英语沙龙 复活节彩蛋
Easter Eggs-复活节彩蛋

Easter Eggs|复活节彩蛋Most people agree that the word “Easter” comes from the Anglo-Saxon4 Goddess Eastre, a symbol of Spring. It is easy to see how “Eastre time” became “Easter time”.As a chief Christian festival, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the 1st day of Spring. It can be as early as March 22, or as late as April 25! Many dates of the Christian5 calendar are dependent on Easter.The celebrations of Easter have many customs and legends that have nothing to do with Christianity6. Of all the symbols associated7 with Easter, the egg, the symbol of richness8 and new life, is the most important. The customs and traditions of using eggs have been associated with Easter for centuries.Originally, Easter eggs were painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring and were used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts. After they were colored and printed with various designs, the eggs were exchanged by lovers and romantic admirers. In the Middle Ages, eggs were traditionally given at Easter to the servants. In Germany, eggs were given to children along with other Easter gifts.Different cultures have developed their own ways of decorating9 Easter eggs. Deep red colored eggs, to honor the blood of Christ, are exchanged in Greece. In parts of Germany and Austria green eggs are used on Thursday of the Holy Week10.In Germany and other countries eggs used for cooking were not broken, but the contents were removed by making a hole from the end of each egg with a needle and blowing the contents into a bowl. The hollow eggs were dyed and hung from trees during the Easter Week. The Armenians11 would decorate hollow eggs with pictures of Christ, the Virgin Mary12, and other religious designs.As with the Easter Rabbit and the holiday itself, the Easter Egg predates13 the Christian holiday of Easter. The exchange of eggs in the springtime is a custom that was centuries old when Easter was first celebrated by Christians.From the earliest times, the egg was a symbol of rebirth in most cultures. Eggs were often wrapped14 in gold leaf or, if you were a peasant, colored brightly by boiling them with the leaves or petals15 of certain flowers.Today, children hunt colored eggs and place them in Easter baskets along with the modern version of real Easter eggs—those made of plastic or chocolate candy.Easter Egg GamesEggs play an important part in Easter sports. The Romans celebrated the Easter season by running races on an oval16 track and giving eggs as prizes. Two traditional Easter egg games are the Easter Egg Hunt and the Easter Egg Roll.On Easter morning, the children of the house join in a search to locate the eggs that the Easter Rabbit had hidden while they were asleep. Sometimes prizes of candy are awaiting the child finding the most eggs.Easter egg hunts are also part of a community’s celebration of the holiday. The eggs are hidden in public places and the children of the community are invited to find the eggs.The rules of an Easter Egg Roll are to see who can roll an egg the greatest distance or can make the roll without breaking it, usually down a grassy17 hillside or slope18.Maybe the most famous egg rolling takes place on the White House Lawn19 in America. Hundreds of children come with baskets filled with brightly decorated eggs and roll them down the famous lawn, hoping the President of the United States is watching the fun.当今世人所庆祝的复活节实际上融合了多种古老的传统。

复活节彩蛋英语作文英文回答:Easter eggs are a traditional part of Easter celebrations in many countries around the world. They are typically decorated with bright colors and patterns, and often hidden for children to find. The tradition of Easter eggs dates back to ancient times, and there are many different stories about how it began.One popular story is that Mary Magdalene, one of Jesus' followers, dyed eggs red to represent the blood of Christ after his crucifixion. Another story says that the early Christians used eggs to represent the empty tomb of Jesus. After Jesus rose from the dead, the eggs were decorated to celebrate his resurrection.Whatever the origin of the tradition, Easter eggs have become a symbol of the new life and hope that Easter represents. They are a fun and festive way to celebrate theholiday, and they are enjoyed by people of all ages.Here are some interesting facts about Easter eggs:The world's largest Easter egg was made in 2015 in Australia. It weighed over 1,000 pounds and was decorated with over 100,000 flowers.The most expensive Easter egg ever sold was made by the Fabergé jewelry company in 1885. It was made of gold and enamel and was sold for over $1 million.In some cultures, it is believed that eating an Easter egg will bring good luck for the rest of the year.Easter eggs are often hidden in baskets or nests made of grass or hay.中文回答:复活节彩蛋是世界许多国家复活节庆祝活动中传统的一部分。

