MCM ICM 数学建模历年优秀论文 洪水 大坝模型





























针对第三个问题,在第二问的溃坝模型的基础上,通过假设漫溢性洪水在瞬时达到稳态,简化经典动力学洪水演进模型,建立结合动力学模型和基于DEM 网格模型的洪水淹没模型,并采用种子蔓延算法计算出洪水淹没区域。



关键词:多项式回归DAMBRK DEM 网格模型参赛队号1048603 参赛密码(由组委会填写)1 问题提出堰塞湖是一种自然的地貌现象,主要是在一定的地质和地貌条件下,由地震活动、冰碛物或火ft熔岩流等原因引起崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等堵截ft谷、河谷或河床后贮水而形成的湖泊。

基于MIKE FLOOD的城区溃坝洪水模拟研究

基于MIKE FLOOD的城区溃坝洪水模拟研究

基于MIKE FLOOD的城区溃坝洪水模拟研究王欣;王玮琦;黄国如【摘要】The safety of dam not only affects the benefit of the project,but also relates closely to the safety of people's life and property.Dam-break flood simulation can evaluate the impacts of dam-break,and it is of great significance to the making of emergency plans so as to control flood and reduce disasters.Researches are carried out on the dam-break flood developing process in the downstream of the Minzhi reservoir based on the MIKE FLOOD model,which couples MIKE 11 and MIKE 21.By adopting two methods,a sudden dam-break method (for sudden partial dam-break as well as sudden full dam-break) and a gradual dam-breakmethod,simulations of the flow graphs at the breach dam under four operating situations and the flood developing process in the downstream are respectively made in this study.The research results show that the peak flow of the sudden dam-break is larger at the beginning of the dam break,and the gradual dam-break peak flow is relatively small when the deformation of seepage failure develops to the upper part of the dam.And then,as the water level in the reservoir falls gradually,the flow discharge becomes smaller,until the reservoir is emptied.The dam-break flood has a greater destructive power against the upstream area of the Hengling village,where the submerged depth is larger.The flood velocity is up to 5 m/s in the residential and commercial areas of the middle reach of the Minzhi River.The flood has a certain damage to the buildings.The left sideof the Xiangnan village is low-lying,the flooding is the most serious,and it still has a waterlogging depth of 3 m after the flood subsidence.%大坝安全不仅影响工程效益,还影响人民的生命和财产安全,溃坝洪水模拟可以对水库大坝的失事影响做出评估,对制定应急预案和防洪减灾具有重要意义.以深圳市龙华新区民治水库及下游片区为研究对象,基于MIKE FLOOD将MIKE 11模型和MIKE21模型进行动态耦合,对溃坝洪水在下游的演进过程进行仿真模拟.模型采用瞬间溃(瞬间部分溃和瞬间全溃)以及逐渐溃两种溃决方式,分别模拟4种工况下的溃口流量过程线以及下游洪水演进过程.结果表明:瞬间溃的洪峰流量较大,出现在溃坝开始时刻,而逐渐溃的洪峰流量相对较小,出现在渗透破坏变形发展至上部坝体坍塌时刻,之后均随库区水位逐渐降低,下泄流量变小,直至库区水体排空.溃坝洪水对上游地区横岭村附近破坏较大,淹没水深较深.民治河中游段居民和商业区附近洪水流速接近5 m/s,对建筑物有一定破坏力,左侧向南村地势较低,淹没情况最为严重,并且在洪水消退后仍有3 m左右积水.民治河下游地区在洪水消退后也有少量积水.【期刊名称】《水利水运工程学报》【年(卷),期】2017(000)005【总页数】7页(P67-73)【关键词】溃坝洪水;MIKE FLOOD;数值模拟;淹没水深;淹没范围【作者】王欣;王玮琦;黄国如【作者单位】华南理工大学土木与交通学院,广东广州510640;华南理工大学土木与交通学院,广东广州510640;华南理工大学土木与交通学院,广东广州510640;华南理工大学亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室,广东广州510640【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TV122+.4水库大坝是人类历史上重要的水工建筑物,在兴利和调蓄洪水等方面发挥着不可替代的作用,同时对区域内国民经济发展也承担着重要角色[1]。






















