
不同管子表号的管壁厚度,在美国和日本是应用计算承受内压薄壁管厚度的Bavlow 公式计算、并适当考虑了腐蚀裕量和螺纹深度及12.5%壁厚负偏差确定的。

P=Sch..× [ó]t/1000 (1-2-4)
例如,库存Sch40,碳素钢20无缝钢管,当设计温度为350oC时给钢管所能适应 设计压力为:
即: Sch=P/[σ]t×1000
ANSI B36.10壁厚等级:Sch10、Sch20、Sch30、Sch40、Sch60、Sch80、Sch100、Sch120、Sch140、Sch160十个等级;
Sch在美标ASME/ANSI/APL的标准中表示壁厚的系列号.目前我国在钢管的进口钢管的业务经常遇到的表示方式,在我国的外企在工程管道安装中经常出现.在美标的壁厚表示符号中有标准STD,特厚XD,双特厚XXD等表示,与sch的表示是相同的,在表示壁厚符号的同时还附带系列号,如40 /60/ 80 /100/ 120/ 140 160,它们分别表示不同的壁厚系列.
钢 管 的 壁 厚 系 列

即Sch .=P/[ó]t×1000(1-2-1)式中 P—设计压力,MPa;[ó]t—设计温度下材料的许用应力,MPa。
ANSI B36.10和JIS标准中的管子表号为;Sch10、20、30、40、60、80、100、120、140、160。
ANSI B36.19中的不锈钢管管子表号为:5S、10S、40S、80S。
不同管子表号的管壁厚度,在美国和日本是应用计算承受内压薄壁管厚度的Barlow公式计算并考虑了腐蚀裕量和螺纹深度及壁厚负偏差-12.5%之后确定的,如公式(1-2-2)和(1-2-3)所示tB=D0P/2[ó]t(1-2-2)t=[D0/2(1-0.125)×P/[ó]t]+2.54(1-2-3)式中 tB 、t——分别表示理论和计算壁厚,mmD0————管外径,mmP——设计压力,MPa[ó]t——在设计温度下材料的许用压力,MPa计算壁厚径圆整后才是实际的壁厚。

GB国标钢管壁厚分级表—SCH40 SCH60 SCH80等级表钢管壁厚分级表(GB标准)公称直径DN外径(D) 公称壁厚A系列B系列Sch5sSch10sSch20sLGSch20Sch30STDSch40Sch60XSSch80Sch100Sch120Sch140Sch18015 20 25 21.326.933.71825321. 40 50 42.448.360.33845571. 80 90 76.188.9101.67689- 125 150 114.3139.7168.31081331592. 250 300 219.1273.0323.92192733252. 400 450 500 355.6406.4457.0508.03774264785294. 600 559610-6305. 700 750 660711762-720---------- 850 900 813864914820-920--------- 1000 1050 96510161067-1020---------- 1150 1200 1118116812191120-1220---------聊城中正管业有限公司钢管长度可5.8米定尺,6米定尺,以及长达16米定尺,还可根据用户需要定尺. 主营材质:10#、20#、45#、20G、40Cr、20Gr、16Mn-45Mn、27SiMn、Cr5Mo、12CrMo(T12)、12Cr1MoV、12Cr1MoVG、10CrMo910、15CrMo、35CrMo、40CrMo等.下面是诗情画意的句子欣赏,不需要的朋友可以编辑删除!!谢谢1. 染火枫林,琼壶歌月,长歌倚楼。

作者: 来源:网络时间:2010-1-27

添加人:admin添加时间:2010-3-3 11:02:00 文章来源:中国钢管经贸网【大中小】

即: Sch=P/[σ]t×1000
ANSI B36.10壁厚等级:Sch10、Sch20、Sch30、Sch40、Sch60、Sch80、Sch100、Sch120、Sch140、Sch160十个等级;
ANSI B36.19壁厚等级:Sch5s、Sch10s、Sch40s、Sch80s四个等级;


即: Sch=P/[σ]t×1000ANSI B36.10壁厚等级:Sch10、Sch20、Sch30、Sch40、Sch60、Sch80、Sch100、Sch120、Sch140、Sch160十个等级; ANSI B36.19壁厚等级:Sch5s、Sch10s、Sch40s、Sch80s四个等级;2)以钢管壁厚尺寸表示中国、ISO、日本部分钢管标准采用3)是以管子重量表示管壁厚度,它将管子壁厚分为三种:a.标准重量管,以STD表示b.加厚管,以XS 表示c.特厚管,以XXS表示。
8"SCH40":是DN200,外径为8.625in=219 mm 壁厚为0.322in=8.1788mm没有8“SCH40 12” 8"SCH40 14"的规格!Nominal Pipe SizeFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNominal Pipe Size (NPS) is a North American set of standard sizes for pipes used for high or low pressures and temperatures.[1] Pipe size is specified with two non-dimensional numbers: a nominal pipe size (NPS) for diameter based on inches, and a schedule (Sched. or Sch.) for wall thickness. NPS is often incorrectly called National Pipe Size, due to confusion with national pipe thread (NPT). The European designation equivalent to NPS is DN (diamètre nominal/nominal diameter), in which sizes are measured in millimetres.[2] The term NB (nominal bore) is also frequently used interchangeably with NPS.edit HistoryIn March 1927, the American Standards Association authorized a committee to standardize the dimensions of wrought steel and wrought iron pipe and tubing. At that time only a small selection of wall thicknesses were in use: standard weight (STD), extra-strong (XS), and double extra-strong (XXS), based on the iron pipe size (IPS) system of the day. However these three sizes did not fit all applications. The committee surveyed the industry and created a system of schedule numbers that designated wall thicknesses based on smaller steps between sizes,[3] although IPS and NPS numbers remain equivalent.The original intent was that each schedule would relate to a given pressure rating, however the numbers deviated so far from wall thicknesses in common use that this original intent could not be accomplished.