关于复活节彩蛋的英文作文英文:Easter is one of my favorite holidays because of the tradition of coloring Easter eggs. It's a fun and creative activity that I always look forward to. When I was a kid, my family and I would gather around the kitchen table with bowls of dye, stickers, and other decorations to make the most beautiful and unique Easter eggs.We would start by hard-boiling the eggs and then carefully dipping them into the colorful dye. Sometimes we would use wax crayons to draw designs on the eggs before dipping them, creating a cool resist effect. After the eggs were dyed and dried, we would add stickers, glitter, and other embellishments to make each egg special. It was always a competition to see who could make the mostcreative and beautiful eggs.On Easter morning, we would have an Easter egg hunt inthe backyard, and the colorful eggs we had decorated would be hidden among the flowers and bushes. It was always so much fun searching for the eggs and finding the ones that I had personally decorated. It was a great feeling of accomplishment and pride.Now that I'm older, I still enjoy coloring Easter eggs with my own family. It's a tradition that I want to pass down to my children, just like my parents did for me. It's a way to bond and create lasting memories together.中文:复活节是我最喜欢的节日之一,因为有着彩绘复活节彩蛋的传统。

准备复活节彩蛋英语作文Easter Egg Hunt。
Easter is just around the corner, and one of the most exciting traditions for children is the Easter egg hunt. It’s a time-honored tradition that brings families and friends together for a day of fun and excitement. The tradition of the Easter egg hunt dates back to the 1700s, and it’s a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation.The Easter egg hunt is a simple concept – children search for hidden eggs, which are often filled with candy or small toys. The eggs are hidden in various locations, and the children must use their wits and creativity to find them. It’s a fun and interactive way to celebrate the holiday and create lasting memories.Preparing for the Easter egg hunt is half the fun. Families and friends gather together to dye and decoratethe eggs, and then the adults hide them in the chosen location. The children are then let loose to search for the eggs, and the excitement and joy on their faces is priceless.The Easter egg hunt is not only a fun activity, but it also teaches children valuable lessons. It teaches them the importance of teamwork, as they often work together to find the eggs. It also teaches them patience and perseverance, as they may have to search for a while before finding all the hidden tr easures. Additionally, it’s a great way for children to get some exercise and fresh air, as they run around in search of the eggs.The Easter egg hunt is a tradition that brings people together and creates lasting memories. It’s a time for families and friends to come together and celebrate the holiday in a fun and interactive way. Whether it’s in a backyard, a park, or a community center, the Easter egg hunt is a tradition that will continue to bring joy and excitement for years to come.In conclusion, the Easter egg hunt is a beloved tradition that brings families and friends together for a day of fun and excitement. It’s a time-honored tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation, and it’s a tradition that will continue to b ring joy and excitement for years to come. So this Easter, gather your loved ones and enjoy the thrill of the Easter egg hunt!。

复活节彩蛋--记忆彩蛋复活节之蛋(Easter egg)在俄国revolution中推翻的已经延续了300年的罗曼诺夫王朝的皇帝、特别制作的复活节之蛋叫做“Easter egg”又称为“Emperor restart egg”。
俄罗斯正教在庆祝基督复活的复活节上有交换蛋形礼物的习惯、罗曼诺夫王朝的亚历山得拉三世1885年制作了一个特别的复活节之蛋送给玛利亚皇后、最初是叫做“Emperor restart egg”的最初的蛋中间放进了一只金子做的雌鸟、一顶小小的王冠和红宝石。
那50个“Emperor restart egg”、10个在俄罗斯克里姆林博物馆中收藏、12个为美国纽约马尔科姆·福布斯所有、3个在英国王室。
1934年克里斯蒂娜拍卖会上最初的蛋(黄金之卵)以85英镑(相当于现在的200万日圆)成交、1985年马尔科姆福布斯以200万美元买下“Kacco egg”(1900年制)成交。
从此蛋的价格飙升,1994年瑞士的拍卖会上的“Winter egg”(1913年制)以560万美元(约6亿日圆)成交。


