To the Lighthouse《到灯塔去》介绍
永远的灯塔———象征主义在《到灯塔去》中的运用王晓玲(南京航空航天大学 南京 210016)一《到灯塔去》(T o the Lighth ouse)(1927)是弗吉尼亚・伍尔夫意识流小说趋于成熟的一部代表作,是一部具有浓郁象征主义色彩的小说。
Part III: The Lighthouse In the final
section, “The Lighthouse,” some of the remaining Ramsays return to their summer home ten years after the events of Part I, as Mr Ramsay finally plans on taking the long-delayed trip to the lighthouse with his son James and daughter Cam(illa). The trip almost doesn’t happen, as the children hadn't been ready, but they eventually take off. En route, the children give their father the silent treatment for forcing them to come along. James keeps the sailing boat steady, and rather than receiving the harsh words he has come to expect from his father, he hears praise, providing a rare moment of empathy between father and son; Cam's attitude towards her father has changed as well. They are being accompanied by the sailor Macalister and his son, who catches fish during the trip. The son cuts a piece of flesh from a fish he has caught to use for bait, throwing the injured fish back into the sea. While they set sail for the lighthouse, Lily attempts to complete her long-unfinished painting. She reconsiders Mrs Ramsay’s memory, grateful for her help in pushing Lily to continue with her art, yet at the same time struggling to free herself from the tacit control Mrs Ramsay had over other aspects of her life. Upon finishing the painting and seeing that it satisfies her, she realizes that the execution of her vision is more important to her than the idea of leaving some sort of legacy in her work – a lesson Mr Ramsay has yet to learn.
To the Lighthouse《到灯塔去》介绍 ppt课件
Section two
小说的中间部分即传统小说的重心是充满诗意的抒情 散文,几乎没有人物。
进入第二章,时光流逝的速度忽然变得非常快。这 十几年的时间被与那个下午相似的内容自动填充:每个 平凡的一天都差不多有拉姆齐夫人美貌、詹姆斯对父亲 的怨气、拉姆齐先生哲学之路上的奋斗……大战爆发了, 拉姆齐夫人和其中两个孩子去世了,卡迈克尔先生的诗 歌获得了巨大的名气。更重要的是,空屋衰败了。
从人物性格上来说,莉丽反对传统,(与拉姆齐夫人 相反)她反对“必须结婚”、“竭力主张她本人应该排除 在这普遍的规律之外”、“喜欢保持自己的本色”。她对 拉姆齐夫人的感情是矛盾的,一方面认为拉姆齐夫人就像 一个家庭的核心,聚拢了所有成员(和客人),又多施慈 善,完美无瑕;另一方面又对拉姆齐夫人的处事方式感到 怀疑,“她不禁自问,如果每个人都是如此密不透风,你 怎么会对别人有所了解呢?”
Mr. Ramsay
拉姆齐先生正是伍尔芙父亲的原型,二人有着极多的相 似之处。都是受过良好教育的知识分子,在家庭中有着绝对 的权力和地位。拉姆齐先生是一位现实、严谨的哲学家。他 崇尚理性思考,痛恨幻想夸张。伍尔芙用二十六个英文字母 和钢琴的键盘来象征拉姆齐先生那种直线型的思维方式。这 种思维模式使他难以看到事物的整体,结果导致他身陷智慧 的泥沼,无法将事业开拓推进。
小说中莉丽这个人物的设置很有意思,她在第一节 和第三节中一直在做两件事:画画与思考。所有的意识 流描写中莉丽占了很大一部分,并且她的见解总是最为 天马行空的:“她想到了生活是如何由彼此相邻而各自 独立的小事组合而成,凝聚为一个完整、起伏的波涛, 而人就随着这波涛翻腾起伏,在那儿,一下子冲到海滩 上。”
黑布林阅读到灯塔去摘抄到灯塔去/ To the Lighthouse1•“He was incapable of untruth; never tampered with a fact; never altered a disagreeable word to suit the pleasure or convenience of any mortal being ... one that needs, above all, courage, truth, and the power to endure.”(Mr. Ramsay)//人直面客观世界的一面,与Ramsay夫人代表的人的社会性的一面不同。
•“woe betide the girl—pray Heaven it was none of her daughters!—who did not feel the worth of it(something trustful, childlike, reverential), and all that it implied, to the marrow of her bones!“ (Mrs. Ramsay)// ?•"Strife, divisions, difference of opinion, prejudices twisted into the very fibre of being." (Mrs. Ramsay) //反过来,人与人之间的“和谐”正是Ramsay夫人的人生理念。
2•she often felt herself—struggling against terrific odds to maintain her courage; to say: “But this is what I see; this is what I see ” (LilyBriscoe) // 在纷乱的世界中保持自己需要勇气。
到灯塔去 英语论文
Final paperAn Analysis of Virginia Woolf’s Thoughts of Gender and Gender Differences in To the LighthouseRequirements:Content: You may write a term paper on the following novels:1.The Catcher in the Rye2.To the LighthouseEvaluation:Abstract:Virginia Woolf(1882-1941) is a renowned English writer best known for her novels and essays. To the Lighthouse is one of her great works. This paper is mainly study three issues: feminism, the understanding of gender and the thoughts of gender differences.摘要:弗吉尼亚. 伍尔夫(1882-1941)是一位以小说和散文而著名的英国作家。
OutlineTitle: An Analysis of Virginia Woolf’s Thoughts of Gender and Gender Differences in To the LighthouseⅠ.IntroductionⅡ. Body:A.Woolf and feminismB.Woolf’s androgynous visionC.Gender differences1.Definition of gender difference2.Woolf’s thoughts of gender differencesⅢ. ConclusionⅠ. Introduction:Virginia Woolf was born Adeline Virginia Stephen on 25 January, 1882 inLondon. She was an English novelist and essayist, regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the twentieth century. Her most famous works include the novels Mrs. Dalloway(1925), To the Lighthouse(1927) and Orlando(1928) and the book-length essay A Room of One’s Own(1929) with its famous dictum, “ A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction”Wang wenyan, a postgraduate of Hunan University in the paper Female Consciousness in To the Lighthouse analyzes two major female characters, Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe from the feminist criticism point of view. At first, she studies the growth of Virginia Woolf’s feminism and analyzes “Angel in the House”and “the undercurrent in Mrs. Ramsay”. This paper is very good at focusing on one topic that is Virginia Woolf’s feminism. It offers me some knowledge about feminism and makes me more familiar with this book.Cheng ying, a posts graduate from Zhengzhou