Hysplit模式是一种基于混合流体的分 离技术,通过将两种或多种流体混合, 利用它们之间的物理或化学性质差异, 实现不同组分的分离。
Hysplit模式具有高效、节能、环保等 优点,适用于多种分离需求,如气体 分离、液体分离、固液分离等。
可以使用自定义地图进行模拟,以满 足特定需求。
在输入模拟参数时,要确保所有 参数的正确性,否则可能导致模 拟结果不准确。
在调整模拟参数时,要合理设置 高度和速度等参数,以保证模拟 结果的可靠性。
Hysplit软件会不断更新以修复漏 洞和提高性能,建议定期检查软 件更新情况并进行升级。
点击菜单栏中的“文件”选项, 选择“新建”创建一个新的模拟 任务。
在弹出的对话框中输入模拟任务 的参数,如起始地点、目标地点、 时间范围等。
点击“开始”按钮,Hysplit将根 据输入的参数进行模拟。
双击桌面上的Hysplit图标,打开 软件界面。
在众多气象模式中,Hybrid Weather and Precipitation Simulation (Hysplit) 模式因其独特 的模拟方法和广泛的应用领域而备受 关注。
提高气象预报的准确 性和精细化程度
Hysplit模式通过引入混合物理过 程参数化方案,提高了对复杂气 象现象的模拟能力,为气象预报 提供了更准确、更精细的结果。
第2章 Hysys软件的使用介绍
![第2章 Hysys软件的使用介绍](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/322370c276a20029bd642db7.png)
·调节(Adjust) / ·平衡(Balance) 逻辑操作 (Logicals) ·原油转换(Black Oil Translator) ·Boolean And / ·Boolean CountDown ·Boolean CountUp / ·Boolean Latch ·Boolean Not / ·Boolean OffDly ·Boolean OnDly / ·Boolean Or / ·Boolean XOr ·因果矩阵表(Cause And Effect Matrix) ·数字控制点(Digital Control Point) ·DMCplus 控制器(DMCplus Controller) ·PROFIT 控制器(PROFIT Controller) ·MPC 控制器(MPC Controller) ·参数模型单元(Parametric Unit Operation) ·PID 控制器(PID Controller) / ·比率控制器(Ratio Controller) ·循环(Recycle) / ·选择器(Selector Block) ·变量设置(Set) / ·电子数据表(Spreadsheet) ·分离范围控制器(Split Range Controller) ·物流切割(Stream Cutter)/ ·调压控制器(Surge Controller) ·传递功能模块(Transfer Function Block)
• 当你选择了表页上的一个域(在域中单击鼠 标左键),窗口底部的提示区域给你有关该域 的信息 • 在域中的下箭头上单击,产生该域可能输入 值的列表 • 输入一个字母将在列表上产生以该字母开始 的下一个选择 • Tab 键将带你到表页的下一个域
欧拉方法 vs. 拉格朗日方法
采用平流扩散方程; 所有格点上均需要求解偏微分方程 扩散过程是浓度梯度的函数 适合于多污染源、多化学转化 对于点源会引入虚假扩散
在粒子路径上求解方程 只需要计算粒子周围格点 适合于点源模拟 多点源模拟会大大影响计算效率
拉格朗日烟团模型 vs. 拉格朗日粒子模型
HSYPLIT中假定质点的轨迹是随着风场而运动的,轨迹是质点在空间和时间上的积分。质点 所在位置的矢量速度在时间和空间上都是线性插值得出的,其具体计算公式如下: P'(t+ Δ t) = P(t) + V(P,t) Δt P(t+Δt) = P(t) + 0.5 [ V( P,t) + V(P',t+Δt) ] Δt 其中下时刻指点的位置是由上一时刻的平均速度和第一猜值所在点的速度平均后与时间步 长的乘积而得到的。 其中积分时间步长是变化的(1分钟 – 1小时),满足如下公式: Umax (grid‐units min‐1)Δt (min) < 0.75 (grid‐units),
3D Particle Distribution
Top-hat Puff Center Positions
Draxler, R.R., and G.D. Hess, 1998, An overview of the HYSPLIT_4 modelling system for trajectories, dispersion, and deposition. Australian Meteorological Magazine, 47: 295‐308. • 轨迹模拟 – – – • 沙尘模拟 – – Wang, Y.Q., Stein, A.F., Draxler, R.R., Rosa, J.D.d.l. and Zhang, X.Y., 2011. Global sand and dust storms in 2008: Observation and HYSPLIT model verification. Atmospheric Environment, 45(35): 6368‐6381. Escudero, M., A. Stein, R. R. Draxler, X. Querol, A. Alastuey, S. Castillo, and A. Avila (2006), Determination of the contribution of northern Africa dust source areas to PM10 concentrations over the central Iberian Peninsula using the Hybrid Single‐Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model (HYSPLIT) model, , J. Geophys. Res.,, 111, D06210, doi:10.1029/2005JD006395. Draxler, R.R., D.A. Gillette, J.S. Kirkpatrick, and J. Heller, 2001, Estimating PM10 air concentrations from dust storms in Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, Atm. Environ., 35, 4315‐4330. Rolph, G.D., R.R. Draxler, and R.G. de Pena, 1992, Modeling sulfur concentrations and depositions in the United States during ANATEX. Atmos. Environ., 26A:73‐93. Stein, A.F., D. Lamb, and R.R. Draxler, 2000, Incorporation of detailed chemistry into a three‐dimensional Lagrangian‐Eulerian hybrid model: application to regional tropospheric ozone, Atm. Environ., 34, 4361‐4372. Draxler, R.R. 2000, Meteorological Factors of Ozone Predictability at Houston, Texas, J. Air and Waste Management Assoc., 50: 259‐271. Stein, A.F., V. Isakov, J. Godowitch, R.R. Draxler (2007),A hybrid modeling approach to resolve pollutant concentrations in an urban area, Atmospheric Environment 41:9410‐9426. Stunder, B.J.B., J.L. Heffter, R.R. Draxler (2007), Airborne Volcanic Ash Forecast Area Reliability, Weather and Forecasting, 22:1132‐1139, DOI: 10.1175/WAF1042.1 Glenn D. Rolph, Roland R. Draxler, Ariel F. Stein, Albion Taylor, Mark G. Ruminski, Shobha Kondragunta, Jian Zeng, Ho‐Chun Huang, Geoffrey Manikin, Jeffery T. McQueen, and Paula M. Davidson (2009), Description and Verification of the NOAA Smoke Forecasting System: The 2007 Fire Season Weather and Forecasting, 24:361‐378, DOI: 10.1175/2008WAF2222165.1 Cohen, M., R. Artz, R. Draxler. 2007 NOAA Report to Congress: Mercury Contamination in the Great Lakes. Air Resources Laboratory, Silver Spring MD. Submitted to Congress on May 14, 2007. 162 pages. Cohen,M., Artz,R., Draxler,R., Miller,P., Poissant,L., Niemi,D., Ratte,D., Deslauriers,M., Duval,R., Laurin,R., Slotnick,J., Nettesheim,T., and McDonald,J., 2004, Modeling the atmospheric transport and deposition of mercury to the Great Lakes, Environmental Research, 95, 247‐265. Draxler, R.R., 1991, The accuracy of trajectories during ANATEX calculated using dynamic model analyses versus rawinsonde observations. J. Appl. Meteorol. 30:1446‐1467. Draxler, R.R., R. Dietz, R.J. Lagomarsino, and G. Start, 1991, Across North America Tracer Experiment (ANATEX): Sampling and analysis. Atmos. Environ. 25A:2815‐2836. Draxler, R.R., 1979, Modeling the results of two recent mesoscale dispersion experiments. Atmos. Environ. 13:1523‐1533.
