
以Ca(N03)2.4H2O NH4H2 PO4 为原料,采用化学沉淀法制备HA,CA/P=1.67三、仪器与试剂材料:Ca(N03)2 4H2O 、NH4H2 PO4 、氨水仪器:磁力搅拌机四、实验步骤(1).称取6.9g 磷酸氢二铵和23.6g 硝酸钙。
图中P043-的吸收谱线571、602、963、1050和1089cm-1都出现了,OH-基团的谱线则出现在631、3570 cm-1处,证明所制备的晶体是HA晶体。

羟基磷灰石(Calcium hydroxyapatite,Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2),是一种常见的无机非金属材料,具有良好的生物相容性和骨组织相似性,因此在医学、生物工程等领域具有重要应用价值。



首先在压电石英晶振(Piezoelectric quartz crystal,简称PQC)表面电沉积制备磷酸钙盐。
随后采用压电石英阻抗技术(Piezoelectric quartz crystal impedance,PQCI)在线检测电沉积产物磷酸钙盐在0.1mol.l-1氢氧化钠溶液中的碱处理过程。

然而,纯HAP陶瓷的机械性能比较差,例如,断裂韧性(K IC)不超过1.0 MPa·m1/2,而且,在潮湿的环境中Weibull因子较低(n=5~12),作为人工种植体其使用可靠性较差。
1 HAP粉末的制备制备HAP粉末有许多方法,主要有湿法和固态反应法[1]。
用水热合法成法获得的HAP材料一般结晶程度高,Ca/P 接近化学计量值。
用沉淀法在温度不超过100 ℃的条件下,可制备纳米尺寸的纤维颗粒粉末[9]。
2 HAP陶瓷HAP陶瓷的烧结温度一般为1000~1200 ℃,袁建军等人[10]的研究说明,1300 ℃是HAP陶瓷材料的最佳烧成温度。

关键词羟基磷灰石,涂层,溶胶-凝胶法羟基磷灰石(Hydroxyapatite,简称HA 或HAP,化学式Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2),是人体和动物骨骼的主要无机成分(约占60%)。
1实验部分`1.1 实验仪器及试剂主要仪器:BDX3200型自动X射线粉末衍射仪、RJX-5-13高温箱或电阻炉、DL-102型电热鼓风干燥箱、HJ-3恒温磁力搅拌器。
试剂:五氧化二磷(P2O5)、无水乙醇(C2H5OH)、硝酸钙(Ca(NO3)2•4H2O) (均为分析纯)。
1.2 溶胶制备将1g五氧化二磷(0.007mol)和26ml无水乙醇反应,冷却后得到磷酸三乙酯[(CH3CH2O)3PO4]。
1.3 涂膜制备将用丙酮清洗过的洁净载玻片放入制备好的溶胶中,用浸渍提拉法在载玻片上制成涂膜,放入60℃电热鼓风干燥箱中干燥3h,然后放入电阻炉中,以10℃/min的速度升温至650℃并保温4h,自然冷却,即在载玻片上获得羟基磷灰石涂层。

二、产品规格1. 纯度:≥99.5%2. 粒径分布:0.5-5μm3. 比表面积:≥50m²/g4. 水份含量:≤0.5%5. 灼烧失重:≤0.5%6. 氧化钙含量:≤0.1%7. 磷酸钙含量:≥98.5%三、产品特性1. 生物相容性:羟基磷灰石填料具有良好的生物相容性,与人体骨骼和牙齿具有良好的亲和力,可促进骨组织的生长和修复。
2. 生物降解性:HA填料在人体内可被逐步降解,降解产物对人体无毒、无害,可被人体吸收。
3. 生物活性:HA填料能够诱导成骨细胞的增殖和分化,促进骨组织的生长。
4. 机械性能:HA填料具有较好的机械性能,可满足一定程度的力学要求。
5. 化学稳定性:HA填料在生理条件下具有良好的化学稳定性,不易被酸、碱等物质腐蚀。
四、应用领域1. 生物医学材料:HA填料可用于制备骨水泥、骨植入物、人工关节、牙科材料等生物医学材料。
2. 药物载体:HA填料可作为药物载体,提高药物的生物利用度和靶向性。
3. 陶瓷材料:HA填料可用于制备生物陶瓷材料,如生物陶瓷涂层、生物陶瓷支架等。
4. 纳米材料:HA填料可作为纳米材料的制备原料,提高纳米材料的生物相容性和生物活性。
5. 其他领域:HA填料还可应用于化妆品、食品添加剂、环保材料等领域。
五、使用方法1. 储存:羟基磷灰石填料应储存在干燥、通风、阴凉的环境中,避免受潮、受热和阳光直射。
2. 混合:在使用过程中,HA填料应与树脂、聚合物等材料充分混合,以确保材料性能的均匀性。
3. 制备:根据具体应用需求,将HA填料与其他材料按照一定比例混合,制备成所需形态的产品。
4. 处理:在制备过程中,可对HA填料进行表面处理,以提高其与基体的结合强度。

羟基磷灰石纯度计算概述说明以及解释1. 引言1.1 概述羟基磷灰石是一种重要的生物材料,广泛应用于医学和牙科领域。
1.2 文章结构本文将详细介绍羟基磷灰石纯度的计算方法及相关实验设计和步骤。
1.3 目的本文旨在提供一个全面而清晰的指导,帮助读者了解羟基磷灰石纯度计算的方法及实验流程。
2. 羟基磷灰石纯度计算方法:2.1 纯度概念:羟基磷灰石(Hydroxyapatite,简称HAP)是一种重要的无机生物陶瓷材料,在医学、生物工程和材料科学等领域有广泛的应用。
2.2 计算方法一:第一种计算羟基磷灰石纯度的方法是通过元素分析得到样品中钙(Ca)和磷(P)元素的含量,并根据化学组成将其与总样品质量相比较。
计算公式如下:纯度(%)= (HAP样品中Ca和P元素质量之和/ 总样品质量)×100%该方法可以通过常规的化学分析仪器如电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-OES)、原子吸收光谱法(AAS)或X射线荧光光谱法(XRF)来进行实验测定。

羟基磷灰石类型选择:羟基磷灰石因陶瓷化工艺不同分为2种类型:I型和II 型,I型对蛋白质具有更大的保留,对普通蛋白质具有更大的动态载量,主要纯化大部分蛋白质(分子量一般在100kd一下);II型由于孔径较I型大,因而对抗体和部分重组疫苗等大分子量蛋白质的动态载量更高,而对HSA几乎无保留,因而更适合于抗体的纯化,同时II型对核酸具有更大的保留,能够分辩单、双链、超螺旋等各种高级结构的DNA,因而也适合纯化核酸。
●高动态载量、高流速、高产率●更好的化学稳定性和机械强度,更长的寿命●刚性结构,保证了其在PH>的范围内使用,可用NaOH清洗●良好的批次重现性,容易放大化●可随意选用阳离子和金属螯合两个模式分离纯化蛋白或其他分子●能用于层析系统、重力流柱、AcroPrep多孔板等应用●碱性蛋白的纯化(免疫球蛋白)●抗体纯化●酸性蛋白(白蛋白)●去除DNA和内毒素●纯化磷多肽●分离纯化复杂的蛋白混合物●纯化质粒流动相:平衡液:5mM的磷酸钠缓冲液,PH=洗脱液:的磷酸钠缓冲液,或2M的氯化钠缓冲液,PH=使用步骤:建议使用干法填柱Step 1:setup take a cell lysate and draw it into the syringe through the tubing tipDraw any residual sample into syringeAttach syringe and tubing tip to a pre-equilibratedBio-canal column步骤1:平衡安装首先用至少5倍柱体积的平衡液预平衡柱子,将细胞裂解吸入注射器,并安装在柱头上。



(四)注意事项 1、置入的最佳位置: 颞部充填最佳位置:颞深筋膜与浅筋膜之间 颏部充填最佳位置:下颌骨颏部骨膜下 鼻部充填最佳位置:鼻背筋膜下隧道 2、羟基磷灰石只能用于鼻根部充填,不能用于鼻尖成 形 3、分离隧道时应紧贴中线,在鼻背骨膜下分离,不宜 过宽。 4、鼻根部的起点即眉间点,充填物不能超过该点,以 免充填效果不自然,应少量多次进行充填。
5、局部浸润麻醉量不宜使用,否则不宜观察 注射效果 6、氰基磷灰石人工骨早期成形困难,术后最 好不用外包扎 7、注射量宁少勿多,多次注射 8、注射时,针尖斜面方向应向上 9、不能注入皮内,以免产生硬结等 10、注重术前设计
(五)并发症与处理 ①术后非炎症反应:人工骨粉为浮白色膏状物, 对人体本身不会引起免疫反应或排异反应,机体需 要一个相容过程,但注射隆鼻术后其肿胀持续时间 稍长,一般10天左右肿胀才逐渐消失。 ②外形不理想或感染:人工骨粉注入隆鼻,有可 能因经验不足,或无菌操作不严造成外形不美、感 染等,此时必须尽快取出,否则,等半年后,一旦 新生骨长入或人工骨与原来的基骨融合在一起,取 出就较麻烦费时。
羟基磷灰石人工骨 注射术
• (一)概述
• 羟基磷灰石人工骨是一种磷酸钙材料,其化学 成分、物化性能等99.9%与人体骨相同。目前临床上 多用起基磷灰石超微粒分子的人工骨。羟基磷灰石 超微粒分子粉末颗粒小于9微米,结晶体极细,制成 悬浮于生理盐水中之糊状,可使用最小的特制或自 备针头,采用经皮肤直接注射方式注入需要部位。
• 作为人工骨替代材料的优势: • 1、生物相容性极好 • 2、可替代硅胶 • 3、骨引导再生作用
(二)适应证 适应于鼻根部低或偏低的轻度鞍鼻者,以及鼻 梁外形凸凹不平的患者。但不适应于重度鞍鼻 者。

Page 13
(a)实验室自制的 HAP的IR光谱
(b)纳米HAp/cof 蛋白复合材料的IR
谱 (c)胶原蛋自的lR
通过对复合物的红外光谱分析可知,HAP与胶原蛋白纤维间 发生了化学键合,羧基和羰基是HAP在胶原蛋白纤维上的 主要成核位点,在成核过程中,发生了与天然骨类似的碳酸 化过程。
化学化工学院 化学11-2班 冯波