[3][note 1] Also, in 1939, it was hoped that the designations of STD, XS, and XXS would be phased out by schedule numbers, however those original terms are still in common use today (although sometimes referred to as standard, extra-heavy (XH), and double extra-heavy (XXH), respectively). Since the original schedules were created, there have been many revisions and additions to the tables of pipe sizes based on industry use and on standards from API, ASTM, and others.[3]Stainless steel pipes, which were coming into more common use in the mid 20th century, permitted the use of thinner pipe walls with much less risk of failure due to corrosion. By 1949 thinner schedules 5S and 10S,which were based on the pressure requirements modified to the nearest BWG number, had been created, and other "S" sizes followed later. Due to their thin walls, the smaller "S" sizes can not be threaded together fusion welded.[4]edit ApplicationBased on the NPS and schedule of a pipe, the pipe outside diameter (OD) and wall thickness can be obtained from reference tables such as those below, which are based on ASME standards B36.10M and B36.19M. For example, NPS 14 Sch 40 has an OD of 14 inches and a wall thickness of 0.437 inches. However the NPS and OD values are not always equal, which can create confusion.▪For NPS ⅛ to 12 inches, the NPS and OD values are different. For example, the OD of an NPS 12 pipe is actually 12.75 inches. To find the actual OD for each NPS value, refer to the tables below. (Note that for tubing, the size is always the actual OD.)▪For NPS 14 inches and up, the NPS and OD values are equal. In other words, an NPS 14 pipe is actually 14 inches OD.The reason for the discrepancy for NPS ⅛ to 12 inches is that these NPS values were originally set to give the same inside diameter (ID) based on wall thicknesses standard at the time. However, as the set of available wall thicknesses evolved, the ID changed and NPS became only indirectly related to ID and OD.For a given NPS, the OD stays fixed and the wall thickness increases with schedule. For a given schedule, the OD increases with NPS while the wall thickness stays constant or increases. Using equations and rules in ASME B31.3 Process Piping, it can be shown that pressure rating decreases with increasing NPS and constant schedule.[note 1]Some specifications use pipe schedules called standard wall (STD), extra strong (XS), and double extra strong (XXS), although these actually belong to an older system called iron pipe size (IPS). The IPS number is the same as the NPS number. STD is identical to SCH 40S, and 40S is identical to 40 for NPS 1/8 to NPS 10, inclusive. XS is identical to SCH 80S, and 80S is identical to 80 for NPS 1/8 to NPS 8, inclusive. XXS wall is thicker than schedule 160 from NPS 1/8" to NPS 6" inclusive, and schedule 160 is thicker than XXS wall for NPS 8" and larger.The "S" designation, for example "NPS Sch 10S", most often indicates stainless steel pipes. However some stainless steel pipes are available in steel designations, so strictly speaking the "S" designation only differentiates B36.19M pipe from B36.10M pipe.