宽. 地 势逐 渐 开 朗平坦 . 两岸 为 种植 水 稻 为主 的珲
春平 原 , 河 槽 宽浅 多分 流 , 水 流平 缓 , 河床 为 砂 , 卵 石组 成 … 珲 春河洪 水风 险 图编制 区域 为 老龙 口水
库坝 下到 珲春 河河 口. 见图 l
洪 水 分析 采用 D H I 公 司开发 的 MI K E模 型 系
村 溃 口洪水 演进 分 析 计 算 .成 果 可 为风 险评 估 、避 险 转 移提 供 重要 依 据 。
[ 关 键 词 ] 珲 春 河 ;MI K E 1 1和 Mi k e 2 1 模 型耦 合 ; 洪水 演进 ;参 数 [ 中图 分 类 号 ]T V 1 2 2 [ 文献 标 识 码 ]B
2 . 吉林 省 防汛机 动抢 险 队 ,吉林 长春 1 3 0 0 2 1 )
[ 摘 要 ]本 文 以 吉 林 省 中 小河 流 珲 春 河 洪 水 风 险 图 编 制 为研 究 对 象 ,采 用 MI K E 1 1和 Mi k e 2 1 模 型 耦 合 对 河道 和 淹 没 区进 行 了 洪水 演 进 数 值模 拟 。通 过 对 历 史洪 水的 模 拟 率 定 并验 证 了模 型 中重 要 的 糙 率 参 数 , 并 应 用 于 东关
列软 件 , 包 括 MI K E 1 1 、 MI K E 2 1和 MI K E F l o o d软
件 其 中 MI K E l l 软件 基 于圣 维南 方 程 和能 量 方 程进 行 河道 水 动 力模 拟 和结 构 物 的计 算 .采 用 隐 式 有限差 波方 程 .采用 单 元 中心 的 显式 有 限体 积 法 求 解 :通 过 MI K E F l o o d模 块进 行一 、二 维耦 合 计 算。



全国第七届研究生数学建模竞赛题 目 与封堵溃口有关的重物落水后运动过程的数学建模摘 要:我国经常发生洪水,溃坝溃堤进而引发泥石流灾害造成国家和人民生命财产的严重损失。


本文在对流水中物体进行受力分析的基础上完成了以下工作:1、找出了影响重物在水中运动的关键因素:水文状况,包括水流速度、水深、水流密度;物体的入水状况,入水姿态、物体的密度、物体的形状等等;2、通过合理假设,建立了流水中物体运动的数学模型: 垂直方向:2()()2y y l w v t dv t C A Vg mg m dt ρρ+-= 水平方向:20(())()2x x d d v t v dv t C A m dtρ-= 利用半时间步长中心差分的方法对建立的不同模型进行了求解;从而比较好的解决了单物体以及简单情况下两物体在水中运动轨迹求解的问题;3、阐述了模型中参数C l 与C d 的确定过程,同时为了提高模型的适用性,对物体入水过程进行了深入的探讨,修正了试验数据,并据此对模型进行了检验,验证了模型的有效性以及改进模型的优越性;4、针对试验中的不足,提出了使用光感应器件以及传感器来获取试验数据的方法,提高了测量数据的可靠性和实时性;5、使用MATLAB (见附件3)平台开发了针对箱体在水中运动规律可视化的软件。


