























1. 商务英语常见词汇商务英语中使用的单词和短语与日常生活语言略有不同。




2. 商务英语邮件写作技巧商务英语邮件是商务交流中最常用的一种通信方式之一。




3. 商务英语谈判技巧商务英语谈判是商业交易中最重要的一环。




4. 商务英语电话沟通技能在商业交易中,电话沟通是必不可少的方式之一。




5. 商务英语文化差异商业谈判不仅仅在语言上存在差异,还在文化上存在不同。



第一题翻译选择;第二题短语互译;第三题阅读;第四题完型填空1. Rising damp, if not treated effectively, could in time cause extensive damage to the structure of your home, ruin decoration and furniture.如果处理不当,墙内潮气最终可能会对房屋的结构造成大面积破坏,毁掉装修和家具。

2. This contract is entered into as of the seventh day of March, 2002, by and between Lonk Co. Ltd., a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America (hereinafter called the "Purchaser"), and Wingo Co. Group, a corporation organized under the laws of the People’s Republic of China ( hereinafter called the "Seller").本合同由依照美国法律成立的龙科有限公司[以下简称买方]和依照中华人民共和国法律成立的文果集团公司[以下简称卖方]之间于2002年3月7日订立。

3. Multinational bank's services include issuing letter of credit, buying and selling foreign exchange, issuing banker's acceptances, accepting Eurocurrency deposits, making Eurocurrency loans, and assisting in the marketing of Eurobonds.跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开证行承兑、接受欧洲货币储存、提供欧洲货币贷款以及发行推销欧洲货币债券。



a c c o u n t s 帐户allowance 津贴asset 资产assurance 担保average 平均数balance 结余balance sheet 资产负债表bonus 红利book 帐簿bookkeeping 记帐business model 商务模式capital 资金cash 现金collateral 抵押品consumption tax 消费税cooperate 合作cost 成本currency 流通货币customs/custom agents 海关deposit 存款deposit account 定期存款discount 折扣e-commerce 电子商务equity 权益exchange 退换expenses 支出费用fluctuation 波动high-yield 高回报的infaltion 通货膨胀insurance 保险interest 利息inventory 财产清单investment 投资liquidity 流动资产loan 贷款margin(profit margin) 利润率merge 合并mortgage 抵押offshore 离岸的operation 运营overheads 间接费用pension 养老金plot 图标portfolio 投资组合receipt 收据return 税表securities 有价证券shares 股票speculative 投机的stock 股票tax refund 退税taxation 征税Wholesale 批发地排序A tax expert was advising the company accountants.Accountants must learn about new laws about tax.After Franco had a mortgage, he should get a loan from the bank. After he applied,Franco might get a mortgage.After the shop has closed,the staff go home.All companies must file tax returns.American goods were more expensive than Steve's products.At the end,Franco was glad he made the visit.Can you come with them quickly please?Cash flow is the same as liquidity.Cheap imports can be sold for profit.David persuade Steve to use offshore banking.Don't worry about the company's bottom line.e-Commerce has brought many new markets to companies.Excuse me,could you turn on the light?He asked her to go more slowely.He didn't know until she told him.He had met her before she came to London.He had prepared well before the interview.He has been employed as part-time acountant.He hopes to go if he can.He is the accoutant who works very hard.He says he can't agree more.He used a current account for living expenses.He wants to send it by post.I thought the report can had be written.If business is good,then you can expand.If he asks,I will help him.If I can help you,I will.If possible,Franco would borrow some money.If they cooperate then they will save moeny.If you borrow money,then you pay interest.If you had a deposit account,then you'd get interest.If you make profits,then you pay tax.If you need a loan,then ask the bank.Jersey is as safe as England for banking.Jersey Island has offshore banking for customers.Laws on the accounting are changing all time.London banks have changed from using gold now.May I ask you to be quiet?My bank manager promised to help me.My deposit account earns a high interest.Offshore accounts sometimes have lower tax than normal.Offshore companies pay lower tax on profits.One hundred divided by ten is ten. Please can you tell me the time?Profits can be overseas invested so that less tax is paid. She arrived at half past nine. She has always studied hard especially last year.She has studied hard especially last year.She moved into her new flat last week.She pays one thousand two hundred per year.Steve was advised by the bank.Steve's company is exporting goods to France now.Steve's company will pay lower tax in Jersey.The accountants were preparing the accounts.The bank accountants may advise the employees.The bank worries that the company doesn't keep thebooks.The bottom line shows the higher profit.The company may pay the dividends to theshareholders.The curve had flattened out after it peaked.The employees may get a company pension.The financial statement showed the company assets.The Internet has changed the way we do business.The living cost has gone up.The sales can be plotted on a graph.There are different rates of tax on profits.They asked her whether she can finish on time.They know how to do it.This deal will improve our bottom line.Those accounts must be completed by Friday.Tom will use e-banking for his business.Using agents will bring an sales increase.We look forward to hearing from you.What do you think we should do?Would you like to come for dinner?Would you show me how this works?Writing letters takes longer than using email.Writing your CV takes a long time.Your low-performing shares can be sold off.Your work experience should be clearly detailed. 翻译 A graph shows their price was increasinginitially,but has now levelled off.图表显示最初价格上扬,但是现在已经趋于平稳。




⼆、考核知识点与考核⽬标(⼀)课内训练(重点)识记:1. When Banker’s Bets Go Bad银⾏家的猜测落空名词解释:OCC: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency 通货监理局Alan Greenspan 艾伦·格林斯潘,美联储主席句⼦翻译:1)The bank had doubled profits in the past year via a string of successful mergers, but on Apr. 21 it reported that its securities portfolio had unrealized losses of nearly $131 million.2)We’re considering strategies that make the most sense if rates are going up much more aggressively and sooner than anticipated.2. Creating Government Financing Programs for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in China中国为中⼩型企业提供政府财政援助项⽬名词解释:Labor-intensive 劳动密集型SME: small and medium-sized enterprise 中⼩型企业SOE: state-owned enterprises 国有企业句⼦翻译:In China, as a result of the economic reforms and market opening measures, SMEs have enjoyed remarkable development and have grown to become an important force in contributing towards sustained and rapid growth of theChinese economic.(⼆)阅读技巧(次重点)应⽤:阅读的逻辑技巧(三)课外练习(⼀般)理解:1.Carlyle Group’s Asian Invasion加雷集团的亚洲扩张名词解释:Venture-capital 风险资本Carlyle Group 凯雷投资集团Citigroup 花旗集团2. Why the Dollar Is Blooming Again为什么美元再次复兴?名词解释:Greenback 美元(俚语)Lehman Brothers Inc 雷曼兄弟公司European Central Bank 欧洲中央银⾏Federal Reserve Bank 美国联邦储备银⾏(四)拓展阅读(⼀般)理解:1. How Banks Pretty up the Profit Picture银⾏如何美化收益前景2. Thai Stocks What Goes Up 泰国股市:到底是怎么了?3. Inventing to Order 以市场为导向开发产品4. I t’s an Office Party in Hong Kong⾹港办公楼地价之争第⼆单元⼈⼒资源管理⼀、学习⽬的与要求通过本单元学习,掌握商务英语阅读中的快速阅读技巧,了解⼈⼒资源管理概况。