此小环节可取名为“每周英语”(Ev ery Week's English),用时不宜过长。



Lesson 29: An Easter Egg Hunt寻找复活节彩蛋◆课文英汉对照THINK ABOUT IT ! 想一想!●Have you ever seen an Easter Egg ? IF yes , where ?你见过复活节彩蛋吗?如果是,在哪里?●When is Easter ? How do people celebrate Easter ?什么时候是复活节?人们怎样庆祝复活节?LET’S DO IT ! 做一做!Using paper , crayons and markers , draw an egg . Make beautiful patterns and colour your egg brightly . Cut it out with scissors . Hide the eggs around your classroom . How many can you and your classroom find ?用纸、蜡笔和标识器画一个鸡蛋。
你和你的同学能找到多少?●教材内容全解1. When is Easter ?How do people celebrate Easter ?什么时候是复活节?人们怎么庆祝复活节?生词:Easter n. (耶稣)复活节,在三月或四月的第一个星期日,通常用“搜索”彩蛋来庆祝复活节。
2. When you “hunt” for something , you find it ! An Easter egg hunt is a game for finding eggs. 当你“搜寻”某物时,你可以找到它!搜寻复活节彩蛋就是找蛋的游戏。
⑴生词:hunt n. & v.① n. 搜索;搜寻;寻找●—Hundreds of people have joined the police to hunt for the missing teenager.已有几百人和警方一同搜寻一名失踪的十几岁的孩子。
an egg hunt翻译

an egg hunt翻译
一个egg hunt 是一种传统的春季活动,通常在复活节期间举行。
在egg hunt 中,参与者通常会分为几组,每个组都有一个领队。
在英语中,egg hunt 这个词组也可以用来形容其他寻找的活动。
例如,公司内部可能会组织一个treasure hunt(寻宝游戏),让员工们在办公室或周围环境中寻找隐藏的物品或线索。
除了寻找彩蛋,egg hunt 还可以有其他娱乐活动。
有时候,组织者会安排一些小游戏或竞赛,例如踢足球或进行蛋勺赛跑(egg and spoon race)。
这些活动可以增加参与者的互动和竞争性,使整个egg hunt 更加有趣。
总的来说,egg hunt 是一个充满乐趣和互动的活动,不仅可以让孩子们度过一个愉快的时光,还可以培养他们的观察力和团队合作精神。
无论是复活节期间还是其他时候,egg hunt 都是一个受欢迎的活动。

关于复活节彩蛋的英文介绍导读:本文是关于关于复活节彩蛋的英文介绍,希望能帮助到您!The Easter we celebrate today is a combination1 of different traditions. partly, it comes from old festivals2 to celebrate Spring. And partly it comes from the Christian celebration of the rebirth3 of Jesus Christ.Most people agree that the word “Easter” comes from the Anglo-Saxon4 Goddess Eastre, a symbol of Spring. It is easy to see how “Eastre time” became “Easter time”.As a chief Christian festival, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the 1st day of Spring. It can be as early as March 22, or as late as April 25! Many dates of the Christian5 calendar are dependent on Easter.The celebrations of Easter have many customs and legends that have nothing to do with Christianity6. Of all the symbols associated7 with Easter, the egg, the symbol of richness8 and new life, is the most important. The customs and traditions of using eggs have been associated with Easter for centuries.Originally, Easter eggs were painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring and were used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts. After they were colored and printed with various designs, the eggs were exchanged by lovers and romantic admirers. In the Middle Ages, eggs were traditionally given at Easter to the servants. In Germany, eggs were given to children along with other Easter gifts.当今世人所庆祝的复活节实际上融合了多种古老的传统。
easter egg hunt 俚语

Easter Egg Hunt 俚语1. 介绍在日常生活中,我们常常听到一些俚语,这些俚语往往来源于各种文化、习俗或者历史事件。
2. 彩蛋猎彩蛋猎是复活节的一个传统活动,通常适合孩子们参与。
3. “Don't put all your eggs in one basket”这个俚语常常被用来告诫人们不要把所有的希望都寄托在一个地方,而是要分散风险。
“Don't put all your eggs in one basket”这个俚语可以被理解为不要把所有的投资或希望都寄托在同一个地方,分散风险才是明智的选择。
4. “Egg on”这个俚语通常用来表示激励或者鼓励某人做某事,也可以理解为“怂恿”或“激怒”。
在彩蛋猎中,家长通常会“egg on”他们的孩子去找到更多的彩蛋,让他们保持兴奋和热情。
5. “Walking on eggshells”这个俚语用来形容某种情境下人们的小心翼翼和敏感。
“walking on eggshells”这个俚语源自于彩蛋猎的情景,表示小心翼翼和敏感。
6. 结语复活节彩蛋猎是一个古老且有趣的活动,在这个活动中,孩子们可以体验到追寻和发现的乐趣。