随着社会的进步与人们生活水平的提高,人们的平均寿命不断延 长,但人体本身的老化却不可避免,世界人口老龄化问题日益突显。人 体的老化过30岁就开始了,人体的结缔组织,特别是保持人体直立姿势 的骨骼组织随之开始劣化,随着年龄的增长,由于骨组织的变化,其强 度逐渐降低,发生骨折的几率增大,此外,由于某种如外伤、感染、肿 瘤、事故或矫形手术等因素而使骨丧失了一些骨质,形成较大的间隙, 称为骨缺损,由于缺损间隙大,绝大多数骨缺损难以自行愈合,最后形 成骨不连。
Page 3
以胶原蛋白与HAP复合则较好地利用了胶原蛋白的 粘结性而克服了HAP颗粒的流动性。
胶原蛋白和羟基磷灰石为主要原料,制成了羟基磷灰 石和胶原蛋白复合多孔支架材料,利用胶原蛋白的粘结性, 通过物理发泡,形成多孔的三维立体网状结构,这将有利于 成骨细胞在支架材料上的附着和繁殖。
Page 7
根据胶原蛋白含量不同制得的多孔羟基磷灰石/胶原蛋白支架材料的体外生物 溶解降解性曲线可以得出,随着胶原蛋白含量的增加,多孔支架材料的生物降解 性也相相应提高,这基本表明胶原蛋白的生物溶解降解性较羟基磷灰石高,因此, 可能通过调整羟基多孔支架材料中胶原蛋白的相对含量,从而达到调节多孔支架 材料的生物降解性的目的。


CHT羟基磷灰石 说明书

T able of ContentsSection 1Introduction (1)Section 2Product Description (1)2.1 What is CHT™ Ceramic Hydroxyapatite? (1)2.2 Specifications (2)2.3Characteristics (2)2.4General Handling and Packing (3)Section 3Chromatography (3)3.1 CHT™ Ceramic Hydroxyapatite Mechanism (3)3.1.1Buffers (4)Table I: CHT Stability in Various Buffers (4)3.1.2Elution (4)3.1.3Trace Metal Contamination (5)3.1.4Phosphate (5)3.1.5Calcium (5)3.1.6Chemical Compatibility/Load Preparation (5)3.2Method Development (6)3.2.1Protocol I: IgG Monoclonal Antibodies (8)3.2.2Protocol II: Globular Proteins (10)3.2.3Protocol III: Plasmids (12)3.2.4Protocol IV: Acidic Proteins (14)3.2.5Scouting Tips (14)Section 4Regeneration, Sanitization, and Storage (15)4.1Regeneration (15)4.2Sanitization (15)4.3Storage (15)Section 5Column Packing Protocols (15)5.1General Handling and Powder Preparation (15)5.2Guidelines for Packing Low-Pressure Process Columns (15)5.2.1Recommended Column Packing Solutions (17)5.3Open-Column Methods (17)5.3.1Gas-Assisted Axial Compression Packing of Open Columns with Motorized Adjustable Inlet Adaptors (17)5.3.2Gas-Assisted Flow Packing of Open Columns With Adjustable Adaptorsat Less Than 700 cm/hr Flow Rate (19)5.3.3Gas-Assisted Flow Packing of Open Columns With Adjustable Inlet Adaptors Capable of 700 cm/hr (22)5.4Media Transfer Station Methods (24)5.4.1Axial Compression Packing of Closed Columns With Motorized Adjustable Inlet Adaptors (24)5.5Media Packing Station Methods (26)5.6Unpacking for Disposal (28)5.7Packed Column Qualification (28)5.8Comments on Column Packing (29)5.8.1Comments on Column Qualification for Columns With Adjustable Inlet Adaptors (29)5.8.2Comments on Column Qualification for Contained Operating System Pressure-PackedClosed Columns (30)5.8.3Comments on Column Qualification on Columns Used in Purification Campaigns (30)5.8.4Conditioning the Column for the Purification Application (30)Section 6Case Studies (30)6.1Packing Results —Custom GE Healthcare Chromaflow 900/200–400 (30)6.2Packing Results —Prototype Milipore IsoPak IPP350/500 (32)6.3Table 3: Summary for Packing CHT Type I, 40 µm (32)6.4Table 4: Summary for Packing CHT Type I, 80 µm (33)Section 7Appendices (33)7.1CHT to Buffer for Packing 50 cm High Open Columns (34)7.2CHT to Buffer for Packing 60 cm High Open Columns (35)7.3CHT to Buffer for Packing 70 cm High Open Columns (36)7.4 CHT to Buffer for Packing 90 cm High Open Columns (37)7.5CHT to Buffer Guide for Contained Operating System Columns (38)Section 8Reference (39)Section 9Ordering Information (40)Section 1IntroductionCHT™ ceramic hydroxyapatite is a leading purification medium of biomolecules in today’s demanding downstream process industry. Its mixed-mode support offers unique selectivities and often separates biomolecules that appear homogeneous using other chromatographic methods. The diverse binding capabilities of CHT for host cell proteins, leached protein A, antibody dimmers and aggregates, nucleic acids, and viruses allow its use at any stage from initial capture to final polishing.The robust properties of CHT ceramic hydroxyapatite improve efficiency, yield, and financial value through:•Excellent capture at elevated flow rates enabling processing at all scales•Large capacity for higher-titer upstream feedstocks•Exceptional selectivity allowing for a two-step chromatographic processThis manual is a guide for the use of CHT as a media support in your purification process. The manual is organized into four main topics:•Product Description•Chromatography•Regeneration, Sanitization, and Storage•Column Packing Protocols•Case StudiesThroughout this manual, we have incorporated recommendations ranging from method scouting