目录题目与封堵溃口有关的重物落水后运动过程的数学建模 (1)1.问题的重述 (3)2.名词、符号说明及基本假设 (4)2.1 名词符号说明 (4)2.2 基本假设 (5)3.问题分析 (5)3.1 物体在空中的自由下落的过程 (6)3.2 物体在水中下沉的过程 (6)3.3 物体的入水过程 (8)4.实体大方砖在流水中运动过程的模型 (9)4.1 大方砖在水中的受力分析 (9)4.2 运动模型I(运动方程)的建立 (10)4.3 C d和C l的确定 (10)4.4 运动方程的求解 (11)5.单个重物以及两个重物连接后在水中运动过程的模型 (14)5.1 对小型试验中物体运动轨迹数据的修正 (14)5.2 为适应不同重物在水中运动的模型建立所需进行的修正 (15)5.3 单个重物在流水中运动模型II的建立 (16)5.4 两个重物水中运动模型的建立 (19)5.5 模型I和模型II的比较与分析 (20)5.6 通过模型的建立我们可以得到以下的结果: (22)6.对模型误差的分析以及有效性验证 (26)6.1 模型的误差分析 (27)6.2 模型有效性的验证 (27)7.相似准则研究与试验、模型的应用 (31)7.1 相似准则概述 (31)7.2 本模拟试验中所满足的相似准则 (31)7.3模型应用 (32)8.结论与展望 (35)1.问题的重述与封堵溃口有关的重物落水后运动过程的数学建模我国经常发生洪水,溃坝溃堤进而引发泥石流灾害造成国家和人民生命财产的严重损失。



2005 MCM ProblemsPROBLEM A: Flood PlanningLake Murray in central South Carolina is formed by a large earthen dam, which was completed in 1930 for power production. Model the flooding downstream in the event there is a catastrophic earthquake that breaches the dam.Two particular questions:Rawls Creek is a year-round stream that flows into the Saluda River a short distance downriver from the dam. How much flooding will occur in Rawls Creek from a dam failure, and how far back will it extend?Could the flood be so massive downstream that water would reach up to the S.C. State Capitol Building, which is on a hill overlooking the Congaree River?PROBLEM B: TollboothsHeavily-traveled toll roads such as the Garden State Parkway , Interstate 95, and so forth, are multi-lane divided highways that are interrupted at intervals by toll plazas. Because collecting tolls is usually unpopular, it is desirable to minimize motorist annoyance by limiting the amount of traffic disruption caused by the toll plazas. Commonly, a much larger number of tollbooths is provided than the number of travel lanes entering the toll plaza. Upon entering the toll plaza, the flow of vehicles fans out to the larger number of tollbooths, and when leaving the toll plaza, the flow of vehicles is required to squeeze back down to a number of travel lanes equal to the number of travel lanes before the toll plaza. Consequently, when traffic is heavy, congestion increases upon departure from the toll plaza. When traffic is very heavy, congestion also builds at the entry to the toll plaza because of the time required for each vehicle to pay the toll.Make a model to help you determine the optimal number of tollbooths to deploy in a barrier-toll plaza. Explicitly consider the scenario where there is exactly one tollbooth per incoming travel lane. Under what conditions is this more or less effective than the current practice? Note that the definition of "optimal" is up to you to determine.2005 ICM ProblemPROBLEM C: Nonrenewable ResourcesSelect a vital nonrenewable or exhaustible resource (water, mineral, energy, food, etc.) for which your team can find appropriate world-wide historic data on its endowment, discovery, annual consumption, and price.The modeling tasks are:ing the endowment, discoveries, and consumption data, model thedepletion or degradation of the commodity over a long horizon using resource modeling principles.2.Adjust the model to account for future economic, demographic, politicaland environmental factors. Be sure to reveal the details of your model, provide visualizations of the model’s output, and explain limitations of the model.3.Create a fair, practical "harvesting/management" policy that may includeeconomic incentives or disincentives, which sustain the usage over a long period of time while avoiding severe disruption of consumption, degradation or rapid exhaustion of the resource.4.Develop a "security" policy that protects the resource against theft,misuse, disruption, and unnecessary degradation or destruction of the resource. Other issues that may need to be addressed are political and security management alternatives associated with these policies.5.Develop policies to control any short- or long-term "environmentaleffects" of the harvesting. Be sure to include issues such as pollutants, increased susceptibility to natural disasters, waste handling and storage, and other factors you deem appropriate.pare this resource with any other alternatives for its purpose. Whatnew science or technologies could be developed to mitigate the use and potential exhaustion of this resource? Develop a research policy to advance these new areas.。