1引言长江三角洲北起通扬运河,南抵钱塘江、杭州湾,西至南京以西,东到海边,包括上海市全部,江苏省南部、浙江省中北部,面积约5万km 2,是中国第一大经济区。
霾,是悬浮在大气中的大量微小尘粒、烟粒或盐粒的集合体使空气浑浊、水平能见度降低到10km 以下的一种大气现象[1]。
而长三角的25个城市中,PM2.5年均浓度为67μg/m 3,24个城市超标;PM10年均浓度为103μg/m 3,23个城市超标;二氧化氮年均浓度为42μg/m 3,15个城市超标。
HYSPLIT Cheat Sheet说明书
![HYSPLIT Cheat Sheet说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/31476214f11dc281e53a580216fc700abb6852b2.png)
HYSPLIT Cheat SheetUpdated September 8, 2020What is HYSPLIT?●The HYSPLIT model is a system for computingsimple air parcel trajectories, as well as complexatmospheric transport and dispersion simulations.(https:///hysplit/hysplit/)●HYSPLIT has been developed at the NOAA Air ResourcesLaboratory (ARL) for more than 30 years, and it is still undergoingdevelopment at ARL. (https:///)●Stein et al. (2016), NOAA’s HYSPLIT Atmospheric Transport andDispersion Modeling System, Bulletin of the American MeteorologySociety (BAMS), 96(12): 2059-2077(https:///10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00110.1)●It requires meteorological data to run, but extensive HYSPLIT-compatible meteorologicaldatasets are publically available on the ARL-HYSPLIT website (described below).●The model has been tested extensively by comparison of its predictions against actualmeasurements of atmospheric concentrations and deposition.●HYSPLIT is one of the most widely used atmospheric transport and dispersion models in theworld.●In addition to the basic trajectory and dispersion models, HYSPLIT contains a large suite ofanalysis, pre-processing, and post-processing programs that may be useful in differentapplications.Different ways to run HYSPLIT●Online, via the READY website(https:///index.php)○for trajectories(https:///HYSPLIT_traj.php)○for dispersion(https:///HYSPLIT_disp.php)●Install on local computer, use Graphical User Interface (GUI)●Install on local computer, use command line and/or scriptsInstallation on your local computer●Installation instructions are given on the web pages referenced below.●HYSPLIT requires some additional “helper” programs, like Tcl-Tk. On Windows systems, italso requires Ghostscript and Ghostview and ImageMagick. These helper programs are freely available and can be downloaded from the HYSPLIT download page(s). You should install these first, in the order mentioned above, before you install HYSPLIT.●installation for Windows(https:///HYSPLIT_hytrial.php)(Tutorial: https:///documents/Tutorial/html/install_win.html)●Installation for Apple-Mac(https:///hyreg/HYSPLIT_applehysp.php)(Tutorial: https:///documents/Tutorial/html/install_mac.html)●Installation for Linux(https:///HYSPLIT_linux.php)(Tutorial: https:///documents/Tutorial/html/install_unix.html)Should you become a Registered User?●Please do not register if you will only be using the HYSPLIT model with archivedmeteorological data (as opposed to forecast data) -- this applies to most users●Why might you need to become a registered user?○Registration required to use forecast met data for simulations○Registration required to obtain source code (e.g., for Linux compilation)○Registration information available here(https:///HYSPLIT_register.php)Learn to use HYSPLIT: 1. Online-READY●Online READY system for trajectories and dispersion○Rolph et al. 2017(https:///science/article/pii/S1364815217302360)○READY Summary Handout(https:///documents/Summaries/READY_2017.pdf)○READY is a relatively self-explanatory, menu-driven system, with help(https:///index.php)Learn to use HYSPLIT: 2. GUI, Local Installation●Graphical User Interface (GUI) with locally installed HYSPLIT●The GUI is a great way to learn HYSPLIT. Even if you are goingto eventually run HYSPLIT using command-line and scripting(see next section), you often start in the GUI to learn how andwhat you want to try to do. Eventually, you might decide youwant to automate the process in a script.●Tutorial (online or download)(https:///HYSPLIT_Tutorials.php)●Annual Workshop (next workshop: Summer 2021. Details andregistration posted in the spring.)(https:///hysplit/hysplit-workshop/)●Context-sensitive help throughout GUI●HYSPLIT Users Guide (https:///wp_arl/wp-content/uploads/documents/reports/hysplit_user_guide.pdf)●Frequently Asked Questions(https:///hysplit/hysplit-frequently-asked-questions-faqs/●Forum - Bulletin Board(https:///)●Document folder in local installationMeteorological Data●Meteorological (“met”) data, in HYSPLIT-format, must be provided to the model to run atrajectory or dispersion (concentration) simulation.●Met data includes things like wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, andprecipitation.●Most met data used by HYSPLIT are gridded outputs created by meteorological models,including numerous models that are run at NOAA.●Met data can be “forecast” or be “archived”. As noted above, you have to be registered user touse forecast data. For the typical user, however, archived data is generally used, e.g., to run the HYSPLIT model to help analyze air pollution measurements.●Numerous regional, continental, and global meteorological datasets are archived at the AirResources Laboratory, in HYSPLIT format, and are freely available.●Several ways to obtain met data:○Through the GUI○Through the HYSPLIT met data website -- right click on a file and “save target as”(https:///archives.php)○Via an FTP browser (if you want to download a lot of files)●Conversion programs areavailable in the HYSPLIT suite thatcan be used to convert user-generated met data to HYSPLITformat.●HYSPLIT-format meteorologicaldata files are in “binary” format, soyou can’t readily examine them ina text editor or word-processor.●But, met data can be examined with various tools and utilities through the Graphical UserInterface (GUI), e.g., “text profile”●The met data files can be large. A single one-day file of global met data at ¼ degree (~25 kmhorizontal resolution) is 2.7 GB. But some are relatively small: a one-month file of global met data at 2.5 degree horizontal resolution (~250 km) is only about 115 MB.