
A. creatingB. createsC. is creatingD. it creates14. Booker T. Washington, acclaimed as a leading educator at the turn of the century, _____ of a school that later became the Tuskegee Institute.A. took chargeB. taking chargeC. charge was takenD. taken charge15. True hibernation takes place only among _______ animals.A. whose blood is warmB. blood warmC. warm-bloodedD. they have warm blood16. In central Georgia, archaeological evidence indicates that Native Americans first inhabited the area________.A. since thirteen centuriesB. thirteen centuries agoC. the previous thirteen centuriesD. thirteen centuries were before17. In ________, the advent of the telephone, radio, and television has made rapid long-distance communication possible.A. one hundred years laterB. one hundred years agoC. the one hundred years sinceD. the last one hundred years18. ________, The Yearling, won a Pulitzer Prize.A. Marjorie Rawlings’ best work wasB. Marjorie Rawlings’ best workC. Her best work was Marjorie Rawlings’D. That Marjorie Rawlings’ best work19. Abstraction goes into the making of any work of art, ________ or not.A. whether the artist being aware of itB. the artist is being aware whetherC. whether the artist is aware of itD. the artist is aware whether20. Not until 1931 ________ the official anthem of the United StatesA. “The Star-spangled Banner” did becomeB. when “The Star-spangled Banner” becameC. did “The Star-Spangle Banner” becomeD. became “The Star-spangled Banner”II. Reading comprehension (40’)Section 1 Multiple choice (20’)Directions: In this section there are reading passages followed by multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark your answers on your answer sheet.Passage AJustice and injustice in criminal adjudication are more than abstract concept; in modern America each term conjures up its own paradigm image. Justice occurs in a somber courtroom where a robber reaches a legal decision. Injustice is a bloodthirsty mob bearing lit torches, intimidating on the doors of the jail desperate to wreak revenge upon the suspected wrongdoer held within.This image of injustice provides many normative insights. One that courts have frequently drawn is that in criminal adjudication emotion is unalterably opposed to reason and thus to justice itself. Taking this principle a step farther, courts have urged that the more a legal issue might provoke popular rage, the harder courts must work to insulate the legal decision from emotive influence. The classic example is capital sentencing, an occasion which evokes strong emotions. Here the Supreme Court has worked to ensure that “any decision to impose the death sentence be, and appear to be, based on reason rather than caprice or emotion”. The Court has, over a period of years, undertaken an extensiveregulatory project aimed at suppressing emotive influence in capital cases by mandating rationalistic ruled to guide sentencing. This insistence upon the injustice of all emotion stems from a misconception of emotion and its influence upon criminal punishment. Although the mob at jail scene illustrates that anger can lead to injustice, it does not support the proposition that all decisions influenced by anger are morally tainted. Anger can be justified and have moral decision making is complex; untangling it involved a close examination of emotion than the law has generally undertaken.This has obvious significance for criminal law as a form of social concord. But it is also important or its alleged role as a restraint on power. Criminal law does little or nothing to restrict the efforts of the various professionals now responsible for preventing and reshaping deviant behavior. Rather it is them who have colonized its territory, as in the welfare of the professional authority that legitimates them and because they enter into the enabling role of the state as dispenser of benefits. This is to say nothing of other forms of market and bureaucratic power and social control exercised by groups other than government. Under these conditions the alleged protections of the criminal law seem premised on a nineteenth century view of the state and society; those interested in the law in the twentieth century must look to the potential of administrative law rather than to criminal law. Either way critical writers would be wasting their time here.Whilst there is a lot of truth in this picture of the declining importance of criminal law, it is sensible not to exaggerate its loss of functions. From a critical point of view it would seem to retain a crucial ideological significance as being the form of closet touch with public. It is hard to credit the idea that these central liberal (bourgeois) notions have been displaced by the newer disciplines and strategies.1.The reason for the insulation of emotions in criminal adjudication is due to_______.A. the severity of the possible punishmentB. the social concern for the adjudicationC. the Supreme Court decisionD. the ideal of keeping order2. According to the author’s opinion, the origination of the insistence upon the injustice of all emotion is __________.A. that emotion is inevitably against reason and justiceB. the misunderstanding of emotion and its influenceC. the courts’ hard work to prevent the legal decision from emotive influenceD. that the death sentence was based on reason through suppressing emotive influence3. Regards to the role of anger in adjudication, which statement is INCORRECT?A. Only part of the decisions is influenced by anger, though it can bring biases.B. Though moral decision-making is complex, anger can be justifiedC. Some decisions influenced by anger can be morally taintedD. Because of anger, moral decision-making is quite complicated4. The declining importance of criminal law is a consequence of ___________.A. the loss of importance of criminal law and increase of interest in government as a benefit dispenserB. the exaggeration of the importance of criminal law and decrease of interest in government affairsC. the new trend in legal studiesD. the new ideas pouring out in the administrative law field5. The review is primarily ___________.A. dubiousB. objectiveC. partialD. criticalPassage BThe Eskimos believe that a human being is made up of a body, a soul, and a name, and it not complete unless it has all three. This belief has a great effect on the Eskimo’s daily life and runs like a golden thread through the Eskimo culture.As for the soul of man, the Eskimos do not claim to know exactly what it is—but then, who does? They see it, however, as the beginning of life, the initiator of all activities within a being, and the energy without which life cannot continue.An Eskimo’s name is believed to have a life of its own. It combines all the good qualities and talents of all the persons who have been called by it. One may imagine it as a procession of ancestors stretching into the dim past and surrounding the present bearer of the name with a sort of magic protective aura.Many Eskimos believe that a newborn baby cries because it wants its name and will not be complete until it gets it. Immediately after a birth the angakok (medicine man) or some wise elders of the tribe gather to name the child. The name that is selected must be the name of someone who has died recently. The choice may in some cases call for much conjuring and soothsaying, and in other cases be self-evident. When my son was born, everyone realized that it was his great-grandfather, Mequsaq, who had died a few months before, who had been reborn in him. The newborn infant had a slight squint in the very same eye that old Mequsaq had lost to the cannibals in Baffin Land. This was taken as a sign from the name spirit that the baby should be called Mequsaq.When, in 1927, I returned to Thule for a visit, I found that no fewer than five little girls had been named Navarana after my dear late wife. So great was the confidence in Navarana’s ability and character that there was believed to be enough for all five children. It was thus a beautiful and touchingmemorial to her, though a slightly expensive one for me, since I had to give all the little girls presents.More often he newborn child was given several names, so as to have the highest possible protection, and certain names became great favorites. Calling so many by the same name was often very confusing. This custom was continued in Christianized Greenland. In the little settlement of Kook, in the Upernavik district, all five hunters were called Gaba (after the archangel Gabriel). I was told that some years before, a great man called Gaba had died, and after his death several unmistakable signs indicated that his spirit was still active. To please the spirit, many boy babies were named after it. In order to distinguish between them they called them “fat Gaba,”“Little Gaba,” etc.A Polar Eskimo would never mention himself by name. Doing so could break the name’s magic protection. And since the ever jealous spirits are always listening, it could cause great trouble. It seemed strange to me in the beginning, when I met somebody in the dark of winter, that I was never able to get any information other than “Oanga” (it is I). Finally I learned to know them all by their voices.The Eskimo people believe also in the magic protective power of amulets, However, it isn’t the amulet itself that protects from harm—it is the properties that the amulet possesses. It is almost always the boys and the men who are given amulets, for they are the ones who expose themselves to all the dangers of nature while the women stay at home. When a girl is given amulets, it is usually to insure that she have strong sons. Great care goes into the selection of amulets. My wife Navarana carried a little ball of polished wood with her always. Wood cannot feel pain, and possession of it means great wealth; thus it is thought that a wooden amulet can insure the owner a rich and painless life.One of the most popular amulets is the foot of a raven, which is put on a string around the necks of newborn babies. This is believed to be a very valuable charm because no bird can get alongunder as hard conditions as does the raven. The raven finds food where other animals starve to death—it can live on almost nothing.At the end of my first walrus hunt at Thule, Ayorsalik, one of the hunters, decided that raven meat was to be eaten in my honor. The purpose of the raven feast, he said, was to make sure that the good luck I had had that morning would continue indefinitely.Two of the younger men shot three ravens that had been hovering expectantly near our campfire. Ayorsalik out the pot on to boil, and the ravens were skinned and cooked.Their taste was revolting, and later I ate that bird only in times of great hunger. On this occasion Ayorsalik handed me all three hearts and livers with his fingers; they went down, but they almost came up again. I don’t know whether this ritual had any effect. But later on, whenever I had sizable game, Ayorsalik claimed I would lose the ravens’ power if I were not to share with him.Another interesting custom of the Eskimos is their ceremony of reverence for ancestors. On the rock of Agpat, near Thule, where the burial ground was, both men and women would sit for hour after hour in quiet meditation. Dressed in their finest clothing, they would stare out over the horizon without moving. They believed that during this stillness they received the wisdom of their ancestors. It is the nearest thing to religious devotion I have seen among them, and it is, I think, the most beautiful form of worship I have ever seen.To the Eskimo, nature is full of evil spirits ready to work ill if a sin or breach of taboo is committed. When a tribe is afflicted with sickness or bad weather or starvation, it is up to the angakok to find out how the people, knowingly or unknowingly, have offended the spirits. He can summon his helping spirits, he can travel to the underworld, under the sea, and through rocks, and thus find out where the trouble is.Essentially, angakoks are people who are experienced in the state of trance. I have often observed even the people serving in our house at Thule in a state of trance, sometimes for days on end. To understand the Eskimos, it is necessary to remember the long depressing winter with its black darkness and its aura of lurking evil, and the summer with its perpetual sunshine that wearies the mind and confuses the senses. Every fall we had a veritable epidemic of evil spirits along with the storms and the darkness of winter setting in. There was always panic at this time.The Eskimos know no benevolent god. They believe that the spirits of the angakoks and the protective spells of names and amulets are their only defense against a cold and hostile land.6. If asked “Who is it?” an Eskimo would answer only “It is I,” because______.[A] he would not want anyone to know who he was[B] if he said his own name he would break its spell[C] he did not know his actual name[D] Both A and B.7. There is evidence in the passage that the author’s wife had______.[A] won the Eskimos’ approval during several visits[B] many names[C] been accepted by the Eskimos only because of their love for her husband.[D] been an Eskimo herself8. According to the passage, Eskimos depend most heavily on______.[A] evil spirits[B] charms and magic[C] a helpful god[D] nature9. The word “revolting” in paragraph 12 means______.[A] shocking[B] rebellious[C] nauseating[D] wicked10. The Eskimo believed that sitting quietly near their buried ancestors_______.[A] was the best way to express faith in God[B] helped the hunters to find food[C] gave them the wisdom of their ancestors[D] was the best way to pay tribute to the dead.Section 2 Answering questions (20’)Directions: Read the following passages and then answer IN COMPLETE SENTENCES the questions which follow each passage. Use only information from the passage you have just read and write your answer in the corresponding space in your answer sheet.Questions 1~3What do we mean by leisure, and why should we assume that it represents a problem to be solved by the arts? The great ages of art were not conspicuous for their leisure-at least, art was not an activity associated with leisure. It was a craft like any other, concerned with the making of necessary things. Leisure, in the present meaning of the word, did not exist. Leisure, before the Industrial Revolution meant no more than “time” or “opportunity”; “If your leisure serv'd, I would speak with you”,says one of Shakespeare's characters. Phrases which we still use, such as “at your leisure”, preserve this original meaning.But when we speak of leisure nowadays, we are not thinking of securing time or opportunity to do something; time is heavy on our hands, and the problem is how to fill it. Leisure no longer signifies a space with some difficulty secured against the pressure of events: rather it is a pervasive emptiness for which we must invent occupations-Leisure is a vacuum, a desperate state of vacancy--a vacancy of mind and body. It has been commandeered by the sociologists and the psychologists: it is a problem. Our diurnal existence is divided into two phases, as distinct as day and night. We call them work and play. We work so many hours a day, and, when we have allowed the necessary minimum for such activities as eating and shopping, the rest we spend in various activities which are known as recreations, an elegant word which disguises the fact that we usually do not even play in our hours of leisure, but spend them in various forms of passive entertainment or entertainment--not football but watching football matches; not acting, but theatre-going; not walking, but riding in a motor coach.We need to make, therefore, a hard-and-fast distinction not only between work and play but, equally, between active play and passive entertainment. It is, I suppose, the decline of active play—of amateur sport—and the enormous growth of purely receptive entertainment which has given rise to a sociological interest in the problem. If the greater part of the popu1ation, instead of indulging in sport, spend their hours of leisure ‘viewing' television programmes, there will inevitably be a decline in health and physique. And, in addition, there will be a psychological problem, for we have yet to trace the mental and moral consequences of a prolonged diet of sentimental or sensational spectacles on the screen. There is, if we are optimistic, the possibility that the diet is too thin and unnourishing to have much permanent effect on anybody. Nine films out of ten seem to leave absolutely no impression on the mindor imagination of those who see them: few people can give a coherent account of the film they saw the week before last, and at longer intervals they must rely on the management to see that they do not sit through the same film twice.We have to live art if we would be affected by art. We have to paint rather than look at paintings, to play instruments rather than go to concerts, to dance and sing and act ourselves, engaging all our senses in the ritual and discipline of the arts. Then something may begin to happen to us: to work upon our bodies and our souls.It is only when entertainment is active, participated in, practiced, that it can properly be called play, and as such it is a natural use of leisure. In that sense play stands in contrast to work, and is usually regarded as an activity that alternates with work. It is there that the most fundamental error enters conception of daily life.Work itself is not a single concept. We say quite generally that we work in order to make a living: to earn, that is to say, sufficient tokens which we can exchange for food and shelter and all the other needs of our existence. But some of us work physically, tilling the land, minding the machines, digging the coal; others work mentally, keeping accounts, inventing machines, teaching and preaching, managing and governing. There does not seem to be any factor common to all these diverse occupations, except that they consume our time, and leave us little leisure.We may next observe that one man's profession or work is often another man’s recreation or play. The merchant at the week-end becomes a hunter (he has not yet taken to mining); the clerk becomes a gardener; the machine-tender becomes a breeder of bull—terriers. There is, of course, a sound instinct behind such transformations. The body and mind are unconsciously seeking compensation--muscular coordination, mental integration. But in many cases a dissociation is set up and the individual leads adouble life--one half Jekyll, the other half Hyde. There is a profound moral behind that story of Stevenson's for the compensation which a disintegrated personality may seek will often be of an anti-social nature. The Nazi party, for example, in its early days was largely recruited from the bored--not much from the unemployed as from the street-corner society of listless hooligansScientific studies have been made of street-corner society, out of which crime, gangsterdom, and fascism inevitably develop. It is a society with leisure--that is to say, spare time--and without compensatory occupation. It does not need a Satan to find mischief for such idle hands to do. They will spontaneously itch to do something: muscles have a life of their own unless they are trained to purposeful actions. Actions, or rather activities, are the obvious reflex to leisure; they consume it, and leave the problem solved.But work is also activity, and if we reach the conclusion that all our time must be filled with one activity or another, the distinction between work and play becomes rather meaningless, and what we mean by play is merely a change of occupation. We pass from one form of activity to another; one we call work, and for that we receive pay; the other we call play, and for that we receive no pay--on the contrary, we probably pay a subscription.1. The author points out two kinds of danger that may arise from the misuse of leisure. One of them is the result of purely passive entertainment; the other results when work and play are not properly coordinated What are the two dangers? Which of them is particularly harmful to society?2. The author says that most films are not good enough to leave a permanent impression on our minds. Is this, in his opinion, a good thing or a bad thing? In what way?3. What, in the author’s opinion, is the real difference between work and play? Or is there no difference at all between them? .Questions 4~5History tells us that in ancient Babylon, the cradle of our civilization, the people tried to build a tower that would reach to heaven. But the tower became the tower of Babel, according to the Old Testament, when the people were suddenly caused to speak different languages. In modern New York City, a new tower, that of the United Nations Building, thrusts its shining mass skyward. But the realization of the UN’s aspirations—and with it the hopes of the peoples of the world—is threatened by our contemporary Babel: about three thousand different languages are spoken throughout the world today, without counting the various dialects that confound communication between peoples of the same land.In China, for example, hundreds of different dialects are spoken; people of some villages have trouble passing the time of day with the inhabitants of the next town. In the new African state of Ghana, five million people speak fifty different dialects. In India more than one hundred languages are spoken, of which only fourteen are recognized as official. To add to the confusion, as the old established empires are broken up and new states are formed, new official tongues spring up at an increasing rate.In a world made smaller by jet travel, man is still isolated from many of his neighbors by the Babel barrier of multiplying languages. Communication is blocked daily in scores of ways. Travelers find it difficult to know the peoples of other nations. Scientists are often unable to read and benefit from the work being carried on by men of science in other countries. The aims of international trade, of world accord, of meetings between nations, are blocked at every turn; the work of scholars, technologists, and humanists is handicapped. Even in the shining new tower of the United Nations in New York, speeches and discussions have to be translated and printed in the five official UN languages—English, French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese. Confusion, delay, suspicion, and hard feelings are the products of the diplomatic Babel.The chances for world unity are lessened if in the literal sense of the phrase, we do not speak the same language. We stand in dire need of a common tongue a language that would cross national barriers, one simple enough to be universally learned by travelers, businessmen, government representatives, scholars, and even by children in school.Of course, this isn’t a new idea. Just as everyone is against sin, so everyone is for a common language that would further communication between nations. What with one thing and another—our natural state of drift as human beings, our rivalries, resentments, and jealousies as nations—we have up until now failed to take any action. I propose that we stop just talking about it, as Mark Twain said of the weather, and do something about it. We must make the concerted, massive effort it takes to reach agreement on the adoption of a single, common auxiliary tongue.Let’s take a quick look at the realities of the problem. One of the main barriers to the adoption of the common language is the fact that there is Babel even among the possible languages we can choose. A number of different simplified languages vie for the spot of the language, and their respective advocates defend and attack with the fervor of political campaigners. Basic English, for example, with its vocabulary of only 850 words with which virtually anything can be expressed, has many advocates. But the Soviet Union and many nations of Asia and South America object to it. Why English? They ask. Why not Basic Russian, Basic Spanish, even Basic Latin?In addition to the “basics” of languages now in use, there is another type—the so-called “constructed languages,” of which some six hundred have made their appearance since the end of the nineteenth century, most of them almost immediate failures. The two best-known survivors among them are, of course, Esperanto and Interlingua.Esperanto was published in 1887 by a Russian-Polish physician names Zamenhof, who had worked onit for ten years. He gave it to the world not under his own name but under the pseudonym Doktoro Esperanto, meaning “Doctor Hopeful.” Esperanto is based on regularity and ease of grammar, with a vocabulary from Roman-Germanic roots. By the end of the century Esperanto had taken hold in western Europe.Interlingua made its appearance much later—in 1951. A group of linguists from many nations took nearly thirty years to perfect it. Essentially, Interlingua is Latin stripped of its difficulties. Its introducer, Dr. Alexander Gode, refers to it as “a kind of twentieth century kitchen Latin.” Indeed, Interlingua can be read by most college-trained people almost at sight.I do not by any means consider myself an authority on the relative merits of the various proposed common languages, but Dr. Mario Pei, of Columbia University in New York City, has written a fine book on the subject called One Language for the World. In this book Dr. Pei says he believes that it makes little difference which language or what kind of language becomes the international language, as long as agreement can be reached among the people of the world on any one.For my own part, it seems to me that the main requirement of an international language is that it be easily learned. Thus it should have the simplest possible spelling and grammar and pronunciation, and the smallest possible vocabulary. An adult should be able to master such a language within three months if he gives several hours a day to the study of it.What can be done concretely to achieve the goal of a working common language? I believe that the UNESCO arm of the United Nations should call a meeting of leading linguists from each of its member nations. (This would include most of the major populated areas of the world.) As Dr. Pei recommends, the purpose of the conference would be to select an already existing language agreeable to a preponderance of the nations represented. Such an agreement won’t come without determined effort:it may take more than one conference to reach agreement; it may take many more. The important thing is that some positive action be taken.Such a conference should be called without further delay; we are sorely in need of this first step. Only with an international language in use, with the proceedings of the UN published in it, with children in schools all over the world learning it as their second language, can we close the gap between the “one world” so recently established in terms of travel time and the one world we hope for in terms of human understanding and co-operations.Because I believe strongly that without the closing of this gap international accord is only a vain hope, I’ve taken it upon myself to try to implement this proposal. Since it is most unlikely that either UNESCO or the nations involved have funds to finance the linguists’ conference, I think that one of the great philanthropic foundations, such as the Ford, Carnegie, or Rockefeller Foundation, should undertake to make it possible.I have already approached one of these foundations for such a grant--and been turned down. I shall approach the others in turn, and if I am turned down by all, I shall look for other ways to make this conference possible.It is the responsibility of all Americans to do whatever they can in their own communities to make this goal of one language for one world a reality for our children.4. What is “Babel”? And what does “Babel” refer to respectively in the following few phrases: “the tower of Babel” (para.1), “our contemporary Babel” (para.1), “Babel barrier”(para.3), “diplomatic Babel” (para.3) “there is Babel” (para.6)?5. According to the author, what are the things that really matter for the success of an international。