商务英语复习重点一■中译英(共20分,每小题2分洪10道题)内容祁来源丁presentation,每个topic都冇涉及胚冇个别课外内容;二英译中供20分,每小题2分,共10道题)内容都来源于presentation,<个topic都有涉及,还有个别课外内容;%1.根据文章内容选词填空(共20分,每小题2分,共10道题)给出一段文章,选择合适的单词填空.文章都出自课木,复习范围:10 页A2,11 页B1,18 页A1,28 页A1,47 页B1,50 页A2.56 页A1,63 页B1,67 页C1%1.改错(共20分,每小题2分,共10道题)两段文章,每找出一处错谋得1分,更正正确得1分•两段文章均出自课木,但不一定是和课木同样的错误•复习范围:26 页A1,27 页B1,30 页A1,31 页B1,34 页A1,82 页A2五•选词填空(共20分,每小题2分,共10道题)10个选项(都是词纟R),10个付了,将选项填入付了•木部分题目内容为课外内容中译英复习范目1.合适的包装能确保产甜不变质以及不受到损害2.我们应为为员工未来的职业发展提供尽可能多的机会;3.精美的包装就如同一个五秒钟的广告,它能给予公司一次最后说服顾客购买产品的机会4.外部招聘能带来新鲜血液5.我们应当制作一个详细的工作职责和应聘者要求;6.公司招聘分为内部招聘和外部招聘7 •很多购买决定是一时冲动作出的;8.我们应当让员工参与决策过程9.我们处在一个越来越以顾客为主导的经济环境半屮10.我们应当为员工提供有竞争性的薪金;11 •进行市场调查能让我们得到关于产品的第一手信息12.新技术会让一些员工感觉压力大得无法承受13.我们要组织一些活动增进员工的感情,然他们有在家的感觉;14•我们能够他道顾客的需求和期望,从而升级我们的产品,完善我们的服务15.和顾客保持个人交往能让他们感觉备受重视16.我们应当为顾客提供高质量的产品和稳定的服务17.若顾客对我们的服务满意,我们就会有一•个非常稳定的顾客基础18.我们应当允许一段合理的转换期让新老技术共存;19•汽车公司就没有必要再雇用售票员,就能节省一大笔员工支出;20 .政府会因为企业违反了安全健康规则而将他们驱逐出行业21.在互联网上销售产站能让我们在24小时之内都和顾客做交易22•使用环保的交通方式能给我们的商业伙伴留下良好的印彖,因为他们会觉得我们具有社会责任感;23.入职培训包括公司背景及各项规章制度的介绍24在网上销售产品能让顾客觉得我们能跟随最新的发展,这对于公司形彖是有益的25 •我们应挑选能代表公司形象的公众人物做我们的产品代言人。



商务英语专业资格考试复习笔记分享商务英语专业资格考试(Business English Certificate,简称BEC)是国际上广泛认可的一项商务英语能力评估体系,旨在衡量个人在商务环境中的英语沟通能力。



一、商务英语基础知识1. 商务词汇商务英语中常用的词汇非常重要,复习时可以通过制作词汇卡片进行记忆。


2. 商务写作商务英语写作是BEC考试的重要组成部分,需要掌握常见的商务信函、报告、备忘录等写作格式。


3. 商务口语商务英语口语考察的是应对实际工作场景中的沟通能力,因此需要多进行角色扮演练习。


二、商务沟通技巧1. 有效听力商务场景中的听力理解能力非常重要,需要能够听懂各种商务会议、电话交流等场景中的内容。


2. 跨文化沟通商务英语考试中也会考察跨文化沟通的能力,因此需要了解不同国家和地区的商务礼仪和文化习惯。


3. 有效演讲商务英语考试中的演讲部分需要展示自己的表达能力和演讲技巧。


三、备考技巧1. 制定合理的复习计划在备考BEC考试时,需要制定合理的复习计划,将复习内容分解为小目标,并合理安排每天的学习时间。


2. 多做模拟题BEC考试的题型比较固定,可以通过做模拟题来熟悉题型和提高解题能力。
























大学商务英语复习要点.docUnit 1重点词汇conjure v.想象operation n.企业,公司neighborhood n.街区,街道,居民区financial adj.资金的,金融的anticipate v.预测resource n,财力,资源profit n,利润revenue n.收入,收益legitimate adj.合法的pursue v.追求distinguish v,区分,区别开agency n,部门,机构run v.管理,经营institution n.机构,团体distinct adj.不同的manufacturing n,生产,制造entertainment n.娱乐enterprise n.企业wholesaler n.批发商retailer n,零售商capitalistic adj.资本主义的survive v,继续生存,存活identify v.辨认,确认spot v.识出,找到promising adj,有希望的entrepreneur n.企业家characteristic n.特征,特点assume v,承担resourcefulness n.足智多谋,善于随机应变uncertainty n.不确定性stereotype v.对.... 抱有成见self-reliant adj.自信的,依赖自己的consensus n,共识acumen n.敏锐,洞察力innovation n.仓ij新indefinitely adv.无限期地,长期地stockholder n.股东charity n.慈善机构特殊词组commercial and industrial activities 商业与工业活动financial resources 财政资源legitimate right 合法权利industrial business 工?业企业commercial business 商业企业wholesaler 批发商retailer零仲商consumer choice 消费选择consumer needs 消费需求entrepreneur 企业家customer relations 客户关系business plan 商业计划business climate 商业环境stockholder 股东industrial activity 工业活动重要翻译“1.Does it conjure up images of successful corporations, such as General Motors and IBM? Or of less successful operations, such as Enron and Kmart?你的脑海里是否会浮现出成功的公司形象,如通用汽车公司和国际商用机器公司?或者是稍逊一等的企业,像安然和凯马特?2.Neither a snowblower shop in Florida nor a beach umbrella store in Alaska is likely to do very well.佛罗里达州的吹雪机商店或阿拉斯加州的沙滩遮阳伞商店都不可能销传得很好。




















































