



译林牛津初中英语7A Unit 3单元测试卷第一卷 (60分)一、听力 (共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)A)根据所听问题,选择正确答语。

(听二遍)() 1. A. He is Simon。


She is Kitty。


It is Amy. ( ) 2。

A. Yes, they do. B。

No, they do. C。

Yes, we do. ( ) 3。


Yes, you can’t.B。

I’m sorry。

I don’t have one.C。

No, thank you。

() 4。

A. At six thirty. B At home C Have breakfast( ) 5。


She plays basketball.B. She does morning exercises.C。

He likes swimming。

B) 根据你所听到的对话,选择与你所听对话内容相符的图画。

C) 根据所听对话及问题选择正确答案.(听二遍)( )11. A. red B. white。



()12. A. 30 B. 22。

C. 13。

( )13. A. Yes, they can. B。

No, they can’t。


Sorry, I don’t know. ( )14. A。

It's 7:00 p.m. B. It’s 6:20 p.m。


It's 6:00 p.m。

( )15。

A. Chinese. B。

Maths. C. English。


(听二遍). ( )16。

Bob is a nice young man.( )17.Mikou is a Japanese girl。

( )18。

Bill and Mike are both(两者都) from England.( )19。



七年级上学期第三次阶段性测试(一)语文试题(考试时间 100分钟满分120分)注意事项:1.本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第II卷两部分。







第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共30分)一、(共18分,每小题2分)1、下列加点字注音全都正确的一项是( )(2分)A.棱.镜(léng)怂.恿(sǒng)人声鼎.沸( dǐng )人迹罕.至( hǎn )B.消耗.( hào)废墟.( xū)拈.轻怕重( niān )哄.堂大笑( hòng ) C.俯.冲(fú)粗犷.(guáng)咄.咄逼人( duō)参.差不齐( cēn )D.晕眩.(xuán)坍.塌( dān )花团锦簇. ( cù ) 怪诞.不经( dàn )2、下面词语书写完全正确的一项是( )(2分)A.宿孺静谧神妙莫测畏罪潜逃B.诀别悲楚惊慌失措大相经庭C.轻捷云霄不求甚解混为一谈D.帐篷辨诉截然不同各得其所3、填入下列句子空白处的词语恰当的一项是()(2分)①从这一刻起,中国恢复对香港行使主权,英国在香港长达156年的殖民统治宣告。



A、破灭焦躁如果即使B、破灭燥热虽然但是C、终结燥热虽然但是D、终结焦躁如果即使4、下列加点成语使用有误的一项是( )(2分)A、在这片劫后重生的土地上,人人各得其所....,各展其长,满怀信心创造幸福美满的生活。






