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1. I have two pens 。One is red , ______ is blue .

A。the other B. others C。other D. another

2. There ______ wrong with my radio 。

A。are something B。are anything C。is anything D。is something

3。I’m not busy . I haven't ______ to do .

A。something B. everything C。nothing D. anything

4。His parents are ______ doctors .

A. each B。all C。both D. no one

5. Of the three foreign friends ,one is from London,______ two are from New York 。

A。other B。the other C。others D。the others

6. Mary want to talk with Tom 。She has______ to tell him 。

A.important something B。nothing important C. anything important D. something important

7. There ______ wrong with the machine .

A. aren’t something B。aren’t anything C. isn’t something D。isn’t anything

8. My parents and I ______ are interested in music 。

A。both B。all C。neither D. no

9. Look at those students 。Some are cleaning the window ,______ are sweeping the floor .

A. the other B。other C. others D。the others

10. You may keep the book for two weeks , but you can’t lend it to______ .

A. other

B. others

C. the others

D. the others

11。I study Chinese , English and some ______ subjects .

A。other B. the other C. others D. the others

12. Do they often talk to each ______ in English ?

A。others B. the other C. other D。the others

13。Would you like ______ milk ?

A。some B. any C. little D。a few

14。Mary sings better than ______ of girls in her classroom . She sings best .

A. some

B. any

C. most

D. one

15。All the students go out . There is ______ in the classroom .

A。somebody B。anybody C. nobody D。everybody

16。Now ,______ is here 。Let’s begin our meeting .

A. Anybody B。Everybody C。Nobody D。Anybody

17。______ taked my pencil by mistake . I can’t find it .

A. Somebody B。Everybody C。Nobody D。everybody

18. Did they find ______ in the garden ?No , they found

there .

A。anybody ,nobody B. somebody , everybody C. anybody ,somebody D. everybody ,anybody

19. She made ______ mistakes in her exercises 。

A。any B. another C。some D. one

20. There are fifty pupils in their class 。______ of them are League members 。

A。Both B. Either C. All D. No one

21.The students have ______ on Sunday .

A。no any class B. not class C。no classes D. no any class

22。There isn’t ______ on playground 。

A. anyone

B. everyone

C. nobody

D. any people

23. If you need a rubber , I’ll lend you ______ .

A。some B。one C。another D。the one

24. We have ______ books to read 。

A. many

B. much

C. a lot

D. any

25. ______ is here today except Li Ping 。

A. Anybody

B. Everybody

C. Somebody D。Nobody

26. Is there ______ in the library ?Yes, ______ is in 。

A。somebody ,anybody B。anybody ,nobody C。anybody , somebody D. anybody , everybody

27。I am too tired to do ______ work .

A。some B。any C。each D。either

28. Mike is stronger than ______ in his class .

A. any boys B。any boy C. any other boy D。other boy

29. ______ of the books is yours . They are mine 。

A。Both B. Either C. All D. Neither

30. He is lazy 。He never does ______ work 。

A。many B。no C. some D. any

31. I invited Tom and Ann to dinner ,but ______ of them came .

A。neither B. both C. either D. none

32。He is busy 。He has got ______ work to do 。

A. some B。any C. no D. a few

33。Would you like some wine ?Yes 。Just 。

A. little

B. very little C。a little D。little bit

34. Is ______ here?No,Bob and Tim have asked for leave。

A. anybody

B. somebody

C. everybody D。nobody

35. Everything ____ready.

A. are

B. is

C. be

D. were

36. ____ is waiting for you at the gate. He wants to say thanks to you.

A。Somebody B。Anybody C. Everybody D. Nobody

37。My family has two dogs. One is white, ______ is black。


B. another

C. the other

D. Others

38。——- What can I do for you,sir?

--- It’s so hot now。Could you give me ________。

A。cold something to eat B. anything cold to drink

C. anything cold to eat

D. something cold to drink

39. —Which would you like , tea or coffee?

—_______ is OK, I don’t mind。

A. Both

B. Neither C。Either D。Every 40。—Would you like tea or coffee?

—_____________is OK. I’d like water.
