 6 第一节邀请信80左右 第二节读后续写150左右

的憧憬而已。写作是一个人语言基本素养的流露,是综合能力的显现,非一朝一夕之功,但这并不等于写作水平已定型,无提升空间。因为英语写作的能力要求远低于汉语写作的能力要求,如果针对自己的薄弱环节训练得当、措施得力,是完全能够在短期内提升一个档次的。 层级一审题准,表达清 高考作文阅卷,时间紧、任务重,一篇作文往往在一分钟内被判“生死”。要想赢得高分,首先要赢得阅卷老师的“印象分”。审题偏颇、错误百出的作文会让阅卷老师大倒胃口,阅卷老师会毫不怜悯地将其打入低分冷宫。所以,写作要想取得高分,先要把写作基础抓稳。 一、准审题——为写作定好基调 审题是写作的前提,是一篇书面表达成功的关键所在。审题正确可以保证得到基本分,所以真正开始写作前,必须花相当一部分时间做写前阅读、思考等准备工作,具体包含以下几方面:


在高考作文阅卷过程中,老师会对一些“高级”词汇尤为偏爱。但就是,大多数同学根本不具备单词升级意识,一想到“好”,就就是“good”;一想到“坏”,就就是“bad”;一想到“美丽”就就是“beautiful”。当老师一天批阅上千份“内容相同、语言低龄”得作文时,她得痛苦感受可想而知。 因此,您一定要避免这些“低能词汇”,让自己得词汇升级、升级再升级! 那么,什么样得单词最能够吸引阅卷老师得好感? 【原则一:晚词优先】 老师偏爱“学得晚”得单词,因为使用学得比较晚得单词,可以体现一个人“学以致用”得意识。如果一个意思既可以用初中单词来表达,又可以用高二、高三单词来表达,那尽量选择高二、高三得单词,如: (1)Adj、困难得 黯然低分词:difficult 闪光高分词:challenging 有挑战性得 (2)Adj、重要得 黯然低分词:important 闪光高分词:vital 至关重要得;essential 必不可少得;significant 有重要意义得;

(3)Adj、美丽得 黯然低分词:beautiful 闪光高分词:appealing动人得;attractive 吸引人得;charming迷人得;fascinating 迷人得 注:以上五个词既能修饰人,又能修饰物,非常好用,务必记熟! 【原则二:短语优先】 在阅卷老师瞧来,活用短语就是一个考生能力得体现。因此,我们可以掌握一些将某些常见单词转化为短语得用法,如: (4)v、参加 黯然低分词:join 闪光高分词:take part in (5)v、使用 黯然低分词:use 闪光高分词:make good use of (6)v、拜访 黯然低分词:visit


常用词的学术替换 动词替换: 1.Improve 提高: Promote: 促进AC之间的贸易promote the trade between A and C; He was promoted to senior manager in this company. Advance: our understanding of human genetics has considerably(非常的,可换做vastly) advanced. Enhance: the publi city has enhanced his reputation.这次宣传提高了他的名望 2.change 改变: Transform:多指改头换面,完全改变,不能用于形容slight change。说到人口变化:the increasing population has transformed the landscape and structure of local industry structure.人口剧增改变了小镇的景色以及当地的工业结构 3.Emphasize 强调: Highlight:the report highlight the decline in the numbers of native(可以换作local) plants and insects. Stress: He stresses the need for parents to listen to their children. Accentuate: the crisis accentuates the gap between rich and poor. (highlight and emphasize 的区别:highlight是告诉人们重点,因而能够让别人注意,类似于老师勾重点;而emphasize则是使重点清晰,不管别人是否能注意得到。而stress则和emphasize差不多) 4.Develop培养: Cultivate: cultivate the ability of … ;培养情操;cultivate a more relaxed and positive way towards life. Nurture: 养育,同样可以指培养人才(talents)the sea nutures ample marine animals. 5.Break 破坏: Impair:impair ability; 主要是破坏能力,莫乱用。 Undermine这个词也是指的是抽象意义上的破坏,有逐渐削弱之意,重点是循序渐进的过程。Undermine one’s ability/confidence/authority/position/credibility Jeopardize: 不能乱用,破坏的东西要上一定的等级才能配上此词。比如Jeopardize the process of peace.破坏和平进程 Devastate特指毁灭、蹂躏the earthquake devastated the whole city. 6.Keep 保存 Preserve、Conserve 保护资源用的就是这个词,不要用protect,protect这个词用在保护具体的东西。 7.deal With解决 Tackle: tackle the problem. Resolve: resolve dispute争论/conflict冲突/problem/issue/crisis危机;来自拉丁语,比较正式。 8.need 需要 Require:xxx requires courage and confidence. Necessitate: 用法不简单,没有摸透。 call for(这也是个很高级的用法,奥巴马就用这个【我不晓得奥巴马咋个用的,原帖是这样


