SKF TIH 220m大型感应式加热器 说明书

符合欧盟电气产品条例的声明 ...............................................................................................4 安全需知 ..................................................................................................................................5 1. 简介 .....................................................................................................................................6
2006 年 12 月,荷兰
Sebastien David 产品开发与质量经理
TIH 220m
由于 TIH 220m 加热器在工作时会产生磁场,因此在使用时,带心脏起博器的人不可以站 在距加热器周围 5 米范围内。另外一些电子产品,如手表,也会受到电磁场的影响。
在加热过程中,请保持距离工件、加热器线圈或铁芯 50cm 确的电源电压。 在 TIH 220m 加热器和被加热的工件之间存在电位时,有可能产生电弧。但这对人体没危
TIH 220m
把要加热的工件套在电磁感应线圈上,这样的设计提高了加热效率,减少了能耗,更快地加 热,从而降低加热每一套轴承所需的成本。 可折叠的支撑地脚 为了能支撑套在电磁感应线圈上的大型轴承,TIH 220m 电磁感应加热器采用了可折叠的三脚支 撑结构。参见本说明书最前面的示意图。 滑动磁轭 在将轴承套上电磁感应线圈或者是挂在磁轭上时,为便于操作,TIH 220m 的大尺寸的磁轭配有 滑动装置。 磁轭存储室 小尺寸的磁轭可以放在加热器的磁轭存储室里。磁轭存储室位于折叠支撑脚的后面。参见本说 明书开始时的示意图。

●品种、规格●RJD-25/1140(660)1.2执行标准及特征1.2.1 型号的组成及其代表意义R J D -25/1140(660)电压等级额定功率制氮装置用隔爆兼增安加热器1.2.2 执行标准执行标准为Q/SMY2222-2015;GB3836-2010。

JR—0.432 型电加热器使用说明书目录用途、基本参数和结构说明1. 用途2. 基本参数3. 结构概述二、使用与维护说明1. 使用说明2. 工作时维护三、设备保温用途、基本参数和结构说明1. 用途本产品用于空分设备的纯化器,系利用电加热发热元件(点加热管),来加热气体(污氮气),用于再生纯化器分子筛。
2. 基本参数3. 结构概述:加热器发热元件由15根不锈钢外壳的棒状电加热管组成,通过管板,折流板将其固定在加热器中。
二、使用与维护说明1. 使用说明:(1)工作前先检查加热器是否漏气,特别是接线柱部分,如有漏气先消除后再使用。
(2)使用检查接地装置是否可靠(3)使用前对电热管进行绝缘检查,其对地绝缘电阻<1M p ,否则将电热管在150~200C左右烘箱内干燥7~8小时,使其绝缘达到要求后,才能使用。
2. 工作时维护:(1)本加热器必须先通入气源,在气量达到要求,流速稳定后才可通电,决不可在未通气或气量极少的情况下,开启加热器,以免因电加热管过热而损坏。

爆炸性气体混合物的分级、分组举例见表1(Exd Ⅰ适用于煤矿和井下,主要气体为甲烷)。
在电动机的铭牌上还设有防爆标志,其意义举例如下:Ex d ⅡB T4││││││││标志(防爆)────┘││└─────温度组别(T4)││││电气设备防爆型式(隔爆型) ────┘└──电气设备类别级别(Ⅱ类B级) 2.电动机型号及代表意义1.本说明书适用于下列型号电动机YB、YBS、YBP、YBD、YB-H及环境代号(W、TH、THW、TA、TAW、T、TW、WF1)系列电动机。
其中电动机型号代号:Y——表示:异步电动机;B——表示:隔爆型;S——表示:水冷;P——表示:变频;D——表示:多速;H——表示:船用;环境代号:W——表示:户外;TH——表示:湿热带;THW ——表示:户外湿热带TA——表示:干热带;TAW——表示:户外干热带;T——表示:热带;TW——表示:户外热带;WF1——户外中等防腐;2.电动机型号代表意义示例:Y B 560 M 1 4 W││││││││││││││异步──┘│││││└───特殊环境代号(户外型)│││││隔爆型────┘│││└─────极数(4极)│││机座的中心高──────┘│└───────1号铁心长└─────────机座长度(M表长机座)3.电动机的使用条件3.1电动机使用环境条件:3.1.1海拔不超过1000m。

目录一、安全简介 (3)二、产品简介 (4)1、产品编号含义 (4)2、产品适用范围: (4)3、产品电源: (4)三、产品技术条件 (5)1、产品技术参数: (5)2、净油指标: (5)四、产品组成 (5)1、产品工作流程: (6)1.1产品流程原理图:见附录二。
(6)1.2流程图符号功能说明表: (6)1.3滤油机的工作流程: (7)2、电气控制系统: (8)2.1产品电气原理图. 见附录三 (9)2.4符号表: (9)2.5主要控制功能: (9)2.6控制面板 (10)五、产品操作 (11)1、准备工作: (11)1.1安装:将设备平稳地放置在水平地面上。
(11)1.2接电源缆线(要求达到防爆要求): (11)2、滤油操作: (12)六、产品维护与保养 (14)1、整机的维护与保养: (14)2、聚结滤油的正确使用: (14)七、产品故障与排除 (16)1、简单的故障现象 (16)2、故障诊断和排除: (16)附录一、防爆技术说明 (18)附录二、产品流程原理图 (20)尊敬的用户,首先感谢您使用本公司产品,在安装,使用产品前,请仔细阅读本说明书,未详细阅读不可操作设备,对由于未能遵守操作而导致的损坏,我们不承担任何责任和维护,违反操作规程会缩短滤油机使用寿命或危及您的生命财产。
概述:1.使用滤油机前请务必祥读使用说明,并按照说明书要求进行操作;2.设备必须采用三相五线外接电源,其外接防爆电源线所承载的电流应大于设备铭牌标注的总功率的要求,推荐3×1.5 mm2+2×1.5mm2。

4.3.3膨胀槽严禁安装在电加热器及其它设备的正上方,其底部与系统的最高点垂直距离应不小于1.5米(小型的除外)。膨胀管应联接在距离电加热器1.5米以内的回油管路上(图1所示) ,且膨胀管上不得设置阀门,不得有缩径部分,不作保温。膨胀管需要转弯时,其弯曲角度不宜小于120度。
4.4.3在整个加热系统安装,试压完成后即可进行注油,注油时能够在膨胀槽注油盖处注油,注油时打开系统中所有的阀门(放油口除外) ,将导热油徐徐由膨胀槽向系统内注入。
( 2)升温至150—180℃保温,排除油中轻组分、挥发物及残余水分,请参照脱水曲线图(图2)进行操作。
( 3)排气脱水完成后应关闭辅助排气管阀,打开排气阀方可投入正常升温运行。
( 1)升温过程中管路可能会发出碰击的响声,说明系统内有大量的气体或管道不畅,此时应降低升温速度,待气体排除即可消除声响。

客车电加热器使用说明书一. 技术参数1.环境温度:-40℃~+40℃ 2.海拔高度:≤2500m 3.相对湿度:≤90%(该月平均温度25℃以下) 4.额定工作电压:AC220V 50Hz 5. 额定功率与规格尺寸:二. 工作原理电加热器加热部件采用U 型金属管状电加热元件,每台电加热器安装两根U 型金属管状电热元件,分别接在四位接线端子上,可分两路在外部控制;也可一路控制,需将两根电热元件并接在一起。
三. 安装与接线打开电加热器的罩板,电加热器的背板有两个安装孔,可将电加热器固定在墙壁上,电加热器距地面不小于20cm ,上端距障碍物的距离不小于40cm ,以保证空气的流通。
图1 电气原理图 四. 接地电加热器不带电金属外壳应接地保护,金属外壳有接地标识。
五. 安全防范注意事项1.按照额定工作电压接线。
9. 电加热器停止使用时,应切断电源。

YB2系列高压隔爆型(ExdⅡCT4)三相异步电动机(机座号355~560)使用说明书江苏锡安达防爆股份有限公司2009年9月20日电话:*************、83591777、83591666厂址:无锡市惠山经济开发区张村路8号1.概述1.1本说明书适用于YB2-355~560系列高压隔爆型三相异步电动机(以下简称电动机),该电动机防爆性能执行GB3836.2-2000《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备 第2部分 隔爆型“d” 》的规定,电气性能执行Q/320206JLAB02-2009的规定,电动机制成隔爆型,防爆标志为ExdⅡCT4〈H2〉,适用于具有引燃温度组别为T1~T4组的可燃性气体或蒸气与空气形成的爆炸性气体混合物(H2)的场所。
1.2 电动机执行标准:GB3836.1 爆炸气体性环境用电气设备第1部分:通用要求GB3836.2 爆炸气体性环境用电气设备第2部分:隔爆型“d”Q/320206JLAB02-2009 YB2系列高压隔爆型(ExdⅡCT4)三相异步电动机技术条件1.3 电动机型号的含义:YB2 – 450 2 – 4 WW—户外型 隔爆型异步电动机 TH—湿热带中心高 TA—干热带 铁心长度代号 极数1.4 电动机的防爆标志位于铭牌及接线盒上,铭牌上防爆等级代号含义如下:Ex d ⅡC T4 (H2)含氢气混合物的环境防爆标志温度组别T4隔爆型Ⅱ类厂用、C级1.5 电动机适用于下列工作条件:1.5.1额定电压:3000V±5%、6000V±5%或10000V±5%,具体见电机铭牌;1.5.2额定频率:50Hz±1%或60Hz±1%;1.5.3 环境空气最高温度:随季节而变化,但不超过40°C;1.5.4 环境空气最低温度为-20℃。
LMK Thermosafe型号CD016-4 ThermaSafe 热电感应加热器说明书

In general the more the magnetic material within the heater, the lower the current that will be drawn.
This is a Class II Appliance ie."double-insulated", and no earth is required. However, in order to provide adequate protection of the flexible cable normally supplied with the heater, that cable's outer metallic sheath must be earthed by either conduit or metal braiding. If cable other than the GSWB flexible cable normally supplied with the heater is used, the following points should be noted: 1. The heater’s supply cable must always be appropriate for the current and the mechanical and chemical environment in which it is used. 2. The method of cable entry must provide ingress protection to IP66 as a minimum.