[1]Both polyvinyl chloride pipe (PVC) and chlorinated polyvinyl chloride pipe (CPVC) are made in NPS sizes.edit NPS tables for selected sizesedit NPS ⅛ to NPS 3½SCH 5SCH10s/10SCH 30SCH40s/40/STDSCH80s/80/XSSCH 120SCH160XXS⅛ 6 0.405(10.29)0.035(0.889)0.049(1.245)0.057(1.448)0.068(1.727)0.095(2.413)———¼ 8 0.540(13.72)0.049(1.245)0.065(1.651)0.073(1.854)0.088(2.235)0.119(3.023)———⅜10 0.675(17.15)0.049(1.245)0.065(1.651)0.073(1.854)0.091(2.311)0.126(3.200)———½ 15 0.840(21.34)0.065(1.651)0.083(2.108)0.095(2.413)0.109(2.769)0.147(3.734)—0.188(4.775)0.294(7.468)¾ 20 1.050(26.67)0.065(1.651)0.083(2.108)0.095(2.413)0.113(2.870)0.154(3.912)—0.219(5.563)0.308(7.823)1 25 1.315(33.40)0.065(1.651)0.109(2.769)0.114(2.896)0.133(3.378)0.179(4.547)—0.250(6.350)0.358(9.093)1¼ 32 1.660(42.16)0.065(1.651)0.109(2.769)0.117(2.972)0.140(3.556)0.191(4.851)—0.250(6.350)0.382(9.703)1½ 40 1.900(48.26)0.065(1.651)0.109(2.769)0.125(3.175)0.145(3.683)0.200(5.080)—0.281(7.137)0.400(10.160)2 50 2.375(60.33)0.065(1.651)0.109(2.769)0.125(3.175)0.154(3.912)0.218(5.537)0.250(6.350)0.343(8.712)0.436(11.074)2½ 65 2.875 0.083 0.120 0.188 0.203 0.276 0.300 0.375 0.552edit NPS 4 to NPS 9NP S[5]DN[2]OD[in(mm)]Wall thickness[in (mm)]SCH5SCH10s/1SCH20SCH30SCH40s/4/STDSCH60SCH80s/8/XSSCH100SCH120SCH140SCH160XXS[5]4 14.500(114.30)0.083(2.108)0.120(3.048)—0.188(4.775)0.237(6.020)0.281(7.137)0.337(8.560)—0.437(11.100)—0.531(13.487)0.674(17.120)4½ 1155.000(127.00)————0.247(6.274)—0.355(9.017)————0.710(18.034)5 1255.563(141.30)0.109(2.769)0.134(3.404)——0.258(6.553)—0.375(9.525)—0.500(12.700)—0.625(15.875)0.750(19.050)6 156.625(168.20.109(2.760.134(3.40——0.280(7.11—0.432(10.97—0.562(14.27—0.718(18.230.864(21.94edit NPS 10 to NPS 24NPS[5]Wall thickness[in (mm)]SCH 40 SCH 60SCH80s/XSSCH 80 SCH 100 SCH 120 SCH 140 SCH 16010 0.365(9.271)0.500(12.700)0.500(12.700)0.593(15.062)0.718(18.237)0.843(21.412)1.000(25.400)1.125(28.575)12 0.406(10.312)0.562(14.275)0.500(12.700)0.687(17.450)0.843(21.412)1.000(25.400)1.125(28.575)1.312(33.325)14 0.437(11.100)0.593(15.062)0.500(12.700)0.750(19.050)0.937(23.800)1.093(27.762)1.250(31.750)1.406(35.712)16 0.500(12.700)0.656(16.662)0.500(12.700)0.843(21.412)1.031(26.187)1.218(30.937)1.437(36.500)1.593(40.462)18 0.562(14.275)0.750(19.050)0.500(12.700)0.937(23.800)1.156(29.362)1.375(34.925)1.562(39.675)1.781(45.237)edit NPS 26 to NPS 36edit Additional sizes (NPS)。

作者: 来源:网络时间:2010-1-27

即: Sch=P/[σ]t×1000ANSI B36.10壁厚等级:Sch10、Sch20、Sch30、Sch40、Sch60、Sch80、Sch100、Sch120、Sch140、Sch160十个等级; ANSI B36.19壁厚等级:Sch5s、Sch10s、Sch40s、Sch80s四个等级;2)以钢管壁厚尺寸表示中国、ISO、日本部分钢管标准采用3)是以管子重量表示管壁厚度,它将管子壁厚分为三种:a.标准重量管,以STD表示b.加厚管,以XS 表示c.特厚管,以XXS表示。
