
引导定语从句的“ 介词+ 关系代词” 结构在英语中,由“介词+关系代词”引导的限制性和非限制性定语从句十分常见。
一.“介词+ 关系代词” 结构中的关系代词用来引导定语从句的关系代词常见的有who,whom,whose,which,that等。
例如:The two things about which Marx was not sure were the grammar and some of the idioms.马克思不大有把握的两方面是语法和某些习惯语。
He had a bad cold, because of which he didn't attend the meeting.他得了重感冒,因此而未能参加会议。
There are 30 students in our class,of whom 25 are league members.我们班里有学生30人,其中25人是团员。
The person to whom I spoke just now is the postmaster.我刚才跟他讲话的那个人是邮政局局长。
例如:His head soon appeared out of one of the second storey windows,from where he could see nothing but trees.他的头很快从二楼的一个窗口外显露出来,从那儿,除了树木他什么也看不见。

一、关系代词的用法关系代词在定语从句中可以充当主语、宾语或定语,常见的关系代词有:who, whom, whose, which和that。
1. Who关系代词“who”用来指代人,在从句中可以作为主语或宾语。
例句1:This is the man who helped me yesterday.(这就是昨天帮助我的那个人。
)例句2:She is the woman who I saw at the party.(她就是我在派对上见过的那个女人。
)2. Whom关系代词“whom”用来指代人,在从句中可以作为宾语。
例句1:The teacher whom we admire is retiring next month.(我们敬仰的那位老师下个月要退休了。
)3. Whose关系代词“whose”用来指代人或物,在从句中可以表示所属关系。
例句1:The girl whose bag was stolen reported it to the police.(那个袋子被偷的女孩向警察报案了。
)例句2:The book whose cover is torn is mine.(那本书封面破了的是我的。
)4. Which关系代词“which”用来指代事物,在从句中可以作为主语或宾语。
例句1:I don't like the movie which we saw last night.(我不喜欢昨晚我们看的那部电影。
)例句2:This is the car which my father bought.(这是我父亲买的那辆车。
)5. That关系代词“that”用来指代人或物,在从句中可以作为主语、宾语或定语。
定语从句 关系副词的用法及定语从句用法的其他要点

• Look over there.Some people are standing under the big tree,from where we enjoy the whole view. • 分析:where代表under the big tree这个地 方,如果用which就只能代表the big tree,这 句话的意思不是Enjoy the view from the big tree而是from under the big tree所以只 能用from • Where
• I have reached a point in my life where I am supposed to make decisions of myself. Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity where sight matters more than hearing. 四.关系代词和关系副词的比较 关系代词和关系副词在定语从句中除了其连接主 句和从句的作用外,他们换在定语从句中担当 句子成分。关系代词在定语从句中担当主语, 宾语,
• • • • • • •
is a part of China we must unify it. is 5. the idea ,which I think________( be ) Reasonable ,was brought up by Professor Li Yesterday. 6.I still remember the teachers and the school were ( be )talked of yesterday. that _______ 2.注意way/time 后接定语从句的情况

最新定语从句中介词加关系副词的用法重点难点解析一、介词在定语从句中的用法1. 引导定语从句的介词可放在句首,也可放在句末在定语从句中,引导定语从句的介词可以放在句首或句末。
例如:- This is the house in which I grew up.- The room, in which he always studied, was very small.2. 关系代词和介词的搭配规则在定语从句中,关系代词和介词之间的搭配关系有以下几种情况:- 先行词前可以有介词时,用which/whom/that等关系代词来引导定语从句。
例如:- The book on which he stepped is mine.- The girl with whom he is talking is his sister.- 先行词前不能有介词时,用whose/that/whom/which等关系代词来引导定语从句。
例如:- The man whose car was stolen reported it to the police.- The person that I met yesterday is a famous actor.3. 只能用关系副词引导的定语从句有一些情况下,只能用关系副词引导定语从句。
例如:- The reason why he refused the offer is still unknown.- That is the place where we first met.二、定语从句中介词加关系副词的难点解析1. 关系副词和介词的搭配在定语从句中,关系副词和介词的搭配需要注意以下几点:- 先行词前可以有介词时,用介词+which/whom等关系代词来引导定语从句。
例如:- That is the book on which I'm working.- 先行词前不能有介词时,用关系副词+which/that等关系代词来引导定语从句。