1.概述 (4)2009年10月09日2.电动机型号及代表意义 (4)3.电动机的使用条件 (4)4.电动机的结构说明 (5)5.隔爆型电动机防爆要点 (8)6.电动机的开箱与检查 (9)7.电动机的贮存 (9)8.电动机的安装要求 (10)9.电动机的干燥 (13)10.电动机起动运行时的注意事项及停车 (14)11.电动机的维护和修理 (16)12.电动机常见故障及处理方法 (19)图1 (23)图2 (24)图3 (25)图4 (26)图5 (27)图6 (28)图7 (29)执行标准情况说明YBBP系列高压隔爆型变频调速三相异步电动机按企业标准Q/NF251-2006《隔爆型电机通用要求》、Q/《YBBP、YBBP-W系列高压隔爆型变频调速三相异步电动机(机座号355~560)》和Q/《YBBP、YBBP-W系列高压隔爆型变频调速三相异步电动机(机座号560~800)》制造.本系列隔爆型三相异步电动机的防爆性能均符合国家标准《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备第1部分:通用要求》和《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备第2部分:隔爆型“d”》的规定。
和泰(EXHEAT)工业产品 - 标准产品说明书

Industrial Ltd和泰(EXHEAT)标准产品标准产品和泰(EXHEAT)的工业部门为工业上广泛而多样的电加热系统需求提供了最直接便利的解决方案。
和泰(EXHEAT)工业产品范围• 危险区域空气加温器,箱体加热器和工业用热空气循环对流加热器• 防爆散热器,风扇式空气加热器,沸水器,浸入式加热器和自动调温器• 有排气口和没有排气口的贮水式热水器和桶式加热器• 工业用,洗礼用和便携式的浸入式加热器• 加热器元件加热棒式和芯式,电伴热,自动调温器,控制柜防爆的仪器仪表壳体和变送器•2防爆区域加热和控制方案3功率等级认证箱体电压等级安装方式500瓦到2千瓦IECEx 以及 ATEX 认证的 Ex’d’ IIC T2 到 T4, Ex tD A21 IP66 T300°C 到 T135°C EN/IEC60079-0, EN/IEC60079-1, EN/IEC61241-0 和 EN/IEC61241-1低碳钢粉末涂层,橙色或灰色,不锈钢可选单相230/254V 或者 110V标准配置有预先钻孔的支撑脚控制系统可按照需要采用和泰(EXHEAT)远程控制自动调温器,应用于安全或者危险区域(请参见本手册最后一页)FWD系列的空气加热器,设计用于较小的工作或者存储空间,位于1区,2区,以及21区和22区的危险区域。

AEU1Explosion-Proof Electric Air Heater For Hazardous Locations0518II 2G, Ex d IIB T4 Gb IP55 (ATEX)(Suitable for ATEX/IECEx/EAC Ex Zone 1 & 2)0518II 2D, Ex tb IIIB T135°C Db IP65 (ATEX)(IECEx)Ex tb IIIB T135°C Db X IP65 (EAC Ex)(Suitable for ATEX/IECEx/EAC Ex Zone 21 & 22) 2The AEU1 series of explosion-proof electric air heaters is designed to meet the most demanding requirements of heavy industry. The harsh operating conditions of this industry require heating equipment that is safe, reliable, dependable, andavailable when you need it. AEU1 unit heaters are designed to provide primary or supplementary heating for comfort or freeze protection in areas that are classified as hazardous locations (Gas or Dust atmospheres).Designed for hazardous locations!All Hazloc Heaters™ AEU1 models are CE Marked and certified for hazardous locations to meet ATEX and IECEx requirements. They have also received the Eurasian Conformity (EAC Ex) Mark certifying them for hazardous locations to the new Customs Union Technical Regulations. The three sizes of AEU1 heaters include our ExCaliber™ high performance liquid-to-air heat-exchanger cores that are available in fourteen 400 Volt, 50 Hz model choices to meet your specific heat output requirements at supply voltages between 380 V to 440 V and fourteen 480 Volt, 60 Hz models to accommodate shipping vessels, off-shore rigs or other applications requiring 60 Hz.The rugged and versatile AEU1 heater incorporates a high quality immer-sion heater, high performance fan and motor assembly, a sturdy 2 mm (14 GA) steel cabinet with epoxy/polyester powder coating for corrosion resistance, large control enclosure with an extra port for convenient wiring of an external room thermostat, and enclosure O-rings to minimize moisture ingress. Standard safety features include two temperature high limits and a pressure relief device.AEU1 heaters are suitable for a wide variety of applications that include but are not limited to oil & gas drilling rigs, petrochemical facilities, refineries, chemical storage and handling facilities, paint storage areas, sewage treatment plants, aircraft servicing areas, grain elevators, or areas containing carbonaceous dusts.Rugged design, but easily maintained!All AEU1 heaters are designed for industrial applications with all features being heavy-duty to meet your most demanding environments and long-life expectations. Even with heavy-gauge steel construction used throughout the heater it does not inhibit maintenance of the product since the AEU1 has been designed for easy field servicing with a removable heat exchanger core assembly, split fan guard, and replaceable automatic and manual reset high-limits. An added benefit is our 36-month heater warranty!Maximum durability… rugged fin tubes!All AEU1 ExCaliber™ liquid-to-air heat-exchanger cores are evacuated & sealed and are constructed using rugged carbon-steel tubes with roll-formed aluminum fins to maximize heat transfer and carbon-steel headers for maximum durability, resistance to corrosion, and longer life in your demanding applications.3Dedicated to Performance and Reliability!Aluminum louvers moisture ingressRoll formed fin tubesfor longer life & better performance Robust three-piece motor mount design prevents premature crackingEpoxy coated split fan guard for easy access to fan bladepremature ventingStiffened top panelimproves mounting strengthAdditional 3/4" NPT external thermostat entry shipped with certified blanking plugFlameproof (Ex d) and dust protected (Ex tb) control box with large opening for easy access to controlsAutomatic and manual high limits in element enclosure housing for added protectionFour mounting holes inload mounting(spare fuse included)AccessoriesAluminum fan blade with easy-off replacement feature Steel braided flexible control cable and cable glands forsecure connectionsFlameproof (Ex d) or dust protected (Ex tb) 1500 RPM , 71 frameFactory AEU1 Model CodingAEU1 Physical Dimensions380 Volt to 440 Volt, refer to Page 7 for heater performance data. Do not exceed 440 Volt power supply.³ L ine Voltage is 480 Volt +/- 10%.5AEU1 Specifications for all 50 Hz Models by SizeAEU1 Specifications for all 60 Hz Models by SizeAEU1 General Specifications67(*) Actual output figures are prorated based on 400 Volt wye connected heating elements.Do not exceed 440 Volt supply power.(?) Refer to Page 4 for Flammable Substance selection of Gas or Dust.(#) Refer to Page 4 for Factory Option codes to complete entire model code for ordering.(†) Line Voltage is 480 Volt +/- 10%. Output figures will be prorated. Do not exceed 528 Volt supply power.#1, 666 Goddard Ave. NECalgary, Alberta T2K 5X3 Canada Tel.: +1-403-730-2488Fax: +1-403-730-2482Customer Toll Free (U.S. & Canada): +1-866-701-Heat (4328)Hazloc Heaters is a trademark of Hazloc Heaters Inc.The information contained in this brochure has been carefully checked and verified for accuracy. Specifications subject to change without notice.PRINTED IN CANADA © Copyright 2014Quality Mission StatementQuality is… customers that come back, and products that don’t.Limited 36-Month WarrantyHazloc Heaters™ warrants all AEU1 series of explosion-proof electric heaters against defects in materials and workmanship under normal conditions of use for a period of thirty-six (36) months from date of purchase based on the following terms:1. The heater must not be modified in any way.2. The heater must be stored, installed and used only in accordance with the owner’s manual and attached data plate information.3. Replacement parts will be provided free of charge as necessary to restore any unit to normal operating condition, provided that the defective parts be returned to us freight prepaid and that the replacement parts be accepted freight collect.4. The complete heater may be returned to our manufacturing plant for repair or replacement (at our discretion), freight charges prepaid.5. Contamination by dirt, dust, etc. or corrosion will not be considered as defects.6. This warranty shall be limited to the actual equipment involved and, under no circumstances, shall include or extend to installation or removal costs, or to consequential damages or losses.Hazloc Heaters™ has been certified under the Canadian Wood Packaging Certification Program (CWPCP) for export and production of wood packaging that meets the。
施万克电热系列 ELD 系列电石英红外辐射加热器安装说明书

