
Term over three year: probation period is six months.
3-4.1HR & Adm Department will release aEvaluation for QualifiedEmployees During Probation Period15 Days before the probation period is expired to the employee’s direct supervisor.
3-4.3Both parties should decide wether to renew the contract at lease one month before this contract expires.
3-3Probation period试用期
3-6Personnel records个人档案
3-6.1Personnel records record all the information related to the employees.

Part OneManuscript FormAs you are learning to write, you should have a clear idea of what is good manuscript form. You should do everything - writing the title, leaving margins, indenting, capitalizing, and dividing words - according to generally accepted rules. Whenever you write something, work carefully, write neatly and clearly, and try to make as few mistakes as possible. Before handing in your essay or exercise, proofread it once or twice, because you may need to make some final corrections and changes.Ⅰ. Arrangement排版Leave a margin on each side of the paper - about two centimeters at the top and a centimeter and a half at the left, the right and the bottom. In an exercise book the top and bottom margins are already there, so you need only to draw a vertical line to mark the left margin.You cannot make the right margin very straight, but you must not write to the edge of the paper. When there is not enough space left for a word, write it on the next line if it cannot be divided. In other words, there must be some blank space on the right side of the paper.Write the title in the middle of the first line. Capitalize the first and last words of the title and all other words(including words following hyphens in compound words) except articles冠词, coordinating conjunctions并列连词(and, or, but, nor, for), prepositions介词, and the to in infinitives不定式。
员工手册及行为规范 (英文版)

The Company places great emphasis on the development and training of its human resources. It encourages employees to study with diligence and to constantly renew and improve themselves. The Company shall provide a variety of training and educational opportunities corresponding to production and operational requirements as well as employee performance, potential and ability.
The Company shall ceaselessly design and provide excellent employee benefits, so that employees personally experience the Company’s solicitude in their regard and allowing them to enjoy peace of mind as they strive to develop the Company’s business.
[Company Name]Байду номын сангаас
Employee Handbook
Code of Conduct
Table of Contents
1.The Company1
2.Human Resources and Personnel Policies3

2024年全新公文写作标准格式设置简明手册英文版2024 New Official Document Writing Standard Formatting Quick GuideIn 2024, the writing of official documents will follow a new format standard to enhance clarity and professionalism. This quick guide provides a brief overview of the key elements in the new format.Section 1: Document Header- The document header should include the title of the document in bold font.- The title should be centered at the top of the page.- Below the title, include the date of the document in a smaller font.Section 2: Introduction- Begin the document with a brief introduction summarizing the purpose and content.- Use clear and concise language to convey the main points.Section 3: Main Body- Divide the main body of the document into sections and subsections as needed.- Use bullet points or numbering to list key points or actions.- Use headings and subheadings to organize information logically.Section 4: Conclusion- End the document with a conclusion that summarizes the main points.- Provide any recommendations or next steps if applicable.Section 5: Signature Block- Include a signature block at the end of the document for approval or authorization.- Include the name, title, and date of the person signing the document.Section 6: Formatting Tips- Use a standard font such as Arial or Times New Roman in 12-point size.- Use single spacing within paragraphs and double spacing between paragraphs.- Use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or complex terms.- Proofread the document for spelling and grammar errors before finalizing.This quick guide provides a simplified overview of the new official document writing format for 2024. Following these guidelines will help ensure consistency and professionalism in written communications.。

新手妈妈手册指南英文版Congratulations on becoming a new mom! This is an exciting and challenging journey that you are embarking on. As a new mom, you may have a lot of questions and concerns about taking care of your baby. Don't worry, this beginner's guide is here to help you navigate through the early stages of motherhood. 。
1. Feeding Your Baby。
One of the most important aspects of taking care of your newborn is feeding. Whether you choose to breastfeed or use formula, it's essential to ensure that your baby is getting the nutrition they need. Breastfeeding provides numerous benefits for both you and your baby, such as bonding and immunity. If you decide to use formula, make sure to choose a brand that is suitable for your baby's age and follow the instructions for preparation.2. Establishing a Routine。