2015年四川外国语大学硕士研究生入学考试《英语翻译基础》真题及标准答案2015年四川外国语大学硕士研究生入学考试《英语翻译基础》真题(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、词语翻译1.N. T.________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(新约(New Testament))/doc/ea863614.html,izen________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(网民)3.accumulated fund________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(累计基金,累积基金)4.a bissextile year____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(闰年)5.budget deficit________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(财政赤字)6.health resort________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(疗养胜地,养生度假村)7.knowledge industry________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(知识产业)8.GNP________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(国民生产总值(Gross National Product))9.foreign exchange control________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(外汇管制)10.FTA________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(自由贸易协定(Free Trade Agreement))11.singe one's wings________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(损害自己的名誉或利益)12.Daniel come to judgment________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(公正廉明的法官)13.Myanmar________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(缅甸)14.Tropic of Cancer________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(北回归线)15.Mercedes-Benz________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(梅赛德斯一奔驰)16.汉译英________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________17.占中________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(Occupy Central)18.广场舞________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ 正确答案:(square dancing)19.乌克兰________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(Ukraine)20.布里斯班________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(Brisbane)21.丝路基金____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(Silk Road fund)22.量化宽松________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(quantitative easing)23.创新增长________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(growth through innovation)24.阳光财政________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(transparency of public finance)25.落地签证________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(visa on arrival)26.国民待遇________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(national treatment)27.国事访问________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________ 正确答案:(state visit)。

2015年四川外国语大学硕士研究生入学考试《翻译硕士英语》真题(总分:150.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、 Word Derivation(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.The 1among the allies was no secret to the enemy.(harmony)(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:harmony)【解析】(句意:盟国间关系和睦,这对敌军而言已不是秘密。
)2.The situation there was 1. Something must be done promptly.(tolerate)(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:intolerable)【解析】(句意:那的情况令人无法忍受,我们必须立刻采取行动。
)3.This is made of 1material.(resist heat)(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:healt resistant)【解析】(句意:它由耐热材料制作而成。
此处显然需要一个形容词,heat resistant耐热的,耐高温的。
)4.She was a very 1 social scientist. She proved that apart from self-love, there were other basic human instincts.(observe)(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:observant)【解析】(句意:她是一位观察力敏锐的社会科学家,她证实除了利己主义,人类还有其它本能。
川外 2015 年真题基础英语