SAVE THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCEPage Warnings - IMPORTANT - Read First 2Installation Instructions3Specifications3Wiring Instructions3Mounting Instructions4Replacement Element Installation5Replacement Parts5Heater Coverage Areas6General Notes6Maintenance Instructions6Troubleshooting 7Location Suggestions 7Warranty 8For warranty purposes and ordering replacement parts, record the following information:Model #: _________________________________________Serial #: ____________________________________________Date of Purchase: _________________________________ Purchased From: _____________________________________patio Schwankelectric Schwank Series EL/ELD SeriesQUARTZ ELECTRIC INFRARED RADIANT HEATERFor Indoor/Outdoor Use: Patios, Spectator Venues, Commercial/Industrial Spaces INSTALLATION MANUALElectric I&O Manual IM111116 RL:2A AUG 2018Electric I&O Manual IM111116 RL:2A AUG 20182READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING HEATERUnit may be a source of possible shock. NEVER attempt to service heater without disconnecting its power source.Source of possible ignition - maintain clearances from combustible materials.WARNING: If not installed, operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, this product can expose you to chemicals including nickel, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information go to .High Temperature, risk of fire, keep electrical cords, drapery, furnishings and other combustibles at least 3' [0.9m] from the front of heater and away from sides and rear.▪ W all-Mounting: Do not install heater closer than 18" [45.7 cm] from adjacent walls and 6" [15.2 cm] from ceiling and do not install less than 8' [2.4 m] from floor.▪C eiling-Mounting: Do not install heater closer than 18" [45.7 cm] from adjacent walls and 6" [15.2 cm] from ceiling and do not install less than 8' [2.4 m] from floor.- For heater angled greater than 30° from horizontal, use spacers above mounting brackets to provide minimum 6” [15.2 cm] clearance above heater to combustible ceiling.▪ A djacent Heaters to be installed no less than 3' [0.9 m] apart.▪ D o NOT operate within 25' [7.6 m] of flammable/explosive material.▪ N ever block heater.▪ H eaters greater than 240 Volts are for “Commercial Use Only. Risk of fire. Do not use as a residential or household heater.”▪ A means for disconnection of the appliance must be incorporated in accordance with local wiring codes.▪ D o not use if the heating element is damaged or cracked.“IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS”“SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS”CLEARANCE FROM HEATER SURFACES TO COMBUSTIBLES:WARNINGSCAUTIONElectric I&O Manual IM111116 RL:2A AUG 2018This heater must be permanently installed and hard wired by a licensed electrician in accordance with local electrical codes. Assembly procedure must be performed with no electrical power to unit.Step 1: Check UL/CUL/CE rating label on heater for proper voltage.Step 2: Follow supplied wiring instructions. [See wiring instructions below]Step 3: Heater must be mounted with reflector angled down [maximum 60° from horizontal].Step 4: All electrical connections must be in compliance with the National Electric Code [NEC] and local codesfor outdoor wiring.Step 5: Use only wiring components UL/CUL/CE listed for outdoor use with IPX4 minimum rating.3Connect power with flexible conduit or appropriate cord to LOAD ONLY ES/EL-51950019.5"120 / 4.2Single 10 / 4.5ES/EL-71975019.5"120 / 6.3Single 10 / 4.5ES/EL-1033100033"120 / 8.3Single 12 / 5.4ES/EL-1533150033"120 / 12.5208 / 7240 / 6.3Single 12 / 5.4ES/EL-2039200039"208 / 10240 / 8.3277 / 7480 / 4Single 13 / 5.9ES/EL-2539250039"208 / 12240 / 10.4277 / 9480 / 5Single 13 / 5.9ESD/ELD-3033300033"208 / 14240 / 12.5277 / 11480 / 6Single 13 / 5.9ES/EL-3061300061.25"208 / 14240 / 12.5277 / 11480 / 6Single 20 / 9.1ESD/ELD-4039400039"208 / 19240 / 16.7277 / 14480 / 8.3Single 14 / 6.4ES/EL-4061400061.25"208 / 19240 / 16.7277 / 14480 / 8.3Single 20 / 9.1ESD/ELD-5039500039"208 / 24240 / 20.8277 / 18480 / 10.4Single 14 / 6.4ESD/ELD-6061600061.25"208 / 28.8240 / 25277 / 21.7480 / 12.5Single 21 / 9.5Electric I&O Manual IM111116 RL:2A AUG 2018MINIMUM 18" [45.7 CM]FROM SIDEMINIMUM 18"[45.7 CM]FROM SIDE96" [244 CM] MINIMUM HEIGHT FROM FLOOR 6-3/8" [15.2 CM]LEVEL HERE 4Heater must be installed with the Quartz horizontally level. For maximum tube life, use a carpenter’s level tool to find the optimum level position for the heater’s body. Always maintain the minimum clearances from the heater body to any combustible materials.SWIVEL MOUNTING BRACKETS [CEILING OR WALL MOUNT]LENGTH VARIES BY MODEL INSULATED HOUSING These models may be chain or bracket mounted to any ceiling or horizontal surface. Installation must be such that 18" [45.7 cm] minimum clearance is maintained around the heater on all 4 sides and 36" [91.4 cm] directly in front/below. Aminimum of 6" [15.24 cm] of clearance provided by mounting brackets is required behind the plane of the face. Heater can be hung using chains or custom brackets. Heater must be level along length, but can be rotated around its horizontal axis.body to any combustible materials.SWIVEL MOUNTING BRACKETS [CEILING OR WALL MOUNT]LENGTH VARIES BY MODEL INSULATED HOUSINGThese models may be chain or bracket mounted to any ceiling or horizontal surface. Installation must be such that 18" [45.7 cm] minimum clearance is maintained around the heater on all 4 sides and 36" [91.4 cm] directly in front/below.A minimum of 6" [15.24 cm] of clearance provided by mounting brackets is required behind the plane of the face. Heater can be hung using chains or custom brackets. Heater must be level along length, but can be rotated around its horizontal axis.Electric I&O Manual IM111116 RL:2A AUG 20185Consult the label on back of heater for proper watts, voltage, and replacement element part number.Need help?T o orderreplacement elements for your heating system, please contact us via phone or visit our website. PART NUMBER LENGTH WATTS VOLTS FITS JE-0550-12 16.5" [0.4 m] 500 120 ES-0519-12, EL-0519-12 JE-0551-12 16.5" [0.4 m] 750 120 ES-0719-12, EL-0719-12 JE-0552-12 30" [0.8 m] 1000 120 ES-1033-12, EL-1033-12 JE-0553-12 30" [0.8 m] 1500 120 ES-1533-12, EL-1533-12 JE-0554-20 16-1/2" [0.4 m] 2000 208 ES-2039-20, ES-4039-20/EL-2039-20, EL-4039-20 JE-0555-20 30" [0.8 m] 2500 208 ES-2539-20, ES-5039-20/EL-2539-20, EL-5039-20 JE-0556-20 30" [0.8 m] 3000 208 ES-3061-20, ES-6061-20/EL-3061-20, EL-6061-20 JE-0557-20 36" [0.9 m] 4000 208 ES-4061-20/EL-4061-20 JE-0554-24 36" [0.9 m] 2000 240 ES-2039-24, ES-4039-24/EL-2039-24, EL-4039-24JE-0555-24 58" [1.5 m] 2500 240 ES-2539-24, ES-5039-24/EL-2539-24, EL-5039-24JE-0556-24 58" [1.5 m] 3000 240 ES-3061-24, ES-6061-24/EL-3061-24, EL-6061-24JE-0557-24 58" [1.5 m] 4000 240 ES-4061-24/EL-4061-24 PART NUMBER PART DESCRIPTION QUANTITY JE-0570-XX Single Element End Reflector [Set of 2] 1 JE-0571-XX Dual Element End Reflector [Set of 2] 1 JE-0573-XX, JE-0574-XX, JE-0575-XX Body Reflector – Fits 33" [0.8 m], 39" [1.0 m], 61-1/4" [1.6 m] 1 JE-0577-XX, JE-0578-XX, JE-0579-XX Grill Guard – Fits 33" [0.8 m], 39" [1.0 m], 61-1/4" [1.6 m] 1 JE-0581-XX, JE-0582-XX, JE-0583-XX Lead Wire Set – Fits 33" [0.8 m], 39" [1.0 m], 61-1/4" [1.6 m]* 1 JE-0585-XX Stainless Steel Mounting Bracket [Set of 2] 1* Note: Dual Element Heaters require 2 Lead Wire Sets per HeaterDisconnect the power at the breaker. Remove the grill by grasping it in the middle, flex grill up and lift it off. Unscrew and remove both end reflectors. Unhook element clips at each end of the heater and remove nuts from end of element to remove the existing Quartz. Carefully install the new element. Remove one nut from end of the new element. Install wire by sliding high temperature ring terminal onto element screw and replace nut. Use a thin 11/32" wrench to hold inside nut. Nuts must make a tight connection. Close element clips over tube, reinstall end reflectors, then snap protective grill back in place.NOTE: Hold ceramic element firmly whiletightening nut to prevent damage to element.Nut should be tightened snug. A looseconnection can cause the element to shortor fail prematurely.Electric I&O Manual IM111116 RL:2A AUG 20186 PART NUMBER WATTS MOUNTING HEIGHT AVERAGE COLD PROTECTEDESD/ELD-4039-24 4,000 8' - 12' [2.4 m - 3.7 m] 8' x 10' [2.4 m x 3.0 m] 6' x 8' [1.8 m x 2.4 m] 10' x 12' [3.0 m x 3.7 m] ESD/ELD-5039-24 5,000 8' - 12' [2.4 m - 3.7 m] 9' x 10' [2.7 m x 3.0 m] 7' x 8' [2.1 m x 2.4 m] 11' x 12' [3.4 m x 3.7 m] ESD/ELD-6061-24 6,000 10' - 14' [3.0 m - 4.3 m] 11' x 11' [3.4 m x 3.4 m] 10' x 10' [3.0 m x 3.0 m] 12' x 