●Met data can also be examined, analyzed and processed by numerous different programsavailable in the HYSPLIT suite, e.g., the Profile program, which extracts the meteorological data at a given location from a given meteorological data file. An example of the use of theProfile program is given below in the “command line / scripting” section.What meteorological data should you use?●There are generally numerous different data sets that you can use for any given analysis○Output from different meteorological models○Different horizontal, vertical, and temporal resolution○Different meteorological variables provided (but all must have wind speed & direction, etc.)○Different geographical coverage (regional, continental, global)○Available for different times periods○Some are reanalysis datasets, which are run after the fact, and extensively incorporate meteorological measurements to try to create the best possible characterization of theatmosphere●All things being equal, generally want to use the highest resolution met data that is availablefor your case, but this means that files will be bigger (more disk space on your computer), and runs will generally take longer.●It can be very useful to do your analysis with different met data sets, and examine thedifferences.○If the results are relatively similar with different met data sets, then you can be more confident that meteorological uncertainties are not playing a significant role.○If the results are very different with different met data sets, then there may be more uncertainty due to met data uncertainties●In complex terrain (e.g., in the mountains), or when there are sea-lake breezes (e.g., on thecoast), the use of higher-resolution met data is more important. But, in these cases, caution is warranted, as the highest resolution data available to you (e.g., 12 km resolution) may be too coarse to really resolve meteorological phenomena. The same would be true in an urbansetting, with street-canyon flows, etc.Trajectories● A trajectory represents the “centerline” of a dispersion●Can be run forward or backward○Forward trajectories tell you where the air will go○Backward trajectories tell you where the air came from●Back-trajectories are commonly used to help interpret air pollution measurements○Where did the air come from corresponding to any given sample time?○Where did the air come from when the concentrations of the pollutant were high?○Where did the air come from when the concentrations were low?●From the GUI:○Trajectory → Setup Run (creates a CONTROL file in the working directory)○Trajectory → Run Model (executes the hyts_std model)○Trajectory → Display → Trajectory (executes the trajplot program)●Trajectory → Setup Run:What height(s) should you start a back-trajectory at?●Should you start it at the height of your sampler, e.g., 2 meters above the ground?●Not recommended, as the trajectory can then easily hit the ground and lose accuracy●If only starting at one height, then a good choice might be “½ of the height of the planetaryboundary layer (PBL)” (aka mixed layer).●This choice reflects the idea that what you are seeing at your sampler is the averageconcentration of pollutant in the well-mixed boundary layer.●To use this option, you must use the Advanced menu in the GUI (or a SETUP.CFG file incommand line or script execution)●Advanced → Configuration Setup → Trajectory → Menu #2: Define subgrid and MSL/AGL units→ Fraction of the Mixed LayerBasic Concentration Simulations●Can be run forward or backward●Generally is run forward, to simulate what happens to a material after it is emitted to the air●From the GUI:○Concentration → Setup Run (creates a CONTROL file)○Concentration → Run Model (hycs_std model)○Concentration → Display → Concentration → Contours(concplot program)●Concentration → Setup Run:Learn to use HYSPLIT: 3. Command Line / Scripting●Command Line / Scripting with locally installed HYSPLIT●Tutorial shows examplescripts on many pages●Example scripts alsoprovided in the “scripts”subdirectory of theHYSPLIT installation●On any operating system,will need to open a “terminal”●Navigate to HYSPLIT working directory○Windows: cd c:\hysplit4\working↲○Mac/Linux: cd ~/hysplit4/working↲(case sensitive, may be Hysplit4)●It’s generally a good idea to work in the “working” directory, but you can create additionalworking directories to use. When working with the GUI, files are placed into the “working”directory. When you are doing things from the command line or scripts, they will go inwhatever directory you are working in, or to a path that you specify.●If you execute any HYSPLIT program without any arguments, you will generally get a list ofrequired and optional argumentsc:\hysplit4\working>..\exec\profile ↲Usage: profile [-options]-d[Input metdata directory name with ending /]-f[input metdata file name]-y[Latitude]-x[Longitude]-o[Output time offset (hrs)]-t[Output time interval (hrs)]-n[Hours after start time to stop output (hrs))]-w[Wind direction instead of components=1]-p[process ID number for output text file]-e[extra digit in output values (0)-no,1-yes]NOTE: leave no space between option and value●Note- there are sometimes more options available in the command line (or script) executionthan are available in the GUI●In the above example, a “command line” or script execution of the program would looksomething like this:c:\hysplit4\working>..\exec\profile -d c:\metdata\-f RP201612.gbl-y40.2-x-119.6 -w1● A “script” can be thought of as just a series of “command line” entries, one after another●If writing scripts, make sure they are “plain text”○Windows: DOS Batch Scripts (tutorial examples), Python, etc.○Mac/Linux: Shell Scripts (tutorial examples), Python, etc.●Why would you want to use scripts?○Have a record of what you have done, and can do it again, or modify it and do it again○You can set the script up to do multiple runs○But, the GUI is a great way to learn how to use HYSPLIT, and to gain a good understanding of the options. One often uses the GUI to explore and test what onewants to do, and then, once you’ve narrowed things down, you try to write a script to“automate” the process.