高考英语作文中常用的替换词 1.individuals, characters, folks 替换( people, persons) 2.positive, favorable, rosy (美好的) ,promising(有希望的) ,perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior 替换 good 3.dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换 bad 如果 bad 做表语 ,可以有 be less impressive替换 eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation , as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive. 4.( an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of, a host of, many, if not most)替 换 many. 注:用 many, if not most 一定要小心, many 后一定要有词。 most, if not all ,Eg. Many individuals ,if not most ,harbor the idea that同理?用. 替换 most. 5.a slice of, quiet a few, several替换 some 6.harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that,it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that)替 think (因为是书面语,所以要加 that) 7.affair, business, matter替换 thing 8.shared 替换 common 9.reap huge fruits 替换 get many benefits 10.for my part, from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion 11.Increasing(ly ), growing 替换 more and more(注意没有 growingly 这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用 increasing/growing。修饰形容词,副词用 increasingly. Eg.sth has gained growing popularity. Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth. 12.little if anything, 或 little or nothing 替换 hardly 13. ?? beneficial, rewarding替换 helpful 14.shopper,client, consumer, purchaser替换 customer 15.exceedingly, extremely, intensely替换 very 16.hardly necessary, hardly inevitable替换unnecessary,??avoidable


1、常见的不地道表达 (1)句子开头单调,常以人称代词I或he/she I think he is a brave boy. /改用短语:In my opinion, he is a brave boy. I am very pleased to be the owner of the card. 改用形式主语:It is very pleased to be the owner of the card. I really want to make friends with foreign student s because we’re in the same world. 改变句型:The reason why I would like to make friends with foreign students is that we are living in the same world. I would like to thank you at the end of our middle school education. 加开头修饰:What I want to do is to thank you at the end of our middle school education. He saved two of his classmates. 改变语序:Two of his classmates was saved by him. He did his best when he faced great danger. 改变语序:Facing great danger, he did his best to help others. (2)句子过短或过简 Jim is going to take part in the party. Mary is going to take part in the party. 用连接词连接:Jim as well as Mary is going to take part in the party. I am a middle school student. I learn many subjects at school. I’m interested in computer science 改为复合句:Being a middle school stud ent, I learn many subjects at school, of which I’m interested in computer science the most. 2、简单词替换成高级词汇 think可换成:believe personally imagine consider personally as far as I'm concerned in my opinion as long as I know I think if you work har d, you will be successful. → As far as I'm concerned, I should learn from Lin Hao. Personally, I should learn from Lin Hao. want可换成:wonder desire intend I want to give them some help. → I wonder if I can give them some help. I intend to know if I can give them some help. ask可换成:inquire enquire about He asked the teacher the question. → He inquired the teacher about the question.


作文高级替换词!别再用那些“平庸”词汇了 中文写作中,我们总是追求“文采”,力求语言生动形象、文字丰富多彩。英文写作同样如此。反观高考作文评分标准,阅卷老师注重一下两个方面: 内容方面:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性; 表达方面:上下文的连贯与语言的得体。 其中“应用词汇的数量”就说明,高分作文的一个标准就是用词尽量多样化,避免重复使用同一单词或短语,并尽量地使用“较高级词汇”。当然,“较高级词汇”也并非生僻词汇,很多词汇是我们平时学到、阅读中经常见到、但是大家写作中又不常用或不会用的词。 今天,给大家汇总一下常用的作文高级替换词! 换掉几个常用的形容词或副词 1. very terribly 非常,极度地 extremely 极端地 surprisingly 令人惊讶地 pretty 非常 greatly 很,大大地,非常 highly 高度地,非常

badly 非常,很,严重地quite 很,相当,完全simply 简直 perfectly 完全地 totally 完全地,完全 2. good great / wonderful excellent 棒极了的,极好的fantastic 棒极了的,极好的brilliant 棒极了的,极好的fabulous 棒极了的,极好的superb 棒极了的,极好的terrific 棒极了的,极好的meaningful 有意义的educational 有教育意义的 3. beautiful attractive 吸引人的,迷人的appealing 吸引人的,迷人的fascinating 吸引人的,迷人的eye-catching 吸引人的