深圳市X X X X科技有限公司LIGHTNING OPTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY (SZ) Co., LTD.员工手册Employee handbook编号:Lightning/HR-001Serial number: Lightning/HR-001版次:A/1Edition: A/1审核:xxxReviewed by:xxx批准:xxxApproved by:xxx生效日期:2014年1月1日Effective date: Jan 1,2014员工手册Employee manual1.人力资源部致辞(Address by the human resource department) (4)2.公司简介(Company introduction) (5)3.适用范围(Scope of application) (6)4. 员工聘用政策(Employee recruitment policy) (7)4.1 职级制度(Job grade system) (7)4.2 工作时间(Working time) (7)4.3 合同期及试用期(Contract period and probation period) (8)4.4 培训、升职和调动(Training, promotion and transfer) (9)4.5 劳动关系的终止和解除(Termination and cancellation of labor relation) (13)4.7 降职(Demotion) (14)4.8 公司制度和程序(Company Policies and Procedures,CPP) (14)4.9 人事记录(Personnel records) (115)5. 薪酬(Remuneration) (15)5.1 工资发放(Salary payment) (15)5.2 绩效奖金Performance bonus (15)5.3 加班(Overtime) (16)5.4 个人所得税(Individual income tax) (16)6. 休假和假日(Vocation and holiday) (17)6.1 法定假日(Statutory holiday) (17)6.2 年假(Annual vocation) (20)6.3 病假(Sick leave) (20)6.4 其他假期(Other leave) (22)6.4.1 婚假(Marriage leave) (22)6.4.2 产假(Maternity leave) (23)6.4.3 陪产假(Paternity leave) (23)6.4.4 丧假(Funeral leave) (23)6.4.5 妇女节(Women’s Day) (23)6.5 无薪假期(Unpaid leave) (24)7. 公司福利(Company welfare) (24)7.1 社会保险(Social security) (24)7.2 法定住房公积金(Statutory housing fund) (24)8. 员工表彰奖励计划(Employee rewarding plan) (24)8.1 员工主要奖励(Employee rewarding is as follows) (24)8.2 员工俱乐部(Employees club) (24)9. 培训和发展(Training and development) (25)9.1 新员工培训(New employee training) (25)9.2 公司内部培训/在职培训(Company internal training/in-job training) (25)10. 交流沟通(Communication) (26)10.1 内部交流沟通(Internal communication) (28)10.2 对外交流沟通(Communication to outside) (28)10.3 名片(Name card) (28)11. 保密(Confidentiality) (27)12. 工作纪律(Work discipline) (28)12.1 警告处分(Warning ) (30)12.2 记小过处分(Minor offence) (33)12.3 记大过处分(Major offence) (33)12.4 开除或辞退处分(Dismissal or discharge ) (35)13. 健康与安全(Health and safety) (37)14. 修改(Modification) (40)员工代表确认签名(Signature of employee representative) (42)员工确认声明(Employee Confirmation Statement) (43)1.人力资源部致辞Address by the human resource department各位亲爱的员工:To each dear employee:首先,对你们的加入表示最热烈的欢迎。

英文版网站编辑手册目录Ⅰ译文名称与缩写词一、翻译人员在处理稿件中的如下内容时应重点进行查询:二、人名三、地名四、国名五、缩写词Ⅱ数字篇一、阿拉伯数字在翻译中的应用二、日期:三、序数四、多位数字五、货币单位:六、度量单位Ⅲ格式篇一、标题格式二、标点符号的使用Ⅵ新闻中时态的习惯用法一、标题中时态的习惯用法二、新闻报道中动词的时态三、新闻中时态的呼应Ⅴ英文翻译原则一、约定俗成原则二、稳定译名原则三、外国尊称的三种译法:Ⅶ新闻的来源一、有名有姓的来源二、无名无姓的来源三、不表明新闻来源Ⅷ附录一、常见缩写二、常见人名、地名等三、关于“说”的不同词汇Ⅰ译文名称与缩写词一、翻译人员在处理稿件中的如下内容时应重点进行查询:1. 外国人名及头衔、主要地名、机构、国际组织名称2. 中国省级政府名称3. 中央和国务院部委、局名称4. 全国性机构名称5. 境外知名华人姓名6. 本部外政、事业及管辖社团名称7. 本部法规名称8. 主要专业名词9. 重要出刊名10. 外国任务、机构、报刊、电台、武器等专有名词二、人名人名在正文中第一次出现时一般要用全名,但一些为读者所熟悉的国家领导人和知名人士可不必用全名。
如“顺义区- Shunyi District”而“郫县- Pixian County”。

ISO 9001:2015Quality ManualA quality manual is a document that states the company’s intentions for operating the processes within the quality management system. It can include policies for all areas of the business that affect your ability to make high-quality products and meet your customers’ and ISO’s requirements. These policies define how your department managers will implement procedures within the boundaries specified in the quality manual. The use of Quality Manual are as follows:1.To communicate management’s expectations to employees2.To demonstrate the company’s plan to conform to therequirements of ISO 9001:20153.To demonstrate the fulfilment of Clause 5.3, thatorganizational roles, responsibilities and authorities are assigned, communicated and understood4.To provide a starting point for auditors:1.Internal2.Customer3.ISO Certification BodyTo develop a quality manual, you might consider these steps: 1.List policies to be written (note any ISO requirements thatdo not apply).2.Draft policies based on applicable ISO requirements.3.List operating procedures or refer to them as appropriate.4.Determine the format and structure of the manual andmake the first draft.5.Circulate the draft manual for input from all departmentsand address inadequacies identified.6.Attain a formal approval and release.The contents of your quality manual are completely up to you. But, remember that everything you say you do, you must show evidence that you really do it! So be careful what you include and make sure the policies reflect actual practices. Here are some common topics included in quality manuals.the scope of QMSQuality policyExplanation of the company’s documentation structureOrganizational chartPolicy statements for each applicable ISO requirementReference to operating procedures1) The scope of the Quality Management System. This is in place to identify the limit of the system and is based on the scope agreed with the registrar to be placed on the ISO9001 certificate. This is the explanation of what your company does, be it “Design and Manufacture of the bevel Gear,” “Machining Services for Customers in the oil and service Industry,” or “Providing Fast Food for People in Kuwait city.” The second part of the scope requirement is to identify any