○GUI: a big script (with many sub-scripts) written in the Tcl-Tk scripting language●Basic architecture of a script to run HYSPLIT would do the following:○Write CONTROL file○Write SETUP.CFG file (optional)○Run HYSPLIT (e.g., hyts_std or hycs_std)○Create graphics (e.g., run trajplot or concplot)○Rename output files and move to results directory to save●Common to use a “RUN” and “SET” script:○The “RUN” script sets some basic paramters for each run○The SET script is called from the RUN script and takes the variables provided○The SET script does everything you want (e.g., see preceding architecture example), and then returns execution to the “RUN” script, and then the next run is started (i.e.,the next line), by calling the “SET” script with a new set of parameters. Deeper HYSPLIT Background (equations, etc.)●NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL ARL-224, Description of the HYSPLIT-4 ModelingSystem, Revised Feb 2018(https:///wp_arl/wp-content/uploads/documents/reports/arl-224.pdf)●Supplementary Materials for the BAMS article mentioned abovehttps:///doi/suppl/10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00110.1/suppl_file/10.1175_bams-d-14-00110.2.pdf。
HYSPLIT模式简介及使用 ppt课件
![HYSPLIT模式简介及使用 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d23f65221711cc7931b71681.png)
图形使用HYSPLIT自带GS软件查看, 并且使用GS转换成WINDOWS可读的 格式
在后向轨迹的基础上进行轨迹分型。 区别:分型只能进行1层轨迹的分型,所以要重新进行轨迹的建立
画图输入文件位置:输入为建立模型时的输出; 输出图形类型:轨迹图; 选择地图背景; 轨迹投影类型。
选择输出GIS是否与其它软件结合使用; 选择是否画环和中心点。
选择是否绘制时间标记和间隔时间; 选择垂直坐标使用类型(常使用气压或mAGL)。
调整输出图形的大小 调整好后Execute Display
模式起始 时间
高度使用(m-AGL)100、500、 1000米高度,经纬度为气象楼前 的马路
模式运行总用时:带有‘-’表示后 向,一般不用输入,只输入时间, 选择前、后向时会自动加上‘-’。
HYSPLIT模式简介及பைடு நூலகம்用
Run Clustering →Run Standard
输入路径,即上一步输出的文件的自建 路径 剩下路径不需要改
然后Run cluster
最后总共的轨 迹数
Run之后得到了可能的分型条数及变化的可能性(数值越小,变化越少,越好) 如:上图所示 19条分型变化最小,但是条数太多不易分析,因此选择4条分型 (可变性为39.93)为最佳。
摘 要:利用 Hysplit 拉格朗日后向轨迹模式,结合 AQI 指数分析及当时
气象观测数据,分析了 2017 年 12 月 13—14 日太原市出现重污染天气的
影响因素。 根据分析,12 月 10—11 日太原市区以西北风为主,风力较大,
风速较强, 从 12 日开始风向由西北转为南风及东南风, 一直持续至 14
日,形成重污染天气;从 14 日开始风向逐渐由东南转变为西北风,空气质
关键词:重污染;AQI 指数;Hysplit 模型;太原市
Hysplit 模型轨迹模拟主要有 2 种形式— ——后向传 输模型和前向扩散模型。 前向模拟是模拟目标地区气 流流向的一种形式, 主要用来解释目标地区气体或者 颗粒污染物对别的地方所造成的影响, 是用来解释汇 的问题; 后向模拟是模拟目标地区的气流流向的另一 种形式, 主要用来解释目标地区气体或者颗粒污染物
2018 年 第 33 卷 第 6 期
பைடு நூலகம்
基于 Hysplit 后向轨迹模式分析太原市
南少杰 1,梁美生 2,施建华 3
(1.煤炭工业太原设计研究院,山西太原,030001; 2.太原理工大学,山西太原,030024;
输出的日计算结果tdump*在C:\hysplit4\working\ 或 C:\hysplit4\cluster\ working\下,每个文件大约8K,将计算 的整月结果放在一个自建的指定文件夹中,如 04,放在 C:\hysplit4\cluster\下
Run Clustering →Run Standard
图形使用HYSPLIT自带GS软件查看, 并且使用GS转换成WINDOWS可读的 格式
模式使用: 2)轨迹分型
在后向轨迹的基础上进行轨迹分型。 区别:分型只能进行1层轨迹的分型,所以要重新进行轨迹的建立
设置模式的起始高度为1000m,对应 本地边界层中上部
画图输入文件位置:输入为建立模型时的输出; 输出图形类型:轨迹图; 选择地图背景; 轨迹投影类型。 选择输出GIS是否与其它软件结合使用; 选择是否画环和中心点。 选择是否绘制时间标记和间隔时间; 选择垂直坐标使用类型(常使用气压或mAGL)。 调整输出图形的大小 调整好后Execute Display
人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力, 明辨是非的能力。 所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读, 古人说“书中自有黄金屋。 ”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识, 培养逻辑思维能力; 通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平, 培养文学情趣; 通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。 有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操, 给我们巨大的精神力量, 鼓舞我们前进。
HYSPLIT通常使用两种版本:单机版和网页在 线版
高原山地气象研究Plateau and Mountain Meteorology Research第40卷第2期2020年6月Vol.40 No.2June. 2020文章编号:1674 -2184(2020)02 -0049 -04基于HYSPLIT 模式的泸州特大暴雨水汽输送特征分析李玉婷,谭贵蓉,何兴潼,曾娜(四川省泸州市气象局,泸州646000)摘要:本文利用再分析资料、GDAS 等资料,引入HYSPLIT 模式定性定量地分析泸州9月7 ~8日特大暴雨过程的水汽输送特 征,并对水汽来源进行了模拟。
结果表明:(1)该过程是由高空低槽、低涡切变以及低空急流共同影响导致的,强降水发生区域与850hPa 低涡位置具有很好的对应关系。
(2)影响此次强降水的水汽主要来源于南海、孟加拉湾和贵州、湖南等周边省份,其中周边省份的本地水汽贡献最大,850hPa ( 1500m )上水汽贡献率达44% ,孟加拉湾和南海两者的水汽贡献率也达到了39%。
(3)三维空间显示水汽主要来源于850hPa 高度附近或以下区域。
关键词:特大暴雨;水汽输送;HYSPLIT中图分类号:P45&1 文献标识码:A doi : 10. 3969/j. issn. 1674 - 2184 - 2020. 02. 008引言暴雨是四川盆地主要气象灾害之一,夏季暴雨易造 成洪涝、山体滑坡、泥石流等次生灾害,给人民的生命财产带来巨大威胁。
预报员对往年的暴 雨过程原因都进行了总结,暴雨的形成主要需要三大条 件,其中充足的水汽是暴雨产生的先决条件,因此分析暴雨过程中的水汽特征对研究暴雨成因具有重大的意义。
廖晓农等⑷指出在北京“2012. 7. 21 ”特大暴 雨过程中,主要水汽输送来源于孟加拉湾地区,这种长距离的水汽输送是在不同尺度天气系统的共同作用下完成 的。
Sour PR: Combines the PR equation of state and Wilson's APISour Model for handling sour water systems.
Sour SRK: Combines the Soave Redlich Kwong and Wilson's APISour Model.
PR:〉-271C,〈1000Bar SRK > -143C, <359Bar 半经验模型:
CS (Chao – Seader) -18C – 260, < 100Bar GS ( Grayson - Streed) -18C – 425, < 200Bar GS是在CS的基础上发展起来的尤其适合高含氢系统。采用Lee-Kesler方
关键词:暴雨环流形势 HYSPLIT模式水汽输送水汽贡献1 引言水汽输送及其来源作为形成暴雨的重要条件,一直是气象工作关注的重点[1-4]。
2019年 8月18日长春机场出现一次暴雨天气,本文引入拉格朗日气流轨迹模式(HYSPLIT)对长春机场暴雨过程的水汽输送条件进行定量分析,以期加深对该类暴雨过程中水汽来源的认识。
2 资料与方法2.1 资料本文研究所用的资料为长春龙嘉机场常规气象地面观测资料以及GDAS资料(时间分辨率6 h,水平分辨率1°×1°) 。
参数调整时需谨慎,避免影 响模拟结果
根据实际需求选择合适的参 数
定期更新软件,以确保参数 设置的准确性
参考官方文档或专业书籍, 深入了解参数含义及作用
结果解读:根据HYSPLIT输出的结果,正确理解气象数据和轨迹信息,避免误解或错误使用。 误差分析:了解和评估HYSPLIT模型输出的误差来源,如数据精度、模型假设等,以便更准确地解释和使用结果。
输出格式:支持多 种输出格式,如文 本、表格、图形等
输出内容:可以输 出气象要素、轨迹 信息、水平风场等
输出时间:可以设 置输出时间间隔, 以便更好地了解气 象变化情况
可视化效果:支持 多种可视化效果, 如等值线、矢量图 、云图等
基于粒子轨迹模型,模拟气流中颗 粒物的扩散和运输
支持多种气象数据输入,如风场、 气压等
输入气象数据:包括风速、 风向、温度、压力等
准备数据文件:将输入的数据 整理成模型所需的格式和结构
检查数据质量:确保输入数 据的准确性和可靠性
输入数据:提供气象数据和轨 迹参数
运行环境:确保计算机满足系 统要求
运行过程:启动软件,选择模 型,设置参数,开始运行
结果输出:查看模拟结果和输 出文件
气象数据:提供 风向、风速、温 度等数据
轨迹模拟:模拟 飞行器或气体的 移动轨迹
结果分析:分析 气象数据和轨迹 模拟结果
评估与改进:根据 分析结果进行评估, 并提出改进建议
添加标题 添加标题 添加标题 添加标题
气象学领域:HYSPLIT被广泛应用于气象学领域,用于模拟和预测气象 要素的分布和变化。
气象预报:通过HYSPLIT模型,气象学家可以预测天气系统的发展和演 变,为天气预报提供科学依据。
采用声雷达资料和连续的垂直扩散系数 模式格点资料,并对近地层资料进行插值 支持多种气象数据、发展综合的粒子、烟团模型
(NOAA Technical Memo ERL ARL‐224) 从服务器版到PC版的发展 短期模拟引入各向同性的湍流参数化方案 采用sigma和多项式方法的地形坐标 修改垂直扩散参数化方案 动态数组调用,支持经纬度格点 加入扩散集合预报、矩阵和源解析扩散预报 引入非均一湍流订正和沙尘模拟 引入湍流方差、TKE和新的邻近预报方程 与CMAQ的兼容性, 扩展集合预报选项、烟羽抬升、Google earth
• HYSPLIT模式可以用来计算简单的气团轨迹以及 模拟复杂的扩散和沉积。
• 最初是由NOAA和澳大利亚气象局合作开发的,主 要开发者是Roland Draxler。
• 网络版和PC版。 • 网站:/HYSPLIT_info.php
– Draxler, R.R., D.A. Gillette, J.S. Kirkpatrick, and J. Heller, 2001, Estimating PM10 air concentrations from dust storms in Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia,
– Draxler, R.R., 1979, Modeling the results of two recent mesoscale dispersion experiments. Atmos. Environ. 13:1523‐1533.