第三次阶段性测试填空题专项训练宋仁帅一.填空题(共30小题)1.在①2+1=3,②4+x=1,③y2﹣2y=3x,④x2﹣2x+1中,方程有_________(填序号)2.在①2x﹣1;②2x+1=3x;③|π﹣3|=π﹣3;④t+1=3中,等式有_________,方程有_________.(填入式子的序号)3.语句“x的3倍比y的大7”用方程表示为:_________.4.若单项式3ac x+2与﹣7ac2x﹣1是同类项,可以得到关于x的方程为_________.5.一根细铁丝用去后还剩2m,若设铁丝的原长为xm,可列方程为_________.6.一件衣服打八折后,售价为88元,设原价为x元,可列方程为_________.7.某校长方形的操场周长为210m,长与宽之差为15m,设宽为xm,列方程为_________.8.若(m+1)x|m|+3=0是关于x的一元一次方程,则m=_________.9.(m﹣1)x|m|=m+2n是关于x的一元一次方程,若n是它的解,则n﹣m=_________.10.关于x的方程x n+1﹣(2n﹣3)=0是一元一次方程,则这个方程的解是_________.11.已知方程ax2+3x+5=5x2﹣2x+2a是关于x的一元一次方程,则方程的解为_________.12.若2x|a|﹣1+1=0是关于x的一元一次方程,则a=_________,a2+1=_________.13.关于x的方程(a﹣1)x2+x+a2﹣4=0是一元一次方程,则方程的解为_________.14.若方程(a﹣2)x|a|﹣1=﹣1是关于x的一元一次方程,则a=_________.15.已知方程(m﹣2)x|m|﹣1+5=9是关于x的一元一次方程,则m=_________.16.(2011•江宁区一模)如果x=﹣1是方程x+a=3的解,则a=_________.17.(2011•湛江)若x=2是关于x的方程2x+3m﹣1=0的解,则m的值等于_________.18.(2003•贵阳)若x=1是方程2x+a=0的解,则a=_________.19.已知x=5是方程ax﹣8=20+a的解,则a=_________.21.若x﹣3=4﹣y,则x+y=_________.22.(2014•娄底)已知关于x的方程2x+a﹣5=0的解是x=2,则a的值为_________.23.(2013•邵东县模拟)若关于x的一元一次方程ax+3x=2的解是x=1,则a=_________.24.已知关于x的方程a+x=5﹣(2a+1)x的解与方程﹣=1的解相同,则a的值为_________.25.如果6x﹣6=0与x+a=4的解相同,则a=_________.26.若关于x的方程2ax+27=0与2x+3a=0有相同的解,则它们的相同解为x=_________.27.若方程x﹣4=与方程+m=0有相同的解,则m=_________.28.方程x﹣3m=4x与x+6=m的解相同,都是x=n,则m=_________,n=_________.29.关于x的两个方程5x﹣3=4x与ax﹣12=0的解相同,则a=_________.30.如果关于x的方程2x+1=3和方程的解相同,那么k的值为_________.第三次阶段性测试填空题专项训练参考答案与试题解析一.填空题(共30小题)1.在①2+1=3,②4+x=1,③y2﹣2y=3x,④x2﹣2x+1中,方程有②,③(填序号)考点:方程的定义.分析:根据含有未知数的等式叫方程,可得答案.解答:解:∵①不含未知数,①不是方程;∵②、③含有未知数的等式,②、③是方程;④不是等式,④不是方程,故答案为:②、③.点评:本题考查了方程,方程是含有未知数的等式,注意不含未知数的等式不是方程,含有字母的代数式不是方程.2.在①2x﹣1;②2x+1=3x;③|π﹣3|=π﹣3;④t+1=3中,等式有②③④,方程有②④.(填入式子的序号)考点:方程的定义.分析:方程是含有未知数的等式,因而方程是等式,等式不一定是方程,只是含有未知数的等式是方程.②④.点评:本题考查了方程的定义,方程与等式的关系,是一个考查概念的基本题目.3.语句“x的3倍比y的大7”用方程表示为:3x=y+7.考点:方程的定义.专题:应用题.分析:根据x的3倍=x的+7,直接列方程.解答:解:由题意,得3x=y+7.故答案为:3x=y+7.点评:本题考查了列方程.列方程的关键是正确找出题目的相等关系,找的方法是通过题目中的关键词如:大,小,倍等.4.若单项式3ac x+2与﹣7ac2x﹣1是同类项,可以得到关于x的方程为x+2=2x﹣1.考点:方程的定义;同类项.分析:所含字母相同且相同字母的指数也相同的项是同类项,根据同类项的定义中相同字母的指数也程.解答:解:∵单项式3ac x+2与﹣7ac2x﹣1是同类项,∴x+2=2x﹣1.故答案为x+2=2x﹣1.点评:本题考查的是同类项的定义,同类项定义中的两个“相同”:(1)所含字母相同,(2)相同字母的指数相同,是易混点,还要注意同类项与字母的顺序无关,与系数无关.同时考查了方程的定义:含有未知数的等式叫方程.5.一根细铁丝用去后还剩2m,若设铁丝的原长为xm,可列方程为x﹣x=2.考点:方程的定义.分析:设铁丝的原长为xm,用去全长的后还剩2m,根据题意可得出数量关系式:铁丝的全长﹣铁丝全长×=剩下铁丝的长度,据此可列出方程.解答:解:设铁丝的x﹣x=2.故答案为:x﹣x=2.点评:本题考查学生利用数量关系式列方程,培养学生的分析能力.6.一件衣服打八折后,售价为88元,设原价为x元,可列方程为0.8x=88.考点:方程的定义.分析:根据打八折后售价等于88元列式即可.解答:解:设原价为x元,根据题意得,0.8x=88.故答案为:0.8x=88.点评:本题考查了方程的定义,理解打折的意义是解题的关键.7.某校长方形的操场周长为210m,长与宽之差为15m,设宽为xm,列方程为2(x+x+15)=210.考点:方程的定义.分析:先表示出长,再根据长方形的周长公式列出方程即可.解答:解:设宽为xm,则长为(x+15)m,根据题意得,2(x+x+15)=210.故答案为:2点评:本题考查了一元一次方程,主要利用了长方形的周长公式.8.若(m+1)x|m|+3=0是关于x的一元一次方程,则m=1.考点:一元一次方程的定义.分析:只含有一个未知数(元),并且未知数的指数是1(次)的方程叫做一元一次方程.它的一般形式是ax+b=0(a,b是常数且a≠0).解答:解:根据题意得:m+1≠0且|m|=1,解得:m=1.故答案是:1.点评:本题主要考查了一元一次方程的一般形式,只含有一个未知数,且未知数的指数是1,一次项系数不是0,这是这类题目考查的重点.9.(m﹣1)x|m|=m+2n是关于x的一元一次方程,若n是它的解,则n﹣m=.考点:一元一次方程的定义;一元一次方程的解.分析:根据一元一次方程的定数是1(次)的方程叫做一元一次方程.即可求得m的值,然后把m的值,以及x=n代入方程求得n的值,进而求得代数式的值.解答:解:根据题意得:m﹣1≠0,且|m|=1,解得:m=﹣1.则方程是:﹣2x=﹣1+n,把x=n代入方程,得:﹣2n=﹣1+n,解得:n=,则n﹣m=+1=.故答案是:.点评:本题主要考查了一元一次方程的一般形式,只含有一个未知数,且未知数的指数是1,一次项系数不是0,这是这类题目考查的重点.10.关于x的方程x n+1﹣(2n﹣3)=0是一元一次方程,则这个方程的解是x=﹣3.考点:一元一次方程的定义.分析:根据一元一次方程的定得一元一次方程,根据解一元一次方程,可得答案.解答:解:关于x的方程x n+1﹣(2n﹣3)=0是一元一次方程,∴n+1=1,n=0,x+3=0,x=﹣3.点评:本题考查了一元一次方程,含有一个未知数,未知数的次数是一次的方程是一元一次方程.11.已知方程ax2+3x+5=5x2﹣2x+2a是关于x的一元一次方程,则方程的解为x=1.考点:一元一次方程的定义.分析:根据一元一次方程的定义求得a值.然后解关于x的一元一次方程即可.解答:解:由原方程,得(a﹣5)x2+5x+5﹣2a=0.∵该方程是一元一次方程,∴a﹣5=0,即a=5,则关于x的方程为:5x+5﹣10=0,故答案是:x=1.点评:本题考查了一元一次方程的定义.注意一元一次方程的未知数的最高次数是1.12.若2x|a|﹣1+1=0是关于x的一元一次方程,则a=2或﹣2,a2+1=5.考点:一元一次方程的定义.专题:计算题.分析:利用一元一次方程的定义判断即可得到a的值,确定出所求式子的值.解答:解:∵2x|a|﹣1+1=0是关于x的一元一次方程,∴|a|﹣1=1,即|a|=2,解得:a=2或a=﹣2,则a2+1=4+1=5,故答案为:2或﹣2;5点评:此题考查了一元一次方程的定义,熟练掌握一元一次方程的定义是解本题的关键.13.关于x的方程(a﹣1)x2+x+a2﹣4=0是一元一次方程,则方程的解为3.考点:一元一次方程的定义.分析:由一元一次方程的定义程,可求得a的值,再代入解方程即可.解答:解:因为方程为一元一次方程,所以可得a﹣1=0,解得a=1,所以方程为x+1﹣4=0,解得x=3,故答案为:3.点评:本题主要考查一元一次方程的定义,掌握方程的定义是解题的关键.14.若方程(a﹣2)x|a|﹣1=﹣1是关于x的一元一次方程,则a=﹣2.考点:一元一次方程的定义.专题:计算题.分析:利用一元一次方程的定义判断即可确定出a的值.解答:解:∵方程(a﹣2)x|a|﹣1=﹣1是关于x的一元一次方程,∴|a|﹣1=1,即|a|=2,解得:a=2或a=﹣2,当a=2时,不含未知数,舍去,则a=﹣2,故答案为:﹣2点评:此题考查了一元一次方15.已知方程(m﹣2)x|m|﹣1+5=9是关于x的一元一次方程,则m=﹣2.考点:一元一次方程的定义.分析:根据方程中未知数的次数是1,系数不等于0列式求解即可.解答:解:由题意得,|m|﹣1=1,所以,m﹣1=1或﹣m﹣1=1,所以,m=2或m=﹣2,当m=2时,m﹣2=0,不符合题意,所以,m=﹣2.故答案为:﹣2.点评:本题主要考查了一元一次方程的一般形式,只含有一个未知数,且未知数的指数是1,一次项系数不是0,这是这类题目考查的重点.16.(2011•江宁区一模)如果x=﹣1是方程x+a=3的解,则a=4.考点:方程的解.专题:计算题;转化思想.分析:根据方程解的定义,将方程的解代入解答:解:把x=1代入方程,得:﹣1+a=3,解得:a=4.故填4.点评:已知条件中涉及到方程的解,把方程的解代入原方程,转化为关于字母系数的方程进行求解.可把它叫做“有解就代入”.17.(2011•湛江)若x=2是关于x的方程2x+3m﹣1=0的解,则m的值等于﹣1.考点:方程的解.专题:计算题.分析:使方程左右两边的值相等的未知数的值是该方程的解.将方程的解代入方程可得关于m的一元一次方程,从而可求出m的值.解答:解:根据题意得:4+3m﹣1=0解得:m=﹣1,故填﹣1.点评:已知条件中涉及到方程的解,把方程的解代入原方程,转化为关于m字母系数的方程18.(2003•贵阳)若x=1是方程2x+a=0的解,则a=﹣2.考点:方程的解.专题:计算题.分析:方程的解就是能够使方程左右两边相等的未知数的值,即利用方程的解代替未知数,所得到的式子左右两边相等.把x=1代入方程,就得到关于a的方程,就可求出a的值.解答:把x=1代入方程得:2+a=0,解得:a=﹣2.故填﹣2.点评:本题主要考查了方程解的定义,已知x=1是方程的解实际就是得到了一个关于a的方程.19.已知x=5是方程ax﹣8=20+a的解,则a=7.考点:方程的解.专题:计算题.分析:使方程左右两边相等的未知数的值是该方程的解.将方程的解代入方程可得关于a的一元一次方程,从而可求出a的值.解答:解:把x=5代解得:a=7.故填7.点评:已知条件中涉及到方程的解,可以把方程的解代入原方程,转化为关于字母a的方程进行求解.20.如果a与b互为倒数,且=,那么x=.考点:等式的性质;倒数.分析:根据等式的性质,等式的两边都乘以x除以7,可得答案.解答:解:=,a与b互为倒数,x=故答案为:.点评:本题考查了等式的性质,等式的两边都乘或都除以同一个不为0的数,结果不变.21.若x﹣3=4﹣y,则x+y=7.考点:等式的性质.分析:根据等式的性质1,可得答案.解答:解:方程的两合并同类项,得x+y=7,故答案为:7.点评:本题考查了等式的性质,等式的两边都加或都减同一个整式,结果仍是等式.22.(2014•娄底)已知关于x的方程2x+a﹣5=0的解是x=2,则a的值为1.考点:一元一次方程的解.分析:把x=2代入方程即可得到一个关于a的方程,解方程即可求解解答:解:把x=2代入方程,得:4+a﹣5=0,解得:a=1.故答案是:1.点评:本题考查了方程的解的定义,理解定义是关键.23.(2013•邵东县模拟)若关于x的一元一次方程ax+3x=2的解是x=1,则a=﹣1.考点:一元一次方程的解.专题:计算题.分析:把x=1代入方程ax+3x=2得到关于a的一元一次方程a+3=2,然后解此方程即可.解答:解:把x=1代入方程1.点评:本题考查了一元一次方程的解:使一元一次方程左右两边成立的未知数的值叫一元一次方程的解.24.已知关于x的方程a+x=5﹣(2a+1)x的解与方程﹣=1的解相同,则a的值为﹣7.考点:同解方程.分析:先求出方程﹣=1的解为x=﹣1,然后将x=﹣1,代入方程a+x=5﹣(2a+1)即可求出a的值.解答:解:方程﹣=1,去分母得:2(x+1)﹣3(x﹣1)=6,去括号得:2x+2﹣3x+3=6,移项,合并同类项得:﹣x=1,系数化为1:x=﹣1.∵关于x的方程a+x=5﹣(2a+1)x的解与方程=1的解相同,∴将x=﹣1,代入方程a+x=5﹣(2a+1)x得:a﹣1=5+(2a+1),去括号得:a﹣1=5+2a+1,移项,合并同类项得:﹣a=7,系数化为1:a=﹣7.故答案为:﹣7.点评:此题考查了同解方程,解题的关键是:理解同解即是两个方程的解相同.25.如果6x﹣6=0与x+a=4的解相同,则a=3.考点:同解方程.专题:计算题.分析:求出第一个方程的解,代入第二个方程求出a的值即可.解答:解:由方程6x﹣6=0,解得:x=1,把x=1代入方程x+a=4得:+a=4,解得:a=3,故答案为:同解方程,两方程的解相同即为同解方程.26.若关于x的方程2ax+27=0与2x+3a=0有相同的解,则它们的相同解为x=.考点:同解方程.分析:根据方程的解相同,可得关于a、x的二元二次方程组,解方程组,可得答案.解答:解:由若关于x的方程2ax+27=0与2x+3a=0有相同的解,得,解得.故答案为:.点评:本题考查了同解方程,利用方程的解相同得出关于a、x的二元二次方程组是解题关键.27.若方程x﹣4=与方程+m=0有相同的解,则m=﹣.考点:同解方程.分析:根据方程的解相同,可得关于x、m的方程组,可得答案.解答:解:由题意,得化简,得①﹣②得4m=﹣6,解得m=﹣,故答案为:﹣.点评:本题考查了同解方程,根据同解方程得出二元一次方程组是解题关键.28.方程x﹣3m=4x与x+6=m的解相同,都是x=n,则m=3,n=﹣3.考点:同解方程.分析:分别解出两方程的解,根据两解相等,就得到关于m的方程,从而可以求出m的值,进一步求得n的值.解答:解:解第一个方程得:x=﹣m,解第二个方程得:x=m﹣6,由题意得:﹣m=m﹣6,解得:m=3,故答案为:3,﹣3.点评:考查了同解方程,本题解决的关键是能够求解关于x的方程,根据同解的定义建立方程.29.关于x的两个方程5x﹣3=4x与ax﹣12=0的解相同,则a=4.考点:同解方程.专题:计算题.分析:先求方程5x﹣3=4x的解,再代入ax﹣12=0,求得a的值.解答:解:解方程5x﹣3=4x,得x=3,把x=3代入ax﹣12=0,得3a﹣12=0,解得a=4.故填:4.点评:此题主要考查了一元一次方程解的定义.解答此题的关键是熟知方程组有公共解的含义,考查了学生对题意的理解能力.30.如果关于x的方程2x+1=3和方程的解相同,那么k的值为7.考点:同解方程.专题:计算题.分析:本题可先根据一元一次方程解出x的值,再根据解相同,将x的值代入二元一次方程中,即可解出k的值.解答:解:∵2x+1=3∴x=1又∵2﹣=0即2﹣=0∴k=7.故答案为:7 点评:本题考查了二元一次方程与一元一次方程的综合运用.运用代入法,将解出的x的值代入二元一次方程,可解出k的值.。