1.July is the month. In this month we have a lot of rain.July is the month when we have a lot of rain. (when= in which)2.There was a time. During that time there were no radios, telephones or TV sets here. There was a time when there were no radios, telephones or TV here. (when= during which)3. I was born on Oct.1st ___ when/ on which_ our nation was set up.4. W e still remembered the days __ when___ /____ in which____we travelled together.注:若定语从句的先行词是时间,但定语从句缺主语或宾语,则用which或that引导定语从句。
1.I’ll never forget the time that / which I spent on campus.2.I’ll never forget the time that/ which was spent with you.★where引导的定语从句修饰表示地点的名词,并在定语从句中作地点状语,相当于“介词(on/in/at/from等)+ 关系代词(which)”。
1.The school is a key school in Hebei Province. His sister works at the school.The school where his sister works is a key school in Hebei Province.(where= at which)2.Have you ever been to the house? Lu Xun once lived in that house.Have you ever been to the house where Lu Xun once lived?(where= in which)3.I lost my wallet in the restaurant where we had lunch.注:1. 如果定语从句分别修饰point, situation, stage, condition和case等表示抽象意义的词,常用where 引导,意思是“到了某种地步,在某种境况中”。

下面是一些介词在定语从句中的常见用法:1. 介词+关系代词/关系副词+动词: 在定语从句中,常见的介词有with、from、about、in、on等,它们常与关系代词who/whom/which/that以及关系副词where/when/why连用。
例如:“The book that I am reading is about the World War II.”(我正在阅读的这本书是关于二战的。
)介词+关系代词/关系副词+动词: 在定语从句中,常见的介词有with、from、about、in、on等,它们常与关系代词who/whom/which/that以及关系副词where/when/why连用。
例如:“The book that I am reading is about the World War II.”(我正在阅读的这本书是关于二战的。
下面是关系副词在定语从句中常见的用法:1. 关系副词when: 当先行词表示时间的概念时,可以用关系副词when引导定语从句。
例如:“Yesterday was the day when the concert took place.”(昨天是音乐会举办的那一天。
)关系副词when: 当先行词表示时间的概念时,可以用关系副词when引导定语从句。
例如:“Yesterday was the day when the concert took place.”(昨天是音乐会举办的那一天。
)2. 关系副词where: 当先行词表示地点的概念时,可以用关系副词where引导定语从句。
例如:“This is the school where I studied when I was a child.”(这是我小时候上过的学校。

定语从句关系副词的用法教案一、教学目标:1. 让学生理解关系副词的概念和作用;2. 培养学生正确运用关系副词引导定语从句的能力;3. 提高学生英语写作和口语表达能力。
二、教学内容:1. 关系副词的定义和分类;2. 关系副词在定语从句中的用法;3. 关系副词与先行词的关系;4. 关系副词的练习和应用。
三、教学重点与难点:1. 重点:关系副词的定义、分类和用法;2. 难点:关系副词与先行词的搭配和应用。
四、教学方法:1. 实例分析法:通过具体例子讲解关系副词的用法;2. 练习法:让学生通过练习巩固所学知识;3. 互动教学法:引导学生参与课堂讨论,提高口语表达能力。
五、教学步骤:1. 引入:提问学生关于定语从句的知识,引导学生思考关系副词的作用;2. 讲解:讲解关系副词的定义、分类和用法,结合实例进行分析;3. 练习:布置练习题,让学生运用关系副词引导定语从句;4. 讨论:让学生分组讨论练习中的难点和疑问,教师巡回指导;5. 总结:对本节课的内容进行总结,强调关系副词与先行词的关系;6. 作业:布置课后作业,巩固所学知识。
六、教学评估:1. 课后作业:检查学生对关系副词用法的理解和掌握程度;2. 课堂练习:观察学生在练习中的表现,及时发现问题并进行个别指导;3. 口语表达:通过课堂讨论和回答问题,评估学生的口语表达能力。
七、课后作业:1. 练习题:完成相关的练习题,巩固关系副词的用法;2. 写作任务:运用关系副词写一段句子,展示对定语从句的理解;3. 口语作业:与同学互相练习使用关系副词,提高口语表达能力。
八、教学拓展:1. 相关阅读材料:推荐学生阅读含有定语从句的英文文章,加深对关系副词的理解;2. 语法练习:进行其他语法项目的练习,巩固整体语法水平;3. 英语角活动:组织英语角活动,鼓励学生运用所学知识进行交流。
九、教学反思:1. 课堂效果:评估学生对关系副词用法的掌握程度,思考教学方法的改进;2. 学生反馈:听取学生的意见和建议,调整教学内容和方式;3. 教学策略:根据学生的实际情况,制定相应的教学计划和策略。