University in her paper Virginia Woolf’s Art of Fiction in To the Lighthouse studies her typical stream-of-consciousness technique, musical methods, cinematic methods and poetic methods. And she mainly analyzes how these techniques used in the novel. Through reading this paper it is helpful for us to have a hint of Wool’f’s writing skills.Li songyue, a scholar of Zhengzhou University in his paper 《<到灯塔去>两性形象的象征意义阐述》he mainly studies the narrative strategy----symbolism and gender perspective. Through the comparison of different genders’ personality, action, thinking symbolic colors and finally comes out the conclusion that in the book To the Lighthouse some objects are the symbols of genders.But in this paper, what I want to study is gender and gender differences in the novel To the Lighthouse. I will talk about feminism, androgynous thoughts and genderdifferences in the novel.Ⅱ. Virginia Woolf’s Thoughts of Gender and Gender Differences in To the LighthouseA. Woolf and feminismFeminism is an intellectual, philosophical and political discourse aimed at equalrights and legal protection for women. It involves various movements, theories and philosophies, all concerned with issues of gender difference that advocate equality for women and that campaign for women’s rights and interests.Virginia Woolf’s feminist thoughts widely cover the fields of society, politics, ethics, aesthetics, etc. and the need for freedom for the female is the primary theme in her ethical scheme. Gender and politics, morality and psychological desire are mixed together inextricably in her presentation of human motivation. In spite of all of these, Virginia Woolf has never, even once in her life, admitted that she herself is an advocator for feminism and insists that what she did was just studying it. Here we can see the complexity of Woolf’s feminist position and the flexibility with which she may be read as a feminist.In To the Lighthouse, Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe are the two female figures that Woolf mainly describes. However, they impress the readers strikingly for their views about the way to realize their own dreams and to escape from nothingness. Through the reading of Woolf’s different descriptions of Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe, we may find Woolf’s thoughts of female in the novel.Mrs. Ramsay is a competent and intelligent housewife. She supports her husband by running the house smoothly and endures domestic anxiety alone so that the daily chores won’t interrupt Mr. Ramsay’s serious thoughts on reason and logic. She miraculously manages to run the house without disturbing her husband. The financial condition of the family is exposed by one of the guests, Mr. Bankes’ perception of the family. “The Ramsays were not rich, and it was a wonder how they managed to contrive it all. Eight children! To feed eight children on philosophy!” In fact, the wonder maker is Mrs. Ramsay. With herwisdom in housework she successfully shoulders the responsibility of house management without any help from her husband. Though she is worried about the household, she tries her best not to disturb him. The refrain of the bill for the greenhouse roof looms but she decides not to tell him. “She had it on the tip of her tongue to say, as they strolled, ‘It’ll cost fifty pounds,’ but instead, for her heart failed her about money, she talk ed about Jasper shooting birds …” Mrs. Ramsay feels it her obligation to keep the husband away from the worries of small daily family life.Being a good mother is another criterion of the ideal Victorian womanhood. Woolf depicts such a good mother in this novel. Mrs. Ramsay protects her children from disillusion. When her son, James hopes for a trip to the lighthouse the next day and the father declares bad weather, it is Mrs. Ramsay who insists upon the possibility of a clear day. In this way she protects the sensitive mind of the child, retaining hope and faith in him, which shows her reverence for the spirit in others. What’s more, Mrs. Ramsay also protects her children from the chaotic adult world. By intuition, she knows the world is full of misery and sufferings.Apart from Mrs. Ramsay, Lily is the other important female figure in To the Lighthouse. She admires and loves Mrs. Ramsay and shares a lot with her. However, their differences exceed their similarity. Compared with Mrs. Ramsay who is presented as an ideal woman of Victorian period, Lily represents the woman image of the new generation. She holds her unique views on marriage, which collides with the established and long standing Victorian customs of marriage. She develops her individual relationships with the opposite sex, which challenges the unitary relationship of marriage between the two sexes. She ventures into the career of painting, which has been the preserved domain of men. She courageously fights against any difficulties and obstacles that come in her way to self independence and self realization.B. Woolf’s androgynous visionAndrogyny is a term derived from two Greek words which can refer