牛津译林版初一英语第一学期7A 阶段性学情调查试卷(含答案)

牛津译林版初一英语第一学期7A 阶段性学情调查试卷(含答案)

初一英语阶段性学情调查时间:120分钟满分:130分一、单项选择20分(每小题1分)( )1.Tom has ____ football, Tom likes to play _______football very much.A. a; aB. a; /C./; /D. /; a( )2.________the words on the blackboard! Can you_________ them?A.Look;see B.See;look C.Look at;see D.See;look at ( )3.What is your cousin like?A.He is tall.B.He is a student.C.He is 14.D.He likes reading.( )4.Everyone ______ here now. Let’s ________.A. are , beginB. are, to beginC. is , to startD.is ,start( )5. The teacher big eyes is my English teacher.A. haveB. hasC. withD. in( )6.--Is your name Daniel?—________________.A. Yes, I am.B. No, I’m notC. Yes, it’s.D. Yes, it is. ( )7. Daniel is a basketball player. He plays basketball .A. good;goodB. good;wellC. well;goodD. well;well( )8. Is the shop _________ or _________ now? Sorry, I don’t know.A open; closeB open; closingC open; closedD opening; close( ) 9. Where ________ you ________?A. do; fromB. is; fromC. do; come fromD. are; come from( )10. My brother with my parents shopping every week.A. goB. goesC. to goD. going( ) 11. Millie's eyes ________ dark brown and her hair ________ black.A. is; isB. are; areC. are; isD. is; are( )12.________late for school again?A.Does he be B.Are he C.Does he D.Is he ( )13.The students ________at home today.A.a11 are B.all not C.are all D.not all( )14.The trousers are for________.A.you and me B.me and he C.I and you D.me and you( )15.____________ your best friend good at _________?A.Do ,dance B.Does ,dancing C.Are, dancing D.Is, dancing ( )16._______ your sister look like?A. How is B .How does C. What is D. What does( )17.There is ________bread on the plate.A.a B.an C.any D.some( )18. Simon and I_______ new students at Sunshine Middle School.A. amB. isC. areD. was( )19. The red bike must _______Millie's.A.amB. isC. areD. be( )20.Where ______ my glasses? I can’t find______.A. is; itB. are; itC. are; themD. do; them二、完型填空10分(每小题1分)Julia comes from America. Lingling comes from China. They are in the same class and they are good friends.Today they go 21 together. Julia would like 22 a skirt and Lingling wants to buy a pair of socks. Now it is four o'clock in the afternoon. Julia is 23 and she takes Lingling to a fast-food 24 .There Julia asks Lingling, "What would you like to eat?" " Nothing," Lingling answers embarrassedly(不好意思地). 25 Julia only buys a hamburger and a 26 of orange juice. Lulia sits and eats. Lingling sits next to Julia and 27 her. She is hungry and very angry. She 28 Julia isn't polite. But Julia doesn't 2 9 this, because it is all right in 30 country. Do you see the difference between two countries?( )21. A. swimming B. skating C. fishing D. shopping( )22. A. to eat B. to buy C. to wear D. to give( )23.A. hungry . B. sad C. tired D. happy( )24. A. hospital B. post office C. restaurant D. bank( )25. A. So B. And C. But D. Or( )26.A. bag B. piece C. tin D. glass( )27.A. reads B. finds C. looks at D. looks( )28. A. thinks B. wants C. would like D. likes( )29. A. want B. know C. eat D. show( )30.A. my B. your C. her D. their三、阅读理解30分(每小题2分)AName: Lionel Andrés Messi Age: 26Height (身高): 169 cm Name: Cristiano Ronaldo Age: 28Height: 186 cm( )31. Messi and C Ronaldo are ____________.A. ping pong playersB. singersC. football playersD. football fans (迷) ( )32. Messi comes from ____________ and C Ronaldo is from ____________.A. Spain; SpainB. Argentina; PortugalC. Barcelona; MadridD. Portugal; Argentina( )33. Messi and C Ronaldo both (都) like ____________.A. drawingB. ping pongC. musicD. computer games( )34. Mr Football is a great ____________.A. meetingB. honourC. shoeD. gameBBob is an old man. He has two big houses and a new car. He had no wife. But he is the father of four children. He has two sons and two daughters. One son is from England. His name is Bill. The other son is from America. His name is Mike. One of his daughters is from China. Her name is Lanlan. The other one is from Japan. Her name is Mikou. Bob is not the children’s real(真实) father, but he loves them very much. The children love their “father”, too.( )35. There are ________people in Bob’s family.A. fourB. fiveC. sixD. no( )36. His children are from ________ country/countries.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four( )37. Which of the following is true?A. Bob is a very nice young man.B. Bill and Mikou come from the same country.C. Bob has a wife.D. Lanlan is a Chinese girl.CThis term we have a new teacher of English. His name is Mr Peterson. He comes from Australia, but now he lives in a tall building in Wuxi. He is not very tall and he is thin. He has a round face and small blue eyes. He wears glasses and they make him look smart. He has dark brown hair.Mr Peterson works very hard. In class, he has many good ideas to make the class very interesting. We all like his class. After class,he always encourages us to speak more English. Sometimes, he plays games with us. He is very strong and he can play basketball and football very well. He is good at sports. Sometimes he plays table tennis with us, but he doesn't play it verywell.Mr Peterson loves living in China very much. He enjoys lots of things in China. He really loves eating Chinese food. He loves travelling in China too. He is going to visit Xi'an next month. ( )38. We cannot use " "to describe(描述)Mr Peterson.A. tallB. thinC. smartD. hard-working( )39. How many ball games is Mr Peterson good at?A. 4.B. 3.C. 2.D. 1.( )40. The underlined(画线)word "encourages" means " " in Chinese.A.阻止B.嘲笑C.逼迫D.鼓励( )41. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Mr Peterson is a very good English teacher.B. Mr Peterson enjoys playing computer games.C. Mr Peterson is a very good football player.D. Mr Peterson enjoys his life in China.DOn Saturday Jack gets up very late. He usually gets up at 11: 45. He is alone(单独)in his home. He doesn’t have time to have breakfast. He calls his first meal “brunch” because(因为) he usually has it at about twelve. After his “brunch”, it is about half past twelve. He turns on the TV and begins to watch football games until(直到)2: 30 p. m. Then he goes to bed and sleeps until 4: 30 p. m. Ten minutes later,he turns on the TV again and watches some interesting films. On Saturday evening,his friends often come to his home to play cards(打牌)with him from 8: 00 p. m. to 11:00 p. m. Then he has dinner with his friends. After dinner he watches sports on TV. At about 2: 30a. m. he goes to bed. Do you think it good for him?( )42. Who does he live with?A. His father.B. His mother.C. Nobody(无人).D. His friends.( )43. How long does he usually sleep in the afternoon?A. For one hour.B. For two hours.C. For three hours.D. For four hours. ( ) 44. What time does he have dinner?A. At 8: 00 p. m.B. At 9: 00 p. m.C. At 9: 30 p. m.D. After 11: 00 p. m. ( )45. Which one is right?A. Jack likes football.B. Jack likes swimming.C. Jack’s parents are very old.D. Jac k doesn’t eat anything on Saturday.答案卷四、词汇检测15分(每小题1分)1.My favourite____________(体育运动)is playing badminton.2.Can you tell me your_________ (同班同学)names?3.My little sister is_________ (可爱).We all love her.4. -- What are your ____________(业余爱好)? -- Oh, I have many, like singing and drawing..5. -How often do you walk to school? -(有时).6.My father often ______ (看)newspapers at lunchtime.7. Millie has a _______________ (表弟). He comes from Suzhou.8.Welcome to visit our ___________[ˈklɑːsruːm]. It’s big and bright.9.Those__________['stjuːd(ə)nts]] are playing games on the playground.10.A:Does he like l________ _to music?B:Yes,very much.11.. Today is very hot. Let's go s_______ in the river.12. We are now studying Chinese, English and M_______.13.—Is _______ here? Let's begin our meeting.— Sorry, Mr Hu. Lucy is not here. She is ill at home.14. Sam and his friend Helen are in Class Two,_______ Seven.15. -- What's the _______ of your grandma? She looks very young!-- Thank you! She is seventy years old now but she likes sports.五、动词填空9分1.Sandy with her friends often_________(fly)a kite in the park.2.There ______________(be) some juice in the cup.3.He ___________(be not) at school, He is ill.4.Tom,_____________(not draw)on the wall next time.5.__________(be)your new English teacher slim?6.Is Kitty good at ____________(dance)?7.Tom likes ___________ (run) in the morning.8.He ________ (not do ) well in English.9. I want to know how ________ (look) after the baby.六、句型转换(5分,10空)1.That is a glass on the table.(改为复数句)_______ _______ _______ on the table.2.What are these? (回答) ________ _________ father’s new shoes.3.My mother takes good care of my grandfather.(改为同义句)My mother __________ _________ my grandfather __________ .4. My mother is a doctor.(划线部分提问) ________ _________ mother?七.中译英15分(每句3分)1.桑迪既高又苗条并且她有一头长发。