– Wang, Y.Q., Stein, A.F., Draxler, R.R., Rosa, J.D.d.l. and Zhang, X.Y., 2011. Global sand and dust storms in 2008: Observation and HYSPLIT model verification. Atmospheric Environment, 45(35): 6368‐6381.
1、quick start
2、set run 设置参数
CONTROL文件为 保存的设置模式文 件
3、run model 运行模式
可以将上一步得到的文件 转化为图片
频数(多轨迹文件) 每个网格点处轨迹数目
6、special runs (特殊轨迹)
(7) ensemble
Matrix 需要在setup run 中 设置三个起始位置, 运行matrix,再用图 形显示
Daily 日计算,用于轨迹分型
可用于一个月的多轨迹自动模拟,以上 脚本中的起始时间会代替CONTROL文件 中的值,文件以时间自动编号,得到独 立文件
Cluster分型 轨迹上用到的点 Daily运算得到的 文件夹 轨迹终点经纬度转化为 网格点所用的地图投影 图中格点步长为3 运行后生成TSV( total spatial variance )总空间 变率 运行后得到轨迹总条数 总时长 选择standard,以保证配置正确 用到的轨迹文件
根据设置: 每个网格交叉 点都有一个加 号;经纬度间 隔10度
转换成可导入 GIS软件中的 shapefile文件
将postscript file 转化为其 他格式图像
设置模式的起始高度为1000m,对应 本地边界层中上部
做分型时垂直高度的类型是使 用数据的分层!!!
输入年、月、起始日、终止日(起始日和终止日一般选 择模拟日的前后几天就可以)、时间(可自己选择时段0 12 或者0 6 12 18等)
将step3中的分型数改为4,点击Text, 得到分型结果
分别绘出平均图和分形图(输出路径和输出 选项自行调整)
将提示中选择Ignore all DSC
下面为输入和输出文件夹。一般输 出不改,输入文件为下载的2类资 料。根据选择模拟的时间,若要做 后向轨迹,则需要上一个星期的文 件。
画图输入文件位置:输入为建立模型时的输出; 输出图形类型:轨迹图; 选择地图背景; 轨迹投影类型。
选择输出GIS是否与其它软件结合使用; 选择是否画环和中心点。
HYSPLIT通常使用两种版本:单机版和网页在 线版
单机版安装时请注意:安装在C:\ 盘根目录下, 并且安装模式自带画图软件。
网络在线版 /HYSPLIT.php
ftp://./( pub/archives/ ) NOAA Reanalysis的数据从1948年1月到2007年12月,
农业灾害研究 2023,13(6)基于HYSPLIT的金华梅汛期暴雨水汽路径和源地分析李 悦,丁 霖,曾文全,季雨婕金华市婺城区气象局,浙江婺城 321000摘要 基于国家和区域自动气象站逐日降水资料、全球同化系统(GDAS)资料、ERA5再分析资料,引入拉格朗日混合单粒子轨道模型HYSPLIT分析了金华市2015—2020年9次梅汛期暴雨天气过程中的水汽特征。
结果表明:梅汛期暴雨在500 m高度上的水汽输送路径有4条,分别为偏南路径、偏西至偏南短距离路径、偏东路径和西南路径,对应的水汽源地南海北部贡献率最大,为44.38%,其次是浙江上游周边地区,贡献率为26.96%;在1 500 m高度上水汽输送路径有3条,分别为西南路径、偏南路径和偏西路径,对应的水汽源地孟加拉湾西部贡献率最大,为45.04%,其次是南海北部,贡献率为38.08%;在3 000 m高度上水汽输送路径有3条,分别为西南路径,偏西路径和偏南路径,对应的水汽源地老挝附近海面贡献率最大,为67.80%。
关键词 HYSPLIT;水汽输送路径;水汽源地中图分类号:P458.1 文献标识码:B 文章编号:2095–3305(2023)06–0091-03暴雨的形成除了满足一般降水形成的条件,还必须满足以下3个条件:充分的水汽供应、强烈的上升运动和较长的持续时间[1]。
选择是否绘制时间标记和间隔时间; 选择垂直坐标使用类型(常使用气压或mAGL)。
调整输出图形的大小 调整好后Execute Display
图形使用HYSPLIT自带GS软件查看, 并且使用GS转换成WINDOWS可读的 格式
选择好后Execute Script
(注:需要时间计算,选择时间段越多越精细,但计 算占用时间越多。并且轨迹建立中所输入文件的数据 量必须满足Daily计算)
输出的日计算结果tdump*在C:\hysplit4\working\ 或 C:\hysplit4\cluster\ working\下,每个文件大约8K,将计算 的整月结果放在一个自建的指定文件夹中,如 04,放在 C:\hysplit4\cluster\下
2.5°×2.5°,每月资料约122Mb,每半年更新。 NCEP GDAS把全球1°×1°数据插值到正形投影的
地图上。数据从2005年1月至今,每7天资料约571Mb, 每月更新。GDAS资料按每个月的5个星期进行保存。 此外注意,下载的GDAS资料为UTC时间,例如果要 模拟北京时间4月27日00时,模式使用的起始时间应 为4月26日16时。
HYSPLIT - Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model
HYSPLIT - 4 模型是由美国国家海洋和大气管理局 (NOAA) 的空气资源实验室和澳大利亚气象局在过去 20 年间联合研发的一种用于计算和分析大气污染物 输送、扩散轨迹的专业模型。该模型具有处理多种气 象要素输入场、多种物理过程和不同类型污染物排放 源功能的较为完整的输送、扩散和沉降模式 , 已经被 广泛地应用于多种污染物在各个地区的传输和扩散的 研究中。
Hymetec Hyspray 辅助说明书
![Hymetec Hyspray 辅助说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e7e3b87111661ed9ad51f01dc281e53a59025144.png)
User ManualTable of Contents1 About this manual (3)1.1 Purpose of this manual (3)1.2 For whom is this manual intended? (3)1.3 Use of this manual (3)1.4 Disclaimer (4)1.5 Additional information and support (4)2 Safety guidelines (5)2.1 General safety guidelines (5)2.2 Specific safety guidelines for the Hyspray (6)2.3 H2O2 related safety guidelines (7)3 About the Hyspray (8)3.1 Function (8)3.2 Intended use (8)3.3 Advantages (8)3.4 Kit content (8)3.5 Main components (9)3.6 Accessories (10)4 Working with the Hyspray (11)4.1 Preparing the Hyspray for disinfection (11)4.2 Disinfection procedure (12)4.3 Emergency stop and restart (14)5 Maintaining the Hyspray (15)5.1 Maintenance (15)5.2 Troubleshooting (15)5.3 Replacing the fuses (15)5.4 Environmental disposal (16)6 Technical Data (17)6.1 Technical characteristics (17)6.2 Warranty and service (17)6.3 Compliance (18)1About this manual1.1Purpose of this manualThis manual provides instructions to:∙prepare your Hyspray for disinfection;∙disinfect a room with the Hyspray; and∙keep your Hyspray in a good condition.1.2For whom is this manual intended?This manual is exclusively intended for trained staff operating the Hyspray.1.3Use of this manual▪STRUCTURE∙This manual sets out with a functional description of the Hyspray. Read this section first to familiarize yourself with the location and function of the various parts and controls.∙The following sections of the manual give procedures to prepare, use and maintain your Hyspray.▪ORIENTATION CONVENTIONFigure 1 shows the orientation convention. Wherever you stand relative to the Hyspray, the indications ‘Front’, ‘Back’, ‘Right’ and ‘Left’ are always as shown on Figure 1.Figure 1▪PROCEDURESProcedure steps are clearly identified by the sign followed by a number in the margin that indicates the order in which the procedure should be executed.▪ELECTRONIC VERSIONThis manual is also available electronically as a pdf file on our internet websitehttp://www.disinfection.be.∙The pdf file features a bookmarks panel that enables you to quickly navigate to specific information.∙Cross references in the text are executed as hyperlinks. Whenever the cursor turns into a hand symbol , you can click on the text behind to land immediately on the referencedsection or picture. Simply press 'Alt' +’ < ' to get back from where you came.1.4Disclaimer∙Failure to follow the instructions in this manual and the damage that may result from it, voids the warranty of your Hyspray.