8"SCH40":是DN200,外径为8.625in=219 mm 壁厚为0.322in=8.1788mm没有8“SCH40 12” 8"SCH40 14"的规格!Nominal Pipe SizeFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNominal Pipe Size(NPS) is a North American set of standard sizes for pipes used for high or low pressures and temperatures.[1]Pipe size is specified with two non-dimensional numbers: a nominal pipe size (NPS) for diameter based on inches, and a schedule (Sched. or Sch.) for wall thickness. NPS is often incorrectly called National Pipe Size, due to confusion with national pipe thread (NPT). The European designation equivalent to NPS is DN(diamètre nominal/nominal diameter), in which sizes are measured in millimetres.[2] The term NB (nominal bore) is also frequently used interchangeably with NPS.edit HistoryIn March 1927, the American Standards Association authorized a committee to standardize the dimensions of wrought steel and wrought iron pipe and tubing. At that time only a small selection of wall thicknesses were in use: standard weight (STD), extra-strong (XS), and double extra-strong (XXS), based on the iron pipe size (IPS) system of the day. However these three sizes did not fit all applications. The committee surveyed the industry and created a system of schedule numbers that designated wall thicknesses based on smaller steps between sizes,[3] although IPS and NPS numbers remain equivalent.The original intent was that each schedule would relate to a given pressure rating, however the numbers deviated so far from wall thicknesses in common use that this original intent could not be accomplished.[3][note 1] Also, in 1939, it was hoped that the designations of STD, XS, and XXS would be phased out by schedule numbers, however those original terms are still in common use today (although sometimes referred to as standard, extra-heavy (XH), and double extra-heavy (XXH), respectively). Since the original schedules were created, there have been many revisions and additions to the tables of pipe sizes based on industry use and on standards from API, ASTM, and others.[3]Stainless steel pipes, which were coming into more common use in the mid 20th century, permitted the use of thinner pipe walls with much less risk of failure due to corrosion. By 1949 thinner schedules 5S and 10S, which were based on the pressure requirements modified to the nearest BWG number, had been created, and other "S" sizes followed later. Due to their thin walls, the smaller "S" sizes can not be threaded together according to ASME code, but must be fusion welded.[4]edit ApplicationBased on the NPS and schedule of a pipe, the pipe outside diameter (OD) and wall thickness can be obtained from reference tables such as those below, which are based on ASME standards B36.10M and B36.19M. For example, NPS 14 Sch 40 has an OD of 14 inches and a wall thickness of 0.437 inches. However the NPS and OD values are not always equal, which can create confusion.▪For NPS ⅛ to 12 inches, the NPS and OD values are different. For example, the OD of an NPS 12 pipe is actually 12.75 inches. To find the actual OD for each NPS value, refer to the tables below. (Note that for tubing, the size is always the actual OD.)