I.Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the appropriate words derived from the words given in the parentheses at the end of the sentences,and write the answers on the Answer Sheet.(15points)1.The International Monetary Fund was established in to the irresponsible monetary practices that contributed to the Great Depression.(react)2.Some scholars have called for an in-depth of the social construction and use of the concept itself.(investigate)3.All cultural translation necessitates some and simplification.(interpret)4.It is important to note the between method and methodology.Method refers to the range of techniques that are available to us to collect evidence about the social world. Methodology,however,concerns the research strategy as a whole.(distinct)5.Modern state boundaries are largely a of colonial histories and rivalries.(reflect)6.Wealth and in this view are two sides of the same coin.(poor)7.The process of spatial thinking involves a continuum from spatial,through spatial perception and spatial reasoning,and finally to spatial judgment.(aware)8.Prescriptive theory recommends the of particular policies to realize objectives. (adopt)9.An hour sitting with a pretty girl on a park bench passes like a minute,but a minute sitting ona hot stove seems like an hour.That is.(relative)10.Great spirits have always encountered violent from mediocre minds.(oppose)11.Limitations of computation have been studied thoroughly from both practical andpoints of view.(theory)12.A illness confined him to bed for over a month.(mystery)13.The practical application of urban ecology is tied closely to ideas associated with development of cities.(sustain)14.A frequent misconception about globalization holds that it always is.(benefit)15.Contemporary Bulgarians have achieved excellence in many art forms,and some of theirartists,such as opera singers,have gained worldwide.(recognize)II.There are15incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Then write the answers on the Answer Sheet.(15points)1.In The Art of Rhetoric Aristotle up rhetoric into the stages in which arguments areproduced,arranged,and expressed in discourse—namely,invention,composition,and style.A.realizedB.recognizedC.woundD.divided2.There are two broadly views about the nature of knowledge,or what we callcompeting paradigms.A.diverseB.decimalC.divergentD.deficit3.The third key advantage for adopting a multi-strategy approach in your research is that it islikely to assist you in gaining a complete of the matter you are investigating.A.overviewB.overlookC.overseeD.oversize4.If matter could be entirely to energy,a single paper clip would provide the same energy as the atomic bomb that destroyed the Japanese city Hiroshima.A.contributedB.connectedC.conveyedD.converted5.The1960s and1970s also the creation of many new states as former colonies in the Caribbean,Africa,and Asia achieved their formal political independence from colonial powers.A.alteredB.shapedC.filedD.witnessed6.The word democracy from the Greek words meaning“the people”and“to rule.”A.originatesB.infersC.judgesD.inherits7.When birth rates drop below death rates,a society experiences population growth.A.positiveB.activeC.negativeD.vigorous8.He emigrated to the USA in1933and he never visited Germany again.A.for allB.for goodC.far fromD.so far9.A baby born at seven months is considered because it has not developed fully.A.prematureB.normalC.prevalentD.odd10.Explaining why something happens involves a“cause”and a“result.”A.peelingB.mediatingC.initiatingD.identifying11.Clear ideas,then,are ideas that faithfully reflect the objective order from which they derive.Unclear ideas,,are those that give us a distorted representation of the objective world.A.converselyB.franklyC.conventionallyD.ridiculously12.As death rates dropped,the populations of industrializing countries increased dramatically.This change was also accompanied by a from the extended family to the nuclear family.A.preferenceB.favorC.shiftD.shaft13.He considers that the theory of Evolution is quite with the belief in a God.pulsoryB.priorpatibleD.superior14.Insufficient sample size may lead to conclusions.A.soundB.validC.rationalD.erroneous15.In particular,when a solid object is completely in water,the volume of the waterdisplaced must be equal to the volume of the object.A.immersedB.divedC.bathedD.soakedIII.CLOSE(20points)Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks.Write the best choice for each blank on the Answer Sheet.In some parts of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil,all the trees have been cut down.The earth lies1and dry in the hot sun.Nothing grows there anyhow.Over vast areas of every__2__,the rain forest and vegetation necessary for life are __3__.Already more than50percent of the earth’s land is desert or desert-like.About128 million people,one out of seven,live in these dry regions.In the past,they4to survive, but with difficulty.Now,largely through problems caused by modern life,their existence is5by the slow,steady spread of the earth’s desert.Many countries first became6in the1920s after terrible drought and famine __7__Africa’s Sahel,the fragile desert along the south edge of the Sahara.Thousands of people died__8__there was a worldwide effort to send food and medicine to the__9__people.Droughts and crop10are not new in desert regions.They have been a__11__of life for thousands of years.Few people lived in desert regions in the past.They kept few animals,and they moved__12__.Today’s problems are caused__13__great part by distinctly modern factors.In the Sahel,for example,Africans14from improvements in public health and modern farming methods.New water wells__15__people to settle down on the land near the wells.The population grew.Farmers planted more crops and enlarged their16 of cattle,sheep,and goats.They became17on the new wells.When the__18__came, the crops failed and the cattle ate all the grass around the overworked__19__.The fragile land quickly lost its topsoil and then,became__20__but sand and dust.1. A.smooth B.bare C.vacant D.empty2. A.continent B.crust C.territory D.peninsula3. A.dying B.extending C.disappearing D.stretching4. A.managed B.resolved C.afforded D.yearned5. A.inspired B.threatened C.risked D.hailed6. A.confirmed B.concerned C.conformed D.confessed7. A.destroyed B.elevated C.spoiled D.intensified8. A.nevertheless B.so that C.in case D.even though9. A.undermining B.declining C.requiring D.starving10. A.defeats B.yields C.failures D.frustrations11. A.crisis B.necessity C.fact D.threat12. A.abnormally B.frequently C.concretely D.linearly13. A.in B.for C.on D.from14. A.stemmed B.derived C.skipped D.benefited15. A.tied B.made C.encouraged D.limited16. A.swarms B.packs C.schools D.herds17. A.attached B.dependent C.relied D.reliable18. A.drought B.danger C.famine D.problem19. A.crops B.wells C.rivers D.farms20. A.anything B.everything C.nothing D.somethingIV.OULINE(10points)Read the following passage,and then fill in the blanks in the follow-up outline for the passage.Write the outline on the Answer Sheet.Make sure that each component of the outline is completed in a FULL sentence,that your sentences are as SUMMARY as possible,and that the original sequence and directing words of the outline are NOT CHANGED.People are mistaken who believe the high Rockies are hard to climb.To the traveler who has passed through the plains of Kansas and eastern Colorado,the high Rockies might seem like a beautiful but forbidding wilderness,approachable by only the toughest mountaineers.It is true that the53peaks in the Rockies that soar over14,000feet in elevation should only be attempted by seasoned climbers.However,the peaks under14,000feet,the fourteeners,can be easily climbed by the average person.Actually,climbing Colorado’s fourteeners is hardly a rugged experience because most of them take only a day to climb,involve no more than hiking and simple scrambling,and are conquered by many people each year.Surprisingly,unlike expeditions to Mt.McKinley or Mt.Everest,a climb up one of Colorado’s14,000foot peaks rarely takes more than a day.Pike’s Peak,with the state’s greatest base-to-summit elevation gain,is admittedly a strenuous climb,yet a retired college professor in his middle seventies makes the hike every day in the summer.A friend of mine,Carson Black,in a day,once climbed four fourteeners,three of which—Crestone Peak,Crestone Needle,and Kit Carson Peak—are the most challenging in the state.Even more revealing is the Bicentennial celebration by the Colorado Mountain Club.It planned to have members on the summit of every fourteener in the state on July4,1976.Only a handful of ascents took more than a day.Colorado’s14,000-foot peaks are also fairly easy to climb because they require no special climbing techniques.The“knife-edge traverse”on Capitol Peak is probably the most infamous challenge,yet most hikers who carry ropes don’t use them when they see the ridge is not very intimidating.The highest peak in the state,Mt.Elbert,is so simple to climb that a jeep made it in1949,and one man“rode a24-year-old bicycle to the summit in1951”(Perry Eberhart and Philip Schmuck,The Fourteeners,p.38).I personally saw two motorcycles on the14,000-foot ridge between Mt.Democrat and Mt.Lincoln.Another indication that climbing Colorado’s highest peaks is not very difficult is the sheer number of people who succeed each summer.After descending from Torrey’s Peak one weekend in August,I counted over seventy cars in the parking lot.On a week the previous August,I passed fifty people in various stages of climbing Mt.Elbert.Even years ago—in1968—4226people climbed Longs Peak(Paul W.Nesbit,Longs Peak,p.68).Its parking lot today,to accommodate the number of climbers,is about a quarter-mile long.If I’ve shattered your belief that Colorado’s peaks are the domain of only bears and mountain men who look like bears,consider how Zebulon Pike might feel about Pikes Peak today.In1806,he“predicted that the mountain would never be climbed”(Eberhart and Schmuck,p.6).Now,via the cog railway or the toll highway,he could reach the summit without moving his legs.I.IntroductionThesis Statement:II.BodyA.Body Paragraph1:B.Body Paragraph2:C.Body Paragraph3:III.Conclusion:V.READING COMPREHENSION(90points)READING PASSAGE1Questions1-11are based on the following passage.1Each year,business executives around the world struggle to find original and catchy names for their companies and their companies’products.According to business experts,these decisions are among the most important decisions that firms ever make.A name is the first point of contact that a company has with the world,and it can be an effective marketing tool. And respected names have value.When a company is sold,there is often a fee for transferring the company name to the new owners.The rights to the names Indian Motorcycles and Pan Am Airlines were sold years after those companies went s are so important that some companies hire special naming firms that develop a list of names,test them at focus groups,screen them to be sure they are available,and then trademark the final selections.How do firms decide on names?Here are a few of the ways companies play the name game:2Some companies choose straightforward names.These may include the name or names of the founders(Proctor&Gamble,Hewlett Packard),the place where they first did business (Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing,Mutual of New York),or their primary products (General Electric,General Motors).To make a straightforward name memorable,though,is a challenge.3Some companies are mainly identified by initials.International Business Machines is almost universally called IBM,American Telephone and Telegraph has become AT&T and Kentucky Fried Chicken has consciously chosen to be known as KFC.In some cases,though,it is not exactly clear what the initials stand for:The computer company NBI’s initials stand for “Nothing But Initials.”Or take the case of IKEA,the Swedish design firm:The initials IK come from the name of the founder,Ingvar Komrat.The E comes from the name of his familyfarm,Elmtaryd,and the A comes from the nearby town of Agunnaryd.Some firms create names by a process called“morpheme construction,”first shortening and then fusing parts of the company’s full names.For example,United information Systems is generally referred to as Unisys and Federal Express as FedEx.FedEx saved money with its new name too:the shorter name cost$1,000less to paint on each of the company’s10,000trucks.Some companies use unusual spellings of common names:Cingular for Singular,Citibank for City Bank,and Sunkist for Sun Kissed.4Some companies choose names that are inspired by other company names.According to the founder of the Carnation Evaporated Milk Company,the name for his product was suggested,strangely enough,by a brand of cigars known as Carnations.Steve Jobs,founder of Apple Computers,was a Beatles fan,and he named his company after Apple Records,the label founded by the Beatles.This“borrowing”is perfectly legal as long as the two companies are not in the same line of business.(Reportedly,Steve Jobs had to sign an agreement not to produce records.)However,in some cases,company lawyers have said that use of their name, or even part of their name,results in“dilution”of the strength of that name,and they have sued other companies to prevent this.Toys-B-Us,for example,has tried to protect the“Fi-Us”portion of their name even when it has been applied to completely different products,such as cheese or flowers or guns,and McDonald’s has tried to prevent companies from using the“Mc”prefix that has been used for many of their products.5Some firms have chosen names that have nothing to do with their business.Apple is not in the fruit business;it makes computers.Bed Pepper does not sell spices;it sells software. Domino’s has nothing to do with games;it makes pizza.A number of companies have chosen off-the-wall or playful names for their products.There are those naming experts who warn against this,saying that consumers will not take these seriously,and in the case of , they may have been right:This women’s fashion company went bankrupt in no time.However, ,Google,and Yahoo!have succeeded despite—or maybe because of—their unusual names.6Some corporations have turned to other languages for names.A company or product name may come from Latin(Aquafina bottled water,Avis car rentals,Volvo automobiles)or Greek (Amphion multimedia,Oreo cookies),Spanish(El Pollo Loco fast food restaurants,Fuego technology),Danish(Haagen-Dazs ice cream),or Hawaiian(Akamai internet technology). Other companies borrow from mythology:Nike shoes,Ajax cleanser,and Midas mufflers are all named after figures in classical myths.7Some names are totally invented.One advantage for a corporation in making up a name is that this name is then the unambiguous property of the company,and it is easy to trademark. Some of these coined names,while not real words,are suggestive of actual words.For example, Nyquil,a brand of cough medicine meant to be taken at night,suggests the words night and tranquil.Aleve,a pain medicine,is reminiscent of the word relieve,and Acura is similar to the word accurate.Other coined names are completely meaningless:Exxon,Kodak,Xerox,and SONY are examples of successful names of this type.Not all coined names are well liked.Thefamed entrepreneur Donald Trump once said that the corporate name Allegis sounded like“a world class disease.”That’s because the names of so many diseases—arthritis,gingivitis, encephalitis—end in-is.8Choosing good names becomes more difficult when a firm markets internationally.Today, through the Internet,even small businesses often do business in several countries.Sometimes the leap from one language to another can be positive;the Chinese pictogram for the sounds of the name Coca-Cola contains the words for“delicious”and“leisure.”More often,though,a problem occurs.The classic example of an international naming gaffe is that of the General Motors car called the d for an exploding star,the Nova was a reliable car,but its sales were never brisk in Spanish-speaking countries.This was supposedly because Nova could be read as no va in Spanish,meaning“It does not go.”In German,the word mist means dirt or manure,so Country Mist makeup and the nasal spray Primatene Mist had to be renamed for the German market.A food company literally made a big mistake when it named a burrito Burrada. (Burrada means“big mistake”in Spanish.)Bran Buds,a type of breakfast cereal,sounds like “burnt farmers”in Swedish,and the word Dainty,the name of a type of soap,sounds like the word for“aloof”in Finnish and like the word for“stupid”in Farsi.Firms and products from English-speaking countries are not the only ones with problematic names:Bimbo bread from Spain,Zit soft drinks from Greece,Creap coffee creamer from Japan,Swine chocolates from China,and Pocari Sweat sports drink from Japan may do well in their regional markets,but would probably not be very successful in English-speaking countries.The name of the Japanese computer maker Toshiba sounds like“tou-chu-ba”to speakers of Mandarin Chinese. This phrase means“Let’s steal it.”9The lessons from naming mix-ups is that global marketers must do their homework.They must make sure that the names they choose are easy to pronounce and that they do not have any negative linguistic or cultural meanings in the target language.For large international businesses—in fact,for any company of any size—playing the name game is a serious business.1.According to the reading,what role do focus groups play in naming companies and products?A.They help naming companies determine if a name is acceptable.B.They think up original,attractive names.C.They make sure that a name has not already been trademarked.D.They select names from a list.2.What does the author say about Kentucky Fried Chicken?A.It may change its name in the near future.B.It has tried to prevent its name from being shortened.C.It prefers to be known by initials rather than by its full name.D.It may soon merge with another corporation.3.What do the initials E and A refer to in the name IKEA?A.Nothing;they are meaningless initials.B.They refer to the founder’s first and last names.C.They are the first letters of the Swedish words for desig n and firm.D.They refer to the founder’s farm and a nearby town.4.Which of the following name changes is an example of morpheme construction?A.3M in place of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing.B.Nabisco in place of National Biscuit Company.C.Widget Works International in place of the U.S.Widget Corporation.D.Nu Foto Studios in place of New Photo Studios.5.When Federal Express changed its name to FedEx,which of the following could be reduced?A.The cost of painting its trucks.B.The number of trucks that it owned.C.The number of drivers that it employed.D.The size of the trucks that it used.6.What did Steve Jobs reportedly have to agree to when he named his company Apple?A.Not to perform in a musical group.B.To pay a fee to the Beatles for the use of their name.C.Not to go into the recording business.D.To produce only computers.7.Which of these names for a new company would Toys-R-Us probably object to?A.Toys-R-Fun.B.McToys,Inc..C.Games-R-Us.D.Chocolates-4-U.8.What is learned in the reading about ?A.It now makes men’s fashions as well as women’s fashions.B.It was not in business for long.C.Today it has a more conventional name.D.Although naming experts thought it was a poor name,it turned out to be successful.9.Which of these questions can NOT be answered by reading the sixth paragraph of the reading?A.What language does the name Akamai come from?B.What do the names Nike,Ajax,and Midas have in common?C.What does the word Urea mean in Greek?D.What type of product does the Haagen-Dazs company make?10.Which of these product names can be translated in an unintended way in TWO languages?A.Bran Buds cereal.B.Dainty soap.C.Country Mist makeup.D.Toshiba computers.11.Translate the following sentences which is from the end of the first paragraph of thepassage.Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.Names are so important that some companies hire special naming firms that develop a list of names,test them at focus groups,screen them to be sure they are available,and then trademark the final selections.How do firms decide on names?Here are a few of the ways companies play the name game:READING PASSAGE2Questions12-22are based on the following passage.1Cars today are smart.No,they may not be smart enough to change their own oil or find the lost coins in their seats,but they are smart and getting smarter.The average car today has more computing power than the1969Apollo11spacecraft that carried the first astronauts to the moon.Every car produced today has at least one computer for monitoring fuel consumption and pollution controls.The average car uses twelve computerized devices,and high-end cars have many more,controlling everything from the sunroof to the braking system.In the near future,cars may be virtually stuffed with computer chips from front fender to taillight.That’s because motorists enjoy computerized gadgets,and providing these little devices is cheaper for automakers than building a better engine or making other engineering changes that might actually be more important.2Many of the smart features we are seeing today are safety-related.Some are systems to avoid collisions.These may use sonar,radar,lasers,computers,or video cameras,or some combination of these.These systems beep or warn drivers with a voice signal if the vehicle gets too close to an object or another vehicle or if it strays out of its lane.The system can suggest actions to the driver or even temporarily take control to avoid accidents.Another safety device is a smart airbag system.To deploy airbags with the minimum necessary force,sensors determine an occupant’s weight and size and the severity of impact.This system should reduce the number of children hurt by airbags that open too vigorously.Another system can automatically notify emergency services that an accident has happened and,using a Global Positioning System(GPS),can pinpoint the location of the vehicle for police and rescue units. This“mayday system”can save precious minutes and many lives.3One of the most convenient aspects of smart cars is their ability to navigate.Drivers tell them where they want to go and then,by means of a GPS navigation device and computerized maps,smart cars can figure out the best ways to reach the drivers’destinations.The cars can show the information on a map or give drivers voice directions.They can even correct drivers if they make a mistake(“I TOLD you to turn LEFT back there,you idiot!”).Using communication devices connected to the Internet,cars can inform drivers of problems ahead-construction work,traffic jams,and accidents—and then suggest different routes to the drivers’offices,favorite pizza places,or closest shopping malls.4Smart cars create problems as well,however.One problem is how to control all this automotive technology.More buttons take more of the drivers’attention.Even voice controlsare distracting for drivers.A recent study showed that drivers talking on handheld cell phones were four times more likely to be involved in accidents as drivers who were not.In fact,drivers using cell phones were almost as likely to be involved in accidents as those who were legally ing voice controls,even a hands-free system,might prove to be as distracting as chatting on the phone.Nevertheless,the auto industry’s answer to the control problem so far has been voice control.When it comes to simple tasks—changing channels on the radio or opening the trunk—voice controls work well enough.But it is probably not the best method for directing more difficult operations such as navigating the Internet or controlling the car itself. Engine noise,highway noise,and the music on the stereo tend to garble instructions,and voice recognition systems often cannot decipher strong accents.5No matter how smart cars become,they cannot solve all the problems facing a“car-crazy”world by themselves.Anyone who has traveled by car in or around almost any city in the world knows that the problem of traffic congestion is becoming worse every year.Cars,buses,and trucks caught up in the chronic traffic jams in the cities waste vast amounts of fuel and pour pollution into the atmosphere.Then there are the terrible statistics for highway fatalities.In the United States alone,over40,000people die a year.Around the world,it is believed that between800,000and1.15million perish in automobile accidents annually.Some transportation planners believe that better mass transportation is the answer—more monorails,subways,and bullet trains.Other analysts believe that there will always be a demand for the convenience and independence of private automobiles.The traditional solution has been to simply build more roads.However,another solution lies in self-driving vehicles operating on automated “intelligent”roadways.6What is an“intelligent”roadway?One type of automated highway features one or more lanes on which vehicles with special sensors and communications systems can travel completely under computer control.The vehicles follow each other at closely spaced intervals in groups called“platoons.”(Some lanes would also have to be open to conventional cars.) Vehicles in platoons traveling on the automated lanes would be temporarily linked into communications networks.These vehicles could then constantly exchange information about speed,acceleration,braking,and so on.To keep vehicles in their lanes and control their speed and direction,cars might use magnemeters,devices that sense magnets buried in the roadbed. One expert has said that the typical highway lane today can handle2,000vehicles per hour but estimated that an intelligent highway lane could accommodate up to6,000vehicles,depending on the number of entrances and exits.7The technology required to operate an automated highway already exists and has been tested.On a stretch of San Diego Expressway platoon of seven smart Buick LaSabres traveled on a lane of intelligent highway.The cars tailgated one another about5meters apart at around 105kilometers per hour.The drivers sat back and sipped their lattes.They said that traveling that fast and that close together with no control was exciting and a little frightening at first,but that,in a short time,it became rather humdrum.8But don’t plan to have your car chauffeur you to work any time soon.For one thing,thecost would be staggering.Even equipping one lane of traffic on the busiest urban expressways with the necessary technology would be too expensive to do in the near future.Installing the required equipment on cars would also add thousands of dollars to the cost of new cars. Besides,many people would not trust self-driven cars.Much of the public has a warped sense of risk.Some people hesitate to fly even though studies show that flying is safer than driving. That’s because every plane crash is highly publicized,while individual automobile accidents are not.Similarly,although automated cars would certainly be safer than standard cars,when an accident occurred it would probably involve hundreds of deaths and injuries.Even a few such accidents would probably cause the public to call for the closing of automated roads.12.What feature of today’s Cars does the author compare to a feature on the Apollo11 spacecraft?A.Their computing power.B.Their fuel systems.C.Their navigational systems.D.Their passenger space.13.What prediction does the author make about computer chips in cars in the near future?A.They will be replaced by another type of technology.B.They will become less numerous but more powerful.C.They will all be controlled by two main computers,one in the front of the car and one inthe rear.D.They will increase in number.14.In case of an emergency,a collision avoidance system would probably NOT be able to do which of the following?A.Alert the driver with a beeping sound.B.Say to the driver,“Danger!Stay in your own lane!”C.Contact the driver of an approaching car.D.Apply the brakes to slow the car.15.Which of these questions could NOT be answered by the airbag system described in the second paragraph in the event of an accident?A.How much does the passenger sitting in the front seat weigh?B.How did the accident occur?C.How hard was the impact?D.How tall is the driver?16.Which of these conclusions does the study that is mentioned in the fourth paragraph support?ing voice controls is not as dangerous as talking on a cell phone while driving.ing buttons to control a car’s technology is not as safe as using voice controls.C.Driving while talking on a cell phone is much more dangerous than driving after drinking.D.Talking on a cell phone while driving is not safe.。