复活节彩蛋英文作文The Enchantment of Easter Eggs.The celebration of Easter, a significant holiday in many cultures, is rich in tradition and symbolism. Among these, the Easter egg stands out as a vibrant and enduring symbol of new life, rebirth, and the joy that springs forth from the depths of winter. The tradition of decorating and exchanging Easter eggs is as old as the holiday itself, and its charm and appeal continue to captivate hearts acrossthe globe.The origins of the Easter egg date back to paganfestivals that preceded the Christianization of Europe. In these ancient celebrations, eggs were often associated with fertility and new life, as they symbolized the potential within the shell to give birth to new creatures. With the advent of Christianity, these pagan customs were gradually integrated into the observance of Easter, a holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.The practice of decorating Easter eggs has evolved over the centuries, reflecting the diverse cultural influences and artistic expressions of different regions. In many cultures, the eggs are dyed in vibrant hues, often.。

Of all the symbols associated with Easter the egg, the symbol of fertility and new life, is the most identifiable. The customs and traditions of using eggs have been associated with Easter for centuries.
Originally Easter eggs were painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring and were used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts. After they were colored and etched with various designs the eggs were exchanged by lovers and romantic admirers, much the same as valentines. In medieval time eggs were tradthe servants. In Germany eggs were given to children along with other Easter gifts.