7A Unit3 Welcome to our school 单元测试卷

7A Unit3 Welcome to our school 单元测试卷

精心整理七上英语Unit3Welcometoourschool单元测试题(含答案牛津版)Class:Name:Marks:(满分100分)一.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)()1.—Doesyourschoolhave playground?—Yes.Weoftengothereafter class.A.a;theB.a;\C.the;theD.the;\()2.—Isthereacomputerroom thebuilding?—Yes.Itis thegroundfloor.()3.()6.—Very()9.—()10.——()11.Let’s totheparktogether.A.goingB.togoC.goesD.go()12.—DoesMrGreenliveneartheschool?—No.Helivesfar,hetakesabustoschooleveryday.A.andB.soC.butD.because()13.—underthetreeisyourteacher?—Themaninwhite.A.HowoldB.WhatcolourC.WhichmanD.Whatman()14.—Canyouflythekite?—It’ssoeasy.A.N o,Ican’t.B.Sure.C.Idon’tknow.D.Really?()15.—Whereistheschoolhall?—.A.Thisway,pleaseB.AllthebestC.OfcourseIdoD.Oh,Isee二.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)DearAlice,Thanks16yourletterandtellingmeaboutyourschool.Yourschoolisreallyinteresting.Andourschoolisalso fullof(充满)17.Itwas建造杂志Iam25atthisschool!FionaC.readingroomsD.playgrounds()23.A.meetings B.sportsC.lessonsD.meals()24.A.classmates B.teachersC.parentsD.friends()25.A.happy B.busyC.freeD.sad三.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)AB.thecomputerroomC.thehallD.theplayground()30.Parentssinganddancewiththestudents.A.inthemorningB.intheschoolhallC.after9:30 a.m.D.for90minutesBStudentsHaveFunLearningEnglishWhatarethesestudentsdoing?Theyaremaking snacks(小吃).Thestudentsarehavinganinterestingclasstoday.Intheclass,studentscanmaketheirfavouritefood.Buttheyc antalkwitheachotheronlyinEnglish.Whencantheyeatthesnacks?Theytakethemhomeandtheneatthemwiththei rparentsathome.IthinkitisfuntolearnEnglishlikethis.BringParentstoSchoolThisisSunshineMiddleSchool.TodayisOpenDay.ThestudentshaveOpenDayeverytwomonths.Onthisday,par entshavelunchwiththeirchildreninthe dininghall(餐厅).Lookatthepicture.Howhappilytheyareeating!Parentscanalsogotoclassroomsandhaveclasseswiththeirchi ldren.Afterclass,childrenshowtheirparentsaroundtheplayground,artroomsandcomputerrooms.Theywanttos四.A.根据句意及所给的汉语提示完成英语句子。

北师大版七年级上册数学 2022--2023学年阶段检测题(三)(含答案)

北师大版七年级上册数学 2022--2023学年阶段检测题(三)(含答案)

阶段检测题(三)七年级数学 (第三章 第四章)题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分 得分考试时间90分钟 试卷满分100分一选择题:(每小题3分,共24分)请将下列各小题中唯一正确答案代号填入题后的括号内。

1、下列各式书写正确的是 ( ) A 、a ×5 B 、231m C 、3x+1个 D 、ab 2、“x 的31与y 的和”用整式可以表示为 ( ) A 、31(x +y ) B 、x +y +31C 、x +31yD 、31x +y3、根据流程图中的程序,当输入数值x =-6时,输出的的数值为 ( ) A 、10 B 、8 C 、6 D 、44、下列说法正确的是( ) A 、两点之间的连线中,直线最短 B 、若P 是线段AB 的中点,则AP=BP C 、若AP=BP ,则P 是线段AB 的中点D 、两点之间的线段叫做者两点之间的距离5、如图,下列表示角的方法中,错误的是 ( ) A 、∠α表示的是∠AOB B 、∠1与∠BOC 表示的同一个角C 、图中共有三个角: ∠AOB 、∠AOC 、 ∠ BOCD 、∠AOC 也可以用∠O 表示6、下列各题去括号错误的是 ( )A 、x -(3y -32)=x -3y +32 B 、m +(-n +a -b )=m -n +a -b C 、-21(4x -8y +2)=-2x +4y D 、(a +b)-(-52c +72)= a +b +52c -727、如图,若∠AOC =∠BOD ,则∠AOD 与∠BOC 的关系是 ( ) A 、∠AOD <∠BOC B 、∠AOD >∠BOC C 、∠AOD =∠BOCD 、无法确定8、下列说法错误的是 ( )A 、图①中直线l 经过点AB 、图②中点A 是直线a 、b 的交点C 、图③中点C 在线段AB 外D 、图④中射线CD 与线段AB 没有公共点 二、填空题(每小题2分,共16分)9、在下列所给各组式①4x 3y 与-3xy 3;②-4yx 与8xy ;③9y 2与-3x 2 ;④abc 与ab ;⑤8与5中是同类项的有_____________________________。