▪For NPS 14 inches and up, the NPS and OD values are equal. In other words, an NPS 14 pipe is actually 14 inches OD.The reason for the discrepancy for NPS ⅛ to 12 inches is that these NPS values were originally set to give the same inside diameter (ID) based on wall thicknesses standard at the time. However, as the set of available wall thicknesses evolved, the ID changed and NPS became only indirectly related to ID and OD.For a given NPS, the OD stays fixed and the wall thickness increases with schedule. For a given schedule, the OD increases with NPS while the wall thickness stays constant or increases. Using equations and rules in ASME B31.3 Process Piping, it can be shown that pressure rating decreases with increasing NPS and constant schedule.[note 1]Some specifications use pipe schedules called standard wall (STD), extra strong (XS), and double extra strong (XXS), although these actually belong to an older system called iron pipe size (IPS). The IPS number is the same as the NPS number. STD is identical to SCH 40S, and 40S is identical to 40 for NPS 1/8 to NPS 10, inclusive. XS is identical to SCH 80S, and 80S is identical to 80 for NPS 1/8 to NPS 8, inclusive. XXS wall is thicker than schedule 160 from NPS 1/8" to NPS 6" inclusive, and schedule 160 is thicker than XXS wall for NPS 8" and larger.The "S" designation, for example "NPS Sch 10S", most often indicates stainless steel pipes. However some stainless steel pipes are available in steel designations, so strictly speaking the "S" designation only differentiates B36.19M pipe from B36.10M pipe.[1]Both polyvinyl chloride pipe (PVC) and chlorinated polyvinyl chloride pipe (CPVC) are made in NPS sizes.edit NPS tables for selected sizes edit NPS ⅛ to NPS 3½edit NPS 4 to NPS 9NP S[5]DN[2]OD[in(mm)]Wall thickness[in (mm)]SCH 5SCH10s/10SCH20SCH30SCH40s/40/STDSCH60SCH80s/8/XSSCH100SCH120SCH140SCH160XXS[5]414.500(114.30)0.083(2.108)0.12(3.048)—0.188(4.775)0.237(6.020)0.281(7.137)0.337(8.560)—0.437(11.100)—0.531(13.487)0.674(17.120)4½1155.000(127.00)————0.247(6.2—0.355(9.017)————0.710(18.034)51255.563(141.30)0.109(2.769)0.134(3.404)——0.258(6.553)—0.375(9.525)—0.500(12.700)—0.625(15.875)0.750(19.050)6156.625(168.28)0.109(2.769)0.134(3.404)——0.28(7.112)—0.432(10.973)—0.562(14.275)—0.718(18.237)0.864(21.946)7[5]—7.625(193.68)————0.301(7.645)—0.500(12.700)————0.875(22.225)828.625(219.08)0.109(2.769)0.148(3.759)0.25(6.350)0.277(7.036)0.322(8.179)0.406(10.312)0.500(12.700)0.593(15.062)0.718(18.237)0.812(20.625)0.906(23.012)0.875(22.225)9[5]—9.625(244.48)————0.342(8.687)—0.500(12.700)—————edit NPS 10 to NPS 24NPS [5]DN [2]OD [in (mm)]Wall thickness [in (mm)]SCH 5sSCH 5SCH richsSCH 10SCH 20SCH 30SCH 40s/STD10 250 10.75 (273.05) 0.134 (3.404) 0.134 (3.404) 0.165 (4.191) 0.165 (4.191) 0.250 (6.350) 0.307 (7.798) 0.365 (9.271) 12 300 12.75 (323.85) 0.156 (3.962) 0.165 (4.191) 0.180 (4.572) 0.180 (4.572) 0.250 (6.350) 0.330 (8.382) 0.375 (9.525) 14 350 14.00 (355.60) 0.156 (3.962) 0.156 (3.962) 0.188 (4.775) 0.250 (6.350) 0.312 (7.925) 0.375 (9.525) 0.375 (9.525) 16 400 16.00 (406.40) 0.165 (4.191) 0.165 (4.191) 0.188 (4.775) 0.250 (6.350) 0.312 (7.925) 0.375 (9.525) 0.375 (9.525) 18 450 18.00 (457.20) 0.165 (4.191) 0.165 (4.191) 0.188 (4.775) 0.250 (6.350) 0.312 (7.925) 0.437 (11.100) 0.375 (9.525) 20 500 20.00 (508.00) 0.188 (4.775) 0.188 (4.775) 0.218 (5.537) 0.250 (6.350) 0.375 (9.525) 0.500 (12.700) 0.375 (9.525) 24 600 24.00 (609.60) 