常用的关系词有:who, whom, whose, which 和 that。
例如:- The book that I bought yesterday is very interesting.- The boy who is standing over there is my friend.介词的用法介词在定语从句中的用法主要有两种情况:1. 介词 + 关系代词介词可以直接跟在关系代词后面,形成介词短语,用来表示时间、地点、原因等。
例如:- She is the girl with whom I went to the party. (介词 + whom)- The house in which they live is very old. (介词 + which)2. 介词 + 关系副词介词也可以和关系副词结合使用。
例如:- I will never forget the day when we first met. (介词 + when)需要注意的是,在定语从句中,关系副词常常用来修饰整个句子,而不是具体的名词或代词。
关系副词的用法关系副词主要有三个:when, where 和 why。
1. when关系副词 when 常用来表示时间,在定语从句中用来修饰整个句子中的动词。
例如:- Do you remember the day when we went hiking together?- That was the time when she achieved great success.2. where关系副词 where 常用来表示地点,在定语从句中用来修饰整个句子中的动词。

关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which, as。
关系副词有:when, where, why, how。
1) who, whom, that 这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,在从句中所起作用如下:Is he the man who/that wants to see you?(who/that在从句中作主语)He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday.(whom/that在从句中作宾语)2) whose 用来指人或物,(只用作定语,假设指物,它还可以同of which互换).例如:Please pass me the book whose (of which) cover is green.3) which, that 它们所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等.例如:A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside.(which / that在句中作宾语)The package (which / that) you are carrying is about to e unwrapped.(which / that在句中作宾语)关系代词that和which 都可以指物,that 和Who 都可以指人,其用法区别:a) 在引导非限定性定语从句时(错)The tree, that is four hundred years old, is very famous here.b) 介词后不能用We depend on the land from which we get our food.c) 多用who 的情况①关系代词在从句中做主语A friend who helps you in time of need is a real friend.②先行词为those, people 时Those who were either fools or unfit for their offices could not see the cloth.③先行词为all, anyone, ones, one 指人时One who doesn't work hard will never sueed in his work.④在There be句型中There is a stranger who wants tosee you.⑤在被分隔的定语从句中A new teacher will e tomorrow who will teach you German.⑥在有两个定语从句的句子中,其一用who,其二用that,但假设先行词后接两个以上的并列定语从句时,后一个必须重复前一个关系代词。

一、关系代词的用法1. 关系代词在主句中充当主语或宾语时,一般使用"that"或"which"。
例如:- The book that/which I borrowed from the library is very interesting.我从图书馆借来的那本书非常有趣。
2. 当关系代词在定语从句中修饰物时,可以使用"that/which"或省略不用。
例如:- The table (that/which) I bought is made of solid wood.我买的桌子是实木的。
3. 当关系代词在定语从句中修饰人时,一般使用"who"或"that",也可以省略。
例如:- The man who/that is standing over there is my teacher.站在那边的那个人是我的老师。
4. 当关系代词在定语从句中充当宾语时,使用"whom"或"that",也可以省略。
例如:- The person (whom/that) I met yesterday is my cousin.我昨天见到的那个人是我表兄。
1. "when"用来修饰表示时间的副词,在定语从句中放在句首或句中。