七年级第三次学业水平检测英语试题答案试卷满分:120分检测时间:90分钟一、单项选择(40分)( )1.My mother is going to America _______Sunday morning.A. inB. onC. atD. of( )2.When you finish ______your homework, you can play football.A. doingB. doC. to doD. done( )3. How long does it ______ you to walk to the cinema?" " Twenty minutes."A. useB. spendC. take takes( )4._______is it from your home to school?A. How longB.How farC.HowD. How soon( )5. What’s the matter ________ Judy? She has a cold.A. inB. withC. atD. on( )6. I’m sorry I can’t play soccer with you this weekend.I have _______ homework to do.A. too manyB. much tooC. too muchD. many too( )7.Is t here ______in today’s newspaper?A. something interestingB. anything interestingC. interesting anythingD. nothing interesting( )8. What about__________this weekend? -----Oh ,that’s a good idea!A .go hiking B. going to hike C .going hiking D go camp( )9..Li Lei didn’t go to bed _______his mother came back last night.A. thenB. untilC. because d. after( )10.My mother often ________to go to school.A. by busB. take busC. takes the busD. in a bus( )11. —I’m sorry, I can’t play football with you.—Oh, that’s too bad. Maybe ______ time.A. the otherB. otherC. anotherD. others( )12. The math problem is _________ difficult ,so we can’t work it out . A. too much B. too many C much too D much( )13. -----How is your mother? ------She is_______, thank you!A .good B. well C. better D . nice( )14 .He thought about ______to Greece or Spain,but _______Canada .A.go, decide onB.going , decide onC.going , decided on( )15. --------Can you come to my birthday party? -------__________.A. Yes, I’d love.B. Sure, I’d love.C. Sure , I’d love to .D. sure, I’d like ( )16.I had ________to tell him this morning.A. something importantB. important something C things important ( )17.Thanks for _________after my son when I was away last Sunday.A. lookB. lookedC. lookingD. to look( )18.I __________ an artist when I grow up.A. amB. is going to beC. am going to beD. was( )19. It’s _____from my home to school.A. ten minutes’ walkB. ten minutes walkC. ten—minutes walkD. walk ten minute( )20. --------__________? ---------I have a toothache.A. What’s matter with youB. What’s the matter with yo uC. What’s the wrong with youD. What’s trouble with you21. .I heard that Thailand is a good place_______.A .to go sightseeing B. going sightseeing C. go to sightsee( )22.. Though he is an English teacher ,____ he reads English every day.A .although B. \ C.though D but23.China is ________the Great Wall.A .on B. famous C. has D. famous for( )24._____ did you go _____? ----- Tina and Mary.A .With who B. Who with C. With whom D. From whom( )25.Sorry,Mr Li ,I forget____my homework to school today ..A .to bring B.bring C. bringing D.to take( )26.______is the Yellow River, do you know?—It’s over 5000 kilometersA .How long B.How far C.How much D.How many( )27.I am staying in Beijing _____one month .A .to B.for C.about D.with( )28.I _____my friend in Italy.A .am going to visiting B. am going to see C.seeing D am visit( )29. My friend often goes to school ________.A.by the bus . B in the car C. in car D by his bike( ) 30. It ____ him about an hour ____ his work yesterday .A takes , to finishB took , finishC took , to finish( ) 31. . Can you go shopping with me this Sunday ?---________.A Sorry , I’d love to.B No, I can’t .C Sorry , I can‘t .D Sorry , I’d love to . ( ) 32. He has two brothers . One is Jim , ___ is Tom .A othersB other C. the other D the others( ) 33 ____ a bike is much better than ____ a bus .A Ride , takingB Riding , takingC Taking , takingD Take , rid e ( )34. I’m glad to have a _____ vacation .A relaxB relaxingC relaxedD relaxes( )35.This is my new pen .Let me ________.A show it for youB show to you itC show it to youD show you to it( )36.His father often _____ to work.A takes a bikeB rides a busC on footD takes a car( )37. This book _____ Li Lei’s . His name is on its cover .A can’t beB must beC should beD must is( )38. Thanks a lot for _____ me ____ your party .A invitation , toB inviting , forC inviting , toD inviting ,on( )39. Tom and Tim came here an hour ago ,but ____ students aren’t here now .A the othersB anotherC othersD the other( )40.---I’m flying to Tibet for a vacation this week. ---___________.A Have a good timeB I hope so.C With pleasure D. Why not ?二、.完型填空(10分)Our school is __1__ five kilometers __2__ my home. I get up very __3_ everymorning..__4___ breakfast I walk __5_ the bus stop. It’s not very far from __6_ home. I __7__ a Number 10 bus to school. It takes me about twenty __8_. But after school when I__9__, I often go __10__. I think doing more exercise is gook for my health. My parents also say so.( )1.A. near B. at C. about D. for( )2.A. away B. from C. at D. in( )3.A. early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earliest( )4.A. Before B. Later C. At D. After( )5.A. at B. to C. for D. by( )6.A. mine B. I C. my D. me( )7.A. take B. sit C. have D. go( )8.A. seconds B. minute C. minutes D. hours( )9.A. go home B. get to home C. to home D. back home( )10.A. by foot B. by walk C. on feet D. on foot三、.阅读理解(20分)A根据短文内容选择答案After breakfast Mrs. Beckman started packing(打包)the bags. She bought the tickets to London. Her husband works there and she and her children are going to fly there to see him. Thomas and Katy can’t help her and she told them to play outside.“It often rains in London in autumn, ”the woman said to herself, “ I’d better take the umbrellas. So I won’t buy any when it rains there.”Suddenly(突然),she heard Thomas crying and ran out at once. She asked, ”What’s the matter?”“Katy pul led(揪)my hair,” the boy said .“Don’t be angry,” said the woman. “She’s too young. She doesn’t know pulling hair hurts(疼痛)”And then she went to the house again. After a short time there was more crying. She had to come out to see what the matter was.This time Thomas said, “Now she knows.”( B )1. Mr Beckman works in .A. AmericanB. EnglandC. FranceD. Canada( C )2.Mrs Beckman will go to London by .A. carB. trainC.planeD. bus( A )3. , so they can’t he lp their mother.A. The two children are too youngB. The two children like playingC. The two children are busyD. The two children want to rest( D )4. Thomas cried becauseA. Katy wasn’t friendly to himB. Katy ate his fruitC.Ka ty didn’t play with himD. Katy hurt him.( C )5.Thomas wanted .A. to forget the matterB. to make Katy angry.C. Katy to know pulling hair hurt.D. Katy to go in the houseBReading is a good habit, but the probl em is, there’s too much to read these days, and too little time to read every word of it. There are hundreds of skills (技巧) to help you read more in less time. Here are two skills that I think are very good.Preview —if it’s long and hard. Previewing is very useful for getting a general (概括性的) idea of heavy reading like long magazine articles and science reports.Here’s h ow to preview.●Read the first two paragraphs and the last two paragraphs (段落) carefully.●Then read only the first sentence of the other paragraphs.Previewing doesn’t give you all the details. It tells you not to spend time on things you don’t really want — or need — to read.Skim —if it’s short and simple. Skimming is a good way to get a general idea of light reading—like popular magazines or the sports of your daily paper.Here’s how to skim.●Get your eyes to move fast. Sweep them across each line.●Pick up only a few key words in each line.Everybody skims differently. You and I may not pick up the same words when we skim the same piece, but perhaps we’ll get the same idea of what it’s all about.6.How many skills are talked about in this passage?A.One. B.Two.C.Three. D.Four.7.What does the underlined word “preview” mean in Chinese?A.精读B.默读C.朗读D.略读8. ________ is a good way to get a general idea of light reading— like popular magazines or the sports of your daily paper.A PreviewingB SkimmingC Reading carefully D.Reading loudly9.What should we NOT do when we read the news about sports events in a daily paper according to the passage?A.Get our eyes to move fast.B.Read the last two paragraphs carefully.C.Sweep our eyes across each line.D.Pick up only a few key words in each line.10.What is the best title (标题) for this passage?A.Why we should read B.What to readC.When to read D.How to read fasterCSally was a student. It was going to be her mother’s bi rthday. She wanted to buy her a present that would be nice and useful but not expensive.She went shopping after a quick and simple lunch. After she looked for half an hour, she found a shop that was selling cheap umbrellas, and she decided to take a black one.She thought, “Mom can carry it when she is wearing clothes of any color.” So she bought a lovely black umbrella and took it to school with her until her class finished.On her way home on the train she felt hungry because she had so little for lunch. So she went to the buffet car (餐车). She left the umbrella on her seat. But when she got back, it had gone!Sally began to cry. The other passengers felt very sorry for her and asked what the matter was. She told them the black umbrella she bought for her mother had gone, and she had to get off at the next station. After the three passengers (乘客) heard this, they asked her for her mother’s address. They could send the umbrella to her if someone took it by mistake and brought it back.And now a week passed. Sally got a letter from her mother. It said “Thank you very much for your lovely gifts, but why do you send me three black umbrellas?”11.What kind of present did Sally want to buy for her mom?A.Beautiful and expensive. B.Useless and beautiful.C.Useful and expensive. D.Useful, beautiful and cheap. 12.Where did Sally find the umbrella was lost?A.On the train. B.In her school.C.At the train station. D.On her way to the train station.13. How many umbrellas did Sally’s mother get at l ast ?A OneB TwoC ThreeD Four14. What does the word “umbrella “ mean in Chinese ?A 雨衣B 雨伞C 雨鞋D 帽子15.The writer wants to tell us ______________.A.we should look after our things when we are travelingB.if we show our love to others, we can get love from othersC.we should often send our parents giftsD.it’s no use crying when we are in troubleD根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)A good breakfast is important. It is not hard to understand. You have had nothing to eat for about twelve hours all the night. Your body needs food for morning activities. One good breakfast should be rice or bread, an egg, milk and fruit. On a cold morning, a cup of hot drink is necessary. You must get up early to have enough(足够的)time to eat breakfast. A good breakfast helps you to be more healthy and also to work better and play more happily. All your day will be more fun after you have a good breakfast.(T )16 It’s important to have a good breakfast.(T )17 Rice and bread are good for breakfast.(T )18 A good breakfast is helpful to you.(T )19 It’s not good to go to school with no breakfast.(F )20 It’s not necessary to have a breakfast.四、根据句意和首字母完成下列单词。



7A Unit 3 Welcome to our school! 单元检测卷(D)一、听力测试(10分)A. 根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案( ) l. When does Tom go to the Computer Club?A. Every day.B. On Thursday.C. On Tuesday.( ) 2. How many grades are there in the boy's school?A. 12.B. 20.C. 21.( ) 3. What time does the boy go to school?A. At 6:30.B. At 7:00.C. At 7:30.( ) 4. What does the boy usually do on Wednesday afternoon?A. He plays volleyball.B. He plays table tennis.C. He watches TV. ( ) 5. What's Mike doing?A. He is watching TV.B. He is having a rest.C. He is reading a book.B. 根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案( ) 6. Where does Linda come from?A. England.B. Nanjing.C. The USA.( ) 7. Which class is Linda in?A. Class Seven.B. Class One.C. Class Two.( ) 8. How many students are there in Linda's class?A. Thirty.B. Twenty-six.C. Twenty-two.( ) 9. Who likes Linda very much?A. Her friends.B. A11 of her classmates.C. Her English teacher. ( )10. How long does it usually take Linda to do her homework?A. About an hour.B. About two hours.C. About three hours.二、单词辨音(5分)( ) 1. A. e-dog B. geography C. computer D. body( ) 2. A. ground B. cloudy C. house D. cousin( ) 3. A. phone B. front C. hope D. only( ) 4. A. match B. which C: schoolbag D. chicken( ) 5. A. enjoy B. exercise C. else D. letter( ) 6. A. show B. tomorrow C. slow D. now( ) 7. A. swimming B. time C. bike D. driver( ) 8. A. bring B. English C. thin D. sing( ) 9. A. master B. classroom C. glasses D. make( )10. A. away B. says C. way D. today三、词汇检测(10分)l. There are two big_______ (礼堂) near the school gate.2. Our classroom is very clean and_______ (明亮的). We all like studying in it.3. Where is the _______ (大门) to the park?4. Shirley has_______ (不多的) friends here, and she often feels unhappy.5. Tomorrow is Amy's birthday, _______ (因此) we want to have a big party for her.6._______(生物)is my favourite subject. I am good at it.7. Study hard, and then you are_______ (肯定) to be good at your subjects.8. -There are many _______ of books on your bookshelf.-Yes, Helen, you can read one if you like.9. -Do you keep a _______ every day?-Yes. I like writing down what I do every day.10. - _______? I didn't hear you.-I say if you are free tomorrow, can we go fishing together?四、句型转换(5分)1. My classroom is on the ground floor. (对画线部分提问)_______ _______ is your classroom on?2. The library is open from 7:30a. m. to 4:30p. m. (对画线部分提问)_______ _______ the library open?3. His father comes and visits our school on the Open Day. (对画线部分提问)_______ _______ and _______ your school on the Open Day?4. There are eighteen classrooms in the school. (对画线部分提问)_______ _______ classrooms are there in the school?5. The man in a blue shirt is our Geography teacher. (对画线部分提问)_______ the man in a blue shirt?五、单项填空(20分)( ) l. It takes us about _______ hour to get to Shanghai by _______ bus.A. a; anB. an; /C. a; /D. an; a( ) 2. Your iPad is very cheap. Where do you buy _______? I want to buy_______, too.A. one; oneB. it; itC. it; oneD. one; it( ) 3. I can't hear you_______ the phone.A. good onB. good overC. well onD. well in( ) 4. I live 200 metres(米)_______ the school.A. awayB. far awayC. far away fromD. away from( ) 5. Thank you for your help. -_______.A No, thanksB You're welcome C. It doesn't matter D. I'd like to( ) 6. I always do my homework in the evening. I don't have_______ time to watch TV.A. a lotB. manyC. a fewD. lots of( ) 7. Who do you want to talk with, _______ or_______?A. he; sheB. she; himC. him; herD. she; his( ) 8. The girl_______ a blue skirt_______ a pair of glasses.A. in; wearsB. with; withC. wears; wearsD. in; with( ) 9. There is no milk in the fridge, _______ you have to buy some.A. andB. soC. orD. but( )10. These are e-dogs. Please give_______ to_______.A their; it; them B. her; them; hers C. his; it; him D. my; them; me( )11. Timmy, _______ his father, _______ playing badminton.A. likes; is likeB. like; doesn't likeC. is like; doesn't likeD. likes; doesn't like( )12. My mother_______ at weekends.A. enjoys go shoppingB. enjoy going shoppingC. enjoys to go shopD. enjoys going shopping( )13. Thank you for_______ me around your school.A. showingB. to showC. showsD. shoe( )14. Let you and_______ friends.A. I amB. I areC. me areD. me be( )15. There are some pictures_______ the wall. Are there any windows_______ it?A. on; onB. in; onC. on; inD. in; in( )16. Mr Li teaches(教) _______ English. We all like_______.A. us; heB. our; hisC. our; himD. us; him( ) 17. -_______ floor does your brother live_______? -Sorry, I don't know.A. Which; inB. Where; inC. Where;/D. Which; on( )18. Andy is my brother,_______ often takes_______ dog for a walk.A. He; hisB. He's; hisC. He; himD. His; he( )19.I_______ carefully(仔细地),but I can't_______ anything.A. listen; hearB. listen; listenC. hear; listenD. listen to; hear( )20. -The dress looks so beautiful. May I try it on(试穿)?-OK, _______.Here is a room for you.A. that's rightB. this way, pleaseC. I'm sorryD. all right六、动词填空(10分)l. There_______ (be) some milk and some apples on the table.2. My brother is good at_______ (fly) kites. What about you?3. We need_______ (study) hard to make our country stronger.4. It takes Tom twenty minutes_______ (draw) every evening.5. Let Millie_______ (look) after your dog, OK?6. The twins don't know how_______ (get) to Huangshanhu Park.7. _______ (not be) late for school next time, Tony.8.-Who_______ (wear)a pair of glasses? -Many students do.9. My mother_______ (not be) happy. She doesn't feel well.10. Thank you for_______ (bring) me a birthday cake on your way back.七、句子翻译(10分)1.你可以在这个新式的书店发现各种各样的书。