to either of two related concepts about gender: the mixing of masculine and feminine characteristics, as in fashion statements; or the balance of “anima and animus” in psychoanalytic theory. For Woolf, the psyche is composed of two parts, one male and the other female, and only when the two are fused into one will the mind be able to produce art.In Woo lf’s opinion, there exist two genders in human cerebrum –male and female and each pair forms a complementary whale. There is no apparent hierarchical order between them: the only dominance is the feminine part in the woman’s brain, and vice versa for man. Woolf’s choice of the word “fatal” is particularly important for an understanding of the high premium she places on androgyny. An importantaspect of Woolf’s argument for androgyny insists that writers should shun consciousness of their own sex when they write because pressures to conform to social gender roles create barriers that are “fatal” to creativity. She thinks that androgynous writing is not only an ideal, but also a reality. As for Woolf, “Perhaps a mind that is purely masculine cannot create, any more than a mind that is purely feminine”. She thinks that Shakespeare’s mind is a type of the androgynous of the man-womanly mind.C. Gender differences1. Definition of gender differenceThe term “gender difference” refers to a distinction of biologic al and/or physiological characteristics typically associated with either males or females of a species in general. In the study of humans, socio-political issues arise in classifying whether a sex difference results from the biology of gender. Some feminists see gender differences as caused by patriachy or discrimination, although Difference Feminism argues for an acceptance of gender differences. Conservative masculists tend to see gender differences as inherent in human nature, while liberal masculists see gender differences as caused by matriarchy or discrimination.2. Woolf’s thoughts of gender differencesWoolf’s thoughts of gender differences are formed through her understanding of the social prejudice towards all fields that related to women.There is no doubt that Woolf not only realizes the existence of gender differences and she also advocates protecting the existence. The gender differences are caused by two major aspects: the subjective social ideology that treats men and women differently and considers different genders should have different roles; and the objective existence of psychological and physical differences between different genders. These two aspects are respectively subjective cause and objective cause. In conclusion, the essence of Woolf’s thoughts of gender differences is: 1) admission of the existence of gender differences, in both subjective and objective aspects; 2) opposition to the subjective and prejudiced thoughts of genderdifferences; and 3) promotion of the objective gender differences and encouragement of the existence of such differences.In To the Lighthouse, Woolf presents clear portraits of male and femalecharacters. The characters she describes most carefully are Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay. In the novel, the both Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay want to create a harmonious atmosphere among people and try to be understandable to others. However, they have different outlooks on life and their attitudes and behaviors are also significantly different.In To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf discusses the influence of the traditional conception about different genders, which is the cause of gender differences. Mrs. Ramsay in the novel is the typical woman who is the slave fostered by men. Although she is not satisfied with the life of losing herself and lacking for self-confidence, she still worships her husband blindly, depends on her husband and subordinates to her husband. Besides playing the role of a virtuous wife and a lovely mother initiatively in the family and an elegant hostess in social situations, she still makes use of her influential power. Mrs. Ramsay does not only comply with social customs herself, she also impels others: she arranges for the marriage between Paul and Minta and tries to persuade Lily to marry Mr. Bankes. Under the influence of such traditional conception about different genders, Lily still feels that she can’t get rid of social prejudice to concentrate her attention on the art of painting although she is a woman having her own inclination. She always feels that she is just a second-class painter, and her works will not be hung on the wall to be seen by people. Furthermore, there is Mr. Tansley whispering in her ear, “Women can’t paint, women can’t write” obvious that her feeling of failure is caused by the influence of the traditional conception about different genders that women are inferior to men.Another great difference between different genders is that Mr. Ramsay is more realistic while Mrs. Ramsay more idealistic. This can be seen, in the very beginning of the novel, from the attitudes towards whether the Ramsays