英语作文 常用替换高级词汇

英语作文中常用替换高级词汇 (一) ★形容词: 1、贫穷得:poor = needy =impoverished = poverty-stricken 2、富裕得:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do= well-off?3、优秀得:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4、积极得,好得:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous?5、消极得,不良得:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable 6、明显得:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest 7、健康得: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome 8、惊人得:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous?9、美丽得:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching?10、有活力得:energetic = dynamic= vigorous =animated11?、流行得:popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive ★动词: 1、提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize 2、引起:cause = trigger= endanger? 3、解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with 4、拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate 5、培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture 6、激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate =stimulate = spur 7、认为:think = assert= hold = claim= argue 8、完成:plete = fulfill =acplish= achieve 9、保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold 11、10、有害于:destroy = impair =undermine = jeopardize?


1.occur 替换 think of Suddenly I had an idea that someone had broken into my house. → An idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my house. It occurred to me that someone had broken into my house. 2.devote替换spend He spends all his spare time in reading. → He devotes all his spare time to reading. 3.seek替换want / look for They sought ( wanted ) to hide themselves behind the trees. 4.average 替换ordinary I’m an average ( ordinary ) student. 5.but替换very The film we saw last night was very interesting. → The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting. The film we saw last night was anything but boring. 6.seat 替换sit On his way to school, he found an old lady seated (sitting) by the road, looking worried. 7.suppose 替换should He is supposed to ( should ) have driven more slowly. 8.appreciate 替换thank Thank you very much for you help. → We appreciate your help very much. / Your help is much appreciated. 9.the case替换 true


词汇分篇 写作高频词汇--初高级词汇转化修饰词: very:more than; extremely many/much: numerous,various, a variety of, too/also : ...as well. A as well as B (谓语就远原则)good: f antastic; amazing; excellent; outstanding bad : terrible ; tiring; tired ; disappointing ;disappointed;;harmful happy:pleased 、delighted、elated beautiful: of great beauty; attractive ;appealing difficult:challenging important: of great importance; significant; essential;vital; enough: sufficient 行为主体 同位语:A=B,A和B都是名词 we/us high school students we/us teenagers we/us Chinese young generation we/us modern individuals 我们当代的个人

we/us English learners 参与者:participants , anyone, no one can deny that, It ,The one who.... 行为、状态 即将到来:be around the corner / be on the way 随着:with the emergence / development of sth, 想要做:would like /desire/to do/ ;have a great desire to do sth.; be longing/thirsty for doing sth. can’t wait to do sth. 使...能:allow sb to do/ sth to be done; enable 值得:deserve / worth to be done / doing 告诉:inform sb of.... 要求:sb be requested to do sth. = be ask to do... 喜欢:take delight in doing sth., be fond of doing sth. 带来...: bring much more convenience 带来更多的方便 对...感兴趣:have a taste for 考虑:take sth into consideration = .... should be taken into consideration. 不能:fail to do... 对...有益:be beneficial to...; 帮助:assist/ aid sb. to do/ in doing/with sth ;be helpful to sth=be of use to sth 帮助/促进:contribute to (which contribute to ,这有利于/有助于.....) 渴望:be eager to do sth. / for /about sth. 专注: concentrate/focus on = be absorbed in = put one’s heart into = be lost in thought =