牛津译林版英语七年级上册7A Unit 3 单元综合测试题(含答案)

牛津译林版英语七年级上册7A Unit 3 单元综合测试题(含答案)

7A Unit 3 单元综合测试题一、选择填空。

(15分)( )1.Welcome _________ Sunshine Middle School, boys and girls!A. toB. /C. atD. of( )2. --- What’s the date today?--- It’s____________ .A. SundayB. On SundayC. 9 SeptemberD. on September 9( )3.--- Don’t stand _________ me. I can’t see the blackboard.--- I’m sorry.A. nextB. behindC. in the front ofD. in front of( )4.My sister ________ home at 5:00 p.m. every day.A. getsB. gets toC. getD. get to( )5.Please write and tell us ________ your new classmates.A. forB. aboutC. ofD. from( )6.Don’t worry!Let me_________ you after _________ .A. help; a classB. help; classC. to help; the classD. to class; class( )7.There is a picture________ the wall and there two windows_______ the wall.A. in ; inB. on; onC. on; inD. in; on( )8.Now please look _________ the picture and listen ________ me.A. at; atB. at; toC. to; atD. to; to( )9.Thanks for _________ me.A. helpingB. helpsC. helpD. to help( )10._______ name is Tom.______ is a boy in Class One.A. My; IB. His ; HeC. Her; SheD. Your; You( )11.There are many oranges here. You can take ________ if you like.A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little( )12.He is young__________ he knows a lot about Chinese geography.A. butB. andC. soD. or( )13.--- Do you want _________ at five in the afternoon?---- Sure.A.get homeB. get to schoolC. to go thereD. to go to there( )14.The shop near our school_______ at eight in the morning and it ________ for twelvehours a day.A. is open ; opensB.opens ;is openC. is opening ; is openD. opens; is opening( )15.选出一下四个选项中划线部分发音不同的选项。



