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流水句 汉语的流水句就是一个分句接一分句,很 多地方可断可连,能省的就省,翻译的时 候要注意断句和分清层次
在市场经济体制下,收入分配机制与竟争 机制相联系必然造成社会成员之间在收入 分配方面的不均等,甚至收入相差十分悬 殊,强者成为富翁,弱者陷于困境。为了 解决这一社会问题,就需要运用政府的力 量对社会经济生活进行干预,通过提供社 会保障措施,通过对社会成员的收入进行 必要的再分配调节方式,将高收入者的一 部分适当转移给另一部分缺少收入的人, 从而在一定程度上缩小社会成员之间的贫 富差距,弥补市场经济的缺陷,缓和社会 矛盾,以促进社会公平目标的实现。
建议改为: Janice is an enthusiastic basketball player, and the top-scoring player on our team. Unfortunately, she will not be able to play in tomorrow's game, for her sprained ankle is not completely healed.
英语产生长句的原因,一是流水句,二是 复杂的嵌套句式。例如: 流水句: Janice is an enthusiastic basketball player, and she is the top-scoring player on our team, but unfortunately, she will not be able to play in tomorrow's game, for her sprained ankle is not completely healed.
注意句子长短搭配 例1. A: "If you want to buy shares in Fund X by mail, fill out and sign the Account Application form, making your check payable to 'The X Fund,' and put your social security or taxpayer identification number on your check. " B: If you want to buy shares in Fund X by mail, fill out and sign the Account Application form, make your check payable to "The X Fund," and put your social security or taxpayer identification number on your check.
Informative writing should have an average sentence length of 15 to 20 words. This is short enough to be clear and long enough to make the text flow well. (The average sentence length of the main body of this guide is 15 words.) Be punchy. Mix short sentences (like the last one) with longer ones (like this), aiming for one main point, plus perhaps one other related point, in each sentence. We tend not to use short sentences enough. We need to vary the length in order to make our writing livelier. For example, you have the short sentence "This is an important document and you should read it carefully" in the middle of longer sentences. This is fine. But how much sharper it would be as two sentences: "This is an important document. You should read it carefully". Remember: if you have two different things to say that are fairly short, don't be frightened to use two sentences. —How to Write Well
译文: In a market economy, income distribution is a function of competition, and the inevitable result is an unequal distribution of wealth among members of society. Sometimes the income gap can grow to become a chasm, with the strong becoming millionaires and the weak destitute. Government intervention is required to address this problem. In this context, social security represents a form of intervention aimed at increasing social equity through the redistribution of wealth, by transferring some portion of the income of the rich to low-income individuals. The result is a reduction, to some extent, in the income gap, and the partial mitigation of the defects of the market economy. This is conducive to social cohesion and the realization of social equity.
A recommended sentence length is anywhere from 17 to 24 words. Remember that these are averages. A sentence over the recommended average can be effective, as can a sentence well under the average. In fact, dramatic variations in sentence length can be an effective writing technique. However, sentence over 40 words are generally ineffective. —Technical Writing
浓缩句子 世界各国的社会保障制度,都不是凭空建 立起来的,立法所确ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ的社会保障对象、 社会保障项目、社会保障待遇水平,无一 不受到本国社会经济发展阶段和经济发展 水平的制约和影响。 No country has built its social security institutions in a vacuum. Programs, eligibility, and benefits as defined by legislation are all constrained and influenced by the social and economic realities of each country.
试译: 维护中美两国的正常关系,不光对中国 进行现代化建设的外部环境具有重要意义, 而且对整个国际局势的和平与稳定具有重 要意义。 Normal relations between China and the United States are important not only for maintaining a sound external environment for China's modernization, but also for world peace and stability
例2. 中国外交面临着诸多挑战,实行大国外交战略势必 行 A great-power strategy is required to respond to China's foreign policy challenges. 例3. 适应经济全球化的发展趋势,对社会保障制度进行必 要的调整。 Globalization is necessitating new social security reforms. 例4. 以大国姿态对待美国,确定既反对美国的强权政治又 在世界事务中与美国进行合作的双向战略。 A great-power foreign policy strategy calls for opposition to US power politics and cooperation with the US in world affairs.
复杂句: The train stopped at the small station, which was a few miles from the center of the city, because it was a local run that picked up passengers who chose to ride in the late morning. 建议改为: The train stopped at the small station, which was a few miles from the center of the city. It was a local run that picked up passengers who chose to ride in the late morning.
2.试译: 目前,居民储蓄存款增加较多,银行资金比较充 足,利率水平较低,市场价格稳定,国债余额占 国内生产总值的比重仍在安全线以内,发行长期 建设国债还有一定的空间,不会有很大的风险。 At present, people’s saving deposits have increased considerably: banks have sufficient funds: interest rates are low: market prices are stable: and the ratio of national debts to GDP is still within safe limits. There is still room for issuing more long-term treasury bonds for construction without incurring great risk