and optimization to column packing techniques that represent feedback from process chromatographers globally. Should you have further questions, contact either your local Bio-Rad process chromatography sales representative or the Bio-Rad chromatography technical support department for further assistance at 1-510-741-6563.Section 2Product Description2.1 What is CHT™ Ceramic Hydroxyapatite?Hydroxyapatite (Ca5(PO4)3OH)2is a form of calcium phosphate used in the chromatographic separation of biomolecules. Sets of five calcium doublets (C-sites) and pairs of –OH containing phosphate triplets (P-sites) are arranged in a repeating geometric pattern. Repeating hexagonal structures can be seen in electron micrographs of the material. Space-filling models and repeat structure from Raman spectroscopy have also been constructed. Hydroxyapatite has unique separation properties and unparalleled selectivity and resolution. It often separates proteins shown to be homogeneous by electrophoretic and other chromatographic techniques. Applications of hydroxyapatite chromatography include the purification of different subclasses of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, antibodies that differ in light chain composition, antibody fragments, isozymes, supercoiled DNA from linear duplexes, and single-stranded from double-stranded DNA.CHT ceramic hydroxyapatite is a spherical, macroporous form of hydroxyapatite. It has been sintered at high temperatures to modify it from a crystalline to a ceramic form. The ceramic material overcomes many of the limitations of traditional crystalline hydroxyapatite that prevent its use in industrial-scale applications. The ceramic material retains the unique separation properties of crystalline hydroxyapatite, but can be used reproducibly for many cycles at high flow rates and in large columns. Unlike most other chromatography adsorbents, CHT is both the ligand and the support matrix. Separation protocols originally developed on crystalline hydroxyapatite can often be transferred directly to the ceramic material with only minor modifications. Two types of CHT ceramic hydroxyapatite, Type I and Type II, are available in three particle sizes, 20, 40, and 80 µm. Both types have elution characteristics similar to crystalline hydroxyapatite, but also have some important differences. CHT Type I has a higher protein binding capacity and better capacity for acidic proteins. CHT Type II has a lower protein binding capacity but has better resolution of nucleic acids and certain proteins. The Type II material also has a very low affinity for albumin and is especially suitable for the purification of many species and classes of immunoglobulins.2.2 SpecificationsType IType IIFunctional groupsCa 2+, PO 4, OHCa 2+, PO 4, OHObserved dynamic binding capacitylysozyme (Lys)≥25 mg Lys/g CHT≥12.5 mg Lys/g CHTNominal pore diameter 600–800 Å800–1,000 ÅMaximum backpressure 100 bar (1,500 psi)100 bar (1,500 psi)Nominal mean particle size 20 ± 2, 40 ± 4, and 80 ± 8 µm 20 ± 2, 40 ± 4, and 80 ± 8 µm Bulk density 0.63 g/ml0.63 g/ml2.3 CharacteristicsType IType IIObserved dynamic binding capacityIgG25–60 mg IgG/ml CHT* 15–25 mg IgG/ml CHT**Typical linear flow rate range 50–1,000 cm/hr pH stability*** 6.5–14 pHBase stability at least 21 months in 1 N NaOH Regeneration500 mM sodium phosphate, pH 71,000 mM trisodium phosphate, pH 11–12Autoclavability (bulk) 121°C, 20 min in phosphate buffer, pH 7Sanitization1–2 N NaOH Recommended column storage 0.1 M NaOHShelf life (dry, unused material)85 months stored dry, sealed, and at room temperature* 40 µm particles, 300 cm/hr, 5 mM sodium phosphate, pH 6.5** 40 µm particles, 300 cm/hr, 5 mM sodium phosphate, pH 6.5*** For pH 5.5–6.0, see Section 3.1.1 Buffers and Table 1PurityIn the preparation of ceramic hydroxyapatite, use of high-purity raw materials results in low levels of contaminants as determined by ICP mass spectrometry for metal analysis and ion chromatography for anions.Impurity Levels Chloride 0.005%Sulfate 0.01%Carbonate 0.01%Lead 0.001%Cadmium 0.0001%Barium 0.001%Arsenic0.001%£££££££2.4 General Handling and PackingCHT ceramic hydroxyapatite