数学建模 美赛特等奖论文(中文版)分析溃坝:针对南卡罗来纳州大坝坍塌建立模型

数学建模 美赛特等奖论文(中文版)分析溃坝:针对南卡罗来纳州大坝坍塌建立模型

分析溃坝:针对南卡罗来纳州大坝坍塌建立模型 摘要萨鲁达大坝建立在卡罗莱纳州的墨累湖与萨鲁达河之间,如果发生地震大坝就会坍塌。

本文通过建立模型来分析以下四种大坝决口时水的流量以及洪水泛滥时水的流量:● 大坝的绝大部分被瞬间侵蚀看成是大坝瞬间彻底坍塌;● 大坝的绝大部分被缓慢侵蚀看成是大坝延期彻底坍塌;● 管涌就是先形成一个小孔,最终形成一个裂口;● 溢出就是大坝被侵蚀后,形成一个梯形的裂口。







对于萨鲁达溃坝,洪水总面积为25.106km ;它还没有到达国会大厦。

罗威克里克的洪水向上游延伸了km 4.4,覆盖面积达24.26.1km -变量及假设表1说明了用来描述和模拟模型的变量,表2列出了模拟程序中的参数。

表 1模型中的变量.变量 定义溃坝时的水流量速率1TF Q 瞬间彻底坍塌2TF Q 延期彻底坍塌PIPE Q 管涌OT Q 溢出peak Q 最大流速溃坝时水流出到停止所用时间1TF t 瞬间彻底坍塌2TF t 延期彻底坍塌PIPE t 管涌OT t 溢出V ∆ 溃坝后从墨累湖里流出的水的总体积Lm Vol 墨累湖的原来体积LM Area 墨累湖的原来面积breach d 从裂口到坝顶距离breach t 从裂口开始到溃坝形成的时间 近似圆锥的墨累湖的侧面一般假设● 正常水位是在溃坝前的湖水位置。

● 河道中的水流不随季节变化而变动。

● 墨累湖里的水的容积可以看作为一个正圆锥(图1 )。

表2 模拟程序中的参数 参数 所取值 意义BREACH_TYPE 变量 瞬间彻底坍塌,延期彻底坍,管涌,溢出模型中的一种 T ∆ 0.10 时间不长的长度(s)MIN_DEPTH 0001.0 网格空时的水的深度(m) FINAT T 100000 大坝彻底决口所用时间 b T 3600 溃坝达最大值的时间(s) peak Q 25000 溃坝的最大流速(m 3/s) breach d 30 蓄水池的最初深度(m) LM Volume 910714.2⨯ 墨累湖的总体积(m 3) LM Area 610202⨯ 墨累湖的总面积(m 2)k 504.0 扩散因素 (控制两网格间交换的水的数量) MAX_LOSS_FRAC 25.0 单位网格中水的最大流失量图 1. 水库近似一个正圆锥.大坝假设● 萨鲁达大坝在以下四种方式之一坍塌:-瞬间彻底坍塌,-延期彻底坍塌,-管涌,-溢出。