1. 商务礼仪:商务环境下的礼仪规范及其应用。


2. 商务信函:商务英语中常用的书信格式和写作技巧。


3. 商务电话:商务英语中常用的电话用语和技巧。


4. 商务谈判:商务英语中常用的谈判技巧和表达方式。


5. 商务会议:商务英语中常用的会议用语和表达方式。


6. 商务报告:商务英语中常用的报告格式和写作技巧。


7. 商务演讲:商务英语中常用的演讲技巧和表达方式。



8. 商务旅行:商务英语中常用的旅行用语和应对策略。


9. 商务文化:商务英语中的文化差异和交流技巧。


10. 商务市场:商务英语中经常涉及的市场术语和行业知识。






专业术语:人际交往能力interpersonal skills弹性工作制 flexible working hours股票经纪人 stock broker债券经纪人 bond broker收购和兼并 acquisition and merger定金down—payment成交信号buying signal卖点 selling point强行推销hard-sell负债liabilities资产assets售后服务after-sales service自我激励self—motivated工作绩效job performance破产go bankrupt债务人debtor债权人creditor决策者decision maker强行推销hard-sell附加值added value工作寻找者job seeker预期寿命life expectancy 接收接管take over受众receptive audience不动产房地产real estate应付账款accounts payable应收账款account receivable一般管理费overheads行政成本administrative costs 执行董事executive director新手 recruit老手veteran开发商developer企业挂牌上市go public婚姻状况marital status毛(重)rough weight净(重)net weight内生增长Organic growth非内生增长Non—organic growth 固定成本fixed cost可变成本variable cost达成交易 close the sale总部headquarters海外子公司overseas subsidiary 固定工作permanent job汉译英1.只要资产价值的增长超过债务的增长,就不会有问题。

As long as asset values rise faster than debt, there is no problem.2.我了解我的竞争对手以及他们产品的优缺点.I know my competitors and the merits and pitfalls of their products.3.网络购物使得人们不需要离家就可以浏览商品和商品目录.Online shopping allows people to browse goods and catalogs without having to leave home。



第一章单词:business 商业entrepreneur 企业家Material resources 物力资源human resources 人力资源Financial resources 财政资源information resources 信息资源Manufacturing business 制造业tangible goods 有形财物Service business 服务型行业middlemen 经纪人Sales revenue 销售收入expense 费用Profit 利润loss 亏损Free-market system 自由市场经济pure competition 完全竞争Supply 供给demand 需求Monopolistic competition 垄断市场oligopoly 垄断寡头Monopoly 垄断段落:①、A person who risks his or her time ,effort ,and money to start and operate a business is called an entrepreneur . To organize a business ,an entrepreneur must combine four kinds of resources :material , human ,financial ,and informational . 企业家的概念和组成②、Pure competition is the complete form of competition .Pure competition is the market situation in which there are many buyers and sellers of a product , and no single buyers or sellers is powerful enough to affect the price of that product. In pure competition ,then, sellers and buyers as well must accept the going price.完全竞争③、Monopolistic competition is a market situation in which there are many buyers along with relatively many sellers who differentiate their products form the products of competition .垄断竞争④、An oligopoly is a market situation in which there are a few sellers . 寡头垄断⑤、A monopoly is a market with only only seller.完全垄断第二章单词:sole proprietorship 独资企业unlimited liability 无限责任Partnership 合伙general partner 普通合伙人Limited partner 有限合伙人corporation 公司Stock 股份stockholder 股东Close corporation 股份不公开公司open corporation 股份公开公司Corporate charter 公司执照common stock 普通股Preferred stock 优先股board of director 董事会Corporate officers 公司官员limited liability 有限责任Merger 兼并,合并cooperative 合作社Joint venture 合资企业syndicate 财团段落:①、In today a business environment , there are three major forms of legal organization : sole proprietorship , partnership , and corporation.企业的组织形式②、A sole proprietorship is a business that owned by one person . Sloe proprietorship is the oldest and simplest form of business ownership ,and it is the easiest and start. In mostinstances ,the owner simply decides that he or she is in business and begins operations.独资企业③、A partnership is an association of two or more persons to act as co-owners of a business for profit. 合伙企业④、A corporation is an artificial person created by law ,with most of legal rights of a real person .股份公司句子翻译:1、I think we should start /make a start/get started.我想我们应该开始/着手开始/进入正题了吧。



Unit 1freelance 自由职业shift work 轮班工作,倒班制temping 当临时工,任临时雇员consultancy 咨询公司,顾问公司,提供咨询服务flexitime 弹性工作(上班)时间Unit 2client service executive 客户服务主管resources director (human resources director的简称) 人力资源部经理qualification n.资格incumbent programme 在职员工培训课程,岗位培训课程perk n. 好处,额外津贴,外快budget n. 预算non-cash reward 非现金形式的奖赏career goal 职业目标senior management 高层管理人员Unit 3sole trader 自营贸易商partnership 合伙经营franchise 特许经营entrepreneurial spirit 企业家精神,进取精神franchisor n.授予特许者franchisee n.(公司的分店、零售店或联号商店的)特许经营者,加盟者trademark n. 商标profit margin n. 利润率Unit 4billboard 广告牌word of mouth 口头广告mailshots 邮寄广告spam 电子邮件广告banners 横幅广告brochures 小册子subscription fee 入网费,开通服务费target audience 目标观众delegate vt & vi. 托付,分派,移交 n.代表 delegator n.托付者,委派者,移交者check up 校对,检验,检查,调查Unit 5set the agenda 制定议程reach an agreement 达成协议take the minutes 作会议记录Unit 6arrange an interview 安排会面pay off 还清欠债,取得成功mortgage n.抵押,按揭disciplinary procedures 惩戒程序,纪律程序recruit 招聘,招募dismiss 解雇sack 解雇lay off (临时)解雇make redundant 裁员give notice 递交辞呈walk out 罢工resign 辞职take voluntary redundancy 自愿接受裁退reasonable period 合理的时间,合理的期限notice period 通知期限,关注期reasonable ground 合理的理由,合适 的理由Unit 7commercial director 销售总监sales pitch 销售口才door-to-door selling 挨家挨户推销sales quota 销售定额sales figure 销售数字sales representative 销售代表substantial financial rewards 切实的经济回报product specification 产品规格Unit 9brand identity 品牌识别特征marketing tool 营销工具slogan n. 广告语,口号。