can go to the lighthouse the next day. Mrs. Ramsay says: “Yes, of course if it’s fine tomorrow, but you’ll have to be up with the lark,” then they will go to the lighthouse. These words convey an extraordinary joy to her son. But her husband comes over and refutes: “But, it won’t be fine”. What he says is the truth and the truth forever; he does not resort to deception and distort the fact, and he will not say some harsh words mildly and indirectly to satisfy others. Mrs. Ramsay comforts James: “But it may be fine –Iexpect it will be fine” (ibid.: 260). Although she has no idea about the weather of thenext day, Mrs. Ramsay is not only idealistic herself, but also wants to give her son comfort and hope. Mr. Ramsay, on the other hand, is not only rational as mentioned before, but also realistic, directly telling his son that the weather will not be fine and they can’t go to the lighthouse the next day. To Mr. Ramsay, the reality towers abo ve the rest, i.e., it’s much more important to respect the facts than to care for children. Therefore, his little son James is even anxious to kill him. As a philosopher, he may be skilled at explaining and dealing with everything in the world with his sense and logic. However, when he applies this kind of attitude to real life, such attitude seems so stubborn that he even denies human nature and suppresses others’ feeling, not only in his learning, but also in dealing with human relationship.The third difference between different genders lies in the aesthetic appreciations. Mr.Ramsay can’t feel the beauty of nature at all. In this novel, male characters come into society,engaging in scientific study. Thinking themselves as the creators of the culture, men talk about science and politics. Yet being deprived of the rights to receive education, women have to stay at home and stand beyond culture. Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay have different reactions to the scenes of nature. For example, when Mr. Ramsay has a wal k with his wife by the seaside“he thought, looking at the land dwindling away… Poor little place,” but Mrs. Ramsay considers, “He said the mostmelancholy things,” and believes that “it was a perfectly lovely evening”.Ⅲ. ConclusionOn the whole, this dis sertation expounds on Virginia Woolf’s thoughts of gender and gender differences through the analysis of her thoughts of feminism manifested in her novel To the Lighthouse. From our analysis of the characters in the novel To the Lighthouse, we can see that Woolf’s perspective of women is unique. According to Woolf, women are not inferior to men in any field.In my opinion, the basis of Virginia Woolf’s androgynous theory has something in common with her thoughts of gender differences to a certain extent. Androgynous theory advocates that men and women command the chaotic world in their own way: men rely on their reason and logic; women rely on their intuition and self-awareness. In fact, what Woolf insists as part of her thoughts of gender differences is that mentend to be more reasonable than women and women more sensitive than men. In addition, Woolf’s thoughts of gender differences can be regarded as a bridge, connecting Woolf’s thoughts of feminism and androgynous vision.Virginia Woolf’s thoughts of wom en still have practical significance in our modern society. Nowadays, women’s social position has been greatly improved, but there are many unfair treatments of women in the society, especially in finding jobs. There are many women isolated in their families after marriage, which is partly caused by their insufficient confidence in themselves. So it is time to get rid of the biased thoughts of gender differences about women and women themselves should believe that they can do many things like men. However, as a matter of fact, women should realize that they have both advantages and disadvantages. In this sense, women should not reject all male qualities and they need to absorb some male qualities to become perfect ones. In this way, women and men can draw the strong points of others to offset their own weakness, so that our society can get a harmonious development. In short, Virginia Woolf has made a great contribution to English literature and she will always be remembered as one of the most prominent women writers in England forever.Reference[1] 程英. Art of Fiction in To the Lighthouse [D].郑州:郑州大学,2002[2]李嵩岳. 《到灯塔去》两性形象的象征意义阐述[D]. 郑州,郑州大学,2009 [2] 吴庆宏. 弗吉尼亚伍尔夫与女权主义[M]. 北京: 中国社会科学出版社, 2005.[4]. 王文艳. 《到灯塔去》中的女性意识[D].长沙:湖南师范大学,2001。
Her works:
• The Voyage Out (1915) • Night and Day (1919) • Jacob’s Room (1920) • Monday or Tuesday (1921) • Mrs Dalloway (1925) • The Common Reader, First Series (1925) • To the Lighthouse (1927) • Orlando (1928) • A Room of One’s Own (1929) • The Waves (1931) • Flush: A Biography (1933) • The Common Reader, Second Series (1925) • The Years (1937) • Three Guineas (1938) • Between the Acts (1941)
Her breakdowns and subsequent recurring depressive periods were also induced by the sexual abuse she and her sister Vanessa were subject to by their half-brothers.