is a rigid support and can operate under high flow rates and pressures. However, excessive physical forcebeyond typical operating conditions can result in bead damage. In order to optimize the chromatographic properties of CHT, avoid excessive stirring or agitation that may lead to mechanical damage and bead fracture.See General Handling and Powder Preparation, Section 5.1, for more details.Section 3Chromatography3.1 CHT™ Ceramic Hydroxyapatite MechanismHydroxyapatite contains two types of binding sites, positively charged calcium and negatively charged phosphate groups. These sites are distributed regularly throughout the crystal structure of the matrix. Solute species dominantly interact through cation exchange via the phosphate groups and/or metal affinity via the calcium atoms.Cation exchange occurs when protein amino groups interact ionically with the negatively charged phosphates. The amino groups are similarly repelled by the calcium sites. Binding depends upon the combined effects of these interactions. These ion exchange interactions can be disrupted by adding neutral salts such as sodium chloride or buffering species such as phosphate to the mobile phase. Cation exchange interactions also weaken with increasing pH. Hence, the addition of salt or phosphate, or an increase in pH, can be used toweaken the interaction. Studies with model proteins have demonstrated that anion exchange, which might be expected from interactions of negatively charged surface residues with calcium, does not make a significant contribution.Calcium affinity occurs via interactions with carboxyl clusters and/or phosphoryl groups on proteins or other molecules (e.g., nucleic acids); these groups are simultaneously repelled by the negative charge of the CHT phosphate groups. The affinity interaction is between 15 and 60 times stronger than ionic interactions alone and, like classical metal-affinity interactions, is not affected by increasing ionicstrength using typical elution ions (e.g., chloride). Species binding through calcium affinity may adsorb more strongly as the ionic strength increases due to ionic shielding of the charge repulsion from the CHT phosphate sites. Metal affinity interactions can be dissociated by phosphate in the mobile phase.Most large proteins bind by a combination of mechanisms (Figure 1):Dominantly acidic proteins , such as albumin, bind chiefly by metal affinity interactions. Sodium chloride at 1.0 M reduces retention time by approximately 10% in the presence of phosphate gradients, indicating a minor contribution by cation exchange. To elute acidic proteins,phosphate buffers are required.Dominantly basic proteins , such as IgG, bind chiefly by cation exchange interactions. Sodium chloride reduces retention time in the presence of phosphate gradients, indicating a minor contribution by metal-affinity. Basic proteins may be selectively eluted with either phosphate or salts.Cation exchangeMetal affinity Metal affinity carboxyl clustersphosphoryl groups on nucleic acidsFig. 1. Schematic Representation of CHT binding mechanisms.RepulsionAttraction Metal affinity3.1.1 BuffersA key advantage to CHT is its compatibility with a wide range of salts and buffers.While phosphate buffers are the most widely used with CHT, buffer systems composed of, for example, MES, HEPES, Tris, imidazole, or acetate can support at least 50 life cycles of use. Table 1 highlights a variety of buffer conditions that optimize CHT sustainability. Prolonged exposure to pH 6.5 reduces the cycle life of CHT. This is attributed to the breakdown of the CHT matrix.In order to promote the stability of CHT, we recommend that low concentrations of either phosphate or calcium be included in buffers.Calcium may improve binding of weakly acidic proteins.Table 1. CHT Stability in Various Buffers.