2019-2020年七年级(上)第三次段考地理试卷一、选择题(每小题2分,共24分)1.上课铃响了,几个同学满头大汗跑进教室,老师说:通常这个时候是一天中气温最高的时候,要注意防暑.这节课上课的时间最有可能是()A.10点B.12点C.14点D.16点2.中纬度与低纬度,中纬度与高纬度的分界纬线是()A.0°和30°纬线 B.30°和60°纬线C.0°和60°纬线 D.60°和30°纬线3.亚洲与非洲的分界线是()A.巴拿马运河B.苏伊士运河C.白令海峡 D.直布罗陀海峡4.甲地比海平面高出1700米,乙地比海平面高出800米,甲、乙两地的相对高度是()A.1700米B.800米C.900米D.2500米5.图中表示山脊的是()A.B. C.D.6.下列词语中,用于描述气候的是()A.风和日丽 B.终年炎热 C.阴转多云 D.电闪雷鸣7.在五带中,既无太阳直射又无极昼极夜的是()A.热带 B.北温带C.北寒带D.南寒带8.“人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开”的主要原因是()A.纬度因素 B.地形 C.海陆因素 D.洋流因素9.某山山脚下温度为22℃,山顶温度为10℃,这座山相对高度为()A.600米B.3666米C.200米D.xx米10.六大板块之中,范围几乎全部是海洋的是()A.太平洋板块B.印度洋板块C.大西洋板块D.北冰洋板块11.世界上火山、地震主要集中分布在()A.海洋的边缘B.高山、高原上C.大洋的中央地带D.板块与板块交界的地带12.降水的主要形式是()A.降雨 B.降雪 C.降雹 D.露二、综合分析题(每空1分,共16分)13.读城市天气预报图回答:(1)晴转多云的城市是.(2)晴转阵雨的城市是.(3)多云转晴的城市是.(4)有雷雨的城市是.(5)香港的天气是.(6)台北的天气是.(7)A海区风力为级,风向为.B海区风力为,风向为.14.读“世界年降水量分布”图,完成下列问题.(1)与两极相比,赤道附近降水(多或少),达到.(2)B地降水量,A、B两地,年降水较多的是(填字母),显示出回归线附近的大陆(东或西)岸降水多.(3)C、D两地都位于(填高、中、低纬度)地区,其中年降水较少的是地.(4)降水量最少的大洲是.(5)世界的雨极是,世界的干极是.xx学年广东省揭阳市揭西县棉湖中学七年级(上)第三次段考地理试卷参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(每小题2分,共24分)1.上课铃响了,几个同学满头大汗跑进教室,老师说:通常这个时候是一天中气温最高的时候,要注意防暑.这节课上课的时间最有可能是()A.10点B.12点C.14点D.16点【考点】气温的变化及其变化曲线图.【分析】气温指空气的温度,测量气温的仪器为温度计,对气温的观测一天要进行3~4次,再计算平均值.【解答】解:一天中气温最高值出现在14时,最低值出现在日出前后.故选项C符合题意.故选:C.【点评】本题主要考查气温的日变化.该知识点是重点内容,请识记.2.中纬度与低纬度,中纬度与高纬度的分界纬线是()A.0°和30°纬线B.30°和60°纬线C.0°和60°纬线D.60°和30°纬线【考点】经度与纬度的划分.【分析】在地球仪上,能画出无数条纬线,为了区分各条纬线,人们给它们标了度数,叫纬度.低纬度的范围为0°﹣30°,中纬度的范围为30°﹣60°,高纬度的发范围为60°﹣90°.【解答】解:低纬度的范围为0°﹣30°,中纬度的范围为30°﹣60°,高纬度的发范围为60°﹣90°;故选项A、C、D不符合题意;选项B符合题意.故选:B.【点评】勾画高低中纬的范围,观察其分界线.3.亚洲与非洲的分界线是()A.巴拿马运河B.苏伊士运河C.白令海峡 D.直布罗陀海峡【考点】洲界线.【分析】全球陆地共有七大洲,即亚洲、欧洲、非洲、北美洲、南美洲、大洋洲、南极洲.他们之间有的相连,有的被海峡分割.亚洲与非洲的分界线是苏伊士运河.【解答】解:亚洲与非洲的分界线是苏伊士运河.故选:B.【点评】本题考查了的是洲与洲之间的分界线,属于基础题目.学生最好是把名称落实到图上记忆.4.甲地比海平面高出1700米,乙地比海平面高出800米,甲、乙两地的相对高度是()A.1700米B.800米C.900米D.2500米【考点】海拔和相对高度及其估算.【分析】海拔和相对高度是地面高度的计算常用方法.【解答】解:某点高出另一点的垂直距离是相对高度.计算两地的相对高度是1700米﹣800米=900米.故选:C.【点评】根据相对高度的含义计算即可.5.图中表示山脊的是()A.B. C.D.【考点】等高线地形图的判读.【分析】在等高线地形图上,等高线闭合且等高线数值中间高四周低则为山顶;两山顶之间相对低洼的部位为鞍部;高线闭合且等高线数值中间低四周高则为盆地;等高线向海拔低处凸为山脊;等高线向海拔高出凸为山谷.【解答】解:A、等高线闭合且等高线数值中间高四周低则为山顶,故不符合题意;B、高线闭合且等高线数值中间低四周高则为盆地,故不符合题意;C、等高线向海拔高出凸为山谷,故不符合题意;D、等高线向海拔低处凸为山脊,故符合题意.故选:D.【点评】考查了对等高线地形图的判读.要识别等高线地形图上海拔变化规律与地形名称之间的对应关系.6.下列词语中,用于描述气候的是()A.风和日丽 B.终年炎热 C.阴转多云 D.电闪雷鸣【考点】天气与气候的区别.【分析】天气是指某个地方距离地表较近的大气层在短时间内的具体状况,特点是多变;气候是指一个地方多年的天气平均状况,具有相对的稳定性.【解答】解:风和日丽、阴转多云、电闪雷鸣都是某个地方短时间内的阴晴、雨雪等状况,属于天气;终年炎热表示的是某个地方多年的天气平均状况,具有相对的稳定性,属于气候.故选:B.【点评】本题考查了天气与气候的区别,解答的关键是要找出二者的区别.7.在五带中,既无太阳直射又无极昼极夜的是()A.热带 B.北温带C.北寒带D.南寒带【考点】昼夜长短变化和四季形成的基本原理.【分析】习惯上,人们根据各地获得太阳光热的多少,以及是否有太阳光线的垂直照射、是否有极昼极夜现象,将地球表面划分为五带.【解答】解:A.热带有太阳直射现象.故不符合题意.B.北温带既无太阳直射又无极昼极夜现象.故符合题意.C.北寒带有极昼极夜现象.故不符合题意.D.南寒带有极昼极夜现象.故不符合题意.故选:B.【点评】本题主要考查地球上五带的划分.温带地区无太阳直射又无极昼极夜现象,四季分明.8.“人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开”的主要原因是()A.纬度因素 B.地形 C.海陆因素 D.洋流因素【考点】天气、气候对生产、生活的影响.【分析】影响气候的因素主要有:纬度位置、海陆位置、地形、洋流、人类活动等.地形对气候的影响主要表现为随着海拔的升高气温降低,降水也会出现相应的变化.【解答】解:“人间四月芳菲尽”指的是山脚下或平原地区,由于温度较高,花开较早,而“山寺”之中由于海拔较高,温度较低,花开较晚.因此形成“人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开”现象的主要原因是地形因素.故选:B.【点评】该题考查影响气候的因素.9.某山山脚下温度为22℃,山顶温度为10℃,这座山相对高度为()A.600米B.3666米C.200米D.xx米【考点】影响气候的主要因素;海拔和相对高度及其估算.【分析】依据地形地势对气候的影响来解答此题.【解答】解:依据同一地形区,海拔越高气温越低,海拔每上升一百米,气温下降0.6℃的规律,我们先计算出两地的气温差22℃﹣10℃=12℃,用气温差除以0.6℃再乘以100就可以计算出两地的海拔高度差,12℃÷0.6℃×100=xx米,由此得出山脚和山顶的相对高度是xx米.故选:D.【点评】考查了如何根据气温差来计算出两地的相对高度,考试常见题目,难度适中.10.六大板块之中,范围几乎全部是海洋的是()A.太平洋板块B.印度洋板块C.大西洋板块D.北冰洋板块【考点】六大板块及其示意图.【分析】板块构造学说认为,地球的岩石圈是由板块拼合而成的.全球主要有六大板块,其中太平洋板块几乎全部是海洋,其余板块既包括大陆,又包括海洋.【解答】解:六大板块之中,范围几乎全部是海洋的是太平洋板块.故选:A.【点评】本题考查六大板块的分布,属于基础题目.11.世界上火山、地震主要集中分布在()A.海洋的边缘B.高山、高原上C.大洋的中央地带D.板块与板块交界的地带【考点】火山、地震分布与板块运动的关系.【分析】地质学家经过长期研究,又提出了板块构造学说.板块构造学说认为,地球岩石圈是由板块拼合而成的.全球主要有六大板块,其中太平洋板块几乎全部是海洋,其余板块既包括大陆,又包括海洋.【解答】解:海洋与陆地的相对位置是不断变化的.一般来说,板块的内部比较稳定,板块与板块交界的地带,有的张裂拉伸,有的碰撞挤压,地壳比较活跃.故选:D.【点评】地球表面形态处于永不停息的运动与变化之中.地震和火山活动能够在很短的时间内改变地表的形态.12.降水的主要形式是()A.降雨 B.降雪 C.降雹 D.露【考点】降水的类型及其区别.【分析】从云雾中降落到地面的液态水或固态水统称为降水,它包括雨、雪、冰雹等多种不同的表现形式.【解答】解:降水的主要形式,包括雨、雪、冰雹等,其中最主要的形式是降雨,能占到降水的80%以上.故选项B、C、D都不符合题意.故选:A.【点评】考查降水的形式,要理解记忆.二、综合分析题(每空1分,共16分)13.读城市天气预报图回答:(1)晴转多云的城市是合肥.(2)晴转阵雨的城市是海口.(3)多云转晴的城市是厦门.(4)有雷雨的城市是福州.(5)香港的天气是多云转小雨.(6)台北的天气是多云.(7)A海区风力为六级,风向为东南.B海区风力为八,风向为南.【考点】常用天气符号与天气图.【分析】根据熟知常见的天气符号回答.【解答】解:读图,合肥天气为晴转多云,海口为晴转阵雨,厦门为多云转晴,香港为多云转小雨,台北为多云;读图,可知A海区为东南风六级,B海区南风八级.故答案为:(1)合肥;(2)海口;(3)厦门;(4)福州;(5)多云转小雨;(6)多云;(7)六;东南;八;南.【点评】此题考查的知识点简单,多结合教材熟练记忆常见的天气符号含义.14.读“世界年降水量分布”图,完成下列问题.(1)与两极相比,赤道附近降水多(多或少),达到xx毫米以上.(2)B地降水量200毫米以下,A、B两地,年降水较多的是A(填字母),显示出回归线附近的大陆东(东或西)岸降水多.(3)C、D两地都位于中纬度(填高、中、低纬度)地区,其中年降水较少的是D 地.(4)降水量最少的大洲是南极洲.(5)世界的雨极是乞拉朋齐,世界的干极是阿塔卡马沙漠.【考点】世界主要气候类型及其分布概况.【分析】世界各地的降水分布很不均衡.多雨的地方,年平均降水量可超过10000毫米.少雨的区域,有时多年滴雨不下.在世界年平均降水量分布图上,可了解到世界降水的地理分布.【解答】解:(1)受纬度因素影响,赤道附近降水多,年降水量在xxmm以上;两极地区降水少,年降水量不足200mm.(2)回归线穿过的大陆内部和西部降水少,东岸降水多.如图B地的降水量在200毫米以下.而A的降水量在500﹣1000毫米之间.(3)C、D两地位于中纬度地区,受海陆因素影响,D大陆内部降水少,C沿海地区降水多.(4)南极洲的年平均降水量仅为55毫米,是地球上降水最少的大陆,而且降水几乎全部是雪.(5)印度的乞拉朋齐位于喜马拉雅山南坡,多降地形雨,且降雨量极大,多年平均年降雨量11684毫米,被称为“世界雨极”.位于智利北部的阿塔卡马沙漠,被称为世界的“干极”,该地区气候极其干燥,经常连续几年不降雨水,是世界上最为干燥少雨的地方.故答案为:(1)多;xx毫米以上;(2)200毫米以下;A;东;(3)中纬度;D;(4)南极洲;(5)乞拉朋齐;阿塔卡马沙漠.【点评】考查世界的降水规律,要理解记忆.37290 91AA 醪36313 8DD9 跙IV21748 54F4 哴27383 6AF7 櫷DR32656 7F90 羐39354 99BA 馺21578 544A 告28807 7087 炇P30424 76D8 盘。



2019-2020学年度第二学期第三次阶段检测七年级地理考试形式:开卷 总分30分1. 寒假里的小明随父母到悉尼旅游,回来后和同学们介绍他的所见所闻时,不可信的信息是( ) A 在澳大利亚国徽上有袋鼠和鸸鹋。

B 南回归线横穿澳大利亚的中部。

C 一下飞机寒风刺骨、大雪纷飞。

D 悉尼歌剧院建筑很有风格,像贝壳一样。

2. 下列动物中,不属于澳大利亚特有的是:A .考拉B .琴鸟C .鸭嘴兽D .斑马3. 澳大利亚的首都是( )A .悉尼B .堪培拉C .珀斯D .墨尔本卞卡的祖父是非洲黑人,祖母是欧洲白人,妈妈是印第安人,卞卡说:“在我们国家,像我这样的家庭很多。


4. 请判断卞卡可能是下列哪个国家的公民?( )A .印度B .日本C .俄罗斯D .巴西 5. 卞卡所在的国家当前主要面临的生态灾害问题是( )。

A .大片热带雨林被砍伐B .多火山、地震C .沙尘暴肆虐D .水旱灾害频发6. 巴西的里约热内卢获得了2016年第31届夏季奥运会的举办权,这将是奥运会首次在拉丁美洲举行。

下列有关巴西的叙述,正确的是( )。

A .巴西是拉丁美洲面积最大、人口最多的国家B .巴西有世界上最高的高原C .巴西以黑种人为主D .里约热内卢是巴西的首都 7. 世界最大的淡水湖是( )A.里海B.苏必利尔湖C.安大略湖D.贝加尔湖8. 每年2月下旬,巴西各地都要举行盛大的庆祝活动,人们载歌载舞,通宵达旦,这一节日是巴西著名的( )A.母亲节B.狂欢节C.父亲节D.足球比赛节 9. 位于美国墨西哥沿岸的农业带是( )A.棉花带B.玉米带C.小麦区D.亚热带作物带10. 拉丁美洲是指( )A.巴拿马运河以南的美洲部分B.巴拿马以南的美洲地区C.美国以南的美洲地区D.墨西哥以南的美洲地区 11. 美国位于太平洋中的州是( )A. 哥伦比亚特区B.夏威夷州C. 阿拉斯加州D.加利福尼亚州美国农业生产的显著特点是:根据不同地区的自然条件,发展不同的农业生产,实现农业生产地区专业化和整个生产过程高度机械化。