exclusions from the standard. In many cases, the Quality Manual will identify none, but the most common exclusion is the requirement of the ISO 9001 standard for “Design & Development” for companies such as a machining shop, which works exclusively from customer drawings and does not design any products itself.2) The documented procedures established for the Quality Management System (or references): ‘Documentation’ means anything written down or captured in some form such as written procedures, policies, checklists, forms, or graphics, drawings, flowcharts, diagrams, IT systems. This is called ‘documentedinformation’ in the current version (2015) of ISO 9001. Confusingly, they have also decided to use the same term for what was formerly called ‘records’ – those things that showed what had been done, such as registers, logs, competed for forms, reports, meeting minutes and so on. ‘Documented information’ in 9001 terms means both the ‘written stuff’ that describe your quality system and say how it should operate (eg, flowcharts, procedures, policies, checklists) and the ‘written stuff’ that shows what was done. A system must be documented to achieve ISO 9001 certification because having certain documented information is required by the Standard. All the documents t needs to control how things are done, whether procedures, flowcharts, checklists, forms, IT systems or any other media or format that work in your business. But note that no mandatory procedures are prescribed. Nor a quality manual. What can confuse people is that actually, you can choose what your documents look like, what format and structure you use, and what to put in them. Provided you meet these requirements. You can use one or many formats, from checklists and flowcharts to intranets, wikis or workflow embedded into IT systems. You can use any media, hardcopy or soft, including intranet, online, internet or wiki. One often used way to do that was with a thingcalled a ‘quality manual’. And you can still do that if you choose. And it can be in hard copy (paper) or softcopy: online documents like web pages, help files or IT systems. And you can write your document in various ways, from easy and user-friendly to bureaucratic, verbose and very hard to follow. And such a manual may be the only document you have for your system, or it may be one of a number of documents. Or something in between.3) A description of the interaction of processes. This is most simply done with a flowchart that identifies all the processes in the organization with arrows showing how they connect. While an in-depth flowchart may help you to better understand the interactions between processes in your organization, a simple top-level flowchart is all that is needed for most people to understand the basics. Example of Quality Manual1.0 Company ProfileInclude your company profile1.1 The mission of the FirmOur mission is to enhance mobility through innovation, leadership and public service. Innovation by providing unparalleled value combined with flexibility and risk-taking ability, leadership by delivering exceptional performance in every domain and corporate responsibility through service to society.1.2 The vision of the FirmTo strive relentlessly with an aim to achieve excellence in all businesses that we venture into, with the objective of becoming an organization that all its employees and associates are proud of.2.0 Organization ScopeDesign, Development of Land, Construction Sales of Residential and Commercial Complexes2.1 Exclusions:NIL2.1 Quality PolicyXXX is committed to delivering quality construction work with promised amenities, in time possession, which meets and exceeds the needs & expectation of our customers. We promise our valued customer’s commitment to excellence in each activity by each employee in the organization by adopting innovative and best in class engineering and management practices with continual improvement in business and quality management system as a part of our efforts for enhancement in customer satisfaction while assuring 100% quality and quantity.2.2 Key ObjectivesTimely completion of projectsIncrease Customer satisfactionReduce Customer Complaint3.0 Glossary & Abbreviations4.0 Context of Organization4.1 Understanding the organization and its context: Shah Promoters and Developers determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and its strategic direction and that affect its ability to achieve the intended result(s) of its quality management system through PEST and SWOT. The external and internal issues identified throughPEST and SWOT are continuously being monitored and reviewed by CEO.PESTSWOT4.2- Understanding the needs and expectations of interested partiesxxx has determined the interested parties who are relevant to the xxx Quality management system and the requirement of the interested parties in order to prevent the potential effect on the organization’s ability to consistently provide products and services which meet the customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.4.3 Determining the scope of the quality