二、where的用法1. where引导的定语从句修饰地点名词例如:- This is the house where I used to live.这是我曾经住过的房子。
2. where引导的定语从句修饰时间名词例如:- I still remember the day where we met for the first time.我至今仍记得我们第一次见面的那一天。
三、when的用法1. when引导的定语从句修饰时间名词例如:- Do you remember the time when we went on a trip together?你还记得我们一起去旅行的那个时间吗?2. when引导的定语从句修饰表示时间的介词短语例如:- I will always cherish the moments when I spent with my family.我会一直珍惜和家人在一起的时光。
四、why的用法1. why引导的定语从句修饰原因名词例如:- That's the reason why I didn't go to the party.那就是我没有参加派对的原因。
2. why引导的定语从句修饰表示原因的介词短语例如:- He explained the reason why he was late for the meeting.他解释了他为什么会迟到的原因。

介词和关系副词的基本概念+ 介词:介词是用来表示名词与其他词语之间关系的虚词,如in、on、for等。
+ 关系副词:关系副词是用来引导定语从句的虚词,它们有when、where和why三个。
介词加关系副词的用法案例1. 介词加when- The time when we first met was unforgettable.- I'll never forget the day when we went hiking together.2. 介词加where- This is the park where we often play basketball.- The café where she works is very popular.3. 介词加why- That's the reason why she refused the offer.- I don't understand the reason why he is always late.介词加关系副词的注意事项1. 关系副词只能引导时间、地点和原因的定语从句。
- This is the way when/where/why we usually go to school. (正确) - This is the reason who/which we need to find. (错误)2. 关系副词引导的定语从句可以放在句首或句末。
- I will never forget the day when we first met. (关系副词放句末) - When we first met, I will never forget that day. (关系副词放句首)3. 关系副词在定语从句中可以省略。
定语从句(关系副词+介词+which whom)教师版

定语从句(教师版)关系副词when, where, why介词+whom/which引导的定语从句一、基本概念1. 定语从句除可用关系代词引导外,还可用关系副词when_, _where__与why来引导。
2. 它们的区别是:when用于指时间_,相当于in/ at/ on/ during which, where用于指地点,相当于in/ at/ from which, why用于指原因, 相当于for which。
3. 关系副词在定语从句中代替先行词作状_语,不可省略,有时可以用介词+which 代替。
二、基本用法1. 关系副词when关系副词和where的先行词是表示时间(如the day(s), the time, the year等)和地点(如the place, the house, the factory, the station等)的一类词,而关系副词why的先行词通常只是for the reason(s)。
另外,when 和where 可引导限制性和非限制性定语从句,而why _则只用于引导限制性定语从句,不用于引导非限制性定语从句。
★用适当的关系副词填空①I will remember the day when I left my hometown forever. (作时间状语=on which)②This is the place where he works. (作地点_状语= in which_)③He told me the reason why he was late again. (作原因状语= for which )2. 注意不要以为在时间名词后就一定用关系副词when,在地点名词后就一定用关系副词where,在表示原因的the reason后就一定用关系副词why。

一、关系代词(Relative Pronouns)关系代词用于引导定语从句并在从句中充当句子成分,它们有以下几个常见的形式和用法:1. who/whom这两个关系代词用于代替人,并在从句中充当主语或宾语。
例如:The girl who is standing over there is my sister.这个站在那边的女孩是我的妹妹。
2. which该关系代词用于代替物,并在从句中充当主语或宾语。
例如:I bought a book which is very interesting.我买了一本非常有趣的书。
3. that关系代词that可以代替人也可以代替物,它在从句中既可以充当主语也可以充当宾语。
例如:The car that I saw yesterday belongs to my neighbor.我昨天看到的那辆车是我邻居的。
4. whose关系代词whose用于表示所属关系,并在从句中充当名词的所有格。
例如:The man whose wallet was stolen reported the incident to the police.那个被偷钱包的人向警察报案了。
二、关系副词(Relative Adverbs)关系副词用于引导定语从句并在从句中充当副词或介词宾语。
它们有以下几个常见的形式和用法:1. where关系副词where用于代替地点,并在从句中充当地点状语。
unit5 Grammar 定语从句介词+关系代词_关系副词课件