12' [3.7 m x 3.7 m] PART NUMBER WATTS MOUNTING HEIGHT AVERAGE COLD PROTECTEDES/EL-1533-20 1,500 6' - 8' [1.8 m - 2.4 m] 5' x 5' [1.5 m x 1.5 m]3' x 3' [.91 m x .91 m] 7' x 7' [2.1 m x 2.1 m] ES/EL-2039-24 2,0007' - 9' [2.1 m - 2.7 m] 6' x 6' [1.8 m x 1.8 m] 4' x 4' [1.2 m x 1.2 m] 8' x 8' [2.4 m x 2.4 m] ES/EL-2539-24 2,5007' - 9' [2.1 m - 2.7 m] 7' x 7' [2.1 m x 2.1 m] 5' x 5' [1.5 m x 1.5 m] 9' x 9' [2.7 m x 2.7 m] ES/EL-3061-24 3,0007' - 9' [2.1 m - 2.7 m] 8' x 8' [2.4 m x 2.4 m] 6' x 6' [1.8 m x 1.8 m] 10' x 10' [3.0 m x 3.0 m] ES/EL-4061-24 4,000 8' - 11' [2.4 m - 3.4 m] 10' x 10' [3.0 m x 3.0 m] 8' x 8' [2.4 m x 2.4 m] 12' x 12' [3.7 m x 3.7 m]electricSchwank [ES/ESD] and EL/ELD Series heaters are furnished with wall/ceiling mount swivel brackets. These brackets may be discarded when the heater is suspended with chains, or other special bracketing.See 'Specifications' page 2 for full listing of models, voltages, and amperages. At times, especially when themounting height might be quite low, a greater quantity of smaller heaters can help prevent overheating.Heaters up to 15 AMPS can be controlled with a simple INF controller. This low cost controller, which is actually an infinite switch, gently pulses the heat on and off at regular intervals when not on full power.Dual Element Heaters can be wired with Duplex/Stack Switch, which enables the ability to operate each element independently, providing for two-stage [half power/full power] capability.For best comfort heat, heat from two sides rather than from just one side. However, there are site conditions where this is not practical.Coverage areas indicated above are typical approximate dimensions and will vary depending on outdoortemperature, wind velocity, and personal comfort levels.Indoor and well-protected environments will generally exceed the average chart values. Heaters will provide less than average coverage in extremely cold/windy conditions.Before performing any maintenance or cleaning, power must be disconnected and the heater cool to touch. Heater housing, reflectors, and heating element can be rinsed with a hose or wiped down with isopropylalcohol, acetone, or glass cleaner. Use a clean, scratch-free rag or paper towel. Any oxidation, surface rust, or discoloration can be removed with a stainless steel cleaner or metal polish on the bare metal surface.Make sure all water, solvents, or cleaners are removed and the heater is dry before reconnecting the power.Electric I&O Manual IM111116 RL:2A AUG 20187PROBLEM Heater does not glow Low heat output Heater does not work WHAT TO DO Unless heaters are installed over 12' [3.7 m] high, it is generally recommended that all radiant heaters be mounted on an angle to assure that radiant warmth is distributed from the sides rather than straight down on the heads and shoulders of the people being warmed.Install fixture to heat the area from the “cold side” if possible. This helps compensate for increased body heat losses dueto exposure. Warm floors reradiate heat. Warmer air risesfrom floor. Some heat reflects from floor. Mounting a heaterdirectly over a table or otherobstruction will block theenergy, primarily heatingthe object. It is best to moveheater to the side, allowingcomplete body and floorcoverage.When outdoors, hang heater under protective roof or weather cover wheneverpossible. Even though heater is all-weather construction, it will last longer and lookbetter if it is protected from rain and snow.Angle fixture 30º to 60º from horizontal face down. Best angle is approximately 45º.OUTDOORSINSTALLATION DIRECTIONRECOMMENDED POSITIONING ▪ Check supply voltage to confirm it matches voltage of heating element.▪ A 240V element connected to 110V or 208V will warm, but not glow orange or generate sufficient heat for typical applications [Matching your voltage isextremely important]. If element is visibly orange, but there is insufficientheat, refer to the areas covered with respect to conditions and mounting heights.▪ Replace or clean dirty or non reflective reflectors.▪ Disconnect power and check element with ohm meter for continuity. If there is any continuity across the bulb, the problem is in the wiring/controls.▪ Check that there is proper voltage to the heater.▪ Check that the control/switch is working.▪ Check main power circuit breaker.▪ Check wiring for a loose connection or burned wire.Electric I&O Manual IM111116 RL:2A AUG 2018USA: 2 Schwank Way, Waynesboro, GA 30830CANADA: 5285 Bradco Blvd., Mississauga, ON L4W 2A6 TEL 1-877-446-3727 FAX 1-866-361-0523patio Schwank Important: Please retain original proof of purchase to establish warranty period.electricSchwank and EL/ELD Series Electric Powered Radiant Heaters:The Manufacturer warrants that this product is free from defects in material or workmanship under normal use and service subject to the terms of this document.TWO YEAR WARRANTYSubject to the conditions and limitations stated herein, during the term of this limited warranty, we will supply anycomponent part (at our option a new or repaired component part) of the heater as defined below, excluding any labor, which the Manufacturer’s examination determines to be defective in workmanship or material for a period of two years (2 years) from the date of installation, unless otherwise specified below. This warranty applies to the heater’s original own-er, and subsequent transferees and only if the unit is installed and operated in accordance with the printed instructions accompanying the unit and in compliance with all applicable installation codes and good trade practices.WHAT IS NOT COVEREDThe Manufacturer shall not be responsible for any expenses, including service, labor, diagnosis, analysis, material or transportation charges incurred during removal or reinstallation of this product, or any of its components or parts. All labor or service charges shall be paid by the owner. This warranty does not cover heating products improperly installed, misused, exposed to or damaged by negligence, accident, corrosive or contaminating atmosphere, water, excessive thermal shock, impact, abrasion, normal wear due to use, alteration or operation contrary to the owner’s manual or if the serial number has been altered, defaced or removed. This warranty shall not apply if the input to the heating product varies by more than 10% of the rated input on the rating plate. The Manufacturer shall not be liable for any default or delay in performance by its warranty caused by any contingency beyond its control, including war, government restrictions or restraints, strikes, fire, flood, acts of God, or short / reduced supply of raw materials or products.WARRANTY PROCEDURETo establish the installation date for any purpose under this Limited Warranty, you must retain the original records that can establish the installation date of your unit. If you do not provide such documents, the start date of the term of this Limited Warranty will be based upon the date of unit manufacture, plus thirty (30) days. Failure to maintain the equipment through regular annual service maintenance by a qualified service technician shall void the warranty.LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONSThis document contains all warranties made by the Manufacturer and may not be varied, altered or extended by any person. There are no promises, or agreements extending from the Manufacture other than the statements contained herein. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, TO THE EXTENTAUTHORIZED BY THE LAWS OF THE JURISDICTION, INCLUDING SPECIFICALLY THE WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTIBILITY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.It is understood and agreed that the Manufacturer’s obligation hereunder is limited to repairing or replacing partsdetermined to be defective as stated above. In no event shall the Manufacturer be responsible for any alleged personal injuries or other special, incidental or consequential damages. As to property damages, contract, tort or other claim the Manufacturer’s responsibility shall not exceed the purchase priced paid for the product. All replacement parts will be warranted for the unused portion of the warranty coverage period remaining on the applicable unit.Some Authorities do not allow certain warranty exclusions or limitations on duration of warranty or the exclusions or limitations of incidental or consequential damages. In such cases, the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you and are not intended to do so where prohibited by law. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary by jurisdiction.8。
technical manual contents