0.218 (5.537) 0.218 (5.537) 0.250 (6.350) 0.250 (6.350) 0.375 (9.525) 0.562 (14.275) 0.375 (9.525)SCH 40 SCH 60 SCH 80s/XS SCH 80 SCH 100 SCH 120 SCH 140 SCH 160 100.365 (9.271) 0.500 (12.700) 0.500 (12.700) 0.593 (15.062) 0.718 (18.237) 0.843 (21.412) 1.000 (25.400) 1.125 (28.575) 120.406 (10.312) 0.562 (14.275) 0.500 (12.700) 0.687 (17.450) 0.843 (21.412) 1.000 (25.400) 1.125 (28.575) 1.312 (33.325)140.437 (11.100) 0.593 (15.062) 0.500 (12.700) 0.750 (19.050) 0.937 (23.800) 1.093 (27.762) 1.250 (31.750) 1.406 (35.712) 160.500 (12.700) 0.656 (16.662) 0.500 (12.700) 0.843 (21.412) 1.031 (26.187) 1.218 (30.937) 1.437 (36.500) 1.593 (40.462) 180.562 (14.275) 0.750 (19.050) 0.500 (12.700) 0.937 (23.800) 1.156 (29.362) 1.375 (34.925) 1.562 (39.675) 1.781 (45.237) 200.593 (15.062) 0.812 (20.625) 0.500 (12.700) 1.031 (26.187) 1.280 (32.512) 1.500 (38.100) 1.750 (44.450) 1.968 (49.987) 24 0.687 (17.450) 0.968 (24.587) 0.500 (12.700) 1.218 (30.937) 1.531 (38.887) 1.812 (46.025) 2.062 (52.375) 2.343(59.512)edit NPS 26 to NPS 3628 700 28.000 (711.200) — — 0.312 (7.925) 0.500 (12.700) 0.625 (15.875) 0.375 (9.525) — —30750 30.000 (762.000) 0.250 (6.350) 0.312 (7.925) 0.312 (7.925) 0.500 (12.700) 0.625 (15.875)0.375 (9.525) — 0.500(12.700) 32 800 32.000 (812.800)— — 0.312 (7.925) 0.500 (12.700) 0.625 (15.875) 0.375 (9.525) 0.688 (17.475) 0.500 (12.700) 34 850 34.000(863.600)— — 0.312 (7.925) 0.500 (12.700) 0.625 (15.875) 0.375 (9.525) 0.688 (17.475) 36 900 36.000(914.400) — —0.312 (7.925) — 0.625 (15.875) 0.375 (9.525) 0.750 (19.050) 0.500 (12.700) edit Additional sizes (NPS)(注:文件素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。

即: Sch=P/[σ]t×1000ANSI B36.10壁厚等级:Sch10、Sch20、Sch30、Sch40、Sch60、Sch80、Sch100、Sch120、Sch140、Sch160十个等级; ANSI B36.19壁厚等级:Sch5s、Sch10s、Sch40s、Sch80s四个等级;2)以钢管壁厚尺寸表示中国、ISO、日本部分钢管标准采用3)是以管子重量表示管壁厚度,它将管子壁厚分为三种:a.标准重量管,以STD表示b.加厚管,以XS 表示c.特厚管,以XXS表示。
8"SCH40":是DN200,外径为8.625in=219 mm 壁厚为0.322in=8.1788mm没有8“SCH40 12” 8"SCH40 14"的规格!Nominal Pipe SizeFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNominal Pipe Size (NPS) is a North American set of standard sizes for pipes used for high or low pressures and temperatures.[1] Pipe size is specified with two non-dimensional numbers: a nominal pipe size (NPS) for diameter based on inches, and a schedule (Sched. or Sch.) for wall thickness. NPS is often incorrectly called National Pipe Size, due to confusion with national pipe thread (NPT). The European designation equivalent to NPS is DN (diamètre nominal/nominal diameter), in which sizes are measured in millimetres.[2] The term NB (nominal bore) is also frequently used interchangeably with NPS.edit HistoryIn March 1927, the American Standards Association authorized a committee to standardize the dimensions of wrought steel and wrought iron pipe and tubing. At that time only a small selection of wall thicknesses were in use: standard weight (STD), extra-strong (XS), and double extra-strong (XXS), based on the iron pipe size (IPS) system of the day. However these three sizes did not fit all applications. The committee surveyed the industry and created a system of schedule numbers that designated wall thicknesses based on smaller steps between sizes,[3] although IPS and NPS numbers remain equivalent.The original intent was that each schedule would relate to a given pressure rating, however the numbers deviated so far from wall thicknesses in common use that this original intent could not be accomplished.