management systemThe organization had determined the scope of the Quality management system by considering external and internal issues, the requirement of relevant interested parties and Product & Service of the organization.The scope of Quality Management System isDesign, Development of Land, Construction Sales of Residential and Commercial ComplexesExclusions:NIL4.4 Quality management system and its processes4.4.1: xxx has determined the processes needed for the quality management system and their application throughout the organization in Process map & Interactions of processes.xxx has determined the inputs required and the outputs expected from each process in individual process map addressed in the documented information of each process.xxx has determined the sequence and interaction of the processes in Process map & Interactions of processes.xxx has determined and applied the criteria and methods (including monitoring, measurements and related performance indicators) needed to ensure the effective operation and control of these processes in the documented information of each process.xxx has determined the resources needed for these processes and ensure their availability in the documented information of Support process.xxx has assigned the responsibilities and authorities for each processxxx has addressed the risks and opportunitiesxxx has been evaluating these processes and implementing any changes needed to ensure that these processes achieve their intended results and improve the processes and the quality management systemImprove the processes and the quality management system4.4.2- xxx is also maintaining documented information to support the operation of its processes and retaining documented information to have confidence that the processes are being carried out as planned.5.0 Leadership5.1 Leadership and commitmentXxx Management has demonstrated leadership and commitment with respect to the quality management system through1.Taking accountability for the effectiveness of the qualitymanagement system by periodical review of qualitymanagement system through management review meeting, Quality objectives review and providing necessary resources.2.Management has established the quality policy andquality objectives for the quality management system and is compatible with the context and strategic direction of the organization.3.Management has determined the organizationalprocesses and integrated with the quality management system requirement through process map & Interaction this can be demonstrated.4.The established procedure for promoting the use of theprocess approach and risk-based thinking.5.Ensuring that the resources needed for the qualitymanagement system are available, this is being periodically reviewed through management review meeting.municating the importance of effective qualitymanagement and of conforming to the quality management system requirements7.Ensuring that the quality management system achievesits intended results8.Engaging, directing and supporting persons to contributeto the effectiveness of the quality management system by providing training, conducting awareness programs and 9.Promoting improvement by introducing the suggestionscheme, Kaizens and conducting meetings.10.Supporting other relevant management roles todemonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility.5.1.2 Customer focusXxx management has demonstrated leadership and commitment with respect to customer focus by ensuring that: 1.Customer and applicable statutory and regulatoryrequirements are determined, understood and consistently met.2.The risks and opportunities that can affect conformity ofproducts and services and the ability to enhance customer satisfaction are determined and addressedc) The focus on enhancing customer satisfaction is maintained and procedure for customer satisfaction is addressed5.2 QUALITY POLICYXXX is committed to delivering quality construction work with promised amenities, in time possession, which meets and exceeds the needs & expectation of our customers. We promise our valued customer’s commitment to excellence in each activity by each employee in the organization by adopting innovative and best in class engineering and management practices with continual improvement in business and quality management system as a part of our efforts for enhancement in customer satisfaction while assuring 100% quality and quantity. We are also committed to serving society as a whole by generating through clean development mechanism (CDM) project.5.2.1 Establishing the quality policyXxx management has established, implemented and maintained a quality policy that:1.is appropriate to the purpose and context of theorganization and supports its strategic direction.2.Provides a framework for setting quality objectives3.Includes a commitment to satisfy applicable requirements4.Includes a commitment to continual improvement of thequality management system5.2.2 Communicating the quality policyThe quality policy is1. Available and be maintained as documented informationmunicated, understood and applied within theorganization through display, Training and periodical review.3.Available to relevant interested parties, as appropriate. 