商务英语复习重点(全)PART 11.If you can accept payment by L/C, we will make you a very competitive ( C ).A.order C.offerB.enclosure D.offer firm2.We find your quotation for ( D ) much too high.A.woman blouses C.women’s blousesB.women blouses D.blouses3.For your information, our products enjoy a ready ( C ) in Europe.A.sell C.saleB.selling D.Sail4.If you are prepared to increase your ( B ) to 15%, we shall be pleased to purchasethe complete stock.A.price C.sales volumeB.discount D.Cost5.A recent market survey reveals that such articles are no longer ( A )A.in demand C.demandedB,on demand D.for demand6.The paper ( B ) our cartons is strong and damp-proof,A.lines C.linedB.lining D.which is lined with7.You would be ( C ) if the consignment should be ( ) to damage duringtransportation.pensated...subject pensated...subjectedpensated for...subjectpensated...subjected8.We are sorry to inform you that the items you ( D ) are temporarily out of stock.A.inquire C.demandB.request D.require9.We hope this will facilitate ( D ) the insurance cover.A.you to take out C.for you to take outB,you in taking out D.your taking out10.We can assure you that the ( C ) will be seaworthy.A.pack C.packingB,package D.packaging11.You can ( D ) a draft at 30 day’s sight thought Bank of China for the full CIFvalue of the invoice.A.establish fort us C.issue to usB.open against us D.draw on us12.Please ( B ) your L/C validity till June 21.A.extent C.expandB.extend D.effect extension for13.If you agree to payment by L/C, please ( B ) us at once.A.notice C.noterm D.advice14.Two months’ ( C ) is necessary for a change in specifications.rmation C.noticeB.note D.notify15.Please ( C ) “Freight to collect” as this transaction is concluded on CFR basis.A.amend C.deleteB.insert D.stipulate16.Please let us know if you can accept (A ) by D/P.A.payment C.our making paymentB.that payment is effected D.payment effected17.I ( D ) that payment bu T/T is desirable for this transaction.A.am considering C.will considerB.have considered D.consider18.Could you consider ( B ) us a special discount on this particular order?A.to grant C.that you grantB.granting D.that you may grant19.We ( C ) your inquiry of October 12.A.are on receipt of C.thank you forB.are in receipt of D.are obliged to20.As the goods may be ( B ) rough handling during transportation,the cartonsshould be strengthened with overall metal straps.A.subject to C.on the subject ofB.subjected to D.met withPART 21.Would you mind sending your representative here and answer in person a few ofA B C Dour question?T: C→to answer2.Mr. Brown is head of our import department, and as it he is responsible for all ourA B Cpurchase decisions.DT: B→as such3.Please send a package of sample tiles indicated in the enclosing list for us toA B C Dairmail to our principals in France.T: C→in the enclosed list4.We are interested in contacting a number of prominent manufactures in yourAcountry with a view to choosing lines suitable for the Spanish market.B C DNo error5.I will fax you at the beginning of next week to propose a mutual convenientA B Carrangement.DT: C→mutually6.Messrs.Brown & Clark of this city has informed us that you are exporters of laserA B C Dprinters.T: C→have7.We have recently established business relations with ABC Co. Ltd. We have justA Bsigned a contract for canned meat.C DT: C→signed with them8.If you want the goods to be insured against All Risks, we can effect it for you.A B C DT: C→the insurance9.We can assure you that we shall effect shipment as soon as we receive your letterA B C Dof credit.T: B→arrange10.It would be regrettable to see an order declined owing to disagreement on price.A B C DNo error11.As regards to your Order No.115, we are pleased to inform you that we are ableA Bto receive your proposal for payment by time draft.C DT: A→as regards C→to accept12.The risks which we normally insure against China Insurance Clauses are AllA B C DRisks and War Risk.T: C→as per China Insurance Clauses13.As your order has been ready for shipment, please inform your forwarding agentA B Cto make shipping arrangements.DT: B→is ready C→instruct14.Unless we hear from you on the contrary, we shall arrange shipment of theA Bconsignment as usual.C DT: B→to the contrary15.We are well aware thar S/C No.AC37 stipulates for shipment to be made inA BNovember; however, we will appreciate it if you will arrange advancedCshipment.DT: B→that shipment is D→to advance shipment16.The goods are to be shipped by the first available vessel to Antwerp forAtranshipment to Rhine lights, and we shall be glad if you will make the necessaryB Carrangements for this on a through bill of lading.DNo error17.We should be grateful if you would send us samples of the items you can supplyA Btogether with a comprehensive price list to so as to enable us to go fully into theC Dpossibilities of business.T: B→your available items18.As shipment time is drawing neat and our goods have been ready for quite some,A B Cwe hope you will open the L/C covering our S/C in time.DT: D→covering our S/C19.We find with regret that the several following points do not comply with theA B Cstipulations set forth in our sales confirmation.DT: B→the following C→conform20.Although we are fully booked for the next few month, your order is considerableA B C Dif you can agree to partial shipments.T: D→acceptablePART 31.Dear Ms. CarpenterWe thank yo for your letter of 20 May, and understand your concern with packing. We can assure you that we take every possible