SummaryChina is the biggest developing country. Whether water is sufficient or not will have a direct impact on the economic development of our country. China's water resources are unevenly distributed. Water resource will critically restrict the sustainable development of China if it can not be properly solved.First, we consider a greater number of Chinese cities so that China is divided into 6 areas. The first model is to predict through division and classification. We predict the total amount of available water resources and actual water usage for each area. And we conclude that risk of water shortage will exist in North China, Northwest China, East China, Northeast China, whereas Southwest China, South China region will be abundant in water resources in 2025.Secondly, we take four measures to solve water scarcity: cross-regional water transfer, desalination, storage, and recycling. The second model mainly uses the multi-objective planning strategy. For inter-regional water strategy, we have made reference to the the strategy of South-to-North Water Transfer[5]and other related strategies, and estimate that the lowest cost of laying the pipeline is about 33.14 billion yuan. The program can transport about 69.723 billion cubic meters water to the North China from the Southwest China region per year. South China to East China water transfer is about 31 billion cubic meters. In addition, we can also build desalination mechanism program in East China and Northeast China, and the program cost about 700 million and can provide 10 billion cubic meters a year.Finally, we enumerate the east China as an example to show model to improve. Other area also can use the same method for water resources management, and deployment. So all regions in the whole China can realize the water resources allocation.In a word, the strong theoretical basis and suitable assumption make our model estimable for further study of China's water resources. Combining this model with more information from the China Statistical Yearbook will maximize the accuracy of our model.。



表 1 说明了用来描述和模拟模型的变量,表 2 列出了模拟程序中的参数。
表 1 模型中的变量. 变量 定义 溃坝时的水流量速率 瞬间彻底坍塌 QTF 1 延期彻底坍塌 QTF 2 管涌 QPIPE 溢出 QOT Q peak 最大流速 溃坝时水流出到停止所用时间 瞬间彻底坍塌 t TF 1 t TF 2 延期彻底坍塌 管涌 t PIPE 溢出 t OT 溃坝后从墨累湖里流出的水的总体积 V 墨累湖的原来体积 Vol Lm 墨累湖的原来面积 Area LM 从裂口到坝顶距离 d breach 从裂口开始到溃坝形成的时间 t breach m 近似圆锥的墨累湖的侧面
2hg . 4 2 h 2 在模型中包括大量的时间段,通常以 1 秒钟为单位。在每段时间的开始,水 流入到包括溃坝的单元中;水量取决于上述的溃坝模型。对于每个时间段,加速 度( x y 组成)是用来计算地区内每个单元内增加的水速,则水速是以下面的 式子进行变化的,即 v new v old at. ag
为了更好说明当裂口开始形成时流速与时间的关系, 我们绘制出短期内的速 度变化情况,如下图 4: 。
过难关 图 4 管涌崩塌时的流速
图 5 管涌崩塌开始时的流速
溢出崩塌 对于溢出崩塌,水开始从裂口的顶部流过,就是说从上面侵蚀着大坝。我 们找到关于溢出崩塌的资料不多。在管涌失败中,根据抛物线的形状,我们估计 流速增加,直至大坝完全被侵蚀(图 6)。在到达裂口时间后,就认为流量等于 完全崩塌状态时的大小。 参数仍然是裂口深度,大坝流出量的峰值,以及裂口时间,其值为: d breach 20 m, Q peak 30,000m 3 s , t breach 30,000 s.




文章以辽宁省锦州市义县榆树沟流域为例,利用MIKE SHE与MIKE11耦合模型,对不同工况下淤地坝布局特征对洪水的调控作用进行模拟研究,结论对掌握淤地坝系对流域洪水过程的影响,保证淤地坝系的安全运行和作用发挥具有重要意义。








2杨树沟流域MIKE模型的建立由于此次研究的重点是地表径流的运动过程,因此利用MIKE软件中的MIKE SHE坡面流模块与MIKE11进行耦合,以建立完整的流域水文模型[1]。





| 发展与创新 | Development and Innovation·246·2020年第11期作者简介:孙玲玲,女,硕士,研究方向:水利工程咨询及管理。

基于MIKE21的水库洪水期洪水演进数值模拟孙玲玲(上海义昌工程设计咨询有限公司,上海 201204)摘 要:针对水库洪水期洪水发生过程中的不确定性和洪水演进特点,文章以黄壁庄水库为例构建了基于MIKE21的平面二维数值模型,对库区洪水进行数值模拟。