*CHT SuitabilitypH Buffer10 cycles50 cycles5.0Acetate + 5 mM PO 4—n/a 5.5Acetate + 5 mM PO 4-—6.0Acetate + 5 mM PO 4+-6.0Succinate + 5 mM PO 4-—6.5Succinate + 5 mM PO 4+/-+/-6.5Acetate + 5 mM PO 4+n/a 6.5Phosphate (5 mM)+n/a 6.5Acetate + 5 mM PO 4++6.5MES + 5 mM PO 4++6.5Imidazole + 5 mM PO 4++/-6.5Glycine + 5 mM PO 4++6.5Arginine + 5 mM PO 4++6.5Tris + 5 mM PO 4+n/a7.0Phosphate (5 mM)++7.0MES + 5 mM PO 4+n/a 7.0Acetate + 5 mM PO 4+n/a 7.0Imidazole + 5 mM PO 4++7.0Glycine + 5 mM PO 4+n/a 7.0Arginine + 5 mM PO 4+n/a 7.0HEPES + 5 mM PO 4+n/a 7.0Tris + 5 mM PO 4+n/a 7.5Phosphate (5 mM)+n/a 7.5MES + 5 mM PO 4+n/a 7.5Imidazole + 5 mM PO 4++7.5Acetate + 5 mM PO 4+n/a 7.5HEPES + 2 mM PO 4+n/a 7.5HEPES + 5 mM PO 4+n/a 7.5Tris + 2 mM PO 4+n/a 7.5Tris + 5 mM PO 4++8.5Tris + 5 mM PO 4+n/a* All experiments performed in small scale columns. Each cycle used approximately 35 column volumes of buffer to simulate an equilibration and long gradient, as well as five column volumes of 1 N NaOH to simulate regeneration.3.1.2 ElutionDuring the course of operation any step change in the buffer conditions (increase or decrease in salt, buffering species, or othercomponents) can lead to a transient change in the pH of the mobile phase. This phenomenon can be attributed to the interaction of the mobile phase ions with the phosphate surface groups of CHT. The extent of this pH shift, generally less than 0.5 units, depends on the degree to which components are increased or decreased. The addition of nonphosphate buffer can be used to stabilize pH shift.+No statically significant mass loss observed +/-Slight (0–1%) loss -Small (1–2%) loss —Significant (>2%) loss n/aNot applicable3.1.3 Trace Metal ContaminationCHT will also bind to trace metals, such as iron, that may be present in buffer solutions. The metal contaminants may originate from production media, buffers and salts, process water, and/or corroded stainless steel. The degree of trace-metal deposition will manifest itself as a visible discoloration at the top of the column over time. If this becomes an issue, two potential solutions are to either pretreat buffers by incubating with a small amount of CHT prior to filtration, or to install a CHT guard column for use during buffer and/or load application. If bulk buffer pretreatment with CHT incubation is used, take care to avoid damage to pumps and tubing due to abrasion by CHT particles. Vessel cleaning can be accomplished by an acid wash, which will completely solubilize CHT.3.1.4 PhosphateGenerally, 5 mM phosphate should be included in all buffer solutions. When operating at pH >7.0, lower amounts of phosphate down to2 mM may suffice. Phosphate concentrations above 5 mM in these buffers will not improve stability and may decrease protein binding. As illustrated in Figure 2, CHT binding capacity decreases in 50 mM MES with increasing phosphate concentration.Fig. 2. IgG binding capacity of CHT vs. phosphate concentration and pH.Hydrated phosphate salts should be used in all buffer preparations. Nonhydrated phosphates should not be used because the manufacturing process for these salts leads to pyrophosphate formation. Pyrophosphates inhibit the binding of some macromolecules and reduce CHT selectivity. Avoid back-titrating buffer pH as this increases conductivity and may reduce target protein binding on CHT.3.1.5 CalciumCalcium chloride can be used as a CHT stabilizing agent at a general concentration of 3 mM. More or less calcium chloride may be used dependent on phosphate concentration. Note that calcium deposits onto the matrix and precipitates with other solution species, especially phosphate.3.1.6 Chemical Compatibility/Load PreparationLoads should be free of agents such as citrate or EDTA that could degrade CHT via chelation. CHT is chemically compatible with the following solutions at pH 6.5–14 in the presence of calcium or phosphate.2 M NaOH* 1% SDS and other surfactants6 M Guanidine-HCl 4 M NaCl8 M Urea 1 M Potassium phosphate100% Acetonitrile0.5 M Sodium phosphate100% Ethanol/methanol* No Ca or PO4required3.2.1 Protocol I: IgG Monoclonal AntibodiesFlow rate: 300 cm/hrBuffer A: 10 mM NaPO4, pH 6.5Buffer B: 10 mM NaPO4, 2 M NaCl, pH 6.5Buffer C: 500 mM NaPO4, pH 6.5Equilibrate the column with approximately 10 column volumes of buffer A. Prepare the sample, adjusting the pH and conductivity to those of buffer A. Load the sample in 5 mM NaPO4; wash the column with approximately 5 column volumes of buffer A; and