5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authoritiesXxx management has ensured that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are assigned communicated and understood within the organization. While assigning roles, responsibility and authority, top management has considered and ensured that1.The quality management system conforms to therequirements of this International Standard2.The processes are delivering their intended outputs3.Reporting on the performance of the quality managementsystem and on opportunities for improvement, in particular, to top management4.The promotion of customer focus throughout theorganization5.The integrity of the quality management system ismaintained when changes to the quality management system are planned and implemented.Roles, responsibility and authorities assigned are available in process & as per Organization chart wiseDirectorsResponsibilityOverall Responsibility for formulating and communicating Quality Policy & Quality objectives.Formulation of Strategy for continuous up gradation of Business and Quality System.Ensure periodic assessment of the performance of Quality System.Approval of Quality System Manual.Budget Approval for the organization.Overall Responsibility for Business Development & all financial issues.Provision of resources as required.Strategic decisions on developments and technical setups. To provide the leadership for efficient implementations of the system.Authorities:Approval of customers orders, P.O. and Cheque.Sanctioning leaves of all Staff.Approval of funds for Training needs.All the authorities of downline personnel.Chairing Management review meetings.Project PlanningResponsibilities:Overall coordination between client, project managers and office department.Follow up for Schedules.The entire responsibility of Quality.Monitoring Client Satisfaction.Coordination with the consultants.Disciplinary actions against the staff.Prime responsibility for the safety at the siteProvision of a suitable working environmentEnsure the quality system is established, implemented and maintained.Authorities:Appointment of the staff, engineers and tech staff.Sanctioning the Leaves to Staff.All the authorities of downline personnel.Project ManagersResponsibilities:Responsibilities for the entire Project work, i.e. Quality, Quantity and Time.Coordination with consultants and contractors.Coordination with Consultants for drawings.Coordination with the Site engineers.Coordination with the client for the ongoing changes in drawings and projects.Monitoring site engineers work on a daily basis.Reporting to the GM Projects on the above issuesResponsibilities for safety at the site. (Good working environment).Authorities:Make or force a required decision at all levels to achieve project objectives.Initiate actions on the Contractors and consultants for Quality, Quantity and Timeframe issues related to project work.To stop and initiate corrective actions on non–confirming products/services.Site SupervisorResponsibilities:Coordinating with all staff for the Quality related issues of Construction.Daily Labour Handling for Civil Work.Monitoring of Work progress and daily reporting.Preparation of work progress report / Quality Documentation.Control of non – conformities on siteSafety at site / Construction work.Coordination with the Site Contractor for the daily work requirements.Coordination with external agencies for calibration of instruments and material testing.Authorities:Initiate actions on the staff for non-fulfillments of the documentation related qualityTo stop and initiate corrective actions on non–conforming products.Site engineerResponsibilities:Monitoring of site and labour contractors.Monitoring of work progress and daily reportingPreparation of work progress report.Control of non – conformities on site.Ensuring instruments are properly used and are with the status of calibration.Track Project progress & produce regular weekly status reports.Coordinate with all labour contractors to achieve continuous progress at the site as per schedule.Follow up with the Project manager for pending decisions/drawings/building specifications.Communicate management decisions and information to Site subordinate staff.Ensuring the worker’s safety at site and usage of safety equipment.Implementation and follow up and regular monitoring of implemented ISO 9001 system at the site.Coordination with the Quality Person for Quality related issues.Coordinating Material Accountability at siteAuthorities:Initiating the corrective and preventive actions as needed on contractors and consultants.Decision making on during any emergencies at the site.In-charge Marketing:Managing & motivating the sales force towards the achievement of target.Preparation of Sales plan.Annual sales forecast.Monthly sales forecast.Implementation of sales plan.Authorities:Approval of documents as per the Master list of Quality System Document.Authorized