∙The warranty does not apply if the defect results from an operational intervention in the device, normal wear and tear, negligence or lack of maintenance.1.5Additional information and supportA video user’s guide is also available on http://www.disinfection.be or online on youtube. For the overall procedure to disinfect a room with the Hyspray, check the following movie clip https://youtu.be/7UUSs97NnQcA dedicated website about disinfection is also available. For more specific information about Hymetec’s disinfection solutions, check http://www.disinfection.beFor additional information and support, please contact:Analis sa/nvRue de Néverlée 115020 Suarlée (NAMUR)BelgiumTel +32 (0)81 25 50 50**********************2 Safety guidelines!Read the following safety guidelines carefully before working with the Hyspray and follow them strictly.!Keep these guidelines in a safe place, accessible to the user.2.1General safety guidelines▪WORKING ENVIRONMENT▪Do not expose the Hyspray to rain.▪Do not use the Hyspray in a wet or damp environment.▪Provide good lighting.▪Do not use the Hyspray near flammable liquids or gases.▪Provide enough space around the Hyspray when it is working and make sure the ventilation grid in the bottom of the unit is not obstructed.▪Keep the handle of the Hyspray dry, clean and free from oil and grease.▪Do not expose the Hyspray to temperatures below 10 °C or above 40 °C▪ AVOID ELECTRICAL SHOCK▪Prevent body contact with grounded surfaces (e.g. pipes, radiators…) while operating the Hyspray.▪Do not pull the power cord to move the Hyspray.▪Keep the power cord clear of heat sources, oil and sharp edges.▪Inspect the power cord periodically and replace if damaged.▪Disconnect the Hyspray from the mains when not in use.▪Use only the power cord provided with the Hyspray.▪KEEP VISITORS AWAY▪Do not let visitors touch the Hyspray or the power cord.▪Keep children and visitors away from the working area.▪STORAGEWhen not in use, store the Hyspray in a dry, high or locked‐up place, out of thereach of children.▪AVOID UNINTENTIONAL STARTING▪Do not carry a plugged‐in Hyspray while holding a finger on the Start/Stop key or the ON/OFF switch.▪Make sure the ON/OFF switch is OFF when connecting the unit to the mains.▪STAY ALERT▪Watch what you are doing. Use common sense.▪Do not operate the Hyspray when you are tired.▪ACCESSORIES▪The Hyspray can only be used with the accessories specified in this user manual.▪The use of any accessory other than the ones recommended in this user manual may present a risk of personal injury.▪REPAIR▪Do not attempt to open the Hyspray yourself.▪Only trained technicians are entitled to service the Hyspray; otherwise it may cause danger for the user.▪When changing the fuses, use only the type advised in ‘Technical characteristics’ on p. 17.▪SERIOUS INCIDENTSSerious incidents must be reported according to the local safety guidelines.2.2Specific safety guidelines for the Hyspray▪EXPLOSIONDo not use the Hyspray in areas that are subject to explosion protection regulation.▪LEAVE THE AREA▪Once the start button is pressed, you must leave the room in the pre‐set time(90 – 600 sec).▪Do not enter the area to be disinfected when the spraying procedure has started.▪HANDLING OF THE CONSUMABLE HYPRO TECHNICAL 7% H2O2▪Use safety gloves and safety goggles when working with HyPro Technical 7% H2O2.▪Wear clothing that covers the whole body (for example: long trousers and a sleeve shirt).▪Observe the applicable data and safety sheets when working with H2O2.▪USAGEThe Hyspray may be operated only for its intended use and according to the proceduredescribed in this manual, in order to avoid danger for humans and animals.▪NOZZLEFigure 2!Do not pour any consumable directly into the nozzle of the Hyspray, no matter whether the unit is switched ON or OFF.▪HANDLING OF THE CONSUMABLEHypro Technical 7% H2022.3H2O2 related safety guidelines▪PRODUCTUse only stabilized H2O2 solution (HYPRO TECHNICAL POMME/UNSCENTED concentration 7%) for disinfection.▪GENERAL H2O2 GUIDELINESThe Hyspray nebulizes H2O2, therefore it is necessary to observe the following guidelines: ▪Stay out of the room during the spraying process.▪Do not smoke near the Hyspray.▪Do not orient the Hyspray towards an incandescent zone.▪Do not use with a flammable and/or non‐admitted product.▪Do not inhale the substance.▪Do not spray directly towards an object in the room.▪SPRAYING MATERIAL UNDER PRESSURE!Do not aim the nozzle at human beings or animals. Exposure to the product can cause acute cauterization of the eyes, skin and unprotected parts of the body.!Check that there are no people and no animals in the room to be disinfected, when spraying begins.!In case of eye or skin injury, rinse the concerned parts of the body immediately and abundantly with water and immediately call a doctor for fast, expert treatment visit.!Inform the doctor about the spraying material: hydrogen peroxide 7% (H2O2)3About the Hyspray3.1Function∙Hyspray is a nebulizing appliance that rapidly disinfects rooms and surfaces by using the HyPro technical solution.∙Hyspray disinfects volumes of 5 m³ to 165 m³ with a diffusion time of 11 min for 50 m³.∙For rooms with a volume > 165 m3, an additional Hyspray can be placed for optimal disinfection. Likewise, a third Hyspray can be placed if the room volume exceeds 320 m3.