5.His glasses,_____he was like a blind man,fell to the ground andC broke its leg. A.which B.with which C.without which D.that
2.固定的动词+介词短语,介词不能提前。 3.关系代词和关系副词有时可转换:
where, when, why = 介词 + which 4.先行词是the way 时,且从句中缺少方式状语
时,关系词用that / in which或省略. 想一想
1.Do you know who lives in the building_____C_there is a well? A.in front of it B. in front of whose C.in front of which D.in front which
which is bright and nice.
15.The little girl is reading a book,_____which there
are many pictures. about 16.What were the things_______which he was not too
This is the first time (that) the president has visited the country.
(2)当point, situation, case等词作先行词表示 “情况,境地,场合”等意思时,其后常由 where引导定语从句,where在句中作状语。如:

定语从句重点难点归纳思考:名从和定从的引导词一样吗?1. 引导定语从句的关系代词没有what, whatever, however对吗?2. That 在名词性从句和定语从句中的不同?3. 定语从句和同位语从句的不同?4. 定从的难点在那里?定语从句关系词关系代词:指人:who, whom,指人和物:that, whose指物:which, as关系副词:when, where, how, why§如果表示地点,时间,原因,方式的先行词做后面从句的宾语或主语时,引导词用that / which. 请指出关系代词/副词在定语从句中的成份:1.The man who came to our school is Mr. Wang. ( )2.The girl (whom) I met is Lucy. ( )3.A child whose parents are dead is called Tom. ( )4.I like the book (which) you bought yesterday. ( )5. His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone whose family was poor. ( )6. I like the person to whom you just talked. ( )7. We shall never forget the days (that) we spent together. ( )8. We shall never the days when we lived together. ( )考点1:that 与which1) Do you have anything ______ you don’t understand?2) The only thing _____ we can do is to give you some advice.3) Who is the man _____ is standing there?4) Her bag, in ________ she put all her money, has been stolen.5) She heard a terrible noise,______ brought her heart into her mouth.考点2:the way用做先行词,填上合适的关系词并分析原因:1.The way _________________he explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand.2.The way _________________he explained to us was quite simple.3. What surprised me was not what he said but _____ he said it.A. the wayB. in the way thatC. in the wayD. the way which一:that的用法以下情况,引导词用that,不用which。
M1 U2 定语从句(介词+关系代词,关系副词引导的定语从句)

1. “介词+ 关系代词”引导定语从句基本原则:“介词+ 关系代词”引导定语从句时,介词的宾语只能用which(物)和whom(人),即:介词+which/ whom。
(1). 当介词放在关系代词的前面时,介词的宾语只能用which或whom,关系代词不能省略。
(2). 当介词位于定语从句的末尾时,可用that/which(物),that/whom/who(人)作介词的宾语,而且作介词宾语的关系代词往往省略。
This is the hero (that/ who/ whom) we are proud of. 这就是我们以之为豪的英雄。
2. “介词+关系代词”具体形式及其句法功能(1). “介词+ which”在关系分句中分别可作时间、地点和原因状语,代替相应的关系副词when, where 和why。
①I still remember the day on which (= when) I first came to school. 我仍然记得初来学校的那一天。
②The factory in which (= where) I work is a large one. 我工作的工厂是一个大厂子。
③This is the reason for which (= why )he was put in prison. 这就是他为什么被关起来的原因。
(2). “介词+ which(指物)/whom(指人)”在关系分句中作地点状语,表示存在关系,关系分句主谓常须倒装。
①They arrived at a farm house, in front of which sat a small boy. 他们来到一处农舍,前边坐着一个小男孩。