1. Please compare her life experience with the publication of her works, What is relationship between Woolf life suffering with her writing career?
1. 引言1.1 介绍《到灯塔去》的背景《到灯塔去》是英国作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的经典小说,于1927年首次出版。
1.2 阐述叙事艺术的重要性叙事艺术是文学作品中至关重要的一部分,它通过人物塑造、情节设置、叙述手法等方面的运用,引导读者进入作品的世界,深化对主题和情感的理解。
1. 引言1.1 《到灯塔去》的背景介绍《到灯塔去》是英国作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)于1927年出版的小说,是她的代表作之一。
1.2 《到灯塔去》的作者简介《到灯塔去》的作者是英国作家弗吉尼亚·吴尔夫(Virginia Woolf)。
永远的灯塔———象征主义在《到灯塔去》中的运用王晓玲( 南京航空航天大学南京 210016)一( o 《到灯塔去》 T the Lighthouse ) ( 1927 ) 是弗吉会了游泳……他有一个叔叔在远离苏格兰海岸的某处礁石看守过灯塔 , ……他自己在塔中经历过风暴”所以对他而言灯塔是一种现实的存在 ,它是大海的咆哮 , 死亡的威胁。
所以当女画家莉丽提出要和他一起去灯塔时 , 他的回答总是一个“你 : 会受不了的。
对于拉姆齐夫人 , 夜色里那远处闪烁不停的灯塔是那么的美丽“啊 , 多么美丽 ! 因为她眼前 , 是一片蓝色的海水 ; 那灰白色的灯塔显得如此遥远和庄严 ,它坚挺地屹立在水中……在她眼中灯”塔象征着一种宁静和详和 ,一种永恒 ,也是她得以施爱和救世的理想境地。
小说中灯塔的光芒也常与夫人联系在一起“时常她发现自己坐在那儿眺 , 望着 ,坐着 ,望着 ,手里还拿着她的活计 ,直到她与眺望的东西———如那灯光融为一体。
很明显夫人”本身就象征着关爱之光普照在每个人身上 , 她坐在窗前 ,遥望着灯塔 ,一边编织着袜子“如果她今 , 天能完工 ,如果明天他们果真去灯塔 ,这 ( 袜子 ) 是送给看塔上的儿子的……应该给他们尽可能的安慰。
而在另一种意义上讲 , 灯塔又象征着夫人内”心的孤独。
灯塔永远是孤零零地耸立在茫茫的大海之中 ,拉姆齐夫人却孤独地生活在人群里 ,尽管她整天地忙碌着 ,关心着她的家人和朋友 ,但她的内心是孤单的 ,她从不向人敞开心扉 ,包括她的丈夫 ,她就是一座孤独、自傲的灯塔 , 是难以到达的目的地。
而对拉姆齐先生来说 ,灯塔矗立在大海之中 ,尼亚? 伍尔夫意识流小说趋于成熟的一部代表作 , 是一部具有浓郁象征主义色彩的小说。
to the lighthouse英文阅读
to the lighthouse英文阅读(中英文实用版)To The Lighthouse, a masterpiece by Virginia Woolf, is a novel that explores the complexities of human consciousness and the passage of time. Set in the early 20th century, the story revolves around the Ramsay family and their summer visits to the Isle of Skye in Scotland. Woolf's stream-of-consciousness technique takes readers deep into the minds of the characters, revealing their thoughts, emotions, and perceptions.《到灯塔去》是弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的杰作,这部小说探讨了人类意识的复杂性和时间的流逝。