to decide corrective & preventive action.Authorized to obtain concessional acceptance for non – conforming product from the customer.InCharge – ADMIN + ACCOUNTResponsibilities:Responsible for tendering activity.Customer order review.Handling and coordinating customersIdentification of resources, as applicable.Document & Data control system pertaining to his department.Maintain all documents related to the quality system.Coordinator for Management reviews.Promoting awareness of customer requirements throughout the Organization.Compliance & effectiveness of the training system.Suitable working environment (cleanliness, ventilation, lighting, safety etc.).Record maintaining for Sales Register, Rent Register, Sale Files, Stationery and Office equipment.Archiving and record keeping of old files.Payroll Monthly: Salary –To release monthly salary of the employees as per policy finalized.Leave – To keep the record of leave as per policy finalized.Annual Allowance – To release annual allowances as per policy finalized.Employee Record – To update employee details as per organization Policy and QMS.To prepare an appointment letter, confirmation letter, experience letter & all employee-related matter as per policy finalized with the help of the Managing Director.Authorities:Approval of customer orders.Approval of documents as per the master list of Quality System Document.Authorized to decide corrective & preventive action.In charge Purchase:Responsibilities:Overall in charge of purchase activities.Identification of resources, as applicable.Purchasing system – Evaluation, selection, purchasing, monitoring.Document & Data control system pertaining to his department.Corrective / Preventive action system (subcontractor non-conformances, in particular.)Control of recordsAuthorities:Authorized to review & approve purchasing documents.Authorized to select & discontinue sub-contractor6.0 Planning6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities6.1.1Xxx is addressed the issues, requirements the risks and opportunities1.give assurance that the quality management system canachieve its intended result(s)2.Enhance desirable effects3.Prevent, or reduce undesired effects4.achieve improvement6.1.21.actions to address these risks and opportunities2.How to1.integrate and implement the actions into its qualitymanagement system processes2.Evaluate the effectiveness of these actions6.2.2 Quality objectives and planning to achieve them 6.2.1Xxx establish quality objectives at relevant functions, levels and processes needed for the quality management system.The quality objectives shall1.Be consistent with the quality policy2.Be measurable3.Take into account applicable requirements4.Be relevant to the conformity of products and services andto the enhancement of customer satisfaction5.Be monitored6.Be Communicated7.Be updated as appropriate6.2.2 Xxx achieve its quality objectives,1.What will be done?2.What resources will be required?3.Who will be responsible?4.When it will be completed5.How the results will be evaluatedOur Quality Objectives are as below:Timely completion of projectsEnergy Generation Per YearIncrease Customer satisfactionReduce Customer Complaint6.3 Planning of changesXxx determines the need for changes to the quality management system, the changes are carried out in a planned manner1.the purpose of the changes and their potentialconsequences2.the integrity of the quality management system3.the availability of resources4.the allocation or reallocation of responsibilities andauthoritiesXxx has determined the processes needed for the quality management system and their application throughout the organization in Process map & Interactions of processes7 Support7.1 Resources7.1.1 GeneralXxx is determined and provide the resources needed for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the quality management system. Xxx is consider1.the capabilities of, and constraints on, existing internalresources2.what needs to be obtained from external providersHR determine and provide the resources needed to implement and maintain the quality management system and continually improve its effectiveness and to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirement. The resources will be in the form ofHuman resources including qualified personnel for verification activities.Manufacturing machines, Test Equipment’s &infrastructure.Provide raw material & other inputs for the realization of the product.Providing funds.The Required resources are identified in the event of new Process Development / Business plan review, Mfg Process Flow, also based on the Organization performance review in MRM and monthly business reviews.7.1.2 PeopleXxx determine and provide the persons necessary for the effective implementation of its quality management system and for the operation and control of its processes. HR along with respective process IN CHARGE ensures that personnel performing work affecting product quality is competent and training to give on the basic operation and control of its processes.7.1.3 InfrastructureXxx is