2015年四川外国语大学硕士研究生入学考试《翻译硕士英语》真题(总分:150.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、 Word Derivation(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.The 1among the allies was no secret to the enemy.(harmony)(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:harmony)【解析】(句意:盟国间关系和睦,这对敌军而言已不是秘密。
)2.The situation there was 1. Something must be done promptly.(tolerate)(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:intolerable)【解析】(句意:那的情况令人无法忍受,我们必须立刻采取行动。
)3.This is made of 1material.(resist heat)(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:healt resistant)【解析】(句意:它由耐热材料制作而成。
此处显然需要一个形容词,heat resistant耐热的,耐高温的。
)4.She was a very 1 social scientist. She proved that apart from self-love, there were other basic human instincts.(observe)(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:observant)【解析】(句意:她是一位观察力敏锐的社会科学家,她证实除了利己主义,人类还有其它本能。
[考研类试卷]2015年四川大学英语翻译基础真题试卷.doc[考研类试卷]2015年四川大学英语翻译基础真题试卷英译汉1 the 100, 000 Strong Initiative2 UN-Habitat3 Occupy Central4 Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership(TTIP)5 chemical oxygen demand(COD)6 coal equivalent7 a lame duck8 CCPIT9 Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program(GMS)10 The House of Commons11 Speaker of the House(U. S. Congress)12 devolution of power13 UK Trade and Investment(UKTI)14 PM 2. 515 public private partnership(PPP)汉译英16 海上丝绸之路17 新常态18 自闭症19 国际电信联盟20 可再生能源发电装机容量21 森林蓄积量22 气候变化南南合作基金23 技术转让24 “言必信、行必果”25 亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议26 “南海行为准则”27 雾霾28 “高大上”29 《泰晤士报》30 《尚书》英译汉31 We usually classify literature—imaginative literature(excluding nonfiction prose)—into the following genres or classes:(1)prose fiction;(2)poetry, and(3)drama. These three genres have many common characteristics. All are art forms, each with its own requirements of structure and style. In varying degrees, all the genres are dramatic and imaginative; they have at least some degree of action, or are based in part on dramatic situations.Imaginative literature differs from textbooks, historical and biographical works, and news articles, all of which describe or interpret facts. While literature is related to the truths of human life, it may be based on situations that have never occurred, and which may never occur. This is not to say that imaginative literature is not truthful, but rather that its truth is to life and human nature, not necessarily to the detailed world of reportorial, scientific, and historical facts in which we all live.Although the three main genres have much in common, they also differ in many ways. Prose fiction, or narrative fiction, is in prose form and includes novels, short stories, myths, parables, romances, and epics. These works generally focus on one or a few major characters who undergo some kind of change as they meet other characters or deal with problems or difficulties in their lives. Poetry, in contrast to prose fiction, is much more economical in the use of words, and it relies heavily on imagery,figurative language, rhythm and sound. Drama(or plays)is the form of literature designed to be performed by actors. Like fiction, drama may focus on a single character or a small number of characters, and it presents fictional events as if they were happening in the present, to be witnessed by a group of people composing an audience. Some dramas employ much of the imagery, rhythm, and sound of poetry.32 It must be stressed that a characteristic aspect of the present time is that science is exercising a decisive influence on technology, creating new problems for it, guiding its development and conditioning its progress. As a result, science is tending to become a direct force of industry. Scientific theories penetrate technological processes.In its turn, the development of science is strongly influenced by the astounding progress of modern technology, which places at its disposal previously undreamed of means; apparatus of high precision and of tremendous power, such as particle accelerators, nuclear reactors, electronic computers, etc. The improvement of industrial technology makes possible the realization of high intensity phenomena such as pressure, temperature, very high tension or nearly ideal conditions of vacuum, often indispensable to accurate experimental results.Science does not, generally, affect industry directly but does so through the intermediary of technology which places at industry's disposal new improved and powerful machines that increase the productivity of labor. It improves technological processes, introduces new forms of energy, creates new materials not provided by nature, introduces new and varied means of transport, communication and telecommunication control and tele-control. All these means amazingly increase the productivityof labor by substituting human force for those of nature.The raising of the technical level of industry, therefore, constitutes a major imperative of our time presented to science, which finds itself in the vanguard of social progress.汉译英33 提起新加坡,许多中国人会联想到高效政府、良好秩序、美食、旅游胜地——这些正面的标签已被不少游记、随笔、考察报告贴在了这个接近赤道的岛国身上。

英语翻译基础一、解释的词有:IOC国际奥委会CAAC中国民航CPPCC中国人民政治协商会议NBA美国职业篮球联赛UNEP联合国环境规划署FBI美国联邦调查局Federal Bureau of Investigationpurchasing power parity购买力平价"三农"工作work relating agriculture,rural areas and farmers伪娘cross dresser大规模杀伤性武器weapons of mass destruction易经book of changes京都议定书Kyoto Protocol经济适用房economically affordable housing中国达人秀China's Got TalentIOC、CAAC、CPPCC、NBA、UNEP、FBI、purchasing power parity、"三农"工作、伪娘、大规模杀伤性武器、易经、京都议定书、经济适用房、中国达人秀、African Union、Fannie Mae&Freddie Mac、MDGs、亚运会、可再生资源、第十一届全国人民代表大会第三次会议二、英翻汉:一篇是动物实验,一篇是归纳问题。