The novel is divided into three parts, \'The Window,\' \'Time Passes,\' and \'The Lighthouse,\' each offering a unique perspective on the passage of time and the human experience. Woolf's poetic prose and symbolic imagery create an atmosphere that mirrors the ebb and flow of life, as well as the elusive nature of truth and reality.小说分为三个部分:“窗”、“时间流逝”和“灯塔”,每个部分都提供了关于时间流逝和人类经历的独特视角。
第三部分是写拉姆齐先生带着家人十年后重回别墅及到灯塔去 去灯塔是一条线,莉丽是一条线,仍然以心理活动推进情节 作画的莉丽和航行途中的拉姆齐、詹姆斯及凯姆的心理活动交错呈现 最后,拉姆齐先生他们登上了灯塔,莉丽也终于画出了萦回心头多年的幻景 《到灯塔去》以时间的流逝为主题 小说中的不同部分穿插着过去、现在和未来,反映了主人公的内心思考和情感体验 时间在小说中不是线性的,而是受人主观感知的影响,以回忆、想象和现实交织的方式展示给读者 这种非线性时间结构突破了传统的故事叙述模式也反映了人类记忆的不稳定性,以及时间对于不同人和 不同情境的变化 到灯塔去作为小说的一条主线,其意义成分却不一定显得比其他成分更大,但灯塔的作用却也不可忽略
我认为灯塔既是詹姆斯所要去看的实体的、现实中的灯塔,同时也具有重要的象征意义 如在拉姆齐先生和拉姆齐夫人心中的灯塔 拉姆齐先生是一位现实、严谨的哲学家,崇尚理性思考,痛恨幻想夸张 伍尔芙也用二十六个英文字母和钢琴的键盘来象征拉姆齐先生那种直线型的思维方式 拉姆齐先生心中的灯塔就是理性和真理,这种灯塔让他忽视了生活中的琐事,不懂得照顾 他人的心情 如拉姆齐先生最小的儿子詹姆斯说明天要去看灯塔时,他却粗暴地断言明天天气不好,肯 定去不了这种话语,伤害了詹姆斯那颗向往去看灯塔的童心 而拉姆齐夫人恰好与拉姆齐先生相反,灯塔在她的心中是感性与博爱,她一直照顾着他人 的心情和生活,安慰詹姆斯说明天天气有可能好,照顾着他们家庭的客人等,她的爱让很 多不和谐的事物和关系逐渐变的和谐起来,同时她也是宾客眼中的一座灯塔
拉姆齐夫人也充满了幻想 她热爱自然的、美的事物 她把自己与灯塔发出的第三束光等同起来,将其视为自己的精神之光,热爱花草等 总的来说,灯塔不止是那一座现实中的灯塔,也是每个人物内心的一种向往,具有很多的 象征意义 追逐灯塔的过程,就如同我们在追逐人生的意义 然而,正如小说中所揭示的,灯塔并不是终点,而是一种内心的寄托和追求 这种象征意义使得小说超越了个体命运的描述,成为一部普世的文学作品 在《到灯塔去》中,伍尔夫通过时间的非线性和意义的探索,引领读者感受不同速度的时 间流逝,探寻自己心中的那座灯塔 读者在阅读的过程中,不仅仅是了解了一个家庭的故事,更是和作者一同探寻着时间、生 命和意义的奥秘
Thank you!
第三部分的时候,莉丽身上的女性特征才突显出来, 她敏感而细腻,最终完成画作。
女性主义运动被认为是历史上最漫长的革命。其中,对 于女性气质的争议一直很激烈。在弗吉尼亚•伍尔芙的代表作 《到灯塔去》中,作者通过莉丽•布里斯科对女性气质从抛却 到认可再到超越的心路历程,揭示了女艺术家在男性占主导 的社会中为实现自己的理想所经历的艰难和困惑,以及女性 主义的真谛。指出只有培养双性头脑才是妇女解放的真正出 路。
Mrs. Ramsay
拉姆齐夫人美丽贤惠,善于持家,喜欢幻想,注重 感性,是感性世界中的完美女性,拉姆齐夫人竭力使孩 子幼小的心灵不受到客观真理的伤害。 拉姆齐夫人的法 宝是博爱众生,用她女性的感性和关爱,使周围的人快 乐满足,从而抵御那个不尽如人意的现实世界。与刻板、 理性的丈夫相比,拉姆齐夫人则显得充满了幻想。她热 爱自然的、美的事物。
