Cupid and Psyche 希腊神话汇编

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• Venus’s revenge • Cupid fall in love
with Psyche
Cupid fall in love with Psyche
• As soon as Cupid saw Psyche, he was so surprised by her beauty
• Venus give her four impossible work to punish her.
• Ceres['siəri:z] 刻瑞斯(谷类的女 神)
Cereals ['sɪrɪəl] n.谷类,早餐麦片 instant cereals 即食麦片
• Venus’s revenge
Jupiter [天] n.木星 by Jupiter 天哪, 哎呀,好家伙
•The last task was to get some of the beauty of Proserpine(女阎罗) , and put it in a box. •She was warned not to open the box. But temptation overcame she, and she opened the box. •Instead of finding beauty, she found deadly slumber(瞌睡虫).
• the lead-Βιβλιοθήκη Baiduripped(铅头箭) : palsy(麻痹) it.
• Cupid[‘kju:pɪd] n.丘比特(罗马神话中的爱
Cupidity [kjuː'pɪdɪtɪ] n.贪心,贪婪 Cupid n.鸡尾酒
• Eros ['iərɔs] n.厄洛斯(爱神)
Erotic [ɪ‘rɒtɪk] a.色情的 n.好色之
• Finally ,Venus forgave her. • They had a child call Pleasure.
• Cupid fall in love with Psyche
• Four tasks
•The third was to go to the very
summit of a great mountain to bring a bottle of water for Venus
• Jupiter ['dʒu ː pɪtə]朱庇特(罗马神话中的宙 斯神)
• Venus’s revenge • Cupid fall in love
with Psyche • Four tasks • A happy ending
Happy ending
• Cupid found Psyche lifeless on the ground. He kissed her gently and the slumber(睡眠) came out from her body.
• Aphrodite[,æfrə'daɪti] 阿佛洛狄特
• Venus’ revenge
Venus's revenge
• Venus was very angry,determined to take revenge on Psyche.
• she told Cupid to shoot Psyche with one of his golden pointed arrows, let her fall in love with some wretched (可怜的)beggar, the most degraded(卑贱的) that
• Psyche [‘saɪkɪ] 普赛克(女子名)
Psyche ['saɪkɪ]
Psychoanalyst [saɪkəʊ'ænəlɪst] n.精神分析家
Psychology [saɪ'kɒlədʒɪ]
Psychodrama ['saɪkəʊdrɑːmə] n.心理剧
• Venus [‘viːnəs] 维纳斯(爱与美的女神) Venus n.金星
• Venus' son,the god of love. • Cupid always carried his bow
and arrows wherever he went.
• the gold-tripped arrows :
quicken the pulse of love

• Daughter of a king • Her beauty could be compared
with that of Goddess Venus. • Many people mistook her for Venus
herself, and offered her the garlands(花环) which they had bought for Venus.
• Wounded himself with his own arrow
• He fell in love with Psyche
• Psyche roamed about(漫游) looking for her husband. The holy Ceres(谷神) told her the way to the temple of Venus.