elute with 20 column volumes of buffer B linear gradient. The target protein will usually elute within the NaCl gradient. Buffer at higher pH decreases binding and retention time; conversely, lower pH increases binding capacity and sample retention times. If elution does not occur, increase the phosphate concentration. Slope and amplitude can be adjusted based on initial results. Flow rate may also be converted to a step format or run in flow-through mode. A typical chromatograph using NaCl for the elution of a protein A purified mouse IgG chimera is shown in Figure 3. After elution clean the column with 5 column volumes of buffer C followed by a sanitation step using 5 column volumes of1 M NaOH.Protocol Optimization1.Start with 10 mM NaPO4in buffer A. Titrate buffer B down to 5 mM NaPO4or up to 15 mM NaPO4depending on desired results. RareIgGs may require 40 mM NaPO4.2.Select the lowest phosphate concentration that supports NaCl elution, but do not use concentrations lower than 5 mM.Fig. 3. Elution of monoclonal antibody in a 40 column volume linear gradient to 1 M NaCl.3.2.2 Protocol II: Globular ProteinsFlow rate: 300 cm/hrBuffer A: 5 mM NaPO4, 150 mM NaCl, pH 6.8Buffer B: 500 mM NaPO4, 150 mM NaCl, pH 6.8Buffer C: 500 mM NaPO4, pH 6.8Equilibrate the column with approximately 10 column volumes of buffer A. Prepare the sample, adjusting the pH and conductivity to those of buffer A. Load the sample in 5 mM NaPO4, pH 6.8; wash the column with approximately 5 column volumes of buffer A; and elute with approximately 20 column volumes of buffer B linear gradient. Slope and amplitude can be adjusted based on initial results. After elution clean the column with approximately 5 column volumes of buffer C followed by a sanitation step using approximately 5 column volumes of 1 M NaOH.Protocol Optimization1.Start with 150 mM NaCl in buffer A. Titrate buffer B down to 50 mM NaCl or up to 100 mM NaCl depending on desired results.2.If 500 mM NaPO4is not sufficient for protein elution (this is rare), try 500 mM KPO4.3.2.3 Protocol III: PlasmidsFlow rate: 300 cm/hrBuffer A: 10 mM NaPO4, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.0Buffer B: 400 mM NaPO4, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.0Equilibrate the column with approximately 10 column volumes of buffer A. Prepare the sample, adjusting the pH and conductivity to those of buffer A. Load the sample in 0.5 M NaCl pH 7.0; wash the column with approximately 5 column volumes of buffer A; and elute with approximately 20 column volumes of buffer B linear gradient. Slope and amplitude can be adjusted based on initial results. After elution clean the column with approximately 5 column volumes of buffer A followed by a sanitation step using approximately 5 column volumes of 1 M NaOH.Protocol Optimization1.Alkaline cell lysate containing plasmid DNA should be acidified by a mineral acid in the presence of inorganic salt. The use of mineralacid and inorganic salts avoids the use of acetate ion, which degrades CHT ceramic hydroxyapatite.For detailed methods and protocol optimization refer to Tech Note 2731: Plasmid Purification Using CHT Ceramic Hydroxyapatite Support. Acetate-Free Purification of Plasmid DNA On Hydroxyapatite. Patent No.: US 6,406,892 B1, EU 02771845.1-2404-US0215705.3.2.4 Protocol IV: Acidic ProteinsFlow rate: 300 cm/hrBuffer A: 5 mM NaPO4, pH 6.8Buffer B: 500 mM NaPO4, pH 6.8Equilibrate the column with approximately 10 column volumes of buffer A. Prepare the sample, adjusting the pH and conductivity to those of buffer A. Load the sample in 5 mM NaPO4, pH 6.8; wash the column with approximately 5 column volumes of buffer A; and elute with approximately 20 column volumes of buffer B linear gradient. After elution clean the column with approximately 5 column volumes of buffer B followed by a sanitation step using approximately 5 column volumes of 1 M NaOH.Protocol Optimization1.If binding capacity is not sufficient, replace phosphate with MES and add 1–10 mM calcium chloride to load and buffer solutions.2.To increase the binding efficiency of acidic proteins, calcium chloride may be added to the mobile phase. Due