拉姆齐夫妇一家和几位朋友在斯开岛上他们的海边别墅 里度夏。9月中旬的一天,下午6点钟左右,拉姆齐太太倚窗 而立,窗外是花草树木,远处是海浪和灯塔。地凝视着海上 忽明忽暗的灯塔,陷入冥想中。她的意识不时对灯塔闪烁不 停的灯光作出反应;同时,周围发生的一切也没有逃开她的 意识屏幕。她的小儿子詹姆斯想在第二天驾船到小岛上去看 灯塔,拉姆齐先生却全然不顾儿子的热情和愿望,断言明天 的天气不会好,不能去灯塔。拉姆齐太太慈爱地安慰儿子 “也许明天天气好”,并说如果天气好,就到灯塔去。
Brief content
1. A long , boring afternoon 2. Mrs. Ramsay 、World War Ⅰ、children’s death 3. A journey to the lighthouse
Section one
共读011:《到灯塔去》#2022共读一书计划#“Read One Book Together”【本期推荐】《到灯塔去》011 到灯塔去作者: [英]弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫出版社: 江苏凤凰文艺出版社原作名: T o the Lighthouse译者: 张羽佳出版年: 2021-7页数: 272定价: 49.8装帧: 精装丛书: 果麦·外国文学经典ISBN: 9787559459442豆瓣评分:8.8读书札记:/蛋黄在游荡/前几天和几位朋友探讨了关于意识流小说。
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在小说的第一部分,莉丽身上的两性气质并不平衡, 表现在男性气质占优势,如她反对篡改色调,坚持以理 性的态度对待绘画创作。 第三部分的时候,莉丽身上的女性特征才突显出来, 她敏感而细腻,最终完成画作。
女性主义运动被认为是历史上最漫长的革命。其中,对于 女性气质的争议一直很激烈。在弗吉尼亚 • 伍尔芙的代表作 《到灯塔去》中,作者通过莉丽•布里斯科对女性气质从抛却 到认可再到超越的心路历程,揭示了女艺术家在男性占主导 的社会中为实现自己的理想所经历的艰难和困惑,以及女性 主义的真谛。指出只有培养双性头脑才是妇女解放的真正出 路。 综上分析 , 可以看出小说《到灯塔去》是一部带有鲜明女 性主义特征的文学作品与后世的激进女性主义相比,其对女性 主义理解的深度和广度早已超越了时代的限制,也毫不逊色。
Mr. Ramsay
拉姆齐先生正是伍尔芙父亲的原型,二人有着极多的相 似之处。都是受过良好教育的知识分子,在家庭中有着绝对 的权力和地位。拉姆齐先生是一位现实、严谨的哲学家。他 崇尚理性思考,痛恨幻想夸张。伍尔芙用二十六个英文字母 和钢琴的键盘来象征拉姆齐先生那种直线型的思维方式。这 种思维模式使他难以看到事物的整体,结果导致他身陷智慧 的泥沼,无法将事业开拓推进。
从人物性格上来说,莉丽反对传统,(与拉姆齐夫人 相反)她反对“必须结婚”、“竭力主张她本人应该排除 在这普遍的规律之外”、“喜欢保持自己的本色”。她对 拉姆齐夫人的感情是矛盾的,一方面认为拉姆齐夫人就像 一个家庭的核心,聚拢了所有成员(和客人),又多施慈 善,完美无瑕;另一方面又对拉姆齐夫人的处事方式感到 怀疑,“她不禁自问,如果每个人都是如此密不透风,你 怎么会对别人有所了解呢?” 因此,一个“紫色的三角”将拉姆齐夫人给詹姆斯讲 故事概括起来,体现了紫色的在冷暖之间游离不定的特点。 同样的场景,莉丽用绘画,伍尔夫用写作,表达了同样的 思考,显然莉丽就是伍尔夫的自画像,是整本小说的真正 主人公。
作家的语言也体现了所谓的女性化特征:句子松散、零 碎、常常拉得很长。小说在女作家的手里,已经变成了她抒 发诗歌情感的出口,变成了她书写女性独特情感和体验的工 具,是一曲变相的抒情挽歌。 stream-of-consciousness literary technique 意识流 在《到灯塔去》中,伍尔芙没有采取直接内心独白的 方案,而是借助间接内心独白来反映人物的思想,行为和 性格。在叙述中,利用第三人称他者来讲述,人物角色的 心理活动也通过作者的加工和重组后再间接呈现,使褥人 物角色的言行都具有了连贯性和逻辑性。作者在这里的作 用是领读者,导航人,来带领普通读者充分理解人物的言 行与思维。