四川宏华石油设备有限公司 HongHua Co., Ltd.ZJ70DBS 钻机技术手册 ZJ70DBS DRILLING RIG TECHNICAL MANUAL C o n t e n t s Vol 0 1. ZJ70DBS 钻机技术手册目录 2. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Technical manual Contents 3. ZJ70DBS 钻机用户手册 4. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Operation Manual Vol 1 1. DZ450/10.5-G5底座用户手册 2. DZ450/10.5-G5Substructure Operation Manual 3. JJ450/45-K15井架用户手册 4. Mast JJ450/45-K15 Operation Manual 5. JZ 系列指重表使用说明书 6. JZ Series Weight Indicating System Operation Manual 7. DSJ38YS 型倒绳机使用说明书 8. The Operating Instruction Manual of DSJ38YS Rope Pouring Machine 9. DSJ38YS 型液压双卷筒倒绳机图册 10. Parts Catalogue With Illustration For DSJ38YS Rope Pouring Machine 11. TC450天车用户手册 12. TC450 Crown Block Operation Manual Vol 2 1. 转盘传动装置用户手册 2. Rotary Table Drive Device Operation Manual 3. BS-50-20 型钻机转盘螺伞齿轮箱使用说明书4. BS-50-20 Type Bevel Gearbox Of The Drilling Winch Instruction Manual5. YJ13A12/YJ13A1X3/X4/YJ31E5变频调速异步电动机用户手册6. YJ13A12/YJ13A1X3/X4/YJ31E5 Variable Frequency and Speed Regulating Asynchronous Motor ManualVol 31. JC70DB 绞车用户手册2. JC70DB Draw works Operation Manual3. YJ23F6/F7/F8/YJ31F1/31F2/31E5变频调速异步电动机用户手册4. YJ23F6/F7/F8/YJ31F1/31F2/31E5 Variable Frequency and Speed Regulating Asynchronous Motor Manual5. SEW 工业减速器M/CN 系列操作维护手册6. SEW Gear Units Maintenance Operation Installation7. 博能K 系列使用说明书8. K Series Operating Manual9. ABB 电机安装、运行和维护说明书10. ABB Motors Installation 、Operation and Maintenance Manual11. ZJ70DBS 钻机液压系统用户手册12. Hydraulic System Operation Manual13. YB2隔爆型三相异步电动机使用说明书14. YB2 Series Of Flame-Proof Low-Voltage Three-Phase Asynchronous Motors Instruction On OperationVol 41. ZJ70DBS 钻机气控系统用户手册2. ZJ70DBS Pneumatic Control System Operation Manual3. 固定式螺杆压缩机操作手册4. LS12 Stationary Screw Compressor Operation & Maintenance Manual5. 固定式螺杆压缩机零件手册6. LS12 Stationary Screw Compressor Parts List7. SRC-240冷干机用户手册8. SRC-240 Refrigeration Dryer User Manual9. ZJ70DBS 发电房用户手册10. ZJ70DBS Generator House Operation ManualVol 51. 3NB-1600F 泥浆泵组用户手册2. 3NB-1600F Mud Pump Set Operation Manual3. ZJ70DBS 固控系统用户手册4. Solids Control System Operation Manual5. XBSY 砂泵安装使用说明书6. XBSY Sand Pump Installation And Operation Instruction7. XBSY 喷淋泵安装使用说明书8. XBSY Spraying Pump Directions For Installation And Operation9. LSB2×3 型供液泵安装使用说明书 10. Model LSB2X3 Solution Feed Pump Instruction For Installation And Operation 11. YJ23F6/F7/F8/YJ31F1/31F2/31E5变频调速异步电动机用户手册 12. YJ23F6/F7/F8/YJ31F1/31F2/31E5 Variable Frequency and Speed Regulating Asynchronous Motor Manual 13. 隔爆型三相异步电动机使用说明书 14. Flameproof Three Phase Induction Motors Operation Instruction 15. ZHP150 混合漏斗安装使用说明书 16. Amalgamate Hopper Directions For Installation And Operation 17. 剪切泵安装使用说明书 18. Shear Pump Directions For Installation & Operation 19. ZG17-53S 钻井液管汇用户手册 20. Drilling Fluid Circulating Manifold Operation Manua l Vol 61. CY-Y 系列油泵电机组使用说明书2. Model CY-Y Series Oil Pump Electric Motor Set User Manual3. 齿轮式输油泵使用说明书4. Gear Type Oil Pump Operation instruction5. QJ5系列气动绞车使用说明书6. QJ5 Series Of Air Winch Operation Manual7. QJ0.5系列气动绞车使用说明书8. QJ0.5 Series Of Air Winch Operation Manual9. 液压绞车使用说明书 10. UPHW Series Hydraulic Winches Operation Manual 11. JC –FL 油冷却器说明书 12. JC-FL Oil Cooler Specification 13. 液压套管扶正台使用说明书14. Hydraulic Casing Stabilizer Board Operation Manual 15. YM-16液压猫头使用说明书 16. YM-16 Hydraulic Cat head Operation Manual 17. DZ400/500/600型防喷器移动系统使用说明书 18. DZ400/500/600 BOP Handing System Operation Manual 19. AH5攀升保护器使用说明书 20. Instructions To The Use Of The Climbing Protector 21. 钻井井架工逃生装置安装使用说明书 22. The Technique Which Mskes Life Safe Instructions for UseVol 7-11. ACS800 多传动安全须知2. ACS800多传动模块柜体装配指导3. ACS800多传动电气安装指导4. 二极管供电ACS800-307和ACS800-507 用户手册5. ACS800-107 逆变单元硬件手册6. ACS600/ACS800系统应用固件手册7.XVol 7-21. Safety Instructions For ACS800 Multidrive And Modules2. Planning The Electrical Installation User Manual3. ACS800-107 Cabinet Built Inverter Units User Manual4. ACS800-307&ACS800-507 Cabinet Installed DSU User Manual5. ACS600/ ACS800System Application Program7.X User Manual6. ACS800 Multidrive Modules Planning Cabinet Installation User ManualVol 81. VFD 房电气设备使用说明书2. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig VFD House Electrical Equipment Operation Manual3. MCC 模块电气设备使用说明书4. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig MCC Electrical System Operation Manual5. ZJ70DBS 钻机空调设备电气设备使用说明书6. Operation Guide Of Air Conditioning System Of ZJ70DBS Rig7. ZJ70DBS 钻机PLC 控制系统使用说明书8. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig PLC Control System Operation Manual9. 钻机数据监控及存储查询系统说明手册10. Operation Guide Of Monitoring Program For ZJ70DBS Rig11. 钻机照明系统电气设备使用说明书12. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Lighting System Operation Manual13. 钻机视频系统电气设备使用说明书14. Operation Guide Of Video System For 2000HP Land Rig15. ZJ70DBS 钻机电话系统使用说明书16. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Telephone System Operation Manual17. 钻机电气设备连锁使用说明书18. Operation Guide Of Electrical Interlocking Of ZJ70DBS Rig1. 钻机钻台和井架电气设备使用说明书2. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Electrical Equipments On Drill Floor And DerrickOperation Manua l3. 钻机转盘驱动电气设备使用说明书4. RT Electrical-Drive Equipments Of ZJ70DBS Rig Operation Guide5. 钻机绞车驱动电气设备使用说明书6. Operation Guide Of Electrical Drive Devices Of ZJ70DBS Rig7. ZJ70DBS 钻机综合液压站电气设备使用说明书8. Operation Guide Of The Electrical Devices On Integrated HPU Of ZJ70DBS Rig9. ZJ70DBS 钻机泥浆泵驱动电气设备使用说明书10. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Electrical Equipments For Driving Mud Pump Operation Manual11. 钻机泥浆循环系统电气设备使用说明书12. Electrical Equipments Of Mud Circulating System For ZJ70DBS Rig Operation Guide13. ZJ70DBS 钻机空压机设备使用说明书14. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Air Compressor Operation Manual15. ZJ70DBS 钻机司钻房电气设备使用说明书16. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Driller ′s Cabin Operation Manual17. 钻机司钻房HMI 操作系统说明手册18. HMI System Of ZJ70DBS Rig Operation Guide19. 钻机气体探测系统说明书20. ZJ70DBS Drilling Rig Gas Detection System Operation ManualVol 101. ACS800 Multi Drive2. ACS800-01/U1传动单元硬件手册3. ACS 800-01(0.55 to 200kW)/U1 (0.75 to 200HP) Drives Hardware Manual4. ABB 传动RTAC-01脉冲编码器接口模块用户手册5. ABB Drives RTAC-01 Pulse Encoder Interface Module User's Manual6. ABB 传动NPBA-12 PROFIBUS 适配器模块安装启动指南7. ABB Drives NPBA-12 PROFIBUS Adapter Module Installation and Start-up Guide8. ACS 600 NBRA-6XX 制动斩波器安装启动指南9. ACS 600 Installation and Start-up GuideNBRA-6XX Braking Choppers1. FCB 彩色摄像机使用说明书2. SONY Module Inside Color Video Camera Operating Instructions3. E-ME-AC 型欧板式电子放大器使用说明书4. Electronic Drivers Type E-ME-AC User Manual5. MP377人机界面说明书6. SIMENS HMI Device MP377 WinCC Flexible Operating Instructions7. A-B (6181P ,6181F )集成显示电脑安装说明书8. Catalog Number (s) 6181P ,6181FVersaView Integrated Display Computers Installation Instructions9. KYB18系列压力/绝压变送器产品使用说明书10. The User's Application Manual KYB18-Series Pressure / Absolute-Pressure Transmitter 11. 树脂绝缘干式变压器安装使用说明书 12. Cast resin dry-type power transformers installation ,operation & maintenance manual 13. MT 低压产品用户手册 14. MASTERPACT MT Low Voltage Products User Manual 15. 控制单元2.0A,5.0A,6.0A 和7.0A 低压产品用户手册 16. MASTERPACT Control Units 2.0A, 5.0A, 6.0A and 7.0A Low Voltage Products User Manual17. HS45 增量式光电编码器手册18. HS45 Incremental Optical Encoder Specifications19. 爱克赛UPS 使用说明书20. POWERWARE 9120 User Guide1. YTJ-A 防爆监视器使用说明书2. YTJ-15 Explosion-Proof Monitor Use Manua l3. YTY 系列防爆电动云台使用说明书4. YTY-A13DI Explosion-Proof Dynamoelectric PTZ Use Manual5. YTS-A 系列防爆摄像仪使用说明书6. YTS-A11 Explosion-Proof Camera Protect Cover Use Manual7. Woodward SPM-A 同步器安装和操作手册8. SPM-A Synchronizer Installation And Operation Manual9. Woodward 2301A 电子负载分配和速度控制装置安装使用说明书10. 2301A Electronic Load Sharing and Speed Controls Installation and Operation Manual11. 过滤器和减压阀:LFR-1/2-D-MIDI-A 使用说明12. Operating Instructions for filter and decompress valve For LFR/LR/LFM/LFX…13. FESTO 可调压力开关PEV-1/4-B(OD) 安装操作说明14. Operating Instructions for FESTO Series adjustable pressure switch for PEV-1/4-B(OD)15. SITOP 电源:6EP1353-2BA00 使用说明书16. Operating instructions for SITOP Power17. 西门子SITOP 电源使用说明书18. Operating instructions for SITOP Smart 205A/5A/10A19. SDET-22T …型压力传感器操作说明20. Operating Instructions For Pressure Sensors Type SDET-22T…21. DJY 系列绝缘监控仪说明书22. DJY Series Insulation Monitor Applicable For Insulation Monitoring Of Any Current Below Than 1800V23. 交流JWS-6宽温型温湿度变送器使用说明书24. Model JWSK-6 Series Rigorous IndustryTemperature & Humidity Transmitter User Manual1. BDKN 系列防爆电加热器使用说明书2. Type Fan Heater BDKN-Serial Explosion-Proof Electric Heating Operation Instruction3. BBJ 防爆声光报警器使用说明书4. BBJ Series Explosion-Proof Audio & Visual Caution Spotlight Fitting5. HWBK 系列无主机防爆扩音对讲电话机使用说明书6. HWBK Series EX-Proof Public Address Intercomunication Tel of No Master Operation Manua l7. 光电感烟火灾报警器说明书8. Battery Power Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Instructions9. 开关柜用漏电保护继电器说明书10. Residual Current Relay For Switchboards Instructions11. XMZ-J 系列万能输入巡回检测仪表使用说明书12. The XMZ-J Series Temperature Patrol Measure Meter Of Manual13. 同步表使用说明书14. Operation Manual For Synchronoscope Meter15. 频率表使用说明书16. Frequency Meter Operating Manual17. 交直流电流电压表使用说明书18. AC And DC Ammeter And Voltmeter Operating Manual19. 制动电阻使用维修手册20. User Manual For Maintenance And Repair Of Braking Resistor21. 本安型安全隔离栅使用说明书22. BEI Intrinsic Safety Barrier For Hazardous Areas23. NPEXA-C3P 检测端隔离式安全栅使用说明书24. Instructions for isolated safety barrier NPEXA-C3P25. EX 防爆空调安装使用说明书26. EX Explosion-Proof Air Conditioner Instruction Of Installation And Operation27. 奥克斯风管送风式空调(热泵)机组安装操作维护手册28. Odyssey Air Cooled Split System Unit 50HZ Installation Operation Maintenance29. 暗藏天花式分体空调机安装使用维护手册30. Concealed Ceiling Split System Unit MCD/MWD Series 50HZ Installation Operation Maintenance1. BZC53系列防爆操作柱使用说明书2. BZC53 Series Explosion Proof Operating-Pole Operation Instructions3. BZD-600系列航空障碍灯使用说明书4. BZD-600 Explosion -Proof Obstruction Light Installation Instruction5. BQD58系列防爆电磁起动器使用说明书6. BQD58 Series Explosion-Proof Electromagnetic Starter Direction7. BXK56系列隔爆型组合控制装置使用说明书8. BXK56 Series Of Explosion-Proof Combined Controlling Unit Direction9. GBYS 系列防爆防腐全塑荧光灯使用说明书10. GBYS Series Explosion-proof full-plastic fluorescent lights Instructions11. GBYS 系列全塑应急防爆荧光灯使用说明12. GBYS series of full plastic explosion-proof fluorescent emergency instructions13. SSFMV 系列150-400W 不锈钢泛光灯安装和维护使用说明书14. SSFMV Series Stainless Steel HID Floodlight 150-400Watts Installation & Maintenance Instructions15. GBYL 系列应急防爆荧光灯使用说明书16. GBYL Series Emergency Explosion-Proof Fluorescent Lighting Fixture Operation Instruction17. P56N 系列薄膜式/活塞式压力开关使用说明书18. P56 Diaphragm/Piston Pressure Switch Instructions19. 可调整压力开关使用说明书20. Beck The Adjustable Differential Pressure Switches Instructions21. BZX51 系列防爆行程开关使用说明书22. BZX51 Explosion-Proof Travel Switches User Manual23. 增安型e 插头、增安型e 支架式插座使用说明书24. Increased Security Plug 、Increased Security Bracket Receptacle Instruction For Use25. WH 系列防爆电缆接头、DY 系列隔爆型引入装置使用说明书26. Cable Gland Of Series WH 、Cable Gland Of Series DY Instructions27. CZ0201系列防爆开关模块使用说明书28. CZ0201 series Explosion-proof switch module Operating instructions29. CZ0202系列防爆开关模块使用说明书30. CZ0202 series Explosion-proof signal lamp Operating instructions31. 魏德米勒防爆接线箱安装与维护说明32. Weidmuller Junction box Installation & Maintenance Instructions33. 16YT/GZ 、YZ 无火花型防爆多芯电连接器使用说明书34. 16YT/GZ 、YZ Series Of non-spark Multi-Contact Connector Operating instruction Manual35. 15A-200AYT/GZ/YZ 防爆电连接器产品使用说明36. 15A-200AYT/GZ/YZ Series Of non-spark Electric Connectors Operating instruction Manual1. 57 系列气体探测控制系统操作手册2. 5704 Control System Sieger System 57 Operating Instructions3. 固定式气体探测器操作手册4. Sensepoint XCD Gas Detector Technical Manual5. Impulse-XP 便携式气体探测器操作手册6. Personal Gas Monitor of Neotronics Impulse-XP Operating Manual7. 诺斯个人防护产品操作和维护指导手册8. Personal Protective Equipment Operating and Maintenance Instruction Manual9. Impulse-XP 系列便携式气体监视仪操作指导手册10. Personal Gas Monitor of Neotronics Impulse-XP Series Operating Manual。
Rinnai PEPH 系列电热面板加热器操作和安装手册说明书