to the low solubility ofcalcium phosphate, however, extra care is required. Do not exceed the following concentrations of calcium chloride in phosphate buffers: 0.3 mM calcium chloride for 10 mM phosphate, 0.01 mM calcium chloride for 300 mM phosphate, and 0.0075 mM calcium chloride for 400 mM phosphate. At higher concentrations of calcium chloride, calcium phosphate will precipitate. Calcium phosphate is extremely difficult to dissolve and will appear white and cloudy in the supernatant. If higher levels of calcium are desired then a compatible buffering system must be used. However, high calcium levels can lead to additional calcium deposition onto CHT; the effects of this have not been fully elucidated.3.2.5 Scouting TipsThe target protein will usually elute within the phosphate gradient. Slope and amplitude can be adjusted based on initial results. Flow rate may also be converted to a step format or run in flow-through mode. We studied protein retention using the phosphate elution procedure. Fourteen purified proteins were loaded and eluted with a linear gradient of sodium phosphate at pH 6, 7, 8, and 9. In general, retention time of proteins increase with increasing pI.Optimizing Tips for Protocols I-IV1.Select the optimum buffering agent (Table 1) making sure to add phosphate to stabilize the CHT matrix.2.The ionic strength in samples containing a high concentration of salt should be reduced to be equivalent to the starting buffer.Dilution, diafiltration, or buffer exchange using Bio-Gel P-6DG gel may also be used.3.As with any chromatographic step, buffer solutions and samples should be filtered through a 0.20–0.45 µm filter before use.4.If 500 mM sodium phosphate is not sufficient for protein elution (this is rare), try 500 mM potassium phosphate.5.If the elution peak is not sharp enough, try 40 CV linear gradient elution.6.Where appropriate, convert linear gradient elution to step elution. Use the information from the gradient to devise an intermediatewash step if desired for increased purity.7.Determine the pH that gives the highest binding capacity at a phosphate concentration of 5 mM.Section 4Regeneration, Sanitization, and Storage4.1 RegenerationCHT™ ceramic hydroxyapatite columns should be regenerated at the completion of each run with 3–5 column volumes of 500 mM potassium or sodium phosphate buffer at neutral pH, or 400 mM trisodium phosphate, pH 11–12. The column can also be stripped with other cleaning solutions (1–2 M KCl or NaCl, 6 M urea, or 8 M guanidine-HCl) containing 5 mM phosphate at neutral pH.4.2 SanitizationThe column can be sanitized in up to 2 N NaOH and stored in 0.1–1.0 N NaOH if desired. For sanitization, a contact time in sodium hydroxide of at least 1 hour is recommended.Carbonate reacts with small amounts of calcium ions released from hydroxyapatite to form a precipitate. The reaction could result in a crust of calcium carbonate at the top of the column or as an opaque white layer if the eluate is collected during the cleaning cycle. This carbonate reaction can occur in a CIP/SIP cycle with base since NaOH has a high affinity for carbonate. To minimize this reaction a 25 mM phosphate rinse is recommended whenever NaOH is used in the cleaning cycle.4.3 StorageUnused CHT ceramic hydroxyapatite should be stored in the original container at room temperature. Once wetted, CHT may be stored at room temperature in 0.1 M NaOH. Higher concentrations of NaOH may be used if desired. Used CHT, after being regenerated and sanitized, can be stored in solution up to 1.0 N NaOH in room temperature and away from direct light.Section 5Column Packing ProtocolsThis section offers guidelines for packing process scale columns. Topics include handling and column packing of CHT™ ceramic hydroxyapatite into a limited number of commercially available process columns, considerations for packing an open column or a closed system, and whether a media transfer device is being used for packing. Please read over the protocols carefully and follow the protocol for packing your specific column. Should you have further questions, contact either your local process chromatography