拉姆齐先生强烈的自我意识与他自私的个性: 拉姆齐先生试图凭借理性与逻辑来解释和处理世上的 一切。他在现实生活中,对任何事实都顶礼膜拜,从不肯 为让他人感到愉快而改变一句不中听的话。拉姆齐先生教 育子女们,同样坚持现实与真理。詹姆斯想在第二天驾船 到小岛上去看灯塔, 拉姆齐先生却全然不顾儿子的热情和 愿望,断言明天的天气不会好,不能去灯塔,甚至因拉姆 齐太太对儿子“也许明天天气好”的安慰而颇为气愤。
Section three
最后一节,大战结束后,一家人重新回到小屋,终于 达成了“到灯塔去”的愿望,莉丽在远处也完成了她的绘 画,“包括所有那些碧绿湛蓝的色彩,纵横交错的线条, 以及企图表现某种意念的内涵”。莉丽与伍尔夫同时放下 笔,聆听在时空中回响的意识的絮语。
Character analysis
小说中莉丽这个人物的设臵很有意思,她在第一节 和第三节中一直在做两件事:画画与思考。所有的意识 流描写中莉丽占了很大一部分,并且她的见解总是最为 天马行空的:“她想到了生活是如何由彼此相邻而各自 独立的小事组合而成,凝聚为一个完整、起伏的波涛, 而人就随着这波涛翻腾起伏,在那儿,一下子冲到海滩 上。”
Stru Content 3. Character analysis 4. Theme
伍尔芙的母亲在她十三岁时去世,她对于母亲形象 的描述一直停留在她脑海中,母亲的一言一行,一举一 动,她的爱好,她的生活习惯,都在伍尔芙脑中挥之不 去,给她留下了深刻的记忆。在伍尔芙二十二岁时,父 亲去世,父亲的形象也永远地停留在她的脑海中。正是 这种深刻的形象令她十分纠结,并一直困扰着她,于是, 为了能够将父亲与母亲的形象以及与她的情感真正的抒 理清晰,她决定写一部小说。
Brief content
2. 3.
A long , boring afternoon
Mrs. Ramsay 、World War Ⅰ、children’s death A journey to the lighthouse
Section one
小说的第一部分不紧不慢地讲了一个漫长的下午,数位人 物的状况。 拉姆齐夫妇一家和几位朋友在斯开岛上他们的海边别墅里 度夏。9月中旬的一天,下午6点钟左右,拉姆齐太太倚窗而 立,窗外是花草树木,远处是海浪和灯塔。地凝视着海上忽 明忽暗的灯塔,陷入冥想中。她的意识不时对灯塔闪烁不停 的灯光作出反应;同时,周围发生的一切也没有逃开她的意 识屏幕。她的小儿子詹姆斯想在第二天驾船到小岛上去看灯 塔,拉姆齐先生却全然不顾儿子的热情和愿望,断言明天的 天气不会好,不能去灯塔。拉姆齐太太慈爱地安慰儿子“也 许明天天气好”,并说如果天气好,就到灯塔去。
Section two
小说的中间部分即传统小说的重心是充满诗意的抒情 散文,几乎没有人物。 进入第二章,时光流逝的速度忽然变得非常快。这 十几年的时间被与那个下午相似的内容自动填充:每个 平凡的一天都差不多有拉姆齐夫人美貌、詹姆斯对父亲 的怨气、拉姆齐先生哲学之路上的奋斗……大战爆发了, 拉姆齐夫人和其中两个孩子去世了,卡迈克尔先生的诗 歌获得了巨大的名气。更重要的是,空屋衰败了。
Mrs. Ramsay
拉姆齐夫人美丽贤惠,善于持家,喜欢幻想,注重 感性,是感性世界中的完美女性,拉姆齐夫人竭力使孩 子幼小的心灵不受到客观真理的伤害。 拉姆齐夫人的法 宝是博爱众生,用她女性的感性和关爱,使周围的人快 乐满足,从而抵御那个不尽如人意的现实世界。与刻板、 理性的丈夫相比,拉姆齐夫人则显得充满了幻想。她热 爱自然的、美的事物。
Miss Lily Briscoe
莉丽是一个具有颠覆力量的女性角色。在伍尔芙的女性 主义主张中,莉丽正是她自己的化身。 她从一个新的角度来审视家庭中的每一个成员,她欣赏 拉姆齐夫人的温柔优雅,在她去世后很久仍然非常怀念她, 她热爱艺术,能够为艺术倾注所有的心血。 她具有成熟的女性思想及独立的精神,勇于拒绝婚姻, 她依靠画画来展现自己的思想。她与拉姆齐夫人有着本质的 不同,她把生活的希望都寄手在自己身上,寄托在艺术身上, 所以,她不会担心这一切支柱的消失。于是,她在艺术创作 中尽情地展现自己的意念。 在小说的最后,当莉莉看到一家人向灯塔驶去时,她对 人生也有了更多的感悟,感受到了生命的真谛。