关于复活节彩蛋的英语介绍Easter Eggs: Decorating, Hunts and Bunnies Easter Eggs are an important part of the Easter tradition. Learn about their history, and about Easter Eggs around the world. Easter Eggs The association of eggs with the Easter Bunny is actually a recent one. It seems to be the result of an ad campaign (believe it or not) by European candy makers who wanted to advertise their product. The egg, long a symbol of fertility, had long been a traditional staple of Easter celebrations. The pairing of the Easter Egg and the Easter Bunny at the end of the nineteenth century was not only a stroke of marketing genius, but also well-founded in the traditions of the past. Decorating Easter Eggs While no one can say when the practice of giving eggs actually became associated with Easter, the decorating of eggs is as diverse as the cultures that engage in the practice. It is known that the eggs were painted with bright colors to celebrate spring and were used in Easter egg-rolling contests and given as gifts, a practice that predated the advent of Christianity. Medieval records note that eggs were often given as Easter gifts to servants by their masters. What is known is that the egg, like the rabbit, was a symbol of renewal of life and therefore a logical symbol for the celebration of Easter. The methods of decoration are as varied as the peoples who practice it. Some of the most elaborate are the Ukrainian Pysanki eggs. These ornate objects are truly works of art. First, melted beeswax is applied to the white, unblemished shell using a brass cone mounted on a stick; this tool is known as a Kistka. Then, the egg is dipped into the first of a series of dyes; this process is repeated numerous times. The wax is then melted off the egg to reveal the ovoid masterpiece. Easter Eggs Around the World The Greeks dye their Easter Eggs red to symbolize and honor the blood of Christ, while in those in Germany and Austria, traditionally give green eggs on Maundy (or Holy) Thursday—the day commemorating Christ's Last Supper. In Slavic countries, decorating eggs in special patterns of gold and silver adds luster to the shell and to the sharing. The Armenian tradition is to decorate hollowed out eggshells with religious images significant to the holiday. The Easter Egg hunt itself has also taken many cultural twists and turns. In America, of course, the colored Easter Eggs are hidden and then children search for them. In the northern counties of England, children act out the "Pace Egg Play" and beg for eggs and other presents; the term Pace itself is a derivative of the ancient Hebrew verb posach (to pass over), which has evolved into the better known word and holiday title Pesach, or Passover. Pennsylvania Dutch children believed that if they were good, the Oschter Haws would lay a nest of brightly colored eggs. And, in a far-removed invocation of the egg's primal symbol—fertility—Polish girls used to send eggs to their beloveds as a token of their feelings. Even more interesting is the fact that a roasted egg can take the place of a lamb shank (which mirrored the traditional sacrificial lamb) on the Seder plate at a Jewish Passover celebration. The egg, like the Rabbit, has become fused into the spring festival of Easter throughout the world. Whether colored, hollowed or made of candy, the source of a child's delight or a symbol of faith, this image of newlife and renewal certainly has made its own nest in the human cultural psyche.。
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英语沙龙复活节彩蛋Easter EggsMost English holidays have a religious origin.Easter is originally the day to commemorate1) the Resurrection2) of Jesus Christ.But now for most people,Easter is a secular spring holiday,when everyone hopes to enjoy fine weather,when the days are lengthening fast,when trees are already in bud and leaf,and spring flowers appear,the most welcome of the year――violets,daffodils3) and narcissi4).For children,Easter means more than anything else,Easter eggs or chocolate eggs.Real,natural eggs,do not belong of course to a single season of the year.They are eaten all the year round(Duck eggs are a rarity5) in England,and the eggs of smaller birds are rarer still,a luxury for the very rich and privileged).Eggs are everydayfood――i nexpensive,nutritious6),and especially good for breakfast.Their association with spring,when hens begin to layafter the winter,is older than the manufacture of chocolate eggs.In some places,real eggs are used in an Easter game called“egg-rolling”.They are first hardboiled and then given to competitors toroll down a slope.The winner is the person whose egg gets to the bottom first.In some families,the breakfast eggs on Easter Sunday morning are boiled in different pans,each containing a different vegetable dye,so that when they are served the shells are no longer white or pale brown in colour,but yellow or pink,blue or green.The dyes do not penetrate the shell of course.Most British children would be very disappointed if these were the only eggs they had at Easter.Chocolate Easter eggs are displayed in confectioners’ shops as soon as Christmas is over.The smallest and simplest are inexpensive enough for children to buy with pocket money.These are of two sorts.Very small ones,perhaps a little longer than an inch in length,are coated thinly with chocolate on the outside and filled with a sweet,soft paste,called fondant.They are wrapped in coloured foil in a variety of patterns.Slightlylarger eggs,a little bigger,as a rule,than a duck’s egg,are hollow.There is nothing in side at all――just a wrapped chocolate shell.You break the shell and eat the jagged,irregular pieces.As Easter approaches,more elaborate eggs than these fill the sweet-shop windows.They are designed to be given as presents,and the larger ones are expensive.Manufacturers compete in producing pretty and unusual designs.Chocolate Eggs are often sold in chin a egg-cups or mugs,or baskets,so that here is something to enjoy when the chocolate is eaten and forgotten.They are accompanied by all sorts of small presents designed to appeal to children.They are often decorated with small fluffy7) chickens,made of wool,and with feet and beaks in card.And in addition to eggs,there are chickens or rabbits molded in chocolate.Lucky children may receive several of these as presents from friends or relations.Special cardboard boxes are on sale at Easter,made in the shape of eggs,but not made of chocolate and certainly not intended to be eaten.They are just as pretty as any chocolate egg.They are patterned,and are often finished with lace or ribbon and artificial flowers.They are meant to contain any present that the giver thinks the receiver would like.As a rule it is quite a smallpresent――handkerchiefs,perhaps,or a scarf,or a tie.Sometimes a small piece of jewelry will be boxed and wrapped and put inside.Easter eggs are meant to give enjoyment――and they do.They are pretty and decorative,they signal good wishes and shared happiness in the changing sea sons.Manufacturers seem able to find new variations of colour and pattern every year.To my mind though,no springtime pleasure is equal to that of watching a hen hatch herbrood of eggs.Weeks pass,when she must be left undisturbed.Then the time comes.Just one egg will crack.Then another.Then there is a faint cheeping as first one and then another of the chicks break the shell from the inside and struggle free of it.The damp feathers that give the newly hatched chicks such a bedraggled appearance soon dry,and within a few minutes,they are stepping out on their delicate red legs,bright-eyed,exquisitely fluffy,and pale yellow.Because of modern methods of egg production this is one pleasure of the early part of the year that is now a rarity,and altogether remote from the experience of most English children.复活节彩蛋英国大部分节日都起源于宗教。