∙Hyspray is not a medical device.3.2Intended use∙Hyspray can be used with HyPro technical, which is a 7 % hydrogenperoxide solution. For more details, refer to the technical data ofHyPro technical.∙This solution is available in 1L and 5L packaging.∙Hyspray efficiently disinfects surfaces and non‐invasive medicalequipment by nebulization.∙Hyspray is suited for operating rooms, intensive care, emergency units,mobile units, ambulances etc.3.3Advantages∙Easy to use∙Rapid operational availability∙Quick and easy change of the product cartridge: Hypro technical 7% H2O2∙Well‐shaped and user friendly design∙The product (H2O2) is ecologically friendly and 99,99 % biodegradable∙Efficient disinfection method for a wide range of room volumes by creating a ‘dry mist’ ∙Non toxic3.4Kit content∙1 Hyspray (available in 3 colors) ∙1 nozzle∙1 power cord∙1 user manual∙1 transportation bagFigure 33.5Main components▪TOP VIEWFigure 4 Ref. PartA HandleB LatchC NozzleD Operating panel, see details belowE Flexible straw with filter▪OPERATING PANELFigure 5 Ref. PartA DisplayB Start/Stop keyC Down key: decrease valuesD Up key: increase values▪BACK VIEWFigure 6 Ref. PartA Fuse 1B On/off switchC Fuse 2D Power cord connector▪ BOTTOM VIEWFigure 7 Ref. PartA Identification plate withCE markB Ventilation gridC Power cord storage compartmentD Supportstud (4 x)3.6Accessories▪TRANSPORTATION BAGFigure 8▪HYSPRAY TROLLEYFigure 9The trolley is not included in the package. Please contact Analis or your distributor.4Working with the Hyspray!When handling products, always wear gloves and adequate eye protection!4.1Preparing the Hyspray for disinfection①1 Place the Hyspray on a stable surface (possibly onto the Hyspray Trolley).①2 Press the latch (as shown below) and take the nozzle out of its cradle.Figure 10①3 Insert the flexible straw into the cartridge/bottle and screw the nozzle clockwise onto thecartridge.Figure 11①4 Put the nozzle back into its cradle and press firmly until it clicks into position.Figure 124.2Disinfection procedure①1 Connect the power cord to the connector on the back of the Hyspray (A) and insert theplug into a wall outlet.Figure 13!Check that the voltage indicated on the identification plate (Figure 7 on p.10) corresponds to the local mains voltage before you connect the unit!①2 Check that there is sufficient product in the HyPro Technical 7% cartridge to complete theentire disinfection process for the selected room volume!①3 Set the ON/OFF switch (B) to the ON position.①4 Place the Hyspray in a corner of the room to be disinfected, the nozzle pointing at themiddle of the room.①5 Press the Start/Stop key on the operating panel.Figure 14The display shows the default value for a room volume of 50 m³.①6 Select the volume (in m³, cubic metres) of the room to be treated with the Up or Downkeys on the operating panel.∙Briefly tip the key to increase/decrease by steps of 5 m³.∙Keep the key pressed for fast forward or backward.∙The display shows the selected room volume.①7 Press the Start/Stop key to confirm.①8 Select the count down time 90 s or 600 s with the Up or Down keys.The pre‐set count down time is 90 s.①9 Press the Start/Stop key again.∙The Hyspray beeps during the selected count down time (90 or 600 s) giving you enough time to leave the room to be disinfected. The frequency and the intensity of the beeps will increase as the countdown time elapses.∙The display shows the elapsed countdown time.∙If needed, you can stop the countdown period by pressing the Start/Stop button again.Likewise, you can start a new countdown by pressing the Start/Stop button.①10 Leave the room.∙After the countdown, the Hyspray starts the disinfection by nebulizing the product into the room.Figure 15∙The display blinks “Run” and stops automatically after the time corresponding to the set room volume.∙The display shows “End” when the nebulization process has ended.Figure 16①11 Wait until the nebulization has stopped before re‐entering the room and respect therecommended nebulization time until the H2O2 concentration wears off.∙Standard value is 11 minutes per 50 m³.∙The recommended contact time until the H2O2 concentration wears off is at least 60 minutes. The H2O2 concentration after disinfection depends on the ambient temperature,the room volume and the ventilation with fresh air. In case of doubt, use a measuringinstrument to plot the H2O2 concentration.To restart disinfection in the same room, set the main switch to OFF and then to ON again.①12 Set the ON/OFF switch to OFF to power off the unit.①13 Remove the HyPro Technical 7% cartridge from the Hyspray for transportation.To do so, proceed in reverse order as in ‘Preparing the Hyspray for disinfection’ on p. 11.4.3Emergency stop and restart①1 You can stop the Hyspray at any time by putting the ON/OFF switch at the back of theunit in the OFF position.The Hyspray will stop the disinfection.!Doing so is not recommended since entering the room during disinfection represents asafety hazard!①2 To restart the Hyspray, put the ON/OFF switch in the ON position again.The display (3) shows “Err”.Figure 17①3 Confirm and clear the error message by pressing the “Start/Stop” key during 3 seconds torestart the Hyspray. The unit is ready to repeat the disinfection procedure.5 Maintaining the Hyspray5.1 Maintenance∙ Store the Hyspray in a dry and clean place.