〔一共10小题,计10分〕〔〕1 Is it Anna’s model plane?A No, it isn’t .B Yes, it is.C We don’t know.( ) 2 Where is the banana?A On the deskB On the tableC On the chair( ) 3 What does Tom’s sister have?A. A baseball B A basketballC A volleyball( ) 4 What does Eric like?A VolleyballB BasketballC Soccer制卷人:歐陽文化、歐陽理複;制卷時間:二O二二年二月七日( ) 5 What does Bob like?A HamburgersB ApplesC Eggs( ) 6 What does Tom have?A A yellow pencilB A red pencilC A black pencil( ) 7 where’s Tom’s pencil?A On his deskB In his pencil boxC In his schoolbag( ) 8 Who has a ping-pong bat?A DaleB GraceC Bill( ) 9 Who likes ping-pong ?A Dale’s sisterB Grace’s sisterC Grace ( )10 What sport does Grace like ?A Ping-pongB VolleyballC Soccer第二节反响根据你所听到的内容,从所给的A,B,C三个选项里面选出一个最正确答语。





























4.长津湖的经纬度位置大约为()A.40°30'N,127°12'E B.40°30'S,127°12'WC.40°07'N,124°23'E D.40°30'N,127°12'W5.长津湖位于()A.北半球和西半球B.北半球和东半球C.南半球和西半球D.南半球和东半球寒食节是中国历史上的重要传统节日,在清明节前一至两天(每年4月4日前后),至今已有2600多年的历史。

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( )1.What is the woman’s lunch?A B C ( )2.What are they talking about?A B C ( )3.What are they talking about?A B C ( )4.What does the man need?A B C ( )5.What does the girl like eating best?A B CB)听对话选择合适的答句。


( )6.How much is the pen?A.$50B.$30.C.$13.( )7.What does the woman think of the pen?A. It’s too cheap.B. It’s too old.C.It’s too expensive.听第二段对话回答第8-10三小题。

( )8.How much is the green skirt?A.Four yuan.B.Fourteen yuan.C.Forty yuan. ( )9.What’s wrong with the red skirt?A.It’s too big.B.It’s too small.C.It’s too expensive. ( )10.When will the woman come to the shop again?A.Next Wednesday.B.Next Thursday.C.Next Friday.C) 听短文回答问题。

( )11.Who does Mr Green go to the shop with?A.Mrs GreenB.His son(儿子)C.His father ( )12.Who does Mr Green want to buy a new blouse for? A.Bill’s mother. B.Bill C.His daughter. ( )13.What does Bill like?A.He likes all the things.B.He likes the new blouse.C.He likes oranges.( )14.What does Bill want to buy?A.Some pictures.B.Some picture books and colored(彩色的) pencils.C.Some oranges.( )15.Who can you see in the shop?A.Only children.B.Only women.C.Many people.二.单项选择。

(每小题1分,共15分)16.——Thank you very much for giving me a beautiful gift.——_______________.A.Of courseB. You are welcomeC. It doesn’t matterD.Sure17.Do you have a book different _________mine?A.toB. ofC. fromD. about18.——Would you like __________ bread to eat?——No, thanks. I don’t want_________, I’m full.A.any;anyB.any;someC.some;anyD.some;some19.——Is it good ________us _________ more fruit?——Sure. It’s healthy.A.to; to eatB.for; eatingC.for; to eatD.of; to eat20.The little girl seldom eats snacks__________sweets and cakes.A.likesB.likeC.likingD. are like21.The pair of shoes fits me well. Can I ______________?A.try on itB. try it onC.try them onD.try on then22.——How do you go to work every day, Mr. Green?——___________________.A.By a busB. On a busC.Take busD.In car.23——____________ meat do we need for our party?——Three kilos are enough.A.How muchB.How many kilosC. How manyD.How heavy24.If we don’t have good________,we should eat more _________food.A. healthy; healthB.health; healthC.health; healthyD.healthy;healthy25.——Can I help you?——_________________.A.Yes,you can help me.B.I’m looking for a gift for me friend.C.It doesn’t matter.D.Yes, thanks.26.All of us are _________ in this film. It’s ______________.A.interested; interestedB.interesting; interestedC.interested; interestingD.interesting; interesting27.There ______ some fish swimming in the river.A.areB. beC. isD.have28.It’s time______ us __________ an English lesson.A.to;to haveB.to;haveC.for;to haveD.for;have29.Look! How happy the little boy ________!A.is lookingB. looksC.lookD. is look30.——________ girl is your friend?——The girl in a red T—shirt.A.WhoB.WhatC.WhichD.Whose三.完型填空。

(每小题1分,共10分)A woman is going shopping. She is going 1 boat. The boat is going across(穿过)the river. Her basket is empty(空的). Oh dear! Look! Her basket is in the 2 .“Help!”she says.“Look! My basket is in the river.”A boy sees the basket. He says, “Don’t worry! I can 3 it! I’m a very good swimmer.”He takes off(脱下)his shoes and shirt. “Look 4 my shirt and shoes, please!” he says and then jumps(跳)into the river.A 5 sees the basket. “I can go by basket!” it thinks. It gets to the basket. The boy 6 in the river. “Where’s the basket?”he calls:“It’s over there!”calls the woman. “It’s behind you!” It’s 7 that duck! The boy gets to the basket.“Go away!”he says to the duck. The duck 8 out of the basket and swims away. The boy takes the basket to the land. “Oh, thank you!” says the woman. “Thank you very much!”“Not at all!” says the boy.“9 you like to give me my shirt and shoes?”“Yes, here you are. Oh, what’s in the basket? It’s the duck’s 10 .”( )31.A.by B.at C.in D.on( )32.A.water B. boat C. ship D. tree( )33.A.clean B. buy C. do D. get( )34.A.after B. at C. for D. like( )35.A.dog B. chicken C. duck D. monkey( )36.A.is fishing B. is swimming C. is playing D. is flying( )37.A.beside B. under C. on D. behind( )38.A.climbs B. comes C. jumps D. walks( )39.A.Are B. Do C. Would D. Could( )40.A.meat B. hair C. hand D. egg四.阅读理解。

(每小题1分,共15分)(A)All students need to have good habits(好习惯): When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly. You also remember them easily.Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better.Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light(台灯)is important, too. You’ll feel tired easily i f there is not enough light(光线). ( ) 41. When you have good study habits, you will ___________.A. learn things quicklyB. remember things easilyC. think about one thingD. both A and B( ) 42. The living-room is not a good place for study because it is too_________.A. quietB. noisyC. goodD. clean( ) 43. You’ll feel tired easily if the light is__________- .A. goodB. not enoughC. enoughD. wonderful( ) 44. You should remember to ___________before you study.A. clean the deskB. tidy the roomC. turn on the lightD. go to the bedroom( ) 45. The best title(标题)for this passage(文章)is ________.A. Study in the bedroomB. Good study habitsC. How to studyD. Desk light is important(重要的)(B)American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms(学期) in a school year. The first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish(完成) high school.High school students take only four or five subjects(学科) each term. They usually go to the same classes every day, and they have homework for every class. After class they do many interesting things.After high school, many students go to college(大学). They can go to a small one or a large one. They usually have to give a lot of money. So many college students work after class to get the money for their studies.( )46. How long is each term?A. Two months.B. Three months.C. Four months.D. Five months.( )47. How old are the students when they graduate(毕业) from high school?A. Five years old.B. Seven or eight years old.C. Seventeen or eighteen years old.D. Twenty years old.( )48. How many subjects do the high school students have each term?A. Three or four.B. Five or six.C. Six or seven.D. Four or five.( )49. What do many of the high school students do after they graduate according to(根据) this passage?A. Many of them stay at home.B. Many of them go to work.C. Many of them go to college.D. We don't know.( )50. What do many college students do after class in America?A. Many of them read books after class.B. Many of them go to work to get money for their studies.C. Many of them go to parties.D. Many of them go out with their friends.( C)Most cities and towns in China have night markets. During the day, these streets are quiet. At night, they become crowded(拥挤的) and lively. Usually, people get there at three or four in the afternoon. By 6:00, the streets are like rivers of people. Night markets are fun places to shop. You can buy clothes, shoes, and many other things. If you think the price is too high, you can bargain with the shopkeeper. You can also buy nice food. When you are hungry, you can sit down for a meal. Smelly(有臭味的) tofu is popular, but it really smells bad! The best thing is, everything at night markets is cheap!( ) 51.We can find night markets __________.A. only in the countrysideB. in every town in ChinaC. in a supermarketD. in most cities and towns( ) 52. What's the meaning of the word "bargain" in the passage?A.付款B.讨价还价C.争吵D.打架( ) 53. What's the meaning of "smelly tofu"?A.豆腐B. 臭豆腐C.香干D.麻辣烫( ) 54. Choose the best title(标题) of this article?A. Shopping MallB. Night ShoppingC. MarketsD. Night Markets( ) 55. The beat advantage(优势)of night markets is _______________.A. you can eat delicious foodB. you can buy different thingsC. you can walk aroundD. you can have a good time without paying too much money.第二卷(非选择题 共45分)五.词汇。