2015年西北大学外国语学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解Part I Vocabulary and Structure (30 points, 60 minutes)Section I Synonyms and replacements (10 points)Directions: In this section, there are 10 sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase in the sentence. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.1. If you become reconciled to your lot, you will never dig out your potential and will remain what you are.A. correspondB. responsiveC. submitD. recounted【答案】C【解析】句意:如果你屈从于命运,就永远不会发掘出自己的潜力,并将一成不变。
be reconciled to服从于,甘心于。
submit to服从于,屈从于。
be responsive to对……敏感;对……有应答。
2. Sometimes students are given a passage unintelligible even to teachers of English.A. disagreeableB. inconsiderableC. incredibleD. incomprehensible【答案】D【解析】句意:有时,学生们会拿到一篇连英语老师都很难懂的文章。

2015年四川外国语大学英语翻译基础真题试卷(总分:64.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、词语翻译(总题数:32,分数:60.00)1.英译汉__________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.N. T.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ izen(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.accumulated fund(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.a bissextile year(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.budget deficit(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.health resort(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.knowledge industry(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.GNP(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.foreign exchange control(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 11.FTA(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 12.singe one's wings(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 13.Daniel come to judgment(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 14.Myanmar(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 15.Tropic of Cancer(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 16.Mercedes-Benz(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 17.汉译英__________________________________________________________________________________________ 占中__________________________________________________________________________________________ 19.广场舞(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 20.乌克兰(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 21.布里斯班(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 22.丝路基金(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________23.量化宽松(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 24.创新增长(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 25.阳光财政(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 26.落地签证(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 27.国民待遇(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 28.国事访问(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 29.夕阳工业(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 30.互联网金融(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 31.新型大国外交(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 32.亚太自由贸易区(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________二、英汉互译(总题数:4,分数:4.00)33.英译汉__________________________________________________________________________________________ 34.The general use of speech is to transfer our mental discourse into verbal, or the train of our thoughts into a train of words, and that for two commodities; whereof one is the registering of the consequences of our thoughts, which being apt to slip out of our memory and put us to a new labor, may again be recalled by such words as they were marked by. So that the first use of names is to serve for marks or notes of remembrance. Another is, when many use the same words to signify, by their connexion and order one to another, what they conceive or think of each matter; and also what they desire, fear, or have any other passion for. And for this use they are called signs. Special uses of speech are these: first, to register what by cogitation we find to be the cause of anything, present or past; and what we find things present or past may produce, or effect; which, in sum, is acquiring of arts. Secondly, to show to others that knowledge which we have attained; which is to counsel and teach one another. Thirdly, to make known to others our wills and purposes, that we may have the mutual help of one another. Fourthly, to please and delight ourselves, and others, by playing with our words, for pleasure or ornament, innocently.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 35.汉译英__________________________________________________________________________________________ 36.市长王安顺高度重视APEC周的天气和空气质量。

I.Word Derivation(10%)Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate words derived from the words given in parentheses at the end of the sentences.1.The______among the allies was no secret to the enemy.(harmony)2.The situation there was_____.Something must be done promptly.(tolerate)3.This is made of______material.(resist heat)4.She was a very_____social scientist.She proved that apart from self-love,there were other basic human instincts.(observe)5.You can live longest and best and most_____by attaining and preserving the happiness of learning.(reward)6.You think I’m joking?No!I’m in dead_____.(earn)7.Many times he demonstrated his_____to other cops.(fear)8.In modern society,workers are in danger of being_____.They become extension of the machine.(human)9._____,most of these students studying overseas will come back eventually instead of settling down there permanently.(presume)10.Nobody knows for sure how much these free official banquets have cost the people,but it must have reached on_____figure.(astronomy)II.Multiple Choice(20%)Directions:For each sentence below there are four choices A,B,C and D.Choose the answer that BEST completes the sentence.Then write the correct letter on the Answer Sheet.11.The emotional strain of attending his dying mother_____all his strength.(A)sapped(B)depleted(C)enervated(D)enfeebled12.The social worker claimed that it was impossible for the old man to live on his_____pension.(A)inadequate(B)insufficient(C)meager(D)skimpy13.The mystic found it hard,if not impossible,to_____his philosophic position.(A)state(B)verbalize(C)communicate(D)deliver14.Literary magazines give$200_____for critical articles from people who want to make a第1页共16页。

2015年四川大学外国语学院241二外英语真题及详解Part ⅠReading Comprehension (30%)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should deicide the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneCertainly, the concept of “death with dignity”has become an increasing focus of the debate, not the least because of medical progress that has brought about a major increase in the number of retired and aged persons. The issue has generated lots of legislation, much of which confuses rather than clarifies an important question in euthanasia: Who will pull the plug?In general, the laymen’s(外行人) view of euthanasia is one of “mercy killing,”or active intervention to end life, with little or no concept of the possibility of a passive form.I make no excuses and ask no forgiveness for admitting that I have practiced passive euthanasia for many years. In fact, I gave instructions to the doctor attending my own mother in her last illness that she should receive no antibiotics nor be tube-fed. At that stage, she was in her 98th year, suffering from her thirdstroke and unconscious with pneumonia.I have never practiced active euthanasia, a deed that in my country is regarded as murder and could merit the death penalty. But I do believe that in the clinical practice of medicine, active euthanasia has a definite place. I also believe that we should not be afraid to discuss its place in the scheme of things and to explore the possibilities in this approach to the terminally ill.I cannot accept the simple statement that a doctor does not have the right to take life; furthermore, I believe the greatest difficulty is to define life. I myself have defined it as joy in living. Given the absence of this quality, the request of the suffering person and the satisfaction of other criteria such as good faith on the part of those caring for the person and the completion of legal requirements, there is no ethical reason why active medical euthanasia may not be administered.Indeed, I have always wondered at the kind of person who would mercifully end the life of a suffering animal, yet would hesitate to extend the same privilege to a fellow human being.As a scientist and a humanitarian, I find society’s attitude toward the different ways of causing the death of an individual both hypocritical (虚伪的) and illogical. Consider that, for as long as man has inhabited the earth, he has accepted with few reservations the right to kill and be killed on the battlefields, even when this leads to not only his own but multiple deaths.I have talked to legal, ethical and medical authorities in many parts of the world on the need for active euthanasia. Again and again the same questions came up:Who will decide when a life is to be terminated and how can mistakes be avoided?Would doctors perhaps misuse the right to life by getting rid of the people they do not like?Does a doctor have the right to play God?If it is feared that a doctor is playing God when he terminates a life, it can just as readily be argued that he is playing the same role when he prolongs the life of a terminally-ill patient. And surely, when the terminally-ill person develops an inter-current infection that will cause death if not treated, are we not also interfering with God’s will by instituting treatment and preventing the patient from dying of the infection?1. What is the layman’s understanding of euthanasia?A. Killing somebody out of pity because he ls in severe pain.B. Ceasing feeding of the patient.C. Stopping treatment.D. Death with dignity.2. What does the author think of active euthanasia?A. It is a form of human cruelty.B. It should be allowed for the terminally ill.C. It is interference in God’s will.D. It is ethically wrong even if legally permissible.3. Why does the author say society’s attitude toward the different ways of causing the death of an individual is both hypocritical and illogical?A. A single death is much dwelled on while multiple deaths go unnoticed.B. Passive euthanasia is overlooked while active euthanasia is penalized.C. Ending the life of a suffering animal is called mercy while doing the same to ahuman is called murder.D. Euthanasia is condemned while killing on the battlefield is accepted without reservation.4. What is the chief problem that may arise in administering euthanasia?A. Abuse of this practice.B. Religious opposition.C. Completion of legal procedures.D. The defining of life.5. According to the author, in giving treatment to a terminally-ill patient, the doctor is _____.A. doing a disservice to societyB. performing humanitarian obligationsC. increasing his sufferingD. interfering with God’s will, too【答案与解析】1.A 由第二段“the laymen’s view of euthanasia is one of ‘mercy killing,’or activeintervention to end life”可知,在外行人看来安乐死是带有怜悯的杀人或结束生命的积极干预,故选A。

2015年四川外国语大学英语翻译硕士MTI真题及答案解析2015年四川外国语大学英语翻译硕士MTI真题及答案解析(1/30)Vocabulary第1题The______among the allies was no secret to the enemy.(harmony)下一题(2/30)Vocabulary第2题The situation there was______. Something must be done promptly.(tolerate)上一题下一题(3/30)Vocabulary第3题This is made of______material.(resist heat)上一题下一题(4/30)Vocabulary第4题She was a very ______ social scientist. She proved that apart from self-love, there were other basic human instincts.(observe) 上一题下一题(5/30)Vocabulary第5题You can live longest and best and most______by attaining and preserving the happiness of learning.(reward)上一题下一题(6/30)Vocabulary第6题You think I′m joking? No! I′m in dead______.(earn)(7/30)Vocabulary第7题Many times he demonstrated his______to other cops.(fear)上一题下一题(8/30)Vocabulary第8题In modern society, workers are in danger of being______. They become extension of the machine.(human)上一题下一题(9/30)Vocabulary第9题______, most of these students studying overseas will come back eventually instead of settling down there permanently.(presume)上一题下一题(10/30)Vocabulary第10题Nobody knows for sure how much these free official banquets have cost the people, but it musthave reached on______figure.(astronomy)上一题下一题(11/30)Vocabulary第11题The emotional strain of attending his dying mother______all his strength.A.sappedB.depletedC.enervatedD.enfeebled(12/30)Vocabulary第12题The social worker claimed that it was impossible for the old man to live on his______pension.A.inadequateB.insufficientC.meagerD.skimpy上一题下一题(13/30)Vocabulary第13题The mystic found it hard, if not impossible, to______his philosophic position.A.stateB.verbalize/doc/e5696360.html,municateD.deliver上一题下一题(14/30)Vocabulary第14题Literary magazines give $ 200______for critical articles from people who want to make a name for themselves in this field.A.emolumentB.remunerationC.stipendD.honorariums上一题下一题(15/30)Vocabulary第15题He displayed______ignorance in handling what was an only routine personnel problem.A.opprobriousB.deplorableC.culpableD.regrettable上一题下一题(16/30)VocabularyEuropeans______the indigenous Indian population they met with.A.supplantedB.displacedC.rectifiedD.renovated上一题下一题(17/30)Vocabulary第17题Disappointment followed his hopes of______after the costly operation.A.rejuvenescenceB.renascenceC.rejuvenationD.recrudescence上一题下一题(18/30)Vocabulary第18题He attempts to______the truth by appealing to dishonest, ignorant and irresponsible bigotry.A.vitiateB.adulterateC.contaminateD.pervert上一题下一题(19/30)Vocabulary第19题The typical ______professor was rapt in solving an equation while crossing against a red light.A.inattentiveB.abstractedC.absent-mindedD.oblivious上一题下一题(20/30)Vocabulary第20题A newly independent colony was plunged into ______ by warring factions and a lack of central leadership.A.riotB.anarchyC.disorderD.disturbance上一题下一题(21/30)Vocabulary第21题______parents are relying even more heavily on tutors and cram schools to help their children succeed.B.AnxiousC.FretfulD.Farsighted上一题下一题(22/30)Vocabulary第22题G. B Shaw wondered how parents could wait until their anger cooled in order to ______ their children in cold blood.A.flogB.spankC.thrashD.scourge上一题下一题(23/30)Vocabulary第23题A______smile that in the next minute turned into an embarrassed blush.A.winsomeB.blitheC.cherryD.sunny上一题下一题(24/30)Vocabulary第24题The judge′s ruling that political beliefs of the accuse d were______to the question of his guilt.A.extrinsicB.superfluousC.inessentialD.immaterial上一题下一题(25/30)Vocabulary第25题A corrupt public official was______by colleagues afraid of inquires into their own affairs.A.palliatedB.glossed overC.whitewashedD.extenuated上一题下一题(26/30)Vocabulary第26题"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it," wrote Oscar Wilde, a composer of brilliant______.A.mottosB.aphorismsD.epigrams上一题下一题(27/30)Vocabulary第27题The manager______a clerk whose clumsiness was responsible for the complete breakdown of operations in his department.A.rebukedB.admonishedC.reprimandedD.reproached上一题下一题(28/30)Vocabulary第28题They______the mounting evidence of discrepancies in the report as justifying a new investigation.A.beckonedB.invokedC.subpoenaedD.conjured上一题下一题(29/30)Vocabulary第29题According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, only 25% of those who suffer hip ______ever fully recover; as many as 20% will die within 12 months. Even when patients do recover, nearly half will need a cane or a walker to get around.A.frankincenseB.fragmentsC.fracturesD.fraction上一题下一题(30/30)Vocabulary第30题A steady flow of the ______weapons spread its genial influence throughout the frontier, and the respect which the Pathan tribesmen entertained for Christian civilization was vastly enhanced.A.covetousB.covetedC.covetingD.covet上一题下一题(31~35/共40题)Reading ComprehensionChris Hrapko isn′t afraid of tough conversations. As the founder of a nonprofit social-service agency, she battles bureaucracies on behalf of the homeless and the working poor. But there is one conversation Hrapko avoided. When her 92-year-old mother fell and broke her hip earlier。

Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.At any given moment, you are aware of a zillion sensations—anything from the tightness of your shoes to the sound of an approaching bicycle bell. But your conscious mind notices only a fraction of what is going on. And that fraction is governed by criteria (标准) set up in consultation with an ancient part of the brain called the limbic system, which links to our emotions and our “gut feelings”.Those criteria assign priorities to sensory (感觉的) inputs. Hence you are aware of the nonstop assault on your eyes or your ears only when this input meets the criteria. The criteria change from person to person. If two people are walking in the countryside, one may notice the wildflowers, the other a military aircraft at 20,000 feet. When two photographers stand side by side, one may see a dramatic picture; the other a pile of stones.The differences are typically due not to differences in eyesight but to the ways the two photographers have programmed their minds to respond. I amnot talking about anything extraordinary or mystical (神秘的). Both brain researchers and police have noted that a very simple set of cues (暗示) can powerfully alter the selection of stimuli (刺激), determining what will be noticed—even in a highly emotional state like a fight. I once sat in on a training course for police officers who were being taught to shoot—make that taught how to shoot under stress. One of the most important lessons was that under duress (被迫), under time pressure, the brain reverts (回归) back to what it is most accustomed to. That is, in spite of long training and many repetitions, an officer will shoot in combat (格斗) the way he has always shot. If he brings no conscious control to bear on the selection of stimuli, the selection will be made by unconscious programs, resulting in a misidentification of the threatening object and the wrong action. The old rice-shooting Chinese soldier uses what he has always used—an eraser (橡皮擦) suddenly perceived as a grenade.1. The word “criteria” (in Paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to ______.A. emergenciesB. preferencesC. abilitiesD. emotions2. According to the passage, the fraction of what you are aware of is determined by ______.A. your gut feelingsB. your emotionsC. the military aircraftD. the nonstop assault3. As used in Paragraph 1, the word “assault” most probably means______.A. surprise attackB. forceful entryC. intense impactD. constant bombardment4. The passage suggests that the criteria determining what stimuli will be noticed may be influenced by ______.A. photographers’ eyesightB. the military aircraftC. the police training courseD. unconscious programs5. The passage gives an example where the brain’s selection of stimuli ina dangerous situation caused a police officer to ______.A. feel a strong emotionB. correctly identify a criminalC. take inappropriate actionD. learn a lesson about photographyPassage 2Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.I once worked with a person who spent money generously (大方地) as soon as it came to him. He’d buy a new motorbike or a stereo system if he had money left in his bank account at the end of the month. “Why not?” he’d say cheerfully, “Money is for spending.” And so I’d get temporary delight for six months until my Chinese bank account ran dry.In researching our book, Happy Money, my coauthor Michael Norton and I set out to show how to get the most happiness for your dollar. We spent years reviewing the scientific literature on spending. What we found explains my coworker’s behavior. The very riches that most countries strive for are not making their citizens happier.A famous psychology study conducted in 1978 asked a group of people with spinal-cord injuries and a group of people without them about how happy they were, and how happy they expected to be in the future. The results surprised them: those with spinal-cord injuries expected to be less happy than they were, and those without them expected to be more happy than they were. The truth is that we have within us the capacity to adapt to our sights and our losses and to keep pursuing happiness.One in four lottery winners in Florida ends up bankrupt (破产)。
[考研类试卷]2015年四川大学翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识真题试卷一、名词解释1 古希腊人把对过去进行思考的回忆视作人类固有的本能。
2 在古代世界文明史上,<u>玛雅文明</u>似乎是从天而降,在最为辉煌繁盛之时,却又戛然而止。
3 唐代是我国古典诗歌发展的全盛时期,是我国优秀的文学遗产之一,也是全世界文学宝库中的一颗灿烂的明珠。
4 2005年10月,第33届<u>联合国教科文组织</u>大会上通过的《保护和促进文化表现形式多样性公约》意味着<u>文化多样性</u>原则被提高到国际社会应该遵守的伦理道德高度。

