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(1) Every day, he uses the language and academic skills he ___ through bilingual education to treat his patients. (例2) 根据空格前的代词可知,此处应填入动词。同时 还应注意从空格前的he开始至句尾的部分实际上 是一个省略了that的定语从句,修饰并列的名词 词组the language and academic skills.这也 就是说,所填入的动词应该能与language和 skills相搭配。选项wonder, hid, recalled, regained, acquired只有acquired“习得”能与 “语言和技能”搭配。
如果空格在句中作谓语,或紧跟作不定式的to,该 空格必为动词。此外,动词前还常有表示时态或语 态的结构,如表示将来时的will,表示完成时的 have或has,表示现在进行时的be动词,以及表 示被动的be动词等。同时也应注意作其主语的名词 的单复数形式,如果该名词为单数,而动词时态又 为一般现在时的话,则该动词后应有表示第三人称 单数的s。
(4)That’s when new regulations on vehicles with high oil consumption that ___ the environment…(例1) 判断该空格词性的关键在于弄清空格前面的that究竟 是指示代词还是从句引导词。如果是从句引导词, 那它引导的又是哪一类从句。由that前的名词短语 可知,此处的that不可能是一个指示代词,因为指 示代词后面只能是名词性成分,单两个名词性成分 是不能连载一起出现的。因此that必为从句引导词。 其次,that前的这个名词短语也告诉我们,that引 导的不可能是宾语从句,而且由于oil consumption不是一个抽象名词,因此也不可能 是同位语从句,而是定语从句,修饰vehicles with high oil consumption。
从空格后的名词短语,以及空格前的one of “…之 一”,可以看出,这里应该填形容词修饰success stories。而且这个语境还对这个空格的意义做出 了非常明确的提示:“仅仅是___的成功故事之 一”,这个词应该表示许多、众多的意思。备选形 容词有effective, prominent, countless.答案为 countless无数的。
Reading Comprehension
15选10题型 P21, P72
-ability, -bility -hood 名次后缀 -ness
-cy -ment -an, -ian, -arian
-ful -ee -er, -or
-ity, -ty -ics -ion, -ition
(1) More modest cars will ___ the industry in the coming year, experts at the show said…(例1) 空格前表示将来时态的will说明此处 应填入动词的原形形式。 (2) But vehicles with powerful engines are on their way out, with sales expected to ____ in 2012 (例1) 空格前的不定式to说明此处应填 入动词的原形形式 (3) Meanwhile, electric vehicles and new cars in other categories also ___ crowds.(例1) 在这个句子中,空格部分承担了句子谓语。
(3) In 2004, small cars took up just 14 percent of the ____ there.(例1) 空格前的定冠词说明此处应填入名词。
此外还应注意空格前的不定冠词是a还是an, 如果是a的话,说明所填入的名词不能以元 音因素开头;否则,不定冠词只能用an。
(2) Pipas predicted that by 3013, that ____ will reach 30 percent. (例1) 空格前的指示代词“that”说明此处应填入一个单数名 词。这也说明,应该注意指示代词以及冠词对名词 单复数的提示。
同样能起到这类提示作用的还有一般现在时的动词形 态:如果该动词为第三人称单数形式,则说明所填 入的名词应为单数;否则则为复数。
如果空格前为名词,而后面又为动词的话, 说明这个句子结构已经完整,应填入副词来 对动词进行修饰。注意,有时该空格也会出 现在句尾,即空格前既有主语又有谓语,此 时也应填入副词。 In Arizona and Texas, bilingual students ___ outperform their peers in monolingual programs. (例2) 空格前的名词与空格后的动词
-ive -ary, -ory -wise
-some -ful
如果空格在句子中作主语,或动词的宾语,则该空 格必为动词。此外,名次前常有下列结构出现:冠 词(a, an, the)、形容词、指示代词(this, that, these, those)、介词以及其他提示线索。 例如: (1)Everyone’s going small. That was the strongest ____ on the floor of the Cobo Center in Detroit, where the North America International Auto Show was held from Jan. 11 through yesterday. (例1) 空格前的形容词最高级,明确提示此处应该填入名词。
(2)Then Mrs.Malave, a bilingual educator, began to work with him while teaching him math and science in his native Spanish. “she helped me stay smart while teaching me English,” he said. Given the chance to demonstrate his ability, he ___ confidence and began to succeed inห้องสมุดไป่ตู้school. (例2) 空格前后的名词说明此处需要一个动词,同时,并 列谓语began说明该动词应以过去时呈现。符合的 有acquired, regained, hid, recalled.
(2)Then Mrs. Malave, a bilingual educator, began to work with him while teaching him math and science in his native Spanish. “she helped me stay smart while teaching me English,” he said. Given the chance to demonstrate his ability, he ___ confidence and began to succeed in school.
(1) When Roberto Feliz came to the USA from the Dominican Republic, he knew only a few words of English. Education soon became a __. “I couldn’t understand anything,” he said. (2) 空格前的不定冠词说明此处应填入单数名词。符合条 件的有5个:wonder, nightmare, native, acceptance, breakthrough.其中由于不定冠词a 率先排除acceptance,接着要利用上下文的提示。 第一句话说“当Roberto刚来美国时只知道几个英 语单词。”第三句引述他自己的话“我什么都听不 懂”这个上下文语境说明当时在美国上学对他而言 是困难而痛苦的,所以应该选择nightmare——噩 梦
如果空格后出现名词,而空格前有冠词或表 示比较级或最高级的结构(more, the most)时,该空格必为形容词。 Today, he is a ____ doctor, runs his own clinic, and works with several hospitals. (例2) 空格前的不定冠词和空格后的名词都说明此 处应填入形容词。
首先他得到了一位双语教师的帮助,引述自己的话说明他从中 受益良多。同时,空格所在句子的前半部分说“有了展现自己 能力的机会”而后半部分说明“他开始学业成功”。得出结论: 此时的他重拾信心。Regain (re:再次、重新)即“重新获 得”,为正确答案
(3) Roberto’s story is just one of ___ success stories. (例2)
-sion, -ssion 动词后缀 形容词后 缀 副词后缀 -en
-ance, -ence
-ant, -ent -ify
-iess -ize, -ise
-able, -ible
-ish -ant, -ent -ly
-ic, -cal
-ous, -ious -ly -ward, wards