sales representative or the chromatography technical support department for further assistance (1-510-741-6563). Not following the protocols may lead to poor chromatographic performance such as shortened column lifetimes or damaged ceramic hydroxyapatite particles.5.1 General Handling and Powder PreparationCHT ceramic hydroxyapatite is supplied as a dry powder. A dust mask, gloves, and laboratory coat are advisable while transferring the powder. The 5 kg containers of CHT have a plastic seal covering the container and screw closure. The seal ensures that the container has not been opened after it was filled. The screw closure is a secondary closure that secures a powder seal onto the container’s opening. Clean the container surface if it has accumulated dust. Wipe it with a clean damp cloth and dry it with a clean dry cloth. Remove the plastic seal. Reclean the container surface by wiping with a clean damp cloth and dry it with a clean dry cloth.Invert the container several times to loosen the CHT into a dry free-flowing powder. Repeat this step just prior to dispensing the powder. 5.2 Guidelines for Packing Low-Pressure Process ColumnsSeveral methods exist for packing columns with CHT that depend on the type of column and equipment used. Always read the relevant column instruction and associated media transfer skid or media packing skid manuals carefully. Where appropriate, make the recommended changes according to the guidelines.CHT ceramic hydroxyapatite is rigid and exhibits high flow rates at low pressure relative to its average particle size; refer to Figure 4 for40 µm CHT and Figure 5 for 80 µm CHT. Bead damage through excessive physical force is possible. Fine particles generated in this manner may clog the column and increase backpressure. The following packing methods are used for packing CHT ceramic hydroxyapatite:•Gas-assisted axial compression packing of open columns with motorized adjustable inlet adaptors•Gas-assisted flow packing of open columns with adjustable adaptors at less than 700 cm/hr flow rate•Gas-assisted flow packing of open columns with adjustable inlet adaptors capable of 700 cm/hr•Axial compression packing of closed columns with motorized adjustable inlet adaptors (media transfer stations)•Pressure packing of closed columns (media packing stations)Fig. 4. Estimated pressure for 40 µm CHT packed to 20.0 cm bed height vs. 1.0 M NaOH (1.80 cps), 0.5 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.8 (1.27 cps), and phosphate buffered saline (1.18 cps).Fig. 5. Estimated pressure for 80 µm CHT packed to 20.0 cm bed height vs. 1.0 M NaOH (1.80 cps), 0.5 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.8 (1.27 cps), and phosphate buffered saline (1.18 cps).Well-packed columns, in which the beds are homogeneous and continuous from top to bottom, exhibit the best chromatographic separations. It is therefore very important to pack your columns according to these guidelines.Each packing method covers packing, repacking, and unpacking using sequential steps to aid the technician. The following sections discuss recommended packing solutions, packed column qualification, and column conditioning for the purification application.Best PracticesOpen-column methods: Whenever possible, mix the slurry iof powder and buffer in the column. Mixing with a one-piece polypropylene paddle or with gas sparging minimizes mechanical damage. Slurries up to 47% v/v (29.6% w/v) in composition can be mixed with either method.Media transfer stations: Media transfer stations can be used to transfer dense slurries from a mixing tank to the column through large orifices. When transferring the CHT slurry to the column the concentration should be less than 47% v/v (29.6% w/v). Lower concentrations ensure more efficient packing of columns; however, a further increase in efficiency is negligible below 15% v/v (9.5% w/v). Damage to the chromatography medium due to excessive physical force is possible. Excessive mixing or use of impellers other than low-shear hydrofoil。
羟基磷灰石 强度

在生产过程中,通过控制温度、压力、pH 值等条件,可以有效地调节羟基磷灰石的结晶形态和晶体大小,从而提高其强度。
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