Models:PEPH-10PEWPEPH-15PEWPEPH-22PEWElectric Panel Heater Operation & Installation ManualThis appliance must be installed in accordance with:• Manufacturer’s Installation Instructions• Current AS/NZS 3000• Local Regulations and Municipal Building Codes including local OH&S requirementsFor continued safety of this appliance it must be installed and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.Before proceeding with the operation or installation of your new heater please read this manual thoroughly and gain a full understanding of the requirements, features and operation of your new appliance.TABLE OF CONTENTSWARRANTY, FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS (5)WARRANTY (5)FEATURES (5)SPECIFICATIONS (5)SAFETY & IMPORTANT POINTS (6)UNPACKING THE APPLIANCE (6)WHAT’S IN THE BOX (6)SAFETY (6)HOW TO OPERATE THE HEATER (8)GENERAL DESIGN LAYOUT (8)MANUAL OPERATION (9)PROGRAMMED OPERATION (10)Setting The Clock (10)Setting The Programmed Operation Timer (11)24 Hour Reset Button (12)ANTI-FROST PROTECTION FUNCTION (12)ELECTRONIC LOCK FUNCTION (12)To Activate The Lock (12)To Deactivate The Lock (12)CARE AND MAINTENANCE (13)CARE OF THE HEATER (13)SERVICE AND REPAIR (13)DISPOSAL (13)INSTALLATION (14)GENERAL (14)WALL INSTALLATION (14)FREESTANDING INSTALLATION (15)CONTACT INFORMATION (16)This page is intentionally blankWARRANTY, FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONSWARRANTYThe benefits to the consumer given by this warranty are in addition to all other rights and remedies of the consumer under a law in relation to the goods or services to which the warranty relates.Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.This heater has a 7 year parts warranty from date of purchase. If the product fails within this 7 year period return it to the supplier with proof of purchase for repair or replacement.Supplier warranty claims for Rinnai products or services must be made by contacting Rinnai Australia. Contact details are on the back of this document.The following exclusions may cause the warranty to become void and may result in a service charge and costs of parts (if required):1.Accidental damage and acts of God.2.Failure due to abuse or misuse, improper maintenance, failure to maintain or improper storage.3.Failure due to incorrect or unauthorised installations or outdoors use.4.Failure or damage caused by alterations, service or repair work carried out by persons other than Rinnai servicepersons or service agents.5.Where it is found that there is no fault with the appliance and the issue is related to the installation or is due tothe failure of electricity supply.FEATURESThis heater incorporates the following design features.DIY Installation:This heater is suitable for Do It Yourself installation.Silent Operation:Electric element operation eliminates fan noise.Draft Free:Non fan operation also means no drafts.Low Maintenance:No moving parts makes for virtually maintenance free operation.Programmable On / Off Timer:Equipped with a programmable ON / OFF timer which can be set to operate multiple times over a 24 hour period.`Tamper Resistant´ Operation:Includes a Lock function designed to prevent accidental operation and smallchildren from altering the heater settings.Operation:The heater uses electricity as the heating medium. It operates on the ‘naturalconvection’ principle where air from the room is drawn into the ‘air inlet’louvres at the base of the appliance, is heated inside the appliance andexpelled through the ‘air outlet’ louvres at the top of the appliance without theuse of fans. A sophisticated thermostatic system keeps the room close to theselected temperature.SPECIFICATIONS ModelPEPH-22PEW PEPH-15PEW PEPH-10PEW Rated Power2200 Watt 1500 Watt 1000 Watt Rated Voltage240V ~ 50Hz DimensionsHeight Width Depth 440mm 1035mm 130mm 440mm 775mm 130mm 440mm 615mm 130mm Weight6.2kg Installation OptionsWall or Freestanding Wall or Freestanding Wall or Freestanding 5.1kg 7.9kgSAFETY & IMPORTANT POINTSUNPACKING THE APPLIANCEIf any damage is evident DO NOT INSTALL or OPERATE and contact your supplier for advice.WHAT’S IN THE BOXThe package should contain:Heater fitted with flexible cord and plug.A plastic bag containing the Operating and Installation Instructions and wall mounting screws.Two plastic bags containing four castors, two castor brackets, screwdriver and four screws.SAFETYIt is important the following precautions are followed to minimise the risk of overheating, fire, electric shock and injury.WARNING •The heater is fitted with an Australian flexible cord and 2 pin plug intended for connection to an Australian 10 Amp socket outlet. It is not suitable for connection in other countries or alternative power supplies. Ensure that the voltage and frequency of the power supply correspond to the ratings on the dataplate of the appliance.•This heater must not be located immediately below or directly in front of a socket-outlet.•The heater may be direct wired only by a licensed electrical trades person in accordance with local regulations.•This heater is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.•Young children should be supervised to ensure they do not play with the appliance.•DO NOT allow children or persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities to sleep directly in front of the heater.•DO NOT allow children to ‘post articles’ into the louvres of the heater.•The electrical cord must not come into contact with the heated parts of the heater.•DO NOT use power boards or double adaptors with this heater.•DO NOT coil or bundle the electric cord to reduce it’s length as overheating of the cord may occur which could result in a fire hazard.•The flexible cord and plug must not be modified. If the cord or plug are damaged, they must be replaced by Rinnai or a Rinnai appointed service agent.•DO NOT cover or place articles on or against any parts of this heater, to avoid overheating.•DO NOT sit on this heater.•If used as a portable heater, do not use in the immediate surroundings of a bath, a shower or a swimming pool.•If used as a portable heater, unplug and allow to cool before placing in storage.•If used as a portable heater, do not move whilst it is turned on.•DO NOT unplug the heater by pulling on the flexible cord.•DO NOT handle any parts of the heater, including the plug and flexible cord, with wet or damp hands.•DO NOT immerse the appliance, flexible cord and plug in water or any other liquid.•DO NOT place containers of any liquid or wax on top of the heater.•Turn off the appliance and unplug from the power socket outlet when not in use.•DO NOT use in areas where flammable liquids are stored.•This appliance is suitable for indoor use only.•Never dismantle the appliance. Tampering with electrical connections and components is highly dangerous and may cause appliance malfunction.SAFETY & IMPORTANT POINTSWARNING •DO NOT use this heater if it has been dropped.•DO NOT use if there are visible signs of damage to the heater.•Use this heater on a horizontal and stable surface, or fix it to the wall, as applicable.•DO NOT use this heater in small rooms when they are occupied by persons not capable of leaving the room on their own, unless constant supervision is provided.•To reduce the risk of fire, keep textiles, curtains, or any other flammable material a minimum distance of 1 m from the air outlet.WARNING MANDATORY INSPECTION PRIOR TO INSTALLATIONImmediately report any damage or discrepancies to the Supplier of the appliance. This appliance was inspected and tested at the time of manufacture and packaging, and released for transportation without known damage. Upon receipt, inspect the exterior for evidence of rough handling in shipment. Ensure that the appliance is labelled correctly for the gas and electrical supply, and/or other services it is intended to be connected to.For safety and warranty purposes, appliances that may be damaged or incorrect MUST NOT be installed or operated under any circumstances. Installation of damaged or incorrect appliances may contravene local government regulations. Rinnai disclaims any liability or responsibility whatsoever in relation to the installation or operation of damaged or incorrect appliances.NOTE A NOTE ON ILLUSTRATIONSThe illustrations used in this manual are for explanatory purposes only and the shape of your unit may vary slightly from that which is shown in this manual.Control panel console LCD displayMAIN POWER SwitchPOWER `ON´ / `OFF´ button TIME setting button`UP´ button`DOWN´ buttonTemperature setting button 24 Hour reset button`PROGRAM´ buttonClock / Temperature displayLock indicator Heater operation indicator (Red)Timer operation indicatorWarm air discharge240 Volt power cord & plug Air inletsOptional castors for floor mounting (see “INSTALLATION” on page 14 for installation options)Mounting bracket for wall installation (see “INSTALLATION” on pages 13 & 14 for installation options)AB 1234567891011121314151617To turn the heater on and set the temperature:Ensure heater is plugged in and the power socket outlet is switched on.1.Turn the main power switch located on the right hand side of the appliance, to the ‘on’ position. The digitalLCD Display will illuminate briefly and a double beep will be heard.2.Press the POWER button on the control panel console once to start heating operation. The red operation indicator will illuminate. Two digits on the display panel will show the programmed temperature setting.The factory setting temperature is 21°C.3.To change the temperature setting press the °C button once. The right-hand digits on the display panelwill flash.Press the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ buttons to increase or decrease the temperature setting. The available temperature setting range is from 5°C to 30°C.4.To exit the temperature setting operation either press the °C button or wait 60 seconds. The selected temperature will now be set and displayed alternately with the time display (see “Setting The Clock.” on page 9). If the selected temperature is above that of the