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塑胶模具开模检讨报告DFM常用英文和滑塊干涉的倒勾請加膠填平至1 The undercut area where interfere with slide 滑塊可以平順滑動 block need to be filled material to help the slide can move smoothly

加膠太多 2 The thickening added too thick.

加膠面積太大 3 The thickening area is too wide.

灌點位置移位 4 Gate position is moved.

滑塊拆的位置 5 The split line of slide block or the area of slide.

此處有尖角,填充困難 6 This area is hard to be filled due to the sharp


此處鋼材太薄,強度不足而且不7 The strength of this area is too weak and isn’t 容易冷卻 easy to get cold due to the steel too thin 圓柱特徵要有一半圓不可以拆在8 The semicircle of cylinder avoids designing on 滑塊上,以免粘滑塊造成拉白,slide block lest it will be pulled apart or cause 拉斷. drag mark.

此處做斜銷在作動時會破壞到成9 The part will be damaged if we make lifter in 品 this area.

這個面是裝配面,不能加膠 10 This is critical surface where is not allow to

add material.

此處料位太厚,會有縮水,建議11 This thick wall area might because sink mark,

減小塑料厚度以改善 Please reduce some wall thickness to improve it.

此處做滑塊的話會有結合線,請12 Please confirm whether it is acceptable to has 確認是否可以接受 Slide split line if we have slide in this area.

請確認此面是不是外觀面? 13 Please confirm whether it is critical surface or


此處有倒勾,能否減料,使公母14 Please confirm whether we can reduce 模靠破,不做滑塊和斜銷 material to the area where have undercut as indicated to have shut off on core and cavity

side. No slide block and lifter to be made.

請盡快確認這問題點,否則會影15 Please confirm these questions asap.

響交期 Otherwise the lead-time will be extended.

Gate做在此處的話.蓋子打開後16 The trim mark of the gate is not visual after 看不到Gate的修剪部位 open the top case if the gate position is

designed like it

加大拔模角,以便脫模順利 17 We would suggest to enlarging draft to help

tool released.

如果GATE一定要做在你們指定18 If you insist that the gate position have to be 的位置的話,那還不如做在這一 as original design then we would

further 側,這樣的話還可以減小這個位recommend to have it to the area where

置的縮水 indicate as it can avoid shrink problem in this


P.L面開在此處,模具上會有尖19 There are sharp edges if set the parting line at 角和刀口,對模具壽命有影響 here, It will reduce the tool life

請問此產品的面是否為外觀面,20 Can you tell me whether the surface of this

表面做什麼處理,是蝕紋/拋part is a visible/esthetic one? What will we do 光, for its surface? Texture or Polishing?

請問產品這個面可否加頂針或頂21 Does this part need an ejector pin or an 塊,產品允許加扁頂針嗎, ejector bar? Can we add an ejector blade?

這個產品的柱位元我們打算做司22 Can we add ejector sleeves or ejector pins in 筒。:或鑲針:可以嗎, the boss of this part?

這個位置有倒勾不能脫模,我們23 There's an undercut at this position and it

打算做滑塊,在此面上會有分模needs a slider. It will also have a parting line 線,你接受嗎, on this side, is that OK?

我們打算在這個位置做斜頂或內24 We will make the lifter or inner slider in this

滑塊,有問題嗎, position, will that be a problem?

你提供的2D產品圖與3D產品圖25 The 2D and 3D drawing you provided is not 不一致,請問以哪一個圖正確, the same, can you tell me which one is