“介词+关系词”的用法1、关系代词在从句中作介词的宾语时,介词常可以提前,但介词提前时,关系代词只能用which 或whom。
如:The school (that/which) he once studied in is very famous. in which he once studied is very famous. →The school i n whichTomorrow I will bring here a magazine (that/which) you asked for. for which you asked. →Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine We'll go to hear the famous singer (whom/that/who) we have often talked about. →We'll go to hear the famous singer about whom we have often talked. 2、关系副词when, where, why 和介词+which之间的关系。
关系副词when, where, why可以用适当的介词+which来替代。
如:when=in/on/at…+which, where=in/on/at…+which, why=for+which 如:I won’t forget the date when( on which) I was born.This is the room where (in which) I lived. = This is the room which I lived in. I don’t know the reason why (for which) he hasn’t come today.Tom still remembers the days when (in which) they lived in Tianjin. 注意:1). 含有介词的动词短语一般不拆开使用,如:look for, look after, take care of等This is the √) 如:This is the watch which/that I am looking for. (watch for which I am looking. (F) 2). 若介词放在关系代词前,关系代词指人时用whom,不可用who或者that;指物时用which,不能用that;关系代词是所有格时用whose The man 如:The man with whom you talked is my friend. (√) who/that you talked with is my friend. (F) √) The plane in which we flew to Canada is very comfortable. (The plane in that we flew in to Canada is very comfortable. (F) 3).“介词+关系代词”前可有some, any, none, both, all, neither, most, each, few等代词或者数词如:He loved his parents deeply, both of whom are very kind to him. In the basket there are quite many apples, some of which have gone bad. There are forty students in our class in all, most of whom are from big cities. 4). 把握“介词+关系代词”结构中介词的选用介词的选择与主句中先行词的搭配密切相关。
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如:He loved his parents deeply, both of whom are very kind to him.
In the basket there are quite many apples, some of which have gone bad.
There are forty students in our class in all, most of whom are from big cities.
词的位置非常灵活,有时放在关系代词之前,有时放在动词之后。如: when=in/on/at…+which, where=in/on/at…+which, why=for+which
如:I won’t forget the date when( on which) I was born. This is the room where (in which) I lived. = This is the room which I lived in. I don’t know the reason why (for which) he hasn’t come today.
方面)同 in 搭配 例句:The field in which I studied in
university is psychology. 4) basis ground foundation (基础)同
on 搭配
The man
The plane in which we flew to Canada is very comfortable. (√)
The plane in that we flew in to Canada is very comfortable. (F)
3).“介词+关系代词”前可有 some, any, none, both, all, neither, most, each, few 等代词或者数词
This is the
2). 若介词放在关系代词前,关系代词指人时用 whom, 不可用 who 或者 that;指物时用 which,不能用 that;关系 代词是所有格时用 whose
如:The man with whom you talked is my friend. (√) who/that you talked with is my friend. (F)
“介词+关系词”的用法 1、关系代词在从句中作介词的宾语时,介词常可以提前,但介
词提前时,关系代词只能用 which 或 whom。 如:The school (that/which) he once studied in is very famous. →The school in which he once studied is very famous. Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine (that/which) you asked for. →Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine for which you asked. We'll go to hear the famous singer (whom/that/who) we have often
Tom still remembers the days when (in which) they lived in Tianjin.
注意:ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1). 含有介词的动词短语一般不拆开使用,如:look for, look
after, take care of 等
如:This is the watch which/that I am looking for. (√) watch for which I am looking. (F)
4). 把握“介词+关系代词”结构中介词的选用
如:That”s the reason for which he was late for school. book on which I spent 8 Yuan.
This is the
介词选择的三大规则: 1. 取决于从句中的谓语动词同介词的搭配。(V+ pre.) 如:He is the man whom I talked with this morning. 2. 取决于先行词同介词的常规搭配。 四组常考的搭配:1)extent degree (程度)同 to 搭配 2)price(具体多少钱时与 at; 若指价格方面 与 in 搭配) speed rate 同 at 搭配 3)field area aspect sphere (领域,
talked about. →We'll go to hear the famous singer about whom we have often
talked. 2、关系副词 when, where, why 和介词+which 之间的关系。 关系副词 when, where, why 可以用适当的介词+which 来替代。介