翻译硕士英语考试科目:211翻译硕士英语适用专业:英语口译(MTI)、英语笔译(MTI)(试题共14页)(注意:答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试题上不给分)I. Vocabulary and grammar (30’)Multiple choiceDirections: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.1. The forests were very dry because of the dry spell.A. tree lineB. explorersC. draftD. drought2. Self-denial is one of their tenets.A. reasonsB. doctrinesC. rentersD. figures3. The Iranians did not see eye to eye with the Americans about releasing the hostages.A. viewB. scareC. agreeD. quarrel4. The most pressing problem any economic system faces is how to use its scarce resources.A. puzzlingB. difficultC. terrifyingD. urgent5. The firm of Bonnin and Morris in Philadelphia was probably the first American company to manufacture porcelain.A. silverwareB. crystalC. chinaD. linen6. Children who come from deprived families are frequently poor readers.A. without respectB. without experienceC. without fundsD. without legs7. They raised a hue and cry just outside the gate.A. surrenderedB. built a temporary shelterC. made a great deal of noiseD. flew the flag8. Carlo showed us his diagram if the machine.A. insidesB. screwsC. sketchD. masterpiece9. The beggar solicited passers-by for money.A. requestedB. scowled atC. bargained withD. chased10. He took on so much work, he had no time for pleasure.A. allowedB. increasedC. accomplishedD. assumed11. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of _________realityA. what it is conceivedB. that is conceivedC. what is conceived to beD. that is being conceived of12. Using many symbols makes _______ to put a large amount of information on a single map.A. possibleB. it is possibleC. it possibleD. that possible13. A vacuum tube is a glass tube from which most of the air has been removed, _______ an almost complete vacuum.A. creatingB. createsC. is creatingD. it creates14. Booker T. Washington, acclaimed as a leading educator at the turn of the century, _____ of a school that later became the Tuskegee Institute.A. took chargeB. taking chargeC. charge was takenD. taken charge15. True hibernation takes place only among _______ animals.A. whose blood is warmB. blood warmC. warm-bloodedD. they have warm blood16. In central Georgia, archaeological evidence indicates that Native Americans first inhabited the area________.A. since thirteen centuriesB. thirteen centuries agoC. the previous thirteen centuriesD. thirteen centuries were before17. In ________, the advent of the telephone, radio, and television has made rapid long-distance communication possible.A. one hundred years laterB. one hundred years agoC. the one hundred years sinceD. the last one hundred years18. ________, The Yearling, won a Pulitzer Prize.A. Marjorie Rawlings’best work wasB. Marjorie Rawlings’best workC. Her best work was Marjorie Rawlings’D. That Marjorie Rawlings’best work19. Abstraction goes into the making of any work of art, ________ or not.A. whether the artist being aware of itB. the artist is being aware whetherC. whether the artist is aware of itD. the artist is aware whether20. Not until 1931 ________ the official anthem of the United StatesA. “The Star-spangled Banner”did becomeB. when “The Star-spangled Banner”becameC. did “The Star-Spangle Banner”becomeD. became “The Star-spangled Banner”II. Reading comprehension (40’)Section 1 Multiple choice (20’)Directions: In this section there are reading passages followed by multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark your answers on your answer sheet.Passage AJustice and injustice in criminal adjudication are more than abstract concept; in modern America each term conjures up its own paradigm image. Justice occurs in a somber courtroom where a robber reaches a legal decision. Injustice is a bloodthirsty mob bearing lit torches, intimidating on the doors of the jail desperate to wreak revenge upon the suspected wrongdoer held within.This image of injustice provides many normative insights. One that courts have frequently drawn is that in criminal adjudication emotion is unalterably opposed to reason and thus to justice itself. Taking this principle a step farther, courts have urged that the more a legal issue might provoke popular rage, the harder courts must work to insulate the legal decision from emotive influence. The classic example is capital sentencing, an occasion which evokes strong emotions. Here the Supreme Court has worked to ensure that “any decision to impose the death sentence be, and appear to be, based on reason rather than caprice or emotion”. The Court has, over a period of years, undertaken an extensive regulatory project aimed at suppressing emotive influence in capital cases by mandating rationalistic ruled to guide sentencing. This insistence upon the injustice of all emotion stems from a misconception of emotion and its influence upon criminal punishment. Although the mob at jail scene illustrates that anger can lead to injustice, it does not support the proposition that all decisions influenced by anger are morally tainted. Anger can be justified and have moral decision making is complex; untangling it involved a close examination of emotion than the law has generally undertaken.This has obvious significance for criminal law as a form of social concord. But it is also important or its alleged role as a restraint on power. Criminal law does little or nothing to restrict the efforts of the various professionals now responsible for preventing and reshaping deviant behavior. Rather it is them who have colonized its territory, as in the welfare of the professional authority that legitimates them and because they enter into the enabling role of the state as dispenser of benefits. This is to say nothing of other forms of market and bureaucratic power and social control exercised by groups other than government. Under these conditions the alleged protections of the criminal law seem premised on a nineteenth century view of the state and society; those interested in the law in the twentieth century must look to the potential of administrative law rather than to criminal law. Either way critical writers would be wasting their time here.Whilst there is a lot of truth in this picture of the declining importance of criminal law, it issensible not to exaggerate its loss of functions. From a critical point of view it would seem to retain a crucial ideological significance as being the form of closet touch with public. It is hard to credit the idea that these central liberal (bourgeois) notions have been displaced by the newer disciplines and strategies.1.The reason for the insulation of emotions in criminal adjudication is due to_______.A. the severity of the possible punishmentB. the social concern for the adjudicationC. the Supreme Court decisionD. the ideal of keeping order2. According to the author’s opinion, the origination of the insistence upon the injustice of all emotion is __________.A. that emotion is inevitably against reason and justiceB. the misunderstanding of emotion and its influenceC. the courts’hard work to prevent the legal decision from emotive influenceD. that the death sentence was based on reason through suppressing emotive influence3. Regards to the role of anger in adjudication, which statement is INCORRECT?A. Only part of the decisions is influenced by anger, though it can bring biases.B. Though moral decision-making is complex, anger can be justifiedC. Some decisions influenced by anger can be morally taintedD. Because of anger, moral decision-making is quite complicated4. The declining importance of criminal law is a consequence of ___________.A. the loss of importance of criminal law and increase of interest in government as a benefit dispenserB. the exaggeration of the importance of criminal law and decrease of interest in government affairsC. the new trend in legal studiesD. the new ideas pouring out in the administrative law field5. The review is primarily ___________.A. dubiousB. objectiveC. partialD. criticalPassage BThe Eskimos believe that a human being is made up of a body, a soul, and a name, and it not complete unless it has all three. This belief has a great effect on the Eskimo’s daily life and runs like a golden thread through the Eskimo culture.As for the soul of man, the Eskimos do not claim to know exactly what it is—but then, who does? They see it, however, as the beginning of life, the initiator of all activities within a being, and the energy without which life cannot continue.An Eskimo’s name is believed to have a life of its own. It combines all the good qualities and talents of all the persons who have been called by it. One may imagine it as a procession ofancestors stretching into the dim past and surrounding the present bearer of the name with a sort of magic protective aura.Many Eskimos believe that a newborn baby cries because it wants its name and will not be complete until it gets it. Immediately after a birth the angakok (medicine man) or some wise elders of the tribe gather to name the child. The name that is selected must be the name of someone who has died recently. The choice may in some cases call for much conjuring and soothsaying, and in other cases be self-evident. When my son was born, everyone realized that it was his great-grandfather, Mequsaq, who had died a few months before, who had been reborn in him. The newborn infant had a slight squint in the very same eye that old Mequsaq had lost to the cannibals in Baffin Land. This was taken as a sign from the name spirit that the baby should be called Mequsaq.When, in 1927, I returned to Thule for a visit, I found that no fewer than five little girls had been named Navarana after my dear late wife. So great was the confidence in Navarana’s ability and character that there was believed to be enough for all five children. It was thus a beautiful and touching memorial to her, though a slightly expensive one for me, since I had to give all the little girls presents.More often he newborn child was given several names, so as to have the highest possible protection, and certain names became great favorites. Calling so many by the same name was often very confusing. This custom was continued in Christianized Greenland. In the little settlement of Kook, in the Upernavik district, all five hunters were called Gaba (after the archangel Gabriel). I was told that some years before, a great man called Gaba had died, and after his death several unmistakable signs indicated that his spirit was still active. To please the spirit, many boy babies were named after it. In order to distinguish between them they called them “fat Gaba,”“Little Gaba,”etc.A Polar Eskimo would never mention himself by name. Doing so could break the name’s magic protection. And since the ever jealous spirits are always listening, it could cause great trouble. It seemed strange to me in the beginning, when I met somebody in the dark of winter, that I was never able to get any information other than “Oanga”(it is I). Finally I learned to know them all by their voices.The Eskimo people believe also in the magic protective power of amulets, However, it isn’t the amulet itself that protects from harm—it is the properties that the amulet possesses. It is almost always the boys and the men who are given amulets, for they are the ones who expose themselves to all the dangers of nature while the women stay at home. When a girl is given amulets, it is usually to insure that she have strong sons. Great care goes into the selection of amulets. My wife Navarana carried a little ball of polished wood with her always. Wood cannot feel pain, and possession of it means great wealth; thus it is thought that a wooden amulet can insure the owner a rich and painless life.One of the most popular amulets is the foot of a raven, which is put on a string around the necks of newborn babies. This is believed to be a very valuable charm because no bird can get along under as hard conditions as does the raven. The raven finds food where other animals starve to death—it can live on almost nothing.At the end of my first walrus hunt at Thule, Ayorsalik, one of the hunters, decided that raven meat was to be eaten in my honor. The purpose of the raven feast, he said, was to make sure that the good luck I had had that morning would continue indefinitely.Two of the younger men shot three ravens that had been hovering expectantly near our campfire. Ayorsalik out the pot on to boil, and the ravens were skinned and cooked.Their taste was revolting, and later I ate that bird only in times of great hunger. On this occasion Ayorsalik handed me all three hearts and livers with his fingers; they went down, but they almost came up again. I don’t know whether this ritual had any effect. But later on, whenever I had sizable game, Ayorsalik claimed I would lose the ravens’power if I were not to share with him.Another interesting custom of the Eskimos is their ceremony of reverence for ancestors. On the rock of Agpat, near Thule, where the burial ground was, both men and women would sit for hour after hour in quiet meditation. Dressed in their finest clothing, they would stare out over the horizon without moving. They believed that during this stillness they received the wisdomof their ancestors. It is the nearest thing to religious devotion I have seen among them, and it is, I think, the most beautiful form of worship I have ever seen.To the Eskimo, nature is full of evil spirits ready to work ill if a sin or breach of taboo is committed. When a tribe is afflicted with sickness or bad weather or starvation, it is up to the angakok to find out how the people, knowingly or unknowingly, have offended the spirits. He can summon his helping spirits, he can travel to the underworld, under the sea, and through rocks, and thus find out where the trouble is.Essentially, angakoks are people who are experienced in the state of trance. I have often observed even the people serving in our house at Thule in a state of trance, sometimes for days on end. To understand the Eskimos, it is necessary to remember the long depressing winter with its black darkness and its aura of lurking evil, and the summer with its perpetual sunshine that wearies the mind and confuses the senses. Every fall we had a veritable epidemic of evil spirits along with the storms and the darkness of winter setting in. There was always panic at this time.The Eskimos know no benevolent god. They believe that the spirits of the angakoks and the protective spells of names and amulets are their only defense against a cold and hostile land.6. If asked “Who is it?”an Eskimo would answer only “It is I,”because______.[A] he would not want anyone to know who he was[B] if he said his own name he would break its spell[C] he did not know his actual name[D] Both A and B.7. There is evidence in the passage that the author’s wife had______.[A] won the Eskimos’approval during several visits[B] many names[C] been accepted by the Eskimos only because of their love for her husband.[D] been an Eskimo herself8. According to the passage, Eskimos depend most heavily on______.[A] evil spirits[B] charms and magic[C] a helpful god[D] nature9. The word “revolting”in paragraph 12 means______.[A] shocking[B] rebellious[C] nauseating[D] wicked10. The Eskimo believed that sitting quietly near their buried ancestors_______.[A] was the best way to express faith in God[B] helped the hunters to find food[C] gave them the wisdom of their ancestors[D] was the best way to pay tribute to the dead.Section 2 Answering questions (20’)Directions: Read the following passages and then answer IN COMPLETE SENTENCES the questions which follow each passage. Use only information from the passage you have just read and write your answer in the corresponding space in your answer sheet.Questions 1~3What do we mean by leisure, and why should we assume that it represents a problem to be solved by the arts? The great ages of art were not conspicuous for their leisure-at least, art was not an activity associated with leisure. It was a craft like any other, concerned with the making of necessary things. Leisure, in the present meaning of the word, did not exist. Leisure, before the Industrial Revolution meant no more than “time”or “opportunity”; “If your leisure serv'd, I would speak with you”, says one of Shakespeare's characters. Phrases which we still use, such as “at your leisure”, preserve this original meaning.But when we speak of leisure nowadays, we are not thinking of securing time or opportunity to do something; time is heavy on our hands, and the problem is how to fill it. Leisure no longer signifies a space with some difficulty secured against the pressure of events: rather it is a pervasive emptiness for which we must invent occupations-Leisure is a vacuum, a desperate state of vacancy--a vacancy of mind and body. It has been commandeered by the sociologists and the psychologists: it is a problem.Our diurnal existence is divided into two phases, as distinct as day and night. We callthem work and play. We work so many hours a day, and, when we have allowed the necessary minimum for such activities as eating and shopping, the rest we spend in various activities which are known as recreations, an elegant word which disguises the fact that we usually do not even play in our hours of leisure, but spend them in various forms of passive entertainment or entertainment--not football but watching football matches; not acting, but theatre-going; not walking, but riding in a motor coach.We need to make, therefore, a hard-and-fast distinction not only between work and play but, equally, between active play and passive entertainment. It is, I suppose, the decline of active play —of amateur sport—and the enormous growth of purely receptive entertainment which has given rise to a sociological interest in the problem. If the greater part of the popu1ation, instead of indulging in sport, spend their hours of leisure ‘viewing' television programmes, there will inevitably be a decline in health and physique. And, in addition, there will be a psychologicalproblem, for we have yet to trace the mental and moral consequences of a prolonged diet of sentimental or sensational spectacles on the screen. There is, if we are optimistic, the possibility that the diet is too thin and unnourishing to have much permanent effect on anybody. Nine films out of ten seem to leave absolutely no impression on the mind or imagination of those who see them: few people can give a coherent account of the film they saw the week before last, and at longer intervals they must rely on the management to see that they do not sit through the same film twice.We have to live art if we would be affected by art. We have to paint rather than look at paintings, to play instruments rather than go to concerts, to dance and sing and act ourselves, engaging all our senses in the ritual and discipline of the arts. Then something may begin to happen to us: to work upon our bodies and our souls.It is only when entertainment is active, participated in, practiced, that it can properly be called play, and as such it is a natural use of leisure. In that sense play stands in contrast to work, and is usually regarded as an activity that alternates with work. It is there that the most fundamental error enters conception of daily life.Work itself is not a single concept. We say quite generally that we work in order to make a living: to earn, that is to say, sufficient tokens which we can exchange for food and shelter and all the other needs of our existence. But some of us work physically, tilling the land, minding the machines, digging the coal; others work mentally, keeping accounts, inventing machines, teaching and preaching, managing and governing. There does not seem to be any factor common to all these diverse occupations, except that they consume our time, and leave us little leisure.We may next observe that one man's profession or work is often another man’s recreation or play. The merchant at the week-end becomes a hunter (he has not yet taken to mining); the clerk becomes a gardener; the machine-tender becomes a breeder of bull—terriers. There is, of course, a sound instinct behind such transformations. The body and mind are unconsciously seeking compensation--muscular coordination, mental integration. But in many cases a dissociation is set up and the individual leads a double life--one half Jekyll, the other half Hyde. There is a profound moral behind that story of Stevenson's for the compensation which a disintegrated personality may seek will often be of an anti-social nature. The Nazi party, for example, in its early days was largely recruited from the bored--not much from the unemployed as from the street-corner society of listless hooligansScientific studies have been made of street-corner society, out of which crime, gangsterdom, and fascism inevitably develop. It is a society with leisure--that is to say, spare time--and without compensatory occupation. It does not need a Satan to find mischief for such idle hands to do. They will spontaneously itch to do something: muscles have a life of their own unless they are trained to purposeful actions. Actions, or rather activities, are the obvious reflex to leisure; they consume it, and leave the problem solved.But work is also activity, and if we reach the conclusion that all our time must be filled with one activity or another, the distinction between work and play becomes rather meaningless, and what we mean by play is merely a change of occupation. We pass from one form of activity to another; one we call work, and for that we receive pay; the other we call play, and for that we receive no pay--on the contrary, we probably pay a subscription.1. The author points out two kinds of danger that may arise from the misuse of leisure. One of them is the result of purely passive entertainment; the other results when work and play are not properly coordinated What are the two dangers? Which of them is particularly harmful to society?2. The author says that most films are not good enough to leave a permanent impression on our minds. Is this, in his opinion, a good thing or a bad thing? In what way?3. What, in the author’s opinion, is the real difference between work and play? Or is there no difference at all between them? .Questions 4~5History tells us that in ancient Babylon, the cradle of our civilization, the people tried to build a tower that would reach to heaven. But the tower became the tower of Babel, according to the Old Testament, when the people were suddenly caused to speak different languages. In modern New York City, a new tower, that of the United Nations Building, thrusts its shining mass skyward. But the realization of the UN’s aspirations—and with it the hopes of the peoples of the world—is threatened by our contemporary Babel: about three thousand different languages are spoken throughout the world today, without counting the various dialects that confound communication between peoples of the same land.In China, for example, hundreds of different dialects are spoken; people of some villages have trouble passing the time of day with the inhabitants of the next town. In the new African state of Ghana, five million people speak fifty different dialects. In India more than one hundred languages are spoken, of which only fourteen are recognized as official. To add to the confusion, as the old established empires are broken up and new states are formed, new official tongues spring up at an increasing rate.In a world made smaller by jet travel, man is still isolated from many of his neighbors by the Babel barrier of multiplying languages. Communication is blocked daily in scores of ways. Travelers find it difficult to know the peoples of other nations. Scientists are often unable to read and benefit from the work being carried on by men of science in other countries. The aims of international trade, of world accord, of meetings between nations, are blocked at every turn; the work of scholars, technologists, and humanists is handicapped. Even in the shining new tower of the United Nations in New York, speeches and discussions have to be translated and printed in the five official UN languages—English, French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese. Confusion, delay, suspicion, and hard feelings are the products of the diplomatic Babel.The chances for world unity are lessened if in the literal sense of the phrase, we do not speak the same language. We stand in dire need of a common tongue a language that would cross national barriers, one simple enough to be universally learned by travelers, businessmen, government representatives, scholars, and even by children in school.Of course, this isn’t a new idea. Just as everyone is against sin, so everyone is for a common language that would further communication between nations. What with one thing and another —our natural state of drift as human beings, our rivalries, resentments, and jealousies as nations —we have up until now failed to take any action. I propose that we stop just talking about it, as Mark Twain said of the weather, and do something about it. We must make the concerted, massive effort it takes to reach agreement on the adoption of a single, common auxiliary tongue. Let’s take a quick look at the realities of the problem. One of the main barriers to the adoption of the common language is the fact that there is Babel even among the possible languages we canchoose. A number of different simplified languages vie for the spot of the language, and their respective advocates defend and attack with the fervor of political campaigners. Basic English, for example, with its vocabulary of only 850 words with which virtually anything can be expressed, has many advocates. But the Soviet Union and many nations of Asia and South America object to it. Why English? They ask. Why not Basic Russian, Basic Spanish, even Basic Latin?In addition to the “basics”of languages now in use, there is another type—the so-called “constructed languages,”of which some six hundred have made their appearance since the end of the nineteenth century, most of them almost immediate failures. The two best-known survivors among them are, of course, Esperanto and Interlingua.Esperanto was published in 1887 by a Russian-Polish physician names Zamenhof, who had worked on it for ten years. He gave it to the world not under his own name but under the pseudonym Doktoro Esperanto, meaning “Doctor Hopeful.”Esperanto is based on regularity and ease of grammar, with a vocabulary from Roman-Germanic roots. By the end of the century Esperanto had taken hold in western Europe.Interlingua made its appearance much later—in 1951. A group of linguists from many nations took nearly thirty years to perfect it. Essentially, Interlingua is Latin stripped of its difficulties. Its introducer, Dr. Alexander Gode, refers to it as “a kind of twentieth century kitchen Latin.”Indeed, Interlingua can be read by most college-trained people almost at sight.I do not by any means consider myself an authority on the relative merits of the various proposed common languages, but Dr. Mario Pei, of Columbia University in New York City, has written a fine book on the subject called One Language for the World. In this book Dr. Pei says he believes that it makes little difference which language or what kind of language becomes the international language, as long as agreement can be reached among the people of the world on any one.For my own part, it seems to me that the main requirement of an international language is that it be easily learned. Thus it should have the simplest possible spelling and grammar and pronunciation, and the smallest possible vocabulary. An adult should be able to master such a language within three months if he gives several hours a day to the study of it.What can be done concretely to achieve the goal of a working common language? I believe that the UNESCO arm of the United Nations should call a meeting of leading linguists from each of its member nations. (This would include most of the major populated areas of the world.) As Dr. Pei recommends, the purpose of the conference would be to select an already existing language agreeable to a preponderance of the nations represented. Such an agreement won’t come without determined effort: it may take more than one conference to reach agreement; it may take many more. The important thing is that some positive action be taken.Such a conference should be called without further delay; we are sorely in need of this first step. Only with an international language in use, with the proceedings of the UN published in it, with children in schools all over the world learning it as their second language, can we close the gap between the “one world”so recently established in terms of travel time and the one world we hope for in terms of human understanding and co-operations.Because I believe strongly that without the closing of this gap international accord is only a vain hope, I’ve taken it upon myself to try to implement this proposal. Since it is most unlikely that either UNESCO or the nations involved have funds to finance the linguists’conference, I think that one of the great philanthropic foundations, such as the Ford, Carnegie, or Rockefeller Foundation, should undertake to make it possible.。