determined, provide and maintain the infrastructure necessary for the operation of its processes and to achieve conformity of products and services. Infrastructure can include1.buildings and associated utilities2.equipment, including hardware and software3.transportation resourcesrmation and communication technologyAt Xxx management determine, provide and maintain the infrastructure needed to achieve conformity to product requirements & in identifying the required resources the PARTNER play a key role based on their day to day interactions with respective IN CHARGE’s and employees 7.1.4 Environment for the operation of processesXxx is determined, provide and maintain the environment necessary for the operation of its processes and to achieve conformity of products and services. A suitable environment can be a combination of human and physical factors1.Social (e.g. non-discriminatory, calm,non-confrontational)2.Psychological (e.g. stress-reducing, burnout prevention,emotionally protective)3.Physical (e.g. temperature, heat, humidity, light, airflow,hygiene, noise).Project in coordination with respective IN CHARGE determines and manages the work environment needed to achieve conformity to product requirement and reviewed ongoing basis.7.1.5 Monitoring and measuring resources7.1.5.1 GeneralXxx is determined and provide the resources needed to ensure valid and reliable results when monitoring or measuring is used to verify the conformity of products and services to requirements. The organization shall ensure that the resources provided1.are suitable for the specific type of monitoring andmeasurement activities being undertaken2.are maintained to ensure their continuing fitness for theirpurposeXxx is retained appropriate documented information as evidence of fitness for purpose of the monitoring and measurement resources7.1.5.2 Measurement traceabilityXxx is measurement traceability is maintained requirement if applicable for the instruments or is considered by them to be an essential part of providing confidence in the validity of measurement results,1.calibrated or verified, or both, at specified intervals, orprior to use, against measurement standards traceable to international or national measurement standards; when no such standards exist, the basis used for calibration or verification shall be retained as documented information2.identified in order to determine their status3.safeguarded from adjustments, damage or deteriorationthat would invalidate the calibration status and subsequent measurement resultsXxx is determined the validity of previous measurement results has been adversely affected when measuring equipment is found to be unfit for its intended purpose, and shall take appropriate action as necessary.Control of Monitoring & Measuring Equipments. Measurement & Monitoring system is well equipped and the system has complete control over the monitoring andMeasuring Equipment. The measurement methods used are evaluated to ensure that they are appropriate and reliable. To ensure that the measuring equipment operates effectively and give reliable results, we have taken the following steps:Equipments are maintained properly and are calibrated & adjusted as and when needed. Necessary safeguards are in place to take care of adjustments that could lead to invalid results.Calibrations are carried out as per national standards (by NABL accredited laboratories only). Where no such standard exists, the basis used for calibration or verification is recorded. The calibration records include the last date of calibration, calibrating agency (for the external agency), calibration result, and frequency of calibration as per the process and/or instrument requirement and the next calibration date. The required accuracy is identified and compared to the measurement that meets expectations. Identification of appropriate equipment is accomplished by tagging, labelling, numbering or by including it in a calibration/maintenance database.。

员工手册Employee Manual目录Table of contents第一章总则Chapter 1 General第二章考勤管理规定Chapter 2 Work Attendance Regulation第三章福利制度Chapter 3 Welfare regulation第四章薪酬制度Chapter 4 Salary Regulation第五章考核规定Chapter 5 Performance Assessment Regulation第六章聘用及岗位管理Chapter 6 Recruitment and Position Management第七章培训制度Chapter 7 Training Regulation第八章人事档案管理制度Chapter 8 Personnel Archives Management Regulation第九章人力资源管理系统和互联网的使用Chapter 9 Human Resources Management System and internet usage 第十章保密制度Chapter 10 Confidential Regulation第十一章奖惩制度Chapter 11 Reward and Punishment Regulation总则General第一条为规范公司的人事管理,特制定本规定.Article1 these regulations are specially stipulated to serve the need of standardizing the company's personnel management.第二条本公司员工的聘用、考勤、休假、行为规范等事项均按本规定办理.Article2 Staff recruitment, attendance,Leave &Holiday, code of conduct, etc matters in the company will be in accordance with these regulations.第三条本公司各级员工,均应遵守本规则各项规定。