precaution to ensure (ensure) that our products reach (reach) our customers all over the world in prime condition.For your information, “Ariel” caviar is packed as follows (follow):Each jar is wrapped (wrap) in tissue paper before being packing (pack) in its individual decorative cardboard box. The boxes are then packed in strongcardboard cartons, twelve to a cartons, separated (separate) from each other by corrugated paper dividers.The cartons are then packed in strong wooden crates. Since the cates arespecially made to hold (hold) twenty-four cartons, there is no danger ofmovement inside them. In addition,the crates are lined with waterproof, airtight material. The lids are secured (secure) by nailing, and the crates are strappedwith metal bands.We hope this has answered (answer) your questions, and look forward to receiving (receive) orders from you.Yours faithfully,2.Dear Mr. JamesonYour Order No.2231--Our S/C No.99MO47We are pleased to inform you that the mopeds ordered (order) under the above number have been dispatched (dispatch) as arranged (arrange).The mopeds are placed in 50 cases, 2 to case. The cases are marked FBC in square, Malta, and numbered (number) 1-50.The consignment is arriving (arrive) at Malta on December 20, on the m.v African Queen, which sailed (sail) from Ningbo yesterday.Clean, shipped on board Bs/L in complete set, together with a commercial invoice and an insurance certificate, both in triplicate, have been handed (hand) to Bank of China, together with our sight draft in accordance with the terms os your L/C opened (open) with Barclays Bank, who, we believe will inform (inform) you of the arrival of the documents.We are sure you will be (be) more than satisfied with this consignment, and we look forward to hearing from you again.Yous faithfully,PART 41.Date: 13 December, 2013Dear Sirs or MadamesL/C No. UBI-20195933We are pleased to have received the captioned L/C for 8GB Sound-activated Video Camera Pen. As some of its terms are found to be not in conformity with S/C stipulations, we hope you will make the following amendments to enable us to effect shipment within the contracted time limit:1.The date and place of expiry should read “20/12/2019 Shang Hai”2.The amount in figures and words should respectively be “USD185,000”and“Say United States Dollars One Hundred Eighty-five Thousand Only.”3.Period for presentation should be documents must be presented within 20 daysafter the shipment date but within the validity of the credit.4.The wording regarding insurance certificate or policy required should bedeleted.5.Description of goods and/or services should be 10,000 items of CMP112G8GB Sound-activated Video Camera Pen.6.The Contract number should be 28KG603.7.The L/C No. should be UBI-20195933We look forward to your early amendments.Yours faithfully,PART 51.Documents against payment 付款交单2.Counter offer 还盘3.Price list 价目表4.Confirmed L/C 保兑信用证5.Turnover 营业额6.Import license 进口许可证7.Pro forma invoice 形式发票8.Sales confirmation 销售确认书9.Certificate of origin 原产地证mercial invoice 商业发票11.Charter party 租船合同12.Shipping space 舱位13.Beneficiary 受益人14.Bill of exchange 汇票15.Time draft 远期汇票16.Endorsement 背书17.Documents against acceptance 承兑交单18.Telegraphic transfer电汇19.Mail transfer 信汇20.Remittance 汇付PART 61.零售商Retailer2.批发商Wholesaler3.递盘Bid4.工厂交货Ex Works5.副署(to) countersign6.规格Specification7.平安险Free from Particular Average8.水渍险With Average/With Particular Average9.免赔险Franchise10.偷窃、提货不着险Theft,Pilferage & Non-Delivery11.装箱单Packing list12.公吨Metic ton13.航空货运单Air waybill14.海运提单Ocean B/L15.不符点Discrepancy16.往来银行Correspondent bank17.议付Negotiation18.溢短装条款More or less clause19.托收Collection20.票汇Demand draftPART 71.WPA With Average/With Particular Average 水渍险2.FPA Free from Particular Average 平安险3.T /T Telegraphic Transfer 电汇4.M/T Mail Transfer / Metric Ton 信汇/ 公吨5.D/A Documents against acceptance 承兑交单6. D /P Documents against payment 付款交单7.CFR Cost & Freight 成本加运费价8.FOB Free On Board 装运港船上交货价9. B /L Bill of Lading 提单10.S /C Sales contract 销售合同11.ICC Institute Cargo Clauses 伦敦保险协会货险条款12.T.P.N.D. Theft,Pilferage & Non-Delivery 偷窃、提货不着险13.FCL Full Container Load 整箱货14.UCP Uniform Customs & Practice for 跟单信用证统一惯例Documentary of Credit.15.G.W. Gross Weight 毛重16.N.W. Net Weight 净重17.G.S.P. Generalized System of Preference 普惠制18.M/R Mate’s Receipt 大副收据19.EXW Ex Works 工厂交货价20.EDI Electronic Data Interchange 电子数据互换(无纸贸易)PART 81.Training Situation:China National Silk Imp. & Exp. Corp. (the seller) has received an L/C from the buyer.Writer a letter asking the buyer to amend the credit bu checking it with the given contract terms,ABC BankDate: 4 June, 2005To: Bank of China, BeijingWe hereby open our Irrevocable Transferable Letter of Credit No.112235 in favor of United Textiles Company for account of China National Silk Imp. & Exp. Corp.up to an amount of GBP 1,350.00 (Say Pounds Sterling One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty-Five Only) for 100% of the invoice value relative to the shipment of:3,000 pieces of silk blouses as per S/C No.PO5476 from London to China Port Drafts to be drawn at sight on our bank and accompaniced by the following documents marked “*”;Partial shipments and transshipment and transshipment prohibited shipment must be made not later than 31 Aug. 2005. This credit is valid at our counter until 15 Sept.2005.PO5476合同主要条款:卖方:中国丝绸进口公司买方:联合纺织贸易公司商品名称:女真丝衬衫规格:L,M数量:3,000件单价:CIF伦敦,每件45英镑总值135,000英镑装运条件:20XX年8月31日前自中国港口至伦敦付款条件:凭可转让的,不可撤销即期信用证付款,于装运前一个月开到卖方,并于上述装运期后十五天内在中国议付有效。