关键词:洪水演进;MIKE21;数值模拟;黄壁庄水库中图分类号:TV697 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-2789(2020)11-0246-03目前,对水库洪水演进模拟一般采用有限元、有限差分、有限体积等方法,但由于洪水实际情况的复杂性,洪水演进数值模型的建立、推导及计算过程均较为繁杂,且与真实结果往往存在一定的误差[1-3]。

随着计算机技术和地理信息系统(GIS )的发展,数学模型方法逐渐被应用于水库洪水演进模拟中[4]。


1 MIKE 21水动力模型由丹麦DHI Water & Enivironment 机构开发的MIKE21软件,基于完全圣维南方程组求解一维或二维水流水动力方程,建立平面二维数学模型,可提供有效、完备的设计条件和参数,在河流水体水动力模拟方面较为先进[5]。



2017美国数学建模MCM A题(连续型)翻译管理赞比西河问题A:管理赞比西河赞比西河上的卡里巴水坝是非洲较大的水坝之一。
















Problem A: Managing The Zambezi RiverThe Kariba Dam on the Zambezi River is one of the larger dams in Africa. Its construction was controversial, and a 2015 report by the Institute of Risk Management of South Africa included a warning that the dam is in dire need of maintenance. A number of options are available to the Zambezi River Authority (ZRA) that might address the situation. Three options in particular are of interest to ZRA:(Option 1) Repairing the existing Kariba Dam, (Option 2) Rebuilding the existing Kariba Dam, or (Option 3) Removing the Kariba Dam and replacing it with a series of ten to twenty smaller dams along the Zambezi River.There are two main requirements for this problem:Requirement 1 ZRA management requires a brief assessment of the three options listed, with sufficient detail to provide an overview of potential costs and benefits associated with each option. This requirement should not exceed two pages in length, and must be provided in addition to your main report.Requirement 2 Provide a detailed analysis of Option (3) - removing the Kariba Dam and replacing it with a series of ten to twenty smaller dams along the Zambezi river. This new system of dams should have the same overall water management capabilities as the existing Kariba Dam while providing the same or greater levels of protection and water management options for Lake Kariba that are in place with the existing dam. Your analysis must support a recommendation as to the number and placement of the new dams along the Zambezi River.In your report for Requirement 2, you should include a strategy for modulating the water flow through your new multiple dam system that provides a reasonable balance between safety and costs. In addition to addressing known or predicted normal water cycles, your strategy should provide guidance to the ZRA managers that explains and justifies the actions that should be taken to properly handle emergency water flow situations (i.e. flooding and/or pro longed low water conditions). Your strategy should provide specific guidance for extreme water flows ranging from maximum expected discharges to minimum expected discharges. Finally, your recommended strategy should include information addressing any restrictions regarding the locations and lengths of time that different areas of the Zambezi River should be exposed to the most detrimental effects of the extreme conditions.Your MCM submission should consist of three elements: a standard 1 page MCM Summary Sheet, a 1-2 page brief assessment report (Requirement 1), and your main MCM solution (Requirement 2) not to exceed 20 pages for a maximum submission of 23 pages. Note: Any appendices or reference pages you include will not count towards the 23 page limit.。



基于Mike的水库大坝溃坝洪水影响分析黄振江1卢典1钟平1杨晟2(1.湖南五凌电力科技有限公司,湖南 长沙 410000;2.中国电建集团中南勘测设计研究院有限公司,湖南 长沙 410000)摘要:文章对五强溪水库大坝进行了溃坝洪水分析计算,根据工程实际情况分析了大坝溃坝成因,采用Mike系列软件构建一、二维耦合水动力模型,进而模拟了溃坝洪水演进过程及影响范围。