current room temperature the red operation indicator will illuminate and the heater will begin to heat the room. If the selected temperature is less than that of the current room temperature the red operation indicator will go out and the heater will go into a standby state until the room temperature has fallen below the set temperature, when the heater will then automatically switch on and heat the room.5.To stop heater operation completely press POWER button .If after 60 seconds no buttons are pressed the digits will stop flashing and the display will revert back to the current operating setting. Simply press the °C button to re-enter temperature setting operation.During the initial burning in period or after long periods of non use some light grey smoke or smell may be experienced. This is normal and is caused by dust that may have settled on the heating element. During this period the space being heated should be well ventilated.1B 2A 11969NOTE645611112IMPORTANTPROGRAMMED OPERATIONIn addition to MANUAL OPERATION the heater can also be operated using a PROGRAMMED OPERATION function, allowing the user to program the heater to operate for a set time period(s) over a 24 hour cycle.Setting The Clock.1.Press the POWER button on the control panel console , press the TIME button this activates the time "hour" edit mode, use the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ buttons to set the Hours. Once the "hour" has been set press the TIME button to set the "minutes" and use the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ buttons to set the "minutes".2.Once the "minutes" are set, press the time button to save the set time. The time displayed is in 24 Hour time.Before the PROGRAMMED OPERATION can be used the clock will need to be set.If the clock is not set when the heater is turned on the time will default to 00:00 (12 Midnight) and will begin running from that time.If the appliance is turned off using the power button the time will be saved.If the appliance is turned off using the main power switch then the time setting will be lost and will require re-setting.NOTE 2A 3453453NOTE211.To set the ON and OFF timer periods for the heater press the PROG button . The first time block of the TimerOperation indicator will begin to flash.2.Press the ‘Up’ button to make the selected block an ON block (the heater will be ON at this time) or press the down button to make the selected block an OFF block (the heater will be OFF at this time), each press moves the selection on to the next available block cycling from left to right.3.To save the timer settings press the PROG button .4.Once the timer has been programmed, the heater will automatically turn ON and OFF and heat to the settemperature for the set times.5.To edit the timer settings press the PROG button then change the state of the desire block(s) press the ‘Up’or ‘Down’ buttons. To save the new timer settings press the PROG button .6.To stop Timer operation press the POWER button .If after 60 seconds no buttons are pressed the heater will revert back to the current operating setting. Simply press the PROG button to re-enter the timer setting operation.If the appliance is turned off using the power button the timer settings will be saved.If the appliance is turned off using the main power switch then the timer settings will be lost and will require re-setting.812458NOTE821845821.To completely cancel the programmed timer operation and restore the heater to manual operation press the 24Hr button , this resets all the time blocks to ON (the heater will be ON at this time) and does not reset the clock.2.The heater will now operate as for “MANUAL OPERATION” on page 8.If the set temperature is set to CF 5 °C then the constant frost protection program will be activated.This is useful during winter in alpine areas where the ambient temperature is likely to fall below 5° C.The Lock function is designed to prevent accidental operations and small children from altering the heater settings.To Activate The LockPress the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ buttons simultaneously until three beeps are heard and the padlock symbol isdisplayed. All control functions are now locked and none of the buttons on the control will work.To Deactivate The LockTo deactivate the lock, repeat locking step above to return to normal operation.The operational timer will need re-programming before the ON / OFF timer based operation can be used see “Setting The Programed Operation Timer” on page 10 for details.The Lock function is also de-activated if the heater is switched ‘off’ via the main power switch .7NOTE4510NOTE1CARE AND MAINTENANCECARE OF THE HEATERDue to the ‘natural convection’ operating principle it is normal that some dust and fluff may build up at the air inlet and air outlet louvres over time. This will reduce operating effectiveness and may result in the appliance overheating if left for too long.DO NOT use solvents to clean any parts.To remove dust and clean the appliance:1.Unplug the electric plug of the heater from the socket outlet before commencing cleaning.2.Allow to cool down.e a vacuum cleaner to remove any dust and fluff from the inlet and outlet louvres.4.All parts of the heater can be cleaned using a soft, damp cloth with some mild detergent (such as dishwashingliquid) if required.5.Ensure the heater is dry before reconnecting to the electricity supply.SERVICE AND REPAIRIf the electric power cord or plug are damaged, they must be replaced by Rinnai or a Rinnai appointed service agent. There are no user serviceable parts inside the appliance. All service and repair work must be carried out by persons competent and permitted by law to do so.If the heater requires service or repair contact your supplier or Rinnai Australia.DISPOSALElectrical appliances may contain materials which, if handled or disposed off incorrectly, present a hazard to humans or the environment.DO NOT dispose of your old appliance with your household waste. Dispose of your old appliance at your local community waste collection / recycling centre and ensure it presents no danger to children whilst being stored for disposal.INSTALLATIONGENERALThis heater is suitable for Do It Yourself installation. It can be either wall mounted (fixed installation) or freestanding by mounting castors in accordance with these instructions. A phillips head screwdriver is included for freestanding installation. For wall installation other tools and hardware may be required, depending on the wall material. WALL INSTALLATIONThe clearance from the sides, front and top of the heater must be at least 100mm as shown in the diagram below.1.Ensure the heater is unplugged from the power socket outlet and the ‘on / off’ switch is in the off position beforecommencing wall mounting.2.For models PEPH15PEW & PEPH10PEW , loosen the locking screw and rotate the locking latch on the tallerleg of the mounting bracket and detach the mounting bracket from the back of the panel heater.For model PEPH22PEW , loosen the locking screw on each leg of the mounting bracket, depressing both to detach the mounting bracket from the back of the panel heater.3.Position the mounting bracket on the wall. Ensure the two bottom mount holes are at least 175mm from the floorand drill holes as required.•This heater MUST NOT be located immediately below a socket-outlet.•This heater MUST be positioned within one metre of a socket-outlet to ensure the flexible cord and plug can reach it.•This heater is NOT designed to be built in.•DO NOT attach the castors to the heater base for wall installations.•The heater is suitable for installation in non-communal baths and shower areas or bathrooms.It is to be installed such that switches and other controls cannot be touched by a person in the bath or shower. Consult your licensed electrical trades person for installation in communalbaths and shower areas or bathrooms.IMPORTANTINSTALLATION4.Secure the mounting bracket to the wall with the 4 mounting screws. For masonry walls use the plastic plugswith screws provided. For plaster walls obtain suitable plasterboard fasteners from a building hardware supplier.5.Re-attach heater to the mounting bracket (reverse method of step 2.) and secure with the locking screw(s).6.Remove the cable tie from the flexible cord and insert the 2 pin plug of the heater into the power socket outlet.DO NOT bundle or coil the flexible cord to reduce it’s length as overheating and subsequent fire hazard could result.FREESTANDING INSTALLATION3.Assemble the 2 castorsto the each castor bracketby pushing the metal shaft fully home.4.With the front end of the castor support bracket pointed towards the front of the heater, align the four locatingtabs with the four of the outer most air inlets then push down and forward until the tabs are fully engaged with the heater. Then secure each of the castor brackets in place with retaining screws , using two for each.5.Remove the cable tie from the flexible cord and insert the 2 pin plug of the heater into the power socket outlet.DO NOT bundle or coil the flexible cord to reduce it’s length as overheating and subsequent fire hazard could result.ABC D E 1.Be sure heater is unplugged and power switches are off.2.Place the heater in an ‘upside down’ position with the back of the heater facing you.innai Australia Pty Ltd ABN 74 005 138 769 | AU45204100 Atlantic Drive, Keysborough, Victoria 3173P.O. Box 460, Braeside, Victoria 3195Tel: (03) 9271 6625Fax: (03) 9271 6622National Help LineTel: 1300 555 545* Fax: 1300 555 655Monday to Friday, 8.00 am to 5.00 pm EST.*Cost of a local call higher from mobile or public phones.For further information visit .auor email ******************.auinnai has a Service and Spare Parts network with personnel who are fully trained and equipped to givethe best service on your innai appliance. If your appliance requires service, please call our NationalHelp Line.With our policy of continuous improvement, we reserve the right to change, or discontinue at any time,specifications or designs without notice.。