2015年四川外国语大学翻译学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解I. Put the following terms into Chinese. (15分)1. N.T【答案】新约(New Testament)2. Netizen【答案】网民3. accumulated fund【答案】累积基金4. a bissextile year【答案】闰年5. deficit budget【答案】赤字预算6. health resort【答案】疗养胜地7. knowledge industry【答案】知识产业8. GNP【答案】国民生产总值9. foreign exchange control【答案】外汇管制10. FTA【答案】自由贸易协定11. singe one’s wings【答案】束手无策;损害自己名誉12. Daniel come to judgment【答案】明智地裁决别人所不能解决的问题的人13. Myanmar【答案】缅甸14. Tropical Cancer【答案】《北回归线》15. Mercedes-Benz【答案】梅赛德斯-奔驰II. Put the following passage into Chinese. (60分)The general use of speech is to transfer our mental discourse into verbal, or the train of our thoughts into a train of words, and that for two commodities; whereof one is the registering of the consequences of our thoughts, which being apt to slip out of our memory and put us to a new labor, may again be recalled by such words as they were marked by. So that the first use of names is to serve for marks or notes of remembrance. Another is when many use the same words to signify, by their connexion and order one to another, what they conceive or think of each matter; and also what they desire, fear, or have any other passion for. And for this use they are called signs. Special uses of speech are these: first, to register what by cogitation we find to be the cause of anything, present or past; and what we find things present or past may produce, or effect; which, in sum, is acquiring of arts. Secondly, to show to others that knowledge which we have attained; which is to counsel and teach one another. Thirdly, to make known to others our wills and purposes that we may have the mutual help of one another. Fourthly, to please and delight ourselves, and others, by playing with our words, for pleasure or ornament, innocently.【参考译文】语言的一般作用是把我们的精神话语转换成口头言语,或者是把我们一连串的思想转换成一连串的话语,其主要用处有两个。
川外 2015 考研真题 英语专业


2015年西南科技大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题(A卷)及详解I. Vocabulary and grammar (30’)Multiple choiceDirections: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.1. The Royal Albert Hall is crowed for several days and nights by a youthful army of _____ queuing for admission to the Last Night of the Proms.A. enthusiastsB. successorsC. helpersD. dependants【答案】A【解析】句意:艾尔伯特音乐厅日日夜夜都为年轻的音乐爱好者大军围得水泄不通,他们排队抢购逍遥音乐节压轴音乐会的入场券。
2. The downtown business district did not grow _____ the city as a whole, and the rapid transit system designed to link the center with outlying areas withered away from disuse.A. apace withB. apart fromC. abide byD. anew with【答案】A【解析】句意:市中商务区和整个城市发展速度不一致,用于连接偏远地区的快速交通系统由于无人使用而荒废了。

2015年硕士英语考试真题及答案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12015年硕士英语考试真题及答案Part I Reading Comprehension (40%) (40 Points)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.In the United States, increasing fuel efficiency used to be seen as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on costly foreign oil. But the collapse of the price of oil has changed the equation. “People pretty commonly think of fuel efficiency as dodging the price bullet,” says Joseph Aldy, a professor of public policy at Harvard Kennedy School. Basically, when the price of oil drops, so does the cost at the pump. Thismakes fuel efficiency less of a priority. Yet, fuel efficiency should still be a consideration.1. According to the passage, what is the main argument for increasing fuel efficiency in the U.S.?A. To reduce greenhouse gas emissionsB. To reduce dependence on costly foreign oilC. To dodge the price bulletD. All of the aboveThe correct answer is D.2. Which of the following best describes the author’s view on the importance of fuel efficiency in light of the drop in oil prices?A. It is no longer necessary to consider fuel efficiency.B. Fuel efficiency is still important.C. The importance of fuel efficiency has drastically increased.D. The author does not express an opinion on the importance of fuel efficiency in light of the drop in oil prices.The correct answer is B.3. According to the passage, what has changed the equation in terms of fuel efficiency?A. The cost at the pump has increased.B. The price of oil has dropped.C. People are driving less.D. All of the aboveThe correct answer is B.4. What is the relationship between fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions in the passage?A. There is no relationship.B. There is a positive relationship.C. There is a negative relationship.D. The relationship is unclear.The correct answer is C.5. What is a major argument against increasing fuel efficiency in the passage?A. The price of oil has dropped.B. People commonly think of fuel efficiency as dodging the price bullet.C. People are driving less.D. All of the aboveThe correct answer is A.Passage TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.When it comes to goal setting, many of us tend to only focus on the end result. We set a goal, work towards it, and believe that once we achieve it, we will be happy and fulfilled. However, what research shows is that it’s actua lly the process, not the outcome, that matters most for our happiness.6. Based on the passage, what do many people tend to focus on when setting goals?A. The processB. The end resultC. Achieving happinessD. Believing in oneselfThe correct answer is B.7. Which of the following best describes the author’s view on what matters most for our happiness when it comes to goal setting?A. The end resultB. The processC. Achieving fame and fortuneD. Believing in oneselfThe correct answer is B.8. What does research show is most important for our happiness when setting goals?A. Achieving fame and fortuneB. The processC. The end resultD. Believing in oneselfThe correct answer is B.9. What is the main point the author is trying to make in the passage?A. Achieving goals is not important.B. The process of working towards a goal is more important than the end result.C. Happiness comes from achieving goals.D. Believing in oneself is the key to achieving goals.The correct answer is B.10. What is the main focus of the passage?A. The importance of setting goalsB. Achieving fame and fortuneC. The process of working towards a goalD. Believing in oneselfThe correct answer is C.Passage ThreeQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.The use of technology in education has long been a topic of debate. While some see it as an essential tool for learning, others believe that it is a distraction that hinders academic progress. One study found that students who use laptops in class score lower on exams than those who take notes by hand. The reasonfor this is that students tend to type verbatim what the professor says, without processing the information.11. What is the main focus of the passage?A. The benefits of using technology in educationB. The drawbacks of using technology in educationC. The importance of taking notes by handD. The impact of technology on academic progressThe correct answer is D.12. What does the passage say about students who use laptops in class?A. They score higher on exams.B. They score lower on exams.C. They process information better.D. They tend to type verbatim what the professor says.The correct answer is B.13. Why do students who use laptops in class score lower on exams, according to the passage?A. They do not listen to the professor.B. They do not take notes.C. They type verbatim what the professor says.D. They process information better.The correct answer is C.14. According to the passage, what is one reason why some believe technology is a distraction in education?A. Students tend to take notes by hand.B. Students type verbatim what the professor says.C. Students do not use technology.D. Students are easily distracted.The correct answer is B.15. What is one argument for using technology in education, according to the passage?A. It is a distraction that hinders academic progress.B. It helps students process information better.C. It decreases exam scores.D. It is not an essential tool for learning.The correct answer is B.Passage FourQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.The Mediterranean diet has long been hailed as one of the healthiest diets in the world. It is characterized by high consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and olive oil, as well as moderate consumption of fish and poultry. A recent study found that people who follow the Mediterranean diet have a lower risk of heart disease and cancer.16. What is the Mediterranean diet characterized by, according to the passage?A. High consumption of red meatB. Low consumption of fruits and vegetablesC. High consumption of fish and olive oilD. Moderate consumption of fish and poultryThe correct answer is D.17. What did a recent study find about people who follow the Mediterranean diet?A. They have a higher risk of heart disease and cancer.B. They have a lower risk of heart disease and cancer.C. They have a higher risk of obesity.D. They have a lower risk of diabetes.The correct answer is B.18. Why is the Mediterranean diet considered one of the healthiest diets in the world?A. Because it is high in red meat.B. Because it is low in fruits and vegetables.C. Because it is high in saturated fats.D. Because it includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and olive oil.The correct answer is D.19. What does the passage say about the consumption of fish and poultry in the Mediterranean diet?A. It is high.B. It is low.C. It is moderate.D. It is non-existent.The correct answer is C.20. What is one benefit of following the Mediterranean diet, according to the passage?A. A higher risk of heart disease and cancerB. A lower risk of heart disease and cancerC. A higher risk of obesityD. A lower risk of diabetesThe correct answer is B.Part II Vocabulary (20%) (20 Points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.In 2009, Catherine and Eric adopted two children from Ethiopia, housing them in a small home _21_ the outskirts of Addis Ababa. They lived in _22_ with no running water, and _23_ as little as a dollar a day. But they were determined to provide a better _24_ for their children, so they began to search for ways to _25_ more children and schools _26_ Ethiopia. They began by writing a heartwarming story about their experiences and _27_ it to various publishers. After numerous rejections, one publisherfinally agreed to _28_ their story. The book became an instant hit, encouraging others to _29_ Catherine and Eric in their mission to help Ethiopian children. Through their story became known across the world, they _30_ to remain humble and true to their values.21. A. inB. onC. atD. toThe correct answer is B.22. A. povertyB. luxuryC. simplicityD. wealthThe correct answer is A.23. A. earnedB. spentC. savedThe correct answer is B.24. A. environmentB. lifeC. futureD. momentThe correct answer is C.25. A. adoptB. educateC. avoidD. ignoreThe correct answer is A.26. A. inB. onC. ofD. forThe correct answer is C.B. submitC. mailD. deliverThe correct answer is B.28. A. refuseB. publishC. declineD. acceptThe correct answer is B.29. A. supportB. questionC. challengeD. confuseThe correct answer is D.30. A. learnB. meanC. decideD. tryThe correct answer is C.Part III Cloze Test (10%)Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.In the age of the internet, social media is a key _31_ of communication. It allows people to connect, share information, and stay _32_ with friends and family. However, the rise of social media has also led to concerns about privacy and data security. Many companies _33_ user data to target ads and track user behavior. This has raised _34_ about the ethics of using personal information for commercial gain. Despite these concerns, social media remains a powerful _35_ for individuals and businesses to reach a wide audience.31. A. formB. meansC. methodD. wayThe correct answer is B.32. A. evolvedB. engagedC. entertainedD. informedThe correct answer is D.33. A. sellB. analyzeC. shareD. stealThe correct answer is B.34. A. questionsB. doubtsC. queriesD. issuesThe correct answer is A.35. A. toolB. weaponC. resourceD. deviceThe correct answer is A.Part IV Translation (30%)Direction: Translate the following passage from Chinese into English.在当今世界,科技的发展日新月异。
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Ⅰ. Vocabulary and grammar (30’)
Multiple choice
Directions: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your
answers on your answer sheet.
1. Now researchers are directing more attention to the social and cultural impetus that propelled university graduates into careers in management.
A. implication
B. propaganda
C. impulse
D. benefit
2. Research should continue on controlled nuclear fusion, but no energy program should be premised on its existence until it has proved practical.
A. focused
B. concentrated
C. agreed
D. based
be based on基于。
focus on集中于。
concentrate on专注于。
agree on就……达成一致。
3. In the early 20 century, at the advent of the telephone, it was considered a superfluous instrument which would never be of practical use in the average household.
A. appearance
B. popularity
C. dominance
D. consolidation
4. The problem is that the loss of confidence among the soldiers can be highly contagious.
A. spreading
B. contemptible
C. contented
D. depressing
contemptible 卑鄙的。
5. Other non-dominant males were hyperactive; they were much more active than is normal, chasing others and fighting each other.
A. hardly active
B. relatively active
C. extremely inactive
D. pathologically active
pathologically active病态性活跃。
hardly active几乎不活跃。
relatively active相对活跃。
extremely inactive极其不活跃。
6. At dusk, Mr. Hightower would sit in his old armchair in the backyard and wistfully lose in reminiscence of his youth romances.
A. hopefully
B. reflectively
C. sympathetically
D. irresistibly
7. The child was so ingenuous that even when she knocked the television off its stand so that it was irreparable damaged, her parents thought her to be charming.
A. intelligent
B. ingenious
C. adroit
D. naive
8. It was an allusion to what the scientist thought was an inappropriate distribution of funds for stem cell research.
A. reference
B. contradiction
C. explanation
D. rejection
9. Although this book claims to be a biography of George Washington, many of the incidents are imaginary.
A. fascinating
B. factitious
C. fastidious
D. fictitious
fictitious 虚构的。
10. The boy could not reconcile himself to the failure. He did not believe that was his lot.
A. submit
B. commit
C. transmit
D. permit
11. How close parents are to their children ______ a strong influence on the development of the children’s character.
A. have
B. having
C. has
D. is having
12. ______ such a good chance, she should make full use of it.
A. Given
B. Giving
C. Having given
D. Give