[3][note 1] Also, in 1939, it was hoped that the designations of STD, XS, and XXS would be phased out by schedule numbers, however those original terms are still in common use today (although sometimes referred to as standard, extra-heavy (XH), and double extra-heavy (XXH), respectively). Since the original schedules were created, there have been many revisions and additions to the tables of pipe sizes based on industry use and on standards from API, ASTM, and others.[3]Stainless steel pipes, which were coming into more common use in the mid 20th century, permitted the use of thinner pipe walls with much less risk of failure due to corrosion. By 1949 thinner schedules 5S and 10S,which were based on the pressure requirements modified to the nearest BWG number, had been created, and other "S" sizes followed later. Due to their thin walls, the smaller "S" sizes can not be threaded together fusion welded.[4]edit ApplicationBased on the NPS and schedule of a pipe, the pipe outside diameter (OD) and wall thickness can be obtained from reference tables such as those below, which are based on ASME standards B36.10M and B36.19M. For example, NPS 14 Sch 40 has an OD of 14 inches and a wall thickness of 0.437 inches. However the NPS and OD values are not always equal, which can create confusion.▪For NPS ⅛ to 12 inches, the NPS and OD values are different. For example, the OD of an NPS 12 pipe is actually 12.75 inches. To find the actual OD for each NPS value, refer to the tables below. (Note that for tubing, the size is always the actual OD.)▪For NPS 14 inches and up, the NPS and OD values are equal. In other words, an NPS 14 pipe is actually 14 inches OD.The reas on for the discrepancy for NPS ⅛ to 12 inches is that these NPS values were originally set to give the same inside diameter (ID) based on wall thicknesses standard at the time. However, as the set of available wall thicknesses evolved, the ID changed and NPS became only indirectly related to ID and OD.For a given NPS, the OD stays fixed and the wall thickness increases with schedule. For a given schedule, the OD increases with NPS while the wall thickness stays constant or increases. Using equations and rules in ASME B31.3 Process Piping, it can be shown that pressure rating decreases with increasing NPS and constant schedule.[note 1]Some specifications use pipe schedules called standard wall (STD), extra strong (XS), and double extra strong (XXS), although these actually belong to an older system called iron pipe size (IPS). The IPS number is the same as the NPS number. STD is identical to SCH 40S, and 40S is identical to 40 for NPS 1/8 to NPS 10, inclusive. XS is identical to SCH 80S, and 80S is identical to 80 for NPS 1/8 to NPS 8, inclusive. XXS wall is thicker than schedule 160 from NPS 1/8" to NPS 6" inclusive, and schedule 160 is thicker than XXS wall for NPS 8" and larger.The "S" designation, for example "NPS Sch 10S", most often indicates stainless steel pipes. However some stainless steel pipes are available in steel designations, so strictly speaking the "S" designation only differentiates B36.19M pipe from B36.10M pipe.