一、简称写全称:1.DFI/FDI(国外直接投资):Direct Foreign Investment 2.MNC(跨国公司):multinational corporation3.R&D(研发)research & development4.EEC(欧洲经济共同体):European economic community5.PPI(生产者价格指数):producer price index 6.CPI(消费者价格指数):consumer price index 7.ROE (股东资产净值盈利) return on equity8.EPS (每股收益)earnings per share9.CIF(成本、保险费、运费):Cost,Insurance and Freight 10.CIP(运费、保险费付至…):Carriage ,Insurance Paid to11.CFR(成本加运费):Cost and Insurance 12.FOB(船上交货):Free on Board13.EC(欧洲共同体):European Community14.EU(欧洲联盟):European Union15.CPA(国外应付赔偿):Claims Payable Abroad 16.PPI(保单权益证明):Policy Proof of Interest二、词组(课文中划的那部分):1.research and development 研究和发展2.cut across national borders 穿越国家边界3.after allowing for 考虑风险之后4.tap foreign markets 开拓国外市场5.distribution techniques 经销方式6.marketing division 市场销售部7.acquisition 兼并8.underlie a firm’s intent 导致……的原因9.preferential tax treatment 税收优惠待遇10.corporation 股份公司11.Sole proprietorship 独资企业12.partnership 合伙公司13.cooperative 合作社14.portfolio investment 有价证券投资15.investment portfolio 投资总额16.trade restrictions 贸易限制17.import quota 进口配额18.export subsidy 出口补贴19.hard assets 实物资产20.The consumer economy 消费者主导型经济21.emerging economy 新型经济22.level off 停止23.price disparity 价格差异24.financial assets 金融资产25.hedging benefit 套头保值26.The main beneficiaries 受益人27.price appreciation 价格上涨28.current assets 流动资产fixed assets 固定资产intangible assets 无形资产tangible assets 有形资产29.accounts receivable 应收账款notes receivable 应收票据30.capital goods 生产资料consumer goods 生活资料31.down payment 首付32.promissory note 本票33.commercial paper 商业汇票34.Wall Street 华尔街35.Dow Jones industrial average 道琼斯工业平均指数Standard & Poor’s index 普尔指数Nikkei index 日经指数36.snap up 抢购37.mutual funds 共同基金pension funds 养老金38.cross border investment 跨国投资39.remove trade barriers 打破贸易壁垒40.intra-European service 欧洲内部之间的服务41.grabbing market share 强占市场份额42.intercountry red tape 国家之间的繁文缛节43.recession 经济萧条44.Chamber of commerce 商会45.spot rate 即期汇率forward rate 远期汇率46.accounting equation 会计恒等式三、名词解释:1.import quota(进口配额):a maximum absolute amount of a particular commodity that may be imported.2.export subsidy(出口补贴):a government payment to private firms to encourage the export of certain goods or to prevent discrimination against exporters who may have to sell their product at a world price that is below the domestic price.3.acquisition(兼并):one company buys another company or parts of another company.4.mergers(合并):both old companies cease to exist and a new enterprise is created.5.spot trading(即期交易):the buying and selling of commodities for immediate delivery.6.future trading(期货交易):the buying and selling of commodities for future delivery.7.hedging benefit(套头保值):a commercial operation that combines spot trading and future trading for the purpose of protecting the trader against risks in price fluctuations.8.selling hedge(卖期保值):purchases on the spot market may be hedged by making sales on the futures market. 9.buying hedge(买期保值):the trader may hedge his sale of a commodity on the spot market by simultaneously making apurchase of the same quantity of that commodity on the futures market.10.profit margin(利润边际):the profit a company can gain by one more unit of sale.11.net profit margin(纯利润率),or return on sales(销售利润率):the net income a business makes per unit of sales. 12.return on equity(股东资产净值盈利),or return on investment(投资报酬率):the net income a business makes per dollar of investment.13.earning per share(每股收益):a company earns for each share of stock outstanding.14.commercial paper(商业汇票):a short-term note issued by a company to borrow from other businesses with excess cash. 15.s econdary markets(二级市场):a market for the exchange of existing securities that operates outside the recognized main market16.bears(股票看跌者):who expect stock prices to fall17.bulls(股票看涨者):who expect stock prices to rise18.Bull market(牛市):buyers more than sellers, stock prices and the value of traded shares are rising19.loosen monetary policy(宽松货币政策):increase the nation’s money supply20.tighten monetary policy(紧缩货币政策):reduce the money supply21.economies of scale(规模经济):as output or the scale of operations increases, the average cost of production tends to decline.22.diseconomies of scale(规模不经济):the average cost of production no longer declines but increase.23.spot rate(即期汇率):the price at which currencies are exchanged for immediate delivery, generally within 2 days 24.Forward rate(远期汇率):the exchange rate between 2 currencies used for delivery at a future date.四、问答题1.trade restrictions(贸易限制)包括哪两方面?答:import quota(进口配额)and export subsidy(出口补贴)are two examples of the kind2.Bank’s balance sheet(银行的资产负债表)1)包括哪三个基本要素?答:It consists of three sections—assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity2)accounting equation(会计恒等式)答:assets= liabilities + owner’s equity Or assets- liabilities = owner’s equity3.CIF1)全称:Cost,Insurance and Freight2)买卖双方职责:the seller has responsibility to arrange and pay for the shipment of the goods to the port of destination and provide insurance cover at his own expense3)风险转移:the risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer once the goods are load on board the ship at the named port of shipment4.CIP1)全称:Carriage ,Insurance Paid to2)买卖双方职责:the seller is responsible for arranging and paying for the transport of the goods to the named place of destination. The seller also deal with the matter of insurance and pay premiums.3)风险转移:the buyer to bear the risk of loss or damage to the goods thereafter.5.CFR1)全称:Cost and Insurance2)买卖双方职责:the seller arranges the shipment of the goods and pays the freight to the named port of destination.3)风险转移:the buyer bears the risk of loss or damage to the goods once they are load on board the ship at the named port of shipment.6.FOB1)全称:Free on Board2)买卖双方职责:the buyer to arrange and pay for the shipment to the port of destination, and take out whatever insurance cover the buyer considers necessary.3)风险转移:the buyer bears the risk of loss or damage to the goods7.The European Union(欧洲联盟)四个特征:答:a free trade area(自由贸易区)、a customs union(关税联盟)、a common market(共同市场)、an economic union (经济联盟)8.letter of credit(信用证)1)五个组成要素?答:buyer,seller,issuing bank,negotiating bank,opening bank 注:第8题问答题大家自己看一下书145页Lesson 11.公司的战略,政策和计划Corporate strategy, policy and planning2.种种其他因素A variety of other factors世界贸易和投资的模式World trade and investment patterns除了采掘工业之外With the exception of extractive industries建立海外子公司最重要的动机The most important motive for setting up overseas subsidiaries寻求新的利润来源The search for new sources of profit对国外经销方法的不满意Dissatisfaction over distribution techniques abroad 国外生产设备的定址The location of foreign production facilities企业兼并的巨浪A tremendous surge of acquisition of enterprises 通过在国外生产的方式By way of foreign production像税收待遇优惠之类的补贴Subsidies such as preferential tax treatment国际商务决定International business decisions公司经理考虑了将冒的风险之后,决定在东道国再投资60万美元(to allow for) After allowing for risk, the corporate managers decided to make an additional investment of $600,000 in the host country.为了进一步开发国外市场,很多公司已在国外设立了销售部或者子公司(to tap)In order to further tap overseas markets, many companies have set up their foreign marketing divisions or subsidiaries.降低生产成本是决定建立海外生产设施的主要因素之一(to underlie)Reduction of production costs is one of the major factors that underlie the decision to set up overseas productive facilities他建议减价10%,以便扩大市场占有率,这一建议已纳入公司的销售计划。