高考英语作文可用的复杂句型和高级词汇 表示原因 1There are three reasons for this 2The reasons for this are as follows 3The reason for this is obvious 4The reason for this is that 5We have good reason to believe that 例如There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place in our life Firstly people’s living standard has been greatly improved Secondly most people are well paid and they can afford what they need or like Last but not least more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life注如考生写第一个句子没有把握可将其改写成两个句子。如Great changes have taken place in our life There are three reasons for this这样写可以避免套用中的表达失误。 表示好处 1It has the following advantages 2It does us a lot of good 3It benefits us quite a lot 4It is beneficial to us 5It is of great benefit to us 例如Books are like friends.They can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons.Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us. 表示坏处 1It has more disadvantages than advantages 2It does us much harm 3It is harmful to us 例如However,everything divides into two.Television can also be harmful to us.It can do harm to our health and make us lazy. if we spend too much time watching television. 表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能 1.It is important necessary difficult convenient possible for sb to do sth 2.We think it necessary to do sth 3.It plays an important role in our life 例如Computers are now being used everywhere,whether in the government,in schools or in business.Soon,computers will be found in every home,too.We have good reason to say that computers are playing an increasingly important role in our life and we have stepped into the Computer Age 表示措施 1We should take some effective measures 2We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties★注意括号内高级词汇的使用。 3We should solve the problems that we are faced (confronted) with★注意括号内高级词汇的使用。 例如: The housing problem that we are confronted with is becoming more and more serious.Therefore we must take some effective measures to solve it.


1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important) The way you and I approach today, and each day, is crucial. 我们对待今天以及每一天的式都是至关重要的。 Whether at work or at home, the goal is to engage in activities that are both personally significant and enjoyable. 无论在工作中还是在家里,目标都是从事个人重大的并且令人愉快的活动。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4e18652828.html,mon=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) Music has been called the universal language. 人们称音乐为世界的语言. Happiness is ubiquitous, may fall short of demand. 幸福无处不在,可还是供不应求. 3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants) He has received ample praise for the work he did. 他所做的工作,使他获得了广泛的赞美。 This place has plentiful material resources. 这地的物质资源是丰富的。 4.stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly) We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly. 我们必须坚持人人都应该被平等对待这一原则。 The children cling to their father for more pocket money. 孩子们粘着爸爸,要他再给些零花。 5.neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.) Focus in the person who are talking with you,ignore something else. 把全身的注意力都集中在与你谈话的人身上,忽略其他。 6.near=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent) His house is adjacent to mine. 他的寓所与我的相毗连。


(冒号前面的是我们习惯想到的词,考试中尽量少用!一定要用后面的词去替换前面)We, everyone: any reasonable/sensitive soul/mind, talented minds, elite minds, versatile minds, personality, figures, celebrity, idiots, philosophic minds, genius More and more: increasingly, Big: enormous, tremendous, gigantic, titanic, astronomical, vast, boundless, Very: extremely, overwhelmingly, undeniably, remarkably, voluminously, excessively, exceedingly, tangibly, impressively, shockingly, Famous: renowned, celebrated, accomplished, distinguished, prominent, eminent, outstanding, preeminent, Good: spectacular, amazing, unbelievable, incredible, magnificent, adorable, fantastic, fascinating, admirable, respectable, cherishable, adorable, awesome, terrific, majestic, Bad: nightmarish, disgusting, despicable, monstrous, appalling, abhorring, repelling, repulsive, Important: significant, essential, basic, fundamental, indispensable, crucial, critical, decisive, determinant, dominant, predominant, infallible, Say, Believe,think: suppose, hold, claim, maintain, presume, assume, contend, argue, declare, I am convinced, conclude, Improve, better: further, promote, enhance, reinforce, strengthen, consolidate, cement, nurture, relieve, recover, Everyone knows: it’s a truth universally acknowledged t hat, It can never be denied, it is undeniable that,It goes without saying that,It is self evident that,It is highly advisably, imperative, remarkable that,It comforts one to know that… ◆常见替代词汇解释 1. accelerate: 后面接名词,表示“加速”,中性词,好事坏事都能用。 2. adequate: “足够的”,用来替代经常被使用的enough。 3. advance: 名词,“进步,发展”,用来替代文章开头经常使用的development,progress。 4. advisable / sensible / rational: “合理的”,都可以替代reasonable。 5. cannot afford to: “不应当做”,不是我们说的“负担不起”。 6. be alert to something: “对…保持警惕”,后面接消极概念。 7. alternative: “其他的选择或办法”,比如an alternative is that… 相当于in addition(除此之外)。 8. applicable / feasible / workable: 都表示“可行的”,用在政策、法令、手段等词前面做修饰语,既可增加字长,又可以提高词汇水平。 9. approach / channel: “方法,手段”,用来替代我们经常使用的一些简单词汇,如method 等。 10. approve of something: “批准,同意”,注意不要忘记介词of。 11. attach importance to something: 表示“重视,强调”,替代pay attention to。