结果显示,溃坝最大洪峰流量为97 231.7 m3/s,洪水传播至常德市时洪峰流量均小于常德市百年一遇防洪标准31 600 m3/s,对常德市区基本没有影响;下游总淹没面积最大约为183.2 km2;桃源县淹没面积最大,为89.94 km2;淹没水深最大区域为五强溪镇,约20.02 m。


关键词:溃坝;洪水演进;预测分析中图分类号:TV122.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-1936(2024)01-0045-04DOI:10.19301/ki.zncs.2024.01.014Analysis of dam failure flood impact based on Mike for a reservoir dam HUANG Zhen-jiang LU Dian ZHONG Ping YANG ShengAbstract:This paper conducts an analysis and calculation of a dam failure flood for the Wuqiangxi Reservoir dam. Based on the actual engineering conditions, the causes of dam failure are analyzed. The Mike software series is employed to construct a one-dimensional and two-dimensional coupled hydrodynamic model, which simulates the process and impact range of the dam failure flood. The results indicate that the maximum peak flow of the dam failure is 97 231.7 m3/s. When the flood reaches Changde City, the peak flow is less than the 100-year flood control standard of 31 600 m3/s, with minimal impact on the urban area. The maximum total inundation area downstream is approximately 183.2 km2, with Taoyuan County having the largest inundation area of 89.94 km2. The area with the maximum inundation depth is the town of Wuqiangxi, reaching about 20.02 m. This analysis can provide technical support for the safety management of the Wuqiangxi Reservoir dam and the evacuation planning for downstream towns.Key words:dam break; flood evolution; predictive analysis1 工程概况五强溪水电站位于湖南省沅陵县境内沅水干流中下游,工程以发电为主,兼有防洪、航运等综合效益。

MCM ICM 数学建模历年优秀论文 大坝河流模型

MCM ICM  数学建模历年优秀论文 大坝河流模型
For the first case, we describe the breach using a linear sediment-transport model to determine the flow from the dam. We construct a high-resolution digital model of the downstream river valley and apply the continuity equations and a modified Manning equation to model the flow downstream.
The UMAPJourna126 (3) (2005) 263-278. @Copyright 2005 by COMAP,Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice. Abstracting with credit is permitted, but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.