1. 对商务词汇的考查很多参加BEC考试的考生都是英语专业,听说能力都不错,语法和词汇也都能过关,但在BEC考试中却未能取得理想的成绩。






以BEC听力真题中的一句话为例:"I'm often charged 18% interest per month on my outstanding balance."这句话的理解重点在于outstanding和balance两个词:outstanding是CET中的高频词汇,常表示"出色、优秀";balance 常作"平衡"之意。

但这里如果按照常用的含义来理解这两个词,"outstanding balance"就变成了"出色的平衡",这个意思是说不通的。







以下是一些常见的商务英语知识点:1. 商务礼仪:商务英语中的礼仪包括会议礼仪、商务交际礼仪、商务餐厅礼仪等。


2. 商务信函:商务英语中的信函通常包括邀请函、感谢信、询价信、投诉信等。


3. 商务电话沟通:商务电话沟通通常需要用到一些专业的词汇和表达方式。


4. 商务会议:商务会议是商务活动中常见的沟通形式。


5. 商务谈判:商务英语中的谈判技巧对于商务人士来说非常重要。


6. 商务文档:商务英语中的文档包括商务报告、市场调研报告、商务计划书等。


7. 商务英语词汇:商务英语中有很多专业词汇,如销售、市场营销、财务等。



8. 商务英语口语:商务英语口语通常包括商务谈判、商务演讲、商务交流等。


9. 商务英语阅读:商务英语阅读包括阅读商务新闻、商务杂志、商务合同等。


10. 商务英语翻译:商务英语中的翻译通常包括口译和笔译。





















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(10)第一题: 动、名词搭配(参见发的60个单词)Balance Budget; Compile Information; Devise Strategies; Interpret Results; Negotiate Outcomes; Review Performance; Maintain Equipment; Exercise Control;Outline Proposals; Register Complaints(15)第二题:选出非word partner (关注动词的宾语,尤其是及物动词)Agendan Set an agenda (n),Hidden agenda;Secret agendaPrioritiesn Get your priorities right,Prioritize tasks;Priority customer Unanimousn Unanimous decision;Passed unanimouslyProposen Propose a solution;Propose changes;Put a proposal;Draft a proposal Attendn Attend a meeting;Poor attendance;Attendance figures Apologiesn Humble apologies;Heartfelt apologies;Send my apologiesChairn Address the chair;Chair a meetingItemn Agenda item;Item of business;The next itemVoten Put it to a vote;Register my vote;Shareholder voteSecondn Second a motionStatusn Status report;Advise your status;Status updateMinutesn Meeting minutes;Second the minutes;Take the minutes Actionn Action points;Take action ;Call to action;Action a taskAIDA gain/ grab/ get attention; build/ develop interest;generate/ create desire; motivate/ encourage / call to action(10)第三题:动、名词填空(给出某词的意思,要求填出该词)Product brand –“Great product”Employment brand –“Great employer”Definitions1.the person in charge of a meeting (chair)2.the people at a meeting (participants)3.go to a meeting (attend a meeting)4.a list of topics to be discussed (agenda议程)5.one topic on the list (item一项议程)6.supported by everyone (unanimous)7.most important item (priorities)8.make a suggestion formally (propose; put a proposal to the meeting)9.support a formal suggestion (approve)10.a method of making a decision (11.a record of what was discussed and agreed (minutes)12.say that you cannot go to a meeting13.what needs to be done after the meeting (action points)14.a summary of the progress made to date (progress report; status report)Other word formsn Agenda (n) 议程,a list of topics which should be discussedn Priorities (n) 优先级,an item which should be considered firstn Unanimous (adj) 全数通过的,be approved by everyonen Chair (n) the person who host this meetingn Propose (v) 提议,make a motionn Attend (v) 到会n Send your apologies (n)n Item (n) one topic on the listn Vote (v) 投票表决n Participants (n) the people at a meetingn Second (v) 赞成,Someone seconds me. 某人赞同我。