[1]Both polyvinyl chloride pipe (PVC) and chlorinated polyvinyl chloride pipe (CPVC) are made in NPS sizes.edit NPS tables for selected sizesedit NPS ⅛ to NPS 3½SCH 5SCH10s/10SCH 30SCH40s/40/STDSCH80s/80/XSSCH 120SCH160XXS⅛ 6 0.405(10.29)0.035(0.889)0.049(1.245)0.057(1.448)0.068(1.727)0.095(2.413)———¼ 8 0.540(13.72)0.049(1.245)0.065(1.651)0.073(1.854)0.088(2.235)0.119(3.023)———⅜10 0.675(17.15)0.049(1.245)0.065(1.651)0.073(1.854)0.091(2.311)0.126(3.200)———½ 15 0.840(21.34)0.065(1.651)0.083(2.108)0.095(2.413)0.109(2.769)0.147(3.734)—0.188(4.775)0.294(7.468)¾ 20 1.050(26.67)0.065(1.651)0.083(2.108)0.095(2.413)0.113(2.870)0.154(3.912)—0.219(5.563)0.308(7.823)1 25 1.315(33.40)0.065(1.651)0.109(2.769)0.114(2.896)0.133(3.378)0.179(4.547)—0.250(6.350)0.358(9.093)1¼ 32 1.660(42.16)0.065(1.651)0.109(2.769)0.117(2.972)0.140(3.556)0.191(4.851)—0.250(6.350)0.382(9.703)1½ 40 1.900(48.26)0.065(1.651)0.109(2.769)0.125(3.175)0.145(3.683)0.200(5.080)—0.281(7.137)0.400(10.160)2 50 2.375(60.33)0.065(1.651)0.109(2.769)0.125(3.175)0.154(3.912)0.218(5.537)0.250(6.350)0.343(8.712)0.436(11.074)2½ 65 2.875 0.083 0.120 0.188 0.203 0.276 0.300 0.375 0.552edit NPS 4 to NPS 9NP S[5]DN[2]OD[in(mm)]Wall thickness[in (mm)]SCH5SCH10s/1SCH20SCH30SCH40s/4/STDSCH60SCH80s/8/XSSCH100SCH120SCH140SCH160XXS[5]4 14.500(114.30)0.083(2.108)0.120(3.048)—0.188(4.775)0.237(6.020)0.281(7.137)0.337(8.560)—0.437(11.100)—0.531(13.487)0.674(17.120)4½ 1155.000(127.00)————0.247(6.274)—0.355(9.017)————0.710(18.034)5 1255.563(141.30)0.109(2.769)0.134(3.404)——0.258(6.553)—0.375(9.525)—0.500(12.700)—0.625(15.875)0.750(19.050)6 156.625(168.20.109(2.760.134(3.40——0.280(7.11—0.432(10.97—0.562(14.27—0.718(18.230.864(21.94edit NPS 10 to NPS 24NPS[5]Wall thickness[in (mm)]SCH 40 SCH 60SCH80s/XSSCH 80 SCH 100 SCH 120 SCH 140 SCH 16010 0.365(9.271)0.500(12.700)0.500(12.700)0.593(15.062)0.718(18.237)0.843(21.412)1.000(25.400)1.125(28.575)12 0.406(10.312)0.562(14.275)0.500(12.700)0.687(17.450)0.843(21.412)1.000(25.400)1.125(28.575)1.312(33.325)14 0.437(11.100)0.593(15.062)0.500(12.700)0.750(19.050)0.937(23.800)1.093(27.762)1.250(31.750)1.406(35.712)16 0.500(12.700)0.656(16.662)0.500(12.700)0.843(21.412)1.031(26.187)1.218(30.937)1.437(36.500)1.593(40.462)18 0.562(14.275)0.750(19.050)0.500(12.700)0.937(23.800)1.156(29.362)1.375(34.925)1.562(39.675)1.781(45.237)edit NPS 26 to NPS 36edit Additional sizes (NPS)。

钢管壁厚等级表示方法(总3页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除钢管壁厚等级表示方法钢管的壁厚等级系列的表示方法在不同标准中所表示的方法各不相同。
即Sch=P/[ó]t×1000 (1-1)式中P—设计压力,MPa;[ó]t—设计温度下材料的许用应力,MPa。
不同管子表号的管壁厚度,在美国和日本是应用计算承受内压薄壁管厚度的Bav low公式计算、并适当考虑了腐蚀裕量和螺纹深度及12.5%壁厚负偏差确定的。
如果已知钢管的管子表号,可根据式(1-1)计算出该钢管所能适应的设计压力,即P=Sch×[ó]t/1000 (1-2)例如,Sch40,碳素钢20无缝钢管,当设计温度为350℃时给钢管所能适应设计压力为:P=40×92/1000=3.68MPa中国石化总公司标准SHJ405规定了无缝钢管的壁厚系列Sch.5S, Sch.10 S,Sch.20 S,Sch.40 S,Sch.80 S,Sch.20,Sch.40,Sch.60,Sch.80,Sch.100,Sch.120,Sch.140,Sch.160,XXS。
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双击自动滚屏发布者:华润钢铁发布时间:2010-4-16 阅读:647次【字体:大中小】(GB标准)钢管壁厚等级(Sch)表示方法