1. 确保操作人员具备相关的安全培训和证书,并了解防爆电加热器的基本原理和操作要点。
2. 在操作之前,必须检查防爆电加热器的外观、电气连接和绝缘情况,确保设备完好无损。
3. 在使用防爆电加热器之前,应该清理加热器周围的杂物和易燃物,确保加热器周围环境安全。
4. 操作人员必须佩戴符合要求的个人防护装备,包括防爆服装、手套和安全眼镜。
5. 在操作防爆电加热器时,应严格按照设备操作手册中的指导进行操作,不得擅自修改或更改操作参数。
6. 防爆电加热器在使用过程中,操作人员必须保持警觉,随时留意设备的工作状态,一旦发现异常立即停机检修。
7. 操作结束后,必须将防爆电加热器的电源切断,并进行必要的清洁和维护工作。

RedStone Infrared Cabinet HeaterOWNER’S MANUALModel No. GD9315BCW-5JASKU No. 1360375PLEASE SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSWARNING: READ THIS OWNER’S MANUAL CAREFULLY BEFORE USE.Thank you for choosing our infrared cabinet heater. This owner’s manual will provide you with valuable information necessary for the proper care and maintenance of your new product. Please take a few moments to thoroughly read the instructions and familiarize yourself with all the operational aspects of your new heater.PLEASE SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSREAD AND UNDERSTAND ALL INSTRUCTIONS, SAFETY WARNINGS, BEFORE USING THE HEATERWARNING!! POTENTIAL FOR ELECTRICAL HAZARD IF NOTADHERED TO!When using this electric unit, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and injury to persons, including the following:1. Read ALL instructions before using this unit.2. CAUTION: Risk of Electric Shock. DO NOT open or try to repair the heater yourself.3. This heater may get hot when in use. To avoid burns, DO NOT let bare skin touch hot surfaces. If provided, use handles when moving this heater.4. Keep combustible materials, such as furniture, pillows, bedding, paper, clothes, and curtains at least 3 ft from the front of the heater and keep them away from the sides, top, and rear. DO NOT place towels or other objects on the heater.5. Extreme caution is necessary when any heater is used by or near children or the disabled, or when the heater is left operating and unattended.6. DO NOT operate any heater with a damaged cord or after the heater malfunctions, has been dropped or damaged in any manner. Return heater to authorized service facility for examination, electrical or mechanical adjustment, or repair.7. This heater is not intended for use in bathrooms, laundry areas and similar indoor locations. NEVER locate heater where it may fall into a bathtub or other water container. To protect against electrical hazards, DO NOT immerse in water or other liquids. 8. DO NOT touch the control panel or plug with a wet hand.9. DO NOT run cord under carpeting. DO NOT cover cord with throw rugs, runners, or similar coverings. Arrange cord away from traffic area and where it will not be tripped over.10. DO NOT insert or allow foreign objects to enter any ventilation or exhaust opening asthis may cause an electric shock or fire, or damage the heater.11. To prevent a possible fire, DO NOT block the air intakes or exhaust in any manner.DO NOT use on soft surfaces, like a bed, where openings may become blocked.12. A heater has hot and arcing or sparking parts inside. DO NOT use in areas wheregasoline, paint, explosive and/or flammable liquids are used or stored. Keep unit away from heated surfaces and open flames.13. Always plug heaters directly into a wall outlet/receptacle. Never use with an extensioncord or relocatable power tap (outlet/power strip).14. To avoid fire or shock hazard, plug the unit directly into a 120 V AC electrical outlet.15. To disconnect heater, turn controls to OFF, then remove plug from outlet. Pull firmly onthe plug, DO NOT unplug by pulling on the cord.16. Always unplug the unit before moving or cleaning, or whenever the heater is not in use.17. Use only for intended household use as described in this manual. Any other use notrecommended by the manufacturer may cause fire, electric shock, or injury to persons.The use of attachments not recommended or sold by unauthorized dealers may cause hazards.18. Always use on a dry, level surface. Use on floor only.19. DO NOT use outdoors.20. WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, DO NOT use this unit with anysolid-state speed control device.21. DO NOT attempt to repair or adjust any electrical or mechanical functions on this unit.Doing so will void your warranty. The inside of the unit contains no user serviceable parts. Qualified personnel should perform all servicing only.22. Connect to properly grounded outlets only.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSSPECIFICATIONSTip-Over Safety FeatureThis heater is equipped with a tip-over safety feature. Once the heater is tipped over, an internal switch will automatically shut the heater off. Once the heater is restored an upright position, the heater will reset. To continue operation, turn on the heater using the supplied remote control or the control panel on the heater.Overheat Safety FeatureThis heater is equipped with an overheat safety feature. When the heaters internal components reach a certain temperature that could cause overheat and possible fire, the heater will automatically shut off.WARNING: This heater has a voltage rating Array of 120 volts. The cord has a plug as shownin A. An adapter as shown in C is availablefor connecting three-blade grounding-typeplugs to two-slot receptacles. The groundinglug extending from the adapter must beconnected to a permanent ground such as aproperly grounded outlet box. The adaptershould not be used if a three-slot groundedreceptacle is available.DO NOT DEFEAT THE SAFETYPURPOSE OF THE GROUNDED PLUG.WARNING: It is normal for the power cord to feel warm to the touch; however, a loose fit between the outlet and the plug may cause overheating of the plug. If this occurs, try inserting the plug into a different outlet. Contact a qualified electrician to inspect theoriginal outlet for damage.IN THE BOX·INFRARED ZONE HEATING SYSTEM·REMOTE CONTROL (2 AAA batteries not Included) ·INSTRUCTION BOOKLETPRODUCT DIAGRAMAir OutletAir IntakeCord ClampPower Switch1、 ON/OFF button: Powers the display on and off.”2、 Mode button: To select between High 、Low and Eco modes..3、 Energy-saving mode indicator: Will be lit when energy-saving mode is engaged.4、 Timer button: Used to engage timer mode and to set hour value for the timer.5、 Temp up button: To increase desired temperature.6、 Temp down button: To decrease desired temperature.7、 Digital display: Indicate set room temperature or time8、 Fahrenheit indicator light: Will be lit when temperature displayed is in Fahrenheit. 9、 Signal receiving window: For receiving remote control signal.10、 Celsius indicator light: Will be lit when temperature displayed is in Celsius. 11、 Low Mode indicator light: Will be lit when Low Heat mode is engaged. 12、 High Mode indicator light: Will be lit when High Heat mode is engaged.Control PanelRemote ControlPREPARATIONPlace the heater on a firm, level surface and plug into a grounded 120V 60Hz power outlet. and turn on the power switch in the rear of the unit. Only operate heater in upright position with caster wheels attached.Insert 2 AAA batteries into the remote control before using (Batteries Not Included)OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1、Start and select working modeOrTurn the heater on by pressing the ON/OFF button on the control panel or by pressing the Power button on the supplied remote control.Once power is off, heating element will stop working at first. Fan will prolong working for 3 min to emit plenty of heat inside. This mark will indicate running during the 3 min.OrSelect a heat ModePress the MODE button to toggle between the three heat modes.High Mode uses 1500W; Low Mode uses 750W. ECO mode is an Economic Energy Saving Function. When ECO mode is chosen, the heater will manage itself from less to more heating power (watts) in an attempt to maintain a constant warm 68℉(20℃).2、Setting Desired TemperatureOr OrOrAdjustthe desired temperature by pressing the Up/Down arrows on the control panel or remote control.OrDesired temperature options vary from 59℉ to 86℉, or from 15℃ to 30℃. Once you have chosen thedesired temperature, the heater will remain on until the room temperature increases to the temperature on the digital display. The heater will cycle on and off to maintain the desired room temperature.OrPress ℃ /℉ button to change the display temperature between Fahrenheit and Celsius.The Fahrenheit indicator LED will light, when the temperature is displayed in Fahrenheit.)The Celsius LED will light, when the temperature is displayed in Celsius.3、Setting the POWER OFF TIMER FunctionNote: The Power-Off-Timer Function will allow for the heater to power OFF after a certain set time, and can only be set while the heater’s display is in the “On” position.OrTurn the heater to the “On” position. Press the Timer button on the heater’s control panel or the remote. The digital display changes from the “temperature” to the “hours” option for the timer. Continue to press the timer button to change thenumber of hours you would like the heater to run before powering itself off .The hour options for the timer are from 0 to 12 hrs. (in 1 hr increments).The selected hour increments will flash for a few seconds, then revert back to the set desired temperature. The Timer indicator light will remain lit as long as the Timer is set. The heater will power OFF when the internal heater clock counts down the hour increments you set.4、Setting the POWER-ON-TIMER Function(Note: The Power-ON-Timer Function will allow for the heater to power ON after a certain set time, and can only be set while the heater’s display is in the “Off” position.OrTurn the heater to the “OFF” position .Press the Timer button on the heater’s control panel or the remote.The digital display shows the “hours” option for the timer. Continue to press the timer button to change the number of hours you would like the heater’s internal clock to count down before powering itself on. The hour options for the timer are from 0 to 12 hrs. (in 1 hr increments).The Timer indicator light will remain lit as long as the Timer is set. The heater will power itself ON when the internal heater clock counts down the hour increments you set.5、Setting electro lockThe Electro Lock can help avoid the heater from being accidentally engaged by children. The locking mechanism can be set in both the ON and OFF modes.And Press Temp Up and Temp Down buttons at the same time for 3 seconds. Locking is complete when you hear a beep. When locked, the functions of the control panel and remote will be locked for use.And When you need to unlock it, press Temp Up and Temp Down buttons at the same time for 3 seconds. You will hear a beep .The control panel and remotecontrol will become functional again.MAINTENANCE1. Turn off the power switch in the rear of the unit.2. Unplug the unit and let it cool completely.3. To keep the heater clean, the outer shell may be cleaned with a soft, damp cloth.You may use a mild detergent if necessary. After cleaning, dry the unit with a soft cloth. CAUTION: DO NOT let liquid enter the heater.4. DO NOT use alcohol, gasoline, abrasive powders, furniture polish, or roughbrushes to clean the heater. This may cause damage or deterioration to the surface of the heater.5. DO NOT immerse the heater in water.6. Wait until the unit is completely dry before use.7. Air filter needs cleaning after used 3 months of use. Please take off the filter withthe 2 steps in the drawing below. Flush and clean the filter with water, Then, dry it out and re-assemble.8. If you do not use the heater for a long time, please take out the remote batteries (to prevent corrosion) as shown below. Store the remote in a safe place.2) Remove Air filter1) Remove bracket screws (4X)The unitTROUBLE SHOOTINGIf the heater will not operate, please check the following before seeking repair advice:1.Check if the power cord is plugged into an electrical outlet, if not, plug in.2.Check if electricity to the main power switch (in the back) is working.3.Check to see if the battery on the remote is placed correctly, undamaged.4.Overheat protection function may have been triggered, a cut-off switch is fitted to theheating element to prevent damage due to overheating. If it cuts-off due to an obstruction in the airflow or operating in abnormal ways, please contact a professional electrician to manually reset the temperature limiter.NOTE:For the heater to function properly, the desired temperature on the heater must be set a few degrees higher than the temperature in the room. If the seems to not be heating, increase the desired temperature on the heater to engage the heat elements.STORAGEStore the heater in a cool, dry location when not in use. To prevent dust and dirt build-up, use the original packaging to repack the unit.。

4.1 如何安装倾心系列电子式电热水器...5 4.2 注意事项........................................9 5. 首次接电..............................................9 6A. F3控制面板说明................................9 6A.1性能注解..................................10 7A. F3功能设定和使用.........................10 7A.1开关控制功能...........................10 7A.2温度设定..................................10 7A.3北京时间显示和设定.................11 7A.4加热模式的选择........................11 7A.5立即加热模式...........................11 7A.6夜间加热模式...........................11
● 不要使用任何插座变换器、电缆延长线以适应电 加热器的插头尺寸,也不要改用其他插头以适应
插座, 请不要使用接线板(图5、图6)。
● 热水器应单独接线, 不要与其他电器共用一条线
● 热水器安装位置及电源插座应安置在水喷淋不到的
● 本热水器所用电源软线为专用软线,如果损坏,必
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3)工作环境:0℃~ 340℃,无腐蚀气体。
12)每次启动前应对电热管绝缘电阻测量一下,低于2 MΩ时应抽出电热管,放于300℃烘箱中烘干后使用。