n Status Report (n) 进度报告,a summary of the progress made to daten Minutes (n) a record of what was discussed and agreedn Action Points (n) what needs to be done after the meetingIn the workplace, what would you call..A female actor? (actor)A female member of the police force? (policeman)The woman who serves the air travelers? (flight attendant)A person who can‟t walk? (Physically challenged)A person who can‟t see? (Visually challenged)A person with the metal age of a child? (intelligently challenged)(8)第四题:把简单词换成professional words… they did the project. Completed, developed, implemented undertook … find the cause and the effect. Investigate, determine,… use our natural resources Consume… start an experiment Commence; undertake… put together the information Collate; organise… guess the outcome. Estimate, predict… make new procedures. Develop, devise… carry out a task Perform…. give out extra resources AllocateThese things sometimes happen. occasionally arise(12)第五题:resume questions(自由发挥,但回答时尽量表现以下特质)What skills do good employers look for when choosing graduate recruits?1.Work quality2.Oral Communication3.Written communication4.Planning, co-ordination and organization5.Time management6.Work under pressure7.Willing and able to learn8.Decision making and problem solving9.Leadership and initiative10.PotentialWhat qualities do good employers look for when choosing graduate recruits?1.Hardworking and resourceful2.Remains calm in difficult situations3.Encourages and co-operates with colleagues4.Sociable and friendly5.Flexible; accepts new ideas6.Responsible and mature7.Enthusiastic and optimistic8.Integrity and honesty9.Recognizes his/her own weaknesses10.Loyalty(10)第六题:replace common expressions with professional English and rewritethe paragraph.Your resume has hit the mark. You‟ve got your foot in the door and the ball is at your feet.You know that anything goes in an interview, however you‟ve done your home work and feel that it‟s in the bag. This is the leg-up you‟ve been waiting for and you‟re ready to sign on the dotted line.(15)第七题:list and explainIn what order would you place these in your resume? (maybe)Career ObjectivesPersonal InformationEducationHonours / AwardsExperienceSkillsHobbies and InterestsReferees(20)第八题:answer questions(参见Terence发过的两次interview questions小纸片上的问题)Common expressions●“The opportunities look good going forward.”(in the future)●“Let‟s take this discussion off-line.”(outside the meeting, privately)●“Keep me in the loop on this one.”(I don‟t want to participate in the labor, but I want to be informed of the changes.)●“You need to do the heavy lifting on this report.” (undertake the hardest part)●Fast track this application for me.●We need to think outside the box. (creatively)●You’ve got him in your pocket.●“Let‟s powerpoint it.”(illustrate the matter by using powerpoint)●“What’s your take on this?”(What‟s your opinion on this question? This idiom is way of asking someone for their opinion and ideas.)●“Google it.” (search it on the google website)●This is off-topic, so take this discussion off-line but keep me in the loop. (This isn‟t related to our topic, so take this discussion outside the meeting b ut inform me of the new conclusions you make.)●We seem to be hitting a brick wall.(face difficulties, be confronted with a difficult problem)●Put us in the picture, John. (Tell us what you know)●Just give the big picture, Helen. (Give us the general idea. Tell me your idea briefly but overall.)●I intend to keep this meeting on track and on-message.(on track: focus on the agenda, keep moving in the right directionOn-message: keep discussing the right thingon track and on-message:不要跑题,focus on the topic)●We are at loggerheads, so let's agree to disagree and move on.( We can‟t agree to each other. 不和)●What I'm getting at is… (what I am talking about is……)●In a nutshell, I‟d say that it can‟t be done. (to summarize , in a word)●put it in a nutshell (get to the key point)●Put your best foot forward ( try your best, do your utmost )●Step outside your comfort zone●You have the ball at your feet; all you need to do is kick it.(You have got the best opportunity, all you need to do is act now.)●The message is crystal clear.( as clear as a crystal )●I‟m afraid I‟m in the dark on that. ( know nothing )●Feel free to jump in whenever you like. ( You can interrupt me whenever you want)●That‟s a no-go area, I‟m afraid.(I don‟t want to talk about it.)●Please tell me if I‟m overstepping the mark. (exceed powers 越权)●What are you like? (你是一个怎样的人?What‟s your character?)●I‟m snowed under at work these days. ( I have too much work to do)●The heat is on and the boss is breathing down my neck.( The pressure is growing and the boss keeps urging me to finish my work quickly)●I need to go the extra mile in order to bring this project in dead on time or my neck will be on the chopping block.( I need to make extra efforts to finish this project exactly on time, otherwise I will be fired. )●I high-balled him and he didn‟t flinch.( I offered him a high price and he didn‟t react, he said nothing.)●We kicked it around on the phone but now I need to eyeball him.( We talked about it on the phone but now I need to meet him face to face.)●A good negotiator always believes he has the upper hand before the negotiation begins – even if he really has the weaker hand.( the advantage ; the disadvantage )●The soy bean market isn‟t a level playing field for china‟s farmers.( The environment isn‟t fair. Chinese farmers got no subsidies for growing soy bean. )●I‟d say that we have our noses in front.( We are just ahead of a competition/ schedule/ something. We win by a little.)●Ok, you have me snookered.( You have me tied up. I can‟t do what I want to do. I have to do what you want me to do.)●The name of the game is fluency. (the most important aspect)●I‟m in the real estate game. (business)●It‟s a dirty game. (corrupt)●I‟m playing a waiting game.(I won‟t act first.)●I‟m off my game at the moment. (not doing my best)●Whatever you do, don’t give the game away. (keep the secret)●They beat me at my own game. (the method I was using)●Give me a sporting chance. (fair opportunity)●I won‟t play ball. (Co-operate)●I scored a hole-in-one. (Best result)●I‟m afraid that we appear to be at cross purposes. (misunderstand each other)●Perhaps I should put the record straight on that. (to fix misunderstanding, to correct)●I must say I was taken aback by that. (surprised / shocked)●reach a stalemate (陷入僵局)Other things you need to know…..Quik = quick info = information asap = as soon as possibleJargon 术语、行话“We‟ve decided to e-tize.”(turn into online business)“What‟s your ad spend?”(advertising cost)“We‟re in the process of rightsizing.”(getting the number of staff correctly, laying off some workers)“Let‟s look at the enablers first.”(1.someone who enable us to complete the task;2.someone who is entitled the right to do sth.;3.(machine) activator)Turnover 的多种用法sales turnover营业额(金钱单位)turnover volume营业额(数量单位)inventory turnover (存货周转率)employee turnover (职员流失率)market turnover 市场交易量(钱)market turnover volume 市场交易量(股份)Incentive (n.) incentivize (v.)Operation (n.) operationalize (v.)Acronyms n.只取首字母的缩写词MBO (Management Buy out)CSR (Corporate social responsibility, 企业社会责任)CD (Compact Disc)HR (human resource)OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health,职工安全与健康)HSE (HSE是健康(Health)、安全(Safety)和环境(Environment)管理体系的简称)DOB date of birthComplete the sentence or phrase●Ok, let's get down to …business (begin)(followed by verbal noun)●Can I stop you there for a …moment.●I totally …agree/ disagree●Perhaps I didn't make myself …clear.●What do you ……mean exactly.●With respect, you don't seem to …understand●I agree with you up to a …point/ certain degree●If I could just finish what I was …saying (when someone is interrupting you)●Ok, let's move …on●That's completely out of the …question●Perhaps we can come back to this …later●Maybe we should take a short …break●Does anyone have any …objection?●Can I just cut in…there?●That's probably as far as we can go …today (end the meeting)●We…ll have to break off here, I‟m …。