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mn Ri W(t)
江水的质量是由多个指标来进行测量评估的,为了使得建立的模型能够客观、准确 地对长江水质做出全面的评价,要求: 第一、能够消除指标之间可能存在的相关性,以避免数据的重叠冗余。 第二、必须可以确定不同的指标对水质影响的权重。
有很多传统的系统评估方法比如加权评估法、专家评估法、综合评分法以及层次分 析法都不免受到主观因素不同程度的影响。 而本文使用的基于主成分分析所构造的评估 机制则可以避免主观因素对评估的影响,使得评估结果客观的反映系统状况。 主成分分析方法是一种将多维因子纳入同一系统进行定量化研究、 理论成熟的多元 统计分析方法。通过分析变量之间的相关性,使得所反映信息重叠的变量 被某一主成分替代,减少了变量数目,从而降低了系统评价的复杂性。再以方差贡献率 作为每个主成分的权重,由每个主成分的得分加权即可完成对水质的综合评价。 为了确定主要污染物高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)和氨氮(NH3-N)的主要污染源,我 们需要知道各个地区主要污染物的排放质量。 而本地区污染物的排放质量可以通过当前 观测站的污染物质量与上游对本地区影响部分质量的差值来确定。 通过污染物的降解公 式分析出上游对本地区影响部分质量变化关系, 进而得出本地区污染物排放的质量关系 式。根据长江干流近一年多的基本数据计算出各地区污染物的平均排放速度,进而确定 主要污染源。 长江水质被分为六个级别,代表了不同程度的污染,不同水质河长的比例可以表征 一定时期内的水污染状况。所以说预测长江未来十年的水污染趋势,就是要预测未来不 同水质的河长的比例。对每年的排污量与不同水质河长的比例做一个相关性分析: 第I类 第 II 类 第 III 类 第 IV 类 第V类 劣V类 -0.8058 0.3164 -0.3371 0.3183 0.6624 0.9570 相关系数 可见排污量与不同水质河长的比例有很高的相关性, 与劣 V 类的相关系数更是达到 了 0.9570 的水平, 因此在作对不同水质河长的比例之前, 必须先对未来的排污量有比较 精确的预测。 由于附件中数据样本少,需要预测的时间长,直接应用神经网络很难取得理想的效 果,因此本文采用 GM(1,1)模型与神经网络模型联合预测长江未来十年的水污染趋势, 尝试着首先较精确预测出部分重要的数据, 为建立神经网络预测未来不同水质的河长的 比例提供更多的数据,从而完成对不同水质河长的比例的预测。GM(1,1)模型就可以用 来较好的预测出未来的排污量。
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Our task is to predict how water levels would change along the Saluda River, from Lake Murray Dam to Columbia, if an earthquake on the same scale as the 1886 breaches the dam. In particular, how far would the tributary Rawls Creek flow back and how high would the water rise near the State Capitol in Columbia, South Carolina.
230 The UMAP Journal 26.3 (2005)
Geological Survey 1997; 1998] and the frequency of small earthquakes in the area led authorities to consider the consequences of such a disaster.
We predict the extent of flooding in the Saluda river if a large earthquake causes the Lake Murray dam to break. In particular, we predict how high the water would be when it reached Columbia and how far the flooding would spread up tributaries of the Saluda like Rawls Creek. We base our model on the Saint-Venant equations for open-channel water flow. We use a discrete version of them to predict the water level along the length of the river. Our model takes into account the width of the floodplain, the slope of the river, the size of the break in the dam, and other factors. We estimate parameters for Lake Murray, its dam, and the Saluda River and calculate the flood results.
Figure 1. Topographical map of the Saluda River from the base of Lake Murray to the Congaree River [Topozone 20041.
We lay out our assumptions and set up a submodel of Lake Murray and the Lake Murray dam to simulate the overflow when the dam breaks.
The text of this paper appears on pp. 229-244.
The UMAPJournal26 (3) (2005) 217. @Copyright 2005 by COMAP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice. Abstracting with credit is permitted, but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.
The South Carolina State Capitol is safe under even the most extreme circumstances, since it sits on a hill well above the highest possible water level. However, flood waters could still reach 17 m at Columbia and even higher upstream. Buildings in Columbia close to the water would be inundated, but there should be enough warning time for residents to escape. Both our model and local evacuation plans suggest that low-lying areas for miles around would be covered with water.
The UMAPJournal26(3) (2005) 229-244. @Copyright 2005 by COMAP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice. Abstracting with credit is permitted, but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.
In central South Carolina, a lake is held back by a 75-year-old earthen dam. What would happen if an earthquake breached the dam? The concern is based on an earthquake in 1886 at Charleston that scientists believe measured 7.3 on the Richter Scale [Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 2002]. The location of fault lines almost directly under Lake Murray [SCIway 2000; South Carolina
From Lake Murray to a Dam Slurry 217
From Lake Murray to a Dam Slurry
Clay Hambrick Katie Lewis Lori Thomas
Harvey Mudd CollJon Jacobsen
We then build a model based on the Saint-Venant equations [Moussa and Bocquillon 2000], using conservation of water and momentum to capture the nature of a flood where the main water channel overflows into the surrounding area. We convert the model to a system of difference equations and feed the dam outflow into the beginning of the river.
The South Carolina State Capitol is safe under even the most extreme circumstances, since it sits on a hill well above the highest possible water level. However, flood waters could still reach 17 m at Columbia and even higher upstream. Buildings in Columbia close to the water would be inundated, but there should be enough warning time for residents to escape. Both our model and local evacuation plans suggest that low-lying areas for miles around would be covered with water.