∙ Check your Hyspray after the 12‐month warranty period.∙ Regularly check the ventilation grid (see Figure 7 on p. 10) and remove any dust ifnecessary.5.2 Troubleshooting▪ THE HYSPRAY DOES NOT START∙ Check that the Hyspray is properly connected electrically to the wall socket and that theON/OFF switch is set to ON.∙ Check the fuses. Replace any blown fuse, (see ‘Replacing the fuses ’ below). ▪ THE HYSPRAY DOES NOT NEBULIZE THE PRODUCT∙ Check that there is enough liquid in the cartridge. ∙ Check that the jet of the nozzle is not clogged. ∙ Check that the cartridge is properly installed.▪ THE DISPLAY SHOWS∙ The disinfection cycle was interrupted, e.g. due to a power failure.∙ Press the Start/Stop key during 3 seconds to clear the error message. The unit is ready tostart the disinfection procedure again. ▪ STILL NOT WORKING?There are no serviceable parts inside the Hyspray. Do not attempt to repair the Hyspray yourself and contact the dealer.5.3 Replacing the fuses①1 Disconnect the Hyspray from the mains.①2Turn the fuse holder anticlockwise with a screwdriver and remove.Figure 19①3 Remove the blown fuse.①4 Install a good fuse in the fuse holder. Check ‘Technical characteristics’ on p. 17 for the appropriate type of fuse.①5Insert the fuse holder and turn clockwise with a screwdriver until it is locked into position.Figure 185.4Environmental disposalCheck the ISO14000‐guidelines and local regulations for scrapping, disposal and recycling.6Technical Data6.1Technical characteristicsType Hyspray 115 V Hyspray 230 V Disinfection method Nebulization Nebulization Voltage 115 VAC, 50/60 Hz 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz Power 1300 W 1300 WCurrent 11,5 A 6,0 AMode of operation Continuous operation Continuous operation Protection class I IDegree of protection of enclosu IP20 IP20Fuses ∙12,5 A slowly acting∙Rated breaking capacityA @ 125 V∙Type Schurter 0001.2515∙IEC 60127‐2, UL 248‐14∙8 A slowly acting∙Rated breaking capacity 1500 A @ 250 VAC∙Type ESKA 522.700Room size for disinfection 5 m³ to 165 m³ 5 m³ to 165 m³Disinfection throughput Approximately 50 m3 per11 minutes Approximately 50 m3 per 11 minutesAmbient temperature 10 °C to 40°C 10 °C to 40°C6.2Warranty and service∙Warranty period: 12 months (parts and labour)∙The warranty is void if the defect results from an operational intervention in the unit, normal wear and tear, negligence or lack of maintenance by the customer.∙The warranty is void if abnormal corrosion is found on the unit because of use of another product than the one advised in this user manual.∙For any further information about warranty and service, please contact the dealer.6.3ComplianceEC‐DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYFigure 20EMCFigure 21NOTESDEALERSA/NV ***************** WWW.DISINFECTION.BEOffice NAMURde Néverlée 11‐5020 NAMUR+32 81 25 50 50BE 0430 744 435Namur 0430 744 435 RPR Namen Branch Office GENTBijenstraat 18, Entrance CB‐9051 GENTBelgiumTel.: +32 9 243 77 10Branch Office AMSTERDAMHogehilweg 161101 CD AmsterdamThe NetherlandsTel. +31 20 308 1048。
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模式起始 时间
模拟的垂直分层:一般分3层 高度使用(m-AGL)100、500、 1000米高度,经纬度为气象楼前 的马路
模式运行总用时:带有‘-’表示后 向,一般不用输入,只输入时间, 选择前、后向时会自动加上‘-’。 模式模拟方向:一般使用后向模拟。 模式顶高度:10000.0m。 垂直分层:使用sigma高度分层 (也可以使用其它分层,自选) 下面为输入和输出文件夹。一般输 出不改,输入文件为下载的2类资 料。根据选择模拟的时间,若要做 后向轨迹,则需要上一个星期的文 件。
图形使用HYSPLIT自带GS软件查看, 并且使用GS转换成WINDOWS可读的 格式
模式使用: 2)轨迹分型
在后向轨迹的基础上进行轨迹分型。 区别:分型只能进行1层轨迹的分型,所以要重新进行轨迹的建立
设置模式的起始高度为1000m,对应 本地边界层中上部
HYSPLIT模式简Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model HYSPLIT - 4 模型是由美国国家海洋和大气管理局 (NOAA) 的空气资源实验室和澳大利亚气象局在过去 20 年间联合研发的一种用于计算和分析大气污染物 输送、扩散轨迹的专业模型。该模型具有处理多种气 象要素输入场、多种物理过程和不同类型污染物排放 源功能的较为完整的输送、扩散和沉降模式 , 已经被 广泛地应用于多种污染物在各个地区的传输和扩散的 研究中。
HYSPLIT通常使用两种版本:单机版和网页在 线版
单机版安装时请注意:安装在C:\ 盘根目录下, 并且安装模式自带画图软件。 网络在线版 /HYSPLIT.php
ftp://./( pub/archives/ ) NOAA Reanalysis的数据从1948年1月到2007年12月, 2.5°×2.5°,每月资料约122Mb,每半年更新。 NCEP GDAS把全球1°×1°数据插值到正形投影的 地图上。数据从2005年1月至今,每7天资料约571Mb, 每月更新。GDAS资料按每个月的5个星期进行保存。 此外注意,下载的GDAS资料为UTC时间,例如果要 模拟北京时间4月27日00时,模式使用的起始时间应 为4月26日16时。
输入路径,即上一步输出的文件的自建 路径 剩下路径不需要改 点击Make INFILE
然后Run cluster
最后总共的轨 迹数
Run之后得到了可能的分型条数及变化的可能性(数值越小,变化越少,越好) 如:上图所示 19条分型变化最小,但是条数太多不易分析,因此选择4条分型 (可变性为39.93)为最佳。
人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力, 明辨是非的能力。 所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读, 古人说“书中自有黄金屋。 ”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识, 培养逻辑思维能力; 通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平, 培养文学情趣; 通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。 有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操, 给我们巨大的精神力量, 鼓舞我们前进。
输出的日计算结果tdump*在C:\hysplit4\working\ 或 C:\hysplit4\cluster\ working\下,每个文件大约8K,将计算 的整月结果放在一个自建的指定文件夹中,如 04,放在 C:\hysplit4\cluster\下
Run Clustering →Run Standard
画图输入文件位置:输入为建立模型时的输出; 输出图形类型:轨迹图; 选择地图背景; 轨迹投影类型。 选择输出GIS是否与其它软件结合使用; 选择是否画环和中心点。 选择是否绘制时间标记和间隔时间; 选择垂直坐标使用类型(常使用气压或mAGL)。 调整输出图形的大小 调整好后Execute Display
将step3中的分型数改为4,点击Text, 得到分型结果
分别绘出平均图和分形图(输出路径和输出 选项自行调整)
将提示中选择Ignore all DSC
做分型时垂直高度的类型是使 用数据的分层!!!
输入年、月、起始日、终止日(起始日和终止日一般选 择模拟日的前后几天就可以)、时间(可自己选择时段0 12 或者0 6 12 18等)
选择好后Execute Script
(注:需要时间计算,选择时间段越多越精细,但计 算占用时间越多。并且轨迹建立中所输入文件的数据 量必须满足Daily计算)