AOperation Manual of Non-segregatedPhase Bus ductLiaoning Beichen Electrical EquipmentsCo.,Ltd.2.、Catalog2.1、Equipment description(Non-segregated phase bus duct) 2.2、Procedures and Notice of Equipment installation, adjustment,start-up,operation,running and stop2.3、Equipment design parameter and chart2.4、Equipment inspection,test report and certification2.5、Equipment Mechanical proportion installation drawing2.6、Equipment Electric installation drawing(Ditto)2.7、Other associated equipment technical documents thatmatched with the equipments2.8、Special provisions and others3、Equipment Summary(Non-segregated phase bus duct) 3.1、Description of main function and character of equipment Non-segregated phase bus duct:Metal enclosed busbar,which Three-phase busbar conductor enclosed in a common metal shell. This project set four main transformers.Each generator main outlet and neutral point outlet uses common enclosed busbar. Main outlet connects with11kV high-voltage switch cubical by common enclosed busbar,Neutral point outlet connect with generator neutral point cubical by common enclosed busbar.Four main transformer low-voltage sides connect with11kV switch cubical by common enclosed busbar.4、Procedures and Notice of Equipment installation,adjustment, start-up,operation,Running and stop4.1、Procedures and Notice of Equipment Installation4.1.1、The following tools and equipments should be prepared in advance before installation:Crane,Wrench,Torque Wrench,Sleeve Wrench(24#、19#、17#、14#),Screwdriver,Wooden Hammer,Track level bar,Square, Emery paper,Copper Brush(or Steel Brush),Cleaning cloth, Painting equipments,Argon arc welding equipments,Welding Machine,Cleaning tools,Conductive paste,Fluid sealant, Asbestos Cloth,Bus location Supporter,Rope or Steel ropes with rubber bushing.4.1.2、The welding of Bus and Shell should be done by qualifiedargon arc welder.The filth and Oxide film at the welded junction should be cleaned before welding.The purity of filling welding wire should not be lower than L2(not lower than99.5%).While the ambient temperature is lower than10℃,in order to ensure the quality of welding wire,measurements such as raising temperature before welding and heat preservation during welding should be taken.The total cross section of welding wire should not be smaller than1.25times of that of the welded conductor’s total section.4.1.3、To ensure the installation quality,installation personnel should stick to the following principles:、Construction workers participated should strictly follow theEquipments unpacking and acceptanceFamiliar with drawings,construction standards and installation instructioncheck civil construction and manufacturer’s drawing dimension Installation tools and construction preparationInstallation on Steel beam and supporting structure:Lifting and location of enclosed busbarLifting and location,adjusting and connections on PT cubicle,LA cubicle,Neutral point cubicle,slightly positive pressure cubicle,air compressor.Correct on concentricity,electric clearance,position and dimension.Inspect and test on isolator,CT,PT,LA and the likeWelding on bus fracture clamperInspection and acceptance on conductors inside shellinside cleaning of enclosed busbarpaint repairWelding on Shell fracturesDebugging on slightly positive pressure and sealing treatment Accessory installationpaint repairrainfall test4.1.4Installation of bus supporting steel girderFor the Installation of bus supporting steel girder,in accordance with the construction drawing,they should be pre-welded and fixed to the Steel structure supporter in the bus civil construction corridor,meanwhile,fund the unified horizontal level to lay the bus.、Installation orderThe installation order should be in accordance with General Assembly Drawing.Section by section check bus components, phase order and order No.,then section by section assembly andpositioning them.Installation order should be better to begin from Generator outlet box(or from transformer,or exciter or Switch Cubicle).The head and end of each section should not be reversed.Before installing and swinging,the inside dusts and sundries in each bus section should be carefully cleaned.For Site General Assembly Schematic Diagram of Enclosed busduct,pls see drawing14.1.4.2No Knocking and Scratching on the Silver plating bolted surface of Bus clamp terminal in lifting are permitted,and do not randomly filling either.When connecting,remove the protection packing on the bus clamp terminal,then clean the silver-plated surfaces of terminals and copper braided wires,then paint conducting fat to the sliver plated surfaces of all terminals.Install copper braided wire terminal,fix the bolt and nut plate with torque wrench,its fastening torque value should be in accordance with the specification of list14.1.5、The connection of Shell section and section should be connected with bolt and fixed the bolt with torque wrenches(its torque value should comply with List1).After the section connection,install the rain cover,then Sealing the maintenance hole.Do not add sealing strip to the interface of outside vertical section rectangle maintenance hole bottom in order to avoid rain flowing into the bus.Bolt fastening peak torque(list1)bolt specification(N。

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